Nether Exploration: NO Blaze is Safe! #5

Video Information

E I actually can’t believe no one has spotted it yet chat come on come on chat Honestly you want a hint there’s only so many things on screen I don’t I don’t know what to tell You You have noticed the ID card Before honestly it’s like you guys don’t even know me I just how am I disappointed before we start a scam I know that no one’s noticed it because if You’ noticed you would have said Something Hello good morning and thank you so much Mar for the raid thank you thank you I really appreciate it I hope you guys didn’t mind the 10 minute starting soon screen I was eating food um I do start stream and I start preparing for stream 2 minutes before stream starts which

Probably explains why I have some of the technical issues I do experience but hi everyone welcome in the Stream I hope you had a wonderful time with Amor’s hand cam I was like gosh amoria is is is really grinding this out like was it a 4our stream in

The end I was like I I was very impressed every time I went to away to do something and I came back I was like oh my gosh right by still still still working on things yes yes yes yes welcome in everyone hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well I’m you know

I’m not disappointed in chat also uh there’s like an announcement at the end of stream um don’t get your hopes up but you know it’s like a really minor and unimportant announcement but I thought I’d give you a warning so that I get a a

CCV buff I don’t know I don’t know I’m a screaming out anyway welcome it everyone I hope you had a wonderful day happy Friday happy December oh God I’ve seen so many Christmas tweets on my timeline and I really think maybe we should have read a Christmas car for a book club because

Then I could have beenen SC um but welcome in welcome in I hope everyone’s having a wonderful day she announcing a honeymoon with DK DK literally tried to murder me last stream I don’t know what kind of uh relationship Norms you’re enforcing in my chat but um I I would

Question D did try to kill me several times it was premeditated murder uh and that was literally yesterday so oh my gosh can I can I like team kill in Lethal company someone let me know let me know how I kill the rest of fell land

In Lethal company you know that I would not that I would sorry I’m adjusting my mic I hope that’s I hope I sound okay uh my it seems like some of my screws are loose like not my screws but my mic screws are a little bit loose okay why are you

Loose today I that was not that yesterday okay welcome in everyone and welcome back to another day of the look game yeah I’m always mentally emotionally and not physically in every way except physically I am always playing Minecraft it is like a tab open in the back of my mind never mind that

Minecraft isn’t really a tab um it’s just always there in the back of my mind and every Monday and Friday we have the opportunity to return to the block game and continue what we started I’m Mar by are you not sleeping I hope I hope you’re able to get some rest you finally

Adopting zeli zeli is has already been adopted by the rest of Gen 4 and I think she’s kind of aware of it she’s definitely aware of it because she leverages it to our own Advantage um she takes our contactless credit cards and uses them to buy lots of candy because she can just

Swipe we’ve lost we’ve lost um significant funds to that strategy anyway just just like this like don’t leave your pockets open with Z round anyway hope everyone’s doing well we’re going to do some Minecraft and try not to die today I think we’re going to do a

Bit of a directionless gameplay today I know that I put the Nether on the thumbnail and I want to get blaze rods but who knows who knows if we actually will maybe I’ll just build a house I don’t know I don’t know we’re going to

Have a chill time this is also going to be a slightly shorter stream today because as you guys all know we’re doing these little company later so I am spoiling you all with the first day that Spectra has ever done two streams for everyone does chat deserve two streams

In one day from from me I don’t know I don’t know they had 10 minutes in my waiting room to figure out the thing and they haven’t figured it sometimes I feel like my brain acts against me because I notice everything I notice everything and I realize other people don’t notice

Everything so I I’m sitting here like wow everyone’s going to immediately question me about this thing everyone’s going to know and no one knows anyway anyway my my goodness my goodness are the color of your eyes gray instead of blue ding ding ding ding ding oh my gosh someone finally someone finally saw

Someone finally saw chat look at me look into my eyes okay this is the only time you ever going to do this look at me okay okay now look at me now now now look here you you do do you notice anything okay do do you notice no one [ __ ]

Noticed it’s fine it’s fine my eyes are actually as you might know not a fixed color so don’t worry about it don’t worry about it but I’m really shocked that no one noticed for such a long time oh my gosh I can’t believe someone finally figured it out I’m so happy I’m

So happy everyone all right let’s play Minecraft hello mcra oh my God why why do you do this to me video game why why do you do this to me video game is it cuz I updated my game and it’s still it’s still doing this hang on hang on No all right so we’re having some technical difficulties I saw DK in chat earlier love DK by the way um I know we messed around some sometimes but I do love DK I love DK very much okay and no no one can say otherwise um we having some technical difficulties in in DK’s

Honor not that I am not the only one not having I feel like I have so many technical difficulties as well it’s just kind of funny I feel like scuff Commander works really well and I think other people have already taken the title of scuff princess in the vtuber community so that’s

That um Gamers let me let me just um let me just like we just I don’t understand why you’re not showing me anything I don’t get it I I don’t I don’t get it I don’t why are you not working it’s visible on my OBS like it it’s getting the correct

Input but that input is just not showing and I don’t get it um okay well let me try this so why do you work how why are you why why why do you work and then everything oh you know what it’s fine it’s fine let me

Just yep yep oh wait hang on don’t worry about it don’t worry about it and we’ll just oh yeah and now it’s in the borders oh my gosh I love I love OBS okay and now it’s like a little scuffed oh no stop it stop it stop it stop it and now

We’re just going to yeah yeah yeah you know what good good enough good enough oh no it’s not good enough it’s still sticking out the corners hang on hang on yeah good enough for now chat man wait no it’s actually I I’m a perfectionist

And this is a problem and I I hate that it’s not correct I hate that it’s not correct it needs to be perfect chat everything I’m a princess okay everything just needs to be perfect all of the time it’s not toxic it’s um it it it’s producing high quality

Work okay good enough for me good enough for me chat what what are you guys think anyway thank you Mario s for the raid oh my goodness and welcome back everyone to the Minecraft hardcore World let me check that all my audio is actually enabled after all that kuule I think it

Is her and her possibly High din I don’t know what you’re talking about so this is the Hardcore world this is our little area last time we struggled to find a nether portal I’ve actually forgotten where the nether portal is we struggled to make a nether portal that didn’t go

Into the worst biome in the entire game but we did get some nether W um we’re finishing making our house we managed to uh get wait we managed to get uh some pretty good protection levels on two one okay two pieces of our AR

Which is all we can ask for and we set up the start of a villager trading Hall we do have fortune 3 I can’t have we traded with him yet we we’ve just done a bunch of things in this world and it’s been a while since I played did we play

This on Monday it feels like ages since the last time we played but today I’m hoping we can probably finish the house I want to get a blaze rod but um I’m very scared of going into The Nether I want to get two chickens uh but the game

Is not giving me two chickens and yeah we’re just slowly progressing in the video game I do recall I I do recall a little bit that we don’t have enough oak wood so I’m going to go quickly start the stream by grabbing that so yeah so

Yeah I hope you guys are excited uh we also went into nether fortress last time we didn’t really stay there for very long but we got a few things we got one or two little items here and there uh hardcore nether is a scary place I’m so

Glad you some want in chat on Dad the hardcore nether is actually terrifying and I am almost certain I’m going to die there but it’s okay it’s okay I have spoken I’ve colluded with some you know allies who who might be familiar with the hardcore mechanics and they gave me

Some advice in terms of raiding bastions which we’re not going to do for a very long time and I think the new plan I was kind of thinking of getting netherite before going to kill the Ender Dragon but that is almost certainly Overkill so I think what we are going to do instead

Is we are going to get an elytra first so we’re going to go through the endar before we go through the raiding of B Panic Arc which is going to be extremely extremely painful but yeah but yeah um it give off a Vibe indeed indeed works

On her machine what do you mean by that is my machine not working today oh my gosh it has been a while since we took the time to sit down and chat so that’s also kind of what I want to do today I

Am a big I’m a big Zazu person I just I just feel like I haven’t spoken to chat in a while even though that’s objectively not true lofty go are you under oh me when chat underestimates me what do you mean lofty this is a pretty pretty simple pretty minor pretty

Unimpressive ghost oh goodness I imagine dying again would be too bad I’m Banning you how could you say that how could you say that when you lose a hardcore world at the start it’s fine because you haven’t done anything but at this point we have a house we have pets we have

Chickens we have we have villagers that we definitely didn’t kidnap and I feel like at this point I will start getting sad if I lose the hardcore I’ll be sad it is really sad it’s like it’s like dying you can never go back to the place where you died I’m

Not going to lie the first time I ever died in a Minecraft hardcore world that was several hundred days old un ironically and this might sound kind of sad but it is true unironically um dying in Hardcore Minecraft in a world I was very attached to made me think about

Death and process grief around death much better and I know that sounds kind of goofy but it really did just change how I saw dying you know you know I feel like everyone has those moments where you see something and then it changes how you think about things right right

For me for me it was Hardcore Minecraft because like the mindset the stages of grief that I went through on a lower level of course on a lower intensity level my Minecraft stages of grief were like exactly the same thought processes that I thought I would go through if I

Was like hit by a car and I died you know you ever think about that it’s because it’s like in the moment you’re like oh oh and you don’t really realize what’s happened until you’re kind of looking at your corpse on the ground and it’s I I miss see you don’t really

Realize what’s happened to you until you look again you’re like oh wait I’m dead and then it’s like ah I’m dead forever and you don’t really think about that you’re kind of just like oh it’s fine because you know I always knew I was going to die and dying is inevitable and

We can’t escape it but it’s like oh wait wait I can never go back and once you start thinking like oh wait I can never go back you start thinking about all the things that you can’t do that you were going to do you think about all the

Plans you had I was like oh I’m never going to like finish this build you know this thing that I was doing is is never going to be completed and this inarching thought process uh what do you mean and and not really oh okay I

I read the ad and really wrong but yeah I I started thinking about like the saddest part of me dying was not the fact that I died it was the fact that um I had all these ideas of things I wanted to do and I couldn’t do them and so I

Didn’t have any regrets because you know if I went back 5 minutes before I died would I have changed anything that I was doing with the information I had no cuz it was just you know a little funky mistake and mistakes happen and you can’t you know be always Vigilant all

The time so I was always going to die even if I even if I went back and so the regret came from not the fact that I died because death is death it was the fact that I could never say goodbye to all the things that I had

Done in that world and I could never you know walk on the grass again and I feel like if I got hit by a car and I die tomorrow I would kind of feel like that I’d be like man suck that I died can’t really do anything about it but you know

It would have been really nice to do all these collabs with my senir that I had planned in the works oh I’m never going to get to rewatch my debut at one year you know what I’m saying that those are the things I would be sad about if I

Died and I could still think about things what hi Missy what what what guys it’s Friday afternoon I’m thinking thoughts sorry to start stream with something kind of heavy but yeah um and then I just kind of felt sad for a while and a little bit empty for a while and

That’s okay and that’s okay and so after that I kind of um thought of death very differently and I wasn’t nearly as afraid of death as I was before not that I was ever really Tia you have chroma key the green is blending into your where wait

Where where wait where where where is the chroma key wait where is it I can’t see anything where where’s the c key wait where where’s the C Missy when you tapped out it’s what oh oh wait let me find something green hang on let me see let me see Zoom wait

Really oh my gosh it’s so cute oh it’s so cute oh guys I kind of like it though okay fine okay fine um yeah we might have had some technical difficulties and I got CH off anyway that’s how I feel about dying I can’t believe I can’t believe

Missy the only one to trat who got to get me bad thank you missy love you anyway I’m thinking about death right now so I’m just going to continue my little my little emo oh you know I can’t believe I didn’t notice that this is why I need a second

Monitor because when I Tab out I can’t actually see what’s going on we all were but you ignored us guys I was I was thinking thoughts I was reminiscing about dying okay it’s fine uh but yeah but yeah anyway it’s so green looks like healthy vegetable turn it black again I

I think that was kind of funny I’m going to go back and see what that looked like on stream cuz I feel like that would have be I feel like it would have looked kind of quirky it would have looked kind of kind of funky in a in a fun

Way I thought it was just black segments of box that’s the other thing sometimes Minecraft textures will do a funky thing where there are just black Shadows covering everything and you can’t reset them and you can’t stop them and they’re kind of just there forever and and

That’s how it is anyway fun times fun times that’s what works on Her ah I don’t get it I don’t understand anything anyway um wow the the windows are all in and I kind of hate them I’m going to be honest with you I think those windows look awful I think we need to figure out something else to do with the windows

But I’m also not sure how to do the windows maybe we could try and add in like some kind of ornamental we could have open windows and do something ornamental on the others around them but my fear is that uh creature will do this poty poty and then walk through the

Window so we will have a thing we’ll have a consider the colors were appropriate to the subject matter at the time thank you chat thank you um sorry I I was sidetracked me and chat realized that I actually never look at them because um I mean what no I don’t guys I

Always reach chat I always fact you’re immediately hating on a boat after making it CL I don’t know what you’re talking about actually I’ve clearly never done this before in my entire life anyway I I’m embarrassed so I’m side tracking now but plans are I want to get

A fortune 3 book and I probably want to combine it with this or do I want to just straight enchant I don’t know but I feel like if I went through the trouble of getting a fortune 3 villager I might as well okay we’ll get we’ll do the chest

Plate first so I think before our next nether Expedition we’re going to do another is that something on my roof yes a lantern I put it that last stream um we could do fences we could definitely do fences such as a life of artist we just our imagination we do exist yeah

Honestly sometimes I get a bit lonely when I stream like sometimes I don’t want to Guilt Trip anymore but like sometimes if I’m enthusiastic and then chat aren’t talking cuz they’re like I don’t know concentrating on other things or tabed out or doing homework I’ll get kind of

Sad I’ll be like oh I’ll be like yeah yeah it it is what it is does this make my house look like a barn if I did doors like I mean Windows like that I think it’s a bit Barn like I think it’s a bit Barn like anyway but

Yeah I I feel like it’s a common thing for for a streamer cuz even though you you see all these numbers and it’s really cool it’s still you talking to yourself at the end of the day and I want to put lanterns on the roof do I

Trade for more lanterns I feel like I traded for them and I can’t remember what I did with the rest of them yeah oh we can murder the local squid population too I think we need a diamond sword I also would really like to have a diamond

Sword with uh looting so that when I go and kill things I I get stuff back oh I did have lanterns oopsies okay can’t place them there I do just want to put like temporary lanterns everywhere okay I have a problem with lanterns okay I’m going to admit it when I start

Placing lanterns I I start placing them everywhere nowhere is safe from my Lantern Rampage I just once I get my hands on a singular Lantern I I want to put them absolutely everywhere this is kind of um a dangerous thing for me to do as soon as

I start I know that I won’t really be able to stop and and I just don’t have enough iron I don’t have enough iron to start placing lanterns everywhere but I really want to chat I just I really want to um however I’m going to start

By bam this is what I plan to do uh with the front of the house anyway I just thought I would have some yeah little little side pieces uh attached to the house and on top of these I was always going to put lanterns so two lanterns

Only two only two just two just just two for the for the sake of them iron farm then yeah yeah about that iron farm so if we want to make a better iron farm basically I’m going to need to ask this villager to give me a name tag and if he

Doesn’t I’m going to have to kill him but we don’t currently have enough resources to um upgrade him unless we go and start killing squids okay anyone who’s bothered by flash I’m going to do full bright uh there are no squids oh there’s one squid but okay here’s what

Happens if I kill a squid with no looting on my sword okay watch this everyone non Minecraft players I’m I’m going to educate you wow oh okay never mind that was a really bad example cuz he gave me three squids do not typically give you three let me let me do that

Again hang on let let me demonstrate oh oh and he’s off oh I can’t swim I I can’t guys I don’t have anything on my boots I can’t swim that quickly just give me a second give me a second bam okay you gave me two no I okay I’ve

Killed squids before and they’ve given me like one ink sack that that’s normally my luck my luck is normally a singular ink sack it’s normally just one so that was a bad example okay let’s go kill some more squids never mind I’m revising my strategy based on what’s just happened

In the game uh maybe I’m lucky today streamer luck oh my gosh streamer luck normally gets me killed it’s like stream of luck but in the sense that two drowns of trident spawn in a river at once and murder you you guys remember that I don’t cuz I I’ve never died in in

Hardcore Minecraft um on on stream uh but that that is what may have alleged happened in like a dream or something has negative streamer Lu I think I kind of do I feel like everyone says oh I don’t have streamer luck though and everyone’s kind of biased to remember

The bad luck times and not biased to remember see that’s good gave me nothing so now that I’ve changed my strategy and I want the ink sacks it’s giving me nothing are you are you joking hang on oopsie oh oh that is not what what that is not what I meant to do

Huh huh what wait what are my hookys anymore I don’t want to save a bunch of screenshots there we go beautiful beautiful no mistakes made ever um oh maybe they did give me inks sacks and I just picked them up cuz I didn’t have this in my hot bar you know what

Chat it’s um we’re just we’re just having a time today we we’re just we’re just we’re just having a time it it’s okay it’s okay it’s we’re completely fine right we need one more squid sack um where is near my house let’s her back here she’s wa she’s

Woing what do you mean what do you mean woing wait like doo Walling but you guys can’t Dono how can I Dono wo if no there is no way to send me finan it unless that’s not what you meant I I I I have to I I

Have to assume I have to assum sometimes chat really confus me I read like I think it’s because I tend to read five messages at once and so in my head I can flate their meaning woo hack what check my stream woo hacks what what what what what w

Hacks what w hacks did I use when you mean free cam uh free cam I guess is kind of a hack I don’t use it a wo hack but it is probably technically a wo hack okay please upgrade your stuff I need to know I need to know if you will

Give me the good stuff okay he’s not giving me the good stuff he he’s actually giving me we need to kill a bunch more squid I don’t want to kill that many squids today you know I feel like the squids they do they do a service to our planet by giving us ink

Do we still use squid ink for printing no we definitely don’t use squid ink for printing fact you’re definitely not monetize atina yeah I don’t know what you guys mean I guys I I I don’t know what you mean how do you read that that quickly um I’m suffering from not

Reading essays quickly so I I’m not going to lie I’ve just always been a quick reader I don’t know how to advise you to read more quickly however over the course of my seven phds my reading speed massively increased in terms of academic skimming that is just because

As you read more and more of a certain kind of document or content you just learn to skim over sentences that are not important until you get to sentences that actually are important so you’re not actually increasing your reading speed what you are improving is the way

That you filter out different pieces of information and that is something that you just have to hone so for example if you’re reading essay after essay after essay you can kind of look at like the front and end of paragraphs and know that they probably contain more condensed information than usual are you

Going to make a storage system no I would actually rather um die all over again uh I hate storage system I hate making Redstone stuff I’ve never made a storage system in my life and I think I would cry if I get to 2,500 days in my hardcore world that’s

About the time where I’d start considering okay Now’s the Time to make a storage system otherwise I’m just going to cope unless you mean like regular storage system uh and by regular storage system I mean no hoppers in which case yes I would make just a room

Of chests but I don’t think a proper formal storage system is would be good for my mental health let’s just say that and you will understand when I start building more complicated Farms than the uh iron farm that we made earlier cuz the iron farm we made actually went very

Smoothly I think we made no mistakes in that one uh did we have any issues no we didn’t have any issues I remember I was like is it working because nothing spawned but then the stuff immediately did spawn stop telling me to update things I’m not going to update them I’m

Literally live sorry my PC is my PC and I are falling out more and more often these days redstone machines are so fun God I I wish I had your bright eyed enthusiasm for the world I for one that that could not be me that could absolutely not be me whatsoever well I

Know it’s really scuffed that I’m killing these things without any looting but we are poor so uh please please allow it PC is getting abused no no no if my PC you know never mind I’m actually not going to say anything I’m just going to

Say no that’s so crazy that is that is so crazy an i girl spawned outside but you dealt with it I I seem to rec cre I literally didn’t deal with it I dealt with it by walking away and it just despawned so that was great that was

Pretty fun yeah my brain is do small to make anything more than an automatic door with redstone yeah I kind of just never learned and then they made a bunch of redstone updates that broke everything right and like they changed it very significantly and I just kind of

Thought why would I learn how to do redstone when my knowledge base is going to get really outdated Within in one or three updates and that’s why I just follow tutorials uh also when I have tried to do more complicated things I have often suffered to version specific

Glitches which they don’t warn you about you know on on the on the tin and they were quite an why are there so many drowns here how do I stop drowns from spawning do I just have to like is there a way can if I light up

The floor will that stop them from spawning I’ve never had to deal with them before they are annoying me you can make an auto playing music box no those are the cutest things I was once on a server where someone um it was like a a multiplayer server and someone

Made a little trip wire to her house and whenever you stepped over the string it would play a jingle like a doorbell like an announcement ringtone it was so so so so so so so so cute I loved it a lot I I

Was a big fan okay name tag so we can do more more complicated Farms later I don’t want to though oh I need to trade my hi Ron excuse me please please refresh your trades is anyone else trading good iron right now no you guys are not trading good iron so priority is

Getting protection 4 I probably do want to start decorating my house it’s just like once I start decorating my house oh it’s just it’s it’s just decorating decorating takes a lot out of me chat it takes a lot out of me it’s it’s cute it was so cute it was so

Adorable and I could never do anything like that because I just don’t have the power in me more lanterns oh we we’re going to do so many lanterns yink please give me another chicken please okay the game hates me it’s fine I get it 12-hour house decorating stream it won’t take me

12 hours it’ll probably take me 12 hours to make it look nice but um that will have to come later so I actually don’t know which wood I’m going to use in terms of decorating because I think if I do that that looks way too dark but if I

Do spruce it’s still going to look look how do I put this it’s not going to match so basically I’ve shot myself in the foot a little bit by using dark oak logs strip because they don’t really go with anything but if I did that that’s actually okay I don’t I

Don’t despise it it like it’s like it could be better but it’s not it’s not terrible also I did forget when I was making this house once or twice I sort of put the um beginning of a you know what they do you know these I started putting

Those there and I just never really put them everywhere like I think these do look nice like that that’s like a cute little feature so we are going to put those all around and I forgot to put them on because I was uh preoccupied with um certain other things what is

Dependent on what biomes you can find I mean we have enough saplings that we don’t need to worry about biomes I I don’t think you’ll catch me dead working with acacia wood I’m an acacia hater I’m going to say it I I am a big Acacia hater I get that it

Can look good sometimes but I think most of the time it looks bad the log is great The Acacia log beautiful but ACA itself very disappointing and Mangrove I hate Mangrove I know loads of people love Mangrove I hate it in every variety every single timeline version of

Mangrove wood in Minecraft I hate it universally across the multivers I’m I’m just not about that I’m just I’m not about that life okay just how I am just just just my curse okay instantly canceled I know no one agrees with me I have so many friends who adore Mangrove

Wood I just can’t it just looks icky I can’t describe it I don’t like it I don’t like it all so did I get enough bathel to fill this in I think I did yeah let me fill in the kitchen and I will show you you guys what kind of my

Plan was I don’t know if it’s a good plan though to be honest with you uh oops I’m going to Y you for some demonstration purposes and I need to I do need to figure out my my chest storage system at this point the only thing that looks

Good for from mangrove is a fancy door no wrong nothing in Mangrove looks good and this is why no one likes me guys this is why no one wants to play Minecraft with me cuz I I just hate Mangrove and Everyone likes Mangrove and I hate mangrove but everyone loves mine

Grve and I don’t understand why everyone loves mine grve cuz I hate it I think I’m doing like tiles with this in the middle but actually that doesn’t look as good as I thought um I think what I’ve seen someone o actually isn’t that cute that’s kind of cute what do we think

Um looks a bit Sy doesn’t it it does look I think the top of a blast furnace is exactly the same as a regular furnace but uh I think the one I was actually thinking of is this kind of table I think that blends better oh actually yeah that actually does look

Quite nice but I feel like that would work nice with polished deep sight smokers I focus feel expensive because they take four logs and that’s just a lot of logs like that that’s too many that’s just too many logs M barely know how to stop it stop it stop it cool thank you for your services um I’m going to still not be able to trade for

Anything I need to get a consistent way to upgrade stuff also I was wasn’t I considering making a beam here I think I was considering putting a beam on the back just for fun Smoker’s under a cauldron what Smoker’s under a cauldron but why would you put a codron on top of

Something cuz like that covers everything pretty much do you mean campfires I think you might mean campfires possibly what do I know who knows netherite house I am never making a netherite beacon or maybe we’ll see how far we get um so I think I was like

Trying to put a beam like one extra beam here just just to look cute uh we don’t really need it but I thought it’s always it always makes it easier to decorate the more beams you have like when you have a big open space like this you kind

Of just relying on yourself to make something look good and I don’t trust myself so maybe maybe we just um do a little bit of and we did a little there we go does that look bad to me this looks bad yeah that does look bad I hate that no

No no no no no not not on my watch um we could do it lopsided how would we feel about it being lopsided Spectra beam what do you mean Spectra beam there is no Spectra beam you know I don’t hate that maybe I should hate it but you know what I don’t

I don’t I don’t have it in me day is that Beam not in the middle it is in the middle but I I didn’t like together don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I’m I I definitely have a plan in my head yep um what can we trade

For that gives us stuff I wish I could trade more stuff with this guy um I guess I will need one of these eventually I’m going to take that thank you very much I should get more iron should get more iron I also kind of want

To get more gold so that when we go into The Nether we we have a bigger gold Supply I think think we have three ing Goods symmetry is overrated Spectra beam like aor has a Mor beam yeah but Amor’s beam is aorus beam I’m not going to steal my senpai’s

Trademarked amoria beam I can’t I can’t do that I say having completely stolen DK’s skeleton Divine death L don’t worry about it I think that personally um you know DK is my Naka I’ve known DK for several hundred years unfortunately but I I can’t take from my sen pies that’s

Just that’s just crossing a lot you know they’re going to they’re going to hate me chat they’re going to hate me well like Spectra Javelin these are not javelins chat I still have them on sorry they are Spears actually um I’ve seen a bit of confusion did I ever talk

About this where a few people have been confused thinking that they are scepter and that I am the scepter princess no I am the Spectre princess but I can see why you’d easily get confused by them I just just wanted to clarify that for anyone who um was confused I think

During like my debut or my 2.0 someone said that and it was like not a good time for me to tell them they’re wrong is it ever a good time to tell someone that no it is always a good time to tell someone they’re wrong that’s uh just how

It is should I add a bit of that no I should not add a bit of that I think that that look fine on its own we’ll flip it around on the other side your princess not a duchess actual Rooty implying that a duchess is not usually well duchesses can often be Roy

Depending on the uh system of nobility you’re working with but yeah I guess I guess like typically they’d be referred to as like a grand duchess under some systems anyway anyway um I I I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if I Associated I’m a princess but am I

Royalty I don’t I don’t know I don’t who knows who could say who could say I did did have another quirky idea when it came to decorating and I’m not sure about it and it’s why I was getting the spruce logs earlier and then I forgot uh

But trap doors blend very very very very very easily with uh this so if I were to do like a little oopsie if I were to do a bit of that and just add a tiny bit of texturing does that look nice because I thought it would just add

A bit of diversity what what do you mean like no no no no no no no but all my analytics say they’re fine is it YouTube then cuz all my analytics are okay wait the stream die forever and then did it go to like the the screen where stream was offline and then

Refresh cuz I’ve seen that happen I think that happened to Eko Senpai that’s so sad okay that that time the other times were probably me but that time it wasn’t me it was a long baffer oh no but that makes me sad though okay okay well um as long as it’s

Not something I can do anything about then it went blank for a while so it it was a YouTube issue I hope otherwise it would be a bit you know yikes for me I’m going to place these sideways cuz I think sideways means we don’t get as

Much of the texturing how does that look um I forgot I forgot what it looked like um oh they actually look exactly the same on the side profile I did not realize that never mind then I I guess we do it oh wait no they don’t I placed it

Wrong yeah there we go nope they still look exactly the same on the side Prof never mind never mind uh we’ll do it that way okay cool right so I’m going to do that on all the sides of the house I think um oh wrong wrong

Angle okay very nice I’m going to grab some glass glass grass blocks because I like grass grass is pretty cool it might have been YouTube trolling you that does happen actually no that that would have been the first time that YouTube has trolled me actually I would say that um

A certain other thing that might have allegedly or not happened was also a YouTube thing I personally think but we can agree to disagree that’s a fancy hat you got there I’m not wearing a hat but I can be wait why why is it not working hello hello what there we

Go um not that I want to wear that when it’s when I’m not collabing with DK yeah yeah yeah yeah I thought it was a really cute idea for us to swap head gear uh and then me and Missy did it and now I kind of want

To do it with zeli too but I don’t know what I would take from zeli and I don’t know what zeli would get from me so it might be a tiny bit difficult that’s the only issue okay here we have my stream is blind what do you do you mean what do

You mean I mean you’re kind of not wrong but at the same time uh ID clarification um oh no it looks it looks a lot better when you do this when you have um stuff covering all of the sides so for example doing that that’s very cute I

Don’t know what I’m going to decorate my house with maybe I should hold off until I start actually decorating my house SC me so much no get me out of here get me out of here I didn’t like that at all I didn’t like that at all

Actually no we can we can we can still do things we can still do things inside we can do things inside we can do things inside we can stop bullying me stop buling me okay stop bullying me stop bullying me okay stop bullying me this is a no bullying the streamers don’t take

The Hat I’m not taking B’s Hair what a Tiaras if not hat is it on my head is my tiara on my head now it’s floating above my head it is not a hat s with a week until the Phantom show up yeah I don’t really like them we’re

Not we’re not really we’re not cool with each other go go away honestly stop stop being that’s so parasocial chat that they’re just obsessed with me and I don’t understand why I need to PL another dark oak tree I wanted to do oh wait I want oh go honestly leave I

Wanted to put beam in the seat stop it stop it stop it stop it I’m just a little guy I’m just a little guy Bam Bam there we go um I wanted to put beams in the ceiling and I kind of wanted them to be dark oak but now that the Phantoms have

Arrived I kind of just don’t want it to be dark oak we can just isn’t that cute or does that make everything feel more claustrophobic the whole attic is a little claustro phobic yeah maybe maybe I don’t actually maybe that would be dangerous I think I’m putting my bed here but I’m not

Really sure I don’t know I don’t know the the vision for the top has not quite come into my mind yet it’ll it’ll arrive one day but so far the living wolves freak me out what do you mean what do you mean by that I’m scared of what your definition

Of an open space that is literally sloped roofs how how is that God why do Phantoms sound like that they sound horrible they sound like metal how weird okay we’re going to clean up our inventory leave me alone leave me leave I’m I don’t want to be here anymore Chad

I would really like to get my protection enchantments and I would like to go to the nether I think I think that’s what I want to do how many arrows do I have yeah I I think we enchant and we go to the nether for a little bit I think it’s

Time time to kill some Blazers emotionally I prepared we did extremely minimal quantities of house decoration so yeah I think it’s about time no blaz no no no we’re killing the Blazers the the Blazers are not going to live for very long after we are done

With them so um guys I don’t want anyone getting attached to the blazes you know I I I think when we first played and there were some sheep I think some people in chat were sad when I when I did a little bit of um disappearing

Magic on the sheep so guys please please the Sheep are not friends they are food and the Blazers are also food but in a different way okay so we’re not going to um be very nice to them that’s fine fine they didn’t deserve to live uh because

They tried to kill us so that’s okay oh I already named them all no well you’re about to go through you’re about to go like go through an anime villain Arc right now um because the blazes are not the blazes are not going to really um they’re not yeah

Yeah should I should I get more Diamond hes I feel like we don’t need more Diamond hes The Blaze saved your life what by killing you so that you went outside um H take these I I need to get I need to get storage space I really need to get storage space I need to figure out where I’m making my underground storage space because this is not sustainable chat this is not sustainable I don’t want to do anything about it right now I don’t

Know why I have like four pairs of iron boots in here we really don’t need four pairs of iron boots um I’m going to put like a bunch of things away in various different locations so that I have a better grasp of what is around me

Okay you can never have too many Diamond hes I kind of agree I feel like one day they will come in handy I don’t know I’m a bit of a ho chat so like my perspective is like just hold on to anything and everything on the off charts that one day it might

Become very slightly useful I believe I believe that these will one day become extremely slightly useful and that would be great for us and on that day I’ll tell you all that I told you so so we’re going to get of hold of mindset no looky it’s actually a

Bit of a problem I I don’t like getting rid of things cuz I’m like oh but but what if just in case you never know you never know today’s episode of no guys it it’s normal behavior I just I just really like these look look at them look

At them they’re great I think we should get more I think personally we need about 10 yeah what happens it only become useful on the day you throw them out how can could you say something so horrible these diamond tools have feelings oh my God I can’t even trade for that many

Why I thought I thought please refresh your trades sir please maybe we can trade some paper in maybe trade some paper I guess it’s better she holds in game I just have sentimental attachments to objects and things so for example if I am ever at an event on any occasion

I will always ask them to bring me the cor of the bottle so that I can I will like write the date of the event on the bottle in like a marker not on the bottle on the Cork and I will say what it what the event was and then I will

Keep that cor forever anyway it’s very normal behavior okay very very normal behavior didn’t have a f with coordinates of chest fed with random stuff I couldn’t throw away a see I feel you I feel you I just objects are nice to have you know material Goods I’m a

Princess what do you mean oh no how that an oh no that be like such a fine thing to do honestly hly kind of nice yeah exactly exactly exactly it’s not that bad it’s not that bad but I I am just a bit sentimental and that’s okay good when are you going

To give me another chicken honestly what mindset don’t want to throw stuff out at T N well it’s not like I’m holding them for the sake of hoarding them you know it’s more like it’s more like might might as well kind of and like they’re only going to throw away the CK anyway it’s like I’m I’m rescuing it and I’m

Giving it to a loving home I need to make a chest here okay we’re going to make a Chester uh and we’re going to put in it things that we need to be enchanted so just just a little Cy don’t stop it stop that stop that immediately stop it close

Case uh get one of these and got our thingy and then we’re going to need eight of these um might as well just do that and then bam and then bam okay I do that too I thought that some more common yeah right right cat just

Doesn’t know what a cork is okay just that they’re a little try about it okay don’t worry about it uh and we put that in there and we should probably get a book to put in here as well but it’s fine okay now we have like pretty decent

Protection enchantments we have at least protection three on everything and protection four on two pieces that’s pretty good right that’s like that’s not awful that’s not terrible we’re definitely are we behind schedule day 46 I said I wanted to be in the nether

By by what day did I say I wanted to be in the nether by day 50 so I I think we’re not doing terribly we’re doing okay we’re doing okay can we survive from lava now no we have no pieces of fire protection so if we fall into lava we’re kind of done

What’re kind of gone though sorry let me get some blocks as well I forgot to bring some blocks with me uh yeah these yeah there we go so I think if we fall into lava it is game over but hopefully we can do our best to not fall into lava

Possibly how how’s the hardcore hom hardcore homies oh that’s so cute I’m I’m fine I’m alone in my world just vibing actually you guys like the hardcore series I hope you guys like the hardcore series I mean I like it I like block

Game a lot okay it’s um one of my one of my hobbies I like I like playing hardcore even though it stresses me out sometimes so yeah nobody plans to fall in lava some No actually that’s a lie very often I think if you’re raiding a

Bastion um like going into lava so that everything else can’t kill you is a good strategy as long as you have the potions for it if you don’t have the potions for it it’s game over but you know that there’s good reasons to go through Lava game is fun okay okay good good

Good I do love the V game we’re here and watching it aren’t we yeah I I do you know what you’re right it is selection bias but you could be watching as a hater that’s the thing sometimes I will watch things to hate them no actually I don’t really do

That I I have enough hate in me naturally but I feel like hate watching is a thing people hate watch right I feel like people sometimes think they’re hate watching but actually they’ve internalized a lot of issues and maybe it’s not hate watching maybe they just need to work some things out

Through them um but yeah why are there all these squids here Parish do we have wood no we don’t have wood chat It’s always important to have wood with you when you go to the nether I mean it’s kind of less important now because um the nether has its own wood

Oh I hate doing this I hate I hate I hate I hate I hate I hate going into these places but chat please mentally prepare yourselves please we’re going into a dangerous area hey watching is a bizarre concept I feel like it’s um the concept of a lot of trashy TV

Right like you don’t watch trashy TV CU you think it’s high quality doesn’t that kind of hate watching good Lu ah no thank you thank you I’m really scared I don’t want to do this okay no no no we must we must we must do

It we must we must I know I know I don’t like it either I do not oh my gosh that is so dangerous why did I not close that off earlier I do not adore it either chat but sometimes it is what must be done

Oh I hate it her I hate it her I ha it her I hat it her so much no no we are okay okay and up we go and up we go and up we go and up we go and up we go we’re going to be okay CH we need one Blaze

Rod okay one blaze rod and then we are so good we are so good as soon as we have one single Blaze Rod okay that is our plan this is a really bad spot yeah listen we built like five nether portals and it was the best can you believe

It okay lot of wiy skellies in various locations okay we need blazes just one okay there’s loads of blazes up there um there a I can hear a skeleton I can hear them I think they’re above me oh no can I bait them how do I bait them come here come

Here oh he’s not coming here come on come on just just like walk over here come on you can see me why are they not walking over to me normally they walk over to you until um the line of sight is fixed one Blaze Road oh my God we’re

So free we’re so free that’s all we needed all righty guys what a great nether Adventure Time to immediately go home wow what a time that was um an extremely simple Mission and I had no anxiety anyway let’s that’s all I wanted I just wanted one

Little guy I just wanted one little BL Rod guys guys guys guys guys I haven’t gone into my BL I guys I would never cheat in my speedruns and um buff the percentage of Blaze Rod drops I would never do that I definitely haven’t I definitely you know there’s never been a Minecraft

Youtuber who’s done that not that I’m a Minecraft Youtuber but like that that’s never happened before ever right so um yeah you know that that wouldn’t be me would could what are you doing here get away get away from the villagers are they all dead yikes anyway oh no he’s he’s just

Chilling maybe I should get one of those guys practice to run on the seed yep yep zero zero cheating yep don’t worry about it yep yep hey now we jump into the river immediately cuz I don’t want to get exploded by a creeper cool let’s go home okay that was easier than I

Expected now the reason why I have decided to leave is we have enough stuff to create uh some fire resistance potions and we have Redstone so we can make super long ones so that’s what I want to do before I go back to the nether uh when we go back to the nether

I am probably going to do a more extensive run where we go through for resources but also to look at the different biomes we are in a really bad nether position so basically having Prest pots would be extremely useful yeah you have Magma Cream I do have Magma Cream we spawned

Earlier in a bunch of um bass biomes so we only have magma green wow look how cute our house looks oh look at it it’s so pictures oh it’s so cute on the hillside and with golems dying in the background don’t worry about it it’s so

Pretty it’s so so pretty what your Fire Res potions BL are kind of nonissue yeah exactly uh I think as soon as you have Fire Res it’s kind of only the full damage you need to worry about so I’m going to set up a cute little Brewing

Area should we do a brewing area on the balcony no I like having Alco Brewing areas okay where are my Brewing stands bam so I am going to make a cute little area and I will need you and that’s actually pretty much it okay I don’t want to put it should I put

It here like a nice little of Brewing out Cove what if I want my room to be here I kind of want breing to be in the tower you know what let’s make like a little temporary bench a tiny temporary bring bench and we are going to just oh

Actually uh hang on hang on don’t worry about it okay very nice very nice and then we put this on here and the reason why we have this here is because I want to water loock that block if I uhoh I forgot I have you in here oh

You know what I’m going to put the the zel coated axelo in with the other axelo down here there you go be be free in in the tiny space I’ve allowed you to be free in okay cool and then we go back up here and we water log this block so what this

Means is that oh no you can see it ew you can see it disgusting why can’t I still see it no no no no there we go beautiful um and what that means is that any water well that’s infinite in terms of water bottles so yeah that’s pretty

Cute and then we need three glass I know I saw glass here and then oh actually I’m going to put this in the nether chest oh ah you can go I should put a pressure plate here shouldn’t I so you can go away and you can go away and you

Can go away and I need some of you and I have my magma cream and so you guys can kind of tell that my inventory management is 0% so I have to use 100% of my brain cells to work out what is in my inventory at any given

Moment and to you know that’s why that’s why I keep shutting the door of my face the uh the brain cells are not brain celling so then we make one of these and actually maybe you can go here yeah yeah and then we can do we can

Do like a little wraparound bench yeah oh cute very cute and then we go like bam and then and then and then we put one of you in here and then we make blaz powder and then we put that in there to charge it and then it’ll make stuff amazing beautiful what

Is a codron for um you can use cauldron these days for like washing out dyes they don’t really have a good purpose to be honest they’re not very useful the codron I have in my inventory because when you go into into The Nether you can’t place water but if you put the

Water into a cauldron you can place it so if I’m on fire and I’m dying and I can like go into The Cauldron of water and not be on fire that is how I could clutch save myself um it’s unlikely to happen but it’s just it makes me feel safer a lot

Of the things I do in hardcore I don’t actually trust myself enough to be able to pull off a lot of the feets um I’m more just coping trying to make myself feel better by having these out that I could use in an emergency but they would be hard to

Do definitely so yeah so yeah you’re right in in questioning it cuz it’s a bit farfetched wood locked house don’t worry about it there is no damp in Minecraft I need to is if I do put a pressure plate here then anyone can get into my house at any

Time including mobs and I don’t really want that you know what for now I’ll allow it I’ll allow it for now that is such a bizarre condition look you don’t you you wouldn’t understand you you just you wouldn’t understand chat you’re not you’re not you’re not hardcore play you you wouldn’t get it

You wouldn’t get it uh actually I’m going to put my potion stuff in here I know scuffed everything is scuffed it’s okay not everything needs to be perfect so kind of want to get a diamond sword shall we go exploring I I want to get more diamonds uh I can’t be bothered

To get a weapon Smith all the way traded up I think our best bet at the moment would actually be uh strip mining oh I forgot to put the fire R in there didn’t I oh not fire R uh Redstone so I think I know it’s a waste of

Levels but it’s a waste of levels I’m willing to make I think what we should do is we should combo a fortune three book with the thing we have I think that’s kind of the best thing to do please give me one of these thank you let’s go exploring I want to go

Exploring a little bit we’re going to look for another aquafer if we can find one do I have a fortune 3 book I don’t think I have one yet finally on to the mining part yeah we we’ve done our you know thumbnail mandated Blaze kill and now we’re onto

To the mining part of the crafting game 14 three thank you thank you very much and then I oh no I need an anvil oh no oh the pain the pain oh the pain chhat the pain of using so much iron on like a single object oh you guys don’t know you guys

Don’t know how sad it makes me but we’re going to have to do it can’t go wrong with fortune 3 yeah fortune 3 is good it’s it’s temporary um it’s only because we have Fortune One our normal pickaxe and I don’t want to silk touch ores and

Bring them back back I just I’m too lazy I’m too lazy is this even enough I question whether this is enough iron to do what we need oh dear I have more nether you’ll get more nether in future no don’t worry about it I am not opposed to chat like

Saying what they would like um yeah it’s all good guys it’s all good so much iron in it no yeah it’s all kind of um primary level Source right now which is extremely bad but you know I never said I was good so we’re fine Co

Um I have aqua affinity which is useless because I really want respiration but that’s fine we’ll just get a bunch of doors again so we’ll grab oop no no no no no no no no no grab some doors uh I’m going to this stuff away I would like more

Spectra oh boy that’s so crazy cuz there’s an announcement at the end of stream that might be pertinent to your desires um okay so so I’m clearing out my inventory I’m not doing a very good job of it but uh I am trying so I also want to full stack

Our carrot Supply I think that’s it I I think we’re ready to go I’m going to set my home here obviously uh we’re going to go that direction because even though we always go in that direction I am going to do it again I don’t think we’ve ever been to the end of

The ice bikes have we do I have a bed I do have a bed I don’t think we’ve ever quite been to the end of the ice bikes H okay okay let me hydrate Quickly I’ve always been the one who goes into caves and comes up with iron just make a farm honestly I I’m a bit of a grinder as well I like getting resources but there does come a point where just not worth grinding when the game gives you such easy ways to get

Stuff um and I’ve played enough of the game that I’m no longer like yeah it’s worth it for me to go mine iron I’m like you know what we can just we can just make do we can just make do for to watch back video on Loop for 471 minutes yeah

Why not why not I a Handler I’m a real Gap player oh no you poor thing I hope you’re okay uh I think we went right before and we did hit an end you know what let me just keep going straight like directly straight and see where we end up I’m stretching I’m

Stretching okay it’ll be nice to find a cow Reef I would like to get some thing oh did I bring silk touch with me ah maybe I shouldn’t have put it that way no it’s fine fishing levels I am not mesmerizing I’m not a fishing person it’s 14 you get V

Regardless CU you’re I’m not strip mining I I think strip mining in hardcore you can do it is like probably the safer way to mine compared to going into caves but I wouldn’t recommend it because they’ve changed the way they all spawn uh and basically ever since caves

Got a lot bigger strip mining has got a lot worse and it’s not really worth it like you can you can go for AG and not find anything so I don’t think it’s necessarily good content either every time te stretches it looks like the model is dying I’m already dead don’t

Worry about me don’t you guys worry about me have we been here certainly we’ve been there yes I believe I believe um and maybe we will do some shipwrecks because I realize now yes maybe it does give us some stuff have we been here before I actually don’t know probably respiration three that’s

So crazy I’m going to keep that probably not going to wear it but I’m going to keep it anyway I find strip money can get a lot yeah it’s very luck based I would say um I don’t think it’s worth it having seen like old spawn rates

Compared to new spawn rates I think statistically even at the optimized mining level I think it takes half an hour for you to like get diamonds on average or something stupid so you know you know a woman of risks no I’m not if you’re a person of risks you

You can but you’ll almost suddenly die so not worth it making tunnels is satisfying I’m claustrophobic who is that hang on hang On if drinking milk resets the status of the play no so uh drinking milk will reset status effects being on fire is not a status effect that is a state of being on fire I don’t know how to explain that it’s like it’s like a state of of

Being um it it’s not like a applied status effect in quite the same way I didn’t pick that all up did I do if you’re on fire you’re on fire that is absolutely not true oh my gosh come on you you can still be on fire after

Other things I’ve been in here haven’t I have I um oopsies I should probably grab one of you shouldn’t I so I’m at the point where I think I would like to grab gold uh and the reason why I want to grab gold is because is that not Fortune oh no it did

Fortune uh I want to grab it because of nether oh stop it I want to get on the B because of nether trades because of nether trades I can have skeletons that means there’s a cave underneath us uh so we want to be very careful about digging

Down is there anything really here I think I might have been here before ch oh Diamond spotted and it’s in stone this is so rare okay well it’s not so rare it’s like certainly rarer than it used to be is that it though oh the pain the pain we’ve won but at what

Cost I think that was everything Sometimes You Get Lucky by digging around not today apparently oh oh my gosh the gods heard my tragedy and they gave me another oh my gosh two two diamonds with so lucky CH you basically never find Stone diamonds these days I mean they

They exist but they’re they’re pretty hard to find out in the wild so to speak um let’s keep going then I don’t think we’ll find anything else that was pretty good by aquer mining standards cuz we’re also not that far down you can still see the stone which means we’re

We’re really high upell F leader who do you think you are get no no how do not no no no no no disrespecting Echo Senai like that I’m wait oh EO here oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh my gosh I E I thought someone was calling me FIS

Leader and I was like you can’t call me FIS leader that’s Echo I was like is someone calling me FIS that’s so rude and no it’s okay I only deleted the message I only deleted it I only deleted it guys I’m so sorry Hi EO I sorry I so

Distracted my I’m so sorry that’s not me that’s not me I because people keep calling me queen and I’m like stop calling me queen and people still call me queen I thought it was the same thing no no Kevin’s fine guys Kevin can still talk guys guys guys guys I only

Deleted the message I was I was I thought someone was like deliberately being mean to Echo Senpai and I was like no no not on my one I’m sorry to see was here I actually still red right now I’m bright red I’m I’m I’m embarrassed chat I’m embarrassed

Please protective inst kicked in no 100% a th% it’s like a b to be a good Ram no that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine it’s fine fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine

It’s fine guys it’s fine guys it’s fine it’s fine it was a mistake it was a misunderstanding guys this is uh libertino mornings it was a misunderstanding okay and thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding uh my bad my that’s on me that’s on me my bad

Sorry I only deleted the message though there’s no timeout it’s okay it’s okay like no no no Spiros were harmed no Rams were harmed in the in the make friendly p Kev I’m sorry I’m sorry in in my in my feed to defend the fearless leader I I

Became I became I became the problem I’m in my in my haste in my Panic anyway diamond mining so we have four diamonds that’s not B that’s not bad that’s not bad at know that’s really not bad at all so um yeah I’m just going

To keep going hi okus ire I hope you’re having a wonderful morning or is it afternoon for you I I guess it would be afternoon by now I hope you’re doing well we are just chilling on a bit of a aquafer mining Expedition yeah anyway perfect segue yeah yeah

We’re not going to drown maybe I should just drown myself maybe that’d be less embarrassing then I would take the attention if I if I if I just H if I just you know did a little did a little trolling Dar beta moment I don’t know

What you mean I don’t know you mean I am am a very guys I’m just a little guy I’m very small I was only born like 3 weeks almost 3 weeks ago now I can’t believe it’s almost been 3 weeks it’s not it’s not right I didn’t cancel anyone I cancel

Anyone I just removed a single message that I thought was like guys guys it guys it was a misunderstanding it it was misunderstanding it was a little little bit of Friendly Fire it was a misunderstanding and uh I think we I hope we as a community can move past it

Uh please expect my apology video uh this this is my apology video uh and you won’t get another one oops see I’m going to drown please expect my apology video K you know what to do no dude no no please please I’m just a little guy I guys I was born only 3

Weeks ago um as far as you’re all a web so don’t worry about it um um I think I lost my boat yeah this is my spare boat I think we came from that direction actually anyway why don’t why don’t we explore a little bit and get a bit more of

The Party video without a pet or deep site yeah no I would never no no guys I would never use Mr Mo as a way to g a sympathy from the masses no no no no Mi Mr Mo doesn’t get to no no no no no no no no

Um I have lost my boat I want to get my spare boat because it’s always good to have an extra one I was in a dark yeah I was literally drowning um I was about to drown it was a it was a fight or flight response

Okay guys guys I’m just a silly little ghost demon who has power and maybe star shouldn’t have given it to me I don’t know I know I think that’s still deciding I think I think star is still deciding I think I don’t think I’ve Claus too many f with star behind the

Scenes but like there are certain requests I’ve made um but actually star we on board with with some of the things I i’ I’ve been H you know trying to trying to do behind the scenes so you never know you never know chat keep an eye out keep an eye out obviously I

Don’t know what you mean Minecraft P Pringles made with a strange soup flavor why who asked for that I mean to each their own I suppose hang on let me me just check which direction we are so home is 1, 5,000 so yeah we are going

Away from home on The X AIS okay got it I’m going to keep exploring the ocean because I want to see what is at the corners of the ocean and oh my God please get away from me and yeah just check out the different biomes are Pringles crisps yeah they are crisps to

Me because I am British and we call them crisp but if you are from another location such as America I don’t know if anyone else call some crisps around the world I think um the UK might be the only place that does potentially I don’t know ooh obsidian

Ooh golden carrots I’ve missed my golden carrot Supply oh when oh we’re so we’re so far away from end game but that’s okay that is all okay and all these do they I didn’t know that I didn’t know that don’t OES cool everything chips I feel like I’ve been made fun of

Buing Australian for saying Chris I just I just feel like that’s what what’s happened when you’re British you kind of just you kind of just expect to have fun poked at you for everything but I feel like an Australian has definitely made fun of

Me as you should what do you mean as you should like be a victim of bullying guys what do you mean that’s hot chips Co chips and chips I see I see very enlightening very Enlightening depending on if you goow up British or American English what do you mean American English do do you just mean like being American or or do you mean like learning English or American English I don’t think that’s an American English I think it’s sister America oh

My God that’s a [ __ ] Trident isn’t it I see you don’t think I don’t see you anyway we’ll wait for that to despawn this is a big ocean oh my gosh let me see if there’s any Ravines for certain okay this looks this looks like a a good Ravine we’re going to we’re

Going to do some diving we’re going to go down here um I have always said that American English is a dialect and I think people like don’t take that seriously I I think when you say like oh yeah American English and like British English a different dialects I think people are

Like no no cuz dialects have to be even more distinct but aren’t they I’m I’m pretty sure technically they are um I think so I think so like they’re not as far apart as like probably the Paradigm dialect uh but I think we have enough differences that you can

Definitely make the case I thought American English was the only English no that is American no American is like English simplified we are English brackets traditional you know you know like how they have um Mandarin traditional and simplified I’ve seen people do that Meme or like I’ve seen websites format it the

Same way as uh with English but with like the American flag and the English flag I mean the British flag so yeah okay that that cave didn’t give us anything leave me alone oh my gosh we’re going to drown it’s okay We’re Not Dead Yet cool um let’s keep going then in this

Direction English rackets proper no no we’re not going to do accent elitism I’m just going to rag on America I mean we are simple no well I well I mean I I mean if not your words not mine your words not mine okay that’s what that’s that’s I’m not I’m

Not after I banned my own channels I’m not getting C today guys I just I can’t I can’t I can’t have that today oh my goodness oh my goodness you measure how much pizza we I find you know that that Meme that silly post that is what the [ __ ] is a

Kilometer with like Eagle course in the background I I think that’s really funny I just it’s so stupid but I really like that it’s really funny to me and I saw I saw someone do a Singaporean version and I’m quoting the meme I’m quoting the meme but they had like the Singapore

Flags and fire and they were like what the [ __ ] is a low cost of living and I’m like I need to do this I need to do this with the UK I just need to well I thought of something but um you know maybe I should wait maybe I should

Wait so I don’t get Immediately iron we don’t really need this iron anymore do we let’s find the berry treasure so we need to go south west north east south west south where are we South West this way okay I guess we go this way I was hoping it was a land M we were right next

To a quidd no well quid people don’t say quid as much as a used to in my opinion uh I think it’s kind of regional ooh Cactus no it’s a [ __ ] beach I hate it here I hate it here it’s always it’s always a beach it’s always you know I

Always have hope I dream I dream in my heart of hearts that it will be something more and it’s always just a beach I the addition of beaches is just clickbait it’s pure Minecraft clickbait might mending mending is cute you c yeah I need it for die I

Needed to texture my house cuz my house doesn’t look very good right now it’s really bold and I have ideas chat I have ideas um oh mushrooms wait this like the tiniest do cook first you’ve ever seen in your life and then it’s immediately a

Birch Forest I mean to each their own to each their own we go in here might as well we already have the um what do you call it the armor trim by the way from this place ooh di very nice very nice uh I guess I’ll take the lapis

I don’t really need the lapis but we already have the trim so we’re not looking for trims in here we’re just kind of looking for treasure maps I suppose Fe falling fall I’m going to keep it cuz what if I’m jumping off a cliff and then what if

I’m just like jumping off a cliff and then you know I’m falling but I have enough time to put on feather falling for and it saves me it saves my life wait where are we going such a weird treasure map okay never going to use it shut

Up shut up anyway um I can’t wait to find a desert that would be super nice it’s here isn’t it okay going to move my thing oh it’s underwater oh gosh I hate when they’re underwater unless it’s like immediately exposed it’s not immediately exposed so we we

Turn we do the one pixel strategy a certain Father Figure streamer taught me the strategy and I by God I’m going to use it wait we don’t have a spoon oh no me when we have no spoon wait where’s our spoon did we not do we have zero spoons we have no

Spoon G so sad so sad sad okay oh you didn’t need a spoon my strategy may have failed um what do we what can we what can we throw out I rid of that get rid of that fine we’ll get rid of that uh I guess we

Don’t need n ax uh yeah we can get rid of the old Shield okay and then we’re going to take the heart of the sea we’re going to take those and we’re going to take uh mean yeah there we go good good loot I would say and it kind of looks

Like we’re getting to the end of the ocean here is that a desert please be a desert God damn it I hate it here I hate this game how would you get a dessert without a spoon um just swallow it ho you know you know there’s

Pudding cups you can get in Asia I I wouldn’t cuz I don’t live in Asia I mean uh I live in helloand uh in an ambiguous Global location but you know you don’t need a spoon if you’re if you’re not a coward just just eat it

Just just consume it in one bite what’s stopping you oo wow that is a pretty good or vein okay no no Trident people okay okay um very nice how many is that 15 I mean what we need these for we we will need these for basically netherite so the

Only thing we’re going to craft with them is a sword yeah pretty good H pretty good H let me see where else does this place go uhoh okay I think I don’t want to go near the Lush cave Mana stop us but if no one’s looking at

You I feel like it’s fine to isue eut I have certainly been taught the correct way to eat an arch choke with an arch choke Fork am I going to ever eat an arch choke with an arch choke Fork unless I absolutely have to no so I feel like the more you learn

About eut the more you learn how optional it is obviously be polite and obviously keep your manners but I think there there definitely is a certain point where educate stops being politeness and respect to other people and starts being about elitism and exclusivity and in my many lessons as a

Princess I have certainly reached that point there a special fork for AR jokes yeah yeah and and like pretty much anything else you can think of um basically it’s because people used to want to show off how rich they were by their silverware so they would invent like I don’t know a

Fork specifically to press my stream deck um as a vtuber and then they’d make that into a fork so that you know when you sit down you you just have like 10 different forks for items where you could do with one but it’s like an excuse to get out the silverware you

Know uh how many Arch chokes did you use to get an arch Troke book I don’t even like chokes I don’t have an a choke Fork but you know in certain settings well I didn’t even think of certain settings anymore if an a choke Fork is presented to me I will know how

To use it but not by choice not by choice hello March idea no Auto chokes aren’t even that nice and like the way you eat oks anyway is so weird like according to like proper dining anyway it don’t guys guys too early for me to talk about

That oh my goodness like iian flexing basically basically I think a lot of EA is just um bizarre flexing yeah it was also like I mean eate is also a way for the no Noble classes to maintain relevance because obviously they’re being usurped by uh the new Rich

So to speak and sort of old maners the old money sort of clothed shop Club IDE idea was how they sort of maintained that elitism when financially they no longer had the financial and political sway that they used to so yeah not not not a good thing and I’m glad it’s out the

Door China we isn’t a thing wasn’t do do you mean find China I’ve never heard of the term China Weare but I assume it refers to the same thing I see I see they show how fancy the Bon is oh I see I see uh old Noble version of bring 64 to

Elementary school I don’t know what that means why are you why is there like a secret Elite tier for Crayolas that’s so bizarre to me wait why what a Crayola 64s I need to know okay any Googling gares in chat or Googling grates can can anyone tell me what a Crayola 64

Is uh did you already make it out of the nether I was about what what what do you mean what do you mean are you okay just leave the ne yourself oh my God you can find your own portal you’ll be fine um personally we

Were not in the nether for very long but we’re out now so yeah so yeah spoken like someone who only use cray at eight I actually don’t think I ever really used crayons ever in my whole life um I used to be much more into art when

I was younger I used to win like art prices but I don’t do it anymore that was when I when I say younger I mean like six or seven um so definitely don’t expect me to draw anything anything at all it will not happen good gift for zi no no no no get

Zi Crayolas that you never want to see again because zi stomach acid is no joke I mean zi stomach acid is um bit of a weapon I should say a stream when I can’t draw I can’t draw another thing everyone o by ocean Monument interesting interesting minus uh 750 by

400 uh minus 750 5400 ocean Monumental I don’t remember what the first coordinates were I can see they’re not labeled so it’s kind of concerning I want to go into the boat let me into the boat please this would be an amazing ocean Monument drain because then you

Could like adopt the Shipwreck structure and build it into something else yeah yeah I see I see very cool time’s go to eat we get 120 pack oh goodness that would be so funny imagine if like we could have Thrones and Z he gets throne and it’s just all

Crayons like every single item is crayons literally nothing else just crayons that would be very funny salmon flavored crayons that sounds disgusting ing that sounds terrible my favorite flavor is the purple ones are you just all eating crayons why I’ve never understood the kids who would like chew their pens and

Pencils chewing pencils I think it’s worth because why surely it doesn’t taste good it’s like a pencil covered in paint and they’d have bite marks all over them like why why are you biting that doesn’t it taste bad doesn’t it feel gross it’s the laminated paint like

There’s just so many issues with it like the flavor the texture oh my old boat hello I don’t need you anymore I’m going to delete you from existence um it’s more or less a texture thing you like the texture of wood why do they look delicious they don’t look delicious

At all they are not friend shaped oh you guys are weird you guys are weird how will you wax poetic if you don’t eat wax in what context are you like biting into candle or are you eating a honeycomb because if you’re eating honeycomb and you’re getting the natural

Beeswax I personally wouldn’t do it but I can understand people who do but otherwise what are you doing in any other contact crayon wax that’s disgusting that is really gross I I don’t mean to judge you all but why why would you eat crayons like that oh dear okay well I’ve learned

Something today about my viewers should I be concerned that a lot of my viewers ate crayons as children or maybe not even as children based on what some of you are saying um I see you guys need to chew on something a Peno human flesh I didn’t

What kind of childhoods did you have just a children yeah didn’t you eat grass to make friends on one occasion I ate a single blade of grass and I couldn’t recommend it but it’s not like I was going into the garden and spooning handfuls of grass into my mouth I feel

Like that story has um perhaps been spun out of proportion a bit with some of you guys I know you want to be like she’s just like me for real but I don’t claim the crayon eating okay that’s not I’m not going to make that part my branding

Okay I don’t I don’t I don’t want I’m not going to say I condemn crayon eating but uh certainly I’m going to distance myself in my platform from crayon eating missing out on fiber you did it to make friends no no like we were already best friends and we’re still quite close and

We’re still in touch I I wasn’t doing it to make friends we were already friends it was just like to to show you how strong your friendship is you know ask Del about her favorite no Crown eating fan out me eating Crown at this point I will take any fan

Out I love fan I love fan out so much I would take Edie fanfic if you want to write a fanfic about me eating crowns go for it I just really like seeing bad Works made by the spiritas it just makes me very happy okay and I don’t care what the

Content is uh for for fan fiction I mind a bit more for art but art I love art please so yeah a classic test of friendship yeah apparently not apparently I I was Li to but that’s okay you know children are children are like you a

Lot we Bound by the green guys also don’t go eating grass like this was something that Spectra did as probably like not even when I was seven probably before yeah like way before I was seven so this was a while ago it was not exactly a common everyday Friday

Occurrence or something I don’t know y oh I want to make One More Bar Bar Bar oh one Barrel please and then I’m going to put those away and I also want to make a diamond sword that attack value is more than the sharpness so we are going to put these Away and then it wasn’t a nursery rhyme I think it was just a playground rumor that spread to our establishment you know so so um yeah no idea what happened I I have since researched and figured out that that is not actually a a very normal thing but it’s okay it’s

Okay chat I don’t regret it you know I ate that grass blade with my whole heart and I do it again like what am I going to say I I I eat a PL of grass it’s not that big I do I feel like based on chat people have

Eaten worse things and I’m more concerned about that takes touching grass to the next level touching grass wasn’t even a thing back then because everyone just did it not not not to sound like a boomer but everyone just did touch grass like I don’t I don’t know skill is if you

Didn’t I guess I don’t know who knows um this is going to be my valuables chest like Ambiguously valuable stuff chest touch grass the esophagus gosh whenever someone says esophagus it really reminds me of a very very gur fanfiction and I just can we can no let’s stop saying esophagus yeah

Yeah yeah yeah we don’t we don’t need to say esophagus anymore we don’t need to see we touch grass it was Co living yeah kind of a little bit how how the turntables you know yeah let’s see if I can I don’t think we’ll get another level 30 enchantment

Today but certainly we can I think we need more coal do see if we can find any coal In this River where loads of zombies like to spawn uh where’s my boat did I leave my boat Where’s My Boat I didn’t put it away there we go

Dr guys don’t worry about it when do we get to read one of your fanfix I don’t know your streamer might be negotiating things in the background you know selling off various parts of my soul for um certain allowances uh so we will see you you’ll just have to see

Chat you know depending depending on how my audience actually I should really look at my audience and ltic shouldn’t I um depending on my audience some of you might have read my fanic already who knows who knows depending who who knows U not that I will ever admit to it and you will

Never see the light of day of them so yeah so yeah how’s the Sci-Fi Au fan fiction I have not read any sci-fi a recently I’m not really a Sci-Fi person I know that probably sad for a lot of you but um I kind of have just read the classics

And been satisfied with that I feel like everything I get out of sci-fi I just get out of um fantasy and I enjoy fantasy more because I feel like sci-fi sometimes that’s that’s just a lot of I don’t want to say LW dumping but I feel like people some well

Some also sometimes rely on the S sci-fi aesthetic of being like future istic and mysterious to not really explain things very well that’s kind of tiring so so why don’t and I like the aesthetic of fantasy more so I’m more willing to kind of like allow it when

Something is just like magic nonsense you know so yeah unfortunately I’m not really a Sci-Fi person it was just a time travel fix it Au you know what I’m saying sometimes you just need some time travel Au Fixit for the soul they they are very cathartic

Because if you’re like me I don’t know I I think I’ve said this a bit before but when I consume media if I don’t like how they’re writing something I will just head I will just write an alternate universe in my mind and pretend that that’s Canon

Forever and it it works for me it just UPS my enjoyment but sometimes it’s so bad that you’re like no I need to see how someone else could fix this like how did they Envision fixing this because like it’s very broken and there’s many ways to glue something back together and

I want to see how someone else has done it and and it’s just good it’s just good for you it was just time travel yeah I never said it was sci-fi guys I think you you saw what you wanted to see I’m sorry I’m Sorry isn’t bad um I just don’t really read it I I tend to just prefer fantasy over it most of the time nice from time to time know that always good and like there’s something about the sci-fi time not sci-fi something about the time travel fix the

Au that makes an author want to make it like 700,000 words and then there’s like four other parts of the series and one of them is always unfinished but they’re always like above 100,000 words and that’s what I need in my life that that’s what I just need a million words to

Digest without that lightning was that lightning do you need to go to bed anyway um I want to finish up my house a bit more so I’m going to cut down this book tree and then we’ll see what we want to do I I’ve never really understood

Fanfiction so for me the big appeal about fanfiction okay so basically if you’re like me and you finished doing seven phds you never want to read anything serious ever again because you have read so many words just so many words that you just you you just don’t

Want to read anything serious you want to read something silly and goofy where you can turn off your brain it’s like the equivalent of of watching a show kind of where it’s like you don’t really want your mind to be that engaged unless you’re really looking for that and

That’s what fanfiction offers fanfiction also offers more content to um a story that you really love it offers like more Avenues more characterization takes on a character you really like um so like how someone envisions how a certain character came to be or why they are the

Way they are uh vary so much from person to person I think there’s a lot of of joy in looking at how someone else has seen a character and going yeah that makes total sense that they had like X or Y traumatic incident in their past that that like them behaving this way

And it’s often especially cathartic because sometimes writing does not deliver the quality that you need and leaves you disappointed and so filling in those gaps just on your own with like a phandom is really really nice in my personal opinion H yeah obviously it’s not going to be

For everyone but those are like some of the reasons why I really enjoy It I just like reading and I I’m just I’m slowly waiting for my soul to recover for my 7 phds to like start reading more serious stuff again but with the interne ification of attention spans I I find that fan fictions are so much easier to digest and it’s also like

Because a fan fiction is not pretending to could be anything other than fanfiction it can be shamelessly unserious and that is very very nice if you you know just want to read something that’s like full of tropes and very tropy but it’s good it’s good anyway I

Don’t know how to describe it oh I really want a cactus we really need a cactus um let me get some more glass actually oh we also need a shoel wait have we not got a shoel yet hang on maybe I’ll trade for a shoel h i look at the author’s interpretation

Rather than just a story um I think you guys did I just say a zombie I think you guys have probably guessed that I a big nerd when it comes to characterization so that’s kind of like a a Spectra reason rather than a general reason that

I think everyone can relate to but I I just really like characters I just like characters what could I say it’s just it’s just good it’s good stuff it’s good content can we use a pickle to make the dy I don’t think so is that new maybe I don’t think

So I’m pretty sure the only way to get green dye is CAC D but if I’m wrong I’d be very happy I mean it’s not like we have um pickles anyway oh well that boat is gone forever we don’t have pickles anyway so it doesn’t matter I should take out my potions and

Start the new batch I don’t know why this land form is the way that it is it’s kind of um not a NIC looking land form so one day I’ll probably come back and fix it but for now I’m going to yink the Sand uh you go back after your p and it changes your way of thinking permanently yes I have certainly had my the way that I think altered by some of the phds I’ve done and it’s very trippy and I don’t like it but I can tell I can tell in the way

That I communicate my thoughts to other people that I have just been fundamentally and permanently changed in the way that I process logical information and that is yikes it’s a big yikes from me cuz even after I read flowers for alganon I’m like but what if what if everything is just intuitive

Because I’ve had the benefit of like traditional intelligence when you okay when you find things easy and intuitive it’s it’s easy to kind of conflate that to just oh I’m like this because I’m just naturally like this but when you have something as fundamental as the way you see the world being

Shifted by the way you’ve been taught it’s kind of it’s quite it’s quite it’s quite it’s quite hum oh wait a second hang on hang on it’s not all me it’s the way that like I have been impacted and then it’s like wait a second if the way that I

Think is so easily impacted and easily malleable even at my age of however many centuries as a ghost demon then what other aspects of my personality don’t actually come from me and are just a product of my environment you ever think about that chat you ever think about

That intelligence is a cur um no but I I think um I feel like you know it’s it’s um easy well is it harder to be happy when you I don’t know I don’t know anyway um so I’m going to go get some and theight but yeah

Uh the mind is very Malibu I know people forget we are we are we are just little guys and we are so easy to manipulate it’s just it’s crazy it’s crazy out there guys stay safe going deep is a lot to think about I I

TR I try to think it never works out right right anyway it’s fine and at the end of the day it kind of doesn’t change anything um but it kind of makes you take a step back and reevaluate and there’s never going to be an answer because we just

Don’t know I don’t know if science will ever be able to answer like whether someone’s personality is completely innate or completely taught um we just have to sit and think and that’s that’s all that’s all curse I think intelligent is Curse myself I think intelligence itself not a not to Devil’s

Advocate into the ground but I feel like the concept of intelligence itself is so hard to Define and that’s why very often when I talk about intelligence I will specify traditional intelligence as opposed to like intelligence cuz like how do you how do you define intelligence I think it mean obviously

It means different things to different people uh where where am I going to find andesite um but I think traits you associate with intelligence are things like easy for you to memorize things easy for you to understand Concepts um easy for you to apply the information you have to other different

Situations and I don’t know I don’t know I feel like um within that definition there are other kinds of being gigabrain that are underappreciated I need to get a door um for example emotional intelligence I think is like such a very extremely cool um aspect of just getting

Things right like just understanding how things and people are it’s such an incredible skill that you you kind of can’t teach but most people or like a lot of people will say that they don’t see emotional intelligence as intelligence at all they’re like no that’s not intelligence that is social

Skills that is um like not within the intelligent skill set and it’s like I kind of disagree but I can see why and so it’s like I don’t know I don’t even know how you begin to Define um a concept like intelligence when you stop thinking about it like

What makes a person intelligent for a lot of people they would just conflate being well read with being intelligent which is the most terrible thing because I cannot tell you how many really silly people I’ve met who’ve just read a lot of books and can quote a lot of Greek

Philosophers but actually you ask them a question and they they don’t you lose brain cell this is turned into a rant about my experiences with higher education and my 7 phds oh my God this was meant to be a really short stream and then I started talking about death and then there’s a

Green screen on my stream and then Minecraft didn’t work and then now oh my goodness anyway I think about too much chat I I guys guys I’m just a silly little anime girl on the internet please please understand I I’m just a silly silly little silly little small thing yeah

Yeah of how little we know exactly exactly right is it Nate or to I think it’s a mixture of both I think almost everyone would agree it’s a mixture of both um I think humans tend and demons as well you know some demons fall into this trap but humans especially underestimate the role

Of the subconscious and subconscious biases in literally everything uh and as soon as you start looking at that you see it everywhere like oh my gosh chat if you teach like everyone should learn about logical fallacies and teach themselves what a logical fallacy is but as soon as

You you can unpick anything as soon as you know what a logical fallacy is it’s like no argument is is water Titan compelling as soon as you know every logical fallacy because anything that is said ever contains a logical fallacy pretty much pretty much any argument

Ever and it’s like oh no I maybe I don’t want to live like this maybe I would actually quite like for some things in life to be certain you know what I’m saying may maybe maybe that would be nice it’s hard it’s hard anyway but you know what no matter what

Happens I like Minecraft I like my little Minecraft game My Little Minecraft game makes me very happy and I’m just going to play my little Minecraft game and not bother anyone and I’m just going to play my little Minecraft game and be a little anime girl on the internet and be very

Silly and not think about uh the eventual heat death of the universe and I’m not going to think about the fact that um nothing is real and I only know that I exist and I don’t know if any of you are real and we could be in a

Simulator I’m not going to think about that not going to think about solipsism I’m going to think about how I need to put all my different resources into the bre chest yeah there’s no certainty in life yeah yeah I feel like that sometimes yoink okay so we’re going to put this in

Here this in here I’m going to grab the Redstone from downstairs what else do I need I don’t have any gunpowder I’m pretty sure um yeah it’s kind of like nothing nothing else actually I me I guess I’ll grab I have no space in my inventory this T is a ghost does that

Mean TI Will Survive the eventual heat death of the universe God I hope not I I sure hope I don’t I sure hope I’m not that you know guys sometimes everything having an end is not bad sometimes that’s that’s pretty good you know right so I want to start building

This Tower a little bit more and I don’t know how T I’m going to make it so I kind of want to figure that out soon um wait wait a second let me H today in Minecraft digging into Spectra pyy no no psychoanalysis allowed chat no psychoanalysis allowed that is for that is for I don’t know I don’t know actually who knows I’m really glad that I’ve actually never properly studied psychology because I feel like it would do things to me I

Feel like it would do terrible things to me and the more I learn the more I’m like you know what maybe ignorance really is this and I’m going to go get some Mossy couble uh if we have time but yeah sometimes I think I just don’t want

To know things um it’s kind of like how if you I don’t know if anyone’s everever read about stories of former special agents but a lot of them have spoken pretty extensively about how life is never the same for them because they can’t be normal and every time they go out on the

Street they’re like looking for people tailing them or um they’re constantly like checking their hotel room for like bugs and wire Taps and having Nokia bricks as their exclusive cell phone and I just think that’s like a big sacrifice to make to permanently change how you do

Things in such a way forever and that scares me a lot like the idea the idea of that scares me a lot um of never being able to relax because you you’ve like um had to learn to be paranoid to survive that freaks me out a lot my psychology group classes have

Lowered my faith in people yeah you know my experience during my 7 phds has lowered my faith in people cuz let me tell you some of the people doing this phds I was like wow how do you pause but it is what it is humans are humans people are people um I

Think you just got to accept people people are people and we all make mistakes and it’s okay to just chill because at the end of the day uh no matter what we do we are just electrified meat in a little me meat sack you know a little bag of blood and

Muscle we just electrified meat and when you think of it that way yeah maybe you should lower your standards for people because how’s electrified meat going to do anything you know anyway I’m going to build my BL game Tower meat sa don’t phrase it like that

Don’t phrase it did I phrase it like that God I hope I didn’t phrase it like that anyway let me out of here let me out of here bam bone Mecca oh that’s such a cool way of phrasing it no you’re going to you’re going to give us egos you can’t phrase

It like a bone Mecca that’s too cool that’s just too cool what do you guys think about Mecca anime because I feel like I don’t like mecca for Mecca I like mecca for all the other aspects of Mecca does that make sense that doesn’t make any sense but like I

Like a lot of Mecca shows but I don’t like them because they’re Mecca I like them because they have a lot of great characters in them very frequently but that’s what makes Mecca Mecca Mecca can be hit or miss I feel like most meccas have pretty good characterization though at least

The ones I’ve seen you know what maybe I’m just maybe it’s the code GS bias um and the fact that the Neon Genesis Evangelion is kind of like the patron state of of anime I guess that cool yeah that cool I I just feel like I don’t like mecca for Mecca

And that’s weird that’s weird to say but I know a lot of people really love Mecca so yeah Patron say of anime traa no jiujitsu kaisen I think is is steadily taking that Crown but I feel like um iang gallion with a bit of an OG a big

OG hey let me build this Tower a little bit more uh oh no I don’t have stone ah ow H do I have Cobblestone to smoke hang on one second Chads Um oh my God I don’t have any stone to smell uhoh no what do I have to do maybe I should start digging out a space underneath my house yeah I’m going to start digging out space underneath my house and my reason for that is literally just I need resources uh

And I’m going to probably dig under my house at some point anyway so if I just did it now that’s probably like fine yeah yeah probably fine okay if I just start digging under here cuz one day I’m probably going to use the space like maybe not all of the

Space but um definitely the underground expansion is probably inevitable have you seen Pacific Rim no is that a movie I’m really not a movie person for various like reasons I’ve touched on before I don’t really watch any movies like ever I just I I basically never watch

Movies the only time I watch movies is if my friends are inviting me to the cinema and even then it’s like cuz I don’t even like movies it’s like oh well I I guess we can go and watch a movie but then even watching the movies with

Friends is kind of just like sitting in silence so it’s like well we maybe maybe I just go for like the dinner before and then or like the drinks after and it’s like you going to the theater you know and then you pay like you have to give

Your entire liver for admission entry and then it’s like for for one bag of popcorn you have to pay like the the cost of a limb and it’s like oh oh maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe not maybe not you Know okay remember there’s a lake down there oh it’s only a little Lake uh I don’t think it it stretched the entire way let me start smelting 1 four do three and I’m going to check my iron Supply and see if I can trade quickly I

Don’t want the trade to reset well like I do want the trade to reset tomorrow scam watching movies with friends is great however I have real issues watching things with people because I hate if I’m watching something for the first time I hate people talking

Over it but then if I’m watching it for the second time like I want to have a conversation about every scene and I become like what I would never say anything but I I become open to that then I’m always like oh is this ruing it for other people cuz lowy when people

Talk when I’m trying to watch something for the first time it kills me I get so sad because I’m trying to focus I’m trying to focus on the film and like the scenes and the dialogue but it’s like oh people are talking and then it’s like oh their eyes I I’m

Not I struggle in that respect yeah watch people talk in theaters that is really bad I’ve heard of people talking in theaters but it doesn’t really happen in the UK because usually you’ll get like some adult who turns over like turns to the people talking and it’s like can you please be quiet

And then they be quiet and that’s it and that’s like it um so I’ve never really had that happen in real life but then again I don’t really go to movies it probably does happen in the UK uh and I just don’t know R but it happen that’s so bad why that’s so

Rude there’s no way people do that cuz surely surely the movie theater is entitled to like kick you out if you just keep the yapping right so why would you do that oh I need more Stone I mean I need more Stone you mean politely asking people to

Follow the road does that work are you guys okay over there it would be really sad if that doesn’t work but surely you’d be entitled I guess you you I can see why you wouldn’t want to do this but couldn’t you just say to the theater attendant like hey

Like go to the front desk I don’t think they have attendance anymore because it’s like economy but show you can just be like hey they’re talking can you please uh completely ask them to be quiet cuz they’re not being quiet and I can’t hear the film and then resolve it that

Way depending on the person of the chance you be attacked oh God oh God this is why I stay in whsy Castle chat this is why people say Good Touch grass and I’m like actually I hear stories about the outside world and I’m know I’m

Okay with Mr Mo just making me a cup of tea every day and uh us having you know those fun times oh no this is not randomly generated this does not look randomly generated uh so I’m going to replace you with a piece of go and then

You can be Mossy and then you can be undersight okay okay I really really don’t know how tall I want to make this Tower but I don’t want to go back and redo it by the way I am going to like um once I’m done with it I will add a trim

Around it like I did here but I’m not doing that for now cuz I just want to get the proper base Up wa wa that’s bad though I can’t imagine I can’t imagine talking in a movie theater that’s so bad oh my gosh no no no that is not cash oh get away from me get away get away I have a diamond sword now I can do that oh wait

This how far away are we I’m getting yeah we’re quite far away from enchanting stuff what day is it 49 Gamers I think I’ll probably build a tiny bit more do a trade and then I think I don’t want to keep going for too much longer because we have the Gen 4

Collab very very shortly people be crazy no I I can I I I I I can understand I can understand goodness you humans you humans have your issues as well it seems it is I suppose the the way of Life why are you guys here you Wen here like all night can I sleep quickly I can ah why are the Phantoms arriving at the crack of dawn I don’t get it I mean I suppose I can get the Phantom membranes if they swop by me and I hit them excuse

Me they never swoop I don’t understand why they never really swoop down I don’t have a cat if you have a cat the cat will they just don’t they just don’t come and hit me it’s so sad the Phantoms are draw Phantoms are not ghosts oh my goodness they’re admiring your

Tower they could have done that all evening yeah I feel like the game acts as though I have a cat next to me but I don’t have a cat next to me they just don’t Sloop down oh well it’s not really like you use them for very much so it’s

Fine they burn to Dust oh well let’s do a quick trade I can’t trade should I no no I won’t do that I won’t do that to Myself every time I think about how I’m going to build my storage system I’m more and more scared about how it’s going to turn out I think I think when we build our basement we have to make it look funky because this build so far is

Just too boring for me it’s too boring I know I built it myself but I I need more from it it’s not I need more I just need quite a lot more actually so we’re going to have to do some significant thinking as to how we can make this build more interesting cuz

At the moment it’s just it’s just not cash money you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying chat it’s just it’s not giving as a kid say it’s not it’s not giving even that even that just look so goofy um you know what I wonder what would happen if I

Put I don’t know why I still have this in my inventory I put Two how does this look you know what and then if I I did some of that and then I it does need it needs more how does that look I don’t know then then I’d have to do it like this Way yeah it’s a bit it’s a bit chocolate boardy isn’t it like a bit chocolate Barry but it’s okay eh eh I’m going to think of a funky funky palette for the underground we we need a funky underground palette and I’ll have to think I will have to

Think my new favorite strategy is putting signs everywhere it’s not going to work here oh well we we have a lot of time to figure it out don’t we you can add a huge tree or something why would I add the huge tree in in what

Location I guess behind it that could be a good location for a big tree but I just feel like big trees are overdone I want to do something different I think yeah yeah yeah I always try to think of things that are um unusual what would be unusual I

Guess we could do a really quirky tree palette but I also feel like that’s been done before trees are just a really easy thing well not easy but a really common thing to build well is like a big structure I guess we could do like a

Statue I was thinking when I first built this house that I would make a graveyard all around the house like I would put some little headstones everywhere but now that I look at the aesthetic of it it just it just it’s not a house where you would have that it just doesn’t feel

Right um yeah we’ll definitely consider it we’ll definitely consider it yeah but we have lots of time after we still have to kill the ender dragon by um 100 days guys I’m actually considering killing the ender dragon much much sooner but we will we will definitely think about that

Okay okay I think that’s enough Minecraft for today because we hit day 50 which is 50% of our overall End Dragon murder Target so let me go big oh me when I forgot to put the um hang on all righty dead animal pets you want me to put Corp this in my Minecraft

Hardcore cute little cottage girl how how could you how could you anyway I think that will be uh the end of the Minecraft segment cuz I I want to I I like going for longer but usually um you sure would go for longer but today as you guys will know we have an

Incredibly special Generation 4 collaboration which is happening in 2 hours less than 2 hours it will be streamed by zeli and MMA and we are playing diesel company so please come out for that and out you’ll see me there again so I don’t want to push myself too

Too hard because is it is a scary game and emotionally I don’t quite know if I am entirely prepared for that jfor collab wo wow yeah I’m so excited I’m so so excited for lethal company I’m not sad about it I love horror games I absolutely absolutely love horror games anyway

Thank you CH who reminded me about the announcement I was about to forget anyway so we um I have a small announcement to make I wanted you guys to hear from me first but the announcement is H I mean some of you will be relieved a lot of you will be quite

Relieved most excited no guys guys guys guys lower your expectations it’s not it’s not that kind of announcement I have a small trivial not important announcement um how do I start this how do I set the mood there isn’t really a mood to set let me hydrate let me hydrate

Essentially essentially sadly I got pounds Char oh yeah no we do pound don’t worry guys don’t worry guys okay let me let me stage this okay two announcements the first announcement is to many people’s relief including probably my managers cuz less work um I will not be

Here next week for all of next week I I will be dead I am I’m dead I’m taking a week break cuz I’m burned out after three no I’m joking um basically I have some real life things that I have to deal with and this was planned like before debut like staff

Have known about it for ages that like I’ve always had to um I’ve had to not be available for this week so very sadly I will not be here next week uh I will be live tomorrow and that will be my last stream until uh so I’m streaming on Saturday the 2nd

I will be back probably on Tuesday the 12th of December so basically once collab B end yeah really sorry about that your RI yeah I’m really sorry I wish I didn’t have to miss it but um I have prior engagements that um were scheduled well in advance and unfortunately I have to

Have to leave for that week uh which is why I’ve been doing a lot of streams in the first three weeks after debut like you guys have a lot of content to catch up on um I think I did six streams a week every week except for this one so

Yeah you guys can just go back and watch those I guess um I will be uploading a few things during the time that I’m off so you can look forward to that hope it’s not something bad oh no it’s not something bad it’s just like it’s just hello land responsibilities there’s been

An outbreak of ghosts in a certain area of Earth and I have been called in by I know the Ghost Hunters I don’t know they’re calling me into help with that so I will be dealing with those um emergency ghost outbreaks for a week but

Then I will be back cuz they were lucky enough to schedule in when they needed me you know there’s some Ghost Hunters on maternity leave or something they’ll be back soon I don’t know I don’t know have a legal ghost and don’t need to be

Contained again oh no oh no we will stop you’ll literally be fine I have three wonderful gen mates and 10 wonderful senis so I I think you guys will be fine for one week but after that it’ll be a full steam ahead again also second announcement my can with no uh second

Announcement is I’m going to give you guys homework for things to do in the week while I’m off so I will be sure to let you know actually I can let you know now the book that we’ll be reading for the book club is THU The Art of War so

You can all go away and while I’m gone you can read sunzu The Art of War so that you’re all prepared for my very first book club yeah I got TR pums um yeah I’m going to play crossbow so the other homework piece that you can do is you can download everything not

Sponsored by the way you can download every single Trail in trails in the sky game you know let me put on screen okay okay okay spectas homework I’ll like summarize this on Twitter too for chat uh read son do the art of War for the first uh Spectra litina book club

And then uh play every single trails in the sky game that’s FC scy so first chapter second chapter and the third do not skip the third God D I’ve got to go another [ __ ] Trails round God the number of people who say oh you can just

You can just skip TR and the who are you who are you if you think you can skip TR the third you’re not a TRS fan anyway that’s my heart take that’s my heart take on it because why do people think they can skip it anyway so uh those are

Your two pieces of homework it’s like it’s literally not even anything it it’s literally not even anything and then okay okay um optional what do they call it credit optional bonus papers uh you can write write fan fiction uh and Target and Target libertin literature yeah you can do that

Uh what else what else can you get you um that’s kind of it that’s kind that’s kind of all the homework there’s a lot guys guys guys I don’t I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean that all the trails games are like 100 hours of Gameplay at

Least each if you’re you know if you’re not a completionist you can actually finish finish Sky FC in about 40 45 hours and then SC in about 65 hours maybe and the third in about probably 50 hours so it’s really not that many hours and if you think about how many hours

I’ll be away if you just stay up everything single night and you get zero hours of sleep I think you can finish all of them yeah you don’t need to you don’t need to read any of them or play anything um these are just optional things you can

Fill your time with while I’m gone cuz I know some of you are crying about it already um there really not anything else I don’t know uh rewatch all my shorts on Loop 80 times or that sweet sweet 7 percentage uh viewer retention I don’t know what

The statistic is called is it called viewer retention something like that uh you could do that too uh what what else can you do while I’m gone um that’s it that’s it pretty much um yeah yeah I’m not I’m not gone yet but uh that’s why I’m doing two streams

Today you guys wouldn’t be too sad I as it’s not possible yeah I’ve actually never pulled anit literally ever in my in my entire life said if you want to be so so real he did actually say that he also said subscribe to Specta so crazy out image

No that’s that’s weird don’t don’t print out a photo of me that’s no I even have W Pap up but yes we will have lots of fun things in December coming up um so even though I’m going away I’m still planning stuff things are still in the works I’m always scheming and making

Parts I think every agency be always just has things in the works that they can’t talk about but know that things are coming and when I’m back in December it’ll be like consistent streams again mhm mhm yeah hope no one is distraught it’s only a week it is only a

Week maybe I’ll be back on the Monday uh if uh circumstances allow but yeah have nice break it’s not a break I wish it was a break God I do need a holiday pre debut is no joke so don’t cry don’t don’t cry don’t cry in those standard YouTube emotes

Come on come on guys this isn’t a real you crying in those standardized YouTube emotes that’s not that’s not like you anyway guys stop stop it stop stop crying stop crying guys come on come on it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t cry don’t cry cuz it pops up as like little

Text here and it makes my chat extension look bad guys guys look look at all this colon face hyphen purple hyphen crying hold on at least try and have them fun I never have fun thank you though thank you though I appreciate the sentiment I appreciate it I appreciate it very very

Much but yes um I’ll be doing the lethal comedy collab I be live again tomorrow and then it’s only a week I’ll post my schedule soon I’ll post my schedule for I for you so yeah guys don’t apologize I was kidding it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay so yeah so yeah

Thank you guys for understanding I am really sorry I have to do this uh it was always scheduled on the cards um and cleared you know so it always had to happen shame but it is what it is so yeah Spectra Discord channel will be on fire I do read the Spectra Discord

Channel by the way in case there was any doubt like we are on the Discord I can see things I do see things terrible things and that’s why I hate humans um but oh my gosh I forgot about the most important piece of homework okay it’s not the most important but like okay

Third third most important piece of homework make a TV TR page for Spectra please please guys please guys guys guys please I’m asking like really nicely guys I just think it would be really cool if like the day I got back I could I could like go and review um the the uh

And V and you I just think you know I just guys I just I just I I just I I just think that actually it would be quite cool of you guys if if you know it would be quite nice you guys it would be

Quite nice if I if I came back and there was a TV show stage you know no no pressure but you know this is the third piece of homework uh and you know I expect that to be at least 100 tropes on my page I think I think I’ve given you

Guys enough content for 100 tropes on my page um and if you need inspiration you can look at like any other anime character cuz that always really really fed out um yeah okay okay and I would like a TV trip page that that’s that’s that’s that’s

Okay thanks guys thank you thank you for coming uh I think I’m going to end here because I want to go get some good rest before the terrible collab that I unfortunately agreed to is anyone live oh my gosh live wow I can R to be a new

Talent let’s go I’m so excited I’m I’m so excited but yeah thank you for your patience during this time um enjoy the homework uh I will be I will be giving everyone a grade collectively Echo 30k celebration oh my gosh I didn’t know that was

Today what day is it oh my gosh I I didn’t I didn’t know I didn’t know wait is Echo doing the thing the wait let me see let me see CU Echo Senpai gave me a sneak peek I Karaoke we have to go guys we

Have to go we have to we have to raid right now okay thank you so much for coming I’ll see you I’ll see you at the cloud later I’ll see you tomorrow for T2 room which is my last stream before my break so please come and then I I’ll see

You guys later okay bye bye say say congrats on 3K to Echo sen by say congrats and have a wonderful time with Echo sen by say congratulations bye everyone bye T and for

This video, titled ‘【HARDCORE MINECRAFT】No Blaze is Safe: Nether Exploration Hours’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2023-12-01 18:36:07. It has garnered 1247 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:07 or 9367 seconds.

oh joy here we go again (SARCASM)


Twitter: TikTok: Fan Name: Spiritinas

Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets

Thumbnail “Minecraft Hardcore” Logo Credit: ZombieMasterT-Rav BGM Credit: Nobu via DovaSyndrome



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    PORTAL UPGRADE: SCARY CAR EDITION 🔥🔥🔥 Why is the car upgrade so scary? Is it going to start teleporting us to random places like a malfunctioning portal? Better buckle up and hold on tight! #scarycarupgrade #portalproblems 🚗👻🔮 Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever imagined bringing your favorite game to life in a whole new way? Well, the excitement doesn’t stop with LEGO Minecraft sets – it extends to the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server! Picture this: as you marvel at the intricate details of the LEGO Minecraft Crafting Table set, you can also dive into the dynamic and player-driven experience of Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique twist to your Minecraft adventures. From building your dream structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10!

    Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10! The Smallest Akaishi CPU: CRED VII (Version 10) Miniaturization at its Finest The CRED VII (Version 10) is a marvel in the world of Minecraft Redstone creations. This CPU, designed by Mr. Mizuchi, is the smallest Akaishi CPU ever produced, fitting within a compact 16 x 16 x 11 space, occupying just one chunk. The challenge of achieving this size was significant, with the base blocks contributing to the height of 11. 1-Bit Ingenuity What sets the CRED VII apart is its utilization of 1-bit ALU and registers, which are expanded to pseudo-4 bits through serial communication. This innovative… Read More

  • Ayan144 – Meet my ALTER EGO in FinAlLy

    Ayan144 - Meet my ALTER EGO in FinAlLyVideo Information [Music] perfect hi guys how’s it going welcome back to another episode of EMC to Sky so today in this episode we’re going to build some important things like the metal press and the heavy press whatever it’s called Uh we’re going to put it right next to the oven so if we look into my inventory the recipe book on a second uh there we go so this going to need to give us ktic D we don’t need this but what we do need is uh the metal press so we need to create the metal… Read More

  • Unleashing NEW Ancient Bosses Mod in Minecraft!

    Unleashing NEW Ancient Bosses Mod in Minecraft!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft hello chicken say hello to my friends okay you can you can go okay guys hello hello hello today I’m going to be showing you mod uh yeah this mod called ancient I for have this mod called actually let me let me just check quickly please cuz uh I need it I need it ancient legendary yeah guys there we go and this mod has new biomes new armor new bosses new animals yeah guys as you can see I prepared here some armor like how much how… Read More

  • MILOClash: My TOXIC Minecraft Friends

    MILOClash: My TOXIC Minecraft FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All my friends are toxic minecraft’, was uploaded by MILOClash on 2024-03-18 17:26:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our ultimate guide on crafting custom trees in Minecraft! Whether you’re a budding builder or a seasoned pro, this … Read More

  • MY BROTHER ASKED FOR A KISS? Minecraft Gameplay #4

    MY BROTHER ASKED FOR A KISS? Minecraft Gameplay #4Video Information [Music] is [Music] a [Music] that’s [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] wow [Music] y [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] e [Music] ah h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] hard ow ow ow [Music] wow [Music] sh [Music] ah This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Gameplay #4 sbyr1kreay’, was uploaded by Oniichandaisuki on 2024-01-09 04:30:20. It has garnered 112 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:43 or 703 seconds. 🌍 Embark on a thrilling journey with me in this… Read More

  • Unveil the Secrets to Crafting Epic Minecraft Texture Packs! #2 3D Models

    Unveil the Secrets to Crafting Epic Minecraft Texture Packs! #2 3D ModelsVideo Information [Música] bienvenidos un nuevo video y vamos con la intro chicos en este vídeo Vamos a aprender a hacer modelos 3D Yupi en el último vídeo que os dejaré en la descripción hemos aprendido a hacer texturas básicas y ahora vamos a aprender a hacer texturas más complicadas con modelos Ya os explicaré esto más en detalle en el vídeo pero antes mucha gente no ha entendido en el último vídeo porque en el último vídeo dije esto y ponéis MC meta vale Si no os funciona le tenéis que dar aquí y editar with no mucha gente… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20: The Shocking Truth Revealed by Mr. Nutter Gaming!

    Minecraft 1.20: The Shocking Truth Revealed by Mr. Nutter Gaming!Video Information सो हेलो गाइज स्वागत है आप सभी का फिर से और इसमें नए क्रिएचर्स भी ऐड दिख रहे हैं मेरे को जहां तक लग रहा है तो य क्रिएट करते अपने पहले वार्ले को और देखते हैं इसमें क्या चेंज है सो र हम अपने पहले वर्ल्ड में आ चुके हैं और आप देख सकते हो भाई यह वर्ल्ड बिल्कुल रियलिस्टिक सा लग रहा है वुड देखो एक बार इसकी आप देख रहे हो क्या रियलिस्टिक से लग रहा है य वर्ल्ड भी और यहां पर आप यह देख सकते हो एक सेकंड यह यहां पर जॉयस्टिक की… Read More

  • Intense Fall Guys Custom Games with Viewers – The Blums LIVE

    Intense Fall Guys Custom Games with Viewers - The Blums LIVEVideo Information W ho yo what’s up guys yo what’s up Cookie uh tyrex bro I’m not late what what’s this bro think he’s doing streaming at 9:30 n it’s it’s not even that late bro uh I’m not feeling good or else I would play it oh you’re not feeling good I rip what a buddy though I’m not feeling good either rip bro I’ll be back later all right all right all right yo join up guys actually I kind of messed up on the pin I didn’t turn it to hold up C2 youu 5 and then… Read More

  • BLOCKDOWN: 100 HOUR Mine Mod Binge! (WATCH NOW)

    BLOCKDOWN: 100 HOUR Mine Mod Binge! (WATCH NOW)Video Information I spent the last 100 hours transforming this boring Island into the ultimate create mod base complete with an airport working trains and even working boats too oh yeah and plus a whole ton of cool builds as well so without further Ado let’s meet up with my friend froggy and enjoy this create mod Adventure hey froggy hey blocky how you doing buddy doing good looking forward to transforming this island with you me too I guess we should probably gear up I mean we can’t really do anything until we have like at least I don’t… Read More


    EMOTIONAL CAT DANCES IN NEW MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information and went like this say oops I got 99 problem singing bye bye bye hold up if you want to go and take a ride with me better Hit Me Baby One More Time paint a picture for you me of the face When We Were Young singing at the top of B long and family love boy boy boy bo boy boy bo boy boy boy bo boy boy [Music] Bo [Music] This video, titled ‘SAD CAT DANCE APHMAU 33 MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by SHORT CRAFT on 2023-12-31 14:00:36. It has garnered 598 views and… Read More

  • SurvivalMist

    SurvivalMistWelcome, To Adventure! As a warrior that you are. Come and enjoy a fun time with friends, and PVP as you will. Read More

  • TheDysonSphere: Modded, Whitelist

    🔥 NEW MODPACK – GRAND OPENING The Dyson Sphere, created by SphereMC Enjoy a custom blend of mods including Create & addons, Valkyrien Skies, Eureka! Ships! What Sets This Modpack Apart? Introducing The Dyson Sphere modpack. It’s the Minecraft you know and love, but different. This is a modpack for Minecraft 1.20.1 that was inspired by the legendary ‘All the Mods 9’, but it has been significantly trimmed down in order to maximize gameplay and performance. Sphere is intended for both adventurers and tech enthusiasts, offering an immersive world filled with modded biomes, mystical magic, and technology like Create and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Anomaly #1: The Forbidden Realm

    Looks like he’s the Steve Jobs of Minecraft – he’s got all the mobs under his control! Read More

  • Crafting a Zesty Vestia Portal: Minecraft PE

    Crafting a Zesty Vestia Portal: Minecraft PE In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Vestia Zeta creates a portal, for all to see. With a click and a tap, the portal takes shape, A gateway to adventure, no time to escape. In the land of hololive, where VTubers reign, Vestia Zeta stands out, with her unique domain. She crafts and she builds, with skill and with flair, Bringing joy to her fans, with every pixel she shares. So subscribe, like, comment, and share with glee, Support Vestia Zeta, in her Minecraft spree. For in this virtual world, where creativity thrives, She’s a shining… Read More

  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🍔 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🍔 #minecraft #meme “When you’re about to die in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to pull a ‘Totem of Undying’ and saves the day with that last minute connection boost!” 😂 #WiFiSavesLives #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • 4 Guys, 1 Chamber Challenge

    4 Guys, 1 Chamber Challenge Breaking Down Minecraft’s 1.21 Update: 4 Guys 1 Trial Chamber With the release of Minecraft’s 1.21 update, players around the world are diving into new adventures and challenges. In a recent video featuring popular Minecraft content creators JayMoji, failboat, and Branzy, the game’s boundaries were pushed to the limit in a unique trial chamber experience. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the highlights of this groundbreaking update. Exploring the Trial Chamber The trial chamber featured in the video provided a thrilling challenge for the players involved. With puzzles to solve, obstacles to overcome, and teamwork… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Become a Witch Nightfall

    Secrets Revealed: Become a Witch NightfallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming a Witch! | Fear Nightfall – 4’, was uploaded by Flynnrite on 2024-04-07 13:00:24. It has garnered 1193 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:57 or 1437 seconds. Broom. Outro music made by me 💙 #minecraft #horror Read More

  • Creating a Flat World & Funny Episode in Minecraft

    Creating a Flat World & Funny Episode in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a flat world and have a funny episode in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grey bear given on 2024-05-28 00:51:37. It has garnered 790 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. This is how to make a flat world in Minecraft and also a funny episode. This will tell you how to make a flat world. Read More

  • Black Ops 64: Epic Shields Destroy Server

    Black Ops 64: Epic Shields Destroy ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Shields Tore this Server Apart’, was uploaded by drawl64 on 2024-03-19 18:06:17. It has garnered 1860 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:41 or 521 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minecraftsmp sorry for the texture pack Divine SMP Is A Content Creator SMP You Can Join, All you need to do is apply in our discord Divine Discord: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is… Read More

  • INSANE Survival Challenge in Minecraft…Can I last 7 Days in 1×1 Border?!

    INSANE Survival Challenge in Minecraft...Can I last 7 Days in 1x1 Border?!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Survécu 7 Jours Dans Une Bordure de 1×1 Sur Minecraft HARDCORE !’, was uploaded by iisunox on 2024-01-03 14:00:08. It has garnered 946 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:18 or 738 seconds. Here’s how I completed the challenge of ”Survive 7 Days In A 1×1 Border On Minecraft HARDCORE!” Besides, if you like this game mode, don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments if you want that I play this game mode but not for 7 days but for 100 days… In short, I am waiting for your… Read More

  • CrozyCaw’s EPIC Blockwars CTF Battles #mustsee

    CrozyCaw's EPIC Blockwars CTF Battles #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cubecraft blockwars CTF is #lowkeyfunagain’, was uploaded by CrozyCaw on 2024-06-02 21:55:45. It has garnered 59 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. it’s fun again lowkey #minecraft #pvp #funagain tags(ignore): mcpe pvp montage minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pvp gameplay minecraft pvp server minecraft best pvp video minecraft op pvp minecraft pvp moments minecraft pvp skills best pvp texture pack bedrock pvp servers minecraft 1v1 pvp minecraft pvp edit minecraft pvp moments minecraft op video best minecraft version for pvp minecraft pvp base minecraft mobile gameplay all pvp… Read More

  • Nether Escaping Madness in Minecraft!

    Nether Escaping Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Escaping The Nether In Minecraft Bedrock Survival!’, was uploaded by Krisp on 2024-03-24 22:30:04. It has garnered 2339 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:58 or 838 seconds. This is my Minecraft Bedrock Let’s Play series where I try to recapture the feel of classic Minecraft in the newer versions of the game! In this episode, I went into the nether was escaping pretty poorly! Super funny moments, super suspenseful moments, and fun times! Join the discord: I have refined the series to be more light hearted, I thought being… Read More

  • Unbelievable RTX Minecraft Graphics ON FIRE SHORTS!

    Unbelievable RTX Minecraft Graphics ON FIRE SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Realistic Minecraft! #rtx #minecraft # shorts’, was uploaded by BCGamingMC on 2024-02-23 18:41:55. It has garnered 187 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Full Video on my Youtube channel!!! Thanks for watching!!! Filmed at 1440p! Shaders: Seus PTGI HRR 3 Texture pack: Pixllr 128x 3070ti + i7 12700kf Comment what shaders you want next! Like and Subscribe for more content like this! Read More