Video Information

Welcome guys in ax men here and today we are finally starting a Minecraft series I’ve been harassed pretty much legit harassed to do a series on Minecraft I would go on discord people would ask him for it on Twitter people are asking for it on new to people asking for ID go out

Shopping in the street and people would be throwing stuff at me say look axe you’ve got to do a Minecraft series so that’s a big deal we’ve finally got one all set up and ready to frickin go so I’m new at Minecraft you go remember this so the first three episodes are

Gonna be me learning we’re gonna stick with kind of vanilla minecraft because like I said I’m kind of new we’ve got a few mods and we’re going to show you the back because of honey I need that to make the game look pretty and stuff so

What we do have is you know gonna shade your finger to make the water look kind of cool in the light look pretty decent we have a bio mod to add those biomes we’ve got an animal mod which adds loads of animals like crocodiles and they look

At the stack and we have a mod with a mini-map and then we have a mod for what’s the one a villager so we can like we can fall in love with villages and have babies and stuff and it’s gonna be a really epic so there’s a load of

Frankie’s actually so let’s have a look at what we got then it looks like we’re in a swamp which kind of don’t want to be when I did the livestream on this ondestroy of vanilla minecraft we were in a swamp as well but look at this little guy hey can

I pay you you know little raccoon are you doing oh by the way if you do enjoy this episode – seriously what I could secure to continue and stuff smash the thumbs up bottom yellow even racoon says smash ones up button make sure you do that because that really does show me

That you want to see more of this may be more regular maybe even daily minecraft videos what is he beanie and buy oh [ __ ] follow social medias as well and yeah that’s what one of these how do we tame stuff this is this like Ark we just

Knock you out kind of want to see the croc real quick and then I want to get the hell out this one I don’t really want to be in this one hey mr. crow or you don’t know very happy do you okay sir there’s a meet

That oh I don’t like it I don’t like it oh this like makes me walk slow in this stuff oh okay hey mr. Shi P do you know the way out of the swamp they look like green trees let’s go that way that looks promising how does one get over there though is

That a there’s a rabbit is that a goat is a ways that a cow real cow that’s a [ __ ] hey mister go you look cool what’s that that’s just a seed thing we got rabbits you don’t never rabbit I wanna tame you I don’t know how eating you though

Alright let’s go justice lives of like animals there’s loads of birds as what I’ve seen and one was testing this out alright yeah bright green that looks good to me that looks like away from swamp that’s what we want I don’t want to be in here don’t want to be munched

On by a crocodile so it’s just become daytime so we’ve got time to set up a little house but I want to get away from here for sure hey she pees how’s life [ __ ] the whatever this is a woodland this is a woodland biome sweet so there’s also stuff like tigers and maybe

Bears have not sought about definitely see the tiger knocking about though this looks kind of peaceful there’s a clearly a beautiful a nice cute little water going on there so like I said I am new to this don’t expect any big massive crazy adventures just yet we’re gonna

Rick was that was that me what is that this I’m tree aids all the good that was moving as well there’s nobody there buddy what the Fricks happenin are these bad yo oh that was creepy [ __ ] okay are you a little beefing nice alright yeah let’s just keep heading this way and oh

I don’t know I’m game car is that a snake oh my god we’ve got snakes sheep you to tell us all snakes here bro those greedy where they gone oh look at him are they bad oh oh yeah they’re bad okay they’re bad we don’t like them the tree

Men are weird and then like that that’s so creep hair we just kind of looking at what the mod has to offer right now oh my god that’s like so much trees and stuff can I don’t climb up the tree damn we definitely need to start making

A little home before it gets dark and stuff you know I should have probably killed them sheep right I should have got their wool so does she sheep I need your wool because I’m pretty let’s make a better jack punches sheep noise do we get one I think we did

Hey your necks is good – there’s a lot of these definitely cheap to make a bed what if you like expert Minecrafters have been playing us for years usually watch me like our guard is doing this wrong he’s doing that wrong but yeah feel free to wack suggestions and tips

And hints in the comment section oh [ __ ] there’s a freaky white tiger just there I feel like he is stuck though sheep don’t do that we’ll just get that stuff I just wanted bed so I can respawn okay there’s a weird tree guy yeah oh I don’t

Know I don’t know what I want to build really don’t want to just build in the delivered the forest a lot of scary stuff another way tree people oh my god that’s got like a thing in its leg oh don’t come this way sir I don’t like that

Okay I’d say well we’ll just build here for now and to see what we’ve got going so trees we have to punch trees don’t know why I’m using meat I don’t know how to change slap punch trees get would turn them into planks and then we could

Build like a little house we also need to eat food which I have known of I don’t know how we get food early on we’re like really hungry don’t trees drop apples sometimes actually so in my need okay so goat wood so we can press eight

We can go on that and then we can make a bunch of these just keep clicking on them and then I can pop my dare okay sticks is important to do as well so let’s grab a couple of sticks how does one make a tool don’t need a crafting

Table I feel like I need a crafting table look at me I’m frickin doing this nice okay let’s build let’s build some sort of little home so a mining thing just there nice definitely gonna fall into that okay not sure how big I want this but I definitely wanted to back out

Onto the water we can have a little lies another bit down there we can have a small little view of this lake here dairy cool let’s get one more out one more out and then we can start making it all okay so let’s just part this is

Actually Reece a lot smaller than uh was gonna be I didn’t realize that the blogs are so chunk air is actually tighter right let’s just pop this down for now I’ll probably have to extend out this way a bit in a minute so in here we can

Do we want these stuff right so need more anymore wood we need more wood let’s go so that go down redder [ __ ] okay that’s probably not good even though it says it’s nine fade daytime so that it’s time right okay seems like it’s getting dark already though and I

Like that I need to make it bed ASAP so it can sleep so we don’t get eaten by all the crazy creatures I don’t want to be what they called mobs I’m gonna try another my minecraft lingo oh yeah ten ten o’clock sunset okay since so

That is a 12 hour clock it’s alright I’m learning I’m learning okay so we need to do a bed first we need to make smoothies first fix okay give me bed how do we do bed why is the bed not there kind of make a

Bed yet these um so how am I gonna sleep now then there is I just completely missed it stupid I just being big dumb how does one place one of these okay there we go yeah sleep nice I could go sleep and it’s boring time perfect

Okay bed you just have to chill there for bit let’s start I don’t where we have an axe we need some stone because we need to make a furnace so can cook some food big brain stuff I think after harvest stone first and then we’ll get work on the house I just

Want to make sure I’m all set up and ready and are you all gonna hate me for this cuz she meant to use a shovel for dirt I hate water gonna go down there you’re not this don’t over there I’m just gonna go over there and do this that’s gonna

Be a big brain stuff there’s anything in the water diffic fish and stuff oh I think there was a fish over there here we go get some stone so we could get stone tools and then we can make a furnace we can cook some food we can kill animals

Against stuff I am doing this I am minecraft in and I’m good at it we did it we did two live streams and I feel like it definitely definitely helped me a lot because otherwise I would have no idea what I’m doing I know the very very

Basics people come like hey axe why don’t you go do the dragon guy and go into the the underworld the dev I said the never I think it’s good to never no not yet not yet baby steps going to baby steps here okay so we go in here then furnace you

Know what I am I’m smart I am to fight such big-brained okay and then we want a pic as well oh yes go boys just call me an expert I I should do like what’s the word tutorials on this okay so we want some medallion that wears on meat Ernest

That’s gonna cook in there for a bit alright this chop saw more wood down with some stone axe look how quick that is oh yes I’m just big brained big brain two games another good thing about actually living here there’s so many sheep like there is so much food for man

Like that’s really good I didn’t think about it first so rabbit stuck in the water I want to know how to tame stuff I’ve been told you can tame stuff like we tamed a wolf in a cat but I don’t hate him this stuff punking up there I want a pumpkin whoa

How do we lie look down out of our fallen shift mr. rabbit are you are you all right you’re not doing too good there are you coming out now there you go don’t jump down there there’s a big ol it’s probably not what you want to be

Okay we have so much – probably wanna pick this bed up a hot SEC can we make it a shovel but only for shovel it’s more sticks I can never remember where to find a stick there goes grab a couple of them a shovel for the Dirks otherwise

I always get told off one was in the livestream that’s loose you what everyone was shiner you got big news anything but a shovel for death oh look at me I’m learning this is gonna go over to put some more wood take the floor take the house bit bigger it’s four

O’clock we should get this done before nightfall Joe no if something kinda new to this if leaving in gaps through a window is a good idea but I’m gonna do it anyway and we’ll kind of see what happens also not sure how told I should be making this

But yeah we can have little windows here just to look out on and then we need to make a door so how does one make a door they just click on it and then they just make it and that’s it that’s how a door

Is done now how do I place this that way perfect let’s go okay not sure how we’re doing the roof right now but we need to pace the bed down so mr. bed come down here let’s make sure we’ve got dads I remember how he plays this properly there we go

I’m a guy bed sweet all right how do you want to do the roof I kind of want to do you know a standard what is that pyramid triangle a normal roof that you have a Minecraft I’m not sure how we do that dony steps in his steps then things.this

Is shiftin and make of that 24 okay I also need a step to get up here now good job still can’t get up yeah yeah okay how the Frick do I play C’s in that way but don’t I want it like overlooked in it I mean I guess that works

It’s a first house it’s our first build so yeah then we go under for one we block them and then put more up all right I think I’m getting a hang of this I just want to get a house sword then we can go out and explore and see what

Awaits is Caesar to work out tame some stuff I’m pretty sure he’s lit seeds I’m sure I’ve got toad like it’s seeds or maybe that was a fox I do love the way the light rays shine through the trees it’s kind of beautiful hey mr. rabbit do wanna be friend I

Don’t have any carers do you eat like weed over stuff do you want this he’d this whoa wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where did it go it’s tipped chooses pet’s name i right clicked on it wait a hot SEC where’s that of a rabbit hey you rabbit come

Here in the water come here why can I get that of his sheep oh wait you said it I ever rub it on my head one eye I have a friend we have a rabbit um I don’t know what I’d do with him

Did we tame him I am I don’t know how to get him off my head okay oh well oh he had foods was he ever finger Mr Cook I’m going to cook this to make charcoal isn’t it how did I get you off you just kind of chumps huh oh okay

Shift I kind of don’t you should be cool www-why clicks pick him up and shift is fro him e f no someone’s gonna have to let me know how we rename the rabbit cuz right now he’s called www all right Club bro get that call me Ed

Right what were you doing again when we concede it well making a roof and it’s this side then just a row in the middle normal ones they should look like a triangle hopefully and moment of truth okay I mean it GU be better feels a different color but we could do that at

Some other point yeah we go we have a little little mini house in here just to chill out and do stuff in nice let’s take a take off this stuff don’t need this little staircase anymore we have a little house just to like set up shopping I’m sure we won’t stay here

Because there is some crazy-ass biomes out there with this mod and I I really want to check him out I believe I don’t know Perez but there might be a cherry blossom once I frickin love that the charcoal which is good for cooking of more charcoal alright so what do we need

We need to find some coal because we definitely need some of damn light things show are you ready mr. www rabbit let’s go do some mining wherever we were mining before in there yeah there was nothing in then it got a bit too dark what we’ll do then I’m just gonna make

Some like kind of repair tools they look good on food so we’ll go sleep we’ll probably head over that mountain because what I do remember is sometimes it’s like this horse of it’s virtually like coal peeking out of the mountains you can only find so we’ll see we can find

Some of that for a bad beer dad probably better than just digging straight down to show it’s just get Alize redone so I want to never want to dam and we want to we probably want a sword right I feel like a sword might be a good idea let me

Grab and grow one of them yeah now it can kick some boy if we need to nice the sunset it’s so beautiful yeah well we’ll head over there see if we can see any more crazy ass creatures and we are we already I made a testing as well because I always forget

To do that so students coming up we’ve got a sword we’ve got our rabbit was the scream thing there we go look at his frickin go Lucas go about a little rabbit on a red and I have to make what bones impress him is that a sea snake and a nice sea

Snakes snakes to swim I said in one of my old videos that they creep me out and I know he’s all snakes can swim but just seeing him swim is kind of gross what was this fish near that Nemo found Eve oh hey Nemo yeah that’s I don’t like

That is that a shark why not there’s Cole wait are you don’t know you a shark that’s not it very well that’s sounding very dolphin like I hate you yeah oh sorry sir oh yeah yeah am I gonna kill a shark oh no there’s a dolphin he made a

Dolphin sound oh I’m actually sorry we know is this another one we ride you sir I didn’t mean to kill your friend I apologize I’m notable this is what we’re looking for oh the odd Dolph is they actually make legit Delfy sir that’s amazing oh I’ve

Got it on everybody look I’ve got a shark tooth hmm interesting very interesting or not sure what we killed they make dolphin sounds but they sound or they look like a shark freezer well this is what we came for cold water that’s not good and then what that hello mr. rabbit

This is collect a bunch of this and if I said I was gonna go ride the mountain and I just needed to be here yeah is that it that’s really enough for now Oh swimming to get us encouraged come on you can do it you can do it oh yeah oh

Yeah oh yeah I has an egg I have fat do you need that I think your egg nice boys way let’s have a quick look way as actuaries I want to explore I want to see what else there is to offer this is a birch forest and trees are so creepy

When you start moving squids they’re normal right squids are always on don’t know if we can do it about him tiger you want to be friends I’ll give him anything okay doesn’t look okay he’s bad out no no no no no okay yeah he wants to eat there my foot was gonna be

Friends then depending No okay bad tiger yeah you stay over there stupid I would what is that there’s some like spinning around I want to see what that is you look a tiger if I was if I was a better minecraft player I’d have probably killed you

Oh there’s a frickin ostrich oh my god ostriches a weird just a little weird hey buddy oh yeah you violent aah oh okay sure thing kind of want to hit one so once we just live in the desert play in real life whoa why are you wave

Color I see else there is nice to go around here I mean it should be that much I wanna see like a scorpion Oh summer oh that’s a big snake that’s a big snake I really don’t like them no not for me there’s an elephant hey mr. elephant

What you guys look pretty cool hey are you good are we gonna be friends look his little eyes what do you eat can I do we use for food you want some of this oh so sir didn’t you gonna be angry at me let’s make special wood here are these foods

Oh oh we’ve got we’ve got some of that no don’t for that cocoa beans he stirred you want some cocoa beans oh he’s standing up there you’re gonna kick it what is the most ostrich hey sir oh my a hose wow that really hurt this open wonderful you do that Jesus I’m

Pretty sure anyone with headphones right now just did the same thing as me when ow my freaking air holes okay I sure what this is meant to be kind of like a sauna oh oh no no no this is sinking sand Oh get out how do we get out of here

Oh it’s not good oh [ __ ] a dick come on come on get in there get in there Oh Frick a dick if I do it quick look maybe this thing son doesn’t get in there come on I don’t know how I get out of this oh can I place like stuff

Underneath me oh oh oh big brain Oh big brain okay don’t like that there’s sinking sand not good didn’t everyone as a kid here’s my real father rifles funny you know when you’re a kid everyone thinks sinking sounds gonna be this big massive issue like you’re gonna

Come across sinking sand all the time and I don’t think anyone really has ever come across unless you go explore it in the wild like on all the kids TV shows it’s like a little sink instead we’re gonna die blah blah blah blah and you always think a nice she once it happens

To me nope never even seen it would even know what it looks like okay oh there’s the tiger kill me it’s my base should just be over here oh I am in is a butterfly or more cha got him oh there is a bear over here’s angry yes serviced about I

Will leave you to it screw dad here’s the house what’s gonna rub it feels a swan who jump nice good jump fish hey fish you have the Derby’s looking face ever and I love it oh wait that’s my rabbit wait wait what what what happened to you

Did I free by accident so rabbit who’s like struggling all this time alright so what was it shift you know my head still where are you rabbit what is what is up are you okay you still on my head now okay let’s do you in it cuz monsters

Gonna start coming okay there we go nice and sleep do we even die I don’t even think we died I think we did pretty well okay well we could wrap it up and cool it rub it rub it rub it where are you is he try run away is that you stopped what

You doing come back here alright we’ll go say bye to everyone you get more excited for the next episode oh look at his eye he controls it’s so hard to look at his we’re so cute self if you did enjoy that episode and you’re excited for some more minecraft let me

Know down below make sure you smash rooms uploading you subscribe and you bring the Bell I did another fun I can’t wait to explore some more I’ll look into it if like what we can tame and how we can tame it I would love to me some sort

Of like big zoo you can I have little cages and stuff or not you know exhibits for all the creatures I’ve ever be really cool and yeah if you know how to rename the creatures let me know because definitely changing the name of a rabbit but yeah anyways thanks watch it and I

Will catch you all a little bit

This video, titled ‘NEW ANIMALS AND NEW BIOMES | MINECRAFT EP1’, was uploaded by The AxeMan on 2020-07-16 18:00:06. It has garnered 32355 views and 2475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:19 or 1639 seconds.


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    "EPIC PORTAL IN MINECRAFT!" 🎮🔥 #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Portal in Minecraft #shortsvideo #trending #song #viral #gaming #minecraftshorts #music’, was uploaded by DEVIL GAMING 6 on 2024-03-04 09:04:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Caught the RAREST Paradox Pokemon!! 🤯

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Caught the RAREST Paradox Pokemon!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I CAUGHT THE FIRST PARADOX POKEMON | Cobblemon SMP (ep5)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-29 06:09:00. It has garnered 7931 views and 290 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:07 or 12187 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – Tip here – Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here -… Read More

  • Insane Appled Reaction! 😱 #Roblox #Minecraft #Fortnite

    Insane Appled Reaction! 😱 #Roblox #Minecraft #FortniteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ong 😭 #roblox #minecraft #fortnite #art #cooking #real #memes #edit’, was uploaded by Appled on 2024-04-06 23:45:28. It has garnered 489 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE LIVE STREAM ALERT!!! 🔥 (Thumbnail by Punkie)

    🔥 INSANE LIVE STREAM ALERT!!! 🔥 (Thumbnail by Punkie)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE — SCUFFED STREAM INBOUND!!! (im bored…also thumbnail by punkie)’, was uploaded by Zallo on 2024-05-19 00:57:14. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:07 or 12367 seconds. Hey Its Me Again Playing Some Minecraft WEEEEE ► SUBSCRIBE! ► Use my Support a Creator code “Zallo” in the Fortnite item shop if you’d like to support me 🙂 Donate! ► Discord: Reddit: Twitter: The BG Music I Used: —————————————————————————————————————————————- Use Code *Zallo* In The FN Item Shop #ad Read More

  • Stellarix Network

    Stellarix NetworkStellarix Network puts together a lot of smp gamemodes into one single network so that players dont have to search for different servers to play different types of survival on Read More

  • Glace SMP – SMP Modded PvP Factions PvE Whitelist

    Welcome to Glace SMP Welcome to Glace SMP, a custom modpack server designed for exploration, building, and bosses. Our unique feature is the inclusion of Alliances. Alliances Alliances are player-created groups with up to 6 members. Each Alliance has a designated leader who chooses the base location and coordinates teamwork, builds, and relationships with other Alliances. Trades and wars can result from these relationships. Join us on this whitelisted SMP starting June 15th. Introduce yourself in the comments to join. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Read More

  • North America Divided

    North America DividedIn a world where the United States collapsed and the inhabitants had to fend for themselves… Join us on a modded 1:80 scale map of the United States and make your own story, be a politician, a builder, a wanderer, or integrate yourself into society, the choice is yours. NAD offers many mods including but not limited toVineryBlockusFarmers DelightBreweryAdornAutomobilityCreateVarious Macaw ModsSaros ConstructionSimple Animated GunsYuushya TownscapeAnd Many More!We do not have a Dynmap but we have Xaeros Map Mod and some waypoints in the discord or you can check the claims on the map to help you get around!Discord: Hope… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost in Blocks, Cap’n!

    Minecraft Memes - Lost in Blocks, Cap’n!“Looks like the captain forgot to update his GPS to Mine-way instead of the highway!” 🤣 Read More


    BRO WENT FULL LAVA LAMP When your bro takes “literally” to a whole new level in Minecraft by digging straight down and falling into a pit of lava. #rookiemistake #minecraftfail 😂🔥 Read More

  • Sonic Exe Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Sonic Exe Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Exploring the Portal to Sonic Exe 2024 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the mysterious Portal to Sonic Exe 2024? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets and challenges that await in this exciting new realm. Donation and Community Links Before embarking on your journey, consider supporting the creators behind this thrilling Minecraft experience. You can donate to All on Saweria or join the Discord community on the official server. Your contributions help sustain the development of new content and keep the community thriving. Donation Link: Donate to All on Saweria… Read More

  • The Cobblestone Tower Disaster! | Minecraft Gameplay

    The Cobblestone Tower Disaster! | Minecraft Gameplay The Cobblestone Tower in Minecraft Exploring the world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter various structures and creations, each with its own unique story. One such intriguing element is The Cobblestone Tower, a structure that has captured the attention of many gamers. Unveiling The Cobblestone Tower As players stumble upon The Cobblestone Tower in their Minecraft adventures, they are met with a towering structure made entirely of cobblestone blocks. The sheer size and intricate design of the tower make it a sight to behold in the virtual world. What Lies Within? Upon closer inspection, players may discover hidden… Read More

  • VTuber Ethel’s Insane Minecraft Adventure with Members!

    VTuber Ethel's Insane Minecraft Adventure with Members!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ethel Plays Minecraft With Members’, was uploaded by Ethel Chamomile Ch. – VTuber – on 2024-05-05 02:59:34. It has garnered 125 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:53 or 5273 seconds. You can donate here! Youtube: Twitch: Membership: FANBOX: Patreon: MERCH: Twitter: Discord: Facebook Page: Do like and subscribe~ Thank you~ BGM: chill. by sakura Hz Creative Commons ? Attribution 3.0 Unported ? CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library Read More

  • Escape Minecraft Traps: Age Secrets

    Escape Minecraft Traps: Age SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Escape Minecraft Traps At Different Ages (World’s Smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-22 17:23:39. It has garnered 36716 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CUTEST Battle Ever: Baby Sheep VS Villager!

    Minecraft's CUTEST Battle Ever: Baby Sheep VS Villager!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Baby Sheep VS Baby Villager’, was uploaded by Stevecowboy on 2024-04-20 05:27:09. It has garnered 10551 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Baby Sheep VS Baby Villager #short #minecraft #villager #sheep #village #minecraftjava #minecraftpe Minecraft how to build houses Minecraft new update Minecraft PE vs Java Minecraft best moment Minecraft villager Minecraft villager vs Zombie Minecraft how to find villages Minecraft diamond Minecraft funny villager moments Minecraft funny moments Minecraft Parkour Minecraft short video Read More

  • Teacher Gets SHOCKING Hickey from Baba! Pt 5! #Minecraft

    Teacher Gets SHOCKING Hickey from Baba! Pt 5! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Putting a HICKEY on a TEACHER! Part 5 #story #storytime #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-01-11 22:59:00. It has garnered 1736 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #minecraft #story #storytime Putting a HICKEY on a TEACHER! Teacher Got a HICKEY From ME! Left My Mark ON A TEACHER! KICK: HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • "Insane 1v1 on Hypixel Bridge EPIC SHOWDOWN" #minecraft #pvp

    <p>"Insane 1v1 on Hypixel Bridge <em>EPIC SHOWDOWN</em>" #minecraft #pvp</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel bridge I made him Quite!!?! #minecraft #pvp #1v1 #bridge #hypixel #hypixelbridge #op’, was uploaded by Gigabyte1O1 on 2024-02-10 10:49:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #pvp #1v1 #bridge #hypixel #hypixelbridge #op #amazing #clutch #viral #viralshorts #gaming. Read More

  • 🔥EXPLORING Kuwait, New Helsinki, & Russian Dominion on EarthMC! 🌍😱

    🔥EXPLORING Kuwait, New Helsinki, & Russian Dominion on EarthMC! 🌍😱Video Information This video, titled ‘EarthMC Live – Visiting Kuwait, New Helsinki, and Russian Dominion’, was uploaded by IanSpace71 on 2024-05-18 07:15:23. It has garnered 88 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:37 or 5137 seconds. Description, perchance Visiting some towns on the minecraft server EarthMC! As well as a run in with the IRS… Minecraft civilization server Read More

  • Ultimate Kedarnath Mandir Minecraft Build #Insane

    Ultimate Kedarnath Mandir Minecraft Build #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kedarnath Mandir in Minecraft #Kedarnath’, was uploaded by Swashar on 2024-01-11 14:39:49. It has garnered 315 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:00 or 360 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftbuilds #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #builds #civ #videogames #civilizationcraft #civilization #moddedminecraft #sidmeier #minecraftroleplay #roleplay #dreamsmp #medieval #minecraftsmpserver #building #hermitcraft #games #minecraftforever #minecraftvanilla #vannilasmp #vanillagang #fun #fallensmp #smplive #mianot #gaming #cubesmp #minecraftyoutuber #mianite #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #djblue #davidadams #minecraftsurvival #twitch #minecrafters #mc #minecraftjava #memes #minecrafter #aesthetic #minecraftideas #gamer #olympics #minecraftpe #gamingmemes #minecraftonly #xboxone #dream #bbh #minecraftcreations #pcgaming #minecraftbedrock #pc #xbox #minecraftsmp #trendin myg #aesthetic #tokyo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hidden Door Trick 🚪|| Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Hidden Door Trick 🚪|| Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Door hack🚪|| #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by NgLive on 2024-04-14 05:39:01. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Hidden Door hack🚪 ****LIKE****SUBSCRIBE****SHARE**** 🚀 Unleash the Adventure! Join me in the thrilling world of [MINECRAFT] as we conquer challenges, discover hidden treasures, and master epic battles. 🎮 Subscribe for jaw-dropping gameplay, jaw-dropping reactions, and a gaming experience like no other! 🔥 Don’t miss out on the action – hit that Subscribe button and ring the notification bell so you’re always ready to… Read More

  • Insane Parkour Challenge ft. MrBeast in Minecraft!

    Insane Parkour Challenge ft. MrBeast in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new video in parkour #mrbeast #music #hiphop #rap #remix #reels #minecraft #art #gaming’, was uploaded by Devil 95 on 2024-01-08 14:43:01. It has garnered 95 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • PiratePort

    PiratePortWelcome to PiratePort, an immersive Skyblock server that takes you on a journey back to the roots of gaming where player interaction, skill, and a balanced economy reign supreme. Our server is dedicated to providing an authentic and engaging experience, free from the constraints of pay-to-win mechanics. Get ready to embark on a unique skyblock adventure like no other! INFO Version: 1.16.4 – 1.20.1 IP: Bedrock-Port: 19132 Discord: Store: Read More

  • ETERNAL REALMS – realms

    🌟 Join Eternal Realms! 🌟 Hey Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to invite you to Eternal Realms, a world of endless possibilities and boundless creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or a survival enthusiast, there’s a place for you here. 🔹 Survival and Creativity: Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests. 🔹 Friendly Community: Join a community of like-minded players who are always ready to collaborate and help out. 🔹 Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and challenges to test your skills and win amazing prizes. 🔹 24/7 Access: Our realm is open around the… Read More