Nestorio’s EPIC Minecraft EXPLOSION!

Video Information

this is Minecraft but you get bigger oh no too big today we’ll be growing from this to literally this wait is that the Sun from being the size of a pixel to reaching the size of an Enderman to suddenly being the size of a mountain my goal is to reach the biggest size possible through various advancements but as it gets to bigger sizes normal things are going to be getting much harder so what happens if I get bigger than the planet itself and what happens if I step on the dragon stay tuned to find out yo we’re so small right so today we’re going to be getting bigger in Minecraft but we’re going to be starting really small but by the end of the video we might be this big and to get bigger we’re going to be doing different advancements where our first advancement is going to be squashed like a bug um does that mean me oh yeah I think that means me okay so for us to get bigger we need to get squashed by this villager I’m going to guess and do I just punch it from behind Okay we only have one heart please don’t be bad wait is this working oh wait it’s turning around oh gosh wait why is it looking down at me oh we just got squished yo guys I think it worked okay just like that we got the first achievement on the screen right now in a growth potion and now with the growth potion we were one pixel before and I guess we’re squashed now but what happens now oh Sid up oh now we got bigger so instead of one pixel tall we’re actually going to be three pixels tall and yet again we got another advancement on the screen right now for this time we got to do micro mechanics okay so what does that mean oh you’re now able to craft something oh wait we couldn’t craft before so what do I craft now oh what um okay oh no something broke try looking inside wait wait how do I look inside can I just walk into it or something oh guys there is now a door on the side of the crafting table I mean if it means we get bigger later on let’s go inside the crafting table crafting table it seems jammed oh my gosh we have an exit button right there and it doesn’t help that we’re three pixels tall and there’s a silverfish right there oh that silverfish jammed the gears kill it Oh wait we’re supposed to kill this thing okay oh let’s going silverfish oh gosh one two three couple more hits okay oh and there it goes and P that silver fish but just like that we get the next growth potion which I’m kind of scared of drinking in here cuz we might get a little bit too big but we did fix a crafting table so can we actually euse it now let’s get out of here real quick oh and it’s back okay now let’s go and drink the growth potion and see how much bigger we get size up oh my gosh guys we are now the size of one single block oh we’re actually tall enough now to break blocks and as for the next advancement we got the advancement splintered wood so do I just like mine wood oh maybe you weren’t big enough to break blocks yet wait did we just get a splinter from the tree so that’s going to be the next achievement apparently called Splinter wood where we just have to mine a wood block but on the bright side we did get the next growth potion with the next achievement so let’s go and drink that and what’s after being one block are we about to be normal size here we go and size up yet again oh we’re back to normal your normal sides keep getting bigger and yet again another advancement has been locked but before we get to that let’s get some bread real quick and definitely not die and wait who the heck is that guy I’m going to guess that’s for the next advancement on the screen right now now which is going to be strange visitor oh boy all right I guess let’s go talk to this guy what’s up buddy The Stranger do I just talk to you hello oh what are these prices literally 54 emeralds for rotten beef apparently not villager flesh which is very sus totally from some animal some purple juice which tastes like purple and boxing gloves okay I don’t have any of the stuff to trade with this guy and because it’s the strange visitor maybe I got to fight you oh what are my trades not good enough for you oh he’s attacking me okay all right we’re apparently fighting this guy and hopefully this is advancement cuz I definitely want to get to the next size he’s beating me up oh and just like that down goes a strange visitor oh and he literally dropped everything he had we get the Strange visitor advancement and we got the boxing gloves the growth potion and the purple juice all right what is that boxing glove do oh wait what the heck that’s a really powerful glove well we now have everything we’ll ever need very nice but do I drink the growth potion or the purple juice first let’s drink the purple juice what does this do oh wait did we just become a cow I’ve unlocked the Purple Cow ability press J to use it I’m a purple cow wait so if I press J do I go back to normal oh and it literally just drops purple juice right and now we have one more drink to do and that’s going to be the growth potion which how tall are we going to get now all right let’s go and drink this oh and size up yet again oh we’re three blocks tall oh that also just spawned a villager right in front of the house yeah he does not look very happy and now the next advancement is going to be called expensive upgrade Mr villager darn and end hiding things on the oh hey you’re really tall H yes I am I’m way too tall what the heck help me find all the flow pots around here and I’ll pay you handsomely so does he think an Enderman did this right let’s go with that okay I’m going to guess that’s a flower right there which actually looks pretty cool let’s go and grab that and that’s going to be 1 out of 10 all right let’s go and get these flowers and that’s going to be all 10 flowers thank you very much and he gave me an emerald block nice okay and now another villager beby or nearby I’m going to guess could use some help okay where is that might as well mention right now by the way guys that we did get a new Craft on the screen right now it’s going to be with the Splinter and the emerald block so I’m going to guess maybe we can get another one from this guy all right Mr villager what do you want hey mister can you help me hang those lanterns give me a hand and I’ll pay you in return so I just got to hang the lanterns I’m going to guess right there I got a Miss but there goes one okay let’s get this done real quick all right we got one more to go and let’s put the last one right there okay thank you sir here’s this emerald block and yet again we get another emerald block right there and now the final villager needing help is nearby okay where is the last villager oh there he is wait can I literally just jump over this oh my gosh guys I’m so tall I can just jump over fences and now Mr villager what do we got here where could they have gone excuse me sir could you help me my cows got out of their pen and they won’t listen could you Wrangle them for me sure we got one weat and I’m going to guess I got to return five cows what the heck all right Mr Cow go come this way we’re going to get you all the way back there oh that’s going to be one cow returned four more cows to go give me one sec guys guys this is big braid as the Purple Cow I’m bringing all the cows with me and watch this come in my cows my brethren all right number three four and there we go just like that that’s going to be all the cows and thank you thank you thank you here take this it’ll help you more than me oh and we got the last item for the craft a reinforced stick for all your strong stick needs okay so now with a reinforced stick there’s going to be a brand new crap that we can make with this one and two blocks of emeralds so that makes an emerald sword which does damage to my enemies and my wallet let’s go and make that and just like that that’s going to be the next advancement which is going to be an expensive upgrade and we got the next growth potion very nice all right what does the emerald sword do then oh oh it shoots emeralds nice okay let’s go ahe and drink the growth potion and oh my gosh we’re as tall as the tree and yet again we got another advanc on the screen right now which is going to be the advancement lending a hand whatever that means wait who the heck is this Andy Nester hey over here where’s this enterman calling me from Once second guys okay guys so I did find andies but I got to show you guys a brand new thing apparently at the size that when we hit the roofing of a place we literally make a hole I am mining with my body right now and I don’t know why but Andy is literally all the way down here and so all the way down here we have Andy’s the Enderman where I guess I just got to talk to him we need some more Enderman hands on deck and I think you’re tall enough to blend in if you promise to help me out I’ll teach you how to steal blocks can I just mine them anyways let’s go and grab the Ender’s guide and so what does this tell me new ability learned press n to steal blocks like an Enderman bring me a grass block a spawner a piece of bedrock and iron ore and some grass path all right buddy wants a lot of things on the bright side we got some iron ore right here so let me try this enterman ability so do I just look at it I mean I can reach for it oh it worked yo okay so we can now get deep SE iron oree and oh wait I can mine that later so now it’s big Nester can we grab Bedrock cuz I mean that’s other thing he wanted oh gosh oh gosh okay do I take fall damage from this oh I don’t nice okay so how do I get deeper in the cave this is kind of tough guys I literally can’t enter this way all right give me one sec guys let’s make an arm pickax real quick okay so we made it to bedrock finally that took a little bit too long okay so I can’t break the Bedrock cuz I’m giant can I just grab it then oh guys I just grabbed Bedrock what the heck we have the Bedrock one deep s iron ore and one more thing we need in the caves is going to be a monster spawner which maybe we can findy someone in here okay big head do your thing guys I see one finally okay slowly but surely we’re getting through this cave right now I just got to go over there and get that mob spawner let’s go and grab it oh come on oh we got it okay finally one spawner and that’s going to be the third thing in our collection and now we got to get a grass block and a path block so that should be too hard all we got to do is go straight up and before we do that let me grab these diamonds real quick three diamonds not bad and the best part about three diamonds is that we can go ahead and make a good old diamond pickaxe very nice all right up we go holy I am just so big oh I never broke the house just by going by it oh gosh sorry about that okay so grass block let’s go and grab one of those all right one grass block and now for a path block which that was pretty easy one grass block one dirt path now we should have everything that we need and I got to say I feel really bad for this Village cuz I’m pretty much destroying the entire place but it’s all good we’re getting closer to going to that giant portal right there which I’m still way too small for I’m only like five blocks tall and there’s something over here what is this must be at least 20 need five blocks tall to move Boulder holy right we’ll come back to that later anyways let’s go back down all right Andy I got you all the stuff you need here you go one grass block one deep slate iron ore one Bedrock one spawner and then finally one dirt path oh and it worked thank you thank you here take this and now we get an Ender crafts I’m a really good Enderman I’m I’m literally just like storio wait what’s going on oh no our worst enemy pumpkin monster what is the pumpkin monster wait hello what is that thing okay all right we got a little mini Bots let’s take care of this guy real quick before we use that little book all right get a couple more hits and just like that down goes the pumpkin guy oh and he gave us some ender pearls not bad all right so we got some ender pearls one block of gold which we might need maybe later and so what does this Ender crafts thing do cuz we still got to get an achievement done for the next bigger potion so maybe it’s this oh it’s some crafts okay so it’s a purple ender pearl and a purple bow oh so that’s what the ender pearls are for I mean all I need right now is the strings so real quick let me grab some string there we go that’s going to one string okay let’s get back to the crafting table and now with this stuff we can first go ahead and make a Ender bow which is infinity very nice I an arrow with that oh I did okay did I just shoot it oh it shoots Enderman arrows oh that’s kind of sick and we can also go ahead and make with eight gold and one ender pearl a ender Focus which teleports me like an Enderman am I straight up becoming an Enderman because I’m so tall how does this work oh oh we can teleport yo that’s sick all right Mr edman I pretty much took care of the pumpkin what now wow thanks for helping you really lent a great hand and just like that there we go challenge complete for Lending a hand and now we got the next growth potion yet again I might not want to do this down here so let’s go up real quick so I ended up making a diamond chest plate and it’s so big look at that thing okay anyways now that we got the growth potion let’s go ahead and use this and I’m expecting to be as big as this mountain all right let’s go and drink up and oh we’re going up let’s go oh things just keep going up like your height and uh wait what oops your armor doesn’t fit anymore you’ll need to figure out a way to fix that what I literally just spent eight diamonds on that are you serious I mean we’re like 10 blocks tall now but can I get my diamonds back what the heck anyways yet again we got another advancement to get which is going to be on the screen right now call a mineral support don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with this one but maybe it’s at the Village let’s go check it out I’m so big oh gosh all right what’s up buddy team lead this is the guy we found so what do you got to say excuse me sir could you help us we don’t have enough manpower to complete this cave I think you’re just the right size for the job and he gave us a villager pickaxe villager pickaxe I came to dig dig okay no we let me know for get that reference anyways can we even V this cave oh gosh all right we got to be a little bit careful all right how’s it going guys uh ignore my height dig straight through here we’ve got oh I I didn’t even see what you said but you know what I’m going to assume you want me to dig through here okay how do I dig through here oh oh my gosh okay that is actually very op let’s real quick try to fit through here and did I do the job oh good job now go explore the cave oh so yet again got to send me straight back in the cave let’s jump all the way down and mother’s Den wait what wait what is that thing okay we got to fight apparently a weird spider thing all right let’s go ahead and send our things oh gosh okay what about some Ender Bows Oh wait that actually does pretty good damage oh wait I got one leg off oh that’s sick yo that’s another leg right there oh gosh okay one last hit and down goes the spider just like that wow that was some bug thanks for taking care of that oh W no the cave is collapsing we need to support this cave before it collapses here you get this cave I’ll get the smaller one up front Okay so the cave is collapsing and we got some Oak planks with the guy and some fences we literally got to add some Foundation to the cave okay got to be quick got to be quick I picked up everything from the spider but my goodness what the is going on in this cave why am I just doing all the tours for the villagers I’m trying to Be Giants oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh one minute remaining come on giant eser doing my thing okay that’s another area right there villager what are you doing he’s doing absolutely nothing oh my goodness all right oh gosh okay another little Rumble low key this should be enough let me get it right here too and then we should be good oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh 15 seconds 15 seconds last piece right here and then we can also go check out what we got from the spider oh connect and that should be fine oh we did it okay we stopped the cave collapse and now I get the advancement mineral support that kind of makes sense now oh wait so did we get the potion oh we did let’s go and grab that growth potion right there don’t really need this wood anymore and before we drink that some new things we ended up getting from the spider was a giant spider Fang and a giant string so I did also get a new craft when I got the giant spider Fang and it’s a pretty simple one where we’re going to have to use two sticks and then one giant spider Fang and then we get a poison coated spear hold the power of the spider venom in my hand all right how does this work can I throw it oh I can oh so it’s a little spear very nice I really don’t know about the giant string but maybe we’ll figure that out later anyways uh Mr team lead I’m going to go now just cuz I might be getting a little bit too big for this game so what if we grow right here oh gosh this might be a really good idea or really bad idea anyways let’s go to right click 3 2 1 oh sides up yet again and oh my goodness you’ve got to be bigger than a building at this point must be 15 blocks at least holy I am literally the size of a cave what the heck oh wait um where did you come from is that supposed to be Clifford the Big Red Dog why does he sound like that our next advancement is man’s best friend what uh do I just talk to you the dog seems hungry I wonder if a bone will help oh gosh we got to get a bone all right Mr doggo did you st right there let’s go and give him a name in the comments down below and can we get one sub for the dog just just one sub if you’re watching this and you’re enjoying okay so I’m still trying to find the bone but one thing I’m realizing now is we’re actually 15 blocks tall now and it says it must be at least 15 blocks tall to light so lowy does this give me the bone made a fun steal I guess let’s try lighting wait why did it start raining skeleton lord wait what oh okay yeah that is not a portal defeat the skeleton lord to stop the onslaught why okay you know what I think it’s time we start boxing come on I’m ready to box get over here guys slapping through some skeletons okay let me pick these up and what the heck these are some giant bones all right that’s a lot of skeletons let’s take care of these guys real quick so that’s the skeleton lord right there and what the heck is this guy doing oh wait he’s running away from me I got to beat off the skeletons first all right let’s get you guys out of the way we keep spawning them oh no no no no holy they do so much damage get over here buddy okay I think I got to kill this guy and then I can get rid of all the skeletons C more hits and down goes the skeleton lord just like that and the portal exploded what well that’s one way to get bones that’s 17 bones and now let’s get back to the dog hello dog I’m coming all the way down got your bones I have to fight pretty much a skeleton army all good and now with these giant bones my goodness do I just right click you oh we got him you’ve tamed the Big Red Dog press o to call him to you I may have done this wrong cuz I got three big red dogs how’s it going buddies not even one buddy but on the bright side we got another growth potion which it might be a bad idea to do it down here again let’s go up guys we are so big I’m literally just walking on top of trees right now also the dogs followed me look at them it’s three big red dogs now is my friends and I wonder are they going to grow with me when I drink this potion I kind of wanted to find another Mountain just to see if I get to the size of a mountain so this is my current sence with the mountain right there and now what happens when I drink this oh sides up and oh my gosh we got the message I think I can see my house from here you’re a giant yeah I am definitely a giant my goodness what the heck new advancement unlocked and giant crafting table craft unlocked oh wait what okay our next advancement is on the screen right now and this time we got the achievement cursed King I’m not really sure what that means but we did get into some new crabs which the first one is going to be for a giant crafting table pretty much I’m going to have to make nine crafting tables and with nine crafting tables we’re going to be making not a normal crafting table but a giant crafting table we’re really getting to that size right now and with the giant crafting table as you can see from the chat we can make a giant obsidian portal giant hot pck and a giant bowcraft but that’s normal crafting table and right here that’s a giant crafting table my goodness first off we got to get some obsidian some wood and some lava buckets but the great thing is boxing glove is the greatest glove ever good old boxing glove there we go okay we punched too much all right give me one sec guys I can literally barely fit in this cave my goodness anyways we got everything we needed and let’s go a and make the first thing we got to make and that’s going to be with the sticks and then five law buckets this gives us a giant hotpick which is going to be efficiency 10 and com mine everything with the power of lava all right right should be better than a diamond pickaxe and it literally just m super fast very nice and now for the next thing which is going to be with the giant string we got from the giant spider we can go ahead and make a giant bow which says bet the giant skeletons wish they had this holy that bow is Big my goodness it’s bigger than me all right so how does this work oh oh yeah that that is a nice bow okay I I like that a lot even the arrows giant holy and now for the last thing we have to make is going to be with literally a bunch of obsidian and I may have gotten too much but with all that obsidian we get a a giant obsidian portal travel to the nether easier than before um should I place this down right here I mean why not let’s go and place it down oh gosh oh it’s taking me right now oh wait never mind I got to light it I’m dumb okay let’s go to get the Flint steel light the portal now that we have the portal lit let’s go inside holy how did I come out of that thing we’re not going to question it anyways now we’re in the Nether and so I’m supposed to fight a cursed King where is a cursed King oh wait what something can be heard to the north uh so what’s in the North hello I’m very much confused guys okay we got a blaz spawner right there am I supposed to do something with these guys oh they might be trying to fight me guys guys guys guys I’m just a giant man trying to Vibe like you guys don’t need to fight me right wait lowkey can I just step on these guys oh wait I stepped on them you stepped on a piglin I don’t think they like that try escaping off the ceiling okay we’re going up up we go up we go wait what the heck above the ceiling we got netherite up here I mean don’t mind if I do I’m going to go Ahad and grab all that netherite okay the ceiling of the nether above Bedrock is crazy it’s said netherite Mansion is this straight up a netherite mansion hold up what do we got up here oh my goodness so apparently in this world above the Bedrock we have a bunch of netherite a castle and whoever this dude is right here hello sir I got to kind of break your uh your your place down I’m so sorry about this okay how’s it going buddy I still got to do the cursed King achievement so do I got to talk to you huh you’re a bit big to be a normal piglin doesn’t matter bring me back 100 netherite blocks before we talk that is so much netherite my goodness okay okay uh well on the bright side we can just gohe and do this and holy this is going to be so much netherite what the heck already we have so many netherite ingots and I’m going to guess we just got to M all this oh gosh oh gosh okay give me one sec guys I’m going to go grinding this is Grind Mode and now we should be good let’s get our giant self all the way back to this piglin King and I better get something good for this all right here you go buddy take all these I’m going to have to right click you so many times but it’s all good it’s for the greater good all the way up it goes that’s going to be a stack right there and there we go thank you servant now why are you up here to challenge my thr Road you lie perish mortal oh okay but he’s not happy oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay you know what giant boat let’s go ah and take him out quick oh gosh wait where didd he go oh we’re fighting outside I really wish I could wear armor but at the size I cannot do such a thing I’m literally just going to launch him all the way over here emerald sword go emeralds get him and down she goes just like that and what the heck just happened anyways with that being done we got her crown which is going to be the nether Crown which putting this on makes you feel like royalty and a piglin staff which summons piglins to do my bidding and there we go advancement complete and we did end up getting yet again another growth potion and so can I summon pigin now oh I can launch them that is crazy my goodness okay so before we drink this let’s go ahead and make another portal and low key can I even place this over here oh it worked okay let’s go to light that up and without further Ado let’s go back and now that we’re back let’s actually get some food holy okay I was close to dying anyways we still have this thing right here I’m going to guess maybe after 15 blocks we get up to 25 blocks St well this is us before let’s go and drink this and this is us after oh my goodness wow the size of a giant wither really gives head in the clouds a whole new meaning I mean the clouds are still all the way up there so it’s not that tall but yet again new advancement unlocked and this time we have on the screen right now edge of the universe ooh and I can now move the giant boulder back in the Overworld so how do I remove this thing do I just like pick it up oh we moved it oh let’s go oh and there was an End Portal behind it so is this where we’re going to be doing the next advancement okay let’s go in right about now oh it’s literally straight up the end okay I don’t think I can jump that so let’s real quick make a bridge oh my gosh okay we got the walls going on right here can I literally just jump over it yep Oh the end Capital home of the Dragons you’re so big the dragons seem scared they don’t want to fight oh it says beacons lit 0o out of six do I got to light these somehow oh guys okay so I’m supposed to go on top of it and then I light it there we go okay so it becomes purple all right let’s go ahead and get to all the beacons and I got to say this is actually so cool what the heck all right last Beacon and what happens now thank you tall human here take these as a gift and Hope hope they fit oh we got dragon wings wait so if the dragon wings are this small do they fit me oh we got it oh that’s sick I’ve unlocked the dragon wings ability press you to use it some rings are leading the way to something big try finding it oh that is a big ring what the heck okay let’s use this elytra ability in 3 2 1 oh my gosh I’m going so fast let’s fly through that’s going to be 1 2 3 oh and we’re here what the heck is this place oh okay it’s barely visible but we got a potion right here do I drink this now and does it summon him let’s go to drink this and how tall do we get now oh my careful you’re a bit big for a lot of things now new advancement unlocked and now we have one last advancement on the screen right now which is going to be king of the universe is this the king of the universe oh what’s going on apologies Nester but there can only be one of us that Towers above all the rest and that one will be me okay we are fighting Galactus is that like a black hole laser my goodness we got to dodge all that let’s real quick throw in our emeralds and what the heck is going on right now literally Giant versus giant as the final boss and oh gosh oh gosh I got to dodge all those explosions let me throw in some Spears get him with the poison spear throw in D bro oh gosh oh gosh okay Ender B’s doing pretty good oh what about the giant bow go on giant bow couple more hits oh and down he goes just like that there goes Galactus and that’s going to be the last challenge challenge complete King of the universe my goodness and so now that that’s done did we get another potion oh wait I think I see one right there and now with the last growth potion what happens with this all right let’s drink that up size up and oh my just like that we just be the challenge and wait what we’re so big we broke through the hole no the last message I saw guys before we died was you’re the biggest being in the universe the blocks can’t hold your weight now this is Minecraft but everything gets bigger today everything in Minecraft is about to go from small to big to wo that’s way too big from bigger crafting to Giant structures to even a giant world my goal is to grow Minecraft to the ultimate growth level but as everything gets bigger things are going to be getting a lot harder so what’s the biggest Minecraft can get and what if the world is Tiny stay tuned to find out this is the smallest Village I have ever seen oh my goodness and our goal today as you can see at the top is to get bigger where we’re going to be doing a lot of bigger challenges throughout the video up to the very end when we get to the biggest size we can and for now we’re pretty much stuck in a world where everything is as small as possible even the crafting table and in the 1ex one crafting table we get a tiny sword everything gets bigger aren’t swords usually bigger look how small it is oh and we can shoot it but for now what else do I do with this Village I’m not really sure wait what tiny Iron Golem it’s so small okay it’s not a very tiny Golem so slowly but surely things are getting bigger but what the heck okay okay we’re apparently fighting tiny villagers what the heck is going on they dropped something random right there I don’t even know what that is but they’re so small wait what the heck is that oh yo it’s a bunch of Swords attacking him go to my swords get him and there we go okay so that’s going to be for all the tiny villagers and they seem to also drop something over here guys what the heck is going on so I guess that’s the first tiny Challenge and we ended up getting a potion of growth and a lot of growing powder I don’t really have any wood and I can’t really grab wood from this stuff so do I just drink this oh size up wait what just happened my screen went black your potion of growth made the village get bigger wait what it literally instantly got bigger oh that’s sick all right so now we have normal villagers inside of a normal village but if we look literally right outside of the village the entire world is gigantic and like I said guys the world got bigger because this is a normal dandelion and that’s a bigger World dandelion but does the village have anything special maybe let’s look around oh like always yet again another subscribe button in the village and I might as well mention right now if you guys are new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button and try to help us to have 5 million subscribers coming up soon and does this do anything special what they just got even bigger right oh W size level 12 required to interact and it’s a giant wither missing one head anyways I guess let’s keep exploring and see what we can find wait a second that’s not a normal ore okay okay so it’s like a rainbow ore oh it’s for the groin powder okay so I still don’t know what to use the growing powder for but I guess it must be important since it’s an ore I mean why not let’s keep going up and see if we can find anything else holy look at these cactuses and the dead bushes and that’s a bit of a normal desert temple I mean I know everything’s getting bigger but what oh 10 growing powder is needed to grow this Temple oh okay I have 17 so this might be good enough then where do I put it oh okay so I think it’s to this dude right here all right here you go buddy take all the groin powder you want oh oh gosh okay this looks a little bit ominous giant desert temple home with a pharaoh why oh was ready for this gold on Tiny swords I was not expecting to be fighting a pharaoh this early on holy this guy is tough okay no stay away stay away what the heck is he shooting at me okay sword do your thing couple more hits he’s almost dead and yes okay that’s going to be it for the Pharaoh and let’s get rid of all those mobs anyways from that we ended up getting a pharaoh staff which I think I’ve gone this before and yet again another potion of growth so I guess we can get to next growth level and what does the staff do before we do that oh it’s like a slingshot oh that’s sick what about here because we now have a giant Temple is there’s something down here oh there is Holy this thing is huge okay before we get down there let’s go and drink the potion of growth size up yet again and we now have a mission at the top that says unlock the giant gate well before we get to that let me real quick explore this Temple by going all the way down and okay before anything let’s make sure to break all these I am not breaking every single TNT in the world and is there really that much TNT oh my gosh hold on yo that’s so much TNT what the heck okay um okay that should be enough let’s go all the way back up and now what’s inside of each chest wait what this is different Frost Walker one I mean why not and even a Vex spawn egg oh wait every single one is different even netherite boots sure guys this is the most random loot ever we even got a crossbow I’m going to check every single chest at this point wait is that a here brine head okay yeah we’re pretty much done here anyways if I do need more stuff I’ll come back all the way here but I don’t want to spend the rest of the challenge just looting all these Jets so let’s go ahead and try to unlock that giant gate that the top is telling us to wait so I got all the way back up and what the heck is this it’s a bunch of Steves and a pickaxe in the middle okay anyways let’s keep going holy the world really is getting bigger this is a clip of the desert temple before and this is how it looks right now that is insane and we’re not done there because we have a giant ruin portal over there a giant cow and even a giant dog I didn’t even see that before right anyways I got guess let’s just get down well here it is the giant gate and unlock the gate to increase your size yet again so this time I need 10 giant iron ingots how am I supposed to get a giant iron ingot do I just mine iron or something oh wait I have a big crafting table crafts in a 5×5 grid wait when did I get this did I get this from the Pharaoh oh yeah that’s a big crafting table my goodness okay so this is a 5×5 and I think this makes sense now guys so if we remember for when I saw the painting I’m pretty sure there was an iron pickaxe or some form of a pickaxe in the middle so I guess let’s find some iron real quick and then craft it Guys these caves are so big what the he anyways I ended up getting the iron ingots which let’s real quick make an iron pickaxe so I guess let’s surround this iron pickaxe with a bunch of groin powder and hey there we go okay so we now have the big iron pickaxe which like it says perfect for mining giant iron and again it’s stressing that everything in this video guys is about to get bigger I guess now we go all the way down how does this mine oh that’s a 3X3 now for us to find some iron it won’t be hard to find it cuz as you can see everything is extremely big oh we found some that is huge okay I’m going to say like huge and big so many times this video guys but wait did that work 12 giant iron ingots that’s sick okay let me getb as many as I can actually and then we can go Ahad and get back to the gate well we’re here and I guess we just got to put in the iron ingots hey there we go nice you may now leave a potion fell out of the gates lock oh wow yeah uh potion literally fell out and we now have yet again another potion of growth and I’m I’m going to guess that’s going to be the third challenge for today’s bigger video and sides up use growing powder to go three piece of mobs to increase size oh okay so we ended up doing progress on the progress bar at the top and our new mission is to grow three animals zero out of three well now the goal is to definitely find some mobs and hopefully nothing bad happens from those mobs also there’s a random witch hut that says size level four required to interact so I think we’re level three so we might do that next right there anyway though where’s some mobs okay this took forever but we finally found a mob and it’s a pig on the top of a mountain all right Mr Pig I’m going to grow you real quick and hopefully this works right click what hello buff Pig are you friendly oh he’s not friendly okay okay well what’s up man I I came in peace and now we’re doing this right now let’s attack him with her tiny sword and get this over with really quickly oh wait what about the big iron pickaxe oh that does good damage too hey there we go okay so I guess there goes the big old buff Pig and we got a buff Pork Shop reasons to never skip light day oh we’re running the pig now and I ate the buff pork chop okay this might help us find another mob cuz these mobs aren’t really mobs they’re I guess just giant versions of normal mobs let’s try now maybe growing a chicken so uh right click holy oh what the heck why am I being thrown eggs at literally not the best item to do this with but we’re going in with the TNT chicken you’re going down what the heck why is that guy so big oh we got him okay well rest in peace chicken and we now have a huge piece of fried chicken this should last a while so what happens if I right click it chicken ability and press K to launch chickens K oh oh my gosh we can launch giant chickens right okay well I guess that’s two mobs down and now we just have one more to go at the top oh wait a cow all right Senor cow what will you do when you’re giant what is that thing so we got a potion of growth and now we have a buff Pig but this is a cow this is not a buff Pig oh oh yep he’s punching me okay yep let’s get this guy out of the way and there we go rest in peace buff cow anyways now that we have the potion to grow let’s go and use that again and yet again size up and Hostile Mobs should grow too wait what oh now I have to grow three mobs oh gosh okay let’s go back in that giant cave over there oh we got our first creeper okay so do I just go ahead and right click this guy oh my holy that is so big okay no no you’re not exploding though I’m kind of curious oh my goodness okay the tiny sword’s about to break so we should probably not use it as much as we’re using it right now but we did get a giant piece of TNT which does giant explosive power okay how does this work right click wait what what what did I just do oh oh nice that’s cool I think all right let’s try finding some more mobs then o zombie okay all right I’m going to right click you please be nice oh my gosh okay giant zombie ho leader that’s not even a giant zombie okay well it is oh my gosh okay no no no no no no no you stay down there let’s get rid of you real quick he’s spawning in more zombies oh this is bad this is bad this is really bad okay okay this is not good oh yes okay so we got the zombie at least our sword is about a break but right on time cuz we’re about to get another sword which is going to be a giant zombie sword sharpness three right click sword meteor I guess we can try that up there okay so what does sword meteor do right click oh oh that’s good that is really good actually oh wait I’m realizing now guys because we’re at tier four at the top it might be time we actually go to the wut and that might be one of the mobs we have to do size level four required to interact do I just go inside oh hello okay you have potions um anything in the barrels wait bomb buddy what the heck is this okay we’ll try this out later anyways right click oh gosh wait what what a potion of growth that fell out of the last monster you grew the witch didn’t try to fight us but it became a structure wait what the heck is this I guess I’ll come back to that if I need to but anyways let’s go and drink the potion of growth and I guess we got to climb this thing all right size up and now we got to defeat the giant door oh that might be the giant door but I guess before we do that let’s try to parkour all the way up this witch that’s kind of cool wait the little witch guy got out okay so what EX does this guy do little wizard hey traveler take this book of recipes big book of recipes now go see my brother at the top of the statue he has some good deals on some cool items and he’s gone now okay so what the heck is this oh wait some big bread sounds tasty holy that is a lot of crafts so I’m going to guess that these are all the crafts we can make throughout the video but for now I’m pretty much stuck going all the way up here right okay we’ll get back to that and I guess let’s go back to the parkour oh gosh okay if I fall I don’t have a water bucket and I legit die I don’t know why I do this every single time all right we’re almost there oh and there we go oh that is a big witch oh nitwit novice and so now I can trade for some stuff including one giant netherite Ingot which I don’t have gives me a giant bow and then with some growing powder we can get big head juice have you ever wanted to be a Bubblehead I mean sure and then with two giant iron ingots and gror powder we can get a massive wand where I can do giant Fireballs in a trail I mean why not so what is big head juice oh I drank it w who what just happened got guys I have no idea what just happened but what about the massive wand oh that’s sick oh that’s really sick oh my gosh the amount of abilities I have this video anyways I guess I’ll come back to the witch whenever we have one giant netherite Ingot and in the meantime let’s go investigate that giant door over there holy this thing is huge giant iron ingots four do I have four oh okay I have six okay so do I just throw these oh and now we got to do groin powder so let’s go and put in all the groin powder and we literally need a little bit more so let’s real quick do some mining there we go okay this is a lot of growing powder to get uh all right giant door here you go one more groin powder and oh we can go inside oh it just pulled me in um hello defeat the giant door wait what wait why are the mobs so big survive to the top and defeat the giant door holy that’s so many mobs okay so to get out of here I’m going to guess I got to defeat the giant door let’s just ignore as many mobs as we can and try not dying I really want to mine stuff but I’m being attacked by every single mob possible can I mine these or giant diamonds thing oh wait giant gold ingots yes okay this might be useful for later let’s grab as many as we can we literally have 46 giant of gold ingots that should be good and also there’s a giant bat right here can I have to kill these guys wait what what is this a giant Batwing the giant spider also dropped a giant streak it looks like wait these guys all drop special stuff well let’s keep making our way up and probably the easiest way is through this water so up we go okay so the next layer I think is straight up this way with the water again oh wait the door might be up there okay let’s try that over there oh wait there’s a chest maybe it’s at the chest a rainbow luckiest of them all what does this do oh it’s the rainbow I for forgot about this thing okay this thing is sick it pretty much just drops a lot of rainbows we can definitely keep that for later and we also have the bomb buddy which I never used and what does this do never mind I found the giant door guys giant door guardian of the way home all right let’s do this oh gosh he does good damage no no no no no bomb buddy oh gosh okay no more bomb buddy what about the massive wand let’s throw in some fireballs and holy that does damage and just like that that’s going to be it for the D door and finally I think we have a way home oh yep that is one big door so yet again we get another potion of let’s go and take that size up and we haven’t received a message just yet but if you look at the very top it might be time to go to the boat cuz I think that’s a boat and what is this thing exactly a Giant’s Club loyal to the wielder left click smash right click toss left click smash what about right click oh that’s cool it’s like a little Club okay so because in the book we do need a lot of the string and a lot of the rotten flesh I’m going to go ahead and take advantage of the time that I have right here and go ahead and grind out as many mobs as I can and then once we have enough stuff we’ll be going back all right give me one sec guys so by the end of all that we now have 27 giant string 26 giant rotten flesh and pretty much everything we’re going to be needing for some more crafts but before we do that let’s get out of here oh man it’s now a parate chip that’s waiting for us there so I guess we got to go all the way up there and the best way of getting up there actually is probably going to be by going back to the book and getting the thing that says Glide with ease so I need five big feathers a bunch of string and one bat wings so I think that goes right there and then I think the feathers go right here so all that’s left to do now is get all the giant string right here and just like that we get a giant parachute never take fall damage again oh I thought this was going to be like an elytra I just got scammed didn’t I oh wait I can go up with this oh that’s sick okay let’s just keep right clicking and keep going up oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh we did it okay we made it to the boat and I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to do here okay so it says find the treasure but where exactly is the treasure would it be down here this thing is so big oh my gosh wait is that the treasure okay let’s go all the way down real quick holy that is a big chest place okay before I go to the treasure is there anything in here oh it’s pretty much random items nice don’t mind me I’m going to go ahead and take the ancient debris cuz that is something nice but for now let’s get to the treasure chest and we got to get giant gold ingots inside of it I think so good thing I mind these let’s put in eight and oh pirate king captain of the crew oh gosh okay another boss fight Oh my he do so much damage why is my minions take him for all he has plunder his pockets I’m literally getting robbed what the heck I don’t have much sword damage left no the sword broke I have the one so that should be good enough okay this might break the ship but this will do good damage cool on lasers oh it’s doing pretty good damage couple more hits and yes oh my goodness that was a little bit too close but just like that that’s going to be it for the pirate king and where the heck did the items go are they going to be coming from the chest at least so what does this give me oh it gave me the hook again nice okay so we ended up getting the next bution of growth which might as well why not let’s go and use that yet again size up and the pression bar goes up and now we got to speak to the giant wolf you’re strong enough to tame the giant wolf okay I remember that being down there so we can get to that later and we also got a giant netherite Inc it finally and a giant Diamond my goodness okay lot of giant stuff but the main thing I’m interested in is actually the captain’s hook oh it’s like a grappling hook oh that’s sick okay I mean my why not let’s go ahead and get out of here and the next thing we got to do is speak with this wolf right here apparently oh I got to get him giant bones how do I get giant bones oh I already have seven of them okay I mean that’s literally the perfect amount so giant bones right there and what happens now wait what what that these things um hello wait did they just die what the heck just happened okay anyways though we ended up getting a mammoth dog whistle which happens when I right click this oh I have a little dog Army oh that’s sick um I guess these are little giant dogs very cool well I mean that’s pretty much going to be it for the dog part so let’s go and drink that push to growth size up yet again and now our next challenge is from a construction worker which says if you bring me some materials I’ll show you this new build I learned can’t find me I’m down by the river down by the river okay so it says construct the very curs tax at the top but I’m not really sure what this dude is uh do I go down this river right here let’s make a boat real quick all right let’s go on the boat and see what exactly is waiting for us down here oh wao wait is that a giant village anyone home hello guys I was very dumb the construction worker was literally right by the wtch so uh he needs eight giant iron ingots which we have 14 so let’s go and give him some and four giant diamonds which we only sadly have one of so with that being said we got to go back mining so let’s go down real quick and get some giant diamonds I guess oh wait a second guys I just realized because of a big iron pickaxe we can also make a diamond pickaxe bigger so let’s real quick get a normal crafting table we can go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe and with the groin powder I think we should be able to make this thing into a very big one real quick though let me get some more groin powder so with all that growing powder we get the big diamond pickaxe perfect for mining giant diamonds so this is a big iron pickaxe and this is an even bigger diamond pickaxe oh my gosh all right so now our mission pretty much is just to find some diamonds which we haven’t found any we I keep thinking this stuff is Diamonds oh wait there’s diamonds right here I am kind of blind okay wait is this going to work oh my gosh that is amazing wait what the heck 54 giant diamonds okay yeah I think we got everything we needed okay let’s go back up all right Mr construction worker got all the diamonds you need there you go three more diamonds and now he says I can now build the alter I could have done it in half the time wait an alter huh wait what now we got to fight a giant her bride why oh gosh okay he does good damage all right let’s do this oh wait I just put in a hole I mean he kind of deserves this and to make it even better guys he just brought me inside are you serious no no no no bad Herobrine oh gosh oh gosh guys this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad let’s get out of here okay you stay down there don’t pull me in all right because we have the Giants Club let’s go and try this thing out all right take this okay and just like that that’s going to be for Herobrine and he ended up dropping an axe it looks like a Herobrine’s battle axe with a level six enchantments which says remove the souls from your enemies with ease how does this work oh my gosh oh that’s good look at all the growing powder I’m going to go Ahad and grab all that very soon but before we do that let’s go and get the potion to growth real quick drink that size up yet again and now our new goal is to fix the ruin portal okay so I think that’s all the way up there so one sec let me grab all this groin powder real quick and then go all the way back up all right that should be enough now let’s go up okay so run portal should be right there what the heck okay this thing is huge also that ocean is huge so I got to give it a giant obsidian but how exactly do I get a giant obsidian be oh I’m kind of dumb okay so it’s not as easy as it sounds guys cuz this says could probably fix a portal and apparently we need one giant bucket of water one giant bucket of lava and a lot of growing powder and to get a giant bucket we need a lot of giant iron ingots so we can definitely do that I think hey there we go okay so with all those giant iron ingots we get a huge bucket for giant liquids I got to make two of these so let me roll quick make another one and now with a huge bucket do I just go to this giant water pool so what happens when I right click this oh yo that was sick oh it’s refilling itself nice anyways so now that we have another huge bucket the last thing we can get is maybe a giant bucket of lava okay so I’mma go up to the lava and right click yo what the heck giant lava giant water nice and now with some growing powder we get a giant piece of obsidian what the heck okay so now let’s go back and let’s just go ahead and put this in did that work oh it works the giant room portal has been completed shoot the portal with your massive wand to light it okay so do I just go inside now let me just drink this real quick and size up yet again well let’s go inside and see what happens and we’re in defeat the giant pigin let’s I guess go outside maybe this is a giant Fortress it kind of looks like it yep the nether is definitely big and wait oh there it is oh that thing is huge okay let’s go up real quick all right let’s do this oh gosh okay this guy takes a lot of damage I’m just going to throw in as many Fireballs as I can go lasers I’m going throw in a giant zombie sword go on get him oh that does some good damage okay we’re actually doing some combo moves against this guy Giants Club oh this does insane damage couple more hits and just like that that’s going to be it for the piglin and wait this piglin looks happy buddy buddy I’m just going to grab that okay I don’t know why you’re so happy but you’re stuck right there let me drink that real quick size up your water ran out of power I’ll need to recharge it out of power recharge with giant Fireballs by the way do do you take gold ingots uho buddy aha perfect here’s your giant ender pearl I mean why not let’s go ahead and get as many giant ender pearls as we can okay okay let’s real quick get all the way up what the heck that guy is huge okay let’s take care of you and he dropped a giant weaer skull wait is that for the giant weather we saw not really sure okay let’s get you out of the way too oh wait what is this giant blaze powder M have taking a lot of blaze rods and what exactly can we make with all these things oh okay so one giant blaze rod and one end Pearl gives us the eye that sees all and I’m going to guess I need the warther skeleton skull for something else but now to recharge my wand I got to kill all those blazes so give me one sec guys time to go in okay we have nine giant Fireballs which fuel the source with a massive wand but we need one more to go and I can’t use this just yet so I guess this might be our last dude and yes okay please don’t fall in lava oh yes it dropped perfectly let’s go ahead and right click these guys and oh it worked okay your massive wand has regained its power and a potion of growth fell out so we got the wand back and yet again size up and I don’t know how things are going to get even bigger but now with that being done I can’t really tell what that thing is at the top of the bar right now all I know is that sooner or later we get to the cow and we’re almost done to the final boss but for now I think it might be time we get out of here so with all that being done let’s get back to the portal and get out of here wait where the heck did it spawn me this isn’t the portal oh wait at the top it says now defeat the giant wither do I have to use this giant wither head somewhere I guess let’s go up holy okay I got the giant wither head and I guess we just go up here now and now on top of the soulan it says place the Wither schull to summon the wither this might be a really bad idea but let’s place it oh my screen just went black Giant wither King of the withers oh no not this guy no no no I’m already poisoned okay this is about to be tough here we go oh gosh okay every time I fight him I feel like he gets even more abilities okay let’s go in massive W what about the club oh the club might be a good idea oh and the captain’s hook oh never mind he poisoned me holy this F is actually so hard with this guy he’s never been this difficult come on Club oh the club’s doing good damage what the heck is he doing oh my gosh that’s insane Oh No he set me on fire okay I don’t take fall damage with this thing okay one more club and yes finally just like that that’s going to be it for the giant wither and I’ve unlocked the Wither Skull ability press o to use it before we do that we got an extra-large elytra oh wait we got an elytra boost ability with that so that’s cool and also yet again another push it of growth let’s go and take that and now we get to the next challenge which is going to be to investigate the giant cow statue okay so let’s get to the giant cow statue and the only way to get there I feel like is fitting with this giant ender pearl where what happens if I throw it oh we landed in water nice okay so what the heck is in here um um defeat the Defenders oh what wait what is going on do I got to go up somehow okay let’s go up oh my gosh wait what the heck is going on here it’s floating cows do I got to fight the cows all right get over here cows we’re on the utds defeating the cows few more cows to go and that’s going to be it for the final cow and it says reach the top and milk the cow are we really milking this cow okay oh we found the cow okay so use a huge milk bucket on me so I guess let’s make the milk bucket real quick there we go a huge bucket yet again and the only thing to do now would be to milk this giant cow the pushing the growth fell out of the cow and we now have a huge milk bucket which helps you grow big and strong okay let’s pick this up real quick before we do anything else and ow I’m buff ex storo hey let’s go okay um not really sure how to feel about this one but let’s just jump all the way down and while we’re buff exoro let’s go ahead and drink the potion to growth and yet again it size up and the final thing we got to do is fill in the portal but where’s the portal um give me one sec guys let’s try to find that wait is it down here oh wait what the heck guys this is the biggest end portal I’ve ever seen and I think if I remember correctly to make an Eye of Ender we just got to do this and that’s going to be a giant Eye of Ender oh gosh and I guess we just place it right here oh my goodness so with that eye Avenger done I think guys it’s time for the final battle not sure what the final giant boss is going to be but let’s enter the giant portal I’ve reached the max size but maybe the massive dragon can get you even bigger oh we’re fighting a massive Dragon then that’s the final fight holy what the heck buddy is so big okay dogs come to me all right let’s go do this final fight let me get on my elytra and let’s go in the dragon’s so chunky oh my gosh fire in some lasers let’s go in oh this is a hard one to fight what if I try out the club against him go on Club get him that does pretty good damage oh wait is he perching okay let’s hit him a couple times I’m a little bit low in health but we can do this come on Club holy it’s doing so much damage no he’s leaving Budd he is so big what the heck what’s another weapon I could use uh Fireballs oh that works okay all right some more CL okay literally two more hits oh no I can’t bomb them get back here come on come on come on come on that’s one final hit come on no I keep missing and just like that that’s going to be it for the giant dragon and it looks like we got one final item right here and we got a singularity Use Me if You Dare right click oh no no no no no congratulations you made everything big well guys I think we made a black hole this is Minecraft fishing gets bigger today fishing in Minecraft is about to go from normal fish like this to things like this from fishing giant fish to fishing structures to even fishing an entire whale wait don’t eat me my goal is to catch as the biggest fish possible but as my fishing gets bigger these fish aren’t exactly friendly so what’s the biggest fish I can catch and what is this fish about to be stay tuned to find out okay this is going to be only level one fishing where the end goal of this challenge is to catch the king fish so pretty much all we got to do is go ahead and throw the fishing rod and then we just pull it and then it brings something I think oh and it got us a cow yo oh wait it’s bait huh can I just grab the bait or how does this work oh I right clicked it and I got it all right so I’m going to go ahe and guess that we have the crafting table here to put down the fishing rod and then the cow bait and oh now we have a big fishing rod with the cow bait I just throw it again oh it threw the cow too wait do I pull back now oh something bit me guys the cow has been half eaten oh gosh wait what do I do with you now can I pick you up again oh guys I I I I think I just ate the cow what so with that being done that’s going to be pretty much how fishing gets bigger or like I said this is only level one and we got to get the advancement on the screen right now where the first advancement is going to be movess catch I’m going to guess I wasn’t the cow so let’s go ahead and continue fishing and I guess I’ll just pull back oh my guys our second Catch of the Day is literally a house you know what I needed a house anyways let’s go and place down right here and oh my we got a house hey thank you so much I ran in there to hide from a Pillager well buddy um enjoy the new house I’m going to be fishing over here and hopefully I can get some good stuff okay yet again let’s see what we get with the big fishing rod please give me something good come on oh what a a boot really that that’s the big thing a boot smells like what leather can I put it on uh no oh guys I now have a boot on my head nice all right let me grind this out real quick until we get something really good oh now it’s talky villager there’s that villager oh you guys got beef oh oh oh wait what he is flying in midair oh my gosh wait did he just kill him all right back to Vision come on give me something good oh not a villager again thank you for pulling me out of there but sir my kids are still down there you help me get them out help the board mother find her children oh we got to fish them out then all right let’s do this use the power of fishing get the babies out that’s one baby two babies three oh my goodness that’s a lot of kids all right one more kid and there we go thank you so much yep no problem oh and they are gone oh okay what a day of fishing all right well let’s go fishing again and wait what stuck fishing rod huh seems like your Rod is stuck you should get some help though the fish seems like a big one wait how do I get help oh recruit villagers to help save your Rod he wait so how do I grab a villager do I just like talk to them oh wait so if I right click them now they’re a helpful villager oh so I got to recruit them all right follow the man on the boot guys one sec okay you’re going to help me you’re going to help me and honestly they’re probably part of that 80% of people watching right now they’re not subscribed so go ahead and join the 20% by clicking that subscribe button all right Gentlemen let’s go I’m going to pick up the rod then you guys pull me in and then I guess I’ll try to reel in all right here we go ready 3 2 1 pull oh gosh it’s heavy keep pulling come on and oh oh my guys fishing just got bigger and advancement done it’s a giant cow oh are you guys dying oh I I I am so sorry oh oh oh that’s tragic but on the bright side because fishing did get bigger we got a legendary bait and a king fish tracker going to guess that’s going to lead us to that but do I just right click this oh wait something shiny in the lake appears wait do I fish or something oh oh we got a new rod and so now we have a big Iron fishing rod seems like the pond is all out of items locate a new place to fish oh so that’s why we have the king fish tracker and so now with our bigger fishing rod is it this way oh you’ve arrived at the next fishing spot okay so now that we’re here do I just start fishing with this all right here we go first one pull oh oh that is a big pickaxe wait so what does this do oh so not only is fishing getting bigger now but mining ISS too nice all right that’s going to be fishing number one let’s go again and come on give me something big oh by the way might as well mention right now this is going to be the next advancement on the screen right now where it’s called a reeler like this oh wait what the heck is this a subscriber fish wait so can I eat the subscriber fish right click oh it gives me a lot of fish hey let’s go so we get HD Cod for for some reason HD Cod and some raw salmon very nice and with that being done let’s go ahead and fish again all right give me something good and oh now we get a big ax lle maybe hungy get me fish oh we got to fish the hungry Axel okay take the subscriber fish go on one more oh and it’s fed happy Axel noises oh oh wait thank you Father I will assist you when you call what what what just happened um okay a building unlocked press G to call your P ex aot wait so if I press G ow I’m going to turn around and let’s get back to fishing all right what’s next I want to get this advancement come on give me something good and oh wait that’s a big fish do you know what this is oh no okay goodness gracious that’s one Mighty fish you got there oh it’s a fisherman hello how about you and I fish and see who can have the biggest one the winner gets the loser’s fish oh wait we have a contest all right um I’m going to guess I got a fish no no no that’s the wor thing to fish why is he just giving me puffer fish what is this this is actually bad all right come on got to get a big fish oh we don’t have much time all right you know what we’re going to act like we caught the ax wadle get over here oh wait oh wait what is this the giant Diamond Cod I think we actually got a good one then and that’s going to be time contest over show the fisherman your biggest catch to see if you won oh gosh all right fisherman does this work well you won fair and square oh let’s go okay here’s all the fish I have on me what’s that spear bait sorry buddy I’m all out I bet you can find some in the underground Cove though oh wait like down there all right well my PX L’s down there doing who knows what I guess the next bait we need is down here oh gosh okay we are inside the cave and oh it’s a little hidden spot and oh gosh I feel bad whoever just died there hey wait he talks hey stop going through my stuff oh I’m sorry sorry okay um I’m just going to go and uh kill you sorry oh and from him we get the next legendary bait um wait so if I use this do I go Ahad and get the next thing and something shiny in the lake appears oh okay wait so can I just fish it right here real quick let’s right click oh we got the next fishing rod which is a huge gold rod and it seems like this spawn is all out of items all right let’s go back to the fisherman cuz I still think we need one item for the advancement all right Mr fisherman I here do you have anything else to say wao you got it I thought for sure you die oh well better luck next time and fishing gets bigger okay just like that that’s going to be the advancement done on the screen right now and as for the next thing we do I think we got to follow this again blocks white so I’m going to guess it’s this way okay it’s leading me straight down this way oh wait are we fishing in lava so the next advancement is on the screen right now it’s a fish that fights back yeah this might not be friendly fish this time guys how do we even fish in lava I think I got to parkour all the way to the middle oh dang I’m hitting these jumps okay if I miss one jump I legit die okay so now we’ve arrived at the next fishing spot and so do I legit just fish in the lava all right let’s get the fishing rod ready and I guess here goes nothing oh that works do I just pull oh we got something and now we have a huge lava bucket oh gosh okay you know what we’re going to save this for later and wait so does anything work oh yep we’re getting arrows and stuff Diamond chest plate yes I do like that and now we have a and Diamond chest plate okay this is actually not that bad all right how do I get this advancement though oh piglin hello oh oh why why is he me oh wait what was this guy doing in there it looks like he maybe wants something a golden block maybe do I even have stuff for that I don’t what do I do with this dude wait um guys I think he ran out of arrows he’s pulling it back but he can’t shoot me now okay well he wants one gold block so I’m going to let him be right there and now let’s keep fishing oh wait what the heck is this thing it’s immune to Lava and I think we just got a tank a building un locked press h while riding a fish tank to fire a stream of water oh it’s a fish tank wait so can I fire it oh that’s sick so it fires water all right let me put this right here I’m going to go back to him once we get the gold block and in the meantime I guess let’s keep fishing ow what the heck is this thing um hello oh the jellyfish bur your bobber find something else to use oh I can’t R cck it anymore really what even is a lava jellyfish so now we unlocked a brand new Craft on the screen right now where it’s literally just magma block and Netherrack wait so do I just m this oh I might get the job done all right that’s going to be Netherrack and then a magma block so let’s go ahead and do that and just like that we get a fireproof bobber um wait so did I right click it oh fishing rod upgraded okay now that we fixed the rod let’s take care of this guy and can I right click him or something oh well back to the lava you go all right let’s go back to fishing and now let’s get something good oh wait what the heck Diamond Waters nice okay death starter 2 protection four I’m getting a lot of really good stuff but I feel like I might regret this um okay let’s keep going and oh my what the heck is this fishing right now we just got a sand temp Le hold up let me walk over here real quick and wait can I straight up just place a temple like right here oh oh my guys we just place an entire Temple it looks a little bit weird though I don’t think this is a normal Temple oh this is a different Temple guys okay um do I trust the trip wire I kind of want to trip it but let’s do it later oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay let’s not trip it do some parkour and what the heck okay so it’s a different chest room let’s not break anything and okay we got some gold some diamonds not bad and a fishing totem blessing from the god heck is that thing oh we can use the gold to give it to the piglin and so with that temple being done let’s go back and now before we do any fishing let’s get one gold block might as well why not let’s make some pants too just in case we get attacked all right now that we have the gold block let’s give it to this guy here we go and uh do I got anything oh and he jumps back in nice and from that we get a lava sword oh it it’ss a nice little fire thing nice anyways before we go and start fishing again I never ended up using the fishing totem which looks kind of weird what what does this even do oh it’s a fish the fishing Gods I bless you try fishing more oh well good timing let’s go back to fishing in lava and oh my it’s infinite gold I wish I had this earlier my goodness wait wait so is this effect forever do I get even better stuff oh wait what did I just finish he caught a big one wait do I pull again oh Okay lava Leviathan let’s get in the tank real quick and now let’s do some damage does this even work against it go on tank oh we got him yes fishing gets bigger just like that and he ended up dropping something oh there it is the next legendary bait let’s go and grab that and now something shiny in the lake appears all right let me real quick get back to my son and then we can grab that all right let’s go ahead and fish one more time oh and there it is oh my yo it’s almost as big as this dude seems like this Pond is all La of items again it’s not really a pond it’s more of a lava lake but now with that being done let’s leave the tank over there and finally fishing gets bigger so with that being done that’s going to be the Advance on the screen right now anyways now the way have this guy let’s get the king fish tracker and I guess we got to go 4,000 blocks away all right with the bar of editing here we go in 3 2 1 oh and this is it oh wait we’re fishing a coral reef all right big ax lle you’re going to stay right here and now with the giant Emerald fishing rod let’s see what we can get here by the way might as well mention right now that the next advancement is evade the locker here we go and oh Dam helmet do I keep the boot or do I get the diamond helmet I’m going to keep the boot all right so if we’re getting even bigger fish what what are we getting this time come on something big oh that is big yo buddy we got a giant shipwreck wait okay wait how do we use this thing do I place it down wait do do I just put it here oh oh yeah okay I am sorry to the man that lost their ship okay wait is there treasure in here oh my yep there there’s sely treasure and eight nether white OTS definitely grabbing that we’re going to be using that probably soon and oh my gosh okay this is actually really op holy all right let’s go fish again and give me something good come on oh a pirate hat all right you know what I said about the Boop we’re we’re removing the boot now we’re a pirate all right AEL you can have the boot there you go en enjoy the Boop oh the the Boot made them knock out okay anyways on to the next fish we get and next up is a s pirate hello Mr pirate AR you must be moving on unless you want the face the Wrath of the Dutchmen they won’t take kindly to so is that my hat give it back he I guess we do got to go back to the boot then all right Mr P there you go oh he wore it nice all right thanks M been looking for that for a long bit you’re pretty good with the real lad think you can fish up some treasure oh now I got to work for him all right I got you buddy let me get this advancement somehow so real quick let’s get him a big treasure in 3 2 1 pull oh what the forest okay apparently I can even fish you what’s what’s up man what what are you doing down in this random water thing hello well I actually found some treasure down there believe it or not oh could you get me that I actually need that real quick yep watch this uh okay all right let’s pull him in All right look what I got Nester here you go yo okay what the heck all right foris I appreciate it buddy well I I I don’t know what is happening right now but I’m just going with it you know I literally have a giant Axel sun or pet right there look at him oh my gosh okay anyways um um are you just going to go and back to Swan diving see you oh oh oh and he’s gone what the heck is going on in this video okay you know what I’m just going to roll with the punches right now all right Mr so power we got the treasure chest here you go and uh do I get anything wait what he’s not taking it wait do I have to like place this down or something oh wait so what do I do with this do I break it oh we’re supposed to break it all right B back little let’s get it oh and inside we get a bunch of good stuff and the main thing I think I’m looking at here is that we got treasure all right P here’s your share there you go good deal lad careful not to end up in Old dav’s Locker in fact take this for your safe see around lad and he’s gone so now we have a Harpoon Gun let me get rid of this guy real quick and so what does this do oh oh that’s good well there goes that boat still haven’t got the achievement though so let’s go back to fishing all right come on give me something big a bigger fish wait what the heck is this fish oh a giant swordfish yo oh that’s sick can I fight with it oh I can all right screw the sword we now have a swordfish as our sword very nice all right come on give me something good wait what what just happened your string broke try making a new hook really all right on the screen right now yet another craft which is gold into iron huh I’m not really sure why it’s like this but we’re just going to go and make it and now we have a giant hook wait do I right click it oh fishing rod upgraded and are we going to catch something big now all right let’s pull it again come on oh okay that’s heavy something big seems to be caught on your hook try reeling again oh the Flying Dutchman what the heck David Jones you think you can plunder our loot boy to the locker with you oh my why is that thing so big all right go on swordfish oh we’re doing damage let’s go wait what if I use fire yo gold Fire 2 oh okay yep that’s do damage couple more hits oh wait wait wait one more hit and down goes the giant ship fishing gets bigger just like that oh and it looks like we got our own pirate hat hold up right here we got our own Cannon a hand Cannon another legendary bait and the best part guys we finally got our own hat the Dutchman’s hat let’s go also I never used a huge lava bucket what does this even do oh oh yep yep don’t don’t use the GI love bucket bad bad idea all right let’s go a and move on get the legendary bait and now let’s finish the final fishing rod for the next thing all right go in and oh my gosh guys this thing is humongous Diamond fishing rod and I guess now we got to go to the new spot all right before we do that what does the hand Cannon do ow nice all right let’s get this going we did complete that advancement and now for the new one we have to do some uncovered Mysteries weird 2,000 blocks though give me a sec oh here it is guys so now we’re at a glacier I guess let’s go Ahad and start fishing and so what type of stuff do we get here oh a dog nice even another dog okay is there just dogs in here oh and a diamond pickaxe okay definitely keeping that one but anything big come on oh I spoke too soon guys we did get something big it it’s a giant spruce tree which I can shoot and plant it and even frozen meat what does frozen meat do oh it freezes me nice all right something big got to get this advancement let’s do it oh wait what the heck is this a submarine oh wait what the heck Hello feed us and we’ll make it worth your while oh they they just want food okay uh how’s it going Penguins I have raw Cod do do I like feed you oh oh y okay we’re feeding the penguin now is that something going to happen looks like the little penguin is doing something the little guy gave you a horn I wonder what it does wait where’s the horn oh there it is and so now we have a new new horn what I love it oh that’s sick all right penguins have a great day I’m going to let you guys keep the submarine I guess and can I just like mine out of it well I guess let’s go ahead and mine again and see what happens now oh that’s a big one again all right here we go 3 2 one and come on here comes oh my the Titanic the one that sunk what the heck is that the Titanic hop on board and check it out oh my gosh okay yeah no this is straight up the Titanic what the heck should I summon my son Let’s summon my son all right we’re going in I’m going to go ahead and just climb all the way up oh my gosh okay yeah what is going on in here all right we’re going in guys hello anyone home hello Captain can I talk to you my goodness it was freezing down there we could have froze to death oh I see we’re already dead in that case I have a mystery for you to solve find the guilty crew mate wait are we playing Among Us Now what I guess let’s go in find the guilty crew mate what’s up man maybe that plug was important after all huh oh he died oh I’m sorry man okay so maybe it’s not this guy all right which one of you is it I’m trying to find I guess the composter from this boat is it you I don’t know what happened all right isn’t this guy then doesn’t look sus at all maybe it’s the Villager down here all right let me talk to you this boat is definitely really broken what’s up man you know where a horrible place to be is when your ship starts sinking the toilet caught with my pants down that absolute worse wait what okay uh I am sorry for your toilet problems but I don’t think it’s this guy maybe it’s that guy over there and it says I was just sitting around eating a delicious hot dog I found and when the iceberg hit I got ketchup on my shirt that’s all I promis looks like you found them all head back to the captain I legit don’t know which one it was but we’re going to go up all right Captain I pretty much questioned everyone and I didn’t get anything what’ you find absolutely nothing but I guess I found something I don’t know I knew it Peter soole my hot dog Peter oh oh it was over the hot dog well with that being done it fishing did get bigger and and from that we ended up getting the advanc on the screen right now where we solved the mystery Okay Legendary bait let’s go and grab that and something shiny appeared on the lake so going to guess that’s the fishing rod yep there it is yet again the pond is out of water and wait the king fish is getting closer wait the king fish is here hello wait where is it oh I just got eaten Belly of the whale you’re on the tip of the tongue wait what am I supposed to do here oh wait we are straight up in the whale might as well mention right now as we’re going into this thing that we actually did get another advancement on the screen right now and that’s escape the whale all right am I supposed to fish in here then all right so what do we get with this Rod inside of a whale oh wait what is that this is a puppet’s hand fist on a string wait what does this do oh I can throw it nice what else can we get from here oh wait that’s heavy something was on your Rod wait what what is this oh oh it’s a mermaid yo what’s up oh oh it’s here Bri were you expecting someone else no no no it’s all good man I B tried and I lost it thing fell right into the stomach mind getting it back for me if you do I’ll give this back okay let’s find the Trident once I care let’s go over here oh gosh oh gosh okay we got to go to pretty much the butt of the whale okay don’t touch the water Don’t Touch the Water we got this do I go that way or this way oh gosh I don’t know I’m going to go this way oh wait is this poop oh oh oh uh yeah let’s not go this way instead try the other route where is this trident maybe let’s try the other way oh wait there’s a door over here is this where it is huh this looks like a dead end what’s at the end of the intestines again oh no am I being pooped out no oh seems like it’s over and the Trident came out from there too I I I don’t want to talk about it we’re not we’re not talking about it okay you know what let’s just grab the Trident and with that being done we get Neptune’s Trident weapon of the Gods oh that’s good all right let’s bring this back to mermaid hereb and my goodness what the heck all right here Bri thank you for your poop Adventure here you go get the Trident oh hey you found it but jeez you sink yeah yeah let’s yeah no no oh you’re fishing rod I’m keeping it this thing’s huge it’s so cool fine fine fight me for it oh wait he did steal my obsidian fishy Rod okay all right oh wow wow I I defeated you’re mind before I could even finish the sentence okay um well now we get to keep Neptune’s Trident and now we have the fishing rod back I’m still suck in the whale though and we didn’t get the advancement yet so I’m going to guess just back to fishing all right fishing again and oh old sailor Smithers thank you friend I was afraid that that well would be the end of me I heard the Beast doesn’t much like explosives that can be take it out oh wait find explosives okay wait where could I find some hold up let me look around okay so I still haven’t found it even after like looking a little bit in the Shipwreck so maybe I got to fish it like is this going to give me it oh Force bonus skill no Forest oh gosh no rest in peace forest in the comments down below oh and when I right clicked it buddy had the explosives Naval explosives in a can all right Captain I got what we need I’m coming back what’s up man maybe that fancy TR of yours can light those oh all right here we go do I just shoot this thing oh I think that did it we’re on our way out oh gosh oh wo we got shot out yo we did it Captain freedom I don’t want to see another fish again and fishing gets bigger yet again and my track got updated wait did I get another bobber oh I did all right legendary bait yet again oh and something shiny appears in the lake I guess can I technically just grab it from this I’m I’m going to grab it from this guys oh wait it’s stuck wait something pulled your fishing rod out of your hand it’s upgrading oh oh that’s cool a humongous Bedrock fishing rod so now with this fishing rod where do we go now oh King Fish located in the sky oh it’s cuz the compass doesn’t work anymore Sky fishing now unlocked wait do I just like fish up in the sky I got stuck oh this is cursed wait so do I just pull it yo wait that’s a big parrot did we get anything else oh wait we just fished out a cloud oh I got a new ability press end to test it oh Magic Cloud on oh I can walk on clouds now yo let’s go so we can just stand here and go fishing oh that’s a big old villager hello what a strange and Tiny World gather some trees for the Lost villager wait how am I going to get full on trees what do you mean do I I fish again oh I grabbed the trees from the sky apparently okay let’s just grab the trees from the sky then we are air fishing trees that’s what we’re doing today I mean 14 trees should be enough I think all right here you go buddy all the trees to you and now he says great I also need some Boulders maybe even a whole Mountain grab a whole Mountain for the guy huh okay you know what I’m going go up to this mountain junk right here and we’re just going to fish up this better work Mountain come to me oh I think I just got a mountain chunk Giant mountain all right buddy I got you your Mountain here you go thanks a bunch here you can have this old bobber as a gift since you love fishing so much thank you very much Z villager and now we got a Godlike bobber which is almost as big as me my goodness all right let’s go and right click that and yet again fishing rod upgraded so what can we get now oh I just got the sun I actually didn’t think that was going to happen today and so now we have the sun oh and I can shoot the sun oh oh okay you know what I’m not even going to question it all right let’s go and fish again and so what do we get after the sun oh did we just get the moon and so now we also have the moon and so now with the sun and the moon on the screen right now I think we can just straight up combine them oh solar flare okay what is this going to do do I just right click this oh yep I like that that that’s very good I don’t know if it’s good for fishing but that’s very good still haven’t got the achievement though so I guess let’s keep fishing and oh wait I think I missed the sky oh wait we at the ground your hook is s to the ground this can’t be good oh no here we go oh oh I think I messed up guys guys we now have the globe we we we’ve mined the entire world it’s gone what guys we got the advancement done on the screen right now and wait am I now fishing the void wait what am I grab from here oh wait that’s a black hole SP has been broken boy in the world wait where am I going oh wait there’s no Dragon King Fish located in Fountain e that is a very big Fountain going to guess we then fish here wait what do I get from this oh what is this an Ender fish huh do I eat it oh I’m eating it okay oh new ability unlocked use Jay to test it out Jay oh I can teleport now oh that’s sick okay I need a bigger fish though I think it’s about time we fish the masterfish so what is it going to be is it going to be this one oh no that’s just an Enderman oh my gosh wait that’s a really tall Ender what’s up man oh hey I’ve been stuck in that go forever I want to try the game though answer these three fishing questions and I hope you real in the king fish okay so I’m going to guess this is going to be the second to last thing I fish in so which of these isn’t something you can fish in Minecraft oh gosh uh Cactus I think hey nice okay very good next question what enchantment helps you fish better dolphin’s Grace no look at the SE I got that one down there we go and on to the final question how much string does a normal size Rod need definely two wait is it two yeah it’s two all right and there we go perfect score here use a special bait and I promise you’ll get that King Fish next cast oh oh there it is the king bait all right let’s do this guys here we go final fish oh ancient dragon fish what the heck is that thing that’s the kingfish all right you know what we’re doing this go on and try it let’s take out this guy really quickly and then we can finally end the fishing challenge um if I actually hit it okay I got to eat a better weapon oh wait no guys it’s time for the solar flare go on solar flares get him oh and down he goes just like that down goes the kingfish and that was very quick wait we got a king’s CR I didn’t even realize holy that is a big crowd and there we go congratulations challenge complete this is Minecraft but mining gets bigger to doal we’ll be able to go for mining just one block at a time to mining an entire 10,000 block radius from mining chunks in one swing to mining entire biomes in one click to even mining the entire world my goals to increase my money radius as large as possible but money too big might become a problem so what happens if I mind the entire world and how big can money even get stay tuned to find out so mining today is going to get bigger we’re going to be going from one block now to two blocks breaking and now it’s level three and now it’s level what the heck is this okay so I never got this far so I actually don’t know what’s about to happen but here goes nothing 1 2 3 and oh my oh okay well there goes the pickaxe and we get the message your pickaxe can’t handle the size upgrade your pickaxe and Mining skills to learn to break a million blocks at once is that our goal 1 million blocks my goodness oh okay so every once in a while I’m going to guess the mining gets really big and now we’re going to be mining level five and so that brand new crafting unlocked on the screen right now now it’s literally a pickaxe made out of wood logs huh all right let’s get some wood okay two sticks and with three oak logs we get a big pickaxe able to withstand even more miny than ever before Oh that’s definitely a bigger pickaxe my goodness all right so I’m going to guess mining level five is not as big as this but how much does it mine now oh okay yep mining is definitely getting bigger this is mining level six there we go and can I get iron yet I’m going to guess I can’t get it with this big pickaxe but wait what the heck is that I can’t really make out what that is but I guess we’ll go there later all right miny level 7 let’s get that done and oh my this is crazy oh wait didn’t go up that time am I at my limit hello do I try this again okay what just happened mining challenge one started destroy the village oh okay so we’re now mining level structures and I’m going to guess I got to do the challenges to go even higher in mining and so the first thing we got to mine now is literally village houses oh that’s going to be a lot of Destruction wait so do I just mine it like this oh gosh oh oh we got a village house and a villager I so sorry about your house oh you’re subscribed well thank you and just like that we get a village house and it says no wonder the housing market is the way it is really okay so wait what happens if I right click it oh we’re wearing the village house yo okay so that’s going to be one out of five villager house broken now let’s get the top part all right house number two here goes nothing and oh what’s up guys oh wait wait oh these guys are actually angry this time oh let’s go by the way I think I broke two houses instead of one two more to go all right let me grab this stuff in the chest real quick get me one bread and one leather tunic very nice and I’m now I’m very sorry about this but here goes another house oh gosh let me grab that house there we go another house gotten and one more to go all right here goes nothing last house and there it goes okay so with that being done we got a brand new message that says desert temple mining unlocked oh so we’re still at mining level structures and now we got to mine an entire desert temple okay I think there’s a desert over there I guess let’s go over there also I finally went to this thing and it says mining level 20 required so I’m going to go Ahad and guess that’s for later on in the video so let’s get back to finding a temple okay so I’m supposed to mine this thing apparently I guess no better spot than the middle do I just like mine like here oh here we go oh we took the entire Temple out breaking that much of the temple caused the desert to collapse maybe I kind of overdid it there and from break the temple we get out the pickaxe volume one I’m going to guess that’s what’s going to improve our mining level but if we get anything else oh a block of iron that’s not normal so it’s definitely a different type of desert temple now a block of gold I’ll take that a good old diamond and what the heck is that an ancient Sand Wand now with real sand wait what does this thing do oh it literally shoots sand nice not really sure how I’m going to use that but with those structures gone let’s go to right click the book and there we go mining level up yet again and we’ve learned more about pickaxes size limit increased guys it got bigger and it’s now iron very nice so this is mining level eight how much can I mine now oh okay yep that’s mine level eight okay if we can mine this much let’s real quick go down in a cave which actually I think there’s a cave down here oh there we go okay diamonds and gold right by each other and now let’s see the power of mining level 9 do I just like mine right here oh my yo I mean low key that’s not as big as I thought it would be but it’s only level 10 so do I just keep mining oh there goes another one that’s going to be 11 and it found even more diamonds and now what’s money level 11 oh okay oh wait it might be stuck again wait are we going to get another challenge now do I just mine again oh and there we go okay mining challenge soon started giant cave challenge Che out that deep slate portal near the village oh okay that makes sense now so pretty much this thing on the screen right now let’s go back right now okay so I’m going to guess I just got to mine this thing right here but before we do that one thing I ended up forgetting is I actually unlocked brand new craft and it’s apparently with a stick and two iron blocks don’t know why I unlocked this but what the heck is that so with two iron blocks we get a reinforced iron sword sharpness two sharper and lighter than normal iron wait so what is this do oh it splashes that’s sick all right now let’s get back to Mining and getting our mining level up so do I just like mine this oh and now we have a portal all right so do I just go through that I guess here goes nothing what the heck where are we now and why are the ores so big I’m going to guess this is a giant cave oh and who is that guy over there oh it’s a villager what’s up buddy wao you’re pretty small to be in this huge cave I’m not big you’re just small anyways you’re probably too small to do any real mining here if you can manage to beat me in a mining contest I’ll let you have this old book I found go for to explore a bit and talk to me again when you’re ready for a race oh okay so I guess I got to race this guy inside of this cave and so with my giant mining I legit feel like I can break the entire cave with one hit but I mean if you want to do a race let’s do a race hey little guy whoever collects the best ores in 5 minutes wins ready 3 2 1 go oh we got to go okay at the top is the points and can I just find anything wait what about this oh my guys that’s giant diamonds what the heck we literally already have 73 points what the heck is going on okay we’re going guys I literally about to go for 1,000 points right now we’re going insane yo we have 300 points okay I got to get to the good Wars though just in case he catches up oh wait there’s a timer too only have 4 minutes left my goodness look at all those diamonds okay yep yep yep yep by the end of this challenge this guy is not even going to have a cave to mine anymore guys we’re at 619 we we are doing this right now don’t know where the other guy is but I feel like I’m doing circles right now oh wait what he just got 1,000 suddenly okay all right we’re in trouble we’re in trouble okay 781 to 1044 we only have like 2 minutes left so we got to go quick okay we’re catching up oh 16 seconds left come on oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh guys guys guys three off three off come on and yes I think that might be enough wait did we win wow you might fast for a little guy yes we did it a Deal’s a deal here you go oh and take this two and just like that we get the AR the pickaxe volume two which I’m going to guess is going to improve our mining and best of all we get a mining suit ready for the mines all right village house I’m so sorry but we’re no longer going to wear you and so what is a mining suit oh I’m like above the Builder yo the mining armor seems to speed up you’re digging try it out wait really oh yep we definitely got haste if you look at our inventory we have giant diamonds what exactly is it used for well apparently when you put it in a crafting slot it literally makes one block of diamond so literally with all that we got 60 blocks of diamonds bunch of emeralds bunch of copper and you get the gist so with that being done let’s go to read the art of the pickaxe Volume 2 and now upgrade our mining level oh and there we go oh my gosh it’s a huge diamond pickaxe you’ve learned more about pickaxes size limit increased and now we can finally upgrade for mining level 11 but before I do any more mining how do I get out of here I talk to you again hello portal out of here I don’t even know how you got in here but I guess if you dig up enough you might find something oh we got to go straight up apparently real quick then let’s start going up okay so this is the highest I can go without mining cuz I wanted to try out the new pickaxe but when I held it we got this message warning do not try mining with a diamond pickaxe until back at the Overworld may cause death right so instead we got to M with the normal pickaxe for now until we can get back and wait what the guy said to go all the way up is this what it meant ow oh no no no no no no no no wonder I couldn’t mine with the diamond pickaxe all right how do I get out oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh let me let me go through let me in let me in let me in is there a portal oh yes giant portal all right we should be done here and out we go oh my goodness wait what Ice Mountain Cold and Frosty and also who’s Frosty at at the very top oh I just want to go mining all right let’s go check it out um hello Ro he says don’t just stand there help me stop this monster oh okay we’re fighting this guy apparently U Mr Frosty you’re kind of getting destroyed by this guy couple more hits and down goes Frosty just like that and he says no I I I’m so sorry I wish I could mine him but with him down we got his ice breath which uh oh it shoots ice breath nice but what do you got to say hello I don’t think either of us are supposed to be here I’ll tell you what bring me 50 chunks and I’ll give you back this fancy Buck wait bring him chunks huh wait is that how much this thing mines and so can I mine one right here oh wait why is it lagging oh no oh oh I don’t take fall damage anymore nice but from that guys we literally get a chunk a chunk in its items form guys we can now literally mine chunks all right that’s going to be five chunks right there and we need 50 of them my goodness well can I just do this again oh yep well don’t mind me that’s going to be eight more chunks and there goes the entire chunk right there too my goodness all right give me one second guys I’m about to just grind this out so this is the area right now now and this is after oh my goodness we just did that so we have 52 chunks now all that’s love to do is go up and rest and Pie these chunks all right Mr ier got you all the chunks you need I don’t know why you need 50 chunks but here you go and that should be 50 these are perfect now I can build my castle wait a castle oh my oh okay thanks I needed all those blocks to build a place to live here’s that book you wanted with that being done we now get volume three of the AR the pickaxe which is going to get us to even higher mining levels lowkey could I mine this right now you know what I’m going to let him enjoy his house and let’s go ahead and get the of the pickaxe and just like that we’ve learned more about pickaxes size limit increase oh and we got a new craft it’s three netherite blocks and two sticks but how am I supposed to get netherite okay so I’m going to guess we just got to continue mining cuz our mining level is now literally chunks like like that’s said just chunks so wait oh and yep that’s chunks okay okay land in water oh and a new mob is nearby what does it mean a new mob do I go up wait what is that oh wait that might be the new mob oh there it is hello Mr Ali I don’t want to drown but what’s up Ali Nester You’ve Got Mail I got mail okay uh let me get some air to read the mail all right let’s open it up dear Nester you’re formally requested to attend our exclusive party for amazing pickaxe Masters attendance is mandatory and this letter will summon you now oh wait it’s sucking me in what the heck Mansion Dimension be careful of the what is that noise what the heck is this place oh that’s a lot of alleys all right I’m getting jumped I’m apparently lot of alleys let’s release these guys real quick go on alleys be free why did you do that help us catch them oh wait I’m supposed to help catch them okay all right there’s one oh gosh oh gosh guys I’m just causing problems I literally just got here that’s going to be six seven number eight okay we only have six more to go okay two hearts not that much food finally the last alley let’s get that done thank you so rude to come to your party and make a mess wait your accessorial in that case please meet us in the basement so we can celebrate I don’t trust that at all oh gosh I’m going to guess that’s a basement right there but before we go we did unlock a new ability called summon alyss which hopefully this can heal me or give me food oh oh look at them go your alley friends Dro e some food wasn’t that nice to them and they dropped a lot of steak thank you very much alleys but now that we have the little alley Army let’s go to this quote unquote celebration so we can get back to mining oh this looks very sketchy okay what’s up guys hello got a big pickaxe I know how to use it now that we’re down here we can take your power with ease okay of course brother shush he wasn’t supposed to know oh oh get him go allies get the pillagers oh gosh oh gosh okay okay it’s allies versus vex’s oh that does so much damage I need more Alys spam them in and go oh gosh this is supposed to be a mining video okay we got one thing from let’s get this guy down too one more hit and down goes the evoker just like that and from that we get an invoker’s ring and the Art of the pickaxe volume 4 okay now let’s finally learn what the next pickaxe thing is but before we do that what does the invoker’s ring do oh wait what the heck what is going on apparently I shot lasers at myself right so is this going to help me get the netherite oh okay this makes sense now so before going to the portal down there there’s actually a netherite storage room so I’m going to guess this is where they keep the netherite oh and three netherite blocks nice anything else oh more netherite I’m going to keep that just in case and now might be a good time to real quick with two sticks and three netherite blocks we can go ahead and make a massive pickaxe made of netherite pushes the limits of Minecraft with the strongest pickaxe I’m not going to use this just yet just in case we kind of like break the entire place so let’s go through the portal and then read this book all right portal time and we’re back oh we’re back in the village but now that we’re back let’s read this book so yet again we’ve learned more about pickaxes and our size limit is increased and so now our mining level is bedrock literally Bedrock oh we actually un brand new crafts on the screen right now and the first one is a Bedrock pickaxe which I’m going to guess we got to make and then a Bedrock sword so can I still mine with this oh that is a big area guys do I do it well the goal is to mine bedrock but every time we mine we should still level up so here we go and oh see this might be really damaging I’m so sorry for what’s about to happen yo oh wait we mined more than one chunk now oh and it’s chunk so okay so now we’re mining level 17 which is going to be after bedrock and so can I M Bedrock now how do i m Bedrock wait what if I right click the pickaxe oh oh wait what just happened oh it’s a giant pickaxe does it break bedrock nope doesn’t break bedrock what if been shift right click ises this still anything oh and that’s how we break bedrock yo and now we finally have Bedrock okay so we didn’t have this pickaxe for long but now we can finally go ahead and get three Bedrock two sticks and now we go from a massive pickaxe to what’s big with the massive ow big with a bunch of eyes and G so big never doing that again all right this item feels impossible all right so what does this do right click oh it it just pretty much mine wait what what the heck is going up above there oh it’s a moon oh my gosh that’s pretty much the big pickaxe and because the mining is getting so big Let’s test it out on a mountain oh gosh here we go oh no it’s frozen oh this is bad this is bad oh good thing I don’t take fall damage okay now we’re level 19 let’s keep going up level 20 oh my and now level 21 level 22 so is it going to be 23 oh gosh here we go again oh wait we just got a message this world is getting pretty destroyed maybe visiting someone else is a good idea guys we are now any level server literally just server new crafts and portal unlocked so on the screen right now we now have a diamond flint and steel which we need Flint for luckily we actually have some right here so let’s go and grab this and that’s going to be a dimensional flint and steel which is going to be used to light an emerald portal and that’s going to be the next image on the screen right now which is going to be the portal we unlocked luckily we did get a bunch of emeralds so let’s go real quick and make an emerald portal I guess no better place to make a portal than literally a mountain overlooking all the chaos I’ve done what the heck anyways let’s go to make a portal okay this is a definitely a weird portal it’s a thick portal but maybe it’s to fit my pickaxe I guess all right let’s get the Flint steel and see what happens now oh we got it yes okay oh gosh we got t wait what dream smpp how’ I even get here oh am I mining the dream SMP um hello is anyone here oh it’s Tommy in it or NPC Tommy in it what’s up man welcome to the dream smpp make yourself at home and please no griefing um yeah about that don’t mind me I am going to just go this way and mine as much as I can okay I feel like this is an old map the dream SMP but do I just start mining oh oh gosh we have caused some chaos oh my that took forever and that was only 5% oh my goodness so this is the plan guys real quick let me get up to that Tower okay so I’m going to be going from 5% to 99% where this is the S SMP right now and with the power of editing now everything’s gone this took way too long but we’re now at 98% and I may have done a lot of work oh my gosh but now let’s finish this up by mining one more thing and oh gosh here comes the lag again oh oh boy oh there it goes wait what dream why are you griefing my server instead of just Banning you I’ll let you fight me as your punishment what is that type of punishment oh okay okay okay we’re apparently fighting dream now get over here okay go on super SW oh my goodness this thing does a lot of damage okay let’s do a couple more hits why is this a man H suddenly and done goes dream just like that and from that we get an admin command stick oh when I right clicked it it auto healed me nice and of course volume five of the bug which should give us another mining level which as we right click it we get the message you’ve learned more about pickaxes size limit increase and now our mining level is Big server wait what is a big server okay it looks like we also got a portal where we won that fight do I just go back and we’re back but now that we’re done with that what’s big server mining oh gosh here we go oh gosh okay I’ve lagged everything again by the way while we lag I might as well mention right now we did get a new craft it’s going to be actually this admin stick and a diamond sword so let’s make that as we fall all right oh wait we’re Min level 23 now okay stick one diamond sword all right so what does this make oh a banhammer ban hackers in recently the heck does this do right click I’ve gained fly for 30 seconds what the heck is going on oh that’s sick and now for the best part we can actually probably mine very quickly and mine all the chunks we want oh wo wait that might be like more than one chunk oh gosh oh my okay it’s definitely getting a lot bigger and so now we’re mining level 24 and I’m going to guess we just got to keep mining until we get the next challenge well we’re trying to get 1 million blocks let’s keep mining all right so now that we’re level 28 I guess let’s mine this much oh gosh okay I’m frozen but we got another message wait the server doesn’t have any more bugs can I not upgrade the level anymore hint try your admin sck on a gold block huh I have a block of gold do I just hit this thing oh wait what just happened wait what the heck is this a server selector wait what next server wait is this about to take me to the Hypixel server oh wait it did say big server I guess right click oh okay that literally almost just killed me but I guess here goes nothing let’s go through the portal oh gosh is this actually going to take me on the server oh it’s the Hypixel Lobby what I’m still mining level 28 but we have Simon Hypixel straight up in the middle what’s up man hi we’re currently hiring for our admin position but we only hire people familiar with our Network play three of our games and we just might hire you to give you permission to everyone on the server oh so if I’m supposed to mine this entire server maybe I got to become admin okay we got the housing portal we got Sky Block and we have bedw wars I mean I do like me some bedwars let’s do some bedwars oh bedwars battle for Hypixel admin Oh wait we’re about to start 3 2 1 oh my gosh wait is that an HD Steve okay I’m not very good at bedwar guys but let’s go and make the bed defense and wait a second I have a bunch of stuff I can straight up just get blocks of gold make a defense like that and hold on wait I have the banhammer I can just fly all right let’s just fly to the middle there we go and who even is this guy Noob Slayer XX all right don’t mind me let’s real quick use the items I got and down he goes all right and now the best part is I don’t even need to break the bed I literally just got to do this and we won yes congratulations you’ve won bedw Wars oh and is that it oh all right next up we either have a housing or Sky Block let’s go and try Sky Block all right what do we have here Sky Block reach the flag wait where’s the flag though oh it’s literally above me okay so we have the finish line up there and lowy I can do this the old fashioned way guys but I mean jet for the culture I’m going to go ahead and do this for you guys I put the water here and oh gosh wait I’m actually really bad at this oh no I I I feel really dumb guys oh no if you made this for in the video go ahead and comment down below the time step and just say good job Nester can we get one like for that please okay let’s use our banhammer and just fly to the finish line and there we go you made it to the flag congratulations that’s going to be too many games down and all we have left now in the arcade is going to be the housing portal all right let’s go inside wait build battle build the best house oh I think I might need to get someone online for this so this is going to be my side and this is going to be their side that being said I might know the right person for this yo micro welcome to the build battle where I’m supposed to win so we’re doing this right now build battle battle for the Hypixel admin no battle starting in 1 minute ready oh gosh I think I’m ready okay go go go go go all right let’s grab all this stuff I legit don’t out to build I don’t either oh gosh we have the same idea we’re going for the grass block let’s go we already only have 15 seconds left oh God 15 seconds oh no no no no no no I guess this I don’t even know what I’m making guys all I’ve ever built is like a copper Golem bro what are you making over there what is that I’m just building a house B just relax what are you building over there that is a very small house this is the greatest house ever 10 seconds left 10 seconds left 10 seconds oh gosh oh 10 blocks this is the worst house I’ve made 3 2 1 oh time oh my gosh bro I I literally Miss where the door is on the house what the honestly I’m not going to lie I’m not going to lie you did pretty good thank you buddy thank you okay so pretty much how it’s going to work is we have Invisible game master admins and they’re going to vote on whose house one oh gosh okay I don’t know what they’re judging on but they’re may be either judging on size or style which lowkey yours is not that bad let me know which house is better in the comments down below and by the way go ahead and check out mro channel he’s a new channel but without further Ado let’s ask game Master’s judge in 3 2 1 and oh yes I won okay oh well bye mro well that’s going to be Challenge number three and can we go back to mining yet uh Simon what’s up man oh wow you did great here’s our staff handbook and you have full permission on the server now oh I think we might be able to take this thing down now so now we have an admin’s big pickaxe whatever that means and we got art of the pickaxe volume 6 so do I just mine the server now oh you can now break the area though make sure to leave before doing too much damage all right let’s read the book real quick first and then we can I guess destroy this entire area all right right click and there we go you learn more about pickaxes size limit increase and again we got a new craft but let’s make sure to get up there before we do anything bad let’s real quick and able fly and oh my gosh wait how am I supposed to use this one eternity later guys literally like 10 minutes later we may have done a little bit too much damage all right before I get banned let’s just guy in the portal okay good to be back but we’re still only level 29 I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to do after level 29 but I’m going to go and guess I got to just keep mining oh guys we are mining so much area now I am so sorry villager but what’s about to happen is going to be very violent oh it’s even mining over there how big are we mining now oh no okay oh they lived and now that we’re mining level 30 I’m going to guess we got to mine a good bit until we get to the next thing so let’s keep going oh wait what now we’re mining level biomes wait is this what going to be the next challenge do I mine one more time oh mining challenge 5 started destroy the world oh we’re straight up mining full on biomes now as you can see from the top and we got a brand new crab on the screen right now which is going to be like straight up biomes in a craft huh all right let’s go and start with the top left one which I’m going to guess is a mountain all right let’s go up okay first up a mountain so do I just mine this oh gosh what have I done oh I love the Bedrock floor oh gosh oh wait I think we got it a condensed Mountain an entire mountain in a small package well I guess now let’s get to the next biome okay what about a forest oh wait did it do anything oh okay yep yep yep yep and with that we get a good condensed Forest now we got to get an ocean let me go figure that out all right so do I just do this oh oh my gosh that’s going to three out of five biomes mind and from that we literally get the ocean and next up let’s do a glacier um maybe this will count all right oh that’s convenient I didn’t even fall this time and now we have a good old Glacier all right now that we finally found a Mesa let’s finally get the last biome which I’m just going to go a and mine that and oh gosh this one’s going to be really bad isn’t it and down we go you’ve Min all five biomes craft the world destroying pickaxe well now we got the condensed Mesa right there so literally all we need now is a crafting table so give me one sec okay condensed Mesa one Glacier get some trees got the water and finally with the mountains oh there it is the world destroying pickaxe M an entire world at once yo this thing is huge okay wait so what can I mine with this oh wait is this going to destroy the entire world or is it just going to be this much oh no it’s never Frozen this long ow guys I may have caused a big issue okay before we use this thing we just got the message unlimited power even to break bedrock wait like always or do I just break it oh wait where’s it going to take me now oh wait I just got T the game code what makes Minecraft Minecraft destroy the islands and find the source so we got teleported to the end once we broke the Bedrock but there no dragon it says destroy the islands wait okay so I’m supposed to like follow these things all right so if I destroy the islands do I just do this okay so we’re annihilating these islands and then going to the end of it all right I guess let’s keep breaking it come on there’s so many of these what the heck oh and that’s the end guys is that Jeb what’s up man so you’re the one mining everything you’ve caused a lot of issues just for a silly challenge hm I suppose this is the end then if not for me then you wait what oh we got to fight this dude okay all right Buddy’s throwing full on iron block things oh my gosh oh oh oh oh yes fly wasn’t abled at the right time oh gosh all right I’m so sorry Jeb you’re a great developer and down goes Jeb just like that and from him we get the pickaxe source code oh wait does this make my pickaxe even better all right now that we have that bug we can mine the source code to complete the challenge wait so do I just mine this now I guess here goes nothing guys oh here we go oh even the bedrocks breaking oh gosh we’re going through the Bedrock guys rest in peace pc oh and it broke everything this is Minecraft but portals get bigger today we’ll be entering brand new portals that will be going from this siid to this wait what does this take me from the tiniest portal ever to the biggest end portal you’ve ever seen to even a portal Mansion my goal is to explore and reach the final super Infinity Portal but as each portal gets bigger each Dimension at lead suit definitely gets weirder so how big can a portal get and where does this portal take me stay tuned to find out so this right here is the world’s smallest nether portal and I don’t think I can really fit inside of there and this right here right behind me is literally the biggest end portal we’ve ever seen where in the middle it says level 10 portal One Eye of Ender missing so our mission today is try to get that one eye ofender so we can get to the ultimate end at the very end of the video and so for now our goal is to try to go inside of this portal and pretty much the challenge is to make portals bigger in Minecraft where we have a portal stretcher As Seen On TV all right tiny portal right click oh the portal grew so now our tiny portal has gotten a little bit bigger into a one by one green nether portal conveniently there’s actually a trap door right here to make us go a little bit smaller and we have to literally drag ourselves in the portal so let’s see what’s inside oh here we go the tiny world it’s so tiny oh wa it is so the one by one portal got us into a tiny world where yet again I think we’re seeing Blocks made out of smaller blocks what the heck oh wait are those tiny Villages and stuff oh wait what the heck zombie horde oh my gosh wait what the heck I’m being chased out by a bunch of tin zombies how am I supposed to hit these guys I don’t like this Dimension at all wait I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea okay where’s the big one oh there it is okay so that one right there guys right here if we kill him we should be good guys I found the op Strat this is it this is it let’s get rid of this guy and finally explore this really tiny world oh there we go come on one more yes we got him oh my goodness just like that down goes the zombie and oh thank you so much exoria oh he’s down here take this as a token of our appreciation if you want to get out there’s a huge portal in the mountain so just like that we get another portal structure which I’m going to guess is going to make a portal even bigger yet again also got to say this is the cutest village ever like what the heck we got a little tiny whale a tiny house over here and even a tiny Church well with that being done let’s get to this mountain real quick and I got to say if this is our first Dimension I am very curious how the dimensions go from here that was definitely a bit of a mess and also very intense so where is the way out down here oh wait we got some Cobblestone maybe down here okay I got to say this Cobblestone looks a little bit sus um is it this oh it’s Mony Cobblestone is this supposed to be the stronghold or something did I break it oh oh no you broke the tiny stronghold you’ve completed all the challenges in this Dimension oh okay that makes sense so from that we get a strange portal frame wonder where we can use this okay so I’m going to guess we go back with this thing so do I just right click it guys I just realized I need to go back the way I came back in okay now let’s go back so that’s going to be the first ever portal we got and now we have a very op tool called the portal stretcher but before we get to that I want to show you guys one more thing that’s inside this Challenge and it’s that these are not our only portals today we have a very tall portal over there and at the Village we have a portal hole but it doesn’t stop there cuz apparently that Mansion over there it’s going to become a portal too but for now we’re going to be making this portal even bigger so let’s go ahead and try making it bigger in 3 2 1 oh build the portal with iron to help it get stronger oh okay so we don’t have the portal yet and instead I think the actual portal is really tiny and we got to make this Stronger by giving it some iron and I guess let’s go ahead and get some iron okay that should be good enough thank you all right 10 iron and oh there we go okay that was a little bit delayed but just like that now we have a nice 2×1 portal let’s go and grab all this stuff here and uh I guess an iron pickaxe might be a good idea all right without further Ado let’s see what’s inside portal number two the nether Kingdom okay yep um portal is no longer lit and I guess this is dimension number two oh gosh there’s a skeleton right here I don’t want that to be me oh I right clicked him strange Compass uh 110 blocks away to go over here okay uh maybe I should have gotten water before I came in here oh wait there’s a key oh sounds like someone is in trouble oh that’s what that sound was okay key0 out of 5 I’m going to guess we got to get all these keys in let’s go and get one key found number two literally at the entrance number three literally right above the door num thank you and finally last one was Lally on the side of the castle let’s grab that that should be all the keys all right here you go all my keys and can I just go inside oh I can literally a 2×1 portal Dimension and I don’t see anything oh nothing in there oh princess my hero I can’t believe you slay the red dragon so quickly wait what you did slay the red dragon right what the heck I didn’t slay no red dragon oh my oh no no no no no no I did not sign up for this oh gosh oh gosh gosh wait is there anything in the chest oh yes bow 20 arrows let’s go and grab that I’m not sure if this is enough for a red dragon but we’re going to try it okay how’s it going dragon that is a big boy okay guys I’m literally just staying on the Range okay wait I think we got it yes okay just like that that took me a bit of just shooting him but luckily it didn’t really see us and it dropped dragon’s Bane you really are my hero please take these strange relics as a gift and just like that we’ve completed all the challenges in this Dimension and I guess let me go get my gift and we can try out the new sword so what does this do then oh so I can launch fire now very nice let me double check if I lost the Relic guys I feel dumb she was literally right in front of me anyways though just like that we ended up getting a magic one from The Princess and yet again another strange portal frame which I’m going to guess we end up using later maybe at that very giant portal but what does this do exactly oh it’s like a magic projectile cool well with that being done let’s get back to the portal and get out of here and we’re back okay so we didn’t get another portal stretcher but we did get a magic wand and a dragon’s Bane uh do I try dragon’s Bane on this thing don’t think that worked What If instead we try shooting this with the magic wand will we grow it with this oh it did your magic wand converted that small portal into something new oh okay and now we went from a 2×1 to a 2×3 which is not the normal nether portal but this is the Aether Portal I’m not sure if this is going to take me to the actual ather but let’s go ahead and get one water and see what exactly it is okay so the I just put the water in oh it worked oh that’s so cursed what the heck and we’re in the ather the land and the clouds okay yet again Portal’s gone and what the heck well guys welcome to I guess this challenge is Aether where we’re only on Portal number three and this is sick what the heck okay right now we got to collect 12 Cloud ore let me go ahead and grab some water and where exactly is cloud ore is that cloud ore do I mind this nope okay the only place I haven’t gone yet is this Castle so let’s go all the way up here and see what’s up oh uh um am I supposed to talk to this person oh what a human I’m not sure how you got up here but how about a race see that red flag over there first one there wins wait what where’s the red flag oh we’re going all the way up there 3 2 1 go okay we’re going okay okay okay why is it disappearing parkour oh gosh he’s on his way this is definitely the worst time to not have any blocks but we’re moving we’re actually catching up oh we’re beating him I think okay come on cloud nice oh wait and this might be the cloud or guys right there where is he now oh gosh he’s still snailing away okay got to get to the flag and yes just like that we win not bad you really know how to move take this pickaxe as a reward uh pick of the ather Unbreaking one light as a feather and right here it says Aether pickaxe required oh this is definitely the cloud ore guy so can I mine it now oh we got Cloud ore and what the heck is this guy hello let’s just mine Some Cloud ore and ignore these guys so I guess now that we have this where do we put it exactly uh maybe the castle we haven’t gone there yet okay I’m going to guess this is the gate does it open oh it did oh yeah that’s sick okay oh my gosh that’s a big Valkyrie you’ve entered my kingdom I I I can’t read that I’m sorry Queen Valkyrie ruler of the ather oh my gosh okay we’re fighting apparently I don’t have many arrows but let’s do this yo okay this fight is kind of sick but I’ve run out of arrows oh no what about the magic one oh yes the magical one does damage with the power of magic and a little bit of dragon span we should take down the valkyrie just like that and we’ve completed all the challenges in this Dimension and we ended up getting a full armor set of Valkyrie stuff and now we have a new Valkyrie Dash and jump ability where I can just press K okay oh yo that’s sick we can Dash now oh that’s really convenient cuz now we can go straight back to the portal okay let’s make sure we don’t fall on the the void let’s go back and see what happens next and we’re back okay so what’s our next portal going to be now maybe there’s something around here we got to go to guys I think I might be onto to something so right here it says Blow The Dirt away and just now we got a brand new ability where let’s see if it works if I jump oh did it work oh my gosh wait that actually worked so by blowing away the dirt from the portal we ended up opening up the next portal guys where the portal got bigger by becoming a hole I guess let’s just jump in the hole oh gosh this is going to be a little bit confusing oh my where are we going now the under realm land of I didn’t even get to read that but it’s land of something okay so where exactly am I supposed to go guys oh wait that’s a big hole right there though are we going into even more holes e those are snakes and that’s a golden steak good thing they’re not really poisonous I mean we got in here via hole I’m going to guess we got to get even deeper in the holes we’re going to risk it let’s jump oh gosh oh oh that could have been bad oh wow okay is that an altar of a snake woman hello am I supposed to enable this oh wait they do poison me oh gosh this is actually bad oh we’re half four okay no no no NOP oh wait that’s a golden snake right there is this what I need to get Medusa oh a candle lit okay so I got to get all the golden snakes and then we can light all the candles for whatever that is let’s get rid of all you guys real quick and let’s go up oh gosh oh gosh okay no no no more snakes no more snakes no more snakes where are the gold snakes okay I’m not sure I’m going to killed right there holy okay there’s a lot more here now okay let’s real quick get rid of you guys no don’t stay away okay that’s some more candles lit oh we got them all wait oh it’s Meda okay oh my gosh he does so much damage oh gosh this is going to be close no no no no no no and yes okay just like that down goes Medusa we get Medusa’s head or now we can pretty much kill everything with stone nice okay now that we’re done with this part of the cave there’s still another big cobweb part on the other side let’s real quick go back up top and see if we can get some food okay we got some pigs all right give me one sec let’s get a lot of cooked pork chops oh okay we got closer to the spider part and it says squash 5 xaxs so we have a snake part and a spider part what’s an egg sack though is that an egg sack I don’t think that is oh wait I think those might be the egg sacks okay let’s go over there how exactly do I squash this oh okay it just spawned another spider okay that’s going to be one egg sack that’s going to be another oh gosh oh guys there are more spiders spawning as I squash them that’s going to be another one oh and we got all them and we got The Brood mother on us that is way bigger than normal okay I think I’m supposed to destroy the spider go on fire get her let’s get that done and just like that down goes The Brood mother and let me get rid of these spiders my goodness so we’ve now completed all the challenges in this dimension and we ended up getting yet again another very strange portal frame and we also got a strange potion smells like gunpowder I’m going to guess this is going to be for the next portal we use so let’s go back to the portal and do we jump straight back through the hole okay so luckily the Portal’s lit again so do I just jump through oh here we go and we’re back okay very nice now we got to find a use for the strange potion but it says smells like gunpowder so I’m going to guess do we use this on a creeper let’s try to find a creeper I guess oh look what we found okay so I thought this through guys because the portal are getting bigger and we just had a big old hole it might be smarter if we do this on the surface so let me grab you all the way over here don’t explode all right this should be a good spot here we go right click oh W guys so with the potion we now have a creeper portal what the heck it definitely was a good idea to do this above ground but do I just jump in oh it worked guys welcome to the creeper Dimension which what the heck that’s a creeper villager that is terrifying and there’s a lot of TNT as expected goal here it’s to try searching for new ores is this a brand new ore nope that’s just TNT okay what do we have here we have a creeper Temple a creeper Mesa and everything just looks so weird what the heck hello oh I’m going to guess that’s from the new creeper ore where we can get a block of Creeper right for a creeper head and we can also get stainless steel armor with creeper I and we even have creeper zombies uh thank you very much iron golem I do appreciate that okay so maybe let’s try to find the creeper ore now where would that be maybe the temple has it maybe it’s in the chest or something oh inside the chest we have an Infinite Creeper Apple which has explosive healing properties maybe not a good time to eat that and another creeper thing wait what the explosion might be a little bit large oh oh oh my gosh that definitely was a trap chest well on the bright side I think we found the creeper ore oh my okay so with creeper ore when we mine it it literally explodes what the heck well now we have four creeper ingots let’s go and grab as many as we can and I don’t actually know how many creeper ingots I need so I guess I’ll grab as many as I can okay that’s going to be 33 creeper right and let’s real quick see if we can make the creeper right block oh and we can one block of Creeper right all right villagers where are you guys at okay so we can trade one block of creep R for a creeper head but also we can get some steak let’s go and grab as much steak as we can and the main thing I still want to get is definitely some stainless steel armor with blast protection very nice stainless steel there stainless steel there and that’s all we can afford let’s go and put that on and what does the creeper head do maybe I place it somewhere oh that makes more sense this is a a Wither Creeper am I supposed to fight one of these wellow oh my oh wait wait wait it’s going to explode the TNT isn’t it please please please please please please please please guys I am so glad I got blast protection oh gosh oh no exploded the TNT oh my gosh no no no no no no we’re getting the water yeah the explosions are never going to end in this Dimension but you know what let’s kill this wither and get out of here as soon as possible oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we’re actually getting it pretty quick and down goes the creeper wither just like that and guys the explosions are still happening okay I’ve completed all the challenges in this Dimension and find the creeper to return home okay let’s get the loot real quick and get out of here as soon as possible oh and we also got a Wither Creeper blade oh that’s kind of cool and let’s get out oh my goodness okay creeper portal definitely big but before we get to the next thing we ended up getting another strange portal frame which we now have five so I’m going to guess we’re making a very big giant portal and uh what does the weer creeper blade do oh oh so I can now literally shoot out creepers nice well now that we’re done with that portal what would be bigger than a creeper portal oh guys I think it might be time for the Mansion portal cuz I’m telling you guys now I checked it out that is not a normal mansion that is definitely a portal well let’s go all the way over there so this is going to be a mansion but it’s definitely not a normal Mansion cuz it says right here try blowing up the door we have a creeper sword so do I just blow it up like this oh it worked okay turn the Mansion into a portal by lighting the Netherrack altars oh okay alter lit zero out of five oh okay so let’s make a flint and steel real quick all right flint and steel now we’re going to all the Alters oh wo this disappears okay I got to be a bit careful with this okay let’s make the jumps one alter right there very nice that’s going to be one out of five there we go let’s get that done another alter let’s not burn down the Mansion there we go okay that’s going to be three out of five let’s keep going wao this is actually really cool what the heck all right let’s go all the way down now we just got to do this one and this one over here and what happens now exit through the entrance of the Mansion okay I’m going to get something happened oh my yo yet again this has become one of the biggest portals we we had so far in the video do I just go through here then oh so where are we going now Mansion Dimension the Labyrinth world oh avoid the monster of the Mansion oh gosh what am I getting myself into to escape find the keys and the glowing barrels okay um so apparently there’s a monster and I got to find the keys oh okay definitely part of a mansion let’s get rid of you guys there goes one down all right I’m going to try to get as many things as I can oh that might be the monster okay let’s just get to the glowing areas and then we can continue so what’s in here oh bunch of random stuff and also a good old key my goodness this is literally one of the best Dimensions yet all right that’s going to be one key and now we got to go through all the other ones let’s go in here give me that barrel and no key dang okay we got to keep going another key thank you very much oh and some Diamond hose okay okay we got one glowing thing there and I think that might be the only one left so hopefully that’s what we need more vexes oh and that thing oh this is not good let’s run through okay okay okay okay okay I have a whole Army right behind me let’s try the dragon span oh get them down what the heck is this thing though oh we killed it I’m so sorry okay next chest and a Vex bow the heck is this shoot fear into your enemies how does this work do I just shoot it oh it shoots a Vex oh yo that’s sick oh okay I really like that and now for the next area all right what’s in here oh and there we go I found all the keys Escape through their glowing portal oh okay right there let’s go okay okay okay wait what is that thing oh my yo no no no no no no no no okay okay NOP we’re escaping give me in give me in give me in give me in give me in go go go Nester so finally you arrived I’ve been watching you huh so close to discovering my secrets the portal master I’ll eliminate you oh come on all right let’s do this as long as I know have to fight the monster now I got to fight this guy what if we try some fire attacks go on fire attacks holy that’s so much with the power from the dragon let’s keep doing some damage he’s down to 160 a little bit more down to 20 and down goes the boss just like that and W he has broken my portal orb it’s going to explode wait what does that mean oh my gosh and just like that we open up the next portal up there and and we got a strange portal frame yet again got to say that was pretty cool and we also unlocked a new ability which is portal master Chomps press J to use it be careful it destroys a lot of blocks yeah let’s try now oh oh yeah that does destroy blocks okay guys it might be finally time we leave so let’s jump up real quick and let’s get out of here okay well that’s going to be the portal mansion and with that being done now on to another bigger portal which which one is bigger I’m going to guess maybe the taller one so without further Ado let’s get all the way up to that portal and see where it takes us oh wait what does it say there find a way to cut it all at once oh wait that might be what I use this ability for so do I just press this oh it worked and just like that the portal has been lit so time for tier number seven let’s go in where are we now tall Bastion tall HQ oh my gosh where do I go from here uh what is this caution explode portal lever what does that mean oh the portal exploded should have read the sign oh it did find a way to fix the portal hint go up let’s try to fix the portal then cuz I don’t want to get stuck in here gosh okay I got to handle these guys now okay let me hit you all the way down all the way up I go got to be careful okay so one thing I’m realizing now is that I think I’m supposed to follow the shroom light so let’s keep going to where these things are oh what the heck brute the boss up top warned us about you we’re not going to fight you but you got to answer our questions to keep going guys they’re really tall piglins what the heck just click the buttons for the answers get it wrong though and we’ll send you to the bottom right out the window why do they say all at once what the heck okay so the question is what block protects you from Enderman oh man I don’t think you can wear a pumpkin but you can wear a Jacko Lantern this oh okay we got it right uh do I get a prize nope all right next question creepers are scared of what mob ocelots or Wolves ocelots right oh there we go again thank you guys I know you guys are big big fans of me all good and the next thing we got is what is the chance of a piglin trade Soul Speed 3 I actually don’t really know that one I’m going to guess it’s rare so maybe this let’s try it did that work I’m not even sure if that was right you really know your stuff feel free to head up and meat the boss let me know in the coms down below if I got any of those wrong maybe these guys just don’t know the right answers but I’ll take it as luck and do I press this now oh it’s an elevator oh there’s the CEO um do I just talk to him or never mind we got to fight him all right let’s do this go on sword get him guys he’s immune to fire this is bad this is bad this is bad oh my gosh okay I had to heal up maybe some vexes will work oh the vexes are working okay that’s good oh my gosh this guy’s too op what the heck okay we got to run come on Vex bow Vex bow is the only way I can do this Infinite Creeper Apple come on give me the healing oh wait it insta heals me that’s amazing oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay couple more hits guys final hit and down goes the tall piglin my goodness why is he so tall who knows but just like that we get a desk key in a very tall netherite sword oh my goodness what the heck very nice okay so we got the desk key where exactly as his desk let me see if I can find his desk guys did I break his desk I mean this part of the desk is still here do I open this oh that worked a hidden lever revealed itself oh okay and just like that we get yet again another strange portal frame and is that it can I use this lever oh no the portal blow has been relent and now we got to fight all the brutes okay dra netherite sword do you do anything oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay I don’t think it does that much damage guys let’s just get out of here okay in the portal we go and let’s get done with this destroy or destroy the portal with your sword before the brutes catch you okay yep let’s do that quick let’s go ahead and oh wait it sumon a giant sword oh that’s sick oh um guys I topped out for a second and this happened so we threw so many swords the portal fell over and became WI well I’m going to guess that’s the next portal where portals get bigger and now the Portal’s just very wide okay let’s put down some sand and I guess in we go wide nether oh my gosh everything is wide find a way to explore new crafts unlocked and pretty much on the screen right now that’s a brand new craft we got where we can make a apparently wide boat but it looks pretty normal I guess let’s get some csom stems okay five crymson stems let’s go and get those in and now we have a wide lava boat which is lava proof so how does this work exactly do I just put it down the water and it lets me go on here oh my guys it’s becoming wide try exploring the islands this is the greatest thing ever made guys this is literally a wide bow guys we have now peaked this is the peak of this channel what the heck um I guess let’s go on the islands oh my goodness not only do we have wide hoglins but we also have wide creepers oh we unlocked a new craft oh we got wi blaze powder of course the the gred spaz powder okay that’s another one down okay give me that and let’s get back on the boat okay I’m going to get over here and and let’s get down a crafting table so we can see what exactly we can make now oh okay so we need eight wide blaze powder and also a super wide ender pearl and then we make a super siiz Ender ey which I’m going to guess we use that for the really big end portal build we saw earlier so where do I get an ender pearl that’s really big oh wait that’s like an entity thing over there isn’t it oh that might be where we got to get it okay let me real quick get one more blaze rod and then we should be good let’s kill you real quick oh we have nine okay that’s perfect and now let’s go all the way over there which has the n city oh gosh okay what is this right click to activate is something about to happen oh why is it shaking oh hey oh oh we’re fighting okay all right we are apparently fighting an Ender Lord let’s go ahead and use our fire sword again and oh gosh oh gosh okay this guy is beating me up we’re going to have to use a dragon Spain quick get him get him get him get him my valkyri helmet is about to break oh gosh oh and down goes the Ender Lord just like that and I’ve completed all the challenges in this Dimension finally okay enough of the wide stuff let’s get the super wide ender pearl and now we can actually go ahead and make a crafting table and the best part is that with the crafting table we get a super siiz Ender eye okay let’s real quick jump straight in it and let’s go well that was something else and now that we’re back the only portal left that the super siiz Ender eye would fit in is that giant end portal right there I’m not sure if this is going to be the last portal we go inside of but let’s real quick jump all the way to the top and how is this one going to work I’m wondering oh wo so I’m going to guess this is it where it requires a super sized eye to power and then over there it says right click to Place strange Portal frames oh is that where I go after this okay well let’s go and place this oh it worked giant end home of the weather the super siiz Ender ey created a portal inside the frame explore the city for loot oh so the giant end portal brought us to the end oh my gosh but everything is way bigger what are those Enderman they are extra tall what the heck wait better hurry before they find you what wait who’s going to find me who’s they okay we only have 5 minutes guys let’s go up oh come on got to use my abilities okay okay okay let me loot as much as I can what’s here oh my gosh okay really good loot I’m grab all that okay okay okay let’s keep going up an Enderman head uh uh-oh okay what does this do oh wait we placed it okay don’t know what the head does let’s keep going I only have 2 minutes guys oh gosh why are there so many shers what the heck oh light wait dragon wings oh what the heck follow the Rings they’re leading you somewhere okay we got to go we got to go we got to go let me get the stuff in the chest real quick oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s eat these and get out of here why is it so hectic what the heck your wings are running out of energy hurry oh gosh oh gosh okay let me get the Ender head I’m going to guess we got to go through here oh let’s go checkpoint number two go on the L TR go okay that’s another one two more to go is that shers on bats that is the most terrifying combination ever okay number nine and finally number 10 and now we got to complete the weather using the Enderman heads wait what that’s going to be a bit difficult is this going to spawn what I think it is oh no okay yep here we go again yet again another fight in this Dimension against the umbral Wither and let’s just throw as much fire as we can at it cuz this thing can shoot ice it can shoot poison lightning literally everything but we also have the power of a dragon sword which is the best item gotten today oh gosh my arm’s about to break again but the power of the Dragon is way too op down goes umbral weather and have completed all the challenges in this Dimension okay now we have a nine strange Portal frames and we also got an umbrell skull fire laser filled with the umbrell with’s hatred oh okay yeah definitely going to use that a lot okay now that we’re done with that let’s get out of here all right up we go again and we’re back okay so now that I’m done with that area and now that I have all nine portals do I pretty much just go over here and so it says here right click to place strange portal frames wait do I right click it here oh wait I think it just placed it right there wait what’s going on oh wait it just placed another one right there guys we’re literally making a giant end portal three more to go 1 2 number three oh and we made a giant portal well with that being done there’s only one thing left for us to do and it’s to go in wherever this takes us well wish me luck and here we go we’re in in the mega end what the heck the Ender Dragon family guys I think this might be the final boss in the final portal okay let’s get out the umbral school and without further Ado I think it’s time we kill some dragons oh boy okay please do lots of damage to these guys am I doing damage oh wait I am oh what we two hit him oh my gosh okay the Umble school is amazing what the heck that’s going to be one two another Dragon dead another Dragon dead over there literally we’re killing every dragon in the world what if we fly up with them oh that’s another one dead that’s another one dead again literally two more to go come on let me get you come on one more hit oh okay down goes another and is this the last one I guess okay I got to go after it come over here buddy let’s get you out of the way finally oh wait this might be the main one come on with a skull deer thing it’s doing absolutely nothing what about the dragon’s breath oh my gosh okay this one does barely anything it’s so good come on dragon’s breath all right couple more Burns and down goes the dragon just like that and with all that being done guys that’s going to be it for the portal Challenge and what portals do you think will be around next time very good question this is Minecraft but the crafts get bigger today we’re making the crafting table get bigger and bigger and really big from a 1×1 crafting table to a typical 3×3 crafting table to even a 8×8 Mega crafting table I’ll be upgrading my crafting table to create bigger and bigger items to the point that my pickaxe and armor will be 100 blocks big so how big can the crafting even get and what does this huge craft get me stay tuned to find out look how small it is so this is a tiny crafting table at crafting level one and if we put one wooden plank in it we get a craft skip bigger item which I guess I just right click yep there we go so with that craft we get a little bit of progression with the progress bar at the top and our goal is to go from this tiny crafting table to pretty much this thing so with that being said the only ways I can craft this video is with the crafting table sides I have so here are the crafts I’m going to be trying to make in the one by1 crafting table and I guess let’s go ahead and try one stick oh wait what the heck is that thing a tiny sword makes you feel like a giant look at how small it is oh crafting table upgrade unlocked it’s now a wide tiny table what the heck and so in crafting level two I’m going to have to make these crafts on the screen right now and with two tiny swords we get a stacked double sword double the weapon weapon double the strength okay so I kind of want to test it out on the Iron Golem so I guess let me be a little bit careful here okay okay please please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me I think it does double damage that was actually really quick not bad but one of the next things we can actually make is with the iron OT and it’s not a tiny wooden sword but actually a iron Hammer it’s literally a pickaxe nice and the final craft I got to do with the 2×1 is apparently with some flowers so let me get these two flowers real quick thank you very much and what does this give me of course it’s that okay so just like that we get the mandatory subscribe button in the video guys and if you guys are new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button guys and anyways with that being done let’s go ahead and upgrade our crafting and wait what um did you just pop out of me I’m very confused but at the same time I’ll let you be I guess so what is this one going to be wait what the heck is that oh my gosh okay we now have a one by one by one okay so yet again here are all the crafts I got to do for this one and I guess we can start with the wooden planks wait what with the three wooden planks we get a boomerang it just keeps coming back do I just hit you now it’s literally a boomerang wait guys I figured out what happened when I hit the tick it was not the Villager that popped out my body we’re going to call him Fred by the way go ahead and say hi Fred in the comments down below but what we actually got was crafting Vault number one a small four not door into another reality I guess cuz I made it this far in the bar we might as well do it right now uh do I just place it oh am I inside of a crafting table oh it’s a normal crafting table yes you may only use this crafting table once oh okay so I can only use that one so I should probably be really careful what I craft okay so what can I make with these things I think the obvious answer might just be straight up to make iron ingots I mean I can only use it once so six iron ingots why not all right nice we’re back okay so the iron was actually really convenient cuz the next thing is I need to make are actually with iron things let’s go and start with this it’s going to be three iron so is this going to be an iron Boomerang a single iron boot one less boot weighing you down this is the greatest item ever made wait what the heck before this thing up upgrades again we got to do one stick and two iron ingots and what is this one going to be a mining hook oh and grass un locked might as well upgrade the table yet again and not only did the progression bar go up but also now we have a what the heck is this table a five slot table nice okay so for this crafting table these are all the crafts are going to be needing on the screen right now give me one sec guys it’s time to collect some materials oh gosh okay okay okay please do gun powder no it didn’t drop any gun powder well we got some IR at least let’s go and mine it and oh wait it mines two blocks oh and it auto Cooks nice okay I actually like this little half pickaxe thing at least and I guess real quick because we already have the stuff for it let’s go ahead and make the next item with four iron and one apple we get a weak health kit plus use in case of a boo boo maybe I won’t use it just yet but maybe when I lose a lot of Health come on I only need two gun powder I have the weak iron boots and yes gun powder no better time to go and try this out than now wait I’m only at half a heart oh it’s a golden apple nice and for the final craft of this crafting table the last thing we get is going to be with three gunpowder and just like that we get throwable TNT all right zombie drive this out oh oh that that’s actually kind of cool all right it’s like a little grenade not bad okay so now what I’m really curious about is what is the next table going to be wait what the heck is this it’s a dut wow that’s actually a thing crafting level five and now we’re making circular stuff but before anything we did reach the brown thing on the Boss Bar so did we drop anything new did I miss it hey there it is okay nice oh so we got another crafting Vault crafting Vault number two so yet again the grabs on the screen right now we’re going to be making that thing that thing and that thing I can only really make the iron one so I guess let’s real quick get all the iron we need Okay so let’s go ah and put all the iron ingots and just like that we get a ring of Fortune my precious what the heck does this thing do oh wait luck 10 do I just have that permanently now so everything I M now drops in a stack so it’s literally a ring of Fortune okay so because I don’t have any of the pickaxes or any of the items I guess it’s now time to go to crouching Vault number two is it just going to be like last time though okay never mind it’s not the same hello um I I I L only have half an iron boot I cannot fight him right now why am I fighting Brutus does the money hook work as a weapon oh it does okay wait let me just use this thing and there goes Brutus nice um I got nothing for Brutus but I just now realized this room is actually really op we get a bunch of iron blocks and The Ring Of Fortune literally makes this multiply too oh that’s op oh you may only use this crafting table twice oh okay wait so let’s make some wheat and I think I might make the iron pickaxes and gold pickaxes this way so let’s get all the iron we can let’s get all the gold we can and the first thing we can do with this in the donut crafting table we make a circle of Wheat and we get a donut literally just a donut okay so do I just eat this oh it’s pretty much a bunch of good effects nice and for the next one I’m going to be needing four gold pickaxes and four iron pickaxes so luckily this right here is going to be one craft so let’s get that one craft out of the way and then our second craft right here which will be the last one we can do on this table and with that being done let’s go ahead and put the gold pickaxes put in the iron pickaxes and and what does this make wait what the heck is that thing circular pickaxe I guess we’re done here guys I’m going to go back and let’s see what exactly this thing does wait so do I mine with it oh wait no that’s normal what about right click oh it’s a boomerang pickaxe oh that’s amazing oh Auto Cooks oh there we go crafting table upgraded yet again and uh wait what is this table Summoner do I hear Boss music wait don’t tell me we got to fight a bus already okay what is it this time oh you’ve anchored the crafting medice hello oh gosh okay run run back run back run back run back run back I’m literally using the power of the boomerang against this guy and there we go there goes the first crafting medes and I guess with that being done we get a little bit further on our crafting progress and we get a crafting upgrade right click hey there we go okay so what’s our new table going to be now oh my why why can’t it be normal what what the heck is this I’m not even sure okay so yet again guys here are all the crabs we got to make this time the right there and this time we’re making a pickaxe looking thing first so I guess let’s go ahead and do that so it’s like this there we go and we get a wide pickaxe oh that’s a big area oh my gosh okay we’re going to be Ming really efficiently with this stuff and actually for the next thing we can finally make an armor piece and that’s going to be like this a tiny iron chest plate children small do I just put this on oh my God took a tank top nice okay okay so I realized I already have everything I need for the next thing and that’s going to be apparently a scythe okay so for the Scythe four sticks and then it’s like really weird where it’s like an up di down thing and there we go an iron Scythe so I’ll just replace this and oh crafting table lock nice what does this do exactly oh that’s sick oh it m like a big area go on Sy do your thing so this is going to be crafting Vault number three and yet again crafting upgrade so before we go inside let’s upgrade that and what the heck is this table I mean we have a 3X3 now guys but like I said earlier we can’t do any normal crafting it’s only going to be with the new crafts which will be on the screen right now which we actually have none of the stuff for maybe the door is going to help us I guess well here goes nothing please don’t be a boss wait what YouTuber Souls Z to one this again sacrifice one YouTuber to unlock three normal crafts well here we go again guys let me real quick message a YouTuber hey Z over welcome what’s up man I don’t I don’t really like the look of this if I’m going to be honest look look look it’s going to be completely fine I do this like every video we’re good just go up to this dude right here and right click him and great stuff will happen for me yeah and you yeah luckily I’m not a YouTuber yeah yeah yeah there you go no and there go sip over go check him out guys but rest in peace sip over with the comments down below but on the bright side now we get three crafts from zip over thank you man we kind of need stuff so hopefully the chests have the stuff yes there we go we got everything we need but with those items being ready let’s go ahead and craft at least one thing in here and why not for the first thing let’s do the bone one and it’s going to be in a weird shape but with the bones and this last Emerald we get a villager head okay I guess let’s go back real quick and see what this thing does oh wait is that diamonds diamonds hey nice okay before we do anything let me go a and grab these diamonds um I’m going to use the hammer just in case so we can get a lot of diamonds just like that very nice but we do have the Villager head now so what does this do exactly oh crafty villager what’s up man oh wait oh that’s really good oh man okay so I do need an iron helmet I’ll gladly take that ender pearls for copper and a skeleton skull maybe we need that later I’m not sure but hey thank you buddy so back to crafting the next thing we can go ahead and make we put in six string and then one iron pickaxe and what the heck is this thing going to be a grappling hook wait okay so what does this do do I grapple oh that’s sick but now for the final craft it’s going to be with three string and then oddly enough with a bunch of wools so what exactly is this a par launcher launch to the sky and Float safely back down I mean why not oh there we go nice yet again another crafting table unlocked let’s go and right click that we get the next crafting table and so what’s it going to be this time oh okay okay so it’s a 3X3 plus a bottom one and a side one and before we do anything explore this one let’s go up and explore this thing okay so par launcher do do I just right click this thing hey we’re just going up nice oh we’re floating down that’s sick anyways let’s go all the way back down caving oh cave nice pretty convenient cuz there’s literally a ravine right there also our sight does really good work against Stu and now with this one these are the crabs on the screen right now we actually need Redstone and Lapis for this one I think that’s the only things we don’t have so give me one sec guys I’m just going to go keep mining down and see if we can find some Redstone back to the crafting table and I guess because we did just get the Redstone let’s go and make this thing as our first one so with nine Redstone into two lapis we get oh my gosh why why a sus minion I saw them vent so do I just right click this dude oh wait what no no no no no I almost just died okay that could have been really bad I’m just going to burn the item goodbye no no no more sus min anyways back to crafting this time one gunpowder eight iron ingots and then with two gold ingots we get a bomb buddy but what does bomb buddy do maybe let’s go to a cave real quick and try out there okay bomb buddy what do you do oh it’s Lally a little bomb hey wait is he going to come after me oh oh I might use it against a boss it’s pretty cool though well back to it back to our weird crafting table for the next thing we make it’s going to be with three iron OTS and then oh wait we need to make a stone button okay we got one stone and I guess that’s how we make the stone button and then with three buckets we get a water gun not for children under three wait what oh and grabs unlocked oh and it’s a water gun hey that’s sick oh look at it go okay I like this item this is my favorite item so far and yet again we found a small door but before anything let’s upgrade the crafts there we go and what type of crafting table do we have now oh gosh okay yeah it’s extending slowly but surely we got one there one there one there so before anything let’s get to a better spot cuz I hear way too many zombies and for this tier here are the crabs on the screen right now and so with the first one we get a stop sign Shield so a stop sign and a shield nice oh we don’t have string oh man okay maybe everything I need is in the vault so let’s go in 3 2 1 oh okay okay no not not again not again not again stack sword go go go go go go go go away go away go away and there we go and literally he dropped a cob and it’s gone I may have broken the crafting table but on the bright side we got Cobbs which equals string and oh my gosh that is a lot of string what the heck okay okay and also we have anvils here nice big spider kind of broke the room let’s uh get out of here so with that being done let’s go and get to the next grab which is going to be with the string I got which was fitting that we had to find a spider cuz we’re going to be making a very weird looking bow oh that’s a big long bow oh it give me an arrow okay wait so how does this work oh it’s a bunch of arrows oh that’s sick and with that being done we only need you have one more thing to make and actually I’m realizing now where did that door go I need the door again oh there it is is okay I didn’t check this side please have Redstone yes okay we oddly have only needed two so let’s go ah and put those there and now the rest of the craft is with anvils which is kind of weird guys I’m dumb it was not supposed to be anvils it was actually supposed to be skulls which we can use with this little buddy right here I need these skulls that should be good now let’s actually get it right this time and there we go okay a totem of dying oh crafting table upgrade un locked yet again and uh totem of dying what do you do hello um he just so much damage oh my gosh okay so we’re fighting a Reaper but he’s stuck on the floor let’s go ahead and shoot him and be thankful that we didn’t have to fight him the normal way get him out of the way and now we have a netherite scythe nice so with that being done let’s go ahead and get our crafting upgrade and right click and now how big is this table going to be oh that’s a new shape um okay so let me go up real quick cuz I feel like I’m getting cramped down here anyways the crafts will be on the screen right now they go B three new crafts this time we’re going to be making the first one which is going to be like this and and what is this a crown oh wait what what is that a golden Halo oh nice okay so do I just put that on oh that gives me a lot more Health nice now let’s do the next thing which is going to be with ingots of gold and iron and another type of boomerang and this time a sword Boomerang oh gosh wait where’s it going oh that’s sick we got the throwing knife and for the next thing on the screen you’ll see we need lava so let’s go down again and get some lava okay so for this one we need literally eight lava buckets exactly and just like that we get a lava ring so we now have a mining ring and a lava ring also crafting upgraded let’s go ah and use that right click that oh and yet again another Vault but what does the lava ring do oh I can walk on lava oh that’s sick let’s go oh and also fire resistance I like that and before we go through the next door what’s in this crafting table what the heck is this thing okay and for this one yet again here are all the crafts for this one but these are really interesting we have a diamond one and a golden apple one let’s with the diamond one real quick holy that’s a big diamond giant diamond and the next one is going to be with gold and apples and then we get strong health kit oh and we got another table summiter so we both have the table Summoner and the craf Vault number five by the way let’s get the strong health kit go ahead and eat this and oh my gosh that is so much health guys we have 21 Hearts now what about the diant diamond do I just throw this holy oh my gosh it’s a diamond Temple okay give me those diamonds don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t blow up the temple don’t blow up the temple let’s real quick break that and inside the temple holy okay yeah um we’re going to be grabbing all this protection for diamond leggings yes I love that an efficiency flat pickaxe I mean sure why not and now that we’re done with that I should probably do the table Summoner boss before I do anything else so let’s go and summon this guy and see what happens I guess I’ll just do it right here oh gosh oh gosh this is probably a bad idea oh there he is crafting Med again okay okay stay back stay back go on big bow oh gosh that thing literally slapped me in the face with that thing don’t explode on me couple more hits and there we go down goes the crafting meds and we get the next crafting upgrade item which uh wait where’ it go where’ it go where it go oh there it is okay let’s goad and right click that and how is the crafting table going to look this time oh my this thing is getting big so we’re now working with this and here are the crabs on the screen before we do this one though I still got to do the Vault so let’s go try this out real quick oh not again okay okay okay literally two bosses back to back can the arrow kill it in one hit that’s a little scarecrow guy oh there’s wheat though I can make some bread but there goes the Scarecrow nice let’s real quick got a bunch of a Bells I’m going to guess I only get five crafts so that’s going to be one craft right there that’s two three and that’s all the bre we’ll need let’s get out of here now and start doing some more crafting and this time we’re going to go ahead and make the iron tea and there we go a Teen Titans tower inflates to full size if we’re too low I might die to bedrock so let’s go up real quick this might be a good spot why not right there holy it’s literally a te nice all right up we go is there anything down here oh it’s actually good stuff good thing we made that first let’s go all the way up though so we finally got the prism shorts we needed all right is there anything in this chest diamond blocks okay yeah that’s actually really good a lot of good stuff don’t really need any this so I think we should be good here unless there’s something over here oh chest and pretty much same old same all okay we’re good anyways back to crafting let’s go ahead and do The prismarine Shard one and what the heck is that a hammerhead sword and then before we get to showing that off let’s also get the next one which is going to be a jackhammer and we get the next crafting table nice okay oh and also the next door guys oh my gosh we’re getting actually through this really quickly what does the Jackhammer do oh we’re jackhammering oh that’s sick and the next thing we got was the Hammerhead sword so what does this do wa wait is that is that is that a literal shark guys we can shoot sharks now why why can we shoot sharks now that is amazing anyways that being done crafting upgrade what’s the table going to be now what the heck it looks like a pickaxe I guess let’s see what we can make with this so here are the crabs on the screen right now is this another weird pickaxe if so I definitely want to try it out okay there it is and we get a wider pickaxe uh what does this do then I’ve think I’ve gone this before oh yep it mine’s a bigger area nice okay on to the next one so it looks like we need redstone obsidian and emeralds I can do that I think okay so I don’t have any emeralds and I also haven’t gone to the room yet so if I don’t find emeralds there I’ll probably just go to a mountain biome also I forgot that this was a place any emeralds around here nope well let’s go in oh there there it is okay yet again another boss and this time is the book boss oh wait also the emeralds are here okay thank you Game Masters that is actually very useful no staying back staying back let’s get this guy out of the way and finish him off with the good old shark that is amazing okay I guess I can get the emeralds now and that is a lot of emeralds now words done with that let’s go back I think we finally have enough things so we’re going to be needing one iron ingot one Redstone Dust one copper one gold inot one Emerald one lapis auli one diamond and finally with this obsidian we get a rainbow wait what the heck does this do I’m kind of really curious actually oh and grabs unlocked again nice upgrade the crafting table and what does the rainbow do oh it’s literally a rainbow oh that’s sick and it shoots out items okay that’s actually one of my favorite items I love that nice okay so what’s the table we get now what the heck is this it’s an N so the craft is on the screen right now for what we got to make this is the only craft of this tier wait what does this do then Nestor minions your very own accessorio this should be illegal I mean here goes nothing I guess and there we go here’s the minion oh what’s up buddy he is he just vibing not really sure what he does but wait he just exploded okay so I think they literally stand around for 30 seconds and then explode exori that explode very nice now that we’re done with that let’s go ahead and get the crafting upgrade let’s see the next crafting table right here that is huge so yet again two craft on this one and one of them requires 20 obsidian so I guess let’s go ahead and make this oh wo it’s literally a portal are we entering the nether portion of the video now and before I use that I kind of want to also make the other one which is going to be with a ton of wood so let’s real quick get all the wood what need I think it’s 20 wood that we need and on this gigantic table let’s put down the 2 wood a mega crafting chest ultimate crafting room all right I guess I’ll use this thing first before we go to the nether just in case and right click oh this is different oh there’s even potions I’m going to get at least a string two potion that’s going to be very good for at least the final boss what’s inside of the chest eyes ofender and end portal frames I don’t need these yet for a craft from what I’m seeing but we might need these later so I’m going to keep these here wait did that thing just hit me back okay dang bro what’s wrong with you let’s go ahead and see what this gives us then title boots and title leggings oh we get Dolphins Grace nice do they all give me something different what is this magma chest plate and now we got fire resistance which I think we already had anyways I think we’re done here let’s go to the nether in no better way than I guess right clicking this or is this going to be the portal right here nice okay FL let’s jump in all right we are in and that is not a good spot to spawn in oh what the heck can does the water gun work here that is so cursed water in the nether well good thing out the magma ring cuz now we can just walk around and I kind of forgot that we did end up getting a boss item so I’m going to go ahead and get to a safe spot and then we can place it there so uh let’s go straight over there table Summoner here we go again the crafting medic has found you literally just going to get this one down with the power of sharks and just like that there goes the crafting table and we get yet again another crafting upgrade let’s see what the table is this time what wait what um no no no no I am not dealing with baby crafting tables that that was weird oh my gosh it’s just three lines of crafting tables so for this one we have two different crafts one’s with iron bars and one’s with blaze rods and the problem is how do I get blaze rods I mean I never used crafting Vault number five’s crafting table so I think I had one more use on this so let’s go ahead and make some of these get 48 of that let’s get back to it and get literally three columns of these things what is this going to be even so we get a jail inflatable let’s real quick try this out then do I just place it down or something it literally is a jail okay let’s um fight with the sharks so the next item we got to get is actually with the Blaze Rod so this is actually perfect but we now got to fight all these blazes oh wait I have fire resistance I’m pretty sure oh we should be good then oh man that was a grind but we should be good now and uh so three Blaze Rod roads give one Mega Blaze Rod oh and craft unlocked nice okay let’s go ahead and do the crafting upgrade and a mega Blaze Rod okay what does this do oh it’s like a blaze rod launcher nice so with that being done let’s go a and place out another crafting table and is that a smiley face what are the craps we get this time okay they’re going to be on the screen right now so we have one with obsidian and quartz and one with only gold ingots we can do the gold ingot one right now why not but what the heck is this oh it’s a smiley face if you made this more the video go and comment Down Below Good Old smiley face okay so what is this going to do oh it’s a little Emoji oh what’s up buddy I don’t even know what he’s doing oh he’s mining oh that’s sick good job man and for the next one I’m going to have to get some obsidian which oh wait there’s obsidian right here okay don’t mind if I do and we need some quartz and the fastest quartz is right there so let’s go get that I need two of these let me grab that and so it’s the eyes are cords and then everything else is Obsidian what does this give us of course her Bri Summoner very nice oh crafting upgrade I mean that’s one good thing let’s go get the crafting upgrade what’s our crafting table now across nice and I guess let’s get into a better spot and summon this guy in no better spot than right beside a fortress so I guess here we go oh gosh here it comes here it comes I don’t trust this guy yep of course it’s a Bots all right let’s do this here Brian oh my gosh he’s oh okay okay but butd he’s violent all right power the Sharks go away go away go away this guy always takes so long to kill all right at least one more hit unless he heals oh my gosh wait he’s going to kill me okay no no no no no no this is not good this is not good go on shark yes and just like that at two hearts that is going to be it for her Bri that was a lot more difficult than I I thought and what did he give us herbine armor crate instead of Herobrine’s armor guys we can straight up become a herbine okay we have less Health now but that’s kind of cool so what that by being done now we can get to the next thing which is going to be the cross crafting table which has two crafts and one looks like a sword and one is just an L let’s start with the L and see what exactly this thing is so wait what is that is that a sock giant Diamond boot size 27 guys it’s so big it becomes pants what the heck and it’s 20 armor very nice now for the next thing it’s going to be with netherite actually okay well on the bright side we do have the wide pickaxe so maybe we can find it this way I guess time to strip mine and hope for the best oh wait netherite 16 netherite ingots I think that should be good right let’s real quick try it then and that’s a big giant sword the bigger the better we’re replacing the shark why not okay so what does this do oh my gosh okay that’s sick just shoots out a bunch of Swords nice anyways though because we upgrade our table what’s it now it’s so big now what the heck do I make with this so one is what looks like pants and the other one is I have no idea we need iron bars Eyes of Ender and stone break the good thing is though we have this Mega crafting chest that we can go in real quick let’s make the big old pants real quick and there we go Ender pants press K to teleport do I go somewhere with this probably not the best spot to teleport so let’s try that once we get back to the overw world which shouldn’t be too difficult so we need End Portal frames iron bars and Eyes of Ender let’s go ahead and put the iron bars in and now end portal frame fres which is definitely a crazy thing to craft with I have no idea what this is going to be guys and finally Four Eyes of Ender oh an inflatable stronghold why is it inflatable stronghold no idea anyways though just like that yet another crafting table unlocked and wait this might be the final one but that’s so big what is this okay let’s get out of here okay so first off Ender pants okay oh wait what the heck woah wo what’s going on I’m so confused I’m so confused okay let’s go back anyways we got the stronghold so what happens when I right click this do I just throw it oh my oh I’m glad I had extra Hearts okay that’s expected but before we go inside I think it’s time we finally make use of our final giant crafting table and wait what what what are those Pac-Man ghosts hello what’s up guys I got a giant sword let’s let’s use this oh ice avender nice okay it’s like the Guardians of the temple I’m going to go ahead and get rid of these guys and let’s use a long bow and for this crafting table we only have one final craft left and it’s literally a 1 2 it’s a 6×6 craft so the craft will be on the screen right now we actually don’t have enough end portal frames and this guy wants to fight me okay let’s go back real quick end portal frames there we go okay we should have enough now now that we have enough I guess let’s start putting these things together and finally this took me forever cuz the thing is a little bit buggy but with the 6×6 crafting table we get the ultimate I vender quickest way to the end here goes nothing let’s go ahead and right click and oh wait uh there just spawns the portal I didn’t need to go into the stronghold here goes nothing guys wish me luck okay we’re in it’s a bit quiet but I don’t see a dragon neither do I see crystals oh wait what the final battle awaits you here are the final two giant craft items the ultimate elytra and the ultimate Trident oh and there’s the final boss the crafting Dragon well here goes nothing guys it’s time for the final battle and we also got the ultimate elytra but I’m not sure what to use go on my swords okay let’s get this guy out of the way oh gosh okay okay okay please don’t do too much damage okay let’s go ahead and drink that before I go back up how do I use this thing do I like Chef click oh that’s sick it doesn’t damage the dragon but I pretty much turn everything into water all right couple more shots we should be good now in the water oh gosh okay that’s pretty good damage giant bow come on and there we go challenge completed and that’s going to be it for Minecraft but crafting gets bigger I’m going to build the biggest beacon in Minecraft that’s over 10,000 beacons but what happens when I activate a beacon bigger than this well let’s begin by getting our first smallest Beacon warning a massive monster is coming what oh call your beacon to defeated oh okay so that right there is our current Beacon and this is how big it’s going to get okay so all we do is go ahead and put the beacon right here on top of the gold ingots oh and what the heck just happened I just got a block yo so for now we only have speed now imagine what we’re going to have when this thing is gigantic here it says though make Beacon bigger and all caps out so it must be important all right I guess let’s go and press lever there we go oh it got bigger literally wait what if I just keep pressing it oh it got bigger again what about now oh my goodness this Beacon’s huge and I’m getting all the potion effects all right let’s try again and let’s make him bigger go on buddy oh what just happened oh fail larger pyramid required oh we overdid it okay well that’s not the best start that being said now it says start next challenge okay we got to hurry up cuz oh yep cuz of that okay we we don’t want to mess with that all right let’s press you oh and challenge make the beacon taller oh this is sick okay wait so we need two Emerald layers an iron block layer and then the gold block layer let’s start with emeralds how am I going to get that many emeralds though hold up right behind us this makes sense we have emeralds right there I assume the iron blocks right there and then finally the gold blocks should be somewhere in the church so let’s go to the bank first I guess all right good old Emerald bank and in front we have oh a guard can I just walk in how’s it going buddy oh nope nope he’s not allowing that disguise required oh wait let me look around real quick oh wait that might be useful sleeping villager do not disturb okay guys let’s not make much of a noise um I think he’s snoring oh okay okay let me just walk in here is Buddy sleeping with his Eyes Wide Open what are you doing all right well if you didn’t hear the door oh what is this villager outfit stolen item oh it labels it as stolen huh well this isn’t going to work fully oh H try using shears on him oh do I have any shears nope don’t but we can real quick cook some iron let’s grab that and now we got cheers okay I think he’s still asleep so maybe do we break the bed first oh sorry about this oh and we got it yo I’m so sorry and he’s run away sorry buddy so now that we have the nose do we just put it on yo how does that even didn’t work but we have disguise all right I’m just going to act like a villager I’ll go like H never never doing that noise again but okay so I’m just going to walk normally and act casual we need to get the emerald blocks for the beacon how’s it going man just just just a villager just just villing and all that stuff I I actually work here so so don’t worry I’m going to come over here and I’m just going to do my job totally not going to the Bedrock doors over here and uh ooh and getting all the emirald blocks whatever need holy okay that should be enough let’s walk out on the back and now we’re back to normal time to play these guyses so we need two layers of these this should be easy all we got to do is quickly place all these down and we’re done so now we just need two layers of iron blocks and the gold blocks luckily the iron’s right there oh my gosh is the guy getting closer I am not ready yet okay now for the iron ingots area so is this like a cave or something oh wait there’s a mine cart what does it say keep Redstone away from Golems oh am I supposed to get redstone near the Golem in what about here oh keep Redstone away from Golems again oh they’re serious about this yep there’s a lot of them oh and a dead end does this plad anywhere oh yo Contraband is this redstone blocks it is Yo okay hold on so if I get the redstone blocks from here then what happens when I place it near you guys oh yo oh my goodness he does not like that did the iron golem just explode what the heck just happened well on the bright side we got 32 iron blocks hold up am I supposed to do that with all these guys let me real quick uh get you near all these oh here we go yep yep yep yep oh my gosh he exploded again okay this is insane all right again let’s get you near the iron block there we go oh that’s one way of getting iron Zone total that is a lot of iron my goodness now to fill that in all right watch this here we go and now that’s done okay all that’s left is now the gold which is going to be right there looks like in the church and so where do I get the gold here oh wait what does this say prison no eye contact huh is there something down here I guess let’s get closer oh giant piglin Brew is this where I get the gold from oh my goodness okay to solve this problem it might be a good idea real quick if we make a nice set of iron armor and the main essential of an iron sword all right buddy I think I got to fight you let’s go sorry about this oh oh he doesn’t really have an axe or anything oh my goodness and with that being done that is so much gold we have so many valuables all right let’s get back to the Beacon Quick oh my gosh okay uh that guy better not be up there when I get there okay good news he’s not here yet now all we got to do is real quick fill in the last parts of this Beacon and then we’ll see what ends up happening all right there we go that’s the last part done oh and it’s complete challenge completed Beacon efficiency increased oh now we have speed to and Hast two nice oh and now there’s the next challenge it looks like do I just press this all right here goes nothing oh and it became a chest challenge find eight unique beacons oh did I put them in here then hint your beacon upgrade the village wait what this thing upgraded The Village how oh yo there’s more buildings there’s a beacon glass worker there’s even a lighthouse now that being said let’s start with the beacon glass worker what do he like us to do all right how’s it going buddy task power seven beacons oh wait what are these the beacons for all the other things how do I do this maybe when I help out each of these people their Beacon will light up so I mean I see beekeeper right here and The Beekeeper is right there so let’s talk to the beacon beekeeper all right how’s it going buddy task bring over eight more bees how do I get a bee I just got a hint of a flower image so what if we just grab a flower and then find some bees oh they do follow flowers yo buddy come straight this way beekeeper I got all the bead you’ll need this should be enough oh no no no no no they’re flying away one sec now we should be good all right some of them went into the hives but is that enough and yes we got the beacon get it be Beacon that that is awful my goodness oh and The Beekeeper one is now lit up as yellow nice okay so that’s number one done next up why don’t we do the lighthouse this place is huge my goodness hello Beacon villager all right what would you like me to do task turn the lights on oh and here sure is the light all the way to the top well I’ll do it for the beacon okay the jumps are getting harder I’m almost to the top guys there we go oh and what is this oh it’s another book to the lighthouse oh cool all right let me real quick turn up all the lights there and all the lights here that should light it up nice all right and now we’re going to go down the oldfashioned way let’s real quick make sure we make that jump and we’re good nice we got the lighthouse Beacon oh this thing is sick but now that’s another Beacon lit up next up we got the baker there it is the beacon Baker all right what would you like us to do oh let me e some cake task find and destroy the cake thief oh wait I promise it isn’t me look I was just a little hungry that being said uh where would the cake thief be are there any hints around here no it looks like a normal area I mean that the B cake is me oh wait there’s a trail of cakes hold on butd he stole a lot of cakes was it you no no you’re just a farmer oh it’s the cake thief yo get back here no wait hey this is not a mano why are you running get back here he’s so fast he’s got the Sugar Rush buddy buddy oh we got him yes and we got a single cake back uh guard you could have gotten him just saying well Mr Baker here is your cake right back to you and we get the food Beacon all right we have three beacons and that’s the brown light soon Beacon glass worker we will have all them on why don’t we do the farmer nets all right friend the farmer how’s it going buddy oh he has a trade three hay bells for a farm Beacon oh that’s simple wait what does this book say the stranger oh there just like books around huh look I see you have no crops so I have an idea what we do is we grab these crops right here there we go or honestly the easiest way is just getting three ha Bells right here in the middle of the village and there you go my friend a farming Beacon that’s done and now the farmer lights on and now next up let’s do the librarian oh this might be them right here all right Beacon librarian task find and collect 8 over do books oh these guys okay so we have one book so far which is to the lighthouse let me put that there and I’m going to assume they’re around the village so for example we have a book right here 1984 and another one here the brothers of word let’s go a and put these books back and now let’s get the rest all right we got all the books right here we’ve got Alice and Wonderland so now we just put them inside let’s go ahead and put them here there we go and that should be another Beacon done the knowledge Beacon oh and now it’s turned blue all right so what we got left is the blacksmith and Golems I mean the Beacon’s blacksmith is right here and oh my gosh it’s a broken down Iron Golem oh gosh U let me help you with that how do I help that’s fix the broken Golem how do I do that though oh a hammer am I literally just hitting this thing with a hammer what the heck this is a comedic Hammer all right let’s just hit it come on buddy come back to life you got this uh Beacon blacksmith I’m not sure if this is working oh it worked no no no no no no okay it worked a little bit too well um um okay I I fixed your Golem um look I’m not going to destroy your Golem cuz that would literally be against the point but thank you very much appreciate that oh my gosh and a beacon sword oh w this might be good to fight him oh my gosh oh my gosh okay maybe not maybe not 2 3 4 okay we’re good well on the bright side guys now we get to test the beacon sword oh and this is the Enchanted Beacon all right we only have one color left and that is the Golems which oh and I’m going to guess is this guy hello TK power all be Golems oh would that be with redstone I mean it didn’t really work with redstone last time but it is a hint so does that work oh it looks like he’s online now oh when I’m near by him I get regen oh that’s sick what about this guy what do you give me this guy gives regen too all right let’s keep going another one right here let’s power you on and now the final guy at the front of the village that should be all the beacon golems and now we got the Golem Beacon does this turn on now oh and now it’s activated yo all right only one missing is you so with me activating all these beacons you should have your end of the bargain oh he did the rainbow Beacon oh wow we have a lot of them now and that completes the full rainbow all right Beacon Village got my job on here now let’s make our way back to that chest and oh my gosh okay I completely forgot about that guy but he’s still coming I got to be quick oh yes I forgot about the beacon effects let’s let’s go all right let’s not put in all the beacons that we ended up getting right in here all right that should be all of them in oh and where to go oh challenge complete Beacon efficiency increased oh my gosh you that’s sick what the heck oh the guy didn’t like that all right um what are we doing next start next challenge all right we’re got to get the best Beacon possible still oh wait and we have jump boost now oh that’s sick all right let’s press you oh and another chest challenge plunger the giant Beacon huh the giant Beacon looks like medium size right click to enter oh we’re going inside and from inside we got to get that many blocks oh so this is such a big Beacon do I just like right click oh my goodness it is a giant Beacon okay so how the heck do we get over there this like a hidden path oh it is oh this is sick oh my gosh okay I’m kind of scared to go left or right let me just go straight okay so this is the bottom of the beacon and there’s a lot of buttons and lights going I guess yep we’re shooting it all right we’ll never forget the hammer that I just uh used but real quick let’s hit all these guys and honestly this is a easy one for the first area of the beacon all right almost done with these guys oh wait it was only 10 lamps I had to and we were done a long time ago now we have a rainbow is looking room make the beacon Flash and the door will open wait what do you mean make the beacon flash okay there’s a lot of redstone and stuff here I think I might have an idea what I need though is a lot of these guys right here bit of redstone let me just grab as many as I can probably either a sticky piston or a piston I’ll test this out but now let me make something real quick okay after some testing this should work where all we got to do is put down the torch and remove it and yes it’s flashing Christmas colors I got a friend’s help for that but it works any anyways let’s go on to the next area and oh it looks like we’re jumping stuff very simple parkour around the beacon all right what’s this room for then power the beacon and use it to jump up oh wait I’m not going through that door then I’m going through up there oh okay that is why we have so many diamonds in the room then I have a plan actually hold on we’re going to think smarter not harder this is what we do we’re going to remove all the diamond blocks these are for me now don’t mind me and instead we can just use iron blocks just like this and now it’s powered up nice okay so I messed up I fixed to actually get jump boost from the thing that being said that is not good enough to get up there am I supposed to just go up here oh it was Lally just a jump there I could have placed a block anyways let’s keep going then and power the beacon good luck wait what oh my gosh wait is that Bedrock I’m I supposed to break the Bedrock all right so technically I think I just got to fix up the light so that should open up the top right here I’m not sure if bedrock even affects beacons and then is something blocking it up here oh there’s a cobblestone generator hold up we can fix that let me real quick break you and then we can just make this go through there and now if I EMG water bucket all the way down oh it’s on yes hey it actually worked and now that’s the door open now what is this um looks like there’s no one oh wait there’s some guards okay don’t know why they guards here but not a fan of that oh gosh oh gosh is he going to come this way I am screwed if he comes this way let me just stroll this way okay I’ve completely missed that guy right there now it’s a matter of this guard oh okay okay let me just wait for him to pass going to go straight this way the door is right there though he’s literally at the door what is this oh come on okay please move forward should be good let me just go through here and we’re good wo what the heck are these things oh wait these are all the materials we need hold on this calls for a diamond pickaxe cuz we got to m a lot oh my gosh is there something that’ll help me around here oh collect resources okay wait so if I just press this oh it disappeared and now it’s in chest form okay that is a lot better let me put all those guys in there real quick and now with that being done let’s jump back oh my gosh it’s good to be back oh my gosh okay how close is that guy the noise is getting louder well that’s our Beacon right there and now let’s go ahead and put all the stuff we need to put in and so what happens now oh it disappeared oh is it going to get bigger oh my gosh yo what just happened let me put that right there holy cow all right that definitely got bigger oh we got a new potion effect of resistance that being said let’s go on to the next challenge press you oh and now challenge is to survive Three Strange beacons what are three strange beacons oh Beacon one TNT Beacon wait is this going to become the strange Beacon oh okay and it still works yo TNT beacons all right let’s go inside and see what’s going on oh what the heck TNT run reached the end huh all the way there all right I have speed at least let’s just go oh my gosh okay let’s make sure we don’t fall oh gosh okay not too bad okay okay okay the jumps are good the jumps are good the jumps are good okay we’re almost there guys one last jump there we go and we made it yes holy oh now Beacon two the lava Beacon what is the lava Beacon oh my gosh it’s literally made out of lava those are lava Elemental blazes too oh I got to defeat them is is this really the challenge oh gosh okay can I stand on the lava Beacon that’s the real question I’m going to see now oh I can yo all right let me take out as many as I can wait they keep spawning in how many are they holy okay we got a decent bit down okay they keep spawning guys they keep spawning this is a little bit tough oh my gosh all right definitely going to have to use range attacks almost 11 that’s 12 oh no I’m out of arrows that is a problem okay we’re got to do this oldfashioned way come on get over here two more to go and then we’re done how many you need to spawn what is this okay one more one more and it’s done holy oh they’re all gone and now it’s the skull begin ooh this one sounds a little bit more menacing well I guess whatever to make the beacon get bigger let’s go in oh skull maze Escape but where the warden oh no oh wait wait oh gosh oh gosh no no no I already made a noise this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad oh gosh oh gosh okay we’re going to go as fast as we can guys I I don’t think it’s spawned in yet should be good oh wait no I think I hear it oh I don’t like this there’s so many dead ends oh wait another lever oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no wait another lever right here too how many levers do I going to get where am I supposed to go hold on he’s here okay this only way oh it’s exit you know what not even going to deal with that guy we should be good and we’re back that sounds complete and oh my goodness it grw and I have strike now nice oh wait what did it just die the beacon is dead dig inside to find out why wait I’m now digging inside the beacon oh okay I better do that quick okay all right not not a fan of that let’s real quick go inside do I dig from the top or from the bottom oh wait is that a hole and is this hollow hold up let me real quick break that and oh it is hollow we just jump down all right here we go oh oh oh yo oh we’re good the underd dark find a way out this is under the beacon I guess oh there’s a lot of good stuff here I’m going to borrow one d block real quick don’t mind me and oh my gosh what the heck is this we pillagers yo oh this is bad this is bad this is bad okay okay um um this is not what I plann for oh my goodness there’s no doors in the house am I supposed to do anything here besides run I think I’m just supposed to run okay okay all right you got stay away have a great day let me block that off real quick and what is going on inside this Beacon all right what what do we do here let me real quick just jump through oh a button do I press the button button doesn’t do anything oh and there’s some paintings maybe something behind the paintings nope just broke art okay where the heck is the way out then oh another button oh wait I have a lever hold up is this a door oh it’s right here yo nice all right and now on to what looks to be like a secret LP thing oh what the heck are those things replace all broken beakers and the door will open oh and these are new beakers right here so do I break this and then place it oh that works oh that’s cool why does the we can have a FL lab under it not going to question it really but let’s just go ahead and get all these Done Right Here There we go this one too okay it looks like I only have three more to go oh almost missed this one and there’s definitely one up here okay let me go all the way up here break that perfect and where is the last one oh there we go all right that’s the last Beaker done and with all these done that’s the door open all right whatever experiments are done here I guess they’ll be complete now what the heck is this here A stack of blocks of diamonds okay another stack of blocks of diamonds what is going on in this parkour I’m literally just being given stacks of diamonds for the most basic parkour all right I’m not really complaining just might as well did not fall and another stack of diamonds all right now what’s up here oh wait a lot of netherite maybe I needed it for this make trimmed netherite armor and the door will open oh hold up there’s a little hidden chest what’s in here the smithing template okay another chest right here for netherite helmet so lowkey we can go ah and do this right now we put this and the trim oh we need netherite ingots all right what about here gold ingots okay that makes sense all right I guess we just got to get up a bunch of agent debris one sec all right now we just got to real quick cook it and just to have special cooking oil we’ll use lava nice all right netherite ready now let’s go ahead and just make one netherite Ingot and so now with all these we get the silence armor Tri netherite helmet all right can I put this on oh we did it is it open now hey let’s go and now we have main Beacon power switch oh so this is how I turn it back on all right do I just press this then oh that noise was either the final boss or the beacon turning on all right and it’s back online got the potion effects and what is this chest right here now oh Beacon expander rapidly expands a beacon oh hold up let me real quick run back over here and is this going to make it even bigger again all right challenge complete and oh my goodness it’s getting huge and now we have another button for another challenge what’s it going to be this time I guess let’s just go and press it and challenge help the Beacon’s nether oh wait what that that’s sick ohly wearable weather skull am I going to need to wear this okay I am now a skeleton all right eating my bread and now we’re going to go in the nether as a skeleton here we go okay what is this wither Village solve the villagers problems we got a farmer Wither Skeleton how’s it going man task fix their Farm the heck are these crops how do I fix this oh wither seeds hold up okay so I’m going to replant the Wither seeds so what we can do first is we’re going to be a little pretentious and actually make a diamond ho cuz we can why not we have so many diamond blocks let’s roll quick till all the land right here and uh we’re just going to plant all the Wither seeds we have all right wither seeds there and wither seeds right here let’s burn one and that’s should be the farm done oh need happy all right so that’s one person helped there’s also the Cartographer Withers skeleton what the cool glasses I like your glasses buddy find the Wither’s Compass oh I’m going to guess it’s straight this way uh or this way guys I’m realizing compasses just don’t work in the nether that being said there’s literally an X right here is your stuff just here oh my goodness wow okay I was a cartographer it was five blocks away it’s probably the glasses that kind of help him not see it there you go though Betty all right that should be done up next we it looks like we have a gill up there but first we have a Wither guard how’s it going wither guard make them five wither Golems the heck is a Wither Golem oh that’s how you make one on the screen right there where we literally use netherite blocks this is op and instead of a pumpkin we’re using skulls all right one sec let me just get the five ready this is going to be the Squadron right here and as for skulls uh how do I get some do I get some from you no could there be stuff in here oh we skulls nice why are they keeping skulls here you know what I’m not going to question it cuz now we can make one of these one of these there we go last one and we got the wether Golems yo all right with the c that is your new team oh and right here it looks like these are what I got to do so we have the guard cartographer and farmer done and then we got to light up these beacons so light all eight beacons and this unlocks the merchant access which is the beacon upgrade that’s why we’re here I get it now who else do I have to help around here maybe the librarian all right librarian what are we doing today exterminate the infestations oh yo there’s netherite termites what the heck okay that’s one down another one down last one and I think we’re good finally all right that should be that job done let’s go ahead and get that done and that should open up another Beacon but before we do that the heck is this enchanter we skeleton what do you want me to do build an enchanting room all right as your fellow Wither Skeleton I can do that but I guess I could just place on an enchant table oh there’s lit an enchant table at the top so I mean a enchanting room can be as simple as just putting one thing right here and then that should give a good enchants I mean is that good enough it’s like right over there oh he’s happy all right that should be another one done looks like we have three more beacons to go oh and we have a guy with a top hat up here oh wait is that a giant wither back there what the heck wait so do I just trade with you oh wait this might be the merchant then so when all the beacons are up I can trade with you then let’s just get straight to the blacksmith Wither Skeleton prepare the sword oh the heck is this needs to be smelted back together oh do I just put it in here um like that and then I cook it would this work huh that doesn’t work what about this what if I just drop it in there uh what happens now oh it came back out yo and now we have a repaired netherite sword all right well here you go buddy I guess that worked and that’s another light done all right now we got the Wither Skeleton Thief how’s it going buddy nice mask learn to pickpocket oh thieves gloves use for pickpocketing oh okay wait so like for example this guy do I just like go up behind him and oh pickpocket yo oh my goodness what stuff does he have oh wait and he even dropped this the beacon Ray how does this do oh my gosh that’s op okay nice uh were you looking for this oh no he’s just happy all right uh you can have the thieves Club back okay so now the last guy is help me please from the chill piglin I have an idea so they’re not going to really atic thing cuz I’m a weather skeleton right so what we can do is I’m going to make a really bad staircase up up here and then I’m going to get him down from inside so buddy you’re going to climb up here and then you can escape with me come on buddy is that good oh he’s happy with that oh and he’s going to go up and he’s out and now that’s all the beacons done all right so now we can go to the merchant all right Mr Merchant he wants four golden eots for wither Rose but the block of gold is for the Wither’s key I guess I can just grab block of gold right there and my friend here you go wither star key all right let’s put that in real quick and now we have access to what looks to be oh my gosh all the Wither stores we’ll ever need holy all right that should be enough but I guess with that being done let’s go in and we’re back challenge completed and oh my gosh it’s getting bigger holy what is going on that’s lagging me oh my gosh okay yep that that they’re not happy of how big the Beacon’s getting start next challenge wait it’s going to get even bigger all right let’s press that and now complete the trials the trial of the mega Beacon oh my gosh wait what oh this is sick oh okay I I should hurry up and pick one um are these like Trials of random stuff or beacons who knows let’s go in oh speed challenge out run the bunny win the race oh we’re racing all right you ready buddy let’s go oh my goodness okay he’s hopping he’s hopping at a pretty good Pace okay you know what we’re going to do this block him off real quick he’s only a bunny oh and that worked yes he one block tall we can literally just do that unless he hops over it he hopped over oh my gosh he’s catching up okay little bit of Parkour let’s make sure not to mess this up there we go let me block him off real quick that should slow him down enough oh and I don’t see him oh wait we got a good lead from that all right I think we’re going to win this let’s get to the very end and I think we won oh oh and he’s shaking his head oh my gosh wait no don’t jump in the lava no oh I think that’s done now and we’re back all right so that’s speed next up is jump boost it looks like all right let’s open this and then we go oh where are we now jump challenge beat the Slime parkour oh this is sick wait so if I jump here and then I do this oh it’s sends me up hold up let’s real quick get the jump going and jump oh that’s sick oh man all right let’s do that again let me get on here send me up nice all right let’s keep going another one right here the ultimate jump boost perfect let’s keep going up okay let’s make sure not to mess up one of these easy jumps and now we just got to go right here nice and again and finally again well that’s going to complete this right here and now that’s door number two done all right now let’s go on to strength let’s right click you oh and what the heck is this strength challenge to feed the mighty herob oh my gosh hey yo okay well he’s not very Mighty he’s getting thread okay that going oh my goodness why did I talk how’s it going buddy all right all right I thought that was going to be normal here but let’s take this guy out and down he goes there’s not a phase three right please don’t be a phase three are we good oh and we’re good nice that’s the third one done next up let’s do resistance all right here you go this is a challenge survive the lava wait what lava oh my gosh wait is lava going to drop from the sky wait do we got a brew potion oh gosh okay we got to be quick the wart where’s the blaze powder oh Magma Cream yes oh blaze powder okay okay okay let’s put the blaze powder in now we just got to wait oh my gosh wait lava is actually falling okay uh hurry up hurry up we need to survive it oh my gosh okay wait that’s done and now we put in the magma cream oh my goodness okay no no no no no no I don’t like that all right come on oh power resistance yes we got that oh my gosh oh my gosh okay let’s drink that and we can survive the lava 3 2 1 and we’re good yes I just heard a beacon noise does that mean we completed it oh we did it yes all right now that’s resistance with the check mark all of them have check marked except the haste so what is haste going to be haste challenge breach that first wait what am am I beting someone oh wait who’s this guy we got a herine suddenly here oh wait 3 to one oh wait we’re just going oh my gosh okay I think I just got to take it a straight line okay am I beating him oh my gosh wait I’m lapping him with the haste I assume haste is better than whatever efficiency he has then Plus go straight then until we find the exit if we ever do find it oh my gosh wait oh there it is Finish Line and we’re teleported back wait so what happens now oh yo I got all the effects wait what’s going on what’s that noise it’s here defeat the monster yo oh my gosh okay laser time how do I even hit it wait hint aim for the foot cap oh the foot cap okay let’s just shoot it there come on laser oh my God still not down still not down oh wait did we get it I think we got it oh challenge complete yes we did it this is a normal Minecraft fossil and this is a bigger Minecraft fossil but what’s inside of the fossil well let’s begin by fighting our first level one fossil so this right here is a normal fossil and then this right here is a uh what what even is this I don’t even know what this is oh a guardian dig site but pretty much a level one even bigger fossil and our goal today is go inside and find the biggest fossil ever cuz today I am ex the story The archaeologist where step one we got to excavate the dick site AKA I think that’s suspicious sand right there so let’s go up to it real quick mind the suspicious sand there we go and now we’re inside the fossil looks like we got some chest what’s in the chest uh leather pants and leather boots perfect for my archaeologist setup there we go oh and a single diamond in a stick all right I’ll take that okay so this is the fossil of whatever was an ancient giant Guardian oh and the door is locked do we need to use this oh it’s the new brush hold up so with the brush we can go ahead and go to block and literally brush out an item oh my goodness wait how do I get the key then do I have to just brush a bunch of things what about this one nothing oh my goodness okay brushing all these is going to take forever maybe there’s a hint somewhere there’s one on the roof maybe it’s this one no what if it’s pointing down onto this block oh yes I was right okay I was about to brush every single block here but now we can brush out the key put it into the lock and we should be good nice okay onto the next bar of this ancient Guardian we’re wondering what’s at the end of this deposit five glass and the door will open oh all right that’s easy we get one of these coals we get the furnace get 1 2 3 4 5 sand put the sand and the coal all right that’s the glass done three four and five there we go oh and it open nice all right on to the next area we have some iron I think that’s part of the fossil oh and a hole I might have an idea then I think we got to do this mine a bit of this one more furnace and maybe we make an iron door here or wait this would be smarter I don’t think I need to cook the iron I just got to do this oh yeah that works and now let’s crawl through and get deeper into the fossil oh gosh what is that noise oh hello buddy how’s it going you’ve been here for a while hear the Villager and the door will open I got you buddy okay let me investigate the room oh chest and a potion of weakness okay so all we need is a golden apple so let me real quick grab all this that’s going to be a gold let’s cook the gold gold done and now we need is an apple is there any other chests I’m missing around here a wait suspicious s again so can we brush it oh and yes we have an apple in here hey let’s go buddy probably came down here with an apple and it got stuck there okay my friend we are both archaeologists but it definitely sounds like you’re not as good of an archaeologist as me so you know what I’m going to help you out here you go one splash potion of weakness there you go and one Golden Apple nice okay that should do the healing process now Oh’s back hey welcome back buddy anyways the door open oh and it looks like there was Treasure inside all right one block of iron one block of gold not going to be too stingy and the main thing we were looking for was a map for even bigger fossils guys oh my goodness I don’t even know what that is but we’re heading there but before we do that we have an excavate fossil button all right this is going to be our first fossil conquer guys and they are getting bigger so in 3 2 1 oh also to find the next one anything happened oh my what the heck hold up we got to go outside actually hold on you’re free now nice now let’s go back holy okay that is fossil number one down and excavated now onto this next bigger one which let’s get to right now oh and that must be the fossil it’s a giant ancient villager but is there a way inside oh wait it’s down here complete villager tasks and the door will open oh yep that’s Bedrock so I’m going to guess I got to help out the village oh the N task completed and Yep they’re going to need my help all right villagers let me do the task just so I can get into the giant villager deliver five loaves of bread oh okay D do you have the bread for me or do I have to grab it from you all right I’m going to take the wheat just in case cuz I don’t have that much bread but the archaeologist adventure continues let me feed you there we go here you go another Loa of bread Mr Matt maker another loaf what do you have in here you have bread in here I’m going to take the bread back and finally hungry villager right here I’m going to BET right now you have food in the chest oh my goodness what you have so much food already all right there you go happy and this is the actual final one there we go okay he doesn’t have any food you’re good all right fer that should be everyone fed is that first Tas done nice okay next up let’s do this blacksmith over here what would you like us to do I’m ready for anything test out his armor oh gosh wait that’s going to be a little dangerous all right let me take off the archaeologist boots and pants put on this full set of iron armor and how do I test it oh wait what is this pord incoming oh that’s what I’m testing it for iron homet zombies oh my goodness okay actually the armor is pretty good guys it doesn’t do any damage oh my goodness one last one and that should be finally it all right blacksmith honestly armor is pretty good but here you go buddy take all the armor back and he seems happy that’s too done okay all right do we want to do the librarian next or I kind of want to check out the officer let me try out the officer officer what’ you like me to do how are your new guard wait do you not like your job what is this security guard medal for the best protector in the village okay is there an iron go in the village oh maybe that guy he do why is there a llama on the church you know what we’ll figure that out later that being said I’m not going to give the medal to the Llama but you you become the security Golem oh there you go all right Officer that should be that done and he seems happy okay that’s three out of nine done and we have two villagers in here why don’t we do the treasure villager how’s it going find the treasure is that it no no no pointers oh oh we got a map okay that’s like right by us all right one quick Adventure hold up oh and this should be it x marks the spot but am I supposed to brush this hold up is this the treasure oh wait it might be oh it’s a gem and now we have the rare gem perfect now let’s go back all right back to the treasure villager and here you go that should be four to n now nice perfect okay who do we do next we have the wandering Trader and then whatever the Cake store is let’s do the wandering Trader what do you want us to do is there a trade or is your llama gone oh that makes sense that’s why the llamas are gone okay buy the three missing llamas okay so we got a lead and the first L is on top of the church uh buddy how did you even get up here okay no you know what that doesn’t even make sense come this way buddy Mr wer trador llama like right guy oh he’s gone all right that’s one now where are the other llamas there you are buddy all right that’s two and number three is on the top of the bank how does llama get to the top of the bank that is a mystery I will probably never know but it’s all good cuz we’re here now Mr llama let’s right click you now he’s all the way back and that’s all three done are we good we’re good nice now let’s go straight to the baker Village all right so oh that’s kind of cool I assume he wants one3 cake oh wait no find the cake thief oh wait who’s the Cake Thief all right we are now looking for the cake thief oh wait would that just be him right there in the middle of the road cake thief get over here oh wait he’s running hey no no no get back here go oh he’s juking me okay no let me roll quick H at once oh and now we got the cake pack nice all right that was actually pretty easy here’s your cake pack perfect and is that done nice six out of nine guys okay so next up we have the mother villager what are we doing here is this like a home needs to be built build boom got it oh gosh okay there’s four of them and here let me just break all these guys right here there we go get those out of the way and I’m going to build you guys out of what I have right now oh we don’t have much okay it’s going to be a small house guys I’m sorry about that okay so what we can do is you guys will have these as your floor it’s pretty nice floor but it’s going to be a 2X two house cuz we don’t have that many blocks guys sorry about this it’ll be a beautiful home though don’t worry it’s going to have a roof and everything and best of all you guys get not a wooden door but the best type of door a metal door look at that and to get in and out we are we’re going to do a nice lightweighted pressure plate all right I’ll take a pretty 10 out of 10 home how’s that sure I’ll take it why not honestly not the poorest home I’ve ever built but now that leaves two more people and I think we got to build something else with the librarian all right what do you want librarian oh donate 32 bucks I got none right now does anyone else have books actually I think I saw bookshelves here oh yeah hold on maybe we can borrow some real quick and oh maybe setting up security Golem might not pay off okay this is all for us to get into the fossils we’re just going to you know break in real quick don’t mind me we’re doing doing this in the name of archaeology let me just real quick get 32 bucks so we can donate them and then we should be good you know it’s sabotaging the competition no worries we’re going to just grab this right here 33 books perfect and now librarian there you go let me just Spam you a bunch of books 32 and that’s a done all right who is left oh wait how did I miss that guy a bank teller and a red name villager oh what who’s that guy we’re definitely going to have to fix that up okay that is 100% a Pillager with a big old villager head on you know what I’m going to talk to the bank to First is this man bothering you task for over their soul and totem um excuse me you’re definitely not a villager do I right click do I hit him oh yep yep okay fine back sorry about this oh and I think I found your totem there you go one totem for you oh and he gave us the key oh we can finally go into the bigger fossil guides how big are they even going to get all right I got the trust of the village now we can go ahead and enter the giant village fossil so let’s open this up real quick now step three explore the fossil all right let’s go inside guys I got to put on the archaeologist pants and boots cuz we’re going in guys oh wait what the heck is this let me real quick go through here and I think this is where we got to go clear out the cobwebs to reach the door oh well all right we reached it oh and J boots we are upgrading our archaeologist boots beautiful I guess this is the way in then let’s go up oh and what do we have here looks like someone’s living here oh skeletons nice oh we like parkouring yep the bones of the Villager has skeletons protecting it you know what not going to question it but we got to go up let’s real quick just make a run is this more armor oh CH leggings a good old upgrade nice let’s go all the way to the top and and up we go okay what do we got here a shooting target challenge love these all right let’s get the arrow going to get infinity yep that’s Infinity one on that going to be for later let’s go ahead and hit one I hear so many mobs right now guys what the heck is going on that’s three 4 5 and that should be the last one out and the door open nice okay what are all these mobs up here oh we got CH chest plate all right the archaeologist suit is getting bigger um okay what the heck oh yo how did you get trapped okay what is this uh save the Villager the door open understood okay so what we can do then is let me real quick get him to safety there you go buddy you safe to go nice now let me just take out the rest of these guys wait did he fall in there buddy no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay how did you fall in the hole this is the number one thing you were not supposed to do all right well on the bright side I don’t think the Villager is going to die we need that door to open all right really okay you know what thank you thank you I appreciate it and the door’s out open oh man that one was stressful honestly you deserve these take the old on all right up next we have place the holy chain mail and the door will open no wait I don’t get to keep this hold up hold up no no no villager that’s actually mine okay let me real quick put that on and here’s the only chain mail the chest plate the helmet the boots and the legs and we get to keep our old gear oh and the door’s open fair enough let’s keep going and what next part of the Villager is this going to be oh and what the heck is this oh is this the head it is the head oh and we have toothless all right Mr toothless what’s up task fix up the skull he oh my gosh okay you know what it’s going to be worth it cuz right here we have an excavate fossil Button as so when we excavate this I’m going to assume this entire Village is going to have a brand new giant villager statue right by it but before we do that let me fill up as many holes as we can this might take a good bit and now we’re completely out uh yeah about that that’s the best I can do let’s real quick ow okay that doesn’t work all right Mr toothless that’s pretty much all I can do for you but do you have the map for the next thing oh he does and now we can go ahead and find the next one which is oh wow that looks like a spear right there but before we go there let’s go ahead and excavate this fossil and see what happens in 3 2 1 oh B activated oh my gosh yo hold up let me break through oh my goodness I see diamonds down there all right toothless sorry about this but I’m going to have to parkour around this guy down we go out and I present you guys the gigantic villager fossil that’s actually insanely big anyways uh I think we got to go straight down this way oh wait this might be it right here guys hold on what is this it’s like the mouth of something oh mining gear required new craft mining gear oh that’s graph for in the screen right now we only have one diamond and one iron block well luckily it’s literally right over there where the Villager is so let’s go get those diamonds we needed all right I’m doing it 360 here we go straight down and okay oh and look at all these Diamond veins nice all right this is the easy part getting the diamonds but for the iron I have another idea all right that should be enough diamonds seven in total now let me go back to the first fossil hey Buddy’s doing good how’s it going man anyways we are back to mine all these all right now with iron blocks let’s real quick grab all this right there and first we’re going to be making the m mining chest plate oh no we’re going to say goodbye to our Le pants well it was a good run with them but we got to go and get the boots also okay so this should be all the pieces let’s go and put this on sorry Lether boots and now this is the next phase of our archaeology right here and so do I just go down I don’t think I need a m car or anything oh clear the debris don’t get crushed oh wait is this suspicious gravel I got to like mine this oh yo wait the suspicious gravel has TNT that’s nice actually oh there’s even more TNT so if I keep rushing this and get a bunch of TNT we can make a pretty big explosion all right let me real quick Place one TNT there another TNT there and another TNT there let’s get this lever ready fire in the hole oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s fall back oh my gosh oh there we go oh um I kind of missed the mark attempt number two there we go fall back real quick and now explode oh was that good enough oh wait I guess we can find a way through guys I should have probably gotten some more gravel but it’s all good oh and now that we’re in step four explore the cave oh gosh okay so this is like the body of the creature of this fossil whatever it was maybe it was an underwater creature okay it looks like we got to go all the way to the end here oh is this a mob spawner maybe we’re not supposed to go down here it is a mob spawner though with no chests that’s a scam let me break that all right perfect hold on wait I see names down there let me just go through here oh it’s miny people oh they beat me to it yo how’s it going fellow archaeologists nice all right lead mining guy what’s up task one feed them oh I came down here just to give you guys food what do I have to give them uh all right you take one bread you take a bread and need to take a bread oh he’s not happy with that okay what now give them each an iron pickaxe my goodness all right let me give you the the pickaxes okay we got to keep the rest but here you go one iron pickaxe for you another one for you and you get my broken one there we go nice okay and you still don’t happy and now protect their Noggins oh like helmets we now going to make all them helmets I feel scammed right now but you know what okay 1 2 3 oh wow they’re actually holding the pickaxes kind of cool there you go oh they got the helmets on that’s sick all right as long as I have my own mining team we should be good all of them they got their helmets now how do this look now we good oh and the door’s now open wow okay at least I get to go in first okay what is this jump in um guys am I really jumping in here are we sure about this all right I don’t know how far it goes but if it does get bigger let’s go oh my gosh oh oh where the heck am I now fossil Dimension find the treasure the heck is this dust bunnies where the heck are we then um oh I I can pick them up um yeah I’m going just put that down oh wait we picked them up to put them in there sort the dust bunnies and the door will open all right pretty much we’re cleaning up the fossils all right come on dust bunnies need all of you they kind of look like giant meatballs honestly anyway so we got the black ones all the white ones and where is the last one the gray ones nice okay let’s put black in here gray in here and finally white oh and the door open nice all right that’s all those done next up what do we got here oh is this like a bone maze oh it is let me just go through all this real quick and I think it’s just leading me to this very end bit right about here oh wait lava sacrifice required choose your tribute huh press for a friend what the heck is this going to do okay let me press it who’s my friend wait stove stove who the heck is this that’s not Steve um okay buddy it said sacrifice required um I’m sorry about this but um jump in there oh do I got to push him I really don’t want to push this guy he seems like a nice dude I’m I’m so sorry about this you’re you’re a great man sorry stove no stove oh man oh and I guess that created a bridge all right well let’s continue then what is this creature even has like little art inside of him oh wait balls enchanting and obsidian I guess I’ll grab both what am I doing here oh wait I’m leading the XP all the way to the end okay so pretty much let me just do a lot of those there we go and now the XP follows me to the end okay this way XP come on buddy you got this let’s go straight this way all right and up we go and is that good enough yes it did it oh man okay and now onto this what is going on in here oh find the red button the door will open oh red button H feel like red should be easy to find around here where would the red button be oh this is actually pretty hard to find guys oh wait there it is it’s in the eye of the dinosaur all right easy enough let me real quick go all the way up here all right red button let’s press you in 3 2 1 just open the door oh it did okay might be on a timer let’s just go through and ooh Redstone oh wait there’s a redstone Contraption here okay so first let’s get some extra Redstone just so we can connect everything looks like we got to power that and power that okay and then we just got to flip this the right way okay I don’t really know what I’m doing here guys but usually just flipping it randomly does get the job done unless there’s a hint around me oh I’m a fool I compl believe we forgot there’s no Redstone here and no Redstone there okay wait is that all the Redstone then figured out I think that is now it’s back to the guessing game I think it has to go straight there oh and we have enough power let’s go okay is this the treasure room rest in peace all these people that got eaten my goodness but we get a very good diamond sword oh my goodness thank you very much and a bone flint and steel wait what is this for all right let’s go back real quick no map this time oh and we’re done with that fossil now step five is to make a bone portal so we’ve got the guardian that villager guy this big old snake guy and this might be the biggest fossil yet guys or the biggest fossil I’m not really sure but I think we got to just go straight into um the nether but with a bone flint and steel all right let’s light that up oh and it feels normal before we go though was there an exavation button here oh wait there is it just showed up here I barely missed this okay let’s see how big this fossil was before we go to the next bigger fossil by clicking this in 3 2 1 oh oh my gosh no oh my gosh let me get up real quick holy cow guys this is the giant dinosaur thingy wow okay that that is actually pretty big now we have whatever is in the nether so let’s go in oh wait where the heck is this weather fossil oh is this nether but it’s nether rain or whatever but it says right here place the items and the door will open wait how we go inside of that thing I don’t even know what that is a netherite Ingot a Wither Skull Soul Sand and a Nether Star huh oh wait are these jarts oh we got a wither skeleton skull already so okay that’s one there so maybe instead of actually going to get this stuff we break the jars oh another nice okay what about this one another netherite Ingot that’s you so okay we can make a netherite sword uh some more bricks oh Soul Sand okay more Soul Sand oh no I’m going to have to fight the weather orai oh and yes another star oh man okay that’s that done and finally the soul s but before we do that let me actually get a little bit more prepared for this fossil cuz it’s a giant wither fossil it looks like let me take the sword and upgrade it wait is this not how it works anymore oh we need one of these oh man that’s the picture of it on the screen I feel Bamboozled dang it all right well let’s put the soul s in oh and the bed Rock’s gone nice and so now we’ll enter this Mega giant wither fossil oh gosh okay let me head all the way down real quick all right what do we got down here okay there we go and I think I can just make this jump nice all right this is the very bottom of this giant wither I think so I just go in okay we’re going up oh and I think this might be the first little Challenger room some am creams oh deposit 60 magma cream and the door will open so it’s a Magma Cream situation all right I have looting 10 so this should be not too difficult oh wow that’s already 10 what the heck okay let’s real quick get as many as we can that’s 13 oh 20 okay perfect let’s go down throw down all that magma cream oh and door open all right next thing in the weather what do we got here oh it looks like some Nether wart are we Brewing oh there’s a brewing s yes oh I’m going to assume big Arrow right there so we need a fire resistance potion luckily we got everything we need right here probably need some Nether wart too okay there we go all right so one water bottle blaze powder nether War now Magma Cream one potion of fire resistance all right and now we should be able to go in oh there we go nice all right all right that should be the next trial done what do we now have up in the next floor of this wither another arrow right there okay what’s going on in here looks like we’re just kind of like going through all these places unless this is a little maze thing the heck where does this lead though I’m going to guess where the pressure plates end up going okay this way oh gold inot nice oh and four gold ingots will open the way okay luckily I already have gold ingots on me so I don’t think I need to go crazy with it so let me just go through here see if I can dodge all these we are going the right way looks like okay don’t touch pressure plates don’t touch pressure plates we’re almost at the end oh gosh there we go and the gold gets 1 2 three and four we only really got one oh and that’s door open nice okay what is here mama piglin hello oh so for the door to open I got to bring baby piglin back to Bama piglin got it why are you guys living inside of a fossil who knows but let’s just go to the very end uh do I just take baby piglin nice and now I think we just got to right click them again oh gosh okay don’t fill the jump nice um piglin here is the baby piglin oh nice and she disappeared cool and we go to the next area and oh wait is that a netherite block I don’t have a diamond pick though oh my goodness oh make netherite Golem and the door will open oh actually we can make a diamond pickaxe though okay that that’s easy enough let’s real quick one diamond pickaxe and so I see all the netherite blocks here what about the pumpkin oh there it is okay we have everything we need then all right time to m a bunch of netherite blocks all right we should have everything now so I think I just do this 1 2 3 put down the Golem oh and that worked where did the Golem go all right I guess we’ll never see them now what is this is that reinforc netherite I can’t really tell but oh wait deposit a nether star and the door will open dang it oh man okay so all the Wither schools are here then I got to grab three of these and then there’s Soul behind me is there anything around here oh wait J hold on this might be something good please be something good oh we finally got it the smithing template okay so now that we have this actually we can go ahead and make netherite sword for this boss battle let’s put these together though and now we can get the netherite sword beautiful now I feel better okay this is nice now we grab four Soul Sand and this is going to be the hardest part we got to fight the Wither right inside of here oh gosh okay one two let me get obsidian just in case oh boy here we go all right witha time you stuck in there oh now we do it how’s it going buddy honestly this could be worse this is pretty bad this is pretty bad oh gosh oh gosh okay let me eat real quick and we go back to it okay no don’t regen buddy oh my goodness this boss is too much okay couple more hits and yes we got him and a good old nether star all right with that being done deposit nether star and the door will open all right that’s door open now and now let’s keep going up to the weather okay what else do we have going on up here deposit three Three core memories and the treasures is yours wait what’s three core memories they up here maybe each head has a memory until we can go in there oh is this one of the core memories make my choice piglin or Blaze let’s go with piglin I don’t have any more Fire Res potions so I guess let’s go in here oh we’re in heck is this piglin Dimension find the core memory okay so this is where the return portal let’s go in then oh ender pearls all right am I like ender pearl across oh it’s an ender pearl parkour so we got to go through each one of these things to get to that core memory at the end oh gosh okay this is getting a little bit low on health okay last one right there oh nice throw oh and there it is the core memory oh now we got it okay let’s get out of here and that’s first core memory done let’s go now on to the left head over here oh wait place two core memories to lock the cage so the other core memory must be something over here oh this makes sense why is a cow right here Mr Cow what what are you doing up there okay know what you do you anyways huglin or wither I’m going to guess the Wither inside the Wither makes sense let’s go okay we are in and now what a dimension find the core memory press to release oh do we want to release that guy I don’t know if we will release him build a beacon and you may leave oh that’s why we got to release him there’s Gold Blocks everywhere and a Wither Oh no I got to fight another one all right let’s just get all the gold blocks first and then afterwards we’ll begin fighting okay we should definitely have more than enough right now let’s real quick just do all these there we go and that’s a full Beacon done now it’s just up to the wer oh gosh what if I just go inside there Mr W awful idea awful awful idea okay what’s the plan be is there anything else to explore around here I have no options all right we’re just going to go in again come on buddy oh round two makes sense for the Wither fossil okay wait we’re doing pretty good straf okay let me take a quick breather ooh I need more food all right well our friend right there just stares at us oh how’s it going by the way all three of you we’re going to real quick make some good old bread all right now that the bread is ready let’s go again here we go buddy oh gosh doing good damage right now oh couple hits and yes we got it oh my goodness okay luckily we had all the stuff to craft the beacon so all we got to do now is real quick place the beacon down right here and is that good enough oh we got the core memory yes now that’s two okay so with two core memories we can go through through here I mean we almost have this done let’s put the two core memories in oh and that’s now unlocked how do I grab this oh nice okay let’s grab all these again then and now we just put one two and three and that’s door open okay typical treasures inside the giant fossil let me grab some of these diant blocks definitely going to need that probably for later perfect and so what do we have inside the chest 20 ancient Eyes of Ender okay this apparently leads me somewhere different and let’s excavate that fossil oh and did that do the job oh my goodness all right let’s go up real quick holy cow oh yeah that’s a big weather all right well that is going to be the weer fossil and it looks like we have one final one which is with the ancient Eyes of Ender top the stronghold is this going to take me to oh it’s right that way though all right let’s go okay it’s literally taking us to messing now and oh wait did it go down I think it’s time to go down how deep are we going to dig down though who knows no fossil stuff yet oh uh nothing here no where is this ancient thing sending me to we’re almost at y level zero nothing what’s going on oh never mind we found it this is a normal stronghold oh wait there’s a chicken here but how do I get to the chicken guys I am so dumb I was right here we have the seeds right here okay this makes sense now so I got to let the chicken go and make it follow me all the way to the other side go that way thank you all the way here good job buddy nice oh a lot of Enderman o okay let’s just walk straight oh gosh okay okay looks like we have another section up here oh and a bunch of trees a friendly Enderman all right I can look at your eyes right yep nice okay oh oh oh he’s not happy at all help them cross oh I have an idea then best way to help them cross is in a boat so I can go ahead and make you go on the boat there we go and without without further Ado let’s take you across over here all right buddy you happy guess he’s happy oh and door open now make it talk and the door will open oh yo wait it’s a dragon head how do I make this thing talk is this like a redstone thing I have an idea we’re going to get a button and would this make it talk oh yo what the heck that’s sick all right next up we have is this a treasure room wait what netherite blocks and down blocks oh and we have an End Portal inside of the fossil head hold up so is this where I put the ancient eyes let’s go and put these and where is this going to lead me all right let’s go ahead and get the final fossil oh is this it the end fix the dragon fossil oh this might be it how do I fix it exactly unless I got to go inside of it I literally only have 18 smooth quartz maybe I just got to attach it in different places that might really be it hold up let me attach the tail there we go and besides that I mean we just got to fill up a few spots looks pretty good to me put that there put that there and oh wait why’s Crown shaking hello oh the Bone Dragon so the final fossil is going to be the Bone Dragon and for once it’s alive nice all right buddy let’s make you boneless get over here going to get a lot of hits here actually doing a pretty good job here all right just need you to perch buddy what is this perch wait can I still hit him like this oh we can come here buddy sharp s does nothing oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we’re almost done here 1 2 three oh no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh nice all right B Dragon almost done that’s a lot it there we go and that’s going to be video done guys hope you guys all enjoyed that is going to be Minecraft but the falles get bigger so hope you guys enjoyed have a great one and this video just like this one bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but It Gets Too Big…’, was uploaded by xNestorio on 2024-05-22 23:00:05. It has garnered 271807 views and 3255 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:18 or 12318 seconds.

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    Tree Trouble: Minecraft's Timber Taboo #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where trees stand tall, I can’t cut them down, it’s a challenge for all. But fear not, my friends, for I’ll find a way, To survive and thrive, in this game I play. With tools and tactics, I’ll mine and craft, Building my world, with a creative draft. Exploring caves, and battling mobs, In this blocky world, where the adventure never stops. So join me on this journey, as we explore and create, In Minecraft, where the possibilities are great. No tree cutting for me, but I’ll find my path, In this game of… Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

    Uncover Minecraft's Sky Height Limit! The Limit of Height in Minecraft: Reaching New Heights When it comes to exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. One such boundary that has captured the attention of many is the height limit in Minecraft. Let’s delve into this fascinating aspect of the game and see just how high players can go! Exploring the Heights In the world of Minecraft, the height limit has always been a topic of interest for players looking to expand their horizons. Originally, the height limit was set at 128 blocks… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft

    Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft Minecraft: A Chaotic Start to Survival Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft, where survival is key and chaos lurks around every corner. Join the adventure as you navigate through a vast landscape filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Unknown Step into the shoes of a brave explorer as you venture into uncharted territories, uncovering hidden treasures and encountering dangerous foes along the way. From lush forests to treacherous caves, the world of Minecraft is yours to discover. Building Your Legacy Put your creativity to the test as you construct magnificent structures, from… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a modern and upbeat atmosphere, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and creativity. The video you just watched may not be about Minewind, but it’s clear that the excitement and passion for Minecraft are present. Just like the content creator in the video, you can join Minewind and be part of a community that values creativity, collaboration, and fun. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft’s Fastest Form!

    Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft's Fastest Form! Welcome, welcome, to the iron farm show, Where we craft the fastest form, don’t you know? Piqman here, with a tutorial so fine, In Minecraft world, where iron doth shine. First, gather materials, obsidian and more, Build a structure, like never before. Slabs on top, to stop Golems from spawning, A wall around, to keep the iron forming. Water flows, in a perfect design, Portal lit, with a flick so divine. Villagers placed, in beds they lay, Glass above, to keep them at bay. Zombies brought, to scare the night, In survival mode, it’s quite a fight. But with… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Minecraft

    The Dark Side of Minecraft The Dark Side of Minecraft Unveiled Exploring the underbelly of the Minecraft community, this video delves into scandals and the criminal underworld surrounding some of the most popular players. From controversial behaviors of famous creators to the illegal sale of Minecraft accounts, shocking events are brought to light. Notch’s Downfall At 00:33, the video touches upon the fall of Notch, the creator of Minecraft, and the controversies that have surrounded him. The Game Seized by Censorship By 02:51, the narrative shifts to how censorship has impacted the game, altering its original essence. Toxic Fans From 04:22, the toxic behavior… Read More

  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Series – TrigunPlay Adventures

    Ultimate Minecraft Series - TrigunPlay AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘Viajes Baratos #minecraft #trigunplay #runicraft #minecraftseries #minecraftshorts #fypシ゚viral #pyf’, was uploaded by TrigunPlay on 2024-03-28 15:00:48. It has garnered 380 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Watch me struggle in hardcore Minecraft!

    EPIC FAIL: Watch me struggle in hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I am not good at hardcore in minecraft so I went a superflat world’, was uploaded by pixelizgaming on 2024-01-11 20:07:15. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:56 or 716 seconds. I died in hardcore so I went to a superfat world Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft SURVIVAL Tips! 🐔🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft SURVIVAL Tips! 🐔🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Tips on how to SURVIVE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CHICKENCRAFT on 2024-04-28 19:38:16. It has garnered 5408 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvp #viral Public Minecraft Lifesteal SMP & PVP-PRACTICE & BOXPVP (free to join!) Come join this Public Minecraft server on Java or Bedrock on any device! You can also join the minecraft server with Tlauncher. Join our active server with your friends or by yourself for completely free to play! Server Address/IP ➤ Bedrock PORT ➤ 19132 SMP… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Evolution – Nostalgia Unleashed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Evolution - Nostalgia Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: New vs Old – NOSTALGIA #shorts #shortsfeed #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARONTEX GAMING on 2024-04-30 05:33:37. It has garnered 11841 views and 369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: New vs Old – NOSTALGIA #shorts #shortsfeed #minecraft ====================================== PC Specification- (Dell G15 Gaming) Rtx 3050ti Ryzen 5500H 16gb Ram ======================================= Mobile- (POCO X2) Ram- 6gb Processor- 720 Snapdragon ========================================== BGMI ID- 5644051212 VALORANT TAG- ARONTEX#9187 ================================================ Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment,… Read More


    LIVE HOLI MADNESS IN MINECRAFT 🎉💥 - Sanku Reacts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Holi in live Minecraft live stream Sanku live playback 😮‍💨😤’, was uploaded by SANKU on 2024-03-25 11:00:15. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:51 or 13551 seconds. #sankulive #youtubeshort #live #minecraft Holi Memes 2024 #shorts #holi2024boys | #holi #funnyholi #funny #girlsvsboysfunny #shorts #youtubeshorts #comedy Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Gamer Legends – LIVE: Blaze SMP Minecraft Madness

    🔥 EPIC Gamer Legends - LIVE: Blaze SMP Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE: Minecraft on the Blaze SMP’, was uploaded by Legends gamer on 2024-05-30 07:52:18. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:57 or 7077 seconds. Join my discord server! Roblox: GAME LINK: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viral

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour 🔥 #shorts #viral #trending #minecraft #shortvideo #shortfeed #ytshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by AnkushplaysMC on 2024-05-17 18:25:00. It has garnered 12713 views and 792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. @SenpaiSpider… Read More

  • RealWorld

    RealWorldWelcome to our Minecraft haven! Dive into a colossal 30,000 by 30,000 block world filled with endless wonders. Here, the possibilities are as vast as the terrain itself. Sharpen your skills with MCmmo, becoming a true master of mining, combat, and more. Forge alliances and build thriving communities using Towny, fostering a unique camaraderie among players. Streamline your gameplay with Essentials, making your adventures seamless. Navigate this expansive world effortlessly with our detailed Dynmap, a cartographic masterpiece at your fingertips. But that’s not all – we’ve also introduced a gold-based economy, enabling you to trade and barter with fellow adventurers…. Read More

  • Ender Craft SMP 1.20.4

    Server Name: Ender Craft SMP Owners: BoomitsBrenda, Dash610 Extra Worlds: Creative World, The Void (Dedicated event/mini game world) Today is opening day at Ender Craft SMP! We have a fresh world just waiting for new players with loads of features: 1 player sleep Player Markets Custom Enchantments Custom Armor Mini Games Custom biomes Protected Claims Player/Entity Teleport Options Protected Post Office Live Map Rules: Rated Mature server (18+), no spamming/advertising, no politics, harassment, racism, PvP is fair game outside of Spawn and Player Claim areas Join our discord to get started! 😊 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Avocado Almighty”

    I guess you could say this vertical slab is truly avoca-dope! Read More

  • Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret!

    Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We bring you the news in our rhyming vibes. Updates and tutorials, all in a rhyme, Keeping you informed, having a good time. From building tips to new features in the game, We cover it all, without any shame. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Your favorite news reporter, always on the beat, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhythmic feat. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing you the latest, let the rhymes begin. So join… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • My First Minecraft House

    My First Minecraft House Minecraft PE #5: Building a Home and Meeting Skeleton Horse “Haddi” In the fifth episode of Minecraft PE, the player embarks on an exciting journey to build their first home. Along the way, they encounter a unique skeleton horse, which they affectionately name “Haddi”. The video showcases the player’s creativity and survival skills in the Minecraft world. Exploring Survival Series in Minecraft PE The Minecraft PE survival series is a popular gameplay format where players navigate the challenges of the game to build, survive, and thrive in the virtual world. It requires strategic thinking, resource management, and quick decision-making… Read More

  • Grandma McFlurry’s ULTIMATE Showdown! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10

    Grandma McFlurry's ULTIMATE Showdown! - Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10Video Information This video, titled ‘Grandma McFlurry Judgement Day! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-04 04:40:36. It has garnered 37392 views and 1211 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:22 or 9262 seconds. Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Power: Arox Ascends to God

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Power: Arox Ascends to GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘Breaking Minecraft With Superhero Mods To Become God’, was uploaded by Arox on 2024-03-24 15:15:02. It has garnered 30840 views and 1413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:32 or 572 seconds. It’s so Gojover ~-~-~-~ LIKE if you want to see more videos like this in the future! SUBSCRIBE to see more of my content! Join my Discord server ► Follow me on Twitch ► Follow me on Tiktok ► #minecraft #super #superhero It’s pronounced air-rocks. Enjoy the video. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane God Seed in Minecraft 1.21 🔥 #BLSm10 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane God Seed in Minecraft 1.21 🔥 #BLSm10 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by BLS m10 on 2024-04-06 00:17:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft minecraft skin minecraft skin thumbnail minecraft pe minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Warden vs IronGolem: The Clash of Titans in Minecraft!”‘, was uploaded by Rahul Basista YT on 2024-03-12 17:00:49. It has garnered 1074 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:32 or 512 seconds. 200 Wardens Vs 2000 IronGolems | Minecraft | IOS mobile gameplay MINECRAFT | IOS MOBILE GAMEPLAY| 200 WARDENS VS 2000 IRONGOLEMS| EPIC BATTLE MINECRAFT NEW UPDATE 1.21.71 #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes 1. #Minecraft 2. #MinecraftGameplay 3. #MinecraftTutorial 4. #MinecraftBuilding 5. #MinecraftSurvival 6. #MinecraftAdventure 7. #MinecraftMods 8. #MinecraftServers 9. #MinecraftMultiplayer 10. #MinecraftCreative 11. #MinecraftRedstone 12. #MinecraftLetsPlay 13. #MinecraftChallenge 14. #MinecraftWorld… Read More

  • Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars 🤯🔥 #Minecraft

    Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars 🤯🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin 💪…#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by I_SHOW_SOME on 2024-05-24 10:31:00. It has garnered 10781 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin 💪…#minecraftshorts #minecraft Tags – #minecraftshorts #minecraft #trendingshorts #viral Thanks for watching guys 😄😉 Read More

  • SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build 🔥

    SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft PS5 Survival Ep 144 – Building A City (Playing with Viewers)’, was uploaded by BennySoChill on 2024-04-10 04:24:06. It has garnered 269 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:38 or 8918 seconds. Welcome to my channel, where I upload gaming videos and also do livestreams! Most of my videos consist of Minecraft and other games. When I livestream I typically livestream Minecraft and GTA. If you enjoy make sure to subscribe thanks! 🎮 ONLINE USERNAMES 🎮 PlayStation: BennySoChill Xbox/Microsoft: BennySoChill DISCORD SERVER: -Discord: MY SOCIALS: -Snapchat: bennysochill -Instagram: Read More

  • INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars Turkish

    INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars TurkishVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Oynuyoruz (Yeni Drag Mousem!!) | Glarios Model 0 | Minecraft BedWars Türkçe’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-18 01:39:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord: ⭐️İnstagram: ⭐️Twitch: ⭐️VK: … Read More

  • EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime Roleplay

    EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City #4 I Pendulum Prism! I Minecraft Anime Roleplay’, was uploaded by RiotStone on 2024-04-05 17:30:01. It has garnered 631 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:26 or 1946 seconds. Hey guys sorry for the worse video quality in this video, my OBS updated and changed the video output scale so it didn’t look right, next video should be back to normal! Subscribe and check out my things My Twitch: Patreon: Cast: Harvey – Ryder – Cade – Bionic – Scroll –… Read More


    EPIC MINI MILITARY PACK FOR MINECRAFT PRISMA 3DVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINI MILITARY PACK MINECRAFT FOR PRISMA 3D | #Prisma3D’, was uploaded by Грибок on 2024-01-04 10:44:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Guys, be kind and don’t swear in the comments and show respect to each other 😀 … Read More

  • ratatouille smp

    ratatouille smpsmp with reguarly added mods ijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdf Read More

  • Celestialrealm Coldwar Edition – Modded

    CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24/7 Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest-based hub shop and player market. Justice System: Uphold the law and maintain order. Or be a crime boss. Either way, the justice system enhances your experience. Empower Your Avatar:… Read More

  • BanglaVerse

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Searching for that one diamond spice 💎

    Minecraft Memes - Searching for that one diamond spice 💎Maybe he’s stuck in a block like a sneaky little blockhead! Read More

  • Muslim Wolf’s Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6

    Muslim Wolf's Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muslim Wolf roams, living out his dream. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, Each episode a new adventure to see. From mining to farming, his skills are top-notch, Facing challenges head-on, never a botch. With each new chapter, the story unfolds, In the vast world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join Muslim Wolf on his journey so grand, In the land of blocks, where creativity stands. Watch as he builds, fights, and explores, In the world of Minecraft, where excitement soars. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Discover Peace and Serenity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Peace and Serenity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to a peaceful and serene Minecraft experience! If you enjoyed the tranquility of the pink house, moonlight, and natural scenery in the video, then you’ll love Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a world where you can build your own unique creations and explore a vast landscape filled with endless possibilities. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on your own adventure. Connect with players from around the world, engage in exciting challenges, and unleash your creativity in a safe and welcoming environment. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Experience the magic… Read More


    EPIC ONE BLOCK WORLD DECORATING | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY The Exciting World of Minecraft One Block Gameplay Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new challenges and adventures within the game. One such popular trend is the Minecraft One Block gameplay, where players are tasked with surviving and thriving on a single block that continuously evolves and changes. Exploring the One Block Challenge The One Block Challenge in Minecraft presents a unique twist to the traditional gameplay. Players start on a single block and must strategically mine and craft their way to expand their world. With each block broken, new resources and challenges emerge, keeping players engaged… Read More