Surviving Inside an Active Volcano ft. JeromeASF

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hello hello everybody what is up Jerome Your Love with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream we are back in the middle of the volcano now this is a series we had going on now we’re on episode like four maybe or something like that uh We’ve accomplished a good amount still a lot more to go uh but where I personally left off was I was looking at the create line and I actually almost finished it up in a single live stream which is pretty nuts uh but I’m stuck on three two or three Quest let me see I have one two it’s three quests here that luckily enough I think Cappy will be able to help me out with because he’s kind of the guru of all things create mod yeah yeah and then after this at the very end the next segment we’re going to be doing a Lucky Block money hunt a classic Mini game that we haven’t done on the channel or haven’t done on a live stream in a minute I feel like it’s been it’s been a solid minute so that’ll be fun to bring back otherwise hope you guys are all having a fantastic day everybody welcome good to see you all in the game all right uh so Cappy do you mind giving me a hand here quick buddy so taking a look at create mod we could there’s three different ones we can work on but for now let’s work on this thing called a blaze burner The Blaze burner ah yes okay so the blaze burner first you need to make an empty Blaze burner do we have Netherrack um yeah I should if if not I can make you some it’s not the it’s annoying to make a lot of but I can make you at least some okay so okay I’m assume you just have an Engineers Hammer somewhere uh yes I might have there we go I have the engineer Hammer okay and you need me to get uh what what kind of plates again iron plates okay iron plates yes yeah I had 57 Netherrack in the machine already so and then iron I might need to smelt up some iron what do I do to the raw iron again to make it so we double our output you hit it with a hammer what kind no give it to me no give it to me no it’s might be right okay I give to you I give to you uh where hey almost quad hello uh nine here you can just uh take this for now for traes nice thank you okay so now I got to work on the plate oh is it just an even one for one nice all right cool so cap I have most of the stuff I think then to make a bla an empty Blaze burner so we got that part yes now comes the difficult part oh boy is we have to find a blaze and we have to right click it with that to trap the blaze in there oh okay good luck I haven’t seen any blazes so do uh can we can we go to the nether I’ve not even have we tried that yet have we gone to the nether I don’t think we we’ve even tried going to the nether watch it’s a it’s just a lake it’s just all water in the nether instead I mean the opposite there’s there’s water blazes there a water blaz should we make iron armor at least like just why would we ever do something silly like that know you got if you go to the nether in this you might have to get the blaze a different way um I don’t know is there a another cave well we can because most of the uh there’s a blaze cake but there’s not a another cake I think um kind of like how we could craft up to Netherrack I think you have to do something to make it so that blazes can spawn in certain areas nah all right C let’s get some obsidian also congrats to biggy biggy boss he got a job he said yeah biggy biggy boss let’s go I am looking to see if there’s any like specific dirt like the Bountiful dirt but it doesn’t look like it you ready we’re going I’m going to make some iron armor for myself I just expected someone like you to be little more Brave as all we’re going to the nether man let’s go um if it works who knows good luck guys thank you wait can I okay cat yes make sure to get some are you going to try and do it uh smart person ways well that was the idea whether or not that actually works out you know another entirely smart people away what the heck what the heck why it’s slabs Jerry you can’t put water on slabs it’s it becomes like water log slabs in 119 oh so it like puts it in the block oh dang okay okay I see what you’re saying so what you need to do is you need to build up up a little bit and then like let the waterfall like over here place the water over here what they prevent you from doing it here oh if you guys are trying to water log the lava yeah you you can’t can’t do that this Vol is too hot what put the water down oh well not like that cap yeah that entire area is also built with slabs so if you’re trying to do no you just can’t make obsidian in the traditional way is what we’re finding out no got to go through the mods for that one how do I reach these kids C let’s see how we get obsidian then uh we don’t guys you can do it through XO it says through barrels if you can manage to get lava in one of those with water on top that’ll make a singular obsidian but you can’t do it like just the source blocks that are here it has to be in something oh that that should just take time then yeah not too much time Will’s already set up a system that’s giving you guys lava we want Wily oh my goodness Willie we do we do oh right here cap is a stone Barrel can I just oh cap word look there easy uh future reference just click through all of the crafting stuff until you see one that’s easy easy c cap I tried to tell you it wouldn’t work but you know oh my God there you Goering water we need to bring some more buckets of lava over cuz this R out slurp yeah you put it in that little tank right there yeah I got all right uh last one I think all right that’s 10 so we got 10 p pieces Colin said just a warning this is just a void with the occasional uh Fortress okay so but we this is the right thing to do yeah this is the right thing to do but we’re going to need building blocks we’re going to need uh that’s pretty much it just take all the Cobblestone you guys need and turn it into slabs yeah yeah I’m going to use full Cobblestone blocks and be annoying oh actually wait slabs will make it so they don’t spawn right like bad guys yeah so we probably want that then hypothetically yeah hypothetic my favorite Greek philosopher hypothetically flint and steel we do have a flint and steel two electrolytic separators that’s fun I like what you’re doing over there Steve I don’t really know what it is but I like it oh it’s a lot all right oh wait before I go in I go to get some steak I could probably use a uh Shield too also there is no point to me bringing this Blaze burner with me all I can oh wait no I have to right clicking on them you’re right you have to right click right never mind never mind the very thing that we were setting out to do in the nether right right the poison for Cusco right um would the builders want make it so we could actually place that really quick actually uh it won’t stack ahead of us it only Stacks like it builds like out so you can make a platform quickly with it but you can’t make a bridge with it quickly yeah killer Nation what’s up dude he said I’m back sadly I’ll not be able to help oh what’s going on you’re not around Friday I’m sorry buddy don’t worry you will be missed oh wait you go first I don’t like the sign of that you go first what the where where are you sending me it’s just two people trying to build a platform could get kind of crowded um I guess cap I’ll go this way you go that way yeah sounds good to me pure Zeus said he’s pretty sure my thing was in my bobbles no I don’t I don’t know where it went to I like literally haven’t seen it yeah I don’t know where it went to which thing my portable interface I like lost it beginning of last episode and then I just never looked back oh um people don’t trust me with good things well you might have died and just not re-equipped it or you did and you just do you have a highkey set up to it I did I did yeah cap cap I see something already cap I see a nether fortress already um I don’t actually see it so I did something called cheating but without cheating uh one of the awesome fans I want to give credit to oh Jesus thank Willie for recommending that I just hit M and you hit M look at how much bigger of a space you could see and I could literally make out in the corner there you see what I’m saying oh yeah nice Lance said why am I not using slabs because we have 15,000 Cobblestone so I’m not I’m not playing your games don’t worry I was using I thought you were going to use slabs so that you didn’t spawn things behind you yeah you thought okay yep yep there’s a mob right there you did Kronos with a $75 stream tip start us off strong said Does this answer your question Zachary what did Zachary say what does Zachary say I don’t even see where Zachary’s messages that must have been brewing for a bit that must have been a bruin uh all right well here we go then Mr Kronos the first one now for the last like I don’t even know two weeks of streams whatever we do this we’ve been getting destroyed and it’s been terrible please start me off with a low one please please just one for one in my life oh my God a 10 it’s a heavy one it’s not a 12 but dude that’s crazy I’ve just been not having any luck dude incoming fake everyone remember it’s fake it’s all fake it’s not real it’s not real y y rigged hot sauce yum yum that’s oh my goodness ridiculous how dare you bring the Gizzy speak in here cabby I’m going to try and capacity here also I love that word for a hot dog I had no idea that was like an actual thing before yeah gas station Gizzy dude I’ve never oh my God no I can’t believe that no literally up until that whole like meme became a thing no that’s totally a thing all right here we go hot sauce number 10 for those saying it’s not hot you’re ridiculous human beings that is Ghost Pepper Scorpio pepper Carolina Reaper pepper and caps extract number one is dangerous hot it’s it’s bad newspay there it is really is like unbelievably hot yeah D it’s not right that sauce a no right that’s not how you’re supposed to start use it off oh my god oh cheriyaki is here they’re a big fan so you know what we’re going to go ahead and make them a moderator around here they’ve been around for so long supportive and everything we’re going we’re going to go make them a mod quick Kronos a $30 stream no cppy Floppy Fish Bob cppy for calling a hot dog that word I got the hiccups cap you’re so dead dude H did you survive it is it over yeah I’m good I think I’m good how did you survive I can’t stop my thingies clutched I cannot stop that’s a second round there Luke I saw that oops all right and then we got Kronos cron Samantha with $30 said it’s always where Luke the intern it’s always wears luk the intern never how Luke the intern that’s fair that’s true slby fish bomb Steve no no no no oh my goodness that sent me right off the edge I was in a crafting menu Jerry I forgot we named him Don Yap Jerry look at all those mobs oh my dude that literally shot me right off the edge Ryan’s Billingsley with a $20 stream tip said what do you get if you cross a bike and a rose I don’t know bicycle pedals wow Ryan Billingsley my tongue is on fire I just got rid of the hiccups finally that’s luckily do you guys not get the hiccups when you eat something hot oh God no no but I do usually get the hiccups like if I drink a Doctor Pepper I usually get knowledge of death actually cat being I didn’t do slabs luckily enough uh Your Grave spawned on this oh dope go what they’ve been spawning on slabs that’s what my entire platform is that you keep jutting people off of it’s made out of slabs okay just let me feel good about something please I don’t have a lot okay hey we don’t do fun times here there’s like a magma chicken a lava chicken kind of want to can I pick you up nope Oh by Drome yeah I died but I I actually saw my grav on so oh that’s good let’s see that is good Cher’s like why am I mod Again Luke when did you do this cat there’s a blaze chicken yeah I know right I just can’t pick him up do we have any like how do we pick them up I think we need one of the Nets from uh lava chicken there’s a blaze chicken not to be confused with a lava chicken cat this one’s my favorite though says Blaze chicken lava chicken another lava chicken do you feel Bonita yes good shift right click the chicken I just tried that Miguel it didn’t work for some reason maybe cuz he was made of lava C this is going horribly wrong by the way yep I noticed parkour parkour good luck buddy all you need to do is grab one of the blazes Jerry you got it I got him now run I got him and then I died okay so now we do the extraction part yep extraction time C I’m [Music] good I’m a ghost thanks again Kronos my mouth is on fire and it’s all your fault konos said make sure to level up your knowledge of death was uh what does that mean that was the point that cap got when he died what do I do with it uh if I knew where the interface was I would gladly tell you but I do not oh my goodness right off the edge again bro I’m going to have to get some of these chickens why is there a llama where my grave is he is the guardian of the graves Joe llama he will protect you in times of all right I’m leaving with it extraction complete okay okay cool I need to get my my stuff now well there’s no guardian of your stuff anymore Joe llama is no more parkour parkour parkour oh you keep more XP on death if you do that said Colin okay how do I how do I access that menu nice we’re getting out of here guys we’re breaking free I am about to grab those animal capture Nets and get us some new chickens oh my goodness over here killer Nation I got you you mean for when we Face Off against leods oh don’t worry buddy if you can help we appreciate it if not we’re still going to crush them them we’re going to crush them like tiny bug that he is Willie all right I got the blaze burner so we’re good there cap next mission we have two more to complete okay nice what’s next there is mechanical arm okay let me take a look at it uh yes okay so I think I got everything together except for the Precision mechanism if I remember correct okay so the Precision mechanism is going to be the most precise thing you’re going to need five uh small Cog Wheels five large Cog wheels and five iron nuggets as well as a gold plate okay cap if you want to come take a look this is what I have over here I’ve got a lot of the things you just described uh let me go and grab some other stuff too okay let’s see see I got I got a lot of this stuff um an aite alloy and breast plates if you check in here too cap I have a bunch of stuff so there’s like side Alloys good breast plates good okay so we’re going to need a little bit of room here just to make you yep literally all that’s left is that mechanism um and with the mechanism I’ll get uh what else what else do you need you just need one gold plate that’s it yeah one gold plate I can make a date you you have a deployer right yes you do okay and then do you have wait ejector do you have just a regular old base uh do we still have things being sifted in the auto Seer has anyone checked that recently probably ran out of coal a long time ago okay long ago okay three at create um might be missing like one do you have a Depot uh is it in there or no in that chest I’m not seeing it no I don’t have it in here so I don’t have it okay so what you’re going to need to do is you’re going to need to strip a log and then use a andesite Alloy on it which is just and aite and iron nuggets crafted together mjp with a $50 stream tip said last stream tip for me until I get back from vacation let’s get the Zar that’s awesome dude where where are you going on vacation be I’ll keep an eye out in chat would love to hear about that and we got an obsidian Flames spe you want the crash or was that just me just you okay you also stopped talking for a minute so you stopped talking for a minute heat more all right little pup toxel gum shoes poopy tar poopy reverse Holo Rock Ruff reverse Holo fan up a toga kiss come on come on lame oh Delta C us internet what are you Australian or something you got beef from Bendigo okay now we just need to make you a crafting area a crusting area yeah yeah J you want to do science real quick I need to borrow you okay yeah yeah okay look did you see over there now flip the lever hey turn that off turn that off he’s gonna fall he’s gonna fall no I’m not I’m shifting you can’t beat me yeah of course is that Bonita what that is very Bonita actually you know the essence helps out you heard Steve that was very Bonita baser thank you for becoming a supporter plus of the channel appre appreciate you thanks buddy okay so this over here is where we’re going to store your water wheel so let’s get you water wheel Dr No oh you broke free just in time I was man I tried to look at recipes and every time I do you just appear I just know the moment he’s got like this six cents for when somebody’s busy he trying to set it up so that we get like uh I don’t what is it octuple octuple the output of ores from like a singular one that’s pretty can you m Diamonds by any chance dropsy uh no cuz that is not an ore we just need to get 64 diamonds got a chicken I might be able to once I get to the yeah I just mean like in in the future do you think you’d be able to maybe I don’t know know for sure it depends on what a diamond can break down into said how much to Dono for you to shower it’s never happening 500 and I’ll go walk off stream and come back can you imagine dude just like you spend 30 minutes taking a shower probably goes are like 15 I I sometimes it depends dude I I take pretty long showers I get distracted on my phone I just sit there on my phone sometimes forever my sh way too long sometimes I just stand there literally head empty no thoughts all right Steve I rep powered all the machine parts Oh I thought I did that over here and your dreams in the first four pieces or in the first four machines isn’t that what you needed to do Steve that’s not even half that’s not even half of all you need to do here I’ll show you so this is one side then over here you need to do this coal generator this coal generator this iron generator this iron generator and this coal generator yeah I took care of these guys yeah there’s nine know that there was other pieces okay well good to know for the future mechanical arm okay Samantha with $125 stream tip thank you we’re bringing in Willie did we even figure out if Will’s around I don’t know willly I mean he’s in the chat Willie well we need your help sir oh bye cheraki they’re going to eat honestly that’s very unmod likee I’m going to have to remove him as a mod well that was all that needed to happen you know they left us for pizza what can I say yeah man pizza’s just so good okay there’s that okay now I need more small gears unless we’ve got like a bunch of them stored nope Jesus Christ I got it dude you put the question marks not to you sorry your message was pretty clear Steve oh my gosh uh let’s see C what can I help you with now okay so right now what I’m doing is I’m about to set up the crafting apparatus so what we need to do is we need to rig this with some we’re basically going to I I I’ll walk you through it pretty much oh I got to separate brine okay so follow me okay L me come where are you at loading up now oh no I was talking to caby yeah over here over here by the water wheels hello C okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to harness the natural motion of this water and we’re going to set up the deployer to go over this so you might have to like rotate a few things to doing this but go ahead and put that deployer down sorry bless you okay you almost died so right here at the top to yeah it has to point down into it so like you can use your wrench to rotate it too does it need to be rotated uh yeah the hand needs to point down there we go now see see if you can get it like rotated laterally so that the axle is going this way nope NOP you should be good willly NOP nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope n what is happening are you guys okay oh my goodness I don’t know if they are Give me the give me the thingy too come on oh wait does this Happ bro are you trying to burn it please no we need that no oh this thing yeah here you go yeah okay so like uh it’s actually very weirdly it’s it orients weirdly every time so basically if you want to rotate it it depends on where where you’re looking like where you place it and where you right click it so right now we’re going to extend this and then we’re going to just oh hi we’re getting close to and then take these cogs and connect them to the uh the axle I have not cleared that out yet wow I just made a separate one to make life easier running back you might need like one more I think I’m going to need one more yeah all right okay yep we’re just one short okay remove one this is going this going now remove that middle one oh I got the I got the wrench no dropsy uncle Danny wanted you to know that he’s still making them I’m happy for him we got this set up there you go I you got this set up nice okay so now this is how you cra I don’t like it but I have to do it C help are you stuck I’m stuck in the stuck in the water will God no oh no oh oh sorry uh well any of those that are a mechanism if you wouldn’t mind handing yes I got you okay so all you need to do now in order to make the precise chest I can do that quick on is you need a five Cog Wheels five large Cog wheels and five Jerry Jerry I nobody needs that Jerry literally helping you over here where is mine is this mine over here okay anyway so you need let’s see take uh five of these is said anything meis these yeah and five of these and you also need a gold plate what is this stuff this is to make I have a plate one okay yeah so get the gold plate place it over here on this okay uh okay now put so if you go to the Precision mechanism you see it goes Cog wheel large Cog wheel and an iron nugget what’s the Precision mechanism it’s the clock thing that we’re going to make so that we can make thean arm okay yeah I see that so you do it in that order but you write click it into the hand up near the top you see that separate like highlighted Square near the top so you do small Cog wheel large Cog wheel iron nugget and you do that five times in a row oh hello cap I have no idea what’s going on I’ll go it give give me the stuff thank you here yep I’ll show you C I’m scared you should be okay so now making hydrogen chloride there we go so first you put the gold plate there then you put drops you like making hydrogen chloride I’m like I’m dealing with plants hey man that that inferium is going to be really important later on so there is there is no one job that’s more important than another and then the iron nugget and then the small Cog wheel and then the large Cog wheel and the iron nugget and then you just have to do that three more times if you had it all optimized you could set it up with a conveyor belt to just do it with like like 15 of these it’s still broken cap I I have to do it three more times cap is broken I got yeah I got you I got you okay it’s not working patience J got to give him time yeah he patience isn’t his middle name no oh you are the worst literally crafting up hundreds of items and you’re like yep right off the edge it’s ready for you Jerry you are the worst at least your grave spawns nowadays I know right wait I didn’t get my stuff J did you get my stuff no I didn’t get your stuff you have a smile on your face right now I can hear it I’m smiling because you tried to steal from my grave when I opened it at the same time and your Grave’s over there it’s lit literally right over there oh here it is I like I can hear the smile something’s not right cppy it worked I fixed it you did so good Jerry uh cap can I have my brass casing back and my brass plates and my anoid alloy and here I’ll give you one feather for it here’s this and this and this and this and this and am I forgetting anything I don’t think I am mechanical arm oh breast plates did I give you those or no or did you use them I used one you should have the oh they’re right here there you go all right mechanical arm check all right cap we have one more mission to complete together and then you’ll be rid of me forever I hope not okay cap uh so this is the last thing then we’re done with create mod we actually finished the whole tab which isce radical forget about it though I’m going to forget about it do not just leave it in the dust I’m going to I’m going to leave it in the dust J’s never touching Crea again I’m never coming back you’re going to come back to it I’m literally not I’m literally not no jome literally never Jerry’s only interested in getting the quest done not learning the intern would never The Intern would never so we’re looking at the create Quest what’s next um so we have to make a blaze cake okay which is so for that e what is that so we need an egg we need an egg we need a piece of sugar Cinder flour oh we need to make crushing Wheels yep buns I don’t know if I have any of those I don’t think I made any of those I think you made one I don’t see it in here of I mean hopefully it’s not hard to make it shouldn’t be horrible all right let me take a look at the recipe for the two crushing Wheels uh a lot of and aite alloy oh no it is annoying cuz we have to do mechanical crafting I don’t have a mechanical crafter set up I only have three things for it and this mechanical crafting recipe cap is 21 of those what I don’t remember this must be a different like crafting recipe yeah that’s a different crafting recipe entirely I if you need any help with making the mechanical Crafters let me know I’ll I should be able to make them it’s going to take me a while but I don’t see I don’t see anything on here that’s going to be a problem for me it’s just time the polished rose quartz could take time um let me see oh yeah I might need some help on that one but how do we get more rose quartz CU you’re going to need like 20 more of them uh you can get from Sing Nether Crush nether egg uh quartz I just real made way too many of those so seven of those uh if we get a quartz if we get Quartz and Redstone you can craft it uh we don’t have a way to get seeds anymore do we uh we do I just have have it set aside for like uh I need six electron tubes basically cat you only need six yep and we have two polished quartz and one non-polish quartz okay so do you have you only have like one polished quart non-polished quartz or yeah everything’s in the chest system do we have regular quartz because you can create uh rose quartz with redstone and quartz we we definitely have quartz let me check uh over here I thought we did okay we have 13 Willie just gave me some okay I knew we had it somewhere I just didn’t know where arst you suggested we make a quart chicken wouldn’t be a bad idea yeah I’m totally down for quartz chicken we would just need 64 quartz how many more of this uh stuff did you say you needed like five yeah uh I don’t know let me see so for the electron tube I need one for each we need to make six so we need six of those and I have two polish rose quartz so I need four more polish rose quartz okay so I have five un Polished in my inventory already so all I need now is sand paper which I believe is just sand and paper crafted wait breast casing breast casing is not you can do this without a deployer can you just no I yes you can yeah why why is it telling me to do that yeah you absolutely can yeah why was it why is it telling me lies okay I don’t understand why people on the internet lie to me it’s just because you believe them bro okay so there is now five more polished Quartz in there I’m going to go into The Nether and investigate some of those chickens if a quartz chicken spawns ooh oh that’ be pretty rad who knows dude cuz there was lava in there there was magma block could happen just the chicken expansion is always helpful I find myself in need of more Redstone wait there’s a redstone chicken name uh yes there is there’s so much Redstone code name life thank you for the 10B stream tip they said hey Jerry and buddies how’s everyone doing I’m doing great how’s the rest of the Buddies doing I’m doing really good quite well yeah I had like an amazing workout yesterday oh that’s always good okay I’ve got a lava chicken working now I don’t know how I would get like a good lava chicken going but we got a poopy one like how do you feed a regular chicken lava uh painfully there is a blaze chicken though and that’s huge Blaze chicken is nice what do think that get is probably blaze rods blaze rods are maybe just straight to blaze powder that’s fine too yeah all right there we go cap I’m about to have all of the mechanical Crafters there we go I have 21 mechanical Crafters which is the exact amount needed for the co the crushing wheel Okay cool so you could set it up on this other end that I’ve got here okay yeah so basically uh for this you’re going to need the gears to like run into the side of it so you’re going to want to yeah put it like that got it okay uh let me see oh wait no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this one is it’s it’s all I got wait wait wait wait you’re doing good wait wait wait wait wait no wait okay this is five so that’ll be now one two three and then this one goes up nice you’re doing it it’s like right on drop’s elevator troppy don’t know wait don’t cover the elevator it’s not covered it’s just like very obnoxious obnoxious yeah what is this Cy told me to build it here I didn’t think he’d do that what do you mean he every instruction you give him he will take as literal as possible if you say Bill that exactly what he’s going to do I can’t I can’t control Jerry though like that’s not on me it’s parents raced him that way oh no dropsy we need you down here ASAP why you’re weathered salesperson they climb the they climb the plank what oh no this again bro down here not doing this oh I can’t pick him up go down wa wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait go down there oh Willie what’ you do that for stay oh you know I I was testing my uh your stall I was testing my lava durability it’s not that good wait isn’t this not going to oh wait no cuz it’s connected on this side and yeah he’s going to just add a couple cogs over there uh does it matter what Cog Wheels I do or can I just kind of no just make sure it fits to one of these sides and it’ll work and don’t forget you’re going to need to put a chest to the side like with all the arrows pointing into it I did it try like up there in that corner actually won’t let me do that let me see wait so how many o is that going to make that makesi chunk already said my pants are going to break fix then enchant them no C do you have one piece of quartz I yes maybe it needs to be oh ke go um is it wrench that makes this thing rotate jez yes okay here you go so I can put if you can just take all that and get me more quartz uh yeah I can work on getting that after I get done starting this because more quartz equals quartz chicken fluix ke I made this the most convoluted like Jesus no I want to know but do make it to the end capap and that’s all that matters okay that’s all that matters so now crushing wheel time lots of andesite Alloys I got that I need planks and then deep slate in the middle or tough okay I can do tough I can do deep slate I can do compressed stone and a I can do like anything I want in the middle there okay oh it needs to be a certain oh we need much more an aite Alloys uh that’s just crafted andesite with iron nuggets it’s not a big deal at all um uh anytime you guys need uh raw ores smelted uh give them to me I can get uh a bit over double the output right now even more than like the uh flux stuff oh nice the ratio I was going to say I say a bit more it’s technically uh 2 and A2 cuz it’s 3 to8 but like is but that’s that’s pretty that’s pretty nice Jesus jer what’s wrong cap we need one stone for wait why is it going why is it going it why is it going it shouldn’t be going they need some cobblestone in the middle or any kind of stone uh Willie I put a stone in the middle Cobblestone do you have Cobblestone put some kind of stone the middle will what are you doing cobone over here bro there Cobblestone over here I got to go get cobblestone and a sight works Granite Works and got just give me a stone parkour parkour I got I got I got tough I got one tough let me put the tough in the middle why did it start with everything he put smooth stone in there that this is regular that might work oh wait why is it rejected oh someone rotate did they rot the there you go why did it start before everything K what do you think about you need to put a chest on the side dude do I need to or I thought I could just like yes no it needs to be a chest or else why did it start moving before it was finished go get a chest okay there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there there’s a chest right there so it needs to go like on the bro if this fails I’m going to laugh oh no oh there we go I got it cap I got the chest it failed you’re a failure why did it fail who started your pathing might just be horrible how dare you that’s coming from me yeah what would you know about good pathing what would you know about that cap I did uh experienced something recently drone that you might have found funny yeah uh I I started playing Pap’s play time uh you know that moment where you have to drag the cord across the town yeah that cord is infinite wait so you can bring it anywhere in the game you can well you you can like drag it around and tie it through everything that was pretty funny I wonder if at some point you break the game from just doing that uh I did it for like 15 minutes jeez and it doesn’t go away it saves it for the rest of the game oh my goodness tan what’s up thanks for the $25 stream tip good evening everyone hope everyone is well and having a good day steak bomb on Jerry thank you I will go run this over to our fertilizer machine I sure hope it works this time Jerry there we go this is our Automatic dirt making machine which I don’t know if it’s is it jammed up right now or is it oh it’s all just full there the bottom chest full of oh bottom chest is literally full of dirt that’s why that’s funny I thought you were about to say full of steak that’s more dirt than we’re ever going to need uh drop you have like you’re going to need to make two of these by the way spare power I can use uh oh is in like just something to make RF Yeah just something to make you a spare windmill quick I think hold on CU I’m starting to work on the uh A2 yeah do you want renewable or do you want like a generator uh we can expand this platform out like that way could probably do that okay let me make you a windmill then all right at least how do we get the second crushing wheel oh wait I just okay nice I was going to say if it’s in the thing I just put a whole bunch of like create stuff I collected up uh what’s it called okay um quests oh Jerry I found something uh yeah Jerry over here a creeper what’s up buddy Jerry look oh bye my friend here go uh why am I getting why am I getting Floppy Fish bombed did someone donate for it I don’t know did they is luk lying right now starting oops Luke did just it’s not even Luke where’s the command block all right so well I don’t know if it was Jerome the whole time cuz right here but the whole time so now you need to take giggle kind of uh like let it you know so now you need to yeah and then you need to like do another nearby it that’s not going to work dear what’s wrong oh my goodness not going to work uh so remove this one okay okay so put a cog on here okay and now uh put a cog next to it my Builder one broke but that should be enough to directly horizontal if you can manage it you think you know a guy and then he Floppy Fish bombs you for no reason I cannot actually let me see maybe it’s cuz those are large Cog Wheels all right yeah these things go perpendicular do you have any small Cog Wheels no uh so if you take the and aide alloy and make a stick out of it actually I can make some small ones like real quick bam so now we’ve got two [Music] okay the problem with this is they’re turning the same way which is not what we want you see they you want this one this purification chamber to work a lot so you want this then you want that but you don’t want that you want ke create mod hurt brain I can’t wait till we get throw all this in the lava like dropsy said once we’re done with the chapter Jonas takes the 10 yearold stream tip I have a non- Minecraft lad question for Cathy I saw a live stream for a month ago where you said you lost 100 pound which is so awesome I have lost 60 pounds now and I’m stuck got any tips hate yourself more Oh my Jesus no uh I my methods I like literally just tortured my body I wouldn’t recommend what I did for anybody and uh like I lost at 100 lbs while I was like using a bunch of supplements and pre-workouts that I wouldn’t recommend anyone pursue uh so what worked for me may not necessarily work for you what I do recommend is uh cardio is really important it’s really great for your health uh 20 minutes is just good as a warm-up uh but weightlifting at the same time can give you just as many benefits so just approach it as comfortably as you can because no amount of weight loss is worth suffering for really did you come up here and try to destroy my crops and then decide to try to help me I mean no no I saw you jumping on the crops trying to break them and then you’re like ah this doesn’t work let me go ahead and hit Shi andesite shaft at all uh I check what you doing buddy what what I don’t know nothing there’s a noise when he use the elevator so I know when someone else oh you can hear that yes it’s like this post I saw someone explain it to someone who was deaf that farts make [Laughter] noise here thank you um is it easy to make more of the anite pipes uh Willie hooked me up but uh for future uh reference room we need uh basically an aite and iron nugget to make like the uh okay uh to make the an aite allways which she used to make the Sha okay okay so if we just Bam Bam cherry cherry cherry why I thought I could throw people how do you throw them you I mean you don’t really throw if you shift right click a wall nearby it just drops them on that point oh my goodness Jesus helping you oh you almost made me lose a diamond there Terry’s just going off he really is he’s a nuisance oh I got to disconnect the reconnect I couldn’t go through my number pad thingy got locked again good that happens to me every once in a while such a pain okay this part is hard because we could make something to change like a rotational controller I don’t suppose you have one of those a rotational come again like a like a gear box like a gear shift rotational for yeah honestly okay yeah that’s exactly what we needed so this is a gear shift uh get a lever and we’ll be able to use this oh just a standard lever okay yeah just a normal lever should do he yes uh do we have enough inferium to upgrade this furnace oh absolutely yeah okay uh how far do you want supremium furnace I guess as far as you can go I have a l yeah one second so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to do it but try and like put it on this gear shift over here and it should change the direction that it’s rotating in okay and Brian Goodson uh thank you for the stream tip and I’m so sorry to hear that uh and honestly I wish I could give you any advice on that but there really isn’t anything it’s just one of those things that gets easier with time I mean I’ve lost three dogs in my life and one rabbit and it’s it’s never fun or easy um but I promise it just it’s one of those things that gets easier with time but there is no magic formula I’m sorry buddy uh where would you like a c right on the gear shift yeah just see if that turns it on there you go now put the crusher wheels on each of those there you go now you need to just be able to drop it in the top and you can Crush whatever you need I’m drop you in the top oh no no all right let me drop a Netherrack in there and that’s one piece of the puzzle down for this nether cake Cappy nice you know we started off the stream today I only had three more quests in this section I was like oh this will be like in 10 minutes I’ll be done with it no well you have been killing us repeatedly despite our efforts to help got it cap I got Cinder flour nice okay okay now sugar now the more complicated we might have enough Willie so now I toss the uh I tossed the green furnace on you uh yeah I already had one actually now do you have a basin you do have a basin do you have a mechanical press yes you do huge so Donan thinks $10 stream di said I just got done watching the fly or Die video and cabby missed one of the animals taken into space they took the spiders too the article I saw said that spiders became an almost Supernatural Predator what are you talking about they almost became a supernatural Predator Donovan what you they can we they can weave in zero gravity Jerome does they have their own rope and pulley system Ed oh so it’s not they’re superpow they just like it doesn’t affect them well yeah it’s just like they can thrive in that environment plus they don’t have musculature so to speak to be affected by zero g creepy right yeah okay so now makes sense now we do this Jerry so you’re going to make for now we can do blue which is uh egg sugar and Cinder flour in there and you crush it cap I threw the egg I thought you just right click it don’t worry we’ve got plenty of I believe we do anyway I was supposed to just HIIT youo son of the Baka asks what happened to Steve in the fly or Die video mid through he just decided that he hated us and left weird oh that was a day man that was a day a Transformer blew in my neighborhood yeah so I lost power oh that’s right that’s right Megatron came and that’s right I forgot Steve yeah how could I forget really messed up my internet and we’ve had some lazy excuses for skipping work but that one Takes the Cake anyway ke we need the spout Steve over yes make it up Megatron attacking Steve I have a spout cat uh do you have can you make another andesite Depot it’s a like a cuz then I can just connect it I don’t remember what this looks like but sure actually this this one may be more complicated uh andesite Depot is not a block is there a different name just Depot it’s just called Depot yeah um okay uh totally I can make one of these and aite casing and aite alloy yeah yeah it won’t take any time at all at create okay so we’re going to need pipes uh do we have any kelp somewhere kelp yeah uh in the kelp tube this iselp tube that’s the oh yep there’s two kelp tubes I made them do you have an item drain uh let me check the magic thing I made the anite casing for you though thank you um and an item drain I don’t even know what that would look like let me see yeah this last part is the most complicated obviously uh no but it’s just a copper casing and an iron bar I mean I can make that for you I won’t take any time at all C HST point okay got a cat Roger Dodger Okay so we’ve got the portable fluid interface and we’ve got the retractable hose there you go uh thank you item drain and and AE so we can do it the easy way or the simple way or or I mean the easy way or the complicated way pretty much if we do it the easy way uh it won’t set up like an infinite lava pump for us in the future but we will be done with the quest line and then we can never go back to create mod again like dropsy promised as you as you wish okay so what we need what we need now is pipes I believe uh let me see pipes pipe okay so a fluid pipe is just copper plates and copper ingots sure hope we have a lot of copper you guys are doing great things over there oh I’m doing my best and if anything goes wrong I blame Jerome that’s fair honestly okay we’ve got 40 copper ingots uh no the llama okay so all right I beat him down to the bottom okay so iron jeez okay I need nuggets actually I don’t yeah okay I need to just empty my inventory all right thank you again Samantha our captain of the live stream appreciate you so much earlier and everyone else who has shown their love and support without you guys couldn’t do we do each and every day so thank you for the love and support and being here being awesome appreciate you guys what are you doing what what’s wrong I I don’t know I’m asking you he doesn’t even know okay now give me plates okay and then get rid of that garbage don’t need it rid of that garbage don’t need it okay so now hiya now I just need an and aide Ingot you’re just killing everything huh dear what no I’m not killing him you can nice dropsy so you can vouch for me is he just bringing them up there for the laughs it’s just a platform that has a ton of animals now do that not surprise me now dropsy I’m Sorry by the way but we couldn’t afford the big man himself but we got the next best thing donkey a Shrek couldn’t make why are you relocating every farm animal up there bam then we do this and this and why are you putting the animals Machinery killing the ender dragon on the community server um we are we uh no that was last season um we’re so Blade’s going to open it up for everyone so they can do it and then we’re going to uh respawn it on the next one that we do so we’ll we’re not going to be there for the first initial one but we’re going to do a big big one what the heck what are you doing down here okay so now will this work TR just let them be they want to be up there no they don’t you put him back you put him back right now uh if you guys could uh redeem quests and put any like inferium or Essence or anything like that I’m going to specifically go to that Tab and redeem them I am not doing redeem all there is too much that’s fair okay I’m just saying if we well then if you guys could just put them into the storage unit I got some star bule charms we could create an area where they just like pick everything up and put it in the chest Steve did you just kill Donkey no I did not kill him oh there he is St save don’t bring him back up here or else I’m going to bring them back up G to see the same fate yet again okay Jerry could you bring that Blaze cake thing over here we this may work yes but I just want to claim all the stuff for Steep oh wait I might need I hold that I might need a pump um all right sadly Steve I didn’t get a lot of the things I think that you wanted unless you wanted these gems and I got that yes the gems are exactly what I need oh then I got exactly what you need yeah the gems are how you uh end up making like armors and stuff like that there you go Mr St I got a turd Ingot yes spider seeds INF ferrium seeds copper seeds um I don’t know oh that is subm to agriculture some Mining and night vision augments some inferium yeah that’s all I got thanks okay that’s all I got then breaking of anle my pants will break I dare you try all right there you go okay Jerry yeah ke uh I’m almost ready for you over here we just need to make it to where this turns and I think the way to do that Colin said can I recommend to Steve to prioritize supremium sword and farm Withers with it since they will drop supremium Essence that sounds very dangerous that sounds very smart but very dangerous okay there we go bam uh drum yes I got us some NE infinite nether nice where at well as long as we keep up this over here uh come over by the sees in the dra area yeah come hello so we have this host P that’s pulling up the lava from like the mantle here which is pretty much an infinite lava source pulling it back up oh yeah that push down you shift right click and then so basically it feeds from the pul here to the barrel and we have Redstone going from the system here into the barrel give us nether which is going into this door nice so anytime we get redstone we get that okay so all we have to do is make sure we’re actually keeping this thing running all the time yeah and and if we just want to give a little boost we can come over to the Redstone chicken over here and just toss it into the drawer oh you think you’re smart got you you think you are smooth but you are not it’s ready for you Jerry so go ahead and like complete the quest uh how do I uh oh I got to put the put the uh yeah put the cake there and then just crank it um oh there’s the crank oh do we have to put lava in the top cap no there’s lava over here it should work yeah see there it goes Blaze cake I wonder what Blaze cake does probably just feeds you well GG chat let’s get some GG’s going cap and I just completed an entire quest line actually that’s the only quest line that we’ve completed that’s literally the only one G willer’s Batman cap we did it I mean this this mod P is not a joke there’s a lot to do all right well let me go to the bathroom quick when I’m back guys we’re going to pick a new chapter to start working on chat so start thinking what you want me to do can you guys make him start working on unobtainium but it’s unobtainable silly guy it’s in the name Steve it’s unobtainium I’m sorry no that would be a bit ridiculous honestly what’s taking me so long on making this gear is just how long it takes to get any sort of diamonds man yeah uh there’s 46 over here Ste what there’s how many 46 46 that’s close enough to 64 you should hold off man yeah I agree just whatever’s over there leave that be the like second like bro just speedrun the diamond chicken at that point yeah I’m going to go back into The Nether and hope that there a new chicken for me to grab a new chicky chick well if there was like a uh if there was an obsidian Chicken in here I’d lose my mind that would be pretty awesome uh how are are you getting so many diamonds Willie uh Auto here okay so it is just the auto Yeahs through grael and get yeah like I said I just need get some more coold to power Kevin said take a shower you can’t make me reactor nuclear power no you guys are sick back to the nuclear power want is it the same mod too I mean something here so there’s that but there’s also the bigger reactors wait there’s bigger reactors than last time I think that’s just the name of the don’t let BL anywhere near them I say like I believe you can even make reactors with the power Modo there’s a lot of mod I’m saying that like the last set of reactors we did weren’t powered by enough chickens and that’s why they failed I mean too fair I don’t think those chickens were also at max strength and stone block either bro they were producing at so much rate that it didn’t matter like they weren’t like running out that’s that’s fair yeah those chickens are really good I love them well they were different chickens entirely than the ones we have in here yeah why is this P where did this pigin come from what what the heck what heck came through the portal why can’t I grab him no help he you’ll be fine you got this covered I was trying to grab him but it wouldn’t let me can you not grab aggressive mobs weren’t you able to grab a creeper earlier or was that Luke that was able to do that where’d he go willly oh I uh do you want to sleep all right which tab is the stuff is that advanced mechanism or me mechanism Advance yeah exact what it is I mean I feel like to do mechanism Advanced we need to finish mechanism and we barely if you want to say if you want to work towards getting like finish off that storage tab for a quick and easy one uh I think we were stuck actually where are we I don’t remember I’ll work on it the Ender storage that that was the Ender Chest okay so that one we just need an ender pearl but I couldn’t seem to get Enderman to spawn because they hate me I’m pretty sure there’s another way of getting it ender pearls like an end Pearl chicken well that but I meant uh you see SP here who this this course plant yeah the course plant yeah what did that accomplish all right I believe there is a chance that it drops like a dragon’s eye coal chicken right cap yeah there’s which if you smell the dragon’s eye you can get ender pearl from it oh that’s cool there are really cool yeah okay but that is a cool yeah do we have any all right let me check the nether because sometimes they they I mean they can spawn there so let me just check this out see if I can find oh yeah for sure uh I say if you’re like planning on uh like exploring in that nether fortress and stuff like that make sure you’re properly armed and stuff like that cuz there’s a lot of not so nice things that can spawn there what do you mean I’ll be ready uh well you know like yeah got you to like blazes in R of skeletons but it also can spawn bosses what you mean something like uh God I saw something like Raphael the uninhibited yeah that’s a I mean some of them are like pretty easy to deal with but some of them are a real pain oh chicken anatomy okay I’m piecing it together remember I had a conversation earlier this week of why breaking a leg was like a good thing to wish and like how it’s like well it’s to not get jinxed chicken anatomy says it I mean that might be the case but chicken anatomy had a different interpretation I think is interesting he said uh break a leg means to make the cast like you get it it’s kind of like a pun like you have to get a cast cuz you broke your leg and you make the cast that’s fun I like that yeah I I don’t know if that’s real or not but I I like that uh line of thinking that’s good enough for me yeah we never said whose leg breaking well whoever is trying to make the G if I modify this a little bit I can get us I can get something go all right I am going I’m going the distance in there and I will find an Enderman ghost and I will explore the nether fortress and find us all sorts of goodies from that realm or let it be Cappy’s head no yeah why that guy I like um the sees don’t have any items to seive it’s not that they don’t have items to see it’s just that the uh generators aren’t or are they Cobblestone I’m pretty sure they don’t have anything to see Leo okay do you guys see what I just saw or is that just a me thing that’s just a you thing oh dear God help me I mean you’re the only one in the nether right now Big Chief it said Leo the shimmering has awoken nearby o yeah that’s the boss’s house good luck you you got this bud it’s funny because most the time the bosses that spawn there are actually hostile towards like the blazes and R skeleton oh man only saplings pron say that’s an apothio boss can get good gear okay oh great youis is pretty good but I probably not gonna be able to kill him I’m guessing you’re too weak you are puny C there Soul Sand shins yeah there’s so many good chickens here oo all right I really need to expand my chicken operation cuz there what okay I’m leaving no Nether fortresses are something else here dude I just had one look at all the mobs not a shot yeah it’s ridiculous they don’t have anywhere else to spawn so they are quite grouped up when you find them yeah no way I’m out of there okay so I need to make a bunch of chests and wooden Hoppers and uh more of the chicken stasis Chambers because it is technically possible uh like if we wanted an ender pearl chicken I would just have to crossbreed a Nether wart chicken and a diamond chicken so there we can get new chickens like that yeah we almost we almost got the 64 diamonds for you Delta good idea Delta said don’t Enderman don’t normally spawn in the nether fortress likely Your Best Shot is to build out and find the warp first and then build a thing so I can just build out with F3 open and see if when I hit that biome also what you doing with the 64 Diamond I thought we found out last episode that you couldn’t do a diamond shimkin they didn’t what no you can do diamond chicken you’re just going to do the Ne Chicken oh nether chicken don’t exist Diamond chicken totally thing oh okay cool how close are we Willie are you over there hold on I I have some diamonds on me from the diamond seeds that I have up here let me take a look so I need grass uh 50 we’re at 50 okay yeah I’m not there I have like three no there is no Nature’s Compass guys dang yeah Delta that is interesting they had a structure Compass though which if we hadn’t had found what we were looking for already that would have been pretty sick okay plenty of grb has to be had Crimson Forest ah come on lame wrong a forest let’s hope it’s not too far oh Colin said he got lucky and spawn in the Warped Forest so you’ve beaten this Packa for Mr Colin bam okay that’s two more you have some iron uh that’s what this has been producing so far uh I need to upgrade this electrolytic separator though so that it’s actually like full speed I’ve got a got two stacks over here I think the forest is Fortress is a warped Forest that be news to me I didn’t see nothing about that you have a chicken too or just yeah people sleeping on power of chickens just saying all funding should go to government chickens that’s right he said government clck Cluck You just say you’re taking four diamonds yes but it’ll be worth it yeah what what you doing we’re still for you guys well that too but I’m also working on getting us uh in the we’re so close to the diamond chicken well even once we get the diamond chicken it’s going to be like a eight minutes before it starts producing so like what’s a few more minutes I guess nope I think it might be an output problem at this point this Crimson Forest there we go Crouch how’s it going in the nether Jerry uh War Forest dude as soon as you literally the second you asked me cap that is so nuts nice dude uh awesome now cap I should have brought a builder’s wand I’m such a dummy I got to place this all by hand I can bring you one do you mind I think I’ve got one laying around like an iron one yo cap you’re not making it dude oh I’m not making it here no ke you’re not making it dude actually no you will uh no no you won’t there’s hog did you not use slabs of course I use slabs why would you think I didn’t Jesus Christ Jerry you’re a menace you’re a natural Calamity why would I not have used why would you think I jeez I’m coming ke I wouldn’t which way did you go your way not towards the Fortress I’m out of cobblestone dude I’m out of cobblestone dud do you have any Cobblestone by any chance I’ll I’ll go back real quick and get cobblestone Jesus Christ Jerry I quite the yeah are you are you are you in a pronman Engineers an entire situation that’s your own fault are you in a pronman keev this is keev I don’t know what to tell you man I this was so unexpected Jee what you didn’t expect to actually find it cap I need help I need help he needs a hero I don’t even see you on the map anymore quite far away okay I’m coming oh Nock oh no no no no no you’d be proud of me yeah you want to know what I made for lunch [Music] today hoglin Italian bean soup oh really which one pasta Vel uh no it was not so I do like uh the the whole like hellofresh thing like I get food delivered and it was just called Italian bean suit so like yeah yeah it like Italian salt carrots and like pinto beans cat my situation got semif fixed apparently piglins with crossbows do not like hoglins and so they fought each other and unfortunately the hogins won so oh no partially fixed probably worse off yeah cap you just got to take a left of the nearest Pumba and then you’ll see me no I got knocked off Jerry why did you do this why did you Hakuna Matata C about to Hakuna your head oh no guys help what you you’re on your own bud cying okay are you stuck what what seems to be the problem how are you stuck got too many mobs around I don’t even know what to say besides pull up the stream Ste do you need building blocks no he needs to not die I need I need building blocks I need a building blocks I need a priest I need someone to come kill these mobs for me I need but everything hold up no this situation that you’re in right now is the exact reason why we told you to build with slabs to only someone had warned him literally that real victim here you really are c cap can you give bring me a boat all you had to do was listen also exactly 14 feathers please exactly 14 feathers Jesus okay I’m not a priest but uh I’m the best you got oh no no yeah we’re doomed this is worst Cas scenario what have you done jary oh Luke that was that was hilarious which way that way oh my goodness why don’t you just build back Jerome is there vein Miner in this what wait I get my stuff and then you can don’t worry the calvary has arrived save Jerry Oh no I got an idea you’re yes but Cy help I helped I [Applause] fixed Adrian the meow the $66 stream tip Luke has risen he said Luke give yourself blocks and help Jerry you started you’re starting in the Overworld though Luke over next you pick which one Luke [Music] help Kronos said while you are waiting you can add keybind for knowledge of death while you wait for the hoglins um no all right yeah kill your father piglin what the heck is this do it hi Jerry I gave myself an inventory full of boats yes is this all you have I have a lot of boats what are boats going to do Jerry if I’m going down you com that’s it no no no Luke Luke Luke Luke listen here crazy Luke you have one life luk we need to work Luke we need to work together please tell me you have Cobble please where did that lava come from wait how did you get here I feel like we’re in more danger than before I B Min a bunch of the hogins out of the way and then this is kind [Music] of cherry why I thought I had a smart idea with this I’m about to just abandon you out there wait how many of those you got Luke a lot Luke Willie Willie over here Willie Willie just what they over here this is the war Forest did you bring a builder’s wand I I have one yes will all right here let’s fill this area in this is all war Forest no no luk Luke just building the Crimson Forest hold on the war Forest starts right here okay but here have a boat will yeah yeah hi why’ you stop building I wasn’t building Oh you mean you weren’t building Willie we need to get out we need to get Jerry how close yeah if you just make it over here you um for no reason could could you just just just move a little bit back out of punching range uh Jerry I’m just a little nervous guy guy with goggles oh no oh no Willie Willie help willly I’m I don’t know how to speed build I made it get me come with me the war Forest is this way an Enderman he spawned in worth yay let get him oh we’re going get him sorry guys this is going a little slower than I anticipated but I’m afraid to get out because I think it’ll shove me off the cliff oh thank don’t worry can you make it a little thicker thank you okay come on and Demon [Music] yeah get boated nerd to try to make my way back home I did it I told you Willie I told you I can do it great all right I’m going home hey that’s it what yeah of We’re not gonna go for if we do 64 we can get an ender pearl chicken cap we no that’s it we did everything we need I’ll grind it out isn’t it just a stack does it have to be 64 or 16 I can check if it’s only 16 I’ll Ender chicken Enderman chicken uh convert quantity is 32 oh so you need two stacks yeah still better than uh like 64 though oh no me sh oh hey we’re C if you want to do this I’ll help you but we need a bigger platform good thing I brought more Cobble oh nice how much more do you have uh like a stack and a half how he go in there J need bam oh God I can’t leave the the piglins are going to hurt me Norman The Godly yeah he spawned right as I if you want you can go back Jerry you don’t have to stay for 32 pearls all right man let me pass oh no no no can’t be it not safe back home I don’t know what to do what do you mean by it’s not safe back home okay so the path back home is danger was like [Music] scared I guess this is our home now Jerry yeah we live here you got any trees we’re going to start a whole new session here I’ve got some grass I’ve got some verdant sprigs okay [Music] okay good life here with you guys you know yeah we’re going to like settle down we’re going to be Frontiers people that guy didn’t make it to the Oregon Trail he couldn’t AFF the river dude I only remember beating the organ Trail once as a kid and getting to the raft portion was awesome man now there’s gas spawning man and there is like nothing spawning here right now Jerry Can Enderman spawn near us or do we have too many boats maybe we’re too close sure I get my stuff back oh no excuse me all right I’m returning home uh good luck oh jeez ow my face leaving you cap oh guys look Ender where yeah I think we just can’t be in the same are yeah yeah kep they’re already back so maybe we just need to wait farther back yeah oh no wait what just happened what am I holding over there too C oh he’s zombie Jerry we have to put him down don’t worry I’ve got you oh jeez you’re still zombie Jerry I think you have to shift right click the ground I think it’s technically picking up an uh animal with a saddle on it every time you do that oh there we go okay we did no no we have 64 diamonds oh my look at all the look at them all we lose him oh no those are the screams those were screams of Victory Luke guys I’m SC I felt don’t worry Wily’s here hi yeah oh J why didn’t you Wily why wait why did you just build with slabs dude like oh my goodness I I’m probably about to try and take a like a b break ridiculous listen Okay builds character Jerry left the game yeah I had the lock again and sometimes when I die I get this lock where I can’t change my number pad I don’t know oh like I can’t choose my H barest this end Pearl uh how do you pick things up again don’t leave me astray please uh usually with shift right click oh God I missed I’m feeding this chicken 64 diamonds yeah it’s time I just want to go home used one of the Nets in the chest above the place a I fell again one of the Nets above the place above the uh the wheat farm there’s like chicken Nets you got to right click a chicken and put it into the chicken stasis chamber okay why do I feel like I’m running slower right now because I do have slowness I have slowness too why do I have slowness to he was born that way he was boring that way what is try get I have slowness to and it said I had to left shift diff I don’t know I’m going to reconnect all right let’s make our way back oh no C no why C down what I’m slowly falling to my death oh byebye deserved well I guess I am just feeling okay a God those hoglins do we have arrows at all well good news it is actively uh doing its thing the chicken has another 7 minutes before first harvest nice we should probably bring torches oh a bone I don’t think torches will do anything in the nether cat there’s a bone chicken that you can get from here oh nice if only I wasn’t destitute and homeless I almost got killed by squishy guy yeah cap I don’t know why you started us oh my God the piglins Bro there’s no way we’re getting our stuff back oh my Lord Oh Lord Kev sorry I can’t hear you uh I I’m just distraught dude this is not going well dude this is I don’t know why you told us we should go there and build out a cobblestone to begin with kill you that’s a little bit cheesy should have left you JY wait [Music] no yeah right there Steve look up Steve [Music] spooky I’ll see you next [Music] year that’s the scariest thing I’ve ever heard the grown man predictable Jerome predictable I knew you were going to do it I saw it coming from a mile away I had ghostly shape for 50 seconds well the mob’s not hurt me like this yeah I don’t know really so I’m going be able to make this yeah I also just clear the way for you so if you’re clicking it wa you clear the whole way yes one of your actions cancel I didn’t do nothing I lost my ghostly shape at the worst time okay so I’ve got two end pearls oh Willie you lied to me oh then they probably just spawn really fast Willie willly help willly help will I don’t know man the last time I went there to help you didn’t look out whose fault is that Willie now I’ve got three ender pearls when you push a mob it cancels the effect what now I’ve got four ender pearls and a nebulous heart help protect me pig zombies I didn’t hear any of that bro if you put that part in your crafting it’ll turn into more inters nice okay that’s five ender pearls avoid upgrade yes no know this way dude he’s scared of it did you know that hoglins are scared of a portal what hogins are scared of the nether port dude I had no idea I didn’t know that either look at him cat C look at this little scaredy cat look at this baby Jared there is one way we could get back there quicker cap look at the baby you did it come on let’s go cap that guy’s probably going to be angry n he’s fine he’s fine Oliver Apothic boss I pushed him off a cliff nice Oliver is dead he was pry to begin with he is pry at end of life puny baby easily crushed he has the grunder of a squirrel grunder of squirrel name of puny man that shall amount to nothing wait is this my stuff right here or no next one that’s my stuff right over there I’m pretty sure oh but it’s being guarded by a meany head here we go parkour No Cap I our stuff’s just gone dud I mean there is one way we retrieve it if you’re open to it what’s that you’re probably not going to be open to it you can press t on the map and just teleport right over there isn’t that cheating uhoh depends on who you ask good try and I even was crafting at that time uh uhoh okay we’re nothing nothing somehow don’t believe yeah everything is [Music] okay don’t worry about it I didn’t almost take half the uh craft not crafting storage area I would never okay so got seven ender pearls I was spying on you for week I was there thank you Jacob Conor for being a decade long fan dude that’s awesome first diamond drop coming up so is that armor better than Diamond Steve or it will I just upgraded piece by piece um so it will augus for it that would let you like fly and stuff like that okay so I’ve got 10 ender pearls total if I had a glow inferium helmet where it go Steve yeah wait it just gave me that you probably just did that like as if I just never put it in my inventory uh it was in the uh like crafting grd essentially I’m going on bathroom break what you working on Willie uh Soul Sand oh an auto Soul Sand thing well we have 6 oh sorry there’s no Netherrack chicken lame I got an idea I got a really good idea can’t do that Steve you’re just breezing through those quests huh well like I said I’ve been working on it literally all episode and I made the first half a while ago it just didn’t ever count towards the Quest for some reason so when I finally put it inite of some sort funny how’s that diamond chicken looking is he making diamonds yet has it been enough time okay now we’re making big diamonds we can move and groove on getting us some good gear did you see what I was doing Luke did you see what I was doing with the with the console did you see what I was doing Luke wait you’re doing something with the console oh my goodness Drome I abandoned cap over there at inventory C pulled out all his blocks and Ender Pearls do you want a Floppy Fish bom block for him no okay oh oh hello cppy it’s quite the predicament you find yourself in bam wait what how I just cheated here’s your fluid pipes and ender pearl back I inventory SE pull it out of your inventory that’s fun it’s like bam magic clington thei a very Regal uh duck name thank you for the $5 stream finally able to catch a stream started watching you in high school and now I’m a corrections officer can we get an old n a noodle slurp oh my God okay you the Baka slurp uh-oh keo’s walking the plank you rang the bell oh I rang the bell might as well put someone up I guess not it not it here not it oh oh oh Jerry you want to throw me off I feel like this why do I feel this is a trap why do I feel like this is a trap oh I fell hang on I’ll be right there I’m good hey ke hell don’t what are you doing with those shears you will find out at the last second I’m ready wait wait it wasn’t supposed to be you yay yippe uh Steve is there anything I can help you with with mystical crops no I’m pretty much just going to be moving and grooving here in a couple seconds wait cap I think I’m about to upgrade again yeah man there go there you go yeah I’m going need those ends we get that chicken uh I I was going to build one Ender drawer no I I said when we get the end end Pearl chicken well the diamonds are already producing CU I’m going to need a lot of end but I plan on doing okay that so we need a blaze of powder I still remember back in the day when they invented the Ender Chest remember when there wasn’t a hunger bar and you just ate food for health oh that was kind of crazy back then wasn’t gunpowder also called sulfur or am I crazy that I don’t remember uh it was but that was I think even I was going to say I I I wasn’t going to say yes or no I just like I could not confirm that I’m like 90% sure he’s right but yeah I think that was even before my time that was old old that must have been like alpha or beta before yeah I’ve played qus since the beginning all I know is that uh you know how like on namemc you can see how old accounts are yes uh mine doesn’t have a date like of the original account creation so I it’s that old I don’t know how old that makes it but Jerry yes Jerry do it do it Jerry do what what was I doing what are I doing look look he doesn’t suspect anything I could never oh he’s a good man uh not talk I’m not talking about you Willie I was talking about Steve you already finished the next l of clothing too yeah I was the big hold up was the uh the diamonds and now that we have the chicken we’re moving and grooving dude wow would we want multiple diamond chickens uh it’s not a big like a bad idea especially cuz diamonds is like one of the only things that I can’t like produce more of with like the raw ore everything else I can make more of it and like multiply it guys I think we’re running out of lava around us I’m pretty sure we’re running out of lava dude uh dropsy do you have any iron that you can put into the uh if the iron chicken doesn’t have a t I can but there might be some on the iron chicken that’s just easier to get okay yeah if you guys take something from the chicken please uh make check on the seeds I captain but if there’s not a ton there I can definitely make some there’s like a stack in there I think is it in here the try Vasquez my portable thing I don’t see it your terminal yeah my portable flux capacitor he drop I don’t see it in there uh can you help me get a what’s it called it is called a superheating [Music] element ele oh yeah I can make that uh right now hold on yes that will help us speed up the lava nothing over here by I just need to grab the copper in my inventory Transformers yeah yeah was going immediately you’re right oh my gosh all right let’s see let’s see where is where is go dang that’s crazy there’s already a stack in here to make another Diamond chicken there’s already a what the diamond chickens are like well it’s because they’re power 10 if they weren’t power 10 it wouldn’t be nearly as worth it all right next up is a diamond upgrade now that we’re flush with cash could I borrow many diamonds thank you uh just grab what you need from the chest dude now that they’re just make sure you uh feed the chicken just you just right click it with seeds in your hand like the SE just solve your problem of lava my lava problem yeah you said it what that you were running in I was I serious bro that was a total joke cuz we’re surrounded by lava me oh I just uh change out the source on cruci Autobots something nice for a guy roll out oh my goodness all right there we go we got two chests I did it nice next Quest netherite upgrade why do I feel okay that’s one netherite Ingot it’s actually I mean it don’t be wrong we it’s not like we have nether Ingot lying around but it is just one netherite Ingot at least it’s not like some convoluted you use this NE you’re still getting yourself so you can get some oh yeah okay one second I’m making a smithing to okay I’m halfway to the ender pearl chicken nice all right so in order to get a netherite Ingot it’s four gold obviously four netherite scraps obviously and how would we get a scrap it is literally just you just take netherite oh it’s got to be crushed Netherrack oh you just take a hammer to it okay okay so we just got to take a hammer to that and then we s it and then what are the odds of getting this stuff Don Yap has died in the lava yeah I missed a jump okay 6 or point8 so Emerald better netherite mesh but like good luck with that is the best chance oh that is only one netherite Ingot though that might be worthwhile actually to save up for and get that first I’m going to do it I’m I’m I’m going I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to I’m I’m going to do I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m i’mna I’m i’mna i’mna once you get like the crash someone tossing one of these s seeds here then a SE work for you I’m going to run to the bathroom be right back well don’t just run Sprint okay looking at your gravestone Jerry in the nether you got to him yeah I’ve been grinding the uh I’ve been grinding them over here nice dude oh I’ve got one of the big bosses just like stuck in a boat what just just sck the Cress NE and this see oh the automatic one yep we’ve been having trouble with it though no it’s going oh we can make upgrades for it too okay and all keep an eye on this yeah we’re just to keep an eye on this chest for whatever and we just assign it to a spot in this uh Dr okay I only need eight more ender pearls oh nice I I put some in the uh storage Sy some how many do we have uh as far as I remember five okay that’s not so bad I’m see if I getting for that um okay so it’s going it’s going slowly but surely I am back yeah I guess I’ll make as many of these as I can quick I’m so happy that we finally have diamonds like like loads of diamonds yeah that was quite literally the biggest hiccup for me second favorite mod resource chicken there for you what’s up oh oh thank you we already got two pieces yep I popped a uh in there so should be doing faster also uh Willie I feel really bad but it’s like very hard to understand what you’re saying I don’t know why you’re coming through like muffled for some reason sorry about that yeah I know it’s not it’s not like the normal like background noise but like it’s coming through muffled I don’t know if that makes sense but it’s like kind of hard to understand you lazy thanks for the $50 stream tip double steak bomb on cat because of what happened 3 days ago get him hit him with the meat rocket give him levitation oh that no meet him oh God In the Arms of Ky God all right Jee how do I turn oh my God oh my God how do I turn this off so much steak no not that I just I am the meat s is that it what that work I made the mistake of downloading telegram yesterday on my computer and I just like all the message like how do I turn this off oh yeah hey yo this Enderman dropped a diamond shovel oh my goodness I’m getting gems over here too like gems yeah like a chip Alice gem yeah apotheosis I don’t know what happened but our luck’s running out Willie yeah I mean it is such a low chance but I have it doing it where it’s doing eight items at a time so hopefully that will start getting us some more oh that’s sick I didn’t even know you could do that yeah is the up see if you look in the se you can see the gold upgrade right there yeah I saw that in the cor have three yeah we have three in there just uh boost it a little bit if we have like diamond ones and such it will do a lot more but I have a diamond one but uh I need that to upgrade to netherite for that Quest you can have the netherite upgrade when it’s done netherite chicken let’s go I do want to make the P does he exist is the netherite chicken kep netherite scraps cuz if so that’s pretty huge actually cuz that’s not I think that’s something you can look at Ne Chicken chicken if if it if it even exists chicken purple String Chicken iron bone osmium Diamond dude we just got we just got so much all right I think it’s an ancient chicken wait let let’s take this all out of here cuz we got enough now to make the mesh and everything so I took them all out of there so I can make a netherite mesh first and then we’ll go from there sound good okay I took everything out quick is there any reason not to put it always as a netherite mees any reason at all uh that’s as I okay then did you say the ancient chicken drops scrap cap yes yeah that’s pretty big that we can start working on being set up too it’s going to take a really long time but get it for you all right well first things first let me finish this quest for you so we have one netherite storage and I’m sorry St Nether upgrade so I can put that into the seeve here where you have the gold upgrades and that should make it Mega good right uh yeah oh wait no this is a storage upgrade different thing oh well that’s yeah we can use that for a storage anyway so still good to have that okay um oh well either way I got the netherite storage thing a netherite mesh that’s just an meh that two more end pearls so now Emerald boom all right netherite mesh is now set to go in there instead of the emerald one and now I’ll put these back in so that’s sick so now the odds of finding netherite scrap is going to be huge and once we reach 64 you can make an ancient chicken that drops scrap dude it immediately just got us eight more scrap I have 10 all right well perfect guys this is the perfect place to call this quit hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the buddies and welcome back to volcano block in Minecraft we’re going to be getting some big old progress today because we finally much to uh the dismay of Blade cuz blade hates all good things but you know the fans wanted it we finally added in the transportation table Transportation table will make this thing vastly easier uh to do and then after all that we’re going to be doing a murder mystery with the mods uh which should be a lot of fun because you know we’re only going to be able to communicate with each other and also oh is it is it the proximity chat one is it a goog one all right cool well nice that answers that I I don’t no one in here knows that answer yeah man luk Luke’s here he’s just not saying it Luke does he sound here Luke he’s moving yeah I don’t think he’s actually here he’s looking all sad what are you doing what are you doing punk I think he’s just scared to say there’s no proximity chat a why [Music] boo all at blade okay okay I know I need blazing archwood logs the one thing the one thing man this is a vaccine archwood okay uh let’s get going so where do we leave off with this so obviously I guess first thing first let’s make a transportation table oh jome I lied there’s voice chat on it I’m a good boy thanks for lying he just wanted to get you upset okay so let’s take a gander at the different quests um let’s see which one do I want to do so last time we beat create mod and I was really proud of that Steve you’re probably GNA make some dents on mystical agriculture today uh yeah I’m hoping to I’m hoping to I think I can get us at least one supremium gear today one one full set uh uh what huh Willie you’re you’re in you’re allowed in and no one no one’s taking you out of the game either I’m I’m removing that now taken off the list of know to get in he no he Willie with a $500 stream tip will what Willie’s just permanent in he’s just in yeah I don’t yeah Willie what hi hi Willie Willie yeah Willie what hi hi well thank you Willie but but what you’re in you’re in you’re in forever you’re you’re here he’s just uring you know oh my gosh Willie yeah I don’t even know what that does what does that do I don’t know Luke what does that do well uh Luke doesn’t know and Steve doesn’t either so we’re in treat ladies going back and forth know anything around here we don’t know a single thing we don’t know nothing around here we’re going to figure that FS uh no I think I think we do have it set up give me one second to remember it’s been a minute since we’ve been on the server I just work here guys has been a minute it’s been seven days silly yeah oh my gosh maybe more G willikers Batman uh you just erased my hard drive what was I doing Willie what the heck d i don’t all right I’m going to look looking through no knows dude nobody knows anymore uh I was doing uh these server I was doing basic storage stuff that’s right cuz I made I made the netherite upgrade I was going to finish this today okay uh right I was going to do I think the last thing to do is make a trash can which is really easy oh my gosh well you you broke the internet today are you going to be playing in the um the who what where one the uh Mur mystery yeah nice nice I wonder who else Vernon I see you in the chat are you going to be playing in the murder mystery yeah and I believe Togepi is too oh sick all right all right that’s good that’s good nice so we got at least uh that’s at least seven people then how do I getos all right let’s see Chad asked or quacker and asked murder mystery yes so at the end of this segment we’re gon to be doing a murder mystery uh it’s goingon to be super fun and uh it’s going to be mods are invited as well so if you’re a mod you can uh you know check the uh the Discord there and I’m sure bler Luke will have instructions for you and uh it’s going to be voice voice mod thing so it’ll be all in game and like real murder mystery what you building over here dropsy uh oh I’m not building anything yet I was just borrowing the uh furnace for the stone to use that uh that that new thing that was added you know yeah yeah true project Transportation table yeah that’s right that’s right oh uh Willie yeah let me get you the um let me get you the new thing uh do this let me know if I need manipulation work you just drop you just download that and drop ited and uh thank you uh psycho clasa $66 stream tip for or that’s for liip P She said have fun l no uh oh I’m taking out Jerry no no no oh wait I take damage I forgot what is wrong with you Luke what is wrong with you dude I thought I was stilling create killer Nation wants a slurp you know what after that that deserves a slurp but look what the heck bro you forgot you I was like wait why am I taking damage now oh my God anyway I’m deciphering uh Steve’s japanesee right now oh yes yes of course of course M mhm mhm um okay so that was another test completed there so what does that mean oh I have to make one of each type of trash can oh okay I thought normally these you just have to build one an energy one okay so Redstone and then a bucket okay easy peasy um red stone check so clock Redstone button then I I need one of my gems oh no killer Nation oh sorry uh Astro the $25 stream tip said this is my ALT account cuz I cannot donate on my man for some reason but steak bomb for Jerry thank you kind sir I I wish this was in another second because then you know what actually I’ll put it into this machine for now and then once I make a transportation table then I can just put it all away sorry guys I’m filling up a storage with meat for now I promise it’ll be it’s full I can’t put any more in there oh no oh no oh no girl I literally have so much stuff here that I was trying to put in there I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Steve I just didn’t want to waste it all you are I literally have a full inventory and can’t do anything with it for what it’s worth I at least finished another Quest oh wait no I didn’t what the heck what the heck what am I missing here oh you suck I thought I did but it didn’t come who pedestals oh we need to make a transportation tablet table table tablet table t t t table t t t yeah so you can stop clogging the actual inventory system Terell Duncan with a $50 stream diip set I guess you could open a pack since you don’t have the grunder to eat cards today what does that even mean I don’t have the grunder to eat cards today oh it means that Steve didn’t put it in the description there okay hello there you don’t think I’m grunder enough Terrell I put it in there let’s go what you want I also threw a lot of steak in the lava Willie got a pack right in let me hey can we get a steti clear please oh did you clear all items on the Ground Luke I haven’t run a single command yeah not yet then what happened to all my items that were on the ground uh did you eat that here we go guys whenever I clear uh steak I clear specifically steak nothing nothing of your items would be affected well there go I I don’t know what happened to them then they’re just gone oh well did you guys uh see that they’re making that McDonald’s is releasing their own anime well they had that commercial a while ago wait McDonald’s is making an what did you talk like what is it uh I’m not McDonald’s anime it’s called I think it’s called McDonald’s with like the W instead of the m all right weave that might be the first anime I watch we started L you’ve watched other anime you just don’t call them that no no pish posh pish posh oh I got a coridon in that pack that’s pretty cool holographic kidon nice love that remember what I was working on the mount Pokemon are pretty cool all right they’re not the worst I actually think arus uh vehicle Pokemon were pretty cool like the ability to switch between them as quickly as you could was actually kind of fun um wait so we got a lot of Ender Pearls last time right yeah I got 2 I have 11 on me oh I was going to say I think chat to make a rule because you guys want the transportation table and I want to make it fair can we make a rule or do you guys think this is dumb that for at least basic minerals we have to have some kind of automated thing for it before we can put in the transmutation table you know what I’m saying we should still automate a lot of that anyways cuz if we get like the base ores for stuff like the pieces or like the or piece I can multiply the EMC we get out of it so we should still use the machines I mean in general like the base of our automation for like iron and stuff like that is going to come from Auto seeds Okay for like Terell what did I do Terell with a $250 stream tip thank you but he said you can either apologize to dropy for your behavior Thursday and give her armor or you can eat five cards what did I do Thursday yeah what happened Thursday a schedule on what we did Thursday what did I do oh beating Minecraft oh no yeah you were mean that day what did I do I’m struggling to remember dropsy you probably remember better what huh what what happened it was the beating Minecraft it was just I had died twice cuz I was just trying to rush stuff and he was being a poop but about it saying he was better than you you reap what you sell you know what you know what Terell you know what I think choose an option b I never apologize for telling the truth where the particles in this cuz I need to be never tell the truth never particles all never uh-huh there we go all right do we want to make a transmutation table question D uhuh have you seen how many scrap we have netherite scrap no one down oh the coridon I just opened up there goes that see is that guy okay no no definitely not he not okay that boy a right Dr how many scrap we have yes I see hi hi oh my gosh we have 57 scrap [Music] hear could understand you just said you got it big man you got it it’s so sad and I believe that we can also all right Jerry where are you we have deciphered what did we de we have deciphered the Japanese we did what was the Japanese you get the truly ultimate EMC item Patrick Star what oh my gosh really yeah that’s actually that’s big that’s actually really big yeah you get a uh basically it says unlock a node in the creative achievements so you get Patrick this time yeah let’s go yeah good job Dr I’m proud of you you did great Terell $49 how Dr is over six times worse than dropsy right now BR that’s not what that means your ownly what it means that’s that’s what you like def find it as okay I need to make a torch and a lantern how do I make a lantern I’ve never had iron nuggets iron nuggets around a torch easy easy finally done it guys thank you dropy what go I made the first set of supremium gear cool nice I’ll have to do three more Terell dun oll like the transportation table I’m busy eating getting some Fiber in Bud yeah I haven’t had a f in my diet lately yeah I can tell you can’t even talk around it oh okay I’ll make it I can yeah whatever you’re saying yeah I saying Joe [Music] jooo do I even need to say it to him chat do I even need to do it to him that badly cff of I have a question for you guys does anyone know how to make witch water I did I used to um over here St over here here here get a container put it on top and feel wall thank you thank you I need oh my God Terell Duncan is Relentless today with a 75 if cards don’t scare you number 12 will that’s wheel spin all this cuz you want me to apologize for dropsy for being bad uh I got to remember what I’m trying to do here give me one second yeah say I automated the making of Soul Sand you think you could scare me into apologizing you should talk to my parents it never I got to sift this now takes too long you just put there we go here take take your stuff that’s cool and what I meant by that is it takes too long look now now what could have been done by now is not being done by now you you’re something else what you got to do about that Terell I just think you’re all wasting your time because we always be like forming a legion of chickens that just create a bunch of resources for us cap is literally taking the root of like I’m a farmer and you guys get your progress at oh your progress how’s that cardboard taste bro honestly the last one kind of had a weird taste to it and I’m kind of uncomfortable mhm I’m not just saying that I genuinely I’m trying to figure out why maybe it honestly feels a little hot I think it might have like maybe when I pulled that I had like hot sauce on my fingers I’m say and now it’s gone oh check over here ter Duncan with a $75 stream tip to do it again ter yeah do it again all right wheel broke I got to remake it oh wait oh it fixed itself nice uh I needed Solium dust oh that’s uh right here wait yeah eight ain’t pretty you get it from sifting Soul Sand eight is not a pretty one at all Terell unless it’s in the pipes I’m shouldn’t be in the pipes so let me read it out to you all you people saying that this is R you have a pie on you I do not right now here we go we getting Saucy with it we’re getting soupy with it sorry by what you guys think that cinnamon uh and Gizzy it was good right that was so this is Ghost Pepper scorpion pepper and Carolina Reaper pepper I like to imagine dropsy never responded to it so I like to imagine she was just looking in disappointment and then left I didn’t see it until last night and I was like okay she would have cautioned you against it if she could have it was good I’m I’m happy for you I’m happy for you thanks that you got to see it truly a blessing for us all oh my God that hit the back of my throat oh my gosh uh is the cloud okay yeah okay it just took a second for the gravel to drop and I got worried that the cloud might be on fire again oh yeah that’s what I was working on the cloud no uh flux oh right yeah oh what happened to my soul I’m back I’m done with the hot saes the cards guys I can finally make your transportation table just like you wanted did you sell your Solium no I put it into instead of sitting there and sifting like I was I listened to Willie and he told me to put it into the machine and then the machine never gave me the Solium that’s your first mistake you listen to Willie listening to Willie I know yeah come on yes man come on but you think I know stuff you tell them Willie they’ve been thinking that I’m knowers of stuff for a long time yeah oh yeah that’s that’s right all right Diamond glowstone Redstone and then I will have this completed and then glow I thought the premium gear gave you the ability to fly uh you have to augment it if you search up augment Ste augment and if you want to specify for mystical agriculture it’ll slim down the stuff it shows wow I did not know that augment were uh where would you I’m going to put it down like kind of in the middle of where we’re all working so at the edge of the Cobblestone District so we just put all the stuff that has EMC in it or pretty much yeah okay I’m going to start pulling out my steak that I hid in here that made Steve mad rituals me oh that’s why cuz there’s 2,000 steak in there uh there was a lot more than that 16,000 I empti oh I I also helped empty some out so Psy $25 stream Luke do it over dropsy steak bomb Luke on topc I’ll take it yeah and Jerry how can I send you a hot sauce hot get hot over time it’s called Extreme regret you you can look it up how can I send you a hot sauce hot get hot over time I’m not sure what you mean but let me look up extreme regret I feel like that’s one of the Elijah ones that Steve used to do because it sounds familiar Elijah’s extreme extreme regret yeah I nailed it yeah he’s done that one I’ve had this before yeah it is very hot yeah 800,000 Scoville it’s yeah it’s brutal okay so you just craft those all right let me look at these quests here so what did I not do because it didn’t say that this quest line is already done basic storage oh there’s one down here I missed how did I even miss that compacting drawer okay so I just see a drawer some Stone some Pistons okay let me see Plank and the Chamber okay I need an imbuement chamber okay so let’s go with a regular old drawer okay so I need four chests one two three four I never really messed around much with the drawers thing I mean yeah it’s it’s just it’s a storage mod so it’s one of those things where it’s like well it’s one of those things where if you don’t like focus on learning how to do it you’re not going to do much with it a okay fair enough also someone has got a bunch of quests who was that oh it’s just two like I said a bunch one might argue uh a bunch is quite literally more than two at least yes yeah some somewh but you know there’s there’s those out there that are quite the contrary yeah sophisticated Willie I think is the word you’re looking for yes that exactly the word I was looking for thank you Aaron ketchers with a $70 stream tip uh said hi hello uh $70 stream tips not on there I don’t know what um I’m not sure what what what are you looking for Mr Aaron other right thank you very much and hello friend hope you’re having a great day buddy sh have I tried uh the bulok spicy noodles yes uh Tori and I up in Jersey used to go well not used to I mean we still do uh it’s a place called uh Hmart we’d go to it’s a chain uh but we’d go to Hmart up there and uh it’s a Korean food market and uh I I’d get the bulldock noodles I tried them they’re very spicy but I did it so is it the broth that’s spicy or the noodles themselves that’s that’s spicy I’m going to assume the broth but I guess I don’t know I mean you know you kind of eat them at the same same time right so I don’t like cuz I’d be real interested if it was just like UDA noodles like big ones that are just actually spicy I’m going to guess it’s the the seasoning and sauce that you put into the broth oh okay okay but yes I have had that shirro it’s it’s awesome it’s very hot but I love it I do love it um okay so now I craft this Destiny thanks for the $79 Str oh Jerry I’m coming for 12 again Destiny you’ve met your match I’ve already I’ve already thwarted two plans for it and now another plan thwarted that’s number 10 it’s still hot but it ain’t the Droid that you’re looking for rigged and then we have from mjp for a pack of cards how all the Buddies doing I’m going I’m back for my vacation trip to the Poconos dude I used to love going to the PO I’ve been to the pocon no with Steve actually we went to a snowboarding Mountain there which one was that again Steve I don’t remember the name of it to be honest oh yeah that one yeah I do remember that now yeah that’s a cool one yeah Pol do are beautiful I hope you had a great trip mjp do we have a tablet set up yes we do nice I was in an arbor this weekend here we go number 10 where I discovered the cinnamon Gizzy all right number 10 very hot this is Ghost Pepper scorpion pepper Caroline Reaper pepper and two times or one time Capas extract uh anyone got any yellow dye yellow D aren’t there a bunch of Dand lines on a chest somewhere on the inside that’s hot that is hot uh I’m not seeing it I’m looking at a chest that’s inside inside but I don’t think we do have any of the anes but that’s okay I have and Connor H with a $50 stream tip alternative for another sorry I get the hiccups when I have too hot of sauce uh that is for another pack pack of cards he said you guys should do Capture the Wool um well I agree that’s cool and I would love to the pack guys and I are planning on doing that very soon so if you that channel uh that should be coming up hopefully because is good see I Hup’s bad today oh that hot sauce Eli with a $15 stream dip any of yall going to watch the Borderlands movie um I don’t know’s coming out but yes if that is real then of course I’m watching it and Aaron caterson with a $70 stream tip he said seven Canadians 50 us so he wants two more packs so we got four packs to open and then konos the $75 hammeron I’m not sure what you said but I regret you don’t again I request you don’t again my soul hurt what you don’t want to hear the word cinnamon Gizzy here goes the spin here goes the spin oh you are weak Kronos and you will not survive any winter zero Winters for you zero that’s hot sauce number two oh me uh I’m trying to do some missal flowers so we have four packs of cards and a number two hot sauce thank you will for taking care of the mystical agricult or what is it the mystical flower stuff what is that botania oh yeah Bania yeah I mean I’m working on it to get Steve some die but I can do some other stuff with it if you want to I was never a fan with of Bania so do whatever you want to do I mean I was just I was getting work get on some applied energes stics in the long run is what I was doing yeah sorry I need yellow dye so that I can make orange wool so that I can make the Awakening uh chamber so that I can wake up okay so now I just need a feather yeah yeah all right four packs of cards to open let’s hit it come on here we go I’m feeling some big ones here Pon crushing Hammer Starly flittle come on J you can do it Lucario dude we’ve opened a lot of packs already today I’m loving it Rock chest plate team star grunt Bishop uh reverse Hol sko and holographic ariva all right holographic ariva that’s we’ve gotten one of those before but I think I ate that already so let’s go to get another one I guess right you know does track here we go let’s get another good I just Steve this one I’m feeling a full art do you remember the scarlet and violet packs what are the hit cards in this oh scarlet and violet just oh you you mean the the base ones Jerome what do you mean the other day I told you that it was scarlet and violet base set and you were like oh so now you’re just being mean to the cards they’re BAS SI well you didn’t have to call him out like that you are being kind of mean Steve like reverse holot toats suiri I called it literally called it what’ you get full art Slowpoke waddle in the streets dude nice waddle in the streets oh my gosh dude I love that dude Chris Jones said eat it you’re sick you’re sick and you will not survive any winter no Winters for you Chris not Chris Jones Chris irons no Winters for you Chris irons not a single one you either socy absil dude okay that is awesome I love that Steve is that a good one I mean I guess every full Art’s a good one yeah uh let me find St PO for you oh wait here I was trying to grow flowers in a desert biome uh is this the card you’re looking for I’ll be able to tell you in a second I need to make my way through this last pack reverse Hall Magikarp reverse Hol hucha Bonet look at him back to back dude dude I’m just pulling straight winners out here all right one last pack guys you have given me good luck today is all I’m going to say you know Drome I think you’ve gotten the best card out of that set what was it the Slowpoke no the Miriam you pulled that the other day didn’t you Miriam yeah uhhuh yeah I think that’s I think that’s the number one uh looked after looked after card no way followed by gavor and meridon ex oh meron I I like but okay it’s pronounced meon because meon he does have a really good point there reverse Holo grimer reverse Holo Clif key and palet okay Pet’s okay I guess there we go there it is friends that was the four packs of cards just in time for mjp to slap me across the face the $75 stream dip cuz chaos I wish I had a low one like two to three to clear my sinuses yeah I feel you mjp I my sinuses this weekend in an arbor were not good they were not good at all um all right let’s hit it though that’s a hot sauce and fortunately enough the wheel is still rigged so we’ve been getting a lot of luck there we go 11 that’s brutal but it ain’t my 12 uh Willie did you get that die or no all right let me read this rigged one for you ghost pepper scorpion pepper KY Raper pepper and two times capsacin extract this is dummy hot 10 had me do given the hiccups I was on a spree there this is going to do the same I need to buy new Chips another name I would like to give a dog one day uh Steve oh is it oh I didn’t say that I got you I got you one dog will be be named chips and another dog will be named Scoops like the Fredo yeah oh my God hi babe you’re on stream okay hello hi is there any chance I can have milk could you bring me some milky please my mouth HS thank you also can we have more chips T your diary I’m this up here with us here that can all this area past here is going to turn into giant windmill farm so I all of this though feel feel oh I’m not going to need yeah trust I’m not going to need that much space so you’re good Ring of Fire I feel like I probably should might need to create a new area yeah I mean fortunately for us I mean I just putting this up here I mean this is literally all the space it’s taken guys I looked away from one second what is the Awakening altar what are we that was Steve right Steve that was me Steve Jerome I need you to trust me on this I don’t know I don’t know if I can I need you to trust trust me everything’s going to be all right Ste doesn’t you know it’s huh put it like that you know I’m just just Awakening let me be I’m a little tired should I be scared oh my God that hot sauce hello there Mr drill can I do this yes that’s another tab down Hello Olive would you like to go pay no attention to the man you are humongous nowadays I know here you go Olive ready TA of overgrowth so I need Earth Essence dirt iron and regular seeds I need dirt stay here sorry Chad I think Olive just wants to hang out with with the boys today and dropsy thanks the right way she’s she’s big she keeps growing more every like every day it seems she’s getting huge what am I doing I don’t know what are you doing just a transmutation table makes this so much easier oh yeah thank you Bab I’m sitting here collecting up sand so that I can put it in the machine to make the Soul Sand and I’m just like wait a second Caitlyn gamer ask what’s her breed she is a German Shepherd puppy I had to turn down uh German Shepherd puppy the other day why what’s what’s oh I just like Max is 110 lbs a dog like yeah that’s fair you got you got your hands full of dog yeah man like also like I’ve also want another just big big dog big hey uh jome I have made it so that we can wirelessly transfer power what okay well what’s uh what’s like your secret like how long do you have you been playing a lot of mod packs like back in the day you a secret what’s that he [Music] reads I I don’t I don’t think willly this is this isn’t going to work out Willie like oh that’s how he does it get him Cappy I have played kill the witch I got him I got him right here cap I got him right here get him suffocate witch witch if you float in the lava you’re not a witch you’ll float too you’ll float too float them yeah yeah that’s right which did you to read but uh no I mean I I do play a lot of mon facts yes I mean what I do a lot is I just go on uh the FTV app which it’s just like another Windows launchers and stuff like that and I just browse their mod packs and I just look at something that looks interesting that’s pretty neat then man yeah I mean I I just I just drift more towards the tech stuff than like magic or anything like that the tech stuff is so boring to me I’m dude it’s funny you know what’s funny over time I’ve come to very much so enjoy the tech stuff I don’t enjoy the magic stuff at all like I don’t I want nothing to do with mystical agriculture Bania magical RS no Vu your I just don’t get meong this don’t get me wrong this sucks yeah look forward to volcano so that I can do the mystical agriculture like I enjoy that grind everyone’s got their jams Mr Steve me walkie for this Wireless stuff um in a few minutes because Terell Duncan with the $150 Hammer said ran out on my other account but I’m back now with two more chances on the wheel Terrell why is this literally all because dropsy couldn’t stay alive how is that my fault that she can’t it doesn’t seem like that’s your fault that’s number four which is a basic ghost uh pepperino and now the spin no and down we go oh I see the 12 there this I need to make a warp scroll which is guys I think uh the the the wheel must have uh discombobulated yeah out of 12 huh it’s crazy why don’t you tell us all about about it while you’re doing the hottest hot sauuce no no man no uh it broke so it doesn’t count oh is that how that works oh yeah it’s not that it broke it’s just that I fixed it it was you it was me okay now I need to make warps roll which is just four number four is just ghost pepper which is hot but nothing compared to the other stuff cat what’s up ding ding ding mjp with a $100 stream tips and Cappy gets our first piece of unobtanium yay well that is actually crazy thank you does that does that have an EMC value no no that’s awesome cap um keep that as safe as you possibly can dude MGP that’s the first piece we got and we need a lot of unobtanium late game so like to give you an idea like there’s so much stuff I mean there’s there’s a lot of stuff it’s it is a lot thank you so much all right here comes hot sauce number 12 it’s going to be hot it’s it’s going to be bad all the modium there we go number 12 oh my God where do I get all the modium Nuggets uh so that is no it’s hot all the mod okay there is ore that you got that milk ready yeah that’s where those laser drills are going to come in handy oh it just you can only get them from a random chance I got to go to the B quick that is brutal unless there is a congratulations stream you have made Jerry poop himself oh my God is that anything out of the norm I mean we’re only like an hour in at most so yeah Ah that’s true that was quick usually he’s got like got it on lock usually he can hold out the whole stream before he poops himself about to have a blowout over there man Jerry’s living on skid row no oh no Jerry thinks he’s just lived a bad life and committed a bunch of bad choices but really that’s just like the hot sauce that he’s smelling not sulfur all right uh Willie you got a wand on you by any chance love this one yeah uh here let me make you one I just want to EMC it yeah I need to EMC one too so I’m just GNA cool thank you okay new tablet I’m just going through all the tablets of uh RS no Vu right now oh Cobblestone slabs don’t have an EMC value that is weird that’s because Cobblestone is one and if you make it half a block it would have be5 and anything less than one doesn’t have a value no that’s that’s fair habet of scrying Grants vision of a given block through any other block for a given time o okay so I need spider eyes glow stone and Source gems all right oh you DC is that what you’re huh was about I I crashed launching I’m a squirrel wizard fear my chicken prowess that roommate spiritually yeah that was the thing better call the Avatar dude there’s a breach also guys I beat basic storage I did it nice good job give me a second I got to jiggle the handle this dang toilet I gota I gotta get it fixed or I got to fix it oh is it just running in the background now getting stuck I mean it’s an it’s probably an easy fix uh yeah what’s up do we have to like grow glow stone you uh conceive dust uh to get Glowstone well we’ve got glowstone seeds so I’m going to do that oh thank you oh yeah you can grow glow some seeds yeah that’s mystic Agriculture and it’s got 0% growth so I’m assuming that I’m doing it wrong oh yeah you can’t grow those like you do noral crops uh if you yeah we can grow it over in Steve’s area uh over there he has some free plac oh yeah and then you can make a fertilizer for it too I can actually go gra what the heck Farmland Togepi with a $30 stream tip we’ll see you later by the way Togepi uh here you’re going to be in the murder mystery hi Togepi hey buddies hope everyone as well I think that Butthead Willie guy is missing some fish in his D yeah launch him what are you trying to fish F fish fish Him Luke hit him with it hold on Luke Luke is Luke dead yeah that’s what I’m talking about Luke that enough for you I mean if that makes yeah that’s for me oh God fish soup mess okay what he get tan with a 19B or $25 stream dip hyr how are you stick bom on Steve as he got me addicted to spy X yeah dude I am so excited for code white I forgot that was coming out till I saw a different movie this weekend and that was a trailer for it sounds like you guys are speaking in code right now what are you talking about turn it off because of the screaming what are we talking about oh spy family is really good it’s the most wholesome I just started watching it what is happen oh then I can’t tell you any spoilers but like yeah I’m on episode like number 10 so uh Dr yeah yeah uh yes I would love to learn uh can we why am I still getting why are you doing that instead of putting it in the transportation table because I didn’t want to make a mess what how does that make any sense how is this cleaner across the way I just went to the nearest source you deal with these people every dayak I forg I forgot about thec value yeah you are these people you’re you’re you’re possibly Prime Suspect number one because I invented the cinnamon Gizzy is that why cuz I Dare To Dream don’t okay for chat who’s wondering he’s claiming the churro did not invent that I invented it uh cap did you figure out the glow stone no I did not uh so if you fill out a crafting table minus the Middle With The Essence it’ll make a glow networ for us of us can uh use it at a time okay so Dr I’m going to go ahead and make an open network that we all can use open that workor soup there we go Willie they just don’t want you to explain this to me Kronos the $75 stream tip for another hot sauce he said stop Kronos invented there’s nothing I the dude I don’t know what word you’re using but I invented the cinnamon Gizzy is that what you’re trying to talk is that what you’re trying to say cap you’re trying to pronounce the cinnamon Story begins in Spain where they were first introduced by Spanish Shepherds the origin of their name is the subject of debate with some theories suggesting they were named after the chura breed of sheep whose horns were supposedly resembl the shape of churos all right that’s number seven that’s ghost pepper and scorpion pepper now let’s see it’s hot who invented the cinnamon not hot enough to stop me Kronos Jerry invented it been czy here we go number seven no no Google results there’s still time for you to make your Marks here that’s what I’m saying dude I’m making it here uh how do I make the treated planks again Koso that’s what I thought but I have it dude like I I got like creosote out the Wazoo over here yeah I took a creosote oil from you spider spider seeds what does spider seeds do do they make spiders uh I believe so okay where would I plant these in your garden to create spiders from the ground I don’t know if we want to do that but I need spider eye but I hate spiders I need to grow spiders from these spider seeds Spider-Man just go ahead and plant it down and use some of this cap okay Co I seriously do despise spiders though I hate spiders spider meat boot I’m just not a fan of them at all they like but they’re so good they eat all the bad pests that you don’t want and I’m like oh they eat themselves because like I dude I don’t want okay so which is which is worse big spider or small spider um big spider obviously I don’t know man like we got small spiders that they’re crazy dangerous over here so Kyle said spiders are awesome y’all are just weak no spiders SoCal is one of those people who like has a pet spider I never got it I never got having a pet spider yeah I had a fan people who were like they’re cute it’s like no I had a fan one time at a convention come up to me and said you want to see my pet spider and I was like sure and out of seemingly nowhere he pulled out a jar and he had brought his pet tarantula to a convention center and I was like who why do you have this what why oh I hate that how did you get this through security pretty up front he I mean yeah but how did he bro not respect um how do you make an engineer’s blueprint that’s what I need to know first you become an engineer and then you make a blueprint good luck with those student loans buddy all right so Mr Jerome are you uh oh yes I’m ready I’m ready to learn now that Kronos is done being a degenerate Kronos yes so if you right click on this and uh you look at the second tab you you see I selected the power Network that I made yes so this block right here is just to manage your networks and stuff like that the actual Wireless transfer comes from these two things right here the uh flux Plus PL and the flux Point okay so uh the flux plug will basically you connected to anything that creates power any flux Point creates power you connect to something that you’re giving power to so drum if you come over here uh here we’ll go up to our platform over here where we have our windmills oh we can plug it into one of the windmills you’re saying so if you just go ahead and put the flux point or flux plug sorry flx plug onto this and if you right click it you should be able to yep and select that and now as you see it’s going to be whenever we uh we connect something like a flux Point it’ll draw power from this uh so if we just take like can we put it into like a big bank or something uh yeah we could actually I mean if uh I don’t know if we make it we can make like a battery or something any $25 stream said steak bomb on Jerry hold on a second will I I got to fill up the CMC table thank you I needed the CMC cuz I don’t have a ton now I’m going to have like a mill also I great news I’ve recently acquired a PC thanks to Willie and now I’m able to play more games hey that’s so cool good luck on the auditioning for voice acting roles and it’s awesome what kind of gaming PC did you get hey uh which power Cube did you grab or like make dandelion making all the way to the last one right now I’m going to make a farm so that we can charge them and have them ready to use all right uh yep if you have like something I can use to like just to show drum the stuff here you can and uh tan you can have this one tan wants to know what everyone’s opinion on snakes is nope just NOP I don’t mind snakes dude right I think that like most animals I’m fine with snakes like snakes are all right I want to hold snake I just think you’re getting like you have to be a certain type of person to have a venomous snake for a pet like that’s where I draw the line like those those things are dangerous dangerous if it’s a nonvenomous snake like a boa or anything like that like yeah this see the same thing all right unless we got going backwards let me see um that should be toy never said do you know what gaming PC she got Willie uh I can look it up right now nice nice oh she just link she just said it a sky Tech nebula gaming PC sounds intense nice uh f uh I don’t know what these mean but it’s 5600x ryzen for an AMD it’s an RTX 4070 that’s pretty good right that’s really good right that’s yeah that’s a good GPU one terabyte SSD it’s better than I have a good starting point UH 60 starting point how dare you it’s just all I have uh 6 no actually pause yeah right now you have a singular terabyte of storage she has 16 GB DDR fours my God that so is that like the newest version of DDR The Dance Dance Revolution she’s got 16 of them nice I was going to say there’s no way he has any uh space for videos ever if you only have a terabyte there’s no way cuz like GTA itself self would take up most of your hard drive BR I’m don’t feel bad up until about like two weeks ago I only had one terabyte my man bro my what are you guys doing killer Nation $25 stream said steak bomb on the Jerry guy yes more EMC for Jerry if anyone needs anything I’m filthy rich now I need to make a dandelion somehow said he’s been watching the days of Mitch oh dude if you watch that long what do you think of The Hunger Games video I just posted with Mitch other day eh eh not too shabby eh I don’t it was actually shabby we were terrible um I’m very ashamed of myself to be honest that’s K said he loved it let’s go my guy my kind guy you got a piece of aluminum I can steal from you aluminum nope let me take a look at this try to figure out why it’s not wanting to do the thing are you aluminum I don’t know if you can you’re zinc are you aluminum can you call people zinc what you okay chat did you just what the wandering traitor just pulled a bucket of milk out of nowhere and just starts slurping like an animals and then he drank it all yeah he does that did they do that yeah their invisibility it’s daytime so he took aways that is simple Minecraft I had no idea that that happened and I wish it didn’t someone was saying uh in the murder tab uh the Bounty tab I think I think apparently you do actually have to kill a few wandering traders in their llamas just one oh just one only J’s like I’m on it kill the Traer and his annoying llamas that’s a that’s an optional Quest I’ll take care of this I’ll show you option or I can just use a sunflower does anybody happen to have a sunflower negative got him don’t worry guys he’s in a worst place Delta said wait check his trades he’s not going to be traded with nobody I suppose we have a phytogenic in insulator just laying around that sounds like a lot no [Music] no I was in three menus I had to leave so fast I was I was like four Quest deep trying to read something does the water trador ever have any actual trades or they always just dog water uh modded modded they have really good ones I was going to say the wandering Trader has a chance to give you an item early on that especially now that we have EMC like it’s worth uh dropsy could you smelt this 10 or does it even matter at the moment but if you need tin I can grab you whatever amount you need uh I just need to make my way through a phytogenic insulator with like lumium still have a lot of to kill mobs tin dust oh Jerome if you’re wanting to go hunting mobs I have this sword for you uh sure why why have the mobs stopped spawning in my Dominion I have no idea did someone change the chunk thing no hly when I go to make mob Farms I always go to mob grinding TOS for that kind of stuff I don’t like the other stuff let me D I need glow oh my gosh how hey you want to know where I got that yeah I do want to know from that wandering Trader you just killed true hey guys I got a go new sword toap with a $50 Stam dip for nobly eliminating the wandering Trader I bestow you the chance to open the you want a zard all right I have the zard packs cuz I only have five left I have them off to the side there I been open open up my other ones my astral radiances what the what’s going on with this flux stuff here we go guys oh let me get a full screen here Togepi we’re getting the zard in this one if we get the zard in this one Steve has to do a 10 mile run oh can I walk it no Magneton I ain’t getting through it Bud camera mascar there a Lapras under that’s pretty cool we have reverse Holo finin silver reverse Holo foki a toxcity that’s an eatable card that’s an eat is it like a full art one or is it just kind of a poopy one uh it’s a poopy talkx I’ve got like so many of them before dude I’ve I’ve seen like several like full ones but like yeah no if that was Full Art dude I’d be ecstatic yeah full arts are just the best part they is get me going you know it’s like oh oh look you’ve abandoned the normal format okay so Redstone flux coil that one that part’s easy uh we have a quest to kill 50 Ender they have a quest called 100 Enderman I might go in now that I’ve got my new super good armor thanks to William I’ll go in there I’m going to kill some Endermen you have to get there um I need to see though is there any other like kill the Ender Dragon kill the Wither oh so we got to kill a bunch of wither skeletons oh that is a quest there too is kill a bunch of w all right all right I’ll take care of the Enderman and move onto the Wither Skeleton I’m just going to work on some stuff for us okay guys all righty have no fear Jerry is here to save the day he will keep you safe all praise no basic fire charge just laying around me oh it’s a Gino gunpowder okay we got gunpowder this gas has been missing every shot that baby piglin had a crossbow a now he’s dead a replace with stone what is that one for well there’s a stone generator that exists in mechanism but like the other one’s just better I found no my boats does it have my boats in it it probably it probably has your boats I can’t see into your grave I’m not Steve I’m not a grave robber wait but you own my soul why can’t you look in my grave does it work like that it was in the contract oh okay that’s right I forgot about the grave robbing claws jeez what’s wrong ke not me one of your actions can that’s right if you accidentally bump a mob not even like hit them you just if you walk into them it’s like you’re gone oh I’m doomed it’s going to be I’m going to have to come back in with some diamond armor or something it’s going to be a pain to get my stuff back actually I just P past that one two lumium gears now I need a redstone that was the first that’s the first Challenger of many oh did you see me put the moves you see that Luke such the moves my boat you found it how oh Luke stop distracted me you sicko sorry oh hey you made it closer to uh the portal this time how about that all right oh Jerry was he going counterwise in the iio game oh my God you ruined a good thing don’t worry I left my you ruined a good thing by not communicating I was very clear about what I was doing entire time going what animal goes counterclockwise something some animal that wants to surprise people and that part obviously worked there we go a I’m never going to get my stuff back so now I need 10 gear now I just need there we go the first step of many bam okay boom boom wait reys what are you talking about can you combine a key with an ender pearl and hold right click to teleport to the grave in this version oh yeah you can oh you’re that’s wild that’s wild don’t act listen Luke you can either not have known about it or you can get grilled for not having tell told us about it bro oh I don’t know that just sounds familiar what’s up that could have been a thing in stone block but maybe not this version we have 288 Eyes of Ender how and why are none of them ender pearls oh I have ender pearls okay but why do we have four Stacks there you go uh I was using it to make the flux uh stuff oh okay like dude if you want to put them in your if you want to put them in your em feel free I just took a bunch out and I was like I’m just going to leave them in here um so if you have a over the grave key it says combined an inventory allows you to see so I need a Dand liion before I can oh cap do you s need glowstone no I need to somehow get a dandelion I think I need to actually go loot chests to try and find a dandelion yeah say unfortunately we are in the desert by him so I don’t think that changes wherever we go though I mean I mean you just can’t grow like flowers in desert yeah I just don’t think that any of this is going to be non desert oh Jerome anyone got some clay I I made it but I need it I need to make more dandelions but you can use it like I just I’m not using it I got to steal the solar guys it’s as cool as you think by the way the teleporting it’s sick you go directly to the Grave yep that’s awesome going exploring what I wonder if I go far enough while I just appear outside of the volcano jome I’m here to be a nuisance when are you not see willly is starting to get it he understands he gets what we have hey my boats are clutching up right now dude these boats have trapped so many piglins this is awesome you’re welcome any have to have any sand for I have blast but I have zoomed off here where you at will distance uh I’m just over in the uh storage house you got any clay for trade I can easily make me some okay I’ll make myself some I have dust on me there we go I I just realized dust has EMC so I’m like uh Connor I’m not too worried about actually picking up the ender pearls CU you got the MC table now I’m literally just doing this because I need to kill 100 Enderman in order to get that Quest I don’t even know if the piglins matter for me killing them either which is kind of interesting how do we not have a single fluid Barrel here’s one oh wait no that’s just a normal Oak Barrel isn’t it oh it works I should have brought a shield you are really having a tough time over there aren’t you really seems to be no Steve I’m having a great time oh well that’s good to hear I’m glad you’re having a good time gravel dirt and gravel I have an AMC cour wonder if there’s a way to change the biome in an area uh there is which mod is that uh RS RS noou then I just haven’t seen it yet it must be a ritual a it’s a extension uh off of it called RS Omega it’s called a tablet of change Biome uh tablet used for rituals it actually not relatively hard to make either uhad I’m going to bring this homez I got that was my old grave they had a lot of diamond ice ice might be a problem you know cuz we’re in a volcano make the last Chiller Alex the 80 with a $50 stream open a pack of cards that hurts to watch you eat thank you they’ve been making me eat more cards than than open them lately I think it’s funnier all right I’m heading home guys I’m heading home I have to make charge I need a lot of s qus but don’t worry Alex as soon as I’m home and safe and out of the nether where a gas can’t come by and ball me out of the sky invar do we even have invar I don’t I don’t think invar is hard to make I think it’s like nickel and something else maybe yeah you could probably even might be able to iron and nickel yeah all right here we go Alex thank you buddy let’s get this but you need ice to make a blast chiller is the problem you need packed ice to make a blast chiller and that’s an issue Steve I don’t suppose we have ice seeds uh actually cap I do not think we do at the moment I think we need ice for those we might you know what you might be able to do what oh wait never mind that’s going to take a bit I was just going to say that uh reverse py you could go like Project D and stuff like that but in order to do that you’re going to need mear matter and I don’t think that we can get that in a reasonable time mear was the holographic card there guys it’s okay it’s okay I wasn’t feeling the energy behind that one anyway you know it’s fine it’s fine we’ll get him next time we’ll get him next time yeah not not not a big deal I still can’t believe I called that full art that’s crazy I was good if I make a philosopher stone I believe I can just transmute water into ice yeah but I think you need a silk touch to pick it up hey Willie any chance you know how to use these things oh my gosh that’s these things thanks Steve Garden Clos what cuz tan said I’m with Steve seeing you eat the cards is better $49 stream tip well there goes the meow I’m telling you it’s one step forward one step back I can’t keep none of these I know they need power um I can’t Steve did not care at all that you had to e that mous g Steve has no soul is what I learned wow Sor one yeah it needs power water and like grass and stuff like that and like the sea that’s using yeah that’s that’s perfectly fine I can make that happen the immersive engineering isn’t something that I’ve gone into a lot recently um so it’s one of the ones I’m not as familiar with also guys we got about like 20 30 more minutes and then we’re going to be heading on over to doing uh murder mystery with lods cool I’m going to keep working on doing my best to help us out with all these uh Bounty boards the Bounty boards are annoying I also got to figure out why your other spawn points not working anymore my my old spawn bin that used to spawn annoying mobs how do we get obsidian again uh here I can just give you an IM IM seed okay cool if for whatever reason you put lava in a stone barrel and put water on top ah okay cool did you know that baby hog are aggressive so they’ll attack you but as soon as you hit them once they run away from you yeah yeah just like real life they just their little babies something cat picked up on in his toddler F Cy Cy Cy have you ever come across a wild hog in Texas cap oh they’re a huge problem like but have you ever come across one I’ve been on some Farm plots of some friends in High School uh like they will just like run up on you I’ve seen a few yeah that’s terrifying they huge like did you pet them no they’re dead you want to do that they will eat your hand they’re deadly dude okay but did you pet them no they’re not pet they’re not pet animals cap I think all animals deserve pets buddy no no not animal not all of them there’s definitely that do not your own like cats I think you’re an animal that doesn’t deserve pants you say pants come on can’t be taking my pants my words you don’t deserve him you take that back I deserve he said what he said you don’t deserve them I deserve pants and you know it Cap all right I’ve killed 50 so we have 51 Enderman kills so far guys we need 49 more uh mind you could also just check the coal chicken at any point yeah I didn’t want to run all the way over there to EMC it but I actually had one saying don’t be lazy all right Willie water is not the not the play here what water is not the play here uh no it’s just not getting energized why is there no energy to this oh hey Steve magic of would torches stop them from spawning on the pathway the uh annoying things in the nether does that work does that work in the nether as the issue like I don’t know I know normally I don’t think light level is a thing specifically for those here try putting on this try putting oh oh this okay work um I would if I had a pickaxe thanks okay so now I’m going to try can you enchant a book with silk touch or is it easier to do it on like a tool I’ll be right back really sorry Delta said it wouldn’t it’s the same rate either way it’s just dependent on the bookshelves and like levels and stuff book book you’re less likely because it can be any and they said it’s the block that the torch is physically on and then wouldn’t spawn it but otherwise like yeah and that’s just because there is a thing yeah I’m not going to be putting them down in every block so yeah you can actually craft the silk touchbook you can craft a silk touchbook yes modding be like hey let’s just oh so you can just do it in ours noou that’s oh hey Will can borrow that again I would almost rather but whatever Vernon just said the exact same thing yeah to put I’m not rebuilding this pathway with slabs it cuz I only have to kill 40 something more Enderman anyway so like the the payoff just would don’t just see that it wouldn’t be payoff wise you know what I mean like I’m going to be done with this place soon all right so it’s got power now but it still doesn’t have water okay down so well yeah so like right now Vernon I need 45 more Enderman kills so it’s like the time we would take to rebuild that whole thing I I just don’t think I’d get the worth out of it I should have done that from the start built it out of slabs I think I tried telling Cappy that to do it but he wouldn’t listen I remember correctly I’ll kill you borrow a fluid pipe and a g accumulator yeah those guys there we go thank you got a pipe rch I do not know is this sword unbreakable so it’s sharp five mending looting four Unbreaking five capturing three thank you makes mobs have a chance to drop a spawn egg no that’s oh my God I do I have a piglin spawn egg oh that’s neat a little less neat yeah but the Looting is great because one of our quests we have to do is kill the Wither so now I have to kill significantly less wither skeletons to get that hey willly could you bring me a little more um water that’s what I was looking for give me a second uh can you bring me like a couple more buckets only need two can you bring me two more buckets yes what oh have Mike said you can use Mega torches they stop aggressive mobs I think like we were talking about I think in the nether it just doesn’t work like that oh my God that’s what you get you’re sick you didn’t even Sumo Slam me you lack any kind of grunder that’s what you get you lack grunder got you lacking bro here I’m going to grab some Cobblestone will I put this thing down and it instantly sucked all the water how’d you get back so quick c yeah that’s why I’m going grab this end pearls I would just like throw them EMC changed it be few things bro true so what do we want to do with this piglin spawn egg anyone got any cool ideas and put it up in the windmill farm Delta that could happen actually put in the middle oh my God go take your F pip oh my God just use an ender pearl dummy um negative not working wait bring your P wrench and Shi right click that make sure you do the right one the one that’s on the aqus accumulator wrong one you’ve done this uh Connor no the spawn eggs are not EMC it’s working okay now I got to do this like six more times yes I believe that you should you should be able to place him linearly with like the power and stuff I believe so actually I mean I can check real quick no you won’t be able to unless you like got into into immersive engineering so I just need yeah you can use like a yeah use basically the you have the energy pipes uh no what are you two working on by the way Willie and Steve uh use those uh guard PES and I’m trying to awaken armor oh my like draconic no no no no no no that’s way the uh premium gear can be awakened to make it even stronger I was like wait a you’re doing dronic Evolution no no no I would I don’t think this is this not be able to do that not enough Source nearby but yeah I mean I was just stop and see with that I’m still working on getting applied and ristics going thanks bucko yep door on your mob spawn to block out oh is it because someone took away my door and that’s why they’re not spawning in the thing anymore uh Willie it didn’t work uh even after you use your pip rint uh I mean the water working the power is not working the way that I think you think it work try using your pipe wrench use pipe wrench okay yeah no it’s not way I thought it would okay no big deal uh yeah so you might just be able to stick with one for now all right3 more uh the way that you would like if you were like using going into into immersive engineering is you see on the top here yeah uh there would be like coils and stuff like that you can make that you can use to connect the yeah I’m not getting real far into that yeah that’s what I say yeah like I said I haven’t gone deep into immersive engineering so got know like a couple of Basics how quickly this works it’s already gotten four okay there we go yeah there we go big big gains I’m lowering the amount I’m going to be sub30 left soon enough Mike culon I just tested Mega torches do work in the nether really so they stop mobs from spawning hostile specifically okay I just need glowstone Diamond hello Luke did somebody take all the in Essence out of the generator I certainly did no oh I’m just scrolled really far down I found it that was weird I like what is happening right now CR said Mega Tores work by changing spawn conditions not by light level huh okay interesting I’ll look into it then if uh this keeps becoming a problem right now I’ve got a pretty good stride going luckily I mean people usually like when they like go to do the nether stuff like to make it easier they usually get into like jetpacks I got a miniature red heart is that permanent uh that’s for the bubles like the heart bubles ones that give you uh extra Hearts oh wait really you can make those in this yep you can just eat them dude I’ve got an extra heart and a half permanently though or have you died with it I’ve died with it and like it’s permanent yeah reallying do yeah yeah W eat the heart I ate the heart Cappy good I don’t feel different thank you little lunchable for the $10 straight dip dude appreciate you there we go what’s your guys’s favorite Lunchables as kid I used to love the pizza ones the piz was good yeah the nachos what I love oh nachos is good nachos pretty solid uh well do they even make the mega meals anymore like the big ones I don’t remember I don’t think they do with the actual soft pizza with the deep dish pizza and stuff like that I don’t remember those yeah I don’t know if I you guys remember the the chicken nuggets where you put them in a bag with like the seasoning or what not you sh the bag that a Lunchables product cuz I know I don’t remember that I don’t yeah I don’t remember I remember that called shers or something I remember barue it would come with packet and You’ Shake It Up might have been after our time Jerome oh no Marco ask why did you not post a vid on Ace Steve I don’t know Steve Steve weird dude we have might be sched for the wrong de we got to bring Papa Baka in here Dr we got to bring Papa Baka literally trying to literally trying to talk papaka picking me up and throwing me off the edge and text him right now and with this I believe should be one step closer to getting our ae2 system started okay so and now I need to EMC this water bucket water walket texting papaa right now oh chome you don’t have to do that you don’t have to do that a [Music] no look Jam we can we can we can talk about this he won’t talk to me about it we we can talk about it you know like we can be cool I don’t know if we can be cool about something as serious as this Steve we we can we can be cool oh bro what did it just not apply my armor because I feel like I got one hit there maybe it was same with the Roblox channel oh no no Roblox was posted don’t even go there what oh you like go and like check and it’s actually not uploaded yeah yeah I did actually it be up shortly it’s there just he we got over 500 people watching let’s go nice there we go I now have silk Sand Grass well girl I think next time I’ll be able to get us our A2 sword system set up I think I’m about to be able to change a biome what would that do make it so we don’t have to rely in all these chests for storage wor the equipment nice little lunchable the $5 Str is it true it’s illegal to pump your own gas uh and also slurping your soup is illegal okay the slurping soup I don’t think that’s illegal pump your own gu yeah you can’t pump your own try and stop me from slurping my suit yeah but you’re not allowed to pump your own gas in Jersey that is true they don’t trust us I’m missing a diamond there you go cap I ate the miniature red heart and I don’t think it actually gives you a permanent heart I think I just wasted it I’ve got an extra heart from eating one maybe it wasn’t a miniature was it a big one it might have been a big one might have been a canister that I ate okay I now have a tablet of change Biome nice and if I use that on some grass maybe we can grow some actual flowers that’s a lot of hoglins yes you have the ritual BL or whatever it’s called Uh the ritual brazer yes yes Jerry yes you’re uh you’re supposed to craft them into canisters uh just like the uh oh I ate a canister that’s what I did no you equipped it I believe I don’t see it I think I Hae it do you know how to check your bubbles uh check my bubbles no I don’t oh wait yes it’s like Castle Wars do you remember when you have to go in the middle and Farm different Hearts updated version yeah or maybe not even making a necklace just equi but I believe even like the like you have like your regular necklace you can make but I think there’s like a higher tier one too okay Willie I have the bra here it’s lit and I have the tablet what else do I need to do to change the world the gravity ational iron chest plate of stubbornness minus 15% entity gravity I need that do you want it oh look at all these Enderman I meant cuz it was the stubbornness thing I thought you needed it cuz your farm was like up in the air to it yeah I’m looking for the biome change ritual performing rituals dude that was a good May throw in any additional items as way to augment yous the item on top of bra activate interact once activated your Rital can no longer be augmented the brazer will pull from Source chars within six blocks okay oh that’s probably what you’re yeah you need some Source go well I have some Source I I will probably need more okay time to get back into it yeah we’re about to do a ritual Jerry a ritual what are you doing what kind of ritual what’s going on I’m trying to change the uh biome of the area so we can naturally grow flowers oh let me know when you’re about to like you’re going to do it do it do it and I’ll head home I’m at 89% of Enderman killed Mario where denim denim denim it’s a good one you must have got that from that Roblox game we were playing earlier cat where else Jerry it’s obviously where I get all my [Music] jokes okay Willie I have two full source jars you think that’s going to be enough uh how much is it say it needs or did it give an amount that needs it didn’t give am like I didn’t see uh we can try to and if it if it doesn’t isn’t enough then we can just get some more yeah Cloud shaping advanced advanced overgrowth I’m looking for biome change my problem is like I don’t think that it’s in this book can I have an end Pearl I did something I didn’t know was possible and I unlearned an ender pearl can I have an end Pearl yes you can how did you learn I don’t know I did in the EMC table I guess I put it on that book with the X through it and then it was gone interesting I’ve never unlearned something before you know you say you want to ender pearl but your actions seem to be contradicting your I’m not the one swimming in lava this what so angry guys because there was a mixup uh Steve just put the ace live now and I’m sure Roblox will now be in like an hour I’m sure he just wanted to space it out yeah yeah that’s exactly you heard to yell at Steve no oh okay he didn’t upload the Roblox today Papa Baka is in his papa Baka is in complete no I think my dad’s going to call him soon though he’s in complete disarray he’s devastated there all right watch out watch out watch out did you just 360 me off the edge really I think I need another end Pearl we’ll see is I got to reload I’ve got the I got the sticky uh the sticky number pad there which one of these but no I’m actually really proud of this uh system it’s one of the systems I couldn’t figure out in stone block and now it works so nice good yeah courtesy of Willie will is the new tech expert we already know this and then you will have awakened supremium armor soon Steve this is this is intense dude yeah yeah it’s growing literally Earth Essence air Essence water Essence and fire Essence are you making the Avatar in order yes iing making you the Avatar should be a pretty pretty neat thing okay we’re pretty we’re almost ready to go Jerry like so if you want to get over here we can probably just tear it up yeah let me let me just get my stuff back from but you should never have a problem with dying again you should be pretty pretty strong once you get this armor okay I need a second here will can I have another PE where’ you go right over here I’m trying to figure out like I think my grave glitched up oh wait where that end I could situation normal all glitched up there can you have more than one grave yes Mark I teleported that last time but it like if you if you die after you uh before you could like recover your grave you get another one yeah my thing is glitched I’m just going to do that well as soon as we get some dpes going into the system we’ll be a start putting stuff in here there we go I had to save myself from that all right cap I’m ready for your sorcery which okay cool let me just grab some coal in case we need some backup like Source but otherwise I think we’re ready to go you don’t have particles on so this isn’t going to going to look very cool for you over here Jerry hello cap guy Okay so we’ve got this tablet of biome change which you just need to like Drop onto that uh ritual brazer okay so right now we’re in the desert technically okay yes this should change it did you like draw yeah t conditions unmet what does that mean Willie Willie uh hi okay it says conditions unmet does that just mean we haven’t done anything yet here let me I think we have to right click it again to get it started but like I wanted to make sure or is there maybe just not enough Source all right uh so what you need is biome specific items let’s see here oh so that doesn’t get listed in the wiki like at all oh my goodness here I will get so what is what is missing oh we’re try I think we’re choosing a specific biome for it to turn into but like uh biome Crystal biome crystal is biome crystal is like only for if it’s in a different biome I thought like a different dimension uh yes maybe we can let say C you want to wait till next time cuz I know it’s getting close to that I mean yeah but if I do the wiki over [Music] here biomes of a different dimension a demonic gem must be sacrificed uh I have Ender Source gem Oak saplings and yeah say if you want smooth okay so the thing we need to make Jerry do you want to just craft a biome Crystal real quick I’ve got a source gem you could use oh biome Crystal yeah sure okay so here’s some Source gems and the rest is just like iender uh oak sapling and quartz okay biome I think you need to drop that on there Crystal I’m seeing it now Source gem I have Ender quartz okay it’s not hard at all okay I ofender nether quartz sapling qu no sapling okay check on those and I get some quartz from over here all right there we go plenty of that easy okay cap I’ve made you a bi I made you three biome crystals actually oh nice we could change it in multiple areas so I think we just need to drop that over there and then right click it all right cool there we go so I just drop it anywhere yeah just drop it in there I believe oh yeah I just absorbed it awaiting activation uh go ahead and right click it oh that’s very sparkly for me uh yeah so sparkle well you turned off all the particles cuz you were lagging bro all right turn turn them on it changed the sky box for me oh my gosh yeah wait a minute it’s beautiful here PLS yeah it’s not poopy well if you go outside of it though poopy but when you’re in here everything’s so beautiful Steve come in here look how much better your days oh my goodness it’s so much better here what right drops you got to check this out your day this is a completely different world your day will instantly be better where are you guys oh in here it’s so much better here BL sky blue skies yay nice dude flowers y yeah I also want we now have applied energtic set up we can start who cares about applied energistics I’ve got flowers posies you know all right well I think on that note everybody this may be the perfect place to call things quits for today and head on over to our murder mystery let me just get my stuff here cuz I just died in thear I will go ahead and poop out you guys I’ll talk to you later well we see you you’re going to be in this right just in the ingame chat right yeah yeah yeah cool kyus how many Hollow cars I have I don’t know the answer to that uh enough maybe that’s yeah all right got my stuff back let’s go and head on out of here shall

This video, titled ‘We SURVIVED Inside an Active Volcano In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-04-10 15:00:19. It has garnered 681 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:36 or 14736 seconds.

We SURVIVED Inside an Active Volcano In Minecraft!

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    Deep Dive: Underwater Skyblock Adventure! In Seaopolis Submerged, we dive deep, An underwater “Skyblock” to keep. Questing in the ocean, a world so vast, Surviving and thriving, a challenge to last. From the overworld to the nether below, Exploring new depths, where creatures glow. With mods like thermal series, opolis utilities too, Strainers and more, there’s so much to do. Join GamingOnCaffeine, the master of rhyme, Reporting Minecraft news, every time. In Seaopolis Submerged, the adventure begins, A modpack like no other, where fun always wins. Read More

  • Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20

    Luckiest Day in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Minecraft Hardcore: The Luckiest Day Ever in the New Series Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Hardcore as players experience the luckiest day ever in the new series. With friends by their side, they delve into the latest version, Minecraft 1.20, ready to face challenges and conquer new horizons. Exploring Minecraft Hardcore In this thrilling adventure, players test their skills and luck in the hardcore mode of Minecraft. Surviving in a world where every decision matters, they must navigate through dangerous terrain, gather resources, and build shelters to stay safe from the lurking threats. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can’t Miss!

    Minecraft Magic: 5 Building Hacks You Can't Miss! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where building ideas and hacks will flow. From drones to coffee machines, we’ve got it all, Soda machines and washing machines, big or small. Vending machines and toilets, oh my, Each idea will make your builds reach the sky. With redstone hacks and tips to inspire, Your Minecraft creations will never tire. So grab your coffee, take a seat, And watch these building ideas, oh so neat. From Lomby Minecraft, the master of design, Let’s dive into the world of blocks and shine. Read More

  • Block by Block: Minecraft’s Realistic Encore

    Block by Block: Minecraft's Realistic Encore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, One block stands out, like a dream within a dream. It’s realistic, it’s unique, it’s a sight to behold, With textures so lifelike, it never gets old. Adispot takes on the challenge, with humor and flair, Exploring this block, with a sense of care. From mining to building, the possibilities are vast, With each new discovery, the excitement will last. So join in the fun, with Adispot by your side, As they navigate Minecraft, with creativity as their guide. With rhymes and jokes, they’ll keep you entertained, In the world… Read More

  • Battle Royale: EFEKAN Takes on Girls Fans in Minecraft Madness!

    Battle Royale: EFEKAN Takes on Girls Fans in Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Efekan faces off against fans, brave and bold. With girls by his side, the competition is fierce, But in the end, it’s all about having fun, never a pierce. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a beat, Kare Kafa’s channel, where Minecraft meets the street. Entertaining videos, rich and poor in play, In Turkish, for all to enjoy, every single day. Support is key, so don’t hesitate to show, Let the game begin, let the rhymes flow. Minecraft adventures, in every twist and turn, Efekan and his fans, forever to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request

    Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - Mind-Blowing PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-11 08:34:19. It has garnered 1984 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1

    BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Boost Minecraft Java Edition FPS with These MODS | 1.20.1’, was uploaded by CraxyBoyXD on 2024-03-31 03:30:20. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. HELLO AND WELCOME GUY’S ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🜲 ➳ { ᴵ ᵃᵐ 🄲🅁🄰🅇🅈 ⚚ A MINECRAFT GAMER / YOUTUBER ⚚ } 𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎’𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 ✦ Mods/Add-on/Map/Mcpacks ✦ Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks ✦ Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi ✦ Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes ➤ All Minecraft Version ➤ Minecraft Java Edition ⤐ Java ➤ Minecraft Pocket Edition ⤐ Mcpe ➤ Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!

    CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by PixelPlayss on 2024-04-09 14:30:16. It has garnered 2095 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:00 or 1080 seconds. I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. In this video, I’m going to show you how I tried to survive 24 hours in 1.0 hardcore Minecraft. Thank you all for 4000 subscribers I appreciate you all. Our channel is about the game Arm Wrestle Simulator on Roblox but we also… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena – Let’s Play #17

    Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena - Let's Play #17Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play | #17’, was uploaded by Nr 1 GameChanger on 2024-02-26 15:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play #minecraft #battlearena #minecraftspider #spider Minecraft, minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shortts

    Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shorttsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP Devil in Lillyville 😈 #shortts #minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by Cyber_0680 on 2024-05-29 07:15:00. It has garnered 993 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. PVP Devil In Lillyville Creati:-@CritRoundOG tags:- lilyville smp,lilyville,lillyville,warlilyville,join lilyville,who is coming inlilyville,gamerfleet lilyville, lilyvillewar,lilyville day 9,lilyville stream,minecraft in hindijack bhaiya lilyville,pvp devil,gamerfleet pvpdevil,gamerfleet attitude edit lilyville,techno gamerz pvp devil vs gamerfleet pvp god in real life,techno gamerz pvp devil,the pvpdevil,herobrine in ujjwal,lily ville,minecraft all-rounder pvp devilmastermind #shorts#ytshort#youtubeshorts #viral#viralshort#trending#minecraft #minecraftshorts #best#edit#pvpdevil #pvpgod#lillyville#himlands #herobrinesmp#critround#yessmartypie#gamerfleet#ujjwal Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!

    INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jokes and fun’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-03-14 19:08:26. It has garnered 1890 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Playing Minecraft while I tell horrible dad jokes Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support my content creation Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set… Read More

  • Hustle SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions, 1.20.4

    Welcome to Hustle SMP! Join our brand new SMP this summer and create your own factions or join existing ones. Choose your lifestyle, whether pacifist or pro-war, and let your imagination run wild! Our server is run by experienced admins and offers a mature community for players to make new friends and embark on adventures. Server details: Version: Paper 1.20.4 Hosted from Europe Plugins and datapacks: Simple Voice Chat, EssentialsX, CoreProtect, Dynmap, AFK Display, Anti-Endermen-Grief, Double Shulker Shells, Fast Leaf Decay, Multiplayer Sleep, Player Head Drops Join our Discord server for a short application process and start your unforgettable experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic DropI miss Pat and Jen too, but I guess this meme is telling us that they’re not missing out on any love with that score of 51! Read More

  • Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22

    Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22 In Minecraft world, I’ll build a room so grand, On the second floor, with a view so grand. Solo player, crafting blocks with care, Creating a space that’s beyond compare. Join me on this journey, watch me create, Every detail, every block, I’ll decorate. Support me with Super Thanks, Superchat too, Your donations help me, and I thank you. Follow me on social media, stay in the loop, On Facebook and TikTok, I’ll make you swoon. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Editing with Movavi, Filmora Go too, Making videos… Read More

  • Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you accidentally fall into lava in Minecraft but manage to save yourself with a water bucket like a pro, you know you’ve achieved peak gamer status. #clutchmove #minecraftpro 😎🔥💧 Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – Forgot how to play! Hope I don’t PERISH【HC Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - Forgot how to play! Hope I don't PERISH【HC Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘I’ve forgotten how to play this game. Sure hope I don’t PERMANENTLY PERISH【HC Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-04-12 05:11:16. It has garnered 588 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:31 or 5611 seconds. Support me here! mining. gaming. thriving. in my lane. moisturised. crops watered. unbothered. flourishing. crafting. ✦━━━━✧✦✧━━━━✦ Get your own Spectra Stand!!! Merch: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Fan Name: Spiritinas Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets Thumbnail asset credit:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival House Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial🏠 Build a Starter Oak House’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-03-05 21:02:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial Minecraft: How To Build A … Read More

  • “Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds – EPIC GAMING!!” #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshob

    "Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds - EPIC GAMING!!" #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshobVideo Information This video, titled ‘Orginal V/S built #jayhindigaming #minecraft #bbs #gaming #beastboyshob #memes #beastboysubh#awesome’, was uploaded by Gods Of Mojang on 2024-05-09 11:30:28. It has garnered 199 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #bbs #bbsgambuuze #beast #beastmode #beastboyshub #beastgaming #beasttdmplayer #beastboysubh #beastboyshubgranny #beastboyshubnewvideo #team #teachers #music #jayhindigaming #minecraft #pro #gta #minecrafthindigameplay #aj #awesome #funny #gamingytshorts #yessmartypie #yessmartypie_minecraft #yessmartypiebestboatclutch #yessmartypiehimlands #yessmartypieisindiandream #technogamerzgta5 #technogamerz #technogamerzminecraft #technogamerznewvideo #technogamerzgta5newvideo #technogamerzgta5gameplay43 #technogamerznewvideotoday #technogamerzshort #solarsmashgameplay #shorts #short #shotgun #shortsvideo #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #gta5stunts #gta5 #gtaonline #gtav #subscribe #summertime #summertime_saga #summertimeshine #freefire #freefirelive #freeemotesinfreefire #gaming #editing #quiz #whatsappstatus #whatsapp_status… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!

    Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: Pancake Art Challenge!! How To Make Sonic vs Knuckles & Poppy Playtime CATNAP’, was uploaded by Collins Key Top Videos on 2024-04-13 19:57:01. It has garnered 182021 views and 1088 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:49 or 9229 seconds. We’re back with an all NEW Noob vs Pro Pancake Art Challenge you don’t want to miss! This time you’ll learn how to make amazing pancakes from Minecraft, Poppy Playtime 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Pokemon, Catnap vs Dogday, Squid Games 2, Five Nights at Freddys, Kung Fu Panda, Rainbow Friends,… Read More

  • INSANE Chaos on Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP! #shorts

    INSANE Chaos on Minecraft's Deadliest SMP! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft’s Most CHAOTIC SMP… #shorts #minecraft #smp #pvp #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:18:49. It has garnered 163 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. friends in video- @ItzJustElectrobat99 @66rez @flak0860 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #smp #lifestealsmp Tags (ignore) Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh… Read More

  • Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??

    Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??Video Information This video, titled ‘Hari Jumat – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-01 19:40:43. It has garnered 783 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:59 or 42899 seconds. Support me bro. donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : !commands nightbot !specs !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator= 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadness

    Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT KS Gaming on 2023-12-25 04:16:56. It has garnered 8300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!

    Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION…….’, was uploaded by I.M Mota on 2024-06-10 06:30:03. It has garnered 66 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:43 or 403 seconds. TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION……. Want To Join our Mota team then Joust Subscribe, Like And comments 😉🙂😀 And join my discord link ⤵️ mods link 🖇️ 😀 1 2. 3. how to open my link see last 2 minutes tags Ignore 👍🆗🤘⤵️ top 5 texture pack minecraft pe top 5 texture pack… Read More

  • Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!

    Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘*DOMAIN EXPANSION* Jujutsu Craft V25! New Domain Expansions! (Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod)’, was uploaded by D4RIUS on 2024-01-28 13:00:36. It has garnered 13134 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:32 or 812 seconds. Hey guys, in today’s video I showcased the Jujutsu Craft V25 Domain Expansion update for Minecraft Java 1.20.1! This update adds a lot of new domain expansions for characters that don’t have any in the manga. Hope you enjoy! Discord: Download: Read More

  • SkyCraftia

    SkyCraftiaSkyCraftia – 1.16-1.20.x SkyBlock server with alot of features such as Bitcoin Mining, Quests, PVE, PVP and many more. Island-Top Rewards every 2 weeks. Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, Friendly Community, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pushy sales tactics? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. We donate all generated money to charity, so you can keep yours. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and running smoothly since June 2020, with no reset on its massive 35,000×35,000 map! Zero Pay-To-Win: We prioritize fairness for all players. Giving Back: Excess donations go to charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: Hate speech is not tolerated – ExeosCraft is a safe space for everyone. Custom Plugins: Unique plugins enhance the vanilla experience…. Read More

  • Join Now on any Version

    Join Now on any has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me Trading with wandering trader like a boss

    Me trading with a wandering trader be like trying to negotiate with a particularly stubborn llama. They may have good trades, but they’ll spit in your face if you’re not careful! Read More

  • Hot lava incoming! Don’t move a muscle! 🔥

    Hot lava incoming! Don't move a muscle! 🔥 When you see a sign that says “don’t take another step” in Minecraft, you know you’re about to walk into a trap or a creeper explosion. It’s like the game’s way of saying “hey, watch out for that lava pit ahead!” #minecraftproblems #gamerlife Read More

  • Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial

    Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial Installing Mods in Minecraft Using Curse Forge Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by adding mods and modpacks to your game? Look no further! In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily and quickly install your favorite mods using Curse Forge, a program that makes the process seamless. Whether you are playing the latest version of Minecraft or an older one, this guide will work for you. Let’s dive in! What is Curse Forge? Curse Forge is a popular tool among Minecraft players that simplifies the process of installing mods and modpacks. It provides a user-friendly… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic tutorial on how to build a greenhouse in Minecraft. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to showcase your farming skills and creativity – Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine having your very own greenhouse on Minewind, where you can grow all sorts of crops and show off your building prowess. With a thriving community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and collaboration, Minewind is the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. So… Read More

  • Winning the Competition in Minecraft

    Winning the Competition in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Competitions When it comes to Minecraft, the thrill of competition is always present. Whether it’s battling mobs, completing challenges, or showcasing building skills, players are constantly pushing themselves to be the best. And when victory finally comes, the feeling is truly unforgettable. The Build-Off Challenge One of the most popular competitions in Minecraft is the Build-Off Challenge. In this event, players are given a theme and a limited amount of time to create the most impressive structure they can. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the creativity on display is always astounding. Key… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Crazy Cartoon Tunnel Adventure!

    Minecraft Survival: Crazy Cartoon Tunnel Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-05-02 11:00:33. It has garnered 2056 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:33 or 2073 seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT Read More