NEW Kelp Farm Build in Modded SMP LIVE!

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I think we’re good to go we still got to brw up Minecraft so we’re going to be a little bit later uh actually starting the game but it won’t be oh well that’s great um that’s weird hello there rash that’s weird um okay what how do I log back into my account

Um running into some technical problems um uh let me to copy the code paste that and then I see okay so if I pull that up okay ready mic okay I think I’m good to go now we’re going to see how’s everybody doing today FYI we got a bunch of new

Songs moose with scarf uh just dropped a fresh Christmas album so I will be listening to those live I have not listened to them yet I am hoping they’re clean so we’ll see if anybody uh joins I’m kind of doing this one um but yeah ch okay

I am working on the kelp I’m working on the celp I’m responding to something Uh okay um let’s log into the world okay so we are going to be working on a kelp Farm yeah I know I I know uh I did like drum up a cool thumbnail design that actually has like a interesting version of my skin it was made by chat GPT uh so

That’s where the skin comes from okay we’re going to start by actually getting kelp this is my current kelp farm so you see why we’re going to be and building a new one here shortly um cuz this one is not amazing so I got to do a couple

Tests um um oh oh oh thank you GF oops okay we should wait why why am I why do I not have water breathing okay uh game is not selected give me a second are you going to be annoying this time okay give me a sec oh never mind we got it

Okay uh yeah so so the my kelp Farm was right here it’s really tiny I need to test can I put it do I have to put on dirt or can I put on bamboo oh sweet that’s going to make this easy um I’m just going to

Leave that down there cuz uh I don’t want to drown and I need to now oh I bet you I know what it’s up I got to swap this stuff to a different slot for it to provide the effects I think yeah nope never mind thought it gave me water breathing when

I had all of those items okay where where am I what am I doing I’m getting distracted we’re talking about employment law in the US in a Discord right now and people are being weirded out because like the state of Georgia is a um right to work state

So like you can just be fired for no reason like literally no reason um in the state of Georgia and it is 120% legal also you like this system I think it’s cool oh that’s right we also need to work on the bone meal part but uh yeah this automatically compacts all this

Stuff down we got all sorts of blocks in here now um Al a bamboo holy cow but that but I mean we have one a literal floor of bamboo so um and we’re going to be using bamboo a lot in this build um um that doesn’t look

Right like most definitely is not right okay we’re going to start building out the structure so this one I have to have k layer one k player 2 so I have to have at least that much so I’m probably going to go up one more

I think to there um just so that I have like a full range of blocks um couple blocks above to to work with so when I place the next floor we can kind of build stuff up we’re also going to add another set of um Sals I should be using slabs darn it

Oh well I’m not too worried I’m slightly concerned the server is going to crash any second now right now but stupid thing slide down here yeah so this produces onion wheat which we’re still over producing the wheat and I don’t think we’ve produced any cabbage so that’s concerning but we’ll see

Ow do I have I do not have any more planks so we’re just going to pull a stack out make two new stacks of bamboo planks because bamboo is nice and easy to work with as far as like early game building blocks I I’m liking it honestly

Because I can kind of just oh I need to build something I have all the materials already like they’re good to go I may have to go in here and add lighting that’s going to be something I’m probably going to want to add here in a

Bit but that won’t be but a couple minutes cuz I can actually use bamboo hello welcome oo is this one of the new moose with scarf ones yeah it’s a white moose is what the name of this is AEL Shard and Foxhole yeah I I’ve watched some gameplay of fox um Foxhole

Um it’s it’s one of those games it’s like definitely cool definitely like a nice game but definitely not one I would enjoy it’s like fortnite right it’s a cool game like I I enjoy watching clips from it and stuff please tell me you’re going to be over the thing I at least oh

No ooh o how am I going to handle that no no I’m saying it’s it’s a game in like the same category as fortnite where it’s like it’s a cool game to watch like some of the clips of fortnite are actually legitimately cool but it’s

Not a game I would ever play right like it’s like um it would be like League of Legends for some people like I love League of Legends it’s fun I’ve thought about streaming it then I think about the chat in League of Legends and realize no I’m not going to

Apologize it is my a opinion I’m not saying they have anything in common other than my opinion of them and it’s not even my full opinion it’s just my opinion of my playability of the game I have watched it I’m not saying that’s the same exact type of game it’s

It’s just a top down kind of combat semi game with a little bit of like military based stuff everybody’s on one server whatever um I’ve watched it enough to know it would be kind of cool to see like a time-lapse Sim or something like that um similar to like with fortnite

It’s really cool to see people do like the the speed bridging or whatever it’s called in there I’m that’s not what I’m comp like I’m not comparing them based on actual gameplay mechanic I’m not that’s not what I’m comparing I’m comparing my like can I see myself

Playing them and it’s kind of in the similar category of it’s a cool game I can admit that I can admit that at one point at least fortnite was a cool game uh was it the best game heck no uh was it a perfect game absolutely not but was it functional game

Theoretically I’m certain you’ve played fortnite at some point wow you really do hate fortnite Nate wait who is challenging me to play fortnite forite then cuz like a while ago people were asking like if I would play fortnite and like were trying to get me to do it for my thousand sub

Special hey Prince lightning okay please stop doing that I don’t like when people do bleeping like that or cussing hey atraeus welcome how are you doing Toight okay I did not expect that visceral of a reaction to a little block game or whatever it’s called it’s not a block game it’s close enough it’s within shooting distance of a block game can we at least agree that fortnite is better than Roblox like I can definitely submit to

Anyone who would who who would say that fortnite is better than Roblox fortnite might scam kids but they don’t make an industry out of it I mean I can get it um okay so I am using so as far as client um I’m guessing you’re talking about something similar to lunar client

Um I do use the prism launcher but I don’t use a custom client or anything like that but what I do have so I have a resource pack it’s uh so let me just go here options resource packs um so I have my negative light pack this was actually

Produced by Nate Hartland at some point we will have it up on um on GitHub and then we’ll have it on modr um there’s all these other cool things um and then um as far as mods I have a lot of mods and again this mod pack will probably get

Posted at some point but um most of it is like uh so the big chunk of it is create and um couple like Alex’s food uh I do use a lot of the beach party mod um and we have a lot of like helper mods I use

Better F3 I have like matica this one I don’t really use this one just allows you to do like drawings on the floor I haven’t set this one up so if you go check my craft presents right now it doesn’t even work um let me see here inventory profiles is

What I use to like sort and everything um um and then let me think here uh I use roughly enough items not just enough items cuz roughly enough items has a little bit more integration with more mod packs um I I don’t know many people I think I

Know like three people who play fortnite um I don’t know what this one is I think this is a helper Frontiers is the map I’m using um let me see a regions I didn’t explored is our biomes and we have things which add some trinkets so yeah

Um and again at some point I might post this mod pack onto the modin um so yeah but apparently I’ve already had a pretty uh spicy hot take tonight um I have I have officially uh raged Nate into leaving which is rare um I also did literally just

Eat I have personally never played it but I think I was just kind of a I was old enough to not fit the major demographic so so yeah um and like I’m aware of people who like it and I can I can get why some people would and all that like I’m not

Saying it’s a horrible game but it’s definitely not I don’t think it’s going to be a game that is honestly remembered like it’s it’s going to be I feel like it’s going to kind of just fizzle out and kind of disappear uh cuz there’s a number of games have kind

Of been the Talk of the Town kind of a thing and then just disappeared and never and like nobody remembers them um it’s not like Doom or um Quake to be very honest I think the only games in this um in the last like 20 years that would probably be remembered would maybe

Be Minecraft balers gate three specifically um let me think here is there anything else I could really see even being Remembered in the longer term cuz like Tetris and all that that actually is really old um and really Minecraft is already approaching that like 20 years thing but

Um let me think here balers gate I would say Cod would and I know that sounds weird CU like well fortnite wouldn’t but Cod wood well Cod also has some other things going for it it’s actually used for like some military training and things like that so it’s kind of it’s It’s significantly

Different yeah I know a number of people play C god um I personally don’t for the reason that I just I don’t really care for major combat games so okay so now I need to fill this up which is going to be annoying because this I think what

I’m going to have to do cuz I’m going to have to raise that up I’m going to put it here oh wait okay well I’ll have to figure that out I’m going to at least do that um because some of the innermost bits I don’t want covered I’m hoping

This is not going to cause problems but we’re going to see um see here that’s spot right there should be getting close to filling the bottom layer but um yeah Call of Duty I think will be remembered because because of its presence in like military applications and a couple other things

Here and there um I don’t think there’s a lot of games like that like I would say Halo won’t be remembered even though I I know a lot of people really do love that game um because I think it kind of faded um let me think here where are other

Series I would think would be remembered over an extended period um not a lot sadly um like to to be a remembered game is a very hard thing to get through I think a lot of the um M massive multiplayer online will also kind of not be remembered too too

Well wonder if this water is actually getting through um so I need to add that oh wait that’s right okay there we go that’ll work okay um I’m going to have to find where’s my where’s my copper like staircase thingy um okay once we finish with the

Kelp Farm we’re going to go down here and we’re going to fix this system up because it needs to be upgraded heavily um I also need to add the food processor so we can start you know making food um okay so the thing I was coming here

To look for yeah that’s what I thought um one well I can what I can do is I can place this and then I’m pretty sure I can make this lock in maybe there we go okay and then what we’re going to do is we’re just going to place this block

Here and I think if I right click okay oh okay I see place this here and then and right click this guy okay um so we’re just going to place this here that is not a good sign so thing I’m going have to do hey nice

GG good for you hello there he so we’re going to just do this and then I should be able to right click this guy Dar it um okay I’m going to have to come up with a better solution as far as the kelp Farm goes um to cover up that hole up

Top 76 an hour nice that’s really good yeah hourly rate on um for engineers is really nice trust me oh that’s that’s always going to break so I’m actually going to have to do this right here and cut that off okay and then here I think I’m going to have to

Just take and extend this upward on three four sides that will open that up yep and then I’m going have to go make more of those ooh ooh that one’s good M I’m man that that to my normal Christmas rotation um Christmas thing I love green sleeves and that’s actually what this

One is but it’s like an EDM version of green sleeves which is good also Wendy Wendy’s nacho Burger is muente and Herz uh going back what that’s not what I was say okay okay I’m G have to correct that o I feel sorry for you okay I’m going to handle this I

Think I want to do it this way I’m going to have to build a little wall here that will prevent the problem while I come up with an actual Solution that’s true just remember it’s not great to set to gain the whole world yet lose your own soul

Yeah okay so that’s not breaking stuff the kelp Farm is going to be a harder than I was thinking but okay I need figure out why I am not getting water breathing oh that would probably be why there we go uh does kelp is kelp picked up by the

Harvester or is it picked up by the um plow I think it’s the Harvester cuz I need it to pick up the top one I might have to make drills actually and I just realized I’m actually gonna have the arm go out this way so that means that this wall is spot

So I need to swap to this tool actually should start here do MOA scarf is great check him out on uh the Spotify he just dropped a list like a minute ago like today kind of a thing this is here for a reason I just have not set it up all the Way I don’t know who trics trics is oh okay no I do not want to make it higher because I actually needed to collect the items so I have to put blocks here this is one that I actually have to limit growth on oh yeah that is um like um monster

School like monster school used to be a legitimate channel that posted good quality well I’ll say Okay quality it was not ever really good quality animations but they were animations that like had a reasonable plot they were kind of funny they like were actually something you could

Post um but yeah like it was it was just garbage monster school is just one of those categories like I guarantee you if I went and searched it up now on YouTube let’s go try this out cuz we haven’t done it in a while might as well so if I

Go in YouTube and I go to um I need to go down I did not need to explain my subscribe list live and then oo they don’t have gaming available anymore as an option so we’ll go down to gaming instead and wow Minecraft is like nowhere near the front which is Weird yeah no YouTube’s expanding and they’re trying to get it working um there we go Minecraft yeah Minecraft is definitely I’m I’m even noticing slowdowns on that oh wow okay monster school is like not in the first 10 20 people um and really I think it’s because it’s not really Minecraft as a

Whole that’s dying but Minecraft Let’s Plays that’s dying but no I’m not looking that up I’m not I’m not looking at that we’re actually like in the list of people live right now that’s nice we’re not too far up but we are available um yeah I’m not seeing a single like

Monster school video well well if I’m going to rip my eyes out it’s not something I’m going to do like you know um the thing is with Minecraft right now it’s not doing good because their publicity has been really bad their marketing not great either and so like

They’re not pulling in the younger audiences too well um you know right before you left we kind of got into a discussion about foxel and uh fortnite and somehow they were thinking I’m comparing foxel as a whole to like fortnite gameplay wise I’m like no that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying

Foxhole is an interesting game that I’d like to watch that like it’s okay and it’s cool to like watch clips of like I would enjoy that but nothing more like in fortnite for example I do actually like seeing kind of some of the cool bridging technique um videos but I’m not

Going to play fortnite I don’t want to play fortnite right uh I do think Foxhole probably is better than fortnite um just from what I’ve been seeing because I think it’s over overall more beneficial it’s not designed around clickbait it’s not designed around you know um I would even say to a degree

It’s probably not designed around as much entrapping kids um I don’t know that I don’t think that was fortnite’s original intention but it’s definitely where they are at today um so and I think the hard part with Minecraft is I don’t think they get that their key demo

Uh doesn’t play on servers and what brought Minecraft YouTube to where it is today is servers and if people have to pay for them that becomes a barrier for entry um which on Bedrock which is the majority of players at this point um apparently they don’t really

Care for playing on free servers um a lot of the YouTubers I follow on like Twitter and stuff have said like we’ve tried multiple times um cracked Minecraft as far as like hacked Minecraft yeah I uh personally don’t support you doing that um but it’s the Realms that’s the thing

A lot of people only play on like Realms uh when they’re on Bedrock for some reason which I don’t know why um I can’t give a reason why even like the again I don’t I don’t do bedrock at all but the um Bedrock YouTubers have basically said

Like we cannot get people to join our free server on bedrock yeah so that’s one of the things that like I think Bedrock as a whole has a series of issues where um it’s designed around money more than other platforms oh dude this is going to be so much

Help like we are accelerating already that is true um uh so Steve wnc was the one who who’s kind of really the brains of the operation if you will it um no I think there’s not much that Apple has done in the last 20 years that’s really furthered human society as a

Matter of fact they’re kind of being forced by the EU to catch up um and normally I’m not for the government getting involved with companies but at this point it’s like you know what if you’re going to force him to do it you might as well

Yeah yeah no I agree usually we only attribute the face of a company because it’s here’s the thing you can be smart and Technical all you want but if you can’t sell your product nobody’s going to buy it okay most tech people don’t need just G to be honest

Um what’s your question Prince lightning I know that we’re kind of getting in the weeds I I tend to get into like deeper discussion stuff but um yeah but um yeah I I personally don’t know that Apple has done a lot to to benefit society as a whole I get why people want

To use Max and things like that and I kind of come to the point where it’s like okay I can understand it and like for instance for my grandma or whatever who like honestly probably shouldn’t be trusted with a computer um yeah Mac is probably better

For her like and I know that that’s harsh but it it’s kind of the truth like I I think Mac babies they people they’re they’re um and and kind of expects that you’re not technical even though I do know a number of more technical Mac users um but I don’t know

I do think that like smartphones were a good Innovation so I’m not going to say that we wouldn’t have like we would not be where we are without Apple at the beginning but I think uh since Steve Jobs died Apple has become stagnant that’s and that’s the that’s

The thing that I think most tech technically inclined people struggle with which is why none of us the very few technical people are really well known I would say probably the only one that’s made success would be a little bit of musk to degree um Steve Jobs was actually a technical person

Um and uh um but like Bezos is a businessman he’s not a tech guy yeah well that’s kind of where you have to to lean in on targeting making sure you do it yeah there are a number of programmers who just learned basic in specific categories like I’m not saying

Musk is seems more mechanically inclined I’m not saying software technical I’m I’m thinking overall technical when I say that so like I think musk if anything is probably a mechanical person based on how he talks and how he acts like I’ve worked with and talked with mechy and he sounds like a

Mechy uh mechy is mechanical engineer FYI it’s a term from when I was in college I would disagree I also don’t necessarily think that anybody who you have to know C++ to know how to program um and actually I’ve gotten to the point that you know I’m going to be targeting

Rust and stuff in the future instead of um C++ as a matter of fact I would say there’s a lot of people who know C++ who don’t know how to program they just know how to write working C++ Plus Code um because there’s a difference between programming and knowing how to write

Code because those are really two different things uh so C++ is a programming language it was it’s kind of the the one of the grandfather programming languages um so most code that you see today is written in C++ a number of it is written in other languages like python um and stuff

Um the kind of oldest programming language is Fortran and yes there is still code and Fortran that exists and works today um and it sucks uh yeah so AI is commonly in Python using like the the compiled libraries because they can be really fast but also be easy to build up

Um like you know python is is one of those ones where it’s like well people are like well you should just use C it’s like no I think python has its uses mostly to take a c project right and then abstract it like make all your

Functional Parts B and C and then just abstract all that out and connect all the pieces together in Python to make it nice fast easy and not have to deal as much with pointers because my gosh how many problems I have ran into um based solely on uh C++ uh

Pointers like 50% of the problems I run into yeah I know what pointers are and how they work they’re still annoying but I’m using rust at this point so I still get to I I do think rust is is going to kind of if rust gets their stuff together I think they

Could do pretty well because I think I think the advantage rust has overc is um yeah well he’s welcome to his opinion you know I think people are welcome to their opinion um but I think I think rust may actually be there was a point where I wasn’t certain but I I

Think you know because rust has package man actual package management dependency management um not really c um it does but it doesn’t um also rust is a lot once you build your code um it’s safe unlike C++ where you have like memory overflows and buffer overflows and if at any point those

Aren’t handled properly you get a you get a cve you get you get not only a bug but a security bug um and that’s why Microsoft is moving away from because most of their cves are because of pointers because they’re easy to mess up um even for you know the most advanced

Uh programmer out there I would guarantee you they still mess up with pointers every now and again um because there’s just a lot of basic assumptions we’re making with pointers at all times I need Andes sites which is going to be up here so I actually got a new phone on

Black Friday it’s the s23 ultra um it’s okay I’ve only had it for two weeks now so I was kind of debating on getting one of the like folds but no I refuse I Apple not too certain about this one little too busy in the this

Part think I need another set so I’m going to make one more think that’ll cover me yeah that should work oh that’s a that’s a that’s a new one I’m going to be honest that is a honestly a new one um Android itself cannot really be malware oh snap I forget got about

That um I’m going to have to figure out how do you remove sticky okay I need to lock you in place anyways where’s my wench where’s me wrench there we go okay um so what we’re about to do is we’re going to get in here and then middle click on that guy

Darn it I didn’t want to do that that way nope can’t be that way there we go that’s when okay okay that’s precisely what I need um so now what I need to do is I need to get this block and fill that in and then we can go and trim these out

And add it back in okay and then click how am I going to add my fan blades you I have to come up with something somehow also I am short by one of those but I’m pretty sure I can go down and activate this guy and see what happens ow where’s my food

I would disagree that 90% I I can see what they’re trying to say but 90% of stuff being on the store so they’re not saying Android itself is but the Google Play store which is not Android technically it is Google um which sure you can probably argue that Google has some nefarious things

That they allow on the app um App Store but it’s not going to go very far um um yeah like you don’t even have to use the Play Store that’s the thing you could actually probably find a quote unquote safer repo theoretically you could probably use the Apple Store um if if

You were to find the right packaging packages stuff okay so I need to basically take I’m probably going to have to cut off a couple more blocks to prevent some of the problems we’re running into um so I’m going to have to fill all this in and

Then of course I do have to still come in and add the um blades but that shouldn’t be too hard to deal with I need more um uh planks let’s go get some planks because yeah um don’t necessarily appreciate the speech but I mean the thing is iio Apple

Apple’s really good at branding and that’s 90% of what you need to sell a product is branding stuff um H I’m not too certain how I feel on moose scarfs Christmas list some of his stuff is good some of it’s okay but I do love his green sleeves his

Green sleeves are really good and now we have enough where we’re not looping every 10 minutes a retroid pocket okay now I’m about to have to go into um creative and onto our creative server and um yeah hey this is kind of cool I didn’t need more

Planks oh that’s why I came I came down here for this so like legit raw Android please no water thank God okay now now that we dealt with the water problem we’re going to pop off we’re going to go to creative and then we’re going to test out some stuff

Because I need to make sure I know what I need to get the thing working oh this is new whoa wow he is definitely upgraded he’s going to kill himself if he’s adding lava in front of those um let me find a spot to to build this project up um okay so I

Need need a I’m going to add a mechanical I think I’m going to do a mechanical piston and then well okay we have a mechanical bearing so we’ll just put that there uh I need a creative engine here yeah yeah that’s what I need but I

Need to stop this guy I need to get a couple of these now question is what do I need to harvest kelp actually what I need to do is I need take this underwater um okay so as far as harvesting kelp is concerned uh we’re going to add a mechanical

Bearing we’re going to go up to place Oops I did not get the creative engine what apparently you can’t place that underwater play shafts okay I’ll play shafts uh I need my winch where me winch a wrench I need what is the other um tool I’m looking for belts need a

Belt um okay so rotate that there uh we’ll just go here rotate this guy and then belt there then we’ll just build this guy up so that we can add a creative engine uh creative engine and then interesting oh that’s a mechanical piston uh we need a bearing NOP this is what I

Need and then that’s a mechanical bearing not a windmill bearing there we go okay okay so now um saw not saws um what you think of Android gaming handheld in switch light form factor um I don’t think the Android store has much on there okay I hope you have a

Good rest of your day um VIP bmer or not VIP b um Prince lightning I mean for emulators I can see why you would do it um Android phones if you use Android you probably have more upgradeability um okay so the Harvesters probably will work yeah that could work eh maybe but

Me yeah I don’t know of enough games I I literally have like two games on my phone um and they’re both like idle games CU that’s what I do I don’t I don’t do anything serious on my phone uh it is simple as it goes okay yep yep yep

Yeah I I mean I know they’ve been ported over I just don’t see the UN need in using my phone to play any of that I’d rather use a bigger screen so like you know it it’s it’s like a lot of things you do you I don’t I don’t really

Care um okay I need Harvesters again so I need a good bit of andesite and I need need eight logs and I need to strip all them and I need to apply andesite onto on one two three four five six seven eight and yoink okay let’s go up to our crafting

Station and get some of this crafted up but uh I think we’ve almost got this this Farm done let’s let’s see here I need more iron do I have to go to the iron farm I’m probably going have to go to the IR oh never mind I don’t have to go to the

Iron farm uh I’m going to need 8 * 2 so that means I’ll need um 16 so yep I can just make all that into plate actually do I have plates I do not no ah um let me get this going yeah it seems like tonight’s a

Slower night and I got started later um but I did have some hot takes at the beginning there so definitely worth if you’re watching to a good to definitely worth a rewind to hear the talk about Foxhole and fortnite um yeah I might eventually get into VR

I’m not it’s one of those things eh you know as of right now it’s an eh you know there are other cool projects I’d like to get on to at some point I just need to make time to do them I got to fix my grill first that’s like the the bigger

Project right now yeah cuz like I know VR does take it’s like it’s like 3D printing like it’s really cool and something I would like to do but it takes some effort less than 3D printing of course but it VR takes less than 3D printing but bro where’s all my andesite dude

What okay I need to make more andesite soon okay uh now one two three four five oh I’m out of placeat okay weird okay okay I think we’ve almost got this going okay so here’s how we’re going to do this we’re going to stop this guy so that he’ll get in the right

Spot and then we’ll go up here um and we will build this up and then at least this will collect them I will work on oh wait I’m missing chassis uh I have the stuff to make I need to make one more set of chassis yink right there and then we’ll swap

That there and then we’ll get these chassis up here and then we’re going to cut up some stuff yeah so I I think I think that people are surprised at how many Christians can be are also highly technical I mean half the major leaders in at our Air Force Bas are Christian

It’s one of those things that doesn’t shock me because I know so Christians in Tech Christians so I’m not going to say all Christians but there is a subsect of Christians that when it comes to technology think like it’s absolutely important evil and like there’s nothing that’s ever been good that’s come from

Technology which is a lie um and then there’s also those that are like well God made us to to glorify him and part of that is creation and part of that is technology and I’m really good with technology I am I am very smart um additionally like you see some things

Like religion provides structure and stuff which um the technical community uh you know I know this is a stereotype of the technical community but a number of us are autistic and uh yes there is actually like impacts into religiosity and autism uh in the favor of um especially for the

Older generation nowadays I would say I would I would say less so I don’t have any proof for that statement so don’t ask for proof because I don’t have any uh on that one but yeah um religiosity with uh autism in older Generations definitely existed more often than not um and that’s also

Also where like you kind of see more extremist views um sometimes because uh well yeah I honestly I would expect that please tell me you’re still harvesting stuff darn it I put it on the wrong side no okay I need to go flip this around yeah

You you know I think we were talking about it a couple streams ago um I would not be shocked you know of of the people out there that I would not be shocked that they are lizard people Mark Zuckerberg is absolutely at the top of

That list like if it came out he was a lizard person I and Not only would I not be shocked I I would be like if they were ever confirmed I’d be like okay so we all know Mark Zuckerberg’s like Mark Zuckerberg is pretty much the only person I could think that of

Um like he’s just something there’s something wrong with them wait did he actually say that I have not heard that quote if he actually said that oh my gosh what the heck is wrong with that guy like I know we can attribute that to like a nervous tick but like does he

Think he’s something more than human I guess like it wouldn’t shock me you know let’s assume that lizard people are fake for a minute you know which I don’t think that’s hard to do shouldn’t be but like if he’s like cybernetically or Genetically Enhanced himself already like that would that would be ridiculous

But cuz like that implies at one point he was human now he is not human awesome we are getting kelp we have a kelp Farm I want to suck your data maybe he’s just a vampire honestly that would is Cap still here I need to get cap on this idea for

A minute cap please speak out in the chat Mark Zuckerberg is actually a vampire and somehow vampires have learned how to sustain themselves on data like information what that would actually make sense with Zuckerberg okay I I’ll check it out after stream like what the heck that you

Know I mean this is one of those things things that like we were at work I was at work and we were talking about it and it was like pretty much everybody was like yeah no we would not be surprised he’s pretty much the only person

I here’s the thing I am of the opinion that like if anybody is not human on this planet it’s absolutely Mark Zuckerberg like there’s no way I have never seen someone with such dead pan eyes ever Might have to add a filter for um what ofac columns but uh Kel K ooh I don’t know that I can actually compact it immediately so I’m going to have to for now I’m just going to to add it to um G my inventory is full again I need

To go empty out my inventory first okay I’m going to have to go figure this out okay I’m just going to shove more kelp into here for now take this out for a second and then I need to right click oh I need to open this get

Some kelp out right click this guy going add kelp to this for now and then right click that and then shove the kelp back in um I’ve never actually seen the actual person behind that thing um I do know it was like he he was just ripping

Like assets from like Gary’s Mod or whatever and using them to make it or something oh the guy in the I that’s not actal human to begin with that’s a that that’s just a really poorly rendered like animation thing no I I don’t know pretty much any Roblox YouTubers

Actually uh because I don’t watch anything Roblox ah see skim toilet was a weird phenomena like it it was just weird and somehow it got into like everybody’s like feed and all that and apparently it’s like Jin Alpha’s um what am I saying yes or no to did I miss something

Oh I might have missed something oh so they actually had a new episode come out recently oh no oh no I need to go clear my inventory GF is about to come and attack I do have to admit though the the little water tower is starting the little like Tower is actually coming

Together like I have three layers of stuff there I’ll have to add some like supports and like banding and junk to make make it look good but right now it looks it’s looking pretty okay okay I need to I need to get my stuff in a

Chest because GF is about to attack me and I don’t want to lose stuff again um honestly all this stuff can get destroyed I need to get mending on those so I’ll have to do a couple trading routs helmet and that let’s just see here what where is he at

Okay there’s dark dark’s at the monument okay GF is coming in and he is coming in hot oh man okay uh you know what I’m going to do you know what I’m going to do I’m going to jump into the cave system because there’s a lot of big

Holes down here uh oh my wow okay yeah yeah this is my a big hole just a big hole let’s see if he actually can find me I’m technically available from the air okay see where he’s coming from okay he is not oh oh the crashed dude yo oh is it just me

Okay adios Bimmer uh that’s weird is it my end no it saying it can’t Connect sco okay yeah it’s not on the creative server so it’s only the survival the survival died well you know what we did what we were came to do it’s 15 minutes early yes I started later than planned but I also have an event at my church

Tomorrow so I am going to be up and Adam early so I think I’m going to go ahead and call it here um so without further Ado this is n light signing out God bless y’all and have a wonderful rest of your night um not sure what

We’re playing tomorrow I want to try to make a community thing uh but I’m really not sure Bing what’s Bing Knight okay I’m I’m am so confused cap you have confused me quite thoroughly ah I don’t know how that’s a typo I I I I

I genuinely and you know I am like the Lord of all typos but that’s that’s a pretty heavy one there man he adios

This video, titled ‘Lets Build a Kelp Farm *LIVE* | Modded Minecraft SMP play through’, was uploaded by Negative Light on 2023-12-02 14:34:21. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:39 or 4479 seconds.

I am live rn just playing with some friends. I will also be talking about hte mods i just released on Modrinth. I am going to be working on a create food farm on my lumber mill

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********************************************************************************** Hi I am Negative_light, a Christian Content creator who is trying to build a Community on Faith, Engineering, Humor, and Loyalty. I would love it if you joined me on this journey.

🎮 Team: Special thanks to @BlackMoonlight67, @BlueFireTales, @bear818, @Star_Strikes, and @Mia_Dragonheart. Your creativity, friendship, loyalty, and desire to improve are our secret weapons.

🎵 Music: Grooving to Stream Beats by Harris Heller and Moose with a Scarf. You can find it here

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  • Pixel Quest Roleplay Modded 1.16.5 Player Roles Custom Rewards Unique Skins Pokemon TCG League Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players pondering culinary creations

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  • Crafting Cure: Cube Xuan’s Meme Magic

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  • Franklin’s Freaky FNF Character Test

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  • Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong

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  • Uncover the Secret of Non’s with 4ChanChan – Day #7 Hypixel Skyblock

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  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!

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  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP – JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀

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  • “Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve’s LOL Adventures!” #minecraftfunny

    "Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve's LOL Adventures!" #minecraftfunnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mishaps: Steve’s Hilarious Adventures! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Sacket on 2024-01-11 17:15:03. It has garnered 2464 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this 45-second whirlwind, we’re delving into the humorous side of Minecraft with our beloved character, Steve. 😂 🧨 Creeper Magnet: Ever wonder why creepers always find Steve, no matter how sneaky he is? We explore this amusing phenomenon – could it be his choice of cologne? 😆 🐔 Chicken Parade: It’s almost as if chickens see Steve… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥

    EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fireballfight ASMR! #shorts’, was uploaded by LaoLP on 2024-02-10 15:26:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #pvp #trainerdario #hypixel #fireballfight #1v1 #asmr #2sa #bedwars. Read More

  • Jaye’s Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!

    Jaye's Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!’, was uploaded by Jaye on 2024-02-27 22:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter Instagram Discord Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More