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Funny you’re gonna play the map yet yeah come on guys I don’t need to play the map I’m a Minecraft movie star now if you’re a movie star where’s your costume oh yeah it’s in there which I’m totally allowed in gold gear I got it for you put this on put it on

No she’s a superhero are you a man high of a marvel minecraft marvel of course marvel where’s my pants I thought I gave you pants gave me nothing okay wait let me get you pants yeah thank you for the pads there now you’re ready arrows so what’s your hero name aren’t

Funny or super supe super fun time funny that’s weird anyways welcome to movie star so this map lets you make a movie make sense okay are you a ninja turtle okay well let’s start making our movie guys how do we open these below let us out

I need more water bill D hi Bill my director’s chair broke why did you break it just open the door he opened the door this is the directors camera so we have movie sets we got chairs those we have a tional cameras oh look at this this is right

Here that’s for action shot and what else do we have bill do you talk a lot so each movie has a bunch of sets for their for their scenes you can even act in them go ahead and go to the script check it out Jesus me the dark guys are you ready to

Create our own Minecraft movie that’s gonna get a no rotten tomatoes for us over here is the script Monument is this where we write scripts exactly yeah these are examples we don’t need no example yeah yeah we’re good on the skin I don’t want to make you sad that you

Look like the villain what superhero I’m sorry I’m what can you repeat that okay guys you having way too much fun okay let’s just go over here control way too cool I think we should start with our first one oh these are prop rotators okay and we have a we have more props

And blocks over here guide books do not need talk to you again bill T so just saying there’s some buildings I think we’re ready to start on movie no no no it doesn’t where I need money you need money take my money yeah we eat a lot of

Snacks we’re gonna be really hard movie arrow while going some more It sounds like we’re rummaging through the vending machine we’re good are we good on snacks yeah well we did you see what the chip bag says golden chips it’s gold these chips okay we’re done using the money guy and let’s go lie look at this did you know bored oh look at this

Did you know you can die sofas you can die cause there’s a bunch of movie props to use 29 skins to play with the train cars okay that’s a lot if there’s a trailer drachma very exciting for trailers movie trip star trailer okay okay let’s start ready to start our

Movie we could start in the chata ten-year period or the witch business that’s me teen spirit teen tale of heroes or speed crash which one should we make first you look like teen spirit yeah teen spirit alright let’s go to my parents pier where we fly it set oh look at this sad

This is insane whoa let’s go to teen spirit which is over here I’ll look forward I’m leaving you Jesus which is over here which okay what we’re starting our move out me wait I shouldn’t be driving I’m the main star non kidding okay let’s go I will be the director okay

You know I you’re very slow at driving what just let me drive oh there’s a only warehouse one we gotta set up the setting up this bakery is very cute to me have some cake I think work yeah we can’t eat behind your right just okay

The first script we got to go to warehouse one warehouse wide follow us well followed Rocco’s flying see this is a map of the movie lot each number is a set with the script the script stories play out in order try to follow them along okay

It is mad the house number one our first movie do we need lights look at all these sound effects so this is the first part I will be the director script monument this is our sound board audience laughs what hint soundbooth villain music who wants to be in charge

Of music I will be in charge who’s gonna direct I will be the director and camera director chair lol tracker lunar gold gets into costume please we’re starting the show what is yeah what is it about it’s your teen heroes get with it okay I’m getting off these ridiculous clothes

Because I am a director I should be in director clothes not this this is script number 10 where script 1 I don’t think I have it right here you lost the script drakul there’s only script Oh are we on the last set oh they said 1 is the first

Set that makes no sense I found script 1 it’s over here ok now we could start this rainbow here is your sound boy well this looks like a hard job this is very intense I need you to read every single thing and follow through alright rainbow okay you’re in charge we

Have two actors so we need three actors no there’s only two characters wait Lily index I have script 1 our story starts with the unassuming Lily just another girl in just another school today is one of Lily’s worst school days it’s swim class Lily hates swim class what we need Lily

& DEC’s we need one girl and one boy alrighty people I’ve assigned roles rainbow you are in charge of sound effects I am Station lunar is in charge of telling where you guys have to go aka one of these places and she is recording all of your audio into that you better

Talk really good and gold and dracco dracco is dex gold is lunar 2 our first set lunar older lunar I mean lily and without Lily it’s your Lily okay Lily hey where’s the internet okay chop-chop hurry I don’t have yourself celebrity okay you don’t get nothing Luna you’re so fast

Just wait up walk fast fast okay our first set is is the school yeah I did practice okay let me read the director notes okay beginning of the movie let’s keep it fresh Dex I want you to be bright unassuming naive you get the picture you get the picture I don’t get the

Picture you got the picture next guy Lily I want you to be paranoid but that kind of paranoid wears like just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you yeah Coolio let’s make this movie a fool you got a booty yeah you know we got yes yeah rainbow do we have

A boom noise oh we do not have a boom noise okay can we have some noise to make us happy happy okay happy happy noise already I don’t this is a really serious thing you know it’s okay can you just guys just line up let’s just start

This how about this that’s good rainbow we’re good on this sound effects okay I can’t record a community on this a comedy show okay we’re ready and 301 action okay that intro was a little long but teen spirit does that killer this is a movie

Or a TV series it’s like a sitcom just start okay yeah go fine Dex you better have some good news for me I really don’t want to go to swim class today okay cut okay lunar we need you to step back a little bit with that microphone okay you

Think I didn’t clear the clean audio oh my god Luna just stay back there you bet I do yeah that’s that’s all I say to pull out a piece of paper oh this is taking too long that I do a sick no wait give me the paper

Oh are you not reading the script cut you bet I do a sick note a sick note oh you don’t look happy cut okay lunar poke decks with a stick hey it supposed to be happy be happy no we’re both supposed to be paranoid she’s you sad you paranoid tell her to

Stop throwing the boomstick at us lunar no not throwing the boom mistake if they do bad again you can throw the booty stick okay go ah from the top yo Dex you better have some good news for me I really don’t want to go to swim class today you bet I do

Oh shoosh a sick note a sick note you don’t look too happy it doesn’t have my mom signature on it Dexter oh well that was an obvious foresight on my part do we get better moods well there’s not really many look I don’t got many options here okay you know what you

Got this teen spirit alright well that was an obvious foresight on my part let me fix it there you’ve just scribbled on it all signatures look like scribbles it’ll work trust me whose hackle a guy’s calm you think this is calm music no she means comedic it’s

Just going great alright we finish this with like no cut to script – I didn’t say anything for a pal yet she didn’t say ok thanks she didn’t say thanks oh ok thanks Dex anything for a pal like you know kind of like director seem to let’s go now we

Are on script to you guys just as when Lily gets her powers wait does anyone want to be a set designer Chao set design okay Chacko set designer rainbow you are in charge of sound effects once again this is your sound board this is one scene with only Lily gold are you ready

Uh I need career edifice no you’re fine you’re fine you can’t be ridic wait let me go the director notes I’m so happy because today you found your superpowers who knew probably everyone who sees the trailer for teen spirit because that’s the way they sell movies net these days

Anyway at first be like super irritated or whatever then fall in drown but don’t actually drown then blast all out that’s pretty much it make it convincing though that’s pretty much it that sounds like a lot of this are set dragon on its own boy look at this there will be we got

One swimming pool lunar in the air alright don’t drop that like aluminum chuckle oh is that designing what is that that is leechers okay well make sure you help two of our set designers are working in it goals are you ready yeah but where’s the diving board said

She walks past the diving board Omega diet why don’t we have a diving board on set okay I made you a maybe it’s really convincing I’m going to read you the description right now so everyone knows what we’re doing sadly the note decks gave Lily didn’t

Work she still had to practice in swim class but what’s even worse is that she forgot her phone in the changing rooms so now after school has ended and everyone else has gone home lily has to go back to the pool and get her phone and that’s where the scene starts I

Think you were supposed to read that in the no no that’s just an inscription Lily enters from the right then walks over past the diving board see that is the part where I talk alright wait is this is this your show are you no but I could read from the script

Funny don’t hide from the secret gold we’re making you a diving board make it very high for her because she’s that’s great Johnny put up some painting you’re not even gonna record it’s the only painting we have drakul just decorate just they’re just everywhere okay there you go maybe she was drinking some

Soda cans you know there’s soda cans around here yep she really loves soda this school is a litter bug so we got a ton of sodas around here no don’t there is nice they said there’s a mascot fine one mascot but that’s all this is a mascot but there’s a bunch of litter

Bugs in here that’s what’s happening okay rainbow you get it on can we start already rain no okay that’s actually really nice Luna good job thank you guys let’s start this mess this place is a mess Drago why did you put a dinosaur in the pool it was supposed to be a mask

Guy it’ll be like a walking oh you know I was right just right out I need to get our tent dinosaur going it’s going out the dinosaur offset someone I didn’t know making a movie would be this hard in Minecraft just Drago please off you know

What just stay in there just one cup will cut you out will cut you out Saturn but there’s no Saturn music keep watching ahead okay good stop stop there excellent now where did I put my goal outlet what rainbow no this is a big music man hey John moments later You were supposed to land near the camera you jump 20 feet out of the water and you land on the side on to script 3 it’s over here we are part three now no that’s monument 5 where’s 3 how many take forever set three we have to speed

This up because we just figured out there’s actually how many sets 14 sets that’s 40 oh boy oh boy let’s uh speed this up director has to go home and eat lunch okay alrighty in this scene we have Lily once again she discovers herself in a swimming pool

And she passes in the alleyways this is all Lily saw going this guess what time it is it’s superpower discovery time so Lily I want you to come as you walk into the scene the lily you’ve always known yourself to me you got that Lily nod your head yeah great fantastic then when

You jump you’re not Lily anymore you’re a new Linney and Lily who’s not afraid of heights who’s not afraid of falling who’s not afraid that’s it a boom stand that’s how we make a movie bloom you ready for this Lily yeah what was that one second I was drowning

And then I felt before and I I jumped Okay I’m okay I’m amazing haha wait ticks dicks wait till Dex finds out he’s gonna be Creek lime a lot a kid the grammar in his book isn’t right just one second okay yes Bluto why isn’t that tactic facing gold oh sorry yeah I’m having a drink break

Let me just this okay loser even Mike there you go okay go I’m amazing wait till Dex finds out he’s gonna go crazy script for Lily discovers her powers and she goes to Dex and she enters Dex’s nerd workshop which is in his garage so Luna and Rocco are building a nerd

Workshop gold do you know your lines Junie some water some water for the actor drink yeah sure rainbow sound board uh what’s happening are you easy yes pay attention to stop eating chips you are a very important role as you need to be sound board properly alright

I have to read these director notes before you guys start okay Dex listen up I want you to be excited I want you to jump the day has happened you have your superhero I want you to use excitement I want you to breed it Lily just don’t eat like this is the

Thing that hasn’t even crossed your mind you’re not that kind of person you’re afraid of something like that you want it to go away okay let’s make God dude why do I will say bloom I don’t get it boob I don’t know it’s just it’s your darts what is that noise

Ah lunar what did you do with the boomstick you know what it’s a good sound effect it sounds of my psyche I accidentally let go it sounds sciency like something’s being worth talking about yeah yeah sure that’s dead all day hey now let’s start this thing action this is gonna sound

Weird but what I’ve actually been waiting for a moment like this you’ve been waiting for me to get superpowers well no but I’ve been waiting for someone to get powers I was just lucky it was you anyways this is for you it’s for hard rock oh

Not you oh okay wait I said lime what you underlined know what Slade read on your line Oh fine what what is this it’s a super student try it on oh my gosh what no way I’m not a superhero Dex but you have super powers for hours now can

We just take a look at all the footage okay I’m gonna call it a day here at script for my two beautiful actors we’re not done good for though really we have to at least finish good for our funny fine okay continue roll the clip camera recording yeah okay go hero okay let’s

Do this again last time action it doesn’t mean I’m a hero I’ve got school forget school what about saving the world the world doesn’t need saving tax everything is fine and what if it isn’t I’m not wearing this suit I’m funny it’s finished oh it’s done why you guys tell me I didn’t read this what let’s call it a day ready let’s go play this rainbow we’re good we’re good babe oh let’s go let’s go play these and hopefully we have half of a quarter of a movie or something

Here’s the feeder where we could play our film everyone TP hurry this is gonna be exciting oh maybe some popcorn hope this isn’t mad we’re going upstairs where the VIP screenings happening we can’t even screen it yet it’s not finished Shh it’s finished okay someone put the disc in Shh everyone sit down

Sit don’t put it in okay roll the clip oh I got to go to the projection room look I snuck in chips roll the clip Drock oh let’s see our movie in action Dex you better have some good news for me I really don’t want to

Go to swim class today you bet I do pishoosh a sick note a sick note you don’t look too happy it doesn’t have my mom’s signature on it Dex um well that was an obvious foresight on my part let me fix it there you’ve just scribbled on it all

Signatures look like scribbles it’ll work trust me oh okay thanks Dex anything for a pal Now where did I put my girl what was that one second I was drowning and then I felt before and I I jumped I’m okay I’m okay I’m amazing haha wait it’s amazing huh wait till Dex finds out he’s gonna go crazy this is gonna sound weird but what I’ve actually been waiting for a moment like this you’ve been waiting for me to get superpowers well no but I’ve been waiting for

Someone to get powers I was just lucky it was you anyways this is for you what what is this it’s a super suit try it on it doesn’t mean I’m a hero I’ve got school forget school what about saving the world the world doesn’t need saving tax

Everything is fine and what if it isn’t I’m not wearing this suit Did you like it was it good I’ve seen better you’re not finished yet that’s why Oh guys make sure to leave a like eyes movie ever what dress let’s take a villain up there you didn’t have to make the movie it’s already done well there’s no way yeah

Here look I’ll turn off the lights didn’t a good time the light for my movie oh nice quiet effects are so good here different empty water bottle right this is s me intro it says not good a super hero arises arises my boy already I think ours is cooler

You can’t leave is that all yeah that’s it okay open no that’s not the movie yeah Drago clearly our production was better yeah so this map was a lot of fun but being a movie director slash actor slash whatever is very hard work and

Yeah we offer a lot of work we want to go home but if you want to see us do more of this leave a like don’t forget to subscribe if you love bad movies thanks for watching we’re gonna go eat now goodbye bye guys okay let’s get out of here whew

Just could be our next movie oh we totally forgot her cave oh oh I had it forgot taking too long that I do a sick No

This video, titled ‘WE’RE FAMOUS MOVIE STARS?! THE MINECRAFT MOVIE!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2018-12-05 20:00:03. It has garnered 5135659 views and 78414 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds.

The Krew makes a action packed Minecraft Movie! ► Subscribe Today! ► Previous Video!

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THE KREW! Funneh — Rainbow — Gold — Lunar — Draco —

CREDITS! Movie Star by Noxcrew Play the Map ►

Enjoy and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe! Thanks for watching! 🙂

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    Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda's Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTEDVideo Information try again just kidding R the raw beef will always be mine hey hey leave EV alone hey hey let runic come on let the white man stop running so he wants his mayonnaise so much longer than mine This video, titled ‘While he didn’t take our deals, I believe he got his mayo in the end. |BLK CAT INFECTED EVENT’, was uploaded by Anori Sweeda the Dapper Seaweed on 2024-04-05 22:00:06. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Look at him run #shorts #BLKCATevent #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!

    Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!Video Information y hoy tenemos Ni más ni menos que un episodio muy especial en el cual vamos a tener que estar construyendo la casa de señor solgar y yo mismo una casa que hicimos allá por el lejano 2013 en un Survival el cual grabamos con una Nintendo 3DS bueno hicimos cada cosa en aquel Survival la casa está hecha un episodio bastante chiquitaje de aquí pero que tiene bastante historia al final una serie con señor solgard la cual a día de hoy ya está desaparecida van así Bueno más o menos se ha intentado hacer una foto… Read More

  • “Naruto’s Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1” | EPIC REACTION | #anime

    "Naruto's Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1" | EPIC REACTION | #animeVideo Information yo black hole what you up to right now bro uh I did a little bit of mining a little bit of Min yeah all right so I just need a little bit more oh my [Music] God yo I just got an end PE do you want it yes give it give what oh no ooh this is pretty I’m going to hit it oh my God it’s a Friendly Creeper wait Z come huh look oh it’s a Friendly Creeper okay all they have to do is get to this iron block right here go that’s… Read More

  • Torn S3

    Torn S3Torn S3 is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Features: -Plots -Pvp – Prison -Warzon IP: Website. Discord. Read More

  • VanillaAnarchy – Semi-Anarchy, No Hacks, 1.19-1.20.4, Vanilla, No Resets, No Mob Caps Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Server Established on July 1st, 2023, VanillaAnarchy (VA) offers the ultimate vanilla Minecraft experience. World Size: 30 Million Blocks View Distance: 10 Chunks Simulation/Tick Distance: 9 Chunks Mob Spawn Distance: 8 Chunks World Resets: Never Start Date: July 1st 2023 Joinable on: 1.19 – 1.20.4 Discord: Our commitment to authenticity is reflected in our no-reset policy and minimal rules. Join us to experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Would you survive this?

    I wouldn’t go in there unless I had my diamond sword and enchanted armor ready to go! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥

    Minecraft's Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥 I can’t believe in 2025 people are still getting blown up by creepers and falling into lava pits in Minecraft. Some things never change! Read More

  • Warden Beam Madness!

    Warden Beam Madness! Minecraft Snapshot 22w15a: Warden Beam! The latest snapshot for Minecraft, 22w15a, brings exciting updates to the game, particularly focusing on the powerful Warden mob. Previously known for its close-range attacks, the Warden now boasts a long-range attack, making it an even more formidable opponent. Long-Range Warden Attack In a thrilling demonstration, players can witness the Warden engaging in long-range combat against the Wither. The Warden’s new ability to target enemies from a distance adds a challenging dynamic to battles, showcasing its strength and agility. Impressive Damage Output The Warden’s long-range attack is visually stunning, emitting powerful shockwaves that deal… Read More

  • Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey’s Furnace in Minecraft!

    Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey's Furnace in Minecraft!Video Information all right let’s get started today I want to see what Mikey is going to do he told me he wants to do some kind of experiment I’m interested to see what he’s going to do as we can see they are building some kind of mechanism it really looks strange I want to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and get everything out as interestingly as possible look it’s really like he wants to turn into someone it’s incredibly interesting looking anyway we’ll just have to follow it up and draw some conclusions I think… Read More

  • Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!

    Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft Legends you’ve never heard of starting with a myth sent by ety on Discord and they say I know this sounds fake but don’t go to This Server something is wrong with the Statue here and it’s just a picture of a statue with an IP to an anarchy server and wa what what is this this is kind of weird this actually has a nice spawn oh wait there’s only one person on the server limbo 22 oh this is kind of sus guys is the scary stat to even real like… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore Survival

    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘BETTER MINECRAFT (1.20) || Day 1-5 || Modpack, Hardcore Survival || Full Play-through || Forge’, was uploaded by KILRtv on 2024-01-08 23:00:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:57 or 4977 seconds. It’s the beginning of an incredible, beautiful series of exploration, building, and discovery as we play “Beyond Minecraft” – A modpack for Minecraft 1.20 using Forge. In this episode, we explore our surroundings, start building our first house, and meet our neighbor. This is a full play-through and not a “100 Days” video, so you’ll… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓

    🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓Video Information got to wa RI tray like I’m young cuz I am in the scenes I got little more to give y’all the people I’m not St fo in G change uhhuh ha them more cuz I’m up and I don’t even fly up here I see rappers liing dark F High thingss I know they hiding but what you hiding from you TR you know I’m about to grill your ass [Music] hey it’s my time was on my time when i r be manipulate time like you do mind I’m sick and tired of the LI you… Read More

  • Crazy Grillium S1! You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Crazy Grillium S1! You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information hello everyone uh this is the Gillian reforged SMP or let’s play and I’m here with forest and fumble who is Wizard in game and we are the members of it we also have Sammy the bones he could not make it at the moment so he will be here later we have a few plugins we have our obviously simple voice chat plugin where we have proximity chat Minecraft and we do have a dead chest plugin when we die every all of our items going into a chest this is just going to be a survival… Read More

  • EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!

    EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!Video Information Nappa and Vegeta are reunited Vegeta hey it’s me Goku in today’s episode of Minecraft we fight the warden cooler demonstrates his power to Vegeta oh really you want to see my dust on power F then you want to see the greaty mighty cooler sure come at to me you stupid Warren and Vegeta makes fun of me oh yes he cut the lights off yes well we got to see now was I supposed to know that I’m going blind idea Karo oh you’re so smart shut up Vegeta stop making fun of me don’t miss… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Will Toshiruz ACCEPT Pact with Bael in Minecraft KSMP?

    SHOCKING: Will Toshiruz ACCEPT Pact with Bael in Minecraft KSMP?Video Information [Música] [Música] [Música] [Aplausos] we [Música] [Música] we [Música] [Música] [Música] it [Música] Alô Yumi Obrigado pelo membro membro não pelo Prime Valeu Yumi tamos junto Yumi Jack tamos junto simbora gurizada mais um dia feito deixa o like vamos embora vamos embora vamos bora trabalhe too trabalhe glória ao Ba vou dar glória ao B [Música] deixa o like meus [Música] [Música] bom que man ol o Senor bael chat para com isso chat seus [Música] traidores [Música] [Aplausos] simora [Música] [Aplausos] eu sei o quão perto estou agora eu vou gritar e vou lutar Sem dúvida… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft NEET World Tour! 😱🌏” #gaming #viral

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft NEET World Tour! 😱🌏" #gaming #viralVideo Information welcome to the Techno gamer world in Minecraft today we will be exploring this amazing virtual world filled with technology and creativity as we enter the world you can see the intricate redstone contraptions and high-tech builds that techno gamer has created from automated Farms to impressive Redstone Machines this world is truly a sight to behold every corner we turn reveals something new and exciting the attention to detail and creativity in this world is truly inspiring we can see techno gamers passion for gaming and Technology reflected in every block and pixel of this world it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Exposed! #minecraft #gaming

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Exposed! #minecraft #gamingVideo Information welcome to Minecraft fact or fiction part one one of these three Minecraft facts is fake but can you spot which one the nether is a realm of peril and misery but did you know that traveling just one block in the nether is equivalent to moving eight blocks in the Overworld this makes it an incredible shortcut for Savvy explorers who can navigate the fiery hazards slimes can spawn only in special chunks at light levels similar to other Hostile Mobs these elusive creatures add a layer of mystery to the game spawning in their unique zones… Read More

  • Athios

    AthiosUnique gamemode SEARCH AND DESTROY 2 Teams! 1.8 PVP Loads of kits to choose! Unique maps! Achievements, cosmetics, and more! Read More

  • Harvest SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ LGBTQ+ Friendly Java 1.20.4 Hermitcraft-like Long-term World

    Harvest SMP Welcome to Harvest SMP! We are a small, but growing, community of mature Minecraft players accepting of all build styles, technical know-how, and experience. Join us in our newest season Harvest Season 3! Fundamentals of Harvest SMP Our main priority is the community. Everyone is encouraged to participate in events and contribute to builds. Your voice matters just as much as anyone else. Our goal is to provide a quality SMP experience with freedom. Features Experience a Hermitcraft-like environment with datapacks, mods, and resourcepacks for a near-vanilla experience. Anti-cheat mods are in place for fairness. Enjoy optional mods… Read More