Natural Magic| Modpack 1.7| EP3: I’m a WIZARD!

Video Information

Hello you two my name is Marcos alchemy mochas I for short now i’m back with another episode of natural magic last episode we try to take on that village over there behind me behind the window in the fog of death and i end up having to run away because my armor fall

Diamond and along with these extra tools was not able to beat it so we’re going to try to become even stronger than vanilla minecraft has to offer with our swords and everything and right now I’m dual wielding that because the shield decided to break but not before I

Gathered a bunch of arrows and I lewd it up and I got a bunch of chest which I also got these reinforced iron chest which are pretty cool to make here I’ll show you guys a recipe so and guess you’re trying to follow along you’ll can

Look to all this is let’s see let’s see it’s right here three logs iron block iron around that and you may can reinforce chess and you can put them together just like normal chest and you get pretty you got a pretty good extra storage i think for extra bros going

Down so that’s pretty nice alright so far two day in order to become stronger first of all i got some extra supplies from mining down there which we’re going to be going down there as well the first thing i want to do is I need an enchant

My armor that is one thing that I really just really need to do in order to get a bit better here so my mining cave I found a bit of a lava down there so I want to get some water for that over there and we got a diamond pick to go

Get that and we’re going at ourselves in enchantment table so I didn’t really show you guys the cave that I have down here much I think I just showed you guys the bushes back here I also made another room over here now this area is going to

Be for the enchanting area yes so we can get extra stuff there got our bushes I here I showed you that but I moved them over here because I realize you can right-click them and nothing they won’t fall in the bushes and break or whatever anyway so this might and this mine is

Just my usual staircase that i made in survival and i actually had in my old natural craft as well natural magic craft magic better I’m stuttering and I cleaned out these tunnels I think the only thing that’s left is gravel and dirt really and not much else so we’re

Going to come down here over here I think there was an opening that I made that led to another cave that I still haven’t cleaned out much is it over here yeah right around this gravel here what wrong way wrong way and I made a few actually torches someone go back into

That stupid little cave area flavor we can finally take on the yeah I did you do this Kelly’s oh the skills okay so there’s a love of that I need and I need to find a better way to get down here I might build stick okay looks like we are

Safe for now this place is weird okay so what I’m going to do is first of all take these stalagmites I’m not sure why I don’t feel safe around them let’s get some torches placed around why need to do is get to that lava and get some

Obsidian all right mmm there we go we got some lapis over there although this is 1.7 so I don’t think the enchantment is the same sure take that why not there’s quite a bunch of things down here although i’d rather get down there before i forget what I’m here for him

Got some emeralds this is an extreme Hills bow so make some sense okay why do when I get this down there making it extremely dark but that’s why we’ve got some torches now I gotta pick axe here so we can mine all this stuff okay we’ll probably dig up once we’re done here

With this volcanic volcanic rock I’ll take that why not okay we still got some lava here and we go okay so I’m going to get some City and not only for the enchantment table but might as well get some for another portal because courts will come in handy you with both tinker’s contract

And some other recipes they may need so I’m going to mine up this obsidian I’ll be rent yeah all right finally we got all of the Obsidian we got 14 pieces of it plus a couple extra things because I’m trying to make a staircase up back

To the surface that way I don’t have to gape no idea i had to keep you guys waiting when they finally unpause this video that’s freaking took forever now i think i left some torches up their head Badman very nice very nice although not as important anymore now that I realize

We’re not powerful enough to even take on the freaking bunch of skeletons then again those guys are now uh let me up stupid deck can even move yes me anyway so let’s keep climbing back up we’re almost there and after the enchantment show you guys a mod that I’ve been

Wanting to study for a while because it adds in something a bit ridiculous I’m must say but something I need in order to take on the skeletons and along with other bosses too okay yeah this is where I was this is with the mushroom that glow with power or whatever okay so I

Believe that is our way up there and now that we’re finally done we’re not coming from me over there okay so what we’re going to do is just make a staircase like so there we go and just break everything along the way okay alright so now we’ve finally got

Everything I needed and you go back and get put our supplies in our house and get our own chairman table ready okay now that we’re finally back and now that we finally have everything here let’s start by making this enchantment table here and I’ll show you guys what else I

Got planned for today I think you guys are going to like it I hope first word away one book one more there this you’ll see why in a second we’re going to come here finally we’re going to make our city and I think that’s obsidian stick

Which i’m pretty sure i know that sports for random things mad I’m not sure I believe so anyway all right now we finally got ranch at midday boob find a close this let’s go back to our mine area oh wait I did have enough books for

At least one book shelf yeah I need walk that book for later okay and also so we need the woods I need some wood for this and do that okay and at least one book shelf here might get luckiest some enchantments hopefully there we go I’m

Probably want to get better in chat much later right now this is just to take on one area with a bunch of skeletons in it I should have enough stuff hopefully now we’ll see and finally in here right there perfect and start off with just one book shelf right now should be

Giving it enough and yeah it’s just just levels okay so we’re going to enchant our armor first looks like we can get six here I think we can change it now yeah let me get better and chant my own here I think six was the highest i could go five the

Hold on a second guys oh wait look I found a night let’s see we got propel actually for fighting skeletons that’s going to be mucho bueno mucho okay so seven that’s good thorns nice hey nine here projectile non-breaking okay i would like some protection just normal all around protection thorns and i’m

Breaking okay apparently arguing putting a thorns for everything though so this is actually good skeleton armor to be honest probably one named it that because that’s all that is for projectile stuff we can also enchant our weaponry hopefully let’s go here actually I don’t have any levels left

Gosh darn it that is ok that is okay put that in here we’re going any another shield but let me organize my stuff and I want to show you guys one more mod that can definitely help us out all right and finally we are going to get in

Something called the arse arcane and to do that I found out just to get started I want I didn’t want to take I want to learn a lot of it myself so I only looked up how to start it and honestly the start is all I need to start

Learning it first of all we’re going to have to find a puddle of magic in to do that first of all we’re going to take out this guy oh right now now he’s still but he stupid brother stupid very stupid okay so first you gotta find a puddle of

Magic and luckily for me one of them was actually right here the entire time I didn’t even notice it just ow what from where but you put cynic and I’m getting bombarded by mobs Ian this is great so we all we needed was the sting and

Puddle here all I need to do is get a block leaf like so get an item frame and then we take just normal book and place it here and watch what happens the metric is happening and all we do have to wait for the magic to fill from

This puddle to fill this book come on you’re almost there I’m not sure how long this actually takes I’m actually not sure how long do you take sir there we go oh look at the bright lights I’m so sorry and we have our book back don’t

Lag on me now whoa and we gotta met Oh God come on this book is to start the arse arcane mod which it gets you well if you look at my bottom right corner you’ll see a blue bar my bottom left has a red bar that is we are now a magician

Named with this book we have gained powers okay so this just gives me the basic stuffs so burnout burnout as you level straighten your casting spells alright so i’m going to read up on this and find out what to do next so give me

A second guys alright so i read up on it and it looks like there’s a few recipes that will need to learn to make first before we can get it will sound like Nessa not meteor sounded pretty close by we need the meteor shield here now but I

Don’t have enough meteor pieces in order to make it and I don’t think it shows up on the map either unless I’ve been there so wait what’s that I don’t know I really don’t that might be the meteor crash there now I need to go get it but

Right now we are focusing on something else which by the way guys I have to say this is an outdated arcane mud so I’m trying to learn it as best as I can and I’m not sure if I can even download the thing there was some kind of error when

I tried so I’m sorry I’m going off a pre old one it looks kind of similar to the one that I saw before just some of the textures were changed hopefully I can get this so first of all the thing this we seem to need to start off with is

Whitney an oculus which if think i believe if we just cook some stone here to have any 02 there we go and we need some glass as well so need some sand here okay there we go and let me see here there we go and if i come back here

Go back on this book that glass we got topaz and too cold so I believe that i’ll be in here yeah taupe at where’s my 20 minutes I know I had it don’t you lie to me game but first off our to coal boom where is it topaz there it is okay

It doesn’t belong here it’s wrong with you put that in here and we’re going to need one of them there we go okay I think everything should be cooked there we are the way or that way okay so let’s craft it up in here first we’re going to

Turn these into stone bricks like so and we just need three of them I believe like so glass here topes here and finally call here and we get the oculus um I think we better use this in our mining over there first i’ll go asleep hold on alright slowly but surely we are

Becoming a wizard about all Wizards must take naps so let’s go back to our cave area here I need to put more defenses here as well because I creeper nearly killed me and let me get this amber real quick okay okay so over here I guess we can start I

Guess we’ll start over here actually here we go oculus you shall stay here yeah this looks a bit older than one I know okay not learned okay we get three basic if I read the book right the blue ones are basic components for spells

Which it looks like i can learn a few of these okay touch projectile and self okay I want more some more offense and I need some self as well I’m not sure to find these but I think because I unlocked the mod and everything I can

Find these bit easier okay so let’s get out of here for now I need food crap I forget so we’re going to learn how to make these but first we need this table i believe so let’s look at our book here yeah we need an inscription table here

To start it as well which only spell parchment which is very easy it’s just two sticks and a paper we can do that easy enough but we also need a feather and a torch that’s easy enough slabs and would the feather is my biggest issue because I haven’t found any chickens or

Birds of any kind in this mod that it could have offered but did not so I wanna have to go out and try find some chickens hold on okay I think we have everything we need now all we need to do now is make paper use paper to make one

Spell parchment then we make these slabs here which we just need these ones but the parchments out put this here foot note we need a torch and to these and there we go we got our table beautiful might need to make a freaking crafting table just to put in there real quick

Because I’d rather not keep running back and forth to craft things okay there we go Oh your stuff is Quicksilver Thaumcraft though I still do not know how to do thumb craft guys and if you have any tips for me if you guys want me

To do some crap please tell me because I am confused about it okay so let’s put our table and our spell area here is our table and even lets off a little bit of light I guess that’s what we get for getting a torch okay so it looks like we

Just need a written book which i believe it’s pretty easy it’s just like book a feather and some ink i believe let me just make sure rather not be wrong on this book will yeah we just need a feather and and then we can make that

And then we can search up whatever we learn in our oculus here which I’m guessing we meet we need a projectile to start off there we go we also need defense as well and we only got one more spell to use of gravity force or bounce

I’m not sure I should learning that what about over here we could learn leap or regeneration may be helpful that way don’t die so quick however we also need something to damage so I think we should start with the damage first let’s start with that and then it looks like later

We can learn fire damage or magic damage might go fire I like fire but right now we only have a little bit to work with so it lets me go get a book to get this started ok so I ran into a little bit of

An issue here I can’t find any ink sex in other words I can find any squids so I need to wait until I find more squids or find another way to get well ink so let’s see here I think I saw something else here they could use yeah egg black pearl egg

I can die what die oh how do we make that okay so so okay I found some black flowers over there I thought I could make something like that with it but it’s a pretty simple recipe looks like so we just need one of these Thank You

Beau 10 yeah for showing my something today and maybe you guys didn’t know this either so learning experience for both of us then if not then I just look like a complete and utter idiot but that’s okay too though you bet you you guys can judge me how you wish I guess

Now though it’s not a good idea to do that okay so take this take this and we make our die beautiful ok so that’s going to go back in here because that that’s very useful ok and we got some of these so we don’t need that either ok so

Finally we can make our very first spell by doing this this and this and we got this ok ok so let’s see what spell should we learn first let’s take a look ok so it looks like because I went more damage than i did self we are going to

Learn our very first damaging spell like so and I think oh yeah removing the local finalize the spell ok let’s grab it and here is our spell book okay so oh it looks like ok combination force damage ok materials we need a blank ruined vin tiem dust arrow snowball red

Ruin iron sword and spell parchment ok so let’s get all these materials real quick ok and see what goes from there so first we’re going to need a blink ruin let me look ok so the mega blank ruin we just put a bunch of cobblestone in that

Looks kind of like a diagonal fiche pretty easy so we’re just going to grab I keep forgetting I need to get used to where I put things in this chest now ok like so like that I believe ok pretty simple I would say so ok alright first entry unlocked beautiful I guess we’ll

Put this back in here there we go ok what else did we need in our spell we also needed VIN tiem dust I think if i remember correctly we just need to cook a topaz happened leaves we should take that away now put that in there and out

No oh no how to make it a graph I think I ran into us I think it ran into a bit of a situation here boom been tube into you I’m guessing a hottie way I’ve into him just ok to make it you smell moon stone block I don’t have that anything

Else we can cook a Sunstone or blue topaz block so we could make a that but what else that’s for the beat thing in Tim blah I don’t know there’s some ores oh wait no okay so I need to cook down some Boar’s it looks like somehow i’m

Not sure how though give me a minute guys okay i think i found it we can put these together and make a block it looks like it’s cooking I hope to holiday that this is the right way to do it yet we got I’ve entombed us beautiful okay I’m

A little less scared but it’s still kind of scared okay so we got two of the pieces that we need for this iron ore back real quick don’t do that okay let’s take a look at our spells real quick okay we got plenty of arrows oh crap a

Snowball I actually we’re surrounded by snow what’s wrong with me just need my shovel I’m stupid okay I used to have a snowball here and then I threw it on exhales like yeah where would I need it for now I know ok so let’s sleep real

Quick and then go get our snow alright so I went looking through a book and it looks like what we need it for is this altar here so it looks like there’s a few recipes that we can do each one more expensive and less expensive than the

Other there’s one that I saw that I think I can do let’s see here okay it looks like this is just cobblestone stairs what’s this crafting altar ok glass in the center there okay okay I think we can do this some glass their match portal i’m guessing happens once

We crack this entire thing so let me get the pieces here and see if I can make it my sales all right so I read a little bit more into it and it’s a bit more complicated that it turns out the more expensive the items are the more

Powerful your spell’s are or can become I guess so i’m going to make one a little bit better than just a plain cobblestone one i think i’m gonna make one of stone brick and see where it goes from there wish me luck guys okay so we finally have everything down it took

Freaking forever now I finally have everything down so if we go into this crafting area here Boing last couple things we need to do is make a slab and do this we can get a lectern here and we also need to put this down put VIN tiem

Dust on top of that so we can get a crafting altar and oh no oh crap i think i’m missing good team does hold on ok now if i’ll i have everything we need now we just put the stone here put this there and we get magic walls ok this is

Everything we need the only other thing I can think of is I need to set up a little platform to put this entire altar on then we can finally get our first spell here in natural magic so the title will finally make sense I guess I don’t

Know so give me one last moment ok now finally we can set this up holy crap ok so was a five by five so one two three four five one two three four five oh ok so we have a little bit space back here that’s fine ok so just keep going like

This but like I said before the spells that this mod has I’ve seen a few of them they can get pretty freakin good ok so and we put the iron down here ok so we’re gonna have the front right here something like that ok so next ok so you

Got the first layer down next layer is a 24 stone walls and two magic walls and the lectern all I think electrons in front here so how did it go how did it go I already lost track of it dank it uh I guess it’s because it’s on a

Different site i guess i don’t know it looks kind of weird to me ok so this is going to be centered right so uh yeah I’m sorry guys I keep forgetting ok so there’s a space between it ok so it’ll be going like this ok let’s get the

Magical wall one right there one right there the two stone here and here here and here and the lectern which I think I’m saying that like I think i’m saying that right i think i’m not positive ok finally we’re getting somewhere actually been getting somewhere for a while it

Just takes time ok next one is that plus any ol ever really good i freakin love her hiding on the side you gotta be like oh yeah i think that is everything I just need get rid of these real quick there there all right I think we have it

Done I think look at this durrell the way there we go all right that is the altar ladies and gents i think i have it everything down now all that’s left is I think we turn it on and then I hope I’m doing this right I think we just put

That down is that it did I do that do it wrong what oh wait I think we start with the blank ruin just throw that in oh it’s working okay VIN team dust oh look at the magic magic is happening who makes pretty sounds okay arrow snowball mmm uh

Red room Oh sword you tell much there and finally the parchment there it is a spell oh look at that in my hand I’m holding something like their head on the way this okay so what do I do oh okay well I guess we named it now I actually

Had an idea for this yeah we’re gonna name is silver shot yeah this is our very first spell and it’s going to be a tiny wee little thing first so we want to do that and next oh wait just oh okay if I want a random one which is pretty

Cool by like my silver sharpener silver silver thank you shut there we go and I think we are done how do we had we there we go I think that’s it yep silver shot costs 50 whoa oh I can’t call a silver anymore it’s a freaking rock and it

Keeps going that’s freaking amazing I need to test this out on something and we finally have our altar done there it looks freaking shiny and beautiful holy crap so I can’t kill a silver show there’s more like a boulder bash but I can’t rename it anymore ill now be

Called silver shot holy crap right we owe this is actually pretty cool I I need to test this out though I don’t want to hit the horses that’s the better you mean that’s still very mean any a test on something that’s grimy and nice to you like a creeper hold on let me

Find a target alright well oh there’s a zombie we can just out on a zombie it sounds up we can do this it seriously you know despawn right then how do I get this out of here that book look look it’s time to come off there at fine not fine fine I

Am ok with this ok banda zombie that water Breck she’s freaking meteors ok well there’s a creeper there let’s try it here named let him whoo rock oh come on creeper creeper hold still please holy crap how many times can I do oh I got cool down ok so down there the

Barges turn purple so i’m guessing i had to reach in some manner before i can yeah i’m i’m low I’m low I need a rest and everything but that’s so cool ok so we have a new man of power I can’t kill I haven’t killed anything with it yet it

Costs more mana each time i use it but that is ok ok but that is so cool we finally have everything done it looks like if there’s a glitch in there for some reason cool and we’ll be learning more spells i’ll learn how to get more powerful with these hopefully later on

For now that’s all that I have for today guys I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode I need to find something to eat I’m hungry we got I got I strawberries ok thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoy this series and if

You do if you can please hit the like button and meet a lot and maybe even subscribe to my channel it’d be really really cool if you would anyway guys I hope you guys want see more of this my name is mochas I and this is goodbye talk to you guys

This video, titled ‘Natural Magic| Modpack 1.7| EP3: I’m a WIZARD!’, was uploaded by Mokuzaiookami on 2016-04-16 01:22:38. It has garnered 25 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:46 or 1726 seconds.

Here’s how to become a wizard, at least a start XD

Disclaimer Minecraft – Mojang Natural Magic – “WTFGeeks!”

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    UdayYtGamer's EPIC 3D Minecraft PvP ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftmasacreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 3d Anime ๐Ÿฅฐ | Minecraft PvP| #minecraft #minecrftpublicsmp #minecrafpvp #minecraft3danime’, was uploaded by UdayYtGamer on 2024-06-01 16:10:33. It has garnered 244 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. gmail: [email protected] Discord: Taarzo YouTube :/ @taarzo_official Chandu Youtube : / @chandugameryt.3 Public OneBlock SMP Join | Join Public SMP #5 | UdayYtGamer minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft smp public… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft House Build with Nin10Jo ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Epic Minecraft House Build with Nin10Jo ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information yeah Gamers you guys are Gamers right we’re here to play video games are we live yep we’re live on Twitch we’re live on YouTube live guys we’re so back right now vertical stream yo we’re vertical today we’re doing vertical for this week I’m I’m not sold on it yet but I’m not mad at it yet either so I got to I got to reply to this guy’s email give me just just a moment chat I got to reply to this email about a job where’s the Subway Surfer I don’t have Subway Surf I… Read More

  • SocialClub Vanilla

    SocialClub VanillaDo you miss the good old vanilla experience? Well, who doesn’t right? that’s why i made this brand new server without any game changing plugins, just a 110% pure minecraft experience. Swedish/English in the chat, and remember to always be nice to eachother, we are all here just to have a good time. Feel free to join our discord so we can make this into a amazing community! Read More

  • ๐ŸƒCubeCadia SMP Dungeons Crossplay No Resets Survival

    Server Update: 1.20.6 Now Supported! Information: IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Overview: CubeCadia offers a unique Minecraft experience with custom plugins and a friendly community. Build, explore, and conquer dungeons with custom items and bosses. Features: ๐Ÿฐ Dungeons: Explore dungeons with custom items and bosses ๐Ÿ’ฐ Player Warps / Shops: Create your own shops and warps ๐Ÿ‘‘ Custom Items: Discover over 200 custom items to enhance your gameplay ๐ŸŽฃ Custom Fishing: Compete in fishing tournaments ๐ŸŒพ Custom Farming: Level up your farming skills with special crops โ›๏ธ Custom Mining: Mine for special gems and luxurious items ๐Ÿ’Ž Rewards: Earn daily,… Read More

  • KingdomOfGod

    KingdomOfGodKingdomOfGod!Overlord Themed SMP- Races- Custom Plugins- Based on the Overlord anime/light novelJoin the Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Diamond chestplate vs .357 Magnum. Trust level 9999.”

    Well, I guess diamonds really are a girl’s best friend and bulletproof too! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 36 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 36 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 36 has arrived, With challenges aplenty, we must strive. The seed of the world, a tricky one indeed, An island and desert, not what we need. But fear not, for luck is on our side, More treasures nearby, we shall abide. Greetings to TikTok and YouTube friends, Our journey in Minecraft, never ends. Join our channel, support the creator’s art, Enjoy the benefits, be a part. Discord, Twitch, and TikTok links to find, In the world of gaming, let’s unwind. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • EPIC SPELLING SURVIVAL – New Modded Soaring Ceilings!

    EPIC SPELLING SURVIVAL - New Modded Soaring Ceilings!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving modded: Soaring Ceilings!’, was uploaded by Speeling on 2024-04-10 01:11:30. It has garnered 66 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:22 or 11122 seconds. We’re jumping into modded minecraft for a bunch of fun to have fun exploring and mischief! Read More

  • The Ultimate Realm Name Revealed!

    The Ultimate Realm Name Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘OFFICIAL REALM NAME COMING SOON – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE SERIES (INVITE ONLY/JOIN QUEUE)’, was uploaded by OutrageousGaming on 2024-03-01 07:26:07. It has garnered 84 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:45 or 7725 seconds. Today, I am playing Survival Mode in Minecraft whilst trying to Survive on YouTube for PS4! My other channel is: My Twitch channel is: Our Discord Server: Subscribe, if you wish! Read More

  • The Fiery Rise of RealHawk & Wilson on Cobblemon Islands!

    The Fiery Rise of RealHawk & Wilson on Cobblemon Islands!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FIRE EMPIRES RISE TO GLORY ON COBBLEMON ISLANDS!!! W/ WILSON’, was uploaded by RealHawk on 2024-03-03 08:44:24. It has garnered 1123 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:00 or 7080 seconds. Help Me Build Up This Fire EmpireXD #cobblemon #minecraft #pokemon #trending #gaming Server IP: Cobblemon Islands Discord: Cobblemon Discord: Play Through Technic Launcher/CurseForge/Modrinth Launcher My Discord: Read More

  • Insane TSMC Minecraft City Build! Watch Now!

    Insane TSMC Minecraft City Build! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘TSMC – Minecraft: STREAM CITY #7’, was uploaded by Christopher A.J on 2024-01-12 17:30:10. It has garnered 6 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:41 or 1181 seconds. Originally uploaded in January 14, 2022 from TSMC – Minecraft. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:30 Street Structure 4:45 New Convenience Store 9:10 Playground 13:05 Tennis Courts 16:35 School 18:17 Outro 18:21 Channel Members Read More

  • Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ – They never saw it coming ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #fyp

    Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ - They never saw it coming ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘they thought they stood a chance #minecraft #fyp #goviral #funny #trending’, was uploaded by Monkey.d.Bayouใƒ„ on 2024-03-20 16:50:07. It has garnered 6488 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Jeffy’s Crazy Emoji Challenge in Roblox!

    Unbelievable: Jeffy's Crazy Emoji Challenge in Roblox!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy GUESS THE EMOJI in Roblox!’, was uploaded by Jeffy And Marvin’s World on 2024-02-18 18:00:12. It has garnered 260368 views and 1773 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:17 or 9317 seconds. Join Our Discord! Main Channel: Minecraft Channel: โ–บโ–บ SUBSCRIBE to Jeffy And Marvin’s World for videos inspired by SML! Including gaming, reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #jeffy #sml #vrchat #marvin #shorts #roblox #gta Read More

  • Dave Del found protesting at NY college! Watch now!

    Dave Del found protesting at NY college! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘FOUND AT COLLEGE PROTEST IN NEW YORK (Subscribe)’, was uploaded by Dave Del on 2024-05-29 15:02:58. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #crazy #reels #reaction #fypใ‚ท #top #police #cops #cod #op #online #onetap #roblox #minecraft #pc #pcgaming #politics #birthday #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralvideo #story #subscribe #about #share #india #newyork #city #life #lifestyle #new #free #crime #crazy #cricket #art #reaction #today #breakingnews #breakingnews #republicans #democrats #trump #election #rap #musicvideo #motivation #motivational #movie #mobilelegends #mobile #hacker #sad #sadstatus #drawing #biggboss #quotes #real #facts #instagram #sherrif… Read More

  • Insane Kill! Destroying OP Player on My SMP

    Insane Kill! Destroying OP Player on My SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eliminating A STACKED Player On MY SMP’, was uploaded by Mando Hyper on 2024-05-28 23:11:30. It has garnered 732 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #cpvp #mcpe #minecraftshorts #smp #meme #minecraftsmp Read More

  • Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!

    Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ›‘ MINECRAFT WITH SUBSCRIBERS ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream #minecraft #freefire’, was uploaded by DsrPlayz on 2024-05-08 04:37:06. It has garnered 684 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:32 or 6392 seconds. ๐Ÿ›‘ VALO AAJAO DOSTO ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream Spreading Fun Through Art. #dsrplayz #hindi Socials:- Instagram:- Discord:- Song:- Mail :- [email protected] That’s All Folks! โ›”TAGS: {Don’t Read} minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live hindi minecraft live 2021 minecraft live smp minecraft live video minecraft live server minecraft live insaan part 1 minecraft live anyone can… Read More

  • BugCraft

    BugCraftThis is a China minecraft sever. no discord. welcome everyone to play. BugCraft – There are many bugs to play. https// thanks you play this minecraft sever. Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla, Whitelist, Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.6 – Bedrock Support VanillaPlus is a whitelisted vanilla SMP with an expanding community who enjoys playing vanilla Minecraft on the latest version, currently 1.20.6. We have added a texture pack, data packs, and crafting packs to enhance your gameplay experience. Join our Discord at Discord to get the server access code. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, constructing bases, and trading goods at the spawn shopping area. Recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Join us today and have fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft. Read More

  • TribalMC

    TribalMc is a minecraft server currently with survival and casino.Casino uses in game money that can be earned every day.Survival has almost 90 Slimefun addons with thousands of items to craft and machines to create. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Thursgay, June 13th

    Minecraft Memes - Thursgay, June 13thLooks like this meme has a solid 16 out of 10 rating – must be some top tier Minecraft humor! Read More

  • 2019’s Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze!

    2019's Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze! In 2019, a video caught my eye, About a YouTuber, soaring high. Warfredone, with skills so fine, Crafting Minecraft, a true goldmine. His skin pack, a work of art, Captured my soul, touched my heart. I’ll never forget that special day, When Minecraft came back in a big way. So here’s to the memories, the joy it brings, Minecraft nostalgia, with rhymes that sing. Warfredone, a legend in the game, Forever in our hearts, his fame. Read More

  • Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Ni dejan descansar… ยกpero quiรฉn quiere descansar cuando hay diamantes por minar en Minecraft!” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘พ #minecraft#viral#memes#meme#humor#xd#gameplay#minecraftxd#minecraftmemes#parodia Read More

  • Warning: Epic Shenanigans

    Warning: Epic Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? ๐ŸŽฎ Join AndyTheMC on his YouTube channel as he explores the endless possibilities of this popular game. From building epic structures to surviving in the wilderness, there’s never a dull moment in Minecraft. Exploring New Worlds Watch as AndyTheMC embarks on thrilling adventures in Minecraft, uncovering hidden treasures and facing dangerous foes along the way. With each new world generated, the possibilities are endless, and the excitement never stops. ๐ŸŒ Building Masterpieces Get inspired by AndyTheMC’s incredible building skills as he constructs… Read More


    EPIC NEW CHALLENGERS JOIN Napoleonn LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘”NEW CHALLENGERS APPROACH!” || A Survival Minecraft Livestream! (ft. Gemini & VAs)’, was uploaded by Napoleonn on 2024-05-01 11:13:32. It has garnered 2255 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:17 or 5477 seconds. Just a fun little stream we wanted to do to chill, hang out, and talk to you guys. Come on in and stop by! โ˜… Merch Store: โ˜… Use Promo Code: NapoleonnVA at checkout for 20% OFF your first month! โ˜… Music and sound effects by Epidemic Sound. โ˜… Thumbnail Render – Me #mcrp #mctv #minecraftroleplay… Read More

  • The Horrifying Scarecrow in Minecraft

    The Horrifying Scarecrow in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘scary crow #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by McCreP on 2024-01-14 08:10:03. It has garnered 2787 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. scary crow #shortvideo Read More

Natural Magic| Modpack 1.7| EP3: I’m a WIZARD!