Nakami Jun – Saturday Vtuber Minecraft 8-13 Edition

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Hell well hello we’re back to v tuber saturday minecraft so uh i made this little dugout area uh this is on the island that is next to the sea temple it’s now also home to bees we have bees they’re very happy bees uh this is my new path that i’ve been making

And uh it’s what we’re gonna continue with today uh i’ve dug out a lot from the mines down there uh that’s actually why i made a little more fancy i need to put down some torches as well but for now for now we don’t have the torches up

But uh you can see i made it all nice and pretty uh cobblestone in the middle just to accent the prettiness of the sides at least i think it looks good i’ll polish stone uh you know what let’s get on the rail let’s not go super slow

This is a very long connection so it’s gonna be a little bit it’s gonna be a little bit we must ride the rails as you can see it snowed recently enough that the tracks have snow in them it coats everything everything and then we’re inside the tunnel long tunnel i

Don’t think it’s this one but i think the next tunnel there’s actually a little bit of stuff that we should pick up eventually eventually though this does have a whole mind network i haven’t really explored i just went through it and uh yeah you can see there’s like entrances all through the mountain

Like six of them and then we’re in this one this is really short because i just skimmed the outside but you can see there are some things like coal so you know comfy cozy uh it snowed over the lake as well so uh yeah yeah there’s lots of snow

Uh yeah i was spending my mornings as i was waking up uh going through and laying track cutting holes through everything to make sure this would work so yeah that’s what i’ve been doing in my morning times as i try to wake up you know building in the morning is rather comfy cozy

Just laying out blocks and now we have some chiptunes Some more bees here i should collect the bees It’s a bit of a walk now maybe who knows that tree is floating and more bees look at them look at them all right this is another uh pass tunnel what do you want to call it there’s a big hole from those mounds in fact there’s a big hole down there

There’s a whole reservoir and everything uh this is a swamp vine we just cut right through it you can see had used some white stone rather than the uh graystone because i ran out in fact i have all both types and quite a lot of quantity so uh hopefully hopefully it’s all good

A little bit of evolvation here going right past the trees push and it’s the end of the track almost i mean obviously not the entire end of the track but uh very close So one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. i’m doing them 20 spaced on this line just to keep the pace up so uh yeah fun there now i don’t need to count because i know exactly how many we have

I’m probably gonna run out of powered uh blocks but uh we’re gonna have to deal with it we’re gonna have to deal with it and phantom should be on any time now at least i believe so uh i was gonna grab something oh yeah or rails that was it three four sorry

When i’m doing this i’m usually counting i don’t actually need to count out loud but uh it’s kind of comforting so i’m used to doing it in the morning so the last few mornings uh has been a little bit different because tower fantasy came out and i’ve been playing a lot of that

But uh yeah obviously i’m not gonna be doing that uh yet in my normal schedule uh and i don’t even know if that it would be terribly interesting to do except uh if you know everyone wants to come out and uh hang out so if people want it i will definitely do it

This is a little side area i have some storage there is a entire complex through these bands of course no i didn’t put it there all right one more i don’t really care about copper copper is like the one thing i don’t have any need for i wish i could make like copper

Pipes that would seem like a good use of copper but uh yeah and of course we’re now playing spider-man so if you haven’t seen spider-man yet should take a look uh i only got to play it once so far and we kind of got stuck on a fight

I didn’t know how to beat the shocker the second time so if you happen to know let me know but uh that is the state of uh what we’ve been playing so yeah i haven’t actually played this in a few days but uh not because i don’t want to

It’s that i have other things to be playing so i haven’t got around to it oh all i had was enough for two okay fine fine I need five six seven there we go uh oh let’s put that back we’re supposed to go so yeah we’re gonna keep working on this today um we might need to get some materials so we’ll go on a little adventure for that i don’t know when that’s gonna be and i

Don’t know when the winner phantom detective is gonna show up i did hear that they were all set for today so i’m expecting them sometime so yeah we’ll be hanging out and uh working on stuff oh someone’s nearby oh it’s night i should have probably brought the bed

But sure i’m gonna buy it in minecraft that’s how it works and i think i’m out of rail very shortly and usually we aren’t running out of power rails first not that we have many but uh yeah we didn’t quite get as far as i was hoping

Uh we do have a bed around the corner though so we can get all snuggly snuggly uh i think it’s this mountain that has a like underground jungle biome it’s actually kind of cool uh i’ve gone last in there a few times and they have mines

Uh i didn’t spend too long in their minds but uh i definitely found them they’re deep underground so anyone spend too much time there sorry it’s always when i stirred up that’s uh my voice wants to go oh i thought i had all right well we’re gonna risk some biscuits and uh

Head back i need apparently to go grab another bed and some wood and i have wood at the um the little outpost the dugout whatever you want to call it uh but we’ll come back uh probably place you know what we’re here uh i don’t expect that anyone’s gonna attack us

While we’re out here but it could happen so we’re just gonna place some blocks ironically things can spawn on these blocks i’ve had it happen a couple of times wow birdies chirp chirp gotta love the music kind of fits though definitely kind of fits wow that was a lot of material hello hey

How you doing i’m good i’m good i’ll sorry about your stitches and all that yeah it’s not my stitches actually haven’t come out yet uh but it’s feeling nicely i don’t know about that drainage hole that my dentist had put into my face hole because um

He put that so that blood wouldn’t pool in the in the area but now it does just look like there’s a big fat hole in there you i’m sorry i was making an iron farm haha face reveal yeah too bad on my face just the term drainage hole kinda makes me squeamish okay

I’m okay with being squeamish just a little bit oh god i i forgot that i didn’t take any cobblestone i’m a bit dumb well i’m out placing blocks in the middle of the night so did i hear you right drainage hole yeah so he left like a little uh a quote-unquote little

Hole so he didn’t sew the area up completely so that blood wouldn’t pull in the area where he took my he took my uh what the [ __ ] is it oh he took the crown of my tooth out yeah because he only took the crown off so that means that there is still like

My roots down there and he didn’t want the blood to pool in there i’m gonna need to hunt for those cobblestones that you said that i could grab there are lots of cobblestones uh i think i’m gonna start the sea temple i’m already going in that direction

Okay actually if uh if you go to the sea temple i have a little dugout now and that little island uh that we use as a base for a while and uh there i believe there’s some cobblestone okay no it’s not single player world this is an smp as well

Uh yeah yeah so i because there is a risk to um there is it’s a very small risk but there is a risk to lose feeling in your face and your tongue when you take your entire wisdom tooth out because your the roots of your wisdom tooth is attached to um

A nerve at the bottom of your face that you can’t see yeah fall in the water [ __ ] oh there’s a beehive up here oh yeah uh i was gonna well i did mention that to chat but i was gonna mention it to you as well

Well i guess i figured out that there is a beehive up here anyways where’s the channel i wanna tame it it’s in the dugout where’s the dugout go to the side oh oh i see a cc i know it’s a little dark chat i’m not holding a torch um

I guess i could just dig yeah i’m just gonna dig well there is definitely cobblestone there and if you need more i have lots uh i can return actually and i have eight stacks of cobblestone i got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled yeah it’s just a small risk of you

Losing like feeling in your face and as a voice actor i kind of need feeling in my face to talk it does happen yep okay yeah so i didn’t want to take that risk uh and the thing is if i later down the line do need my roots taken out it’s

Actually a lot safer because um by the time if it’s like further in the future by the time we get around to having to take my tooth out i would have um the the root would have already grown away from my from the nerve enough that it can be taken out

Safely so that’s why i opted to get just the crown of my tooth taken out instead of the entire the entire tooth including the roots i was told by my dentist ages ago i should have my wisdom teeth removed but uh they were talking about a procedure that’s uh my insurance wouldn’t cover

And uh yeah besides they’re talking about me spending like two grand to get my wisdom teeth out two grand yeah that’s even worse than mine i had like 500 pounds for like the top of my tooth taken out two grand that’s a lot yeah well this is u.s medicine after all

You know what everything is super exciting i’m not i’m not as angry that it took to 500 pounds just to take my teeth out now but [ __ ] it out it’s two grand yeah it was right around that uh probably more now uh they’ve been telling me that for like more than a decade

That’s a lot it is it is that’s a disgusting amount to get your teeth taken out i know i was complaining about my 500 pounds well yes are you talking about to another person oh oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i forgot no sorry they couldn’t hear you the entire time oh no

I was i was invisible yeah i mean you weren’t invisible they just couldn’t hear you well i mean i forgot i forgot that i didn’t turn i turned off like discord vcs when i’m like by myself i just forgot to turn it back on uh yeah this is not gonna be hi

Oh speaking of i actually haven’t changed my title or anything so i should probably do that it does happen but uh yeah i was thinking of converting the beehive into a friendly hive uh you can do that it’s just you just need to put uh what’s it called a campfire underneath yeah

I just don’t know how you collect the honey uh shears oh shares i always forget that shears are so useful and i’m always forgetting them because in the real world you know you don’t use your shield cheers i mean in a way you do but it’s not sheer it’s

Not called cheers i mean yeah it’s something you use a blade it’s a flat blade yeah uh what the [ __ ] was that there’s a vine why was there a vine attached to that interesting i don’t know i don’t know exactly where you are i’m underground so oh then you’ve probably seen where i’ve

Been mining supplies yeah i am on my way i have a rough idea where you’ve been mining your supplies some of them some of them oh i found a new underground jungle biome oh nice did you find any lottles uh yes actually i did not have buckets though then

God i can still hear the guardians even though i’m so deep underground oh also i happen to die so i’m no longer level 40. why is it every time i come back you have a story when you died how did you die this time i fell of course you did

It’s true it’s for you amateur streamer here uh if you’re looking to for quality no i love you but please don’t promote yourself here unless we’re streaming together don’t do that i want to set an example it’s generally considered bad form in fact some people will ban you for that

Yeah i actually yeah i did it like unintentionally uh when i was leaving someone else’s stream and i was like yeah i’m gonna leave now i have to set up so i unintentionally did it but um it’s really hard uh when i’m like watching a friend and i go to uh start streaming

Um because uh you know it’s natural to say well have fun i’m heading out gotta go stream now i gotta go start myself yeah but i mean don’t worry you live and learn occasionally occasionally uh i do that but only when friends i know that don’t have an issue with that

Yeah i mean if you like know them know them and they don’t really care if you did it then that’s fine yeah that’s why i sometimes i have shout outs specifically for that particular friend okay yeah don’t worry about that cobblestone south side [ __ ] well i’m gonna have to come back out anyways cause my pickaxe broke which way’s out uh anyway going up i already forgot my shoes oh i may have screwed myself over um it’s fine i fixed it i look around a little see if i can spot you

I’m we’re out of water here so i have two waterfalls next to me and like i’m near lava oh the lava one uh set this one or is that the other one uh explain that this side and i blocked off muscle lava there hi turn around turn around hi hi

I just need to figure out a way to get up so um remember there is a hole next to you there i think you just went past it uh nope i guess not come over to this side actually cross the bridge here through the water that’s very dangerous yeah unfortunately unfortunately uh i

Did some uh alterations and uh where’d you go somewhere literally we were just in the water oh come on here come over here uh yeah i tend to be on top of my chat i’m sorry no oh it’s sunny outside holy crap yeah oh it’s here

I didn’t see them look at this one i see i see that’s a lot of cobblestone trail oh actually there we go do you want to know how to make a flower pot uh i don’t really need one for my little mud dugout do you want to know how to make one

I think i know sort of do you i’m almost positive uh how do you make it i must test you oh i’m going the wrong way wait i thought i had a thing for it but i guess not it’s all good plus it was false advertisement

I am by no means quality you are what the [ __ ] are you talking about you’re hilarious if anyone should be saying that’s me [ __ ] it’s already getting dark what the [ __ ] yeah ah the life of the of this server yeah really really quick days oh speaking of null right nels yesterday

Told me something uh that could help us not get lost even without signs and yes that when we go into tunnels to put the torches on the right hand side going in or the left hand side going in whichever side but only on one side so that when we’re going out the

Opposite way the so when we’re going out if we put the torches on the left hand side then the torches will be on the right or if we put the torches on the way in on the right hand side going out everybody on the left i mean we can probably do that I usually stick them wherever i can find this spot no like just in tunnels mainly it’s like oh yeah that i mean so in caverns it doesn’t matter as much but in long tunnels like the mine shafts maybe we could do that if i don’t have signs

Oh i did find oh no i told you about that right the jungle biome underground ah by the way there is mine shafts there as well which is really weird it’s super deep super deep i don’t know why you might have mine shafts down there but uh they do they do so

Oh yeah i was going up i’m totally forgetting what i’m doing you want to sleep i have silk touch i’m gonna keep this pickaxe somewhere else i’m gonna make another one i uh i made one the other day that is a diamond pickaxe uh before i died

And it has efficiency four and breaking three and fortune two i actually have fortune as well on it but i on it was on the enchantment i didn’t want to use it because it saw the silk touch yeah i also have a diamond sword with sweeping edge three sharpness four

Knockback two and looting three nice obviously i’m not gonna use that if i know me it it’s by no means perfect system but i found it helpful you don’t want to run down branching tunnels and turn around it works really well before the cliffs and caves update the wall

Placement is great for directional for the directionally challenged great fortune silk touched pick oh you said fortune in silk touch right knock on me uh for what you’re you’re um oh uh my diamond pickaxe uh no it’s efficiency four and breaking three and fortune two oh yeah okay not silk touch unfortunately

We don’t have to go to sleep uh i still have to go up onto my thing and finish making this uh nope i was gonna make a couple never mind let’s go to sleep let’s go to sleep i have a guest in the front door that i don’t like oh

And will i guess let me go over here and grab my bed okay about to see how this fortune and silk work i don’t know it’s a game when you ask me all i know is what they should do well you know what silk touch does i had that on a

Um how are you not burning to death is there an overhang yeah right then uh he’s probably in a shout out so he’s not fried by the sun lucky that’s he he did hard mobs don’t burn well he wasn’t in the sun anyways so it doesn’t matter

Okay that was a little bit miss i missed my fiery crossbow do you remember when i had that i missed oh yeah hi enderman how are you doing nice good to know he answered me so I mean some of them are rather friendly we’re getting a lot of chickens in the temple the end yeah it responded straight up it did it did all right oh i needed iron i totally forgot yeah i’m currently in the process of making the iron farm right

Well i’m at uh a more immediate need for iron but uh we have to go to a random well i have to go to a village and leash some humans that sounds so bad so bad what are you going to king shame the villagers i mean if it was their kink

But it’s more you’re sort of you know forcing them into slavery they’re not actually going to do anything they’ll be living a life of luxury up here don’t worry they have like six beds yeah they’re fine endermen straight up responded how are you boy how much more of this way oh my god

Actually i probably have some iron here i don’t know how much that and then i’m gonna need some oh involuntary servitude yeah that’s what it is also thanks so much for the hydrate i come back to a glorious victory in val here and here’s talks of slavery it’s not slavery it’s um

Enforced server dude you better take i just took a break i just went to eat well i just came back from eating i need iron then i’m making an iron two stacks several feet in the air i thought i heard some weird noises but i guess not right so we have rail

Actually i’ll need that quicker or soon have fun bringing in the villagers and zombies yeah i’m gonna have so much fun i’m gonna make stairs so that they can like walk up and i don’t actually i don’t actually need zombies for this build i just need a ton of villagers

Oh man i couldn’t oh i did get a full stack look at that look at that shiny though i’m out of stick always good to be out of stick their their sounds are modified human speech that’s a fun fact interesting interesting i did not know that there yeah

And i still have a tiny bit of uh gold and iron i need to get that video up again because i don’t know what i forgot what the next step is i forgot the next step let’s see let’s get the next step are we all gonna hear how to make a farm now

Again yeah iron farm link craft oh i found the one that you made though um i actually found the one that you made interesting definitely looks a ton of a lot easier than the one i’m making but i’ve already begun so um where is apparently tower of fantasy pushed out an update

So uh in the middle of the game a little bit ago uh like everything almost froze and that apparently was that entire fantasy going i need your cpu all of it now and then it brings up the uh the dialogue you know the ever helpful one where windows says

Would you like this program to change your hard drive this is great isn’t it um fun fact the u.s government conducted hate crimes by planting drugs in black and minority communities yeah i wouldn’t be surprised if they did that oh wait okay so i need to make a two-heighted wall here bam bam

Don’t fall i mean we always are don’t worry this is normal all right time to ride the rails oh i should grab those i’m gonna eat them at least the scenery’s nice oh by the way uh in a bit would you like to go delving with me in uh the uh jungle biome

Uh underground mine uh sure also the ender dragon sounds more like a cat dragon is gene yes question mark included wait what i’m confused don’t ask me oh [ __ ] to make oh you [ __ ] i’m just grooving to the beats as we get to our work area they use

Cat sounds for the ender dragon oh oh i wouldn’t be surprised if they did i want to hear cat sounds i could use some meows you know i probably should have done one other thing as i was making this path here which is during jfk’s run as presidency

This committee was willing to bomb and shoot up american cities and towns to justify invading cube before the cuban missile crisis what the [ __ ] sounds normal normal that’s normally i mean we do here just have trump as president and uh you know what fair enough i mean you know he’s the one taking

Nuclear information back home after he’s no longer president spawned i don’t have a torch anymore oh no you have some coal yeah i have colon sticks so it’s fine i can i can make do how is there still only two of you in here even though i’ve read you guys like

Several times already piece of [ __ ] don’t worry at me as if nothing’s wrong all right well i am very close to the end of the line i think oh hi zombie no no cart i didn’t want you to go away oh good he didn’t give me anything that’s always nice

You love this nakami person nakami’s nice i am where’s my bamboo by the way do you want to sleep uh sure i can sleep good because there’s a creeper right next to me oh it’s bad okay that’s totally not gonna be hard wait uh what is your cursor texture it’s chamber from valerian

What no that was the zombie i was talking to oh it’s gonna be like you’re gonna you’re gonna insult me for for having chimeras my mouth i don’t even know who chamber is so you don’t need to know it’s fine other than the fact that you just said they’re from valor

Yes thank you so much for sitting on my face mr llama well he was keeping your face warm yeah i’d kill you too uh chamber needs more nerves no i think you need to you just get better because clearly you’re not because if you work better you wouldn’t be complaining

All i hear is complaints yeah llama cuddles what the [ __ ] are you doing here don’t you [ __ ] dare blow up oh wow my breastplate is almost gone it literally has no more red it’s just black so i’m probably gonna need a new one really soon really soon

Oh i need to count those one two i think that’s this twenty the person who tricks him so what if i one trick him is that a problem i don’t think there’s a problem with me one trick in the chamber stupid nah you just lost your privileges to see my thighs that’s all

Oh some call here this is gonna take a while maybe i should grab several buckets of water that might help i’m gonna waste iron to make buckets but it’ll be worth it okay unless you have like 16 buckets that i can use uh i don’t have 16 but i do have a lot

You’re gonna give me side pics in the first place but no it just means that every time you’re here on a valerian stream i will not um i will put my camera lower so that no one can see my thighs including you especially you i mean

One two three four five six seven i can carry so i guess that is definitely a tactic for streaming at the by only camera one day i’ll have a thigh on the camera hold me no i wouldn’t do that pretty sure that’s against twitch guidelines

I don’t know i don’t know i i know showing your thighs is perfectly okay yeah showing your size is fine but it’s more of the why you’re showing your size i don’t know i think technically it’s not in the rules but uh i’m kind of surprised some of the more

Lewd streamers don’t already do that so dark gosh this is a nice bound of shading isn’t it i guess if someone doesn’t want to bask in the sun this is where they want to go yes conflicted he’s a man all right more hair feels like it’s early morning for me

When i’m doing this because i’m trying to wake up i’m making all my usual early morning mistakes like not knowing what button does what what button button oh button gotcha yeah i should get a calf cam at 100 followers or that’s up to you to do

I don’t mind going up and down just to get water because the water is like not that far away boy i’m gonna need so much iron don’t worry when when i’m done you won’t need to worry about that anymore hopefully huff you have no face do you i have plenty of faith

Didn’t [ __ ] sound like it i do i also expect that it’ll start as a disaster because that’s usually how our projects go what do you mean my projects never start as a disaster i don’t know don’t deny the class the size because of one delinquent nah it’s unfortunately the consequence

You guys have to live with the consequences of silva’s actions all right let’s head back a little unfortunate i’m aware but it’s an unfortunate truth gotta put the sides on it’s actually painful to watch you go up and down for water uh it doesn’t matter i don’t really care

I don’t know what i just did to make them stack like that but whatever i mean as long as it’s a good thing it is a good thing it just means that i can stack them faster but i don’t know how i did it oh darn it i just put

Water on the same block i’m such a genius well you know it happens into the best of us oops can i get under there i don’t know how i did it look at that you’re being cool oh gosh this is great well this might be a little harder

There’s a shortcut where if you double click the item the same one stacks it oh that’s what i did i didn’t hold shift for it though can i get the right angle that’s the question she didn’t want to do an infinite water checker yeah it’s content

Oh yeah it was because i was clicking it vigorous okay okay thanks though oh my god i almost killed myself please don’t i’ll have those thighs one day you’ll all see i highly doubt that soba is like down bad down bad he’s greedy for the thigh yeah

I mean if i wasn’t trying to show the game i would show more of my model but uh kind of hard to do there’s a butt i mean usually yes i think it would be a lot if there wasn’t oh my god it was so funny if people

Things like spawned up here and i just because there’s a hole the water’s just pushing to the edge of the earth and they’re going to die they’re going to drop 20 20 something blocks to the ground sounds good okay almost there i just need a few more

I’m not down bad i’m just really like yo i mean your thighs Uh-huh now homie do you think he’s down bad sounds like it thank you there’s the consensus you are in fact down bad is already night once more Oops i want my block back So this should be a 7×7 one two three five it’s only five by five one two three four five oh it is a five by five no this is correct this is correct i thought i did it wrong did you want to sleep by the way uh we probably should I do have a bet on me sir she even said yo instead of you uh-huh you just admitted that you said that you really liked me did you realize that even though i didn’t read it correctly you just straight up admitted it how how much of a dumbass can you be

Silver are you good I’m gonna say they probably have some issues ah there we go sober like this is a credible threat give me thighs give us to give me the insides yeah [ __ ] idiot Nakami if i remember correctly you said that you can grab leaves with shears right yes okay wonderful i actually have some in my water tower because i was using them to decorate the uh the garden yeah no i have trees here that i can grab them from i was just asking to make

Sure yeah unfortunately you do lose the block so it’s usually best to uh like chop the tree down after you’re done oh yeah okay because they don’t grow back and silva envious of the llama all i’m saying is i’ll take your dollar menu what did my oh here

It’s all a menu date and it’ll be glorious um sure no no no no just no oh yeah i need to put this pickaxe away so i don’t lose it still touch baby oh beautiful tonight Oh i should grab my axe let’s chop the tree down beautiful tonight here’s my tree farm Look at that we ran out we ran out uh well let’s take a quick look at no actually i need to get back because uh we need a lot of supplies a lot don’t come over to my house and look at my ball trees okay

I mean if i need trees i’m in the middle of a dark oak forest what i mean is don’t come look at my trees because they’re naked right now i mean i’m okay with naked trees just saying my shears bro they don’t last too long they lasted me

Uh how many trees is that one two four trees that’s decent he wants to take you on a mcdate uh last time i was at the mcdonald’s they no longer had a dollar menu because everything was uh like two or three dollars that you can’t use the dollar menu [ __ ]

I need to mark where i’ve planted the trees i will go grab something to plant the trees i kind of want to just chop down all these trees you want to chop down the trees i mean over here where i am i’ll just start though i mean dark hunk is very nice

Wait you have a jacket yeah of course no have you never been to my stream so of course i have a jacket we always want to have a tree house right I think i need to make a treehouse we’ve talked about it i mean i have this entire dark forest we talked about that why not i mean it’s right along the light rail you know we’ll just extend off of that a little bit and uh make a tree house

I do like me some nice dark open dark wood wink i went there you’re welcome are you back into the snow oh and snow is reminding me that uh we needed snow for the uh the nether the blaze yeah no i still don’t know actually in all seriousness

I’ll probably take her to some old ruins and scars it’s a nice blanket they forget let’s talk about this that’d be nice i guess but um i can’t say i really i’m fond of going to ruins i go to ruins like just to look at it

Not really to read or listen to the history i do like the history of the architecture and stuff like that but i don’t really read up about it actually we have dirt let’s use the dirt that makes one of us i just couldn’t go past it one more time

Had to get the uh coal it was too tempting oh he’s looking at it bam beautiful what’s next okay so i need to get rid of this and put it in the middle satisfying what do you think i should use the materials for the treehouse um that’s a good question

Well at least we know the water [ __ ] works Dirt in here he took most of the cobblestone but i’ll stick that in here oh i do have uh some stone brick and mozzie’s stone brick and cracked stone brick that might be nice Is that is like the base i’ll probably need some other material too uh but let me head back and uh i’ll get it actually let me make that campfire really quick while i’m thinking about it because i’m right here i need coal and a log apparently um

I don’t have vlog i’ll have to get some i have one if you need one i mean well i don’t have it immediately i do have tons of vlogs actually let’s just go back and uh i’ll worry about it at that point ah yes the mountain of beds one two

Three four five six seven man 14 14 are you giving them 17 17 3 20. 20 beds jesus that is a lot of bed is that nakami’s real voice it is but she has she does have a what’s it called a slight voice changer so only very slight though

Yeah it’s one percent on the dial just enough you won’t recognize me immediately on the street as i’ve said to many people for a while now yeah that’s just one more way so i don’t get sweated there you go i’ve always been interested in history i

Don’t study it or anything the only type of history i’ve mentioned this before on stream the only type of history i really like is like stuff that revolve around jack the ripper or anything revolving around serial killers because the history on that to me is quite interesting

People do find me a little bit odd because of it though just a little bit i mean it’s not like everyone uh is a big fan of that sort of thing i grew up around like csi and stuff so that’s probably why i’m so interested in it hi maple

Did you say swatted people still do that i guess so yeah it was actually just a big issue recently some of the more popular uh streamers we’re getting hit with a lot of them damn i hope you’re doing okay though i have not yet had an issue i don’t think i’m big enough

Well no it’s not that i just hope that you’re staying safe that’s all well yeah i mean that’s why i do what i do is to avoid uh having issues but to be fair isn’t it like illegal to do that kind of thing though yes but that doesn’t mean

That doesn’t mean that they won’t do it but yes should i bring some darko plug with me how many bits did i say it was 20 right 14 16. oh my god i don’t even think i have the inventory space to have 20 beds probably not there’s a lot of bed

That is a lot of bed i have enough for 11. okay i’m a bit upset that i can’t stack the beds but oh actually i should bring hmm maybe another color away from now then hmm i can just make a crafting station that’s terracotta sponge no more wool

I’ll make a spare bed just in case that’d be good one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 okay now it is night again yes it is we should probably sleep uh sure give me two seconds

Okay i gotta go upstairs anyway while doing bedrock way of iron farm i guess so oh man bad time to start streaming huh i wouldn’t say that i think that it’s just like if you attract the attention of certain type of people that like to do that kind of thing then yeah

Maybe you should be a little bit concerned right yeah i mean i take my security seriously uh that and my landlord has said that if i ever have issues because i’m a streamer that’s uh i will get kicked out so damn it’s kind of important to me oh my

God do you know what i didn’t realize that this was the bedrock way of making it an iron farm i hope it still works though because if it doesn’t then uh yeah i used quite a bit of material to do that bye-bye will it still work it conflicted

That’s kind of dumb to be honest all right conflict is it does it still work i was gonna grab iron darn it oh wow Yeah but the question is does it still work in the normal one even if i used it here All right we have our campfire no not the shears so we can’t collect the honey Because the one that um was it that zin made has a zombie in it i don’t know if it’ll work if i don’t have a zombie i think i’m a little delayed oh that’s dark oak and we can bring some extra oak just in case grab this you’re actually not that much delayed

I’m just gonna it’s gonna kind of suck if it is like if it doesn’t work because because this is a lot of materials i almost fell i’m also on so oh and i should have made another axe bye-bye i might need you to come out and uh bring me some more tools

Uh i mean i’m i mean obviously not this moment it’s not going to be immediate i just dropped my bed don’t drop your bed i dropped my bed and i forgot that i can’t get up snap it’s weird that you know we’re going through snow when outside today it is

Well it’s down to 73 today but uh you know it’s still pretty warm it is definitely not snow weather if there’s no zombie i’m not sure how the spawn will work i don’t know i guess i’m just gonna have to figure it out where’s my bed where’s my bed

It’s up there of all things why the [ __ ] you can uh always wait until they’re like at night and then get one close enough and i think that should work who are you talking to you for the fact me oh yeah yeah i would just have to like

Leash it though and then bring it over i mean it will chase you you just have to you know it will get seen oh i guess i would just have to make stairs and yeah okay you know what yeah i might work oh thank you thank you

Gotta love the trips on the rails so comfy it’s okay did you still need me to come by and give you an axe or something i mean i’m not even there yet so this is for later oh okay just eventually i will probably need it Uh it’s made by um yeah it is a job hd chapel yep yeah okay let’s get our bed back the girl is mine Besides if uh you come out deliver trolls then uh you can see my railway it’s a very cool looking railway if i do have to say so myself i like how the trees appear first so they all appear to be floating i cannot wait to mine that not on the agenda though

Later later there we go that’s that one i love how it flips the corner all right so we’re about to come out where do you guys think is a good place to build i mean we got some good trees right up here what do you think there’s some really good clusters

Here maybe the farm should still work but it’s going to be really ineffective so would it be worth if i just put a zombie nearby to make it easier i don’t know i mean if it still works then it works i guess all right let’s uh let’s grab stone brick

Just need more villagers yeah i’m gonna have to like find i think this guy said that i needed 20. so i guess i’m gonna have to find 20 villagers right where’s my all right we’re gonna clear the area right around the trunk there we go

As long as it’s not like a waste of my materials to be making this and it’ll still work then that’s fine i’m not too fussed if it’s like slow as hell but at least we have like something mo okay i need i need to grab some glass and my stone

Actually you know i might as well just make it entirely a stone right now i make it out of glass finally stopped raining out of my way oh wow it stopped raining for you yep it’s still raining here i know i started again yep started again i stopped for like a second

It’s on to you it’s totally on to you yeah yeah it is uh i don’t know if i really want uh mossy stone brick what do you guys think what do you think i thought something was shooting at me then but it was just my my thing shooting the egg hi shy

Hello fox right let’s put some uh we’ll have lanterns eventually it’s kind of dark i don’t think i have enough supply uh maybe we should move to dark elk i mean it’s plentiful basically the bedrock way is to make iron is very specific criteria spawn the

Golem in java it takes less to on the knowns increased spawn rate so the farm you’re making to take resources yeah i guess so but i’m already making it so i can’t really do anything about that oh it’s right into the other tree we could probably get down there

Should i just start again and make an easier one i guess i can’t start again just means i’m describing all my material back i’d have to put everything away first we’ll do that we’ll start again no it’s a little bit annoying to have to climb up and down anyways

Well on the one hand i now i’m on the ground and there’s plenty of material down here for me to play with on the other hand i just fell out of the tree oh dear all right let’s light this place up a little bit are you okay i mean i will be

It didn’t hurt that bad if you say so i mean i didn’t die so you know what sure point that’s pretty much my criteria you know these times as long as you don’t die it’s all good yeah if you don’t want to make another one this should work however

There are much smaller farms and easiest way to make it for more loot yeah i guess i could just make another one where the [ __ ] is the gunpowder oh there i wonder what type of black that is is it just regular dirt okay it just looks weird no no that’s

Not what i wanted and should we make stairs maybe hmm you know this is gonna sound odd but when you come visit that you should bring dirt how many stacks of dirt do you want uh a few how much is a few uh it’s not a hard and fast number ooh hits

Into the earth i just made a hole because there’s these uh mossy cobblestone thingies all over here and i dug one up to have some extra supply wait no hey what do you think you’re doing smelly hey hey that’s violent haven’t you ever heard not to point weapons at people what the [ __ ]

I’m just under assault here don’t mind me no i should actually probably heal hello there go away You know what for now we’ll use some mussy cobblestone hey hey what do you think you’re doing buddy buddy yeah i mean the point is that we want a lot of iron so if this is not going to be an effective way to grab it then i

Might as well use the other way which would be more effective [ __ ] stop pouring it back out [ __ ] stop it it’s not tall enough i can’t actually get back this is kind of bad maybe maybe it can go up now there’s a hole so good thing i didn’t make an infinite

Water source up there i guess i mean i mean if i did it would be like that it would be like that fiasco in my old house if you remember ah memories all right put the dark one back oh basically what happened in my old house which was over here where this

Shed is um over here where this [ __ ] is is i wanted to move my axolotls and i broke open the tank without emptying the water first so i ended up with a flooding house which is always fun uh let’s remove you it’s a good thing i was moving and not

Everything got washed away since like almost everything was like empty by that time but it was it would have been hell if there was still stuff in there i thought i dropped another block oh well whatever works it’s all getting replaced eventually all right let’s make this a little wider

Oh hey the rain finally stopped yep at last yeah let’s get rid of that all right uh-oh this is my trunk if anything spawns here then i mean i guess if a creeper spawns right now i just make it explode that would kind of help speed demolishing

Except it’s daytime so he’s not going to spawn hi enderman huh i don’t know is that big enough maybe all right i guess we’ll start again and my bamboo can go back to growing in full capacity i’ll probably need to add like summer excuse me some other stuff to it

You know what’s kind of good i know it’s kind of good it’s that my pickaxe is at efficiency i mean not efficiency i’m breaking three because this will take forever well then that’s good yes we will remove tree and then we will plant tree i’ve had enderman’s like stay at my

House just because it’s tall enough for them to like teleport in while it’s raining there we go i always seem to have enderman guests in my in my home a lot more than nakamise and her place is bigger than mine i don’t have enderman problems ever

I don’t think you call them a problem i mean that’s how you’re making them sound this is i find they’re kind of friendly as long as you don’t look at their head yeah well no it’s anywhere on them as long as you’re looking at them

But yeah but you know it’s the face they have issues with yeah but also they seem to always deliberately teleport right in front of my face they always seem to deliberately do that no questions asked like i mean i think they’re going to be friendly but then they realize you’re staring at

Their face and they’re like oh no what are you doing stop staring at me they got me with you yeah no no kidding every time i don’t want to look at them they look at me like nobody’s business and then they teleport right in front of me

I’m like bro i don’t want to look at your face okay that’s great all right you can make oh that’s spruce i thought that was dark oak i know this is good i just want to talk to you about your car extended wardy andermen get aggroed when you look into

Their eyes otherwise they’re chill okay i just want to hello i’ve come to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty i’m surprised that my place still gets raiders and yours does not i’ve never done raiders so i had a reader like i think a few queue

A few weeks back a couple weeks back when we first came back yeah unwanted guests you get a lot of those i don’t know why i guess my house is just more inviting i don’t know i don’t think my house is all that uninviting you know what we’re just gonna round this off

There we go there i’m gonna leave a hole on purpose totally on purpose i’m gonna pick these up plant those there look at that i mean we’re gonna have some tree cover eventually oh and i assume we’re gonna build that way into the other trees i don’t know oh nice that’s great

Should we do it staircase that’s not nice i don’t really count that other people might but i don’t really count that yeah burn chickens burn saying that you have a collab i don’t know i guess i’m more lenient like i that like for me if you’re not directly seeing it you’re fine

I swear there was some more tree that was gonna prune here but i don’t see it now now that one over there is really stubby let’s get rid of that look it’s just a twig oh no we gotta do the jump maneuver there i’ll better should we take this one out as well

Uh sure come on so close all right i am missing some wood now because uh it’s stuck up in the tree oh cool i meant wait what yeah no kidding could you like rewrite that Hmm i think i got them uh some more spruce some more spruce flakes there we go let’s dark oak oh i can plant some more tree Nah no okay it’s okay you’re fine uh you’ll know if i considered it advertising because i probably won’t say anything i’ll just delete the message that works i forgot about my seagrass farm down there i mean i have so much of it just outside you know my place so

Oh yeah there is a lot like outside our places i just decided to make like a separate section for it even though i didn’t need to all right have fun now oh right the whole big [ __ ] in the middle that would have been a tragic fall please don’t fall i think it’s messy

I don’t need mess well it’s not like i’m gonna splat out blood i mean you lose a lot of levels i’m only a level 13 i’m not too fussed all right we need to stealthily get rid of that oh up nope oh god Man i’m breaking threes no joke i mean unbreaking is really useful yeah but i went on like i’ve got several blocks now and it’s still not broken oh no it’s getting dark again not done i’m not done well neither am i i’ll charge welcome and we’ll come in

I’ll take the hydra in just a second oh well knock on me if you want to sleep i got a ton of beds i can just sleep up here i mean oh crap it’s not what i wanted at the moment i’m trying this is not gummy

I mean if i don’t mention it usually it’s pretty hard to count it’s apparently they’ve been able to tell in my chat at least yeah i know your chat is like unusual that way i don’t know why or maybe they just expect it to be i know my voice is weird anyways

But my voice is but um i might have nakami turned up a little bit to be frankly honest oh i don’t i don’t want them to be too low but if they’re louder than me i’ll put that 15 as well uh yeah i kind of knew from the voice

Changer sounds stupid as hell what a breakable three basically called your piece you do barely oh no i know what i’m breaking does but this is not jokes this is some next level like next level [ __ ] all right did i get the block i think maybe i did i feel like

I don’t know oh no all the doubled all the cobblestone just despawned oh boy no that’s a ton of cobblestone man uh are you anywhere near bed oh yeah i can put down a bed yeah because i don’t want to go down there and there to be like spiders and stuff

Your minecraft world looks so nice thank you it’s not my minecraft why is this not command cause it’s not now for now i’ll just leave it out what okay i guess it saved it apple thank you so much for the follow oh my god i almost fell please don’t

Yeah we’re gonna go up borber into the tree okay welcome in yes mark i’m sorry bob i’m joking maybe this will look a little more professional what do you think oh well i guess that’s fine that’s like a fast track down i yeah all right is that high enough probably drop some spruce

Clear that up You snickered listen here you vocal Okay get rid of that all right oh god no that’s gotta go Oh no trees dropping out of the sky that can never be good i guess the rest of the cobblestone did actually despawn that’s kind of tragic man how much did you use i gave you a lot yeah i didn’t use them as much as you gave me

But i did use quite a few stacks all right let’s move this all right let’s see what’s what is step one i command you to stop nah why is there a man on your head that’s not a man that’s me that’s me on my head

I have short hair i don’t have my own body yet so i’m borrowing my other other means body you wish it was you so blush shut the [ __ ] up oh man i do wish it was me well that’s too bad [ __ ] off ad no one cares i mean youtube does that’s true

I should check downstairs uh because there was that tree that was despawning Raven was it i don’t know does it like tell me how what materials i need yeah yeah yeah tell me tell me tell me all right wonderful let’s go grab materials Oh this is the chicken next life i’m gonna take her on the best date ever you know what’s really sad despite the copious amounts of relationships i’ve been in i’ve never actually been on like a proper date oh really yeah i’ve been in i think uh how many relationships have i been to

Now i’ve been in i have to count i really roughly maybe eight relationships not really been on a date i mean that was most of what me and my ex used to do is go on dates because yeah you know we would go out yeah you go out to like a restaurant

Or a movie and then a restaurant we did that all the time like often multiple times a week that sounds like fun it was really expensive but uh i had a pretty good job at the time so well knock on me if you need any beds i got 20 spare bits

I’m probably good i mean i do have some farms just for that wonder if i could stack them you know i thought this was dark oak but i think it’s actually spruce nope i cannot stack them i most definitely cannot all right i did want to make yes lumber party

To be honest i like cuddling dates i would love to come over and sleep cuddles are nice use the bed for ancient debris farm maybe at some point i need to check what materials i need now there we go let’s put these in here i have a lot of mossy cobblestone now okay

I need a stack and i need three stacks of cobblestone well any solid material but four stacks of those ten steps perfect ten stairs and i need two stacks of whatever the [ __ ] that is let me figure out how much i need to make you know what i think

I think we’re gonna put a couple blocks in here and move this out i still actually have enough so oh i do need three hang on wait come back come back yeah this is actually perfect amount wonderful uh and then i need i need a pot of lava a bucket of lava

Which i can grab from my infinite lava source he hit point okay infinite lava i need 12 signs rip the signs i guess let me in uh and i need some hoppers which require this and require some iron i do need some inventory boxes i’ll make 11.

I don’t have enough wood that’s kind of sad well if you need wood no i don’t have enough processed wood i do i do still have wood oh i need to go down and get that before it despawns How many did i say i needed 11. I need one more hopper i don’t have enough to make a hopper i gotta get my iron It’s already getting to be night again wow shift click for easy stacks oh yeah i know i’m aware don’t worry mike i am aware i’m just choosing not to use it sometimes can’t be bothered itchy back uh let me see i need three beds and three torches i need to make torches

You know what i’m just gonna go continuing out this way all right and oh just stupid ass back in here Fencing i think it’s spurs fencing i want let’s grab 12 for the moment three beds torches name tags i have six and i need a bucket of water here we go perfect gorgeous materials collected what’s next [ __ ] how does that look in the dark oh this looks pretty good what do you

Think what do you think i really wish i could tell you why it’s like this but it seems like you’ve got the heart too high up in the world the rates are significantly diminished and that’s not good from all of my testing with this farm in 1.18 and not 1.9 the

Best spot to build this thing is like 12 12 blocks off the ground okay by the way do you want to sleep i can sleep i’m still in the house okay let’s sleep comfy bed 12 blocks off the ground okay all right let’s put the rails here uh mostly black

And that’s like perfect aside from that file doesn’t matter at all also don’t send this farm up too close to other villagers or villages like your training hall once you pick that perfect location for the iron part it’s time to do the build so the build i’m gonna go ahead and

Assume that you’re building this inside of your normal survival world i’m building it inside of my tutorial no matter what person’s worth come on i’m trying to get rid of the red meat i didn’t need it coming back at me okay well the immediate issue is how the

[ __ ] have i got to get the the mods up there oh this was gonna be the center no that’s not it builder how the [ __ ] i want oh [ __ ] look at this one no leaves just tree i kind of want to hack the tree down should we hack the tree down

Not yet not yet okay off the center i’m gonna do temporary black temporary black temporary black this one has a tree inside a tree do these people who make these tutorials think that we listen to them say things in lightning speed or something pretty much i swear to [ __ ] god

Slow the [ __ ] down man start by getting off the ground a little bit then pick a center of your farm for me this black right here is gonna be the center off the center i’m gonna do temporary black temp oh yeah there’s another get out this way a destroyed gate

Actually i’m curious uh do i have material at the base over here look at it all the nether material oh then i fall off because i’m looking away great stuff great stuff three blocks this way all right i think i took all the iron with me but uh just in case

I would love some shears i i lose tracking if i look down for too long so yeah that’s about that one two three does he not know how to count he put four probably not Fine i will go with what you say but it looks like you put [ __ ] four Are these blocks absolutely one hundred percent cannot be glass blocks and one hundred percent can be a nonsense cobblestone that’s what here that’s what here what I’ll take some dirt Oh spurs planks okay i’ll take those too okay uh i’ll take the arrows i don’t really need sand or gravel uh i’ll take some of that uh everything else is basically cobblestone oh by the way uh did i tell you i got a new pirate map nope

Well i got a new pirate map nice oh treasure map yeah oh i guess we got treasures a little more then whenever you want well it’s too [ __ ] late now i already used cobblestone [ __ ] you gotta love it when they do that i don’t need to see [ __ ] Okay Issues with villager pathfinding We’re gonna run back run run obviously there’s iron right there as well some coals like how i hear the sounds of glass breaking I think i should have these open for now all right oh yeah i think yeah squids are acting a little weird weird how so there was just like this pot of squid three blocks oh my god you piece of [ __ ] you can tell me this earlier no

Let’s tell you this after the fact they’re all grouped together and uh it looks like one really huge really huge squid but uh now it was actually just four squids uh right on top of each other and what sort of tree is that i’m curious i’m curious we’re gonna go look at the

Tree what type of tree is it it’s pretty whatever it is wait does it have flowers on does it have flowers on it yes it’s a mangrove really a single mangrove tree should i chop it down as long as it drops one doesn’t seem to be disappearing oh there’s more wood that’s why

Uh-oh we go now it’s going away uh it dropped an azalea finally Why is your mangrove tree dropping uh azaleas i don’t know was it an azalea tree not that i think they can become treats maybe it wasn’t a mangrove i don’t know it’s not seeming to drop any uh oh that’s such a good idea oh actually wait what what so this tree

Of whatever type it actually is uh guess what it dropped what i i mean as the blogs at least actually dropped out clogs this is the most confusing tree ever i don’t think it knows what it is i don’t think it knows what it is either oh it drops a flowering azalea

That’s nice i’m just gonna finish it off again all right well they didn’t give me anything else all right we’re gonna have to cross the ground until i get back i would have laughed if i came up here and a zombie had spawned up in the place

That i needed it to be in that would have been convenient yes that’s very convenient so of course it won’t happen oh [ __ ] i kind of need them hey zombie nope can’t hit me with that hey hey you dirty bastard you’re gonna start shooting at me and i’m gonna do this hey

You’re right next to my lights what are you doing what are you doing do you want you want to sleep again uh in a second i’m actually still up in the air right now okay now that i’m back to my little tree fort With my alias hey i’m on the ground i’m heading back into my house with my 20 odd bed i could literally sleep anywhere in the front door what bed do i sleep on this time with the water in the bottom let me know when you’re ready actually i’ll just curl up in bed

Okay i gotta make all stairs let’s make some more spruce fish and then i’m gonna need a spruce gate i said spruce weirdos i hope that the way it’s facing is not the way that i have to be worried about because if the waist facing is

Uh can is going to be of any concern then i’m probably going to have problems because um because right now let’s not do that okay shut up I mean i can make it please please be right yes what do you think i don’t know i like the style i like how they open i wonder if it matters what kind of villagers i grab i won’t think so I’m totally missing there we go I was trying to place a uh oh i’m at a spurs i’m in a spurs forest and i’ve run out of spruce I don’t know if this all works apparently i need to chop down some more tree i should play plant some more so let me go and grab some more perfect all right put that here no i’m not looking at you hey hey stop being angry no uh-uh

You were the one that attacked me hey what do you think you’re doing buddy Here easy um is the name thing you’ve got a name tag you get a name tag put a name on it and have it in your inventory if you don’t have a date the harder option what’s still doable is finding a zombie basically what you’re gonna need to do is hang around once

I mean do you remember that the zombies can pick up stuff i mean sort of but absolutely then after yeah this part is why i didn’t want to do it did he just say once the villager is inside itself inside its cell oh okay that makes more sense yeah and like inside itself

How do you get inside yourself i guess i have to wait till night time and get the zombie in yeah seems like it yeah i have to make a trapdoor first you wanna come look at uh what i’m up to oh [ __ ] oh no i just made a mistake um I mean night time is about 20 minutes away probably that was not the mistake i was talking about but yeah i wasn’t considering that the mistake but still we’ll stick a tree back here there we go some spruce No one saw this this didn’t happen i tell my chad that quite often this didn’t happen no one saw anything if you guys say a word if anyone says a word about this i will murder you oh no you’re under threat gotta be careful all right trap door The feels it the feels is how you get inside yourself what oh okay okay i get it let’s make a fancy trap door for this stupid stupid thing i’ll be kind of mad if i already have a trapdoor and i completely forgot about it it does not look like it

If i only need two workstations then that’s fine i can just grab them from the village oh hey more tree it is almost time and i’m out of phone mail so i guess i won’t rapid growl any more trees it is almost time wait oh that’s part of the stairs

Yeah that’s why i see that I don’t really see any that need trimmed oh maybe this one we’ll trim this one it’s pretty scraggly definitely needs to go there we go replanted all nice and cozy actually does that look like from down the way yeah that doesn’t look bad at all put the tree away whoops okay

Here we go i’m all set for this zombie uh dude my mama keys sought to stop what dude my mom’s asking me stupid questions when are you gonna get a girlfriend that sounds like a very typical mother thing to ask okay let’s see zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie

My mom is weird she doesn’t ask me when uh she’s getting grandkids i mean that’s not weird i think that’s kind of the standard i feel like it should be it should but they’ll ask zombie except for my mom actually no if i go down to the depths of this mine i will

Never find one because it’s all pretty lit up down there where are this on where can i find a zombie i guess up the track But it’ll be a long way back you told her you’re dying alone that’s kind of sad oh i found one yeah yeah come come come come come to your doom i mean i think you’re gonna make them a nice you’ll home be tempted you’ll forever be tempted by food and

You will never get to eat it i think that that’s pretty much hell i could imagine worse come come come come come can you fit through the bamboo are you too fat you’re too fat okay you did want a healthy zombie now those scrawny ones ha ha capture successful

Good going good going let’s go mission accomplished seriously have four of those so just the right number so there is a small hole for the rain to get through yeah we did make it bigger on one side than the other it’s probably not optimal oh he turned into a drowned

Is that a good thing or a bad thing uh i mean i guess he can just live in the water now You turned into a drowned interesting interesting let’s see i’ll leave that because i’m gonna have to rebuild that path when i’m leading the villagers back here ah shut the [ __ ] up hey let’s go get the villagers now i can cook things like the potato so your desk isn’t helping mark i never

Go outside yeah well so but it really does sound like a you problem if you’re not going outside to find a girlfriend i mean you do have to make an effort yep and what’s the point in saying i want a tomboy girlfriend if you’re not gonna

Make the effort to go and find yourself a tomboy girlfriend the your chances of actually meeting me is highly slim in the first place because i’m not even in the same country as you usually an impediment should i just grab a leash and see if i can just leash the people I mean you might be able to it’s fine i’ll just grab my workstations why are you lumping yourself in this ma’am oh because uh Usually when you refer to a tomboy you tend to be referring to me since i’m the only one you know of Okay time to lure some villagers oh this one i can do i should probably do it in the daytime huh probably could we um let me uh get rid of this tree and then i’ll sleep Yeah but you would never date an idiot like me i wouldn’t date someone i’ve never met before anymore i mean that’s always been a thing for me i don’t go on blind apes and also i i can’t thanks to the hydra even though i just drink water i can’t

Be in long distance relationships and i’m an incredibly fickle person i feel so i i’m not really suited for a relationship to be frankly honest with you i’m a very physically affectionate person as well so if you’re like far away well you’re already putting the relationship in a death sentence Though it could always be worse Um horse village doesn’t have any more villagers does it you said last time yeah okay they’re all dead they’re all dead there should be a way to repopulate villages but i don’t know what it is So you okay you do learn it let me know okay around repopulating the world you know we should actually make a village and populate it you know give it some defenses we’re putting a bell help uh i don’t think that changes anything but maybe i don’t know oh no uh

My torch decided to uh run off rip how did wait how does your torch decide to roam off well hi there uh so i was uh trying to pick up the torch so i could move it over a little bit and uh it uh threw itself to the ground

Which was not very useful silly mr torch it is time to kidnap some villagers all right we’re gonna do this just to get it prepped you can actually walk out here it’s a little convoluted but uh is that no that’s not the tree i was doing it is a good candidate

Oh they’re right next to each other let’s do both of these i need more wood Okay i’m here where are the villagers where’s here i mean remember a lot of villages are now dead no it’s the is the one in the desert ah i think that one’s still alive yeah it is there’s a scribbler somewhere i need to get rid of this

Though to be fair he will not well it will not yeah alive much longer if you’re taking all the villagers i’m only taking three i literally don’t see the one i was chopping down it’s kind of weird where did it go i swear it was this way unless it wasn’t this way

There we go I just don’t see floating trees huh all right spruce planks let’s go um i accidentally pushed him off no no you murder no he’s fine i’m sure you would say that no he is actually fine i’m just teasing you can you guys like stop falling off the [ __ ] railways no no

I’m gonna leash them i’m kind of leash though i really can’t be bothered i’m gonna grab a leash where’s the island uh where’d the iron golem from this village go probably died all right fine i didn’t want to do it but you forced my hand and i’m out of wood again

It’s a really nice place though supply so far so good if i can leash them then i’m just gonna grab them instead of doing this swear we once tried to leash them i don’t think it worked no we’ve no we’ve never tried you sure yep hmm all right well

I know what i want to do to continue this okay but oh hi there uh mr enderman mr enderman i told you no entry entry not permitted did you not get the memo no i don’t think he did i know it doesn’t have a ceiling yet yes it will eventually

Man this is a really long journey on foot all right i need some armor so i’m gonna definitely have to come back i’ve learned that if you fall hard enough you can erase redstone lines oh interesting interesting i would personally not want to fall that hard but maybe that’s just me

I just fell from a 5 12 block high area just by accident don’t ask me how or why i just did and i somehow survived i was alive well if there’s water under you there was not interesting this is gonna be such a weird tree when i’m done with it probably uh

I’m uh turning the tree into stairs because it’s one of those four wide ones it’s not growing any leaves so i want to get rid of it and of course it’s becoming night again you’re i’m busy come on night can come some other time some other time come on nakami

I was getting rid of a piece of wood and a pass down my bed before something comes along it needs me that’s a good idea can you imagine if i went on a horseback just drag them along that sounds painful that sounds abusive definitely definitely someone would call peta on you

Why are they called peta on me they handle animal cruelty not human cruelty what the heck i don’t know i mean they’re not exactly humans what do you want to call them villagers are humans though i don’t know they don’t look very human why did you type in google local tomboys

In my area the the fbi’s gonna look at that and to find that kind of suspicious silva if you get arrested it’s not my fault i’m not sure that’s a criteria you can search for besides what’s even the definition for uh a tomboy um a girl that dresses more like a boy

Doesn’t necessarily have to have short hair but short hair could be one too or is more of a sportsy type than the makeup type i usually consider myself more the tomboy but uh these days i just don’t see much of a difference between a lot of girls and tomboys i mean

It’s almost unheard of that you always wear like dresses anymore oh no but you know like the girly types of outfits rather than the the the more masculine types of outfits you know i mean so there isn’t like a distinct difference nowadays but there is a difference in the way that tomboys and

Non-top voice dress i feel especially when we’re like going out i don’t know i know like in high school especially uh most girls these days always seem to just wear uh you know a tea and jeans which is basically the same thing that the guy’s gonna wear i mean heck

Usually if i go out these days that’s what i’m wearing except for shorts because you know summer i feel like nowadays it would be less of how you dress and more what you’re into I’m kind of curious what this tree is going to look like from far away oh these guys they’re still here i’m only gonna grab three of you so one of you is gonna be lonely by your loan so i’m sorry okay tested siri tested doesn’t work

I don’t have any string on me so i can’t try it with the fishing rod all right going back home i guess and test that theory with a fishing rod good luck you know i should make like a stone axe uh thanks for throwing [ __ ] at me love thanks for the hydrate too

I wish i could get the throwing thing to work uh thank you so much for the head pads as well hey google did you set timer 10 minutes please okay 10 minutes and that’s starting now hello love welcome and welcome in tomorrow is valorance day time to get into cold three

Oh boy this is risking the biscuit yeah you good i almost fell out of the tree this is not a small tree so uh i could’ve been very bad i’m also not wearing all my armor why but that is a funky looking tree uh so the chest plate finally broke oh

All right i think it’s time to get rid of the tree all together i did get to the top so it’s so fiddly that’s how you move them well how would you move them in boats what do you do push them i’m gonna try with the fishing rod

I’ve heard of the boat method the boat method i feel like is very common for a lot of things i mean heck i found a turtle in a in a in a boat well how do you row it do you just get in with the villager in it i guess that

Is possible yeah yeah they have two seats unless you uh like add a um cargo box which is fine by the way i converted several uh boats into cargo boats very handy for expeditions i’m gonna try the fishing rod because if if it doesn’t work then

I’ll roll my boat over but i wanna like at least use the fishing rod and see if that works because if i come back here and i have to use the workstation i’m gonna cry you know you could just take a station with you i do have a station with me Let’s see if i oh no the bridge is in the way i can’t go that way turn it come give me the boat god damn it the bridge is in the way elevated bridges but i don’t know if it’s one of my internet it is yours it’s the one to the sea sample

Oh okay well that was because i was being shot at so and the effect was nice That’s why the other end the new end is elevated because uh i pre-thought about that and i had an end point that was higher up wow this is a lot of wood go in random weak seats which i don’t need i don’t think it’s going to rain anything else wait

It did rain something else some twig or stick whatever you want to call it well you can’t even see the place from here uh you know what let’s go back and go up inside so oh by the way out of curiosity have that you tried out tower of fantasy oh my god

Yes i have i have heard of it no i have not tried it i mean you couldn’t really escape it without like the uh youtuber news about it i’ve heard a lot about it including one very odd one that i won’t put aside it’s kind of warm today ah the sun is setting

Is i cannot go to sleep i am in the water it’s okay i am busy up in my tree you can row boats on land i don’t want to though i definitely need more light okay well i can go sleep i don’t know about you though uh i can go over to

Uh my bed i made a tower apartment it’s a comfy little nook ouch just skeletons in the water or skeleton well they’re not burning to death well yeah because they’re in the water they won’t burn but uh put a zombie in water long enough it becomes a drowned true

Okay let’s fish for some villagers fishing for villagers is that the new fun sport for everyone The yes This is so amazing that was fun but it’s nice all right let’s get the boat so i’m assuming it did not work well it i can’t drag them i would have to actually fish them which would take forever i would assume so [ __ ] give me that Why’d you both get in the [ __ ] boat oh my god they’re tormenting you now all the torments i hate you both This is ridiculous are you actually rolling the boats on the ground what the [ __ ] you want me to do get in the [ __ ] boat they won’t let me in Get the [ __ ] back over here oh [ __ ] get in the boat get in the boat all right i should make like different levels i think that might look good some trees are taller than others how tall should i make it that feels like it should be much taller all

Right have fun see you later don’t worry we’re just moving house you mean kidnapping or moving house yes keep coating it they don’t know any better they will have a bed all that they need sure sure what else does a villager mean [ __ ] food have you ever seen a villager eat

That way now they really should i mean they have farms though since nothing would grow right next to them unless a player was round that could be problematic all the villagers would starve stop staring at us oh my god sweat of curiosity how late are you gonna stamp cool me yeah

Not that late um oh wait it is actually time for me to add this and that that’s why i asked i mean my alarm didn’t go off probably because you just added the other one no my phone died oh well that worked the phone yeah the phone with the alarm died

Let me put it on charge actually now that i noticed that it’s [ __ ] dead but yeah that’s why i asked all right uh i guess i’ll get this villager to the to the i’ll get this villager up there and then i’ll call it there Oh it just started that’s nice hi rain oh by the way did uh did you hear the news about the rain all around the world no you know you used to be able to collect rain water and drink it uh you now nowhere in the world can do sally why is that

It’s all so polluted that it’s poisonous oh well i don’t drink rain water we just plant on our plants well yeah but it used to be you could like drink that but no not anymore rainwater now has too many pollutants to actually do that and now i’m in snow which

By the way strangely has flowers in it why are there you know yellow and red flowers in the snow Totally new thing to me You know what uh i had to trim trees to allow me to uh run the line i really should have brought some shears and collected leaves when i was doing it that would have been a smart thing to do which is of course i did not do it stay there

Stay there for two minutes you bastard go back upstairs disgusting where’d he go where’s this bastard go are they running is your slave running i don’t know where he went yeah He escaped they’ve revolted on the plus side at least he didn’t take you out when he escaped i no i don’t know where he went just [ __ ] vanished can i attract them with emeralds oh we could see i didn’t actually expect it to be nighttime it is nighttime yeah

It was dark enough so i kind of figured wait go back in the bed i need to find this bastard if i can’t find him then i’ll just call it there i just clicked on it to set uh my spawn point so that’s what i was doing

This is definitely a new uh treasure map by the way what the [ __ ] did i come in here for i don’t know oh my emerald’s right yeah down my way [ __ ] llamas one could really take that wrong oh i heard ib this is where you went come come come

Where did you get leather pants just holding leather pants randomly Well this is not a sea garden Come on You have a gift for me with your leather pants it’s dyed leather pants what i’ve never seen one that was uh a modified item i mean i’ve gotten some drops before but not like that i actually grabbed one that’s still working i think i don’t know Interesting i think he’s still working because of all my equipment here can you like please come well yeah if you do have things around uh they will use the stations get in there get in there time for the clucking i do like the way my farm looks it’s very pretty other lanterns

Ah shut up stay in there oddly my grow vines don’t actually have a fruit that’s kind of weird i would have expected fruit but i’m gonna need to make a lot of gear and more rails it’s gonna be a lot of work and i’m running out of iron

Maybe i should look around and see what i can find i’m sorry chad this probably is not the most interesting part i did grab iron yeah do i have stick made now So now you change profession you little [ __ ] [ __ ] off i mean i do have deep sleight you are such an [ __ ] well i mean he is where’d he go oh god you’ve lost him again let me go to the tower i think oh wait i should take a look

Now i don’t have another breastplate it’s not here let me go to it’s getting ridiculous the southern fortress i’m trying to lose it again knock on me i shouldn’t say this but i will did you ever have it yes you’re talking about sanity right yes yeah i mean in minecraft

It seems a little bit rare just saying hey tasmania welcome welcome how you doing hopefully good yeah stay there [ __ ] i’m sure that taught him hey [ __ ] we stopped yeah yeah yeah whatever really yeah stop right there i’ll just climb outside there we go uh that’s my good gear

Well what’s left of it too [ __ ] late now gonna beat up uh excuse me i actually have another diamond pickaxe and another uh diamond sword nice and since one of the things i wanted was a axe because i’m chopping down a lot of tree i think i’ll take the golden axe a fortune

I kind of want to take those kind of take this uh i know i shouldn’t that’s such a bad idea Oh yeah i need to make some bone mail let me do that that is way more bone mail than i was planning on uh let’s see oh i actually had 15 buckets nice i didn’t realize i had that many i have like six yeah i kind of remember that you had one

Because of all the the the milk fiasco yeah i still have like six full milk that are at my tower i don’t need them anymore the buckets well yeah i just happened to notice so i had to mention i should really switch this stuff up okay i’ll take the oak

That should be good uh anything okay well that is it from me for today are you still going uh no i’m gonna end after i pick things up okay and get ready okay i will be in a different dc to see them off so do you want to say bye-bye have fun

Take care bye bye okay next time yep next time all right uh with that let me move these around a little last minute clean up there we go it’s a little better If i uh that’s everything i wanted on me mostly so uh with that let me go to sleep real quick and uh as we’re overlooking the farm uh i’ll go and uh try to find someone frustrate let’s see let’s see i think we’re gonna raid mira so let me get that rolling

As i talk and you guys can barely hear because i’m looking the other way i really need to get a uh like a wall bracket hold that my monitor that would be good that’d be really good uh anyway so uh tomorrow for me is celestia the original uh at 9pm esc uh

It should be the well it should be a really big fight for them and then they go back to town uh and they have one more thing to accomplish before uh the story progresses once more uh otherwise uh monday we’re starting with more spider-man spider-man for pc

It’s been fun so i want to continue and with that have fun take care and i will see you later bye

This video, titled ‘Saturday Vtuber Minecraft 8-13 Edition’, was uploaded by Nakami Jun on 2022-08-18 13:00:29. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:12 or 12012 seconds.

Saturday Vtuber Minecraft is back with Phantom Detective! I work on the railway network and then make a tree house, as Phantom works on creating a Iron Farm!

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    Crafty AMA: Architect Player's Minecraft Mastery Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft scene, Where creativity reigns, and dreams take wing. In this AMA, we helped an architect player, Crafting builds so grand, they’ll make you say “wow” later. From towering castles to intricate homes, We worked together, no need to roam. With blocks and tools, we shaped and we built, Creating a world where imagination is gilt. So join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and more play, And together, we’ll make each and every day. Thank you for watching, for… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether!

    Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftrelationshipproblems #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

    Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain creator in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on creating original and entertaining content, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the sole official channel associated with the creator. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized reproductions and lack the creator’s endorsement. Viewers can… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!

    Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fade Streams: D&D Minecraft Origins Day 26! Crystal Balls & Mystical Flowers!’, was uploaded by Rogue Alchemist on 2024-02-23 16:00:41. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Sassyrogue- Bewitchment Reforged is a 1.19.2 modded SMP Featuring The Create Mod, 214 Origins, Botania and Bewitchment! I, Fade_Achemist (link above), and my Wife Sassyrogue, Stream this Weekends and Mondays! Come join our adventure! The story so far: The previous world, having been subjected to a realm-breaking… Read More

  • Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shorts

    Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Shulker Box Hack #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by CMG GAMERZ on 2024-01-11 23:58:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Shulker Box Hack Tags minecraft,minecraft hacks,minecraft shulker box,minecraft shulker,minecraft duplication glitch … Read More


    "DOLANAN GAYENG: SKIBIDI TOILET ATTACKED US!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘KITA DISERANG MUSUH SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-04-20 11:00:48. It has garnered 12236 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. WE ARE ATTACKED BY THE ENEMY OF SKIBIDI TOILET #minecraft #gameplay #skibiditoilet #shorts Hey I’m Dolanan Gayeng Here I will play and learn to play various existing games, so we play together and learn together, there is no intention to offend anyone so,,, help like comment subscribe and share ya guys…. thanks you instagram: Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+

    Insane Gold & XP Farm in Minecraft 1.16+Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gold & XP Farm|1.16 – 1.20.4+ (Java Edition)’, was uploaded by kayte on 2024-02-26 08:49:41. It has garnered 3295 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:40 or 1120 seconds. This Gold Farm was originally designed by ilmango however was broken in the 1.16 version of minecraft, however this is a first video with a full tutorial + fix. 155 gold blocks per hour and up to 117,000xp per hour. level 30 in 42 seconds level 50 in 2.75 minutes level 100 in 16 minutes level 1000 in 37 hours FAQ:… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gaming

    UNBELIEVABLE: Noob Dominates TOP Games! 🤯🔥🎮 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘noob is very good 😊👍#gaming #minecraft #trending #topgamerz’, was uploaded by TOP Gamez on 2024-05-24 00:07:52. It has garnered 8194 views and 346 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars – Minecraft Battle!” #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattle

    "EPIC TROLL in Bed Wars - Minecraft Battle!" #shockingbetrayal #crazyminecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Troll team mate in bed wars part 2 #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #playingmincraft’, was uploaded by Smart Veer Gaming on 2024-03-16 14:41:46. It has garnered 92 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #gaming #minecraft #pvp #viralvideo #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #pvpgod #minecrafter #minecraftpc #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildtutorials #minecraftdaily #minecraftdairies #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftjava #minecraftjavamods #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftdungeons #minecraftlegends #minecraftmoments #bedwars #dream #gaming Yours enquires- pvp gaming console pvp pvp montage pvp texture pack pvp video game pvp god pvp server pvp ventuer latest news pvp server ip pvp devil minecraft pvp video minecraft pvp tips minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Nabi Gaming – Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥

    Nabi Gaming - Unbelievable Minecraft Realism! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REALISTIC MOD 😍🤤 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-03-22 12:15:03. It has garnered 5256 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme… Read More

  • Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends Showdown

    Epic Globeysweats xPiglegends ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘xPiglegends’, was uploaded by Globeysweats on 2024-03-05 04:06:06. It has garnered 2212 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder, EvidentP in skywars, trapping in skywars, Evident, hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,OvaPade,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE DIY MINECRAFT - UNBELIEVABLE KOLA BORE HOLE TRICK! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WAIT FOR KOLA BORE HOLE TNT #minecraft’, was uploaded by DIY MINECRAFT on 2024-03-26 12:07:25. It has garnered 11561 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits Read More

  • WorkSMP Realms SMP Bedrock

    Looking for Players for Bedrock Realm Join my Bedrock Realm with a unique story/lore element. Create your own story and immerse yourself in the world. If interested, message me at “sirwondernut” on Discord. Read More

Nakami Jun – Saturday Vtuber Minecraft 8-13 Edition