Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – BASE BUILDING AND STORAGE COMPUTER #4

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Howdy Compadres welcome back to all the mods 8 and firstly a massive thank you to all of you guys who are subscribed over on my patreon a big shout out to Rhapsody Dax Tardis it guy time traveler and foxlane just to name a few thank you

Very much so last week we uh did a big old mining Expedition and we got loads and loads of really cool oars now what we’re going to try and do is decide where we’re gonna build our base of operations so let’s jump in okey dokey

Here we go now one thing first before we get started I’ve got this Christmas present basically the mod Corral Tombstone it looks like it gives you a Christmas present that you can’t open before December 25th I mean what happens if I try now pump it on the floor so I guess yeah

After Christmas I can open that up and see what’s inside very exciting now you might see some extra blueprints here because basically we’re gonna complete the set at the moment we have a spear a pickaxe a diamond Hammer but what I really want is an all-in-one tool Paxil

I want a prospector’s hammer because I don’t know what it does and I want to find out also a saw for chopping down entire trees and an excavator which is like a hammer but for dirt and sand now we’re going to keep it nice and very simple with these tools and what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to use a stick as the tool Rod because it’s basic it’s flexible it’s amazing and we’re going to use iron as the tool material oh but I do have this one compressed iron tool Rod that maybe we could make

Some use out of now I could use my diamonds but I want to save those for a rainy day I had a look into the configurations for all the mods eight and I was trying to find a way to make the mod easier and simplify the recipes

But I couldn’t quite do it so if you at home know how now you’re supposed to make all the mods eight use simple recipes then do let me know because I think that might be the way to do it going forwards okay yeah now I’m gonna soup up the

Paxil I think because that’s gonna get the most use my all-in-one tool an iron pixel now the durability and basic level of this tool isn’t incredibly high it’s only tier three but because it’s made out of iron it’s going to be much much easier to repair foreign There we go big job tools I guess that’s the achievement you get for just making all of the big bad tools craft a silent gear Hammer excavator and saw yeah trees dirt and stone are no match for me anymore and this is great because what it me oh hello Mr Fox

What it means is we can use the saw now to just Dig Down entire trees look at this oh yeah logs for days now the first thing I wanted to do was prepare a piece of land for my base and what I think I’m gonna do is put my base

On this flat Hilltop right here it’s going to lean out a little bit over this way and there should be enough room here for me to build a massive factory Tower full of tech and magic mods so we can use the hammer to clear out the stone

And the excavator to clear out the dirt amazingly quick whoa and looks like the size of that sugarcane means we have the mod that lets sugarcane grow for days that’s going to be very useful saving the Paxil the excavator and the saw all in action but what is an iron

Prospector hammer and how does it work well what happens if I dig Like a Stone no okay now the blueprint says it’s an or sniffer which I thought might mean it can help me find all the modium ore but what exactly does an ore sniffer do what

Does it do how does it work how do I enable The Ore sniffing well the way this bad boy is supposed to work is if you right click on a block it tells you in chance what ore is nearby and apparently nothing is found there so well yeah okay fair enough now it

Consumes durability as you use it so uh yeah we’ll have to take a look and see if we can find some diamonds with it so right now what we’re going to do is we’re going to set the Builder up to build something else given the materials he needs and then

We’re going to go over to the forest over there and dig up some logs build options Dr Jeeves and yeah again very simple stuff however we are going to need some wood to fulfill these requests boom boom boom but at least he’ll get started now digging out the uh the dirt

And the grass oh now what’s this floating cookie thing what are you it doesn’t say hmm that’s a surprise for later I suppose oh what’s this a hobbit Hut I remember you and does it have a secret door and not today never mind oh so also we

Don’t need to just compress our dirt and it’s always worth coming in here and working out what else we can compress compressed logs wow you can actually compress logs that’s that’s going to be really handy while we’re at Gathering logs well let’s do it let’s keep going

Until this saw is on zero durability because God only knows there’s always a use for oak logs whether it’s fuel whether it’s tools and whether it’s modded stuff but also our Builder’s gonna need loads of it for his buildings There we go time to load up the logs oh yeah now we’re going to add the other log in here and hopefully it’ll compress it twice yeah Oak log block times two this is amazing might as well do the same thing with Birch so I hope you guys are having an amazing

Time in the run-up to Christmas but it is pretty weird I don’t really like presents honestly my favorite thing about Christmas is the food so actually this is a this is a really good question if you watch through this far let me know in the comment section what’s your

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas now to me Christmas ain’t Christmas without a chocolate orange oh yeah but I will accept any off-brand uh orange flavored chocolates that’s already that’s also good but what is your favorite thing to eat at Christmas sometimes it’s uh some people say brussels sprouts but they’re

They’re fools some people say turkey but I don’t even like turkey you know the thing with turkey is right the only reason people have turkey at Christmas is because lots of people are there to eat and a turkey’s the only bird big enough to feed them otherwise chicken is

A better meat anyway it’s the food it’s always about the food at Christmas Christmas is for food oh I’m gonna get so big so how do you repair silent gear tools what you can do is make a repair kit now these are very simple to make just a stick some Stone and some

Template boards and then once you have the kit you can load that kit with the ore that you want to repair with which is why it’s always kind of good to have all your tools being used with the same material because then you can repair them all in one go however for the

Perfect tools I can respect how you know sometimes you don’t want to use the same materials so it’s that age-old question of convenience over well just better tools so in the comments section some of you guys have been a bit panicky because you’re thinking oh no this series is

Going to be all about mine colonies well don’t worry it’s it’s not really it’s mostly all the mods eight but we’re souping up our Colony with some extra features now for example you know the way that uh all of these oak logs are being compressed in my backpack well it

Gets me to thinking wouldn’t it be amazing if you could then compress in the warehouse perhaps and also places like The Lumberjacks Hut we can use these compressed versions to make storage much much easier so okay why have we got all of these logs oh I forgot all this food more like

Well basically we’re going to be making our base right here and we’re going to surround it with a frame of Oak and then make the middle I guess something like Cobblestone just to make it easy and that’s a fair balance between pretty but easy enough to bigger build base to

Build a big base with so can we put raw copper in here and will it combine it into those like raw blocks oh yeah look at that that’s a pretty cool thing to do as well we might as well do the same thing with gold I

Guess and maybe iron too oh and this is gonna make Gathering uh Gathering all of these materials so much quicker about dimensional shards any luck there yeah no what is this trash anyway raw tin that’s gotta have one yeah look at that so yeah here we go where are we gonna

Build our base well I reckon right here like I said before we’ve got to clear out the land so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put down a frame and then a floor okay this is quite a big space now let’s put down this Oak frame we’re gonna need

Those logs and we’re gonna need to convert them back into their base bits thank you ow what the hell oh it’s one of these guys okay lucky enough Spirits are ready Checkmate full loads of down oh my God two shot what an absolute Savage Okay so this is gonna be the frame for our base but as you can see it’s kind of overlapping the blast furnace and uh this draws over here these Oak drawers so that’s going to be a problem we’re gonna have to fix but don’t worry I can

Do that in between episodes for now let’s just get the makings of our first base and as you can see the legs go down here so it looks all nice and neat Now to turn this wood in to well planks and put down a floor Foreign so far it’s quite early days for all the mods 8 which is good because it means we’re at the ground level and it means there’s going to be exploits we can use just like when we use the Eternal Stellar on our all the modium charm last time that made us able to

Find all the modium Wherever Whenever and they patch that out so there might be a few exploits we can take advantage of in this version however what there are going to be also is a lack of mods a lot of mod makers haven’t really made their mods compatible with 1.19 yet so

We kind of really have to pick and choose from the new mods now it’s kind of good because it means actually we’re gonna have to think outside the box we can’t use the same old mods that are just easy and boring to do certain things that said though I don’t think

There’s been a modded Series where I haven’t done some kind of mechanism and we are going to be doing a little bit of mechanism in this series well more than that in fact we’re going to be going right to the end of mechanism it’s a very important part of making it all the

Monster I think maybe and there we go a big flat platform for us to work with now um is this actually going to be enough space well no not for a base but that’s why in Minecraft we have the luxury of being able to build upwards and

Downwards so don’t worry we’re going to make a lot more space for us in this area so this episode is all about getting a basic bass up and running basically a base of operations where we can get going and launch ourselves into other mods and have the basics covered

So that we don’t need to fill in any gaps so we’ve got a basic power generation that we can use basic or duplication basic or cooking and smelting and stuff things like basic grinding and whatever but also a basic computer system so that we can store as

Much as possible and make crafting much easier than running over and checking barrels all the time which nobody wants that’s the worst thing on the planet so what kind of mod are we going to use for storage now as of this episode the mod has two very very very juicy storage

Options it’s got refined storage which is a classic very simple very easy early computer it’s also got applied energistics which honestly I’ve never really dabbled with I know people who have and say it’s amazing and swear by it but I’m not quite sure because all the mods does change some recipes to

Make some things Mega freaking hard I reckon we can do applied Logistics but for the time being what we’re gonna focus on is a refined storage computer we can get one of those bashed out this episode no sweat so let’s start arranging the things over here on the left that we’re gonna need

For our computer setup we’ll need a controller the brains of the operation we’ll need a grid that you then turn into a crafting grid now we could use a disk manipulator to put disks in or we can use one of these storage blocks instead and for ease and uh peace of

Mind we’re going to use a storage block for the time being So the big things we need from refined storage are all of these basic processors they need oh just regular iron not quartz enriched that one needs gold diamonds okay sure but yeah the core things are slime balls or latex some kind of string or sinew silicon which is either service quartz

Dust or uh what’s it called nether quartz and then we’re going to be well on our way now we’ve done refined storage before and I could have just skipped through this directly to the next thing but there wouldn’t really have been fair I want to do this as legit as possible

So let’s do it step number one is a source of latex so you can get latex from saplings leaves and trees via using a centrifuge from FTB industrial Contraptions boom so that’s going to be the first thing we have to do a centrifuge is you need a tree tap a

Machine block electronic circuit which is redstone dust industrial grade metal LV cable oh okay that’s not too bad the LV cable requires copper and rubber you get rubber from smelting Latex but this is oh oh my God this just became Mega daunting oh what the hell well luckily let’s just start this from the beginning because oh man this could get very complicated but we know industrial hemp fiber is kind of easy to farm so we’re gonna set up a big string Farm

So first things first the mother of all hemp Farms we’re gonna make enough string that we never need to bother with string ever again and we’re gonna do it out of the way over here time to clear out some land foreign prepared now to dig out some troughs oh

Also what we should do is get some hemp seeds out and see how these are planted because basically uh if it’s like sugarcane they have to be directly next to water if it’s not like sugarcane then we can kind of just put them on any old

Tilled land and I think it might be not like sugarcane anyway we’re gonna need a hoe and some buckets of water oh hello what are you oh another one of these new animals a reindeer oh no a regular deer and okay let the test commence so we can uh basically

Whole land three to four to five blocks away put the hemp seeds here and yeah it looks like they grow they don’t need to be next to water that’s incredible so that means we can just basically have uh well one two three four five and then

One trough here and then yeah that keeps it very simple foreign there we have three troughs of water now three sets of irrigation I’m just gonna make this one bigger so that it matches up with the one on the left there yeah okay that looks good

Now I made the mistake of only crafting an iron hole for this I think we’re gonna need a few more of these oh hello come to watch me Farm have you foreign what’s that quest uh yeah so the last time I tried to open the quest book you

Guys have been very vocal and said hey it’s gin there’s a quest book you can get rewards and you can you know find cool things to do and discover the best ways to progress through the mod pack now I’m with you like I’m all about that sweet sweet Quest life however the

Problem was last time I tried to open the quest book well it freaking crashed on me and I was worried that well every time I opened the quest book The Game might crash so once I’ve done this field we’ll give it another go see if it’s

Kind of okay now because it could have been a one-off you know it’s just as you guys know loading up this mod pack takes freaking forever so I don’t want to crash it if I don’t have to There we go good news now I also found some sage seeds from a mod called hexari I don’t know what they’re for so I’m saving on to them same as this occultism demons dream seeds they could be good so at this stage of the game we’re just

Gonna hold on to them oh man I missed a bit well anyway yeah we’re gonna put down some hemp seeds now and we’ll have to keep maintaining this but yeah Mischief Managed one of the core components for our computer solved we’ve got string it’s going to be very

Easy to get from here next up we’re gonna need slime so string is on its way now it’s either pink slime slime balls or latex all of these need machinery and to get up and running I don’t want to have to automate anything so I’m just going to probably

Rely on getting slime balls we can get those from dough and lime dye and dough is literally just made with wheat flour and a water bucket and a wheat flour is all two crushing Wheels this could be tricky mostly because a crushing wheel requires mechanical crafting and a side alloy and mechanical Crafters

Require electron tubes which require polished rose quartz and iron plates oh man everything needs something from another mod oh no wait a minute look we can use a millstone and not a massive crushing wheel setup to make the wheat flour instead so how tricky are these to

Make very simple so we’re gonna make a simple Millstone and get another Wheat Farm up and that way we can fully farm for these processor bindings so crack open another dump chest and empty my stuff into here there’s a lot of things that I’m just not gonna need

For a while you know I really do wish my inventory was much much much bigger anyway here we go and the site alloy is iron ingots and andesite very simple earlier rocks now this is where it gets a little bit weird we’re supposed to put down some

Oak logs and then right click them I guess to strip them with an ax does that work can I use a saw no I oh the reindeer wants to say hello oh it’s so Derpy oh I think the saw scared him off I think it has to be a

Regular ax luckily we have one of those lying around fairly sure So right click to strip the log then bash it with the andesite that’s so weird but you know what it works so I’m not going to argue might as well just use these logs that are lying around here we go some Cog Wheels as well now eight should be fine And I believe that’s what is this stuff dirt does dirt work oh and the site works so boom we have a millstone So the millstone is gonna need a little bit of power and uh we’re gonna have to use create to do that because it create has its own kind of power system that isn’t electric it’s like physical moving Force I think what is it called like um newton meters or something stress

Kinetic stress but yeah we’ll put the millstone down we’ll have like a windmill connected to one of these cogs And then in goes the wheat now instead of cogs what we could do is use a hand crank right does does create have a hand crank oh it could be in luck there it is a create hand crank and very easy to make oh man actually you know what this is

Actually going to be quite fun how does a hand crank work well you just put it onto a cog and uh yeah right click it I suppose so with a milk Stone a hand crank and a cog wheel I think I can do all of this right now so we need

A spot where whoops we can put the hand crank here we go let’s see how this works so the millstone goes down plonk we need a cog wheel attached to it like that and then we can turn the Cog wheel with the hand crank is this gonna work

Yeah oh there we go create best mod in the game no that’s all well and good but we’re gonna need something to actually go through this crank so we’re going to repurpose some of this field into wheat and you know what let’s just use this one over here it’s quite separate from

The other three so yeah this can all be string and this is going to be wheat foreign There we go a whole stack to go now because I kind of want to speed up this process I’m gonna do I have any bone meal no is there a watering can in this smart pack usually is look at this empty watering can from mystical agriculture I wonder

If it works on seeds yeah must do right Iron Bowl bone meal but there’s also better ones infernium which is oh three by three but that needs infernium ingots mystical diamonds I don’t think so we’ll stick with a regular fertilizing can for now oh man so it’s typical isn’t it when I

First said that I wasn’t going to turn this into a farming series it was going to be mystical magical and Technical turns out no it always comes down to some farming you’ve always gotta dig you’ve always got to do a little bit of farming oh man this is not the quickest is it

Well maybe I can make it quicker for you with a time lapse Several hours later now we do actually have some wheat here which we can kind of get going with so I’ll just come back over here and focus the growing on the old milk wheat plots here and let’s get ourselves some of the golden wheat come on grow grow you stupid wheat and

There we go six bushels of wheat so what we’re looking for is a way to turn this into slime now we put the wheat into there like that Crank It Up oh it’s doing something embrace the grind there we go I think that means we’ve got

Wait where is it where’s the dough oh it’s gone into my pack so basically if I stand on here I can just crank it from above and collect the wheat flour as it comes out now this is not ideal and in a perfect world I can set this up to automate which is probably a very good idea with like a windmill or something because you

Can kind of put a lot of a lot of wheat inside here there we go so that is wheat flour made and I think we can use this oh wait no it’s only one part of the puzzle so wheat flour becomes dough when mixed with water so it’s time to grab those buckets

Here we go a glug and a combine boom oh now this is not quick is it if only there was a way to automate this and well there is ah so it looks like the best way to do this is to wash it as in use one of these fans to blow it

Through some water now we could do that how do we make a fan propellers iron plates okay we can do this we can do this we’re going to modify our create setup right here to make a fan that blows the wheat into dough boom so two sticks two bits of iron and

We have ourselves an engineer’s Hammer now we bash this iron into plates we’ll need four hammer are we getting all the achievements but uh it’s still slow progress because honestly it takes so long to get a computer once we do have a computer though this is going to be a big time

Game changer so the propeller we need andesite alloy do we have any of that yep there it goes we’ll need one of those casings where did I put those so the encased fan some shafts and the propeller blade at the bottom boom and encased fan so now let’s go and

See if we can get this to work again oh quite tricky but back to our Mill so a few iterations later and I’ve compacted this design even more now the hand crank winds up the millstone the wheat automatically drops into the bottom of here and as soon as it falls

Out it gets blown through wait there’s no water there yet through the water and straight into well the other side where it is the dough that we need well let’s see if this works now this as a setup is incredibly cool but what would make it cooler is if I

Had a create farm that was going backwards and forwards along here and automatically deposited the wheat into the system so it got turned into dough and you know what I think I could do that but I’d need to have an automated kind of power system maybe so let’s give

It a go eight bushels of wheat into the mill okay in they go round goes the hand crank and Oh no look at this so we have a slight problem here the fan is set to suck not blow because well the axles are spinning in the wrong direction well okay we can fix that and there you go enough gearboxes will fix any problem so now it blows and it

Churns through the wheat okay amazing so we have a wheat setup now that’s going to get us the flower oh all of this just to get processor binding so silly okay so we have dough now this should be Cactus around yeah there we go the cactus and there should be some bone

Meal as well oh yeah there’s some now let’s combine this into well the correct color die there we go now he’s only too much of this because we’re only making a very simple computer to begin with but it’s super important that we get this done this is the gateway to all other mods

Lime dye mixed with the dough slime balls hooray slime balls mixed with string oh my God we’ve finally done it processor binding there’s such a convoluted and stupid way of doing this however to get some of the really impressive storage drives and blocks we’re gonna need to automate all of

Refined storage so in the long run we’ll be very happy that we’ve done this what we can do later on as well is change the millstone for some bigger create grinding wheels because I love create and I think having like a little farm down there would be super amazing so

Processor bindings check what are these used for that’s right raw basic processors with iron ingots silicon and Redstone Dust now silicon could be a tough one we need nether quartz or certos quartz oh now honestly this has been the longest episode and it’s kind of like a

Tricky one right because when you commit to a goal at the start of the episode you have to kind of just keep recording keep smashing it until you finally get there but don’t worry we will dudes bit of silicon So let’s start from the top a controller which needs an advanced processor three silicon some quartz enriched iron wait oh no ah well luckily enough I do have wait no no this needs actual nether quartz there’s no skipping this with certain squats we have to actually go

Into The Nether now to get some quartz well I do have some obsidian I did gather some of that up okay so this spot behind the supply Camp is gonna make the perfect spot for a temporary nether portal now it feels really quick and dirty this but basically everything

In this series right now is kind of temporary things need to be decorated and brought up to speed given a layer of Polish and finish they just don’t have at the moment but of course we’re going to empty our pack before we go into The Nether I will

Bring my tools though they could come pretty handy so come here Hammer where are you and the flint and steel well okay now this is always a big moment going into The Nether is like a fingers crossed please God spawners in a decent location because otherwise we are royally boned foreign

Lilith has awoken nearby what who why did I mention where but also again why uh okay well um I guess as long as we Dodge Lilith we should be okay now this is not the most ideal start location however there is another Fortress right on the doorstep

Freaking amazing so we can go there to get well you know another Fortress stuff Ismail the pathetic has awoken nearby what the hell who why well let’s leave Ismail and Lilith to them to whatever they’re doing and see if we can gather up some nether quartz I think I see some right now

Ah wonderful that must be nether quartz over there isn’t it I can’t zoom so I can’t check yeah I think so it’s glowing and only vanilla ores glow which uh which means it must be a vanilla ore good thing I have all this sturdy Stone on me

Yeah nether quartz the real deal now hold down uh hold down ultimate oh my God Dr threat the Knight hold down the multi multi multi ulti mine tool and boom 27 now this is gonna be super simple super quick I’m gonna grab a bunch because you know we’ll run

Out of this real quick other things to look for while we’re here that’s very valuable very hard to find wait pickaxe why is this not oh right wrong tool is Soul Sand very difficult to find in some mod pack Soul Sand and not quite sure

Why oh my God ulti mine is so good in the nether isn’t it well okay we’ve got a whole bunch of nether quartz now to go forwards with and oh my God overseas sheep post doping the gorilla slaughterer what the hell is he what does he want

Anyway so we’re back through the portal and it’s time to take stock of what we’ve got and what we need to do going forwards so we’ve got the nether quartz now we’ve got the Slime balls the conduit binding somewhere all that’s left to do is combine some of

Our iron with the nether quartz now you guys have said that there is a hammer that actually helps you smelt oars so there’s a copper or Hammer an iron ore Hammer bronze or Hammer I think these are the Hammers you guys were talking about so we’re going to craft an

Iron ore hammer and see what it can do no man now we are making some serious progress today and previous series it’s always taken me super long to get a computer I would kind of like stagger it through episodes and wait a while but honestly this time it looks like episode

What is this four we’re getting a computer that’s pretty nutso so three sticks along the middle diagonally and then two blocks of iron make an iron ore Hammer okay cool but what is an iron ore hammer and how does it work well let’s go and find some iron ore and then and

Put it to the test all action stations rude dudes in my hole get out of my hole damn it oh it’s in your hole anyway enough about holes Let’s uh see if we can find some iron ore now I have a good feeling about this

Direction let’s go oh hello here we go a nice little kind of chamber there’s got to be some iron ore in here once you deal with these rude dudes get out of here scum okie dokie it was that diamond oh no it’s one of these jerk holes they’re oh

They die a lot quicker in this version though what is this shovel shovel of reach and Mining speed so we’re looking for some I ah here we go iron ore so this is iron ore and this is an iron ore Hammer so what happens when I bash the iron ore Hammer with ultimine

Wait it says pickaxe level Stone what is this iron ore Hammer used for actually oh okay oh my absolute bad you don’t use it to bash stuff you just put it in a crafting bench with uh with the ore and it doubles it oh and also functions as a rod maker

Oh and a plate maker oh my god oh I didn’t need to craft the engineer’s hammer but first up let’s just grab a little bit more copper just a little bit more copper oh and I’m glad I did that because look at this a little bit of gold a little bit of gold

Just a cheeky bit of gold whoa what’s this viridium don’t know what it is but it sounds like oh actually no it’s pretty common it’s not that great is it oh man my backpack my pack is so full I cannot wait to get this computer system built I badly need

It okay I’ve gotten very distracted here I gotta stop mining let’s go top side now once again it was thanks to the vital tips you guys have been giving me in the comments section that I was able to discover how or hammers work uh well

Not how they work but that they exist so do keep them coming because it really is super helpful so I put the 20 raw iron in there I put the all Hammer next to it and Bam I get loads of doubled iron oh that’s so good that’s amazing boom and

Now suddenly we almost have two stacks of iron now it does actually drain your iron reserves because these things take durability so it might be a good thing to use like copper because Copper’s kind of trash to make copper Hammers and then use that to make the ore doubling anyway into the

Blast furnace with these bad boys so okay let’s see if we can finally create the computer so we want an advanced processor first diamond processor binding silicon and redstone Okay so we’ve got the Silicon and we’ve got the processor binding we’ve got the diamond and I think this

Is the wrong way around there we go one raw Advanced processor let’s get this melted up next up we need machine casing well there we go Limestone works so that’s quite handy and we’re going to take two of these because there’s a few recipes that need that

So we have the machine casing we have the advanced processor and we have the silicon and the enriched iron boom let’s get these out of the uh the furnaces there you are my Advanced processor my Pentium two oh man have you guys ever have like a Pentium one or a

Pentium two remember I had like a Pentium 75 and that was oh my God one of the slowest processors on the planet but it was amazing oh there we go okay step one the big brains of the computer put it down over here Boom the big

Brains but a big brain needs a big power source so where we’re gonna get a big power source well we’ll worry about that next episode so we need the brain we need the stomach which is like a like a crafting kind of where is that the

Stomach which is one of these 1K storage blocks we’ll need the machine casing that we have the Redstone Dust that we have and the quarter mixed iron which we also have good stuff but how do we get a 1K storage part just more of the same really

The Silicon could be what we run out of how do we get that again I forgotten uh yeah smelting quartz so let’s get some of this quartz into a furnace so we can turn it into silicon oh so we do need glass which means we

Need sand we don’t get any sand or glass there well it happens where’s my excavator and a quick look at the mini map shows there is some hot Sands in our area right over there now I don’t want to cannibalize the beach by the town because you know what that looks all

Nice and pretty so we’re going to go over and yeah just get somewhere out of the way you know somewhere like along here maybe yeah we’ll go over here foreign ER we have the glass we can have everything we need now for the 1K storage block so let’s do it the 1K storage part bam the 1K storage block bam oh there we go step two we have the brain and the stomach of the computer now we need uh what the mouse

The interface basically the way you communicate with a computer so I guess the ears the mouth maybe the nose I mean you have sign language and you have language I wonder if you can have like nose language like communicating through sense is that what dogs do maybe I

Wonder what a fart is is that like a go away anyway oh man very rude but you know sometimes the situation calls for that so now we need a grid now we kind of want to skip a grid and go straight to a crafting grid because that’s the

One that lets you craft in it rather than just see what’s in there and that’s not too bad because that’s just like an extra Advanced processor and a crafting table so let’s see if we can get these little bits the tricky thing is going to be like the destruction cores and the

Improved processors and the construction cores oh yeah look at this glowstone who’s got time for that well unfortunately we have to make time for it there we go two hearts oh man we are storming through this Hearts mod okay glowstone can I turn shroom light into grow grow Stone glowstone shroom light

Used for now we’re gonna have to find the real deal now it shouldn’t be too hard to find it’s just we did spawn in kind of the wrong biome for all this stuff now it’s usually up above the nether portal is down there but I’ve traveled over here and uh yeah there’s usually

Some stuff on the roof now I thought about going over there and nerd polling up to get the glowstone but there’s a nether fortress there which I wanted to dodge because there’s some dangerous foes there luckily enough the nether seems relatively safe so far time to get the Cobble out and gather up

Some glowstone foreign we go this should be the last little bit of expedition I need to do gather up the basic processes oh we’re there we’re very close we’ve got the the stomach the brains and now let’s get the nose the nose of the computer starts with a grid the needs

Construction core boom one of those then we need a destruction core one of those then we need improved processes which are the same as the other ones but gold So all of the pieces are together now we’ve got the grid boom viewing items but it’s not just enough to view them we want to craft with them as well so we need this Advanced processor the crafting table that we already have and the normal grid becomes a crafting grid

Oh quests quests Galore now we could use cable to hook these up but we’re not gonna we’re just gonna put the crafting grid here now the next step with our computer journey is power but that’s a whole different bag so there we go the computer is complete

But next episode is gonna be about power we’re gonna find a way to get some basic Renewable Power so that my computer is always powered it doesn’t use a lot of power computer so we should be able to do it with renewable means like wind and

Sun but before we stop we’re gonna need to hook up our Builder with a few items now the architect’s cutter is apparently what you use now to create all of the structuralized weird Timber frames so we’re gonna make one of these iron stone slabs and logs oh yeah the architect’s cutter now this

Is apparently what’s used to make the oh look at that right next to each other it’s like daddy and son don’t you ever talk to my saw blade ever again and apparently this is what you use to make basic Oak Timber frames and that’s what we’re looking for

So we put the wood there or was it just there and then there and there and it’s the straight up ones framed Oak planks foreign this looks correct we’ll make a bunch of these and there we go uh okay yeah so if you were worried about how to make these

Structuralized things in this mod pack don’t be alarmed because when I first looked like you saw I had no idea what was going on but we do have to use the uh The Architects cutter from domum ornamentum now I think fingers crossed the carpenter can still also make these

Uh recipes but who knows anyway we’re going to hook up Dr Jeeves with all that he needs to do the town hall so yeah work on the colony has been very very slow because I’ve kind of been prioritizing my base and getting my own stuff up and running once I have like a

Basic computer basic crafting and a basic power we can launch forwards with more mine colonies and way more mods I’m really excited to try out evil craft for one uh-oh but before then I have to defend against another freaking raid oh my God look at that anyway as always

Massive thank you for watching this episode was Monumental we got a computer up and running in one go that’s crazy we’re gonna come back next episode where Hopefully Dr Jeeves will have finished the town hall and he can move on to maybe the tavern or what was the other

Thing the warehouse now between now and next episode I’m also gonna finish up the farm that we have around the corner for our hemp and uh wheat and I’m gonna see if I can automate that in create next episode as well as moving on to power power generation as always a

Massive thank you for watching and until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – BASE BUILDING AND STORAGE COMPUTER #4’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2022-12-07 17:00:01. It has garnered 68080 views and 1634 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:00 or 2760 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 🏰 Minecolonies 🏰 Getting started with modded Minecraft and atm8 , I craft an ore hammer, full silent gear tools, then build a full computer from refined storage for my new base build

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All The Mods 8

World Seed: 5547783346912800649

Minecraft version 1.19.2 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

Subscribe for more lets play and gameplay videos! Thanks for watching!

In this short videos, I’ll be talking about the new ATM8 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM8, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM8 #Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

  • Wisteria SMP Modded SMP

    Wisteria SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Join us on Discord: This is a new cobblemon + create server with a focus on building and creativity. Join us if you enjoy building with create and cobblemon mods! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft’s Amethyst Wonderland”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft's Amethyst Wonderland"“Wow, talk about a gem of a find! I bet the creepers are just dying to get their hands on all that bling underground.” Read More

  • SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥

    SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥 When you’re trying to get more subscribers but all you’re getting is creepers blowing up your channel. #minecraftstruggles 😂👾 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!

    UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!Video Information so ich bin live ganz kurz auf ich bin live was geht was geht warte ich jetzt guck ich gehen wir schell auf youtube gucken ob da auch alles läuft B Moderation wenn man live geht was geht geht okay sieht schon mal bis jetzt gut aus und jetzt sieht sogar noch besser aus let’s go also Jungs ladet ihr mich ein also und die haben schon ein bisschen hier gespielt ich noch nicht ich habe ze Abos gemacht ich nicht mal gemerkt egal so also wir haben schon insgesamt ganze 7 Stunden gespielt ja ich leider leider… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?

    Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?Video Information [Musik] [Musik] Hm Entar dulu mana [Musik] youtube-nya ada .30 .0 tadi mau jalan nyari takjil dulu silakan [Musik] oke [Musik] [Musik] Tir [Musik] oke ya Halo semua selamat datang dan selamat sore semuanya para Vi Saya di sini bersama saya dan lauka di sini yo iya oke halo cuy ka berbagi semuanya yo oke ya jadi kali ini ya kita bakalan lanjutin live streaming pada sor kita sambil ngabuburit ya teman-teman dan y kali ini saya bakalan mainin Minecraft lagi ya Sesuai dengan janji tadi sahur lebih tepatnya dan Y ini saya banyakal mainin Minecraft tapi ini… Read More

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 8 – BASE BUILDING AND STORAGE COMPUTER #4