Mumbo’s Shocking Secret Revealed! Ep. 2 – Ultimate Betrayal!

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Here we are Secret Life episode 2 very very exciting times and if you don’t know how Secret Life Works I would highly suggest watching the video down in the description it’s just a 1 minute long video and it explains everything for those of you who missed the previous

Episode of secret life I built myself a house you can’t really see it because of the cherry blossoms the impulse maybe plant but look at it it is absolutely gloriously awfully ugly what have I done this is both the best and worst thing I’ve I’ve ever built so impulse came around

In the previous episode and he was like a real cherry blossom salesman and now I’m oh they’ve gotten quite big actually haven’t they pretty they are quite big yes I mean the it’s really setting a mood it’s nice atmosphere has it has it made the mound look small though I feel

Like it’s made the mound look small it really Shrunk the mound a lot yeah I know your looks even smaller with I know it really does look quite tiny are you changing are you changing your house this time fubs I mean I I’m in so much pain with it

But tear it down and build a new one it’s done as a group this is a neighborhood HOA meeting y do we what do we say do we Joel you’re part of the Mounds as well are are you uh I’m going to build my base up there it’s just on

The mound it’s by that tree big yeah it’s going to I’m going to build a Fairground it’s going to be Joel’s Fairground Mound wow oh perfect okay that’s that’s cool that’s good yeah that’s nice what say is this a historical building that has to remain the same do

We think that that should be stay or I mean you can edit it I don’t think you can definitely edit it right you should you should be required to build on top of it so you you have to oh oh oh oh I run it away I run

Away see in a bit Yeah uhoh okay all right okay I am I muted I’m muted I don’t want to fail my task immediately here we go be best that’s so difficult oh no that’s so difficult oh that’s so difficult oh I mean Etho was round earli I don’t even

Know where Etho is where do I find an Etho he’s quite an elusive chap 15 minutes that’s so long and I can’t get called out so this is a oneoff this is a this is something that I absolutely like if he catches on to the fact that I’m just hanging around

Him I’m going to be in danger oh this is difficult is that ether over there I can’t walk straight up to him though man this is really hard this is oh my goodness I feel like we need to gear up because I mean I’m going to ignore the fact that I have no

Clothes at all but most of us don’t even have a chest plate right now so I you know I feel like you got you got everything I know I’m pretty get up pretty cool uh yeah see I’m completely uh yeah you’re running low oh look at Mr Diamond shoulders over here

What wait how I was wearing these last week how did you not notice sorry I kind of matched with your skin to be fair um did we decide what is this a is this a historic grade listed building that can’t be removed or is it is it scking

Around like it I like the the folk La that it was actually to buy a giant and thrown in battle oo that’s nice you know what we have to leave it but I can build that’s aidea around itan I like’s idea of building on top of it I mean building

On top of it is quite funny as Welles yeah yeah a basement what you could do this this is this is a lot of work okay but okay bear with me here yes you could build like an earth and then you can build another house on top so like oh my

Goodness that’s a lot of work would be really cool you’re going to need a lot of blue wool for that is this going to be our mission for the I mean to make make a sphere seems Seems like a potential waste of time but it is a bit counterintuitive at minimum let’s just

Start the process I’ll see if I can get us a wool Farm going and then we can see how it goes who has a wool Farm I think eth’s got a wol farm I think I might go and see where Etho is and see if I can I

Can get back again from last week oh yeah that would be good you can use SL give IR I mean you did you did say that I did I did say I did say you did say well do you want so do you want me to go in

Search of Etho for this wolf Farm yeah yeah all right okay I’m on my way you I’ll go I’ll go with you too yeah yeah yeah come with come with cuz uh yeah I know how to manipulate him do you know where he is I was going to say no no no

And also Etho Etho Etho sometimes I I get scared asking Etho for things you know yep yep he can be very uh what what is the word intimidating he is an intimidating he’s intimidating yeah but in the best possible way wow look at that house yeah that scar he whipped

That up in about 2 minutes yeah yeah with his super fast timelapse build mode music play oh these fell you want to play this game I bet you won’t hit me I bet you I bet you oh boy where is it this is a fun game right put it in

The air again put it in the air put in the air again right if it hit youle if it hits you you’re out series go you you have to stop moving in 3 2 one free this hit you delete your channel that was so could have been closer right should

We go find e we really is this way he’s you moving so fast MCC 27th Place okay I I I’ve led us astray I have no idea do you know where ether is um his Shrine to beds was over that way oh you were right yeah sun’s coming up

Sun’s cominging up so it should be fine yeah low risk low risk yeah how many hearts you think we’re going to lose from this I mean I almost lost Hearts just getting Crossing Place of terrain Who whoo did you that was a fr Fu I was

So confused by what that was oh oh oh it’s e it’s Etho yes it’s him yep okay I think this is the wol farm I thinke now we’re getting robbed hey no no no no no not being robbed not being robbed You’re not being robbed You’re

Not being robbed we’re here we coming we come as friends uh okay okay we have a building project that we’ve spontaneously come up with because b dubs doesn’t like his house anymore quite so I hate it I mean I understand is it because it looks like a lot of

Other houses or is it it does look like a house has crashed into another house and then you’re just left with both houses yeah so but we came up with the idea that we could build like an we could build an earth and then he could

Build another house on top the house on the bottom is like a listed building that we no longer can remove it’s like a monument historical yeah it’s historical preserve it and we thought we could build an earth that then justifies its upside down us and then he could just

Build his regular house on top I think that makes sense doesn’t it that’s fantastic wonderful you’re saying a lot of things here I’m I’m listening to these things where are you coming so well we we you have a you have a wool Farm it’s massive a lot of people

A lot of people seem to be interested in this wool Farm are we able to are we able to if I was to O I don’t really have much to offer but if we were to just like utilize the wool farm for a while I can I can hang out and I can

Help you with whatever tasks you need doing and then BDubs you can stay here and like breed the sheep and and do the do the sharing sure that sounds yeah that sounds like an idea you even come with wheat yeah I come with wheat yeah nice do sound like an excellent idea how

Did you get there are you having fun there I am having the worst day I’ve had in my life okay what are you trying to do I’m not trying to do anything this is it this is this is this is all I’ve got now this is she she’s just living her

Life the best she can how long is this session approximately going to last um I mean I think it was going to feel like a long time if you’re going to be experiencing it like that so if I do an hour of uh Pig time that would be like

50% right yeah yeah you’re just clarifying some Maths for no reason no there’s no reason why you need to no reason why you need to know roughly what half a session would be no no no I’m I’m not going to I’m not setting a timer on my phone right now

Could you cook me some chops cuz I can’t get in the house oh well I oh wait CLE you can’t be eating pork chops while riding on this little guy I about your eyes bad oh true okay okay I’m good I’m good okay right what do you what do you

Guys need a hand with while BDubs is working on that is there anything that that I can help with I come with no resources and very little Talent you can find me another Pig I mean that that could be helpful is there any that’s a tough task that’s a tough one yeah I

Don’t want that actually uh if you don’t want to do that you can help set up some animal pens oh that sounds good yeah I can do that course we’re looking for another cow as well okay okay there’s a lot of cows on the other side oh have

They fixed this they did they have fixed it oh no there is a way to do it though Mambo is there green figured it out last time if you place the boat with a dispenser apparently you can go out oh my goodness but then not need if you just stand here

With wheat yeah that’s probably smarter I just wanted to show off for my friends I can’t help but feel like I’m not being that helpful at the minute but I’m trying my best all right mumo so let’s get to work here um so I want you to start chopping down some trees making

Fences makeing anim animal pens if you mind SE separate animal pens uh 5×5 in size yeah do you want multiple like different different types of animal pens I’ll leave it up to the creative genius okay this is exciting I feel like you’re up to something I’m not quite

Sure what it is just yet I’m not I’m here purely of my own I can’t tell if you’re the distraction and BDubs BDubs is a guy trying to take something or uh no there’s there’s nothing going well BDubs is taking wool but you’re aware of that um yeah yeah although I I

Mean I don’t know I don’t actually know you know me me and UBS are neighbors just purely based on the fact that we both have weird houses I don’t actually know what his what his intentions are are you are you guys grouping together is that what you’re doing or I mean I

Kind of assume so because again we both have such horrifically ugly houses that I feel like we have to stick together so that we don’t both get completely bullied by the server but yeah I I I’m not sure I mean I’m happy to I’m happy to be in whatever group oh hey hey

Vs if you dare to betray me to my face I didn’t realize it was to your face I thought you were still oh oh there you are yeah pleas tell me how great of friends you are I heard I heard I heard yes it’s working out wonderfully so far how much

One have you got so far I got uh so far we’re at nine out of 900 expand expand it what’s he doing here me I I’m still trying to figure it out uh what’s the problem Mumbo and I just came over for some we just want to

Do we just want to be is mumbo’s Butler today for some reason yes I am well it wasn’t official I don’t know what mumbo’s up to I’m happy to serve I’m just I’m just over here being friendly being really friendly to have an explanation to hang out right I’m think

You’ve got a bit of a a precarious wall here I can do some extra terraforming here as well to that looks dangerous yeah that’s very kind just want to make sure that my buddies are safe very nice Mumbo it’s looking good we we should get

The sheep in here yes thank you what is your home huh do you reckon we can you we can them no way oh the berries dud no this bush this is terrible oh I’m starting to like this bush kind of personality beats we’ve been we’ve been

Given a small task that I think maybe may be tricky but I think we can pull it off so we need to transport the the sheep from their little pen here into the other one yeah this is perfect little tunnel you know what Mambo you could get like mine carts going mine

Cart that might be might be a bit what what do you think they’re doing tango I haven’t figured it out what do you mean we’re not doing spine relocation yeah I we’re just being really friend we’re just being friendly neighbors very friendly almost shockingly friendly excuse me have you ever hung around with

Me and BBs or we’re just friendly individuals you’re actually both very friendly people very friendly very kind yes as a matter of fact let me tell you a story real quick a real real interesting story story time um well not that interesting but anyway they were

Having a good time oh man Dad I said you know I I said it had uh chenne pepper you would never think Rosemary is so nice this wasn’t working this didn’t work never mind I shouldn’t have started by saying this is a very interesting story I thought it was interesting I

Think you should keep going I want to hear how this story ends so back to the Rosemary um no no no never mind tell the story until they get bored no no no you know what I’ve hung out with BDubs enough to know that stories like that happen often that felt

That felt normal didn’t it yeah like there’s nothing weird about this don’t worry guys I got you I oh nice yes protector what a guy didn’t get injured I’m on three meat sticks for you guys seriously does anyone have any food yeah I got a whole fish here I mean just just

One fish I’ll be Tango what deserve that is friends forever wow stop by stop by the found yeah we live on the shaped island thank you Mumble that’s all right DS on that story uh the she I thought she went to bed but she didn’t you’re going to stay for this

Tango I’m excited yeah no this is the most ex never freaking mind I have to go I have to go I’ll be back in a minute to the story I’ll t to the Sheep I’ll just be right back okay my episode is up story time take the training wheels off of the

Death Bush no don’t no I’m still here Tango this is I know that’s why that’s why good luck well I’ve got I so I’ve got I’ve got a pen set up this is pretty exciting look at this this looking fantastic good population here they look healthy yep yeah they’re doing pretty

Well I don’t have any shares to actually gather up any of the wall but Bob seems to have left so I don’t think he actually needs I don’t know I don’t know what he was doing to be honest with you I thought he was trying to help you and

Then you he left you no I know I know he’s left me behind um is there anything else that you need a hand with um all the time Mumbo uh okay okay okay we should get another cow here I mean it just feels like he oh oh oh oh it’s

Coming it’s coming come on no yeah okay we might have to steal someone’s cow if we if it if it just has one random tick where it decides to walk like four blocks forwards I think we could be onto a winner with this cow now this not

Looking good for us no not looking like it no no oh there it goes there go okay okay all right we’ll go and steal one who who do you think we could distract easily and is likely to have a cow so I saw Lizzy had some I actually need some

Gunpowder okay oh no no well I do I do have one piece of gunpowder if you would like if you would like my one piece of gunpowder maybe we could be really nice and we could like steal the cow but then breed up a bunch of cows and then maybe

Returned with More Cows in the future that’s a that’s a nice way to be a thief let’s try to figure you out my you’re obviously not a hero if you’re willing to steal well no no I thought maybe you’re a hero like trying to render Aid to people but don’t know now

No I’m just trying to I’m just trying to be nice I’m just going around being being a friendly person a little too friendly this might be too too tough for us but I think it’s worth trying cuz I think it will be funny if we actually

Can pull it off oh oh they’ve got there’s a bunch of cows over here oh they even noticed them going I don’t even think we need to steal it I think we could maybe just ask ask okay yeah let’s go for it but I I mean maybe we

Might be able to make a trade here this could be good I’ll I’ll trade you for it I get it hello hello hello so we were wondering oh here we go your cows you a lot of them we could do people are always coming here after my cows we could just

Do with we could just do with one one spare count okay um Etho don’t look but there’s something behind you don’t know Etho can I give you a ride I’ll need one pretty soon maybe oh that’s a good you a ride highspeed cow transport wa yeah do you have a lead go

Guys what’s happened what happened this door I I I know this doesn’t make sense to you but this door was not here a second ago so you want cows I want gravel gravel mhm I trade you Mumbo I I’ll give you Mumbo can he make like a redstone kind

Of contration going to give me gravel I could all for it let’s make it happen Lizzie there’s gravel here I mean I mean I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to go to Ether here ether what do you reckon what would you you better start you better start so you think I

Should do that okay y y get me the gravel get me the gravel you can you can take the cow Etho but mumbo’s got to stay here it’s going to be a long day for you Mumbo there’s another shovel thanks appreciate all your help m wonderful so wait so so Ean would you

Consider that so this was really friendly that what I’ve done wasn’t it incredibly friendly only almost creepily friendly best friendly I would say best friendly yeah then that’s then that’s great that’s really good anybody want to go on a camel ride on the camel I must admit I

Would like a ride on the camel at some point yeah so many pop on pop on I’ll give you a ride I’m just trying not to drown right now yeah yeah you get the gravel for me I’ll be back how have I this sitation by the way Cheerio As We

Tour the server please keep your hands and arms inside of the camel at all times as we move away from the have you been coerced into doing something yeah I don’t even know how this is even I I would I mean I wouldn’t tell you if it

Was a task but I can tell you this isn’t a task for some reason I’m just Gathering gravel for Lizzy while she’s off gallivanting on a camel here here’s a snack to keep your digging prosperous oh is is a fish cooked salmon cooked that’s pretty good actually I am dying

Of hunger so oh well have some more we don’t want that yeah can’t have you dying while you’re collecting my gravel then you’d get less gravel I suppose yes exactly so you got you got just over a stack oh that’s perfect actually this is enough thank you so much oh oh yeah job

Done that’s great yeah so you need a cow no I mean I think Etho took it he’s got your cow okay there’s okay that’s the only cow you need I believe so yeah yeah I was just doing it to help eth though um it’s a pleasure doing business with

You by J I think I’ve done it I’ve become best friends with Etho he even said it he was slightly suspicious of me a good number of times but I I don’t think I don’t think he called me out I I wouldn’t officially call it look don’t

Get called out he was suspicious he thought I was being a bit too friendly and and I would agree with that but he never directly asked me if I was trying to be his friend so I would say I have been successful here you’re trying to hand in your secret but you’re getting

Assaulted aren’t you I am I thought this this is meant to be a safe Zone I got you I got you all right I’m going to hand in my secret this is exciting Cleo Cleo I’m getting ready for for Vegas here so I’m in a gambling mood here I’m

Going to bet you oh I’ll bet you I’ll bet you two iron ingots he gets an iron block why I don’t have that so oh my goodness glad I didn’t take that b uh oh uh oh no it’s oh gosh oh c oh no whatever your task was I feel like

That might not have been good for it I might have put put a damper on it no no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine actually I don’t want to kill that ah I’m running away now you’ve made it worse I’ve made it far

Worse I’ve just left Cleo to deal with it but I do feel a bit bad about that yeah yeah I’m bringing it to you oh Cleo oh you can still hear me we’re still in range it’s oh oh he went for me there you go you’re being a chased

Sa you’ve got four hearts yeah cuz Mumbo just gave me a zombie I didn’t give you a zombie yes you did you said I’m going to leave Cleo there to deal with that no I didn’t that wasn’t those words never came out of my mouth that does it sounds like words that

Would come out your mouth I’m mybi oh oh I’ve got I’ve got look I can give you potions of invisibility no my favorite I had to do their inventory or their chest how did I hand in my task and then leave this area with less Hearts than I

Arrived with that doesn’t even make sense really yeah I mean I had 30 Hearts to start with so M that was a flex he just wanted a flex oh he was just being Mumbo it’s okay he dies first I suppose you’ve got a lovely um no you got nothing I

Need I really need an anvil an anvil what do you think I am you think I’m just walking around with an anvill this is a oneway this is this is this is all this is a wild door I’ve succeeded in my task wait your it was just to become best friends with

Etho without him realizing oh he’s so dude you’re just dis going to disappoint you did to me last session I do feel bad but but in my def no in my defense after about 20 minutes of being his best friend and helping him with everything he then he then told me to

Gather gravel for Lizzy and then walked off I don’t know why I shout out at you I’m sorry it was just natural are you how hurt are you pretty hurt I’m not in the best of ways oh I couldn’t do much more than scream I was I was stretching

As you were explaining something I don’t even know how that happened I managed to get my my shield up just into I don’t think I took damage unless I did I’m so I’m so so glad mate I’m so glad about that to be fair I took a suspiciously

Small amount of damage as well I only took like three hearts this house was perfect and somebody came and put iron blocks ancient debris and TNT in it you know I can I can take ancient debris off your hand if you want I can I can get

That gone no you can’t please I I can take it don’t worry I mean it’s just costing you so much ises like BBS I could have it because then I have three bits of ancient debris and then we could have netherite armor and by that I mean

I wear it was like wear this is this is the Royal we here us Ro I can wear it on your behal yeah what are you doing to Pear’s lovely little Mound um nothing nothing this is my base here look this is my corner this is mine pear uh uh uh Jimmy

Has set up like a little thing in your inside your house are you aware yes is he back is he back there again yeah the do I need to do I need to talk to him is this what guy I don’t know I don’t know

I mean I just I believed his story but I don’t know okay I might need to actually talk to him properly here now what’s he doing do you know do you know one time thing no he’s back look I’m thinking it’s his secret but it’s not so secret

It’s very obvious you know I feel like I’ve heard a lot of she’s coming over oh sure enough here she comes what is happening here what’s going tell I didn’t tell on you you did how dare you they they’re having a go at me they keep going oh my gosh why are

You there and I said this is my corner and you agreed to it and it’s fine because why are you you never answer that fully like why are you living here do you not have a house no I do have a house I just thought have this little

Corner like is this is this your secret Jimmy right am I you right now your face in other people’s faces no I genuinely I wish it was cuz it would have been easy then wouldn’t it this is no more embarrassing yes so no guys I just want this little corner it’s all good

Everything’s fine my house is already so small like I can’t I think you should maybe build your own section in here we could be buddies in here no I did not say that you maybe build your own bit over there look there’s a free space in that corner

It is spacious in here actually it is really your heart no it’s not guys what is going on Jimmy buddies consent to this this is so much better than my house Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy share a furnace if you reach over you could probably share my chest maybe can you

Can you reach that can we can we can we can we give a little if you do that me stop me to get we’re all connected we’re all bu God this is like this is like the childhood dream where we all have like doors between each other’s houses don’t even

Have to go outside for it you’re in my house inside anywhere thanks for having this is actually really spacious this is cool don’t thank me cuz I didn’t approve of it what do you B what do you want us to do right we’re having a great time

Here give me the answer why you’re in my house we having the best time is your resources are our resour it looked Co I set up this is best ofs what’s if you got to be here got to be in here too there we go there we go

There we all right okay let me wait let me last one standing is a loser impul a message come on man see this is fun well this nice isn’t it see look at this how much fun i’ bought bought your little house here you know it is it is absolutely lovely but I’m

Still confused but you got to keep this you know what I’m not even going to tonight I want to see what happens at this point if we put in more trap doors we could have like bunk beds we could always wanted to bunk bed wait I’m going

To I’ll craft up The Bu I’ll craft up the trap doors yeah you craft up the bump beds there it is there it is there it is I see and then yeah you use that one yeah yeah yeah I do this there we go Jimmy has Jimmy left Jimmy started this

And now he’s left he did he went to get Joel I think oh okay we probably we probably should have closed the door just it’s night are you are you happy that you’re using your your very limited time potentially to complete your task in this fashion I’m not this is not

Doing anything towards my special task at all it’s quite the opposite people coming Over go there we go beautiful we need more bugs we need more trap doors go was this your idea Pearl yeah no wasn’t actually this is the funniest thing in the world oh no I’ve fallen out my bunk what can I do this going to be difficult okay

I think you P off if impulse moves to the side oh yeah this is good this is good this is good oh that’s my come on come in herecome I can’t even can I get my bit can I get there you go there you go this isn’t

Anyone’s challenge is it this has just happened not I feel like because the challenges are just bringing out the weirdness of this we’re all just like sure let’s do this let’s all laid down under trap doors Jimmy get Downy I’ll never get that I’ll do this on glue go

Glue what going on here come on in oh oh he should this is extremely impressed this is what this is like when we’re all on green it’s very nice this is nice nice let’s remember this moment when someone turns red eh should we all jump one by Oney hey

Everybody miss come on everybody hop in the with place this is a bad idea oh gosh then just leave scar that’s fine now that I’m out it’s fine go my friend oh my God do you think it is possible for me to make a vertical Pond how’s it going oh very good yeah um do do you need a hand with Anything I’m I’m I’m lost at what to do I got to admit a little bit lost okay okay I can give you a hand I’m more than I’m more than happy to give you a hand um I I think this is a better solo Quest To be honest interesting not to be

Rude no that’s fine f not to be rude I’ve already completed my task with you don’t you worry oh yeah Mambo did I tell you I told you what mine was right no no no okay hopefully it explains I was supposed to tell a story and someone was

Supposed to leave in the middle of it so I was going as boring as possible and apparently it was riveting so this is accidental Talent what on what is this so please no I would never be that crazy ooh red terracotta that’s pretty fancy I can hear you accessing

What on Earth is going on here I’ve never been more confused in my entire life is Lizzy acting weird around you yeah this is such a baffle job remember I’ve just found something really weird wait what Martin’s dead no oh my gosh oh my goodness [Laughter]

Yellow oh dear he always bites off one you can Sho I saw he’s been on he was in the ne I saw him enter a Bastion I was like what is he doing oh i s he’s been on like four hearts for the past couple hours what a maniac anyway what were you

Going to ask me all right come with me I found something really weird mandr related behind my base okay okay really weird I’m not really ventured into it yet but it’s strange I didn’t put this there I think it might be pear he’s bit M obsessed hang on where did your house

Come from why is Skelter of it’s fair ground on the mound that’s good you didn’t think to call it like Fair Mound or anything like that okay no I didn’t think of that Mumbo so can we not talk about that okay come look at this thing

It’s really weird okay okay it just it popped up what is this oh there is a little Mound if we go inside you go in I’m scared there seems to be a dropper with a press plate Mumbo I don’t know if I want I’m scared no you

Stand on it but it’s a dropper so it probably it won’t do anything to me did it give you some it yeah it gave me a little book and quill read it by reading these letters you have joined the The Cult of perfectly round Mound waa wa in this C we

Appreciate all Mounds that’s around welcome this is worked so well rules of the go you enjoy round Mound I I’m already in to be honest with you you have found the letters yeah the round Mound stamps you may you may never leave the cult so I’m now y looks like

I’ve started a cult cuz this was me who did this oopsie oh well this was fun wasn’t it I’m glad you enjoyed the round Mound welcome to the cult it is a lovely it is a very it is the roundest of Mounds to me have the book back please I

Put it back in the droper I’m planning on getting more people involved going head off to SP for no reason what ever see see in a bit M the weirdest things keep happening to me all I’m trying to do is make a vertical bond which I guess is quite weird and of

Itself it’s still there what is that there’s a chicken Block in my exit all right let’s see if I if I place water here is this going to work that’s pretty good that’s actually quite good I mean I guess I could have another one here this is definitely one

Of the stupidest things I’ve ever built I cannot believe how good Jo build is how has he managed to build that in such a short amount of time that is ridiculous success vertical Pond I didn’t think it was going to be possible turns out it is

Actually possible I think I might be the first person to have ever attempted to build something like this but I would say the sideways house complete with Pond is now all finished yeah that looks really good hi gam where are you running to to the secret oh have you managed to pull off

Your task I’ve done it yay oh that was oh and I got some diamonds that was a pretty good batch of items right what was your task oh man it was Heavy I had to move five people’s front door at least you’re the person I’m the one that keeps moving everyone’s doors

It’s so hard not to get caught out so were you and it was if you got caught you would be you would it would be game over or no well I if I got caught I couldn’t do that person anymore yeah that makes sense everyone’s like made a

Nice little village here but this is this is going to be rough for you when everyone turns on each other oh yeah oh yeah most people who have been in this series before they’re making defenses you’re saying you’re saying i’ I’m weaponizing bees what everybody watch out I I’ve spent the past 10

Minutes building trying to work out how I could do a pond that’s on its side yeah wait why why are you I better tell everyone 20 minutes don’t set i’ just set up a bed in yours M all right is that right I mean there’s not much space

In here I could I could abide by pear surely there’s some space in here there we go now right come triple bunk real quick give me a sec goodness gracious to me it’s all all together well we’re same same bunk that’s fine was it worth it

Was it worth it there we go look at this let me get my screeny oh yes triple BG look at that for the second time in this episode trip I feel like I’ve missed out on something this episode with all of this I don’t know why it keeps happening

Ohes yeah that is a lot how big are you going with it I was expecting like a small a small thing it’s got to be to scale you want the best I give you the best baby a that’s really nice that’s pretty that’s PR cool do do you need a

Hand with it at all no no no the wall is starting to snowball we’re doing Fant fantastic out of curiosity here are you building this as a sphere or is it like a 2d representation of the earth pixel art St you know I’m initially I’m thinking [Laughter]

Sphere I mean we’ll see it might be abstract it’s so big it’s this is OB scene I wouldn’t even build this on the hermitcraft server out of wool that’s insane we’ll do it we’ll do it it’ll look fantastic I was I was expecting like an 8 by8 ball maybe maybe nah n n

20 radius this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen pal you’re you’re a good Builder issue is I feel like these these walls here little bit Bland but obviously can’t get grass to grow onto them uh I mean M Moss is your best bit but I haven’t seen any yet green where

Some is green concrete is a good idea yes if you feel like you want to get the gravel and sand for that okay I shouldn’t need much in the way of sand that should probably do the trick gravel though oh my goodness this feels completely unhinged I’d actually say

This is quite safe oh oh oh oh it does feel dangerous it’s all coming up milh housee except I’m not seeing a single Cactus I mean to be fair Cactus is a pretty good defense so I can understand why they all get taken up but still I

Just want some Cactus so I can make my ver Bond I mean they seem to have had some Cactus are you back for more gravel uh cuz you don’t have to do that anymore no no I’m actually I’m very very jealous of your roof especially the greenness

And I was just wondering if you had any Cactus you know what I did get a little bit of spare Cactus do you have anything to trade for it I mean no that’s actually a good point probably should have brought things to trade I kind of imagined that

I would be able to find Cactus but oh no I think G took it all I don’t know why he gave some to me but he did I mean I mean I did gather all that nice what happened again the door it’s on the wrong side this is nothing to do with me

I promise you this is a lovely house you’re suspiciously in area how about this I build up I get the cactus build up a little automatic cactus farm okay and then you can have 10% unimited Cactus 10% of the cactus that comes out of it unlimited Cactus that’s seems like a lot of

Characters but fine fine because that sounds like fair trade because right now it seems like Cactus is quite limited yeah yeah so I’ll build up a little secret cactus farm and you will get unlimited Cactus yeah I’m going to use I’m going to claim so much Cactus it not

Be all of the cactus it best not be all of the cactus cuz I kind of I kind of need some of the cactus that would be kind of upsetting back to my old sideways Abode to wrap up to today’s episode of secret life I really do hope

That you enjoyed it was a little bit chaotic a whole lot of fun and I’ll catch you in the next one see you

This video, titled ‘SECRET LIFE: Episode 2 – Best Friends’, was uploaded by Mumbo Jumbo on 2023-10-27 17:00:32. It has garnered 850661 views and 53192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:04 or 2404 seconds.

In this episode of Minecraft Secret Life, the new Minecraft SMP started by Grian that involves secret minecraft challenges and ultra hardcore regeneration, I continue work on my Minecraft starter base, become best friends with Etho and join a Minecraft cult.


secret life explained:

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  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

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  • || Mineland Network » 1.8-1.20.6 (PvP 1.8)➥ Become a real HERO ➜

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  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

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  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

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