Sword4000 – 100 Players Simulate THE PURGE in Minecraft…

Video Information

Imagine spawning into a Minecraft server knowing in five real life days all crime will become legal well today I invited 100 players to simulate The Purge in Minecraft and with only one week to Gear Up build a base and create a team filled with strong players surviving wouldn’t

Be easy so as I spawned in all alone with only one life I started trying to gear up as quickly as possible so immediately grabbed some wood before spotting a village in the distance so I started making my way over allowing me to grab a bunch of food from the Farms

Before checking out the other houses which included very helpful resources like diamonds Enchanted box and some basic armor but as I continued to explore through this Village it turned out I wasn’t alone here who looted this where is the loot hello this is hello yo

Yo yo how’s it going wait hey did you did you loot this yeah I just got here I got I’ve already got quite a lot of loot are you on your own I I am on my own knowing that that having a teammate during The Purge would be extremely

Valuable we agreed to team up as we formed Team 17 and continued searching through the village oh there’s so much food here have you seen anyone else I have not I ran straight here and I found this if you need some food by the way there’s a huge Farm over here oh yeah

Let’s get some food oh oh we’re so set this is massive it’s game over but as we Farm some crops we were quickly interrupted stop oh my gosh oh my God y oh my gosh oh God please guys please what’s going on oh my God H heart oh my gosh this gu

Almost killed me uh I will oh my God where did you come from um a long story short I saw a big ship like a very big ship and it’s and this guy spawn and I I’m a half a heart do I have any food on you guys oh yeah

Yeah take some bread take some bread it turned out this player had spawned a few hundred blocks away and decided to approach a huge pirate ship just off the coast and after being chased Away by some deadly Dolphins he arrived here at the Village wait are you on your own as

Well yeah uh are you guys in the team yeah yeah we we we we we’re teaming up for now you you want to join us uh I would like to I mean I think our chances of survival will be increased so after agreeing to team up Ronan joined us on

Team 17 wait so there’s a there’s a ship over there you said yeah a very big [ __ ] but it’s protected by so many mobs and they’re very dangerous like this guy hits very hard and I mean very hard I almost died I was half a hard I think we

Could check it out if it’s too dangerous we can leave it knowing that this ship likely contained valuable items that would be extremely helpful early on Ronin led us towards the coast oh my I see this oh I can see it yeah and after crafting some boats we made our way over

Wait did you loot this at all oh there’s more boats in the distance no no no I couldn’t oh there is you’re right how do we get up this thing there’s no ladders oh there’s more of these things hold on trying to take these out oh oh oh what the

Hell go go go go get away get away get away go to the other ones are boats yeah I’m not going anywhere near that thing boy oh he’s still following us he’s following us get over to these boats quick get over to these boats yo yo it’s right on our tail

We’re going to have to be quick right on your ta we’re going to have to be quick is this ship was clearly far too deadly for us to explore with barely any armor we decided to check out the other nearby boat boats okay let’s see salmon water

Some more armor I got some okay I got some carrots as well these boats had no hostile mobs on board allowing us to start looting giving us access to a bunch of food and a vault that contained iron diamonds and a map to a nearby treasure chest and after checking out

The smaller boats surrounding this ship we were able to gather some more basic armor pieces hey yeah this this place looks pretty ran through I think we yeah I’ve got I’ve got full inventory pretty much anyway now let’s go to okay let’s go to my uh treasure map then if we’re

Done oh yeah you still have that right okay yeah uh I’m having this boat but just as we were about to leave these boats to search for the treasure it was announced that a structure had been unlocked oh oh a MRA Temple already that was so early during this event different

Structures around the map would be slowly unlocking giving players the chance to find rare items like Enchanted boooks that would be extremely valuable in this event as enchantment tables were blocked meaning these books would be the only way to upgrade our armor and weapons before fighting the other teams

During The Purge and with PVP being allowed inside of these structures going for the loot inside would be extremely dangerous with stronger teams already starting to visit them to take out weaker players so instead of going over to the mangrove Temple we decided to continue searching for the treasure we

Can’t go there yet we can’t go there yet far and we are undergeared I mean yeah three of us 2,000 blocks away and we’ve got barely any loot we don’t want to risk dying yet I’m barely I’m like naked let’s try to make sure we go to the next

Structure but yeah we we can’t go to this one we’re just going to have to go to the next one yeah okay lock into the next one we get the next one we’ll get the next one for sure right okay the treasure map is West we then made our

Way across the sea and eventually made it over to the treasure chest uh it should be it is well it says here so I guess we just start digging what you mean here there there should be like a do there yeah yeah there is there’s like

An X I’m literally stood on the X here it’s like here just start digging okay and after only digging for a few minutes we were able to find the treasure oh I found it I found it I found it it’s here oh you found it yeah yeah what’s inside

Heart of the sea TNT oh I’m going to drown inside this chest were a few diamonds pieces of TNT and a heart of the sea which would be incredibly valuable in this event as it was one of the items required for The Aquatic staff which was one of four legendary weapons

That players would be trying their best to craft in this event as well as as the fire staff which summons Balls of Fire when used in combat the Lightning staff that smites players with lightning when hit the undead staff that summons husks and Strays to helping battle and finally

The Aquatic staff that when used surrounds players with water whilst giving the user unlimited water breathing and the Dolphins Grace effect making this staff incredibly op for Water Combat and as this staff required a conduit in its recipe having a heart of the sea this early on would be

Extremely valuable but but without the rest of the resources to craft this weapon we’d have to keep a hold of this for now like the heart of the sea is going to be huge you know because for The Aquatic staff that’s like that’s one of the main things we could need oh I

Forgot about that yeah all right so for that we’re going to need natil shells so we need we need string cuz we need to fish we’re not unless we kill drowns but i’ I’d rather fish we can get maybe some enchanted books that way as well where

Do we yeah that will more efficient string uh M shafts yeah M shaft’s probably the best bet I don’t know I say to be honest though I think we should continue exploring just to see if we can find anything else in the meantime because a lot of the structures might

Still be unlooted right now yeah we just need to explore as much as we can because I think exploring will be better than mining right I’m going to make some armor real quick and then we can move on so after upgrading our armor we continued exploring the map Gathering

Resources and looking for structures and eventually made our way over to a jungle what do this parkour bro just do it man just do it oh you found something holy yeah it looks huge I don’t know how I don’t know if you guys can see that far

There’s a massive Temple oh huge Temple is it like something that’s going to be locked up it might be let’s go over and have a look okay watch out cuz there might be people around here and if this is a PVP structure then oh what the we

Are going to oh melons full iron someone grab these melons but why do we need melons you never know for a farm or something later melon farm all right I’m just thinking for the future man I’m thinking melon farm is that might be the worst idea ever okay

This thing is huge this was one of the many structures all over this map that would be unlocked over time giving players access to the loot inside but unfortunately for us this Temple was currently locked okay yeah so it is locked wait just note the cords down

Yeah well the cord are going to get announced anyway when it unlocks but at least we know like roughly where it is anyway we can just be near it yeah we can just be near it do you want to go mining here then like see if we can find

A cave or something to yeah we can mine just here so we’re hoping that this Temple would unlock soon we decided to dive into a nearby cave to grab some resources to upgrade our gear in the meantime do we need iron I don’t think we need to

M Neo’s out here with a leather and leather boots and helmet just grab as much as you can but even if we don’t need it now we might need it later if we get teammates or something oh wait guys dripstone trap oh yeah grab some of that yo Ronin

Ronin guys Ron grab some dripstone yeah I’m getting okay can you hear me yes okay good good just making sure with the hopes of eventually making a base with traps and Farms we gathered up a bunch of dripstone and continued mining hoping to find some diamonds I

Just found something guys what’ you find come with me come with me pleas that’s insane that’s even better than diamonds bro that’s even better than than diamonds subscribe and leave a like hell yeah hell yeah yeah subscribe and leave a like this is actually a perfect time

For me to mention subscribe please I trying my best to hit a million subscribers by the end of the year I’m currently like 800k so we’re getting close so if you do go on to enjoy this video please subscribe it means a lot oh gold oh lava oh diamonds nice oh

Seriously one a single Diamond yay this cave is great I love mining in Minecraft we should definitely do some off camera mining but as we continued our painfully long on camera mining session we made our way deep underground and came across a scul by guys um

Oh are we seeing this uh yeah wait hold on let me just check these check these side caves for Diamonds oh No Way okay hold on I’m grabbing that first is it just a deep dark or is it an actual City cuz I think you can get this as a

Standard right anyway I think it’s just deep dark okay right well there’s some gold over here anyway there’s no shers we should be chilling I think oh no there is a shrier right there hold on I’m blind oh there’s a there’s some sensors here oh here we

Go oh no yor guys it’s a full City oh wait no chance I swear to God it’s massive as well oh my despite this being one of the deadliest places on the entire server it had the chances of including some incredibly op items such as God apples and disc fragments which

Would be extremely useful if we ever wanted to try and craft the undead staff giving us a tough choice to make oh I don’t know about this guys I don’t know about this oh think we can just run God we can just run okay Ronan if you want to run

Through me and Neil can watch you from here and then we’ll watch you screaming as you run around might be the best idea ever this is oh this guy is an idiot he’s an idiot well it was nice knowing him uh no there’s W right I’m going to sneak

Behind I’m not going to just run in like this fool has but I’ll sneak is that a chest over there yeah there’s one literally right there I see it okay no I think we’re good there’s no shers here it’s just the the sensors okay Place wall around there’s

Summon a thing right next to it yeah Place wall around it and then open the chest like that uh yeah what you get what you get efficiency five Unbreaking Three diamond hole and three disc fragments as me and Neo continue to sneak through the ancient city we were able to avoid

Setting off the shriekers but unfortunately for us as Ronan ran up ahead it wouldn’t be safe here for long uh chest chest back there if you see it where this way this way oh yeah yeah okay hold up Ronin just spawned one Ron Ronan what did you do might have a problem might

Have a problem right go go quick quick quick quick quick quick quick I’m coming through I’m coming through no we we did another one we did another one I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running with another Warden summoned we split up as Neo tried

His best to loot the chests whilst me and Ronan tried our best to stay alive I can hear a warden oh no guys guys it’s right there oh okay just run just run guys go in the wall and dig no this is a horrible idea but go go go

Go go go we’re going to summon more we’re going to summon more do we want to leave though we only got one chest I dude I actually I looted the whole thing you did not I cleared it I cleared it yeah oh no go as we tried to escape into the

Walls another Warden spawned right next to us but luckily we were able to dig deep enough into the walls and Escape into a nearby cave hello hello come through come over here this’s a cave all right let’s let’s Okay so first I got a efficiency 5 mending Unbreaking Three

Diamond ho so for this is game over Ronin here you go yes oo did I drw it yeah you did o yeah that’s pretty much it nice okay that warden’s still here by the way I can hear it even though Neo was able to loot a bunch of chests he didn’t find a

God apple and knowing that if we could find one it would be incredibly helpful in keeping us alive during The Purge we had to search the rest of the chests mhm if we go down here now we could possibly miss the next announcement for the next structure that’s all I’m thinking or we

Can go in and maybe risk getting that Golden Apple if you think that it’s going to be in there Notch Apple I think we got to so hoping one of these chests contained a god Apple we went back inside oh no oh no Ronin like three just spawn so many of them

Spawn where’s the loot uh it should be somewhere we quickly realized the chests that had been left over didn’t have any God apples and as we were now surrounded by wardens we knew we had to leave you just summon another one yep you did okay yeah let’s go it’s

This way it’s this way this way this way this way where you going just sneak yeah bro sneak what are you doing you guys are idiots you’re going to go us killed I can’t see sh get right there no okay I think I’m clear go quick go go

Go go go go oh no did you win I didn’t know oh hope hopefully that L guys shut up it’s right here as I mined into the walls I thought I had escaped but it turned out the warden was able to hear me Mining and started attacking me with Sonic booms through the

Walls oh Ronin I’m dead I’m dead it’s got me get the Gap get the Gap I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead you got to hit it you got to hit it quick get it off me or something I’m going to die where are you where are you I’m right here I’m hitting

It I’m hitting the Wen luckily as I was only one hit away from dying Neo and Ronin were able to attack the warden distracting it allowing me to slip away into a nearby cave out of its range as they work together to keep it distracted

I’ve just got to run I’ve just got to run I’ve just got to run and as I continue to run through the caves Neo and Ronin were able to take down the warden that had been trying to kill me but just as this happened it was announced that the Aztec Temple that we

Had seen earlier had been unlocked Aztec Temple’s unlocked is guys I’m up here I’m up here hello we we killed it we killed it nice nice we got to go the Aztec Temple just got unlocked we need to get back up there as soon as we can quickly or else

Other people are going to get there before us with the location of this temple being broadcasted to every single player on the server we had to be quick if we wanted the loot inside so started making our way back to the surface and after stopping off at our furnace from

Earlier to craft some new tools and golden apples we were ready to head to the temple um I’d say we’re going to be fairly stacked comparatively right let’s just get up there quick all right just be ready cuz there will be people there I think it got announced a few minutes

Ago now so we are a bit late yeah let’s not die too much it should just be like right outside if we can get the enchantment box in here this is going to be huge just watch out for mobs and players though and as we made it back to

The surface we were only a few blocks away from the temple allowing us to approach it straight away okay right we’re in the thing now so we can can we we can fight yeah but it’s all the way at the top we go I see I see people see

People already sorry okay yeah two people we can take we can take that so let’s just run let’s just run in and S right okay right uh right now or are we going to sneak in no no I think we just run right let’s go go go careful these players that had

Arrived at the temple before us had made their way down to the loot room but had no idea we were nearby giving us the perfect opportunity to strike as PVP was enabled in this structure oh my God got one Neo Neo careful wait who died I no

No sword I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good wait no guys there magma Cub’s everywhere I need help help help are you we got them we got them both we got them both don’t worry we got them both with both of these players down the

Loot inside of this Temple was all ours but with Magma cubes all over the treasure room it wouldn’t be easy to loot okay I broke I broke all the spawners I broke all the spawners you broke the spawners okay right I’m going to start farming these magma cubes then

We’re going to get some XP from this anyway are you good yeah yeah I’m good I’m good I’m good why do they do so much damage I have no idea why are they so condensed and Squishy why do they look like that oh my god there so much schol

Loot in the right we’re going to have to be quick cuz other players is going to get here soon luckily Ronan was able to loot the chests in the middle without being attacked by the magma cubes and as we knew we had to be quick to avoid running into bigger teams that were

Starting to make their way over towards the structure we made our way back up and started looting the chests near the entrance boys there’s so many books in here protection sword that TR three sword yeah it doesn’t oh Bo grab as many of these books as you can yeah yeah I’m going to

Combine them yeah there’s no Anvil here though so we I’m I’m struggling for inventory space car any of hey is it worth burning these honestly if we burn them other people can’t get them yeah that’s not a bad I I’ve got no more inventory space really like think I

I could drop some coal are worth it uh just take anything that’s of value mainly like protection with limited inventory room we knew leaving these books behind for other players to grab would be extremely dangerous so we decided to burn the books we couldn’t carry to slow down any other team’s

Progression and as we spotted a new group of players entering the structure we decided to dig out of the walls hoping to escape without being seen you ready to make a go keep going um I think we’re good I think we’re good yeah did we get any custom cust stuff I

Got so many Bucks I got 14 blocks of gold um I didn’t get anything custom though guys I have a netherite Ingot doesn’t something need a netherite in one of the weapons is it the wait uh fire staff fire staff needs it but we also need the fire handle for that one

That’s not hard to get as long as we get the fire handle we just not the nether isn’t open yet so I didn’t get any magma creams there did you oh no as the fire staff mainly required resources from the nether we couldn’t make any more progress on this staff as

The nether was currently closed giving us some more time to prepare before it opened which would be very helpful as the nether was a purge Zone meaning PVP was enabled in the entire Dimension making it incredibly dangerous to go inside I think now we just need to set

Up a base and have somewhere that we can cuz my inventory is full I had to drop so much of my loot there same if we can drop some of this off at least it’s protected in our base for now until the purge starts and then we can start

Working on getting like an anvil and stuff I’ve got 52 uh iron so we can make an anvil easily okay all right cool you both on board with a plan then go make a base yes right okay sweet but as we made our way away from the Aztec Temple

Through the Jungle Ronan revealed something that would change the course of this event for our team did you guys any get any Bri seconds no that’s what I mean no got none because I have one oh you did get one yeah I did get one okay nice wait a purge token yeah

Here hold up I thought you meant a kill token a purge token’s huge wait is a different one this allows you to activate the purge for 15 minutes Oh I thought it was kill talken no this is way better than a kill token when used this token activates a temporary Purge over the

Entire server allowing players to kill steal or destroy anything for 15 minutes so having the power of activating this token to our advantage whenever we wanted was huge for our team I was like oh K talking no this is massive okay yeah we definitely need to set up a

Place to make a base end we can use it oh we kind of Stack right now so we can like yeah we are doing really well right now be a little maniacal all right let’s just keep looking for a place to set up camp oh it’s a pandas it’s pandas woo

What’s up wait what do you feed a panda oh bamboo right bamboo Bamboo yeah chunky boy hell yeah look at him he’s going in the cave oh poor guy no no went in the C man that was a tough watch and as we made our way through the jungle

Continuing to look for a place to set up camp we spotted a base in the distance oh oh okay there’s no way that’s a structure that’s got to be someone’s house cuz that is that’s someone’s house for sure that does not look good okay right let’s keep note of that and then

We can come back unsure as to whose base this was we took note of the coordinates and after moving on and making our way through the forest we were approached by some nearby players hello how’s it going how’s it going I having a wonderful time

In the P Mister what the hell say that again in English am I tripping or was that okay you good you’re not TW what was that okay can you say that again please I I have I going to love a little later in it I having a lovely little day I’m

Having a great day how are you I’m having a lovely day as you can see yeah full diamond you guys been mining already it took us like an hour I don’t know what you guys have been doing oh well we were well we ended up in an

Ancient city which was it it was a messy day it was a messy day in the ancient city yeah ancient city yeah it was scary all right we’re going to get on I think cuz we’re going to we’re looking for a place to set up camp there is a little

House over there I don’t know if any you know who that is there who is it it’s a team of five I believe oh it’s five okay damn mhm all right well I yeah we can go and have a look at that in a bit right well I’ll

Leave you guys to good luck everyone stay safe don’t luck luck good luck I’ll see you after Gathering some information on the base we had seen we continued on our journey to make a base and eventually came across a huge Valley actually this is a decent spot maybe to

Set oh oh this is sick oh a valley okay wait o hold up so cozy so as we agreed that this was a good spot to set up a base we got to work digging into the Mountain as we were Excavating we also cleared out some space for a farm and another small area for a chest room and after adding some decorations we dug a huge hole into the ground at the entrance that we could use as a trap so

Say uh we got a tour going on and you got people like y you maybe I’ll do the tour I’ll be like hey guys welcome to the base you know here we are so this is the doorway uh you know it’s a nice doorway you on Ronin will be hiding in

Here and you just got to break that Cobble on the end and then the whole thing Falls we need to test it do you want to be okay Neil give Ronin give Ronin a tour of the base R go on what why just he’s going to give you

A tour of the basee real quick all right all right come through look at wait wait stop here stop here there’s more financial okay are any of you on the Trap no oh look it is over for them but now we got to rebuild that oh

God I’ll be right back was this worth it I mean it was a good a good display of our power right I know a better trap I know better trap R we don’t want your better trap Ron don’t do that as long as we don’t use this again

Until we need to it should be fine it’s so bait that it’s gravel but who decided to use it we’ve got no other block that for sand is way too obvious so now that our base was complete we were finally able to put the books that

We found in the Aztec Temple earlier to use as we crafted an anvil and started combining our books together but after draining all of our XP and breaking down the Anvil that we had only just made we had no choice but to dive back underground to grab some more iron for a

New Anvil and some more XP to allow us to combine the rest of our boooks with armor oh oh there’s a m shaft there’s wood unless someone’s been here oh my gosh massive is there string the strings oh my gosh there’s so many be careful with the cave spiders oh yeah don’t die

To a cave spider Neil oh deep door to okay wait xp2 oh this is huge that’s massive these cobwebs were exactly what we needed to craft the fish rods we had been trying to get for the Nautilus shells so after grabbing some string ores and some XP from the deep dark we

Made our way back to the base with exactly what we needed to make a new Anvil to add the boook to our armor okay Pro two on the helmet Pro two on the chest brought two on the legs uh I’ve got dep three for my boots as

Well oh I can hear it hollowing out that Anvil yeah yeah it’s about to break okay I got all of my pieces done ah that close look like it’s going to break oh we going still alive oh no no it’s definitely on the verge of breaking now

After upgrading our armor we had some more time to kill as whilst we were underground grabbing resources today’s structure had been announced as a giant desert temple had been unlocked over 2,000 blocks away and as we knew that we were way too far to have a chance of

Getting the loot inside we decided to leave it as we planned to spend the rest of today fishing for Nautilus shells for The Aquatic staff and visiting the base that we had seen earlier on hoping to meet the players that built it and maybe establish an alliance uh you guys good

To kill them yeah yep yo wait wait wait before we walk over this hill is this base going to have made changes or not what do you think no chance probably zero a little bit betting my first born on this okay okay let’s see Yo your first born is

Dead they’ve got a whole Bridge they’ve got a whole Bridge please you are finished it’s actually over oh my God these guys are elited up over here what a tragedy but before we made our way over as we still had the purge token we needed to come up

With a plan in case anything went wrong yo right wait we need to wait are we going to have like a a keyword or something like something to say oh yeah we we should probably do that right at least no pineapples yeah okay yeah not let’s not do pineapple it’s way too

Obvious but like um but Apple say for example we no we could say like jungle sapling or something just like something that’s so we could be they’re like oh what you want to and we’re like we’re looking for a jungle sa bang bang bang bang we’re looking for oh you guys got

Any lap yeah like a block in Minecraft that we can say to them like do you have it and then we know us us two or us three know that like okay we’re in this is when we’re fighting now I’m going to activate this in a second okay lapis

Lapis going say do I have a pineapple and they’re like what I mean the brid is cool but everything else just kind stink here yeah the random my first born May yo my first born may be no your first born is finished your first born no yo look look

At the main base it’s the same Knock knock hello yo nuk oh yeah hey n it’s nuk how’s it going y what’s up nuk hey man welcome to the shop it’s still in the building phase cuz half our team died and oh you know what happened

Spiders oh this is so sad okay yeah but uh you know and then we got venty over there this is going to be the shop area we get some customers in off them some good deals this is our best and only offer right now I mean we can talk for

Business you have any offers you can need any item but uh you know yeah I’m not in the market for an axel aoto that’s spelled incorrectly yet this is a circus well when what we’ll do is we’re on an adventure right now anyway we’re going for fishing so um we’ll leave you

Guys to it we may come back and visit your shop later on yes okay sounds good is there anything you actually need right now cuz we just don’t have it set up yet on us do we need anything right now books enchanted books if you’ve got any for sale well may go

NE don’t they don’t have any Enchanted okay okay well well if we if we need any if we’re in need of any items we’ll come here with it being pretty clear that this shop wasn’t ready for any business yet we decided to leave hoping to make

Some progress with our fishing but as we spoke to a few players outside it was announced that the nether had been opened and as we had agreed earlier on that we were going to try and craft the fire staff which required resources from the nether we had to put in on hold as

Other teams would also be trying to race into The Nether to get the resources required for the staff oh oh wait oh we got to go we got to go guys this way good luck out there yeah this actually isn’t too far either oh the dark oak is going to be

Horrible to go through get on the trees we can go on top of the trees yeah yeah yeah just be ready though because remember nether is a purge Zone we then continued making our way across the map to the Nether Portal and after realizing that nobody had gained the achievement for entering

The nether yet we knew we still had a chance of being first okay so we might still have a chance what what was it that we needed from here for the the fire staff uh magma cream and then blaze rods I believe or blaze powder yeah okay

Cuz even even though we don’t have the special item required for it yet if we ever get it it’s good to have the resources or we can like I don’t know trade for for it and after making our way through the jungle we could see the

Portal but we weren’t the only ones that had arrived we the first team to go through hello rainbow wait wait wait rainbow hello waa ohx how’s it going are we going in I guess bye guys oh by okay we good okay let’s go oh my God okay that’s a h wait

Save these cours save these cours oh yeah okay good job I got it it’s 0 yeah as we entered the nether we knew we had to be quick in here as it was announced in chat that we had entered and with PVP being enabled in the nether players

Would soon be coming after us we need to we need to be quick though because people are going to know we’re in here now and if there no pvps here we could get chased in oh magma magma right here this is perfect actually yeah yeah I got

Some how much do we need someone check oh eight we only need eight that’s super easy Magma Cube down there okay there’s one up here as well but as we were farming magma cubes a stacked five player team also entered the nether hoping to get there hands on

The resources required for the fire staff and with PVP being enabled in here we’d have to try our best to avoid being seen oh sc’s here guys team Seven’s here all right stay stay close stay close careful who’s on that team don’t build out of wood in the nether you crazy I

Don’t have anything else oh their whole team is here they’re going to be hot on our tail watch out let’s Go’s do we do we even bother with this yeah I think it might be worth running I think we can do it after keep coming are they are they following oh

They are coming they coming this way they’re coming this way be quick there’s nowhere really else to go yeah but just like let’s try and get away from them can you block can you block block with the blocks guys they’re going to come this way so just be quiet if they hear

Us it is over oh yeah pvp’s on pvp’s on yeah running running I saw you okay they’re going for the staff for sure ho my heart was racing same we’re going to meet them at the Fortress though okay yeah you make a good point um completely unaware that we

Were right below them team seven ran off into the distance looking for a nether fortress and after hearing them talk about the fire staff we now knew we had to be quick if we wanted to craft it first just keep going this keep going this way keep going this way just go

Opposite way to them which not being followed no okay we then continued exploring the opposite way to team seven and managed to find a fortress oh oh nether fortress here we go oh yeah it’s definitely here we got the achievement yeah we got to be real quick need to be

F all right um what we don’t need wither skeletons right it’s just blazes oh Blaze Blaze careful here Blaze on the and there’s a wither skeleton down there as well oh wait I forgot I have a really good bow watch out watch out oh I hear blaz oh Blaze blaz spawner BL

SP wait don’t hit the Pigman don’t hit the Pigman he’s literally on the spawner my God nah that boy is that boy is trolling why is he still on there if you hit him it’s over man he doesn’t even move push him out the way push him out

The way pushing him out the way yo this Bo let me get this place does anyone got any rods yet no we need 16 I’ve got one rod I’ve got one rod I’m going to die no chill chill chill chill how is Chill going to make me stay

Alive don’t die man I’m trying to say chill because you ain’t going to die you got us here we’re locked in oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die yo chill bro chill I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling yeah as long as

You chill you’re good oh man that was close what as we continue to grind the blazes allowing us to get up to 15 in total our plan to avoid team seven would soon be ruined as they also arrived at The Fortress we can drop somebody oh yeah they’re here they’re here they’re

Here sh shft Wait can you see their names anywhere we can we can try to hide oh I see I see him I see him I see him I see him should we break the should we break it do we have enough BL kill these and break it I only need one

More I got one I got one you got it you got it right let’s go let’s go let’s go right uh we got to go right we got to go the way that they are why cuz that’s the way we came it’s way back to the portal oh

No get good morning oh dud sh yes we got one we got one we got one died oh my God Relic died one here one here yeah one came this way one came oh he’s got lava he’s got lava watch out wait R you good Ronin right on the right he’s alone

After taking down one of their members almost instantly these players split up leaving one of their teammates behind here this one yeah yeah he’s over there oh sorry thank you watch out magma holy where are you going I’m I’m dipping boys oh I missed my shot no are

No yeah keep chasing watch out his team are coming his team are coming ow you good rer yep yep people behind us yeah it’s his teammate they’re leaving him guys guys guys um they’re down there do you want to yeah yeah we could leave this guy and

Go for the rest how are we going to get back down I don’t know what yeah he’s dug into the side though I feel like we’re just going to keep chasing and chasing we can’t find him there’s no way we can find him has this player dug into the wall

We lost track of him allowing him to escape I think we go for them right okay we yeah we need to stop them if they’re going to get blazes and stuff they’re going to be able to get the staff maybe knowing that these players were also

Trying to make the fire staff we decided to leave this player behind and try and hunt down the rest of Team seven to prevent them getting the resources they needed where did they go where did they go they’re in here somewhere they’re in here somewhere

Oh they could be down here oh they hit they hit they hit they hit they hit maybe we should go back to okay I’m might I’m okay no no no no no okay he popped a God he popped a God God I believe yeah I mean I think so watch out his teammates

He still here careful oh lava lava lava lava lava watch out watch out remember he’s got Fire Res now so he can place lava watch out wait here here here here here I’m burning up [ __ ] oh help help no come on get him no no no guys

Get oh how how is he still alive I got one okay I nice hey died yeah yeah we got one we got one he’s right here right here grab his loot grab his loot with another one of their teammates down the rest of this team were able to escape by

Jumping down into the lava below or hiding in the walls got one help me I’m trying to get him I’m trying to get him oh no no he’s he’s he’s breaking he’s breaking he’s down breaking oh yeah he got fire R he got fire R we wiped their

Team Scyther was the one that got away yeah so the three God pvpers of their team were the ones that got away which ones Scyther holy Elemental all right I think we need to get out of here as quick as possible to be honest cuz there other teams are going to start

Coming here if we can find a Bastion we get a Bastion though yeah yeah yeah for sure if we can get a Bastion on the way out um then we should be good I can’t believe he had a guard apple he popped that and just ran into I wonder if they

Got that in ancient city we then moved on from the nether fortress hoping to find a Bastion to get the magma creams we needed after already Gathering all of the blaze rods required for the staff and after exploring more of the nether we found a Bastion basan Bastion finally

Where is that Bastion uh it need be right oh wait hold up is this guy going to start fighting us I don’t know oh probably is it the good one or the bad one hopefully it’s the good one I can’t really tell uh I think it’s the good one I think

It’s the good one it’s a good one it’s a good one it’s a really good one okay hold up hold up right be careful get to the middle go down instantly go down instantly yeah oh my God I keep hitting my head okay get ready to build up if we need hold

Uh oh man yeah yeah just make your way down NE where you at I’m I’m going down I’m going down uh I’m bringing the spawners oh wait do we want to keep the spawners for Kareem uh no no kill him just get rid of him

It’s going to be deadly if we keep them uh let me dump some stuff I got so much stuff from those people Soul Sand yo there’s some loot in the chest yeah what is it uh oh netherite diamond boots oh we’ve already got Diamond Bo I’ll take

Them anyway um isn’t there more Loot on this one in like the side here yeah there’s going to be there’s going to be it’s not as good though I’m pretty sure yeah but we need eight magma creams remember so just have a look but as we continue searching this Bastion for

Magma cream we quickly realized we weren’t alone wait hold up yo wait wait r r run run run Ronin get over here I think those I think those players are here is it this Bastion do you see them I don’t see them see any names oh God

Okay let’s just any names let’s try and make our way oh if they’re in the other side of this basion do we go in or do we just let them I think with how easily we dro the other people yeah we took them down it’s now an even fight watch out

Watch out oh brutes um okay that’s the exit where’s the Like official exit oh I think it’s down it’s one down oh it say here here here oh just this is there any names oh wait there is there is they they’re here they’re here they’re here 100% okay okay sneak sneak

Sneak if we can jump them again this is going to be huge all we can W out this team gold here oh oh oh no no run run run run run run run run run that’s Revenge oh no oh my God I got to go quick quick

Quick quick quick quick quick quick go go go go go go go go where’s my pick here we come on mine go down quick no neo Died he had all of the resources for the staff you want to we could team up if you want share the love come on oh what the hell go go go go get away get away get away get away was this worth it I mean

It was a good a good display of our power right I’m going to die no chill chill chill chill how is Chill going to make me don’t die man I’m trying to say chill because you ain’t going to die you got us here oh no I need to regroup with Ronan quick as

Neo was K killed me and Ronan luckily were able to escape as we agreed to meet back up as the players from Team seven had now left the Bastion with all of the loot they needed for the fire staff after killing Neo that had all of the magma creams and the extra blaze

Rods okay I need to regroup with Ronan okay me and Ronan are going to meet around here I think I’ve taught him these coordinates hopefully he’s going to show oh no is that the players that just killed oh no no okay I need to hide I need to hide I think that was

Them where the hell is he go okay those players are definitely gone where is Ronan though Ronan should be around here somewhere he’s talking in team chat saying he saw those players is he here Ronan I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here sry oh my gosh oh they were just

Over there I just saw them yeah you just saying yeah Accord to this I can’t came to the scor and there’s a yeah I came around this corner and I saw them all I was like oh no Oh I thought I was a about to die I don’t know how I survived

I jumped straight down into the Bastion I don’t know how I survived I clutched I just clutched that was insane okay we need to get out of here I’ve got 16 or 17 blaze rods I don’t have the magma cream but that Basalt Delta was near the portal so if

We can get some on the way out we might still have a chance of getting the the rod yeah so but the most important part is about the fire handle yeah yeah but if we can we need to load Lo the structures we need to be ready for the

Next structure yeah for sure 100% right let’s try and get out of here then let’s head back towards the portal died so fast so fast they knew we were there they knew we were there 100% because they jumped us jumped us they completely wiped him

Out man he di like in three hits yeah he they must have some strong swords then I wonder if they were the on it could be any of us it could be any of us yeah that was but NE D the Hat unsure as to if team seven was still nearby we made

Our way back over towards the portal and escaped the nether back into the safety of the Overworld before we ran into any other teams and after traveling all the way back across the map from the portal we finally returned home home we are home oh man man it feels like like a

Whole like a week of the adventures it does it that was a long long time yeah wow it actually feels good to be home okay that was two very deep breaths right there yeah so after a pretty pointless Mission into The Nether we were back to square one with the fire

Staff as we had lost almost all of the resources needed to craft it after Neo died causing us to switch our Focus back to the Aquatic staff that we still had a few of the resources for after we had found the heart of the sea in the treasure chest earlier on honestly I

Think we should just focus on the Aquatic staff because cuz we don’t have to risk our lives in the nether for it and we already have the heart of the sea which I think is pretty rare like I don’t know how many of them are going to

Be in the map so all we need now is the shells and we can go fishing with the string that we got before if you want and we don’t even have to risk our lives uh yeah sure sounds good but as we stood in the base talking about our plans to

Find the rest of the resources required for the staff a random player arrived at our base hello hello you all right hi yeah all right that’s a nice little cave house you got here thank you what are you uh what are you doing I was just looking around there’s

A couple Villages here so you know good good trading spot are you on your own yeah just walking around seeing what I could see Ronin yeah do I come yeah yeah hello um hello hello hello we we just we went to the nether just a minute ago um and we

Got some how that we got some pretty good stuff however we did lose um one/ third of our party onethird of your party yeah which well we lost one person you know it tried to make it sound big I lost one person but I lost one third of our party

We lost you know me and Ronan are in this together yeah do you want to join maybe and we’re like we’re looking we were just talking about how we’re looking at maybe going to the next structure that opens up having a teammate with us would be quite nice

Yeah all right I’m done I got to get some books anyway so be nice have a team for that have you been to any structures yet or anything no I don’t want to go cuz there’s a bunch of big teams okay well if you want to join our team we’re

More than happy for you to join we’re looking for teammates right now really cuz obviously when The Purge starts bigger the group the better if that you’re going to be in so yeah if you’re look if you if you’re interested in joining the invite is there all right I

I’ll definitely join I I definitely want to get some books before The Purge so after agreeing to join forces dog joined our team putting us back up to three players in total which would be very important when fighting the larger teams have a nice welcome okay right first thing on the

List we need to make Neo a grave oh h i I have I have materials I’m going to get suspicious gravel path I got to say actually wait is it suspicious I I don’t know like a whole a whole gravel path I don’t know okay well

You’re right it’s a trap yeah yeah are we going to do it inside or outside outside I think outside no Mak sense yeah somewhere like in a nice place no I thought we were going to make like a grave you know like this is a tombstone

Oh come on you’re going to give him just two blocks of deep sleep for everything he did for us not even not even six blocks of wood come on have some respect R to the best teammate forever he will forever be missed it was such a fun time

Playing with you give me back we’ll give him some we still grey bastards but we’re missing we miss we miss you man we miss you maybe one day you’ll come back all righty I like how aquatic just joined and we like buing our teammates like what is

He oh man now as it started getting close to the end of today’s session on the server we knew no more structures would be unlocked today so decided to stick with our plan of fishing for the remainder of this session I think we go

Fish for the rest of today and see if we can get some of those Noz shells because then 100% if we get that stuff we are ready to go we can yeah we can like make the stuff like right outside of the structure yeah literally straight away all right we’re going

Fishing boys and girls time to play some fishing Sim uh let’s go fishing near That Base where those players are we then agreed to go fishing at the river near the shop from earlier so started making our way over attention all survivors of the purge we have officially open opened a

Store at these exact coordinates how coincidental ooh I wonder if they’ve got any shells for sale that could save us a load of time I’m not going to lie oh yeah you’re right they might have some and as we arrived at the shop it seemed this place had become popular with other

Players on the server sword yo how’s it going guys how’s it going the shop is busy Jesus Christ W the shop is really big n your business is thriving oh yes sir man this is great SC us they scam us SC they SC us hey FAL information there too many people

Talking about too many okay nud yes are you in possession of any Nautilus shells ah hold up let me check in theck never never do any right now but depending on what you’re offering I’m not making there’s like of people get it if get the 10

People here 10 you’re going to get 10 people to fish for us hey Do’s problem like I mean no no that’s not bad okay okay what items of Interest would you have to offer a stack um what we got we have diamonds golden golden apples uh everything in my inventory I need I’ll

Give you a time limit don’t touch my H if you can get me 10 within the next 15 minutes yes we’ll give you half a stack of diamonds true is that even possible Diamond that’s impossible if you don’t get me if you don’t get me 10 then we I don’t I don’t

Have to take them off you you guys can keep them yeah oh never mind do it that sounds good okay we got let’s do it let’s do it let’s say 20 minutes just so I can organize people cuz this is you know cuz we got should be running around

Okay 42 diamonds five gaps do we have even I don’t know okay yeah I can do that I can do that okay all right when does the timer stop now with shells being pretty hard to catch having only three of us fishing would take much longer than we could afford so after

Agreeing to make a trade with Team 32 we Dove under ground to grab some diamonds as we only had 17 of the 32 that we needed but as we started looking for diamonds it seemed our teammate wasn’t too happy about the offer we had agreed

To you’re not going to pay half a stack of diamonds though are you no we have we have enough well I think we pay honestly cuz we don’t really need the diamonds right now and this has just saved us a little bit of time don’t you need the

Diamonds and we can make Alliance them so we like invest this diamonds so they’re going to and also the only reason this is paid off because we’re spending diamonds for what would have taken us they have so many people fishing this would have took us so much

Longer right you kind of yeah kind the ride m actually might be a good deal yeah I told you man I was saying this was a good deal so after working together to grab as many diamonds as we could within the 20 minutes we were able

To put our total up to 37 giving us more than enough to resurface for the trade waa I feel like D look at that we got to come back for that in a bit bro it’s like a UFO over there oh I didn’t see oh that’s that’s a hyper

That’s where the bunker is oh nice okay and after receiving a message from Team 32 that somehow they had managed to fish up all of the shells with more than enough time to spare we made our way back over towards their store oh look at

Them oh my gosh the whole oh my God hey guys Hello I think there’s a nuke going on your system wait who what’s going on what’s going on what is going on back he scared him yo where’s n in the okay okay uh we have the 32 diamonds and the five golden apples that you guys requested however okay do you have the

10 naess shells yes okay do you want to put them in there five naess shells in there I the diamond 16 diamonds okay take that trade if you want to take those I’ll do half the apples okay and then if you want to put the rest two

More shells two more shells where’s the rest can you give us the gapples yep there’s two more there’s your shell okay and there’s 16 diamonds all right nice great trade guys thank you very much so all 10 of those actually that was not bad I think doing that was

Definitely help because now we’re kind of on good terms with those they didn’t scam us we didn’t scam them we know that they’re trustworthy and MH for the most part I don’t know yeah like that was all right it would have took us way longer for us just three to fish rather than

Having their whole team doing it yeah so I went probably the thing is because they have a shop you see there’s a lot of people with them with them on good terms so we like made allies with the most like friendly people we then made our way back home and were able to

Craft the conduit needed for The Aquatic staff meaning now all that remained for us to get was the custom Trident that was hidden inside of one of the structures and as we hadn’t seen anyone talk about getting this trident yet we still had a good chance of finding it

But as it was now really late in the day my teammates had to log off but before I joined them I wanted to check out the huge tower that we had seen earlier on when we resurfaced all right so apparently that tower that we saw when

We came up before has been built by hyperbolt and John and they’ve both agreed to give me a tour so I’m going to head over and hopefully they don’t trap me Ronan and dog have both logged off so if I die here this is going to be pretty

Awkward so after leaving my base behind I made my way over oh there it is wow this thing looks crazy this is actually insane I need to be careful though because if there’s traps or something this could end horribly I think though the whole premise of this is a bunker so it should

Be safe I would think but you never know with these people the purges is scary times hello hello hey what how do I get what is oh you’re there how’s it going oh it’s going great this place is crazy that is kind of the point so you want to

Tour sure is it safe for me to come in you’re not going to trap me or anything no I’m not that I don’t put that much effort in welcome to the EOS fit damn okay this put a lot of effort into this we’re going down to the bunker first

This is the part I said I made hyperbolt made the top so this bunker is for what when The Purge starts or just for whenever uh for the per for when the purge starts I’m going have be public I’m going to hope that jeez it goes

Great and we won’t get okay this is crazy I mind this all out manually with uh with this very used pickaxe here you can have it oh thank you efficiency wait I can have this forever no give it back okay so this is what just like a

Peace Zone you know when The Purge starts I set up shop in the corner here maybe get comfortable yeah very it’s going to be a very peaceful spot and I’m sure no one’s going to betray Us in here I’m sure that is going to be the case

Nothing could go wrong and after John fortnite showed me his bunker the hyperball showed me up the ladders to what he called called The ecosphere Welcome to the ecosphere nice this Tower included free food a cooking station and an incredible Viewpoint over the surrounding areas this is a great view

From up here though you can see the village oh there’s a base over there as well oh yeah little baby one who has the best base on the server well I have seen only the farm oh not the farm the shop I’ve seen this and I’ve seen my own

And I think without bias I’m going to say my base is the best but that’s not bias that’s truth that is honest we have a look at your base then let the Jud you you want to come over you can have a look my teammates have logged off but

You guys can come and have a look you claim that yours better I think it’s pretty nice it’s cozy after hyping up my base I decided to take these two players back home with me to show them what we had built so this is uh this is my home

This goes down to a Min shaft which eventually goes down to a deep dark um yeah you agree my base is better h i mean it looks not to be like that but it looks kind of bare bones bro okay all right whatever come on get out you come

In my home you insult me you steal my stuff what hell at least golden car at least pay your respects to Neo so yeah this uh this my base but yeah if that bunker looks great could work maybe probably going to make my own bunker

Here just now that I have the idea just to maybe see what we can do so yeah now that I know where your bunker is uh I will if I am ever in need of food or a bunker I’ll be sure to stop by yes very good I’m sure it will be completely

Functional when you show up yeah I hope to not see explosions and fire so as these two players left and went back to their Tower I made the most of the remaining time today and quickly Dove underground to grab some extra resources for when my teammates log back online

Tomorrow and after grabbing some diamonds and a bunch more XP I accidentally summoned a warden so decided to make my way back up to the surface before before I died and as I started cooking the ores I had just gathered in the furnace I heard blocks being broken nearby as a player had

Spotted my name underg ground and started looking for the entrance to my base there’s a player up there what’s he doing o I wonder if he I might be able to get him with this trap hold up am I going to be able to sneak there in time

I think he’s making his way in come on come on yes oh my god it worked is there anyone else here no I think he was on his own right let’s go grab that loot real quick what did he have I need to be quick here

Cuz if his teammates come as well this is going to end horribly uh what is this oh my this guy was stacked okay I need to go put all of this in the chest real quick he had seven ender pearls that’s like that could be super helpful later on let’s

Should drop all of this off let’s fix this trap as well because if his teammates show up I definitely need to have this ready so I can try and kill them as well let’s put some gravel back down as well and the final few pieces boom

Okay did not expect that so we got three more kill tokens what’s that in total now four that’s a huge win got some armor some pearls weapons so before any more players came around looking for their teammate I decided to log off for the day and when day four started and

Players logged back into the server word quickly started to spread about an event that a player would be hosting today as John fortnite announced that he was putting together a banquet at the bunker that I had visited yesterday as he planned to bring everyone together for a peaceful Feast before The Purge started

And as we still had a purge token that we had found in the Aztec Temple earlier on I came up with a perfect idea so once my teammates logged back on in the morning I told them my plan so let me update you okay so yesterday I went to

John fortnite ni house mhm uh he’s made like a a bunker and an ecosphere with the farm in it so we can get unlimited food if we ever need it which is quite nice and it’s quite near to Mid so it could be helpful eventually and um there

Is uh a bunker which during The Purge will be a safe Zone supposedly for us to take take shelter in however I think today I want to try and convince John fortnite cuz if you can see in John fortnite he’s talking about setting up a

Bunker uh not a bunker a banquet Team 25 will be hosting a a banquet today before The Purge if I can convince him to let me rig that with TNT so when everybody goes we can use the token before The Purge and kill everyone or kill a good chunk

Of people this could be huge that sounds like a super good idea oh my gosh I agree with this so we need to con we need to convince him first off but also he does if he’s not on board with the plan this could be this could be awkward

After coming up with a plan to rig the bunker with TNT and activating The Purge token to kill a bunch of players during the banquet we needed to get Jon’s permission to make sure that it all went smoothly so we left our base and made our way back over to the EOS sphere

Hoping to convince him you should oh I see people there I see people there okay I’m going to try and draw Jon away just on his own cuz I don’t want everybody if the more people that know the more people that can spread the word and

Possibly spoil the plan but we also need to try and convince him first so let’s see hello oh hello hello hey uh is John fortnite around here anywhere yeah who was just here if he’s in the bunker I can go down and speak to him oh there is

A name tag down there John fortnite yeah he is okay I’m going to go down yeah let John oh this is long hello hello how’s it going it’s going great I’m farming a crap ton nice some um I have seen in chat that you’re hosting a banquet soon

Yes very yes very what yes very soon oh oh okay okay um very bankr is this a safe place to talk there’s no one around okay I have an idea I’m trusting you here by by telling you this um but I’m just hoping that you are on board with

The idea because I feel like it could benefit us both quite well I’m listening ooh so we have a purge token which allows us to activate the purge early whenever we want that sounds very interesting now what does that have to do for me well you’re hosting a banquet right and we

Were thinking maybe it depends how emotionally attached to this bunker you are but if we can spend how long until your uh your banquet how long are we talking I’m saying like 30 minutes okay so if we could spend maybe this is only if you agree to it if we could rig this

Place with TNT for when your banquet is here you would know about this as well so you you wouldn’t die you could get out safe as long as you get out of here in time we could activate The Purge early and blow this whole place up and kill pretty much anybody

Inside my number one concern with your plan I am fully on board is that I don’t really know if people would trust me enough to come down here so it might be better to make somewhere up there to blow up I just feel like down here as

Well it’s easier because we could maybe get the staircase so if anyone tries to escape that doesn’t die to the TNT we could we could blow it up we after we blow it up we could also get them on the stairs cuz it’s kind of one

Way in I’m good with that I think I think if people know that you’re attending the banquet they’ll be more likely to show up what me yeah yeah I I I’ll VOC I’ll I’ll vocalize my uh my attendance to the the banquet in chat I’ll make sure that people know I’m

Coming cuz like yeah like dog said if I’m if people see I’m coming here they might show up and even if we only get a few kills it’s it’s going to help us in the long run especially if there’s like any big teams that show up we can just

Even if we knock down like two members of theirs it’s going to help us in the long run for sure if it’s a four player team we can knock it down to two we might not get them all but if we can get anything it’ll be a win this sounds very

Fun and I like this idea okay so I’m going to I’m going to say yes do it like perfect right okay right so we’ve got half an hour then to get as much TNT as possible yeah despite having John’s permission to ruin his banquet we were

On a tight schedule as he planned to host it in only 30 minutes meaning we wouldn’t have much time to prepare and as we continue to talk it was announced in chat that one of the other teams had crafted the Lightning staff okay oh oh somebody crafted lightning

Staff oh man okay that staff is op well I mean what they going to do against TNT yeah true oh if we can get them in here that’d be huge but I’m just saying when we activate the purge if they’re in here when we activate it we do not want to be

Fighting that team because that like if they’ve got that staff it’s going to be far too op to deal with them but I guess we’re just going to have to deal with that when we come to to it well I’m good with this idea okay yeah right sweet

Right we’ve got then half an hour to try and get as much TNT as we can we then made our way home to gather the gunpowder in our base and after finding out we only had 25 pieces we quickly grabbed some sand from a nearby River and crafted some more TNT bringing our

Total up to 37 that’s not too bad yeah we could work with that I just hope we’re able to like line it all up without anyone noticing but as we made our way back home and prepared to head back over to the bunker something happened that would change our plans as

A structure was unlocked with the only Woodland mansion on the entire server now being open oh we got to go come on if we go to this we might not have time to set up the bunker yeah you are right but just think about how important these

Are going to be dur in The Purge if we get totems this is going to be massive this could be the difference between surviving and not even though we were on a tight schedule with the banquet we knew having access to totems of undying would be extremely valuable during The

Purge and as we still didn’t have the trident that we needed for The Aquatic staff we had to risk going to the mansion hoping to find it so was the clock tick down for John’s banquet we had to be quick as we left our base behind and started heading over towards

The dark oak forest right here’s a question do I use this token early if I need to in this situation here or are we 100% saving this for the sitation yeah of course I mean cuz if someone say someone gets say someone gets one of the handles from

This place or something say it’s in here are we getting them I would like to actually we can still like make a TNT trap without the tokens so yeah I think we can use the token anyways for the handles yeah because we have like every every material besides the handles it’s

Just a matter of like if you want to use the purge token to kill more players or if you want to use it to get a particular item if we get the item though I feel like it could help us kill more players later on so it’s like a

50/50 oh I see it I see it it’s there as we spotted the Mansion we continue to make our way over hoping to be the first players that arrived all right here we go right we we should be entering it soon I see some logs here I don’t see

Anybody okay let’s go let’s go yeah there’s already people here I can hear them just be be careful be careful oh there they are I see him I see [Applause] him go go go go go f be careful I think these are the guys that made the weapon watch out oh behind oh

No oh you right who died who died Bas someone died TNT TNT careful oh watch out watch out watch out oh behind behind behind us behind us oh no what’s good boy he’s got the staff this guy’s got the stff youill him see if you can get the staff pick up

The stuff pick up the stuff oh my God nice did you get it did you get it I got it here I’m giving oh right okay where is it no take it I oh my God where did this other guy go there was a guy in

Here right where is he what oh he in it he’s in it he’s in it nice Vindicator Vindicator vator V yeah yeah watch out watch out get it you good y one of them died to The Vindicator after taking down three players from Team 35 and getting a hold of the

Lightning staff the rest of their team escaped into the forest for safety but we still weren’t alone as the players from Team seven that we had fought in the nether earlier had also arrived at the Mansion looking for a totem they’re they’re right through this thing look

Out for ioka I can hear him I think oh there’s so many people behind behind you behind you District Seven as well District Seven are here or team seven we need to go away from here oh my gosh there’s so many come through here come through here I need to clear my

Inventory a little bit if we find an evoker I’m not going to be able to get to oh they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here get oh prepare prepare no wa from here oh my God he’s got Focus Elemental Focus Elemental oh

No go go we winning we winning win those one of them’s gone one of them’s gone you got run watch out ohce you I got a gaple these players were clearly far too strong for us after they had visited countless structures to upgrade their armor and weapons and as

We continue to fight they work together and took out dog R and dip dip dip dip dip dip down wait you good you’re good oh there’s another player over here run run run run run run run run bro we take this go go run as the players from Team seven were distracted

By team N9 that had also just arrived at the Mansion we were able to escape out into the safe Zone Ron you here they’re not following us yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m behind you they’re not following us oh I think they’re going to try and stay for

The evoker no oh my God they came out of no have TNT I have TNT we can try kill them oh we lost the TNT the dog had cuz I just shared it yeah frak oh man okay that did not go to plan as we lost our teammate we also

Lost one third of our TNT bringing us down to only 26 pieces in total to use to rig the banquet and with only 20 minutes left until it started we were losing valuable time but as we knew having a totem would be worth it during

The Purge we had to make the most of being at the Mansion all right yeah let’s um let’s go get on top of the trees and see if we can PE on Top we might be able to save a pearl by not peing in but we then at least we can PE

Out just be careful though cuz remember voice chats range they’re on the Roof oh there let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go just remember to PE if you need to mhm getting rid of the P oh watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out yeah yeah yeah I

I took them I took them on me I’m killing one who just died oh my God watch out did you loot him did you loot him no no all of his loot is on the floor I’m here I’m here to save you no no BS I took out the

Vindicators another player from Team seven arrived and started attacking Ronan the whole team on me fine I kill him come back come back here you have the great of the great staff that won’t be powerful enough oh oh my God there’s another one here there’s another one

Here he’s running he’s running we need to loot we need to loot we need to loot grab the loot grab the loot watch out there vindicators everywhere why is there so many oh my god there one here bro what is going on uh just block just block all

Oh yeah yeah yeah block block block BL block block block block block there there’s so many players nearby as well they’re all coming for the totems with all but one player from Team seven dead Scyther was able to escape from the Mansion as we cycled through the loot of

His teammates after finally getting revenge for Neo’s death earlier Pro three chest plate projectile prop helmet a totem I got a totem nice he died so fast I didn’t expect it he did he was he was going down with like he was he was acting like he was he he was

Acting like he had like infinite health okay let’s be careful careful now and not be cocky let’s see if we can find any voker I’ve already got one to which is pretty huge that was those were the guys that killed Neo oh right okay oh there’s so many people I need to

Fix my inventory I need to fix my inventory there’s so many players outside man there whole team N9 is out there there’s a lot of people around I say we get out honestly as we knew that team 9 was a stacked five player team we decided to leave before we wasted more

Time as there were now only 15 minutes until the bquip was set to start okay so one totem ah and we got a totem and we lost a teammate this is a disaster yeah tra a teammate for the totem I guess how did she die did they kill her or did she

Die to a Vindicator because I swear to God we when we went in they died to vindicators like some of the other Vindicator Elemental died to a Vindicator and yeah it was just such a mess there’s like vindicators a whole team we were fighting so it was hard to predict

Well yeah that guy at the end he was like you can’t kill me he was like one he was like like he had the no Chapel yeah I was actually kind of scared because he seemed way too stacked he was like really confident I was like uhoh

We’re going to get destroyed here and then yeah but we we wiped a strong team good but at least we got payback for Neo yeah yeah yeah exactly so as we made our way through the forest we started looping around to our base hoping to

Drop off the loop before we went to the banquet but on our way back Ronan revealed something completely unexpected wa they also have raid effect wait can we can we go to the village and make a raid wait you’ve got a raid effect yeah

I have badman can is it I I’ve seen a village yeah there was a village back near our base right back at the Mansion Ronin had actually caught the bad Omen effect after killing one of the pillagers meaning we could Now activate our own raid at to Village giving us

Access to a bunch of totems of undying without being at the mansion so instead of going back to our base we quickly made our way over towards the closest Village hoping to complete the raid as the time until the banquet continued to take down I don’t know if we’re even

Going to be able to make it to the banquet if we do this raid but I’m not going to lie I feel like having a totem when The Purge starts is going to be way more important so we just got to get this done are we going to the red yeah

Yeah there’s a village back this way I’m pretty sure how sure are you uh well this is the Savannah and I swear there was one here yeah there’s one I see it I see it there oh nice okay let’s if there’s no villagers at this one we’re

Going to have to run to another oh there is there’s a villager here villager farmer yes yes it’s right okay perfect this is great we then try to take down the raid as quickly as possible hoping an ioka would spawn soon oh here we go oh ioka evok there we go

Evoker oh I’m going to kill a vuler yeah try and get it with a bow or something from range get it with range oh no it spawn vex’s I’m going to hit it with a bow oh I missed it oh it’s so quick I’m going to see if I can run up on

It it’s in the house yeah is it oh it is it is yeah I got it I got it I got it you killed it you killed it get grab it grab it they’re on me thees grab the to yeah I got it I got it nice nice good

Work and after taking down another wave of the raid we were able to get our hands on three more totems bringing our total up to five whilst back at the bunker that we were supposed to have rigged with TNT by now players had already started to arrive for the

Banquet as our timer had almost run out this’s like half of the right is still not not killed so yeah where are they cuz we’re losing valuable time right now John fortnite’s host hosting the banquet literally right now if we can get there pull the pull the token I think we leave

It honestly everyone’s there look John’s just messaged me saying activate the purge token right now if you can’t show oh he’s waiting so we’re going to have to go we should yeah yeah let’s go right let’s go quick quick quick quick quick come on quick what are you

Doing oh there’s oh there’s two in there there’s two yeah yeah let me grab him quick oh no oh no no no no no no no no no careful oh my gosh don’t worry we got to run though as soon as I get these cuz

These vexes are killing me BR I can’t I can’t do it I can’t do it let me eat a golden apple he’s back out oh my gosh I got it yep another one here nice yeah I got them both I got them both right we got to go we got to go John’s

Waiting for us go go go oh that was it perfect timing yeah all uh do we have we don’t have a time to set up the Trap yeah do we just like Place TT and light it up we activate it when we get to the top of

The ladders rig the top of the ladders with TNT so when everyone runs up to try and Escape we can blow they’re not going to expect it that’s the that’s the only choice we’ve got so with no time remaining to set up the Trap we had to

Improvise as we made our way over towards the bunker that was now filled with players and once we arrived we looked down the ladders and activated The Purge token sending the bunker into into chaos as all laws on the server were now removed for 15 minutes and as

We stayed silent at the top of the ladders we just had to Wait oh run R come over here should we go yeah quite a few died as all last minute plan worked we tried to escape into the forest to avoid being seen as 14 minutes still remained of the temporary Purge but as we ran we spotted Scyther who was

The final player remaining from Team seven that had escaped from us at the Woodland Mansion a few minutes earlier SC behind us watch out watch out up Ronan Ron God go no no no no don’t chase him there’s people here sword oh that’s not good I’m not going

To let I ain’t letting Elemental and Relic and chami and everyone died for free are you sure are you sure about it I think you’re going to die for free I got Apple but as we continued to fight team 27 showed up and started helping Scyther after they had made an alliance earlier

On hey you want to go you want to go sword you’ve made your final mistake you’ve made your final mistake no we’re good we’re chilling there’s no ways oh maybe not maybe not oh my God run and run run and run I got you I got you yeah yeah I’m I’m good I’m

Good Ronan come on we weren’t going to interfere but you made your mistake sorry Ronin your teammate did this Ron you got pearls no no no I’m I’m almost dead oh no use totem you got totem still just keep running I’ve only got one pearl left I

Can try and drop it to you just keep running we’ve we’ve only got got survived for 10 minutes just use a bro get out out I will take them off you what no just keep running we’re fine I will take them on me you have to survive S no oh they got him they actually got him I’ve just got to get out of here as quick as possible now no now as I was once again all alone I had no choice but to run as 9 minutes still remained of the temporary Purge

And with one of these players that had just killed Ronan hot on my tail this wouldn’t be easy to survive is he on his own he is I might be able to get him oh you want to fight all right despite having a legendary weapon this

Player was far too strong for me to take down you know what I’ll do this and after he ate a god Apple I had no choice but to run as I tried to wait for its benefits to run out oh now you don’t want to fight

Anymore as I realized I had no pickaxe to escape my armor pieces started to break giving this player even more of an advantage oh there goes your boots no it’s over sort of no it’s not it’s never over I mean I guess not not yet technically and after escaping on only

Half a heart I was able to heal up just in time allowing me to continue running which eventually paid off as this player decided to stop chasing me as he had left his teammates with Scyther over a, blocks away this is a disaster oh no there’s still 5 minutes left of the temporary

Purge I’ve got no boots I don’t even have a pickaxe I’m panicking so much I’ve got three totems and a heart that’s beating it a way too fast of a pace right now I got to get home I have to get home I just need to also stay clear

Of players for the next three minutes no oh what a disaster what a disaster but as I continued making my way home I received a message from a player on team 36 that had set up a base in the middle of the Jungle and had seen that I was all alone

All right so there’s two players on team 36 that have asked me if I want to team up Nick lunari and Isaac and to be honest I don’t really think I’ve got any choice I kind of need to go over there at least check their base out because

I’ve got nothing at the moment I’m broke it’s – 400 positive 1700 yeah so it’s quite far this way so I then started making my way across the map hoping to meet up with these players as being solo when The Purge officially started would almost guarantee death I

Look so poor right now do I have extra I’ve got one diamond and that is it oh no I can’t even make spare boots oh deep dark city oh that’s right near my base as well oh no that timing is horrible I’m not going to be able to

Get there oh that’s going to give some other team such a big Advantage as well okay I think I’m near to this guy this players base anyway that okay yeah oh wait is that it oh yeah this is here it’s here oh there they are hello hello hello hello hey

Guys hey you good you don’t have any boots no I am in I boots I am down in the dumps right now oh wait wait wait he we got we got some spare boots for you we got some spare boots for you it kind of been easy

Walking the jungle with your feet no it’s has been rough I can imagine um did you guys God I I don’t even know where to start did you guys get up to much during the temporary Purge we HD in a tree and it practiced Russian fair play um I got jump

Well I’ll be honest I didn’t get jumped I started the purge and then I jumped other people but then we got extremely destroyed and now I’m now I’m the only one left so I’m looking for maybe some uh some teammates well well you came to the right place our our teammates have kind

Of all died oh um well I I’ve got some stuff that I could share out to maybe help us give us a chance here all right uh but it’s just you guys willing to maybe yeah are we we are we agreeing here to team up

Yeah yes sure uh do you want us to join you or you yeah yeah I can invite you to my team so after agreeing to join forces nyck and Isaac both joined Team 17 but with no spare resources for new armor I had no choice but to dive back

Underground hoping to quickly find some diamonds to make some new pieces okay I remember in The Hunger Games clown Pierce said that this was the most effective way to get diamonds oh that is definitely not diamonds this is the most effective way to get diamonds by just

Strip mining as a one block thing deep down so I’m going to see how this goes hopefully I can find some pretty quickly cuz the official Purge probably isn’t far away now so we have to be quick and luckily it didn’t take long to find the diamonds I needed oh finally one diam

Diamond please be more than one yes okay this should be enough oh yeah this is perfect here we go so with enough diamonds to make boots I started making my way back to the surface and on my way up it was announced in chat that a player from Team 18 had crafted the

Undead staff after they had entered the deep dark city once it opened giving them access to Echo shards allowing them to finally craft the weapons they had been working towards this entire time and as we finally made it back to the surface and made our way over to the

Base we were approached by a player I just need to get this armor reinforced seld up oh hello hello how’s it going oh you know just came from an oil rig that’s packed with people oh is it busy there yeah there’s about uh 10 people two different teams and three solos are

You on your own I am yeah I’ve been solo the whole time that’s a lovely stallion you have there yeah Timmy Turner the thir the third oh oh I meant to ride golden carrots oh well I was in distress not long ago and these guys were on their own and I

Don’t are you guys okay with maybe teaming up with him yeah sure so with another player added to our team we were now actually one of the largest teams on the server but with some of the smaller teams having stronger weapons and armor fighting them still wouldn’t be easy

Okay so L death’s team has St the UND the staff of the undead I I’ve not seen any of the other staffs get crafted yet uh I heard that you were going for the aquatic staff I was but we never found the Trident but as we stood around

Talking about our plans moving forward we were all caught by surprise as The Purge had officially begun removing all laws from the server including murder allowing some of the stronger teams to already start picking up some kills uhoh oh God okay well now well we need to be very careful now

Because anywhere we go we can have people attacking us yeah yeah we could go to the ancient city to see if there’s anything there but the fact that those people got that Undead staff I feel like maybe they’ve already looted it like the whole thing the best we can get out of

That I think is XP and that’s a bit too late yeah I don’t really need XP okay right I say we still go over head over that way anyway cuz I think there will be players there and if the purge has started now technically we can

Kill them if we see them right well I’ve got a base that I think I may have an Infinity bow an Infinity book at so if we could head over maybe towards my base which is near that ancient city anyway we could maybe loot get that then go

Over to the city see if there’s anyone there see if we can wipe them out and then just play it by a when we get there so after agreeing to revisit my base from earlier hoping to grab some of the helpful resources I left behind we started making our way through the

Jungle and eventually came across the middle of the map all right we’re near Mid by the way so watch out we might get chased here there’s a team right in front of us two there is oh it’s and Quinton oh these are the guys that

Killed my teammates do we want to oh I think they’re coming over guys wait sword sword they think we’re friends with them so hide they said just hide knowing that these players likely wanted to finish me off for good after I escaped from them earlier I had no

Choice but to hide as I dug underground if these guys come to me it is over hopefully they don’t realize that these guys are now on my team I can’t even reply to Nicks or else I’m going to I’m going to reveal my name oh luckily my teammates were able to talk these

Players away as I mine towards a nearby cave trying my best to stay hidden I think they left yo oh hello are they gone yeah they they went okay yo oh there he is sorry I was hiding I don’t go away cuz if they saw

Me they were going to kill me 100% they chased me for like half an hour okay just keep going keep going if I can get these in we we actually had quite a lot of good stuff at our base so it might we might be able to use this to our

Advantage but as we continue to make our way over towards my base it was announced in chat that team 18 had also been able to craft the Aquatic staff that I had been working towards since almost the start of this event meaning now team 18 we’re in possession of two

Of the four Legendary Weapons it’s just up that hill oh no oh another another oh so no more water combat with them what yeah do not go in water near them or is over be and it didn’t take long for me to figure out how they had crafted this

Weapon as we finally arrived back at my base okay my base is just down here uh oh oh hold up people have been here oh I if they’ve looted all my stuff I’m going to be so upset well hopefully you get it in a

Nice no I put it in chest in the middle of the base maybe maybe they came here before the P maybe they already had one oh hell no yeah they’ definitely been here watch out for the hole is there is there much left I’m stilling this protection hel okay there are there are

Saddles and there are horse I got three Saddles horse armor uh oh my God piercing for oh they broke all of my chests no it turned out as soon as the purge started these players from Team 18 traveled to my base and stole the resources we had worked towards since

The start allowing them to craft the Aquatic staff and not only did these players steal my loot but they also burnt everything they couldn’t carry making our journey to this base pointless oh man all right before I do anything else uh I need to quickly grab

Some wood and make dog and run in a a grave all right Neo Ronin and dog if you anybody would like to say a few words feel free um I I love love the elemental video whoa whoa you cross advertising no we don’t like his video

That much whoa whoa whoa whoa um then to make the most of a bad situation as we had traveled all this way for nothing we came up with a plan we could go to the deep dark to see if there’s anything left there let’s go check it it’s

Literally just over this hill all right all right let’s go okay so we quickly made our way over and arrived oh my God I don’t see anyone what okay also be careful please don’t summon a warden oh I want to summon no do not please please I’ve dealt with too many

Wardens in this event all right let’s go down let’s see if there’s anything in here cuz there should be books in here oh there’s so many spawners come down Qui oh my God yeah just try not to make too much noise is zeld up coming there’s a Sher right

Outside you guys yeah just be careful I think we should be all right none of them have activated yet hey there’s Diamond hoe in here efficiency five mending silk touch and breaking three wait what yeah Diamond hoe oh a diamond hoe yeah grab that grab that you can get XP from the scull

Where’s the main room the main room should have quite a lot of stuff I think yeah this is it I think they broke all the the shers to be honest which might be really helpful oh no there’s still a few watch out be careful unfortunately the players

That had been here earlier had taken almost everything of value from the chests meaning all that was left were a few bones hes and enchanted books which actually included a swift sneak 3 book that I quickly applied to my leggings oh look how quick I am now though oh my God

This is going to be so helpful if we need to sneak around but with no extra loot to help us take down the stronger teams we had to come up with another plan okay right I was saying this to dog and Ronin earlier but obviously they’re

Not here now um I was saying the border is going to move in eventually so if we can make like a quick trap that doesn’t look too bait we might be able to kill a few people with it near Mid uh if we have silk touch we could get us make it

Out of skull I have a silk touch uh ho oh wait yeah grab some skull then we can does that work oh it does yeah I’m just picking it up holy yeah grab as much of that as you can so we grabbed a bunch of skull and agreed to start making our way

Over towards the Middle with the plan of setting up a trap I think it’s going to be slightly unbelievable that there’s going to be skull and stuff right next to spawn but I think in the midst of a fight and like the chaos people might just oh people will get freaked out once

We made our way over we saw the chaos that had broken out since the purge had started as houses had been set on fire and the shop from earlier had been blown up but with little time to waste we started looking for a place to set up

The Trap and with deadly teams all around us we had to be quick oh there’s one over there that that’s got to be one surely that little side thing there in the in the wall looks like Stone that’s not deep it’s it’s not deep at all no

But we can dig it we can dig it and just make it like an escape tunnel or something like not not not too bait to be like there’s been a load of effort that’s gone into this but something that we can just run down we then worked on

Digging this place out as we put a layer of skull right over a strip of dripstone hoping to instantly kill anyone that fell down I’m really I actually feel quite confident about this and now with the Trap made we just needed a team to fight okay so this is

Last case scenario remember we’re not trying to just use this up straight away so I guess we if you guys know the coordinates to it – 950 positive 1,000 we can kind of keep that in mind and run back over if we need to okay right we

Could maybe try and go over towards mid or something and see if we could lower people over or if we can pick people off already how about just said in chat that Chris said he’s going to protect him so if we check like the base maybe Chris is

There cuz if if Chris is there we lure them over and we get the staffs oh that’s a good point that is a great point mhm it’s Chris and El deathly that’s probably the only reason why them two are still alive yeah okay right I’m

Down for that we just have to make sure not to get to close let’s check hyperball space as we continued to see players dying we knew large teams were only getting stronger with the loot that they were getting from their kills and as we made our way over towards the

Ecosphere we spotted team 18 that had just wiped out team 27 and 37 with the help of their Legendary Weapons behind us behind us behind us over there oh they’re fighting we could try and third party this third party third party third party that’s disproven wait wait wait

Wait wait wait a sec wait a sec yeah just definitely disproven oh he’s dead right let’s go let’s go let’s go going in yeah yeah move in we we lead them towards tra maybe remember these guys each have a legendary weapon so we need to be very

Careful all right get the horse get the horse nice hey boys leave me Al guys guys you memories guys come on okay run damn that’s a strong bow I can use the St against knowing they were outnumbered these two players try to make the most of their Legendary Weapons

As they load us over to the river death low low dun go in the water yeah look how quick he is Holy sh he’s rapid I’m out of I’m out of arrows but after catching up to these players it seems they were finally ready to fight giving me the chance to reveal my

Legendary weapon how about we put away the bows that’s fine get him get Chris are you good I’m cting out Chris I’m fine I just didn’t see who died Chris never mind who died oh is it you [ __ ] run run run run run run run run run sorry Isaac wait who died

He has the weapon you think you can just sit back go oh sorry run run Chris let’s get out of here Chris let’s get out of here despite outnumbering them two players to one they were far too strong for us with their weapons allowing them to even up

The numbers no oh no Zelda yeah to be this way sword no Isaac died and as it seemed no matter how many times I hit these players they weren’t going to die I had to try our last resort okay I fix my chest plate here we go oh that does so much

Damage I have the staff those mobs don’t bother you this guy is not dying I don’t know where Nick has gone I’m just going to have to run I might have to see if I can lure him into the Trap he is so tanky it is unreal hoping to finally put some use

To the Trap we he had made I led El deathly over towards the entrance but as he fell down into a ravine I spotted NX lunari who had been trying to escape from Chris allowing us to regroup and try to take down these players as a Duo once

Again run now come this way next oh no he’s coming sword yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my godness he’s running he’s running back back up back watch out watch out watch out watch out okay I’m lagging w we have to we have to get them to fight another team

Are they on my tail yeah get up this hill if we can get some High Ground we might be able to shoot him down oh my God he deal so much damage yeah don’t worry just keep going reys you just screwed me over do you not have blocks

Oh oh we’ve lost High Ground now I’m flanking do you oh that still does so much damage Chris help me than I’m trying ni you’re not helping him how are you not dead yes no the slowness no come on Chris you got another totem you [ __ ] kidding me Chris I’ll save you

No oh my God CH are you good with both of these players being extremely low they stopped attacking giving me the perfect opportunity to escape and regroup with Nick are they coming is that nyck yes nck Nick yeah how many gapples you got how many gapples you got two two two

Oh no I’m I’m completely out here here here you know what I have I took I took Chris’s uh two totems off Chris I lost mine though I lost my totem so I can’t fight them I’m I was panicking so much after being drained of almost all of our resources

We knew we’d have to get back up if we wanted to try and take these players down as they were quite clearly the strongest players on the server so we decided to start looking for a smaller group of players to kill hoping to take them down and use their gear to fight

Back against team 18 I think they’re also around hyper bot space they’re probably like making small talk stuff all right so is that where we’ve got to go then but then Chris is also there with no other option we made made our way back over towards the ecosphere

Hoping to find some other players and as we arrived we spotted Team 25 at the top that had taken hyperbolt hostage inside of his own base oh they’re up there oh it’s liing oh that’s gold golden golden skillon do you want to just try it yeah but I think we know

What we got to do here then yeah well let’s just go for it knowing that these players likely had some loot that we could use to help us take down team 18 we started making our way up the ecosphere to launch an attack I don’t know oh wa that’s not very

Nice got on with one of these players down the other stood his ground at the top of the sphere as we both pushed forward oh re yeah I’m coming I fell I fell watch out I’m coming oh nice yeah I got so many golden apples oh he had so much stuff on him

It’s golden skeleton died we were able to cycle through the loot from these two players as team 18 had also been able to wipe out two more smaller teams increasing their armor even further well I got 13 golden apples which is pretty helpful 13 you need that’s quite a lot

How many you want yeah sure how many you want uh 12 what I’m not sharing them out if you’re on the same number but whilst me and nicks tried to prepare we wouldn’t have long as the players from Team 18 had made their way over to the ecosphere after seeing the lightning

Strike from our kills oh wait wait oh oh watch out watch out right okay right uh oh they’re shooting at us they’re shooting at us right wait going to the trees one sec going to the trees as we were now all that stood between team 18 and victory we escaped into the

Forest hoping to split these players apart wait where you at next oh there you are I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here right I’m just going to try and use the staff to my advantage as much try do not go in the water near Chris remember he’s got the

Staff wait n ni remember we’ve got the Trap oh yeah oh right here hey wait where’s my team he can’t help you now where are you come here okay I can take this I have the undead staff oh no oh those Strays God you good oh

De stuck in the lava oh okay I’m going to die I’m going to die I got you I got you don’t worry I’m coming for you both as we started to 2v one L deathly Chris arrived at the scene okay oh here he is finally here Chris okay sorry I went by the

Water oh stuff does so much damage oh damn what sword have you got slowness it’s good enough to kill you oh the stuff is so help me n come this way come this way I’m going oh God come this way come this way quick quick quick quick quick next

Next I’m way oh yeah yeah Run keep running keep running go past the base these two players were clearly just as strong as before giving us no choice but to slowly lower them over to our trap hoping to take them out be careful yeah just keep running keep running sword oh that’s chis

Get why oh why am I using my water bucket oh my God run R the that slowness is so op yeah oh God it’s so annoying with the the hunger as well the hunger is just draining I need to eat every like 3 seconds oh my God they both steal so

Much damage where’s the Trap is it this way yeah it’s it’s very close yeah they r though watch out as we continued to run I noticed that Chris had fallen back leaving El deathly all alone giving me the perfect opportunity to strike oh you can’t you can’t take all my Ms take you Though just run this get away from my teammate oh God damn okay that’s that still does a lot of damage run run run run run than run run run run I got you oh my god oh I’m going to die I got you I got you don’t worry get in that

Ravine oh my God n is still up there I need to get up there quick as I fell into this crater these players focused on nexts and by the time I made it out of the hole they had already dealt huge amounts of damage no ah live that far bucket clutch

Baby no way oh my God Chris get him away from me I can’t oh my God oh my God oh my God where is it where is it damage is insane is it this way it’s here it’s this way after successfully lowering them over towards the Trap we just had to wait for

The perfect moment to run inside hoping they followed us in I hit Him oh my God don’t like that I got to go I got to go but as I ran inside Nix was low on health as she was caught at the entrance giving her no choice but to go down with the Trap just run just run just run wait nck

Died no as Nick sacrificed herself to take down L deathly Chris escaped back out of the Trap allowing me to grab the loot down below what did they have there’s so much loot a totem yes oh my god there pearls as well where’s the staff yes now with two legendary weapons in my

Possession I had a great chance of taking down Chris as he waited for me at the entrance oh you have two staffs now oh no but as we continue to fight my armor started to break no for deathly for deathly ah not for deathly come on Chris it’s

Over oh I can’t you have an Army against me and as I tried my best to use the staffs to my advantage it was C that Chris was far too strong for me as he popped my totem and took me out no so now as all threats were eliminated

Chris returned to the ecosphere and freed hyperbolt from the cage that he had been trapped in earlier by team 25 as they both looked out over the sunset as The Purge had officially come to an end

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate THE PURGE in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Sword4000 on 2023-09-08 16:02:12. It has garnered 904813 views and 28343 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:50 or 6770 seconds.

100 Players Simulate THE PURGE in Minecraft…

Today, I invited 100 Players to my Minecraft Server and gave them 1 week to gear up, before The Purge begins… Will I be able to become strong enough BEFORE The Purge, or will I fail and be wiped out when it begins? Only time will tell.

JOIN FUTURE EVENTS HERE – https://discord.gg/sword4000

👍 Can we get 100,000 likes?! 👍

💬 Discord ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/Sword4000LIVE 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Sword4000_YT 📷 Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/sword4000_/ 🎮 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@sword4000yt 🎬 Edited by ► ​@swordextra 🎥 Animated by @Colden 🎶 Music by @HOA

Video & concept massively inspired by @ForgeLabs @SpeedSilver, go check out both of their videos!

Special thanks to everyone who played in the event, this video wasn’t possible without you! #minecraft #100players #thepurge

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    Life's Problems in a Nutshell Minecraft Math Dilemma: Solving Portal Placement Issues Music Free Gaming, a family-friendly channel primarily focused on Minecraft gameplay, recently encountered a puzzling issue while trying to create a portal within the game. The problem seemed to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of mathematical concepts, leading to a humorous yet enlightening revelation. The Math Conundrum As the player delved into the intricacies of portal creation, they stumbled upon a crucial realization – the difference between positive and negative numbers. In a moment of clarity, it became apparent that twenty-one and negative twenty-one are not interchangeable entities, despite their numerical proximity…. Read More

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Get ready for INSANE crafting in Minecraft! (Full Movie)

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  • Secrets Revealed: Day 85 of Akebi Tsunari’s Minecraft Life!

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  • Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!

    Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!Video Information who what yeah that’s pretty broken isn’t it well it’s a new weapon added to Minecraft and it’s maxed out with all the new enchantments density wind burst uh breacher I think is the other one yeah and I personally like to call this amazing weapon the Bonker but I don’t know if that’s going to stick I really hope it does cuz like Bonker sounds a lot cooler than mace in my opinion but yeah here are some clips of me and my friends trying out this new weapon um to see what PvP will be like… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao Ming

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao MingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:课本上的小明【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-23 07:00:19. It has garnered 68830 views and 4070 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Hi, I am Fang Fangxuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating hot internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of CubeXuan. The videos posted by other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Wonderful original videos are updated every day, come and follow us and… Read More

  • Fox Factory

    Fox FactoryIf you are looking for a fairly small survival server with lovely community and a supporting staff then this is the server for you. We provide a shop to sell and buy all ur needs. The server also has a pvp arena to fight against others. I hope you will enjoy the time that you spend on our server! ~ anti foxfactory.ouimc.eu Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames

    Hey Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to Lands of Minearchy – where your Minecraft adventure begins! SMP: Join our active server with a tight-knit community where everyone is welcome. Minigames: Experience non-stop fun with a variety of minigames! Start your Journey: Ready to dive in? Visit our website at https://landsofminearchy.com IP: play.minearchy.com bedrock.minearchy.com (port: 19132) We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers, jonaas13 Owner – Lands of Minearchy Read More

  • GroveMC

    GroveMCWelcome to the Grove! Where a friendly and open community meets Minecraft. Join us in a fun and interactive server! Grow your town with friends and grind money from the jobs plugin or by selling items to others and become the #1 baltop! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Endcity is real, prepare to die 🙃

    I guess that means I should start packing my bags for Endcity! 🤣 Read More

  • Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled

    Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled In Minecraft’s world, the updates are grand, With new features added, like the Deception Trial’s stand. The new mobs and items, all so unique, Crafting stories and adventures, for players to seek. The Trial of Deception, a challenge to face, With monsters to fight, in a limited space. The Windward, the first mob, armored and strong, With benefits aplenty, it won’t be long. The Breezer, a mob with flying skill, But weak in damage, its rod a thrill. The Marshwalker, with poison arrows in tow, And a Brazilian green look, a unique show. The Windward’s upgrades, special and bold,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed! The Final Major Minecraft Snapshot! Exciting New Features The latest Minecraft snapshot has brought some incredible new features to the game. Players can now enchant the mace with three exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach, and Wind Burst. Density functions like sharpness, increasing damage based on fall distance. Breach deals higher damage to armored enemies, while Wind Burst launches you into the air upon landing a hit. These enchantments add a new level of strategy to combat in Minecraft. New Customization Options In addition to the mace enchantments, players can now customize their armor with new trims, including Pottery Shards and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we have a thrilling video to share with you – ‘Minecraft Animation Boy Love’ from the Music Series. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does remind us of the importance of finding partners and exploring new territories in the Minecraft universe. Just like the characters in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server are constantly seeking new adventures and connections. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay… Read More

  • INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft Project

    INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft ProjectVideo Information agora que o nosso Altar nível 5 está completo temos um novo objetivo que é conseguir antimatéria isso está aqui no nosso penúltimo capítulo de Quest aqui nesse ponto não é uma antimatéria qualquer é antimatéria do mod ftb Industrial contraptions que é baseado no nuclear Craft Então vai dar um trabalho aí pra gente conseguir fazer isso porque a gente tem um longo caminho pela frente a gente começa aqui temos que fazer várias fábricas várias máquinas até chegarmos aqui nessa maquininha que vai nos possibilitar fazer an matéria eu sou o enok e sejam bem-vindos a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Meme Reactions

    Ultimate Minecraft Meme ReactionsVideo Information I found the funniest Minecraft memes you’ll ever watch on YouTube and at the end it gets hilarious so stay tuned starting off we are in this beautiful Ravine and Steve is currently running away from a creeper Steve you can do this don’t wait what hey that’s not how it works that’s awkward okay Steve just oh wait wait now we’ve okay hopefully this creeper doesn’t do the same thing Steve help me out he’s stuck on the tracks oh St Steve you’re noty you didn’t help me he’s he’s still on the tracks but okay we’re… Read More

  • Proto King Arche’s Insane Hardcore Speedrun – What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    Proto King Arche's Insane Hardcore Speedrun - What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information hello once again ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking please keep your hands and feet inside uh something I don’t know SW anyways uh we’re on a lucky number seven speedrun attempt uh hardcore mode uh this is the series so far of me failing considerably over and over again uh trying to speedrun Minecraft in hardcore mode so let’s get to it I am slightly defeat H uh so if you don’t know my last episode I I’m I’m actually recording this right after the last episode but the last episode of random battle an… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlat

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlatVideo Information [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] 2 days [Music] later one eternity [Music] later [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥

    Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥Video Information he knows about the torch yeah I think I’m just going to kill him [Music] my death just motivated me more to find the torch for I can prove to everyone I’m not someone to be messed [Music] with some blocks in Minecraft shouldn’t be obtainable this includes Bedrock yeah I think you know where [Music] I’m going to be placing Bedrock to prove my Domin but right beside it will be a piece of carpet and a f [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up chat what is up everybody oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh… Read More

  • Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftlive

    Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftliveVideo Information चिपक गई छाती सेम माम माम बिंग बि सस्ते नन तार है ढीली कौन कसे कौन कसे कन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप लेन [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा हिट दुनिया परवा कर करदा खुश होके जीना ना की [संगीत] सरीदास कहते हैं इसको जी ओपी शोपिया ओ जी करते हैं सब मोजी हम इसके खी हो ओम माम माम बि बि सस्ते चिपक गई छाती सेम माम बि बि सस्ते तार है कन क कन क कन क कन क कन क कन कन कन कनन ब्रेन की बत्तिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप… Read More

Sword4000 – 100 Players Simulate THE PURGE in Minecraft…