More Kelsey Impicciche – Competing In A Minecraft Build Tournament For Charity

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World of possibility for their future emerges so this is kind of where where we start you know we we’re caring for our health look at the lovely food we have uh lovely you know comfy spots we got a bed everything kitchen everything you need uh to care for your health and then once

We uh care for it we are transported into a world of possibilities and futures whoa okay gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous we got imagination station we got minecraft academy we got a nasa station minecraft general minecraft olympics shaves minecraft hero craft hq give me a shout if you need anything i will

And then we got a reserve for kelsey which is me performers hub yeah that’s where we’re going to go today but let’s begin with minecraft academy that’s i think where i began when i got my tour so we go in here ah all right we’ve we’ve come upon

Minecraft academy oh look you could even have your nice little little uh farm situation all right welcome to the harlot halls of minecraft academy come on in um here you will see beautiful amounts of library yes yes librarian sir yes i would like um a bit of learning

So here you can learn to be a teacher if that’s your passion in life if that’s like what what the kid wants to uh do in the future they could be a librarian here at the library there’s a world of possibilities oh my gosh wait i think we got some new donations

Did we hop up again oh my gosh we did guys we have less than 500 dollars to go oh my gosh thank you so much suzanne for 25 donated morgan anderson thank you for ten dollars amanda thank you so much for a hundred dollars donated anonymous thank you so much for 25 oh

Gee fufu thank you so much for 25. says thanks for streaming for a good cause have fun and let’s win exactly diamond simmons thank you so much for twenty five dollars letty sue thank you so much for ten dollars um appreciate all of you guys so so much oh

My gosh crushing it okay so in here we have a little cafe this is where you can get your coffee your snacks for being at you know the academy oh we see a pepe a rogue pepe is down there all right we’re gonna go upstairs here we have one

Of our of our several classrooms and here we have a chest to include any of our teacher supplies we even have a book gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous we have of course our banners of our academy in here this is where you can learn to be an edumacator

As a technical term you can also learn to be flippin awesome which is what that that is okay and we got another classroom over here where you can learn to be a teacher or a student whatever you want get your doctorate who knows you know i

Don’t know uh and then over here is where i teleport back okay we’re back what’s up flame [Applause] Hey hey hey hey hey sweet kiwis and edumacator2 okay so we’re continuing on into let’s go whoa look at everybody’s here together what’s up grant nice had what’s up elise it looks like elisa recently was at uh the minecraft uh nasa station oh look whoa corgi you look just like flame

I was very uncomfortable first i thought you were flame i’m very sorry corgi hello to corgi as well i hit you okay continuing we’re going to nasa everybody come along where’s the defense of the dark arts uh honestly oh authorized personnel only is that me i’m apparently not authorized i tried to

Go in there okay so here we go we got the nasa control room this is where oh my gosh i clicked the wrong button oh my god i’m sorry can you button it again i messed it up elisa can you fix or grant yes thank you grant okay moving

Okay someone’s trolling me right now no am i trolling myself or okay here we go we’re inside this is where the control room happens this is where all the people corgi don’t you mess with me right now okay this is where all our uh beautiful people are are nasa controlling

Over and out i’m not the person to fix i mostly break honestly same all right so we went to the control room here’s our here’s our nice nasa suits gotta get all set up there’s some more people over here uh we’re gonna go get suited up so we can go outside into spurs

Oh my oh my god oh my god what’s happening oh it’s corky what’s up quirky we’re on moose base one moon base one and excuse me it’s uh uh over roger okay we are here on rune base one you look above us you see many planet

Objects in the sky look it looks like earth that’s probably our earth right there heck yeah i am a bull in a china shop what did you expect we got our rover here our rover is named steve very good job corgi i like it picasso and then in here

We got a little nice airlock going on and whoa you did that so fast when did you do this because it was empty last time i was here this is gorgeous this is our moon base oh and a fancy dinner with candlelight you shouldn’t have thank you thank you

Matt damon was here i love that nice attention to detail corgi keep up the good work we’ll go back outside from the moon base and we’re gonna go into our rocket ship i’m a rocket man rocket man all right here we go back into space candle’s on the moon it checks out it

Certainly does my friends all right let’s double check to see checking speaking of checking if there’s any new donations okay let’s scoot down a little bit okay looks like we’ve got a couple suzanne thank you so much for 25. since i very much enjoy you and your videos keep

Being awesome you keep being awesome too thank you so so much morgan anderson thank you so much for 10 dollars we just need i believe it is another maybe like three dollars to get to 2530 and we need i think it’s third no 20 23 dollars to get to 2550. so

Even if you could donate just a couple it’ll all add up for us get the person behind you a chair i know are they okay [Laughter] i protect actually i know her i’m protecting haley from the stream let’s go back into the game shall we i got you haley

I think haley was uh was getting under there to oh i’m streaming right now and they’re like what’s she doing she was unplugging something oh that’s so cute they have little neon signs okay all right let’s jump back into the game into the game

If i do this does it look better oh it does oh okay amazing look at that you guys wait hold up i still love it that looks good okay back into the game all right next up we’re gonna go to hero craft hq why do i have this block in my hand who

Knows goodbye okay let me adjust really quick there we go all right oh my gosh we got friends here what’s up grant all right so now we go into the cave of the heroes first we’ve got a nice little laptop we got some superhero uh outfits you could suit up become your

Own hero nice lots of uh swords in case you want a sword i mean who doesn’t am i right who doesn’t want a sword this is the the cave of beauty this is probably would be the outfit i would choose because it’s pink and shiny but it’s also gold

And i like i like the combination of the pink and gold it makes makes me feel royal let’s go deeper into this cave oh my god oh my god we’re here deep inside of the cave of heroes only the worthy can actually go through that portal that’s true look it looks like we

Got a new donation let’s go excuse me all right we’re gonna go up the stairs into our fortress of solitude and we begin here with like a nice map of the world this map will show us uh where where uh all the things need to be

Fixed you know it’ll be like pew pew pew right there batman and we’ll be like okay we also have you know any any aid you might need uh books compasses the head of a dragon that we slain you know the usual any hero no elisa you look different okay and we got

Iron man’s outfit whoop there we go keep going keep going baby what’s up uh up here we have where doctor strange would probably hang we got a fancy book with bookie things we got oh matt damon was also here wait a second why was matt damon here too how do we

Get off of the moon base curious sir i’m curious here we got the you know saws i don’t know why superheroes need saws but they might you don’t know uh places to build this is where tony stark builds more of his machines another tony stark

Iron man suit he has a lot of the the suits we got the suits here for all the superheroes they got all got to suit up you know and then up here we have our superhero lounge you know being super is tiring sometimes you need to take a load off

Sometimes you need to relax it looks like we’re at 2542 we just need eight dollars i believe to get to 2550 who’s gonna donate eight dollars uh okay so oh my gosh was matt damon also here matt david was here as well okay guys why was matt damon in this fortress

I just i just need to know i just want to know i’m sorry i just who let him in here i didn’t think he was all that super we got some oh we got some music what amazing incredible gorgeous stunning uh and that’s our fortress for the

Superheroes if you wanted to be a superhero in your future as i do this is where we would go we’re going to go back down all these beautiful stairs back through the fortress what have you done which superhero are you gonna be your own superhero you’d have to tell me what

Superhero you are you know why do i still have this bubble helmet on that’s what i want to know oh my oh my god what’s happening what’s happening okay whoa okay i got out that was scary for a moment there you already are a superhero oh thanks elisa i appreciate it

I’m super kelsey tell my mom all right he was here too corgi what’s he doing he’s he’s following me that matt he’s a he’s a fan all right okay next up we got shays minecraft okay ready for my outrageous accent welcome to schizmakraft where you have the most culinary

Delectable experience if you want to be a chef if you want to be a cia if you want to be a how you say is the guy that gives the wine who knows a lot about wine if you want to be about in the air you might want to

Work as she is she is minecraft here are the beautiful foods that you have and the kitchen staff only down here okay goodbye yes if you’re french i’m sorry welcome to ziki-chan mishra d you could be amazing i was thinking more of a uh what’s the word when you like wine

You guys know it’s it’s in the in the chat you tell me it’s called the no not a yomp that’s a type of wine oh my gosh there’s a word for it a sambal yeah that’s it that’s what i was looking for there you go a samo yeah and

Here we can find all of the ingredients that you would need in our pantry absolutely stunning mushrooms whatever you want to cook we can cook it look at that yes i’m cooking right now this is where you turn the fruits throwing the fruit is very you also hygiene is important

Wash your hands wash your hands how to get this hat off my head though a sommelier you guys got it the lag is a bit the lag is a bit over here but that’s okay and that is let’s go home all right the martian yes that is what matt matt damon’s from

Interstellar was that was someone else it was the guy that said all right all right all right right he’s an interstellar am i crazy okay we went to hero craft we went to shiz minecraft we have not done minecraft olympus it’s still in uh it’s still in progress so is minecraft general and

Imagination station is also in progress so it looks like everything else is in progress can i take this bubble thing off my head give me your minecraft skin please why of course this is my beautiful minecraft skin how do i turn around there i am ah

Okay why am i still bubbly though get this off my head sir ma’am sir ma’am how do i stop being bubbly the ratatouille found was very cute billy the simmer thanks for watching my stories and hanging out with me today you want to get rid of the effects you

Gotta leave and rejoin what okay well then i i guess i’ll just be here but this is my beautiful skin it was made to me made for me by flame fox so thank you flame All right cool where are we going first let’s build some stuff this is oh i have a bucket oh it’s a graphical glitch all right let’s disconnect and reconnect and while we do that why don’t we hop in and see what we’ve been up to in terms of donations okay

What we got boys where are we dropping let’s go oh my goodness we got okay look at us go all right we’ve got suzanne this is a very much enjoy you in your videos keep being awesome thanks for 25 donated heck yes thank you so much maya cat for

The for the gifted subs you are the oprah of the stream we got franny thank you so much for 50 donated jenny g thank you so much for 10 donated fcu fan gal thank you so much for eight dollars donated we are now at 2560 so we only need 30 no 40

So we need two people to donate twenty dollars and we will get to two thousand six hundred are there two people that could donate twenty dollars we’ll find out and we’ll also find out what’s going on in my video game we’re back baby okay excellent okay let’s go to

The performing stage so this is the one that i suggested it’s the performer’s hub let’s get in here this is when in your future you want to be a performer oh i didn’t go anywhere i’ll try again i didn’t go anywhere how do i get to the place flame

Oh we gotta pick a place to build it first there’s no teleport okay where are we gonna go uh we can build it wherever we don’t have an area for it yet oh okay well let’s go pick an area then i guess where do you want i don’t know what’s in up Sorry about that new headphones hey it’s crystal thank you so much for nine minds you’re now a danger baby okay all right this kind of looks flat what about right here how do i like get everybody here yes what’s up flame how does this look like right

Here this looks kind of flat we could just like clear it i like it picasso perfect all right so this is where we’re gonna put our performer stage [Applause] i’m gonna attack i’m attacking it with a tree [Applause] i guess like black there you go [Applause] okay looking good looking good

How much do i want cleared i want it to be a pretty big stage wait cassie’s mailing tacos i too would like a taco mailed please i would like to be on the mailing list for the taco i request i mean listen if i can choose i’m always going to choose like a

A nice carnita maybe like a all right this is looking pretty good i think it needs to be more flat more flat you know [Applause] it’s like a concert venue i want this to be good enough for taylor swift okay that’s what that’s the dream all right

So think would taylor swift live here or would she do lover fest here and that’s that’s the goal we’re going for we need it to be that big all right i’ll send you pink tacos i ate the other day both of you and i’m not i’m not mean to mod

Flame chat it’s just stating facts flame what are you doing why are you filling it in with grass oh my god whoa how did you do that oh wow oh it’s beautiful okay cory i’ll help you over here you made it flat oh beautiful that’s gorgeous love it stunning [Applause] i’m gonna just

Oop kelsey knows how to do this sometimes there we go uh do i want the floor to be coal black i don’t know how about you put the blocks you want to build with over here okay yeah i could do that what what do we think for like a a stage

What would be like the audience floor do we think like this hmm maybe i’ll pick it out okay so for this the audience i just feel like normally in a concert venue hmm also what kind of concert venue are we talking about is it like

The stage okay i’m trying to get like a vision is the stage in like the center okay hold on i’m visualizing right now all right so if we imagine imagine with me let’s take a journey together okay so the stage is here and then we have like audience here does that make sense

Because then it could be like a theater it could be a dance thing it could be pop star it could be rock star you know i feel like this is a classic setup for a stage and then uh but then the the audience should be kind of like

Up on riser so it should be like this like this is the stage and this is the audience does that make sense and it goes around do you feel me do you feel me are you visualizing are you are you is your brain where my brain is are we here together

I believe us i believe us i believe in this okay bowie i didn’t know you had a twitch [Applause] yes i have a twitch hi oh no okay anyway that was my boy voice kind of liv thank you so much for forty dollars donated bro lexi thank you so much for five dollars

Donated susie thank you so much for 25 dollars says to all the resilient children in the world teaching every adult the true meaning of strength heck yes we are now at two thousand six hundred and thirty dollars let’s go okay so all we need right now

To get to our next goal of two thousand seven hundred dollars we just need forty i think more dollars if that’s right thirty wait hold on sixty sixty more dollars so we need one two we need three people to donate twenty dollars or we need six people to

Donate ten dollars or we need twelve people to donate five dollars all right so pick your poison there i believe in us we got this okay let’s go let’s go all right back to the game all right so here we go this is looking fantastic absolutely

Stunning okay so i think should it be an interior i feel like we should be interior right we definitely need a mosh pit uh elia indigo would like a mosh pit flynn hawaiian is picking up what i am putting down that is what is most important okay

Catching up on past streams you gotta do it sometimes all right block of coal we could do i don’t know which kind of block is best for the i feel like in an auditorium the walls are gonna be i don’t know like gray what do you guys all think what what

Makes the most sense i feel like the floor should just be bl oh concrete might be the best actually we could do like a gray concrete for the floor i feel like that makes sense right like great concrete is that is that kind of boring though looking does that look bad or good

Hey okay i’m coming oh what is this what is okay what’s up grant what okay do you want like an open-air hall situation okay here visualize okay [Applause] open hair i do not understand what you’re talking about and seek go up facing it okay oh all right what if what if okay listen

I’m gonna i’m gonna google give me a sec i’m gonna google a performance venue and i’m going to put it in the discord and then we’re all just going to recreate that okay [Applause] performance then you here we go all right i’m gonna find a

Good photo and i’m gonna find it on my phone a concert hall exactly okay this is excellent oh I see what you mean but what’s the thing that you’re facing flame [Applause] [Applause] okay i know this one looks kind of yucky you know like those theaters i don’t know what you mean all right so this one’s kind of yucky but this is what i’m picturing let me

Put it in the discord for you guys i’m gonna put it on the um On the extra life discord chat so that we can okay kind kind of this but prettier it’s kind of what i’m picturing yes yeah i want to do indoors is it better to do indoor or outdoor i was feeling indoor because we could control lighting better

Oh my gosh thank you so much for the donation i’m gonna hop on and see it really quick thank you for mentioning it let’s go let’s go let’s go ah only dollars until two thousand seven hundred oh my gosh is this did i get a little sunburn [Applause]

Maybe a little bit maybe i did get a little bit sunburned cute i look a little like not too bad all right oh my gosh thank you guys so so much liv donated 40. megan brennan thank you so much for 25 and anonymous thank you so much for 25

You’re doing amazing sweetie oh my goodness we are so close we’re less than uh 400 we’re almost 300 away from our goal which i love to see and we’re only in the first hour of our three hour stream so we got this fam we got it oh my gosh let’s go [Applause]

Okay back to our game here we go all right yes yes yes yes yes okay are we all here are we all visualizing did you really enjoy disney if you didn’t get sunburned exactly mick cupcake is here okay gang we gotta build build for our lives [Applause] lexie brienne you’re doing amazing

Sweetie thank you so much for [Applause] getting that i just realized i have those still on uh let me [Applause] manage [Applause] i gotta manage those reward requests because i’m just realizing they were on [Applause] if one of our mods doesn’t mind uh muting the reward requests for today

Just so i don’t forget to get to them that would be amazing biology babe happy one year anniversary okay [Applause] colloid if you don’t mind thank you thank you thank you all right [Applause] Do we need any more space i feel like this is enough space should i just start building walls what do we want i wanted to get that in there quickly i got you all paused now thank you thank you thank you [Applause] i’m flame i saw it because you are doing amazing sweetie

All right see what should the walls be gravel like a nice cobblestone oh a nice calcite very marbly it’s like a concert venue i feel like the walls are always kind of dark and or they’re like black or the red oh we could do like a fun red wall

So that looks like very um like classic it’s giving a red wall is giving like regal right okay wait whoop you won’t want to use gravel powder or sand don’t use that is that what you’re saying [Applause] thank you so much for the the um see no go i see okay

Excellent okay so don’t do that cool what about what about this like red wool i feel like red wool would look kind of cool as a wall or even brick brick would be cool too just brick although we’ve kind of done other like brick red wall like a red curtain that’s kind

Of what i was thinking too like if they were all red and then we have like like black floors and black like or like black fencing and stuff red accent wall just behind the stage i needed the positivity today i didn’t get the job i really wanted oh no i’m very sorry

But i have a very good feeling that you’re going to find something even better i promise or we could do red flooring like red carpeting but i feel like carpet on a stage makes no sense now that i’m thinking about this [Applause] you know i’m thinking

Okay i like them i like it picasso yeah yeah i like it what chairs do you want i mean search stairs okay let’s look at look for stairs can i just eat that okay stairs okay okay which hunch do i want ah [Applause] i feel like this wait it’s like right

Does that look good what do you think they look kind of dirty which makes sense deep slate stairs let me look at deep slate stairs it’s polished okay deep slate okay polish deep slate deep slate brick stairs tile stairs like this one better i like this one not that one no no no

Yes yes that’s good and then i’m thinking okay fence okay then i’m thinking like a what is this black brick make sure you let them know what’s happening is there one that’s more black for the fence or is that as good as it gets this is

As black as it gets for the fencing not fences but walls yes but i feel like we’d want fencing for like the higher like if there’s a balcony we might want fencing around try typing in wall wall ah okay okay okay okay okay i see you i see you

So we do like the deep slate ah okay what one match is that i wanna match report that it is important especially if you’re in a game whereas head to head if you win make sure you go to the tournament organizer table and let them know that you won because generally speaking

I don’t know if that looks yeah it matches my stairs but i don’t know if this looks is like much like a concert venue do you know what i mean i feel like when you’re at a concert venue it looks more like the fence like i think it looks more like this right

When you’re like at the top we’re so close to 3 000 guys more opera house this is more opera house then maybe we’ll go for that then oh That one’s more rock and roll oops sorry how do i like steal that yeah show the iron bars again oh i i like these i like yes yes for in front of stage yes okay so iron front of stage and then but wall for balcony middle mouse button on a block you can

Take it okay perfect that’s what i wanted to know thank you thank you thank you appreciate you the math just ain’t mathing today i feel you my friends i feel you i feel you let’s check in on our donations we got this biology babe thank you so much for

25.00 we got megan brennan thank you so much for a hundred dollars donated teresa timbers thank you so much for five dollars donating you are a rock star i appreciate you oh my gosh we have 190 dollars to go and we’ve got two two-ish more hours three more hours we

Got hours left we got hours left i think we can make it to my new goal of four thousand dollars keep donating if you have you know even just a couple dollars appreciate it we’d appreciate it okay okay do we all have the vision together are we all visioning as one [Applause]

Okay they’re doing some they’re doing some quick moths glass panels panes for the balcony that could be good too all right decoration okay okay okay Glass okay oh look at these fine fancy fancy pants those are fancy i like it i like it picasso ooh get some banners oh it’d be cool to have some banners from like for the shows or whatever also i think when you teleport you should teleport onto the stage

Right so like you’re on stage and then there’s all this audience in front of you and you’re just like rocking out like your little performer baby girl and then like maybe in the wings if you go in the back they’ll be like instruments or like you know whatever like different ideas of

Like what kind of performer you could be um yeah oh look at all these candles i didn’t know there were candles how long have there been candles someone tell me how long have there been candles look how pretty how do i turn them on go on nope How do i turn you on turn on the candles corgi i want to see them they’re beautiful thank you oh new update out of candles what if i wanted that there i’m just kidding i didn’t i didn’t okay beautiful wow had no idea had no idea there were candles now beautiful stunning gorgeous

Gorgeous All right what other things am i looking at right now what other things i’m looking i’m ex i’m exploring we got some lanterns oh look at these amethyst clusters gorgeous redstone whoa okay doors okay what’s going on okay we’re doing something what is this we love it flame okay they are working hard

Wow wow doing a little bit of grocery shopping it’s okay to pick up my kids i’ll check back in a little okay have fun outrage sushi thank you so much for gifting subs building a frame okay you do you i’ll just watch i’ll just watch i’ll sit back and watch Oh gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous okay thank you outrage sushi for the donations we’re still looking for some more donations to extra life do i hear twenty dollars do i hear twenty dollars oh irish sushi it has been a minute how you doing i’m kind of feeling snacky anyone want to bring me a snack

I’m just i’m just saying if anyone wanted to bring me a snack i’m not going to say no to a snack right now okay ooh beautiful stunning what kind of floor do you need flame can i start building the floor oh my gosh grant’s here too well we knew grant was here

Okay give me a second to make the outline okay i will send you a snack okay perfect thank you for sending me snack lexi I’m holding a brick in one hand and another brick and another oh grant i like that you’re a dog with a head is that a dog head i like it i like it picasso i think this is going to be the floor if i was planning correctly [Applause]

Dog head is corgi skin oh wait did you guys swap [Applause] whoa whoa [Applause] go to gaming snacks do you think they have snacks here [Applause] i don’t think they have snacks you want to say hi [Applause] Woohoo it’s going great it’s going well i started to get hungry i was like how do i get snacks what do you need savory sweets savory and water if you can snacks i’m not picky i got snacks guys we did it oh yeah baby that’s that’s teamwork right here gorgeous absolutely stunning [Applause] I’m helping guys look at me i’m helping i don’t know if i’m helping i might be hurting oh spooky flame is in a mode a mode right now gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous chewiness yeah chewy needs to learn how to go get me snacks we should try to

Teach chewie how to get me snacks that’s what we need to do let’s teach chewie how to bring me snacks and then we dominate that’s really what happens that’s actual people back there i thought you thought this behind me was fake there is no this is real this is real life tabby cat

This is the realest deal Back again just in time for snacks exactly just in time for some snacks wow look at flame haven’t you logged into the server what cassie who’s pet sitting tree he’s at his usual spot he’s at a he’s at doggy what do i call it doggy doggy camp he’s like at camp dog

He’s hanging out with other puppos my shoulders aren’t that burnt it’s literally lighting i swear everyone’s like are your shoulders no like maybe this might be a little pink but i swear it really doesn’t look that bad hold on see it [Applause] it’s really just the lighting i promise

I promise look at the top of my nose too i had a i had a face mask on all day it doesn’t really look like this chewy is probably having fun but not as much fun as me oh i’ll get started on walls and you can start floor wait what was that

The interior okay okay we’ll start with the interior interior listen i’m gonna be slow but i’m gonna do it [Applause] i’m slow but i am happening i’m doing it okay oh m cupcake please help i’m just filling in all of this with this what’s up the edge welcome to the team here

Yes we have not had any more server issues which has been very nice very very happy about no more servers shoes up what’s up elise r oh nice thank you whoa so fast so fast oh my gosh they’re all so fast so fast oh my god how do they go so fast [Applause]

Wow look at us go whoa ah they’re boxing me in help incredible beautiful stunning spectacular love it 10 out of 10. what do we do now oh my goodness what’s up ambi wamby i am playing minecraft what are you up to okay and then in the walls i think the

Walls are gonna be this one i think we’ll go with this for the walls so we’ll do like this or whatever oh wait we can’t do that for the walls because it’s gonna go like this like that can do that so never mind that’s not the walls what is this for again

What’s up caitlin’s here hi katelyn are we just doing red walls is that what i’m doing are we doing red wells for the whole for the whole thing i’m kind of into that i mean we did concrete floors i don’t want to do the same walls

Oh my god i remember that pink castle fox freaking molar as a reminder chat we’re still raising money for children’s hospital so if anyone wants to give oh my gosh we got snacks baby choices oh my gosh okay i’m gonna go with this i don’t want beef tenderloin bites i do

Want chocolate and i do want this okay gorgeous we got snacks guys okay i’m just gonna everyone [Applause] uh [Applause] is that asmr do you hear me crouching hall time show us okay welcome to my snack haul okay so first snack is lei’s bbq potato chip absolutely stunning we love her second

Pistachios i just like pistachios and they’re like already out of the shell look at that beautiful stunning gorgeous last we have an almond and sea salt wait dark chocolate bar make sure to be donating do i hear five dollars we’ve got a friend in the background who’s staring at themselves

I like seeing people stare in the background it’s very funny oh shell yeah oh we got donation guys let’s go thank you so much to our next donator oh these pistachios are hitting just right sophie thank you so much for 20 donated let’s go okay so we have only seventy dollars

Until two thousand nine hundred so of seventy dollars we essentially just need quick math seven people to donate ten dollars that was easy math i i made it very easy on myself all right let’s go back into some game whoa sorry okay i like it picasso

Do i get to make the ceiling now [Applause] Like is this where we make the ceiling i’m just doing something until someone stops me hi i’m just doing stuff until someone stops me i’m doing stuff until someone stops me oh flame fox was like i’m out kelsey’s the worst just kidding i don’t know if i’m supposed to do this

But this is what i’m doing right now hi flame sorry if i’m not supposed to do this where am i streaming from i am at the extra life event live in orlando right now you can focus on on interior i can start making the stage i don’t know how to make the stage

What do you mean listen that that sounds like a job for someone oh i got kicked oh no why do you get kicked come back making the stage sounds like a job for someone that isn’t me um i like just filling blocks into spaces can but i guess i could make the stage

All right where’s the stage supposed to be where’s the stage this would be is this the stage is this the stage right here because i have ideas okay i have ideas because i want this background of like this beautiful red curtain Let the artistic vision carry you okay gorgeous gorgeous stunning stunning do we need a backstage that’s my question i’m in a zone now i wasn’t speaking for a few minutes apologies to everyone that was watching me live you’re probably like is kelsey okay no she’s not but also she sucks at playing minecraft

And talking it’s just so easy to zone out it’s very soothing just putting blocks in places okay all right gorgeous all right you guys you guys do that all right okay i’m gonna work on this stage all right making it we’re gonna make it tall i feel like

One to two blocks high honestly i can extend for a backstage after if you want i would love a backstage thank you for acknowledging that because i feel like you arrive front and center on stage you’re the performer right like that’s the goal and then you can go backstage and see like oh

Here’s like your dressing room and like here’s your where all your props are and all that kind of stuff like that’s what we want right to feel like you’re the vip you’re the performer we don’t we don’t care about going into that audience it’s impossible to suck at playing minecraft oh thanks flame

A backstage sounds amazing yes cupcake cupcake you and me we’re on backstage judy we got this okay all right i got i got things going on we are filling it in it is happening okay is this should we be higher for the stage let’s just see what it looks like when it’s

High okay that’s very tall i almost think that might be is that too tall core geek tell me honest is that too tall for the stage is this too tall should these people be this hot okay yeah stand up there oh actually it kind of looks good i think

It might look good what’s the stage for this is like if you in your future decide i want to be a performer could use slab show me slabs corgi show me slabs oh i like slabs do slaps yes slaps please slabs please okay and then the other thing that i want

We’re doing glass panes everywhere oh i guess maybe some places could be glass panes but i don’t think most of the places are glass panes okay all right wait what happened to the okay i’m gonna find it because there was like the that one here it is iron bars that i

Liked okay we’re gonna put the iron bars here thank you all right and then around the stage there’s this yes exactly exactly exactly and then we have this kind of in the front of the stage like that see you know what it’s a little too close we need we need more

Oh man just messed it up we need more for our performers we need more room so i’m gonna do maybe like one more oh kelsey doesn’t know how to play minecraft can you tell yeah you can you can really tell do you like my song i made it on myself

You probably can’t tell you’re like what is that from it’s obviously from a musical and it is 100 professional and not at all made up on the spot and i would tell you i’d say gotcha it was made up on the spot see there you go so like it’s like where you’re like

Trying to catch the performer you’re like and then and then you can’t touch the performer because the performer’s up here and you’re like whoa this is my crowd baby yeah i love this i love it loving it love it love it love it this is perfect perfect perfect perfect

Look at that audio from tik tok on the brain here okay yes fill her in fill her in i’m terrible at filling in obviously look at me go all right my creativity is flowing okay amazing all right this is feeling good is there a way to have like stage

Lights at the front or something you’re fine at filling in don’t worry thank you everyone’s just like being extra nice to me and telling me that i’m good even though i’m not that good and we all know it’s fine okay i feel like the background needs a little bit more dimension right

We need some lighting we need some interest [Applause] oh [Applause] you’re right we do need speakers what would be good for speakers oh some cool chains on the side could be nice listen if we had like chains on the side as if it’s like really curtains you know

Okay that’s not how you do it and do you do like this i don’t know never mind i have played minecraft in survival mode it is on my youtube channel if you want to check it out slash kel’s dangerous it was a while ago though

The host labs are half blocks so it will float interesting interesting interesting granite or something would have sweet acoustics all right let’s try granite is that it granite building blocks want something looks more like a speaker Okay now we also need like risers we need like places where the people sit right so this is kind of like the pit and then we would need like maybe up on the side we want like a balcony i’m envisioning a balcony so if we go up here maybe like

Here would be the balcony let’s see oops we’ll do a survival let’s play and i’ll teach you how to beat the ender dragon oh that sounds like fun all right let me see if you’re up there let me see from here if this makes sense i think that

It might be a little tall is that a little tall does that look good for you guys if that’s where the the second the second layer is isn’t that music box thing um the jukebox is that what you mean what’s happening we move it back because you aren’t at the very edge

I have a challenge for you i want to see you trying to survive the oldest anarchy server minecraft Get killed every five minutes i know that’s gonna be fun for anyone but it might be can okay quirky can i see this like one step lower let me do it like one step lower here i like it but the problem with it lower is that

It looks weird it looks like way low for the audience below it like this feels like you’re gonna hit your head on him so maybe one back up i’ve made a decision yeah i think it was fine before i agree grant all right wall and we’re gonna do the black

Where’s the one that matches the seats oh it’s blackstone that’s this one boom baby all right all right it goes like here like oh my god i love you so much you know On the other side here we’ve got this is like just a wall no i feel like we need like banned posters and stuff on it but but like yeah like maybe we’ll put the seating up there i’m okay with you building the walls maybe ask corgi though okay When we got like see you see what i’m saying here there we go like that and then you’re up here and you’re like there’s my this is where i want to sit for the concert you know You guys can help me by making the rest of the balcony you want to help me with the balcony Yeah there’s going to be the balcony i think will go the whole way around i’m thinking balcony goes all of it this music is fun So i think the balcony is gonna go maybe maybe like go here no we’ll go here but balcony i don’t think balcony will be this close the whole time i think it’s gonna go back like that you know what i mean you guys seeing you picking up what i’m putting down

You picking up what i’m putting down yo my friends because i think you only need like it only needs to look like this oops wrong thing all or do right like this duplicitous music is is a situation here okay i tell you what there you go Or something like this you say what i’m saying all right i think we’re i think we’re figuring it out and then we’ll also need like a stairs up to the balcony at some point oops sorry that was my bad no wrong button i did it again kelsey you scamp why why

Why am i i feel like at this point it looks like i’m just trolling but i swear i am not trolling i am not i am not all right here we go yeah balcony okay this is looking good this is looking grand excellent excellent although i feel like maybe we should

Have breaks in between so it makes it look like more like that i don’t know maybe i’m crazy this look this look more like a real concert venue or do they all need to sit next to each other Oops anyway you guys get it all right cool all right so now we’re like let’s get ready everybody i hear you scream you yeah yeah this is looking good it’s coming together okay let’s look at where we’re at for donations oh my goodness guys emily thank you so so much for five

Dollars donated sophie thank you so much for 20 donation biology babe thank you so much for 25. i appreciate you guys so so much we are now only 15 until 2500 and no 2850 so who wants to donate that 15 to get us over the edge put in that work baby all right

Yeah this is looking nice and then i’m thinking okay this is kind of like the pit but then we might want like in the back here some like risers whoops let me do that maybe like this all right okay so do you see what i’m kind of going for

Do you see what i’m like kind of oop okay yeah okay yeah kinda kinda it’s it sorta looks like a thing right right guys right does this look like an audience tell me tell me truly does this look like an audience it’s supposed to sit here i think those need to be closer

I think these look too far away from the stage do you know what i mean i think that looks too far i think we need to make them closer maybe if we spread it out more okay wait so instead of doing this on okay hold up if we do like this hold up

[Applause] cool and then we do this okay let me see what this looks like and then we do another row so if we kind of do them like more like there’s leg room you see what i mean and then we do another row is this gonna look better let me see

What does it look like now okay that looks a little better still a little far back i think maybe maybe we should well with flame the reason why i don’t want it fully up to the stage is because i kind of want a pit where we could like

Put a bunch of like spawned random people that are running around i just think i want it pushed forward like one maybe make even more of like a hallway back here i really think if we just pushed forward one it’ll look better i don’t know maybe i’m just making it

Difficult for myself but that’s part of my charm baby part of my charm is making things difficult for myself hey i’m an artiste what can i say what can i say she’s an artist and like she she’s imperfect but she tries you know have you heard that song that’s that

Song’s about about me in many ways okay she’s imperfect but she tried but i don’t i don’t really lie that much so i don’t know maybe it’s not that much about me all right let me see i i think i have to go one more also i agree maybe it should

Have one in the back okay hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up okay i agree maybe it does need like one higher okay all right hold up hold up we got this we got this we got this okay boom boom i agree we gotta have the mosh pit exactly we

Must have room for moshing it is on oops okay what what the heck how do i get over there all right fine i forgot how to wait who sings that i honestly don’t know who sings that song so if you know i guess tell me

What brick are we using for this the um seats i think we’re using it’s polish deep slate stairs i believe yeah exactly grant oops oh my gosh i am a mess okay here we go here we go i think i think i’m gonna like this i think

I think it’s gonna look perfect perfect perfect okay and we got seats here guys yes that’s it perfect gorgeous stunning we did it all right yeah so just put those i want them here i also want them like around so i want it to be over here too in the back

Yeah but just like that that looks great and it looks good from the side too so there we go yes excellent yeah let’s just delete that uh okay excellent excellent excellent excellent yes team yes team okay great great good good good we are a fine finely oiled machine here we are gorgeous gorgeous

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girls i’m i’m learning to minecraft so hard guys you don’t you don’t get it i’m gonna be a minecraft streamer exclusively now sorry to everybody who loved it when i played sims it’s not who i am anymore and that is what i call a joke ladies

And gentlemen because absolutely never going to give up playing the sims not even if you wanted me to okay but i am enjoying this i hope you’re enjoying this too if you are may i recommend you donate to our cause today all right baby this is looking real good

Oh my god oh my god i’m wondering if maybe it needs to start i’m just gonna fill in and then find out i think i might need more space on this side than i am making i guess we’ll find out yeah but we want to be surrounded we

Want this person that feels truly like the pop star the rock star that who they are you know okay this is a little close we might just make the side ones a little a little less high maybe that’s the the secret cap the sides are just less high oops hello

Hello there we go this doesn’t go up as high I think you need at least some good amount of space for some motion you know or we could fake it and have them go like this on the side and not have the like spacing let’s let’s fake it and see how we like that excuse me i wanna sign one there you go

I think faking it faking it is the move i think this is the move guys yeah baby this music is really soothing oh my gosh i know people study to this music and i really understand why my goodness okay okay so we could have it stop on there okay

Yes okay grant’s doing yes okay i like what grant did i like what granted i don’t exactly know how you did it on the corner though i need to like check how did you do it on the corner interesting okay okay cool cool cool i think i’m kind of doing the same thing

Except for i’m not and i don’t know how i did it hold on how did i how do i how do how do i how do i fake it till you make it exactly that’s pretty much me in a nutshell really oh thank you thank you for fixing the

Side there for me grant those appreciate you all right and now M cupcake what what can you do good question good question good question okay so do we we you can help finish this uh top part up here cupcake you can like the balcony i think the balcony needs finished we are putting in the work this is actually starting to look pretty good

I just don’t want to interrupt oh feel free to interrupt oh my gosh the more hands the better really just get in there get messy no one’s gonna get mad at you for being helpful being huff-haid no you should by all means jump right in honestly oh my goodness

Is that how okay looks over here how did it go over here okay went into that corner there and i don’t know what it did over here i think i messed something up can we make it the right side look more like the or the left side of the more

Like the right side kelsey how do how do we do that okay wait i made it taller on the right side than the left side i might like the okay wave i might like this better hold on i wonder if i could just lease him i wonder if i could just

Keep keep this going over here you know what i’m adjusting the size of this of this building and i don’t care because it’s my party and i’ll cry if i want to okay like that there you go see imagine if that is what this other side looked like

Yeah look at that and you’re like whoa oh i like that light there good good light grant wow look at the top oh could we put like a chandelier or something in here that’d be pretty sick i also just feel like this backdrop looks a little plain so i want to jazz

That up a bit but i definitely feel like a rock star right now so that’s good and i’m also going to do whatever i want because this is my house my house wait a second Way to gosh darn that is this side wider than that side i don’t know if the sides match my friends i feel like you can’t put another layer on that look at that weird okay we might have to push back this right side what if you have lights in the stage ooh

That sounds pretty good speaking of things that sound pretty good let’s check back in our donations baby i want to see where we’re at i want to see what we’re doing we are raising money for charity today if you guys are just tuning in we are playing in support of children’s miracle

Network hospitals this money is going directly to a local hospitals for children provide funding critical treatments health care services pediatric medical equipment and charitable care um we will probably be going on the front page anywhere between now and next couple hours on twitch so if you start seeing a lot of

People jumping in that might be new make sure to welcome them also make sure to tell them that we’re family friendly peeps got a little chocolate right there [Applause] and we got some donations coming in stephanie higdon thank you so so much for 15 donated caitlyn thank you so much for 25 donated

I appreciate both of you we are now at 2875 so we only need 25 more dollars to hit 2 900. so either we need one person donating 25 one person donating 20 one person donating five you could have like a couple people donate ten or we could even have five people donate five

Dollars if you can donate five dollars i recommend that you do that now help us get to that next goal guys i think we did it dr jp and peregrinations just went there they both donated over a hundred dollars peregrinations donated 150 breaking our goal i love that audio of

The breaking uh and dr jp donated 125 dollars let’s go fish bash bot three thousand dollars done we flip and did it in two hours of this stream got to our first goal of three thousand dollars but the fun does not end here because i did mention that i didn’t want to hit

Four thousand dollars today i think we can do it we have about two more hours of stream left and i really think we’ve got this guys so if you guys want to keep donating every bit counts it could be three dollars it could be five dollars whatever you can give please feel free

To do so instead of supporting me today i really recommend you support this cause it means a lot to me so make sure to donate that money keep it up let’s go team dangerous let’s go all right okay so oh okay i love to see it yes

Yes i love to see it i like i like it picasso okay we got some people here all right i’m gonna fix over here i thought someone else might do it while i was gone nobody did tragic uh but i’m gonna expand the this wall here i’m sorry flame you you put in

Such work and i think you did great but Uh this wall needs to come out one it is not even flame i’m like pretty sure that or i messed it up on the inside but either way either way we we did something or wait we can keep this here because we need it to put the the top one on right yes

Yes because okay wait kelsey needs to get inside how do i get inside my there we go entrance oh wow it’s looking good actually though all right but here we are all right we need we need these to go away here we are excellent excellent excellent all right all right here we go

Okay i think this matches now let me see goes on that side yeah it matches now oh gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous we love to see it okay now i can go to the outside what why are you giving my head away who gave my head i did not give you permission to give my

Head what is happening okay i do not know why i actually deleted all of that i’m not realizing i didn’t need to that was that was on me there you go thank you okay yeah all right up here is looking good looks great up here big cupcake good job

Oh i love the chandelier you guys did amazing okay we need to figure out where we’re gonna put some stairs i feel like we need some stairs also i feel like we need maybe like some like little pathway in here maybe maybe right here there you go

So you kind of kind of like walk up i think we can even also make uh we can even go like higher right here make some whatever they’re called risers i think we can make a riser right here make it even more grand for the people performing they go oh my

Gosh it’s all the way to the ceiling you know that’s what you want you want to feel like your rock star self is sold out crowd like you want to feel like taylor swift out here i feel like everyone deserves their taylor swift moment and i want to give it to them boom

Here it is yeah yeah yes yes i think we can even keep going to be honest we can keep keep this up Amazing gorgeous stunning i love i love how i just did something and i go no it looks so good i pretty much just did something in the coffin myself on it oh my gosh hey man if you can’t compliment yourself who are you gonna compliment you know

What i’m saying oh can we push this back one elisa can we push it back here you put it there thank you okay excellent excellent this is looking gorgeous i want to like feel what it feels like to be on the stage oh wow sold out crowd oh my gosh oh my gosh

Can you feel me up there can you feel me you can’t honestly you can’t see the seats from here on the stage which is sad you can barely see the stage from up here on the scene but it’s fine we’re fine this is fine i still think that this needs to look a

Little more a little more something also i don’t know if i what i don’t think i want this lip if if everything’s else into the ground i don’t want the lip i am artiste okay this music is there’s a tournament going on i think over there so if you’re hearing voices

And stuff that’s what it is oh yeah this is better look at all the crowd it’s sold out where where yeah beautiful stunning gorgeous lovely okay what am i gonna do with this background chat i need your help i need your help what do we do with this background also

Looks like we’ve got some donations Tell me that’s a skit bow tournament it is It looked like honestly it looked like uh it was what’s it called there’s a word there’s a word for it i don’t remember uh it’s a card game it looked like a card game That had like i think it’s called uno was it uno one that had like the reverse card Were there going to be speakers there are coming soon oh i have an idea for speakers i just had a brilliant at a brain blast brain blast okay that is you know thank you all right i had a brain blast nobody talked to me i am full i’m fully mowed okay fence okay

I have i have a vision i have a vision okay nobody talk to me all right what looks the most like a speaker maybe this maybe it’s black wood i don’t know how i feel about that one this one maybe obsidian Maybe i think i might go obsidian with this one What do you guys think obsidian look like a speaker okay all right here we go so we’re gonna play oop not that [Applause] all right and then we put like this on top Does that look like a speaker to you guys maybe it shouldn’t be on the front of the stage should they be like at the back of the stage maybe like back here or maybe the side like right here do those look like speakers for okay in my mind it was way cooler [Laughter]

In my mind it was a way cooler idea to do this now they just look like weird trees okay all right it’s not it’s not what i thought it’s not where do speakers go anyway let me look at the like like at a rock show

They kind of go in the back and on the side okay ah i thought that was gonna look better than it did all right do those look like speakers maybe just it’ll be like this big old speakers in the back yeah yeah i think Tall speakers would face the audience i had a frame on a black box and maybe add a button you can make it look like speakers behind the performer okay maybe the security pit this is the social security area okay those are kind of the speakers put

Buttons in the center to make them the speaker part okay let’s try that button oh you know what this doesn’t look too that doesn’t look half bad i think that was pretty good those kind of look like speakers okay now we do need pyrotechnics exactly pyrotechnics a hundred percent

Where do we put like a screen you know how like performers oftentimes have like a big screen behind them that shows them on the stage do we do something like that or maybe we do something like hmm either a big screen or like a painting oh hello everything’s looking good let’s like

Finish up can we finish up some of these walls now can you not hear me now should i mute myself again looks like i didn’t mute myself for the most part suggested a giant extra life look in the background that would be kind of cool too that would be pretty cool

Looks like we might have gotten some new donations yes miss stage 11 thank you so much for 20 remiss squad thank you so much remus for 50 donated that’s super duper generous all right okay all right the speakers look pretty good i mean like fire Pyro i mean pyrotech would just put a campfire do we like put like pyrotechnics baby this is making it unequivocally a rock concert but it’s kind of funny like i don’t think we should do that because i want to open to up to the imagination what kind of performer you are

Oh thank you deep pellet for the sub okay are there other like lights decors things that we could do glowy things or we could like miss you know do this like terra cotta energy let me see like even like a pattern Could look kind of cooler than like just something plain you know what do you think do we like this random terracotta spots does it look more interesting fireworks that would be good fireworks would be cool for sure the wool catching on fire would add to the intensity of the pyrotechnics you’re not wrong

We like it we like the like added interest of the wall here looks cute we could also do like the red wool like add some depth exactly also i’m wondering if we do like a border of a different color um like what could be like a border do

You guys know what i’m talking about oh is those pyrotechnics corgi all right we also need like a back stage oh thank you so much for gifting subs is this where we do the backstage maybe back here like the door like a little stage stage door moment here go backstage backstage this is How big a backstage do you want i want big enough for like a green room i want a green room no here this is this is hide from people place oh like the trap door where you like come up from the bottom and you’re like hello

They do some wiring down here ah i see i’m gonna finish this background with the terracotta print like imagine bts performs on this stage right like that’s that’s how grand and beautiful i want this stage to feel like it’s just just like thoughts from places Is it weird i’m not doing it everywhere maybe is it weird to just have it there also i don’t like the color of these doors are there black doors i can do this door maybe the red this red door will be more more fun with the with everything

I think i like this store better maybe a white door no that’s ridiculous how do i get a door that i don’t hate how do you door when you hate the door oh the rods i was thinking about these rods i was like where do i put something

Cool and then i’m like oh my gosh what if we had like rods you know looking nice there you go there we go or maybe we put them in the like the front of the stage i don’t know i don’t know what i’m doing with these rods i just feel like the rods

Should be involved somehow no drawer okay no door just like a hallway i like that idea but okay now you guys have to let me know what do we do with the rods with the rods no door just the back room just backstage where what do we do with the rods

I gotta like look up more oh oh what is it what is that oh yeah yeah i like them i like it i like it people talk in the background really adds to the atmosphere of building a stage it kind of does doesn’t it huh all right i think okay

I don’t know how i feel about the red curtain anymore i don’t know how i feel about the red anymore i feel like maybe we should go blue am i crazy listen use it as a border this is our microphone just kidding i think blue i just am not as into the

Red right now i don’t something about it i’m just like it’s not working pink i mean i was thinking blue because extra life okay wait what is like the background of most concert most of the time a concert has like a background of pretty lights okay i love this okay this is cool

Okay what if what if what if i’m gonna go to the discord i’m gonna show you guys in discord okay what if background like i want it to feel like this i want it to be colorful i’m thinking blues pinks purples i’m i’m having a brain blast

Here we’re we’re gonna burn it down burning it down burn it down baby we gotta burn it down repeat burn it down we are in burning it down mode i came in like a wrecking ball i don’t like any of this now i’ve got a better idea okay

Here i come here i come burn it down baby burn it down yes yes yes get get it give this away give this away for me i hate it i hate it i hate it no more no more yes burn it burn it all to the

Ground yes yes yes yes yes my team yes yes yes yes thank you oh it feels so much better now okay okay okay i have visions visions visions are happening okay all right all right that’s cool oh the pyrotechnics are excellent you guys you nailed it okay all right all right all right

So i’m gonna go for concrete okay we’re going we’re gonna go we’re doing i wanna say like a black concrete okay we’re gonna go with like a pink concrete yes yes yes we’re gonna go with like a purple okay and then we’re gonna go with a blue she’s got a vision

She’s a woman with a mission it’s going to look great okay don’t trust me trust me trust me okay all right all right here we go here we go here we go all right okay this is this is the the first first layer is black this is the first layer

First layer i have a vision first layer is black yes yes yes don’t don’t make the whole layers no not the whole layers just just first layer just first i think i want to make this black too okay yes yes yes yes yes she has a vision she’s a woman

On a mission with a vision i think it’s gonna look better it might not though what if what if after all of this i’m just going to be like oh it’s bad never mind you know wouldn’t that be funny it’d be funny we’re not going to think about that

Right now we’re going to think kelsey whatever kelsey’s does is going to be beautiful it’s gonna be breathtaking it’s going to change the game all right excellent all right so we’ve got our nice little border here amazing okay which is where is the center of this this is the center great okay we’re

Gonna do a block of black up the center that’s 90 of minecraft building just i don’t know if it’s gonna look good but we’re gonna try it out okay amazing and then we need okay all right so far so good okay now what should we do on the outside maybe

The blue on the outside okay i’m thinking blue all right so we’re gonna do like squares of color essentially is my is my vision all right and then we’ll do like a blue and then we do like a purple and then we do like pink in the center does this make sense i

I honestly don’t know what i’m doing i i don’t know what i’m doing the fact that we all think i know what i’m doing is a testament to the fact that i don’t i don’t know what i’m doing all right and then we’ll do like black on oop black on top here

My my vision is like their their screens you know and it’s like oh look at how cool the screens are do you see what i’m doing do you see what i’m okay maybe not okay i actually think it looks okay what do you think and then but now it needs light right

Now it needs like these things in front of it i don’t know or maybe just up the center maybe up the center Okay what do we think are these cool and then here is with the stage door that’s where the stage of doors go boom stage door maybe try we like it we don’t like it hmm green i’m not i’m feeling blues and purples and pinks i’m sorry i’m just damn okay what about

Looks like a chest okay fair enough fair enough all right what if we do what if we do like diagonals of color okay like this okay and then we do pink here and then we do another purple i don’t i don’t hate that that’s not bad maybe you’re like pink cheese

I like it but then i feel like this needs to match in my brain i’m like this needs to look the same so it’d be like purple here and then blue here and then pink there and then purple here all right like that okay Looks like pixel art symmetry is also satisfying good job thank you does this look like a concert that you would like to go to i think it looks good it looks like a concert it looks better yeah i came in like a wrecking ball i think that looks so silly i’d go to

That concert to be honest i love that thank you thank you for coming to my concert hmm i just kind of want some sort of lighting maybe oh maybe if we do them up here you mean kind of looks like it’s i don’t know something i see a quilt

Wasn’t there like a glowy hold on wasn’t there like a glowy cube of blue does it do any of the did any of the colors glow because now i’m thinking i’d rather have glow than concrete isn’t there like a glowy blue stone am i crazy sea lantern glowstone hold on see

What is this ceiling heart of the sea oh here it is sea lantern is that what it is is this better what do you guys think is that better is that cooler oops does this look more like i think that looks more like a screen it looks more concerty yeah i’m thinking

That too Illuminates better underwater [Applause] try glowstone i think it’s gold i thought i looked up glowstone and it didn’t show up hold up all right glow is it this all right let me try the gold one i think the blue looks more concerty put the stage under water problem solved absolutely fixed them

Fixed them what’s that for corgi and then we put more up here oh yeah definitely add outfits for backstage that that sounds really good that’s a good idea what do you think i think this looks more like a concert but do we do even not even this middle line

I think that looks good i think that kind of looks good right i think i prefer this one it looks like a jumbotron yeah that’s kind of what i was going for i think that looks kind of cool should we have it all in these columns

It goes to a more techy look yeah okay should we do should we do black here the black makes the speakers blend into the wall i kind of agree with that i don’t want it to go to the floor though i think you put the light sticks by the speakers

Yeah i could try that [Applause] well i don’t remember where the light sticks are to be honest oh we could do like something like this would this be crazy i don’t know i don’t know what i’m doing here but my brain’s just like oh you can put like it’s like a background

End rod if that’s what you mean by light stick okay wait why am i not deleting this how do we delete these delete oh they’re down here oops oops sorry sorry sorry sorry didn’t i get that back in there my bad lineup with a different color other than

Black i kind of like the black i think i’m just gonna go maybe we’ll just have them go to the ground i think i’ll just go here which is what i was doing before that way they kind of pop out a bit more like boom baby I’m a rock star look at me go wait where did the where did the button go for the flames the flame button isn’t working i liked the red sorry i didn’t like the red you feel like the speakers need to be one tile taller all right let’s try it why not

I don’t i don’t hate that let’s do it let’s do this like fun blue one hey should we put a button on top i can’t put a button on top can i put anything on top that’s like small for a little microphone see pickle can i put a sea pickle on top

I can but i don’t want to see pickle i watch something like that though something black maybe is there a black sea pickle listen there’s an egg candle oh candle okay let’s try this black Candle don’t think that looks right i don’t think that looks right at all unfortunately i don’t think that looks quite right what’s this lightning rod oh that kind of looks like a microphone it’s a little low though but it’s got like a little bit on the top

The black candle gives you pretty little liar vibes oh oh we could do like a lectern listen i brought you all here for my ted talk a block underneath i don’t know if we need it what’s going on backstage ooh the backstage is this where the green room will be

Like their little chill room i like it i like it picasso aren’t there like little heads you can add should be the dark one i think write ted in red letters maybe we should put a lecter oh is this how you get upstairs this is how you get to the second oh i

Like the decor you guys are putting up here it looks great so good the stage is looking oh my god matt damon was here too are there little heads you can add maybe skeletons i mean we have little heads here little peeples can i just populate people how do i get that person

We just put creepers everywhere listen what if i just put creepers [Applause] we need more people we can grab random player heads okay awesome it’s my head in there my head’s over there okay the stage is looking chef’s kiss gorgeous put villagers in the mosh pit how do i how do i villager

Is this how is this how you do it zombie villager villager spawn egg how do i spawn these villagers oh my god here we go mosh pit baby bosh pit mosh pit oh no oh no they’re getting up on the stage no you’re not supposed to get up on the stage

Stop it stop it no stop no this is my concert you’re not allowed up here get out get out of here get out of here okay security security get you away it’s my time to shine do they go backstage get them out of there get them out of here

At least they’re all having a little hang out oh my god no get out no get off the stage get off it oh my god why is there blood i don’t remember there being blood get out stay in the audience oh thank you a sword honestly i need a sword right now

I need a sword right now get okay all right back you fiend back back back away away back yeah stay in the audience that’s what that’s right that’s right my admirers it was great for .5 seconds yeah i i kind of see why you didn’t uh

Didn’t you know add the villagers oh my god back off leave leave fox alone don’t worry i got you wait but why fox flame flame flame why no pyrotech anymore oh there it is there it is baby oh cause lag is a lot of step i see i see i see i see

All right what else do we oh okay here we go that looks bad back back you fool [Applause] get back get out of there remove the stairs from the side i think they’re getting up here without the stairs tbh yeah i think that i think not having

Real people is probably for the best you know i’m just gonna kill a mom sorry i spot i gave you life and now i take it away sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry they’re running away from me yeah you better whoa get out of here get out of here no get

Out of my concert i’m the bouncer and you are not no come here come here do i kill them all are they all dead oh my gosh i’m so sorry that was like so awkward i am not normally like that you know like i’m normally really chill um yeah so

No more villagers at all i mean i don’t mean it i’m sorry i just wanted to put a little little green guy heads on because i thought it was funny um sorry sorry sorry sorry yes i’m enjoying these this looks great look at them they look like they’re really gonna

Party and just do so good is this me this is my head where’s my head i want to use my head again there we go yeah my head it’s just all this one head but i want to be in the front row what’s going on i like that he started

Yeah okay this is looking good i feel like a rock star now i’m going to be like a pop star maybe a higher barrier check my inventory for the head i have the head but it’s not showing up as my head how do i take my head inventory oh thank you

It’s not showing up now where’s my inventory miscellaneous tools is it here is this one oh i see inventory got it all right i’m gonna be front row and center oh flip i didn’t mean it i didn’t mean it okay listen okay it’s been a hard week there we go oh i’m naked

I’m naked i’m naked just lots of kelsey heads someone put some clothes on me so blood put clothes on me oh my gosh give me some beautiful i want some golden pants and a gold top i’m wearing all gold oh actually i like the pink top i want gold pants though

Gold pants yes kelsey gets gold pants gold paint no i want gold pants gold pants gold pants please thank you oh i want the gold pants there we go there we go now i always have gold pants and a gold top honestly there you go i look amazing

I’m gonna also put my head here there’s gonna be so many of me so oh i like that look at that look at all those people ah can we put some up here too you’re gonna go to sleep soon oh okay thanks for hanging out while you could

Okay i’m gonna put some up here now too can you see these from uh from the stage yeah you can okay perfect i wanna i want them on this like second story so that like you know you can have some some peeps hanging in this area in these areas

And then i’m gonna put a little little tunics give them these give them some outfits so you got people looking at you everybody’s watching her but she’s looking at you i’m randomly dressing random random dress baby yeah okay now i need to give them some other outfits yes amazing maybe like a diamond

Some diamond stuff here excellent yeah just dress them all up baby dress up oh my gosh where’s the pink the pink shirt uh okay look at my little outfits look at me i’m everywhere baby everywhere i don’t know yeah okay yeah can we get the rest of those

Up on the other ones done and i think this needs kind of filled in on the sides too But then like other than that coat check oh my god i love the coat checks that is cute this does feel like a concert you look like the superstar flame i’m such a big fan ah oh my gosh love this room love it and then what’s back here oh nothing cute

Love the love the back room backstage i mean i never curse anyways guess what what is this like enough what do you guys think i’m so excited also let’s check in on how our donations are going i’m so excited okay we’ve got catherine bailey thank you so so much for 25

Donated we got prusie thank you so much for five dollars miss sage 11 thank you so much for 20 appreciate you guys so so much we are 300 3 250 donated which is absolutely amazing we got about 30 minutes i think left in the stream for today um so let’s see if we

Can get to 3 500. i feel like we can do it another 250 so if you can donate anywhere between five dollars even three dollars all the way to hundreds of dollars so every little bit would help so thank you guys so so much for being a

Part of it i’m so so excited uh we still have a lot to do in the game obviously so we’ll be working after this but i might be headed out of stream time shortly okay what else do we need baby all right flame what what’s next

We end soon let me show you the bane of my existence the olympics area all right let’s go let’s go to the can we get a teleport to right here how do i get put the teleport button down oh my god what a head you got a got a

That’s a head on you all right i want i want the person to teleport like right if i’m gonna choose it it’s gonna be right like here and then they like walk forward and the thing erupts and everybody’s like screaming you know okay this is where i will tell i want to

Teleport to that block right there okay all right flame show me the way and then yeah keep decoring decorating we could put more like rock star looking posters and stuff whatever you guys are into would be amazing time definitely flew by i was not expecting it I feel like i’m going to be teleported any moment ah i am whoa okay is this the olympics oh my gosh okay oh wow oh wow okay i’m working on the seating still i hate it here do we need a ton of seed i feel like the seeding it looks great wow olympic

All right what do you need for me anything nothing i’m assuming this is summer olympic well i need to fill the roof or it’ll look strange true i guess you could make this like bottom part bigger and then fill it’s convoluted it’s like the colosseum it is kind of like a colosseum

This is a me and corgi and grant job it’s been such a pain oh my i mean if you oh if you have a better idea of something else to do oh my goodness anyway feels good if we can we get more of these like peeps on the side here like this

The walls and stuff can we get them on the side too like so that feels like there’s people everywhere you look you’re getting the crowd is going wild you know they’ve been grinding on this for last week oh my gosh wow we had to oh my gosh we’re getting close guys any

Little donation counts we got another new donation i see um after 250. we got five dollars yes let’s go thank you so much mel made fools for five dollars donated if you guys are tuning in we are playing in support of children’s miracle network hospitals and our money goes to critical treatment

Healthcare services pediatric medical equipment and charitable care every little bit helps even if you can just donate five dollars please do we’re trying to get to um two thousand or three thousand five hundred dollars we only have a little bit left so every bit counts okay backstage is done amazing

Oh amazing can i see can i see yeah oh yeah i got some costumes got some books can we put like a lectern back here maybe collector just in case it’s a tech talk you know i’ll put a lectern back here i’m going to do it

Put my lectern in there yeah there you go boom oh that’s not what i meant to put i’m going to put this yeah there you go just in case you want to do a ted talk there you go you got your backstage ted talk things that you need

Yeah buddy oh i like all those nice lights yeah i’m a rock star baby yeah let’s go wow this looks great i love it i love it okay all right we’re doing the teleport oh no worries cupcake i’m headed out soon too hello welcome to my ted talk today we

Are talking about teddy bears i’m here for your ted talk okay keep ted talking for me flame yes yes yes yes yes yes yes teddy bears equal good agree strong agree thank you for coming into teddy talk bravo bravo life-changing life affirming never the same gorgeous stunning poggers

Okay where are we going next where are we dropping boys Anything else we need to get i mean we built this whole thing this was exciting i’m proud of us flames kelsey you should do a ted talk oh my gosh what would my ted talk be about i’m doing okay good come see outside and then we can go back to the hub okay

I don’t think we’ll really have to go outside okay that’s where you leave there i go come back oh oh my gosh i showed up on stage that was so cool okay oh wow the outside of the concert venue looks so good wait can we get like

Banners or something to make it look like oh so-and-so’s in town you know look at this like blue one i wonder if we could do banners that like whoa can i come back please okay great i keep accidentally hitting on stuff okay like so and so is in town okay that

Looks terrible i’m so sorry guys i mean it looks so bad design banner logo yeah maybe do oh that’s not what i want i want it like here maybe do something yeah what vibes maybe like a stars or something to be like more celebrity performer kind of energy

No way i joined the stream and it’s a minecraft stream dave made welcome to our minecraft stream look at the outside of this beautiful beautiful venue here this is our concert venue oh yes gorgeous gorgeous this is actually pretty cool oh my gosh look at this side

Uh we won’t look around the back we won’t look around the back the back is unnecessary we do not need to be there okay but look how beautiful the front the fret looks great fret looks so good excellent stunning gorgeous and then you walk in you’re like ah it’s a concert yeah

You know coat checks grab your coat head out we go home boom boom baby there she goes whoo and we’re back we’re back all right we have not gone to the imagination station i want to check out all these in-progress stuff backstage is never as pretty as the entrance oh

Am i stuck nope here i am oh imagine a wow Ho look at that you can be an artist look at all this like places you can create your own destiny and there’s the beautiful extra life logo here gorgeous oh look it’s kelsey and chewie it’s so cute convey imagination or kids being able to do whatever they want um

It’s made from blocks of cords dm me on discord with any questions crafty gamer lady i love it look at that imagine all the possibilities gorgeous i feel like you guys should like sign it somewhere like you guys should have your little signatures and names oh my gosh look at this

What’s back here it’s so pretty these doors there we go so nice this is my work of art the chewie and kelsey it is beautiful stunning i love the chewy and kelsey i like this rainbow yeah the rainbow glass has really given me the best and this rainbow over here as well

Love it all of it this is cool i’m glad i came over for this area this area is nice I must spam it until we make progress let’s go yes just five dollars just three dollars however much you can manage what do we want to name our concert hall um that’s a great question what should we name the concert hall chat tell me in

The chat i’m so glad you like it i love it what else have i not seen okay olympics we see we’ve seen we haven’t seen minecraft general i haven’t seen that one yet either it’s the imagination station let’s go come on everybody even just five dollars we have 354 of you

If we could just get oh my gosh let’s go we’ve got a couple more donations here coming in calvin thank you so much for 25 woo another year of supporting amazing causes aussie girl dirty to five dollars love your youtube videos and the first time watching your stream i love

Everything you do so glad that you’re here oh my gosh okay so we’re we’re just it looks like we’re just uh okay it’s 85 so we’re like fifteen dollars away from three thousand or three thousand three hundred so if we just have like three people donate five dollars we’ll be

A little bit more there preferably two word okay national chewy concert hall little long we’re looking for two words here um we could do minecraft stadium i feel like minecraft stadium makes sense what other thing what other like venues performance venues are called so glad you’re helping out with our

World unfortunately cannot donate something as weird with my debit card no worries do not need to apologize chewy stadium well so far we have minecraft in most of them miracle hall auditorium cmd stadium oh that’s nice what’s cmd is is that child child children’s miracle it’s not true as a

Miracle network i don’t know what cmd would be i just got scared by a horse oh no Chewy chewy music hall i like minecraft stadium I might be boring oh that was pretty chewy malcolm dangerous oh that is his initials i didn’t even recognize him oh we got a new donation guys this is so cool thank you guys so so much we are getting there okay yo let’s go audra thank you so much for 25 donated

In serena thank you so much for 25 25 donated together you both donated 50 we just hit three hours i got 15 minutes left of the stream we can get there okay so our next goal is 3 400 we are already at 3 35 which means that we only need okay quick

Math kelsey let’s do it we only need 100 minus 35 equals 45 no 55 no 65 probably i think it’s 65 dollars minecraft stadium i like it i like miracle hall 2 carnegie hall but charity okay that makes sense that makes sense minecraft stadium i like minecraft stadium Miracle hall is kind of cute too though a lot of you guys like miracle hall let’s go miracle hall can we change the flame let’s go I think miracle hall yeah let’s go oh my gosh are we getting any more oh my gosh we just did thank you guys so so much smith family just donated ten dollars getting us that much closer we only need five dollars in order to reach 3 350.

Which would be halfway to our next goal come on guys only one hundred and sixty five dollars to three hundred and five hundred three thousand five hundred dollars which is our end goal of the stream we’ve got this okay is it miracle hall now are we changing it how do you change

Miracle hall come on grant think of things come on great pick up thanks be so smart we can do it guys every dollar helps yes there it is miracle hall oh i love it good naming chat good naming you guys nailed it absolutely crushed it gorgeous we love to see it okay

Minecraft general can i go to minecraft general i want to see it think of the children exactly think of all of the like necessary care that you guys are donating able to get we get to three uh 3 450 i’ll give the remaining 50 to push us to three feet oh

My gosh guys all we got to do is meet meet colloid halfway oh my gosh that would be huge guys we can do this okay let’s go oh my gosh okay we’re getting there we’re getting there baby oh oh my gosh we did it oh my gosh wait we did it already oh

You guys crush it anonymous thank you so much for that 10 donation you did it we are now at 3 35 oh my gosh only 50 away from uh 3 three no only forty five dollars away from three thousand four hundred dollars this is exciting judging is tomorrow

So we only we only need essentially a hundred dollars no we’ll need ninety five dollars to reach for callaway for callaway to finish us get us home there oh is this the hospital oh my gosh how cute is this this is so cute okay yes we’re gonna check in hello front desk hello

We need like a front desk moment here we go hi we’re the front desk hello welcome welcome to the front desk i’m your girl yes yes yes let me go in okay i want to go to the second floor i feel like that’s where you’re going to put the hospital beds

Oh you do already have hospital beds i just can’t get up there i can’t get through because it was all glass we need the stars work in progress i see i see i see looking good though looking like some good progress oh we should have like waiting area seating Would it be like like kind of couchy i feel like blue we like some blue maybe like these like that couches oops no oh my gosh here we go what like this no it’s not what i wanted look at i made a little seating area look i did the thing

Are you proud are you proud of me hey waiting in the waiting area me too oh we should put like books books like a couple of these like little book book bookies i’m always proud of you what the heck bro oh thanks thanks bro

I don’t know where do we oh i like this i like the little like thing in the middle where do we put the books on the side really here i feel like you need some books for like people to feel like they got something to do while they’re waiting

I don’t know maybe like that how do you organize the books okay yeah flame’s gonna do the books thank you thank you that’s i needed someone else to do i was stressed out about it amazing great looks great i got two in my head wait

I want like a little daisy i want some like flowers when you come in you know i feel like they’ll look nice on there can i not put okay wait vase can we not put like a vase how do i put a flower in a vase on the front desk thank you

That’s not the flower i wanted but but it is a flower here we go this is the flower i wanted how did i take that flower out put a pot down put the pot down everyone left we’ll find my own pot thank you no one out here helping me with the pot

Make my own pot oh dang it thank you yay look at that front desk look at that front desk look at god look at i can sit here and be like hello welcome to the hospital i’m kelsey if you want to move that we can like move this over

Why don’t we move this oh i see what you’re doing but like we just said burn it all to the ground we really just said burn it all down there you go i feel like we should look up like the what a front of a children’s hospital looks like oh

Wouldn’t a children’s hopper school have like fun floors i’mma look up children’s hospital also you guys need to keep donating we’re almost there guys we’re so close you haven’t donated yet and you have the means i highly highly encourage you we’ll only have twenty dollars until we are at three thousand four

Hundred and then from there we only have a hundred dollars to our goal we only have a hundred and forty dollars left to our goal thank you so much care bear for donating 7.91 we got caitlyn donating five dollars anonymous doing ten dollars you guys are incredible you are amazing

Sweeties we are crushing it okay we have only we got another donation we’re now only like just a handful just a handful okay okay okay okay i’m gonna look up children’s hospital children’s hospital literally googling it to look up what it looks like okay oh this is fun ooh

Look at these look at these do you guys see this okay wait i want to show you guys on my phone what i’m envisioning look at this yeah it’s got like all these colors i love it i love these like colorful interiors here even this one’s got like

All these like colorful things i feel like we could do like little rugs little pops of color here yes i am envisioning gorgeousness here we are envisioning a beautiful hospital i love love love the like pops of color and i think we need to continue obviously

How’s this oh that looks good i like that a lot i like that a lot maybe we’ll do like some columns maybe like orange some like orange columns ooh could we do like okay call me crazy my name is kelsey don’t call me crazy i’m kelsey um but could we do like um

Like a fish tank would that be nuts listen would that be crazy if we did like a fish tank i don’t know i’m like just randomly putting stuff up oh let’s put like fun art on the wall art uh frame there we go item frame glow item frame

Hello item frame what’s that look like put like a little a little guy up there [Applause] maybe not that one over there i feel like a little gallery wall could be cute here gonna put like little flowers in and stuff glow what items glow that one glows go to grab one of these

Glow ink it kind of looks silly that kind of looks glowberries all right that looks cute oops oh that one’s cute too sweet berries nice okay what about maybe some flowers ooh these little spore blossoms look kind of cute oh what what okay oh maybe the mushroom mushrooms are

Always very cute in frames what all right oh my god it could be an upside down mushroom upside down mushroom is it i don’t make the rules i just enforce them and both of these mushrooms are going to be upside down all right random upside down mushrooms excellent it’s not cohesive

But it’s doing something for me oh is that where my thing is gonna go yeah yeah yeah yeah all right maybe i can have my orange columns here listen i want some orange columns i don’t have a reason i just thought they looked cool

I don’t have a good reason for it i just want them no okay maybe we shouldn’t Oh yes yes aquarium hello welcome to the hospital how are you today i’m doing a cheerleading routine at home alone in my room for you gorgeous beans who are continuing to donate yes colloid i’ll do cheer i’ll do tutoring ready okay let’s go donate let’s go i don’t know there it is

Oh my god it’s been a minute we have two minutes peeps it’s not a drill we got two minutes oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh will we make it will we make it oh my gosh we’re so close we lead only 20 quick math

Seven more dollars 27 if one person donated 10 10 in seven three people we would be there thank you elisa for two dollars and nine cents little mama one thank you so much for five more dollars that is so kind of you barry fam thank you so much

Again for ten dollars oh my gosh we just need two people to donate ten dollars of one person to donate seven dollars and we will get there oh my gosh look at look look look at it look at it look we are now at 25 we just need 25 left

We just need 25 left this is insane oh we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close 25 come on brain think of things come on bring drink of things okay if if just five people donated five dollars one two five ten fifteen twenty twenty five yes kelly can do math five people

Be so smart come on brain let’s watch some game while we wait people decorating this beautiful beautiful room look at it it’s pretty i like it i like it picasso lantern oh wait rod i like the rod put the rod in here there you go that’s that’s nice and uh rod oh um

That is awesome okay there we go i like it i like it yes yes we did another ten dollars thank you so much barry joel joseline jocelyne thank you so so much oh my gosh are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet oh what

We did it guys already thank you so much for five dollars smith family thank you so much for 27 caleb thank you for 25. barry fam thank you so much for ten dollars heather collins thank you so much for 25 powder thank you so much for five dollars we did it guys three

Thousand five hundred and twenty two dollars oh my gosh and we hit it just as the seven o’clock hit this is absolutely awesome guys i’m so so proud of you yes we did it we did it we smashed our goal oh my gosh i am so so proud of all of

You guys you guys absolutely crushed it amazing gorgeous stunning beautiful never the same awesome you’re amazing you’re amazing you’re amazing even if you didn’t donate you’re still amazing this will still stay up through tomorrow so we still have tomorrow to raise another 500 tell your friends tell your family if

They’re interested in doing a little good it’s a tax write-off you know it is tax season although i’m pretty sure it’s kind of like you’re supposed to put it in but you’re supposed to do it by now g uh ngwood thank you so much for 13 months

We did it i will see you guys all i think tomorrow at the judging i believe i’ll be streaming it on the extra life server i’m not entirely sure um but i’m gonna dip out because i am hungry so i’m ready for some dinner um thank you so

Much colloid for also donating uh fifty dollars oh my gosh does that mean that we hit uh oh my gosh yes thank you so much colloid we now have hit three thousand five hundred and eighty two dollars so we are less than 500 dollars away thank

You so so much columbus i’ll be donating a little bit myself as well soon uh i will see you guys all tomorrow for the judging and we’ll find out if we won hopefully i’ll get to see like the end of it i’ll check back in in the morning

Tomorrow to help with final touches for this um this build but thank you thank you thank you to everybody that’s been working on this build you guys are absolute rock stars i’m super proud of all of you guys for all the hard work that you guys have

Put in i can’t wait to see how this all turns out but i think we have been doing amazing um and until next time guys i’ll see you on the internet very soon go team dangerous bye

This video, titled ‘Competing In A Minecraft Build Tournament For Charity’, was uploaded by More Kelsey Impicciche on 2022-04-24 15:00:18. It has garnered 6850 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:24 or 10584 seconds.

Welcome to the new channel! Today Kelsey is building in Minecraft for the Extra Life charity event. Together the stream raised money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

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    Creating a Kobo Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Kobo Kanaeru Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you discover the secrets of the mystical Portal Kobo Kanaeru. Join forces with fellow gamers and explore the vast landscapes filled with wonders and challenges. Dive into the realm of creativity and survival as you build, craft, and conquer in this immersive gaming experience. Donation and Community Support Support the Minecraft community by donating to All through the provided link on Saweria. Join the Discord group to connect with like-minded gamers, share tips, and engage in exciting gameplay sessions. Embrace the… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx’s Minecraft World!

    Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx's Minecraft World! Minecraft: Mixing Things Up! Embark on a unique Minecraft journey with Crownlex as they mix and match everything in the game to create special items and attempt to finish the game. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with creativity and innovation! Exploring Minecraft’s Boundless Possibilities In this video, Crownlex showcases their ability to blend various elements in Minecraft, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game. By combining different resources and tools, they craft special items that add a new dimension to their gameplay. Unleashing Creativity With a keen eye for experimentation, Crownlex demonstrates how mixing… Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure – EPIC #14

    Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure - EPIC #14Video Information This video, titled ‘Aventure en Hardcore sur Minecraft 1.20 en LIVE (La Revanche) #14’, was uploaded by Râ-moon on 2024-05-10 20:39:42. It has garnered 85 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:45 or 7785 seconds. Hello, welcome to our Minecraft survival in SEMI – HARDCORE, for the revenge of our old adventure, the version is 1.20 with the new updates of course. My goal is to stay alive as long as possible and of course to share as much as possible with you. The whole adventure will take place LIVE every Friday on the… Read More

  • 100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!

    100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-04-06 11:59:20. It has garnered 148 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:03 or 4623 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. If you have a single mod to add, suggest it in the comments below or in the Discord! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 11 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!

    Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Killing The Warden Is Not Hard In Minecraft | 16 Seconds Enough | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by TG Morris on 2024-02-25 03:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #warden #Minecraft #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSeries #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #minecraftcommunity new trick to kill warden in minecraft in 16 seconds without hacks, #MinecraftFun #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftLife #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMaster #MinecraftMagic #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftExploration #MinecraftFantasy #MinecraftWonder #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftPro #MinecraftJourney #MinecraftSkills #MinecraftCreators #MinecraftEnchanting #MinecraftAdventures #MinecraftPixelArt #MinecraftInnovation #MinecraftDiscovery #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftEpic #MinecraftAwesome #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftAddict… Read More

  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : INSTAGRAM : DONATE : ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More

  • “Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂” #minecraft

    "Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂" #minecraft When you send this Minecraft meme to someone special, make sure they don’t mistake it for a diamond ring and propose to you in the virtual world! #minecraftlove Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • 100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft… DID HE SURVIVE?!

    100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft... DID HE SURVIVE?!Video Information how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this… Read More

  • Maximus60 Minecraft Horror Shorts

    Maximus60 Minecraft Horror ShortsVideo Information far apart so we don’t all right watch out it’s going there one hit me we going to push This video, titled ‘#minecraft #horror #shorts’, was uploaded by Maximus60 on 2024-02-12 20:25:49. It has garnered 705 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Full Video- Read More

  • INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shorts

    INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is He GOOD #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by NotLegendGamerz on 2024-06-01 07:17:31. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Please Guys Subscribe its means a lot Read More

  • Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft Dungeons

    Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft DungeonsVideo Information how Minecraft dungeons got abandoned Minecraft dungeons is widely considered to be the most successful Minecraft spin-off with over 25 million players and they 25 million is crazy a mod Day game kills for the opportunity to even just get 1 million but we’re we’re talking here an extra zero and multiplied by a couple of times wow widely positive reception Minecraft dungeons was set to be big after the game had a very successful update Reviving interest in it in October 2022 players were optimistic about its future but suddenly out of the blue after almost a… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!

    Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!Video Information у вас лагает Minecraft и вы не знаете как это решить Ты подпишись я помогу тебе решить Это вся суть в новых обновлениях которые не оптимизированы для слабых ПК тут вам поможет эта сборка модов тут есть всё чтобы поднять твой FPS А что если This video, titled ‘Что делать если упал фпс??? #майнкрафт #шортс #мод #майн #minecraft #обзор #mod #моды’, was uploaded by CryLove on 2024-02-29 09:30:11. It has garnered 6556 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    Novayon - OMG I GOT TURNED INTO POPULAR BLOCK GAME CHARACTERVideo Information [Music] ch [Music] for why is the music so moody in this just Minecraft man come on this mod pack so edgy look at the purple but uh yeah hello last stream I did was three three weeks ago yeah three weeks ago and I was supposed to do another one last week but I was really tired on Saturday because last week I was making videos for this week and I’ve uploaded three videos this week so I was pretty Shattered by the end of the [Music] week but I thought well I don’t want just want… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT: BUILDING KINGDOM WITH FRIENDS!Video Information hum stream start stream stream stream 1 2 3 testando Bora lá hein demorou um pouquinho hoje mas e aí tá um aqui o que exatamente nós vamos fazer rapaz eu não sei nada desse mod você tá me batendo a Será que nós tem que achar a Vila primeiro eu não sei se tem um tipo de tutorial que a gente consiga manjar nada no i Tab nada pera aí que eu ainda não tô no jogo não vi Eu Tô organizando chat eu já iniciar a minha já esse trem aqui logo já P telefone carregar… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadness

    EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information don’t build your sofa like this build this simple modern sofa instead that I’ve got please stay I want you you God take beautiful I’ve [Music] please don’t This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft sofa #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ALEX on 2024-04-21 12:38:39. It has garnered 11602 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape Prison

    EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape PrisonVideo Information [Music] nice huh huh help me huh go go go what p This video, titled ‘Help Herobrine Escape from Prison’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-25 20:39:14. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper survival -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft like server with about 9 consistently active players, but we are looking for more. If you are interested in joining a server built around community and trust, where members work together on builds, feel free to join. We are looking for players 16+ years old, but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Our goal is to reach 15-20 active players. Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Aethro Minecraft

    Aethro MinecraftExplore the Worlds of Aethro Minecraft!Survival Server: Dive into our enhanced Survival server, packed with exciting plugins to enrich your experience. Enjoy features like Extra Storage, Minepacks, Crates, a Land plugin, Proximity Chat, and many more. Discover the full plugin list at Aethro Plugins.Vanilla Server: Craving pure Minecraft gameplay? Our Vanilla server offers a pristine Minecraft experience with just Keep Inventory enabled and essential administrative plugins.Join Us Today:Java: 25565Bedrock: 19132Xbox Users: Add Aethro2000 as a friend and jump in!Stay connected! Visit our website or join our Discord community for more information and to meet fellow players. See you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than most of my high school essays. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More