NEW EASY Witch Farm – Minecraft Truly Bedrock

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to another minecraft let’s play video with me foxy hotel here on the truly bedrock survival server we of course are over at the new not so humble hills district which as you can see i’ve spent a lot of time working on during the truly bedrock livestream

Weekend which has just been for me it’s monday morning as i’m recording this video and jcb has built this lovely block of flats and the ricky roy has built these lovely broken down houses so you know it’s not quite the you know fancy area that it was originally

Intended to be but i think they’ve got a point with this theme you see if we’re wanting to be less humble than the humble hills people because we’re not so humble well i think the humblest way that we could do that is by keeping everything nice and basic

By using the desaturated palette rather than those fancy colors they’ve got over there with their vivid greens and browns and things like that so we came up with some rules on stream weekend that you can only build here with blocks that don’t have any color in them and we can

Achieve being even more humble than the humble hills purely by using a better block palette anyway that is enough of talking about these areas for now i’ll be back here later today when i do my monday morning live stream but for now i’ve got a new project i want to work on

Which means going far far away now before we go far far away i need to come over to the chaos hill under the hill area and i’ve just been i’ve just literally come in here for the first time in a couple of days and someone’s been digging still i didn’t do this

Someone else has been digging in here which is absolutely fantastic which should hopefully mean we’ve got even more stuff coming into our storage system and that’s one of the things that i wanted to see i wanted to see what blocks we’ve got because oh dear the stones overflowed this is not good news

Oh geez we got too much stone again how can we be oh geez okay that’s a whole bunch more stone shulker boxes we’ve got full how much stone has got oh no oh no oh no and the cobblestone as well oh jeez we need oh gee i wasn’t expecting to be

Doing this this morning anyway i wanted to see what we got in here because there’s a certain block that i am missing a lot of and that is redstone and the farms that i want to make need a lot of redstone and as much

As there is a lot of redstone in here i can’t demolish this until all of the stone has passed through which will help us in our endeavors to get redstone but it’s the actual redstone block that i really need because if we look in my redstone box in my overflow box you’ll

See i don’t have much in there and i’ve only got a little bit in here and that might seem like quite a lot but i’ve got ideas for a few farms i want to do over the next few videos so i want more and it also gives me a great excuse to

Build a farm that i haven’t built this season well before we go over to the new is that one of my la’s stringy what are you doing don’t know that’s not that stringy too who’s still throwing blocks at me thanks for the dirt are you ready to come home are you ready

Are you ready to come back jeez can i put a lead on you yet you wandered off again come here come on no absolutely not no leads for me mate okay let’s take that off you then put you on the lead no you’re just gonna carry the lead then give you a

Lead no no totally useless there you go you’re gonna be dirt geez okay well stringy two is still completely broken no idea where stringy’s got to but stringy two’s made it all the way over here this is ridiculous now currently there’s no way to get over to where we’re going through the nether

So it’s going to be a relatively long flight but it’s not too far we’re going to about minus 4 000 by about minus 2 000 ish hopefully when we get there we shall find a witch hut well i might not have found the witch hut yet but i’ve accidentally stumbled across a

Woodland mansion wasn’t expecting that now has it been raided that’s the question uh let’s see if there’s any vocals kicking about there’s a vindicator oh geez oh well i could do with some uh woodland mansion style items so i might as well go and take them on and who better take them on

Than foxy no tail king of taking things on with ease i may oh jeez oh i didn’t realize there’s one waiting behind the window that didn’t go well for me i didn’t go well at all well i’m not a million miles away now but it is getting

Nighttime which is not ideal because i don’t have a bed on me hopefully someone will sleep i believe gen fire is online so it should be coming into view anytime now the woodland mansion i think is just going to be around about over there here it is

I should be able to get my stuff back pretty easily because it was right by this window but i do need to be very careful that that oh he’s still there look he’s still there hanging about now don’t die don’t die i’ve got a much better sword this time so i should be

Fine there we go got that get my stuff that’s the most important thing and then hide i think hiding would be the best idea right now i have no blocks to hide with so i’m going to go outside hopefully not get got by mobs and i could probably do to put all my

Spare stuff back in my under chest in case it happens again which inevitably it will do because although this isn’t a woodland mansion raiding episode this is now a woodland mansion raiding episode let’s take off my alibra let’s be sensible about this and let’s go in and

What i all i want is a couple of evokers so i can get some um tokens of undying there’s the chat let’s duck and weave and chop duck and weave and oh he died that’s good we’ve got a totem now that’s great can i put it in

My offhand oh geez now i’ve got a baby zombie and a spider now stop it go away shoe i can hear another vindicator but i want to put my totem in my hand i’m now safe nothing can hurt me ever again this is excellent news let’s get rid of you

Pretty sure i just saw an evoker run in the room next door as well so let’s get that guy out what’s hitting me now oh oh i see well take this skeleton show you with my ultimate piglin smash of diddly bow hello there you are shoot

Oh you nearly got me wow one shot at an evoker with my bow that’s pretty good okay next room we’re taking this place by force wow what a load of junk i’m only here for the good stuff right next ah oh no not one of these guys again a bit dangerous you

Weren’t a little bit dangerous oh there’s another one and you’ve got an enchanted act i want to be very careful of you there we go now the whole of the upstairs done another skeleton kaboom easy didn’t stand a chance there sir not against the most powerful no tail in the

World i tell you what this is an upstairs in here isn’t there is there anything worthwhile having in this room there is a spider there’s an on fire spider it’s a dead spider and there’s a creeper who doesn’t stand a chance it’s now a dead creeper and a chest

With things all golden apple and a bucket but otherwise totally useless let’s go downstairs hey how did you get a bow zombie with a bow that’s a new one glad he didn’t have any arrows next room has actual zombies and things in the cage i’ve never seen that before actually in there

That’s amazing i can also hear a vindicator i’m going to assume that he’s upstairs before i go upstairs i do want to kind of take care of these guys can you guys go off with me here there we go there we go that’s not sorted those ones out i’m

Going to do is go upstairs and source out that vindicator where is he no we’re not okay there was a creeper upstairs another music dis more junk let’s go get these vindicators i can hear you just can’t see you anyone in here oh the vindicator and the

Vocal in there and the skeleton with quite the powerful but oh it was probably him hitting me oh good vindicator and skeleton we’re having a fight that’s good long shot got him right just that evoker in here then we got this what could go wrong where’d he go here he is

Chop chop you’re dead another totem for me thank you very much i can hear bad things they’re just zombies lots of them but no match for me in my incredible sword my piggling smasher it’s the best sword in the game swiftly swiftly nothing in here nothing in here i feel like i’ve missed

A room because i can hear things but i can’t see them and there’s another room it’s a secret room it’s got zombies in it dead zombies right we found a way to the staircase let’s go around the other side in the fastest ever woodland mansion whoa that was close

A little bit too close if it come from there sir you wouldn’t mind just dying of fire thank you and if you wouldn’t mind just dying of fire as well that’d be nice thank you very much there’s death of fire good news excellent right next there’s a ladies And a bad guy that’s incredibly bad at hitting me as well as i’m as bad as hitting him many lays but do i want them because they’re totally useless not really no i mean it’d be nice to have them but they just go on leads and get stuck they’re totally pointless vindicator you

Now have no nose how do you feel about that and the wall with no door i sneak in behind it yes a tree in the chest with nothing in it except a creeper who somehow managed to blow up above me oh an anvil i’ll take the anvil anyone in here

There is another vindicator an hour he hit me how will he hit me again no no no no no no half a half a half shoot whoa that was very close i never got a totem but i don’t want to waste it i’m doing the off

I just feel bad about the alleys what’s the point coming all the way to a woodland mansion and not having it getting the allays out of it i mean i know the coordinates so i could come back if i needed to uh in fact what we should do what we should do Is find a way out of the woodland mansion somehow oh another room hello hello chaps there’s another vindicator’s nose Well there’s so many hidden areas of this particular wooden mansion that i’ve not been to and we’re back to the stairs how did i miss all of those rooms ah i see a vindicator that was a bad shot i thought i heard one behind me then that vindicated him dead from a distance

That’s good news okay so we’re back to the alley room what i want to do find a nice easy way out to outside perfect right and then build a nether portal link it up to the nether so we can come back and get the la’s in the future but not today okay

What a tangent we’ve gone on okay without too much drama hello i don’t want to be poisoned no thank you what timing was that everything went smoothly until the witch turned up jays i was just about to light the portal oh good i didn’t go down to half a heart that’s good

Stupid witch did she despawn she did okay good without too much drama the nether portal has been made uh with the room like directly between behind the allies is just here so that means we can pop through into the nether see where that comes out we’re not a

Million miles away from home so i don’t think it would be too difficult for us to come back bring those delays back at some point but for right now time to go over to the witch hunt area and actually do what we’re supposed to be doing today oh

There is swamp this is a good sign i’m not seeing many he said it should have been around about here hmm there it is no it isn’t there’s a large mushroom ah there’s one right that’ll do that’s absolutely fine we have found ourselves a witch hunt

Which means we can build a will oh it’s right next to a hill that’s very annoying i don’t want it to be next to a hill because that’s going to make life difficult hmm let’s see if we can find another one but if not at least we know there’s one here

Ah there’s another one but it does also right next to a hill so we’ll go for the original it’s a bit further away but that’s fine and we should claim this as foxy no tails amazing witch shot of many dreams and witches the first thing we should do is go into

It and kill the wick there she is now okay she got the first move ah how how you got so good at throwing things well there’s only one way to deal with this witch where’d you go i’m going to kill you cat if you don’t come outside that was a warning shot

But so was that one that was also a warning shot that was supposed to be another warning shot which doesn’t appear to care that i’ve killed her cat okay through this slither i can see you got you got yeah oh dear the witch has died what a shame right it’s witch up time

Okay we have a little base camp set up and as you can see i’ve got around the area spamming a few torches to try and make it not quite so deadly in this area and the first thing we need to do is put down this zombie villager head so it’s

Not in my inventory the next thing we need to do is get some building blocks and i realized all i’ve done is brought helped in empty sugar boxes all right okay i guess we’re going to be building with cobbles deep slate then no problem right so i want a bridge to get

Up to it and then we just need to tear everything down however it has recently changed on bedrock edition that witches will only spawn as a cave spawn which means they need a block above their head in order to be able to spawn which makes things difficult for us

Because what we need to do is find the exact block that they’re spawning on in order to create ourselves the farm that i like to build which i built on truly bedrock season three so what i’m going to need is some dark glass which i don’t

Believe i have any of at all i also have never found a geode in this world so we’ve got some work ahead of us before we can actually make this thing do anything alternatively what i could do is go into creative version of this

World and do it that way but i feel like doing things the good old-fashioned survival way today so that’s what i’m going to try and do now what i need to think is realistically how easy is it going to be for me to actually dig around and find a

Geode it’s very unlikely that i’ll just stumble across one we don’t have spectator mode i can’t go under the world but i do know someone that sells amethyst stuff so next job should be to build a portal so that i can get back home

And go and buy some now i don’t want my portal anywhere near where i’m building because i don’t want things to be able to spawn on it instead of witches so i’m going to build it over here okay with me doing treacherous things like going across the nether it’s probably be a

Good idea to take my weaponry with me just in case i do come across anything that needs shooting in the distance like a gas door some piglens that want to destroy me and immediately i’m in fire that’s not ideal great thanks game and there we go a gas straight away no thank you

No thank you and another one right up there stop being gassed no guests chew thank you right now i just need to get to uh i think it’s pretty much zero zero i never hope i can never actually remember just making a sky bridge above all of these skeletons here what could possibly

Go wrong i’m sure everything will be absolutely fine nothing to see here everything’s good for some reason they haven’t actually noticed me which is well good no no someone’s noticed me someone’s noticed me duck and weave oh it’s the piglins the piglens that can see me right okay well i don’t mind them

Somewhat they’re not particularly good job and they don’t do much damage with the stupid crossbows okay i have arrived on what i can only assume is slack lizards gold farm but i can’t find my way in and what i need is i need to get inside of this tunnel it looks

Like there’s a way down there and say i need to get inside of this tunnelly thing because i kind of know my way home now the way back to my base is over there which is not ideal because chances are coming down here again i’ll forget

But as long as i know it’s somewhere near slack’s gold farm and across that way i think we’ll be okay ricky’s basement oh maybe this is rickey’s oh okay whoever’s it is it’s amazing ricky’s cliffs it’s absolutely fantastic okay now that i think i know some sort

Of rough route through the nether to get back it is time to come over to jesse b’s area and go into her little amethyst shop and buy ourselves some dark glass if she’s selling it she’s not necessarily but she is selling amethyst which is perfectly fine because i’ve got

Plenty of glass uh oh no dart glass right behind her there and it is one diamond is stacked one times a stack that’s very cheap that’s actually ridiculously cheap so yes just b i will have plenty and i don’t even need my and the chest didn’t see that

Don’t even need my inner chest because there is one here very conveniently jazzy b give me your tinted glass thank you very much yes please mate i can’t fit it all in one two three four five six um i have some nether jesse i know you like netherrack in fact You see anything i i didn’t see anything at all okay so all i got to do now is try and find my way back to where ricky’s bit of the nether hub was and that could be tricky i think it’s in this direction okay i’ve made it back this far there’s

Clearly soul sandal of this carpet which is not ideal because it can’t go very quickly but i believe if i’ve done everything correctly yes i’m back at this gold farm looking thing all i’ve got to do is fly without dying how could it be back over there to this little little

Bit of sand here and make my way back through the jankiest tunnels in the world all the way back to i think it would have been quicker to have flown let’s be honest i think it would absolutely have been quicker to have flown but we’re not flying we’re going through the world’s

Worst nether tunnel system there we go i made it back in no time at all right let’s build a witch farm again now i said i wasn’t going to go into creative mode to build this farm and i’m not but i did decide i wanted to check a few

Things out so here i am on truly bedrock season three at the witch farm we made last season as you can see witches are funneling up the tunnel and falling down and dying which is ideal that’s exactly what you want for a witch farm and if we

Look at the bottom you can see which is witches are semi-regularly coming up the tube which is exactly what we want to see now we are at y level 108 here and if we go down to the bottom where the witches are spawning and we go inside

Here you’ll see that the y level that the witches are spawning at is almost exactly the same if not exactly the same y66 as it is on our truly bedrock season four world however this is the design i used for this world and it works very nicely it

Works absolutely great the witch is technically spawn on this block but because there’s glass in the way they scoot over into the bubble column and they go up there and as we’ve already seen that works absolutely great but there seems to be a problem coming over to truly bedrock season 4

Again in a creative world um yeah it’s it’s not working not working at all now there’s absolutely nothing at the bottom here at the moment because i’ve tried so many things and the problem is which is just a not spawning which is bizarre they do occasionally sometimes but it’s very very rare so

This is still y equals 66 where you would expect the witches to spawn and if we go back up to the top after i make it all nice and dark in there like so up to why 108 just like we were on the other world in truly bedrock season 3 i

Can sit and watch that for absolutely ages and nothing will spawn now fortunately though i was a bit concerned that the hill in the distance might be a problem for us but it’s actually not we put down my markers that pack stand and give him the spawn radius you will see

That there is a very small amount of land that is actually within the spawn radius that things could spawn on so not much spawn proofing to do at all for this and you’ll also see that the witch hut is within the spawn radius so there’s no reason things shouldn’t be spawning there

But they’re not and i don’t know why they’re not they do occasionally every now and then but nowhere near with the regularity that they were on truly bedrock season three there we go eventually after waiting a significant amount of time we got a witch that spawned in there

But that will be the last one for a while now i do have a couple of command blocks here that was just to kill the witches so that i could figure out where they were spawning and you will see well that’s actually wrong because the witch

Had moved but if we wait for another witch to spawn white concrete will be placed under the witch’s spawn point and we’ll be able to see exactly what blocked this spawning on so i’m going to go back up here and wait for my entire life for another which to spawn

It’s been 20 seconds so far 30 seconds 40 seconds it’s now been a whole minute and there we go finally after a minute and a half another witch spawned and you can see they spawn on that block there which means if i had the farm set up in

Exactly the same way they would be squished across onto this side and then go up this bubble elevator which i’ve had to block off because yeah it just doesn’t work so my concern is if i build this witch farm on truly bedrock on the actual survival server am

I going to have the same issues that i’m having here and if i am it’s a complete waste of time building it also considering the fact that we’re well outside of the world border which means that if we do prune the world again it’s going to disappear so

Staying in creative i’m going to go over to the other witch-hunt which is further in this direction which is near that hill and see if we have the same problem there okay i’ve made a dark box using the tinted glass i am at the same y position well with the mass included

Away from that so there’s no reason why a witch won’t spawn in that one now now what i do want to check is what the spawn sphere is like around this to make sure we’re not loading too much else in where mobs can spawn and if we set that

There you’ll see there isn’t really a great deal of land where things are spawnable and we do have a which has well a witch’s spawn and there’s another one down there as well okay i got the same command block system here this one will set a block of concrete underneath

Where the witch spawns this one will kill that witch and this one will kill everything else that’s not a witch so if i stand here and wait for my entire life hopefully in less than a minute we will get a witch spawning well it’s been over a minute again and absolutely nothing

Has spawned perhaps i’m too high up maybe if i went down a little bit we might stand a bit more of a chance let’s make another little platform here for me to stand over and see if it oh geez so we got one witch within about a minute and a half

Are we gonna get any more it’s been over two minutes now and we’ve only had one which i mean it’s not impossible something to do with the daylight cycle maybe we need to change that there we go we had another witch we are two and a

Half minutes in oh and then a bunch more i was just about to change the daylight side a couple don’t need to and a bunch more there maybe it’s just a matter of time maybe it needs to just sort of kick in and establish some sort of rhythm to itself

Which is a bit odd and another and another so they are coming just not very quickly and i don’t know if i want to go through all the effort of making a witch farm that only produces two witches a minute okay so back over at the one we actually

Picked i’ve put the stuff in place now that should hopefully allow the witches to spawn and go up the tube and i’m gonna go to the top and wait for a very long time and see if we get any which is actually coming up the tube now just to

Stand here and wait for a very very long time it’s now been two minutes and there have been absolutely no witches at all since that first one so i’m going to move down a couple of blocks and see if that helps us out a little bit i don’t know if it

Will i doubt it very much but i don’t think my distance has got anything to do with it it’s been three minutes and no witches well i think we can safely say that this particular witch hut is totally broken nothing is happening that should be happening i

I don’t get it okay back over at the one a little bit closer to home i’ve set up the same system and for some reason in this one the witches are not going over the middle there they’re actually appearing in this blog here which is not

Ideal but they are spawning a lot more regularly so i think that which that’s over there is totally broken this one doesn’t seem to be but i don’t know why the witches are going there and not in the bubble column it’s very strange okay more witches have

Spawned and this time they have spawned in the same place that’s so weird there’s loads of them though why are they there and not in the water stream okay and what i’ve done now in order to try and figure this thing out is i’ve put some metal bars around where

The witch’s head will be and as you can see this is successfully trapped a witch and you can see she has spawned on exactly that square block so having the bubble column here should work but it doesn’t so what i’m thinking is perhaps little old me has somehow got this wrong and

Maybe she wants to be pushed in a different direction okay so now what i’m going to do is i’m going to put my glass block in the witch’s head there one there and one there and we will see if we get a witch stood on this block here

Go up to our position there we go look straight away in that block so yeah i actually need the bubble column and it makes sense if you think about it on the block the witch actually spawns on rather than trying to push it onto one that it doesn’t the question now is

Though will a witch actually spawn on a block that’s got soul sand in it and a bubble column i guess there’s only one way to find out and that’s to build this thing and find out i don’t think the witches are going to spawn on the soul

Sand and after quite some time of waiting patiently i can say that they won’t the witches will not spawn on the soul sand great i’m just going to remove that soul sand and just see if they will actually spawn in the water in there and the

Answer seems to be again no the witch doesn’t want to spawn in water oh geez so we can get the witch fully on this block but we can seem to get a fully on this block which is the block she needs to be on perhaps we could get a fully on this

Block or maybe even fully on that block although i have tried that one and that one didn’t work and the answer is potentially the witches did appear in this empty block here so maybe if we put a bubble column in there we will be good to go

Okay i’ve made another bubble column but now we’ve got another problem and the problem now is that the witch won’t spawn on there because the water’s flowing into it and we need the witch to spawn there to be pushed into there which means we need to spot stop the

Water going into there which we can’t do because that means putting redstone like a button or something on there to stop the water flowing on it but the witch won’t spawn on redstone this is a problem and i honestly don’t know what the solution is but the really annoying

Thing is why does it work on truly bedrock season three and not here it doesn’t make any sense i feel like i’m doing something really stupid but i can’t think what that is Okay peeps i have a new plan and it works so what i’ve got down there is a little ice path with a couple of pistons and a tripwire with some slime blocks on it when the witch spawns on the string she’ll get pushed down here at which point we’ll have a trident killer

Which is going to mince her up so now what we need to do is make sure we can afk where the trident killer is going to reach and still prevent as many other things as oh geez my command block killing the armor stands still prevent as many other things as spawning as possible

Right command block off armor stand down give it spawn spheres and the furthest away we can afk is here but to be on the safe side this one so 115 we can afk at okay good now let’s build the trident kill now back over in my creative test world

A few episodes ago we built this amazing trident killer which is absolutely fantastic for zombie pigman in so good they don’t even need to take any fall damage to instantly die it’s absolutely amazing it is quite large but it does work very effectively and as you’ll see for witches while it

Might not be instant death it’s certainly going to be quick enough to be able to keep up with the witch bum but what if i could make it smaller i have designed a few different variations that basically have the same thing going on there are three here this

One is reasonably smaller and works pretty well let’s turn it on throw some pigment in there and see what happens instant death still and you can see the overall footprint of it horizontally is smaller although vertically it is a little bit taller which is not ideal if

We’re working at ground level so perhaps that’s not the best one the next one is very small indeed it has a tiny little front print it’s absolutely fantastic and again this one works incredibly well we’ll throw a few pigment in there watch them instantly die but there is a

Significant issue with this one and the issue with this is not that the items get stuck they go away perfectly well it is in fact that the redstone actually blocks the hoppers which means the items come through a lot more slowly which is not ideal if you’re dealing

With high volume items although with witches we’re probably not going to be then there is this one which well by all means the glass is a bit taller it is a bit taller it’s still a very small footprint and if we turn it on well it’s not quite as energetic is it

It it still kills pigmen relatively quick but nowhere near as quick as the other one in fact nowhere near as quick at all but it does work so that leads me to think which one of these would be better i mean for which is we don’t actually need all that much

Speed because realistically we’re probably going to be getting a witch every 10 seconds or so which means that this one is actually perfectly quick to keep up with them this one again for witches it will kill them quicker which is absolutely great because that’s going

To clear the mob cap up nice and quickly but it means that the items are going to take longer to flow through into here but like i said for a witch farm that’s really not a problem now technically speaking this is probably the easiest one to build this one’s pretty easy to build

And it is very compact however none of them have the height compactness of this one this one hardly uses any height at all hmm which one to go for which i think i’m going to go for this one the one that has the redstone impairment but we don’t

Need the speed i have been even more of a genius i’ve just realized if i use glass for this redstone instead of solid blocks it’s not going to affect the hoppers which would be you know quite the advantage and that means we can put our double chest directly under there as

Well which means we don’t need to have even more hoppers we can open that nice and easily it’s going nice and quickly the trident has vanished oh no it’s still in there it’s just hard to see over the ice so that’s the trident killer done and hopefully we will get

Some witches being mensified in our mincing machine any minute now there we go we have a witch but she despawned because it’s too far away let’s just drop down a couple of blocks just to be on the safe side hold our looting sword and let’s turn on killing all the mobs

Except witches to give this a fair test and there we go we’ve got a witch and she’s in the trident killer they’re both in the trident killer they’re not dying for some reason has the trident gone or are they not falling down into it is it too fast that they can’t fall in

Die die more why won’t you die oh the trident’s getting killed by this i’m a no command blocks then just good old-fashioned minecraft what could go wrong put a trident back in there close up the hole go back to our afk spot and watch the witches get minced now

There we go we have a witch it got minced another witch you got mins another witch also getting minced and that which is not dying i think the tr i think they they think it’s going too fast which can’t fall down the hole let’s just slow it down a top put a

A bit of delay on each one of these there we go hopefully that will make it slightly easier for the witches to to mince themselves nice and quickly there we go there’s another one another one oh both of them got minced this is perfect this is excellent this

Is much easier to build than the system i had in mind as well so on that note now that we’re getting all these amazing things in our storage system we can build it on truly bedrock and back on truly bedrock i’m back over here at our humble hills area or not so

Humble hills area where another live stream has taken place i have put a wall around the entire thing and i’ve done the path work from one area to the other now my l.a did find its way down to me all the way from under chaos hill i

Still can’t put it on a lead but it has been collecting blocks for me which is great and the only things i got left to do here is get rid of these horrible wooden things because they’re far too saturated and we’re building a desaturated area and then actually make

A building of my own here at some point but for now we’re not doing that we’re going to fly all the way back over to where the witchy stuff is and build a witch farm all right there’s the new witch hut that we’re going to be building at speaking of witches there

Are a couple of tenants here al don’t kill me please no no death i’m not interested in death today thank you where did you go no no death thank you there we go right let’s get rid of those guys let’s set up base camp and let’s just do a little bit

Of spawn proofing around here with some lights and then the demolition can commence let’s do this thing let’s actually get it right this time okay the witch has been demolished i’m pretty sure the spawn spot is either that one or that one i’m not 100 sure which one

I’m pretty sure it was that one so i’m going to build as if it is that one and then if we need to move it later on that’s absolutely fine but just to mark it out i’m going to put a grass block there for now and then i’m going to

Start yeah i guess seeing what blocks we’ve got so we can dig this thing out dig this thing out i get this thing but you know what i made get this thing built please and of course i have no string why would i not have strong goodness i’ve got a

String farm but i’ve got no straw geez i also have no ice so i don’t know how well this will work without it i don’t think we need it necessarily this line box are pretty powerful what i do need is some slabs labs there we go

Let’s do this okay bees i’m sorry about this but you’re being thoroughly irritating you’re flying in my face non-stop your hive is going and you will as well if you fly back in my face right i’ve blocked this thing in i’ve cleared out a little bit more space on

The inside of it so hopefully you’ve got a sheep in there no sheep not for you and we’re getting absolutely nothing great okay it is definitely definitely dark in here i’m gonna move some of this glass around just to make sure there’s plenty of room for the witches to spawn in here

And then i’ll try again pitch black okay try again although i can’t see anything at all now oh there’s a witch and she was exactly in the corner than i thought she’d be yeah she spawned on that corner of the grass block look there’s another one there now you can

See them so that is the right spot okay i still haven’t wired everything up because i don’t have any strings still but i’ve put the slime blocks in there and hopefully the witches will spawn in front of the slime blocks just a waiting game yes they did that’s good

News so i just need some string that’s all i need it’s night time there’s a spider i’ve got a little bit of string another spider give me a string more string this is good news if i had looting three this would be even better a spider more

String i have four pieces of string i think that’s actually all i’m going to need but i’m gonna hunt while the knight is still out just in case i need to spare one spider no string i don’t think no spider i heard it there it is

No more string oh geez spiders two of them this must mean many string yes and you give me a string yes we now have seven string come on give me all your string bud no drink rude yeah monstering nine strings this is good start heading back home and i think

Might just have a little snooze oh we’re on it now we’re in it to win it peeps okay drip wire hook there tripwire hook there bit of string there and a bit of string there does it work it does oh amazing right trident killer time okay the pistons and the stairs are in

Next level after a snooze and we’re going to start with the very bottom of the trident killer which means we need block under all of these things like that and then just there that’s that then all we need under here this is where the hopper minecarts are

Going to go so let’s just mark that out with those there which means the hoppers are going to be there which means our chest well our temporary chest is going to be at the front here nice that’s nice and easy very good that is now all of the observers in

Place which means if we start the clock the piston should start going round and it sounds very much like they are so that’s good news right let’s just add in some filler blocks just to make everything totally non-spawnable put slabs and stuff around the floor later on to stop things spawning down

Here but i think that’s it that’s all we need for this farm we’ve got everything in place now we got the slime blocks with the trip wire hooks i put redstone down there just to stop things spawning in the wrong place we need to link up that redstone there

We need to put some more of the tinted glass around to darken it all up in there but we are just about there okay everything is covered in the bottom of this looks a bit gross i don’t know whether to replace all of that with the deep slate as well i don’t

Think it really matters this is technically a temporary farm because we’re building out of the build zone so it really doesn’t matter but everything’s in the trident killer is in i don’t have a trident in the trident killer well let’s do her let’s just make sure when we come up to

Our afk platform we’re actually going to get witches in it and it’s going to do the job it’s supposed to do that might oh there we go i was going to say there might be too much light coming through the uh the bottom bit but we got a witch

That’s good news right we need try in the trident killer and i need looting 3 sword i’ve got some bad news i don’t actually own any more tridents which is a bit of a problem but they’re not too difficult to combine bedrock edition the other piece of bad news is i’ve

Completely forgotten to put in the hub of minecarts and the skulk block in order to prevent the skulk or the xp from growing in this thing so i’m going to replace this block here with the skulk i’m going to put the hopper mine carts in which also means i need some rail

Just like this there we go hopper minecarts are in i’ve put some tinted glass around the outside of this just to try and minimize how much light is getting into this thing and now what i’m going to do is go and battle some drums and see if i can get a trident Quite the ravine in here are there any drowns ah drowns hello chaps i would very much like it if you wouldn’t mind lending me one of your trident but only the review of holding one but there is a chance you’ll drop one nope okay let’s find one ah these this one’s

Got a trident that’s good need to be a little bit careful here because i don’t want to get stabbed ideally there we go no didn’t get one okay no problem no about you either of you got trident you’ve got a nautilus shell all right that’s it oh geez oh my

Goodness um uh that’s a lot of damage that’s a lot of damage rings yet on bedrock he’s so slow it’s unreal okay i’m going in Did i get one i did not a drowned one with this one’s actually got a trident geez i’m really dead again eat eat eat run away and eat there’s a lot of drowns protecting him there’s a baby one as well gotta be careful okay i’m going in give me your trident please yes

Amazing i got one fantastic let’s get out of here it doesn’t have him palin on it but we just need proof of concept okay there are two things left to do here the first thing to do is jump inside of our trident killer put our little man down got our spawn circle on

The go and that will guarantee that our witches actually managed to get inside of the trident killer so technically we can actually build all the way up to wow to here pretty much we if we go outside of this is no good so we could afk here absolutely fine so i’m going to

Build my new platform at this point here smash this one to bits go back inside the trident killer of many doom okay for now i’m just going to water log the stairs rather than the pistons because i’ve only got four buckets with the water throw the trident in

We’ll be back later for uh you know putting the impaling on the trident so we can we can put more water in then put the glass back on so everything’s nice and hidden turn on the trident killer of ultimate power make sure there’s nothing in there i can

Hear a witch already how can i hear a witch already surely there can’t be one in there already and if it is why isn’t it in the trident killer there is why aren’t you dying is the dragon killer going too fast again let’s just turn it down a bit there we

Go now she’s taking damage oh we we got a witch without even trying we’ve not even been to the ak spot yet we’ve already got redstone which is exactly what we’re here for so that’s great news now we’re going to try and land on these three blocks up here just like that smooth

Then we’re going to place some more block to make it easier for us to land on here in future as well as a little room to hide in and now we’re just going to stand here and watch as many many witches get minced anytime now it’s

Gonna happen any sec you what you just wait and see so there we go we got one then ah we got two yeah just needed to move slightly that’s all it was and another and now if we brandish our looting three sword we will be rich before you know it another and another

Well it’s working i can see which is in there they are going in relatively regularly they are getting minced and that can only mean one thing and that’s that you’re gonna have to wait until the next video to find out exactly how good this farm is so all i’ve got

Left to say is thank you all very much for watching i do hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do leave a like if you haven’t already please do consider subscribing and if you enjoyed this one you’ll probably enjoy this one

This video, titled ‘NEW EASY Witch Farm – Minecraft Truly Bedrock’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2022-09-17 14:00:34. It has garnered 15199 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:39 or 2739 seconds.

FAST, RELIABLE, WITCH HUT FARM Truly Bedrock Season 4 Episode 39: Witch Farm

In this episode I design and build what turns out to be a very easy to build and very efficient Witch Farm in a swamp, just outside of our build limit.

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    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: 🟣Twitch: 🔵TikTok: 🟢Second Channel: 🟡Zen’s Discord: 🟠Collab Crew: Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Port:19132 My Community: ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “Oioioicraft.exe” instead of “Minecraft.exe” and end up summoning a herd of confused llamas in the game. #MinecraftProblems #LlamaInvasion Read More

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