Moguin – I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I survived 1 000 days in Minecraft hardcore and I mean like 1 000 days on the dot yeah this is not planned at all so like everyone else does I compiled all these in one Epic movie if you’re watching this video in the background when you’re sleeping or working or just

Watching because you’re a beast thank you so much it means a lot to me anyways enjoy the video and subscribe It’s official I’m starting a new hardcore world and I promise you this world is going to be much better than the first one I’m not gonna be wasting numerous of episodes on things I can do in one so this video is gonna have four phases phase one is get yourself in the

Air phase like come on do I even need to explain this face phase number two is getting infinite amounts of totems of India and emeralds this is the inflation does not exist here you go have yourself a read form face phase number three is getting the best armor slash stool slash

Weapons AKA becoming Terminator face and then phase 4 is building every single Farm I will need in this world and this is the boy tries to be a red Stoner face and with everything out of the way let’s start with this new hardcore world we’re back to the basics of the game

Chop chop chop chop chop all right that should be enough for now let’s get a crafting table get a wood pickaxe and some Stone of course and just like that we got ourselves our tools we’re gonna use this boat and try to find myself a village hopefully I can find one near

Spawn so I can take it over and live there bruh I forgot about food All right village where are you at beautiful beautiful we got one I’m taking over your home I’m taking over your job bro I’m even taking your wife okay bro relax I’m joking we got a bunch of hay builds everywhere so food is not a problem anymore I’m gonna start

Forming sugarcane so I can create a bunch of rockets before I go to the end I heard you haven’t paid your taxes this year so I’m gonna take some stuff from your home bro 10 apples more this is going to be the spot sweet sweet dreams I want to kill the ender dragon as fast as possible so the first thing I have to do is get obsidian well technically first I have to get some diamonds you can call me Mr iron okay since I got everything iron you can call me Iron Man

What a disappointment of a cave is this it doesn’t even go that deep I got a better idea I’m gonna try to get diamonds from Stranded ships oh I see you I see you this gold is perfect for the nether all right the first ship

Let’s see oh we got a diamond a treasure map I’m gonna take that that took way longer than it should have and uh no diamond come on bro alright ship bless me with a diamond yeah no diamond but we got a treasure map don’t mind me taking

Your gold block all right please give me a diamond please please oh my God this is like the fifth ship come on just give me a diamond all right I have a feeling this is going to be the one this is going to be the one please please please

Please bruh I’m eating so much stuff but come on please all I’m asking is a diamond bro no way this is a goofy stress chest ever if I remember correctly there was a trick with the clay that you can find guaranteed diamonds underneath them okay either the tiktok was fake or this thing

Is dispatched and scammer get scam buddy okay okay I I find one I found one my diamonds my diamonds you can’t use gold oh all right no problem I got another diamond right over here please be more than just one please car alright three diamonds let’s get

That diamond pickaxe as soon as I have enough obsidian to get a portal I’m getting out of here okay let’s go I’m gonna drop off everything I just looted and then we are going to the nether all right all right let’s go bro what a stupid spawn

No way never mind I take my words back there’s another Fortress down over there all it takes is one stupid guest to take me back to the menu I better be careful in this bridge all right that was easy I definitely did not poop in my pants I

Have to get blaze Roots as fast as possible I do not want to stay any second longer perfect blaze rods you know what’s not that perfect almost dying oh no no no no no no no no no I got more than enough of blaze rods I’m gonna loot this Fortress and then I’m

Getting out of here bad Goods very bad come on oh so bad uh okay yeah I I can’t expect a lot okay this this Fortress Is Just insanely bad all right whatever we got our blaze rods now we have to get ourselves some ender pearls first I’m

Gonna use all of the gold I have to trade with these guys and try to get some ender pearls I got about four ender pearls after spending like a stack of gold this is not good you know what I have a better idea some people wait for Enderman until night time some people

Trade with big links to get in their Pro right over here loves to treat them we got so many apples we have gold we can basically turn a villager into a zombie and heal him to get very very cheap and their pills I’m gonna trap more villagers just to be saved that zombies

Don’t kill any of them enjoy your new stay boys this one right over here will be the Villager that’s gonna turn into a zombie alright I’m gonna clock him as a cleric alright zombie here you go have some dinner okay don’t hit me alright now we have to

Create a portion of weakness we got a potion we got a golden apple let’s give this guy his life back while I’m waiting on the guy to turn I’m gonna destroy this Village Yes you heard me correctly I’m gonna destroy this entire Village because I want to live here and I do not

Want to live in a village now I should be able to trade emeralds for ender pearls very cheaply and there we go 10 ender pearls let’s go I need more emeralds so I’m gonna create amazing villager turn him into a zombie to get very very cheap emeralds for clay ah

Actually we don’t need to turn this guy into a zombie we can do Street like this alright we got enough of Ender Pearls now I have to wait until it’s night time to get Phantoms I need the membrane they dropped to brew pushes of slow falling while awaiting on Phantoms I’m just

Gonna destroy this entire place oh I completely forgot about Creepers I also need gunpowder to create Rockets before I go to the end All right All right this is stupid I’ve literally almost destroyed this entire Village it’s been like three nights and there’s still no Phantoms maybe if I build higher up and just wait they will spawn okay just read that Phantoms are scared of cats now there are a lot of cats

Running around over here so maybe because of that they don’t spawn in the village so next night I’m gonna throw away from the village and maybe then we’ll get some Phantoms my theory better be working I can hear him I can hear him yes yes yes yes yes yes it’s working I’m

So smart I’m so smart alright membranes are required now we can go and fight the Ender Dragon there’s only one house left so I’m gonna destroy this before I go and do the fight would you look at that I literally destroyed an entire Village to get this membrane I was able to get

Two sacks of rockets and I think that’s enough to loot a bunch of ncts in the end let’s find that stronghold boy yeah yeah let’s go another one come on come on come on bro okay went underground so I guess it’s somewhere down over here

Would you take a look at that I need to scope with later so I’m gonna get it now so I don’t have to come over here again I can also get some books right over here and there it is we found the end portal alright this is it oh whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get away from me get away from me not me waiting five days to get potions of slow falling and then not bringing them to the end I mean we all make mistakes sometimes I think I could take this beehive with a silk

Touch pickaxe yeah there we go all right give him my potions back alright everything is ready let’s get this thing started boy boy boy let’s go I’m gonna try to kill this guy as fast as possible but of course CVT is always number one priority I’m not gonna risk it I’m gonna

Drink one of these guys first try let’s go this thing does not want to hit it come on just hit oh my God come on oh there we go can I hit it first try nice as long as I don’t get hit the ones with the bars are easy this should be the

Last one oh no never mind oh my God this is the reason why you should have snow falling potions man how are there three more lifts I thought I got them all first try nice bro bro please please chill chill chill chill chill chill oh this guy’s following me get in the boat

Nice please no no please please please don’t don’t let me die like this don’t let me die like this oh oh my God my heart all right all of the towers are broken now we can start killing the dragon alright the fight is pretty easy right now all we have to do

Is wait until this guy’s purges and then we can hit them really easy all right gentlemen let me hit you a couple of times I think we only need two more purges and then we kill the dragon come come to me die die die die die die die

Die die die die die die die all right this should be the last Purge let’s kill this guy get the dragon egg and then look for an entity because I need my elytra ASAP and there we go we did it we killed the dragon let’s go let me block

This thing so I can catch all of the XP no no don’t go inside of the portal stay outside of the portal alright there we go the first item of phase one is gathered we have the dragon egg now if you go through the end gate to find some

End cities man I hope we have good spawns bro ain’t no way oh come on I don’t even have enough blocks bro how am I supposed to bridge out and look for an entity there better be an end city near me because I don’t want to keep on bridging everywhere imagine I throw

Myself in the vote Man I have to be careful with ender pearls I can’t mess around with them nah this place is depressing like there’s literally nothing over here like I can’t wait for an actual end update because we need it ah there it is there it is finally bro finally this took so long as

Soon as I have my elytra I can find a lot of these guys very very easy all right all right all right uh nice and there we go there it is oh a diamond Shuffle let’s go but of course the most important item is the elytra there we go

We got the second item of phase one technically phase one is over but phase one is not done until alluded a ton of entities alright shulker can you die please come on die okay finally ah I’m so hyped to fly let’s read every in city we can find until we don’t have any

Storage left right first just uh okay I’ll take the Looting swords what do we have oh a diamond pickaxe let’s go yeah this can turn badly really quickly I have to be careful alright these are the last two shulkers in this ant City come on what oh oh chill out chill out bro

Why are you why are you coming over here yeah I gotta be careful with these things anyways let’s go Let’s go we are back phase one is officially over the amount of ncds I’ve looted is insane take a look at this chest look at the amount of elitrus look at the amount of tools we got more than a stack of soccer shells this is insane all right

Everything is nice and cleaned up now we can start with phase two in this phase I’m gonna be creating a stacking rate form stacking rate Farms will give us access to infinite amounts of emeralds totus of indiums redstone gunpowder and a lot of other stuff for those of you

That are wondering what is a stacking rate for him well I’m gonna teach you a second rate form is a conception that tricks the game into launching numerous amounts of rates at the same time this Farm was designed by the legend e and x04 there’s a big tower filled with

Water and bubbles with Filter cells every time we hit an armor stand the bubble change and they trigger observers those observers will trigger pistons and because of that villagers will keep changing their careers whenever villager changes careers a new raid starts well at least that’s what I think happens now

Raiders can’t spawn anywhere else since this entire thing is built on top of a Ocean’s so they spawn on top the top is very small so the normal size mobs can fall through the base since it’s constantly being shifted by Pistons the big boy ravengers can’t fall through the

Hole so they clip in the walls and they burn to death and yeah that was the second read Form shout out to enxo4 bruh I was about to get the stuff for the wreath farm and then I realized something I don’t even have enough villagers to create the raid farm so I

Guess I have to make a villager breather before I can actually make the raid form bro did you just say I don’t need to explain how villagers make babies like come on I’m the teacher you’re the student villagers like to make babies once they have enough food and an extra

Bed you can take advantage of their needs by using an easy trick all we do is lock two villagers in a farm and in one side of the farm we place bets but here’s the trick big villagers can get to the bets because we block them with

Trap doors big villagers start making a baby for the bit big villagers make baby baby tries to get in the bed but big hole in front of the baby baby fall in the hole pet no more have villager so big villagers try again make baby make

Baby make baby this Farm was designed by Roamer gfx go check him out this Farm is really really easy to create all we have to do now is get two villagers inside of it alright so the first one is in and the second one is also inside I actually

Forgot about the carrots uh the villagers won’t breed until they have food okay now they should be able to breed and this thing is done I guess while they’re breeding I’m gonna collect the items for the raid farm this is editing moguin I wanted to speed this

Part up even faster but it doesn’t allow me so allow me to do a Shameless plug during the video yo you there are you enjoying the video hit the Subscribe button down below what are you waiting on come on go go go go go go so we got

All of the materials and now we can actually start with the rate Farm now the farm has to be built in the middle of the ocean but luckily we have a big one right behind our base I think this is going to be the spot yes I am ready to do this Thank you Alright so the village cells are made now we have to place five villagers inside of the raid Farm I do have some extra villagers over here I’m gonna use these guys first and then I’m gonna use the ones that are inside of the breeder uh this guy has a job I can’t use

Villagers have a job I need normal villagers oh this guy also has a job come on bro ah there we go this one does not have a jump I should have closed their shelter I left it open and I don’t want them to turn into zombies and they

Probably will be fine so I’m not going to worry about them so all I have to do is push them inside of the water column they will go oh oh come on do I really have to restart my game that glitch is so annoying so as

I was saying all I have to do is get this guy on top just go inside of it and then push him in the water column he will go all the way to the top now at the top we’ve marked these spots and they basically have to fall down there

Now if I break the composer he will fall in his cell so you have to drop like four villagers in those spots but I already have done three of them and you just saw the fourth one so I’m basically done with that part now I do need a

Fifth villager on the top but I have no idea why he’s there so once this guy is on top you only have to make the killing chamber and then the farm is basically done please do not glitch again it glitched again Now the form is basically done we need two specific things before we can actually start using the farm one of the items that we need is a specific sort we need a very good sword that has looting sweeping Edge and braking mending and sharpness five now we can do that by

Combining the swords you already have and then the second thing bat Omen alright we got the sword now we need to find a Outpost when I was looking for ships I found a Outpost and I wrote down the coordinates so now we only have to go there and actually kill

A guy with a flag you guys need to relax oh my God got so many of them there you are sir can I take your bad omen nice I have built this farm so many times but I’ve also filled this farm so many times so I’m hoping it works oh it’s it’s

Working it’s working wait oh no no no no I I forgot sweeping Edge I need to put sweeping Edge on my sword before I can start the farm I got sweeping Edge and now I have to get back to the Outpost and get bad Omen again alright sir thank

You for the bad Omen let’s get back to the farm alright so the moment of truth let’s see if this thing is actually working alright everything looks fine is it working though is it working oh yes it is working oh my God my ears are blowing off

Oh look at bro I’ve built this form so many times but yet I always get excited when I use it the amount of stuff this thing gives you is insane it should be illegal on servers alright I’ve used a form for about five minutes let’s see

How much loot we got alright the Moment of Truth oh my no way bro this this is actually insane oh no no look at this guys look talk teams have been dying we get infinite totals of a Dying infinite emeralds oh look at this once I have access to a lot

Of iron I’m gonna extend the storage system and it’s just gonna be insane I can officially say phase two is completed we have access to infinite amounts of emeralds and infinite amounts of totens of in dying now we can start with phase 3. now with all of the

Materials we have and access to infinite amounts of emeralds I think we can complete this phase really quickly so the first thing I need is a mending villager yeah this is uh gonna take a while I think my man just gave up he does not want to turn into a Liberian

Come on I’ll guess I’ll just have to wait no no I’m not gonna wait I’m gonna get another villager because that guy is pissing me off alright we have three villagers already can you go back come on bro all right this guy is gonna sell me armor yeah I just realized I do

Already have a bunch of armors so I don’t know what the point of this guy even is man I got a lot of emeralds let me flick this a little bit I already have a bunch of Enchanted armor and a lot of them are good but some enchantments are missing so I’m gonna

Use the armor that I just bought from the villagers and then I’m gonna combine all of the armors together to get the perfect armor alright so these two will go together and now we have an insane helmet these two will also go together and then we have a chest plate now these

Two leggings together will also give me good leggings not only a shot but I still need for my boots are feather falling I’m gonna try to trade them with the Villagers ah finally we have mending let’s go I need mending on my boots and mending on my elytra I’m gonna lock this

Farmer inside there too to get golden carrots oh finally we got feather falling okay now we can combine all of these together to create the best boots in Minecraft alright or arm is fully Enchanted we also have a perfect Enchanted tools so we don’t have to do

That now we need netherrite now there are a lot of different ways to get netherrite I like to use bits now if we want to use the bat method we are going to need a lot of wool I do not have a lot of wool and I’m not planning on

Getting a lot of sheep well I do have a lot of emeralds we can use Shepherd villagers to trade emeralds into wool the annoying thing about that is the trading cooldown luckily there’s a thing called vote trading vote trading uh what Pro trading is a way of trading in

Minecraft that lets you script the trading cooldown there are a lot of different way to do this but they all work the same way it directed a villager travel far away from that villager but with your trade menu still open and when you’re far away from that villager you

Trade with him once you come back the trade is over but the Villager does not know that you traded with them so you can keep on doing that over and over again I’m gonna be using enxs4 Railway system you got two villagers and yourself in the middle basically all we

Do is create filter a while we are going to build your B filter a is unloaded but the menu is still open so once you trade with Filter a you do the same for villager B so you keep on going from A

To B to B to a to A to B to B to a to A to B I mean you get it shout out to enixo4 you’re the best guy alright we all need to load in the villagers all this really is is a railway with two

Villagers and you basically just go from one side to the other side while you’re trading I did mess up a little small thing beforehand but I fixed it and now it can officially tweet with these guys easy I got four more emeralds left I’m just gonna treat them normally look at

The back look at the amount of XP oh crazy because we’re not with them when we trade all of the XP stays behind and once you’re done you got a ton of it alright we got a ton of wool we got a ton of wood let’s start with the Netherland grinds Yeah we are done hey first I’ll turn all of this into gold take all that gold mix it up with the netherride scrap and create myself five minute ride ingots and then we mix it up with the armor can’t forget the swords never never never and there we go we are officially

Done with phase three we have the best armor in Minecraft well at least I think this is the best armor is there a better armor we are now down to the last phase in this phase we will be creating every single form we need in this world the

First form I will be making is a wither skeleton Farm Wither Skeleton forms will give us access to wither heads pole and Bones since we have a read form that gives us infinite amounts of emeralds and we will have a wither skeleton form that provides us with a ton of Wither

Heads we can get infinite amounts of beacons the farm I will be using does not require any spawn proofing and it’s by the legend e and x04 bro I already built like three Farms from Ian in this world already but you don’t just want to see how the farm is built but you

But it works say less every microstructure has a lot of structure spawns in nether fortress are also an abounding box and this box moves like wither skeletons and blazes only spawn here we can make our own custom platform made out of Nether Bricks at the maximum height of this

Bounding box to replicate another Fortress of course not only bitter skeletons spawn here so we use filters to get rid of the other mobs for example we place walls in certain ways on top of the platform to get rid of gas and magma cubes in the corner we place turtle eggs

So piglings follow it and they spawn and then the only two mobs that basically stay are wither skeletons and blazes in the middle of the platform we have an iron golem that is surrounded by repeaters this way the Golem can only be seen by the wither skeletons because of

Their height the wither skeletons run towards the golov but they go through a portal in the overall they push each other into another portal and that portal brings them to the netherwolf where I will be killing them I collected almost every item the last thing I need

To do is collect a bunch of Nether Bricks and then I can start building this thing all right there should be everything I got all of the items I need to build this Farm The Fortress I have right next to my spot is actually perfect for this farm so I won’t need to

Look for another one alright let’s start with it Okay so the spawning area is done enough to go on top of the nether roof to create the killing chamber alright this should be the block and yeah nice this is basically done I’m also going to create a portal at my base that connects to the nether roof so I can easily

Travel everywhere all I have to do now is create the Overworld bridge and then the form should be done alright we are done let’s test this Farm out I hope it works oh yeah there we go it’s working let’s do a small AFK session to get some skills Thank you all right I’m back this is a portal that brings me to the nether roof as you can see I did a small AFK session I got about a shocker box filled with bones and coal but like most importantly we got 25 wheeler skills 25 video skulls

Will basically give us 8 beacons I’m gonna kill the winners under the end portal because why should I make it harder for myself aha now at the moment the main reasons why I need beacons is to clean out the spawn area if you didn’t know the spawn area in the vault

Is actually always loaded for example if you create an iron spawn inside of the Vault spawn the iron farm will always produce iron even if you’re not close to the world spawn so all the Farms that require you to go AFK near it will be

Built in both spawn if we have a bunch of beacons we can use haste 2 and fng5 pickaxes to mine everything instantly so that’s exactly what I will be doing I’ve also been making a bunch of glass because I need it for a bunch of farms but yeah most importantly we got

Ourselves 8 beacons to power those beacons I’m going to use a rate firm to get a bunch of emeralds so I’ll see you after I AFK for a little bit alright we’re back and we have a bunch of emeralds yeah we definitely have a

Bow my God yeah we still have to fix the item sorter but we’ll do that later besides all of the item drops this Farm also gives you a ton of XP if you go AFK overnight I think you will get about 600 levels of XP but anyways I’m gonna head

To the world spawn and clear a corner out so I can start making some awesome Farms foreign All right I’m back as you can see I’ve been AFK in for some time over the past few days I’ve been clearing out a tick chunk at the world spawn I took my time with this because it was really really boring but yeah as you can see we got a

Corner all cleared up and I also built a villager breather now there’s a big reason why I have a villager breeder at wall spawn that’s because I need a bunch of them I’m gonna be making an iron farm and iron Farms require a bunch of villagers iron farm is pretty simple

When a villager is in a village Iron Golems can spawn now Villages are defined by bits so if you have a bet with a villager in the middle of nowhere well that’s technically a village now when villagers are panicking Iron Golems tend to spawn in to protect those

Villages they can take advantages of this mechanic we can basically make multiple villagers holding different villagers around an area and between those villagers we can have a zombie jumping up and down by using water and Soul Sand whenever the zombie goes up villagers start to panic and Golems can

Spawn in if we make a couple of these Villages and zombie jumpers around each other we can have an insane Iron Golem maker and of course when the Golem spawned in they fall in a pit and they burn to death and then we can have our

Iron this Farm was made by day six go check them out on YouTube anyways let’s start with the main build luckily we have light metica to make our life easier foreign so the main build of the form is done now we have to get the zombies and the

Villagers inside of the farm for those of you that are wondering what am I seeing on your screen I use a mod where I can see the spawn trunk so those big screws right over there are just the spawn chunks but yeah let’s get some name tags for the zombies and yeah you

See the name Tech you see it I’ve also chased my Shepherds into clerics because these bottles right over here can save me when I need them but yeah most of the time I only use them on my Ella trap so if you see him in the inventory it’s

Only for my elytra getting zombies in there should be easy I’m gonna use trapdoor so I can trap him inside of here because mobs think the trapdoors are normal blocks oh my God no no please what is going on just go inside of it

Oh okay there we go so the first one is fixed for some reason they come with like 100 zombies like relax bro relax all right your turn yeah oh we got more than one uh I don’t think that’s a problem all right now we have to put the

Villagers inside of it uh but this setup right over here is kind of wrong I have no idea how to fix this oh bro bro luckily I got one villager out of it I I missed this thing up oh my God come on how much oh no I got out of it there

Might be some villagers that died but uh let’s all talk about this Okay so we’ve got the first guy down over here uh getting him in is harder than I thought like come on going oh finally he’s in we’re gonna have to do that like two

More times in that cell and then we have to do it seven more times in the other cells when that’s done the farm should be working All right that should be it the form should be you can hear it already it’s working allegedly this form makes you 70 stacks of iron ingots an hour but uh I don’t know about that now we can go far away as we want this Farm will still be

Working because it’s in the spawn chunks so the iron farm is completed now we can go to the next Farm on our list it’s pretty late right now I’m going to sleep but before I go to sleep I’m gonna do an overnight AFK session at the rate Farm I

Want to get to level thousand before I end this episode alright I have afgate overlight I’ve extended the storage system before I AFK so we should have a lot of stuff let’s check this out oh my God yeah yeah yeah uh this uh yeah well what can I say the farm works

One thing that definitely is a scan is this iron form allegedly It produced 70 stacks per hour but as you can see there’s no 70 stacks per hour in here well I’m not gonna complain that’s like a lot of iron uh but yeah 70 . no no no

No no I’m gonna clean up this area right over here and then I’m gonna be creating a shulker farm now shulker Farm is actually really easy to make the hardest thing is getting the shulker to the Overworld the Shocker Farm I will be building is by enixo4 but this is like

The fourth form of Enix so far but yeah in xo4 I love you Soaker Farms come in every shape and size but their mechanics are all the same shulkers can hit himself with their projectiles well of course they do that by accident when a shulker hits itself it can duplicate

Itself but the way this Farm works is by placing a bunch of portals and glass walls next to each other in the middle of the farm we lock a shulker with a bunch of snowmen the soccer will try to hit the Snowman but it will hit itself the shulker will duplicate but the

Places where it can duplicate to will send it through a portal on another side we have a system where the Shocker would teleport to a block but it will get stuck in a boat under another block the shulker will die by Suffocation and it will drop shulkers in the nether side we

Also have a shulker bank so when the shulker in the Overworld dies we can get the new one back very easily this Farm is built by Ian xl4 and again shout out to enixo4 he is the best Minecraft Youtuber anyways I’m gonna start making this thing

Go smoothly and by the fact we’re going to be working with shulkers I know this thing will not go smoothly foreign Foreign Is working my friends as you can hear the shulker is getting hit and it’s basically duplicating himself what the hell no no no no no no I think my farm is gonna break no oh no the shulker got out are you serious oh oh my God yeah sometimes I hate

Minecraft to be honest all over again all over again my friends oh my God okay I got it fixed I have to be careful now I do not want this thing to blow up again okay it’s working as you see behind me the shulker form is done uh

That was not fun to be honest that was not fun the the amount of times I had to get Shockers was insane the next Farm I’m gonna be making is pretty simple the farm after this Farm requires a bunch of string but the most logical thing I can

Do is turn a spider spawner into a string farm this mine shaft right over here is literally underneath my spawn as you can see it has a zombie spawner and a spider spawner next to each other now to be honest I’m only interested in the spider spawner so I will ignore the

Zombie spawner alright I’m gonna turn this into a spider spawner three two one there we go the farm is done we have a spotter Farm uh yeah yeah the spiders can hit me sometimes but I have to fix that real quick I’m Gonna Make This Place look a bit nicer and then I’m

Gonna AFK so I can get some strings alright the spider farm was not that interesting but the next one is I’m gonna be creating a beef Farm that’s gonna give me a bunch of Honey now the honey blocks are actually needed in a lot of machines I want to do after this

Farm so that’s why I need to make it right now throughout this episode I’ve gathered a bunch of beehives for the Honey Farm I’m gonna need a bunch of beehives food with a bunch of B in total about 64 beehives breeding bees is actually really easy all you have to do

Is lock a bunch of bees up and then just breed them constantly while you’re breeding them you should make more beehives and eventually you will have a bunch of them so that’s the first thing I will be doing Thank you all right I might have gone Overkill with the amount of bees I created but you can never have more than enough bees all of these shulker boxes are filled with Beehives and in every beehive we have three bees I’m gonna need a stack of beehives for the form I’m gonna be

Creating just like every other Farm in this world The Beehive is by enixo4 so the bee farm is actually pretty easy all it is is a big loop we have droppers dispensers Hoppers and beehives the droppers throw the bottles the dispensers try to use the bottles on the

Beehives if it has honey it takes the honey if not it passes the bottle to the next one the honey bottles also get passed to the next one eventually at one hopper there will be an iTunes surter that takes out the honey bottle out of the system this Farm is easy and compact

Shout out to inxo4 you’re the best guy Thank you All right the beef Farm is done these top chests have to be filled with glass bottles now I did place a couple of them in and the farm is actually working but we have to stack this thing up with a bunch of bottles now you can craft

Bottles but I have a better ID the rate Farm we have actually produces bottles now we have an item sorter at the top so if we change the input to bottles we can catch a lot of bottles so if I clear out all of these chests and then go AFK at

The rate firm when I come back I should have many many stacks of bottles alright I have faith kit for a couple of hours now let’s check how many bottles we got all chests should be full to be honest let’s see yeah perfect we have more than

Enough of bottles now the good thing is we never need to get more bottles because the system is a loop when we use the bottles we can just put it back into the system so the Honey Farm is basically done we have a bunch of bottles for the system all of the

Bottles will stay inside of the system and we don’t need to get any more bottles the next Farm we’ll be making is a slime farm I’m gonna be making a slime farm that does not require you to clear out any chunks the farm is designed by more things and it’s really really easy

To make slime spun in two ways one way is in swamps slimes naturally spawn in swamps at night time a secondary slime spawn are in slime chunks in your world you have a bunch of slime chunks in these chunks slime can spawn when you use slime chunks you usually have to dig

Out a big area I’m gonna be relying on swamps while this Farm really is is a big room with an iron golem in the middle slime spawn in this room because of the swamp and they will go towards the Iron Golem they get dropped in a

Hole that is made out of magma blocks eventually they burn and die all the player has to do is AFK on the top shout out to more things for this amazing farm I’m gonna make the Slime form AFK a little bit and then I’ll bring you guys back when I’m done Thank you thank you all right I had a 15 minute AFK session let’s see how much stuff we got now I do know the rates of this farm so we should yeah we should have a lot there we go in 15 minutes we got three stacks of slime

Box this Farm is done the Slime form is completed and I I think that’s more than enough slime for this episode the next Farm on the list is your sugarcane farm the design is by Sleeping Prince and it’s super easy to create the sugarcane farm is nothing more than a big long

Field of sugarcane on one side we have a storage system that is under a flying machine every time a redstone timer goes off the fly machine goes from one side to the other on top of the Flying Machine we have Minecarts with Hoppers these collect the sugarcane that gets

Destroyed by the Flying Machine once the Flying Machine arrives at the other side it gets pushed back eventually it will dock back to the storage system drop off all of the sugar cane and wait for the timer to go off again very simple and clean design again shout out to Sleeping

Prince so let’s get this thing going oh Until now every single boot I needed for every form I get it with my hands and I have to get that changed the next form I will be making is a tree farm there are a lot of different tree farms but I’m gonna be making a very simple one can

You guess who designed it my friend if you said enxo4 you are right the tree farm is very simple we have the player station here we spam bone meal and saplings on a piece of dirt the player gets fed bone meal by a dispenser on top

Of the tree we have a TNT duper once the tree explodes all of the drops Goes Down Under the farm and gets back up through a water stream the player is on top of the stream because of this we can collect the saplings the rest of the

Items go inside of the chest and that’s it this Farm is very simple shout out to enixo4 I’m gonna make this farm and then I’m gonna upgrade the Wither Skeleton Farm storage system because I need a lot of Bones after that I first have to AFK

At the Wither Skeleton Farm to get a lot of bone meal and then I will AFK at the form Thank you This tree farm is insane we did a 15 minute AFK session let’s take a look at the amount of wood we have oh we have a lot of wood now the downside to three forms are the uses of the bone meal we need a bunch of bone meal the sugarcane

Farm also is working as you can see we got a bunch of sugarcane and the Honey Farm also is producing a bunch of fun as you can see I already made a ton of Honey blocks I’ve also been turning all of my ingots into blocks and as you can

See we have a bunch of iron and of course the shulker farm is also working we have a bunch of shulker shells now we are almost ready we are down to our last two Farms the next farm that I will be making is a gold Farm the farm that I

Will be building is not hard to make but it is annoying because we are going to be using magma blocks but the good thing about this Farm is that it’s going to produce so much gold with the amount of gold we’re gonna get we can’t use normal

Chests we’re gonna have to use shulker loaders the gold Farm is not that hard we have platforms made out of magma on those platforms only zombie fight piglings can spawn in the middle we have a tower that is made out of trap doors and turtle eggs the zombie fight

Piglings will try to go there but they will go through a portal in the Overworld there’s a bridge that takes them back to the nether over in the nether they will be instantly placed in boats because of this new piglinks will instantly spawn in using the boat method

A ton of piglets will spawn in every second the farm was made by Dash bump 4. you’re a legend my friend thank you This form is insane I’ve used it for 20 minutes and my ears hurt let’s stick oh my God do shulker boxes already filled oh uh okay so I think the Ashoka box thingy is broken but bro look at the amount all right the shulker rotor is probably

Broken because in the first chest we should have normal ingots yeah I can’t figure it out in this chest normal English should be in there but uh yeah whatever I have no idea how to fix this thing I’ll have to hop in a creative world later on to try to

Understand this form but for now it should be okay I think the ingots go in the last chest right over here I I figured it out the ingots were going into the last chest while they are supposed to go in the first chest I was probably not focused when I was watching

The tutorial but that’s okay bro I made like at least eight stacks of gold blocks in 20 minutes that’s insane at the moment I’m collecting every single color in Minecraft that’s because I’m gonna be making every single color of concrete the last form on my list is a

Concrete slash sand duper this is not your normal concrete slash sand duper this is a two in one form this is a very complex form but all you need to know is that at the end of this Farm we will have every single type of concrete every

Single type of concrete powder and every type of sand well there are only two types of sand but you know what I mean the last form is the most complex one in the overall we have a gravity duper basically it takes items and throws it

In the end but in the overall that items still exists so it basically droops blocks we can dupe everything from Sand to concrete in the end we have a concrete maker we can turn on a lever that will take all of the concrete powder and turn it into concrete this is

By a complex machine that makes concrete fly up a water stream and destroyed by a TNT bro this thing is too complex to explain we can also leave the lever off and I will just collect the items that get duped the duper is set up that we

Can dupe every single color of concrete and sand all of the items fall down a hole and go through a water stream inside of a large Auto Sorter and yeah that was the gravity duper slash concrete maker the duper is designed by Scorpio the converter is assigned by

Mont and the sorter by myself shout out to all of them as soon as this Cactus is melted we should have every single color in the game alright that’s it now we have to turn all of these colors into concrete red sand let me take you and in

This chest we have every single type of concrete and every type of sand and now we go ahead and start making this form bro I’m so happy I don’t want to make any more farms in this Vault but let’s not lie to each other we probably know

I’m gonna be making some more Farms later on foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Thank you foreign World of Minecraft we stumble upon the average player in their usual activities however there’s something not quite right about this Scene It seems this player has a habit of exploding innocent villagers locking them up in tiny boxes and forcing them to work all of a sudden

The player stops and says whoa wait a minute this just ain’t Fair turns out keeping villagers trapped and making them work all day doesn’t feel right to them who would have thought in a total aha moment this player decided to turn their life around to want to create a

Better future for these poor villagers so he got to work building not just one but two epic Empires for these villagers well that’s the story of me and guess what it can be your story free the villagers so at the moment I have a hardcore world where I have everything

What I want to do whatever I want now what am I gonna do well I’m Gonna Save villagers uh let’s not talk about the villagers that are behind me right now now right before I started to record I went ahead and eighth gate at the Wither

Skeleton Farm as you can see we got a bunch of Bones coal and weird skulls so before I went to do anything else in this video the first thing I’m gonna get is a bunch of beacons now we have access to everything besides getting the Wither storm itself that requires me to kill

The Wither and to get of course some obsidian now we can do a little cheating and kill the Wither underneath the end portal for free basically it can attack me easy I’m gonna get myself a couple of stars just to be sure that I don’t have

To come back over here alright I got myself 21 nether stars and I think it’s enough for now I honestly have no idea if I have enough obsidian back home so I’m gonna take some with me just to be sure 21 beacons in my pocket alright now I

Got my biggest tuition in order I also have a shocker full of emeralds let me start to explain what’s going to happen now for that I will send you to my movie theater welcome welcome this video is going to be split in two parts each part

Will take us back in time we’re gonna be building two epic empires in two different eras the first Empire is going to be during the Middle Ages and you already guessed it we are going to be building a beautiful Town surrounded by castle walls this town will come alive

With specific villagers each playing in a vital role now picture windmills and wheat fields on the outskirts of the land where farmers are living and working so there we go the first villagers in this town are the farmers besides Farmers we will be having two weapon and armor Smiths living in the

Heart of the Town besides the homes where they live in we will have numerous amounts of factories around the town for them to work in we will also have butchers leather workers and shepherds in the town but like come on who even treats with these guys anyways they all

Deserve their freedom I guess every one of these three will have their own special building where they can carry out their tasks besides their home I also want to add a small Harbor to the town so I guess I will make some fisherman stations over there so

Fishermen are also welcome to the town now as for location I’ve already went ahead and found a planes by him with a village this Village will be useful I’m going to be stealing villagers and making a breeder in my future Town hopefully by the end of the boot we’ll

Have a bunch of villagers so we can spread them out over the town and there we go that will be the first Empire now as for the Second Empire well uh I’ll see you guys later alright so before I go to the land where I will be building

The first Empire I’m gonna gather some concrete I’m gonna be using concrete to Mark out the layout of the town after marking where I want everything to be I will terraform the land before I actually start building alright that should be enough I got three shulker

Boxes filled with concrete if you fly in this direction we will see the portal I’ve set up to go to the Future town there we go may I present you the land where we were building the first Empire now the land over here actually is pretty good but

We’re gonna have to terraform some of it I’m gonna start off by making a villager breeder so we can have a lot of villagers when this build is done well I should have brought stuff with me to build the farm ah now if you’ve watched my first hardcore video you’ve seen how

I built this thing twice all this Farm really is is a farm with crops and we got bits where villagers tried to get to the bed but they can’t they fall in a hole and we get a baby villager out of it pretty simple but it’s a great Farm

I’m gonna be setting this thing up on top of the hill alright so the crop Farm is built now we’ll also have to add some walls let’s set up the trap doors over here on the opposite side we place the beds then we’ll get two villagers inside

Of the farm okay my friends you’re the first one to go oh oh he didn’t die whatever all right second one can you go to go go go all right once these two are in the form is basically done all we have to do now is create the collection

System the collecting system is just a hole where the baby villagers fall into it and eventually we can set up a rail space system to collect the villagers out of the farm alright the Villager breeder is finished the next thing I’m going to be doing around the town this will be very useful

When we are going to be terraforming this place I’m gonna place all of the beacons Down plan the city and then I’ll meet you guys when I’m done Thank you Foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Foreign My friends I’ve done a magnificent job terraforming and planning the city terraforming this place took a little bit longer than I expected but take a look at this I really like how it’s done also take a look at this villager breeder this thing is filled up now that

Everything is planned we can actually start and building the city itself but wait we don’t have any materials for this town well don’t you worry I have a bunch of researchers to get anything I want now honestly for the first build I don’t need anything special we’re mainly

Going to need a bunch of Stony blocks and a lot of woods now for the Sony blocks we need stone stone bricks Cobblestone diorite and the side granite and Bricks now we can already cross off stone stone bricks and Cobblestone because we have a bunch of it from when

We were terraforming the spawn okay actually I take my words back I don’t have a bunch of stone left do you have stone but I have to turn it into stone bricks so I’m gonna need more Stone now the best way to get Stony blocks is by

Just mining them so that’s what I will be doing so as I said before we already have Cobblestone and stone bricks these are set up now at the Town let’s get the other blocks okay I just realized I might also need deep slate I’m gonna use

Cobbled and deep sleep tiles but I think you only need a couple deep slate and you can create tiles from Cobble deep slate so getting a couple deep slate it is alright I’m gonna set up a beacon and mine a bunch of stone alright Beacon activated let’s get a bunch of stone All right all right oh my God move out of the way I’m trying to say something well he ruined it okay as you can see behind me we have a bunch of stone we got a bunch of cobblestone Granite diorite gravel we got everything as you

Can see we even got like a bunch of oars look at the amount of diamonds we’ve got but like we’ve got a ton of stuff we do not have to get any more Sony blocks for this video I diged out this entire area for a couple deep slates and this entire

Room on the top was also digged out for Stone Granite diorite and you know all of the other Stony blocks so with that out of the way we almost have all of the Stony blocks let me take all of these back to the town alright almost all of

The Stony blocks are set up now the live Sony block we need are bricks now there are different ways to get bricks now you can get it from clay but when you get bricks from clay you first have to look for clay then you have the cook to play

And that takes a long time but luckily you can also trade bricks luckily I have infinite amounts of emeralds SO trading is easy well besides the trading cooldown where we can get rid of the trading cool down by setting up a vote trading area like we did last time by

Using vote trading we can basically skip the trading cooldown and we can trade as much as we want so we can trade infinite amounts of bricks although it takes some time alright this thing is set up let’s get some emeralds and let the trading start

Oh I think this is going to be fast let’s see or you can trade like three stacks at one time that’s nice okay I’ll be done in no time the best part of World Trading is collecting all of the XP when you’re done trading so the

Bricks are collected now we can go ahead and get the next material we need besides the Stony blocks we need a bunch of wood I’m going to be using three variants of wood Birds Spruce and dark oak now the birds and sprues are really

Easy to get since I have a tree farm we just have the AFK for a very long time and we will get Stacks and stacks of it now unfortunately we cannot use the tree form for dark oak but that’s not a problem we don’t need a lot of it so

We’ll just mine it manually this thing has so much bone meal it should be enough to get a bunch of birds and Spruce if not I still have a ton of bones at the Wither Skeleton farm please still be working please yes that looks perfectly okay I’m gonna

Be AF King here get some Spruce Wood get some birch wood and then I’ll get a bunch of dark awkward and then I’ll bring you guys back All right I got every single type of wood I need I mined a bunch of dark oak as you can see I also have a bunch of spruce and Birch from the tree farm I brought over four sugar boxes of birds and Spruce but I got a lot of left in

The tree farm also got myself some lanterns to use as a light source and some glass for the factories I’m also going to use lava so that’s the only thing I still need to get never mind I also need some campfires okay now I should have everything I need to start

The main buildings alright so I’m gonna go ahead and build all of this and then I’ll bring you guys back when I’m done Foreign Yourself Foreign Foreign [Applause] Foreign Is not even done yet but it’s already looking insane there’s a lot of stuff we still need to do but for now I already love it the size of this place is actually really really big take a look at this the next step in finishing this

Build is adding roads to this place the main road will be made out of stone and gravel but the sides of the road will be made out of course dirt root to dirt and dirt paths now of course dirt can be simply crafted and dirt path is

Basically just dirt with a shovel now the root dirt is kinda tricky now there are two ways of getting rooted dirt first is trading it from a Wandering villager but thing is wondering villagers take a while to spawn in and they don’t guarantee you to trade with

The dirts now another way of getting blue to dirt is by getting it underneath Azalea trees now from past experiences I think you can get about 8 Stacks from each azalea tree sometimes you can get even more but honestly I do not need a lot of it

Since I’m gonna be using it only for the sides of the road and it’s gonna be mixed with cores and dirt pets so getting core stirred should not be a problem since we have a ton of gravel from when we mined the entire team underneath our base and also we have a

Bunch of dirt from when we perform the spawn alright so we made it all the way down let’s see how much rooted dirt we got and we got more than seven Stacks let’s see oh we got a half of a shulker box that’s actually great we’re gonna

Need to do that like three more times and then we have another fruit of dirt to finish this builds and guess what there’s another azalea tree right in front of me nice as soon as I have enough of rooted dirt I’m gonna go ahead and make the roads I’ll guess I’ll see

You guys when I’m done [Applause] We are making so much progress just the roads alone make this place look 10 times better I must say this place looks a little bit naked but as soon as we add details it’s going to look insane talking about details I first need to get the villagers inside of their

Workstations now here’s the thing this place is actually bigger than I thought it was going to be so the villagers inside of that breeder are not enough I’m going to create two more extra breeders just to get more villagers now while we’re waiting on new villagers to

We’re gonna decorate our place right now I’m gonna gather all of their workstations and then make a bunch of bits to place inside of their hopes making all of their workstation is easy and easy and all of the materials the only thing I don’t have is wool for

Their bits I’m gonna need a lot of bets remember when I said who even trades with Shepherds well I need Shepherds I’m gonna set up some shippers at the Voit trading station to be able to treat a bull I know some of you might see isn’t

That lazy you can create a wool Farm bro I am done with Farms after episode 1. if you haven’t watched my first episode I would highly recommend you to go watch it it was amazing well uh besides building all of the forms the second breeder is almost done the only thing I

Have to do is get some villagers inside of it for those of you wondering why I have light blue beds well when I set it up two Shepherds in a vote trading center one of those gave me black wool and light blue bets as a trading option

So I traded some bits with him I’ve also traded a bunch of black wool to be able to create a bunch of bits for this style alright the bridge is done let me get the reels over here and then I can bring over the villagers almost done with this

Alright the two villagers should arrive any second know hello where are you guys hello oh there they are there we go they’re already breathing nice all right on the opposite side of that one I’m gonna create a third one and then I’m gonna start placing all the bits inside

Of the village alright so the Villager breathers are all built now I’m Gonna Fill every house with a bunch of bits we got a bunch of wool we got a bunch of woods we can do this very easily I just finished placing all of the bits and now

I’m designing some lanterns that I want to spread around the city now I’m not very good at this so designing one is kind of difficult for me yeah honestly I have no ID uh I think I like this one I’m gonna go for this one all right I’m

Gonna spam these around and make sure mobs cannot spawn Thank you thank you with the use of lanterns Moss carpets and glowstone with more proof this entire town not only that I’ve also placed all of the dog stations for every villager around their area where they need to work so as I said I used glowstone and Moss carpet around the

Areas where I didn’t place any roads just to make sure the mobs cannot spawn and yeah all of the houses have bits but you already have seen that the archery is one of my favorite areas take a look at this the stable well yeah it’s just a stable

Oh nothing special about this the large Factory right over here will be for the armor Smiths and look at this place I love it for the windmills I just placed a bunch of barrels around the mint Mill and inside of the windmill for the farmers the big bar is for the Shepherds

And I just placed some hay bales and working stations for all of the chests I had over here I just placed them down over here in this home with the portal nothing too special with everything set up we can start with placing all of the villagers at their working stations

Doing that is pretty easy all we have to do is create Railways from the breeder to the working stations the armor Smiths are in place so are the Farmers on this side the Shepherds and the Farmers on the other side are also in place oh my

God watch them all go back to their job at daytime so we now have to do that for the other villagers I also forgot to tell you guys about the Fletchers we have Fletchers in this city I think I never mentioned it before but y’all saw the archery so the toolsmiths are also

In their place so are The Butchers the weaponsmiths have also arrived at their location and lastly the Fletchers I need to wait to get some more villagers so I can get leather workers and fishermen when I make the harbor alright so the first Empire is almost done all we have

To do now is create a harbor decorate this place with a bunch of trees create some wheat fields and then we are done I’m gonna go ahead and do that and then we are finished with the first Empire Thank you Foreign After multiple days I can finally say the first Empire is completed enjoy it Thank you Foreign [Applause] Thank you foreign [Applause] Foreign we are starting with the next Empire let me take you guys again to the theater and explain what we’re going to be doing the next Empire will be the Roman slash Greek Empire honestly I have no idea what the differences between these two building Styles now we’ve used some

Villagers but there are a lot of them left I want to have a main Temple that has a view over the entire Empire this Temple won’t have any villagers it’s just mainly for decoration next up I want to create a colosseum with a building inside of that building we will

Have clerics I want to give it a dungeon pipe or at least I’ll try I also want a large library for the Librarians and then we’ll have a bunch of small and large houses scattered everywhere the location for this Empire will be in a desert again I’ve already scouted and

Found a perfect desert I think you should know the drill by now get concrete plan the city out and then we’ll terraform everything what is this guy doing on top of the nether move all by himself how did he get over here oh I have to set up the Villager breeder

First after forget about that alright so the first breeder is almost done let me give these guys some bread if I bring this guy to the breeder the second breeder is also done and there we go the second breeder is also finished all right so we got two villagers up now we

Can start to plant the city and terraform everything All right [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well they’ll take a look at this place so we got the mean city right over here and then we have a bridge going to the temple since everything is made out of sand terraforming this place was actually pretty easy well that was the easy part now we have to start making

The village but wait we don’t have any materials well actually we almost have everything now this Village is gonna use Sandstone well Sandstone is made up of sand we have a sand duper so we can get a bunch of sand the next item we will

Use a lot in this Village is red sand and again we can get red sand from the sand duper for some builds we’re gonna need concrete guess what we have a concrete maker so we also have concrete well I also need diorite guess what I

Got a bunch of diorites the only item I need to put pork in is quartz but guess what we have avoiding trading system and we can trade quartz for Emerald so basically we have infinite amounts of quartz Irish traded enough quartz to build this entire Empire twice so quartz

No problem anymore for some reason I took all of the diorite I mined in the mines and I brought it to the medieval village but I didn’t even use it so I can take all of this back to the Greek Village I keep calling everything villagers but they’re supposed to be

Empires okay for concrete I’m gonna need white uh blue and red concrete but I have AFK at the concrete maker so we have a bunch of concrete we got a concrete we got the sand we got the quartz we need one more thing the last

Thing we need is gold now a lot of temples are decorated with gold now guess what I have an insane gold farm so why not use a bunch of this gold to decorate the city again it’s not a city it’s the Empire I’m gonna ft for an hour

And then I’ll bring you guys back when I’m done the hour is finished let’s check the loot yes yes yes we have a bunch of gold I’m gonna turn it all into blocks and then we’ll see how much we got 11 stacks of gold blocks man that’s insane that’s more more than enough

Earlier I said I had enough sand but I I don’t have enough so I’m gonna dupe some more sand and a red sand and then we can start building this thing because we’ve changed all of the concrete powder into sand and red sand we are making a bunch

Of sand look at all of the sand that is wasted my collection system is literally too small to collect all of it ah I guess we’ll let it all burn alright now I actually have enough sand I’m gonna turn all of these into sandstone and

Take him back to the Greek Empire I also need some smooth sandstones so I’ll steal this setup over here as soon as some of this scent stone is melted we can start building this thing again I’ll see you guys when I’m done [Applause] thank you foreign Foreign [Applause] Foreign The main buildings of the Empire are finished and this place looks amazing just wait until you see this with shaders on the time lapse is beautiful this building right over here is a library and it’s beautiful just take a look at this wow this is nice the streets looks kinda

Dead right now but I promise when I detail this place it’s gonna look better this is a building opposite of the Colosseum and this is where the clerics are I did say I was gonna do a dungeon type build but uh yeah I didn’t I like it it’s pretty simple but it’s it’s

Looking good as you can see I’m using cauldrons and in some places barrels as decoration because of that before villagers enter this place we have to turn them into clerics or else they will turn into leather workers and we don’t want that to happen the big buildings

Right over here will be for the Masons and the cartographers will have the small houses all right the next thing I want to do is get the place mob proof this small farm I have right over here produces enough carpets for me to cover all of the glowstone I use in my builds

I’m gonna start by making everything mob proof and then I’m gonna make the roads for this Village once the road and everything is Mob proof we can start letting the villagers out and then we can start detailing this place I guess I’ll do that and then I’ll see you guys back Foreign Foreign Thank you All right all right I am back on my drone a lot of things have happened since last time I’ve built a very simple wall out of sand and Sandstone I have built as you can see roads I’ve also covered the sand inside of the walls with dirt coarse dirt and some Moss I’ve

Created all of the workstations around the city and yeah what can I say this place is looking fancy now remember when I said this place is more proof well it’s not as you can see on top of the roofs some places mobs can spawn we can

Fix that really easy we can fix it Easy by using lighting or lightning or you know those glowing finds now the two things left inside of this Village first we’ll have to put all of the villagers in their spots secondly we’ll have to finish the decoration some spots of the

Empire kind of look empty so I’m gonna add some more smaller houses and then I’m also going to create some markers for the decoration and I’m gonna create some wells around the Empire just finish it off doing all of that is kind of boring so I’m just gonna make a large

Time lapse of everything I do and then when I’m done I’ll bring you guys back Thank you Thank you Well I’m happy to announce that I’m officially done with the Second Empire as a final message I just had to turn on shaders because this place looks insane with the shaders on I am really happy with the detailing as you can see I made a lot of markets and wells around the

Empire small details like this just make any build look 10 times better the Empire is now 100 map proof mobs cannot spawn not even on the roofs because I’ve put lightning or a lichen or whatever it’s called on every spot where mobs can spawn and we just take a second to

Admire this library look at this now there’s two small things I have to do before I’m done with this place first is get rid of the beacons and then lastly clear out all of the chests for all of the shulkers and chests I’m just gonna put them all down over here right

Next to the portal if you made it this far into the video I want to thank you so much for supporting me honestly it means a lot to me before I’ll show you guys the final time lapse I want to ask you to hit that subscribe button down

Below if you’re not already subscribed and yeah I’ll see you in the next one bye Thank you Foreign This right over here is my world spawn as you can see it’s pretty basic well to be honest it’s far from basic if I take a dive in this normal looking River I get introduced to an entire New World underground well to be honest the underwater cave was pretty boring decided to

Transfer to a beautiful Underwater World this places many houses for players to live in or should ruins to discover beautiful looking reefs and of course many many different animals that habit the cave I’ve been on a long break for Minecraft’s hardcore and it feels good to be back before we start with anything

I’m gonna have to get rid of a problem this little drip reader has been making so many villagers that it’s actually causing my game to lag so I’m gonna have to get rid of him alright with that problem fixed we can actually start with the video okay I just realized that the

Villagers might not be the lag problem I think this machine is overrun let’s take a look ah yeah it’s it’s overrun no no no no no I got to a point where I have so much materials it’s in it’s in oh my God the eye form is completely overrun alright I’m gonna

Turn all of these ingots into blocks and get rid of the puppies because this machine is gonna cause the game to crash so I don’t really know what I’m gonna do with the cave all I know is I want to turn it into a beautiful Water World

Type of thing the problem we have at the moment in the cave is of course it’s dark and we cannot breed underwater now luckily we can actually fix that problem by using a conduit I’ve never built a conduit before but I do know what I need

The first item we need for the convict is a heart of sea which we got three of them now getting these guys actually the easy Parts with one heart of sea you can make one conduit and I don’t know how many I need the second item we need to

Build convicts are Nautilus shells there are many different ways to get shells you can get them by killing drone zombies that are holding them wondering villagers can also have them as a trait but it’s really rare a can also fish them but it’s really really rare now for

Heart of seas I think you can only get them from treasure maps and finding treasure chess is really easy all we do is fly over a sea find ourselves some ships and then you can find it with just easily and there we go we got ourselves

An extra heart of sea so I’ve been flying around for about five minutes now and I haven’t seen any drowned zombie yet I swear Minecraft does this on purpose when I don’t need them they’re all around and when I actually need them I can’t find a single one I’m gonna

Craft night vision potions to be able to see better underwater alright we got plenty of potions underwater Vision should not be a problem anymore why are there no drones what is this alright I’m actually starting to get pissed off where are the Drone zombies is my game

Glitched I think my game is actually glitched ah the first round zombies are inside they’re actually in the cave that I’m gonna transform and these guys are not holding any shells so uh yeah no shell I guess no actually do not know if these shells are actually really rare I

Don’t think so if you can actually trade them from a Wandering villager but yeah we’ll see I’m gonna give the another shot but as you can see there there’s still no drum zombie come on where are the Drone zombies okay I’m actually giving up on zombies

I’m just gonna get him from fishing we should be able to get a really good oh there we go a really good fishing rod and then we can use this to try to get as many shells as we need I’m gonna go ahead and find myself a cozy spot to

Start fishing I guess to be honest I have no idea what the rates are of getting shells from fishing uh I hope it’s actually decent because I’m not gonna stay here for the entire day one Google search later and I uh I figured out it’s basically impossible to get all

Of the shells from uh fishing well like it’s possible but it’s it’s way too slow oh the first yeah I was gonna say that the first round in the ocean but this guy isn’t holding a shell so uh doesn’t matter got a couple of them over here oh he is

Holding a Shell let’s go we got our first shell we got like uh 20 more to go or I I I don’t know alright progress update we’re liking our 30 minutes later and we got four shells uh yeah nice although I got some good news the conduit actually has a really large

Range so we only need one for the entire cave well I think I only need one hopefully I only need one an extra heart of sea that I’m not gonna be using number five it is I traveled so much that I made it to the Middleville Town imagine this wandering

Trading having shells please please please come on hey move bro move Uh another progress update we’ve made it to the Cherry Blossom biome I updated my game to 1.20 and this is the first time seeing this biome in Minecraft I’m gonna steal some of this wood and leaves oh this also looks nice but I don’t know if

You can actually bone Mill it I hope you can bone meal it alright enough Sherry Blossom I took all of the stuff I need uh let’s get back to getting those shells alright many things have happened since last progress update I got a trident I got seven Nautilus shelves and

I’m getting attacked by uh 30 of these drone zombies and of course none of these guys have Nautilus shells let’s go I actually figured out that the best way to find drone zombies naturally is by finding these rooms inside of oceans many many drunk zombies spawned at the

Same time over here but I actually don’t know if they actually keep on spawning or once you kill all of them they don’t spawn again oh there we go we are done the last Naruto’s shell is in our pockets alright this is going to be my my first time building the conduit in

Minecraft and there we go we got ourselves the convict let’s go now for some reason I thought I had a guardian Farm in this world but I actually don’t so now I have to go and mine uh prismarine manually to build the conflict itself for those of you that

Don’t know a convict actually works when you place a prismarine blocks around it it doesn’t require iron or diamond blocks like beacons do alright we should have enough now let’s get back to the cave and actually build the convict itself alright it’s almost finished and it’s actually already working you don’t

Need to place the entire thing with prismarine but as many blocks you place the better convict gets alright that’s it the convict is built we can now breed underwater and we have night vision underwater let’s go it feels so good to be able to see and breathe underwater

Let’s go I’ve decided what the first step is to turning this place into a beautiful underwater worlds oceans have a sand bottom so I’m gonna put a Lee roof sand everywhere to make this cave look like an actual ocean alright so if I want to put a layer of sand everywhere

I’m gonna need a bunch of sand luckily I got one of these things all I gotta do is put some shulker boxes down take all of the sand I got in these chests and then fly back to the cave with all of the shulker boxes I’m gonna put all of

The stroker boxes on top of the conduit okay we’re gonna start with the very very boring part putting a layer of sand everywhere hopefully this is not gonna take a while because uh I think I’m gonna quit all right so that’s like the first spot filled with

Sand I’m gonna take some of these magma blocks then I’m gonna Place some magma around the cave just to get some more of those bubbles around the cave I’m not gonna get rid of many blocks because I do want this place to look natural but

In some spaces we do have to remove some of these blocks ah these drought zombies are pissing me off please just go and die alright another Corner completely filled with sand I’m gonna get some more sand and then I’m gonna place the rest of the sand inside of the cave and when

I’m done I’ll bring you guys back foreign So majority of the cave has sand now except we have a small problem we got some openings like this one that leads to a whole different Cave System although this one is nice I’m Gonna Keep it but if you go above it right over there as you can see we have entire new

Cave systems that I do not want luckily I can fix that really easy I’m gonna take some of this Stone and then I’m gonna use up that stone to cover up the caves I do not want to use and there we go that side is finished I’m gonna do

That to all of the sites that have openings and I’m Gonna Fill everything with sand Foreign all right all right this entire cave is covered with sand I also did a little bit of terraforming not too much as you can see I just made a couple of platforms so I can actually build things later on it as you can see right over

Here I flattened this area a little bit right over there too just in couple spots we got a flat area to build on before I do anything else I’m gonna build something that I’ve been wanting to build for a very long time that is a

Mob switch now if you didn’t know if you can lock up about 70 monsters inside of the world spawn that have name tags so they don’t disappear mobs won’t spawn anywhere else on the Vault now we can build this machine on the edge of the

World spawn so we can put all of the monsters let’s say inside of the world spawn then the mob switch is on some gnome UPS will spawn and if we put them outside of the world spawn the mobs which will turn off I’m not gonna follow a tutorial I’m just gonna freestyle this

Build I watched a short from Peppo and he made this mob switch look really easy all he is make two cubes one was green and one was red between those two cubes there was a piston wall to block off all of the mobs in one Cube for the mobs he

Chose villagers first he traded with them so they don’t despawn and then he turned them into zombie villagers now I do have a villager breeder at spawn so getting villagers is really easy alright so that’s the base for the green Cube ah the water is gonna ruin the Redstone I’m

Gonna have to get rid of all of the water before I can do anything else alright that should be okay I guess let’s get the roof set up okay then we’ll have to do that again for the Red Cube outside of the world spawn okay so

The main building is done and of course I created a redstone Loop and this thing is not working nice all right I think it works yes perfect all I gotta do now is put some rails towards the building so all we gotta do is take a villager

Towards the building then we’ll have to make him stop right over here it’s make sure he doesn’t go away yes nice then we’ll trade with him now as soon as you treat with this guy even if he turns into a zombie he will never disappear

Now we’ll have to do that like 70 more times if I do one villager at a time it’s gonna take a long time I’m gonna get like two more workstations so I can try to get like three villagers at the same time if I can make this villagers

Stay come on don’t move nice okay so we can do three villagers at the same time with this space we’re gonna finish much faster than we were doing before alright I’m gonna get all of the villagers inside of the building and bring you guys back when I’m done Thank you Foreign should be the last villagers to go inside come on go go go all right perfect perfect perfect now all I gotta do is bait a zombie inside of the building alright alright come down over here nice okay follow me inside of this perfect perfect let’s close this thing

Up and there we go we got the villagers locked in with a zombie okay maybe I should open up the form or else the zombie is not gonna do anything he is really slow at doing his job but uh I think it’s gonna work oh my God I went

Away for like one second and a bunch of villagers are turned into zombies um I feel bad for the villagers okay perfect all of the villagers are turned into zombies and the mob switch is basically done now since they’re all locked into green Parts No Monsters

Should spawn Around My Vault now to be honest I don’t know if that also counts for the end so let’s check that out okay I think it only works for the overall to get plenty of Enderman in the end Okay it definitely works for the overall as

You can see there are no monsters anywhere the mob switch is finished and now we can actually move on to the next step in transforming the cave I want to use a bunch of sea lanterns inside of the water cave now to build those sea lanterns we’re gonna need to get a lot

Of Guardians now we could go and kill all of the Guardians manually but that’s uh gonna take a long time but I’m gonna do what I’m good at and that’s rebuilding farms for enxo4 I’m gonna build a garden farm that is really easy to make and I’ve built this far many

Many different times so it shouldn’t be that hard while I’m also in the end I’m gonna take a bunch of sand with me to get a bunch of glass I want to make a bunch of glass houses down in the cave so we could see everything around us if

I do remember correctly I used to have a setup like this before but I have no idea where it went alright so all we gotta do now is put the sand inside of it and then we’ll have to wait now while I’m waiting on that salt to melt I’m

Gonna be building myself the guardian Farm it’s really easy and again shout out to Ian xo4 Foreign Form is finished I’m on my way to Walt’s spawn to turn off the mob switch alright I beat all of the zombies on one side and then switch the lever and there we go the mob switch should be off and of course something is wrong why are there

No Guardians spawning I think I know why it’s not working I think the red zone is also in both spawn if I open up mini hoods oh no don’t tell me the red border is the world’s fun out of the green border was won’t spawn

No way okay the red border is a bold spawn I’m gonna have to move all of the zombies all the way back over here all right it’s fixed it looks messy but I had to connect those two together to be able to get all of the zombies to the

Other side but as you can see now they should be unloaded now there’s only one way to see if this thing is fixed let’s go to the guardian form yes yes yes yes yes yes it is working the Guardians are spawning as you can see and it’s also

Raining Guardian oh no no the sound is insane all right I’m gonna go ahead and do a small AFK session so I can get a shulker box worth of sea lanterns and then I’ll bring you guys back when I’m done I got a bunch of sea lanterns I

Also get to two different prismarine blocks if I want to use them later but uh I’m not sure if I’m gonna actually use them for the underwater houses I’m gonna be using Glass Sea lanterns and concrete now luckily we have a concrete maker so we have a bunch of concrete I

Think I’m gonna use white and black concrete I got all of the materials ready to build all of these small houses I’m gonna start by marking out where I’m gonna build them and then I’ll start building the actual houses themselves I do have an idea where I’m gonna build

Them though all right I’m back as you can see I’ve placed a bunch of circular shapes around this area and over there we will build the actual houses by now all of the glass should be melted let’s take a look yes we have a bunch of glass

Now I’m gonna use that glass to create Dooms around the houses and then fill the houses with white concrete sea lanterns and a little bit of quartz alright I’m gonna be making all of the houses and then I’m Gonna Fill them with decoration all right Thank you foreign Foreign All right the tombs are made although I have no way to get inside I will have to break the iron doors every time I want to go inside so as you can see they are pretty empty at the moment we’re gonna fix that by decorating it a little bit

Since this entire build is underwater I’m gonna make like houses for scientists and you know what represents scientists in Minecraft uh Brewing stands I’m gonna use a bunch of brood stands as part of the decoration the build Bloom stance we need a bunch of blaze rods which is not a problem we

Have a place well it’s not an actual place Farm we got a place spawner right over here I’m just gonna form a bunch of blaze rods and then we can create a bunch of uh push and stance Brewing stands I forgot the name whole lot of

Places later and we got about two stacks of blaze rods I’m also gonna use bookshelves uh as decoration oh I could also do item frames and put bottles inside of them furnaces and crafting tables can also be added alright so let’s Place some Brewing stands oh not

On the ground then I’ll place the item frames and the furnaces I can’t forget the crafting table and then we’re gonna need to get some water bottles to fill the item frames alright that’s good for now we’ll add some more details later on now we’ll do the same for the rest of

The Dooms ah just completely forgot about the lecterns enough to go and redo all of them ah all right this should be the last one let’s get some more decoration for details we can use chests I haven’t thought about that oh I can also use flower pots I’m also gonna need

Some beds so let me trade for those I also need some saplings to fill the flower pots I’m gonna go ahead and detail the last homes and then we can move on to the next step take a look at that that looks sick don’t tell me that

Doesn’t look good and there we go all of the houses are fully decorated and just look at this place this place looks so cozy imagine how this place would look like when it’s actually finished we’re a step closer to finishing this place where we’re not yet there the next thing

I’m gonna be adding to the underwater cave is a bunch of runes now the runes that I’m gonna be building are going to be Minecraft inspired runes so I’m talking about these guys I have a feeling there’s a faster way to getting all of these blocks than just breaking

Them from the rooms there is a faster way to getting all of the blocks you can get cracked Bricks by cooking normal bricks I did not know that was possible then yeah normal bricks and seasonal bricks can be crafted and by using Vines we can combine them with normal bricks

To get musty bricks there should be a swamp right over there and we can get a bunch of vines from it is this the only way of getting vines in Minecraft if it is it’s really slow come on can I not break these things faster I to get

Enough Vines for now let’s get back to the base I’m gonna use some of the vines to create Mossy bricks and then some of them to create musty Cobblestone let me also grab some granite and gravel alright we got all of the blocks to start to build these rooms building the

Actual runes shouldn’t be a problem all we gotta do is build a small building just like this then we’ll add these weird pillars around the building yeah something like that let’s also add a gradient on the ground I’ll use gravel and mostly Cobble for that that actually

Looks pretty decent okay maybe I should add some more pillars I have an amazing idea let’s use these new decorated pots around the runes we’ll place them randomly around the room that actually looks beautiful take a look at this now we’ll have to repeat that a couple of

Times of course I will try to make different looking rules but they’re all gonna look kinda the same as soon as I place these final decorated spots the second Rune is also finished and there we go a second Rune is built I’m also gonna add a rune right over here foreign

Is finished right over here I’m gonna make like a Gateway Rune perfect perfect that looks okay let’s add the gradient in the floor just like this let’s add those pillars and we’ll finish it off with some of these spots alright that looks pretty pretty nice I kinda started

To run out of musty blocks so I’m gonna get myself some more Mossy blocks and finish the last runes Okay Thank you all right this place is starting to get really nice take a look at these different runes around the cave our water cave at the moment is pretty dark but we can fix that by using sea pickles oh I have an idea we can also build an

Underwater portal room that would be sick if I come across one of those portals I should take the crying obsidian from it alright back to track we need to find ourselves a warm ocean would you take a look at that we found ourselves a warm ocean now I came all

The way down here to not only steal a seat pickles but also take a bunch of these coral reefs with me I’m gonna be making a small cipical form that’s gonna provide me with a bunch of sea pickles I’m gonna use those C pickles to light

Up the cave then I’ll add a bunch of coral reefs and seagrass around the cave to make everything look fancy but first first we’re gonna have to collect a bunch of coral reef oh Foreign Laughs [Applause] Thank you my friends my friends the end is near this place looks beautiful I actually want to live here like I mean it I want to stay inside of this cave I do not want to leave this cave before I do anything else I want to ask you to hit

The Subscribe button if you haven’t yet the amount of work I put in my video now and you aren’t subscribed yet and you liked the video so far I want to ask you to hit the Subscribe button down below if you don’t Pokemon still hit that subscribe button

Down below alright so the main cave is done now I do still need to add one important thing and that thing is adding ocean life to our underwater cave now we already have life in an underwater cave those are the glowing squids but like let’s be honest they’re kind of boring I

Want to add Turtles dolphin and fish to the cave now luckily it’s not hard to get all of those so we’ll finish this really fast now I’m gonna start off by name tagging the glowing squid so they don’t despawn there we go so we have a pretty decent amount of glowing squid

Around our underwater cave there is a ocean on the other side of the river that has Dolphins so I’m gonna make a small candle for us to be able to take the Dolphins inside of our cave alright so now we’ll have to fill this thing with water and then we’ll go look for

Dolphins oh there they are there’s another one I have no idea how many dolphins you can hold at the same time I hope it’s more than two because there’s a third one alright the number is four but uh I have no idea where my fourth one went alright follow me follow me

Follow me where’s the third one boy come over here all right we got three Dolphins inside of our cave I have no idea what they’re doing but uh yeah it’s okay we’ll do that a couple more times to get enough Dolphins inside of our cave all right this one is the last one

I think I got about 15 Dolphins inside of our cave honestly why not let’s get some squids like if you get glowing squids we can also get normal squids you know I don’t discriminate or anything alright let these two be the last ones I don’t want that many normal squids

Alright we got squids we got dolphins and we got glowing splits let’s move on to the next one I found myself some turtles I locked them up and now I’m about to breed a bunch of them reading these guys is annoying because you gotta wait until the turtles are able to breed

And once they breed they spawn in these turtle eggs and there’s turtle eggs also have to hatch I’m just gonna sit back relax watch some Netflix while these guys are breeding and I’m gonna try to get as many turtles as I can since this thing is pretty close to this River we

Can actually just transport all of these when they grow up multiple Minecraft days Slaters and as you can see we got a bunch of turtles I’m gonna take all of these guys with me back to the river oh this is actually easier than I expected we’re almost there come on come on

Follow me Boys Follow Me No get back over here why is he going there come come come oh my God all right all right everything is under control we’re almost there well there we go we got all of the turtles inside of the cave now I have to spread

Them out wait where are my dolphins uh uh okay this is this is really uh this is weird I’ll get some more Dolphins I guess they despawn for some reason or they died of Suffocation I also got a bunch of extra turtle eggs if I need to get some more Turtles alright

Our final sea life is going to be tropical fish now I want a bunch of tropical fish like I mean a bunch a bunch so I’m Gonna Fill all of these shulker boxes with water buckets and take all of these shocker boxes with me to a warm ocean now in a warm ocean

They’re basically infinite tropical fish so getting all of them should not be a problem alright we are sit in a warm ocean now let’s hunt for the fish there we go the first tropical fish are catch now we’ll have to do that like 300 more times let’s go alright alright the first

Shocker box is filled with tropical fish I’m gonna go I have to fill about like uh 12 more shocker boxes but when that’s done we are basically done with the underwater cave that was actually faster than I thought I got all of the sugar boxes filled with tropical fish some of

Them also have puffer fish but hey that’s okay I’m gonna place all of the shulker boxes right over here then I’m gonna start releasing these guys over here now I do not know if these guys will spread by themselves I hope so if not I’ll go around and place some of

These fish in uh you know the corners where no fish are uh coming oh this is nice it looks like they are spreading around so I don’t have to do it manually okay just to be safe I’m just gonna go around and do it manually

Too I was kind of scared that the amount of fish I got weren’t going to be enough but uh they’re more than enough alright alright all of the fish are placed down uh I’m just gonna do one more thing and then I’m basically done you see this

Thing right over here it’s pretty boring let’s buff this thing a little bit up this already looks much much more better than it used to be and there we go it’s officially done we have transformed this ugly cave into a beautiful underwater Vault I’m gonna end the video with

Asking you to hit that subscribe button down below if you’re not subscribed yet and yeah enjoy the time lapse Foreign Thank you This is a giant sniffer oh wait I mean this is a giant sniffer the problem is sniffers are really boring so I built a giant sniffer with a village inside of it because Normal slippers are boring this Village has a bunch of houses a beautiful sky with hanging Stars Farms

Cliffs water ponds and even a spooky cave and all of it was done in Hardcore Minecraft before we could do anything else you’re gonna have to do some boring and I mean really boring see this right over here is my base and as you can see there is

Pretty much nothing over here if I want to go ahead and build a giant sniffer I’m gonna need a clear area well you can already guess where this is heading to we’re gonna have to get rid of all of this lands I’m not gonna use any TNT

Dupers I’m gonna do it by the classic way just mining blocks will I regret it well possibly yes but uh let’s not talk about it my villager friends right over here are kind of standing in my way so I’m gonna have to move them alright sir

Can you move out of here please don’t don’t make this difficult just get out of your spot oh my God you know what this guy pissed me off I’m gonna kill him and because of that all of your friends are gonna die this is on you man

I did not want to do this the next thing I want to do is put down a bunch of chats so we can collect all of the blocks that we mined on this channel we don’t waste any blocks in Minecraft we collect every single thing I think the

Only thing left is to set up a couple of beacons so we can mine everything really quickly one right over here for this side should be enough and uh we’ll add some more later on if we need one there we go so the biggest situation is fixed

The villagers are gone and we got a bunch of chests I think it’s time for me to start digging everything out I have no idea how long this will take but uh let’s hope I finish it quickly foreign Guys there’s a Wandering Trader that’s trading not only shells I don’t even have my shaders on but I don’t have time this guy despawns really quickly so I have to put him inside of the vote trading system and treat it as much of not all shells as I can getting shells

Less time was difficult I do not want to do that again alright 1dt is inside of the system and now we can actually trade as many shells as we can well before he despawns I’m gonna trade with him and then I’m gonna finish terraforming this place we’re almost done bye friends my

Friends take a look at this beautiful flat place after so many hours I am finally done and I’m happy to say that this place is flat editing mogman here I just want to show you guys how long it took to clear the base almost 8 hours of digging dirt if

That doesn’t show how dedicated I am to building this thing for you guys is well I don’t know so if you’re new here smash the Subscribe button down below and join my Discord to claim your OG rank before I hit 100K subscribers to not only have a flattened out

Displays but I’ve also organized my stuff as you can see right over here I made an area for all my chests and I organized most of my stuff it feels so good to have an organized temporary storage system with that out of the way we can now focus on getting the

Materials for our giant sniffer this sniffer is gonna need a bunch of materials but luckily a bunch of them are easy to get and that’s because I have most of the items I actually need like for example we’re gonna need a bunch of concrete but luckily I got one

Of these things and as you can see we have every color of concrete we need we’re gonna need some black concrete a bunch of yellow concrete also a bunch of red concrete and then a bunch of cyan concrete and then I’m gonna need some black and brown concrete powder and

There we go that’s probably already about 50 of all the items we need I’m gonna place all of these shulker boxes with all of the items we need right over here so we can see our progress the next item on the list is Blackstone I’m pretty stoned from bastions there should be one

Not far from here well well well I have found depression I’m gonna need some of these Blackstone bricks and then normal Black Stone but from the look of it I don’t see normal Black Stone spawning inside of this Bastion so we’ll probably have to get it from somewhere else

Alright I think I got more than enough of Blackstone bricks while I’m already inside of the Bastion why not explore it a little bit oh I got some of these templates let me take them with me these templates have been out now for a couple of weeks and I don’t think I’ve ever

Used them in my hardcore World I’ll use them later on if I don’t forget about them I need the normal black stone and you can find those in the Basel Deltas biome I hate the Basel Delta so I’m gonna do this quickly right over there the black stone is inside and again with

This normal Blackstone we also don’t need a lot of it so we can get this thing done fast and there we go the normal Blackstone is also finished I also need gold blocks for the slipper but I do have a bunch of gold blocks from my gold farm so that item is all

Also finished and there we go we can add another shulker box to our collection the next item on the list is copper now luckily I got a bunch of it but uh I have to cook it first so I’m gonna set up a furnace system right over here so I

Can cook the copper automatically all right that should be done all right then we’ll fill the furnace with the copper but I’m gonna mine some more because I think I’m gonna need a bunch of it I even ran out of coal so I’m gonna mine

All of my core ore so while the copper is gonna cook we can go ahead and collect the next item on the list the next item on the list is terracotta for that I’m first gonna get myself a beacon I got my beacon and now I have to find a

Bad lime spying but luckily I know where one is there we go we have found the Badlands biome you can actually install mine terracotta with haste one so we don’t need to build a full Beacon we got the beacon we got chokers now it’s time to collect a bunch of terracotta that

Honestly shouldn’t take that long Foreign All right terracotta is collected we can add some more shulkers to our pile I also need some green terracotta for that I will have to burn down some Cactus for green dye we’re getting closer and closer to getting all of the materials for the sniffer the next block we need

Is some prismarine blocks and we got a lot of prismarine blocks from this Godwin Farm the next item I need that I don’t have is Warped wood for that we will have to mine it manually in the Warped Forest I can also use a form but

Let’s be honest I’m not gonna waste my time building a farm for warped wood while I can just do it manually super fast I also need the striped version of this warp Boot and I’m Gonna Save myself some time by doing it before I mine the

War put itself I got a bunch of striped and unstriped warp wood we can add some Shockers to our stack the next item we’re gonna need a bunch of it and the only way to get a bunch of it is by making a farm I’m talking about mods

Blocks the most block form that I will be making is pretty small and compact but it should be able to provide us with more than enough of most blocks this is a fully automatic farm so I’m gonna build it inside of the world spawn I forgot the most important item of a farm

The mouse block alright let’s continue building this thing follow anymore Mr Chapman you you fast for me but of course you’re not the problem I’m just very stupid alright so the lava goes inside of here and that should be able to provide Stone I was pretty confused on the first two sides

But I think I know how it works now something is wrong it’s it’s not working I like oh what is this the middle block which is supposed to be a must block keeps changing into cobblestone why are you doing this I can’t figure it out I I literally cannot figure it out

Alright it’s probably me doing something wrong or this Farm is outdated I’m gonna just break this thing and pull a different Farm oh my God that was a waste of time all right I’m gonna build a different design and bring you guys back when I’m done foreign Problem is definitely not a problem anymore this Moss Farm is insane I don’t know the name of the context Creator but I will link him down in the description this thing has been running for about 5 minutes and take a look at the Moss that it’s collected although I’ve been

Testing it out for a little bit longer than 5 minutes as you can see I got a bunch of it in a shulker box the last big item I need to collect is mangrove woods now mangrove trees aren’t the easiest trees to farm as you can see besides the logs spawning very weird

Inside of the tree uh getting a saplings is not like your usual tweet that’s because the leaves don’t drop saplings you need to get yourself proper goals and these proper goals grow on side of the tree now I’m wondering can you use these proper girls inside of the tree

Farm from enxo4 Let’s test it out I mean it it looks like it’s working it’s oh okay it’s it’s yeah it’s it’s not working yeah that’s definitely not supposed to be there all right so we’re gonna have to form the mangrove manually now before we can Farm

A bunch of these trees we need to get a bunch of proper girls now luckily there are very very small easy Farms that make a bunch of purple goals in matter of seconds I’m gonna build one of those small farms I got all of the materials

Let’s build this thing if I flick that lever this thing should start working let’s see oh yeah oh wait why is this coming out from the top that’s not supposed to happen I think or uh the farm is working that doesn’t matter anymore this thing is so loud oh my God

But oh it’s so fast uh yeah I I think I got more than enough of proper girls alright so now we’ll take all of the purple Ghouls and get myself a bunch of bustard firming mangrove trees I hope forming the mangrove trees doesn’t take that long after this you just have to

Get some small random blocks and then we can start building the sniffer all right I’m gonna stop wasting your time I’m gonna go ahead and form the mangrove trees and then build the giant sniffer I can’t wait this is fun I I mean it it’s actually fun Thank you foreign There’s a giant stiffer behind me I’m so annoyed by the copper come on please oxidize fast because that’s supposed to be oxidized copper it should oxidize by itself but it’s really slow a sniffer is big like actually really big and the inside is even bigger as you can see I

Love the lightning of the mangrove from the red concrete take a look at this now I’ve seen how a big fake sniffer looks like I want to see how a real sniffer looks like now you can find sniffers I think in a suspicious sand and gravel

You have to get yourself a brush that I think you can brush suspicious sand and gravel to get Loot and one of those loot is a sniffer egg I have no idea if the sniffer eggs are rare I guess we’ll find it out right now so this is sand and

Gravel can spawn in water balloons one just like that there is no sign of any suspicious scent weird okay I probably loaded to chunk before the update and that’s why there’s no specific sand over there look at this there are two zombies with Nautilus shells when I was looking

For another shells I didn’t find them and when I don’t need them they always spawn Minecraft Bro alright I found suspicious gravel let’s take a look what we get and that’s not a sniffer egg that’s also not an egg that is an emerald and yeah that’s also not a sniffer Eggman come on

Where’s the sniffer egg what’s that that’s is that Flint that’s coal or flint and that’s an iron X yeah mostly for Eck in sight ah this is one of those shorts I’m gonna take this with me another zombie with another shell Minecraft are you doing this on purpose

Oh there’s a jungle by him I think you can find suspicious gravel and sand in Jungle biomes I think you can find those Trail runes and they should have suspicious sand and gravel but I don’t see any of those runes what is going on back to the Sea it is this is probably

My fifth water Rune and I still haven’t came across any stiffer acts are they honestly that rare come on please give me a sypheric that’s all I’m asking oh that’s the frag I found a sniff rag finally a sniffer egg I’ve been trying to get one for ages oh this feels good

No way no no wait I got two sniffer eggs from one Rune what are my chances of what editing mogwin here sniffer X can only be found in warm ocean wounds I’ve been checking out cold ocean runes for the past hour and that’s why I didn’t find

Any sniffer eggs and also again if you haven’t subscribed yet hit that subscribe button down below and don’t forget to join my Discord and claim your OG rank before I get to 100 000 subscribers yeah back to the video we find ourselves two sniffer eggs life is good

So now that we have the eggs we have to wait until they hatch I’m not gonna wait around until nothing until they hatch I’m gonna be productive now the inside of the zipper will be turned into a city obviously I want to see that they have a

Beautiful sky with clouds and stars we can replicate that really easily all we need is a bunch of light blue concrete like I mean a lot all of these soccer boxes filled with light blue concrete then I need some white concrete for the clothes but I’m also gonna combine it

With white wool for white wool I’m gonna use the full trading system and just straight to white wall but first I have to get a Shepherd that trades me white wool that shouldn’t be that hard we got a bunch of villagers down here we can get a Shepherd villager easily let’s get

Rid of all of these shares and oh the white wall first villager let’s go now I have to get this guy towards C4 trading system and start the trading alright listen don’t make this hard for me villager if you’re gonna make this difficult I’m gonna kill you I’m not

Joking I’m gonna kill you come on get in the mic get inside of the where are you going get inside of the minecart man what is this guy doing if you go away oh oh there we go first villager is in place as soon as this guy is in his place we

Can start devote trading I only need a shulker box of white wall I think even less white wool is collected then I also need some sealantrums for the stars and I think I’m gonna use iron bars to hang him from the roof and I think that’s all

Of the items I need to make the sky we’ll start right over here in this corner all of the walls will be turned into Lightroom concrete and then of course the roof itself too now I’m not sure what I’m gonna do at the part of

The head so I’m gonna keep that open for now but uh we’ll figure it out later laughs Thank you Well well well that looks beautiful I did a good job making this place didn’t I yeah I probably shouldn’t be complimenting myself I’m gonna come over here and grab a bunch of you and then I’m gonna outline a platform for the grass blocks just like that yeah the

Time Jump yes of course why would I show you guys how I outline this thing I’m also gonna come over here and grab some sand because I want to create some water pumps and with another time Jump we got ourselves a water Pond actually we got two water ponds I I probably shouldn’t

Beat doing time jumps yeah whatever the water points are pretty empty so we’re gonna have to spice it up a little bit so we should probably start by adding water and some sea pickles for light and some of this scalp all right this one is gonna be difficult wait just like that

And now we can easily spread the water yeah and I will break the grass and then we’ll spam some sepicos and of course these guys need water but that’s fine gotta light them all up and that looks much better better and then we’ll place the kelp oh I forgot about the bone Mill

Yes the bone meal makes this thing even better forgot the bone meal this one right over here alright the water ports are finished now we’ll fill everything up with grass The grass is placed down but this place is dark but there’s this thing called glowstone and must carpets I’m gonna have to go around and place close on in the ground and then cover it up with some Moss carpets alright carpet time perfect perfect this place is now lit up

Now the final thing we have to add before we can start the village is caves I’m gonna use Stone and tough I also want to use a trick with campfires and carpets but at first to see if it works well this campfire still give effects if

I put a carpet on top of it yeah it seems to work nice I’m gonna use this instead of the mountains alright mountain building time Thank you I have a giant sniffer but I got no way to get inside of it yeah that’s that’s pretty dumb of me the main head of the sniffer has been turned into a creepy cave and if you come out of it you are introduced to a beautiful landscape take

A look at this oh and the interest to the creepy cave is also nice just imagine a full City inside of this thing it will look so cool we also got this waterfall right over here very nice I just realized that the water is missing something they are missing fish alright

Get inside the bucket and then I’ll welcome you to your new home no way these fish are swimming Upstream do they want to die what is this fish doing bro get get down Gods ah at least these ones will be safe I hope you like your new home my friends

Alright so now the landscape is finished we can go ahead and start building the village itself first let me free these sniffers because I feel bad for them y’all can stay right over here nice the sniffer Village will be made out of bamboo planks and bamboo because I need

That much bamboo I’m gonna create a bamboo Farm inside of the leg of the sniffer that shouldn’t be that hard shouldn’t it be yeah I I think I wasted uh about 20 minutes for nothing and this this thing is uh is not productive at all yeah uh let’s not

Do this classic way of forming bamboo it is all right we got a bunch of bamboo growing we already got a bunch of bamboo blocks I think it’s time for me to go and start to build this town hopefully I have enough of bamboo to finish this

Down because honestly I do not want to wait for any more bamboo Foreign Village has been built and I love it we got a couple of houses we have a fishing hurt we got a tower we got Farms so we got everything in this town yeah I I really like it now we are missing a bunch of details to this Village like

For example a pet I have an idea in mind for the pets but for that I’m gonna need some wheat and I don’t have any of it so let me use some bone meal if you take some weed and combine it with mutts you can get backed mud and packbat looks

Really nice you can even turn the pet mode into Pat mud bricks and if you combine it with dirt and some brown concrete powder you can get a really nice floor first I’ll go around and spam some of this packed mutts then we’ll do the same for the bricks and then the

Coarse dirts now I gotta go to the end to get some brown concrete powder I just realized that yes a brown concrete will be annoying because uh it’s Hollow we’re gonna have to fill the bottom part before we can place the brown concrete Ah that’s gonna double our work come on

Anyway it will be worth it alright so the first part of the town is finished and I really like it now I do need to get a bunch more wheat now we can solve that really quickly all we gotta do is find the village and then steal all of

The hay builds and just like that we got 40 hay bales from one single Village we got more enough packed mods to finish his builds Laughs the flooring has been placed the buildings have been built it’s time to get the villagers inside of this thing but first we’re gonna add some bats bad bad bad bad bad enough bets for every single villager now getting villagers inside of this thing will be very easy

Since we have a villager breeder right next to the sniffer all we gotta do is add a railway from the breeder inside of the sniffer and then we’ll take the villagers inside of it if we connect these two we can take all of the villagers to the sniffer alright boys go

Go go go go go I gotta make sure they don’t escape like the guy that just did I gotta be fast yes yes and yes nice oh they’re more I forgot alright perfectly all of the villagers are inside of the sniffer we are down to the last part of

The build and that’s the detailing of our village I’m gonna start by stealing some jungle trees and some Vines I can also take these cocoa beans then I’m gonna grow the saplings I already have to get some more saplings and also some more cocoa beans I will also use melons

Because you know melons spawn in Jungle biomes and of course bamboo but flowers maybe these big roses I don’t usually use these roses in Jungle biomes but let’s do something different then of course the bamboo We’ll add some bamboo around to the entire Village because it looks beautiful then we can add our

Jungle trees one over here nice and maybe one big one right over here yeah that looks good we can also use these flowering azaleas they look really nice and also the melons but I only got seven ah forgot about the cocoa beans and of course the vines because these trees look pretty

Naked maybe some vines on the mountain too and then the Final Touch is spamming bone meal everywhere yeah that definitely looks beautiful it’s so peaceful in here I want to live inside of this Village I don’t want to get out of it anymore now it’s a turn for the

Spooky cave this spooky cave is not that spooky I’m gonna turn it into a treasure room with a throne alright I’m back I turned this place into a treasure room all I did was spam a bunch of gold blocks some barrels and I made a throne

In the corner as you can see and uh villagers are working here why are you working boys ah it’s the barrels the barrels are attracting the villagers oh okay this is the throne for the king or the spooky man or the king of the cave I don’t know the sniffer and the village

Are done I’m happy with how this place looks I think the only thing that annoys me right now is the outside of this for uh it’s pretty basic so we’ll change that I’m gonna get rid of everything except for my storage system and just Spam the place around the sniffer with

Trees and bone meal I will also move the portal that takes me to the nether roof inside of the sniffer the top of the sniffer is pretty empty I can actually turn it into a base so I’m gonna set up my portal right over here also take a

Look at the date counter we’re five days away from one thousand days bro that’s insane I want to finish this project before I hit a thousand days so I’m gonna have to start working fast I’m gonna get rid of the Villager breeder this thing has been here since the start

Of My Vault don’t worry I’m not getting emotional also gonna get rid of this glass cage because I don’t need it anymore and the sugarcane form like bro I have an automatic sugar cane Farm why do I still have this thing right over here I’m gonna do a little terraforming

Just to make it look better nothing too much and the last thing I want to get rid of is my vote trading system I will miss this system I will definitely build it again because this is like one of the best things you can build in Minecraft

Now the storage system will just stay right over here I will try to hide it between trees if it still pops out I’m gonna move it on top of the sniffer if I try to move it right now I will not have enough time to finish this project in

Thousand days so we’ll do it another time alright perfect everything is gone except our storage system I’m gonna go ahead and light this place up using glowstone and Moss carpets hopefully that doesn’t take a long time foreign Timer sticking off we still got some work to do let me first get rid of these beacons and then let me grab some of these azalea plants any bunch of bone meal and now it’s all about spamming these trees around got three Minecraft days left until I reach a thousand days

So I have to hurry up everything is covered through trees I’m gonna grab some more bone meal to finish the last part and that’s just spamming this place with bone meal we got a day and a half left until it’s a thousand days I gotta be quick I’m gonna finish it before I

Hit the Thousand taste so I gotta be fast fast fast fast fast fast this place is starting to look like a jungle but uh I like it we’re indeed 99 and I’m on my final patch I’m gonna make it before a thousand days I’m so happy I am done the

Zipper is built the outside looks beautiful and I’m about to hit a thousand days in Minecraft the sniffer looks beautiful just take a look at it it actually looks beautiful man the copper is also starting to oxidize even though it’s really slow but uh yeah oh my God Phantoms the villagers are also

Living their life inside of the village uh everything came out perfectly only stupid mogrind can miss the sunrise of day 1000. are you serious I’ve been waiting 1 000 days for this moment how can I miss the Thousand day counter switch ah anyways we made it a thousand days in

Minecraft as you can see we’ve put a beautiful sniffer I’m super happy I hope you enjoyed the video I want to thank every single one of you that is still watching if you’re not subscribed yet hit the Subscribe button down below your support means the world to me I hope you

Enjoyed the final time lapse and I’ll see you guys in the next one I’m out Thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2023-09-18 14:00:17. It has garnered 56019 views and 1568 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:32 or 9632 seconds.

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Pick-up Lines “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gaming #memes #funny Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Heartfelt Gaming Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos filled with adventure, challenges, and unexpected twists? If so, you’ll love the latest YouTube video titled “Minecraft But I only have one heart.” This video takes viewers on a thrilling journey as the player navigates through the game with just one heart, facing obstacles and seeking diamonds along the way. While watching this entertaining video, have you ever wished you could experience similar adventures in Minecraft yourself? Well, now you can! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on your own epic quests, challenges, and discoveries…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Zelda Adventure Finale Minecraft Zelda Adventure: A Thrilling Journey Exploring a Unique Adventure Map In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our protagonist embarks on a journey through a captivating Zelda-themed map. The adventure unfolds in a world filled with mystery and challenges, offering a unique gaming experience. Discovering New Realms As the journey progresses, new realms and dungeons reveal themselves, each presenting its own set of obstacles and puzzles to overcome. From icy landscapes to fiery volcanoes, the map is rich in diverse environments that test the player’s skills and wit. Unraveling Secrets and Quests Throughout the gameplay, our hero encounters various characters,… Read More

  • Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!

    Unlocking Level 444 Secrets in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information all right uh sorry about that I need to do that real quick so I could go ahead and download that VOD so I can eventually upload it wait what that [ __ ] not offline go offline oh my god dog dog this video was 30 minutes also hold on give me a second now the stream ain’t bugged I uh I ended it and started it real quick so um um what is it [ __ ] is it I did that so I could uh you know uh download the VOD make it easier um… Read More

  • Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!

    Toilet VS Minecraft: Epic Battle!Video Information 3 2 1 go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] VPP This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet VS Minecraft BATTLE! part 2’, was uploaded by Skibidi?!Boom! on 2024-03-02 20:15:02. It has garnered 8435 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Skibidi Toilet Vs Multiverse BATTLE 🫡💥⚡️ SUBSCRIBE ! Thanks for watching❤️❤️ Like and subscribe! 🥹🥰Skibidi Toilet is a series of viral YouTube Shorts uploaded on the DaFuq!?Boom! channel on YouTube. The series depicts a battle between the Skibidi Toilets ✅✅ ……………………………………………………. #skibiditoilet #skibidibopyesyesyes #skibididj #skibiditoiletbattle #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidibop #skibididop #skibidimeme #dance #horror #60fps #4k… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets – Dolanan Gayeng Discovery

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets - Dolanan Gayeng DiscoveryVideo Information catat Ini buat ujian besok anak-anak harus aku tulis biar besok dapat nilai bagus guys sok racin Dih Ih kenapa kau melemparku fokus belajar agar dapatnya bagus bantu like dan subscribe agar dapat nilai bagus teman-teman NK ah loh kok gak kelihatan Hah pak guru kenapa nyontek dapat nilai F Wah aku dapat nilp ye This video, titled ‘DAPAT NILAI APA YA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-14 05:00:19. It has garnered 11696 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #minecraft #gameplay #shorts #skibiditoilet instagram :… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!

    Epic Minecraft Adventure with MY BROTHER!Video Information व वर्ल्ड [संगीत] 2000 लेटर प्लांस बनाने के बाद यहां पर मैं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल क्रिएट कर लेता हूं क्राफ्टिंग टेबल के बाद थोड़ी हमें स्टिक्स की जरूरत पड़ेगी स्टिक्स बना लेते हैं यहां पर चार स्टिक बना ली है यहां पर एक एक्स ले लेते हैं एक्स के लिए हमें थोड़ी और प्लक्स चाहिए होंगी यहां पर मैंने प्लक्स ले ली अब यहां एक एक्स करता हूं माइनिंग मतलब नीचे डीप माइनिंग करता थोड़ी कॉबल स्टोन तोड़ने के लिए तो मैंने क्राफ्टिंग की नहीं भाई यहां पर हमें कॉबल स्टोन चाहिए बहुत जरूरत है हमें उसकी तो यहां… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥

    INSANE TWIST: Frosty Minecraft Endermite Encounter! 🔥Video Information YouTubers be like Minecraft but if I see an endermite the video ends all right so we spawned in the most normal spawn ever okay we got to make this more interesting oh my gosh no way we spawned in a cheese biome this is so awesome all right I don’t even know why I did this let’s just get out of here okay let’s just go to creative mode oh my gosh no way is this an obsidian biome I haven’t seen one of these in Forever ooh a chest oh my gosh how convenient I got… Read More


    🔥HOTTEST JAVA MINECRAFT SMP LIVE HINDI!🔥 JOIN NOW!Video Information हेलो मोक्स प्रो भाई लाइव आ तो गया आ गया ब्रो लाइव आ गया अच्छा तुम भी लाइव हो ठीक [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] गा जल्दी जल्दी से आ जाओ मेरे फोर की वाचिंग अच्छी है [संगीत] अरे सही है ब्रो मेरे में तीन की आ रही है गा जल्दी जल्दी से जवाइन कर लो यार माफ्ट का न्यू सर्वर र सो रहा है गा जल्दी जल्दी लाइक एंड सब्सक्राइब कर दो और आ जाओ जल्दी से जल्दी जल्दी जवाइन कर लो गाइस इसमें तो मैं ही खेल रहा हूं और कोई खेल नहीं रहा नहीं भी नहीं इस अंदर… Read More

  • UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixel

    UnWarmed Reveals Insane Drag Click Tape Trick! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick’, was uploaded by UnWarmed on 2024-03-23 09:52:14. It has garnered 14632 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Drag Click Tape Tutorial For Minecraft #hypixel #dragclick #minecraft #hypixelbridge #pvp Discord : Background Music : Dancin is What to do ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains… Read More

  • “I’M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱” #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagic

    "I'M LEAVING Minecraft Servers! 😱" #shorts #MinecraftPunkMagicVideo Information I’m so tired of everyone saying S&P servers are so boring like that’s just not true on mindwave you’ll never get bored we have custom armor hundreds of quests and an amazing community and the best part is that we’re available on all devices so come join today This video, titled ‘I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-05-19 15:00:38. It has garnered 10625 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I’m actually getting TIRED of most servers #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftserver #shorts… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!

    Insane New Minecraft Cobblemon Update!Video Information it’s no surprise cobon has slowly been taking over the world of Pokémon Minecraft mods with its blockier looking monsters that better fit the Minecraft aesthetic and unique updates that feel as carefully crafted and Polished as official Minecraft releases kobon has managed to Stand Out by showing us how this mod can do so much more than just adding Pokémon into Minecraft but ever since I started playing it people in the comments have been asking for one feature in particular that would instantly make battles feel way more Dynamic so did they finally do it well… Read More

  • Blue Moon Network

    Blue Moon NetworkWho are we? We are a java (premium) and bedrock minecraft server that prides ourselves in having a close, inclusive, and welcoming community. The server was created in April 2020 and we released to the public in July 2020 and have been going strong ever since. We have a regular playerbase ranging from 10-30 people or more depending on the time of day. We also have 2200+ people in the discord! What do we offer? We currently are a survival based network! We have two different survival servers to offer; Neptune and Saturn survival. Neptune survival has a more “modded”… Read More

  • Swift Network – Semi-vanilla Network SMP, Lifesteal, Survival 1.20

    Tired of boring singleplayer games or looking for a new server to play on? Swift Network may be the perfect fit for you! We are dedicated to providing the best possible gaming experience for all players. Available Gamemodes: In the Survival server, build, relax, and team up with others to go on adventures. In the Lifesteal server, every kill earns you a heart while every death costs you a heart. Be careful, as dying results in a 24-hour ban! Useful Links: Discord Server Trailer Server Features: Balanced economy for new players Land claims to protect your property Player shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Who TF turned on RTX?!”

    Looks like someone cranked up the graphics so high, even the Ender Dragon is impressed! Read More

Moguin – I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]