I almost LOST my 4000 day Hardcore Minecraft world

skins-on-a-1-16-5-version-minecraft-server-with-whitelisted-players/”>Video Information

We’re well over 4 000 days into this hardcore world and for the last 1000 plus days we’ve been building our industrial district which is disguised as a modern city but despite all we’ve done it’s still lacking I don’t mean it’s lacking the rest of the city that’ll appear eventually but it’s

Lacking a little bit of Life although we have added some with these vehicles and signs and things like that I think today we’re going to take it one step further and to do that I have been waiting for one specific mod to update to Minecraft

120 but it’s been a couple of months and there’s still absolutely no sign of it however I think I may have found a replacement so we’re going to give that a go later but we’re also going to be building some mob statues and custom trees adding a bunch more vehicles and

Even doing a little bit of city planning for future builds but before we can do anything I’m afraid I have some sad news so between episodes I went on a mission to gather a buttload of sand and terracotta and gravel to replenish my stores because well we’ve been using so

Much of it in our builds lately however I wasn’t paying enough attention what with Downton Abbey on in the background and I broke my netherrite shovel you are made of stupid and also one of my pickaxes are you an idiot and since the latest update it’s not so simple to replace

Those anymore because we need a netherite smitting template which means we need to go find one in a Bastion and this is gonna go one of two ways because we do actually have a treasure Bastion right of where we first entered the nether but that was of course over a

Year ago and therefore was not generated in 120. however I’ve not loaded it I’ve not opened any of the chests and I don’t know if loot generates interests when a structure appears or when you actually open the chest so we’re gonna test out that theory today and find out for

Certain but I’m not expecting that to work so we’re probably actually gonna have to go exploring we’re gonna have to find ourselves a new treasure Bastion and that means we’re of course gonna have to go all over the nether looking for one and I’m not nervous about that

At all so I’ve got myself all geared up and ready we’ve got totems we haven’t actually popped the totem in this world yet and hopefully we went today but brutes are brutal so we’ve got a bunch of those we’ve got some fireares we’ve got a golden helmet just in case we’ve

Got boats we’ve got blocks and I should probably actually go get some more food first and then we’ll head to the other and check out this Bastion right at spawn we’ve made it to the Bastion at the point we originally entered the nether let’s just hope there’s actually

Something in there for us so I think we’ll start at the top and work our way down wish me luck oh there’s a couple of brutes straight off the bat come here you oh oh they hit hard jeez wow okay so okay we’re off we’re off we put the

Total ready we barely even touched the surface oh that was our first totem popped in the world luckily we bought some backups but I don’t see this going well I shouldn’t have broken that boat right okay my heart is pounding my palms are sweaty let’s see if we can get back in

There and if I’m honest I might be better off just keeping my netherite helmet on I think don’t want to put a chest plate on because I’m definitely gonna need to fly away let’s get back up there and give this another go go on get in the boats three boots in boats

That’ll make my life much easier and I’ll feel a little bit safer I’ll be honest there we go right okay and then gently does it let’s not get too excited we’ll just gradually take them down there we go and you yep you too oh he’s

So close the first time so I guess your next buddy okay that’s three Bruce down we barely scratched the surface so I need to get down there and check that chest that’s my main aim it doesn’t look like there’s any pigos on this top floor though which is good so if we need

To run away hopefully we can think I’m just gonna very cautiously make my way down there and keep a stack of blocks on me at all times ooh big step nice but the loot we want is just here let’s just hope it’s actually got what we need in it

Get rid of these guys hey fingers crossed yes oh that’s amazing it’s actually there I was not expecting that to work that is amazing I can’t believe it was actually here I’m so happy because I hate Bastian so much so let’s steal all the gold to celebrate and let’s get out of here

Thankfully still alive I guess that answers the loot question as well Luke is generated in chess when you open them not when you generate the structures that’s good to know I’m sure I could have just Googled it but you know it’s always nice to find things out for

Yourself well despite the near Miss we have made it out and we managed to get to pick step as well as the smithing template but we did lose a totem that’s our first totem lost in this world and I’m a little bit confused as to how that

Happened to be honest because I thought I actually managed to get away let’s take a look at the replay and see if we can figure out what happened so it was all a bit sneaky to be honest so I was at the top here obviously I took some

Damage from The Brute and then I jumped away and I thought I’d gotten away with it absolutely fine but no look at this a sneaky skeleton came in from the top and as he dropped down he shot me and that’s what popped my totem just as I ran away

I dodged another arrow and even as he was falling he fired a third one which thankfully missed as well and the good news is he then fell in lava and because of how low my health Falls after my totem popped if either of those two arrows had have hit me that would have

Been the end of this world which is an absolutely terrifying thought but we did survive and now we can actually replace our tools and then we can actually get on with today’s episode once I’ve got changed well they’re not fully maxed out but we didn’t do too bad with replacing

Our tools we do need to get some mending and Unbreaking on the shovel and we need to get mending on the pickaxe as well but we still don’t actually have a villager trading Hall so that’s gonna have to wait for another day but no worries we don’t need that too much

Today what we do need today is wheat and a whole bunch of sticks because as I said we’re going to bring some life to our city and I’ve added a very small mod that’s going to allow me to do that in fact it only adds one item to the game

And it’s gonna be very useful so we’re gonna grab a bunch of sticks we’re going to turn all this straw into hay bales and we’re gonna make some straw statues so what do these do I hear you asking so this is a straw statue it just sort of

Randomly puts itself in a pose when you place it but obviously doesn’t really look very good at the moment but if we Crouch and right click we get this whole sort of menu menu here and we can literally change anything about this statue so we can change its pose we can

Change the angle of the head the body the legs individually as well so we’ve got full control over everything there’s also a bunch of preset poses there’s Styles so we can sort of have them display names above themselves and so on but the bit I’m most interested in is

The model Parts tab because in here what we can do is we can type in anyone’s name let’s go with our good friend tis Tom it replaces the actual statue with their skin so now if we back out we have tis Tom in our world and how cool is

That and we’re going to use these all over the city and in fact I’m going to use a lot of you guys as well so if you do want to have a statue in the city we will be adding them over time let’s not fall too far we’ve already used one

Totem today we don’t need to use another but if you want to see your statue in the city then do leave your Minecraft username in the comments and we’ll get those added as well over time I can’t guarantee I’ll do all of them but I’ll

Do as many as I can so I think the first thing I’m going to do is just get a couple of people walking around in this area maybe have a couple sitting down in the Cath and I’m gonna make use of my good friends over on truly Bedrock for

This I think and this first one is going to be Liara we’ll turn the cape off we don’t want that let’s have a quick look at some of these default poses see what they’re like well they’re pretty good there’s some good options in there in

Fact I think I might start with this one see how that’s looking yeah okay that’s good and then I want to adjust the right arm slightly so it’s a bit more like that and I’m on the head looking down like that how’s that looking I’m gonna

Have a lot of fun with this I can tell and then I’m gonna put another one down here we’re gonna make this one tis Tom and then we’re gonna mess around with a few things here so let’s change the scale tiny tis Tom how cool is that well it

Took a little bit of fiddling but how cool is that that looks well cool this is going to make the city feel so much more alive I’m looking forward to it I wonder if we can get away with putting someone on this bike this looks like a

Groover bike that looks ridiculous but I love it yep groover that’s your bike now we have a very confused bad craft just can’t make his mind up what sandwich he wants I think zoying pixel riffs work quite well over here we’ve now got silent he’s peeking out from behind the

Lamp post I think he’s spying on grieva’s bike but I’m not quite sure got gen fire in the car as well now and unsurprisingly I’ve just found Mrs B in the clothes shop and then I’ve just added Ricky and Jesse waving each other over here as well and I think over time

We’re just gonna add some more of these I don’t want to add too many straight away we’ve got to leave lots of space for you guys after all and it’s getting dark and I’m scared I don’t want to block my city so you can expect to see a

Lot more of those statues around and about I think it’d be nice to get some builders on the work site and so on but for now I think we’re going to move on to our next project which is these Gardens over here and I’ve decided I am

Definitely going to add some mob statues in here I’ve got a few ideas and well we’ll just see how we get on I guess I think the first statue I want to do is gonna go here so let’s try and get it roughly Center I think that’s probably

About right and we’re going to make ourselves an Enderman so let’s go up maybe 36 blocks they are long-legged after all and then let’s get the body in maybe five blocks and then we’ll block out a head shape on top we’re just gonna do this all in stone for now we’ll make

It look nicer afterwards once we figure out the shape is that kind of where we’ve got the eyes let’s get the rest of the head in and have a look brilliant yeah I think that’s gonna work we need to get some arms on him though he

Doesn’t have any arms and do we want him holding a block suppose it would make sense that is what Enderman do so that means we’re gonna need angled arms let’s use these stairs and just work our way down like this for a little bit maybe that sort of length I think you’re

Probably gonna work and then we’ll do the same on this side well I think his arms look a little bit silly at the moment let’s get the Block in front of him and hopefully that’ll make it look better yes that’s looking very cool I like that so let’s go block out some

More statues before we start detailing anything I think here’s gonna be a good spot for another one actually I wonder if we can do a spider of some kind so he’s gonna need a small head at the front and I’m gonna go jump into my creative flat world and work this out

I’ll be back in a minute this one’s hard okay so I think I’ve worked something out let’s see if I can rebuild it I might have to move it actually yeah I’m gonna move it a couple of blocks forward just to make sure we’ve got space so I’m

Gonna get the body in first and then we’ll add the legs after so that’s the body in and now comes the hard bit the legs we’re going to use wolves for this and there we go I think that’s where we’ve landed with the spider it may not

Be the best thing in the world but I think it definitely sets the tone and once we actually get the texturing in and we can block up some of these gaps with sort of leaves and foliage and stuff I think it should look quite cool but we’ve still got some space for more

Statues so I think I want to put a small one just over here so we’re going to start this one up in the air and let’s get some blocks down I think we want it to be a four by four square this one then we’ll get some stairs in you’ve

Probably already figured out what this is well that’s the head done and if that’s not obvious enough let’s get the tentacles in well I’m particularly pleased with that one I know we’re not actually getting gas from here but we’re not getting Enderman either and you didn’t say anything then over here what

We’re also going to do is put in one more statue and I think we can probably get a skeleton in here but I think any more than that might be overdoing it because we still need to get the trees in I want to pull down the foliage on

The side here a bit more as well and we don’t want to make the area look too crowded and I think for the skeleton we’re going to make a lot more use of walls and stairs because he needs to look all bony so let’s get the legs in

First and then we need some hips so maybe we can make this a little bit more solid here and we need a spine which should probably be walls and well the ribs they’re gonna be easy we can just use stairs for that and then we’ll get

Some shoulders in and arms I guess we need to go out another block here and then we’ll bring some arms down I guess we’ll just do them straight for now maybe we’ll mess around with them once we’ve figured it out so I don’t like the way it’s joining in the middle there so

What I might actually do is remove those and use a slab instead maybe I think the slime work better but it all feels a bit tall now so I think I’m gonna wait I stop it I’m gonna do with a better look at you actually but you’re on fire which

Doesn’t particularly help yeah I think he’s maybe a little bit too tall so let’s bring all this down by a block yep that feels much better so I guess all he needs now is a head how are we gonna do this I guess it wants to be three by

Three same as the Enderman yeah I think that works as a skeleton statue so we’ve got a couple visible from the front here we’re gonna have a nice big tree over here and then on this side yep we’ve got the Enderman we’ve got the spider and then we’ll have more trees going around

The back here as well this all should look pretty nice but it’s time for me to do some gardening I need to do some custom trees and some non-custom trees you know how I feel about custom ones I’ll build a few but not all of them

We’ll use them as Alias as well because they always look nice and then we’ll put in a few other details round and about as well and try and get this building actually finished cue the time lapse Thank you I think this is the best example I could have given of why I hate custom trees oh my life I really need to practice custom trees that is awful that’s probably going to come down at some point and we’ll replace that with a tree that’s

Good I just need to learn how to build good trees first but despite the tree I do like the bit of Life we’ve brought to this place I’ve actually made it a little bit more overgrown than it probably should have been with these sort of lines that we’ve got cut in the

Grass but I want to make a little other Garden has taken a week off and it brings a little bit more depth to it as well but the main thing that I like around here is the statues they really do bring life to the area so we’ve got

Geo girl reading a paper over here on the bench and then around the corner here we’ve got JCB and DB just taking a lovely walk and enjoying the cherry trees and the best thing about these is of course the blossom that falls down it looks really cool and it really does

Make this area look nice look at that shot we’ve also got slack and Foxy at the front here they’ve just robbed the place and securities hunting them down I really do like that scene but mostly the gardens just looking a little bit better a little bit more full but I’m not

Actually 100 sold on it at the moment if we look at the back here I’m not sure this is really working for me but I also can’t really build custom trees so I’m in a bit of a pickle right now so I think I’ll give that a little bit more

Thought and in the meantime I want to get a couple more Vehicles down and I’m just thinking on this road here and this road here once again I don’t want to overdo it but I do think we need to carry this on over in this area we may

Even have one to the car park although the parking spaces are actually quite small compared to the vehicles so I might have to not do that um but yeah we’ll see so let’s clear up all this rubbish and go get some more things and when we come back we’ll try

And get a couple more Vehicles down so I think for this first one what we’re going to do is we’re going to put in a nice van or delivery truck type thing so it’s gonna want quite a long wheelbase and then nine blocks will do it then

We’ll get a couple of trap doors and some Anderson slabs at the front here so these builds are actually things that I’ve designed in creative we’re just rebuilding them here in survival so hopefully these won’t take too long and should fit in quite well at least that’s

The hope so let’s just get the rest of this chassis in that should do it and I think we’ll get the cab in next and for that we’re gonna need some Mangrove as well as some looms some ladders and some glow frames and of course some glass so

What I want to do is get in Wheel arches at the front here so we’ll just put some temporary blocks down then if we put a stair there and another one there that should give us some nice little wheel arches and we’ll just build up the cab a

Little bit more here then at the front here we’re going to use looms for the grill but we’re actually going to put some ladders on the front as well because it gives it just a little bit more depth low frames for headlights just work too well not to use and some

Signs for the number plates stick some stairs across the top and then with the glass we’re going to use full blocks there and if we switch to glass panes that should run along the edge of the stairs and a small window at the back here as well and then we just need some

Slabs run those All Around The Edge and then some planks across there and some other bits we don’t have right so we need some trap doors we need a few signs do I have any iron bars I do beautiful so put the iron bars on here for the

Wing mirrors and a couple of signs across the bottom just to reduce the size of that wheel Arch and we’ll do the same on this side looking pretty good so far oh I fell off we’re going to use these at the back here there’s some flower pots on top a couple of trap

Doors we’ll just remove these bottom ones here because we’re gonna do something a little bit different down the bottom get some Stone buttons on the wheels as well just to complete those now let’s just sort out the back of the cab here so we’ll have a raised bit

There put some hoppers in the sides okay that’s looking really cool now we just need to actually put the back of it on so on the back here we’re basically just making a box truck so we can pretty much just build up paneled sides this should

Be nice and easy and we’ll get a panel door on the back here as well one of those rolly uppy ones you know what I mean just blocking the rest of this roof and we’re going to cover that with carpets for three reasons one it’s gonna mob proof it which is obviously

Something we want to it’s going to cover up the top of these doors and three it just adds a really nice trim on top of the truck and there we go one pretty cool looking truck and let’s have a Look From a Distance see how it fits in with

Everything yeah that works nicely I like that just like a small little box truck I think around the front here we might have a little car or two as well let’s see what we can do and a short while later we’ve got two more Vehicles we’ve got one over here with slates driving

We’ve got a small Artemis in the back as well and then we’ve got a white one out the front here and I’ve actually used block down and stubbles in this one and stubbles doesn’t look to be having a good time at all but sadly I think

That’s all we’ve got time for today so that’s where we’re going to leave it and don’t forget if you do want to see your statue in the city then do leave your Minecraft username in the comments or of course you can come into our Discord and

Do it over there there should be a link in the description but it must be your Java username sadly better or usernames don’t work and next episode we’ll get a bit more life in this city well that’s all for today I hope you have enjoyed it

And I’ll see you on the next one bye now

This video, titled ‘I almost LOST my 4000 day Hardcore Minecraft world’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2023-08-01 12:23:12. It has garnered 5582 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:57 or 1077 seconds.

I almost died in my hardcore world, and we only survived because of sheer luck! We also bring life to our city with a new statue mod, build some vehicles and complete our mob-tower garden! Sweaty palmns today, folks!


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrbeardstone Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrbeardstone Discord: https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone


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    Unleash Chaos on Daystormer Server in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Daystormer Server’, was uploaded by Spectire on 2024-08-26 01:36:06. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:23 or 5783 seconds. (I am not affiliated with the owner of this server) SUBSCRIBE or I will take your CAT: https://www.youtube.com/@spectire ——————– Wanna join Stormerclub? IP: PORT: 19995 https://minecraftpocket-servers.com/s… StormerClub Server Website: https://stormerclub.wordpress.com Playing StormerClub on a Console? Visit https://stormerclub.wordpress.com/202… to learn more information ——————— Join The Stormerclub Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xHh7KZxqPx TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@daystormer Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/daystormermg27_yt… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daystormermg27 ————————————————————————— #shorts #Minecraft #funny #gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rhyme – CORN🌽 Madness!

    Insane Minecraft Rhyme - CORN🌽 Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rima Minecraft ~ MILHO🌽’, was uploaded by Rima Minecraft on 2024-06-10 21:59:24. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. (ignore) minecraft, minecraft download mediafıre, minecraft 1.20 download mediafıre android, minecraft download, minecraft download mediafıre android, minecraft parkour, minecraft 2024 download mediafıre android, minecraft video, minecraft 100 days, minecraft pandora, minecraft terror, minecraft updated download mediafıre, minecraft apk, minecraft apk mediafıre, minecraft athos, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft animation, minecraft the journey, minecraft live, minecraft scary, minecraft anime, minecraft fan film, minecraft parody, minecraft playlist, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 15th Anniv! Free Capes/Cosmetics – Bedrock Live 🔴

    Insane Minecraft 15th Anniv! Free Capes/Cosmetics - Bedrock Live 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY + FREE CAPES & COSMETICS – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-16 21:42:23. It has garnered 154 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:39 or 9699 seconds. To celebrate 15 years, Minecraft are giving all players a bunch of free items! Find out more in this stream! 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 🙏Special thanks to: @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: Insane Minecraft Gameplay!

    LIVE NOW: Insane Minecraft Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘We are LIVE! playing Minecraft!!’, was uploaded by Hynoe on 2024-04-19 11:51:20. It has garnered 42 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:34 or 7774 seconds. What’s up yall we are back playing Minecraft!! Come join in and say hello! Join my discord Server! https://discord.gg/m5dt6cV2f3 Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/hynoe_geshi Read More

  • Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! 🤯🔥🎮 #gamebattle

    Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! 🤯🔥🎮 #gamebattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft vs Roblox 🤐🤐 😙♥️😉| #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming 446KLikes13,292,854Views!!’, was uploaded by Associate Gamerz on 2024-09-03 03:15:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft vs Roblox ♥️ | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming 446KLikes13,292854Views!! Minecraft vs free … Read More

  • Users Playground

    Users PlaygroundUsers Playground is an SMP experience provided by https://youaremachines.com Enjoy your time exploring the Dirt Palace. Make friends and create amazing things together. It is your playground. We believe in the vanilla experience. No crazy plugins, no ranks, no micro-transactions, no inflated virtual currency. The players of Users Playground create their own economy through barter. Major updates will be presented and voted on by the community. We are excited to meet you! Kiri, an important part of the You Are Machines crew, is planning to make an appearance soon… What kind of story will unfold when she shows up? usersplayground.com Read More

  • World of Elak – Semi-Vanilla

    World of Elak [java 1.20.1] Features: Survival Gameplay: Build, explore, and survive in a rich and dynamic world. Land System: Create and manage your own town with friends, or join one and become part of a thriving tribe. Custom Discord Map: Use our unique map to buy and conquer regions with our in-game economy! Economy: Trade, earn, and spend with a detailed market system that makes every decision count. Custom weapons: Equip yourself with unique weapons such as knives, katanas, cleavers and much more! Custom brewing: Brew ale, wine, whiskey and more, including custom recipes! Tribes: Form or join tribes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why wasn’t this an option?! 🔥

    Maybe they were worried about players getting too distracted by trying to tame and ride the villagers around town. Read More

  • Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita

    Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita In the Kingdom of Bacon, Day 6 is here, Crafting a Casita, spreading cheer. Starting in Minecraft, with a fiery spark, Taking you on a journey, from dawn to dark. Follow me on FB, Insta, and TT, For more Minecraft fun, just wait and see. The music is playing, the vibes are right, Join me on this adventure, day and night. So come along, let’s build and play, In the Kingdom of Bacon, we’ll make our way. With rhymes and laughs, we’ll conquer it all, Minecraft madness, standing tall. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft Shenanigans

    Explosive Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Explosive World of More TNT🧨 Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the latest addition of More TNT🧨! Dive into a realm filled with explosive surprises and endless possibilities. Let’s delve into the exciting features and events that await players in this dynamic game. Unleashing the Power of TNT🧨 With More TNT🧨, players can take their Minecraft experience to new heights by harnessing the explosive power of TNT. Create massive explosions, clear out obstacles, and uncover hidden treasures with this exciting addition. The possibilities are endless as you navigate through the world,… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

    Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 39: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays! Episode 39 promises heart-pounding challenges and adrenaline-pumping obstacles that will test your skills to the limit. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players will navigate through a specially designed biome filled with intricate parkour courses. Jump, run, and climb your way through a variety of obstacles, each more challenging than the last. The Parkour Biome offers a unique setting for players to showcase their agility and precision. Mastering Parkour Techniques To succeed in the Parkour… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!

    ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-05 13:00:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!

    Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP vs Most SECURE BASE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 875069 views and 6525 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:17 or 7817 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!

    Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client LiquidBounce | More Bypasses (Hypixel, CubeCraft, BlocksMc)’, was uploaded by colder on 2024-07-10 19:36:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Client : LiquidBounce NextGen Server : CubeCraft cfg : .cfg load cubecraft #minecraft #liquidbounce #client #best #free #hack … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Heart-Pounding Minecraft Hardcore: My Near-Death Escape!”‘, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-06-23 04:56:26. It has garnered 122 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. **Welcome to God Gaming 27! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Hardcore with me as your guide.** 🎮 **About the Channel:** At God Gaming 27, we’re all about pushing the limits and taking on the toughest challenges that gaming has to offer. If you’re a fan of high-stakes gameplay, strategic thinking, and creative building, you’ve come to the right place. Here,… Read More

  • Ultimate Dungeon Raid – Don’t Miss Out! 😈

    Ultimate Dungeon Raid - Don't Miss Out! 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Raid😱 Join now !!’, was uploaded by Nexos Gaming YT on 2024-05-21 19:52:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you ever thought of playing Dungeon in minecraft? Dont just think Join now and Slayer the Dragon !!! Server is ready and … Read More

  • Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotes

    Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-13 15:39:12. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream

    Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Super Survival 3 | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #9 | HYPE 790 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-17 22:06:15. It has garnered 67 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:32 or 10352 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————– —————————… Read More

  • Crafting perfection in Minecraft – insane building tricks and adventures!

    Crafting perfection in Minecraft - insane building tricks and adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 27’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More


    UNREAL SCARES: MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER HORROR - POISONVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MAP MULTIPLAYER – POISON’, was uploaded by B4N OP on 2024-09-28 23:19:45. It has garnered 165 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:40 or 13960 seconds. BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL: https://livepix.gg/b4nop/membro livepix: https://livepix.gg/b4nop Read More

  • Pegasus

    PegasusPegasus Survival The best non p2w cracked Minecraft lifesteal server Welcome to Pegasus Network, a unique Minecraft server designed to offer a fair and lag free survival experience for all players. At Pegasus Network, we prioritize a vanilla like environment where your skills, creativity, and teamwork define your success, not your wallet. pegasus.fr.to Read More

I almost LOST my 4000 day Hardcore Minecraft world