NEAR DEATH! Nether Madness in Minecraft

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of another Minecraft hardcore series I’m beanan and today I have a special episode planned um I think I would like to go to the Nether and I know that scares a lot of people but I need to go to the nether

I’m pressed for time right now uh so I’m just going to go ahead get this stream out get it recorded and get it up um don’t worry quality won’t change and remember this will be up at a later time than usual because it’s such a long video that it always takes too

Long to process and most of the time when it goes live people have to watch it in 360p um so let’s get started uh and head down to the caves to gather some uh obsidian I don’t know why I was going to say netherite but netherite is oh netherite is

A need um or an eventual goal for myself yeah so let’s just run down here check it out um excited to be back uh this week is the end of the holidays uh which means at the end of the chaos so I should return to a normal recording

Schedule which is nice because as much as I love the holidays it’s a it’s a it’s a hectic schedule um I have the chat connected I just didn’t say my usual hello world uh mainly because nobody’s watching um and like I said I have an appointment at one today so oh yeah I

Forgot I did this last time cool I don’t even have to do this let’s go ahead and grab this I know I know I know I’m just doing the smart thing I wish I could um edit this out but alas I can’t I just have lag in my own world

Interesting it’s a nice gloomy day today on Saturday um let’s see Channel updates uh 350 subscribers it’s good it’s good still looking into um streaming on YouTube uh I know that most of my subscribers watch there uh and don’t worry I will put out a post um when it’s ready to stream to

YouTube and in an Ideal World I’d stream to both but but you know eh oh yeah is my computer wait a minute hope wait a minute Okay I don’t know if I trust that okay H must be something with the obsidian oh well whatever there we are let see I think I’m going to go for the rich person portal oh see that one was fast but I’m going to go for the rich person portal

And O I should also I know this is going to take more time for me to get uh what I need but I should also get the obsidian for a uh what’s it called oh I should also get the obsidian for a enchantment table that’s what it was

Right I know this is a lot earlier uh than usual but like I said uh press for time uh what am I not press for time honestly it’s what happens when you do like video creation did that just a it just burnt wait how’d it burn

Though oh it didn’t burn it went back there all right let’s let’s see I need 18 wow okay I could try and save it but um oh yeah continuing the channel updates sorry ADHD um yeah continuing Channel updates uh I uh released back to Beta days um you

Guys seem to really love it uh which is great the first episode got like 2,000 views no 1.5k views 1,500 um which is crazy second episode’s out now oh I got too many oh well uh second episode’s out now so if you want to watch that after this go ahead uh the

New format of another Minecraft Let’s Play seems to be well received which is good because that’s kind of like my that’s like my create that’s like my video project like I make the other series for you guys um but another Minecraft Let’s Play is how I’ve always wanted to play

Minecraft uh if that makes sense so that one won’t be going anywhere I know I I know uh I will compromise on it but it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon because that’s like my project can I hit him yeah H oh okay right I’m wasting my arrows on these idiots

Um oh I got a viewer let’s see okay so where I’m going to put the portal is another question because I don’t want to how do how do I say uh hear the sounds all the time yeah ah get it so I’ll have to find a spot oh great it’s night

But shouldn’t be that hard if anything I’ll just like add it down in here or something what’s that sound I hear something walking around me oh spider go away go away go away Oh I thought that chicken was making the spiter sound for a second

Uh maybe I can put it down in there by the tree farm seems to be one of the places I go do a lot go away nope damn I wish I had my knockback sword ah come on Ro oh it’s a sheep why do sheep sound like

That I’ve never heard a sheep sound like that all right let’s sleep real quick where’ my water go what the okay did I have water I don’t know oh it’s too early in the morning all right uh let’s check it got it I hear a creeper there he is you little

Sneak get out of here okay not near my farm well I guess I could have prevented that but there we go all right so down here what where did you come from go away back away you all right let’s see I’m thinking because I’m going to expand this area into not just

A tree farm I’m thinking that over here I’m going to put it in the side of the wall uh like most people do and then I can decorate it later now the question is do I want to spawn really high up or you know spawn down there I don’t

Does the div I don’t think the divided by eight for the coordinates translates to Vertical does it I don’t think so anyway let’s get to building this portal Awesome all right H almost almost tricked myself would have been annoying to fix all right sweet and I have enough left over for the crafting table or not the yes I make obsidian crafting tables no the enchantment table uh let’s see all right let’s go put some stuff

Away how much gold do I have not enough I well shouldn’t say that because all right let’s see is that tools okay let’s put the mob drops away in here uh food eggs can go in there it’s wood throw that in there Cobblestone yes wait okay I’ll just do this as Stone

Variants there’s my dirt chest uh nature okay ah I was like I knew I have a glass chest tools I’ll put my bucket in there since it’s hello ah welcome to the stream uh I do this this is my hardcore series I’m recording for uh and streaming at the same time oh

Wait I already had obsidian yes um okay gold armor that’s what I need well a piece of gold armor I think good good I’m good what about you guys H yes long time no see h just cranking this one out this morning uh like I said earlier I’ve got

Um some uh an appointment today so I started the stream a little earlier than usual but it’s okay let’s see uh what do I want to wear wear a helmet should work uh if you just joined um I uh am currently working on uh what is it the

Nether getting to the nether I have the portal now I just need flint and steel there’s that uh yep all right continuing [Laughter] on same well I don’t have any of those appointments um yeah it’s uh it’s an appointment for um buying something so I’m going to have

To go there see the showroom see what they’ve got and then uh kind of start working out pric and stuff so it’s it’s the adult boring Appo appointments that you do on a Saturday yes yes I know from all the problems uh oh I already have a flint

And steel I’m an idiot yeah the problem problems eventually resolved themselves you know I used to do that with mine too um and then and then you know like once I got older uh you know I actually started talking about like issues and things like

That b you did uh Miss some streams um I have updated the progress I have you know a chat box I don’t know what it was but every time I would add something new it would just like you know mess up my settings so this time I

Have it completely set up the chat box isn’t messing everything up and oh I need a new sword I’m going to make a sword before I go in don’t want to be caught without a sword uh yeah I’m kind of nervous about going into uh the

Nether I’m to make a diamond sword [ __ ] make a diamond axe too oh thanks it’s my little starter house I whipped it together in the first episode uh wait oh wait no that’s correct there you are uh there we go I might expand it in the next episode wait

Oh tricked myself I almost made a shovel all right and then let’s do an X it’s worth a follow I mean it’s up to you obviously um but yeah I mean I stream here I’m trying to figure out how to stream to both here and YouTube because a majority

Of my viewers are on YouTube okay you know what let’s just throw these back down in the basement but but you know this is also how I uh get um some new viewers you know here and there it’s a it’s a marketing scheme by

Me oh I forgot okay wait I didn’t do the thing I was supposed to do this is episode seven I think yeah yeah yeah yeah seven because last okay I’ll do a quick recap uh for the people who have uh not been around recently uh so this is episode 7 uh I

Think episode two I went ahead and expanded the house if you saw that one um episode three was the recorded one because of the messed up uh stream recording uh and that’s where I just kind of explored that snow biome episode four was oh yes episode four was I relocated

Uh villagers in the village over there um episode five was Adventure Time where I traveled around explored the ocean a little bit got some bamboo from a jungle and then episode 6 was when I built my tree farm um so right here well Tree Farm is it’s kind of like a organized

Forest honestly um and yeah so this is episode seven where we’re heading into The Nether yeah yeah cuz I I do this oh okay see where are we oh boy oh this is fun I do the streams yeah organized Forest um but I do the like I said I do

The streams in the morning and then upload them later excuse me stop ow a god this must be where it feels like to be a medieval peasant okay see you [ __ ] thank you okay now that we’re situated let’s let’s get our bearings see if I can see anything out here first off uhhuh

Okay whole lot of nothing uh did I come into the nether for anything particular no am I talking to myself again yes um okay let’s see ooh let’s get some quarts yeah skeletons I hate what they did in the new one uh in my let’s play series

That oh God in my let’s play series that I uh do with like the texture pack and shaders I just keep it on like normal because I don’t want to deal with the skeletons ow look at that what is that all right right um so I got a not that good of another

Spawn hello well let’s see what we can find oh this one’s better I’m going to go ahead and Hollow this one out so I know where I came from this way I can also make a pathway that isn’t slow to my portal yeah see this this is the stuff that scares me

You know how I said I’m like bad at the game this is where I’m the worst um oh great they got the creepy music on see anything down here nope uh H you know I am thinking about uh what is it I’m also looking into buying another monitor or a

Different monitor because right now I have a two monitor set up but I got them in 2020 and they’re the Samsung 32in curve monitors uh so they’re only 1980 x 1080 I have not but they they they’re getting more and more interesting to me I kind of want to

Try horror mods but then again I also like the other day just got Outlast um so like for me Minecraft now that I’m older it’s a little harder for it to be scary but I mean that’s a little creepy but but um but you know I’m always down to

Do like you know like spin-off stuff I know with my Beta days series oh that’s uh yeah there we go with my Beta days series um I what is it oh yeah like I’m thinking about doing a spin-off where I actually go into beta um but one of those things would

Like have to be like a miniseries ah okay think we’re going to have to take the fall here just trying to get okay all right let’s see uh all right but yeah I think I think I’m trying to branch in well right now I’m not like

I don’t have enough of uh a following to successfully branch in to other games so for right now I’m doing like Minecraft I’ll probably stick with m Minecraft theme so that would be on brand for me we go oh I’m a little off but who cares um let’s fix this engineer at

Work yeah I’ve seen that is that the one where it’s like the one where it’s like the super tall Cave thing that like I think I saw it in a reel or something like that where the thing comes running at them on the M shaft uh let’s see can I see I would

Like to loot what is that oh that’s an Enderman I would like to loot a fortress today if I can get to one is that a Bastion I don’t know this is horrible why’ I get such a bad nether spawn um okay let game plan this I’m going to go ahead

And write down the coordinates of my area yeah cave M no thank you all right let me just WR down the coordinates -21 and by write down I mean take a picture there we go all right what The guess I can take some of these bones yeah okay now I think as long as I follow the like Soul Sand or what is this Soul soil uh I should be good uh see let’s check out over here oh I just realized no no ow okay you know

What no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no thank you okay I have to Serpentine loser all right you how do I do this all right ow thank you all right once I get over here it should be somewhat easy to move

About I just have to be real careful around all the lava and stuff in oh boy what is that oh boy oh come on can I catch a break okay okay maybe I should have come more prepared um hm okay move over Gregory uh you know I’m going to I know

No can you die oh how did I miss that okay okay okay oh boy no stop it oh thank God oh I do not like the nether I do not like the nether okay let’s go the other way I think there’s less death that way All right so it’s going to be the death of me I’m going to have to bring like uh what’s it called I’m going to have to bring I don’t know I’m going to have to okay rest strategize CU I got a horrible nether spawn look at that so crazy

Uh maybe if I go over here ow h uh let’s see I don’t know what’s your experience with the nether Benin I typically avoid it okay let’s just oh that scared me all right of course the one time I don’t want like a soul forest or a Soul Sand Valley I get

It these have got to be the most annoying biomes in the Nether and oh bro bro bro bro yeah yeah no they I like I like what they did with the nether but I also hate it at the same time uh let’s see ah oh no oh no oh no oh

No please don’t die please don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die oh I’m going back to the Overworld I hate it here I think I bit off more than I could chew I’m going I’m going back I thought I had a good idea I

Didn’t have a good idea oh no all right we’re going to take care of this guy smart yeah dude I hate I don’t like the go Le of the crossbow thank you I don’t know I it always gets me as you can tell all right that was close

Good thing it’s not like a 10year hardcore world or something like that I do need a shield okay back to the drawing board um let’s see I thought I had a shield I guess my shield broke um so we’re going to need a good bit of

Stuff wait is there stuff in here I feel like there’s stuff in here nope uh let’s see okay so bring some more food essential now that’s not that it’s not that much all right this should be enough you know what going to bring a ton of it ah it’s so peace peaceful out

Here all right and then guess I’ll need more storage so I’ll do that real quick uh oh ah I can just do this wait why am I using good oak wood when I can use Birch ball there we go and the other guy getting food really missed out on a hectic

Moment uh oh but I need nope give me that it’s so quiet and peaceful up here I love it listen to that the silence no craziness uh so I think for the nether I’m just going to go in and build a straight road just straight across until I get to a normal

Biome and then from there sorry and then from there I can uh work with what I got and Branch out and stuff let’s see also one thing I learned that’s stupid in Bedrock is you know how I right here I have oh right here I have

Like um you know a slab and Bedrock if you do that you can’t open your chest and that is why I despise Bedrock I still play it but I don’t like it uh I guess bone block can go in the nether then you stop it all right put you back give me

That there you are I do need a shield don’t let me forget that uh there we go there we go actually give me that I’m just going to go ahead and make it I’ll take the cobblestone in a second and then I guess I’ll have storage for oh wait no I could just

Put these into tools SL functional blocks um right yeah I don’t know Bedrock is just well because you know you also have like the random bugs uh that like you’ll get like random damage stuff like that uh let’s see there we go there we go boom all right don’t need this do need

That give me that awesome now let’s grab the oh there we go just going to do a quick Highway across um actually forget you you suck uh I’m going to make a proper bow what an interesting crafting recipe oh yeah I got all the arrows on here um okay all

Right just harvesting this ooh yep yep smart smart Wood where are you there you are take five of these and then here I could take that oh I need to make a bone meal Farm just to get rid of all this crap uh maybe I’ll do that at the end if I survive right okay I got wood plenty of

Bread uh tools yep armor h i could do better but right now I’m just trying to establish a connection to the nether all right let’s do this okay wait one second pose for the thumbnail there we go Hello um okay I could do that but why not do both you know because I still got to get rid of that crap might as well get more free bone meal okay let’s do the you know no you’re dying I [Applause] missed oh what there we go but yeah why not do

Both you know all right I’m doing the the poor man’s casing uhhuh I’ll do it like that on both sides I know there’s a lower risk of it happening over here but you know you can never be too safe okay oh sorry about that yeah yeah bone meal like in the

Composter cuz I mean I don’t use flowers and I have I always get way too many seeds uh for my Farms so yeah I’ll do it like that all right let’s just hope a skeleton doesn’t spawn at least while I’m over lava oh my boy Leo is GNA

Have he’s gon to have something to say about almost dying I always like reading his comments he’s one of my subscribers uh he watches the he like lives for these streams so I always am excited to see what he has to say about the events of the day uh let’s

See I do like the new nether music I will say like they did a good job it’s just scary like I remember how boring the nether used to be the nether basically used to be like the ocean okay instead of doing all this boring stuff I’m just going to go like

That hey hey hey oh my God okay hold on I know this is risky hey don’t you dodge my arrow ah you know what leave it alone okay if I can just get out of this uh Soul Valley then I’ll consider it a successful episode or a successful stream I don’t

Know all right let’s just dig through here this is what I should have done um you know what you know what oh yeah yeah no that uh yeah if you um the little Banner at the bottom is all of my uh socials I got real lucky actually and none of the handles or

Names or even my email had to have numbers it was all just the real beanan so but yeah no I have like I said this is uh this is kind of a marketing scheme by me to get you know the odd few subscribers here and there

Um but yeah most of my viewers are on uh YouTube so a big priority has been figuring out uh how to you know stream to both here and YouTube oh that’s all my Cobblestone oh well let’s just start digging yeah yep my YouTube Channel’s been steadily growing get about like 50

Subscribers a week so like I’m basically PewDiePie um no but it’s it’s been fun on there there I do uh you know like I said my uh let’s play series um that’s like it has shaders in a texture pack uh it’s the doku craft pack um if you’ve

Ever heard of that one and then I have another let’s play series to appeal to those who like uh vanilla Minecraft that’s my back to Beta days one and then I have the odd you know creative tutorial uh and then like brandom uh random stuff on my channel like update videos

Um and then you know that’s about it I do a lot of posts I get a lot of data from them or from my subscribers that way which is good all right yeah it’s a pretty chill environment over there just hanging out I think I’ve only ever had one I guess negative comment

Um I should I do have I mean across all worlds I do have a lot of I have a lot of those I have a lot of just like random deaths so in my let’s play series I’ll be like hey if my XP looks different it’s because I died while farming

Wood but this yeah I’ll definitely have to comb through and do like close ones or something okay all right uh H so the daunting one is that like I feel like I got to make it over there but I’ve got a boiling lake of lava and

Yeah yeah I know this is a really tough spawn like I would have much rather taken the floating island portal okay let’s see are there well either way I’m going to have to go back cuz I’m not about to make a uh what’s it called I’m not about to

Make a uh nether bridge out of something that can be blown up by gas especially over a bridge or over like a span of yeah over a span that big I could technically go over there but oh goodbye um but yeah I mean the fastest way is going to be a

Bridge also this way building these Bridges lays out my network for uh are you kidding me oh you dick oh come on he’s like taunting me yeah oh crap I’m just going to Go no no no okay back to the drawing board again um let’s see I think I’m all out of cobblestone Oh see it’s so quiet and peaceful up here oh my crops already um you know I do need to build a stable for my horse I’m not going to do that this one

Um unless I have to Pivot because I kind of don’t have the um how do you say resources for nether Bridge let me see and oh I got one more yeah let’s see so typically when I’m faced with a situation like this I try to think of what I can do that

Progresses can you piss off chicken I try to think of oh I’m holding seeds I’m trying to think of what I can do for a project that will get me Cobblestone and also progress my world uh let’s see chicken I don’t have time for you right now um let’s

See uh are you kidding me go away let’s see um well I can’t always go back to working on my mind stairs uh uh but that’s kind of I don’t know that’s hey you’re back welcome you missed a lot just saying uh there we go luckily I didn’t die but I almost

Died right now I’m trying to figure out how to get more Cobblestone because yeah see that’s um that’s some I built the entire universe in Minecraft type [Laughter] beat me me I’m I’m old school I like to dig out my rocks but yeah Trojan you’ll ow okay

You’ll have to uh catch the recording to see me almost dying like three times what’s down here oh wait this goes oh what is down here is this attached to my oh it is attached to my normal cave sweet right so to continue on I need to go ahead

And dig up some stairs because I’m tired of walking like this but I also got to find find where my stairs are first okay I’m just going to start by doing that okay yeah oh I had those okay I understand like I understand the like why people do that because you

Know you’re so used to it you don’t know how to explain it but I had a Linux teacher in college who like was very good you know he was very good at uh what he did but the problem is that you know I’m sure you’ve seen memes about Linux but you have to

Basically work with an 80s computer just to make a folder and so I would sit through it was also virtual learning during Co so there’s that but I’d sit through his lecture online and he’d be like all right so if you guys want to uh or he’s

Like so in order to create a directory you’re going to want to do this types at the speed of light does like eight different commands at once and then goes okay next it doesn’t go back because it’s a pre-recorded video and he doesn’t explain it or anything I yeah so I I get

Those I do that I do that a lot um right now luckily I have these stairs that I can make but when I like don’t have when I don’t have to make like mining stairs that’s what I do actually it definitely comes in uh like

In my other uh let’s play right now it comes in handy because it’s a village like settlement type thing um okay there we go wow that was actually a lot easier than I thought okay but I’m still going to like pretty this up uhhuh I’m just going to make it more

Uniform definitely not trying to just get cobblestone a sweet you got snow lucky oh yeah also that made me think um I know a lot of my streams are me going back to thoughts I started uh like 20 minutes ago but um one of the things like the most negative comment I

Got on my YouTube channel was some random guy who got really mad at the last stream because someone one of my regular viewers on here was like oh you know uh I’m in a bit of a bad situation cuz you know my grandpa’s getting older and I’m

The primary caregiver but I’m starting a job so it’s going to be tough and I said I was like oh dang well you know I hope that uh I hope everything clears up and your holidays are fine you know as a normal person does and the person got so pressed

Because they’re like I don’t care about your life I don’t care about your followers life I just want to watch Minecraft it’s like bro I was just it’s not like they were sitting there telling me their life story I was just being a decent human being like calm down of course I just

Responded with sorry to hear that hope you find the content you’re looking for but like come on bro it’s just Minecraft like chill there we go uh yeah well see like I understand because like like I get it it’s it’s easier to tell a random twitch streamer

You know just to get out there even if they don’t see it or if they do it’s nice to just say it and it’s like hello oh welcome to the stream I didn’t even see that we had four viewers now but you know it’s like um it’s like bro you got to remember

It’s just people it’s just people who are like watching your streams like just be a decent person God yeah free therapy free therapy or you get clowned by everyone in the chat there’s no in between this oh yeah this is um yeah so for those of you joining the stream uh

I’m currently getting my cheeks clapped by the nether uh yeah so I’m collecting some more Cobblestone because I got a god actually I’m going to need more than that I got a god awul Nether spawn um like there’s a massive Lava Lake there’s it’s it’s not

Pretty and now I’m trying to figure out ways no I’m trying to figure out ways to get uh more of this wow yeah pretty much that’s pretty much how it went um yeah w w just pull out the Instagram comment section on them bro see but that’s what I like about

Streams and I know the people on YouTube are like waiting uh to figure out or for me to figure out how to stream to both twitch and YouTube but it’s nice because you get commentary from other people and then everyone watching the chat and the video

Yeah I saw the worst one is like when you’re like looking at a kid’s video uh yeah my organized Forest the worst one is when you’re looking at like a kid’s video and he’s just like they’re just like sitting there just being like Oh look I got my hey you’re back quick

Update 404 today is a little different I have uh an appointment for uh what’s it called I have an appointment to go buy something uh later today well not buy something I’m going to go to the showroom and uh what’s it called I’m going to go to the showroom and uh look at

Prices uh so unfortunately today we don’t have room for the F1 breaks but oh God I’m G to have to censor these in the video but next week we can do the uh we can do the um what’s it called uh F1 breaks so for those of you

Who don’t uh regularly come into the streams uh 404 has been pretty much a viewer since my first stream uh and basically we do these little F1 uh breaks in the middle of the stream and okay I’m gonna need a lot more than that uh and

When we do it you know we just watch like the memes for like an8 minute video at the beginning and then at the end when I finish the recording I will keep the stream up sometimes uh and then I’ll go ahead and do that I need more

Cobblestone you know what no I’m going back into the nether I don’t care charge it but yeah no the Instagram comment sections are wild and then there’s like you know just seeing someone like die on Instagram just became oh just became like a normal thing okay don’t kill

Me yeah I read that in uh I do need enchantments I did get a uh I did get a um what’s it called uh freaking English I did I did get um enough for a nether or enchantment table um so that’s good but you

Know I do need well no I don’t need more diamonds oh okay that’s the ADHD kicking at the end of the stream yeah yeah yeah I’ll just censor them in uh when I go through and edit the video yeah I don’t really care um yeah for YouTube I try to keep uh I

Try to keep like a PG13 R presence um mainly because I want to be able to monetize my hobby later but other than that I don’t I don’t really care like I had a lethal company uh video if it’s like audio I just censor it honestly half the time the bleet

Makes it funnier but oh yeah yeah no no I was I was actually in the middle of I was about to say that I read the uh what that I read the [ __ ] you nether I’m coming for you in a Scottish accent and then the uh gas

Came up at me so okay this is a this is a treacherous treacherous area um but yeah I just kind of I generally keep it at least tasteful uh mainly because uh a lot of my subscribers are just like older people who enjoy Minecraft um yeah that’s

Hilarious yeah no I 100% just went [ __ ] you NE I’m coming for you sorry if that was a horrible accent but I’m American n but honestly okay yeah honestly uh yeah no when I read that I read it in um what was it it was like like when Syndicate would do his Scottish

Accent that that’s immediately what I thought of I’m not too good at accents I’m better at like like voices if that makes sense damn it’s even that’s like the exact opposite of Scotland was that Ireland no it’s same thing no it’s not the same thing I’m sorry oh

Ireland Ireland’s the one that’s like we don’t like the UK dude Scottish like Scottish Twitter and Scottish like videos are so funny to me I don’t know why they’re just like hilarious I think that I think you guys are in your own world honestly like British is like okay yeah you

Know Poncho Villa oh boy I’ll have to do that today while I’m uh waiting on my appointment thing Poncho Villa also I’m just realizing where I’m at like I just like re like you know how you regain Consciousness oh [ __ ] you know how you like regain Consciousness while you’re like like driving

No I will not die no I don’t like it here I don’t like it here okay hold on stop no okay I think I’m going to go tend to my cows I don’t have any arrows okay I’m just that that was a lot that was a lot okay I’m going

To I’m going to I’m just oh yeah yeah yeah I do need I will get trading up soon don’t worry but that’s why I relocated all the villagers over there I’m about to start capitalizing on them okay well I guess I got to kill this dodo okay well no no no stop

It I’ve got through too much BS yeah no I I want to travel to like Scotland and like the UK and all that I’ve actually never left the country aside from one hockey tournament in Canada in like 2002 uh that my older brother was playing in um

I feel like it’s just like I feel like the I feel like the UK in that area is kind of like the Midwest Plus like they got they got some cool areas but overall oh yeah I do believe that see visually like I know people dog on like

British food and like Scottish food well mainly British food but see I every time I see it though I know it’s like it warms the soul if that makes sense good comfort food okay I’m going to sleep I don’t want to die o that was that was a lot oh cool started

Raining all right let’s tend to my cows which okay I just realized what’d you get but yeah you’re Right oh oh yeah yeah that’s why fro Loops like American cereal is like nothing but sugar but to be fair I have seen like the the quote unquote American section uh uh I have seen the American section and uh oh [ __ ] yeah no see this problem is is like

Our stuff is a lot of like crap um like a lot of sugar and I’m not I look I’m like the last person to be a health nut but no our food is like dog water it’s like way too much of everything like too much sugar everything like look I got a

Can of Coke right here let’s see uh 39 grams of added sugar on top of everything like that is so much [ __ ] sugar uh I still drink it cuz I’m not going to be preachy I know it’s bad it’s like smoking cigarettes you know it’s

Bad but eh can’t really do much now but yeah I’ve seen I have seen the American uh sections and like uh like in Tesco shelves and stuff like that to be fair you guys don’t get an accurate repr presentation but where did you come from yes

Yeah yeah it’s got 39 grams of added sugar in it don’t even get me started on uh any of the prepackaged stuff oh yeah duh uh let’s see what am I working with here uh did I tend to my cows I did tend to my cows how did you get ow Escape thank

You right actually I think so I think uh right about now I’m going to start wrapping things up here but for the next episode I want to work with the Villagers more uh and then I’ll be on my Merry way maybe in the future if uh time permits I’ll do like an extra

Long stream I know I was having a lot of fun don’t worry I do this uh every Saturday I’m trying to figure out other things I can stream I tried streaming me making music um but that was a little hard because it’s hard to talk while you’re creating like music

Um especially when you have ADHD I can only do one thing at a time uh yep yep so you’ll you’ll get your notification and I try to keep a big uh or an open line of communication you know to everyone try to keep them up to date uh stop it uh where

The oh yeah I haven’t killed chickens yet um but yeah I try to keep them up to date and everything uh so I usually do con yeah I just gave up all right good to see you too you have a good day hopefully I don’t

Get I’m kind of in the I’m kind of in the same boat but but I I I I’ve never been tested but I took a test online and I got like 21 out of 30 so I’m also smart but yeah I’m also smart but I don’t know

I could tell you a lot about boats man and cars not planes well yeah planes not trains though I’m not a trains person okay hold On Right yeah right well thank you guys for tuning in yes I I now I always read all of yours in Scottish especially when they’re uh what’s it called uh in all caps I think of the squirrel from Open Season um but thank you guys for joining

The stream I had a lot of fun today almost got my cheeks clapped almost died uh I lived for another day so I haven’t died yet but probably the next time I’m in the nether I’ll die next episode we are going to be fixing up this Village

And making it so I can make money off of them uh last in episode four I built this you know nice little uh Soviet block um for the villagers uh so I’ll be taking care of that I realize I messed up on efficiency here and I could have had like three Apartments but

Nope I’ll just put more beds in there but that’s all for today thank you guys for tuning in I’ll have this video up at around probably 3 is when it’ll be done processing but I hope you guys have a good Saturday I’ll see you next week peace block of cheese was your

Inspiration yeah no honestly I’ve just gotten um what’s it called I’ve just gotten really good at efficiently being a villager slum Lord but that’s going to be the end of the stream for me and the end of the recording thank you for joining from Scotland wait okay why’d that sound

Wrong but I hope you guys have a great day yeah all right but peace have a good day

This video, titled ‘NEAR DEATH IN THE NETHER! [7] – Another Minecraft Hardcore Series’, was uploaded by Beanin on 2024-01-06 21:00:07. It has garnered 192 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:19 or 4459 seconds.

Today, I nearly die multiple times in the nether but somehow make it out. That’s pretty much it today haha! Record Views too! Thanks to those who tuned in! #minecraft #minecraftletsplay #minecrafthardcormode #minecrafthardcore #minecraftsurvival

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  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

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  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More