NEED MORE DIAMONDS! Raian Valerius Ch. Minecraft Daybreak #vtuber

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Uh no intro for today guys I’m literally just goingon to get into it I just want to play I literally just want to play Minecraft I literally just want to get into it I just want to play Minecraft I just want to get into it and that’s

It hold up I’m I’m setting I’m setting up the stream hold on also hi how’s up emo hello hello hi Ryan hi I was see go say happy Birthdaya hi everyone Hi V hi empty hi Daniel hi Z hi SEI hi hu hi Hi H H hola hello guys um I’m actually browsing steam at the moment Um I just bought a bunch of games off of Steam Sale and I’m really excited because I finally I’ve been waiting to buy some of these games to play on stream and I’m really happy I finally got to buy some of them in particular I

Bought Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 um um so I’m really happy I got to buy that already um Vortex good evening Ryan hi evening yay how are you guys happy Friday by the way it’s Friday happy Friday happy Friday happy Friday happy happy happy happy happy Friday do you know a game called lethal company um it’s funny you should ask I’m actually I’ve been looking for other vtubers to ask to play that game with me um because I I wanna I wanna I wanna I want to stream it

Um yeah I I’ve tried I did like uh once twice for a little bit um so I kind of know what it’s like but I actually haven’t I’ve really not explored so there’s a lot I don’t know and I’m really interested in playing it and it’s best played with other people

So I want to I want to I’m still looking for people to play it with um so definitely expect another collab or two from me um with the other vtubers I’m really looking to you know get out there uh Star Wars Old the problem I

Played that game a a long time ago um where can I buy free time to play all the games from Steam Sale I know I didn’t buy too many I only bought like it was still pretty expensive though um but the discounts from the Steam Sale

Are so big um especially Dark Souls the two Dark Souls games that I bought the discount is huge like now is the best time to to to buy those games um so I’m really happy that I I bought them finally at long last I’ve been waiting forever for

Those hi Ryan people are really liking the game excited to play it it’s really fun it’s like it’s um I want to say that it’s not really like phasmophobia the format the format in its most base simple form could be attributed to fasmo like it’s

An easy way to explain it but it’s a very different game from fasmo and the the how do I explain it like the the setting the premise is really different and it’s a different kind of horror I think um it’s very it’s very fun I really like it and um I’m still

Looking for people to I’m still looking for like two more people two more people to play it with I’ve I’ve asked one person who has it um I’m trying to look for more people to play it with because yeah so I’m goingon to be interesting if

It’s just me because you know I have the most dry ass reaction to horror yeah hi V spring Barney 2220 hi spring Barney what a name hi there Friend um British accent at last we have conquered the goal delicious sip what are we talking about what what do we that was the most stupid attempt at a British accent let’s just pretend I didn’t do that let just pretend you didn’t let’s just pretend I didn’t do

That let’s just pretend con Ryan hi non con Ryan Ryan no I did not no one heard no one heard it no one heard it it’s getting better is it is it getting better I need to maybe I should do a stream where it’s

Like I learn how to I learn how to imit I learn how to talk in a British accent stream maybe that can be maybe that can be like uh a good stream idea is that is that even a thing that you can do learning how learning learning how to have a British accent

Good morning Rex hi good morning good morning is that valid does that sound valid like learning how to learning how to copy an accent streams do that sound valid that sounds legit doesn’t sound legit Ryan you wouldn’t happen to have a time machine so I can go back five years

Why why why why why why why why why why is that why is that why you going go back five years that sounds funny please it’s valuable it’s a valuable skill wouldn’t you say wouldn’t you say it’s I mean everyone everyone and their mom already does how to speak in this language stream

Language learning stream nobody wh why why why why nobody trying to study accents huh okay Filipino accent uh tutorial stream okay how about that how about that how about that a you’re old no it’s okay I’m old too it’s okay you’re not alone in being old I’m old too that’s

Fine hey ran into hi Kai good morning good morning did I get it right okay wait let me let me let me stop talking for a sec uh and bring up ah and bring up Minecraft ah God it’s Friday it’s Friday my dudes how are you all how’s your

Friday I I feel like I need a massage my back achs my back AES I think it’s cuz I slept funny this morning I don’t know I was tosing and turning in bed um in the morning trying to get up and I was just so sleepy so I feel like

I ended up sleeping in like a weird position in my backwards now um I I really I really I really would like I would really like a massage right now Ryan Nation someone give me a shoulder with someone chat who’s who’s who’s who’s who’s going to volunteer who’s the

Sacrifice who’s the human sacrifice is going to volunteer huh the gamer posture is finally oh speaking of posture and chairs um thank you again for uh gifting me the thank you again for for for the Anon who gifted me um um the uh thank you again to the Anon who

Gifted me the chair off of Throne um yes thank you very much and uh thank you for the gift on throw in the chair I still haven’t I haven’t pre-ordered it yet cuz I haven’t pre-ordered I haven’t ordered it yet because um something that I’ve gotten done recently is I finally bought those

Cabinets that I’ve been trying I’ve been looking at um so November is a month where a lot of things go on sale right and I waited for a while until I could get a really like the best cheapest deal I could get on stuff like furniture cabinets originally I was supposed to

Get an Ikea cabinet but that one single cabinet is really expensive despite of just being one cabinet so I decided to wait for better deals and see if I could get something that was more or less the same size and I got one um like a week

Ago I bought two cabinets for the for like lesser than the price of that Ikea cabinet I originally wanted so I got a really really excellent de was like 50% off it was super cheap so yeah so recently I got a bunch of furniture delivered to my home most

Cabinet um and then I fixed up all my stuff in there I want to try getting maybe like some decorative things next like a lamp and Christmas lights and um yeah I think maybe a small tree I don’t know if I really want to get tree

Cuz it’s a lot of trouble who set up maybe Christmas lights at least yeah anyway so I’m probably going to get the chair like on the weekend or something yay smart spender I am really really really really Frugal I don’t know if that’s like I don’t know how else to

Make that clear to you but I am if I can get like I I I feel like if if I could get like I don’t know I’ll always weigh the best option when it comes to spending for things I don’t like I don’t like I don’t like

Spending um too much wait why is the game not appearing on oh there it is yay finally Merry Christmas Gamers Merry Christmas geob how are you I hope you’ve been doing okay it’s nice to see you again I’m miss seeing you how are you why study a different language if you

Can make your own custom aging I am aging hi saurin hi saurin hi saurin one month to Christmas maybe you can frame some art oh um I actually have a lot of frames I I finally have space to put frames up but then um all of the all

The surface space to put the frames on are like filled up there’s way too many frames so I’m probably going to I still have to ask um the owner of this Castle the landlord um if I can hang up things on the walls like frames and stuff if I

Can drill stuff on the wall so I can hang frames up cuz I have quite an amount of frames and I really like would like to have them up otherwise maybe I’ll just figure out a way to put them on shelves or something um I’ve been stuck in finals hill now

And this Vibes nice to be back a wait let’s go on finals Hill very good though I’m glad to know that you you you know you’ve been studying diligently I hope or even if it’s not too diligently I hope your finals are doing well I hope

You’re doing okay that’s all um nice to see you thanks for dropping by after a long time thank you for not forgetting me there’s also Solutions with things to stick to the wall but adhesive can be annoying to remove or unreliable I don’t really want to use adhesive because I

Feel like it might strip off the I worry about adheso is like stripping off um what you call this um stripping off the the paint I don’t really want to ruin the wall and I don’t know maybe I’ll ask I’ll ask what the I’ll ask the landlord and see what

They would consider like the best option for that I guess um I I’ll I’ll proceed with hanging with making the frames uh as they see fit I guess um oh no I made too much Um I’m sorry if I sound like really like girly today or something I don’t know how to explain it’s just my voice today I’m probably really tired no no not probably I am really tired so I’m kind of just speaking with my indoor voice and not really thinking about being cool

Right now yeah uh um so what I want to do is I’m thinking of Um maybe explor exporing a lot more underground although I’m kind of conflicted about where to go uh girly ranar this is just how I sound by default more girly than usual isn’t that a good thing I don’t know um I get a little conscious of my my my

Actual my normal voice I know it doesn’t exactly I mean I don’t look like I sound I don’t look like the way I sound I don’t look like the way I sound does that make sense I don’t look the um I don’t look like the way I sound there oh no it’s raining

Um how do I I should just put torches down help myself find the way I’m scared the the jungle is like treacherous this [ __ ] is like look at this bro them trees oh it oh Enderman maybe I don’t know how do I should I go through here maybe I feel like going

Through the jungle is kind of dangerous it’s a little I don’t know if I want to go dig down here deep voice Ryan I wish I had a deep voice do do you get what I mean though it’s like my my self-image or like myself

Idea is like hello DG oh my God it’s looking at me hello oh wait no that’s not a dock it’s a chicken it’s a chicken hello hello hello hello it’s looking at me hello hello hello hello hello M M M M M hello chicken hello chicken hello there you are it’s

Ryan hi tis how are you m wait am I going um I also du AA here a while back but uh oh and there’s also this is there something I can do with this I wonder is there anything I can do about this or like is there anything special about

It right I dug this up um forgot what I did with this did I do something with this right okay let’s just this just this just go through you know what I probably dug this out I forgot about it um I I I already dug it out let’s let’s

Just go through let’s just go through oh I remember this it’s the thingy the thingy I dug out there’s something here too that wanted to kill me what’s the plan in Minecraft um the plan in Minecraft is I want to go exploring underground some more um which

I haven’t really done much because I’ve been busy building so I’m trying to do something different than I usually do in games like this which is um stay at home and base build um because I really like Base building and stuff designing housing and stuff but kind of want to

Try something a little different um play a little differently than I usually do and just maybe instead of digging aggressively building I’m going to explore stuff gather resources and then I can go back to building after I’m Board of that I guess got to stay creative with the titles you

Know what it’s it’s become it’s become a tradition because of you uh I got to give credit where credit is do thank you very much can you step on us and like what what did he mean by this what did he mean by this also I have a question is is

Diamond just completely random like is is is is discovering diamond just completely random or is there like a place where you can probably get a better chance of finding those those resources uh women’s pleaser women’s pleaser what a name hi hi hi did I even read your name properly

Hi why level 59 oh um wait S three uh why 59 wait F3 let me just screenshot this cuz I’m a dummy and uh no wait uh paint paint thank you um um screen screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot come on dummy h ah wait wait no no please screenshot properly thank you okay

There okay pretty deep you’re a you’re at 37 at the moment not as deep as I am in your girl okay anyway um I don’t know where that came from Let’s ignore that pretend I didn’t say that I would never say something like that that wasn’t me thank

You that that wasn’t me I don’t know I don’t know where that came from that if anyone asks that wasn’t me that was a fake Ryan thank you uhhuh uhuh finish a sentence geu oh oh oh oh oh what is this what is this place yeah yeah yeah uhhuh mystery um you

Just oh B oh are you fighting me no wildlife animal it died didn’t give me anything I just died I’m sorry I’m sorry flying rat I had to do it cuz I wanted to no for Science you’ve been added to my Pokedex um oh okay yeah I need more iron actually and just more resources in General is that it and not a lot okay um what see 28 iron iron at y5 it’s only 38 but there’s already some iron what if you kill them so that’s do they I didn’t hear it make any noise what kind of noise did it

Make I didn’t hear it if it made a noise H I think I am afraid of the bats then the bats are afraid of me ah it sounds like a squeaky toy did it drown oh ah it does make a funny noise it does make a funny noise you’re so

Right it does make a funny noise squeaky demon it sounds like a dock like a squeaky a squeaky toy duck oh [ __ ] there’s water over here I’m gonna I might drown if I dig that out wait maybe uh unless yeah and do that um don’t want to risk it

Wait what is uh what what what what is up there what oh did I block that out okay oh okay okay okay okay okay okay um do I want to wander further is this water over here is this water water water why is there so much

Water H hang on is the game audio actually a good point um let me actually pull up some um pull up some Minecraft Music uh Minecraft music hold on all right Minecraft music because my Minecraft actually takes forever to have music okay so I’m just looping the Minecraft sound trck thank you why is there so much water why is there’s so much water can anyone tell me does it mean anything if there’s so much

Water why is it so wet in my cave w no stop no water in my cave Allowed no no water in cave a lot No no water in my cave okay no water in cave thank you thank you thank you okay no no no no cave water none of that none of that okay no no no Oh Oh wait that music’s loud okay there wait it’s a little loud why is it so loud hello there we are um yeah this cave need a drink um do you ever wonder why do zombies sound like they have flim in their Throat why does it why do they have to sound like that s and like who made that a thing like since when has it been a thing than Zombies um for some reason have to sound like they have FL in their throat what if they do have F in their throat I mean I guess but no but but like why why would zombies even be making noises anyway you know like they make zombies really scary in games

And in horror like or whatever but like if you’re a zombie and zombies are Tech they like brain dead Undead and stuff like they don’t really think why would they well I suppose animals don’t really animals make noises I guess but I can’t see why a zombie would have to make

Noises the noise before they make a chunk num n hey we are at 19 I know a lot of people that are brain dead and still make nois it’s true if zombiie thing is being brain dead apologize for stealing their brand hey I never said I was brain dead I only

Said my brain is not here it’s on vacation there’s a difference sir okay hey get it right there is oh hello bat Hello bat my God I I killed it I’m sorry anyway Ryan brain yeah brain damage brain damage is different from brain dead okay my brain constantly takes

Damage from all the [ __ ] I do every day but it never dies it’s just like me for real for for real okay room for rent room for rent there’s space in my brain yeah my head is pretty big I do have a pretty big head um it could

Probably it could probably you could probably build a One V apartment in my head in La I guess your brain can’t really die that’s true I am Immortal therefore following that logic I cannot die can I take brain damage when I don’t have one um you know the fact that you ask that

Question probably means that you do have a brain infact to contemplate such things where are we 12 but I’m not seeing any iron there is a zombie sound over here though so maybe Did I did I pronounce that properly moon face welcome when I tap my head there’s an echo inside you have a head the sound my head makes when I tap it um it sounds like a rubber duck maybe Ryan’s Rin rent is cheaper than normal

Housing jokes on you guys I live in your H I live in your brain rentree or is it the other way around [ __ ] what if chat is actually literally just like a figment of my imagination you all just live rent free in my head we’ve talked about this

Before and I used to meme about it a lot what if that’s actually the case oh we’re getting the spooky ambient Noises um we’re at three do you really think you can think of my impeccable jokes yes of course Let’s test it what am I drinking um uh um uh water busy week have a good week have a good week siki be sure to take some rest

When you can thank you for dropping by have a good day oh no throw this away that um see I can only get so far so when I played Minecraft the other weekend um last last week with um with Leela and tery had like a Minecraft collab last

Week and um I kind of ignited my desire to play Minecraft Oh I got a Minecraft urge um there’s so many things I want to play all at once in so little time not just playing games but there’s so much I have to do and so much I want to do um it’s like where the time you know

I’m really happy I feel like I’m going to finish I’m about to finish armored Cor soon I think so there’s that um and I’m really excited to finish it because once I finish armored Core um I told myself once armored Core is done I’ll be playing Dark Souls like the original

Dark Souls and I’ve been so excited to play that for so long so yeah biggest urge is house slipper I thought about doing Minecraft Monday and making it a thing but I’m not sure if it’s necessarily something I want to do all every Monday I don’t know though it’s a

Nice game to play if I’m really exhausted though because it’s it’s just really relaxing really chill how did I find amethyst and all of those really nice resources in that last game game though like you guys remember I don’t know if you guys watched it but

Um when I had that Minecraft collab like last week I found so many resources right away I found red stone I found sapphires I found so much diamonds I found I found amethyst I found everything you know all the good stuff um real quick easy peasy the RNG was so good I don’t

Know uh probably D so it’s just like real life huh it’s up to it’s up to the seeds I see damn how are you doing today how go are day thank you for asking Martin um today is okay I guess um a little exhausted but I’m good Ryan the money

What what what what what what huh what did I say I didn’t say anything bad are you reacting violently see see what I meant when I said seeds are in-game seeds are just like the the RNG for seeds in real life Cuz the RNG for seeds in real life it’s just like in Minecraft cuz some countries also have resources that others don’t okay I don’t know what kind of sus things you were thinking of but it’s not that okay gosh unbelievable how could you do this how could you ever think I would say

Anything not appropriate uh-huh yeah was only 5 months in the right and still waiting to meet you for years to come hope the best for you right oh that’s so sweet thank you Martin thank you Martin folks like you and you know reading stuff like this from time to

Time from you guys is what really gets me going and there are definitely many more years to help wow she’s gaslighting me yeah yeah what are you going to do about it call the police yeah can you prove me wrong huh am I wrong there is nothing wrong in what I

Said see see see see see see see see you I can I can I can I can be pure too okay not everything that comes out of my mouth is is suspicious yeah ah empty empty empty empty there’s nothing here look H I dug around so much already I feel like maybe should hit um head to a different side of the map oh oh everything broke already lame I got to go up yeah got to make myself some more pickaxes I guess no point in exploring I nearly got lost I was

Walking in the wrong direction um right over here genius I have a sense of direction still um is it here here here here God my brain so large so large watch see see see see I’m not lost I’m I’m not lost I’m here see see see that so good I’m so

Good I found myself I found myself back up on the surface God I’m so good oh no I was I was saying that the uh the cave was empty and didn’t have any resources didn’t have any ore I’m lost in your eyes baby girl what was you

Brain bigger on inside than outside what did he mean by that what what is it what do you mean brain bigger brain bigger on inside what how can brain be bigger on inside how how would that work how how brain bigger on inside how how brain how

Brain how how brain how brain bigger on inside she’s too small brain on the outside to what did they mean by this hey yoa you Bear did you ate dinner yet um no actually oh wait though I I did eat quite a lot in the afternoon I’ve been snacking I was snacking quite a bit in the afternoons I think I’m still full which probably why I’m fine without like dinner dinner per se yeah only

Imagination sets the limits yes only imagination sets the limits do a crime I mean don’t but yes you didn’t hear this from me Um so many so many things do I make more blocks Wa I have so many deep slight bricks should I just throw these away I don’t really want to throw these away wa it’s not time a big head but small brain which head though Um probably Harvest these maybe later um the week after I moved I’ve eaten more bread than I have at combined oh no bread sticks to people like um bread can make people sometimes get a lot of weight from what I know is the gluten and stuff so be careful if

You’re trying to you know take better care of yourself healthwise look out for your figure and stuff cuz I heard or I think bread makes people a little bit more round a little bit faster than normal I don’t know can anyone vouch for this is that a thing

Anyone Health experts in chat can anyone vouch for uh the effects of the effects of bread unless it’s a different kind of bread but I’m not going to finish I’m not going to go there why you know what ignore what I said ignore the last part

Of what I said as I I don’t know why I had to go there I really didn’t need to go there but somehow I went there I I really did I really didn’t need to go there but I cannot Escape it my parents are trying to feed me

24/7 your parents are going to shove you in an oven Lenny and then make you Christmas turn you into Christmas hem watch out Lenny uh what am I hearing I’m hearing like a is that oh oh is that a what is that what is that huh drowned drowned drowned what That another type of bread yeah another type of bread Mangrove propag oh do I want to keep this I’m going to make more um make more pickaxes Pickaxes um so many pickaxes [ __ ] no I made too many oh well anyways no I made too many it’s okay there’s never too many pickaxes it’s fine you will be digging perpetually forever and ever you know mining forever anyway so I suppose it’s fine can’t complain Um torches all right it’s called a drown what happens if I kill it does it give me anything Nice I’m thinking maybe I should cross the town dig somewhere there instead Maybe good evening hi Barry good even uh actually you know what let me be a little bit more careful and leave some spares because if I die again maybe you never know with me um I will leave some of these here actually the shovel though I could probably keep here Um okay hi Barry how are you Ryan die R never thank you finally someone who respects me finally finally see see this is this is this is what I’m talking about you know um H how far how far deep does this go this tunnel that I made here I need

To figure it out um this is 23 13 I’ve barely found diamond All Things Considered over here Yet there’s Redstone up there there’s a lot of water and darkness over here um ow oops is that the source block oh I need to take it I don’t have a thingy though a lot of iron over there um how many diamonds you have nine in my little chest at home

A oh SK buried thank you for working hard this week you made it you made it you made it it’s Friday go sleep if you need to it’s not like the Ryan valeris is going away I’m always going to be here I’m always here even when I’m even when even when you’re

Asleep I have a couple of um speaking of Christmas I just remembered I actually have a couple of um Christmas stream ideas um like variety Christmas stream ideas and it’s very strange how I’ve randomly thought up of like Christmas is Christmas really Christmas theme um like random stream ideas that I think would

Be pretty fun so I’m kind of excited I’ve been trying I’ve been trying to think of like more creative like stream stream things to do like talk streams or like you know those really dumb streams sometimes where it’s like um something like boyfriend like I don’t

Know um I don’t really want to do like a boyfriend application form thing but something like that like you know those ridiculous ridiculous streams like really random topics or um just like it’s like it’s like a [ __ ] post stream I don’t know I don’t know am I explaining myself properly I’m not explaining

Myself properly but yeah I thought of some funny stream ideas that you know work for Christmas so there’s that um I have been in here somehow my dumbass is going to get lost again I just feel it were we speaking of Christmas um yeah I just remembered there are some uh funny

Christmas stream ideas that I have in mind I’m not going to spoil them yet but I think they’re going to be fun and uh I made sure to write them down when I thought of them so that I don’t forget so that I don’t get to I don’t lose my genius

Ideas bro I am going to get lost if I’m not careful okay back up here I guess anything here wow it’s dark it’s it’s a zombie it’s a zombie it’s a zombie yeah I’m learning they’re just some really dumb funny stream ideas you know I want to do

A bunch of other things too not just um I do think about doing you know talk streams more and um you know going back to singing but again i’ I kind of pause singing streams for a bit because you know the highs and lows of how I feel

About how I sound I guess um so when I struggle about that kind of hard for me to enjoy doing like a singing stream because I feel kind of nervous or self-conscious of singing um in front of other people but it’s a it’s it’s it’s a constant uphill battle

I guess with regards to that but that aside um yeah I’ve been trying to think about other fun stuff to do I do really enjoy just like the chatting streams I do now and then and I feel like it will be more fun to be able to do them more

Often it’s just that I I feel like I I want to think of more interesting chatting streams not just chatting without a particular objective or Topic in mind though sometimes that’s nice too like I want to try and I don’t know test out variety more CU I think it would be

Fun how about an applications dream about silly rolls for Squires you know it’s funny you said that K I actually that’s actually one of the ideas of thought of um that aren’t Christmas themed I was talking to Leela about that the other day I was like dude have

You have I have I told you of like any funny variety streams I feel like I told you about some ideas but then I’ve completely forgot who is that a is that is this room just filled with iron iron iron did I did I did I who who who look

Look look look look look it’s a room full of iron yay there was talk of a Tavern themed talk show at some point yeah I remember that was like the issue I had with that and the struggle I been moving forward we doing that was a

Um when we say a talk show I have the I it gives me the impression that I would need to invite people regularly and I feel like I I feel like I don’t have the the right to ask people to join my stream yet especially at the time cuz

You know when you’re a small content creator it’s it’s really hard to invite people sometimes even if you think they’re cool um it’s kind of embarrassing to ask someone who’s much bigger than you to collab with you or show up on your stream and stuff

That is a lot of iron look it’s just the whole room filled with iron Iron look I’m lucky I guess we have the iron problem sorted out for a little how deep is this it’s – 26 I’m so lucky to look at this it’s a whole room full of full of iron and well nothing else but you know it’s something

But yeah at the time I guess I really needed more confidence and I guess more Direction and so I’ve really been trying to think about that more now now that I’ve been streaming for a little bit longer now I feel like I think I kind of can kind of grasp that better

Um it’s like all I really know to do by default is play video game um say funny joke on occasion um talk about whatever’s whatever comes up you know in the middle of the conversation as you do organically but like the skill of leading a conversation and and and like

Polishing that is like a whole other thing so in that sense you know when I think about it variety stuff is also like a talent you Know people who stream variety regularly and think up of you know fun themes funny things funny themes in their streams like that is for real like legit a talent of its own I think um you come to realize yeah Redstone yeah red St yeah Redstone yeah Redstone yeah Redstone now not to

Die okay yay Redstone um let’s it up there oh is that gold that’s gold isn’t it isn’t that gold thank you thank you thank you um I think that is that is so much iron though look at that um yeah just like this Minecraft stream we on doing something different than I

Usually do you know I’m out here adventuring exploring caves instead of digging and um instead of building a house uh um and just staying indoors I’m actually doing something different um or trying to do something a little bit different than the usual um so I can’t be afraid of trying something

Forever and that goes hand in hand with uh trying to have more confidence in asking people to collab with me or play stuff or ow trying to trying to interact with people um like on Twitter and stuff and being less shy about it maybe really that’s the issue I’m

Just really shy despite how I look I am very shy okay and stuff hi John really cleaning out the place yeah I might as well I feel like I’m never going to I feel like I’m I’m going to forget that this place existed and never come back here again once I

Leave I might as well you know so I don’t have to I don’t have to look for iron anymore after a long time I can have like a a good amount of it stored away you know for a while also I have a question um so if you get diamonds right um

Essentially besides pickaxes and armor if you make diamond diamond armor pickaxes Etc speak of the devil um speaka just one literally just one Speaking of the devil um yeah so if you if you have diamonds and you make diamond armor Diamond whatever with it and it it it breaks right eventually so it’s like a really really valuable resource that runs

Out creeper behind you aixia please no I sure hope not there’s so much iron all of it was hiding here look at this cave it’s kind of pretty there’s so much iron hell yeah just be careful you know the timing though you can repair it with more oh you can repair

It but if it breaks then then then it’s still it’s still basically it’s um my point is it’s not an endless resource right how how much iron do I what who wait wait wait block of raw iron why did I throw that away okay um so

Much oh um question so how do you how do you I’ve heard of enchantments um what do you how do you how do you make enchantments I assume that’s much later on which heals your armor when you collect XP thank you uh Minecraft expert consultant in chat you know Ma math

Experts math Minecraft experts why did it say math experts math and Minecraft are two different things ow stop stop flying from Heights one of these these fall damage is going to kill me nothing more here but I’m going to keep it fully lit anyway in case why is there a suspicious hole in

The middle of this room that’s a lot of lava thanks for keeping the room lit though huge place okay so at least the lava over there is going to help me find my way back or so I would like to think let’s hope that I don’t get distracted no it’s like a deep

Pit diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond food ah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you uh no don’t hit the wall with the pork chop please I was like slapping I was slapping I was slapping the wall with the pork chop Ryan you can’t do that food is not

Meant to be used as a weapon is that gold that’s gold isn’t it oh that’s dangerous what the hell at that hey do I want to mine this I do not think I want to mine this because there is there is water Water wait um okay there I’m genius I know thank you yay oh did it fall smacks the wall with pork chop plop plop plop I don’t think okay okay okay okay listen listen here okay gentlemen gentlemen ladies and gentlemen can we all agree the sound of pork chop hitting a wall is

Not okay the sound of pork chop hitting a wall is not plap plop okay that’s that’s not that’s not right that ain’t right okay that I I don’t I don’t I don’t think no you made me you embarrassed me in front of the whole world how dare you disgusting

Stop running my moment I already said something suspicious enough and you show up and then I end up screaming what really I I said I said I said the word I just said I just said oh so now you show up now you show up now you show up disgusting I can’t

Believe this see see see what happens see what happens you guys say some wild ass [ __ ] don’t don’t give me that eyebrow raised Emoji okay it’s not me I did nothing I said nothing okay and I I mean I said some things but I was only I was

Only I was only answering what what chat was saying okay cuz earlier I accidentally um I accidentally selected the pork chop I started slapping the the the wall with it and I was like wait I’m not supposed to be slapping the wall with the pork chop and then

Someone just happened to say pork chop slapping against the wall flop flop but I’m like that’s not the sound that pork chop makes when you slap you know what I mean you know what I mean you know what you guys are doing okay you are all grown up uh

Something plat plat what Platinum Platinum yes plat plat Yes sounds like mixing spaghetti uh-huh okay okay okay okay haha XD XD XD yeah very funny right yes yes yes yes thank you thank you I’m glad you are having fun on the Ryan B ious Channel when do we ever slap the wall

With pork chop when you play Minecraft I have no clue what she’s talking about someone in chat wanted to help me please um I don’t know what I’m talking about either empty it’s okay busy for next few weeks w’ll be able to watch Daybreak at all have a

Good time I’m right aw can I ask what you’ll be busy when Z either way I hope you are doing well and I hope you I hope yeah um good luck with whatever you need to do be safe and stuff and uh be sure to check your walls

I might be there wherever you are whatever you’re doing I might be lurking there watching over you spying on you zap is going on vacation he’s going on vacation yo hell yeah congrats have fun have fun have fun have fun have fun have fun I hope you have a great vacation dude very

Nice work trip how many deaths none yet excuse me disrespectful how dare you us I’ve already died of course not never died my whole life look I got a redstone I have too many blocks of cobblestone now Maybe I need to set some of these aside I don’t know where to I got so much Redstone though wa I need a different chest for wood Maybe yeah I think I need a different chest for wood wood cook mutton can I get a shout out please Kai hi K pronouncing properly but yeah good luck z uh I do hope you I I still do hope you you know aren’t overly exhausted and you have a

Good trip I hope everything goes well that’s that’s it trips can be kind of spooky cuz you know spooky stuff happens at airports like your flight getting delayed or um oh no I threw away the block of iron um okay there okay anyway as I was saying yeah spooky stuff happens at airports

Like um one time when I was going on a trip somewhere far away uh at the airport I had to wait on the ground for my stuff for like an hour and I was super exhausted but I had no choice but to wait cuz um what do

I do with block of raw iron actually actually what do I do with that can I do something with that F the dirt that’s the dirt cuai I got one thing for you my friend read the rules pal that’s all I got to say to you

Friend yeah um split them how do you how do you how do you how do you split how how do you how do you split how do you split huh oh there there there okay there we are thank you educational I keep out tapping by accident ra uh I keep all taing by

Accident dang it um I still have so much coal actually um let’s make more torches T addicted to alt tab no no convert block or raw iron into nine raw iron um why do I have stairs in My okay it’s almost nighttime soon oh yeah is there any benefit to wandering around that night well besides if you want to fight spiders and such I guess besides that is there any upside to it or is that all there is pretty much I need to finish this roof

Eventually and stop procrastinating on it but I really do want to um explore some more I’ll do it later when I feel the the the burst of energy to do that again hi Jerry that you get monu that’s really ah I see I see monster loot remember pressure plate

At door but what for though what for though um ah Auto closing door I didn’t think of that you know what I didn’t think of that let me try and find my way back to where I was earlier where was I hi TI H was it here I think there’s a way around through here remember it correctly I am still scared scared of going through this Cave System cuz um the last time I went around here I went too far and um I couldn’t get my way back and that was when I exploded

Um where where where where where where was it down here yeah I think I I think I do need to go down here after all Andy Basel hi hi everyone right it’s been a while hi Kos King how are you I hope you’re doing okay thank you for dropping by as always

Um uh the only time you open door with plate is when you’re going in well I don’t get it how does the plate work yeah always I miss you all a sweet I hope you’ve been okay um I don’t remember where did I go it’s a maze no I’m going in circles hold

On ow sorry where am I going I’m going in circles hold on I need to close off some of these Paths or maybe I should make a sign can you make a sign in this game I should I should make use of that Okay so I went went up here Um left by who it where did I go one stick at the bottom six wooden Planks on top [ __ ] I didn’t bring any wood no I don’t have any wood w it’s okay I’ll remember to bring someone I go back up for now where where did I go through I don’t even remember

Oh my God so I miss this okay okay um I don’t remember where what what path did I go through wait that’s crazy what you would think I would remember oh no where is that huge room with see I was saying this earlier I

Said earlier that um if I if I if I moved away from The Iron Room I would never be able to find my way back it’s literally Happening where is it bro see I don’t remember where is it where did I go no see good thing I dug out that whole iron room I would never find my way back I cannot believe this is it this is it this room no it’s not this room oh wait is

It it’s this room oh my God I’m going in circles Jesus it took me forever come on now wow it’s so much WoW wait the caves it’s actually so pretty how this is randomly generated saves me a lot of time I should just find um natural openings like

This pray to God I don’t get lost um keep exploring over here Ah that’s actually such a genius method I’ll try that I’ll try that thank you thank you or rather I think it’s too late to try that here in this Cave System per se uh I’ll try it when I dig around

Somewhere else no sense of direction night haha very funny I will always find my way back either way okay I’m a bulldozzer I I am a warrior I I will always find my way back to you question mark cheesy line all of you question mark Um waiting for Ryan to lose diamonds I will eat you how dare you think so little of me huh you think these puny skeletons will be able to beat me absolutely not I’ve never screamed I’ve never feared anything in this game ah the water the water please no water no water no bad

Water not allowed okay sorry that was um that was a false alarm I did not need to scream there I did not yeah I I just made a funny noise did you just scream at a at hydration um no I just was I was just worried the water

Would spill out and everything would get [Laughter] wet that sounds funnier when I say it out loud like that I didn’t think it would sound so funny if I said it out loud sounded funny I would actually said it out loud Yeah what are you going to do about it why is there water is wet thank you please stop stop being wet thank you stop being wet Stop why is there so much water stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop wait right when I’m not not not right

When I don’t have the shield equipped stupid ah I will eat you how dare you see see see now now you know why I hate water see this [ __ ] happens see the water the water brought it to me yeah yeah that’s what I thought stinky see see see see I was right not

To trust water see water water water water is evil okay okay these I listen I am I am the Knight here okay I know what I’m talking about okay I I’m the one that you know has to deal with this [ __ ] on a regular basis I think I would like to

Think I know what I’m talking about okay now do you believe me when I say you must not not you must not trust water that [ __ ] is crazy what is that what what is that what is that what is it what sir why are you glowing sir sir why are you

Gold y y y y y y yada y y wait let me eat let me eat let me eat stop hitting the wall with a pork chop wait you still there I want your armor give it give it to me give it to me I

Will loot you I will loot you and you will give me everything you are made of gold hey hey hey hey hey hey hey he hey is that is that a skeleton and gold yeah it’s a golden skeleton yeah doesn’t drop anything he was just cool looking ah Ryan never drinks

Water only Mountain jeice God one thing after the other this game is mean to me it’s okay it must mean that I’m doing something right you know when you come across challenges like that the Wilder things are the Wilder things get uh usually means you are progressing Maybe

The harder things get um you are progressing I don’t know maybe does that apply I don’t think that applies to everything but yes um oh look it’s so pretty room is so big what is that why is it glowing is it just me it look looks like it’s glowing doesn’t

It bad with holy water huh um no red stone nope it’s just you really what is it oh it’s C calite calite amethyst amethyst chunk where oh oh is this like a kind of block that you find around ameth oh it is amethyst wait hold on hold on hold on hold on

Um I think it’s better if I do this you know maybe um yeah no wait it’s not right um I finally found another amethyst Geo thing wait I just want to be careful Um light’s important you needed to see and I am blind asell heck all the time so I just want to be safe oh oh well ow um okay then guess I’ll just dig through wouldn’t it be funny if it’s the one you found found from before just from the back I don’t think

So cuz it wasn’t in such an open Cavern like this I have a question though is there actually is there actually any point to me digging up amethyst though see it’s a different room yeah it’s a completely different room from the one that I found the last

Time it’s enclosed actually so yeah it is 100% different it’s closed off it looks nice and you can make some stuff it makes for a pretty building block well it is purple the color of my eyes so I might as well you know also makes a funny sound when you dig

It does it make pretty sounds like this if you step on it if you make it if you place it in your house H see look it Mak s you st on it Like it’s so satisfying it’s like a very mild tingle ASMR block it makes it sound like um I don’t know there’s like a special effect wherever you walk pretty it’s so so pretty no I’m going to maybe maybe I can put this in like a bedroom of course I use the special

Blocks for like bedroom why do I even need a bedroom in Minecraft it’s not that deep Bro pretty uh it’s so satisfying it’s just like you know like hitting the block it makes like sounds I don’t why did I say like that I said

It I don’t know how to copy how do I imitate the sound of the block when you hit it you know what I mean like the the sparkly sparkly sound that it makes is that a that’s an accurate description don’t you think it sounds like it Sparkles when you hit the

Block okay so there’s amethyst over there and then I think I have quite a lot of it is because of the sound you can make spy glass with amethyst Shard ha those little crystals are what you use to craft things with these H Oh I thought you weren’t supposed to

Break them some some reason bigger ones no no wait um nice lots of stuff um oh there’s a lot of them up there don’t break the blocks that they form they can reg the crystals thank you for the reminder I remember that um you guys told me about it when I first found

Amethysts before so I suppose I suppose um wait wait uh you got to wait for the the full grown ones I guess no no no thank you very much um these are still small so there’s no point in trying to break them there’s this one h i I mean I’m here already I

Might as well I also lost all of the other amethyst stuff that I got the last time when I died so I’m just going to get that back I guess see I told you I would get all my stuff back eventually um yeah that looks like it’s about it I

Don’t think I need any more than this right now anyway I’m still figuring out what to build anyway R what you were holding a duck why were you holding a duck where where can I where can I hold Ducks I I would like to ducks are really cute you know

I thinking you can pick the Xbox up with silk touch what is silk touch how’s your orientation skill in the mines uh are ducks actually oh well I I did hear about what Ducks do to one another to each other rather where am I is this just like salac ties all

Throughout also I remember someone telling me that where where where where where hello sir ow ow stinky there’s something going there I’m going to I got to go there stop blocking my way stop blocking my way stop blocking my way stop block ow stop blocking my way get out of my way

Stinky um there’s something there was something here there was something here I I I I swear I swear I’m not hallucinating I’m not hallucinating I swear I saw something that I think um hold on uh the first time I saw a doc it chased

Me it was like 10 I was like 10 and now TR also hi lyson happy Friday yay oh they return the original state I see silly Knight forgetting her sword what do you mean forgetting my sword did I did I forget my sword did I I was using the sword to fight it

Wasn’t I did I did I nope sir I’m not looking at you sir ah he died wait wait stop stop stop stop you killed that scor skeleton with did I sorry there was um glowing ey man in that cave there’s glowing ey man in that

Going I man in the cave so I I’m not going to push my luck you know um not here I think I’ve um I think I’ve developed a better sense of direction I think I’ve developed a better sense of direction since I since I’ve last played Minecraft so I can kind of find my way around a little bit better now hell solo not anymore not anymore it’s not see that see that see that yeah I I eat meat I ate food and now my HP is back I

Bet she’s going to get lot no no [ __ ] I am right as you say it I reach a dead a dead end no what no no no I’m not lost it’s ah see see see see see see see I’m not lost see see see see see see

See I’m not lost see see stop capping okay you all haters hairs want to see me fail but I prove them wrong every time see see see I’m not lost see see look look look see see see I do have a sense of direction okay stop the cap

Okay s i killing mobs with a torch yeah I had to give them a handicap C damn I was wondering to I was like why this this why is this skeleton taking forever to kill I was like why I was like why why did I why did I why did I

Keep I kept slapping it repeatedly I was like why is it not theread why is it so I was like man this is a tanky skeleton like taking forever to kill him just I didn’t realize I didn’t realize I was hitting it with a torch and then you

Guys were saying like oh right you forgot to use your sword I’m like no I thought I switched out my sword I guess anything is a weapon anything is a weapon anything is a valid weapon today I learned okay so that’s a lot of amethyst and um this is the valuable stuff that’s

Like that’s a lot 52 not bad and then um a lot of iron a lot of gold oh I was going to say um pointed dripstone pointed pointed dripstone um a while back someone told me that this can be used for something um what what can you

Use it for what use is dripstone for if any uh Redstone dripstone can be used make infinite lava Farm oh how do you how can you make lava with dripstone or am I understanding it correctly how to make love brick is that is that am I understanding it correctly you can make lava

With you can make lava with dripstone is that it and then above the ceiling is lava lava will drip down oh N I see um what I want to know is can you stack chests I assume you can but can you can you it looks ugly as hell

But okay I just wanted to see if you can actually do that today I learned you can actually do that H why do I keep making one at a time chest another one how big are the chests that you can how big are the chests how how how big can a chest be I’m assuming this is theit this is this is driving me insane it’s not even

It’s not even it’s not even it’s not even it’s not even I I hate it I’m going to move the food to that one it’s going to make me feel better if I do it that way I’m triggered by how messy that looks so wait I am disturbed you think you’re OC you’re

Wrong I’m OC I like seeing everything in order okay it bothers me greatly see stuff that should not be there um ingredients one side like that the fruits and stuff can be in the middle maybe I should just throw away the rotten flesh also is there anything I can even

Do with a mush with the the pumpkin blocks milk bucket water bucket just slow it in here there and then is there anything else um okay so what I’m going to do is resources that I need to use that I need for crafting will be taken and promptly place

Here or wait lapis lazuli isn’t really something nah let’s just rare ore and such here maybe I’ll fix that later I just want to put them in a different box right now okay um no um of amethyst no Cobblestone organization yes I know it’s satisfying this satisfies me

Greatly it bothers me when stuff is like a mess and like you’re inventory like dude you’re going to have a hard time later you have to if you actually have to look for stuff you never going to find it in the the mess of bricks you have in the Box

Um I got to carry a bit of dirt with me drip some lock I don’t know I’m just going to put that there um why do I have a hole Wait uh arrows arrows bones put these things inside because this one is messy I’ll fix this later look at this what does this mess m glass glass feather why is there dirt here what no messy ra it shouldn’t be there it shouldn’t be there building blocks sting it’s important I’m just going to

Keep it here uh resources okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay that looks fine that looks fine that looks fine I’m I’m fine no bone bone where did I put the bone no oh okay crafting ores rare stuff that you dig up out of the earth here I guess no

And there we are there we are there we are there we are there we are that is very satisfying my brain is satisfied thank you thank you very much yes organization thank you thank you I think Ryan would like the game that’s just an inventorying simulator

Care careful labeling is a take a true hey let me make your comments all right you can put a barrel there instead she only a double chest two chests I like big chest cuz you can put a lot of things in there mhm you can move the big chest on the

Left but how how can I how can I move the chest to the left um wouldn’t I have to you know line it and then like all the stuff has to all the stuff is going to spill out of the chest basically pumpkins can be turned into seeds and farmed you can make

Jackal laners with them or wear them or pie them oh yeah um I’m just deciding to pie them I guess I don’t need I don’t have the ingredients so Minecraft hiding soring is the most timec consuming task in Minecraft even more so than mining really I suppose wheat sugar eggs if I’m

Not mistaken and then and you make pie with that uh is that correct let me check hi uh oh no not wheat can I make bread oh I can make bread with three wheat yeah lots of bread yay I got that bread thank you thank you thank you um wait make some pumpkin

Pie pumpkin there okay now I can go rest sleep um wait um torches torches more torches wait I need to sleep hey R chat Ryan is OC she’s not from an anime I am OC I an Noy is this the Minecraft addicted night feature I am chest spilling out okay

Okay Lenny yeah elaborate more huh any games coming out next year that you are looking forward to playing Um next year oh I keep up with game releases that way so I can’t really say anything here right now entire streams the lasted ages and all they did was sort out the chests of all the other players in the Minecraft server and so starts the bread only diet bread only diet

Dang ah squid the squid kill it ah no come back uh oh well there’s so much fish In this River in this lake lake is this a river it counts as a river doesn’t it doesn’t it why did I say that slowly I’m kind of I think this counts as a river

Right oh no Hades too I’ve never played Hades I’ve not played Hades yet hi ah my God I forgot to eat again okay burp can check the biome with f the Biome Minecraft savan oh adding lights to the entire to you guys made an entire town

Is there anything more I can do with um with the Villagers by the way that’s something I forgot to ask um can I can I do more with the Villagers like I I don’t mean why does that sound weird um I mean um do they give quests is there

Something I can do for them um exchange stuff for them I don’t know IDK enslave hello enslave save them villager Patrick norber um I was I I maybe on a different day I would go there but yeah um Bes besides enslaving innocent villagers um what else what else can I

Do villagers for trading slavery enslave them how can I can enslave villagers in Minecraft hold on let me Al tab real quick wait I shouldn’t I’ll tab on the cave I’m a dummy hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what I’m going to I’m going to get

Lost again I’m going to I’m going to forget how to make my way around this part of the cave again hold on here here this is the right way okay okay this is the right way careful careful careful careful Careful librarian why does it excite you so much I am not excited I am not excited what do you mean h what makes you say I’m excited about it I was shocked early I was like what do you mean I thought you were I thought I thought you were trolling when someone

Answered me that you can enslave them okay gosh what do you think I am huh unbelievable can’t believe this see see the see see the [ __ ] I get accused of I can’t believe this this I can hear it in your voice no you can’t I sense you mentally readying

Though I am not stop putting these stop putting stop putting these weird suggestions in in this chat room is the Enderman guy still there he was here earlier either way Um yeah I backed up here earlier I thought I saw something sparkling over here earlier maybe I was hallucinating I thought I thought I thought I saw something interesting maybe maybe all I was seeing was the Enderman Man’s eyes yeah maybe that’s all I was seeing after All oh speaking of Enderman um doesn’t he just spawn randomly wherever like he doesn’t really have anywhere you particular is that a spider that’s a spider right can I kill it oh it is a spider dangerous place to fight oh no it’s a it’s a spider and a

Thing no no no ow ow ow okay no I’m fine I’m not getting jump scared I’m yelling for additional action effects okay just to make it more interesting okay okay otherwise otherwise this would be a Bor in play through okay that’s the only reason I’m making these noises I’ve never been

Afraid of anything hi botanic Sal Hi how are you I haven’t seen you in a while I hope you’re okay and stuff it’s nice to see people I haven’t se I feel like I’ve seen like a I feel like some people I haven’t seen in a

While I’ve all been showing up today oh she loves spiders spiders are cute I’m doing okay on a break oh on a break nice vacation or just like a I don’t know like a day off week off I hope you’re having a you’re enjoying your time off though time off is

Nice I would really like a vacation I want to work stop showing up and bothering me when I’m busy please thank you not bother me when I’m busy anything good ow this gold time for the warden where’s the warden what do you mean the warden oh isn’t it

That boss thingy why did you slay me R Um hi 3:00 a.m. raid hello hello hello hello everyone’s here hi how is your Friday everyone everyone always asks Ryan hi how are you but no one asks chat how they are how is your Friday no don’t slick he is a good kisser Lenny Lenny I Okay Okay Okay

Okay I uh do not know what to do with this information but uh I See goody lazy Friday my Friday is sleepy sleepy is good I say this but I’m always sleepy I say this but I’m always sleepy um man so dark oh the bat ran away okay anyway today Crush chill game bgm Ser ah at work feel old this Friday so I’m not good today right a I hope your day gets a little bit better eventually though why do you feel particularly old today what makes you say that something happen or birthday or something like

That or do you just feel tired this is why you feel old ah ah torch give me back give back to me see what’s over here oh is this more lava nothing of no okay Then yeah I hope you’re feeling better soon empty everyone hopes that you are feeling better soon today Crouch ask how’s my day to I’m the it’s okay to be dulu sometimes sometimes you know sometimes all it really takes is to manifest a good thing for it to happen also I wish I

Brought um I wish I brought what you call that a bucket me I need to make more buckets maybe I need to make more buckets this is a big um underground Cavern system thing is there even any point to me doing this actually spee since when have y’all been

Kissing this is news to me okay ah lava Um no not again oh it has a it has a super special weapon why is it in my face why is it in my face a it didn’t drop anything special why do the why do they have to look special and then they don’t they don’t have anything special about them

Lame they get me all excited and then like ow where who what now oh I think I vaguely see it up in the distance yeah as I was saying um why do they look kind of special but then they uh huh huh huh huh huh huh where where where something hit me

And it’s gone oh okay that’s right back up I’m coming for you going to hunt you down oh yeah is it up there no give my never mind I I totally did not scream W look at how whoa wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no

No ow ow ow ow e no no no ahh no no die thank you um why did I rest oh I got a bow finally dropped something interesting also why did I get a new recipe sometimes sometimes it Dro Ryan is Is Mining and crafting going

Um I got a drop from a skeleton for the first time so that’s something Um look at how big this place is oh oh something’s going to something something coming cre creatures in the dark I know it I can see why are there three three of you at one time oh they killed each other yeah so good at this game professional gamer

I just started playing Minecraft and yet I’m already achieving these amazing feats look at me you proud of me chat I know proud of me too the Lulu but you know huh look at this huge Cavern interesting it’s completely closed off too so the only way I would have found

This was by walking in here like this cool I feel like I found like um what if I make a house over here no that’s lame I want to I want to try making like a glass house maybe like surrounded by water I think that’s a thing people

Do I want to try making that that seems fun wasn’t ready for the they’re killing each other yeah they made my job easier do you remember the coordinate sign uh no but I’m pretty sure I can make my way Out yay oh my God it doesn’t stop that’s scary look at how wide this place is holy [ __ ] though oh oh wow look look look what an interesting environment look at this look at this look at this ah wait wait stop getting in my way I’m touring the place stop bothering

Me um as I was saying look by luminiscent watery thingies squid squid squid Ryan it’s called squid the watery thingies to never throw stones never throw stones why why should I never throw stones what do you mean can you thr a NOP bye girl bye bye bye in the

Way in the way bro and no way and no way no way y That’s the sign bro that is the sign I ain’t I ain’t going further down there shot come on actually considering the amount of time it takes for me to like wander around the cave like this is there actually

Like what is actually like the safest way way that you would recommend oh great Minecraft experts what is the safest way you would recommend for someone to go traveling down caves like this or cave environments rather my God the screen just broke but you’re welcome and no way safest way to

Travel um cuz like you know I feel like to really progress you need to you really need to go in and you really need to go deeper right into the environment deeper into the caves and such but to do that um you need to stay down here for quite some time need to

Not get lost you need to make it out with all the stuff that you carry right tons of torches wood Shield that’s it I see um so uh oh wait no I meant to ask I guess um the nether needs a portal right you need a portal to go to the Nether

And such that stuff right you should eat more often though true I forget food is a Thing right over here okay this lava placement is really helpful because it helps Orient me to the right direction it helps me remember um that the right way out is upward yeah no I don’t plan to go there yet I think I’m way way way behind so

Lots of stuff I need to discover first I haven’t even done anything with the NPCs yet um so yeah ton of food another set of armor weapons and tools probably I guess everyone has their own methods huh everyone has their own way of Their Own Way their own way of um farming

Stuff it’s okay we’re learning we’re gaming we’re learning how to game also can I have a pet horse I want a pet horse cones cones cones am I pronouncing it name is it cones or cones you never know on the internet just want to make sure hi

Hello okay uh I found more deep SL though I don’t really need it throw some of the extras out and okay there bone Pressure plate ah right thank you for reminding me pressure plate con KZ KZ is it KZ or KZ okay that’s another way to pronounce it KZ KES KES either way uh hi I’m Ryan how are you how is your day Friday what day what what time is it for you

Actually I don’t throw items as much as possible maybe what is that why are they all kissing each other why are there like a why is there like a million fish hello can I throw dynamite in the lake or something and then Dynamite fishing Ryan yeah I’m changing my name after that

No no why you changing your name why are you changing your name no changing names here you will forever be that I will I will SM I will sense you I will sense you and I will know it is you and I will will be like ah this is this is that

Dude who said he was going to change his name cuz I said it wrong no yeah it helps a lot if um you tell me how to pronounce it type it out something um otherwise I will probably mispronounce it you never know say people’s names um you ruined his whole account forever

Now R okay Kai 016 I can’t even say numbers Kai I was like Kai one zero I’m so stupid okay Kai 016 what what was that oh right I was listening I was letting Minecraft bgm play in the background let me let me swap uh the Minecraft

Bgm no I don’t like any change it anyways I see I always have a stack of logs with me make chest where I go place on ah right chest okay I’ve got to change my name now too time to make my name extra long okay extra long your name is no extra long

And not corrupt pixel how about that so sleepy must be the snow storm outside snow storms stay warm stay warm friend okay let’s go back to the game um I’m running out of meat bring some bread with me I guess yeah got a little stack of bread um um and

Then I should probably make I feel like I should make another sword cuz uh wait should make another sword and M one in main hand okay so you can you can you can make diamond things but I don’t want to waste It she got me we be changing life here I to go joke but I forgot cuz my YouTube keeps freezing it’s okay I’ll come back to you any cake or candy I want cake I’ve been saying that forever though I feel like I feel like I’ve been saying that Forever why Know nandu is saying your real name in chat breaking the rules not really no um I mean if if if if if you feel comfortable with it you know by all means I guess go go ham with it nothing wrong with that right I don’t know nothing wrong

With that oh spy glass wait actually let me look at all the stuff that I can craft you know before I make something um let’s see see I can make a bow already melon block melon block melon block um tinted Glass these are all blocks of diamond BL of Uh cake Carrot on the stick what is this for what is carrot on a stick diamond pickaxe yeah what Lenny said you know rather than being against the rules I you know if it really you know just in case you know you never know what the internet some say safy might be good dispenser

Dispenser a what calibrated skull sensor skull sensor piston what’s a piston Target block of redstone dispenser dropper dropper what Is what is what is what is a dropper what is a dropper it drops stuff it drops stuff no [ __ ] no idea suffer nerds to drop things like what what would you need it for droppers is just a tool that drops the items you put in it it throws stuff huh what would

You need it for it’s used for Contraptions the spens or piston um Hopper amazing I feel like if I bother to look up you know I’m afraid to look up what these things are for because if I if I look it up um if you have some

Redone machines I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I’m going to I I feel like I feel like if I look this up I’m going to fall into a rabbit hole I really do enjoy making like mechanisms and stuff in

Games like that I am a nerd I am see jalapenos on a stick where I just saw what you wrote Daniel what do you mean my name is but instead of the ey oh hi hello we are we are we are we are PAL oi what’s good oi what’s good to you

Too Jeff Fury hi automatic bow launcher oh we can have a chest full of minerals and coal behind a furnace it’ll go automatically oh that’s cool Dr an item in a pressure plate interesting so you can basically that amazes me from like a a a design perspective a game design

Perspective um the fact that you would be able to think of making I guess Contraptions that can pretty much be adjusted or modified to work um in many different ways instead of making craftable systems and craftable Machinery in a game that serves a specific purpose you give people basically like switch wire Hulk

Whatever different different mechanical parts that they can put together to come up with whatever they need I think that’s really clever cuz isn’t it typical in like sandbox games um when you have a crafting menu a crafting menu basically is made so that when you make things um when you make things they’re

Prettyy much um stuff that’s meant for a specific task right you know what I mean yeah um I should should I make the shears already might as well what’s the flint and steel for by the way I I’ve been I’ve I’ve seen that I’ve noticed this for a while but what is

This for Flint of Steel get some Copper copper Do I not Have start a fire setting things on before your inner arist okay Um I should make one then flint and IR it a flint here flints are really really hard to find or can you make Flint isn’t flint kind of hard to find it’s the only one I have well keep that there be very careful though [Laughter] you’re your hos is wood Ah that’s where I got it I don’t even remember where I got it okay I will keep that in mind perhaps another reason to make my

House not wood okay make my house not wood and metal instead make it metal instead I don’t want to be accidentally burning my own house down wait why did I put that there oh no Stop G my hand eye coordination is kind of bad so I miss hype sometimes it’s okay it’s okay can I use oo oo no that’s it okay hi I can find the neighbors that’s it doesn’t really me this really doesn’t really yeah imagine redstone lesson with Ryan

Redstone lesson oh sheit 12 months a year let’s go oh [ __ ] thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much thank you thank you thank you 12 12 months 12 months 12 months why did I make monkey S perb I am not a perb I am an Explorer I

Am what is that see you zombie ah yes the local wild L what are they doing are y’all seeing this National Geographic National Geographic I’m an idiot what are they doing they’re they’re just they’re just they’re just [Laughter] there [Laughter] is this why there is an abundance of fish in my

Lake is this why this one is alone okay okay not doing anything suspicious over there there anything suspicious going on over there oh wait there’s flowers what are those it’s a horse is there anything of interest Um I feel like this is best use if I’m in a high point you think Ryan is going to play with it and forget it in like 20 minutes maybe but not yet not not just yet I saw some what look what look like flowers flowers wow okay I wouldn’t have noticed

That at all if I didn’t see it through the spy glass spy glass there were also pink ones somewhere somewhere the that I look in I swear I saw like it’s a sheep I saw pink colored ones yes I want the pink ones where where where where pink

Pink H it is it is pink I’m not hallucinating over There does she know what Q does no I don’t listen listen here okay that’s funny you got me there you got me there you know what this shut up okay okay okay okay okay okay real clever there champ all right oh no haha I got you Boomer yeah okay sure sure just wait

Sweit wait I’m going to get you one of these days okay now she has a soggy spy glass my spy glass is now not soggy why would it be soggy oh yeah someone told me about the Crouch um the problem is I’m not sure if I have enough brain power to remember this

Information consistently that’s really the issue here chat’s been very accommodating about trying to explain things to me I uh or give me their little tidbits of information their um their valuable knowledge oh o so it’s a different kind of flower ah what is this lily of the valley oh that’s what it was A interesting I actually had no idea you can pick up the flowers up until a certain point I didn’t realize you could do that um what biome is this this is um Forest just a normal Forest I guess this seems like the nice place to build a house in because it looks pretty

Wait it’s a nice shade of green I don’t know if I’m in the right Mountaintop with the flowers pigs are those pigs those are pigs right ah there they Are what are these my nosy ass is just like wow oh I assume you make the use these for D speaking of knowledge now I know and Spee [Laughter] yeah no so in Filipino that’s actually um in in Philipino that is actually a uh a curse word as well it’s not just a thing people say in Spanish either wow look you can see how the biomes cross over that’s pretty what is that is that just is that just a swamp

Biome over there with the hanging trees what is the difference between that that mountain where my house is looks completely different from over here what is that why is it so green that’s the jungle that’s the jungle that’s the jungle swamp has way more water and has witches this is the forest

So um that’s the M Mangrove Mangrove this one is this this jungle this one well maybe I’ll go there I’ll go see what the map says I guess I will go there and I will see what the game tells me y flower flowers cowers going to bring these flowers

Home put them in my yard decor eat or you die don’t waste ax durability no or Something a random opening this just a random opening what is that it’s another is that another skeleton with gold armor I think what’s with the ponytail or twin Tails pool Um I was thinking about um making some art and I couldn’t decide about which one was Better is all is it a good idea to fight these things there’s like three of them never mind not really any Merit to it right now I’m just want to explore her a little bit more um no that’s a long way down that’s it’s a really long way down ow Um you know what I’m just going to stab things with the torch hey whoa another opening okay so what is this this is old growth Birch Forest um when I was playing some Minecraft with um friends last week they found a witch’s house what’s that is that a

Bird this is jungle this is jungle and not swamp ahh ah no no no no oh no it’s late yeah no no Mom is going to scold me for going home late this is why I should never this is why I never leave my house ladies and gentlemen okay stay at home

Kids you don’t know what kind of scary things one out at night um including baby zombies and normal siiz zombies and creepers which house again I just said pleas please please please [Laughter] please ah stop stop stop please please do not do not do not do not do not explode thank

You Ryan where are your house coordinates in my heart wow she found her house of course I found my house okay I have a sense of direction thank you very much I do remember the environment my sense of direction relies heavily on sight remember to close your

Door okay um sugar Can rose bush what I what do I make with these die what was that what oh okay okay okay okay so it is D I thought it was like a petal okay you can make flowery stuff with it but otherwise you can just place it

Outside your yard I guess and I try placing it my let me let me just try just want to see what it looks like you can put flowers Yay I flowers inside oh my gosh wait that makes me way more happy than I thought it would wait I’m I’m I’m I’m happy wait flowers yay I used to live in a house full of a lot of flowers um we had like a small garden and everything yay and I’m not inviting

Nothing into my nice house thank you placing that back in the chest for Safe Keep sleep thank you Ryan did you lock it did you lock what Ryan the plate all right thank you day 365 Ryan still doesn’t remember can you press L why wait let me I’m going to Google I

Have had enough of being spoke by chat pressing l in Minecraft does What place torches around your house um I did did already um well I suppose you don’t really see them much cuz Uh why is this down here should be down there why why is that asymmetrical I don’t remember doing That Hur to have one more there hey Okay see dirt more torches hey I didn’t get lost when wandering in the underground today you proud of me I do not get lost anymore I still need to upgrade this house more though it could it could look better right uh plates plates plates here wait o pressure plate you just make

One out of wood Huh I kind of want to make another little house maybe on the other side where the jungle is um wait so if this is savan so what what is that what is that what is that over there Mangrove is that a mangrove over there is that not the swamp it’s not the swamp

Yet Oh oh amazing technology Wow wow wow I’m way too fascinated by that wa wait wa wait wait look it does the thing wow not me being so fascinated by this like uh 2y old wow amazing I’m so amused so petty oh my God hey look at that but wait if I put it out here

Anything can come in I guess it’s going to open the door um um here oh ah okay um A I don’t want to they going to over here it’s uneven lame lame you have To ah so it needs to be next to It I see well for now I only really use these doors so might as well did you put the Redstone to the door no I did not they grow so fast yay y yippee yippe Yay yay okay Monsters can’t activate them really also if I can see if I can see lava through the water here does that mean that there’s magma all the way down how big is this body of water anyway out of curiosity um um I’m going to check what

Biome this side of the map is in over here um here over here is this the swamp or is this Mangrove let’s see this is mangrove swamp then so this is is the swamp um so is magma gives you bubbles things so you can breathe under the water Oh um wait can I is this is this where is this where the the witch or whatever witches is this where witches spawn this is where witches spawn right is this where witches spawn this is where witches spawn right is that a cow it’s a cow just staring at me

Menacingly there are different types of slumps oh okay witches can spawn in swamp puts so this is not the is this the kind of swamp that they would spawn in cuz if so I want to find one what is that is that a beehive is that a

Beehive if I attack you it will be come eat me random chance for ogre chance that there’s a swamp biome that join the mangrove somewhere it says Mangrove uncore swamp so I’m just assuming that this is the swamp or that this is a type of

Swamp oh maybe this is the swamp cuz it has water is this the swamp no just say still says mango swamp got to be careful frog frog yeah it still says Mangrove Swamp Frog you’ll notice it when it changes I see I don’t like this biome very much cuz then this is the kind of environment where I would get lost really easily you know unless I walk in a single Direction straight gone lost that’s me witch’s Huts are rare so not all

Swamps have them I see then I guess it was a really I guess it was really bad luck really lucky I don’t know I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck uh cuz last week’s Minecraft last week’s Minecraft um uh the two the two friends I was

Playing with they died um to a witch cuz they found her Hut and Stuff um let might actually try and see if I can get a good view from up here and see what the rest of the biome looks like maybe that’s maybe that’ be helpful I cannot see shap hello hi what is that um savan again over here there’s a house over there though

You can see getting ah I forgot to eat hello ping Yosi Yosi it’s a village no there’s a village already right across from my house which is why I built one which is why I built a house over there cuz there is a village nearby But yeah there are villagers it’s a pretty big Village outside of my house yep um but there’s another one over there on the other side I haven’t actually explore the village next to my house yet I was supposed to but then Bandits or yeah I think those are called

Bandits um kept VIs visiting me um so I had to take a while before I went yeah the pillagers there the pillagers right right right I didn’t want to murder the innocent villagers so I I had to wait need to leave for a sec my phone is

About to die be safe why are there like a bajillion cre ERS in the village okay so free Iron okay so um I don’t really know what to do in the village though like I don’t I don’t know what should I say do I don’t know they have these things

What what is the cartography table for villagers have cat they have cats parent disenchant yeah they have all these these neat things in their houses a um free bed H where’s the Villager where sir where are you are you hello hello villager mumbles this guy has been here forever just down

There I don’t know buddy I don’t know if you’re serving The Village right by by sitting oh thank you bread bread bread okay thank you for your food mine now you’re welcome uh yeah there’s all this stuff Here um Ryan the town Menace I just come into town and just like start smashing things taking all their stuff harass ing harassing vill a emerald harassing villagers I didn’t know you could have grass the heck what this is news to me ringing the bell makes the villagers

Run to their house oh is it is there ever a reason um is there a reason that would require you to make them like why would you want them to run back to their house oh you can get the grass you silk touch I see no but in what situation would you

Need them to go back to their house or why would you want them to so you can protect them or trap them because of the bandits that you saw well sir well these villagers are dumb and look at them they’re they’re they’re trapped here so oh sorry sorry I didn’t

Intend to hit you uh can I can I can I can I talk can I talk to them do you can you talk to them I don’t know how how how how to trade with villager villager breed um v v villager villager what villager what did I read that correctly the [Laughter]

There’s another idiot trapped down here um and I also can’t talk to him where is he where the hell is he ah he’s somewhere around here um yeah there’s a guy somewhere here where is he I saw him ah oops you saw him earlier where is he

Yeah there’s a guy down there you can’t talk to him they’re not people Ryan they are cattle to be exploited in Minecraft okay mhm and you guys say I’m suspicious okay but no no but but but I get accused of all these things and then I hop on Minecraft and y’all teach me

Wild ass [ __ ] like oh slavery breeding villagers I’m like I thought the slavery thing was like as bad as it get like okay hahaa I guess you know forcing people to do your work forcing people to work and you know free labor and video games that’s not new right but then

Y’all had to go the extra mile and out don’t knowwhere just like hey Ry you want to breede the villagers and like um okay no that’s not what you said but um the way I said it made it 10 times worse you know I really did not have to say it

Like aha breed the villagers Uh get bathed in the lake stinky I am I smell very nice ma’am it is an intended feature of Minecraft okay okay I can get behind that okay fine I except I’m just exploring okay by the way I just want to see the edge the edge

Of the map what is that is that jungle again there’s so much um there’s so is that sugar cane what is that I’ve never seen that tree before what is that y y’all seeing y’ y’all y’all D see what that is also there’s um what is that a

Watchtower thingy of sorts that one what is that what is that I am intrigued now I want to know what that is I’m going to head there where are we uh Forest describe your nice on a scale from Leela to 10 what do you you mean describe my nice Outpost pillagers oh

Can I kill all of them if I go there and like manage to kill all them is it possible to kill all them looks like free loot to me I wasn’t able to take the screenshot Pillager a just scoot in get the treasure and get out they have treasure it’s a F3 um

Jungle okay this is still a jungle Pillager Outpost over there and then hey I want to take a screenshot oh don’t forget to eat the bread okay okay hunger sated um what is that what is that I feel like I feel like I shouldn’t be here I feel like something bad is going

To happen is that bamboo is that what it is bamboo is it this it is bamboo okay that’s what it is that a dog dog is that is that a dog is that a dog is that is that a dog hello never mind guess not I thought it was dog it

Was fake dog why is there a wolf in the jungle I think that’s not I don’t think I don’t think wolves should be what is this what berries fruit oh I’m learning I’m learning I’m learning me coming across something for the first time it’s like whoa Coco ah you saved

Us use bones and them oh I’m sorry I don’t have any bones on me what you just do you just throw the bones of course you throw the bones Ryan you would why would you what my thought when you said use the bones on them is

Like oh do I hit them with the bones why would you think that why would I think why do I think that did I hear a bird what hey I wasn’t hallucinating this is bamboo but what kind of forest is that um is it just is it still just jungle what is

That what is that is that a bird B bird I want to catch a bird can I have pet bird I want pet bird okay um on the list of Ryan things to do catch bird catch wolf or can you can you catch them you you can have pets

Right I know you can have pets everyone and their mom who plays Minecraft has like a pet dog or whatever huh you need to use cookies on him you can have cook oh okay so bird cookies the Wolves need um wolves need what is that okay that’s the okay I

Thought I thought it looked a little different at night okay um okay so wolves need bones and then the birds eat cookies they die from cookies what oh seeds okay okay okay seeds seeds oi Minecraft no not the bajillion and creepers why are there so many ah Gathering these on my

Way come on now please ah stop stop stop no there’s so many creepers wait are those creepers yeah they are I’m not going to stick around to find out why are there so many of them is this normal like is it normal for there to be this many creepers ah why are they

Everywhere spotted me yet it has spotted me it’s walking towards me yeah wait stop no please [ __ ] off oh my God please please go go go on go wait oh wait the skeletons are duking it out they’re fighting each other Okay run R run away way way inside the house you can’t run when your hunger bars at the I know no but I want to go home I want to put my things here thank you I made it I made it I made it I made it I made it I

Made it okay I made it I I am a gamer I am a gamer I a gamer okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I’m safe okay we’re fine relax Chief you guys are panicking I’ve never panicked in my

Whole life I have no idea what you people are talking about bamboo today I learned bamboo exists as a resource okay so there is bamboo and then there’s the why is the door open what why is this door open does y’all remember I I closed this door

Didn’t I did I closed this door didn’t I I closed the St I closed the store didn’t I I know no I did I know I did I know did it’s open because a certain someone keeps leaving it open I did not I know I closed that door close that door no you

Don’t what do you mean why do you mean no you don’t stop gaslighting me stop capping I know I this is not even you star at this is going to get clipped by someone isn’t it and then I’m going to get showed by like a Clipper some there

Someone’s going to clip this and be like no Ryan you’re wrong here’s the clip see my joke with uny no what what did you say R you have a sword coming out of your head are you okay do I have a sword coming out of my head gu gu it’s it’s

Who it’s oh I see wait uh going to put this food aside first pumpkin Pumpkin um um wheat seeds right I got distracted I was like what was I supposed to do again right we do not want to encounter him who who that educate me I have heard of that name remember remember to hydrate thank you who is that who that Minecraft Legend scary H educate

Me you’re going to have to you’re going to have to expand and more was this a legend and early Minecraft ah it’s like those o spooky ghosts on your game and such yes I forgot do I pour water on this good job dumbass why did I do that

Forgot me a genius at farming agriculture is my hobby my passion so stupid no one hire me as a farmer I will kill all of your crops I cannot be cannot be in a farm it’s going to ruin everyone’s hard work cannot be cannot be a a farm

Horrible white eyes in the beginning is a fake legend about a player with a skin of seeve with white eyes finding a hill a I see I see so it’s like one of those Boogeyman in video games stories okay I see today I learned no cuz I’ve I’ve vaguely heard

Of that name name name I’ve I’ve heard of that but like I didn’t know what it was so today I learn that’s what it is I see okay he was also added Minecraft my my Minecraft updates thing added in what what sense added like they actually added him to the game

Or Herobrine is REM removed or something Herobrin how do you even pronounce the name actually is that how you pronounce the name that’s cool though if they they add it and um kind of like I guess play along with it that’s really interesting like making a boogeyman for

Your game we having um a player community created Spawn Boogeyman thing and playing around it I think that’s pretty interesting sounds pretty cool keep it up 621 oh um the 621 thing um is from oh you can just take the top Parts you need to ah the more okay okay thank

You thank you thank you for letting me no all right wheat seeds I’ll remember that the next time I have to go was going to carry this bucket with me actually that’s one thing I was forgetting I needed to make buckets buckets one More okay um actually I carry then iron here I have way more iron than I thought I had yeah way more stuff okay statue of chicken version of your room we call it chicken a did she swear did I swear Ryan passion killing nature make an anvil Anvil and oh wait can I

And no wait can you can you make an anvil where do you make that you actually make one okay wait I I am sleepy you can’t make it yet you can’t craft it yet you need three blocks all what do you want huh huh there’s um there’s a guy there’s

A snake oil salesman outside my door sir did I invite you the Llama gunpowder lily of the valley do I need to pay him emeralds I need to pay I need to pay emeralds right get the Leads you’ve entered my household thank you anyway really can I get the llamas too I would like his cow his Cow I have I have friends yeah come inside my house please no no oh they’re too tall they’re too big they’re too large oh my god look I have friends hello hello okay I keep you here stay here you killed the owner though and attach them to fences right okay

Okay okay okay okay okay yay I have friends yay I have friends I tied them yay yay yay then they can’t get away now yay yay yay I have friends now I have friends I’m not alone in my house anymore yay yay yay yay um need to fence them up a little bit

Better though sound they make it’s so funny so funny son putting a choker to people what kind of friends you he also T he used leads to take other animals can I can I can I can I does it work on all animals does it work on all animals

Does it work on like the the Wolves for example if so I will carry some I think I have some more from the last from the last Trader I killed I killed another vendor guy um fence fence fence I killed another vendor well back and um he still here yeah see I have

Like three leads I murdered like a bunch of guys so they don’t despawn but also for names um more like hostages more like trapped animal no no hostages here what would you what what you’re going to call the animals hostages all right then swap yourselves out for the the llamas then somebody

Take their place huh if you are so inclined to say that they’re being taking hostage why you why don’t you you come and like replace them then huh um fence fence fence a fence fence gate the stupid sound is so funny to me I don’t think I could last too long with hearing that repeatedly I think I’m going to get tired of them and we’ll want to murder them one of these days but for now they’re funny um can we can we can we think of names for these guys I got to I got to

Think of names also make Anvil yeah I have name tag I have name tag do I put this on them a these and nuts no give them a proper name thinking of names is the hardest thing in game um wait wait wait wait wait I don’t

I can’t make an anvil yet though can I do I need anything else I see Enderman like over there like super far away I Call You Bing and Bong hello Bing the white one is Bing the brown one is bong I don’t know let me let me look

Actually let me let me think let me look what what’s your name what’s your name what’s your name what’s what’s your name what’s your name what do you want me to name you [Laughter] huh [Laughter] stunning it’s not even that funny I forgot that’s [Laughter] sty wait wait it’s not even that

Funny oh my God God that’s funny as hell oh my God hello you’re still here stun oh man I forgot I forgot that that I forgot about that hearing that after such a long time is like so funny for some reason um what’s your name what’s your name when I want to name things I kind

Of just look at something look at an animal or something and I’ll just think I’ll think I’ll think about I think I think about I can’t get sun seed out of my goddamn head no I want to name them like a proper name a they they deserve a proper name

They deserve a proper name come on now like you wouldn’t name your kid Sun seed now would you not that they’re not that they’re my kids they’re literally llamas but you know God I can’t breathe oh my God it’s so funny please those are proper names what sun and Seed are proper names

Huh no but what about what about my amazing suggestion earlier I said this is Bing this is vong being Bing Bong I’m so stupid wait the brown one strikes me as an what where did that name come from um otherwise you know what I’m just going to name this and

Then this one is okay wait I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m going to name it um I’m going to name It oh wait did I get raid did I get raided and I didn’t notice CH Brown wait I think that’s the one [Laughter] I can’t bre oh my God that’s so beautiful no it’s perfect it’s perfect it’s this one is Chris this is I can’t breathe God this is so [ __ ] funny I can’t I can’t breathe it’s perfect cuz this guy is literally Brown every time I I I I I can foresee myself every time I play Minecraft and

Then there’s someone new in chat I’m going to be like okay new person in chat I’m going to introduce you to my friends over here this is Chris and this is brown it’s so beautiful I’m going to save stun seed for something ah I know now stun seed

Can be like a pair of birds Sun Sun [Laughter] sunen St laugh so Award wait God man also I completely did not realize that I got raided when when when I probably probably wasn’t looking at the chat at the time when have I been sitting ah ah I didn’t see I didn’t see mik oh my God a I’m going had to say

Thank you I’m so sorry I completely missed the chat I completely missed it I was staring straight no I am sorry m I’m very sorry Masen for not noticing at all yeah after after I’m Sorry I’m woman we need league and Legends now league and legends gold okay raguna okay okay okay okay okay Sun seed killed me oh God Sun seed too busy shut off dog I hate those names those are too good I hate that I didn’t think of that before it’s so funny oh

God I can’t breathe oh my God that’s too funny please that’s so funny that’s too much that’s too much that’s too much oh my God no no no I’m not going to breath the Lamas or anything when if another if another Merchant comes along I’m just going to murder the merchant okay so

Every time a merchant comes along I’m going to go kill them and I’m going to put all of the merchant Merchants friends here outside so they can be friends together make Anvil wait how do I make Anvil though how do I make an anvil and I can’t spell an no

She’ll just borrow new llamas stop anytime I read the comments anytime I read the Comments oh god oh can’t I can’t I can’t why you want Anvil right now oh um names it’s okay I don’t need to actually name name them I mean you know what you already know what they’re named good I mean at least I didn’t name it ligma balls or something you

Know oh God my soul hurts oh my God I you guys I was laughing too much and so focused I completely didn’t even notice you have the necessary resources okay all right guys ah I’m going to I’m going to take a break here I think that’s enough that’s

That’s that’s quite a bit of action for one day I think for now but um I’m really glad for this stream it was really nice nice and chill and um mostly should I didn’t get lost hey um I’m successful cuz like the last time I went exploring the caves I died

And I lost all my stuff although that was funny too um I think I explored pretty far I found those bioluminescent squids so I’m probably going to try go back there and see if I can go down further um and explore that spot um it is past midnight for me yeah thank

You I got a lot better Minecraft thank you Minecraft training Arc uh successful many more things to be I’m going to make some Diamond things maybe next stream and then go back down maybe they’ll help me dig Faster when next stream I have a stream tomorrow I’ll be playing a different game I’ll be playing Hollow night tomorrow um Minecraft again next week I guess yeah um thank you thank you very much no thank you thanks guys thank you for the tips uh thanks for the laughs thank you

For the name suggestions I will be keeping those in mind fondly um I’m so upset that YouTube didn’t show me that you were streaming a Zach take care take care guys thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hi Jack remember pressure play for more

Fun a thanks guys good stream good stream thank you hashu thank you Zach thank you Daniel thank you R thank you zag thank you Lenny thank you Kai thank you thank you thank you norvz AK the other R thank you mty thank you up dog um thank you Kai 016

Yes I say with a number now thank you Isaac thank thank you thank you thank you everyone thank you van thank you for the tips thank you Patrick thank you thank you thank you thank you um let’s see who else who else am I missing who

Else am I missing um um uh botanic soul is also here and then grade and then and then 3: a.m. raid and um um um Zach Zach Matthews yes I remember you were here and and who else was here I’m I’m forgetting I’m forgetting Maverick Maverick was here as

Well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all of you guys thank you so much for watching I had so much fun um to the the new people the new people I’m just kidding okay Kai I’m just kidding but yeah um cor pixel right um

AKA uh long long long name wait don’t remember um all of you new folks um um I made a new song cover lately please go listen to it if you like um I will be streaming more Minecraft next week um and then other games I’m going to be streaming tomorrow again uh tomorrow

It’s Hollow night if you are interested in this in or watching that game it is a nice game I have to finish that boss battle I need to finish that game actually can we see Chris and brown oh yes everyone before I end stream say your goodbyes say your goodbye soon no

Say kiss good night to Christ and brown okay Chris kiss kiss good night to Christen Brown they’re looking at the camera they’re waiting they’re Waiting okay okay bye okay the llamas will disappear by next no they will not I will always kidnap another one good night Chris good night no stop licking my llamas no do not do not do not do not lick the llamas that’s what I look like when I try to copy the sound

A before they despawn it’s okay they will they will be here forever if if um if they disappear I’m just gonna find another Trader um I’m going to find another Trader and take their things and every time it’s going to be Chris and brown every time okay guys thanks for tuning in

Though for real for real I really had a lot of fun um and it was really funny it was nice thank you for the tips by the way it was really really helpful um a lot of stuff to learn in Minecraft I’m going to play it again next week and

I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll see you guys tomorrow yay it’s I’ll see you guys tomorrow I see you guys tomorrow yay bye guys have a good night have a good night have a good night have

A good night have a good night and remember I am Ryan valerus um spread the word I live in your walls and such happy morning happy good morning good afternoon good evening whatever timee of day it is for I’ll see you guys next time yay Bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】i need more diamonds | #vtuber’, was uploaded by Raian Valerius Ch.【DAYBREAK】 on 2023-11-24 16:50:27. It has garnered 508 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:51 or 13131 seconds.

I understand english, 日本語, and filipino, but feel free to chat in any language!

please help fund my minecraft addiction below ・ Thank you for supporting my path to world domination!

DAY/BREAK Discord:

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ー【 RAIAN VALERIUS’s Official Social Media 】ー Twitter Youtube… Email [email protected]

ー【DAY/BREAK Official Social Media】ー Facebook… Twitter Youtube Email [email protected]

ー【Stream Rules】ー ※ Remember to be respectful to both the streamer and chat participants. ※ It is encouraged to keep your messages relevant to stream. ※ Please avoid providing personal information in the chat. ※ Holding personal conversations amongst other chat participants is also discouraged. ※ Do not mention other VTubers/streamers unless mentioned prior by the streamer. ※ HAVE A GREAT TIME!

Moderative actions such as warnings, bans, and time-outs may be carried out to provide the best experience for both the audience and the talent.

BGM Credits: ‘the light that breaks all illusions – DAY/BREAK original song’ 8bit ver. by nezumigi –

Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

A Wish4 by Peritune –

#VTuber #新人VTuber #ENVTuber #PHVTuber

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  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecrack: Offensive Edition

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  • Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core

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  • Ultimate M134 Weapon in Minecraft!

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    ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN AMBUSH IN MINECRAFT 1.20 ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN ATTACKED ON US IN MINECRAFT 1.20 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of creatures and challenges. One such encounter is with the Zombified Piglin, a hostile mob that can be found in the Nether dimension. These creatures are aggressive and will attack players on sight, adding an element of danger to the game. Surviving in Minecraft 1.20 Version 1.20 of Minecraft introduces new features and updates to enhance gameplay. From building structures to exploring different dimensions, players must navigate the world carefully to avoid dangerous mobs… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Journey: All Stickers Unlocked!

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  • Minecraft in 2024: Mind-Blowing Updates

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  • Aphmau EXPOSED: 10 CRAZY Lies in Minecraft!

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  • Epic Minecraft Date: Obtaining Elytra in End Cities!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bungalow Build in SMP!🏡FT. Friends!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bungalow Build in SMP!🏡FT. Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-17 20:09:45. It has garnered 18 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:19 or 16099 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More

  • INTRUDER ALERT! Playing Pass – Minecraft & Roblox Animation

    INTRUDER ALERT! Playing Pass - Minecraft & Roblox AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘INTRUDER!!! – Minecraft & Roblox Animation @SquaredMediaAnimations’, was uploaded by Playing Pass on 2024-05-17 10:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. While the story unfolds in a world reminiscent of Minecraft, it’s important to clarify that our animation is not affiliated with the … Read More

  • OMGcraft: Ride Universal Studios IN MINECRAFT!🎢| Bedrock DLC Review

    OMGcraft: Ride Universal Studios IN MINECRAFT!🎢| Bedrock DLC ReviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘WORKING RIDES at Universal Studios IN MINECRAFT! | FULL THEME PARK Bedrock DLC Review!’, was uploaded by OMGcraft – Minecraft Tips & Tutorials! on 2024-03-04 13:00:25. It has garnered 7263 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:49 or 1729 seconds. Today I am reviewing a brand new DLC in Minecraft, the Universal Studios Experience DLC! From dodging dinosaurs in Jurassic World to chilling with a giant ape on Skull Island and even escaping a hungry shark in JAWS, this DLC is freaking awesome. (Racing through time in Back to the Future… Read More

  • Hidden Secret to Infinite Diamonds!

    Hidden Secret to Infinite Diamonds!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best clips!!!!’, was uploaded by CRAFTEE GOLD on 2024-05-17 12:19:08. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:44 or 704 seconds. Creating and sharing the best Minecraft clips involves capturing moments that showcase impressive builds, hilarious incidents, epic adventures, and skillful gameplay. Here are some categories and examples of the best Minecraft clips that resonate well with the community: 1. Epic Builds Massive Structures: Showcasing time-lapse builds of castles, skyscrapers, or entire cities. Example Clip: “Building a Medieval Castle in Survival Mode – Time-lapse!” 2. Redstone Creations… Read More

  • This INSANE Minecraft PE update will BLOW YOUR MIND! 😱

    This INSANE Minecraft PE update will BLOW YOUR MIND! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pe Survival Series 🤩 1.20 In Hindi Part-2 | Minecraft PE Survival’, was uploaded by Vishu 3 on 2024-01-15 10:01:57. It has garnered 8 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:24 or 264 seconds. Minecraft Pe { Survival Series } 🤩 1.20 In Hindi Ep.2 | Made Beautiful House 😘 || Fully iron armor in Minecraft PE #minecraft #minecraftsurvival Welcome My YouTube Channel Daily Anime Content: Shorts And Videos ************************* 📝📝 ************************* Hello friends, I do some funny commentary on some games here. If you like then subscribe to my channel… Read More

  • Hotdog Water – Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy, Voted World Resets

    Hotdog Water Minecraft Server Features: Hardcore: World reset by popular vote on discord. Vanilla: No random teleport, TP to bed, or land claim. Rules: PVP, griefing, and fun allowed. No cheating/hacking or being a wiener. Have fun! Server IP: Website: Discord: Join Discord Video: Watch Video Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting chaos: My spicy message

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting chaos: My spicy message“Looks like this meme’s popularity is building faster than a creeper about to explode!” Read More

  • Dragon Slayer Duo: Minecraft Mayhem with My Pal! #shorts

    Dragon Slayer Duo: Minecraft Mayhem with My Pal! #shorts In Minecraft, we defeated the Ender Dragon, oh what a sight, With my friend by my side, we battled with all our might. Crafting armor and weapons, preparing for the fight, Together we conquered, in the realm of pixelated light. Our journey was epic, filled with laughter and fun, Exploring new biomes, under the shining sun. Building our world, block by block, piece by piece, In Minecraft, our adventures will never cease. So join us in the game, where creativity reigns, In a world of endless possibilities, where nothing remains the same. Me and my friend, in Minecraft we… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Night “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More