I Tried To Beat Minecraft Starting In The Nether… On Hardcore

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Hello I’m okay exploit cat and something I’ve been saying a lot here on YouTube in 2020 is people trying to survive exclusively in the nether because after all there’s a never update right I mean the one thing all of these runs have in common is that they say it’s really hard

To do but personally I’m not so convinced which is white a date wouldn’t be trying to be Minecraft while playing exclusively in the nether on hardcore difficulty so we start a brand new world on hardcore difficulty and that means there’s one life and also we can’t turn

On cheats which means we load up this brand new world with a blank seed by the way and we go to the nether as fast as we can which I mean we don’t actually know how that’s gonna be until we find lava or an ever portal Oh perfect we

Genuinely seem to have spawned next to a portal missing just one bit if obsidian is that is that the best luck ever or what okay I want to share the seed of all of you and I will do that later but for now I don’t want to say myself so

You can’t accuse me of cheating on this seed now we just need to get a piece of obsidian up there and then we can go to the never also a blintz deal or something now if I died like 10 seconds into the never on that okay it took me

Literally all up a minecraft day but here we go we’ve got a piece of lava now we just get some water this will do nicely place it just off top that and what do you know we’ve got ourselves a finished never portal I hope make ourselves a flint and steel Oh God

And now we’ve got ourselves ain’t never portal and a serious zombie problem now of course what we do is we throw every single lost inventory item we’ve accrued to make this net bottle into the fire and then we can go I was considering dying to reset my hunger as

Well but then I realized it was hard courage just till the last minute so yeah let’s go to the never and we’re never coming back so yeah now we’re in the nether and I guess you could say we’re never coming back Oh my god thank you so we were reasonably fortunate and we spawned in one of the two never biomes that actually have a type of wood in them or it’s not actually a wood it’s called a stem block and it’s meant be fungi but it functions just like wood as far as

The opal is concerned you can craft these stem into planks and those planks can of course be turned into a crafting table which is gonna be essential if we want to survive than never I mean you’re gonna need to craft something more than wood and grass if you want to survive

Here right so even though we’ve got lots of wood around just like in the overworld I prefer to skip straight to stone tools if I can and although it’s a little bit harder to get cobblestone in than ever because it only spawns this black stone in reality we should be able

To find some if we just look around for long enough oh we found a pig limb first okay that’s that’s fine so yes surviving in the nether definitely has more occupational hazards I would say more opportunities to be destroyed and I’ll win because it’s filled of hostile mobs

Instead of friendly ones but I think that’s part of the joy of the challenge we should definitely get a sword so yeah I was gonna try and preserve my hunger but I guess that one’s gonna out of the window for preserving my life so yeah it’s a little rough for us we’re

Stranded on a tree without source of food fortunately though there’s a big old pack of sources of food chillin just down there and although it’s usually very dangerous I have a little bit of a plan here so usually these guys are super dangerous but if you’re free

Blocks above them you can just attack them and they can’t attack you back it’s surprisingly handy it works okay it’s very hard to properly work but we’ll try and make this go anyway so yeah this is definitely the best food source and ever but it’s also the most aggressive to use

So make sure you always have protection from pit Copeland’s before attacking them especially if you don’t have any armor cuz I’m hardcore they pack a punch but fortunately enough as well as packing a punch they also give you some lever when they died which we’re gonna

Be up to use to craft a little bit of armor I hope to give me a tiny bit more protection from this hellish wasteland that is the crimson fortress but yes seriously eight pork chops just for two mobs can’t be beaten by any food source in the overworld I’m just saying

Can you break these be the best you can so interestingly enough Ashley now we’ve got ourselves a decent source of food and we’ve got a decent source of food pronounce it but I wanted it to rhyme what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna head out this crimson forest because it’s

Just filled with too many mobs that will attack us on sight there’s a lot of utility and we will be coming back here later but I want to find the very edge of this so I can find some black stone and move on up my tool collection yeah

There never has a lot more unpredictable hills and reasons to stop you from running away the one upside to never would not really being good as that means that it doesn’t burn which means we can just hop straight over these without any fear that’ll be little fire

While we’re trying to do so so pop before we hit the jackpot when we spawn right here in the crimson forest but I’m starting to realize that it’s a huge crimson forest that is more high ability than upside because it just goes on and on and on in every direction I guess by

Every direction I mean that two directions I’ve headed in okay so minor change of plan because this crimson forest is so big and filled with pig lands I’m gonna craft the little gold armor just to allow me to get out there and find some stun getting to gold is kind of tricky but

Here in the never expose everywhere on the ceilings on the walls etc so we just have to find enough of it and make sure there are no piglets nearby because they go very mad when you mind Fair gold although I find it a bit rude that they

Think it’s their gold when it’s chilling here in the ceiling behind some never actor you know how big Lin’s be so I just mined eight blocks have never gold and still don’t have quite enough for some boots even yet so let’s find some more this is a fun challenge actually I

Underestimated it but in the fun way same exact strategy to top up our pork chop supply I’ll admit I’m playing a lot more conservatively than I thought I’d have to also we found a never wastes I think yeah there has to be another way sorted it does feel wet really weird to

Go straight from wood to the gold tier but welcome to the never I guess all of that gold mining work got us a nice grand total of five gold ingots we could crop a helmet but slightly more armor but I have a feeling we’ll need this

Gold later so some gold boots of this for now and now this entire Buy and becomes so much safer and I don’t have to worry if my life just to get out there oh speaking of outfit I think we’re at the very edge so let’s go find

Some black stone okay I’ve traveled a few hundred blocks but I finally found the bottom of the never where we should hopefully find some black stone so the war forests are handy not just because they contain a second type of wood but also because they contain within them some twisting vines one of

Mine crafts most interesting new pieces of shrubbery we’ll see if we can find some around here actually got me some black stuff where there’s often black stone okay we found in pretty huge quantities right here too but yeah we got ourselves a lot of these twisting vines which are gonna allow us to

Survive bug damage that otherwise we might kill us we shouldn’t be taking too many risks here in hardcore but if I want to I totally can now more importantly I need to find some stones still I’ve gone for biomes in now and I’ve still yet to find a single piece of

Black stone which is rare but I guess that’s one of the hazards of playing in this update is that cobblestone is a lot harder to find in the nether than the overworld so your progression is kind of stalled and that’s if you can get the wood from one of these two wooded biomes

Anyway so there is difficulty in rareness in the nether but I wouldn’t say this difficulty and anything besides time right now like I’ve been able to survive the onslaught from the pig lines on the hot Glen’s they both have pretty easy weaknesses to defend against so my plant because

They’re found usually below lava lair is to go into these caves and eventually where we see lava we should start seeing black star we now do have enough for a gold helmet if nothing else but we have no black star so walking so far trying

To find a basalt Delta is super bleak in some ways and it just takes a lot of time going for the neva which isn’t always the prettiest or safest place but the kind of upside is we need to find an M fortress or a bastion anyway if we

Want to beat minecraft so really we need to find both so I guess it’s not so bad yeah okay we finally found ourselves a basalt Delta but it’s down there I’m up here and I’ll die if I tried to get straight from here to there so let’s navigate down this mountain

Well this is really an ugly fire ooh hot tourist destinations I think that means we visited all five biomes already by the way that’s nice wish we could have done so under no circumstances they’re just looking for the fifth biome but sure Oh Lord okay so you see when you’re mining cobblestone

You’re not being attacked by a flying explosion Sheen I’ll admit that’s a bit of fun never exclusive but now that we finally have access to stone tools a lot of things get so much easier because also all of these raw pork chops we’ve been eating you know what they can

Finally turn into that’s right guess who’s treating themselves to some nice cooked pork chops this might be the tiniest basalt Delta’s I’ve ever seen look at it it lasts from like there to there it’s very very small one but we’ve got our black stone now we need to go

Find ourselves the next tier up from Stone which partially is gonna be iron some line some of that and that means we need to find a never fortress or a piggelin Bastion never too easy to find but let’s try our best oh that is a lot of gold ingots right

Here see I told you black stone could spawn an area by them it’s as soon as you stop needing something that something appears in Minecraft but like come on twice in the row okay I really wanted a Bastion or ain’t never fortress but I guess I’ve ruined bottle Diouf my

First natural structure it’s an opportunity to get lion and that sort of counts right here oh this is I know it’s bone but I’ve never heard the noise just a reminder that Seoul San bally’s on nothing on it but also that we do we’ve got to do some times to get some

Obsidian and a gold axe of fortune on can we really use that I don’t know but we can use probably a flint and steel at some point and we’ve got a single iron ingot if we need it so that’s nice honestly and I think I’ve ever traveled

So far in survival looking for an empress before and that was before picking bastions rather give me a second opportunity then again I never have to run for a saucepan valley with all this so now I get to show you why these bone blocks and why these twisting vines come

In handy I’m basically out blocks to build whip besides black stone but obviously that’s a lot more valuable a stone so we do if we place a vine down we use our infinite amounts of bone mil and we stack right up through this little hole in the ceiling right here

Thank God honestly I don’t think I’ve seen such a spooky isolated place before this there’s only one way in or out and it seems to be up there maybe we’re never leaving this plan Oh every time you make a slightly accusatory statement like I do not like how high up we are

And how much potential there is for for right now now let’s press anyway oh my god I think that’s the never fortress finally in the distance I could be wrong because minecraft has a lot of fog but I don’t think there’s many other things that could be and here’s the most

Logical and safe way to find out it’s a bridge across this amount of lava in hardcore minecraft I don’t see anything that can go wrong oh wait I see better than ever fortress over there yes we finally found it although now that means we’d uh so let’s try that one again shall we

So my pro tip have you ever building above the nether by the way because it’s super an urban juicing just make yourself a little box where you’re safe from everything and that way you’ve got like a little panic room almost protips looks like that okay blazes don’t like me I think I

Guess that can be my reminder that even though I technically can take on the fortress right now I just don’t have the food situation in place to actually do so so great it’s a real shame I had a whole strategy in place and everything you know this might be time to actually

Make ourselves a gold chess play or something just to keep the survival going I’ll do it I’ll make that sacrifice I’ll even make myself with this lever a nice liver okay food is getting really dire now I have my last cooked pork chop here and then no down

To nothing which is a problem I think we can agree No okay serious serious serious problem my hand sir I am going to die I cannot survive this this is like the universe’s biggest backtrack ever okay zero food and a rapidly depleting hunger bar if I

Don’t find a crimson forest soon the run dies and me with it Minecrafts already paying its respects I see I need this to work now more than ever we are finding a lot of gold away back is one ah thank the Lord finally found a crimson forest – the forest apparently find some Hoagland’s and that’s what counts ok we’re back in food town population me ah thank God

And also what we’re here anyway I got a lot of gold from all different biomes we’ve gone through let’s trade it with the pig lense just to see what we get we might get lucky and get wolf the ender pearls that we need to actually beat minecraft as a nice little side note

Here so what have you got for me today gravel not what I was you know I could I could make something nice from this though okay let’s make some more gold and let’s use this now took peas big lens hey friends I’ve got a gift Oh some

Boots that it’s gonna be real nice so I think I started a bit of a gang fight while looking for pork chops that’s ok ok this should give me enough food to last the rest of the run even if we get in some dicey situations and you better

Believe we will so now that we’ve got food under control there are two primary objectives one is to get back to NN fortress and the other is to find as much gold as we can because this is gonna be essential and we’re gonna assume we’re not finding a picking

Bastion which is the number one source of never gold by the way the reason never wastes are so good for gold if you don’t have a passion is because they’re surrounded on all sides by never AK which means that you will be able to find the gold ore spawning through the

Floor through the walls and indeed on the ceiling if you look up they’re not the work of me climbing up the ceiling but if you really needed to you can find in more places here than any other biome and you’re less likely it’s not impossible but you’re less lovely so 920

Pig lens they’ll be upset with you for mining said gold ore running through the soul sand ballads go back to the fortress is an absolute joy with soul speed a lot of people give this biome a lot of hate but if you’re in the never anyway and you’re trading with pig limbs

Anyways you probably are then getting soul speed whichever level you get it’s always gonna make us so much more enjoyable than yet ok so I’m back at the nether fortress now but this time the key Jinja is that we have some leather trousers to help us out of this one so

We’re gonna secure this first of all this is the most important thing if this breaks then we lose our way out and we lose the ability to not die which is pretty important in Minecraft I think oh god I’m on fire I don’t know where from

Okay that’s helpful okay so this is why the potion of fire resistance is gonna be handy I reckon because one blaze did half of my health bar and damage even wearing all of this delightful armor so we’re gonna drink one of those before heading in again okay we’ve got three

Minutes on this and three minutes on this one between them we should be fine for most of this from range attacks it’s only the Fisker ones that I’m super concerned about and boy – those were skeletons want to let me know that they’re coming for me

Okay so this is my little way in and out if I go up here I’m a hundred percent safe nothing can follow me up there and only skeletons can follow and blazes I guess then follow me through here so we’ve got a few layers of Defense to

Help get me to the blaze spawner which is where I want to be it’s where I feel safest honestly and yeah every single time we go past one of these we make sure the seating is only free blocks tool that means that the only thing against wither skeletons can’t get

Through there where the skeletons are the thing that will end you the most even I’m easy there a problem and this is not easy let me tell you you’re no difficulty is I’ve got um we’ve got fire resistant so it’s actually fine to be hit by these things okay we’re good I

Don’t know which way we should go it is genuinely a tricky decision but I guess we’ll charge in get the okay yet skeletons on fire perfect yes I love I love it when it happens this way now we stop the whoops notes in from getting to me just like so

We’ve skeleton is free blocks tool which is usually like the intimidating fact but in this case it is a downside a downside will capitalize on just like this I guess it’s not alive anymore and we can run back through here finish up over the skeleton and the wither

Skeleton maybe get us off suppose might be handy for later of course oh with it wherever no I don’t know how much help we have but it’s very close to death right now oh that was just two hits from the wrong thing got us that close to being over

This is why you need copious amounts of food okay so now we want some more fire assistance we’re gonna splash ourselves in the face and we’re gonna charge after these guys they are conveniently enough alone we can attack them we have no fear for their primary attack because again

You can get viruses cushions in the nether now this is one of the wonders of treating with pictures look at our first place rod but it’s a little separated from us Oh Lord not what I anticipated the cool thing about blazes is they have this kind of cooldown shot timer and oh

I go ahead how far away did he fire at me from honestly in the never tunneling is your friend there are so many mobs they want to kill you but they’re all get regularly sized so we see a web skeleton we’re flying lower in this

Little to high tunnel so as long as we stay in a two-eyed tunnel we’re fine for most of it a place go in the tunnel somehow again I got tricked but it’s fine okay we finally found the spawn up which is super cool if we can take it on

Head-on without dying which I hope we can but it’s not looking so promising right now so yeah we just want to camp this thing until the end of time and not get killed by blazes in the meantime the second bit is more tenuous than the first honestly this is one of the safest

Places you can be in an air fortress but I’m still just terrified that something will come through because it’s a basalt Delta fortress so there’s magma cubes that can spawn also in addition to the usual threats Oh surf thermal once it’s my worst fear I can we got a seventh-place rod router

That was a big fight I mean with this amount of armor we were literally being destroyed by just the you know touching of a blaze let alone the fire attacks so we made it four alive that’s what counts now we just got to get out there I’m starting to really appreciate that the

Extra cooked pork chops really were the single factor saving my life there okay so to round out the room we just need to trade up some more pic lens and we just need to find another verb in portal so two trader the pig lens we find some

Gold when it’s not right next one like this so I’m gonna take the calculated risk of mining this pig lens gold which will upset him Oh family not well if it did upset him I’ve got some gold ingots I can just let him have because it’s

Such a big vein I can’t turn it down there’s a ruined portal here and it’s not just a room portal one of the things I wanted anyway it’s a ruin portal with gold blocks above and below that is great news if there’s enough iron in the

Chest to make a pickaxe if not then I can actually use even if these blocks for now but we can pray oh wait 17:27 perfectly with the other one enough to make a pickaxe as well as a touch thing a mending sword we don’t want a sixth

Bit of obsidian and another flint and steel I’m gonna count this as a result honestly and while I’m here anyway I guess I can also pick up some more just some conveniently arrived at my doorstep Oh Lord no hahaha a hold of things to kill me of all the things to

End the run I had everything I needed to trade at the pig limbs it went over because the hoechlin managed to attack me from free blocks up oh you know I was proving the whole point about how all the basic tasks are a lot more doable

Than it seems but one one wrong you know a little fight with a hog Lin and although that doesn’t matter also he’s in love or he’s not dying I just wanna mention seems unfair to me I was this close it was all coming together but I guess that’s it if you

Want to see the world seed because I think it’s really cool spawning that close to a portal it’s not terribly uncommon but this was a nice one – you’re right required just a single piece of obsidian and if you want to see around the never those are both things

We can check out today I guess you type slash seed that is the seed friends of the internet I can’t believe all the things to kill me the most anticlimactic end I really thought we were gonna get to the end dragon fight and then I thought my odds for 5050

There but it turns out you’ve got to be able to not die too hot let’s get to the end I just I can’t get over the way that happened I’m so mad at myself for allowing a whole run to end on something so dumb I had all the gold I had lion

Even to make some pickaxes to get some more everything was done besides that thank you all very much for watching this attempt that was free hours of like surviving and then ever proving how it’s like harder than the overall but it’s kind of just like night time in the

Overall when you think about it all the time but with some nice little opt-outs but in the end that turned out to prove that if you’re surviving than ever sure it’s a doable task if you have armor and you have some fall protection if you’re starting minecraft life in the nether

It’s a hard start even if you get the right biome being able to survive attacks most auckland’s is a hard task more than once in that run actually I was kind of close to it by making a small mistake there and you know same of the blazes the live skeletons everything

Is significantly harder if you’re just starting in the never because access to armor is next to none I mean would be a dream day madama is like a funny joke right and even gold Armel takes a lot of time if you want to make a full set of it so

What I’m gonna say is you can survive in the nether and it is I would say some amount easier but it’s so much easier for everything to go wrong in an instant where is if I put three hours into an overworld run one I would it be in the

Dragon you know two hours ago and secondly there’d be far fewer just single mistakes that could mess me up entirely and I’m just I’m so bummed that it ended that way but I hope you enjoyed the fruits of my free hours playing Minecraft Java’s never we should try the same

Challenge on bedrock when this comes out and then I won’t fail it I promise alright thank you for watching cuz I’ll see you all next time goodbye yeah the next one I reckon do I’ll do life oh wait remember to subscribe 2/3 if you are not subscribed to the

Channel and the reason you say it at the end is because it reminds you that you’re not subscribing to the way to make things come to you you have the ability to do that and you can do it if you want to or you can not I mean I’m

Not the boss of you I’m just doing that thing that minecraft youtubers do because it makes some of you subscribe and I appreciate those of you who choose to do that anyway thank you for watching this is the lava pit that I took my initial love from to make the whole

Thing happen and I feel like it’s fitting that I end in this exact same place goodbye You

This video, titled ‘I Tried To Beat Minecraft Starting In The Nether… On Hardcore’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-06-03 23:21:08. It has garnered 560202 views and 19473 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:49 or 1549 seconds.

Starting in the nether is a pretty decent challenge… but how about with hardcore thrown in?

– The Previous Video(GF Mod): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc99Tm9zHr4

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    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/p6sZptAgz7 Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,lights.are.off,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: https://ko-fi.com/xerxestexastoast Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! https://x.com/Kiiru_Invader/status/1841176111042171056 SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION https://x.com/nagii_iza/status/1835098539640361123 cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! https://x.com/chrone_co Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan https://www.sayonari.com/trans_asr/asr.html ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@ciktro?lang=es TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ciktro DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dZA3kZ4Xg5 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_ciktro_/?next=%2F ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Newbie baited!"Looks like the noobs aren’t the only ones falling for traps – this meme has definitely caught some unsuspecting victims with a score of 21! Read More

  • Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge's Minecraft Mayhem In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Gou Xiong Ridge, where the story molds. The corn cannon army, a strange sight to see, Attacking with kernels, setting the mobs free. Warwick & Huayi Games, the blogger in the know, Sharing updates, with a playful flow. Mini world explanations, brought to light, With authorized content, shining bright. So follow along, with a click and a bell, For Minecraft news, that’s sure to compel. In rhymes we speak, in rhymes we play, In the world of gaming, where we’ll stay. Read More

  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

    Villager's spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol Why did the villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi” all the time! #villagerproblems 😂 Read More

  • Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE

    Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Minecraft: BoBoiBoy Topan Portal Creation BoBoiBoy Topan, the second level of power that emerges in the Minecraft universe, brings a unique twist to the game. Among all the BoBoiBoys, BoBoiBoy Topan stands out as the only one equipped with a hoverboard for transportation. When BoBoiBoy Topan first appeared, he lost control, leading to a fierce battle with BoBoiBoy Halilintar. BoBoiBoy Topan’s Unique Abilities BoBoiBoy Topan’s hoverboard adds a dynamic element to the game, allowing players to navigate the Minecraft world with speed and agility. This unique mode of transportation opens up new possibilities for exploration… Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

    Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft's Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mega Base!!! ( LIVE )’, was uploaded by JustCallMeCat on 2024-09-05 01:41:17. It has garnered 101 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:17 or 8897 seconds. Its what you think it is… I Have Merch? streamlabs.com/callmecatyt/merch Discord: https://discord.gg/BAntut7fm7 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #streamer Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

I Tried To Beat Minecraft Starting In The Nether… On Hardcore