Mr Minton Revision – GCSE RE – Theme E Quotes and Key Words – While building a Minecraft church

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Hi guys well it’s one day no two days before your exam because it’s tuesday today uh and as we haven’t got much time left i’m gonna do as much as i can in today’s video so we’re gonna do as much about crime and punishment as we can my

Plan is to do key terms and quotes and some practice questions all in one video and try and keep myself focused and go super fast hello bear always give a bear a kiss first rule of any society is to kiss a bear oh all the snow’s melted that’s interesting my door’s now from

Here i don’t know what caused that genuinely don’t know um that’s interesting so we’ve been making copper all the time so uh we’re gonna make the roof uh while we put all the keywords down that only gives me 20 blocks that is sad all right okay

Uh right so we’ll make some more roof we’ll do some more keywords i’ve got lots of signposts to do them with oh man even my steps up needing work because so much snow has melted that is crazy right so uh first things first crime and punishment is a strange unit because

There’s lots of sort of quite abstract terms and there’s not so much you can argue for and against in the war one it’s it’s a little bit more straightforward in the airport come on rosa come on down in the abortion one it’s really straightforward for example in life issues abortion has

Very clear arguments for and against in crime and punishment outside of capital punishment and corporal punishment a lot of these sort of concepts don’t have um a strong one side or the other like there is not like there’s not a strong argument saying like there’s not a group of christians

Who are like we will never ever perform like um uh community service community service is immoral and we will never do it like that is just not a thing that exists um and so part of that it makes it more difficult because you’re like where’s the argument you know and there

Might be a question that seems at first um okay so if that’s that that can leave that i know that’s gonna need to be higher i’m very stupid so one two three four oh man okay does that work um there’s not gonna be necessarily an argument that’s quite simple i know i’ve

Got another one there um for example there might not be like a simple argument against prisons okay so if the exam you know says that ow um it’s never like the question last year and let me just check that i’ve got the question right okay oh you silly man

Um oh sorry it was two years ago 2019 paper because this is the one that my school did as a mark there’s nothing wrong with sending a criminal to prison well that seems a bit abstract because like something with it like surely in some cases prison is fine

And it seems harder to argue against okay so actually the 12 marker might be slightly more difficult i’m hoping that an easier topic will come up and i’ll explain why at the end okay but let’s put down i’m going to put some signs on the roof because hopefully eventually this

Roof will cover all this so doesn’t matter if there’s a load of signs on the roof okay firstly a key term can be addiction that is a nice easy one addiction is the idea that you are addicted uh to a substance which is causing an impairment of your judgments

And then kefor can lead to crimes what’s an example of an addiction you can have an addiction to drugs and addiction to alcohol okay simple simple now you’re thinking well how could they ask a question about addiction and it might be like how christians should treat someone who commits crime because

They’re addicted okay so it might be like oh um christians should always forgive those who commit crimes because of addiction that is a hard question okay and we will look at some questions like that when we come to those sort of concepts okay community service community service okay

Don’t worry i will show you not to cheat for those hard questions but a plan that you can sort of always follow okay community service this is the idea that um uh punishment should involve hours of physical labor or work in their local community sorry i am as always very

Tired and you might notice i’m in a football shirt because i literally have just come back from playing football we lost we always lose but we have a very nice time and we never get in arguments and we’re very nice boys that is all we can hope for at our age i

Mean we’re playing against much younger lads so much better football than us what else can we do so community service is a punishment that works to help your local community and normally doing physical uh work um though you know it can be something as simple as working in

A charity shop sometimes okay community service okay corporal punishment corporal punishment okay these are tonight punishment okay these are physical punishments okay punishments which are done to uh physically hurt the person inflict pain up from them uh historically whippings were a corporal punishment now worldwide you do still

Get floggings or whippings uh but the one we we sort of in our minds i often see is people having their hands removed uh for stealing okay that is a corporal punishment in britain we never really use corporal punishments in the modern era very much even when we still have

Hanging we didn’t really have whippings but in schools they use corporal punishments and caning people okay obviously we don’t do that anymore if your school are doing that please report that to the relevant authorities that is illegal okay crime just the word crime okay now that word i shouldn’t need to

Define too much any action which breaks the law it can be against the person can be against property and can be against the state okay against a person murder okay okay it’s property vandalism against the state treason uh like terror you know um treasons investment you’re plotting against the government selling secrets

Something like that but most crimes we think of crimes against the person they’re the ones we take most personally that makes more sense these signs are going to be very confusing um but any question can be about crime i would not expect you to to not be aware of that

Word coming up here okay death penalty now i’m also going to put in this other definition capital punishment okay the death penalty of capital punishment is when you take a life by execution for a crime that has been committed so somebody uh kills someone you take their life okay

Doesn’t happen in the united kingdom anymore it used to happen happens over the world in many different places uh china the united states america saudi arabia all still use a death penalty sorry very dehydrated from chasing a football around oh the football was always far away from

Me and i had to run very fast i’m not very fast so i mainly just didn’t get the football deterrence this is where we have a strong punishment to put others off from committing the crime okay what i mean by that if the punishment is large enough or is obvious enough people

Will not want to commit the same crime or not to commit the crime again the example i always use in my year 11s and my year tens and nines whenever i’m teaching is um if you if you were in an assembly and your head teacher got a

Student up to the front of the stage and shot them in the back of the head because they had their shirt untucked everyone else would have their shirts tucked in because that execution would be a great deterrent from breaking the law okay um the crucifixion of jesus him being

Crucified up on that hill was meant to be a deterrent from other people don’t break the law you’ll be crucified too corporal punishment can be a deterrent okay you see someone have their hand chopped off you see someone going around their hand chops off you don’t want to

Commit the same crime a deterrent okay deterrence even those signs are having the bus we say like oh pulling the emergency thingy is a 500 pound fine that’s meant to be a deterrent so tell you about the punishment to stop you doing the crime in the first place they

Put signs for speed cameras up to stop you doing the crime in the first place a deterrent okay now this one’s an odd one evil intentions i don’t know how often teachers mention this okay evil intentions is the idea that some people have a desire to commit uh pain

And suffering against others okay i’m gonna put some torches out because it’s getting late at night i am worried about obviously my roof melting but i mean what maybe i’ve managed to melt the snow i don’t know what’s that noise oh it’s a dog sorry the dog was ruffling okay um the

Desire to deliberately cause pain or harm working out how that could be in a 12 marker is interesting they could do it it could be like um uh people who commit crimes because of evil intentions should always uh get the death penalty and they’d always talk about death penalty they’d link it to

Evil intentions oh look the snow is melting well that is interesting i did not know that happens well well well fascinating huh so is that how all the snow melted out there but why it just melt there interesting have i made my church so hot with so

Many torches that i’ve like melted all the snow around it maybe this is interesting i hope we don’t melt a hole through the whole roof maybe just this sort of light snow on top melts don’t know we will learn as we go if it melts all the way

Through i thought through and i learned something on the way there a word we’ve talked about so much okay forgiveness the idea of letting go feelings of hatred or anger towards people and coming to a state of peace if you don’t know about forgiveness by now

In this exam you are in trouble you should have to do that spinning on your head a day to pass this exam forgiveness uh greed agreed the um the concepts are a reason for committing crime in the sense of the re exam okay they want they list greed

As a reason for crime so greed is a reason for crime and addiction is a reason for crime people commit crime because of addiction because they have a problem with either drugs or alcohol in this sense in the exam in a sense and therefore they’re more likely to commit

A crime and i see you aiming arrows at me but i’m not gonna get close enough you’d hit me i’m not an idiot go away um so and the greed is another reason for crime people commit crime because of greed uh they are greedy so they commit

Crimes uh to take more than they are truly uh meant to have okay building a little wall so they can’t hurt me this is the smartest thing i can do in this situation little wall right i mean look at that how am i ever gonna get enough copper to build that

I don’t know we’ll get there we will get there um maybe not in this video maybe in the 2025 exam um okay greed we’ve done hate chrome okay i hate chrome is a a type of crime uh committed because of your prejudice and discrimination against a certain group

Of people okay so if you have a hatred towards ah look all the other sides are sort of twisted to the middle and that one’s not so i’m going to take that one down and redo it so maybe i’ll stand there yeah that looks better okay hate

Crime okay uh crime committed because of hatred towards a certain group for example it is illegal to spray paint on people’s houses okay that makes sense but if you spray a swastika on a jewish family’s house that comes with extra punishment because that’s considered a hate crime because you targeted them

Because of their race uh or their religion depending on how you want to look at judaism okay and uh you spray swastikas on there as a threat and a symbol of your hate so that counts as a hate crime those people get extra punishment in the united kingdom where

They should or not is so you can debate in an exam prison okay prison okay imprisonment is a form of punishment where a criminal is locked away uh in a secure guarded building for a period of time okay and you can talk about whether that’s for reform or for retribution or

For uh protection okay but why they put in prison okay are they put in prison to change their behavior reformation are they put in prison because they deserve to suffer retribution are they put in prison as a uh as a protector to make sure other people are safe protection

Okay you can talk about all those different reasons why people are in prison if there is a 12-month question about prison okay or a five-minute format it depends how it’s phrased okay uh right this one’s a very easy one okay law uh the rules are that signs not quite the same angle as

All the others uh law let’s see law that’s better okay law uh the rules a society uh asks uh demands its citizens follow not ask demands this isn’t follows the breaking of which leads to punishment okay so a country has laws a business has rules okay you follow school rules because

They do not apply to the whole country okay it is the law that everyone attends school it’s not the law that you have to have your shirt tucked in okay that’s a school rule a business gets to choose its own rules the schools are technically like well they’re

Whether you’re in business or not wherever you talk about them but you hopefully understand i mean so the law is a rule which applies to the whole country as stated by the government okay now this that signs not the same way around and it’s a nightmare that’s better mental illness now

This is not obviously meant to be an attack on anyone suffering with mental illness but this is the idea that mental illness can lead to people’s committing crimes a medical condition that changes people’s behavior and also leave them to committing crimes you can talk about it in like a very

Serious manner and i don’t mean you’d ever joke about it but like the first thing i think people think of is like a serial killer who’s a psychopath that goes off and commits you know terrible murders uh but it might be as much as someone uh with um right mental health issues who

Is causing a disturbance in public because uh they’re not in control of their own behavior or someone who has a panic attack in public and lashes out at people or someone who has a sort of ptsd who um who gets agitated around loud noises and attacks someone who’s setting a

Fireworks okay that can also be how mental illness can lead to crime okay and do we give a lesser punishment if we believe that person is afflicted with mental illness we we don’t tend to if we’re thinking in the sense of like a serial killer who’s committed all these

Crimes they’re like oh i’m a psychopath and we tend to be like well you’re going to prison forever but you know the example if i said oh that crime was committed by a soldier because he had ptsd and his neighbors were saying a fireworks and he went around and

Attacked them with a bat because he was you know in in the panic mode you might have more sympathy you might not you might be like it doesn’t matter they committed a crime doesn’t matter what caused it but some people might have more sympathy and say oh actually we

Might have a lesser punishment for that okay so don’t always think of you know mental illness as being the cause for massive crimes mental illness can be the cause of smaller crimes as well i’m not saying that to diminish i’m just saying that i think people’s first thought is often

You know to go for serial killers and stuff like that but there are smaller correct answers as well uh murder uh the intention lacks of taking life without justification okay uh unlawfully killing another person okay murder has to be intentional a murder has to be unlawful a soldier

Who is uh intentionally kills another soldier is not a murderer according to our law because he’s not against the law to do that a policeman in america who takes the life of a suspect isn’t always a murderer they only if it’s unlawful so um the killing of george floyd was ruled

An unlawful killing and therefore a murder but a policeman who shoots a criminal has a gun pointed at them that is not considered a murder even though it’s intentional because it was within the law okay so it’s an unlawful killing and unjustifiable killing um there we go uh normally uh with purpose

Okay uh now poverty another cause for crime okay poverty poverty can lead to crime because people who do not have nothing to survive may commit crimes in order to obtain that money okay the most obvious one is stealing to fight for the family but you know if you are in an area of

High poverty you may turn to selling drugs in order to make money to survive okay now this is a toughie the principle of utility i mean this is one that i don’t know how well i’ve taught principle of utility i’ve mentioned it a few times have i been slightly arrogant and

Assuming it won’t come up directly i don’t know maybe i’m worried now okay the concept of acting out the greater good okay we should lock people in prison not because they deserve it but because keeping criminals away from the rest of us is better for society it’s better to

Protect us okay um so you know if a criminal is dangerous or has mental health issues and this can be controversial but that is why you put in a 12-month question argue either side maybe you go look i don’t care if they have mental health issues i think i’m

Principal utility that person being locked in frozen thresher life is better for me okay so i think believe in principle utility all danger of criminals no matter what the cause of their crime was need to be locked in prison for the rest of their lives this might be a perfect little list that

Comes all the way forward okay uh sh oh no that sign is the wrong way around when will you learn reformation okay reformation means to change something and in this exam it’s going to mean to change someone’s behavior for the good at changing their behavior so they’re a better person sorry

Very thirsty a lot of running the person i’ve had to mark today was 22 i am not 22 i’m an old man so if you reform someone you change your behavior and you change it for the better it’s all fine arrows at me again what’s that noise oh if you’re on fire

Saw’s boss hey yeah miss me wow ow yeah i deserve that i fully deserve that i mocked a man with a bow and arrow and he hit me with said bow and arrow okay what can i say uh retribution okay the idea that uh a punishment is should

Be getting a criminal back for their crimes okay you do to them a punishment that suits what they have done either literally eye for an eye you kill the killer capital punishment or it tries to give them as much uh suffering as they cause to others very hard to sort of um decide

What that is but like someone’s robbed my house they’ve taken all my stuff i want them locked in prison for a certain amount of time because therefore they have suffered you know to a relative amount that i have suffered retribution i want them to feel pain like i have felt pain sanctity

Of life all life is sacred because it’s a gift from god you should never take life because i take a life because it’s a gift from god god created it only god can take life is a common argument against uh oh you’re the wrong man as well where

Is it death penalty common argument against the death penalty is sanctity of life okay if if all life is sacred and only god can take it how can i kill people via safety of life i need to change this sign around so it fits with the others yes i forgot what they said

Community service that was an awful moment when my brain sort of completely shut down look at that that looks that’s lovely i mean it’s very confusing imagine this was like a child’s because this you know children play this game and i know a lot of you watching our children because

You’re doing exams but you know like a 10 year old was something like oh dad i was playing minecraft and i came onto the roof of the building and it just had all these crazy words with a load of torches lining the path of them and it was all about capital punishment

You’d not let the child play the game anymore if my son came home and told me about this or showed it to me in the game i’ll be like turn that off you’re losing your mind theft okay theft the idea of taking something that is not yours without the owner’s

Consent the bible says thou shall not steal stealing is just a form of theft okay you shall not take what is not yours it’s illegal and it’s against biblical law now this is a strange one unjust law okay an unjust law is a requirement in society that many people believe to be

Unfair some people believe to be unfair i did the sign the wrong way around it doesn’t fit with the others i don’t know why i’ve got obsessed with his neatness on me i’m just law okay so um what are laws of people see i’m just at the moment many people in

America are very annoyed about the changes the supreme court seems to be making to the abortion laws and making abortions more restrictive so they might see the new abortion laws as unjust because it means that women cannot get abortions as they did before but someone might be as simple as like cannabis legalization

They might believe that cannabis should be legalized because it has benefits more benefits uh negatives downsides i don’t know what everyone say that and therefore they might believe cannabis is an unjust law and they might go and campaign against that okay uh people might campaign against laws about

Privacy campaign against laws i mean oh god uh people campaign against all the lockdown laws didn’t they they complained against all of that okay they saw them as unjust laws okay they said this is unjust i shouldn’t have to wear this mask i shouldn’t have to be

Inside my house this is an unjust law and finally this is a strange one up the ring okay now upbringing is not a strange way of saying being sick it is how you were raised okay how you were raised what do we mean by that

As in uh were you uh brought up in a way that made you more likely to commit crimes your upbringing affects what sort of person you are and therefore maybe because of your upbringing you’re more likely to commit crimes people who live in areas surrounded by crime are more

Likely to commit crimes unfortunately okay people who witness violence and domestic violence in the house unfortunately are more likely to go on to commit crimes especially violent crimes themselves okay doesn’t mean that everyone who sees violence ends up violent obviously many people escape that cycle but it is a cycle that

Does happen and it’s one worth acknowledging because they could ask a question being like um those people who commit crimes because of their upbringing ah i was trying to sneak up on him now ow right now can i tunnel through swim i don’t know why i decided i need to get him out

I don’t have much health left i really want to hurt him i’m not very good at this game am i i mean i know that my classes mock me all the time because one of those having got me how i moved in the game the other day like move wrong

Don’t move wrong i just don’t know what i’m doing where’s my sword oh no there’s my sword ah now out oh man where is who has the last laugh probably you you’ve got to shop me shoot me a lot of times okay so that will go inside the

Church itself and we’ll do all our quotes and key topics and then go through some exam questions so i shouldn’t become so easily distracted i did kill some chickens um i’m sorry i was just hungry and i wanted to eat a chicken and i needed feathers to make my books and

So i have been murdering chickens and i do feel bad about it but um i mean i also love kfc so i don’t feel that bad about it in real life i’m happy to know the chickens why should i not do it with like fictional chickens i would not kill you

Look at you your little beauty um why is that wood down there did i put that there if i did i forgot about it then i forget about lots of things right so let us oh i’ve dropped everything let’s get some spades out dig that up and start making some signs so

We’ll talk first about the topics okay for 12 markers it is very difficult in fact i think i’ll talk about 12 markers first okay and we can look at what sort of questions come with 12 markers and i’ll show what sort of sections i’m doing for the quotes because i think

This one i find this one very hard to sort of um how do i make more snow more snow i found this one very hard to sort of plan what i was going to do for the quotes on this one uh because i was like i don’t exactly know

What’s going to come what’s going to come up so i’m not exactly sure what to put on this quote list so last year or 2020 sorry uh because obviously there was an exam last year because of the whole shenanigans um it was determining people from committing crimes is the

Best aim of punishment okay now the phrasing on that one is very strange determining people from committing crimes is the best aim of punishment so that’s the idea that when we punish people the aim should be not to reform them but to stop other people committing the crimes and therefore you would want

Um the punishment the the punishments to be very strict and you want them to be very public so people know about it you might start talking about corporal punishment and being like oh yes someone agree with this they believe corporal punishment is a good aim for crime um because um

Therefore that people are less likely to to commit crimes in the first place okay and that is really a question about the aim of punishment okay the aim of punishment okay and in that you’re going to have deterrence um reformation and now violence is just written on its

Own i’m sorry violence you have to go you’re from previous video anyway and deterrence reformation and retribution okay so i mean that’s certainly a topic we can talk about okay the the aims of punishment okay now uh there’s punishment for wrecked let’s put some light on the matter where

My torch is let’s put some light on the matter oh my lord i am philly um the aims management is once again why we are punishing people okay why are we punishing people so deterrence is the idea that um we should be doing a punishment

That is done publicly that is done in a way that puts other people committing often committing the crime okay now you might argue that a good example of that is corporal punishment and when we do corporal punishment the second we’ll we’ll use this quote again but spare the rod

Spoil the child okay that’s the most famous one okay that if you um if you do a punishment that uh if you do not do a physical punishment it’s obvious you will spoil the child the child’s behavior will get worse now that is a harsh quote from the bible okay

It’s in the book of proverbs spare the rod spoil the child spare the brothers and don’t hit the shoulder enough the child will be spoiled i hate to tell you i’m not following the teachings of proverbs with my child um sorry bible i’m going for more you know naughty corner approach rather than

Hitting them with a rod but you know who am i to go against the bible i’m fine i’m not a christian so i’m going to get the bible as much as i like reformation okay we want to reform them forgive seventy times seven okay people are worthy of forgiveness god can

Forgive us we should forgive others i’m actually gonna move retribution down we can forgive others no one is beyond saving and your other argument for this is dismiss who the hell is dismissed dismiss is the criminal on the cross who jesus forgives this suggests that all criminals are

Possible to be saved and we can save them okay that we can save people by treating them well so the example of dismiss crucified next to jesus and jesus forgives dismas for his crimes okay uh and um what’s the other one had retribution okay retribution uh and that’s the most

Obvious point in the world eye for an eye okay retribution if someone uh hurts you you should hurt them eye for an eye the full quote is an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth you can do that whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed okay

The idea that if you spill someone else’s blood your blood should be spilt okay whoever sheds the blood of man by imagining his blood be shed if i kill someone i deserve to die if i cause him to bleed i deserve to please also i deserve retribution someone deserves to

Punish me in the way that i’ve hurt someone else sorry water break oh it’s a wonderful thing water it’s so tasty anyone doesn’t like water i feel very sorry for you so what’s another 12 mark then come up okay well there was a question in 2019 there is nothing wrong with sending a

Criminal to prison okay i’m actually going to do these ones here okay and that is types of of punishment okay do you see what i mean like the size of punishment is the full section but it could be and we’re going to do a separate one about uh corporal corporal punishment

And then a separate one about capital punishment you can see how complicated it all is okay because under corporate punishment i’m going to talk about prison and i’m going to talk about a community service but corporal punishment i think almost deserves its own section i i think the

Corporation might come up with quite a big question this year just have a little feeling they’re going to drop it in in quite a serious way so uh where did i put my prison section uh yeah uh so uh oh i’ve got community side community service we’ll community service first okay uh community

Service okay um so community service why should we um why is community service a good thing well it gives back to community it helps others faith that action is dead uh it’s a way of the person to have forgiveness okay uh reform them forgive 70 times seven it shows that everyone can be

Forgiven by god gives them a second chance as jesus forgave dismiss even though he was a criminal okay and if you want a direct quote about it okay as each has received a gift use it to serve service one and another another okay um so as each received a gift use it to

Service one another that it’s a good thing to help one another to service one another okay it means literally to help one another and therefore we should do that to help one another okay we should help each other as much as we can okay so uh within

Sorry guys i’m just making sure i’ve got uh that spell right yeah i have uh within that we should be like looking at uh this idea that um it’s a good punishment because we can help one another okay we can make the world a better place okay and then you can talk

About how we’re stewards as well we should be stewards and through that community service they may learn how to help the community but you could also argue it’s a form of retribution because if that person has damaged their um community um then that’s a good thing because then they

Can pay back their community okay um so that’s not a bad thing to do at all okay now prison is is a hard one okay prison is a hard one because you’re talking um most of bible quotes about prison are about helping prisoners okay and by that

I mean jesus talks about in the parable of sheep and goats to um when i was hungry you fed me when i was thirsty you gave me water when i was there’s one other that my brain has just farted on there come on but when i was in prison you came and

Visit me so most of the bible quotes are saying oh um it’s good to help prisoners okay it’s good to help prisoners so um why should we help prisoners okay so why should we send people to prison okay um so this is more difficult okay so we gotta

Think of bible quotes that’s in favor of prisons okay um and that that is more difficult so you’ve got a sort of quite generic one okay um and i i i mean i’m gonna probably put this quote under causes of crime as well and i don’t know if i would use it for

Prisons um where am i gonna put courses of crime this is what i mean about this module it gets messy okay um by gets messy i mean like i think a lot of the quotes cross over and it can be quite messy about where you put things okay so causes of crime

Because if we look at say one of the other sections all right so like i don’t know um nature families all the quotes there about nature families are about nature families and all the quotes about chastity about chastity all the quotes about abortion are about abortion but the prisoners quotes are almost about

Forgiving prisoners and helping prisoners okay um so you can use eye for eye again okay you can go like oh prisoners deserve to be in prison they’ve hurt someone else and they deserve in prison an eye for an eye okay um and apart from that it’s very difficult to find

Ones that suggest that we should send people to prison um so i’m trying to think of what i i’m going back and forth on which quotes i want to use i am going to use this one but i don’t love it okay right so let every let everyone be subject to the govern

Governing authorities authority okay this is the idea that the law the governing authorities um is in charge okay let everyone be subject to governing authorities okay um and that we should like like prisons which are run by the government we should like we should respect it’s not a great quote though and i

Kind of don’t want to put it down there and i’m just going to go for prison missionaries a prison uh ministry okay um so when i was in prison you came and visited me and i’m sorry if that’s not the best quote because it’s not really arguing in favor of prisons it’s just

Saying what we should do two prisoners are treating the prisoners which almost can be a separate section it might come up as a direct question this module is a bit of a pickley one for me i mean maybe i’m making more of a meal of it than i should do

But you could argue oh well jesus says we should visit prisoners and that suggests that their punishment is appropriate the prison is a good punishment for them but it doesn’t mean that we forget about them that we ignore them that we don’t give them sort of time that

They are not not worthy of our love okay um and then you’ve got um for the lord let me try and get this one right the lord hears the knee dee and does not despise his does not despise prison i think it might be does not despise his people or prisoners but

See i’m worried that’s not going to finish on okay for the lord here’s so i might just do for the lord and then try and do dot dot dot does not despise prisoners okay um now not this prize it’s pretty quite too long it is people who are prisoners okay the lord

Does not despise his people who are prisoners okay once again this quote suggestion that people can be prisoners but they are that while they are prisoners god does not despise them and therefore they can find reformation because god still loves them and i’m sorry they’re not perfect quotes

I’ve gone back and forth with this one and maybe if i hadn’t gone and played football i could have sat down for an hour and found a better quote and and done some better but i failed you and that’s fine because i’m not actually that’s sad about it because i’m just

Trying my hardest and failing miserably corporal punishment the idea that we use physical punishments uh to sort of uh change its behavior so spare the rod spoil spoil the child okay the idea that if you do not physically punish someone their behavior will become worse good punishment is therefore a good thing

Because it will deter them from bad behavior in the first place and then in the next instance okay um if once again if someone came into my classroom and um they didn’t do their work and i beat them over the head of the book the idea would be that they would never

Do that mistake again they would always do their work for that point onwards and everyone else in the class would follow suit do i believe that would be the case i personally do not but that was the idea my dad who grew up in the era of

Caning often as old men often do goes oh they should bring back hanging and then tells me how many times he got caned which to me doesn’t tell me caney work tell me it doesn’t work because he’s telling me that no matter how many times they came

And he still misbehave and got caned again so what was the point okay now this this is one of my favorite quotes okay a whip for the horse not hose for the horse a bright a bridle for the donkey okay so this is saying what gets these

Things to work okay a whip for the horse a bride off the donkey right and and a rod from the back of fools okay now you could just get away with saying a rod for the back of fools the bible in the book of proverbs again

Which is where you get spare the rods for the child the book of proverbs is just like a book of sort of like little bits of like wisdom from the bible there is some interesting stuff in there interesting worth a read okay i mean only feel very bored okay a rod for the

Back of fools suggests that people are foolish deserve to be hit with a stick to stop their foolishness okay and that’s what the bible’s telling you so it’s called punishment right well yeah we’ve got a quote suggesting it is right however it doesn’t go along with the ideas of forgiveness necessarily it

Doesn’t go along with the ideas of like um uh sort of loving their neighbor and stuff like that so you can always argue that it’s wrong as well i think arguing corporal punishment is wrong is very easy okay you know that there are easier punishments nowadays we should rely more on prisoner

Committee service okay like we that actually benefit society football punishment doesn’t actually help anyone however punishment could be good because the bible says a rod for the back of falls this suggests that if you want to eradicate foolish behavior you should hit that person as a point-boiling deterrent so other people don’t break

That rule as well this would make society overall a safer place to be stuff like that i don’t think that’s the worst idea capital punishment okay i love capital punishment okay in terms of i think it’s a really easy topic if this was a 12 marker i would be so happy

Especially if they didn’t put a caveat on it by caveat i mean if they didn’t put a twist on it if they just said capital punishment is always wrong and you’ve got to argue that capital punishment is wrong and right ah make my year and i’ve had a pretty weird

Year so that would make my year no matter what happened the rest of the year even if i was set on fire by strangers in the street i would still have had a good year because of this council punishment question that is a lie i would have had a bad year at that

Point but you understand the point i’m making okay this would be a great question whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shared okay we’ve had that one already all for an i tooth for a tooth okay easy peasy okay so those are your two quotes to say that

We should be killing people who kill others okay counter punishment should be a punishment for those people who committed serious enough crimes for example murder uh and that makes complete sense because they have taken life so their life should be taken oh that’ll happen there okay eye for an eye

Two three two three shows a man whoever shared the blood of man by manchester’s blood be said easy peasy easy peasy okay you can also talk about how it protects society and you do sort of clever little paragraphs being like oh the principle of utility it makes the world a better

Place because without that criminal then everyone else is safer if god is loving wild he wants his his creations to be in danger and stuff like that but our arguments against capital punishment okay now obviously we’ve got our forgiveness arguments okay it’ll be better forgive forgive seventy times seven forgiven you’ll be forgiven

Judge and you’ll be judged all that sort of stuff um it is only god’s duty to take a life so the first one sanctity of life okay easy sanctity of life all life is sacred because it’s a gift from god only god has a right to take life

So simple because you’re saying capital punishment is wrong because god isn’t taking that life now here is my favorite quote against it let he who is without sin cast the first stone jesus stops a woman being executed okay this is interesting because jesus is god on earth it is god on earth showing

Humans how to live a perfect life and given that opportunity he doesn’t execute a woman even though she committed to sin against the bible she committed adultery uh he decides to stop people executing her and said he who’s out sin cast the first stone what he’s saying to those people

Is none of you are worthy to take this woman’s life none of you are as good as god so you cannot take this woman’s life so that he is out since the first time which one of you is perfect has never made any errors only god is perfect so

None of you have the right to take this woman’s life i love that quote okay and i mean we can go for like forgive 17×7 let’s keep repeating that one okay now some of these quotes are coming up again and again and that is true in this crime

Section i think you’ll use these quotes multiple times okay i i don’t think you need to learn the greatest number of quotes there are only certain questions that could come up that are very specific that you might struggle to have a quote on okay and we’ll talk about

That in a second okay because i there are some pickles in here okay it’s a strange old module there is the potential for this to be an absolute blinder and they ask questions and i’ll be sitting there reading the paper being like yes yes yes yes yes

That was beautiful but if they phrase them in a slightly strange way also a bit mean about it i could look at this section and have a breakdown and be like that is the worst way they could have phrased it and that is why i like this module i enjoy teaching i

Find it really interesting you can have some really deep conversations but sometimes potentially the questions are going to be really difficult okay so where’s my causes of crime weren’t you okay so um let’s say the cause of crying is greed okay if the cause of crime is greed what

You’re saying if there’s a question about greed saying like uh all people uh people who commit the worst reason to commit crime is because agree these people should be punished more not the best 12 marker but it could come up okay like greed is the people who commit crimes because agreed deserve the

Harshest punishments might be that and you’d have to argue why greed is a really bad cause of crime okay bible says the love of money is the root of all eve okay evil evil okay so this is the idea that the love of money is the root of all evil so if you

Are loving money and being greedy you’re going to be led into evil that’s where you’re going to commit these evil acts that’s showing that greed is a really bad thing and we should not have sympathy for the greedy we should not be having sympathy for them we should not

Be being like oh poor derek he only avoided all his taxes uh because he was greedy oh i have so much sympathy for him he’s got the disease of greed the bible does not treat it like that the bible treats creed as a sin okay but it

Has sympathy for some of the other um uh other punishments okay what about poverty okay poverty okay what if i commit crimes because i am poor the opposite of greed i suppose in that way okay or i may become poor and steal and so this honor god ah because technically it’s not actually

Just the word god and so dishonor the name of god i mean i just was trying to fit in the box but i shouldn’t miss quote just fix it in the box okay even though they are a little bit flexible in the exam by how close you get the quotes i would still

Try and do that like this okay poverty i may become poor and steal and so dishonor the name of god okay so this is saying yes just because you’ve committed a crime because you’re poor doesn’t mean it’s a justifiable thing it’s still morally wrong if you are poor and you commit a

Crime you are dishonoring the name of god okay now you could argue that it’s not saying it’s as bad as crime committee because greed because they say greed is the root of all evil oh my i lord apologize now the rush from football is wearing off and i’m just

Becoming another tired person okay what about if you commit a crime because of addiction okay now be sober minded and watchful hard to find bible quotes about addiction because obviously like the majority of the drugs didn’t really exist they didn’t really talk about alcoholism in the same sort of ways

There it’s literally the best drink in the world it’s water with ice in it it makes it so cold it’s fantastic be sober minded and watchful okay this is the idea that the bible thinks addiction is a sin to a certain degree or is wrong certain degree because the

Bible tells us to be so reminded and watchful if i’m not sober-minded sober is the opposite of drunk sober is the opposite of like being um sort of having your brain manipulated by drugs or alcohol okay so at the moment i am sober minded there is no things in my system

Causing me to not be watchful i do not therefore commit sins because of my addiction okay the reason that muslims are against alcohol is not because of the alcohol itself is because drinking the alcohol makes you more likely to sin because you’re not in control of your own mind in the same way

If you are drinking you’re more likely to lead into sin and though i personally do drink alcohol i kind of get that vibe okay like you know people are drunk get into fights people who are drunk um cheat on their partners people who are drunk you know

Commit other crimes when they’re out and about you know the town centres are full of people committing crimes when they’re having a drink so i do kind of get the muslim idea of being like why would you take this liquid through choice which is making you more likely to sin and taking your

Focus away from god i do get that as an idea okay now we’ve done those once you’ve done all those quotes okay and the last section they might ask you about directly is forgiveness i mean if you can’t do quotes about forgiveness now you’re done forgive seventy times seven ah not eight

You have 70 times seven oh more signs forgive and you will be forgiven judge and you’ll be judged is the full quote okay um forgive us our tr trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against trespass against us okay all reasons why we should forgive and we should give lots

And lots and lots however should we keep forgiving no eye for an eye where’s life and i down there sometimes people need to be paid back for what they have done you cannot just keep forgiving them and invent them but chris answers yes you can can we forgive everyone yes don’t

Forget jesus forgives those who are crucifying him forgive them father they know not what they do uh was there any other quotes oh yeah there was one other one to throw where can i throw that one in um oh against retribution so why is retribution a bad thing as well it says

Eye for an eye don’t forget jesus actually argues against eye for night he says you’ve heard it said a knife and i tooth for tooth but i tell you if a man slaps you across a cheek turn the other cheek okay now he says it a

Longer way but for purposes of the exam in the bible it says turn the other cheek you will get full credit for that that suggests that we should not respond to violence with violence we should not respond to an eye for an eye anymore okay knife and i was the the old

Testament and jesus is saying no we no longer do that you can turn the other cheek and you can treat that person with love okay i think that’s a hard selection of quotes okay but what you can take out is you know the forgiveness ones don’t learn any new

Forgiveness ones if you don’t have to okay if you don’t know any forgiveness quotes yet obviously pick a couple i would obviously no eye for an eye i hope you’ll know your wife and i already okay if you know wife and i you probably don’t need whoever sheds about the blood

Of man by manchester’s bloody shed that’s a good one if you go for grade nine but if you’re not i wouldn’t worry about that one love of money is the root of all evil useful one if it’s any question about the causes of crime okay spare the rod spoil the child nice and

Short that is six words i don’t that’s a hard one to learn okay i do think as each has a gear has received a gift use it in the service or another i think that’s a hard quote to learn okay uh when i was in prison you came and

Visited me i don’t think that’s a hard quote to learn and it’s got the word prison in it okay i’m sure you can manipulate the one for the right answer okay so let’s talk about 12 markers how long has this video been going on 50 minutes okay let’s do one twelve

Marker i’ve done as quickly as i can i’ve not got distracted apart from when i fought that man with a bow and arrow which was silly of me uh where is it where’s my book okay so oh do i delete all these writing so i can just write it myself does that button

Delete it all oh what does that do yes let’s clear the book excellent what does that be oh that has more pages excellent right i like this a lot what does that do i don’t know right so the last five years worth of questions okay the question in 2020 for the it was

Done in the november paper so if you weren’t happy with your mark in the 2020 like grades then you could go and do it because obviously there weren’t proper exams in 2020 i think that’s very hard for the people in 2020 not coming for example i don’t

Have a better word for okay so deterrence okay was the question that that year okay not a bad question there’s only one team deterrence got to remember that and there’s two hours i can’t remember that as well um then the next year 20 well the year before 2019 okay it was about prison

Okay sending a criminal to prison year before that it was death penalty okay then the two questions that have never been used which are on the website still okay reformation is the is the best aim of punishment and corporal punishment can never never be justified

Okay so i don’t think it’s going to be any of these directly okay i don’t think it’s going to be any of these directly and senior 2019 was about prison i don’t know if it’s going to be about a type of punishment so my theory might be that it’s about the treatment of

Criminals okay now i know i haven’t talked about that directly on the board then that’s because i was planning to do this here okay about the treatment of criminals how we should treat criminals okay um now how they’re going to phrase this question is quite interesting and isn’t

One i’ve i’ve necessarily got the best idea about i’m actually going to go and see if my favorite exam resources have got their guesses what they’ve guessed uh god in revelation i know they didn’t do this one of their practice questions so that’s why um so that’s interesting uh

Let’s load up some old papers and see if we can see the phrasing on the 12 markers exactly um i don’t know how they’re going to phrase it and this is annoying me i probably should have written a question down beforehand been said i went and kicked a football around the field

Because i haven’t got my priorities in order Could be oh i wouldn’t like it to be a hate crime question but it could be a hate crime question all right is that oh that’s the wrong section okay we’ll do a treatment of criminals question and i’ll just try and phrase it the best way i can so maybe the example

Or um phrase it like this um uh everyone has a duty to uh help prisoners as simple as that okay or to care for the needs of prisoners okay so this is a question about the treatment of prisoners okay and the idea that everyone should care for them okay now

The question might be the opposite way around it might be like something about like we don’t need to play for prisoners what i would recommend to break down this question is to basically try and break it down into an argument about reformation versus retribution okay so what about the treatment of criminals

Don’t think about the actual treatment of criminals okay now you may have been taught saying good about the treatment of criminals in class like a group like the christian fellowship so the prison fellowship who are christians who go out and help people and it’ll be great to

Mention that you’ve got the quote but i would be trying to focus on trying to twist it slightly to make it a reformation versus retribution question or retribution versus deterrence question because you already know those things and it’s quite an easy way of sort of twisting the lines you already

Have for this question okay so everyone has a duty to care for the needs of prisoners so once again uh some christians would agree agreed with this statement help someone stop as they follow the teachings of oif of ah not jesus jesus in the parable of the sheep and the goats

Oh my lord my spelling today and the goats okay in this he says when i was in prison you visited me okay now we’re gonna make sure that the examiner knows we know that’s not a literal thing that jesus is saying okay uh so by this

Jesus means that it is a good deed and a route to heaven don’t forget everything that he says in the parables human goes he is saying do this and this is the route to heaven okay uh to uh for prisoners they uh this is because they are still god’s creation and should be

Treated as such okay so then let’s link it back to the question which i don’t always want to do properly in these practice ones i do with you guys this shows that all people should care for the needs of prisoners okay so first paragraph i’m pretty happy with

That i’ve just given a good strong christian argument before i should care for prisoners okay now i’ve got to say that’s more difficult now i’ve got to argue that we shouldn’t care for prisoners okay uh when we’ve got quite a lot of quotes to say that we have okay but

Here we go we’re going to sort of argue that they don’t deserve it because of the crimes they’ve committed which is easy if we focus on retribution which sort of is linked to that okay so on the on the other other hand some christians might disagree with oh my lord with this as

Oh my lord they may suggest that certain prisoners deserve the harsh punishment what is all that noise i’m on the wrong page of the book uh the harsh punishment they deserve they may see this as retribution for the crimes that and and this may suggest the prisoners deserve to suffer as they have

Paused suffering to others okay not bad okay they’ve got something to others i’ve got eye for an eye in there you know wife and i doesn’t perfectly work if at first thought you’re not going to go treating a prisoner’s eye for an eye but i know the quote anyway

I’ve slightly manipulated the question to get it in there in what i would consider when i’m marking a perfectly good way i go oh yeah that is addressing the question okay now let’s make sure just in case i’m not sure i’ve addressed the question let’s aim this paragraph back at the question okay

This shows that not all frizziness should be treated just making sure i’m asking the question okay so if you care for all prisoners i’m saying ah and all prisoners not all prisoners need to be treated okay okay however however uh oh my lord okay some christians may argue

That this is a weak uh a weak point and i’d honestly argue twice okay okay so chris margaret this are weak points okay uh jesus himself suggests that uh an i for an i is no longer as important as he tells his followers to turn the other cheek uh these christians may argue

That no prisoner is beyond saving or helping as the bible teaches to forgive set 70 times seven how do i go from six to eight six again seven times okay uh do the other quote mark in your head okay um so these christians may argue that no prisoners beyond saving as the bible

Teaches forgive sometimes sometimes jesus himself forgave a criminal on the cross business okay this would uh suggest to many christians they should care for criminals as uh they are uh worthy of love and can still obtain for carefulness prefix okay happy with that okay i’m still arguing on the question

I’m making decent backing point arguments to apologize about that noises i’ve sort of coughed up so the running around has moved the oldness in my lungs okay so i’ve got christian arguments for and against now i think i’m going to go non-religious my last argument okay because i’m finding

It difficult in my head necessarily in the exam to come up with a decent reason why i shouldn’t care for coming from a christian point of view and then you know man the bible’s all sort of love and love and love and yes i’ve used eye

For an eye and i could start talking about spare the rod spoiler child and talk about those are criminals true and two when we shouldn’t care of them um you know because if we care then we spoil the child and we should use it as a deterrent okay but i think i’m going

Non-religious because i can go non-religious i’m perfectly careful i’ve got three religious paragraphs okay um on the other hand some non-religious religious believers uh may may uh say that criminals should not be treated with care but given harsh punishments okay now i’ve talked about retribution

In eye for an eye and i’ve talked about reformation we’re giving forgiveness let me speak specifically about deterrence okay this is because uh their punishment should act as a act as a deterrent supposed to write that time to others so they do not commit the same crimes this would make this would

Make the world a more peaceful place uh and and there is less time and suffering for innocent people okay um therefore let’s link to the question therefore we should uh not care for prisoners as their suffering can be a lesson to others harsh okay i’m being very cruel in that

One don’t say i agree with that i’m just putting up a paragraph in because i need to answer this question once again you’re not actually don’t care if you agree with it okay and don’t get like emotionally invested in it i know that seems hard because you know in real life

It’s nice to care about things if you end up arguing against your own point of view and you think actually i don’t think capital punishment is a good thing but you’ve just got good arguments just put them down put down good arguments answer the question first the examiner doesn’t care what your opinion

Is examiner isn’t going to be convinced by your argument you’re never going to write an argument so good that examiner goes oh my god yes i now truly am against the death penalty because this person has answered this question so correctly okay they are looking for key words they’re looking for quotes they’re

Looking to give you marks they are marking these quickly they are doing it accurately their job is to get these marks quickly so you can get them back in august there are hundreds of thousands of exam papers in the mark and there are not that many people doing it so they are going

Through them quickly don’t try and convince me arguments don’t get too involved put down logical arguments make sure it’s clear with clear paragraph breaks okay as a person marking it and go oh look this person has got i can see quotes in it because i can see quotation marks

This person has got sources they’ve said in the bible it says i haven’t actually said the bible that says very much on this one i should have done that more but it’s poor from me okay they’ve but they’ve got nice paragraph breaks they’ve got key terms okay i can spot

The word deterrence in there i can see the word jesus in there oh i’ve seen parable of the sheep and the goats in there these are all good things i can take this off as a 12 out of 12 straight away okay overall i believe

That it is a duty of all people to care for prisoners okay this is because if we wish for them to be released and reformed we should treat them with respect so hopefully they treat others with respect this follows the bible teaching treat other people how you wish to be treated okay um

This quote should apply to prisoners as much as anyone else and therefore i must agree with the statements okay now that’s uh i mean he’s lucky that i can pull that quote out i haven’t put that quote anywhere on the things but you should all know that quote okay and i

Could have busted love their neighbour at that point there was nothing against me writing a love line but i thought i just thrown three other people out you should be treated okay five paragraphs with a conclusion once again oh the pages i forget that every time panic’s been i think something’s coming

Into the alps okay that is a pretty decent 12 mark okay now if there are only 12 markers you wish me to do if you’re like oh i i don’t get this i don’t understand this please put it in comments to this video any of the other videos and tomorrow

Night i will try and do uh either one final video or one final live stream answering final questions we did it for the last video it seemed to help people okay i will do one final quick tips and sort of keys ones um the the little tip i was going to give

That i maybe didn’t make as clear when i was on the roof and it’s like no matter what the question there’s normally a way of shuffling it into being an argument between like reformation and retribution or like into one of the aims and punishment questions okay so if it’s a

Question that directly about these aims of punishment you can obviously answer it okay but if it’s a question about capital punishment okay well turn that into a question between capital punishment and its retribution and corporal punishment and sorry capitalism is retribution uh but non-capital punishment prison can be seen as reformation so

Even though it’s a character punishment question you’re really arguing should we have retribution against a person or should we have reformation for the person should we let them try and reform be a bad person or should we do to them what they’ve done to someone else okay if there’s a

Question about community service you can make that a reformation versus retribution question okay is community service the best name of punishment oh well yes it is because it teaches reformation it lets them to be a better person and so they can change the life and it forgives 17 times 7

Jesus is able to forgive people reformation is better in punishment because it makes the world a more peaceful place okay forgive them father they know not what they do okay is community service the best same punishment no it’s not retribution if they’ve done something seriously wrong they deserve to be punished strictly for

It the bible says an eye for an eye okay spare the rod spoil the child okay community service is not a strict enough punishment because it does not punish them harshly enough we should not worry about reforming them but by making the world a more just place by aiming for

Retribution okay is prison a good punishment okay yes because it allows a reformation blah blah blah blah blah saying you said before ah yes because it can lay for retribution but certain criminals prison wouldn’t be harsh enough for for example a murderer should actually have capital punishment because

The bible says an eye for an eye however on the other hand some murderers won’t deserve reformation and change their life around jesus you get the picture okay you can turn a lot of these questions into reformation versus retribution okay um so i that is sort of like a tip

Now is that perfect no not by any stretch of imagination okay obviously something might come up like the treatment of criminals present the question that that is more difficult to turn into retribution versus reformation i think even on that one i managed to get those two ideas in there okay so

That is my little sort of tip if in doubt look at the 12 marker and think right can i change this can i phrase it in a way so i can make it reformation versus retribution which are the two sort of opposites they often argue against okay once again any questions

Throw them into the comments and i will try and answer them in a future video uh i will hopefully live stream or do that on wednesday night if it’s a live stream i would guess it would be around eight o’clock at night and that’s only if i

Can work out how to send this map to my laptop because i i’ll be on a laptop in all likelihood doing that that is the plan anyway uh otherwise it’ll be a recorded video and that might come out a little bit later but once again ask as

Many questions as you want in the comments i do not mind trying to answer them if i don’t have an answer i can put a video i will just respond to you in the comments with an answer and try and give you some advice so do not worry

About bothering me this is literally my job good luck

This video, titled ‘GCSE RE – Theme E Quotes and Key Words – While building a Minecraft church’, was uploaded by Mr Minton Revision on 2022-05-24 22:29:34. It has garnered 518 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:27 or 4287 seconds.

This video gives you Theme E Key words and key quotes and practice questions for GCSE RE while I try and build a church in Minecraft

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    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Fans Unite Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! While watching the “Craftolution – Rap für Minecraft Fans” video, you can feel the sense of community and creativity that the players on Craftolution experience. If you want to be part of a server where you can build, explore, and connect with others in a safe and friendly environment, then Minewind is the place for you. With features like Survival, Freebuild, and a PvP-free environment, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lackin’ Iron Pickaxe

    Why did the Iron Deficiency Pickaxe go to therapy? Because it couldn’t handle all the pressure of mining for diamonds! Read More

  • Crafty Grill, Minecraft Thrill

    Crafty Grill, Minecraft Thrill In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and news are like a gamer’s dream. I’ll craft my rhymes with a playful spin, And share the latest, let the fun begin. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. So let’s dive in, with a rhyme in hand, And explore the world, of blocks and sand. This grill is not a home, as the lyrics say, But in Minecraft, we’ll… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥😂

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥😂 When you accidentally unleash the Wither Storm in Minecraft and suddenly regret not building that extra layer of protection around your house 😈 #minecraftproblems #shouldhavelistenedtomycreeperneighbor Read More

  • Malayalam Minecraft Oneblock: New Beginnings

    Malayalam Minecraft Oneblock: New Beginnings Minecraft Oneblock Malayalam Gameplay: A New Adventure Begins! Join Ravenger DD Gaming on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with their OneBlock series. The video kicks off with a brief intro at 00:01, setting the stage for the adventure that awaits. Exploring the OneBlock World As the video officially starts at 0:35, viewers are immersed in the captivating world of Minecraft. Ravenger DD Gaming navigates through the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the OneBlock gameplay, showcasing their skills and creativity. Timelapse Fun At 7:20, a timelapse adds a dynamic element to the gameplay, compressing time and… Read More

  • Experience Next-Level Realism on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Next-Level Realism on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we’re excited to share with you the top 3 *NEW* Ultra Realistic Shaders for Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81+ (Android, iOS & Windows 10). While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, we believe that joining Minewind can enhance your Minecraft experience even further. These shaders showcased in the video are truly amazing and can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine exploring a world that looks incredibly realistic and stunning, with enhanced graphics and visual effects. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, joining Minewind Minecraft Server can provide you… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update! Mob Portal Review

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update! Mob Portal Review Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates: Snapshot 24w21a As Minecraft enthusiasts eagerly await the pre-release of version 1.21, developers continue to refine and enhance the upcoming update. The recent snapshots, including 24w19a, 24w19b, 24w20a, and the latest 24w21a and b, offer a glimpse into the upcoming “Cunning Trials” update of version 1.21. Let’s dive into the exciting new features added in these snapshots. Snapshot 24w19a: Sound Updates and Enchantments In this snapshot, developers revamped the sound effects for toggling copper lamps, aiming for a more cohesive audio experience. Additionally, they reintroduced the ability to enchant the “Flame” enchantment on tridents,… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Bedwars – Join NOW! #livebattle

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Bedwars - Join NOW! #livebattleVideo Information हैकर ब ब फिर नेट गया तो तो फिर प्रॉब्लम है फिर गीगाबाइट ये सब कम करूंगा मैं लसी दे कोई डिस्टर्ब ना करे हा डिस्टर्ब करने वाले का ब कटना चाहिए गला और अच्छी सेटिंग कर लू क्या मैं इसकी ग्राफिक्स की अटेड सब कुछ व तो खेता एडवांस में भाई मैंने आ चीज लोलो रखी हुई है देखते हैं इससे क्या चेंस आते हैं ट्स अन वेलकम जी तुम बहुत बड़े नहीं हो यार मैं तुम्हारी फोटो चार बार देख चुका यार सही बताओ ना तो हमसे ही बड़े लग रहे हो सच में झूठ नहीं… Read More

  • Surviving Inside an Active Volcano ft. JeromeASF

    Surviving Inside an Active Volcano ft. JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up Jerome Your Love with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream we are back in the middle of the volcano now this is a series we had going on now we’re on episode like four maybe or something like that uh We’ve accomplished a good amount still a lot more to go uh but where I personally left off was I was looking at the create line and I actually almost finished it up in a single live stream which is pretty nuts uh but I’m stuck on three two… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Blow Up Friend’s House! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Blow Up Friend's House! #shortsVideo Information sh and This video, titled ‘How To Blow Your Friend’s House in Minecraft🤣 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-04-30 16:00:47. It has garnered 82830 views and 4320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • MilkLusion Finale: Ultimate Betrayal?!

    MilkLusion Finale: Ultimate Betrayal?!Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐮 // The Movie // Series Finale (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by MilkLusion on 2024-01-10 07:11:23. It has garnered 1917 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:00 or 7260 seconds. This channel is partnered with Bisect Hosting! When purchasing your first ever server, get 25% off with your first month’s payment using code MilkLusionYT when buying ___________________ 🔻Socials/Links🔻 ▶🔗 2nd channel: ▶🔗 Twitter: ▶🔗 Twitch: ▶🔗 Discord Server: ▶🔗 Instagram: _________________________ 🔻Cast in this episode🔻 MilkLusion as Milk Dahntay_ as Dahntay MrSlimey5000 as Terry… Read More

  • Adadawshma’s Crazy Progression Adventure in Minecraft #8

    Adadawshma's Crazy Progression Adventure in Minecraft #8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MAIS je dois faire TOUS les PROGRES #8.’, was uploaded by Adadawshma on 2024-02-23 16:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack: Portal to Monster High!

    Insane Minecraft Hack: Portal to Monster High!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make a portal to monster high in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dr jee gamer on 2024-04-02 14:11:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft 2024

    INSANE New 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-17 07:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • Sizzling Sunday Gaming With Subscribers 🔥

    Sizzling Sunday Gaming With Subscribers 🔥Video Information probando especial probando [Música] especial Te quiero comer te quiero chingar vamos al celular no va a pasar nadao vamos a coronar ah Hola hola hola probando probando B Hola hola yes yes yes Oh Yes s s eso eso S yes yes probando B probando B probando mi nos gabri dice hola hola x estoy jugando cont no detectan Gabriel dice y el counter no detecta la fucking el fucking el no detecta tu Estoy jugando ahorita cómo le bajo el volumen al sonido tiene música con c mano no hay mano no hay volumen del juego… Read More

  • Embark on a Nostalgic Journey with this Piano Minecraft Music!

    Embark on a Nostalgic Journey with this Piano Minecraft Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘This music is way too nostalgic #piano #minecraft’, was uploaded by vectorDelta_music on 2024-02-25 23:02:24. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Alathra: New Frontiers – Semi-Vanilla, Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay, 1.20+

    Alathra: New Frontiers Alathra: New Frontiers A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server. Server IP: About Alathra Alathra is a top world building server where players can create their own stories. Join towns, start nations, master trade, or live a solitary life on a mountain. Key Features: Towny: Create your own towns or join existing ones to build and store items safely. Lore, RP & Worldbuilding: Dive into captivating lore, RP, and geopolitics to create your own unique story. Custom World: Explore a custom map with various biomes, continents, and landmarks. Custom Plugins: Enjoy unique features like lockpicking, custom war… Read More

  • ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ (1.20+)ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ ✯ ᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ ✯ ɢᴀᴄʜᴀ

    ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ (1.20+)ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ ✯ ᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ ✯ ɢᴀᴄʜᴀ Read More

  • Boundless Battlegrounds

    Welcome to Boundless Battlegrounds: Where Adventure Awaits!Are you ready to embark on an epic journey in a world filled with endless possibilities? Join us on Boundless Battlegroundsthe ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity and skills are put to the test. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone.Why Choose Boundless Battlegrounds?🌟 Unique Boss Battles: Challenge powerful bosses designed to test your strength and strategy. Each boss comes with unique abilities and epic loot!🏰 Custom Builds: Explore our stunning custom-built landscapes and structures. From majestic castles to hidden dungeons, there’s always something new… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t strip mine, but I hear from those who do.

    I guess you could say those strip miners are really digging deep for the diamonds! Read More

  • Spicy Strips: Minecraft’s Nutritious Twist!

    Spicy Strips: Minecraft's Nutritious Twist! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a delightful dream. With animations that sparkle, and humor that shines, Each video a treasure, a true gold mine. Spicy strips, the most nutritious treat? In Minecraft Cube Xuan, it’s a tasty feat. Join the fun, subscribe today, For MC adventures in a playful way. From classroom series to song adaptation, Fangkuaixuan’s content brings elation. So come along, join the ride, In the world of Minecraft, where joy resides. Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Prank on my BFF! 🔥😂” #shorts #trending #viral

    "Hot Minecraft Prank on my BFF! 🔥😂" #shorts #trending #viral When your friend starts questioning if you’re actually friends or just using them for content… #fakefriendalert #lyricsprankfail 😂🎶 Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome to! Are you a Minecraft player looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! We have a fantastic server recommendation for you – Minewind. While watching a video on how to enable coordinates in Minecraft, you may have realized the importance of having a great community to play with. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us on Minewind server today and explore a world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The IP… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft: 101% Success

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft: 101% Success Unleashing the Power of the Wither Storm in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? The Wither Storm is a formidable foe that can bring a new level of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. In this guide, we will show you how to summon the mighty Wither Storm in Minecraft without the need for any mods. Get ready to face this powerful creature and test your skills in the world of Minecraft! Summoning the Wither Storm Summoning the Wither Storm is no easy task, but with the right knowledge, you can bring… Read More

  • Shocking murder mystery in Minecraft! Find out who killed JJ and Mikey!!

    Shocking murder mystery in Minecraft! Find out who killed JJ and Mikey!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who Murdered JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-01 14:15:02. It has garnered 3472 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:53 or 2273 seconds. Who Murdered JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • MAMAMAEMAMI’s Epic Phase Connect Adventure

    MAMAMAEMAMI's Epic Phase Connect AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Phase Wars 2 ] DAY 3: Minecraft || MAMAMAMAEMI POV [ Phase-Connect ]’, was uploaded by Tenma Ch. マエミ 天満 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-04-29 01:33:29. It has garnered 13393 views and 1124 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:13 or 19033 seconds. ・【 Thumbnail Credits 】・Rie my beloved ・【 Donation Page 】・( If you want !! ) ・【 PHASE-SHOP 】・ ・【 Games tracker 】・ ・【 Social Media 】・ Youtube : Twitter : Twitch: Marshmallow : Discord: Subreddit: TikTok: Twitch Archive : ・【… Read More

  • Xtreme HOBBS takes Minecraft to the next level!

    Xtreme HOBBS takes Minecraft to the next level!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Live ON| EXtreme HOBBS’, was uploaded by EXtreme HOBBS on 2024-05-11 09:19:36. It has garnered 60 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:05 or 13385 seconds. 𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 🅻🅸🅺🅴 🆂🅷🅰🆁🅴 & 🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 Discord Ask me :: Gaming Hashtags :: #SquadGoals #PUBGMobileSquad #pubgmobile #pubgm #storymode #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftworld #gamingvideos #livestream #livestreaming #storymodgames #new #livegaming #explore #gaming #suggestions #livegamer #subscribe Read More

  • Insane new custom creepers in Minecraft

    Insane new custom creepers in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But There’s CUSTOM CREEPERS!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-04-12 15:00:41. It has garnered 217078 views and 4840 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:19 or 979 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • “PRANJAL INDIAN GAMER: Top secret trick to create epic smiley in Minecraft!” #gaming #trending

    "PRANJAL INDIAN GAMER: Top secret trick to create epic smiley in Minecraft!" #gaming #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a smiley face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by PRANJAL INDIAN GAMER on 2024-01-31 12:30:02. It has garnered 2446 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. how to build a smiley face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #gaming #viral how to build a face with eyebrows in minecraft how to build funtime freddy in minecraft minecraft how to breed pandas in minecraft how to build a face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #viral #gaming how to… Read More

  • Insane Nether Adventure Continues – Minecraft Part 2

    Insane Nether Adventure Continues - Minecraft Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE NETHER – Minecraft Survival Part 2’, was uploaded by Still in Progress on 2024-02-04 23:17:23. It has garnered 111 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:01 or 11101 seconds. PROGRESSCRAFT MINECRAFT YES Read More

  • ECKOSOLDIER reacts to INSANE NEW Minecraft paintings!

    ECKOSOLDIER reacts to INSANE NEW Minecraft paintings!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang Added 20 BRAND NEW Paintings to Minecraft! [1.21 Update]’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-04-30 17:36:41. It has garnered 24484 views and 1416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:07 or 487 seconds. Did you know that the new 20 paintings update in Minecraft version 1.21 adds over 50 unique artwork designs to decorate your virtual world? ✅Become a ECKODILE: HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Twitch: ► Discord: ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Book Me! Read more:… Read More