Joey Robbins – Minecraft Survival Mode Gameplay Walkthrough (PART 5) Building Castlevania Courtyard

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Foreign guys Joey Robbins here back with Minecraft on the Xbox series X this is episode five this episode we’re going to work on the Castlevania Courtyard and uh just a little other things as well um hey Nick what’s up buddy hey Kyle you guys are fast as Lightning hope you’re doing well Let’s stay before I do anything I need to repair this pickaxe I’m gonna do that I’ll be right here Start with two diamonds yeah that’ll get it you know two-thirds of the way Um I guess I can go and do it all the way here let me throw another diamond in there yeah so it’s almost at full health now it’s gonna cost me four of my level as well so let’s do it right boom so there you go it’s all fixed and uh yeah cool

Put these diamonds back we’ll probably also go Diamond hunting this episode we’ll do some other things you know Oh hey Nate what’s up buddy can you invite me to your game Joey well to be honest I’m kind of starting fresh and right now I’m not really inviting too many people as the last World I invited way too many people and we had a couple of trolls so

You know I’m just kind of being very selective we’ll just say that that night it’s night it’s always night we’ll go to sleep but first kill our cow for the day all right oh and I guess a zombie here I actually need to craft a new sword excuse me Jesus

Or I’ll kill you too it was going to be you dude I’ll kill you too oh well maybe I’ll kill you too I am using the sword up all right we done I think we are for now here get some more food I guess I’m just like killing people

Cool all right we’re good we’ll go to sleep you have to work tomorrow I do not I am off the next few days there’s a few things I want to stream like I also want to stream I don’t know what’s wrong with me uh Nintendo came out with uh f-zero 99

I was told about that so actually I saw it also on the Nintendo Direct things though I do want to check that out let’s see before I sleep let me put stuff away oh that uh we’ll or excuse me leather ghost here all right now we’ll go to sleep

Oh hey Scully what’s up girl you’re annoying people on oh Maggie is that what you’re saying what’s that All right I’m gonna make a new sword Foreign some of these lanterns as well okay gonna take that many nuggets I should consider making some chains too um here like two more lanterns and Um all right yeah I mean we have plenty of iron so here make some more chains bits are gone yeah because we’ll probably need that as well that may be enough the thing is maybe I should consider making more lanterns oh yeah I probably should huh here let’s

Make a bunch of lanterns how many torches do I have torches are fine not really gonna cost too much iron all right that 13 torches uh used all those little nuggets and maybe good for now well I need more I’ll grab more not a big deal uh got that hmm Foreign I think there was something else I wanted to take with me maybe not right now hey Eric what’s up buddy which seats do I have okay I’ll probably come back for the seeds I need some pumpkin seeds yeah my Shield’s good you know what I see sheep I’m gonna kill him

Because I’ll be using some wool down the road for banners and posters and stuff Paintings oh so I was told about actually at work he was telling me I can get skeleton horses now that would be great for our Castlevania stable rare um but I was told if I make some lightning rods and if the horse can get struck by lightning it’ll also turn into a

Skeleton horse he said it happened to her dog as well which is quite interesting to me I may attempt that if we get a thunderstorm but for those of you knew this is where the stable is for the courtyard and uh probably also this episode I’m going to

Kind of start building stairs going up here yeah the Castle’s gonna be like way up there it’ll be some work but we’ll get there hey Piggy probably should kill you but not right now yeah the only thing I did from last episode was this fountainized when I did

It used some Moss uh may actually go and get me some more Moss uh so let’s see here I guess we could start on the stable uh so I was gonna use this dark wood here and this uh nether brick Um don’t need those to work here all right so we’ll start with that uh what do I need to make barrels actually that’s something also I’m sure I have the stuff to make it here’s all the banners a lot of wool but we’ll get it all right sorry I’m just kind of looking

Through this real quick Oh I just realized I can uh I can search it just discovered that yeah Barrel oh that’s all it takes okay I’ll have to make a couple of those cool and then um yeah we’ll have to make some hay I don’t have any Wheat right now but we’ll we’ll get that okay cool

That was kind of weird kind of glitched out uh so let’s see if I also grab the wood then make a couple of those am I right about that mm-hmm yeah there we go easy peasy all right so we have five of them that’s a start all right well anyways actually first

Time doing that hey Network what’s up buddy all right so the stable’s gonna go right here um let’s see how am I gonna do this um so for the stable we’re also going to build like a shed as well it’ll be something like uh probably hug this too just to have space here

Um so I wonder if I should have it pointing this way probably there’s more this way but we’ll figure it out I wonder if I should have it hug in the wall like that let me also grab my bed I’m gonna put a bed over here so we don’t deal with the

The night time all right oh hey sheepy more wool right here hey Zachary what’s up buddy all right I saw you were on Madden and was hoping you would stream it um I may again soon and like I said that game is kind of annoyed the hell out of me with

Their last update so I don’t know if they fixed it All right yeah I mean I guess the wall safe space so right now I’m just building the uh shed and it doesn’t have to be that big obviously it could be like a simple probably four space yeah Laughs Foreign yeah it’s probably just this tall that was one more High make the foreign foreign storage room and then uh be here probably one two three four what if I choose this oh you could oh you could store stuff in here huh that’s kind of neat yeah that’s kind of neat I didn’t

Realize you could put stuff in there too uh that should probably go in here then yeah I never messed with these before okay scratch it put in there you know that’d be convenient foreign I’m gonna need some dirt as a ladder Oh what if I should do this Foreign And I I can’t hang it like that yeah um Maybe uh foreign stick out like this Have it do that maybe instead damn dude depends when you have a powerful pickaxe Yeah I think that’s a good texture for like the stable and uh we’re gonna extend it obviously just kind of thinking this is where we could place our horses If I run low with this stuff I won’t for this stable but if I need more of this nether stuff I can go back to the Nether and get some big deal now we’ll do the same here so this was a four space but one two three four yeah one two three

Other way chicken distracting me don’t make me kill you two three four they don’t make me kill you everything foreign As well yeah it’s like something kind of like that I said I was going to use this uh this wood and I think it’ll be more for the uh foreign probably the the roof because then there’s a wall here that’s unnecessary but just so it looks right

I should have probably just enough of this this fence be something like that and then we’ll have to get a gate that’s where this chicken maybe something like that yeah eventually I have to get those skeleton horses since I’ve told about those thank you so much for trying Madden for

Us uh thanks to you I saved sixty dollars this year to not buying Madden yeah you know uh I’m glad I was able to you know I’m all about honesty I know I’m gonna get people like oh man’s always amazing I’m not gonna [ __ ] you like that you

Know there was there was a time it was and then they you know EA does their thing you know I I just like never ending with that you know they’ll they’ll do an update where it’s like wow I mean it’s actually a pretty good game I mean considering with some

Falls but playable for sure and fun and then they just [ __ ] it up man I’m just kind of annoyed I’m done with that [ __ ] you know I may be done with Madden for good or EA for that matter like you know [ __ ] yeah I don’t know if I should have had this

Up top I I can always take that off uh but yeah something like this and I wonder if I should go one more maybe just for now I’ll do two but this is kind of like the stable essentially um and then here since this is oh yeah it’s getting dark

We’ll go ahead and sleep I should kill that sheep still waiting for the sword to break mm-hmm Maybe I will extend it actually here so it’s gonna be uh one two three four space and one two three at the right height yes yeah I mean I have enough or maybe I will actually who knows maybe I’ll just have enough I mean I may have to take this part off

I mean I could take this out too I mean that doesn’t have to be there since that wall is there that’s definitely uh an option for sure may have to do that but yeah it’s kind of like this well that’s all my fence oh my God it’s skip

Oh it’s okay skip I mean you’re still welcome to the channel as far as watching but you’re never joining my world ever again you know not to be mean I a lot of people would say I was fair to you I gave you multiple chances

But yeah you kind of rubbed me the wrong way All right so that’s cool that these are storage things these barrels I didn’t realize I could put them I’m trying to think how to design this I mean it’s just uh like we’d probably put hay in some barrels that’s probably what we do hmm I think oh you blocked him wow oh goodness

I should probably just start on the roof now uh for the roof with this wood can I do anything else with it Because I do that with the nether brick but can I not do that with that wood huh that’s a bummer if so All right well that’s a bummer Yeah because I was thinking like this wood here I don’t know it seemed like a nice extra Yeah I think originally I had different ideas but then the stable would have been much bigger but uh I mean this is big enough for sure I could even move the chest and do another you know foreign Yeah because I guess they’re only in block form but actually I could still make this work I can still make that work in block form I won’t ask to join okay that would be best let me do it like Hope this turns out you know okay hope I didn’t make a fool of myself but I don’t like this is gonna look really tall I wish I could turn this into uh slabs hmm but that’s okay I suppose looks a little silly for sure um Angie I could have been better

Cool I’ve been wanting that sword to break uh let’s see I mean it’s not like terrible I think I just had more plans with the wood uh so let’s see here and then we would put uh What I’m gonna need to do so for now I am going to take this out here this back part just to have some it’s not really necessary since this wall is here you could say the same for this uh won’t touch that yet though I’m glad I have this powerful pickaxe

Because uh these are usually a lot more durable bricks so we can easily break them now normally I would take this sheep here but he he’s a white sheep I want like black or gray like evil looking sheep the store in here we’re definitely gonna have to get some skeleton horses I mean

Really that’s what it’s going to come down to all right so I got 12 of those back yeah because what I was kind of thinking is the I could kind of do that I wonder if I should go one more high with that yeah let’s go one more High foreign

Yeah that may look alright I don’t think I’ll need the chains now but have you ever played Grand Theft Auto online a long time ago many many years ago yeah you can almost say not much of a stable I mean it doesn’t look terrible I I think the texture is good

I think it’s more of the the wood uh oh big roof oh I wonder if I can just make uh Gates out of this probably not may have to uh Let me type in nether so what’s my options so yeah we have the fence oh there is no nether gate and so that that’s the only problem I would have to do a dark wood gate uh so it is what it is all right All right oops God damn it I did not mean to do that all right uh at least I know so let me Oh that’s kind of interesting I could do that too oh okay Let me experiment I’m going to make two of those uh dark oak Gates was it already dark he’s always dark in the sky that’s why I put the bed here I thought it made too That doesn’t look terrible now that being said I wonder if I should make this bottom fence here uh that’s a shame because I like the texture of this but yeah I can’t do like an actual you know gate defense with another you know brick fence I wonder if I could double that yeah let me make more of those oh I’m low on uh it needs sticks where’s my steaks boy here’s makeup all right uh let’s see F6 Gates yeah I could do that yeah maybe the way it is oh all right

I mean I guess that’s fine uh Hey cow you know what hey you go in here I’ll just kill him oh there’s two of them too all right ironic all right I have nothing to give them no wheat so yeah I don’t look bad about three stalls I wonder if I should

Make a fourth one like one could be for Cal one could be for sheep and we have our skeleton horse I mean two skeleton horses be cool I don’t know if I’ll be able to get one this episode yeah I hear they’re very rare corresponding but I’ll try the lightning rod

If that’ll work um would have to move this chest one two three four oh no here I’ll go ahead and do it I guess do I even yeah I still have I’ll make another one oh speaking of rain huh yeah I’m gonna need more of this though oh foreign

Now for this roof here unless I want to do block form see I like this kind of texture but yeah I can’t just make it uh slaps that’s a shame huh may have to be like that I guess yeah because see I like this sort of texture

Now does it look good with the nether I mean it’s definitely dark and evil sure what I’m going for I’ll probably use some Moss uh regular bricks just to kind of put on the maybe the edge here but uh let me stay I wonder if I should just go all the way

Around like this I guess it is what it is like I may just have enough of this wood I mean I have a lot more over headquarters but may just have enough on me kind of do what I want to do nice oh what a yeah But yeah I mean I think that’ll look fine seems a little slightly off but uh I guess that’s okay Just out all right well hmm I mean it doesn’t like that I don’t think it looks awful um I just wonder if I could save and remove these I think I could yeah I mean there’s really no need for those to be there I mean it kind of gives that little extra

Touch to it but I don’t think it’s necessary either I think the maybe the front and the back though up is necessary because it kind of gives it a good little touch I don’t know it does look kind of nice that way I think maybe for now I’ll remove I’ll remove these here

Just for now we’ll probably have to go back to the nether let’s get more of these uh these uh nether fences or I could actually make some because I I have actually I could probably just make some can I just make them with my Nether Bricks Or can I not maybe I can make stairs hold on let me uh look up nether again let me look at the fence right What’s that require to make oh I need bricks too another bricks okay that’s what it is I’m better off just going to the Nether and just getting more all right so that’s that’s what that takes okay Well we’re gonna ignore that um now I’ll just remove this just for now I’ll probably end up uh going to the nether later to get more of this one thing nice for those of you new our portal is inside the nether fortress so it would be pretty quick

I just don’t feel like making that field trip right now but I think I’m gonna have to I’m going to have Yeah actually no matter what I’m gonna have to yeah it looks better with it like that the way it was before so yeah I just gotta go to the nether yeah pretty much all there is to it though I guess scratch that Yeah moo why don’t you go in there I’ll push you in there actually I could push you in there look get in there [ __ ] Oh yeah I’m out of wood I have to get more wood too uh what’s his face here probably gonna head back to Camp uh hmm yeah let me go and sleep where’s that sheep uh more wool the better like I said I don’t want to store the white ones I’ll just kill them

All right you know I have the cows here I wish I had uh wheat on me hopefully they stick around uh so yeah I need more of that wood I’m probably gonna go to the nether to get more nether brick of the fence brick I don’t think it looks bad though

Um it’s more the the ceiling but I I don’t think it’s terrible man definitely looks evil you know um they have I had room for like and I could have like moved this and then put more stalls here but uh I’m not gonna do that

So what did I say initially I think uh over here was going to be like a garden and then um over here I think was going to be like a graveyard and then over here I was gonna make uh whatever you call I forgot to Google that see what they’re called

I don’t use like regular Moss bricks for that like I did with you know I could use the nether brick for that too though I don’t know I don’t know what do you guys think I mean it looks all right like I said it does look evil

I don’t know how I want to decorate this inside I can looks like hang this up here uh but not on the brick which is interesting I’d have to use the brick fence kind of interesting but the wood I can um thank you foreign trying to think how I want to decorate

This I need to get some wheat though and you know add some uh hey I kind of look at it maybe the the barrel should go like oh nailed it maybe they should go like right here Um oh you know I mean just kind of decorating it and then I could put maybe a lantern there just so there’s light in here um and I don’t know like a little decoration really yeah the hay can go here it like I said it’s just a little

You know little thing hey Rob what’s up buddy I’ll figure it out oh actually thinking of wood there was still that one little piece of wood I left up there I think right right when I was building this oh I guess I already took care of it never mind So I’m hoping um I may have to put something up here too I don’t know I’ll figure that out it looks alright yeah there you go trap him all right so I’m gonna go to the nether we’ll go do that um actually I wonder if I should go and

Make a hoe right now And get a bucket of water I know I had a bucket in here did it was it a bucket of water it was yeah I was thinking that so I do need to make my um I’ll take this empty bucket with me I need to start on the garden

And we can just make like a you know a crappy wooden hoe kind of like who cares I don’t have the seeds on me right I didn’t even bring seeds with me all right so we’ll go grab Steed okay so I’m being a little slow with this

Um at least I kind of got the stable done for now I don’t think it looks terrible looks alright yeah stick around cows I’ll be back and what was in here oh there’s seeds right here oh perfect uh that’ll at least get me started I’ll need more though oh here

No yeah I think it’ll just go around here uh how do I wanna decorate the the garden should give it like a trim make maybe use the the uh deep slate tile I don’t know what I’m thinking I’ll grab two of those I’m gonna polish those and make a pile

I gotta make him break first you get more bang for my buck with that let’s make them all yeah file though yeah I wonder if I should do the slaps it doesn’t really matter I get more bang for my buck with that yeah yeah you’ll see what I’m talking about make it have a little more bling bling so uh where’s my shovel there’s my shovel there’s me shovel All right so probably right around Give it like a little space right looking at the room I have yeah I have plenty of room so I don’t know maybe start right here foreign Yeah probably for now just eight we’ll do 10. I mean it’ll be a good size you know Garden I feel like right now I’m just making the trim no big deal right okay so uh always forget like the formula with this but I’m just gonna go like uh I’ll put water here oh come on if I do right okay put water there are my seeds

Like so we’ll go get a lot more at least this will get this started yeah let me just go get that up right now and we’ll finish that make sure there’s not more seeds in here all shovels yeah nothing Grand there uh I can use these doors for the stable the post

Bones I’ll go and put that over headquarters all right about to get dark again we’re gonna head back you’re doing good Joey I think we are we’re making progress I don’t think it looks bad it doesn’t have to be like too crazy but yeah I’ll probably make a trip to

The nether uh I need more of that that fence so we’ll go do that um uh yeah I have some crap to put away That oh I have a lead too nice he dropped one of those deal probably need that for later yeah the the lead can go under tools for now I guess I’ll put that right there I’m gonna grab this dude to fill up those things eggs monster Parts got me some bone actually

I should make bone meal that’s what I should do what I should do for sure yeah I’ll grab like four more bones just to get that started uh I like to save a lot of my bones I’m gonna stick bones there our seeds are gonna be over here

And we can also use these seeds uh yeah I’ll just grab half of these that’s fine don’t need that many obviously but whatever yeah here I’ll put half back 16 should be enough I I need to get some sugar cane and like stuff like that as well uh pumpkin seeds

We’ll have different seeds but uh That this is almost done I think I need to fill these up Banana Bone meal trying to think um what’s this oh I can make a block of bone meal you know that’d be cool uh I have an interesting idea um to make like a skull but that’ll be for the castle probably like maybe the one of the main entrants possibly

Could put it on top of that stable you know if I get some skeleton horses that could be cool but uh okay I got my bone meal though put that away um do I have more like empty buckets in here uh no they’re filled with lava and I have fish

I mean I can make more buckets we have plenty of iron Or that Um Kind of in la la land because I’m like trying to think what else I want to do you know um was there anything else I wanted There you go gave me some trips you know we have plenty of buckets I’ll tell you what though I now thinking about it I should make more lanterns since I’m here Afternoon yeah trying to use all those nuggets so now we have 15 lanterns there we go we have plenty now okay I am using some iron but again we’ll get it back wait we almost have four full Stacks we’re pretty good right now uh Uh um Here I guess that’s all I’m gonna do uh let’s go to the how much space do I have let’s go to the nether real quick am I gonna stream all night oh you betcha is it still night outside well I’m going to the nether I don’t I don’t worry about it Um yeah I mean grab my sword in case I need it some of those flamer guys may arrive but yeah this is where oh you’re here I I didn’t know they can come in here so the uh we could also kill more of these fire guys I don’t feel like

[ __ ] with them right now I just want the uh fence let me see if I can easily get some here okay yeah there’s no fence over there it’s just those got yeah they still spawn through that that’s kind of crappy here I’ll kill this guy he’s gonna come after us oh bummer

Yeah this isn’t white as secure as I was hoping all right but I know I saw like oh come on let me try the other way because I think that way is hostile and there’s this bozo hey bro oh this is cute they’re coming through here too because

Oh yeah we never did destroy this I thought we did oh [ __ ] I need to destroy that one Oh come on oh did I destroy it I think I did There you go that had to go uh okay and there’s more uh fence all right I need to heal that was a lot of fighting off the bat I wasn’t really here for fighting but hey there these guys are here to kill okay he’s not coming for me Yeah we never did destroy that other because we don’t need two spawners you know I didn’t realize this uh oh [ __ ] Oh what where did you come from Okay Jesus Relentless right all right foreign Oh [ __ ] I don’t know why it feels like they’re doing more damage than normal okay regular skeleton I don’t care about wait are you serious another one apparently just shoot in and out come on hit that thank you oh he’s coming which he said right yeah I could block this off but

Yeah it’s good for you dude Whoa hey poisoned me okay I’ve gotten better against those guys this needs to seriously be more secure uh what do I oh there’s another guy uh give me anything right sure this there you go just to block them off my dick [Laughter] get off my penis please oh hey what hey what

Well I don’t care about the splash here oh I’m not picking up the nether brick either huh oh I picked up a little gold nugget kind of adorable um I’m gonna drop that for now that’s only one little nugget that’s not gonna change the world for me whatever Mr Skeletor dropped that problem

How much fence did I get uh 22 um that may be enough for what I need you know guys here let me kill Skeletor yeah there he is my dude come on bro he didn’t really drop anything foreign oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I asked for it didn’t I killed him

Jesus Christ is there another spawner I can’t see God damn you ah get out of here dude [ __ ] so many of them don’t kill him something broke by the way oh what [ __ ] I mean they’re coming for me aren’t they oh [ __ ] all right you eat again wow let me know when we can have a timeout Just wanted the fence nothing more [ __ ] [ __ ] Am I not picking it up again all right I mean I do want this uh what can I drop now honestly I don’t care about this more Nether Bricks I mean that’s nice right did I pick anything else kind of unique they didn’t drop any of their skulls uh

That’s gonna that’s what I was hoping for place is dangerous and then you you’re kind of distracting me um yeah I’m not going back over there okay oh my God look at that there must be another spawner I’m glad I destroyed this one over here the the other one by our portal

Which now I’m kind of like oh [ __ ] I’m tempted to like oh wow please four of yous come on not enough oh this is ridiculous look at them all hey Miss [ __ ] oh wow that was some fast using text all right we good he’s we have a time out here

Yeah this place isn’t quite secure I I kind of need to do a better job with this I’m actually about to destroy this uh I am tempted on destroying that because clearly they’re just spawning everywhere doesn’t seem to be an issue so uh because these guys are still kind of

Spawning out of here so I’m gonna go and just oh [ __ ] see what I’m saying I mean did I just get I got 13 more of these I say we destroy this I destroyed it I said [ __ ] that things need to calm down apparently there’s another one around here

So I’ll end up clearing this out we’ll probably make like a safe house out of this um yeah hopefully that’ll calm things down a little bit yeah see look at them they’re still spawning that’s why I did it I was like shoot yeah I guess I’ll kill more before I hit the road

We have a bunch of blaze rods though leveling up fast too I wonder if I should keep going until the sword break long I don’t know uh how many bricks can I carry uh quite a bit oh let me clean this up since that thing’s gone back I guess I’m at 47 yeah

Like since that room I’ll take some of these back with me oh wait there’s more fence up here sweet dude get this out of the way because this part doesn’t matter anymore yeah Network did that when we first arrived because yeah we had to secure this temporarily

And then I built this you know the farm but these guys are just coming relentlessly anyways so it’s like I’m not even worried about it anymore they’re coming out of their little age anyways um all right oh eat again definitely eat a lot uh so yeah we’re pretty good definitely got

Some stuff oh I still picked up that gold nugget oh got more um you know Nether Bricks I mean they’re all over the place uh we wanted the fence we got 27 that that’s probably enough to do our job so there’s more I know there’s a lot

More on this side but I don’t feel like I don’t feel like digging with these guys these guys have all the Ruckus let’s go ahead and leave definitely level up fast doing that though all right we are back you little bastard tickle your penis get away from me little [ __ ] foreign so

On some parts look at all these blaze rods baby and got more bones I’ll just make bone meal out of that sure Or why die yeah I want bone meal Just looking at my options here Okay I’ll put some of these Nether Bricks away for a future project because we’re not gonna go through all this we have some over there as well I’ll put those away um I’ll take the dirt with me still I think everything else is coming with uh not the arrows though

I have a little Cobblestone I could use that to craft stuff oh um Reds do I want to bring that with me not thinking about it maybe not right now um yeah I’m not gonna use those yet attention attention I’m getting on oh you’re getting on okay you want me to

Send you an invite Or else engine invite I’m in a safe spot right now and don’t lie you’re not on blind [ __ ] I need to sleep uh oh yeah I have this little gold nugget you take that one let’s put that right there I say I was getting on oh was getting on you’re not anymore that is that how it is oh there you are finally jeez it’s slow

All right you know I never did test this out you can’t use it for uh yeah so you can use it for this ones if I put this here make wall stairs okay that’s kind of cool I was kind of looking at it for funsies oh hey Robert what’s up buddy

I’m sure there’ll be a time I’ll I’ll utilize this okay I know I’m bsing a lot here don’t blame me blame Network all right buckets I have three buckets of water okay I was looking at my phone there Just chilling took a nap yeah I I woke up from a nap not super long ago what the [ __ ] Joey what do you mean what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] Network I’m leaving now bye why why are you leaving weirdo All right so get this started here can’t wait to get some wheat uh all right so we’ll also plant these too yeah we could do a full column here of um you know for wheat I forget the um a logic with uh the water like the how far it can go

Joey don’t make put shits on my wait what we talking about all right anyways I think Network’s app moment all right like that’s working out right yeah it looks like it’s starting to grow I could also use the the uh the bone meal and I may just to get some wheat

Uh this is probably big enough yeah I don’t want it to stick out too much further I mean this is definitely enough I think now I’m looking at this maybe I could go one more deep here you know uh and actually I should let’s do that

So I kind of made a boo-boo here sorry so we’ll fix this oh you’re talking about that oh huh yeah they’re known that’s what you’re talking about Oh I guess I should uh grab more seeds want want oh well whatever uh so I think the water reaches that far though Guys uh so let’s put water here oh wait no I’m a dumbass everything has to be nice and neat I’m weird like that there you go like that and then I have these seeds here so uh I wonder if I should make a trim here

Now looking at it is that like I said I’m a weirdo like that I could do that hey what’s up my home chicken oh he likes my seed yeah he wants he wants my seeds and his mouth yeah here actually let me fix this again Let’s uh here

Because again I’m kind of a weirdo I’m I’m kind of organizing the garden a bit Um Well look at that and then uh put the dirt back there what do you don’t get out of the way I’m [ __ ] I’ll put the water here and then uh I’ll go ahead and start planting these For now that’s all I have there um we’ll get more of those Yeah the wheat’s obviously pretty important and then uh let’s see here we got bone meal oh There we go I got more seeds oh oh you got me more seeds thank you I was wondering what you’re doing ah [ __ ] chicken [Laughter] thank you and not a bad start and then I could do it with this I guess um here that’s done right that’s gonna get me more of those seats yeah

All right so I’m good with these seeds there you go I was hoping to give me more seeds but there you go new food um okay so I have wheat at least I have something uh oh those cows aren’t here but when I see cows I’ll I’ll trap them oh that’s what

I forgot to grab [ __ ] dark wood I’m such an idiot whatever I knew I forgot something they always forget stuff man all right so there’s the door Uh I wonder if I should add it wouldn’t trim this just a little thing as they forgot the wood I’ll go get it stay here oh okay I don’t need a lot just the 164 of the the dark oak oh thank you that’s all don’t bring all of it just one uh stack

Hi Louise how you doing welcome to the Stream uh okay so since now I have more of this uh nether fence here kind of do what I want to do here so I should add this because it just has it looking nice oh yeah I’ll sleep

So I know this part’s unnecessary and I just kind of look right to me same with this you know I’m kind of wasting fence but it just kind of looks good like that makes sense just enough for this pretty much right I yeah I’m pretty much just enough

I was like don’t make me go back to the nether that’d be kind of funny how ridiculous at the same time I have like one extra oh man we have plenty of the regular bricks though a bunch of those that’s cool though I don’t think it

Looks bad I mean you know evil stable uh the I like I said I think this texture of the the wood is good I wish I could do a little more with it than just regular blocks but uh made them look terrible looks alright so sorry

It took me an hour and a half to do this part um but for now I I think it’s pretty done I’m not gonna worry about adding a fence to the back like that because that that looks okay since there’s a brick wall there yeah

Um I was he putting the wood in there oh yeah he has it and oh I didn’t want you to oh [ __ ] oh I didn’t want you to make planks [ __ ] I didn’t want you to bring all that okay well that’s all right it’s here now is what it is All right we’ll start with the stack of planks Uh all right so Oh if I want that texture wood okay yes that’s why I didn’t want you to make planks but that’s a I could use that for later um I shouldn’t need a lot like this little small spec I’m gonna run back like here you go that should be enough or actually what

I’ll do my math very well nope not doing my math very well grab half of that yeah so I mean I don’t know I wonder if I should have this Hangout kind of like this I mean maybe that’d be all right yeah again I wish I could do more with it um Foreign Foreign I shouldn’t do well on it I could always customize it later but I mean it’s a start oh and I have some wheat finally uh well I don’t want the little white sheet though he’s too innocent I need uh evil animals I’ll kill you if you’re wool I’ll need it later All right so this is growing slowly but surely um The rim is gonna go like right here right no those Marvels again it’s not gonna go here Um uh old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o Like I said I’ll put the water here uh future thing kind of getting it ready for later when we get more stuff to plant but uh you know it’s something start foreign don’t kill him okay all right cool at least got that started all right where’s my Wii

Eat more Wheat by the way I have the wheat yum come here oh good two cows perfect oh yeah I need to make another fence all right come on guys I guess you’ll go like over here sure you can fit oh Hold on there we go Joey come here no I’m busy one sec there I don’t need more weave for them than me but then we got them all right uh I don’t know if I want chickens um what’s up I didn’t want you to bring all uh

I didn’t want you to bring all of it I’ll put it back but I will say this um need playing wait where’d the planks go I can make some he had plank they go you know and then uh need one just one Playing Oh weird no BK today and no stomach ache yeah PK is bad for you oh yeah he put him there uh well I’ll keep some of this here I’m gonna send some of that back cause I want this space for other things Um okay it’s a start may have to try to hunt for um For some stand make some glass we could turn this into like a glass house I wonder if you can add Moss to the glass I don’t know Hold up I thought you were near a bed what are you doing pillar oh oh oh really they’ve been they’ve been showing themselves a lot here I’ll kill them where they at get another Banner where’s the pillagers I don’t see them I think you’re making it up all right foreign

I’ve been seeing villagers show themselves a lot actually a couple times off camera and then uh a couple times while streaming so no they’ve been appearing a bunch they ran yeah they knew I was coming they didn’t want none of this they didn’t want none of this

All right so we got our stable um hmm yeah we could turn this into like a greenhouse that could be good that’s good this wheat is growing watch my wheat grow oh wait did that not give me wheat like [ __ ] All right fine here foreign no that was an accident uh oh you’re gonna chop some down oh okay oh so you’re gonna refill that chest I I got you oh you’re fine I mean it’s fine I was just like oh I don’t need all of that

In the future I will not right now okay yeah I just wanted a little wheat um there’s another cow I’ll kill him though let me see if I can find me like a a black sheep eventually I’ll probably make a probably do that later I’ll save the bone meal I suppose just

For now I’ve been seeing a bunch of uh Black Sheep you know or gray one of the two will work you know I think black would be better because they look the most evil you know oh yeah you are chopping trees cool another cow yeah that’s cheap

Can’t wait to find a skeleton horse That’ll be amazing all right yeah I need to put [ __ ] away I don’t need seeds on me I’ll put these away put that away so the the beat that’ll make me red dye that’s what I’ll use it for for now I can make red wool

Yeah go ahead I don’t have any red wool yet so add to deflection here I gotta make some some red wool sure I also make a red banner change it back to White that’d be funny foreign Thinking what I want to do next um oh it’s kind of cleaning my inventory a bit better I put this away uh I’ll go ahead and fill these now let’s put the buckets away I’m done with them for right now I may go caving um

If I do then maybe I’ll take one with me or I could go ahead and start working on the stairs just for now I mean this episode’s about the courtyard we got the stable um be cool to get a skeleton horse um I’m hoping that’ll just happen naturally a little bit I think there’s another brick I’ll just put away because we still have some in the other chest here that was an accident Just thinking what to bring with me it’s kind of like I’ll probably need more I don’t have an ax that bro have probably still need shovels they’re all going to make the shovels and I’m at out of sticks I’m out of sticks aren’t I oh my God add sticks uh yeah so if I need more shovels I can make more shovels I know I still have an ax I’m blind as a bat all right so let me see here I know I’ll be using the shovels

There’s my shovel the bone meal I’ll store over at the stable same with this fence may use it in the future in that area so I said I was going to make also um a graveyard I could start on that may do that hey guys I’m gonna go get some coffee real fast

At least I’m in a safe spot I will be right back BRB foreign all right sorry about that guys need a quick little break Let Me Go a neat uh sorry Network I don’t know if it’s still dark oh I was away I thought you were trying to sleep

Oh yeah he’s still in bed okay sorry about that um uh so you’re right okay so uh for the graveyard we’re gonna use regular cobblestone let me experiment with this let me grab that grab that and I’ll just grab a stack of this just to see um

I wish I had the Moss over here I wonder if I can Moss the stairs as well I don’t need too many of them maybe like that I think that’s all I’m going to take with me uh Yeah it’s just the go for now Yeah sorry I’m kind of upset I uh I’m always contemplating on what I want to do but uh probably gonna start working on the stairs after the graveyard Amanda going mining get more of that Moss as well you need to create some merch oh see here’s my problem if I ever like

Tried to sell you guys merch I wanna I wanna make sure it’s good merch not like garbage you know I don’t want to be that kind of YouTuber you know it just sells you trash I think I’m gonna need this wood here too that’s what I forgot because I was gonna make signs I mean I could go with dark signs that’s a good question if I should go dark or light sign huh by the lighter signs you know because you could see it better

Anyways let me grab the Moss yeah I think we’ll turn this into a greenhouse so I’m gonna have to get glass that may be later on at least we got it started I’ll have to get some pumpkin seeds and stuff um I would think ducky would have some because she probably found pumpkins

Somewhere and she carved this I don’t think they were like that so whenever she gets on yeah they’re all jack-o-lanterns I wonder where she got him uh so there’s our Moss then here’s some uh brick Moss but we want to use Cobble so because it’s you know tombstones so I cannot

Moss the stairs darn um e I was really hoping I can Moss the the stairs you know what I’m saying Um would just have to be regular Cobble let me experiment here because I also have plenty of uh Moss carpet hear me a little test run here because what I was thinking because you gotta I mean this is Castlevania so there’s got to be a graveyard and you know graveyard

Probably would be near the courtyard I mean it could be outside the courtyard but we’ll we’ll do it over here because we have plenty of room and then that other thing you involved I was talking about I need to Google that see what it was called

Uh probably put it around here we have room I like how I have this tree here I think this tree is fine hey Piggy uh so but also I I mean actually I could put the because there’s more space over here maybe I should put that thing in a bob

Right over here and then actually the Tombstones over here maybe that makes a little more sense so uh gonna experiment so I was gonna do whoa that was weird like glitched it’s been a little laggy at times I don’t know what that’s about wasn’t before I was thinking something like that but see

This would have all her uh oh okay and gotta stand it up okay oh see you see what I was getting at but um it’s a shame I can’t okay oh so I’m gonna have to just use regular bubble I think try another well let me try this let me try another

Experiment so out of the way big but do that right and then do that it still does that no matter what so probably dude how’s how’s that carpet look see it would cover it all up though okay oh let’s figure out how I’m gonna use that carpet uh all right well

I was thinking of something that’s not gonna work so probably what I’m gonna have to do well here why don’t I do it like this actually wait a minute if I do that yeah so I think stairs are out of the question still we’ll do that

See I could do it the other way around but see the reason why I kind of want to use the bigger block because at least I could add Moss to it you know I don’t want it to stick out like that because that’s a little too much for a tombstone

That’s kind of the bummer of it um Then if I could cheat the system so then it would look like a slap but it’s not and then it would have moss on it yeah I wish you could Moss these but you can’t that that’s a bummer and if I just put it here

Do you want it to stick out a bit you know Oh that seems to be a little too tall that’s where that can yeah at least that gives that the right height yeah again like I said that that’s the only thing it’s missing it should have some Moss does that would look kind of cool you need a raging Robin shirt that’s

Funny oh hey welcome to the Stream rage Robin sure I guess I’ll just do it like that and then I’ll I’ll add a sign ah I guess that’s all there is to it like that yeah see I wish I could add Moss to that it’s so silly I can’t add Moss to the

Or wait a minute or wait a minute maybe I’m being an idiot well let me um let me go ahead and Moss a cobblestone right maybe I have to do that first okay well now I can make moss walls Oh no I can oh okay I’m thinking of it backwards that makes sense oh I can yeah I’m a Fool ignore me Okay so I can because I think that looked better it’d make more sense I’m gonna need more Moss okay sweet no that yeah you can I think too ahead of myself okay so yeah fix this I would happen to make just two gravestones for now so there you go see

That looks a little better to me uh okay now let’s see here oh I’ll probably do like four of them not too many um yeah something like that I don’t know if I should space it a little more but you guys need more Moss uh and now I you know the lantern

We can add Lantern here too uh Soul lanterns would be better but I don’t have those yet uh another thing is you know we have the jack-o-lanterns so I don’t know why don’t the don’t those light up I guess they don’t I don’t know but um

Or maybe they do you have to put a torch but uh this would look better I think you could do something like that Maybe it needs to go back here like a little farther back yeah maybe like that I guess I don’t know Something like that but yeah we’ll add some of those and then um we can make some signs Where’s my sign yeah so I’m trying to think if I’d rather go dark or light I think light just so you can see it better and then let’s make like a makeup whatever uh so I could put that there and uh we could put we can make up names so how about like Oh here let’s go space how about Patrick come hands rest in peace Patrick come here Oh hold on I need to go back edit It okay Rest in peace Patrick come hands we’re gonna this is like Madden players [Laughter] Only people that have been a subscriber for all these years would know who these characters are look at you come hands there you go rest in peace Patrick come hands You think that sign is uh where it needs to be I think that looks fine actually I think that looks good okay Rest in peace um Sony defaggish I hope they don’t block this uh that’s gonna be interesting thing to do let’s see bag Itch hopefully I can get away with this at that let’s see if I can get away with it let’s see they will not block it the rest in peace Sonny to faggish okay and we just need to get more uh I like how that looks actually grab the pumpkin here This is just me having a little fun now You’ll have to get more of the pumpkins and this is just a way to add light I mean lanterns near like a graveyard that kind of makes sense so yeah I just need more Moss here let’s go get moss real fast maybe Network’s doing that for me I don’t know

Oh no he’s over there you have Moss no you don’t have no what the [ __ ] I thought it was funny kill these sheep give me the wool I’m really looking for the the black ones that’s why I’m holding on to the wheat black or gray to put in the stable because those are

Evil looking not these white ones inflamed they don’t they don’t match you know now you guys be nice or I may say rest in peace like so and so rest in peace so and so all right go get some Moss how much space do I have I’m actually kind of full

Yes there’s monstrous right here beautiful thing oh peace okay I gotta be careful uh oh yeah oh I have dirt here here so I don’t fall okay dang it mama I I don’t need a lot I have eight I mean that’s really all I need um foreign

About to make stairs leading down to that yeah we haven’t been down there yet um I wonder where ducky got those uh Oh you know what though hold on though another thing did I uh hold on to a bucket I put them all away darn I better go capture uh one of these things Um okay now you know what I need for that I know what I need for that um I know I need to harvest this Let’s grab Moss right now though I’m glad like we’re we’re near all this great resources you know beautiful thing but yeah these Vines uh I think there is a way to get that but I need uh whatchamacallit I’m moving into the Mansion are you that’s cool

Yeah cause I could put these along the walls and stuff that’ll be nice okay I’m already full I picked this up huh are those just regular seeds probably has a bunch of crap on me all right we’ll just head back I guess I’ll grab these though

I don’t know what I’ll use those for yet oh yeah like all these Vines and stuff yeah I’ll have use for that way too how much play do I have yeah almost a full stack I’m about to leave just here for a stack uh It gives me four out of time all right one more all right let’s go All right so to get out of here I get lost so easily hold on yeah we gotta open this up What helps is all this cobblestone foreign Oh is it already dark uh do you have a bed you don’t even have a bed in here you don’t have a bed in your house that works [ __ ] I think if you have different speeds You need to organize your stuff no seed laughs Oh see all right all right I’m coming I was uh mining some Moss I thought you’d have a bed in your house you not what’s wrong with you move in PS5 or PS4 play with you I I think so yeah how can I join Um well right now I’m not trying to add too many people to this world right now it’s just the three I mean I trust you David uh for sure right now I’m just keeping it you know just a few people just for now you know that was a problem with the last series

You know because then you know I start adding too many people you get this One Bad Apple or two bad apples rather I think it’s really one I think it was the same person on a different account but it’s okay So now since I have some moss on me beautiful thing um I make I don’t want to use all my Moss up uh yeah I’ll go with 17 Moss Cobble that’s fine That’ll probably do the job for sure uh I think that’s all I care about for now so I picked up this other stuff and that could go Hmm interesting I almost have a full stack of leather I see I’m pretty much taking all this with me store it in the other chest we have those barrels too that’ll store stuff and that’s probably what I’ll do Okay that’s cool I’ll join another time yeah I’ll I’ll definitely invite you in the future for sure We play that’s what that clay do its thing but way food away Yeah I think I’m just ready to move on yeah the garden will have to go back to uh we’ll have to find more seeds let me double check did ducky put anything in here like seeds oh she did add stuff in here that was like I cleaned her inventory up

Oh she got some obsidian that’s cool them emeralds uh I was hoping she would have like normal she made some flower pots or she probably Harvest that um and then she got that yeah I remember she showed me that it was kind of cool but uh okay and then yeah these are rare

Apparently totem of an undying what was that mean does that like bring you back from the dead I mean that’s pretty cool so I don’t want to touch those since she found those golden pickaxe yeah she found that one it’s probably the same with the hose huh

Well I was hoping she would have pumpkin seed that’s why I was snooping because I would take that don’t be mad at me I’ll repay Joey is your fantasy team ready for week two you know it actually is um that house is for sale oh your mind that’s funny nah

Fine you know you should turn that Mansion into like a an end since this is like Transylvania it kind of looks good to be like a Transylvania like in or you know like an inn up pretty much all the above But anyways let’s see What was in here nothing really right yeah I may use that dirt later I’m glad that dirt’s there uh all right yeah I’m kind of obsessed with this so don’t judge me oh I forgot to put the wall away that’s what I forgot damn it oh well All right so Oh you gotta go oh Take Care Network thank you all right so this is gonna be rest in oh rest in peace Brett Rowley oh yeah I was kidding how about uh let’s see we have Sony the faggish we have Patrick come hands let’s go uh rest in peace um

Oh yeah dick breath Junior he’s a classic can’t forget him dick breath Junior all right all right oh they’re gonna block dick oh well I’ll try [ __ ] let me see if they block [ __ ] as well they probably will yeah so here we gotta edit all this the new dick breath Junior maybe that’s

For the best uh make butt sex should be fine so um Ronnie mcbutt sex he’s a classic rest in peace Ronnie make butt sex that should be fine yeah they don’t care about that so there you go so uh what what other Classics are there that they

Won’t block so we have Patrick come hands no need to faggish it’s a Dracula he killed all these guys uh Ronnie mcbutt sex and more wool for me take it I’m still looking for a black sheep all right so rest rest in peace oh my God

I’m trying to think who who hasn’t been included yet I don’t think y’all want your names on here here’s a shout out to rest in peace so and so you know what this is called raging Robbins Easter egg so for those that have followed the channel for years

You know who these characters are you’re gonna be like I know who Ronnie mcbutt sex is ah jeez I mean I’ll be a part of it you want your name on here [Laughter] you know what if you guys want your name on here all right Zachary you asked for it buddy

Oh marijuana majetti oh that’s a good one I forgot about him yeah marijuana majetti marijuana majetti I always wonder if I’m saying this last name right I always called it majetti probably close there you go that’s a good one network I forgot I can’t believe I forgot about

Marijuana majetti and you know what I was wondering if they would block marijuana they did not block it there there you go arrested definitely rest in peace marijuana majetti oh there’s Rexy sexy too can’t forget about him Rexy sexy or me Trey and [ __ ] him remember that guy that guy balls

This is actually kind of fun It’s like the little things in Minecraft that’s a lot of fun to me our graveyard now uh ducky she’s new to the channel so she’s gonna look at this and be like who the [ __ ] is marijuana majetti Sonny defaggish what Patrick come hands who are these people oh man

It’s already dark again man actually it’s kind of good to see what the lighting looks like but uh I mean this is getting pretty well lit uh the lanterns seem to be doing a good job like this is pretty well lit over here I like kind of the lighting over here

It looks good I think um may seem like I’m wasting the pumpkins a bit but I don’t know it kind of It kind of works I think uh I made more pumpkins we still have a couple more pumpkin I wish she was here to tell me where she I can ask her where

She got him and grab this pumpkin if I have room and do not have room I’ll make room actually I’m gonna make Yeah she’s gonna hate me I’m just gonna grab all these pumpkins I wish I didn’t carve all of them so I can get pumpkin seeds for the garden Mickey Mick come in my bun my bum is coming no I don’t know about that it just doesn’t like roll off the tongue very well Look oh Jesus all right who wants to take part of this here I’m gonna go and sleep so I don’t get Bush whacked while I’m doing this [ __ ] monsters that creeper probably won’t go away it’s nice that these sheep keep responding here but how about a black one you want a black one I will add you Zachary yeah I think like all the make-believe characters I I think that’s good enough I mean we can still make room over here it doesn’t take a lot of room all right so I’m gonna add you rest in peace Zachary and I’m hoping I’m spelling your

Name right because I know Zachary spelled so many ways you spell it actually I think that’s how you spell it right it’s nice that it kind of saves it is it a is it h-a-r-y I want to make sure I spell your name right It’s Halloween in real life you bet welcome to the channel That how you uh I just want to make sure it’s spelled right yep that’s right okay cool yeah Zachary can be spelled so many ways uh all right Zachary same with Springer really your name’s unique in that regards it could be spelled so many ways there you go

Rest in P Zachary Springer guys what did you do to poor Zachary because I have one more pumpkin here so I’ll go I’ll do another uh Tombstone sure this is kind of fun I still have plenty of room for the thing Bob oops [ __ ] that up has to be the other

Way around or if that’s a work all right cool all right so rest in peace I mean these this is an Easter egg oh you’re welcome I can’t use [ __ ] breath Junior because they’ll block or dick breath Junior they’ll block the dick and the [ __ ] the [ __ ] they’re cool with Um Uh rest in peace I should say ducky Scully AKA ducky she probably like what the [ __ ] oh geez this is probably the last one just for now at least we’ve got the graveyard started um kind of funny rest in peace oh yeah okay you do want to be a part of this okay

All right Brett you got it you’re dead dude Brett rally I guess Nick’s not here right now let’s see if he wants to be a part of this and leave a comment if you watch this later and you were like I want to die I want to die there we go Oh my God I I’m almost concerned if I’m gonna have enough room I’m gonna have so many people wanting to die in this game this graveyard’s gonna be a [ __ ] huge son of a [ __ ] all right oh more uh definitely getting a lot of white wool how about the other sheep

Okay so that that’s cool we got this started uh pretty nice not too shabby here I’ll go ahead and set these since I have it in my inventory just use it up And then the signs I’ll just worry about later uh did I use all the signs I did for now and we can make more later not a big deal I’m just putting these down All right yeah we’ll need more pumpkins the pumpkins could be unnecessary but I mean this is a graveyard I don’t know with their scary face it kind of worked you know yeah I think it turned out pretty good I mean it’s funny it’s an Easter egg you know I probably should have

Made a bigger space for this though all right so Um over here it was gonna be like that theme of Bob and I think I was going to use regular bricks I don’t know about moss though I mean I could go with moss bricks Well that’s another cow Huh no these animals keep coming all right so what do I have in here I have 12 Moss bricks uh I’ve been doing this for over two and a half hours we’re getting kind of close to done with the um the courtyard kinda I mean I need

Glass we’ll we’ll turn that you know the garden into a glass house But uh yeah that’s kind of the only thing we would do is like glass to make this a glass house I need to get more seeds so in time this will get done and uh I don’t know if I’ll go with the dark oak wood for the uh the trim or um

Find that uh what’s it called a bath salt wood which actually would be better if I look nicer um but yeah kind of like other than that this would be done hmm and then uh later on I’ll try to get some Vines and stuff kind of add Vines

To the walls here you know what I mean just to give it kind of like that old Castlevania texture I think it’s starting out pretty good I don’t think it looks bad I mean the stable I feel like could have looked better but at the same time I don’t

Think it looks awful it doesn’t have to be like too fancy I mean it’s just a stable it’ll look good when we get some bone like skeleton horses that’ll be awesome Yeah not bad all right well anyways I’m just kind of goofing off here let me um art store and stuff ah we have this too oh and later on when I get enough weed I’ll make a straw which I could probably go ahead and do but I didn’t realize you could store

Stuff in these barrels that’s pretty awesome here I’ll store it like right here and hopefully I don’t forget but we’ll put this here the bone meal for now uh I mean you almost want to take this back to uh headquarters here I’ll put the the hoe there I’m not

Using the hoe for now Well this will be for the garden so yeah we’ll just put all that there Carpet I’ll go and put the chains there I was wondering if I was gonna use those for this area maybe not um uh for fence yeah guns for this wood throw that there and uh yeah I guess the lanterns can go here for now too okay

Yeah I just like I said just trying to free up some space that’s cool I didn’t realize you could store stuff here never messed with those before that’s cool and what does it take to make straw or hay straw hay same thing uh if I can find it

Oh you can yeah so those Jack learns just didn’t have a torch in them but uh with the Lantern on top I think that’s better tough game just started oh yeah Minecraft’s hard at first especially if you’re kind of new at it it can be pretty brutal but once you kind of have

Things down you get going it’s not too bad I think it’s funny like this game’s Innocent but it is kind of difficult to be fair I’m gonna go and make more of these signs to put away for the graveyard in the future and I gotta make some torches have another stack here and Said I was gonna look up let me is it gonna be hey there it is it is hey so it takes just nine weeks for hay bale oh okay that’s what I was kind of curious about yeah and that’s not a big deal it’s like

Just a little touch in this uh shed a couple bales of hay so that’s like in time sort of thing not a big deal so yeah if we wanted those jack-o-lanterns to light up we just put a torch in them no big deal but um I think it looks okay like that

You know that may be too much lighting I don’t know go and sleep you can always change it Any hints um my it’s hard to explain because I’m still a novice at this game but you could watch episode one of this series to get an idea on what to do oh [ __ ] Enderman If I can make one bale of hay right now Guess those others were out ready no didn’t get weed at it I guess it wasn’t ready my bad oh well uh Feeds away Yo I’ll put the weed away no I’m you know what I’m gonna hold on to it because if I do find a black sheep or something of my liking I’ll use this um I’ll put the wool away I don’t feel like making a field trip back right now

Um yeah so I’ll put the Cobblestone away leather away I’m just gonna focus on working on probably the stairs I know that’s a lot of different crap in there just for now but we have all this so okay what was I gonna let me look at uh I was gonna do this first

We’re gonna make stairs like kind of going up and it’s gonna kind of turn this way this is like the direction to get to the castle they’re like yeah this is just the courtyard for those of you tuning in that’s all this is but uh Oh craps it’s like Foreign The ground or the tile the tile change A little bit after just right now all right yeah it’s got to work my way up here oops nailed it okay clean this up a little bit [Applause] and then we’ll fix this we’ll make that a road um yeah probably about this easier just to kind of tear this down real quick [Applause]

[Applause] so uh and also have another idea too I am gonna want this well okay once I kind of get it started it’ll look good um because this will be like a road and then it’ll lead up and then this way the right side that’s going to lead to

The castle and then the left could be leading to something else like a future thing I don’t know you know make a big world out of this so uh all right we’re leaving the courtyard and probably start probably right probably worth this and we’ll start making stairs going up [Applause] [Applause] wow [Applause]

Another cow and I’ll kill you but [Applause] I want to keep going up Right now looking good probably about this I want to make sure I’m going reasonably high up I mean I could start this way sure where should I go up one more I’d have to chop these trees down uh we can go up one more kind of like that that’s going up

Now this is where we want to start flattening this out we’re gonna kind of curve this way I think foreign [Applause] about to be dark um oh thunderstorm oh [ __ ] yeah I’ve heard like like a six percent chance of skeleton horse would appear I should have looked around

But just see if I got lucky I’ve been like a miracle I don’t have a saddle though so it’s kind of like it wouldn’t matter so much like I don’t got stuff up The Cobble away for now now these stairs may need to use normal stairs if I’m gonna make that work Yeah this is the way it is Yeah that’s not good but what I can do the least kind of fix this Foreign Oh I think I lost the leather oh well I have plenty of it uh so there’s more leather there they just keep spawning yeah I also put this away for now um so I’ll have to get more of this and make stairs oh but uh how I was gonna do it

Was like make normal like Road up here and then when you turn this way this is where it’ll change the like deep slate because uh you’re kind of start heading to where the castle is Thank you The road is like up here [Applause] [Applause] Thank you [Applause] foreign Foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] Okay so The road is up here and then knees are just planting the Deep slate so like here I’m gonna drop this like pick what’s up clean it up this shovel’s about to break uh don’t worry I don’t I think once we kind of get it started we shouldn’t have to do as much shoveling just kind of this beginning part kind of setting the boundaries He says you [ __ ] Enderman piece of [ __ ] about to fight him if you don’t watch it scares [ __ ] at me man right in front of me all right so we use the yeah I think we’ll use the uh a question oh what’s the question now I’m just trying to think if I should

Go with I’m about to fight him for real I I don’t have a sword though excuse my pickaxe thinking about it he wants a piece of this Uh so yeah tile or he played can I join your world please um unfortunately not right now I mean I probably should just use the Cobble make sense yeah she just go with I will not aisle yeah just go with the Cobble Joey that makes sense okay again the road’s Gonna Leave up here and right around here is where it’s like all right we’re gonna start heading to the castle

Area So it’s Gonna Change Road color you know Foreign Probably not like again the road is leading up here this could be uh oh I see why I would though because we’re gonna make uh like a wall so yeah I don’t think I did answer how am I looking in fantasy this week uh actually very good I had Hawkinson he gave me like over 22 points I don’t think I answered that question my mind was off all right so I need to start planning on going up

So in order to do that okay let’s just start fresh though kind of clean this up a bit [Applause] oh I think it’s getting dark again all right go ahead and sleep yeah I hear monsters already I thought it was night about to turn night come on now You know I will go and store this wheat while I’m here too hurry up space but I don’t think I’m gonna eat black sheep where I am or that and uh I’m gonna use the dirt I don’t think I need this Just so we can kind of pick up that other stuff And now I’m thinking about it I wonder if I should have just made this all uh you know I may just change this all to deep slate instead because that would make sense you [ __ ] prick he came out of nowhere Faster oh you damaged a little of this huh [ __ ] off Oh he blew all that up I didn’t realize that oh what a [ __ ] licker I didn’t realize that That’s actually there you go okay make some stairs Oh after let me put this away though first since I changed my mind with that Cobble I’ll probably use the dirt though Oh I also need a walls so let’s go ahead and polish some uh that I probably go tile Not brick that would probably make because yeah it should look different than the brick wall yeah a goat tile and we’ll make this uh don’t want the brick aisle or the wall we want the aisle let’s just make a bunch of those yeah but with that foreign All right now Really dude foreign work Okay so up here it’s nice to have a couple trees here uh they’re not in the way so yeah we’re gonna start it’s gonna be like a Stairway working up and uh um I don’t like it this time I don’t need no monster push whacking me

I know what I’m thinking foreign [Applause] Foreign that up a little bit okay yes foreign I won’t fully block this part off yet um but I should fill this in or something not yeah hole there thank you foreign foreign lanterns here probably what I’ll do um need to eat but uh yeah something like that

So it doesn’t need to be this I don’t think it looks good like that because you’re not like oh you you can jump off of that okay I feel like it’s hard you fill this in now oh so that was just for now filling that in

All right so yeah we got the stairs and now we’re going this way so for those of you tuned in uh this is gonna be a Castlevania World though down here is like the courtyard and then this is going to be like a big long stairway leading to the castle obviously the

Castle is going to be pretty high up so this this road is probably gonna zigzag to the castle and uh right now dark again silly only at night yeah that’s night isn’t it here let me grab the wall I guess still looking for a black sheep That was a store of this here for now um uh how store this wood oh wait was he gray I got gray wool random this one’s almost full yeah when I’m ready I’ll go back to headquarters and drop this stuff off but uh not for now How do I get health and how do I build a box to store stuff in uh it’s pretty much trees uh so you know just get like you can use your hands but if you can make an ax that’d be faster just just chop down trees

Okay first thing you need to do David is make one of these a uh workbench or whatever it’s called And then you just go from there you can look through everything you know it’ll tell you I mean that’s that’s how you start As far as food just kill animals you want to make a furnace so you can cook it so you get a little more Health out of it all right so let’s see here one two yeah I think this only needs to be that I also make this I’m thinking how

Wide I should make this you know I shouldn’t have to worry about going super crazy I mean two I think two like blocks is is you know deep enough although I think three is better yeah I’m gonna go three actually so let’s go ahead and turn this into uh deep sleep Foreign Right yeah here is like to be continued and now since I’m doing it like that here let me get this crap off my wall Okay cleaning this up All right so I think right around here is where I was gonna start going upstairs here uh this is where the dirt comes in If I’m gonna do it like that here just build a thin I know I like just shoveled all this but actually looking at this structure yeah we’re gonna start going up so I shouldn’t have to shovel as much hopefully that’s fine kind of gets this dirt out of my inventory fine

I’m gonna make stick that’s upstairs yeah and I guess I’ll use normal stairs uh probably easier I mean this is just the road when we make a tower we’ll use the uh slabs but for this uh it may be easier do it this way All right and then we’re gonna go up oh actually this needs to be we want to block that off [Applause] All right oh this dirt here’s challenge Yeah come on now we all get in there get the restaurant covered up all right [Applause] we’d be working a bit emu there I think I’m out of shovels but uh that’s okay I don’t think we’ll be doing a lot of digging now because we’re kind of working our way here [Applause] Oops [Applause] I don’t need to shuffle that Foreign What do I have on me well wait I [ __ ] this up right uh I think I [ __ ] that upload yeah I did okay I did here just for now I think through yeah [ __ ] that part up sorry that up a bit yeah [ __ ] I did this or no I did yes I did

I’m such a fool you know uh wait a minute so all this is right it’s the other way around okay yeah a goofed so hold on let me fix this that’s the not look stupid all right yeah I see where I I made a boo-boo yeah because right here there was

Supposed to be of a brick that there you go see that makes that’s already dark all right Overlook that okay watch out for those creepers LOL I know right damn creepers don’t want to [ __ ] with me my my uh helmet’s getting close to gone all right so yeah sorry about this part

Right here guys had a little brain fart apparently fix it easy fix happens to the best fix that uh there you go that’s man’s better um this tree is gonna have to go how do I get Oak planks uh the uh workbench will tell you everything issues would you’ll say you’ll say

Uh so I don’t think we’re gonna go another high up okay get the crap out of my way get kind of a good look at this environment I just saw that it was kind of high so I was like all right this is how we can

And it gets higher on this side so what I’m thinking is like yeah we’re going up this way right and then we can see the uh the courtyard from up here right and we’ll even get a better view as we go higher and higher so what I’m thinking is we’re gonna go

Up you know this way uh we’ll probably make maybe more stairs that go up this way right now this sucks that this isn’t just a big fat Mountain I mean this part doesn’t matter so I could make a bridge go this way and then make the U-turn or

I just do it right here I guess so like yeah we’re going this way and then we’ll make a U-turn right because it’s going higher this way that’s tree not all the way dead not here let me try to kill that [ __ ] thing I don’t know all right get rid of this

I guess Network started on it but he didn’t finish the job he didn’t finish killing it all right yeah this thing’s dying now oh come on make sure that dies all right so yeah we can go up this way right and then we’re going up then we can make another turn this way

And then we can do the same thing again see what I mean it looks like uh this is going a little higher this way and pretty much back there is probably where the castle will be so from a a distance from the um the courtyard and that kind of makes sense essentially

Doesn’t have to be super far I mean you don’t want it super far but uh yeah okay now I I should grab shovels because this is gonna get ridonculous a little bit and uh probably a good chance to go to base real fast just to drop some of this

Off uh so if I’m gonna do that just uh you know what I mean push [ __ ] away here let me put this back real quick just for now we’ll be back for it yeah all this stuff we’re gonna take back to base uh this and all the stuff we stored in here

Get rid of it keep things organized now this stuff can stay yeah all this this can go back that that I’ll keep the wheat here keep those there okay Yeah keep that there uh wait what was in this chest to take back Well this this wood this wood doesn’t need to be here I like to free up some of the space For uh future projects more deep sleep really put that away I’ll take planks I guess all right at least that frees up some spot uh space there Yeah like I said all that we can just store oh I’ll keep that wood there that’s fine that’s how I am man yeah there’s those shovels and then uh there are all stores that are back to headquarters they have a lot of dirt into a lot of shoveling Oh yeah that’s a good point uh Katie yeah I know I’m a little slow at this you know Eventually I’ll go back and work on this I I think this Mansion would be great for and that saves a lot of time on building I think this should be an in slash Pub and it kind of fits a Transylvania theme you know the dark wood and Cobblestone it actually kind of works And this is just like headquarters but you know it could be whatever it could be the treat as a mind Um I like how like when you walk away it stops doing this I always hated that I wish they fixed that Or um Uh charcoal I couldn’t do that okay But I’m a level 30 I want to see about enchanting something I need to kind of mine from more diamonds soon diamonds haven’t been a big deal right now I’m glad I’m getting a bunch of wool oh actually I think Network took some of it

Unless that was me and maybe it was me actually you know what that was me it wasn’t him that’s right because I made this bad memory oh boy So I see what he means It’s good that we have all this wood uh it’s a good problem to have you know That’s a great problem to have Hmm A great problem that’s the junk aisle it does like miscellaneous stuff like this this is getting I think pretty full I can only sort out the bricks if if this you know gets a little more out of control and it may oh I have a piece of leather

All right it’s gonna be about time to sleep food actually here go and fill that up that up built that up that Clay is getting there takes long enough shark hole’s good to go there you go this is like getting some then these are good put away this clay

And now and now I’m kind of looking at it you know what here let’s uh let me grab more of this wood we’ll we’ll make more charcoal I mean why not we have a lot of wood I’m I’m keeping I’m staying up to date with this stuff you know so uh yeah

We have a lot of food all right I don’t feel like waiting on this the clay definitely takes a minute all right let’s go move on I don’t think I’m taking anything with me is it dark already yep oh no no no no no no Oh wait actually I’m a Fool might as well take some of the deep slate here so we’re gonna go through a lot and that’s why I made mine soon just to stay up to date but here just take it from here yeah like dude in fact I’ll take all this

This is gonna end up being something else uh we have this too this is like the normal deep slate because of the that one pickaxe with the silk touch I won’t touch those right now anyone’s had some tile here I’ll take those we’re gonna use those I think

Uh make uh walls out of them and I need a couple shovel just like two of them not too many remember the last time you left that door open in there I know Freaking Creeper man he invited himself in man all these white sheep where are the where’s the black sheeps at

Must be more rare or something I don’t have the weed on me but I’d go grab it if I see it if I see that Little Bo Peep definitely want that skeleton horse that’s gonna be great I need sand make glass for the greenhouse they’ll need to make that theme a bob

Forget what that’s called I don’t even know why I made shovels because network has a you know that uh chest full of shovels whatever though it really doesn’t matter I think I’m gonna need those bricks too so grab that grab that let’s grab the stairs Yeah even though we have a lot of deep slate we’re gonna go through this a lot let me tell you I’m gonna go through it ah that’s pretty much all I need though for a building my uh Foreign Oh that that’s a good point that’s a good point I feel like that’s too much trouble I’m better off just waiting be patient for a black sheep I mean I’ve been seeing them just not when I want them kind of funny to me all right so it’s best

Right this seems to be a good height That was an accident Okay I’ll clean that up I don’t know when we’ll like start on the castle it’ll definitely be further out but it’s good to kind of get this started that’s gonna lead to the castle you know kind of the boring stuff a little bit oops Nailed it oh he made it oh that’s a chicken that was baby sheep but yeah see like a good view to the um or yard not too bad well it’ll look better too we’ll add some Vines and stuff all right so um foreign Thank you I make more Cobble stairs that’s something I didn’t do want foreign And we’re still gonna since I don’t have to do all this digging we’ll still go up all right [Applause] foreign Around here we make that U-turn hey buddy but Mr Dick knows you you want to pull my nose I can’t believe I got a more stairs um we’re probably gonna match this right here yeah I’m gonna actually need more dirt okay this eye I’m just making sure I don’t do uh extra unnecessary work but yeah I need to go to sleep that’s good I need more dirt and uh

Oh I missed this yeah I need to get some shears oh hi doggy oh bones on me right now be nice to get me a doggy I’ve always wanted a doggy oh yeah I don’t want these seeds get these seeds out of my how are you doing with that please

Hopefully there’ll be enough stairs I don’t think I’m gonna go through a crapload of them uh the tile walls are definitely fine okay all right yeah probably around here and uh you know this would probably be a good high well you’ll say I know because now I can probably go deep slate here

Or do I want to go one more High I could with that dirt there I should I don’t have enough dirt since when you yeah and then from here then we’re gonna yeah good foreign Yeah I could stop probably right here work our way up this way that seems good give me that dirt um Because we have plenty of room to zigzag and then we’ll zigzag one more time and then the castle I know that mountain over there is pretty tall you can see the mansion from here too this is actually a good location and we’re gonna see yeah get a good view of all that

Um like a good actually you know that makes sense this is good logic because yeah we can see the courtyard from where the castle will be but we can also see Transylvania from a distance you know that’s kind of legit so uh that’s cool um well all right so This has been established let’s see here this was a a three I don’t want to match that one two three okay boom like that all right No no no no You know wow are there Okay so gotta careful how I’m gonna I’m gonna do kind of a quick turn probably around should I zigzag this way and then zigzag the other way Probably are building up Okay do that here grab some dirt I don’t waste each place Thank you Foreign For sure so uh Probably about right when we get to here for uh well I don’t want that much of a gap now thinking about it uh yeah but at the same time I guess it is what it is probably right around here I guess I don’t know I want that kind of

Kind of cool to see the trees right here I guess I’ll do it as I personally originally planned and Let’s not make that mistake again right there yeah yeah [Applause] Thank you all right and then you know pretty close to wanting to make my turn yeah pretty pretty quick pretty I have another shovel I sure do yeah I knew we didn’t have to do as much digging it’s more ironic I just need dirt I’m too lazy to go to the bottom

But I probably will anyways when it’s time to get more deep slate be soon enough I’ll make sure I have uh Stacks to burp oh dude foreign [Applause] yeah still need more dirt but uh that’s fine we’re getting there I know this is gonna have to get lit up uh I’ll probably just add torches I was thinking lanterns but that could get kind of pricey you know we can just it could be simple torches I don’t know I think actually oh God look at me little bastard no get away from me no I don’t want to hug you no no no you’re gonna die at the grave you’re gonna die with Patrick come hands rest in peace Sonny to faggish Ronnie mcbutt sex marijuana majetti

Zachary Springer Brett Rowley rest in peace four souls speaking of which you [ __ ] spider You’re making another sword Oh yeah yeah You know that may be an idea all right well hey hold on me uh hide in here real quick I’ll be right back I have to piss foreign Thank you Foreign Nut and then I bumped into Frankie back there you’re just glad there’s no snow this time oh all right did I have anything else in here yes I’ll just use regular torches along that pathway all right yeah I just had to hide don’t trust the game

Uh let’s see yeah was there more dirt in here I think it’s our oh no there’s dirt in that other chest though perfect I’m gonna restore uh you store this crap and I’ll check my deep slate as far as uh yeah we’re actually going to go through this dirt quite a bit um

I still have a shovel I I don’t think we’re gonna do a lot of shoveling to be honest with you so um let me see the walls are fine uh stairs possible I may need more of those Maybe I probably do yeah there’s a part of me out I feel like I’m

Forgetting something but you probably am always forgetting stuff um I’ll make another stack of stairs that that should hold me over and uh since I I freed up a slot there more deep sleep all right oh yeah so we’re about to make this U-turn pretty much right here

Actually is this that’s fine thinking about it no we’ll go one high yeah one more or no because I I only want so much of a gap here actually this is good because then we’re gonna make that turn so here so scratch this part I promise I know what I’m doing I’m a

Trained professional Foreign Cool perfect now this is where we’re gonna use a lot of dirt uh because we wanna actually go up we’re actually adding look at this I want to fill this in the reason why because we can kind of see from this side you know what I mean so I wanna make it look right this is where it’s good to have a [ __ ] load of dirt foreign [Applause] [Applause] I don’t have to fill all of this Center piece to save dirt you know since that’s hiding I just don’t want it to like I don’t want to end up looking like a cave so monsters don’t like this pond in there weirdly we’re going up there’s a new hero right below you

Feel ridiculous hmm [Applause] I’m actually pretty excited how this is going to turn out it’s gonna it’s gonna turn out really good that’s all set and done This will this will be a lot better than that cursed Castlevania Castle attempt I kind of learned from my mistakes well then you know we had some trolls [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you What are you gonna do Are you gonna better not turn dark again foreign Like the opposite instead of digging we’re laying Hey of course getting dark again all right so uh go ahead and head back or hold on Now start building stairs right Here yeah okay let’s go back invite me please oh you want to come back all of a sudden I just need to take a break oh you want to come back all of a sudden need help okay well if you’re if you’re gonna offer to help okay you could be the dirt guy

Brett the dirt man dirt man oh that that should be one rest in peace Ziggy no skip skip AK f-a-g now I’m that’s being a dick I’m kidding skip if you’re watching uh uh that his name should be there but there should be like bird feces on his uh tombstone anyways um

Let’s see where are we we’re doing this The dirt man’s gonna hook me up for the dirt man yeah like I said I’m just feeling part of this so it’s not like a freaking cave below us yeah I’m almost out of dirt already and definitely going through it No Doubt oh wait we do have a lot of dirt like

Stored away hopefully it’ll be enough believe it or not Oh yes and dirt oh no he’s helping okay you know what you you plant the dirt I’ll go ahead and plant this I think he sees exactly what I’m doing so cool We’re gonna be high up the mountain we’re pretty much making our own Mountain laughs [Applause] What you gonna do when you’re doing it now Foreign So I will say uh uh this is probably high enough Brett as far as the height so we’re just gonna kind of go straight up to this point yeah so we’ll go straight to the point [Applause] but by doing this there you go okay oh yeah he didn’t get it I know there’s

A delay on the chat though hopefully he’ll he’ll he’ll figure it out so do it like this oh he he gets the eye oh God nope uh this this is good Brett yep okay cool he got it yeah he got it ah Hmm all right oh wow huh well it’s not supposed to be yeah I thought that was funny huh you thought that was funny [ __ ] I’m gonna check something I matched it pretty much didn’t I yeah well it’s not supposed to be safe I mean this is just kind of saying uh uh watch

The edges you can fall off this Castlevania after all Dracula’s I just pissed myself laughing oh this is such a funny [ __ ] it kind of was funny now if I died from Rage may come out huh it really will be rest in peace Brett I’m just joking I appreciate you helping We’re getting high up there yeah so I figure probably one more zigzag Billy like so this is gonna take time oh wow look at that a blossom thing over there yeah the castle is gonna be pretty much right in front of that Blossom you know um

I’ll keep an eye on on The View on where the castle will be it’ll probably be more like over here so we’ll we’ll go straight for a little bit and then uh yeah I think it’s gonna look good oh Brett put his armor away yeah and shabby

Okay I have to say we’re gonna use the dirt definitely using the dirt you know what I could do I can still do this but so I don’t have to wait on you know him or help out with the dirt I probably will end up helping out with the dirt um

I like this feature though and he knows like where to stop the dirt because we do want to you know fill it so it doesn’t look weird per se I gotta pay attention on how far I want to go yeah pretty soon probably gonna make a turn probably about here yeah Nice view up here there’s a nice knife for a walk probably go this far out not super crazy you know I wanted to somewhat logically make sense yeah actually this is good and see this is where the hill starts dipping that kind of makes sense I think okay oh watch out behind you

Oh we’re gonna have to watch out for the monsters um we may have to go back to the bed because a creeper could spawn up here and really [ __ ] on our Cheerios Out of everything it’s really just creepers or blowing this [ __ ] up a bunch of cops doing that I’m gonna go this way away from and finish that so I don’t knock them off okay I need to start planting torches to be fair um let me start doing that uh so let’s because this doesn’t need to happen and then let’s see one two three four five maybe all right every five let me do that right now so one two three four five one two three four five

That’ll be a start I think that uh right yeah you know what right there oh yeah watch out buddy oh [ __ ] yeah I need to sword myself um oh he still has a sword cool uh all right oh did I do it wrong hold on I just wanted to make sense

Because I’m special like that oh he’s sleeping oh [ __ ] yeah it’s a good idea uh I’m coming sorry that’s a good idea skipper I’m coming hey it’s a skeleton oh you can’t get me [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming how can you pick different worlds oh um when you’re creating well it’s like the very very beginning of the game like before you actually make your game I’ll give you like um you know a selection I believe all of it is in one world uh

It’s just kind of like your starting point you know what do I have a sign on me all right I’ll deal with here I must grab more deep sleep here deep slate doesn’t seem to be an issue hopefully there’s still plenty of dirt I’m sure there is um definitely going through it Uh let’s see What do I need more of uh I think stairs are fine The walls are probably fine for now I mean I could go ahead and make more in case Ace Hmm Yeah definitely plenty of walls now um there’s no gun at him probably fine yeah I need to start adding a fortune down here I’ll worry about later they’re going here I just Pick a whatever that may look yeah that’s better right yeah so two two two same formula foreign [Applause] ER what you gonna do when you’re done now you’re gonna Let me know if that’s annoying that song that’s where it’s just stuck in my brain uh enough there we go let there be light right let there be light what do you think chicken my home chicken You’re gonna Foreign That’ll look a little screwy but you know it’s fine two All right at least that’s lit up now foreign Or one two three four five One two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five don’t mind me I have to count out loud One two three four five One two three four five One two three four five Probably annoying some people Probably sounds special one two three four five Foreign One two three four five Another uh back of porches I think I do one two three four five oh yeah Right here will probably be a good spot and then we’ll make our turn that seems good yep one two three four I do have another stack of porches Yeah all right now we need to start making this turn uh though All right so uh I just need to make sure I have three slots one two three perfect I was trying to do There up there right and then gonna be stairs going up um already dark again I’m not [ __ ] kidding me I never came in Minecraft thank you well that’s probably fine I don’t want this to be like hey man dirt um foreign there we go I thought I could do it They’re coming along with this um man I do have plenty of deep slate sadly I need some dirt this part uh but I guess I could just use the deep sleep I guess it just says at least to make the frame Sometimes in the world of mine crazy just to fill this part up just so it doesn’t on monsters that’s why I did that oh come on I hate when he does that [ __ ] why do you do the stairs why you do this to me why would you do something

Oh Network do not fall do not fall because those zombies will will still [ __ ] you and there’s a creeper wow a lot of them I’m actually glad he’s here he’s in that network is uh and he’s rolling pretty fast foreign Yeah it’s probably gonna just go uh probably this high be careful so I don’t push them off by accident all right yeah this is going to be the uh the max height Network just so you know um you’re doing good buddy uh uh or do we want to go you know what

Maybe he’s right maybe he’s right maybe he’s let’s go a little higher a little just a lit I yeah the little and then hey buddy you have Turtles well he’s probably brought on dirt though give it like this all right make sure I’m on this right

One two and then this one’s gonna be the chord one two That’s a problem no I no yeah that problem probably uh he’s wondering if I’m gonna stop it right here yeah I am okay I’m scared yes we’re pretty high up there let’s see one two three four five oh the Sun be coming All right yeah so I gotta think about my U-turn right here so uh one two three four five oh yeah do I put a torch here because you want a little space thing even though we already got the base thing I don’t think about it

Oh no no oh [ __ ] uh network no no no I was gonna say don’t go don’t do nothing no no no do not go further than this no stop stop we’re going too far we’re gonna we’re gonna do this way uh this way yeah there you go

Okay he’s got it he’s got it thank you sir cool two three four five we’re gonna make a u-turn and then uh yeah one two three one two three oh about gonna go uh okay I have one more stack of walls oh running low on the walls stairs are still fine um

Did he put anything below this no so I’m gonna technology he’s putting a lot of work into that hey uh oh hold on here [ __ ] I was trying to say okay well okay well there goes that dirt I try to catch it Okay It’s just about being on the same page on when to turn I’m just looking at like the uh the Gap you know that that’s a pretty big gap so that’s okay now we’re gonna we’re gonna kind of work our way up and we’re we’re almost done Network um

So uh I would go just a little farther how far are we going uh not much further to be honest with you in fact um go like you see where those stairs are from the other side uh stop right there and uh then we’re probably gonna go where I’m facing

And that’s where the Castle’s gonna go yeah I think that’d be a good spot for it now I know people are gonna [ __ ] hate going up all this You’re like are you even [ __ ] serious with the stairs it’s Castlevania dude if Simon Belmont can do this why can’t you Ducky’s gonna be like what the [ __ ] I’ll be saying the same after a while one two three four five is your problem oh man

Now we’re going up but see like when we get to the the high of the castle see we’re gonna have a good view of all this like Transylvania there’s a courtyard now maybe uh these these turns are a little too wide that that’s probably the only thing probably shouldn’t have gone this wide

I will say that’s probably the only [ __ ] up I kind of made but uh too late we’re not redoing this Joe that’s damn sure all right so definitely not we’re doing hold on three yeah No no no no no no no no no Oh my god that actually kind of scared me I was like whoa [ __ ] oh that’d be fun if I see a skeleton horse I was told when it thunders like this if I’m lucky oh damn one remember that walking can you imagine if there was one that spawned right in the uh Courtyard

Honestly as Fighters [ __ ] them whoa I think I took out a tree whoa dude whoa whoa Nelly the um whenever we get a horse I haven’t spotted one yet then uh be right back oh okay yeah you’re probably out of dirt oh I understand surprise I didn’t run out of uh deep

Slate yet I’m getting there definitely have to go mining again No no no no oh boy that’s kind of still the tall a little bit all right thunderstorms would have been so awesome the spot of skeleton horse I also need food oh there’s a lot of food over at base um if you don’t want to walk that far I

Mean I can give you um I have like 23 on hand huh whatever your heart desires need to keep track of this the one two and then we’re not going much higher or we’re not this is gonna be a good height I should have uh when I did the zigzag

It should have been like just straight upstairs going up and not like this obsessive but again too late I I kind of made this decision looking at kind of like the depth of this Mountain you want to call it that I mean it is a mountain technically

Hey that’s cool though we’re gonna have a good view to that that Blossom area that’s cool one thing we haven’t spotted yet are wardens but I haven’t done like too serious of mining I bet if we Dove deep in that rainforest though I’m sure find some that’s probably about how high I was

Yeah I’m doing it like that because I’m trying to not waste all the Deep slight if I want to fill in that you know that Gap a little bit the monster it’s fun a little bit all right that’s probably about as high as we’re going uh now when we get

Um right where the castle is going to be which we’re pretty close to be honest with you I’m gonna do what I did in that last World instead of these torches oh we’ll do the fire thing the fire pits I’ll just pause that but uh yeah

It’s gonna go I oh you’re sleeping oh good all right yeah I can use a little break from this here I I gotta go a long way yeah we’re testing out the stairs let’s see how crazy I am I’ll make like a shortcut to get down instead of using these stairs oh man

I could already see a Ducky’s gonna be like what the [ __ ] is up with these stairs Joey did you have to go this nuts it could have simplified it oh man that’s all right if ducky gives me a look lip she’s gonna be a part of this rest in peace

Oh my [ __ ] god those are pretty high now don’t don’t worry we’re gonna make sure we’re gonna see the the mountain like I could see those stairs from there the castle is pretty much gonna be like right here that’s kind of like how I’m envisioning it

So a little slanted on the right from this Courtyard and I I think that’s like a good angle you know like if you were playing a Castlevania game like you know what I mean I can see it from here what the [ __ ] Joey hey there’s my wheat wheat’s growing

Here I want my wheat I gotta have the wheat oh man I tell you nice those are all grown too I’ll leave them there that’s not really a big deal right now now I wish it gave me more seeds though hear me uh do this real quick yeah it only gives you one

Oh got two that time okay oh or not no I’m not I’m an idiot or the other one didn’t give me any dang it I was opening like kind of like the regular seeds I was hoping to get you know at least a little extra but then uh but these aren’t a big

They will find more in time this um um I’m looking at this Garden like like I said here’s all the wheat um like half of this could be pumpkins half is this so that’s fine all this could be sugar cane whenever uh we stumble across that may be good

Yeah and actually if I’m gonna put like all sugar cane here then I’m gonna have to put water there and there yeah probably what I’ll do uh that’d be cool anyways here I’ll tell you what I’m gonna go get some coffee uh take a little break it’s already 3 A.M my time woohoo

Be right back guys BRB foreign all right sorry about that guys uh kind of neat to stretch got some more coffee um yeah sorry Network oh it’s probably it’s about to get dark well it’s probably perfect timing I can sleep um there’s a part of me I may

Head back to base uh he’s coming down okay he was up there um I mean deep Slate’s still good it we’ll have I’m gonna have enough to uh all right I’m coming buddy um I’ll have enough to at least finish this road to the castle at least I can quickly mine for deep

Slate easily and probably get more diamonds and whatnot along the way with our uh underground mine that we put together oh networking trouble hold on oh okay I’ll just sleep with cows don’t worry about it fun Thank you foreign All right looking pretty good I feel like I was gonna go back to base real fast for something uh yeah that was fire protection I’ll probably prepare that what was I gonna do I have a bunch of wheat now which is great I know I can feed the cows I’ll just wait though it’s not worried about it right now really to be honest I don’t even have to harvest them I mean it’s more of just for looks if anything you know oh look at him he’s sniffing his butthole um that’s nice so Wait what was in here yeah I grabbed all the Deep Sleep from here um all right oh you’re checking out the uh graveyard Then It’ll be awesome because we will see this Castle from a distance gonna be like this high up where I’m pointing my cursor gonna be high this should be you know be higher in this Beacon I need to finish this road too I kind of just quickly did it you know put it together

Hello little chicken hello little piggy piggy wiggy uh all right let me go next I’ll put that away uh yeah I can use some torches you know I could go ahead and make some hay bales actually that’s a good idea just to start that process I forgot about that um

To make some torches all right then I have some uh I did the wheat there you go this is what I wanted to do have more snorkel always stay up ahead on that head of the game play finally finished all right everything else good um that away hmm

Yeah this is nothing right now I’ll make it something though and one thing interesting I thought about when we get to the castle you know those uh those fire hits I was talking about like right in front of the castle like I did in the last World I may uh use the

Nether Bricks it’s kind of like to make it kind of look like something I’ll go ahead and I’ll take some of that with me and uh we’ll need probably not this I’m gonna need this foreign I have a bunch of food pretty good been trying to stay on top of that you know

Uh so yeah how many buckets do we have uh eight yeah I got crazy on that I don’t need that and then home decor stuff I feel like there there was something I may also take and I’m just you know what I did have more oh no that’s dark that’s dark oak ends I’m sorry I thought that was a nether fence I was like oh [ __ ] I did have more of that I’m glad I made this charcoal because down to Coal I thought I had uh I don’t know actually I know I had more cold I guess uh Brett’s been taking some that’s fine as what the heck what’s that what happened does something happen I heard like some glass breaking what the hell happened

Um oh yeah he’s cooking that that’s cool all right there’s that too now I’m saving that another brick good we’re very good on wood come upstairs let me put the sticks right here kind of organize this bunch of wood great um man what was I gonna do I feel like I

Was gonna do some and uh okay this is really full I just can’t remember uh yeah we’re definitely hitting through that dirt I’m gonna take some of that what I guess I’m just good to go for now this uh for whatever reason this deep slate I’m holding back

Um why I don’t know I just damn oh we emptied that so that’ll be for something out monster part yeah hmm okey dokey wait a minute oh and bone meal and this is John oh what that’s pretty much it I guess he’s using that all right foreign

I was raining again man I would love to see a skeleton horse but I was told I really need a saddle uh oh you know I should be able to easily make a saddle though right it’s just leather yeah fairy thing got these little magic fairy oh my God foreign Depending on how much dirt he has we should have enough I also grabbed some dirt uh so let’s see here um I Don’t Need Another Brick right now stairs bubble I forgot about the hay the hay bale I forgot to like put that down there oh well I’ll get through it

Oh yeah yeah okay so um he’s probably wondering if we’re going any higher and the answer is um a little bit yeah a little bit so uh yeah he’s just following my lead right now he’s wondering what’s the plan I am gonna go right

Yeah I think I said I will just a little bit yeah he’s just wondering uh not much higher though yeah so he was kind of following my lead there kind of wonder what I’m doing sometimes I don’t even know oops actually no it’s okay foreign this is probably where as high as I’m

Gonna go yeah probably just this hike And then we’ll yeah that’s gonna be high enough and then we’re just going straight Okay so once he sees I’m doing this he’s gonna be like oh oh okay yeah this is thank you Foreign Match the height of this yeah here we go here we go this is this is this it all began There we go now we’re just gonna straight Ah I [ __ ] up Captain Oh not quite it’s okay Thank you now he sees he sees we’re on the same page thank you you know why he’s doing that here I can hit this yeah foreign What’s good then he’ll know where to stop oh I see where he went well I did say where the stairs are so actually yeah yeah he’s good for him to do all that for nothing so I’ll match that thank you There we go I think we’re we’re even now Buddy okay here I’m gonna screw him up by doing that here we go I’m just happy I’m gonna have enough uh deep slate looks like we will this is great news As far as I know that’s what it looks like There’s two three four five huh this is pretty well lit monster don’t spawned up here one two three five two three let me have more of those oh [ __ ] I’m gonna get more just using this up and then uh I’m gonna go get some because I don’t think I can oh actually

I think I can just do it right here but not the wall though yeah that’s the problem see I can do all this and not the wall ah like I could do all that without a uh workbench can I just craft one not on wood on me all right well

I’m gonna feel the wrath of these stairs excuse me Pinocchio Church let’s see now will that be enough I don’t think so I’m gonna do that one more time All right hopefully um now I’m hoping I will have enough here let me go ahead and store this though or whatever hey bail start with this probably put it right here just for now and you mean it’s in the [ __ ] at least this looks like it’s well lit

Enough I see monsters responding right below that though yeah because that’s dark I want wardens you want wardens uh Well eventually uh the wardens probably soon enough uh unfortunately foreign Two three four five one two three four five oh one two three four five action foreign that’s good that’s a real good I still have uh yeah I mean yeah I think I will just probably have enough that’s good uh one two three four five one two three four five one two three

One two three four five all right One two four five Yeah so see how we’re a little slanted to the this side now of that see that’s a good angle I think so uh yeah this is where it pretty much ends so what I’m gonna do here right now I have two three four five and six so okay I’m gonna stop

This is where it stopped okay All right let’s go ah okay now look at that so now uh it’s gonna be going up the stairs now and what I’m thinking here so uh the reason why I made this a little wider we’re gonna plant like some fire torches and uh yeah kind of seeing this I don’t think

I’m gonna hear no I don’t like that either to keep this widened that’s five I’m counting right now five um I you know I brought these for a reason so let’s see here may need to be wider but maybe not no maybe not this will be fun they’ll go three do that uh

And it needs to be like three deep that would have to be 3D but if I’m gonna go 3D it just needs to I think I know I’m gonna do it yeah I think foreign all right well I’m a Fool so uh travel wasted some deep sleep there oh well

So yeah what I was originally thinking I I have a better idea and it’ll look nicer say I wasted that so let’s do this guess that’s fine like that for now we’re gonna go up foreign because I want it to look nice I’m gonna get a little lower on deep

Slight but I should have just enough yes I’m thinking below it so we’re gonna do that actually I know yeah I’ll definitely you’ll see what I’m thinking um I had a little change of thought I think it’ll look good Foreign Probably around maybe here uh foreign Yeah so okay I’ll use dirt this next hopefully I get that back right that’s how I want to do it and then this yeah I’ll just use this to be like a guard rail to go up okay all right Okay now yeah because it just needs to be this this deep yeah so I’m gonna use this this is gonna be like a big like torch I think it’s gonna look kind of cool you’ll see Um I need a do I do I go too high with it or just the one high probably huh Maybe too high that would probably yeah Okay Thank you my thing in my Bob There you go and do that and uh I think that’s gonna look good They won’t necessarily like see man that’s the only thing you won’t see the like fire until you get up here One thing uh I want to test another theory out what happens if I make it this tall could do that and you know what I just realized another uh Freckle fell on fire yeah realize that huh well wanna so I could probably put this entire thing on fire

I think that was really gonna look really cool there we go now let’s see how that looks I forgot that that goes on fire too which oh doesn’t does it not stay on fire oh it doesn’t stay on fire damn oh man you imagine yeah it doesn’t ah

I wish there was a way to make this Flame all her oh I have an idea may work out uh I I have an idea I have an idea and I think it’ll work I could turn these into uh slabs right the Nether Bricks because if I can

So then then the Redstone that stays on fire it doesn’t stick out too much see what I’m saying that that and then you see the flame a little better you know what I mean it’ll seem a little taller because otherwise like we can’t you can’t see it from here

But um I wonder if you can even see the flame from this far back because that would be kind of a maybe when you get higher up some of it may be blocked off this is where I think these stairs could have been a little better but uh no it’s okay

Done now Mr stairs I think you can barely see the fire yeah I could barely see it so I think if I do that it may really help the cause of that and actually I get more bang for my uh another bricks and I can do that okay

So I have 60 of those that should be enough uh that should be enough okay um this is gonna work out whoa watch out there’s a lot of monsters on you uh heavy gear foreign does look good from this angle but I think it’ll look better the way I’m thinking now

There you go it says I’ll turn that off the song that on fire all right so yeah if we use the others this like it does stick out a little bit but not like an awful lot uh like I I think the fire will cover it up enough

You know what I mean like I mean that’ll be all right at least covers it a little bit let’s see I feel like you get a better like as you’re going up you’re gonna just see the fire a little better all right and then um oh got it back

And then kind of like what I did in uh the other world do the stairs like this or the guard rail like this make sure it matches the height ah there you go yeah one three foreign I don’t I don’t think that looks bad at all I should count this uh so

Well [ __ ] it oh my God now maybe oh maybe I’m out of this again though hmm yeah I’m running low and low on resources uh well I have enough that’s gonna be close I don’t know I think that looks a little cooler um kind of an interesting look you know

I wonder if you could do fire like upside down you imagine like fire coming out of both ends and then this was all just another brick that’d be kind of cool all right anyways foreign what the [ __ ] No you don’t have to fill this in don’t worry you’re probably no [ __ ] way no I wouldn’t worry about filling this in uh this is why I’m putting below this all deep slate yeah don’t worry about this stairway um yeah I’m not gonna go much much higher

But I want the castle to stand out I want to make sure that may just be low on resources in fact I will be yeah pretty close though um hmm okay all right put the next one right about here you are a Madman I’m obsessed my problem

How awesome this game is man you start taking it above and beyond you know good night at least have use for this um let’s uh all right foreign now I may need some more deep slate um really stairs in the tile walls really what I need

I don’t think I need a lot more but I do need foreign Let’s see how how we looking right man that’s looking pretty good I don’t think that looks terrible now is the nether brick a good choice I mean it’s a different texture and it’s a chance to use more of it um I think it’s terrible but yeah I’m gonna have to get more

Resources here I uh don’t have enough of this not going much higher but still going higher I’m probably gonna do one more set of these uh torches probably that may be good I mean we’re pretty high then the castle is going to be tall obviously so uh yeah pretty good view right oh

This up Get rid of the stairs all right need more I wonder if you could see it now from a distance you know the these torches Maybe but now the castle is definitely uh gonna be noticed he’s uh none of these stairs are gonna block it kind of why I’m doing it the way I’m

Doing it but yeah I think these stairs may I could have done better with this it could have just been like with the slaps and just you know what I mean kind of going up up up up up but I don’t know I mean this looks a little more authentic

I guess in a way if this gets filled in like you know like a big mountain oh hi zomb can you uh oh he wants to give me dirt look at him hi how are you doing today yeah I’m doing all right yeah whatever laughs

Oh you can see him from here yeah yeah that’s good that’s that’s real good he like the the ones up the very bottom the front you can barely see them but you can see him so that’s a good height that’s pretty good you can definitely see him from here so

It’ll probably look good at night I’m glad I did it the way I did it you can see the Flames a little better you don’t see as much of that redstone it would have been a masterpiece if If the um another bricks stayed on fire but it makes sense So you need to block this part off um oh the beginning oh no no I did that on purpose yeah don’t touch that because we may do more for this like section that that’s why I didn’t yeah yeah there’s a reason for that yeah that’s why I kind of skipped it

But yeah some of that does need to get kind of cleaned up I mean you’re right oops gonna eat And there was really nothing in here that I could use I mean Nether Bricks but uh I think I’m good but I’ll take there you go I’ll take that just to make sure another brick should be fine I mean I could make some more uh I probably

Should just in case by if I I’m a real nut job here all right that’s your okay yep I’m coming I’m coming yeah Okay but these other Nether Bricks away small stack all right so I uh I I think I’m just gonna have enough deep slate I I do think I will see Polish brick it’s like a long process tile walls It gives me 60. I like to think that’s enough um about any stairs too all right go stairs that may just be enough to get me by we’re about to find out um I’m crazy let’s see maybe enough to finish the job Finish the job yeah we finished the job like I have to say will this be close to the money Hopefully it will be Now I’m wondering if I have enough for the the wall 60. I’m heading off now I’m hungry and tired oh yeah no problem thanks for helping out yeah I’m almost done with this uh this stairway actually we’re close to where the Castle’s gonna be you still gotta watch the sides because you could fall off here not completely safe it’s not supposed to be it’s

Castlevania Dracula’s castle supposed to be a little you know disfigured I guess you could stay all right so I may just have enough show b-hole uh-oh dildo faggins is here dildo [ __ ] faggins at the right yeah it is okay cool now I don’t know if these are exactly spaced but it’s close I don’t like whatever two three Foreign all right now as a crazy [ __ ] that I am do I go one more or is that good is uh six good or should I go yeah I think I think the spacing is slightly off but it’s not that bad it’s pretty close I wonder if I should go one

More or is six good you think six is good you know what if I do eight it should be like on the flat surface where the castle is gonna sit so yeah let’s do it like that yeah yeah that would make sense uh so we’re and that’ll be good I think

I’m just gonna have enough resources to do it so so this is good should have just enough courses really the walls is the only thing I’m a little learned about yeah that’s about the right space name right there Yeah mate just have it let’s see from the torch got one two three kind of working on four because before it’s kind of like one two three four yeah yeah actually that’s pretty close foreign yeah okay that’s the right spacing okay so pretty much right here okay wheat this is where we’re gonna

Plant I think we’re going up we’re pretty high up now look at that big old glory hole blossom trees bunch of nothing over there probably I know ducky was showing that over there that mountain but uh over here is I think better I was already committed because I

Cleared that path you know the road I was like too committed over here all that digging and chopping down trees and say it’s good you can see the road from here like it looks pretty good you can see the Mansion still which I think we’re gonna make it the Transylvania in slash Pub

But we’ll probably end up redesigning it um like actually the downstairs of it could be like be in or whatever the um the pub upstairs could be the end you know or something like that I’ll clear that out more in time when I’ll focus on you know just

Transylvania you know just make some random buildings whatever you know don’t have to go too crazy that means just you know a village essentially Transylvania okay so this is yeah this is a good height uh uh hear me get here so I don’t fall and how much deep sleep do I have left

Of the Cobble yeah look at that I have 40 left so pretty much just enough to probably get this job done I didn’t really need this many stairs but I wasn’t sure it was like whatever foreign And then we could still put like um do what we did in that last Castle we put like a couple mannequins and when we get some skeleton like skulls we could put it on their heads or something you know with armor that would be a cool idea for this entrance foreign

Space right yeah that looks great um I go like this maybe that yeah after like that then I’ll just use this up foreign literally just enough just enough I’m hoping these torches will keep this area lit enough I think it will should hopefully it seems like it does I’m just using that up all right sweet wow just enough just had enough that was not a lie just to do this you know uh so that’s cool

Yeah you see the Torches going up hang up really cool All right I’m glad I got this part done I’m trying to think what I’m gonna do next episode I I do need to go for glass um I need to take a test let me get to a safe spot I need the best Hey how’s it tied in here doesn’t really matter about sleeping because I’m going to walk away for a minute oops I’ll be right back No no no no no no no no foreign Foreign Foreign All right sorry about that It’s almost five now it’s 4 30 my time it’s getting there though been streaming for six and a half hours say this game’s fun I can hear a monster nearby what was in here oh yeah this stuff stay um hey I need to go for glass since this

Episode is about the courtyard I mean we got a lot of it done Um I have most of what I need to finish this section essentially go ahead and sleep oh my God a brown sheep I’m gonna go ahead and grab him and nowhere he’s like do I have the weed on me oh my God I think there was weed in here

Let me see all right yeah I have nine and Rose I have that many hey no not you [ __ ] you you oh No not the white go oh hold on hold on wait not you okay you you come here all right good boy yeah right you’re mine come on slave All right whatever um that’s good This way or you know what no it hasn’t grown yet I mean I could use bone meal but uh what was in here okay I do have my I’m gonna use this to make that thingama Bob I don’t know what it’s called um this little speck of deep slate

Now different stuff because today here and use it again Dark oak wood a little the Nether Bricks Left over that’s good uh yeah even the Redstone I’ll keep right here okay so I’m gonna use it um We can leave uh I’ll take this back home I guess back that can stay trying to organize this a little bit Yeah Dirk can stay because we’ll we’ll use it here uh to fill that in You just had some sausage oh there you go that’s nice that yeah I should probably go hunt for glass right now I’m gonna do that here take this bed with me if I could just simply sleep yeah I’ll grab one more shovel actually can I custom this We’re gonna go hunt for um sand I think we saw water over here right oh foreign of water thanks until the challenge because they Aha that’s a maybe some sugar cane here how about that too Minecraft be nice oh man I like sand all over my body Thank you Because I’m gonna beat the sheep with my shovel because it makes me feel so good Damn it All right I almost have a full stack already hoping they just spot some sugar cane I’m glad I I built that too so if I get lost I could just look up and be like oh there’s my castle oh there’s sugar cane oh [ __ ] monster oh wow a lot of sugarcane that’s what

I’m talking about Minecraft hey when you’re nice things can go well I look like some nice so we have seven pieces let’s start sure all right let’s see oh it pretty much ends here huh oh wait I could still see my thing yeah pretty much I’m pretty far that’s

Why I brought my bed just in case if I’m like Oh my God look at all oh [ __ ] the door goes foreign so you know uh it’d be nice to get that other um uh texture of wood that uh bath salt that would be a great thing I mean I go

To the nether I mean it’s common there um I mean I should try to build something to get out of the nether fortress shouldn’t be hard from where our portal is and then just uh hope for the best oh I’m speaking of squids you guys been talking about here

That was kind of scary did I get anything out of that like anything I forget how they work to be honest with you just beating [ __ ] out of them he’s still alive too I wonder I’m surprised he doesn’t attack me he’s probably like man you piece of [ __ ]

I ain’t got nothing like that thank you ah oh here we go maybe they have to I forget how that should work I got some I wonder if I’ll find some more sugar cane it’s really funny because like I mean I don’t necessarily need sugar cane as

Much uh besides the sugar because paper not as much because we have all those books already but still you never know um oh I think that sugar cane over there okay ah I should have brought a boat I’m thinking about it there’s no sea monsters oh yeah that’s a lot of sugarcane there

You go excuse me Porky and starting dark if I brought my bed didn’t I oh the water didn’t go oh wow I did all right sleep don’t attack me sleeping yo all right foreign oh I’m on my third stack of uh sand oh that that’s really good actually

Um maybe I should go for one more yeah I might as well just start digging like this I guess I don’t go deep here that’s what I was afraid come for me water I know you wanna I know you wanna do it this looks crazy to myself

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I was drowning I didn’t realize that oh yeah [Laughter] foreign facts I’ll go a little further I don’t want to go too too crazy far I may want to go back now I got what I wanted They’re about to gravel but I got gravel I see clay but we have a lot of player have all the play in the world I like how you can semi run in the water if it’s not too deep come on makes sense and I still have one more double yeah

That’s good we’ll use that up Fighting with the water Well I don’t like the water in this game it fights with you Oh yeah I’m at full or full Stacks here Oh no I can’t see my castle I’m gonna feature of the shovel I kind of want to break now Hello doggy how’s your day going There’s my way back so when that castle gets built definitely not going to miss it from a distance I’m gonna grab the flowers actually I will be planting a bunch of plant especially with all the clay we have to make pots and whatnot it’s Castlevania even though it’s an

Evil castle I mean it’s gonna have plants and whatnot come on foreign I wanted it to break yeah that’s my sand look close to five Stacks that’s pretty good I’m pretty happy I grab this batch and we’ll go I’m glad we found some sugar cane if I can get some pumpkin seeds that would be beautiful I wonder where she found those pumpkin

Should have been that far unless you got it from the uh the Mansion like the actual pumpkin seeds not like the pumpkins to get seeds you know I wasn’t over here I’m happy there I did that laughs well I kind of wish I still had the shovel

But you know this doesn’t take that long fine foreign thank you Oh okay I did fill up another back five two four six Mark I’m on six and a half that’s there you go more than I thought I was gonna get initially let’s keep going just saves time for later won’t have to worry about it so much later on

I think it’s getting dark again where am I at on this okay close to another full back back finish this up we’ll sleep oh whatever I’m at 62. give me two more that’s nice shut up it’s not nine nine nine say it’s night night night night night night night good thing

Getting dark come on thank you I’ll play that game with me all right hey let’s just go I’m done with that oh hi doggy do not have a bone for you pretty ways that wasn’t over here oh don’t do this for me now since I wasn’t on this side maybe Burger King

Get a little more of it again not like it completely matters I really have enough foreign can you set a sheep on fire no it doesn’t work you imagine it was his world would be on fire and he’d be like uh I know that’s terrible my fault

Don’t do that in real life that that’d be so [ __ ] up like putting your hamster in the microwave come on [Applause] foreign I actually like these flowers here roses or whatever they are they’ll look good in the castle mm-hmm clear or not even these little white flowers though look good

Huh right below it if I see sheep I mean I’ll take them out just because I know I’ll be using the wool later big time get up trying to get a lot of wool And more meat Foreign Oh wow uh-oh bye [ __ ] little cave huh I’m out If I built this wall can’t get in well you kind of can but you know it’s fun I have not been seeing the black sheep what once upon a time I was seeing them answers are they that rare or something If I get a skeleton horse though that’s going to be the greatest thing in the world wait what was I doing yeah we’re gonna melt that Ooh More Cows uh you know what I’ll take the leather I mean we’re going back I’m gonna take all this that’s a lot of cows More sheep probably should really make a sword foreign getting a bunch of these foreign and then yeah wasn’t there like flowers in here I mean I’ll go and take this back I have a spot for it uh more sheep I’ll go ahead and take it

Out wait did I see it I saw something oh my oh it’s an Enderman the ninja man [ __ ] him uh there you are you know honestly like where’s that dude again you know the animals show up so often you don’t really need a farm you know as far as

Like having animals so much um yeah it’s a little more convenient you don’t have to go on for these animals but you see how often they spawned here like maybe I’m in a good spot for that but it’s like man you don’t really need a farm I only

Capture some some of them for scenery to be honest like the cows I was like yeah sure cows in the stable that’s fine if I can get me some black sheep that’ll be nice Oh I think I’ve killed a bunch of animals here within minutes but a lot of cows a lot of Jeep definitely see plenty of uh ducks or not ducks chickens I don’t really I’m not gonna bother with chicken man I probably should and get feathers but I worry about little piggies either Of course I’m gonna wait on me that’s a start baby black one Come here Hmm oh I may have weed here if he’s still there I’m gonna kidnap him start I mean he will grow up I don’t know where the other one is I mean since he exists or has to be big mama Black Sheep here’s another one I’ll kill him too

Give them all I’m almost level 30. I haven’t been leveling up too much here lately because you know I’m building but okay yeah because I think I have wool in there or a couple complete this is still going off huh yeah that’s a lot of meat

Um oh yeah then we got a yeah duh sand like done sand next Elias yeah just from like not even trying I got like 15 pieces of uh wool and uh they were stingy on the leather ate there but they’re nothing I’ll keep that on those monster parts down movie

Let’s see the junk section I got one piece of gravel care about that um yeah I should probably dedicate a chest or like just sand that’s what this can be now stand fan slash get glass pretty much oh you know what oh god this glass as

Well that’s fine just make sure I have a blast all right or flowers for the collection that’s good you know I had more red ones and I think ducky took them I’m very very sad by the way I know I I use some for red dye and

I won’t now because yeah the rose bush yeah we’ll plant this but yeah this way the mutton you know maybe I’ll switch it up let me grab half of this because I got a lot of this I’ll put this away there you go change up the meat right I’m making torches

Yeah there’s paper or sugar eventually I’ll make like a cake or something make a pie do some American Pie action you know have a good old time that’s done get that full this is almost done foreign taking too too long per se Um Thank you pow pow Power Wheel Power Wheel all right so I don’t know how much glass I’m gonna use and another thing about this is like That will make me 16. it’s probably more beneficial to make it like that I can cover more ground that way um I know I can dye the glass and I don’t know if I’m going to So that’s what that ink does huh you can make a black stained glass that’d be kind of cool I mean it’d be kind of cool to kind of died a bit um Now looking at my options you know I mean red would always kind of be cool since it’s Castlevania orange could be cool I don’t have any orange dye though light blue could be cool um it could go green the lime mine probably better yellow Definitely not okay Tenon would be great that takes a lot though unfortunately I don’t have any of those shards yet and but this hmm now as far as my dies go I think it’d be over here so I’m just trying to think here Would be a good color you think um what do I need to make green dye um come on reduce search uh die all right let’s see my options here oh that makes light gray I don’t think I want light grade I mean white what’s the point I think you can it’s already clear

So that’ll make gray I would need a bunch of that oh that’ll make brown die okay that makes what’s that oh green guy okay huh and if I look at my flowers again go hold on can can you can you use seeds to die I don’t think so right

I think it works that way ah that’s out of the question put the seeds away um yeah I mean I don’t want to just use these like that I mean I could just go clear I guess be kind of cool to have a different color um

This was uh purple or pink oh that’s pink I don’t want that’s it ain’t no flap let’s see here um purple and I hear something bad what the [ __ ] is that oh ducky brought him back he brought him back I was like what’s that noise like what the hell was that

He’s gonna be my slave that’s not gonna be my slave interesting well you know it’s cool if I give him gold I’m probably gonna borrow that wheat I was assuming she had being a snoop Good stuff all right well man I don’t know as far as the glass goes I don’t I don’t know what to diet at least it’s done now so that’s good if I didn’t come up with a decision yet Come on Um nice all nice and full I have to make some more uh charcoal that Back here he was doing that that’s let that just run um all right so we have a bunch of glass I’m trying to really think what I’m gonna do color wise uh before I you know cut it ugh because I gotta dye it first I mean maybe I won’t dye it Geez I’m trying to think Um It could be a too big continued a little bit um Had such a decision um because you know it should be like some sort of like color a little bit you know Red seems to be the one but I mean as far as doing it now but man I think I would like to do maybe green or like a bluish like a light color like a lime um all right so hold on let me uh Google this what do I need to

Make lime dye because I don’t think that quite tells me Minecraft lime die Oh okay well it does say green and white dye oh that’s the only way to get lime dye okay so how about green dye it did say that but how about green dye Oh so cactuses will give you so a cactus will work but there’s no cactuses near us so is there another option foreign let’s try uh blue blue is kind of the other color Oh that that’s right that’s that oh I can do that oh oh yeah I forgot about that yeah yeah yeah I mean because this isn’t too hard to come by yeah okay this will do it [ __ ] okay yeah I mean you know or I could go light blue um

I mean blue would be cool you know it’s an interesting color it it won’t look evil though but I mean green would have been the better color I think like a lime green but um man I could just go blue man it’s fine I don’t want to go red I’m Gonna

Save my red dye yeah Green really would have been the best green to lime green but you know there’s no cactuses I don’t know I don’t want to explore like super [ __ ] far looking for a desert you know it could be really far away from me um

I don’t have a lot of well white dye I think I could probably use a wool I would imagine let me see does wool make white guy that uh is that a thing probably I’ll go and make some banners I make stitchers too paintings because I was gonna do it

Eventually anyways might as well just do it you still have another stack of wool and I’ll get more all right so I think I’m just gonna go with the blue stained glass I’m pretty I think committed on that so let’s do that and we’ll do this hopefully that’s not a dumb Choice uh

Here let me let me get a good look at it let me look at it what’s it look like well I may be too strong but you know what it at least adds an element I’ll I’ll go with it now this is gonna break yeah so I lost those two pieces but it’s

Okay I I was curious Oh All right so I won’t before I make more I still have two uh stacks of glass I mean that did make a lot you know we can do it like this you really get a lot more class uh nice um okay well that’s gonna be be continue

I’m gonna go with this blue class sorry that I was dwelling there oh you know what I need uh I need my buckets we’re gonna need more water so let’s uh grab that let’s work on this uh Oh actually I probably didn’t have to do that do that because it’ll just yeah there we go cool all right let’s let’s go ahead and Jet oh I should probably shut the door so homeboy doesn’t run away I don’t think he’s gonna go anywhere somebody just stand in there I guess

Duck is stuck on stuck on the wall or something there’s more sheep um find those guys all day And another one how about a black sheep come on Oh he just made a brown one though as long as you get lucky like that I already have a well I want a black one to be honest with you and choosy oh [ __ ] that guy oh whoa a lot of bad guys I’m out yeah I don’t see my fire oh there we go I had to load that sucks you can’t see it that far away there you go that looks cool all right I better see my damn fire all right we’ll see how this goes uh this greenhouse you need to sleep first

Yeah I forgot lapis does that um you can use that as blue dye the blue dye is actually pretty easy Uh all right now well first things first I need to kind of Okay then now this is a little more special uh because this will probably be all sugar canes I’d have to do it kind of like well that may work maybe this part won’t be sugar cane just this part um I don’t think what else you can grow

Oh eventually find more seeds for this this will be a full row I mean wheat that’s on its own uh uh hmm uh what else you could bro I mean you can grow other stuff sure oh carrots yeah yeah carrots could probably go here so maybe here could be pumpkins and

Sugar cane I guess like this could be pumpkins I guess now sugar cane it’s a little more you have to like yeah that should be enough I hope because I can’t be too far from the water I believe uh I mean grandma oh I’m a dumbass oh I forgot you you don’t do that with uh oh [ __ ] I’m attard Hold on that’s hard let me fix this we forgot oh thanks oh and that’s right with sugar cane it can’t be like yeah you can’t put it here that’s right gotta be like that that’s right that is right um another thing I just remembered yep Laughs My life I wonder if I Just probably could have done a better job with this like maybe just a line of water instead but at the same time now it’s like huh oh well let’s go with this yeah this should work All right so uh let me think here so uh yeah since we got that that’s awesome uh okay so for the glass I don’t have to be like this which is fine okay the only bad thing I didn’t leave a lot of the hate for this to hug the wall

I guess it is I think that’s well but they’ll be just enough space to walk through here now the real question is do I lengthen this like do I go another section here you know uh I could and actually now looking at this uh the entrance probably be over here this way sure

And this is something I could have done a better job with I mean it is what it is um and also before I plant the glass because it’s not just all glass we’re gonna use uh okay wait should I try to hunt for that

Wood should I go the Nether I mean I got the glass situated that’s good I’m thinking this is probably not a glass for sure I need to uh if I head to the Nether and try to find that uh that I mean it’s either that ancient city

It’s either another ancient city or uh if I can find and amethyst like little cave thing hmm non-drum because that may be better than using the I’m just thinking right now do I go and try to find that or just use the uh the dark wood here you know foreign

Still have some here right did I use it all of that texture yeah I have a little right here do that um let me look at it I mean it’s I like it May just go with that Huh maybe I will just use that I say [ __ ] it um thank you all right I am going to just use this instead I I changed my mind I know I’m terrible let me go ahead and make that so yeah that should be enough to probably get the job done um

I mean I think it’ll be good This is definitely back that Um Foreign remember how ducky did it like an arc if I can figure it out hey Arrow see I wish I had some bamboo who’s third I guess has a ladder yeah I need to go one more High one thing good about this wall being here it was kind of like that um yeah

Something like that um foreign right I’m probably gonna need a lot more of this wood come on one thing bad when it’s that thin you know stocks once you break it it’s gone I don’t think it looks bad it this does create a little more space too right

Here and that being said I could make this also tile you know what I mean that probably makes sense uh I am gonna a lot more but I think I’m doing right by making this like that what do you guys think I mean the blue

Kind of works with this uh dark wood I mean kinda now does it look like a Castlevania sort of greenhouse uh I mean you know red would have been better now looking at it but I don’t have too much red action I know I’m gonna use that red dye for other things um

Definitely just a different color oh that’s already growing pretty fast is the only thing I don’t like about this now this wall is kinda yeah [ __ ] foreign Because I was thinking about doing one more I mean I had the room I should make this a little bigger yeah I probably really should that’s not gonna end here I’m gonna keep going yeah I’m gonna need more of this wood for sure which I have to go back to headquarters get it

I know we have enough like in our chest I don’t think there was any more in this one though it was just those planks right I mean they were there so joke’s on me from putting them back uh okay go downward s but you get a bunch

Yeah I don’t think it looks bad though ignore this side [ __ ] up I don’t think it that bad was there any leftover tile foreign oh actually yes I will have eight um And it’s growing that will match this though uh keeping everything simple the live Legend I’ll probably go mining here let’s get more deep slate for the style yeah it could be like this big uh that’s not terrible it doesn’t look bad over this up come on are you serious yes sir

Now uh one thing I could do different color glass too though that’s so a lot of it’s going to be blue but I could also go um foreign Things so uh thin which is nice kind of saves room too but Yeah probably just have it up to here and then so we have some space here you know uh a pretty good size greenhouse and what I could do is like I could put like a chest or two right here in fact let me grab those planks and

Just do that just so I can look at the spacing here They’ll probably just two chests I don’t know what else I would want here um But yeah so like this would be all of the garden and then right here is kind of like kind of like this like a little storage thing um can’t wait to get skeleton horses that’ll look nice but like Maybe here should I put it here I’m thinking of the layout Put it there I feel bad about this wall part but it is what it is uh it is what it is Yeah this could be like a little you know like I said like a little for Farmers whatever like Fish taste and there’s still space here like it’s not in the way so that’s good uh I’ll be right about here uh it’s probably where we wanna stop for sure But yeah like I said it sucks that it’s kind of hugging the wall there that’s like my fault not planning that out oh you [ __ ] [Applause] I’m gonna check something real fast I’ll be right back all right sorry about that wow yeah I’m closing in on eight hours I’ll probably stream for let’s see at six o’clock because I know I’m gonna have to get ready to run some errands here in a little bit

Let me have like two hours but yeah we’ll see Oh Nick I don’t know if you’re still here let me know if you are I don’t know if you saw this or not what was in here we can start putting stuff in that chest I may start using these lanterns again here Yeah I could put the seeds in here like a garden you know the start it’s really the same with the wheat now Um hey I need more of this wood I need more uh that tile deep slate probably go ahead and do that right now do it but it’s well on yeah I was thinking about making like um some something at the center well if I do that then I’m

Gonna break some of this glass like um I don’t know what kind of symbol I would make but I could make a symbol like you know make this this part like red glass I don’t know though I don’t know I could do that something think about may do that

Give it a little extra bling bling holy sheep but the black one at I don’t have a should have held on to that wheat but put the weight away that’s me for you thank you that we got plenty of it foreign stack gives me 48. gotcha that may be enough

To do what I want to do um actually it should be for sure all right so we got the wood um what else was I gonna do I’ll probably place the bed in that Greenhouse uh what else can go in a greenhouse I mean a smoker I feel like Hmm beehive behind people I’ll think about it later foreign all right so the wood should be good I probably need I’m gonna use this red dye make some of the glass you know red hopefully I don’t waste it uh I’m gonna go and grab these two sure we’ll use them that’s right uh deep sleep

Test this out so uh so uh this is interesting so that normal deep flight since it’s not Cobble I can’t like Smooth it and all that huh okay so yeah um I didn’t really want to use silk touch for this you know now I could put it down and

Probably use my other pickaxe and maybe it would turn in the Cobble I’ll just leave that there in case I want to use that for whatever reason um so we can just do some mining real quick uh I mean that’s fine maybe we’ll find some diamonds and stuff

Yeah I mean that’s fine I’ll just leave that there for now put the Dirt away the banner I’ll mess with later or what happens if I uh just put it up as this just it’s just blank yeah okay oh I I broke it oh no I didn’t wait what happened white Banner

White Banner why is it separated like that that’s kind of all right whatever let’s put that away for now yeah I’ll have to make the what you may call it decorated I guess worry about that later uh let’s go ahead and mind real quick get some deep sleep maybe I’ll get diamonds

Won’t take long starting over here right oh where did I leave off this was me hunting for diamonds and whatnot so like pretty much right here okay foreign even if we find nothing deep sleep oh [ __ ] diamonds yeah that was quick two more Oh here we go Wish me luck I think that gave me a threesome another threesome there you go boom just like that nine diamonds at uh what four or bad I think there’s won’t be there that’s probably that’s to be fair probably foreign level 32 and that’s that’s awesome It’s amazing sword I guess I can make a Diamond Sword whatever oh or iron Not bad thank you More war up right here all right Fortune three do your magic oh I think that was a foursome another foursome there you go or something Oh something there Thank you Move on how much uh iron did I get like 29 pieces already just like that it’s awesome to have this fortune 3 so early it’s uh it’s kind of like I’m not really concerned about resources like that even though we haven’t needed it because of that because we’re getting diamonds like crazy too

I used to be all like oh man save the diamonds but I’m like yeah Fortune three early or Fortune too it’s like whatever yeah I mean still save some for like a rainy day just in case but something goes down to be gravel here ugh oh gold though there you go I’m always

Hunting for gold Probably utilized for that People are always like gold sucks I have a lot of use for it foreign I don’t know if it was ducky or Brett that brought Mr Pigman to the light world but use him I’m gonna trade give him some gold do what he gives me you know in return I really want that crying obsidian I mean I’m not ready to use it yet but I mean

At least get that process started Maybe and I said he’s there in our little base a good idea whoever did that I don’t know if it just happened or he wasn’t there at the start of the stream so actually it could have been ducky is either Network or has happened and

Unless it happened when I was in the nether forest and or another Fortress and he uh he just followed me you know I don’t know I didn’t even know Maybe that happened maybe he just kind of glitched there to be a great glitch though more iron need me More I know some of you guys are like I want to see wardens Joey I haven’t spotted them yet sort of travel or soon enough I guess this isn’t taking too long to like mine this with this awesome pickaxe super quick ah crap it’s good to be full just

Let’s go ahead and get rid of You know I can always make another hoe I mean that’s that was like a temporary thing [ __ ] that hoe [ __ ] my hoe 30 hoe dirty hoe anyways probably about to head back up anyways um seems to be a good time to Deuce though um

So out of all that we got 37 iron nine diamonds six gold or eight gold excuse me gotta go one more time man I could I have three tough I could throw those away all right this will be the last dig here we’ll go back up about Tiff

There’s diamonds again here we go baby All right man chill out cause I’m running out of space for probably this deep sleep I’m at 39 pieces oh 56 all right and then we saw diamonds back here hey oh man [ __ ] me baby now eventually this oh wow this is a big diamond ore too or vein whatever

I don’t have room for that but I should try to make room for that I mean this blank can go this little hook me up so it’s like I’m cool with that oh my God this is bigger than eight holy [ __ ] I’m gonna get a [ __ ] load of diamonds whoa whoa babe Gina

That was huge I think it was more than eight and I have 31 diamonds after that damn like that man the power of this pickaxe all right cool that was huge okay I’ll go further now oh am I full full yeah I’m full full okay let’s go back uh that was pretty

Dang good that was really really good did I put anything in here I haven’t really used those much but they’re there Oh yeah I got some meat I have the meat Actually that’s probably all I have the smell um okay so deep Slate’s going with us uh uh what I need to do I’m gonna go and repair this doesn’t cost much to repair That’s good for now Well the the boots are pretty good you repair the boot yeah not so much for level 30 now but yeah I wanted to repair that uh these aren’t oh that has protection three okay the the leggings the only thing that’s not gotcha all right let me make a diamond sword

I have a weapon for a change of a weapon oh so now we’re at 49 diamonds just like that all right a lot of this were taken with us that’s why I’m all bloated with this stuff uh I mean the wool can probably stay back Hmm how’s food look that’s a full stack yeah I’m gonna take the wheat grab that Just waiting on this Old is done Oh is he so oh he’s not here anymore did he go up here did he just like kind of glitch through here uh I mean that was funny I thought maybe uh networker ducky brought him here but unless he he walked out here I left the door open oopsie

I think he he just kind of glitched here I think so huh Yeah I was gonna trade with them not anymore almost two stacks of gold taking a little time on that Uh the iron now since I got more iron like that I wonder if I should just go ahead and make more lanterns guess why not Uh I’ll make six torches try not to go too crazy on the nuggets there you go all the nuggets are gone so that got me half of the 17. I got me nine more lanterns that’s not too expensive not bad And I think the rest of the iron I could put away I don’t think I have use for it right now And we still got all this iron maybe I should just go ahead and make more lanterns I mean got so much of this really not a big deal you know what [ __ ] it just turn them all into nuggets and if I have leftover nuggets uh we have 34 lanterns I mean

We’re gonna use them so it’s okay we still put some uh iron in our inventory wanna make sure all the nuggets are gone there you go um 37 lanterns that’s good then this is about done there you go another full stack of that Yeah I’m taking the dye with me because I was thinking about doing something with that oh about to be dark surprise okay I can do it here go ahead and make some tile um yeah boom I I go with that now I do have room for you oh come here

A black sheep finally I have the wheat on me right yes maybe a little bastard oh yeah come with me I’m with please even those cows are like oh oh he got black sheep he’s gonna be cursed shut the [ __ ] up get away from me Kill Them All

I don’t want to pick this up I get the I dig it I’d rather have the leather oh come here come here buddy yeah come with me oh no come on don’t play games with me come on been playing hide and seek with me a little too long

Watch I’ll find like five more along the way and I’ll be like now they all show up actually did I just see another one oh it’s a cow okay come on oh a great one too you know what that that works too I take that that’s right baby all right nice

Let me get them all in here oh wow look at that that is beautiful excuse me you guys stay here got you there you go nice scenery they’re like oh he tricked us all right cool um what’s that here I might as well put these up Nick if you’re here you’re probably

Gonna be like what the [ __ ] dude actually here uh maybe on this side yeah you can go next to Zachary and Brett press in East Nick oh I don’t capitalize that yeah Jordan there you go just to use the signs and I have one more sign uh foreign

S let’s see if they’ll block that so dildo if you’re watching here you go I’m gonna give you some love dildo faggins oh they block you all right no the game hates you sorry oh geez who can be who can be a victim here you know what David if you’re still here

You’re probably what the [ __ ] man David and let’s see how do you spell your name I probably totally butchered that there you go you can always change it if you’re not happy with this [Laughter] all right there you go boom got to use those signs our graveyard need more of those pumpkins

All right so um oh yeah those are growing nicely you’re monsters what a surprise Okay so grab that wood not the wall the wood That’s the right right The only bad thing yeah this kind of took off some space here but it’s okay so ended up being a little cramped yeah no that’s right cool okay [ __ ] that up enough wood now thinking about it I do have enough wood bro I have 37 I like to think I haven’t all right

Oh I’m alone all right now I just gotta fix this thank you so we got to do the same for underneath this and I’m glad it does not break yeah and the reason why yeah because I might as well have this all aisle now I probably should have grabbed a double whatever Foreign Foreign Make more of those I did not but I can here if I end up moving this actually uh yeah I should do that and then uh I mean I’ll be right back for that yeah already get dark in dark too often in this game this no foreign okay cool

It’s not taking too long good Ness Foreign whatever all right I’m almost done with this Oh there’s there’s a hole right there that’s funny all right um there you go I think that looks better like that and uh okay now I gotta do the arc thing I said I was gonna put this probably right here I suppose it’s kind of a shame it does that though here

With the glass doesn’t do that with the chest which is interesting to me huh get figured out now um let me count my spaces one two three four five six seven eight nine and so let’s see four if I put one here one two three four oh sorry that

Yeah because that’s gonna be like the door uh does dirt on me so that’s all right so art Are doing it again Whoa damn it Foreign think I [ __ ] it up uh this one’s oh it’s a little wider oh oh oh oh oh that did [ __ ] up a little bit Yeah I need to go one more higher got it Up there thank you there that’s kind of I mean yeah that’s better I am gonna have enough wood all right cool so now we did that um yeah we’re gonna put glass around here Um Thank you This is where I gotta think I mean I guess it would just go like this foreign I [ __ ] you And we’ll add the doors uh in arguments they made this little too high But I can add like a little something here with different color uh blast you know Hmm I think it’s if I can make stairs in this form uh otherwise I’d probably do like a stairs and then yeah maybe make like a symbol oh I could use a different you know wood I’m gonna this one hmm um um much of this blue glass do I have um I’m getting a little on the low side it was enough I didn’t have to make more um we still have some extra glass

So I brought the die I hope I left the glass here I think I did because yeah I was thinking about making like a like a a circular you know thing I just don’t know if that’d be silly and then as far as the roof go

I mean I may finish the roof later I don’t know maybe that could be red maybe the top should be red could be interesting um kind of thing thing maybe um like I could make a like this Frame here make it go this way may do that I don’t know if that’s gonna

Look silly if I do that here let me go ahead and do it do what that does for me now I may be out of a be low on wood I don’t know if that’s still it but if I do that then this off I want it enough uh

Yeah because that could be a different color glass Yeah the top could be like a red I just don’t know how if that would look stupid you know or it could just be clear um I do this and uh this one And now it’s normal for double doors I probably should use not this wood maybe something different maybe just Moss brick or something I don’t know because then I’ll have enough wood to do what I did over here other side I don’t think I’ll have enough right I’m gonna be short just short probably

I’m gonna be like wow short but like three I need three that’s so silly I think that would look better like that and then yeah different color glass maybe maybe I’ll just go with the clear instead of red I mean red would be kind of cool but maybe just clear um

I think you definitely want this top part the glass so the sun is hitting this stuff so as far as this goes this uh main entrance I I think we should use something different and like that then I’ll have enough wood uh so if I do that maybe I can use

Yeah I did leave the glass here okay um yeah I wonder if I should just use the mossy Stone I could also use the Cobblestone I don’t know if that’ll look silly huh Let’s go with [ __ ] Enderman we’re gonna fight watch yourself Another bricks I was going to use for that other thingamabob that I was talking about for what it’s called uh and I don’t think I was gonna use Moss for that this is gonna be clean brick oh no I mean Mossy brick oh you [ __ ] internet what was in here

Almost that time they’re like really sort of this stuff yeah I only have two that yeah that was for the graveyard but here’s 20 Moss okay uh I’ll probably have to go get more maybe maybe I should just go with Cobblestone for the the door here

I don’t know if that looks dumb if I do that yeah it probably shouldn’t be the same one I swear Enderman [ __ ] off dude I hear ya I don’t know about the planks I don’t know if that looks a little too off Oh [ __ ] okay what are you oh you grabbed her a [ __ ] um What I will do here are me store this bucket of water actually it should go in the farm I need to sort this like for real like now let me just sort all this um and then as far as decorating this we’ll figure it out

This is where all the like the farm and stuff goes there’s the wheat Yeah I didn’t grab speeds because I didn’t have room um let me see about these lanterns here I should have made some barrels maybe to put in here um Um like I said I was gonna put the bucket of water in here yeah does that make sense for the farm and I’m glad that just frees up space sorry I’m like really dwelling on this all right We’re getting kind of close to done with this Courtyard I mean you know as far as like you know besides little decorations which we’ll do in increments uh over time so it’s like we got our Greenhouse kind of got the base of it you know here’s our little graveyard I mean it’s Castlevania

So if you want to be a part of this world here you go rest in peace hahaha uh you know I can’t wait to get some skeleton horses we’ll put it in here yeah I’ll have to move that chest oh yeah we got our stable uh Oh I thought I thought Enderman attacked

Me just a spider whatever dude man y’all have to hang this uh Oh you know what what’s here I know I have some of that Dark fan so I can make um just make me this will just I can place these Oh what happened did they just like disappear oh whoa that was like a glitch you see that and now I’m also looking at this maybe I should just go uh yeah I mean I could do that I don’t know if that looks stupid you know it looks alright I think Something I guess I should get a little more of this wood don’t need much But at the same time I could destroy this little piece right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah same thing with that oh you [ __ ] creeping little bastard uh yeah I could do that actually it doesn’t need to be like that so never mind I’m gonna have enough wood notice that All right um where’s my sword all right come on bro get down here Will you fall down fall down come on huh [ __ ] looking fast oh I’ll get some more I don’t want to blow up obviously I think I’m hitting them I can’t tell no I’m missing them badly there we go that that was a hit one more of these will probably do it [ __ ]

Yeah I’m gonna have to do something about that uh yeah uh like actually I may just happy for us to do like this just to have lighting um put it on each side it wouldn’t look terrible it’s not in the way where the glass is going there’s a glasses I think starting here

I don’t know if there’ll be a gap I may have to use the cube I have to experiment on that uh so the other you can go like I don’t know right here I guess that Center enough Yeah maybe that’s thinner enough hey hopefully that resolves that too God damn it hey I got it all right cool all right there I think that’s lined up again that resolves that issue don’t know if I got it but here you guys need one and we’re gonna get it

It might have like actually fell all the way it did fall away that’s fine all right so I just like have enough wood for this I don’t have to make more and uh here let’s put a lantern up here so as silly as this is again just so monsters don’t

You know on up here bastards I hope that’s enough lighting actually here do it like this because I mean making these not a big deal and they look nice so we’ll do like that yeah I’ll do it like that that’s I mean that’s fine it really is that does not bother me

Gives it a nice little touch you know and it’s not in the way We’re not gonna have none of these monster business up here no creepers man it looks kind of full all right so that’s cool we got this Frame fixed I know I murdered myself

There and the other one fell in there okay just need one boom glad I caught that I probably have to do the same up here now thinking about it okay then we’ll just have to make doors for this uh I’d probably use I mean I could use these doors again um

Just because I mean it’s Castlevania uh yeah I can make two more of the dark doors I was gonna go with the lighter ones but um I’ll just use these that’s totally fine the red ones would have been better I don’t have the wood for that yet I need

To go to the nether uh all right so finish filling this up with the the blue I think I’ll just keep this all blue all right so that’s filled in I think it looks all right I mean not terrible hey Eric morning buddy Now I could do the same for these too I really wanna and I actually man actually I may now looking at that I’ll end up with more wood I’m probably worried about that later I don’t think I’ll put up the roof yet yeah I’m glad I kind of got the base of

This done foreign enough to think if I want to stick with clear glass yeah this really grooved in it now oh I don’t have room of course I don’t Care Nice put that away for now uh um Yeah that we don’t worry about later well I don’t know we’re wondering like we’re gonna have carrots and pumpkins I just don’t have those seeds yet um yeah I could still fix this actually these little Corners here I think what color glass yeah I don’t

Know if this blue is I mean it looks nice doesn’t look bad with this dark oak I don’t look that bad and what I could do so there’s light in here um I can hang A lantern Yeah I kind of think I have an idea what I’ll do too I may need more of this wood actually maybe make like a or maybe I’ll leave those there use them as like a frame maybe I’ll do it right here right here and then that’s where the lights can be

Hanging you know what I’m saying and we’ll we’ll make more of those chains so they’re lower a little bit probably what I’ll do that may be good and then the rest of it’s just glass maybe I’ll just stick with clear either that or red I just hope it doesn’t affect the

You know the plants growing um yeah so the blue glass I’ll put in here I think we’re done with it for now had enough probably go grab more of the uh hopefully moms are spawned in there maybe I should just finish it and that is the point of this episode okay here

Let’s go back to base real fast food I’m glad I made these extra lanterns I may even make more I don’t need more right now I know what I’m I know what I’m gonna do sorry I was really contemplating for a long long time foreign I was gonna drop off that workbench

My mind’s always in space what can I say though he’s in space don’t run for me [ __ ] All right let’s grab more of this I’m gonna make more of that other wood go a little more for the frame that that’ll definitely be enough and then the glass that’ll hold on to the die I’m done with the blue I am done with the blue flip this away from Monster Park leather I gotta have a full stack of leather that’s me to cook Trying to clean this inventory out Thank you maybe I should just go and make the paintings make some sticks actually do they still have sticks in here don’t we yeah grab those I guess if I make those I still need more students attend those now a big deal uh uh porches have them there you go that’s Why I said I was going to uh make some of those chains so need the Nuggets where’s me nuggets oh meat nugget whatever make a bunch of those um make a bunch of chains you know I’ll go and do that again too and then this time uh lanterns

Oh that was perfect so I have 31 chains and uh 29 okay and then we put the iron away we still have like 20 left over from that all right so we still have three and a half stacks of iron so I am using some

Iron but I mean it we’ll get it right back okay be right back I’m getting ready to sing Jesus Loves Me Oh I’ll take those with me in case hmm I mean I think that’s all it’s gonna do I can’t believe it’s past 7 15. Geez Louise been a long one

That’s been a long here let’s go let’s go Joey yeah this episode would be really amazing if I just got me a skeleton horse yeah so when the Castle’s up you can see it from this distance and that’s good and it’s kind of in the fog that’s that’s what I like to see

That’s gonna be great yeah whenever I get an opportunity for leather or uh well I’m gonna go and take it if I keep telling them because we’re gonna use it later just saves me time later on thank you yeah the way the these guys keep spawning like you you don’t really need

To worry about a farm you know not really this is kind of like for fun like this just for fun all right so I was gonna put the frame I’m gonna put it here like I said I would but not move those or was I gonna put it

Actually probably put it here right me destroy this oh But that’s where I was gonna put Oh if I plant this I get it back right yeah okay wait this is actually better use for a ladder here give that back to me I think I got it okay yeah I guess I could start no let me take those down too because it looks a little off I don’t think No it doesn’t Um The other option is double like in the center but nah okay I I kind of changing my mind on that so here I mean I could reach that don’t be a [ __ ] yeah we’ll go like this I was always wondering if I should have used ends instead I brought that with me I think the fence would work better it wouldn’t you know cover up the the high up so much so here hold on I’m gonna compare I know I keep changing my mind but actually this might be better because that should work

I don’t know if that looks a little stupid now because I can hang the oh I can’t well no may not hold on chain now if this doesn’t work then no bueno okay I thought it would um what do you guys think you think that’s a little better than this

You know what I don’t I don’t think it is I could also leave it like that too that that’s um I can consider but I’m not good not going to hmm yeah I keep looking at it I’m looking at the position of this you know now I

Wonder if I should just go for him I think the other way would be better I think I’m just looking at it I think it’s better like from like here actually I would take this off yeah I think from there I think that makes a little more sense all right back foreign

Moss definitely works out as a ladder so we so quick to break um I better be Out Of Reach come on [Laughter] oh I can do this um oh come on oopsie whatever dude Foreign So yeah I’m hoping that doesn’t look too awful Um I would have looked better if I have like you know this this very top like a three based on a four I think it could have been like one at the center but uh this will be all right I guess um I think I’m done with the wood

Now uh let’s start planting eggs I need to kind of count the space Oh [ __ ] really bro okay I’ll fix that later all right so how many space I’m we’re talking we’re talking one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen Twenty One I might have done my math go wrong

But all right come in taking that check Thank you Big one foreign Height Yeah I think so because you don’t want it too low Yeah it would have looked better if it was a little more spaced out now I’m also thinking about it but uh whatever you know so I think what I originally thought that’s probably what I could have went with too late Well another option I could do actually there’s another option thank you just clogged your you clogged the toilet at your church wow dildo faggins wrong with you dude here I have a better idea and it’ll make a little more sense but let’s get this back or not get it back

Now this is where um that gate Maybe oh man maybe like that and then uh I can just do it like that instead they’re still not gonna go oh I would like it to go that doesn’t help impossible as I think I wasn’t thinking well actually I I take that back I I

Know what I could do you guys are like Jesus Christ sorry this is important can you not tell my angle right what is wrong with me man and streaming too long that’s my problem yeah I need a like lower that no I don’t have to lower

It just move it yeah I I I had it right I had it right skipper but let me know if you think this may look dumb Foreign If I put one on each side like that so then it’s a little more balanced that that may work out they look delay I don’t know But all the that other wood disappeared on me oopsie I don’t need it anymore uh I think that looks better you know as far as like spacing that out um I want to go three so actually so come on get up there I am glad I brought this with me foreign foreign Okay I can barely reach that Come on don’t be like that oh because I was using the wrong thing Yeah I don’t think it’s that’s bad um there should be plenty of lighting in here now I would think foreign God damn it and Foreign Missing one did I actually lose one probably fall in the water that 20. all right lost one Pharrell oh I got it back it was hiding in there okay it all right sorry that was if I could have made that easier but um I don’t think it

Looks terrible I mean you know at least that’s a little more balanced lighting wise I don’t think I want them another I mean what I want to lower than that that’s the question oh thanks though hopefully uh I’m curious how this will be lit when it’s night uh hopefully it’s lit enough hmm

Oh it’s funny you know how we have these here I mean I could do the same over here but I don’t think I will I mean I could do it I guess make sure there’s plenty of light but I I think good I’m hoping that’s good These grow pretty fast Now as far as decorations here um Yeah I may have to use the the cube glass I I think I’m just gonna keep it clear for the top I think not red red would be kind of cool but probably just keep it clear maybe red for this you know like the uh the front and back here

Maybe but all this like white Well hello welcome to the Stream Here we could store this I should store the wood too But yeah I mean this is coming along I don’t think it looks bad looks all right and it looks kind of you know evil enough I I think you know the dark colors Oh yes thank you for subscribing welcome to the channel buddy Sherman over nine hours now it’s been a long one for sure uh our castles are getting this going I hate to use the the cube but I think I’m gonna have to go for this foreign I think that’s the better choice yeah just clear for the side but like here and here probably red Looks like I’ll have enough glass so that’s got on for about making more and you know that’s where like I can use this too yeah are slightly too tall damn you All right well whatever foreign Doing it the hard way aren’t I [ __ ] wasted piece of glass foreign Cubes or a good that’s like my waist oh come on [ __ ] you an analog stick being mean to me oh wait can I reach this oh I can reach this I realize that like that barely okay I feel like a fool that makes me feel like a fool wasted more glass all right

Can I join uh right now I I’m very uh choosy because uh my last World had a couple of trolls so you know right now I just have a few people keeping it simple just for now Um oh I wonder that’s gonna be a problem oh that’s in the way Well that can be an easy solution I’ll have to do it like this front of that Now if I destroy this is it going to take down out the whole chain problem oh it actually doesn’t okay okay hey hey Hold it foreign make this a little easier hey you guys want this to look right I have to do the same for the other side sadly And I not it’s not still in the way is it maybe it is oh [ __ ] I’m on the way hold on oh he’s still in the way I can have it so I need to finish this first new hangout uh what oh I could use the glass for the chain is that really true oh let’s just do that instead Oh I didn’t know that Well I mean that that works You’re playing piano that’s cool I didn’t know uh that would hang on the glass Neat huh I know that Thank you foreign yeah I don’t think I’m gonna have enough glass I mean I will I just have to smell some more and all right well I mean that is cool oh hang on glass foreign Oh come on whatever F9 it’s the glass it’ll be funny if I didn’t break any I would have just had enough for this but no I know I want pretty close that’s close I’m gonna take a break from this um where’s my other ate that yeah that that uh sanding

Or sugar cane That’s growing pretty quick it looks like this is pretty well lit guys I’m gonna actually end it here because I do have to run some errands but uh no this is looking pretty good I’m gonna fix that uh maybe off camera I

Mean you get what I’m doing I need to smelt some glass so uh yeah as always guys thanks for hanging out with me it’s been a super long one I’ll be back on here maybe in a little while so uh until then take care guys I’ll have to decide what I’ll do next

Episode um not sure I have to practice piano oh that’s cool yeah I think it’s turning out okay though this uh his Greenhouse not bad but you have to decide what next episode will be about so yeah until then take care guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Mode Gameplay Walkthrough (PART 5) Building Castlevania Courtyard’, was uploaded by Joey Robbins on 2023-09-17 13:46:38. It has garnered 425 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 09:46:51 or 35211 seconds.

Minecraft (Xbox Series X) Minecraft Survival Mode Gameplay Walkthrough (PART 5) Building Castlevania Courtyard

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  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21 & 1.20.6

    Minearchy SMP Minecraft adventure starts here at Lands of Minearchy! SMP Join our vibrant SMP community packed with exciting features. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, our inclusive community welcomes you. Minigames Experience endless fun with our selection of minigames! From classics like Prop Hunt to KitPvP and upcoming Bedwars, we’ve got it all covered. Ready to Start? Dive in now at: We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Symble Raid on June 13th. Intentional?

    I guess you could say they really “crafted” that date on purpose! Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure! Leap into the verse, where Minecraft news unfurls, GeminiTay’s hide and seek, with twists and twirls. Scott, Jimmy, Shelby, and Joel, seeking with might, In Gem’s intricate plot, hidden out of sight. Underwater caves, a challenge to explore, Scott dives deep, seeking more and more. Jimmy follows suit, but takes his time, Double the effort, in this hide and seek climb. Shelby and Joel, in the porch they roam, Searching high and low, for Gem’s secret home. Joel struggles, feeling lost and cursed, Gem’s hiding spot, the hardest, unrehearsed. Gem’s plot, a masterpiece, a true delight, Torturing friends, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “I asked my friend if he wanted to play Minecraft with me, but he said he couldn’t because he was ‘mining’ his own business. Guess I’ll have to go solo in the virtual world!” Read More

  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ ►Youtube Member ➜ ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Tiktok: Music provided by: @lowresbones @epidemic sound #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: Tiktok: Facebook: IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

Joey Robbins – Minecraft Survival Mode Gameplay Walkthrough (PART 5) Building Castlevania Courtyard