YogArchive – Mage Tower of Chaos: ChaosVille – Minecraft #10

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to chaosville so stuff to do stuff to do is this spider spider wanna you know spiders friendly today come with me oh you pissed off at me now what why are you not chasing me come on bring it come on oh killed him oh well

I was i was going to drag him off to my nexus my dad nexus and steal his soul okay so um i have been busy busy busy check this out oh yeah right you can’t really see very well but if i come back over here a little bit

I’ve started building like a tower and uh yeah it’s looking good it’s like built into the side of the mountain kind of like that there you go and we’ve got a bit of put a couple horns on it i don’t know don’t ask me why i haven’t got a clue i

Don’t know if i’m going to go down the good wizard or the bad wizard route but it’s looking pretty mean at the moment look at that so stuck um loads of holes in the front i’m gonna put like some stained glass in there uh and we’ll just see how it goes so yeah

Look it’s it’s pretty big now in it there we go took me all night last night oh man yeah but i’m quite proud i’ve got to put a roof on obviously it’s a bit of an issue when it rains uh it’s not quite the right shape is it

It’s a bit of a funny shape i didn’t even notice until just now oh well not much you could do about that so yeah it’s kind of oval oh well uh yeah so this is basically the original room i just took all the walls down i left all like the uh

The things up on the walls because i can’t bother moving them just yet um what i wanted to work on this episode was storing some of this power oh by the way check this out so guys brought this dart craft chest because i needed feathers i needed one feather for my um

For my robes so my robes are complete now oh look at skin servers are down again typical uh my robes done though you may notice that i’ve got a new uh thumbnail or an updated thumbnail i should say so thanks to uh bambuts on twitter for

That they’ve done a fantastic job i love it anyway yes a guy brought me this because i needed a one single feather check this out so i’ve used one feather and now i’ve got lots left but um it did make me think that uh we could start doing

Miscraft at some point what is this there you go got owner yeah thanks car now i’ve got lifetime supply of goddamn feathers which is probably not a bad thing um yeah so i wanted to make this is a kel factor um for it’s basically like um

Like a furnace basically but we could do different things with it so we’re gonna make a kill factor but that also means we need to get the uh essence from these things into um our tower wizards tower into my home uh which means we’re gonna need to make some other things so let’s

Let’s make the kill factor first because it’s very simple um Oh actually it’d be over here yeah we need a bit of this how did it go again kel factor so we need stone redstone blue dye we’ve got redstone here okay no we don’t maybe it’s over here oh my god i really need to stop my chest out let’s just put

A bunch of redstone in there and we got that’s cobble we’ve got to stop there she’s good like that and it was blue die wasn’t it i think i’ve got some there we go there we go all right so there’s our kel factor let’s put that there and let’s say i don’t know

We need to figure out where the power is going to come from so i think if we just have a quick look outside it’s gonna come from the neutral nexus for a start um until i can figure out the rest uh so it’s probably gonna have to go in through this wall

So i wanna have mikael factor over here i’m gonna put it i’m gonna put it there there we go okay so if right click on that it’s got no energy at the moment but you would literally just put an item in there and it gets melted and come out there so

That’s cool and these um slots at the top are for foci so we can put a focus in there and it’ll do different focus do different effects so yeah so the next thing we need is um a battery i pick up the cold now uh let me see it’s bloody list

I’m on the battery that’s it so we need a mana battery and we also need the is it particle no not particle emitter Oh keystone chests we’ve got so many things we can do was it inlay no not in layers essence conduit that’s the one so we need to make essence conduits to get the essence into the into the building and then we need a battery to store the essence in and then

We can link the battery into the kill factor so we need to start with an essence conduit so that is stone and kymerite so chimerite kymerite whatever uh which again i’ve left it all it’s stored in here on purpose so i don’t keep going backwards and forwards

But it just doesn’t work so right chimeric this is not the only thing that we need to make though we need to make some other stuff i’m gonna make uh two of those nice that this stack but we also need to make um a couple of these crystal pillars

Crystal pillar because this will stop them from getting too much deficit uh these are expensive but they’re really good so a diamond or we can do these industrial diamonds that’s cool diamonds and arcane ash i don’t know if i’ve got any ash left but i can certainly make some uh arcane ash

Is made like this um we need a couple of them we need some glowstone took one there oh no it didn’t stretch glowstone what we’re doing with all my glowstone don’t tell me it’s in here it’s in here god i think it goes like that then like that and

Is it stone yes there we go and that gives us an arcane compound and then we can just basically cook the arcane compound oh gosh mine uh in there and that’ll give us the ash so what we’re going to do while that’s cooking away go out here we’re going to set up

This so let’s see let’s just dig out this a little bit a bit of room uh i don’t think i want i’m not sure i mean we can put them wherever we want so i could put that one there and we can put i suppose if we uh level this bit off

Don’t want to do too much terraforming i like to keep the natural look of the land so if we just fill that back in with dirt and we can put another one on this side of the wall hopefully it’ll go through the wall so one there and then we need our little tool

Whatever it’s called again the wrench crystal wrench and we can link this to this and then this to this and then this to this and there we go you can see we’re getting power now good it goes through the wall so that’s getting powered great so we’ve got energy it’s uh

Should fill up in there i believe i think it fills up in there and that’s good but the downside to this is when we start using it we’ll start getting a deficit so if we just check this uh it’s not overheating just yet let’s have a look is there any deficit building up

Yeah there you go we’ve got deficit you can see that so we’ve got it’s pretty low at the moment but um we definitely need to sort that out otherwise we’ll end up with uh some overheating problems so we need to make the these the crystal pillars

Right so our arcane ash should be ready it is and we’ve got diamonds in here oh i turned them into blocks i think i was going to use them to put on the caps of uh the things but changed my mind right let’s put them in there just check that recipe again right

So stone like so diamond in the middle ash inside there we go we’ll have two of them cool and you literally just you can ever attach them to it or just plunk them on i think i’ll just uh maybe they can go on top if i shift there we go

And then that’ll that’ll draw the deficit off i would have to worry about it over here so if we just grab that oh oh brush got it uh yeah let’s just grab this and there we go deficits to zero whoops sorry wrong button so we want to go out here check the

Deficit on this one it’s going down back up so if we just put one on there as well rips there we go and then check the deficit there we go deficits gone sweeped so we don’t have to worry about that now um we should be able to use our kel factor

It seems to be full it is What’s going on there why is it stopped i don’t actually know but we could put like this stuff in and it’ll get cooked let’s put that in there there you go you get some nice particle effects you see it’s being basically smelted nice what’s the energy on

This there you go it’s full so that’s why it stopped stopped charging because it was full and it made a little hiss noise means it’s dumb there we go nice kool-aid there you go so there’s our kel factor done um one of the other things i wanted to do

Really was get a battery so we can link those up to a battery and it’d be better mana battery here we go oh so we need to make some more arcane which isn’t too much of a problem arcane ash uh like this then like that i should make quite a few of these

Really let’s just get a stack of that put it in there and how many is it going to give me one two three cool okay that’ll do so we need to get some stones sorted out and if we there you go it’s charging back up now we’ve used some so that’s good

So if we just uh yeah let’s just stop that from cooking and get those in there there we go and if we get some focus focus or whatever we can have it um cook faster which should be cool so we need to sort that out at some point as well

There we go and you notice how we get more so in the normal furnace for one compound we get two but in here we get three uh and we can we can do more with that as well and depends on what kind of focus we use but then if we use like a

Higher level focus like the red one if i remember rightly it it’s got like a five percent chance of destroying whatever you’re trying to cook but if it does work you get more out of it so it’s it’s yeah it’s one of them isn’t it do you do it or

Don’t you do it all right so we’ve got ourselves a nice bunch of arcane ash what happened to me the battery’s going dead in my mouse uh so okay we’re gonna have to go mining soon one of those in each corner uh is that it nope wrong one of them in the middle

Surrounded by vintium dust so we’re definitely going to need to go mining because uh i’m starting to do some better stuff now all right so we can now get our battery and i don’t know we could put it there and we need to get our little wrench again give me that

And we can link uh this to there and it’s changed color there you go and that will start charging up i hope whoops i keep keep doing that terrible um actually that is a charging i think i need to link them all separately so i’ll link that to that and then that to

That and then that to that i think that’s how it works maybe maybe doing that wrong is that charging no i don’t know and then can that link to this should link to that i am doing something wrong i’m gonna have to figure out what i’m doing wrong there

I’ve got the simplest of things of course and that was a redstone lever silly me so now now i can go and do this so redstone lever uh one of them in fact we’ll just grab two of them and then it should work so if we just put that on the wall

Flick it um probably have to do all the wait a minute flick it nope definitely not receiving so let’s just check has this got anything in it oh this has run out yeah all right so we’ve drained that maybe we can connect oh this got quite a bit so connect that to that

To that to that no that’s not working either why am i doing this maybe it’s too far away this you there we go connect to this battery there and then flip the switch no is it too far away it must be too far away it’s only a thing i can think of let’s

Just put that there and we’ll get that let’s just see what i’m doing wrong should be able to connect this mana battery quite easily right lana battery you connect to there put a signal on it no is it because it’s already connected to this one maybe that’s it uh okay

God damn it okay all right i know what i’m gonna do i know what i’m going to do it’s going to go back over here with the lever and we’re going to grab a bucket i do have a bucket um ah there we go okay and because this is the neutral one let’s

Get neutral energy you have to chuck in some of this stuff so let’s drop that in there and that should there we go it’s charging right there we go we’ve got energy going across now is it going into the battery no but if you switch the battery on ah right break that

Let’s get these linked up properly now jeez jeez louise how much energy is this got in it it’s got enough left should be enough right connects you to you no it’s not it’s not doing it right i’m doing it wrong just stop it just stop it oh my god right you connect out

You this one connects to this one this one connects to this one then this one connects to this one let me switch that on ah here we go finally hey we got there in the end right so now now this probably is empty now yes so there we go okay my goodness

That was painful this has got quite a lot in it uh how much does this go in it that’s got a lot in it as well so if we can make a few more of these uh essence conduits we can get the essence going from uh all the others

And we can link them all up to this battery and and then we can get the battery hooked up to this which we’re going to have there so you there we go he’s already charging it fantastic whoops there we go there we go we’ve got it yay my god that

Was painful sorry about that guys [Laughter] oh dear so you need a few more of these assets conduits crystal pillars um and then we will be good to go so let’s get this pool used up and you go and last one and that’s all gone bye magic water all gone

You get filled up and the good thing about the batteries is that uh you can pick them up you know with your pickaxe and they will save their charge so they don’t reset when you pick them up which is super super handy so that’s yeah it’s got quite a bit of this isn’t

It now it’s got a lot of deficit should this should be taking deficit off pretty quickly so i think it is yeah there we go awesome i think if i can disconnect that no okay it doesn’t matter it’s all right because once it’s charged it’ll stop there we go let’s check this

Yep we’ve used it all up so we’ve now stored hopefully all that energy is stored in there or it’s it’s filling that up quite nicely actually yeah it uses quite a lot of energy it seems so there we go good stuff i’ll uh i need to

You know make more things get these all connected and then we’ll have lots of magic power and i could do some more work on this um the uh windows the stained glass is what i’m gonna do next i’ve picked up i went back to that coral reef and picked up

All the different colors so that we can make uh some stained glass windows so that’d be cool and uh we’ll see how it goes alright guys i’ll catch you next time You

This video, titled ‘Mage Tower of Chaos: ChaosVille – Minecraft #10’, was uploaded by YogArchive on 2022-09-03 17:14:32. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:43 or 1423 seconds.

Originally Published on Jan 30, 2014 Dave and the gang are back in Season 2 of ChaosVille in a whole new world and a new mod pack!

Resonant Rise pack from the ATLauncher (slightly modified for our purposes):

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    Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft AdventureVideo Information みなちゃん こんばんは よおやっほー ども ヤッホー こんばんは ヤッホーていうことで今日はえ天気ら ちゃんと一緒にワンブロックマイクラで 遊んでいきたいと思いますあのね実はこ 配信の前に集合してずっとここに今立っ てるんだけどこっからねワンブロックの 世界に行くんだけどなんかこのラコが入れ たこのMODMODっていうかこのやつさ ワンブロックのやつさなんか何分かに1回 レイドっていうのがあって さなんか多分ワンブロックのワールドの方 に飛んだらさ敵がめちゃくちゃ湧いてると 思うんだけどそれちゃん知らないんだ 大丈夫かなまあいい か超絶悲鳴が聞けるかもしれない回しから こんばんはていうことでねえっと皆さん 今日は来てくれてありがとうござい ますセンキューライちゃんとラコで2人 ギバコラボやっていきたいと思いますの前 にお名前呼んじゃおうかな えっとねえやさん待機ありがとうサムネ良 すぎるこのサムネなんか人気だな ありがとうございますえいらっしゃい ありがとうえたく待機ありがとう いらっしゃい切り落とし待機人気だな待機 かか待機ありがとう来てくれてありがとう バトさんいらっしゃい来てくれて ありがとう大ありがとうほげほげ待 ありがとうありがとうえあさんカチカチ いらっしゃいあさん来てくれてありがとう ありがとうちゃんちゃんこんな子こんな子 来てくれてありがとう大型ありがとう えっとガサガサまちさん大型ありがとう 抱っこ来てくれてありがとういらっしゃい ビビオびびこんまか大丈夫じゃなさそう ワン ブロックどうなんだろうわかんないえワン ブロックかもわから んちゃんとワンブロックになってんのかも わからんえ先の準備しといてください ドッキリ待機ちょ言わないでおこうかな 2人のサムネの温度さでができそう言わ ないでいいかまあいいかていうことで早速 まいちゃんと合流し ます永遠の謎のままやね やま聞いたらすぐ答えてくれそうな気する けどお来たあこんばんはチ こんよいしょ何をおいしょ何がなんかや 467ってんだろうかんいたうえええ え [音楽] えでもこっちもサムネで突き落とされてる から なバレ た46じゃけこんねなんでなんだろうね なくもわかんないあなるほどね適当につて あなんかえまたえちまったレイド敵来る 分かんないここにはいないねここおらん ない泣いちゃっ た泣いちゃったくよし行くかじゃあ移動し ましょうワンブロックマイクラワン ブロックなのか果たして果たして行けせー の え うわええ えちょちょちょちょちょ ちょっと待ってやばいレイドがレイドが ちょっとちょっと待っ てレドがレド が何これ レイドが始まってうわ 鼓膜鼓膜あ鼓膜ごめんなさいごめんなさい ごめんなさいあちょっと待ってちょっと 待って下げといた 危ねえワブロどれこれこれだあこれやああ びした焦ったそうなんかちょっと開始直前 にさうんあのラコのリスナーさんたちにも 言ったんだけどうんななんかこう何分に1 回かレイドみたいのがあって敵が襲撃して くるんだよねなるほど勝ちあったんやね えっと勝ち合ったって多分ね集合して ずっと 浮島あそこにいたからああ溜まってたんだ と思うずっとずっとずっと溜まってたんだ と思う嬉しくないなくグっトってなんか ちょっといい意味な感じあるけど ああちょっとそわそわするからさ うんこいのやっぱりちょっとずつ広げて おいてえいっていうのがもう使い切った ちょっと土出しな出しな石を出しなあああ はい トントントントンえンンン落とすなよ落月 出しなさい出しなさいお友達量がち出し… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wool Hack Exposed

    Insane Minecraft Wool Hack ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wool being op frr #minecraft #trainerdario #technobladeneverdies #viral #ytshorts #shorts #lol’, was uploaded by RelevantLamb on 2024-01-12 15:33:08. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. glad u enjoyed 😀 Read More

  • Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!

    Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!Video Information हे गेमर्स इट्स मी मिस्टर नाचोज एंड गाइस आज से मैं शुरू कर रहा हूं माफ्ट की सर्वाइवल सीरीज एंड भाई आज इस सीरीज की पहली वीडियो है सो वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर देखना एंड इस वीडियो का लाइक एम है एक लाइक का मुझे सिर्फ तुम्हारा लाइक चाहिए सो जल्दी से जाके वीडियो को लाइक कर दो एंड अभी चलते हैं अपना सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड क्रिएट करले तो अभी अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखते हैं लाइक नाचू एंपायर यह नाम मैंने बहुत टाइम पहले से सोचा हुआ था एंड अभी देख लेते हैं सब सही है ना… Read More

  • SimulationOP

    SimulationOPSimulationOP is a Semi-OP Server, You Get Most Permissions That An OP Gets, And You Can Have Fun With It, With The Very Active And Helpful Staff, Your Experience On This Server Is Unlike Any Other! (In Developement) Read More

  • Rigtopia Semi-Anarchy Bedrock 1.20.73

    Welcome to Rigtopia! Hello, I am the owner of Rigtopia, a semi-anarchy Minecraft Bedrock server for fans of Rules: Griefing and duping allowed. No hacking or lag machines. Current Status: 5-7 consistent players with more inconsistent players. Ender dragon undefeated. No cool base yet. Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Git Gud, Casuals.

    As a non-Minecraft player, I have to ask – is there a support group for these “lazy builders”? Read More

  • Crafting Skies: Minecraft’s Flying Machine Surprise

    Crafting Skies: Minecraft's Flying Machine Surprise In Minecraft, we craft a flying machine so grand, With Pistons and observers, we build on demand. For Java or Bedrock, it works just the same, A realistic creation, in the game we claim. Honey blocks and slime blocks, we place with care, Redstone connections, flying through the air. A boat with a chest, for loot to bring, Our flying machine, a majestic thing. Turn on the lever, watch it take flight, A traveler’s craft, soaring with might. For a faster machine, check the link below, In Minecraft, the possibilities grow. So build and explore, in this blocky land,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • 43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes

    43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes 43 Unexpected Minecraft Hacks Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new ways to make the most out of the game’s features. From turning seemingly useless items into valuable resources to finding creative solutions to common problems, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we’ll explore 43 unexpected Minecraft hacks that will change the way you play the game. Dying Is Good Dying in Minecraft may seem like a setback, but it can actually be beneficial, especially in speedrunning scenarios. By strategically setting your spawn point and using a bed, you can reset your hunger… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of building in Minecraft and looking for a new server to showcase your skills? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to bring your Minecraft creations to life. Imagine taking the skills you learned from watching tutorials like “Minecraft: Ultimate Cherry Wood House” and applying them in a server where you can share your creations with others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn from experienced builders or a seasoned pro ready to take on new challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • INSANE Flying Mob Farm Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Flying Mob Farm Build in Minecraft!Video Information last video I built this amazing starter house using the Minecraft create mod it’s equipped with a working Windmill and water wheel to power the various machines inside it however my armor is still less than stellar and I was constantly in need of bones for the build so today I’m going to fix both of those problems also small detail but I love how you can see the windmill through the window first things first getting diamonds for armor is simple enough and in order to not be our typical off camera Miner here’s a nice time… Read More

  • Exploring Terrifying Real Minecraft Myths

    Exploring Terrifying Real Minecraft MythsVideo Information the void Dimension a corrupted Place deep within Minecraft’s code where Eerie things tend to happen now according to this Reddit post Mojang intentionally made this Dimension but they never finished it leaving it forgotten deep under the void so I decided to download the world for myself to see if it was actually real I’m in okay I’m joining the server and oh hey Mr bionic yo yeah dude we made it now the Reddit user warlock never said how to get down into this void Dimension he only said that he had gotten there which made… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Dungeons Tower

    UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Dungeons TowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘THERES NO WAY THIS HAPPENED! Minecraft Dungeons Tower’, was uploaded by NikBinx13 on 2024-04-04 22:46:41. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:07 or 1567 seconds. Theres NO WAY this happened! We had all boss levels for the tower last week and we stood no chance! We needed serious strategy to even get as far as we did. ENJOY OUR ATTEMPT at one of the hardest Weekly Towner Challenges we’ve had in a while! Thanks for the super challenge #minecraftdungeons ! — Watch live at Read More

  • NickyNiko’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    NickyNiko's EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Amplified Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickyNiko on 2024-01-16 06:09:05. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Chill Minecraft Stream Read More

  • 🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShorts

    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShortsVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏tut [موسيقى] f te v tut hab f [موسيقى] hab [موسيقى] حبيبي حبيبي f jen di den حبيبي This video, titled ‘how to make a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft for multiplayer#shorts#popular#viral#youtubeshorts#ytshorts’, was uploaded by champion 444 on 2024-01-05 10:27:05. It has garnered 760 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Fast Food Build Battle – Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders Parody

    Epic Fast Food Build Battle - Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders ParodyVideo Information [Music] hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hello JJ hi Mikey what do you want listen I really want to eat let’s build a fast food place wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone friends today Mikey and I are building fast food yes we will have three rounds in total are you ready Mikey yes let’s go round… Read More

  • Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥

    Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘हार नहीं होती……. #comedy #funny #dosti #love #trending #shorts #viral #lol #art’, was uploaded by Feel067 on 2024-04-09 05:39:00. It has garnered 2176 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. #motivation #music #memes #minecraft #meme #motivational #maxpreps #mobilelegends #makeup #new #newvideo #news #nature #nfhs_network #naruto #nfhs_sports #newstatus #newsong #nba #beautiful #best #bts #bgmi #bgmi #breakingnews #baby #blackpink #lol # #bike #video #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #videos #vtuber #valorant #comedy #cute #cricket #cat #cutebaby #cooking #comment #callofduty #comedyvideo #car #xbox #xml #xuhuong #xuhuong #xxxtentacion #xboxone #x1freefire #xrecorder #xiaomi… Read More


    🔥 INSANE EMEK SKYBLOCK ISLAND TOUR! 😲Video Information hepinize Merhaba arkadaşlar Mustafa Tekin kanalına Hoş geldiniz yepyeni bir Skyblock sunucusu videosuyla karşınızdayım Bu sunucuda da ikinci videomuz geldik arkadaşlar sözümüzde [Müzik] durduk ve aktifliği görüyorsunuz zaten burada oynamaktan zevk aldığımı da anlatacağım şimdi ilk önce ben kendi adamdan başlayacağım e hemen kendi adamdan zaten üstü böyle bir şey yap Değişik olsun diye E bir aşağısında şöyle bir şey kullanmayı denedik Buraya böyle bir şeyler yaptık evler yapacağız burada bir şeyler yapacağız yani şimdi E hemen şimdi milletin adasına gideceğiz Şimdi başka insanların adasına şey yapacağız bakacağız yorumlayacak Buradaki güzel Adaları göstereceğim tpa Kim yazmış Mustafa Tekinel… Read More

YogArchive – Mage Tower of Chaos: ChaosVille – Minecraft #10