Minecraft but I can Combine Elements

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I can collect and combine all the elements in Minecraft to use their unique powers to take down the Elemental Dragon now I have this book here which tells me the coordinates to Elemental temples I need to go to each one to unlock the ability to combine elements

But first let’s get some elements okay hey sheep how’s it going man I like how Derpy sheeps are anyways now that I have a metric heck ton of glass I can make a metric hecton of glass bottles he’s still just looking at me oh crafting

Table I am a sit on it so with my glass bottles I can right click on the air to get myself some air dude ah yes this is what my mom meant by take a deep breath she meant it literally this has some cool Powers not only can I oh goodness

Oh sheep I’m sorry I did not mean to do that well it levitates mobs which is nice sorry buddy you were in the way there the only spot he should not have been if it makes you feel any better sheep I’ll use it on myself I can also

Use it on myself to levitate and I guess it gives me slow falling oh sorry buddy so let me just grab a bunch of air here because this will be useful for our journey but not only that check it out if I use this on a dirt block I also get

Myself some erf and I can use my Earth well hold on let me try this again I can use this to dip oh goodness gracious what mastered my Earth bending Powers yet ah there we go once I actually hit mobs I can damage them by throwing blocks at

Him which is kind of cool and I can use this ability to make a little dirt Bridge which is pretty cool what’s up chicken how you doing down there check it out chicken I can fall ouch I missed next up water water is actually very

Easy to get all I gotta do is punch water and I collect it I can use my water to damage mobs oh it looks like I’m spitting at people press the Subscribe button with your tongue but also I can use this water to break some blocks as well I mean that’s kind

Of nice why use your fist to break blocks when you can spit at them instead wow incredible now this is cool and all and worthy of you hitting the like button but I want to get myself some of the fire element as well oh no the

Gravel’s so far away and I can swim whatever will I do okay now one thing I need is a flint right now give me a flint my boy I need to make myself a flint and steel there we go monster take my water yes lesson learned guys in real life if you

Ever have to battle a skeleton just throw water at them take that oh my goodness you are not a normal mob uh oh water Marauder oh my goodness there’s a lot of mobs going on here it looks like these water mobs uh are resistant resistant against oh hold on hold on

Hold on okay so it looks like oh my goodness there’s special Elemental mobs and those Elemental mobs are resistant against their own element so that must be the water monster I’m assuming there’s a fire monster and an error monster and all that all right I just need a single iron hello anybody here

I’m currently dying don’t ask where I got the cooked mutton it’s tofu okay I’m playing vegan Minecraft all right here’s my iron and with this I can now make fire hey yeah all right now how do I collect this uh fire give me oh shoot fire give me fire fire I actually don’t

Know how to get fire do I have to hello that’s how I collect fire oh that’s actually really awesome dude and now I put out the fire looks like this guy throws a fire ability oh shoot oh that was a bad idea I should not have done

This in the forest oh gosh oh gosh okay I think we’re safe Fireball go boom oh that’s so sick man I can literally harness the power of fire and shoot it out against Bad mobs and then I can just use it to collect it I got infinite

Flames dude and I also got a new element called egg I don’t know what element this is let’s try out what power does it give me oh that was a normal egg never mind well now that I have the four normal elements it’s time to head to the

Elemental temples because once I do I can then combine these elements to make new elements I’m excited man okay so I made it here to the quicksand Corey and it looks like it’s locked dude requires the realistic element to open can I not just go around though I mean it’s oh no

I can’t it’s literally locked I don’t even know what a realistic uh realistic element oh I can craft it I need realistic fragments it looks like dude this whole place is locked down I literally can’t even go around it oh whoa I see some buildings over here it

Looks like a town pardon me town oh gosh it’s the smallest city of all time like a single Road oh wait a minute hold on there’s something more going on here looks like a portal and it says portal to the real world oh well this must be

Be where I get my realistic element fragments here goes nothing I guess City dude wait there’s a book over here hey don’t Litter boys it’s a naughty book what might it say hello again crafty I’ve inconvenienced You by locking the quicksand Corey and hiding the realistic element fragments inside

Of the places where you’ve made fond memories from the evil sorcerer oh gosh dang it you guys how am I supposed to get down from here I might be able to oh gosh oh gosh ouch well am I stuck up here oh there might be uh yes okay

Perfect Believe It or Not guys this is not the first time I’ve been stuck in a human City I was trapped here by an evil Sorcerer And my full journey is in my new comic book crafty’s Big City the book talks about fond memories maybe I

Gotta go back to the places from the comic book well when I first got trapped here I fell into this Pond and I discovered what a uh duck was which is apparently different than a chicken my theory was right looks like I got my first realistic fragment here

And the perfume store where I thought they were splash potions don’t judge me uh yes realistic fragment number two acquired oh perfect I got another one this is where I discovered what cars were all right only one more fragment to go oh goodness hello Mr security you

Don’t remember me do you oh gosh he does yes he does this is where I found out what breaking and entering meant okay okay okay yes yes the last fragment we got it dude excuse me boys pardon me pardon me and now I should be able to

Craft a realistic element dude wow very realistic all right let’s get the heck out of here all right back in Action what a fun little trip down memory lane if you want to know more about my adventure and what your very own signed crafty comic book

Head on over to crafty dot store out oh gosh hold on all right all right I got your realistic element boom Corey unlocked now here in the quicksand Corey I should be able to unlock the quicksand element excuse me Cobblestone if you don’t mind going away that’d be awesome

I like how I could just wash away Cobblestone now that’s rad oh gosh bad guys oh a lot of bad guys oh goodness all right pardon me do you mind if I smack you with a piece of dirt real quick thanks guys thank you thank you

There you go and dirt for you and dirt for you I’m like a dirty Oprah what ah I shall use my Air Attack oh sick what did they drop me dude a poison of slow falling don’t mind if I do oh I think I just ate the bottle

There we are oh oh my goodness hello sir I didn’t even recognize that was a mob Dude Looks Like an earth Golem oh goodness gracious me Earth Golem you look a little dirty buddy don’t you mind if I wash you a little bit oh can I lift

Him up in the air then I could just go right underneath him run run run run take that Golem can’t catch me dude all right now if I if I set up my Earth wall here I might be able to block them off it didn’t work my wall did not work okay

Okay okay I’m just gonna hang out in the air if you don’t mind go all the way up there we go just fly up in the sky oh shoot Iron Golems don’t take fall damage oh this might be bad I have a good plans

If I use my Air Attack launch him in the air then I can shoot Fireballs at him we got him oh that was a close one dude all right is this uh I assume this is the Quarry here so if I combine let me grab some water real quick and I assume I

Gotta put earth and water together will that do it oh oh something’s happening it’s shooting out dirt from this guy come on earth and water make hey look at that dude I got myself quicksand looks like I can throw quicksand and eat quicksand I don’t know why I’d want to

Eat it but uh sure man so I can toss this on the ground okay I made quicksand oh gosh help heck yeah dude now I got infinite uh Sandy food it’s like a sandwich eh oh I can hear the sound it makes on my teeth you ever go to the

Beach and like get sand in your team and you crunch on it like an hour later oh quicksand attack well well all right maybe the quicksand is better just to eat quicksand go oh okay when I hit Mobs with it it like locks them in place it looks like it like

Slows them down or something I don’t know let’s unlock our next element well here’s the coordinates for the icy tomb so I’m assuming it’s got to be under here somewhere oh if there’s bad guys down here I might have to unlock the element of surprise I can’t help it dude

Puns are my life whoa this place is cool Hello place that’s cool huh get it cool cause I prepare yourself this weekend is crafty’s Black Friday super sale where everything on our merch website is up to 75 off and signed Saturday where every single product will be hand signed by

Yours truly and Santa Sunday with huge Christmas deals have a crafty Christmas this Black Friday weekend on crafty dot store or click the link in the description all right all right I’m sorry that’ll be the last part of the day I lied uh hello anybody Here looks like there’s these pillars here there

Are some pressure plates maybe I gotta put some things together here maybe I gotta hit do I step on this open sesame did that actually work oh gosh please don’t explode oh okay well that opened the door heck yeah man since when is open sesame actually worked all right

There’s a big puddle of water here uh what do I do now I shall combine the air did that work do I got uh air and water maybe hey Ice yeah dude I got it oh my goodness it shoots ice spikes oh it increases my speed when I’m on Ice haha

I’m a little ballerina I mean ice skater I meant to say ice skater no I am made of speed oh goodness what the heck what the heck is that whoa whoa whoa whoa chill chill chill oh my goodness I wasn’t ready for a battle oh my God he’s

Got alligators attack yeah ice Avoca it says oh gosh run run run run run run what the heck man all right isovoker bad guy for sure bad guy I might be able to use my fire here if I can get close enough fire attack go go go go and I

Gotta run I gotta run I gotta run oh gosh he slows me down not cool dude he’s nerfing my power of speed did I take him out I took him out gosh I gotta run from these little guys though I’m out I’m out have a good day

And by that I mean get fired oh my goodness this is very difficult hold on let me eat sand real quick don’t judge Don’t Judge Me Oh gosh get out of here dude oh my goodness that was terrifying Dude Looks Like These Elemental mobs are getting

More and more dangerous but now I should be able to combine my elements yeah to make a bunch of Ice Dude ice ice deadly I missed ice attack ice attack yeah yeah I can shoot out ice spikes now oh my gosh to damage mobs that’s sick and it

Looks like whenever I launched the ice on the ground it makes a little ice Square in case I want to run really fast for uh half a second wow okay this must be the true combined element uh thing what did it say true combined element

Temple any bad guys I got air and I’m not afraid to use it okay it doesn’t look like there’s any bad guys here cool looking Temple whoa all right well I have ice that must be this element oh this must be a whole separate element

Got it okay so this is the area where if I get whatever this element is looks like maybe fire and Earth or something I can then combine those to get a true element nice dude okay this is sweet so we got a bunch more elements together well according to my element book a

Smoky Castle is supposed to be on these coordinates uh but I don’t see a castle anywhere it uh may be underground what the heck was that did you see it there was like a red thing did you see that oh my gosh hi buddy no don’t be shy okay I

Definitely am in the right area then hi I do have some bones can I tame you dude come here buddy let’s be friends come on yeah dude we got a dog ah sick man do you like vomit fire or anything exciting I don’t know why vomit fire was the

First thing that came to my mind but I mean it sounds dangerous I’ll call you Sparky all right Sparky let’s find this mysterious Temple shall we oh buddy are you okay oh his tail is very far down do I I have a little bit of beef here come here Sparky I gotcha dude

I’m sorry why I don’t like these new creepers man all right he’s looking a little more healthy be careful buddy those creepers are sneaky okay I found this crazy Temple the Smoky Castle or whatever oh gosh that’s a lot of bad guys take this all right this is a spooky

Looking Mansion can I use the water oh man I can’t make obsidian I thought that was gonna be cool well I can still use my Earth here to bridge across oh this is kind of scary actually no don’t fall in lava careful Sparky actually you might be fine are you lava resistant are

You made of lava I don’t know I don’t judge dude I made a diamond hello any bad guys around here okay well it looks actually quite pretty on the inside for an evil underground Castle they do like their purple shrubberies how cute I’m not seeing anything special there is

Some Cobblestone here is it behind a secret entrance I love secret entrances now this is dark and mysterious this is what I figured was gonna be down here okay so we’re making steam right so uh water goes here fire go closed captioning not available what’s happening

Oh oh goodness no no no bad bad oh gosh very bad the whole Bridge just fell dude Iron Golems let’s not let’s not play this right now all right it’s not my fault you weigh a lot more than I do you didn’t look at the Bridge’s weight

Capacity okay oh gosh no thank you oh gosh can we get the heck out of here man I might be able to use my air to get back up to the surface hey yeah come on Sparky be careful buddy oh this is actually awesome dude wait a minute okay

If I use my air in Earth is that what it wants me to do lunch in the sky oh this is actually really awesome dude I might run out of air but I think I should have plenty of water bottles ah shoot oh gosh oh gosh ah dang it I’m back at the

Bottom Sparky okay one more leap here Sparky yeah don’t mess this up man can I make it can I make it can I make it yeah dude all right I actually don’t know what element this is Earth and fire no uh Earth and uh no air and Earth yeah I

Got it right the first time what did I get I got a comment the coolest element of all time dude I can use it to throw down a comet flare what oh sick dude oh I need more of that get a little bit of air here combine

That with my earth I guess I could like an image mobs I can summon giant meteors that’s so sick man watch out Sparky there’s a cow that didn’t come and play you guys survived for real watch out Sparky Kaboom you survived two comets okay the Comets are awesome they don’t do a whole

Lot of damage here my friends is the Temple of Light uh it kind of looks like an ordinary desert temple to be honest but then I looked up and saw that and I was like okay well this might be something unique I’m gonna have you sit

Out here buddy in case there’s a trap inside I don’t want you to accidentally step on it okay everything here looks fairly normal is there some special treasure oh that goes deeper than before all right all right do I still have my slow falling potion I do all right let

Me sip on this real quick and oh I’m actually a little nervous but I’m really excited oh this is cool I don’t know how I’m gonna get back out of here oh hello what the heck a lot of stuff is happening the door to the Temple of

Light only opens when the lamps ignite I like the Rhymes I like the Rhymes oh my are those llamas spitting fire I’m not talking about rapping either this place is awesome awesome whoa talk about a hidden treasure okay I can get across this area hello Mr llamas don’t destroy

Me please oh gosh are you gonna hurt me oh they don’t even hurt me oh they spit light at me oh ah yes very nice oh are they just gonna spit at me the whole time I see I see so this must be the thing that needs to light right it said

Something about the doors ignite from light or whatever so if I launch my Fireballs at these things here will that open the door yeah yeah yeah 360 no scope nailed it oh almost nailed attack yeah this is so awesome man and open sesame oh up all right we got a whole new element

And we have our welcome party spitting on us I can’t tell if they’re trying to hurt me or if this is like a greeting from their llama light language yes light llamas thank you for inviting me to your home very kind of you okay okay

Okay this is cool this is cool I don’t really know what I need maybe is it air and smoke no maybe ice and air is that gonna do it no wait a minute it might be Fire and Air I can’t light fires in here oh that’s embarrassing hold on hold on I

Gotta go get some fire real quick all right the entrance has some convenient fire for me to take thank you we combined fire we combine air that did it yes whoa look at that thing dude we got ourselves our Light Element creates a flame tornado all right hold on boys

Thank you for having me this has been fun thanks for the spit that was very nice welcoming gift I don’t know I felt uncomfortable by it but I mean it’s your home and it’s your rules all right let’s try this flame tornado shall we hey yeah

Whoa oh it launches me in the air dude that’ll be perfect if I’m like surrounded by dangerous mobs let’s make a couple more of those bad boys dude this might be the cutest Village I have ever seen man there’s flowers everywhere there’s a little fountain in the middle

And then of course a disgusting metalwork Factory polluting the air putting Ash on everything uh that might be snow but I’m not afraid to villainize you here’s the metal work Factory oh gosh hi buddies gentlemen I’m here I’m friendly I’m just looking for metal elements anybody seen some metal around

Here I’m not talking music hey excuse me are you stealing my iron dog hey let’s chill dude let’s chill all right honestly this is a perfect time to use my sweet new powers take that boys or watch out watch out Sparky I’m so sorry Sparky sit buddy I

Gotta use some powers in here yeah oh that’s such a sick power dude it like sucks up all the mobs and destroys them heck yeah man Earth attack a comet oh shoot okay never mind it goes through the ceiling that’s good I confuse you with my smoke attack

Oh sorry buddy all right oh you better cool off little guys one last attack yeah the tornado oh man this power is awesome dude all right all right it’s safe now little buddy tail is very low I don’t have any food for you man do you eat

Slime balls nope don’t eat slime balls do you eat quicksand he doesn’t eat quicksand all right well I took out all the enemies the door is still closed here so there’s something I’ve gotta do I’m not really sure what it is though it looks like this Factory stopped its

Production and maybe I gotta light the furnace up or something light up furnaces go go nothing the walls made a cold is that gonna work okay that’s something I don’t know if that helped but something’s on fire you know it’s working when everything is on fire yes

That did it hey I’m a genius all right now what’s new power might I have oh the power of death pardon me I mean you no harm buddy uh technically I do mean you harm stay up there there you go just go up on the ceiling hey yeah Fireball

Fireball these guys are tough man yeah I like how beautiful the ice sounds it’s like so dangerous and deadly and I’m like ah yes beautiful music it’s the sound of murder let me just borrow some of this fire here thank you very much so I’m gonna assume it’s fire and Earth

There there we go nothing happened what happened hello and lights come on man I hear like the clicking sound something’s not working here might have to do with this Cobblestone I could mud at the old-fashioned way but I have kind of a fun idea just gonna borrow some of this

Fountain water here you’re just sitting here watching me just punch this has gotta look so crazy I’m like picking a fight with a water fountain don’t mind me me and Poseidon just have got serious beef all right is this gonna work oh that works wonders all right let me toss

Our water out boom all right now will this light like I wanted to and Earth and fire go light oh gosh okay well that works ouch ouch water throwing water on me does not put my fight around good to know all right did that work did I get my element yeah

There it is dude whoa that looks awesome looks like I got the metal element that’s my impression of an electric guitar you know like metal oh what did I just do becoming vulnerable while sneaking and it mines a large area and magnetizes iron cool hello Mr spy there

Yeah attack me go ahead I’m invulnerable dude that’s so sick man I can just Squat and now mobs don’t do damage anymore go away zoomed in spider crushed it what do I throw it out to mine oh sick dude I can just use these to mine out big

Chunks this is boom boom boom and then eventually when I find Iron it’ll magnetize to me and kablamo whoa look at that yeah the iron just comes right to me yes now I don’t even have to pick up iron how lazy am I dude I mean that’s

Kind of cool but also I could just wow I got the iron sweet power and now my friends it’s time this right here is the true combined element Temple the reason why this guy is so special first of all there’s no bad guys in here isn’t that

Nice no death there’s no imminent death although it could really use some color here you go let me get some colors on those walls ah yes nice accent Blues hmm much better so the awesome thing about this place is I now can combine two of my combined elements I know we’re going

Element Inception I can put out my ice and then my metal and then that creates a whole new Element black ice I can combine light and quicksand to create plasma oh snap and my comments and my smoke whoa make a cataclysm dude and if I’m correct that should have opened up

This top area hello yes there it goes and now I can combine all three of my elements here to create something brand new give me something glorious I’ve gotta do the infinite element let me get one more of these guys real quick thank you okay welcome to crafties testing

Zone this is plasma and it creates a massive oh sinkhole ouch very painful that also drops us some blaze powder here thank you very much more of that please yeah Plum thank you very much the cataclysm I can use to essentially make I don’t know like a

Rideable ghost yes what a nice black cloud I’m riding on the best way to get around in the world oh gosh no foul damage well we’ll take those the black ice is even cooler dude it gives myself a full Mech that breaks blocks when I

Walk on it holy cow oh my goodness and I jump super high with it yeah I look so cute in here this is my Mech yeah take this blocks yeah oh man this is awesome I should make a whole video on this uh oh wait if you were

Subscribed you know I already did and our infinite element when I right click with it oh gosh I did not think it was gonna use a fire my bad it uses a random element which is awesome ice fire earth water yeah oh that’s so cool dude I also can create

Black holes to suck up mobs into let’s try this out shall we hello Pillager friends oh I use the wrong power okay so if I use the black hole yeah it sucks up mobs into it and it uh bans them to the shadow realm but most importantly it

Gives me ender pearls my dude hello boys there we go give me some ender pearls thank you gentlemen thank you very much yeah yeah this is how I’m getting us one more and that should be good dude let’s head ourselves to the end I said to the end can you Contour

Work oh my goodness dude they’re mobs everywhere holy cow oh okay okay okay this is where the black holes are really gonna come in handy oh my goodness look at all the chaos holy cow stay alive stay alive just keep using the black holes we’re right we’re all right oh oh

My word this wasn’t that hard until now wait wait I do have one more power if I hold my infinite element I can fly with it that way I can breathe for a second here goodness take my element elephant attack yeah dude I don’t need to fight

In Dragon dude I gotta take out all the element mobs they’re way harder man my word there’s hundreds of them okay okay I’ve taken out most of them chill chill if I can buy my fire in Earth there we go there we go I could at least become invulnerable for a second

And breathe oh my gosh nobody kill me hold on guys I’m just invulnerable this is ridiculous dude okay it’s getting lighter I think I’m taking out most of the elemental mobs I still haven’t seen the dragon yet though but at least I’m able to breathe hi buddy ow all right

It’s cool I didn’t want to be your friend either this looks like the last mob did I do it did I beat the game hello oh my goodness there he is the Elemental Dragon hello what’s up yeah like your Zoomies dude okay now can I just literally use a black hole and suck

This guy up too yeah Elemental Dragon boom I’ve beaten the game baby let’s go and don’t forget to go to crafty dot store to get your very own crafty comic book

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can Combine Elements’, was uploaded by Craftee on 2022-11-23 15:00:10. It has garnered 5723289 views and 98869 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds.

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but I can Combine Elements! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but I can Combine Elements

#Minecraft #But #elements


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

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    End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner's Home! - Chill Survival - #16 Exploring End Fortresses and the Ranch Owner’s Home in Minecraft In the latest episode of Minecraft survival gameplay, our adventurous player embarks on a journey to discover End Fortresses and work on the ranch owner’s home. The world of Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities, and our player is determined to create a stylish and unique environment while enjoying the thrill of survival. Discovering End Fortresses The quest begins with the exciting task of searching for End Fortresses. These mysterious structures hold valuable loot and pose a challenge to even the most seasoned players. Armed with determination and a… Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore

    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More

  • Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!

    Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!Video Information [Music] n aah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] l [Music] a [Music] [Music] heyo good afternoon I think what is it what time is it for you I’ll tell you what time it is it’s my birthday it’s my birthday I’m so nervous right now and I don’t know why I literally live streamed last week but today I’m really nervous and I don’t know why it’s probably because of coffee but that’s okay um oh no oh no oh no hey what’s up Dakota what’s up poken what’s up Frogg here… Read More

  • Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft Madness

    Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creeper become mad👽#minecraft #trending #creeper’, was uploaded by Mindstorm07 on 2023-12-21 06:42:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello welcome to my YouTube channel!! I am regularly uploading videos, please support me ❤️. If you wanna play with me, … Read More

  • Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮

    Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮Video Information [Music] mil This video, titled ‘Beta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-07 09:30:07. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. houseBeta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft… Read More

  • Nishant’s Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!

    Nishant's Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!Video Information This video, titled ‘#beatbox #flutebeatbox #duet #flute #music #memes #minecraft #song #trending #fluteringtone’, was uploaded by nishant on 2024-05-27 05:17:26. It has garnered 12836 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Herocraft Network

    Herocraft NetworkHerocraft: the best Minecraft geopolitical Earth-Towny server ever! You will have to make the right choices if you want to dominate over the world. Will this be the lucky year? play.herocraftmc.net Read More

  • Macaroni-land factions java bedrock towns pvp playershops

    Welcome to Macaroni-land Java IP: Bedrock IP: PORT 25984 Join our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/V4ESac7ydU Macaroni-land is a standard survival server with elements of factions, SMP, and PvP. Our friendly yet chaotic community has been running for a couple of months. Explore our towns, check out our spawn shop selling custom music disks and more, and experience our unique gameplay features. Try out our server today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown"Well, I guess even Minecraft memes need to level up to a score of 10 for that ultimate gamer satisfaction! Read More

  • Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase!

    Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase! Herobrine must have forgotten to drink his Red Bull that day because he’s definitely not flying at the speed of light like usual! Read More

  • Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3

    Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3 Minecraft Kino Der Toten: A Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies Experience Journey into the world of Minecraft Kino Der Toten, a faithful reimagining of the popular Black Ops 1 Zombies map within the realm of Minecraft. This custom map offers a unique gameplay experience with a full crafting system, a graphical overhaul that mirrors the original game, and a plethora of exciting features. Main Easter Egg Quest and Custom Features Unlike the original Kino Der Toten, this Minecraft version boasts a main Easter egg quest, adding a new layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. The map features… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #Shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!

    EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-04-09 09:30:07. It has garnered 41726 views and 1521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. Title: I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft! Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash, Dafuq!?Boom! Parody! Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, HabitatPH 2024 Also Watch: @EsoniTV @PepeSanTV @OLIPTV @ArArPlays @potpot Comments available on: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, Sheyyyn Plays, HabitatPH 2024, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_ , Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc… Read More


    💥ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION: Jerome Becomes OPTIMUS PRIME!💥Video Information today my friends and I had Transformers lucky blocks to Minecraft walls with 20 minutes to break the blocks to get the best gear possible we then battle it out in a lives battle to see who the best is in the description we added a bunch of new stuff including the Floppy Fish bomb which dropsy has no idea what we’re talking about yet but she’ll know but she’ll know soon I I’m still recovering from the balance of War can I not find out I don’t know chat what do you think else find out this… Read More

  • GREENGHOST – Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!

    GREENGHOST - Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!Video Information I have a video to edit I think that’s what I’m going to do your uh yeah I know they’re I think they’re going to figure out a way to make it so like the camera on your phone stays on they’re still working on stuff hey flower yeah yeah yeah yeah textas speech working now I just had to restart console all right I got to do the thumbnail yo Viper hey yes flower look at my look look at your look hold on I’m back hey text to speech is working now so my foral mem… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!

    EPIC Minecraft Armor & End Portal Hunt! MUST SEE!Video Information oh I didn’t bother typing it in crap not that one come on there it goes sweet cool I wonder if that drop is still active on T talk side or not let’s see let’s see yep still going cool got that going got that going uh I think I’m good although let’s see how to go again oh that’s the armor trims okay so that makes sense and then you got those for the gold bars make the netherite bars right but then how do you go about what’s up Fort and tonight question mark I might… Read More


    ULTIMATE COOMER TEX PACK in MINECRAFT! 😱Video Information [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and fellow cumers arise for the best texture pack ever made the ultimate Kumer texture pack in Minecraft the Cute Mob Models this pack has got me cuming 24/7 I will not be showing any baby versions of the mobs you creeps [Music] oh This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE COOMER TEXTURE PACK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zeeknee on 2024-04-21 13:00:20. It has garnered 1011 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS PACK NOW #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftskywars #shorts THIS… Read More

  • Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGE

    Insane! Titanium Watermelon Flower Budget 40M DRAWAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 03:42:23. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDY

    Insane Candy Factory in Minecraft!! Flauschi Creates THE GRIDDYVideo Information tiny emot Left Foot Right Foot left yeah oh This video, titled ‘GRIDDY in MINECRAFT ! Flauschi MACHT DEN GRIDDY’, was uploaded by Candy on 2024-01-08 13:00:06. It has garnered 63935 views and 4890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. ➤➤🎉 Don’t forget to subscribe! ➤➤My real-life VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1UBBs_BQJk_dLe1nE5GKd7iWhhTFVeW ➤➤Youtuberinsel 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyWMUO85ECQ&list=PLM1UBBs_BQJnzIKW2MIo99ggbMSF8p7Rr ➤➤🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/P7PwRXHGSp Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • ODBO Network

    ODBO NetworkEmbark on a journey like no other and immerse yourself in the captivating world of ODBO Network. Our server is fueled by the passion and dedication of our community, and we rely on your support to help it flourish. Share your experiences on social media, create engaging content, and invite your friends to join the adventure. Together, we can expand the realm of ODBO SMP, welcoming new players, and building a vibrant community that thrives on friendship, camaraderie, and the exhilaration of Skyblock, Survival, lifesteal combat. Join us today and become a part of something extraordinary —ODBO Network awaits your… Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP Complexity SMP is a 3-month-old server focused on exploration and quality of life improvements. Join our tight-knit, active community for a long-lasting world with endless creativity. Features: Explore with mods like Alex’s Caves and Create Built-in economy and Discord chat integration Unique mods for a fun late game experience Join Us: Ready to embark on a new journey? Join our Discord and check out the modpack to get started! We look forward to seeing new faces in our community! Read More

  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

    Fakir's Fate: Minecraft's Presidential Twist In the city of Minecraft, chaos did brew, As criminals plotted, their evil plans grew. Mayor Fakir, a target, in danger he stood, Assassination attack, a plan for his blood. But fear not, for heroes rose to the call, To protect the city, they stood tall. With TNT in hand, they set a trap, For the assassins, a deadly wrap. The car approached, the moment was near, The explosion rang out, loud and clear. The deed was done, the mayor was no more, The city safe, from the threat they tore. So remember, in Minecraft’s tale of might, Heroes… Read More

  • Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥

    Minecraft boys: Hotter than Nether! 🔥 When you and the boys are playing Minecraft and someone accidentally hits a pig and suddenly it’s a full-on manhunt to take down the entire village. #MinecraftProblems #PiggyPayback Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results

    100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore: The Results The Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Challenge: Surviving 100 Days Introduction Embark on an epic journey of hardcore survival in the unforgiving world of Minecraft. In this challenge, players must survive for 100 days in Hardcore Mode, where death means game over with no second chances. Day 1-10: Establishing the Basics The first days are crucial for gathering essential resources like wood, stone, and food. Exploring villages and constructing a basic shelter for protection against hostile creatures is key to survival. Day 11-30: Expanding and Mining As days progress, it’s time to delve deep underground for valuable resources like diamonds and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling trailer and felt inspired to create your own epic adventures? That’s exactly the kind of motivation you’ll find on Minewind. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about art, music, and all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in Love

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art: Lovers Fall in LoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Falling Pixel Art: two lovers’, was uploaded by SculptCraftQueen on 2024-05-08 06:00:28. It has garnered 445 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Embark on a journey of creativity in Minecraft as I bring forth unique and innovative creations. Witness the magic as blocks assemble and flames dance beneath, only to reveal a stunning masterpiece upon their destruction. Join me as I showcase the beauty of my craft, turning ordinary landscapes into extraordinary works of art. Don’t miss out on the enchantment; subscribe now for a world… Read More

  • TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang’s Minecraft Bans

    TheMisterEpic Exposes Mojang's Minecraft BansVideo Information Minecraft is no stranger to adding features suggested or created by the community in fact there is an entire website fittingly called the feedback website and a popular subreddit where they take the community’s many suggestions some of which have even been added to the game but what’s much lesser known is that there is an interesting but mostly hidden list of features which Mojang will never add to the game they aren’t allowed and in fact will remove your post and potentially ban your account from the site if you do try to suggest them but why… Read More

  • Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!

    Minecraft Skyblock: INSANE 24-Hour RICH Challenge!Video Information we are here on the brand new season of Sky Block over here on complex MC and boys it literally just released not even a full hour ago so there is still a plenty of time if you guys want to go ahead and hop on and play alongside me the IP is heroic mc- complex.com is for 1.18 and above and actually both Java and Bedrock compatible now it is obviously start of the world so our journey starts today and I believe our faction from actually factions is creating an island over here on Sky Block… Read More

Minecraft but I can Combine Elements