Medieval Minecraft EP1 Minecraft, But Medieval

Video Information

Hey guys real quick i just want to get in here and say if you haven’t subscribed already i would love if you click that subscribe button we’re so close to hitting that 500 000 subscriber mark it’s absolutely insane and while you’re there might as well click down in

The description below we do have an amazing discord that i would love for you to join lots of amazing minecraft stuff and if you got any questions specifically about this pack or any pack that i’ve played of course you can ask it there it’s a great place to get some

Support or just hang out and chat so i hope you guys enjoy the video and let’s get on with it welcome welcome welcome back to a new let’s play and i have traveled many a mini a millennia we’ve went through the multiverse i’ve come back

And we have landed in what is now called medieval minecraft i thought i was traveling forward into some futuristic minecraft but no we’ve actually traversed back in time further and further in time to where we even require water we thirst in this world we have stamina all kinds of craziness

Inside of this pack absolutely insane this is gonna be a really really fun adventure with you guys and to start it all off if you use this seed all this link down in the description below we’ll get you planted right here i’ll have all of that information down there for you

Guys to check out look at where we start i spawned here we spawned with this thing these chests usually have tons of loot in them as well oh my gosh oh and we also have the dungeons gear mod oh this is going to be epic this dungeons gear is is crazy

This is a weapon right this is a whip vine whip spawns poisonous clouds oh yeah this is gonna be so much fun there’s uh like a hats that do all kinds of different bonus stuff oh my gosh creative illegal revokers themselves burns nearby enemies oh my gosh and gives us an artifact

Cooldown when we activate our artifacts uh gong of weakening Does that give all the gifts we need to near my stuff and we ended up getting a black eye already so this right here is from in remastered the end i know it’s getting a little advanced in here the end is crazy in this

It takes a lot of effort to get to this point to get to the point where we actually start getting to the end this is going to be a great start what an awesome spawn here and i can’t wait so first things first uh uh excuse me wow all right

Things are getting uh interesting already i’ll make my way over here mr mr uh gollum all right so what’s the first plant in uh in this world well we definitely need to open up our quest book and accept this because it’s going to grant us a few things one being a purified bag

Oh and i’ve got to take this thing um i think it starts you off yeah with no purified water at all so we have to actually i think that’s the first thing we should do work our way i love that work our way to purified water it’s basically

Gonna be the thing that we need to sustain ourselves i mean to do that we need an iron bucket i think we already have iron right did we get iron yeah we got seven iron from that first chest look at all the ender pearls yeah this village is is whack So yeah we got we got to take some of this iron here i mean this is gonna be the best way i think to get started and find some water i believe there’s some water like right by us yeah there’s some water right over here

A couple scoops of that stuff and uh and we’re good to go so all we have to do now is just smelt this and that’s going to provide some purified water now i could drink this nasty water look at that and when we drink it the problem is we get thirst which is

Harmful and it starts to cause some problems like uh making us really hungry uh we we don’t want that so i can utilize this water canteen right here and uh actually get ourselves some purified water as soon as this is done i think i can hit

This spot up here i think i can place it into the world and that will uh kind of help us out let’s go ahead and grab that place it in the world and i think i can use this canteen on it oh and as you can see it has three

Drinks left and uh you know what i don’t know if it actually used the purified water there i i mean we can test it out it’s becoming nighttime did does it use it that’s two i clicked it again three oh oh this is gonna be a

Less of a problem than i thought it was gonna be but wow look how pretty it is at night but then again i’m not looking forward to the monsters i’m planning for an adventure already i want to get on the road now i know this

Is my spawn point so i should be fine i can even set this so i spawn back at this particular bed i think we should be fine but little did i know i was definitely wrong already off in the distance i have no idea what this is are they friendly are they hostile I don’t know oh boy what are you oh no you’re a golem okay all right all right all right you’re hostile okay i didn’t know you know what i didn’t know i didn’t know what am i gonna do just leave okay i’ll leave what is inside there is there more

Intermittent or something in there all right and it’s already getting dark did i bring a bed i did so i should be good there’s so many sounds happening around me i just i don’t know what to do but definitely found out those guys are bad news at least i know you’re good not

As scared of you anymore oh i’m setting you on fire i’m so sorry at least it doesn’t make him hostile i wondered maybe that’s why he attacked me it’s because my hat set him on fire we need to take this off i almost guarantee that’s what happened who are you good

Are you guys good guys who is in there it’s a statue oh i like that song keep playing would you stop oh there you go do do oh like that song ah so after a good night’s rest we’re being bombarded with slimes what is this terraria

This guy straight up drop some gel i what wow like what are you don’t even use it never mind i’m not even go there what are you yes please this is a massive structure here that’s definitely a no-go zone right there those are yeah they’re already

Shooting at me but this is already put together that would automatically i mean we already have seven but still that would put us already in the nether which would be insane because we were definitely not ready for the nether oh man we’re in the savannah i wish i had some carrots

For that pretty fella right there also is this is this what i think it is is this the bad one i don’t know is there a goat there’s a chest oh a totem even dying right away yes is there anything else oh my gosh what is this death barter what does

Death water mean that sounds horrifying golden apples a skull i have a feeling we’re gonna be so looted up oh my thorns and there’s some i don’t know if those carrots work is there a chest in every single one of these oh my gosh we just got what is this health synergy

I hope these are good look at all these bones though just looted a graveyard i should be ashamed and this is an anvil i will definitely take an anvil that’s so much good stuff that was right here what’s crazy is we’ve not really set our house but oh my gosh

We have no bag yet what is this cobweb entanglement i love how these just hang here this is a really nice house though what is this dwarven anvil who are you my fine sir oh it’s a dwarven blacksmith and it trades stuff very gems so redstone and stuff is tradable so

This is your house i am sorry i bombarded your house i will take your coal normally i wouldn’t i wouldn’t i would leave you alone but i don’t know this is it’s just too good not to what are you selling here what is this champion’s helmet champion’s chest plate this

Is this better than what i’m wearing right here oh wow this actually has stuff the champions over world villages it gives us a health potion boost wait a minute we’ll we’ll keep this for now oh and we oh that’s graveyard moss and then well maybe the whole set gives us a

Really nice cool boost i don’t know if health synergy is better this is six oh yeah this is way better armor and what is this this is just regular gold set i mean we don’t have boots so i might as well i might as well take these golden boots you know

I mean we’re looking pretty nice there’s got to be something in that chest why would it be blocked like that oh i was right there’s iron and this is right here is armor goggles and then oh it shows what we have equipped okay interesting what else is around that spawn

Oh a way stone so we can just travel back and forth ooh and there’s also an upstairs oh have i stumbled upon i feel i’m so scared i feel like i’m playing skyrim and every time i open a chest i’m like should i be sneaking should i let him

Know is he going to follow me up here oh whoa can i help you harpy are you are you attacking me are we friends or i don’t know if are you hitting me i think you were hitting me harpy how dare you the harpy offering anything a magic feather

Interesting oh my god we’re already being attacked by so much and i’ve just i’ve barely gotten started that way stone made it so easy i was able to just travel back and look at this we can go right back here and continue our travels oh my gosh this is an armadillo

I didn’t mean to punch i’m so sorry it’s an armadillo though oh goodness they’re so cute and oh my whoa um i believe i have stumbled upon something that is much bigger than i this is huge look at the lava just flowing down i notice there’s some buildings over here

So hopefully they can lend a helping hand but i feel like i they’re they’re probably going to die oh what are you doing so orange here because of the sunset Are these guys friendly okay so they’re not they’re not by default friendly that’s something i’ve i found out apparently and they sound like golems can i kill you though like how much health you you have a hundred health oh man probably not a good idea to provoke these guys

Wow okay we gotta find is that a koala oh my god i’ve we gotta find a place it is night time we gotta sleep oh thank goodness i was so scared all right so we know that they’re not friendly at least not right now but there’s these guys again they’re like what

What is that oh that’s gone that’s gone so 100 that’s gone i feel like these guys are hiding something hello um greek fantasy really does fit the theme of this pack oh no i might be in trouble i might i might be in a little bit of a little bit of trouble

Oh boy i poisoned oh no not these things no i forgot ice and fires in here and those things are the worst i have i have had a many troubles with the cockatrace i believe is what they’re called oh my gosh look at this majestic hyena he’s just the way he’s walking i

We’ve got to go back and get her stuff at least oh no okay i thought i was ready to go get my stuff no no no oh no these guys are after me they shoot poisonous darts no quit i’ve had enough i don’t want none of your fun party games i’m out

Don’t leave me alone oh they won’t leave me alone either they will chase me down oh no we gotta hurry we gotta hurry i’m almost there i’m almost there maybe i can hurry rush my stuff maybe the cockatrice will leave me alone but i doubt it oh no it’s already shot me

It’s already got me i’m i’m probably not gonna make it oh and i also have this thing in my what is going on no i can’t access my stuff no oh my i put on at least some armor so i can hopefully get back and obtain my stuff

My plan is to sneak up on them slowly but surely sneak up on them they can’t see me all right and and then attack and then rush in kill this guy hopefully i can grab my stuff transfer items yes i’ve got my stuff i’ve got to get out of here

Oh boy or we’re we’re gonna definitely oh man face death once again i do want to kill the cockatrice that guy is annoying but i can’t i can’t i don’t have any ranged weapons i died again into the cockatrice i i tell you what that animal should not exist

Oh it’s so bad i even eat the golden apple and it doesn’t care it doesn’t care it’s gonna poison me regardless look at this i’m gonna get to it i’m gonna try and survive it i i’m almost positive it’s gonna kill me again we need to bread

Up look at that it weakens me look at this thing it’s almost dead oh thank goodness wow that took a lot all right i’m being attacked as well oh boy we gotta get out of here that’s not a good place to be so after all of that

At least i found something worth looting oh man we have ourselves a beautiful tower tome of books i might as well loot just about everything that exists here might as well and i’m i’m actually pretty familiar with this space so i’m not gonna let it i’m not gonna let it get me

I’m not i’m not gonna let it get me all right so we got good stuff up here this i believe is from apotheosis this would normally get me you know um there’s a lot of things that can get me but i really want that loot i really

This is not gonna get me all right oh boy all right so what do we get here we got a bow that actually has some equipment on it and we got a a pick all right diamond effect this is against all blocks uncommon all right that’s pretty

Nice uncommon just regular thing it has uh sniper damage that’s a bonus wicked now i we have this bow but man i really wish we had some way of uh getting arrows easily that i mean we have bones but we don’t have a lot of arrows so

After all that madness it was definitely time to go adventuring underground and thus i found my first cave ah it’s beautiful that diamond no that’s not diamond made me think of his diamond that makes me think it’s diamond too is that diamond no it’s not a time you know what there

Should be more diamond but anyways this uh this is a cave i did use the uh the caves and cliffs oral gin so i’m hoping this is a part of it it’s absolutely beautiful and we have a structure just right here this is all nice because we have all these caving material here

Definitely going to be grabbing some of that let’s see what is this oh boy this is spawners um i’m gonna run for it i’m gonna grab the loot out of the chests i think this it may be too bright for these spawners to work oh that’s not a good sound

Is that a changing old apple do we can quit right now no need to play minecraft what is this projectile and knight this mods in here ours nouveau or novo what oh this is this is powerful okay i mean i think the lights are preventing

I mean i’m gonna take my time here then um okay we gotta fire three arrows when charged okay spider’s vest has a lifesteal on it total regeneration healing you and your allies has a five second duration it’s something that we can actually use i would rather use that than anything else

So we do have zombie spawners there’s also a frost chest plate chest piece it’s a legendary armor formed with the ice that never melts makes the wearer feel as if they were one with winter amidst a chilling aura i’m putting that on we got two totems of regeneration

But we also got you know what i’m happy this is pretty nice though too like i said this is crazy because this is if this is what it is yeah this shoots a projectile it’s weird that it makes everything dark around is that because we’re we use all of our mana

And so we get hit with like a negative effect this glass is pretty wow this is a i like this loot i’m happy with that as i’m back down in the mines as i’m binding some iron uh yes another structure what is this now this i am not familiar with but

Do have some monsters wow this actually does some pretty decent damage see if we can’t get in here oh put a stop to that okay we got a oh you know what oh this is the idol on very nice and there’s some chesterunos a fox vest

What does this give us uh gives us 10 percent and we can see against our thing so we got uh range damage gets a 10 buff and then a chance to gate hits all right sheer daggers oh this is really nice hey i know what the light feather is i’ve played a

Little bit of minecraft dungeons look at this uh light feather this allows us to do the whole dash thing quicker what about this chest ah this is the one that has the idol and stuff on it this gives us just by itself gives us armor toughness when it’s equipped

Inside of some slot that is oh yeah this right here look at that inside of a curious hero slot i mean soul shards which is kind of a it’s a part of this mod there’s a whole lot that goes into this mod but should i kill this guy

No we should probably leave them no there’s a chest in here definitely need to get what’s in this chest oh we got archer’s vests and then we get shot powder okay okay so if you want to make a swift exit stuns enemies and then we also got moon daggers this

Has soul gathering so the soul gathering is uh was a mechanical part of minecraft dungeons where um you gathered souls to be able to use certain artifacts and so it’s kind of interesting to see like these artifacts and stuff and i’m sure they require souls in some ways i just don’t know how

The souls are going to work this is a crucible oh this is such a cool looking building is there more stuff upstairs or is it just does it just end i just just ends oh boy i think i’ve discovered something something else underground it’s almost like some kind of catacombs oh and it’s

This is large this looks massive here there’s gonna be so much to explore oh god the spider totally just got me off guard oh wow there is so much here oh this is going to be oh yeah this is definitely something that you have to come back and watch for

In the next episode but of course with this being the end of the episode i do want to give a huge shout out to the sponsor of today’s video and then my friends is going to go to mitch viss thank you so much for your amazing support over on patreon and guys of

Course if you are interested in becoming a patreon yourself and supporting the videos i make of course you can find that link down in the description below guys i hope you enjoyed today’s video of course if you did be sure to smack that subscribe button we’re so close to 500

000 subscribers i can almost smell it guys i really appreciate of course i will see you in the next video and as always thanks for watching You

This video, titled ‘Medieval Minecraft EP1 Minecraft, But Medieval’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2021-11-09 19:00:00. It has garnered 488243 views and 13724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:13 or 1513 seconds.

Journey with me through this massive Medieval Minecraft Modpack filled with crazy creatures spiraling this massive world. Throughout our journey, we will experience trials and tribulation but will overcome and become VICTORIOUS! Join me as I take on this Medieval Masterpiece!

GREATEST MEDIEVAL FANTASY RPG ADVENTURE & EXPLORATION MODPACK! ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Minecraft World Info — Graphics Settings — Shaders: Recorcepacks: Modpack Provided How to Install Shaders for Modpacks:

— World Generation — Starting Pack Version: v37 Seed: ChosenArchitect World Type: Caves and Cliffs

— World Downloads — World Download: Check EP10


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    EPIC Showdown: Wither Storm vs SecurityVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wither Storm vs Security House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-10-13 02:00:16. It has garnered 156402 views and 3225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:23 or 1103 seconds. WAVES of Wither Storms are trying to DESTROY our base in Minecraft! Can me and my friend UPGRADE our base quick enough to survive? ✅ Main Channel: ❤️ Tik Tok: 📷 Instagram: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 💙 Huge thanks and… Read More


    BREAKING INTO MOM'S HOUSE IN MINECRAFT #holoJusticeVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】busting into mama rara’s home #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice’, was uploaded by Gigi Murin Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-07-19 04:07:46. It has garnered 58306 views and 6584 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:42 or 7242 seconds. thumbnail art: This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( 【MOD used】 OptiFine MOD Creator: sp614x and the OptiFine Team Link: Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: Minecraft skin by aozane ————————————————– 【Debut Celebration Merch】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: IN: 【Acrylic Stands】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: IN:… Read More

  • OMZ Fan – Baby OMZ LOCKED in CHUNK with CRAZY FANGIRLS in Minecraft! OMG!

    OMZ Fan - Baby OMZ LOCKED in CHUNK with CRAZY FANGIRLS in Minecraft! OMG!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby OMZ Locked on ONE CHUNK with ONLY Baby CRAZY FAN GIRLS in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Lily)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-07-28 14:58:31. It has garnered 3735 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:32 or 1172 seconds. 🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍 in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Baby OMZ Locked on ONE CHUNK with ONLY Baby CRAZY FAN GIRLS in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Lily) 🔥… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Animation Tutorial!

    INSANE Minecraft Animation Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Face Animation Tutorial (Songs of War Edition) [Blender 2.79]’, was uploaded by Arbiter617 Reuploads on 2024-06-13 10:41:47. It has garnered 149 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:38 or 6758 seconds. (Reupload) Timestamps: 00:00 – Introduction 04:12 – Eye Movement 22:00 – Eye Dilation 24:49 – Upper Eyes 52:55 – Lower Eyes 1:00:08 – Blinks 1:05:49 – Mouth (Lip Sync) 1:36:58 – Mouth Curvature 1:42:12 – Mouth Rotation 1:47:35 – Closing #blender #blender3d #animation #tutorial #animationtips #minecraft #minecraftanimation #songsofwar #tipsandtricks #reupload #lipsync Read More

  • Simply Skyblock

    Simply SkyblockWelcome to Simply Blockblock, Skyblock made simple! A Brand new Java only server! No fancy plugins to make you spend all purchases are totally optional to just support the server and provide no ingame advantages, no OTT limitations, Just good skyblock without the fuss! Read More

  • WanMC: semi-anarchy, mild roleplay, vanilla

    Welcome to WanMC Scroll no further! You have found the server you’re looking for! WanMC is a vanilla semi-anarchy server with some roleplay, and we want YOU to join us! Whether you’re a master redstoner, roleplayer or pvper, we are looking forward to meeting you! Just give us a try, and you’ll see how friendly and fun this community is! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My most disastrous Minecraft world ever

    Minecraft Memes - My most disastrous Minecraft world everLooks like even your Minecraft world couldn’t handle your excessive space bar smashing! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Worst Teammate

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Worst Teammate In the Minecraft world, a betrayal did brew, A player on the SMP, with mischief to pursue. Trying to destroy, causing quite a stir, But the community stood strong, their unity a blur. The server in chaos, tension in the air, As the betrayer’s actions left others in despair. But the players united, their bonds held tight, Facing the challenge with all their might. In the world of Minecraft, where friendships are key, Betrayal may happen, but together they’ll be. So let’s dive into the story, with rhymes that sing, In this Minecraft SMP, where legends take wing. Read More

  • Sigma Iron Golem vs. Villager Oi Oi Oi 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Sigma Iron Golem vs. Villager Oi Oi Oi 🔥 #minecraft #memes Why does the Iron Golem look like it’s about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2021? 🔥 #barsfordays #minecraftrapper Read More

  • Technoblade: The Minecraft Youtuber Everyone Hates to Love

    Technoblade: The Minecraft Youtuber Everyone Hates to Love The Legacy of Technoblade in Minecraft It’s been over two years since Technoblade’s passing, yet his legacy remains strong and vibrant. His name frequently arises in conversations, whether directly or indirectly. A Remarkable Journey Technoblade was a genuinely kind and pure individual. His journey was challenging, marked by some of the toughest times during his struggles. Initially, his Bedwars montages didn’t gain much attention, but eventually, his Skyblock and Bedwars content skyrocketed in popularity, and he never looked back. The Potato War The Potato War he initiated was nothing short of astonishing, showcasing his remarkable achievements in the game…. Read More

  • Unleash Chaos with Mynex Modpack ft. Tide in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos with Mynex Modpack ft. Tide in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Modpack Yet Again: Minecraft w Tide’, was uploaded by Mynex on 2024-09-15 08:03:51. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 07:17:13 or 26233 seconds. The Subscribes who have been here a while and constantly do things within the community are the ones im playing with. I wont just randomly invite someone who just subed and is like OMG CAN I PLAY sorry but i simply dont trust someone who just shows up. WHY HAVEN’T YOU SUBSCIRBED? Links Down Below: Donate: Join the Discord: Discord link:… Read More

  • Crafty Shizo Minecraft Mod

    Crafty Shizo Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘chill modded minecraft’, was uploaded by C_heeseable on 2024-07-26 07:44:25. It has garnered 260 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:05 or 11585 seconds. earlier Read More

  • Frenzied Emo survives impossible Superflat Minecraft

    Frenzied Emo survives impossible Superflat MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore, But The World Is Superflat’, was uploaded by FrendlyEmo on 2024-09-06 21:00:12. It has garnered 208 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. subscribe because yay Read More

  • Revolutionary Cytooxien Lobby Trailer!

    Revolutionary Cytooxien Lobby Trailer!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore Cytooxien in a NEW style! (Lobby Trailer)’, was uploaded by Cytooxien on 2024-04-26 14:00:07. It has garnered 1440 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Join our Discord: Minecraft Server: (Java Edition) Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Charcoal Distillation!

    Insane Minecraft Charcoal Distillation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nomifactory Modpack – Minecraft 1.12 – Ep. 31: Charcoal Distillation & Micro Miner Tier One!’, was uploaded by Kryllyk on 2024-03-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 169 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:56 or 2036 seconds. 🔧 Welcome back to Nomifactory! In Episode 31 of our Minecraft 1.12 modpack adventure, we dive deep into industrial processes to acquire charcoal byproducts and distill the results. Additionally, we venture into the world of micro mining with the Tier One Micro Miner. Join us as we expand our industrial capabilities and push the boundaries… Read More

  • OMG! I Found the Most Powerful Fruit in One Piece!

    OMG! I Found the Most Powerful Fruit in One Piece!Video Information This video, titled ‘CONSEGUI A FRUTA MAIS FORTE – One Piece’, was uploaded by Bayo on 2024-08-09 15:36:41. It has garnered 46631 views and 3817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. Minecraft One Piece is the series where I live in a world full of pirates, and I must explore everything this place has to offer! ❤️Here you can find more about me!❤️ • twitter: @bayozard • instagram: @caio.bayo 🕗Videos every day at 12:15 pm and 6:15 pm! 📧 commercial: [email protected] #Minecraft #Bayo #Ep03 Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Piglins vs Iron Golems – Who will emerge victorious?! #minecraft

    Ultimate Battle: Piglins vs Iron Golems - Who will emerge victorious?! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piglins vs All Iron Golems – Mutant & Titan Iron Golems vs Mutant Titan Piglin Brute #minecraft #new’, was uploaded by GJ MANISH YT on 2024-08-04 14:50:29. It has garnered 394 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:12 or 252 seconds. Piglins vs All Iron Golems – Mutant & Titan Iron Golems vs Mutant Titan Piglin Brute In a thrilling clash of iron and flesh, the “All Iron Golems vs All Piglins Tournament” showcases an epic battle between two formidable factions from the Minecraft universe. The arena is set, and the… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT ADVENTURE NO NETHER! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT NO NETHER #shorts #minecraftmemes #minecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Carneiro on 2024-03-24 23:47:10. It has garnered 15367 views and 588 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ❤ SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE TO BUY COOKIES 🌟 SEE MORE OF MY VIDEOS BY CLICKING HERE: ► Click (SHOW MORE) to see everything! ====================================== ► SNAPCHAT: carneiro_gamer ► TWITTER: ► FACEBOOK : ► INSTAGRAM : ====================================== ┌─┐ ─┐* │▒│ /▒/ │▒│/▒/ │▒ /▒/─┬─┐ │▒│▒|▒│▒│ ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ │▒┌──┘▒▒▒ │ └┐▒▒▒▒ ▒▒┌┘ └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘ *LIKE,* *LIKE,* *LIKE,*… Read More

  • Lanterncraft Semi-vanilla SMP PVE Cross-Play

    Welcome to Lanterncraft We are a new Semi-Vanilla SMP server with a variety of activities and Plugins, including a resource world, Player Controlled economy, and quests! Join our detailed questlines to earn great rewards or claim your land to protect your builds from griefers. Our staff team is quick to assist with any issues. Keep your inventory on death and explore custom dungeons with unique loot tables. We are crossplay friendly, so bedrock players can join in on the fun! Join our friendly and welcoming community at Lanterncraft. We hope to see you there! Discord: Java IP: Bedrock… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – That sword be like 👀

    Minecraft Memes - That sword be like 👀I guess you could say that sword is a cut above the rest! Read More

Medieval Minecraft EP1 Minecraft, But Medieval