New TOTK content! Can we sleep next to Zelda in Minecraft?

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Gamers my favorite gamers in the world my tat good morning my gosh I so Hello friends hello I hope everyone is staying safe and having a good month so far yes it’s almost Christmas as well so make sure you get bundled up and get cozy as for

You my Foo keep on being awesome and friendly you are a great addition to this world what um thank you um good morning uh hi everyone n months with a snow lovely key cost happy early Christmas oh my gosh I got Riz first thing in the morning guys I got rised up God

Damn hi yummy hello coren hello Claud hello deathclaw hello Vince hello ranic hello dizzy dizzy dude it Bulls my mind 20 23 will be gone in a week how I don’t know I do not know time has been passing so fast recently everything has been going speed speed and before I know it

The entire year is over like I literally fucking blink and the year is over how I don’t know you tell me bro I’m getting I’m getting old maybe that’s it maybe we’re just all getting old hi T welcome hello hey it’s doing a long time no see

It’s been forever last time think see was very hard really really really really that long ago bro I haven’t played vrat in fucking fucking years uh my my new me new 3D model is currently being worked on and because of that I haven’t been on

VOR like ever uh in in such a long time I think there’s literally like 10 kilos of dust layered on top of my headset by now holy shit man we met through techy I think damn no that was like 2 years ago bro what oh my God that’s insane what

The fuck I think last time was last year yeah what that is that that that um oh my God I hey I said it’s been forever that how do you still remember me what hi how keep yourself clean um I do I do I I keep them I keep them

Clean I clean my PC I have not changed the thermal paste yet even once because I’m too scared to do that I so scared that I’m going to break my entire PC the moment that I decide to like change the thermal paste I’m going to like thermop paste that bitch all

Over and it’s just going to be gooey and sticky and gross and I don’t know man I mean to be fair it’s not an easy tag to get a ding Tong like this wow wow thank thank you dizzy thank you I mean hey that’s a compliment in a way

That’s like that’s like saying that you like I am important enough and you cannot forget me like hey that that I’ll take that I’ll take it I’ll yeah hi K thank you so much for the 25 stream streak holy shit that is insane nah shut up YouTube homie stop

Laughing at me come on bro dizzy dizzy fuck off stop I love you dizzy but this is too much also guys dizzy has been working on an insane insane like wait wait wait can can I can I show it can I show it can I show it do

You think I can show it an insane dance for the new cover song as I as I told you guys about it is almost finished it’s in the last stages the only thing that we have to do is I have to edit the the the vocals a little

Bit I have to um fuck I’m opening up I’m I’m downloading this Dan so it’s going to it’s going to lag everything shut up shut up me okay uh let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see I can’t wait can I show it to you guys without and then green

Screen green Queen can I can I show it to you guys look at look at that look at that look at it look at it Dan look at it go look at it go oh this see could you maybe make a a when you’re done with the entire dance

Could you maybe make like a uh what’s it called like a loopable version of it so that we can have it on stream or something it is so fucking sick is it like MMD stuff no it’s 2D bro dizzy dizzy made every single one of these

Frames Hand by hand and I thought that this man was going to do something simple I was like here’s here is this really blocky Lego is like panty and stalking style uh can I have something like that as well thank you and then this man was like you know what

No I am making this as hard for myself as I can man but yeah he’s he’s uh he’s working very hard on it he fucking fell asleep on his PC tonight turns out drooling all over his tablet this morning and uh man’s is still not done yet he’s still

Going to have to do more I bro I wanted this to be a Christmas present but I do not think that we’re going to be making this for Christmas chat so it’s most likely going to be like out by New Year’s but we’re going to we’re going to

Try and see how how we can do and hopefully it will be out as early as possible my f on my hi s welcome welcome com for you com for you I hope you’re doing really really good I am a little bit sniffly today my my nose is a little bit droopy

Droopy uh not pery like I don’t know it’s like it feels like it’s wet or moist or I I just I I don’t know how to explain I did my skin care today for the first time in a fucking century and I think that I kind of may

Or may or not have squeezed some of it in my eye eyeballs by accident whilst I was applying it so now my eyes hurt like a little bit but it’s okay I should be fine I’m I’m going to I’m dude I I did some research on in what order and what

You’re supposed to use for your for your skin care bro you have to use like cleanser toner moisturizer fuck serum you have to use uh uh sunscreen and what else was there face oil and that’s all basic shit that’s like basic skin care for the mornings

What excuse me why do I have to recite an entire encyclopedia for my for my fucking face like hello bro and you know what you guys are just just going to splash some fucking water on your face in the morning and you’re going to look sexy as

Hell you Korean or something no no but the thing is is that I know that a lot of asent people have voluptious skin fucking Flawless bro like I don’t know what they do to it I don’t know what kind of voodoo stuff they put inside those creams but man it’s working it’s working

That’s some magic bro it’s literally Alice and Wonderland type of shit holy fuck like I don’t know man it would be nice to get used to using skin care and stuff but I can never really get used to it like I’ll wash my face I’ll put on some

Moisturizer maybe some cleanser if I’m wearing makeup beforehand of course but like normally I never do that so now doing it is oh my gosh Korean skin standard is a real thing I wish I could could get into it dude I’ve watched like some Tik toks

About like these Korean moms that are in like their 60s and they look that they’re like 32 or some shit because they wash their face with rice water and she’s like yeah what does your mom use my mom uses rice water rinse the rice three times and

Then splash it all over your face and that’s how you stay young forever I’m like what huh how does that even work what bro welcome welcome thank you so so much for the I really appreciate it they want yes rice water straight up rice water it’s nice for the hair as

Well I heard that Rosemary water is or rosemary oil which oil was it Rosemary is really good for hair and hair loss like people or like if you want hair growth if you want it to be like healthy as shit and and and long then you use rosemary

I don’t know bro all of this H is kind of crazy I used to wait I used to use that on my skin back in the days yes I’m Korean nice tomato nice I get that yummy oh my gosh but yeah enough enough talk about skin care and stuff I’m sorry I’m so

Sorry I was getting sidetracked but yeah I I I put on a new schedule for the day because I wanted try and see if I can get stuff done more and I woke up early very very early but I’m not used to it yet so now I’m like it’s weird I’m like

Super tired but at the same time not really cuz I slept well I don’t know what it is I guess I guess it’ll just I’ll just get used to it over time though so I’ll be fine first of J hello how are you doing welcome welcome it has s thank you so

Much for topping by the Stream clad clad how was your day how are you doing I heard that some of the mods are actually going to be uh spending time with their family and stuff which is really really really cool uh they’re like on trips or like they’re

They’re they’re like hanging out having dinner and stuff dude is anybody of you guys going to go out for for Christmas uh to see family or or maybe on a trip or something I man I want to go skiing again I want to go skiing again one of

These days one of these days nope I’m still in [Laughter] VR okay rans no I get it I get it live breathe VR to let’s go you are Vince where are you going where are you going contained no I live alone and I have finals M finals are important you’re

Right you’re right yeah in that case like focus on your focus on your finals and just relax and take a break during the uh the uh holiday season mhm you’re going to Norway that’s sick I hope you have an amazing time over at your dad’s and uh yeah I don’t know I

Don’t know if you’re going to be spending Christmas with them but a merry Christmas and happy New Year yes that dude that’s sick I’m fine my parents are sick young Brothers just playing games oh no your parents are sick both of them what dude what is

This what is this bro everybody in the winter just dies hey stop watching me yummy stop it stop it if you need to go do your finals you better fucking go do your finals dude I don’t want to see you here anymore you better you better go do your finals bro

I’m not shitting bro go do your fucking finals go do your shit go go go go study dude thank you yummy good boy good boy yes I’ll see you guys I will see you again soon don’t worry yummy I will be streaming every time every day aside from Mondays and

Thursdays I’ll be here and we can spend time in the future but your studies and finals are very important to me and to yourself so please take care of yourself and make sure to to to to do them okay man yummy as in like as in that’s tomato

Yummy potato yummy yummy tomato yes same thing some same thing man wait your younger brothers are playing video games clad what do you mean like both of them together dude something that I actually oh my God I forgot to reply to Fifi Fifi said that that uh that we could hang

Out during Christmas but she wants us up weit wait mention That really man so Fifi wants to hang out with me and manful during Christmas this Monday uh but the biggest problem is that Fifi lives literally on the other side of the country for me um so yeah it’s going to be like a 3 to 4 Hour train ride and

Then when we’re hanging out we’re most likely just going to spend the the entirety of the evening together and of course the biggest problem is that the bunnies will be left at home alone on Chris and I don’t want them to be alone man I don’t want to leave them alone

F and me I’m just R switch to suntime Christmas with most wait some of my family the damn outlets for power are different they are going to have to find a place it so D power my left I’m so sorry yeah you better go to that Turnal before all of the stores

Closed that’s that’s really smart go do that today go do that today Saturday is the best time go do that now it’s most likely going to be super fucking busy uh I’m going to be fair considering that Christmas A lot of people are going to be doing last minute shopping and stuff

But you got this you got this it can’t be too bad right hi hello hi welcome welcome I hope you’re doing good just ask Santa for an adapter Clueless yeah that’s that’s how it works yeah so uh I’m uh I’m just going to I’m just going to say it bro uh Santa is

Unre I’m sorry I know it’s an insane Revelation but the one that gives you your presents every year it’s it’s your mom it’s your dad oh my God it’s yourself s is not real [Laughter] no no what they what no have you never noticed it have you

Never noticed how dad’s your dad’s or like Santa smelled like your dad’s cologne whenever you were on his lap oh my fucking God have you never noticed how he sounded like your dad when he spoke damn I I’m I’m so sorry to say that you guys have been duped like [Laughter]

This I’m so sorry man not my ersion no CR our fantasies yeah I’m I’m not going to I’m not going to be getting any presents this year either in instead I bought presents for the bunnies I went to the store yesterday cuz we ran out of snacks that’s why I

Was like late with stream as well and uh I got some last minute Christmas sale snacks for the bunnies and they were so happy they they they let me pet them for a really long time period and I’m so happy the bunnies are your present yeah yeah no but honestly

They they make me so happy like oh man I I’m so happy that I have pets now I’m I’m so fucking happy meu is the bunny Santa yes I am there Santa Claus mhm I mean I don’t know dude the biggest problem is that bunnies never really show

Emotion uh unless like you’re really really really close to them and because we just got them like a mon month and a half ago basically a month and a half at this point like 1 month and I don’t know 11 days or something 7 days I don’t fucking

Know me is making me jealous that I cannot have pets due to asthma um I don’t know if you can’t have pets because of asthma you can always opt for any reptilians or anything like that and at the same time isn’t there shouldn’t there be something that would

Would make it easier to have pets like when you when you breathe in the stick thingy doesn’t that doesn’t that help you breathe I don’t know how it works but oh it’s allergies okay no allergies is different allergies that’s different you’re you’re good luck getting good luck getting pets with allergies oh my

Gosh the thing is is that there’s always something for someone right if you cannot stand one pet maybe you can stand a different one maybe maybe your pets will be fish maybe your pets will be a snake or a lizard or a gecko or I don’t

Fucking know bro maybe your pets will be the ne the neighbor’s dog that you see once every fucking week or something because you cannot get any close to dogs so so whenever you see them you get all happy I don’t fucking know or a spider yeah yeah yeah you’re right Tia dude I

I’ve seen so many videos of these like tiny little jumping spiders and they’re the cutest little things ever they’re so fucking adorable God damn it oh yeah the hydrate sound isn’t working because I I don’t have the redeems turned on right now hi tumble weed Welcome hello hello can you read my messages meu in chat yes mad yes yes we can hi Rafael I I don’t play I don’t play Roblox no but I I’ve played it for a little while and there’s quite a few fun fun game modes in it thank you for the hydrate thank you

So much so as you guys know CH today is going to be more more uh fuck what’s it what’s it called tears of the Kingdom I forgot to reset the the the Dono bar no I forgot to reset it the daily Kiko summons are already full man okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s

Fine we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out afterwards it’s okay yes we’re going to be playing more T of the Kingdom today I know it’s a game that is not really popular anymore at this moment not a lot of people are playing it it’s kind of dedge aside from

Like of course the people that play it themselves and just have a fun time but I’m addicted and I like that game so I don’t care I don’t care you guys are going to sit here and we’re going to enjoy ourselves together Nash Nash also also

Dizzy I’m going to tell you this my game updated itself automatically even though I had auto updates turned off and I made sure that I had auto updates turned off cuz I was on I was on update 1.1.2 and then they were like no Nintendo was like no fuck you we’re

Updating your device so that you can’t do any of the glitches anymore but I have so much fun with the glitches I’m so sad like and then it was like no no stop stop updating stop it I could not stop the update it was physically impossible

For me to stop the update and when I tried to turn off the switch instead of turning off it went into sleep mode and then when I turned it on again it fucking finished the update and oh my God it was I’m so mad I’m so mad but

Yeah it’s whatever they they forced it on me Nintendo fuck you fuck you I’m going to figure out how to emulate the game now so that I can do my glitches I’m playing it on P see motherfuckers get out of here but yeah evil Nintendo that’s that

That is the that is the end of the Story uh thank you so so much DJ cons thank you DJ cons for the follow I really appreciate it welcome wel I hope we guys are I hope you’re doing good yes to be fair I emulated Pokémon Violet and ran infinitely better on PC there’s no way seriously dude I

Heard from people that you can remove the was it 30 FPS or 60 FPS I think it was 30 FPS cap uh on emulated games like a lot of Nintendo’s games are capped at 30 FPS and you can remove that cap with emulation and it’s so much better like

It runs so much smoother everything looks nice like you know one of the biggest problems that I have with this with Zelda and switches and just that like games in General on the switch is that the resolution gets absolutely butchered butchered dude on both on both

The on both the switch and the TV and everything just looks fucking pixelated why is it pixelated bro stop pixelating that shit like and and on PC that’s not the case the biggest problem though is that let I’m a fucking stupid stupid and uh I don’t know if I’ll be I

Don’t know if I’ll be able to like um install it without breaking my switch cuz like I don’t know how to transfer like my save data and stuff like that to my PC I mean honestly if I had that it would be a lot more easier

Cuz then I could play it from my PC directly and it would be a lot like easier on stream as well I don’t know we got to do some life stop I hope we can do some catching up sometime Take Care thank you R thank you I will I will

Be debuting my new 3D model uh around February so mid to end February and uh I would love to to maybe have you in uh in VR chat if you’re up for that absolutely we could have a little little uh VR chat party or some shit cuz I don’t think

That I’ll be able to do my partner anniversary on the 19th of January this here so we might do it on 19th of February instead because uh I’ll be going to see my grandma during that time so yeah yes as you guys know I don’t know how to do how how you

Do that but I wouldn’t try it either cuz I don’t want to fuck my switch it’s basically you just like copy paste the save files and the the the purchase like proof data from the switch and you copy it over over to the emulator but you

Need a like micro SD card uh USB thing I I don’t know I I I did a little bit of research on it and it’s it’s not too hard wait give me a second it’s not too hard but it’s kind of tedious yeah an SD card reader

Mhm they fix all issue when the twitch 2 releases eventually I’m not bro I’m not buying the twi switch 2 unless they make it so fucking good that it’ll blow my fucking mind bro I’m not buying the switch 2 either unless it’s like fucking I don’t know sort out

Online or if it’s like 100% pastel pink that’s what I want I want the cutest most adorable switch you could ever fucking imagine and if that’s the switch Tobe then I’ll buy it but but yeah that ain’t happening so that ain’t happening so uh yeah I’m fatal Sniper I’m V how are you

Doing good morning yeah the storage expansion thingy yes yes exactly just have a laptop most of them have an SD card reader I I don’t think so not anymore no oh CYO to be pre is my food my Asma is the animals who it shers apparently the English word is not accepted

Oh how first okay uh like the the the skin the the skin cells like the shit that like they shed is is what you’re allergic to or that that what aggravates your asthma okay okay okay gotta I’m doing good distilling and relaxing that’s super nice to hear technically emulation isn’t illegal it’s

A great area as long as you own the game and console if I’m not mistaken yes yes that is true true uh I did a little bit of research it turns out that it is not legal that’s also why of course Nintendo and all the other like corporations have

Not been taking down any of these emulations uh because if you do own the game then it’s literally like the same thing you’re just copy pasting your save file onto your PC it’s it’s a little bit of a gray area of course but um all of the YouTube

Videos that you’re going to find on YouTube as well explicitly do not show you any way to do any illegal stuff and on top of that they 100% go like hey follow this guide make sure that you use your own switches data it’s you’re not going to find any guides to do illegal

Shit at least not on YouTube and I don’t know if there’s any other place that you’ll be able to find that so yeah just don’t do that chat please thank you thank you yeah don’t do that man I own the games because but I still prefer to play a games on emulators

Because they simply run better no I I I understand where you’re coming from I I do agree that they most of the time do run better on emulators but the thing is is that there’s just some type of charm to playing games on a console at least on

On a handheld one right like your your phone or your switch right just being able to bring my switch everywhere everywhere I’d like and being able to play like Zelda on the plane or in the bus or anything like that like it’s just it’s it’s very nice it’s comfy it makes

Me happy I don’t have to drag my entire setup everywhere it’s it’s really nice mhm playing on a handheld is great for being in the bath safely of course yes yes safely of course I would not recommend playing on a handheld in bath um you could play on your phone if it’s water

Resistant but but please be careful CH please be careful I wouldn’t trust myself yeah that’s why meanwhile I bring my laptop when I take about okay so if you have one of those like what are they called the there’s like this thing that you can put on the edges of your bathtub that

Basically gives you a a table so you can have like a bathtub table if you have that I guess it’s okay I guess it’s okay just make sure that you don’t bump into anything you know I just use a Ziploc bag I would not trust Ziploc bags bro no no way n oh

That Japanese shit it’s it’s not per se Japanese shit it’s world around the world shit I just PL mine on the wall and pray to physics what what do you mean you just plap yours on the wall how does that even work what what the fuck do you use superglue huh

What isn’t there wait okay isn’t there legal switch thing I’ve heard that before that was banable like E3 or something that what I don’t know bro I don’t know no I don’t think so there might have been uh if you yes if you like hack into your own switch Yeah

That’s messed up that’s don’t do that don’t do that oh my gosh there’s an attachment on the wall to place phone or laptops what did you put the attachment there or did the house come with it that’s kind of that’s kind of crazy okay hi K hello hello

Hello hello I hope you’re doing good thank you so much for jumping by speaking of a rest in pepperoni I have not oh you’re right rest in piece to A3 we’re going to miss it um I don’t know why they decided to close it off I mean

I guess that they just weren’t making enough money but yeah fuck man yes I’m doing good I’m doing good kidos I thank you so much thank you because it was pointless don’t say that damn damn bro because it was pointless all the poor people that

Worked so hard on E3 dude all of these poor workers collaborators sponsors everybody is because all the companies make their own cons I mean yeah yeah yeah yes they decided to X E3 because it wasn’t profitable enough anymore with all the online announcements companies have been doing lately Nintendo Direct s play ah

But what do you mean so it wasn’t profitable for E3 I mean now that I think about it you are kind of right like if everybody’s just doing online shit that’s not going to cost them anything whereas E3 would cost thousands of dollars to just move everything there have people and workers

And like online you could tell the entire world about your games but on E3 you can technically only tell the people that are there or interested in it about your upcoming stuff so yeah yeah I can I can see I can see where they’re coming

From I’ve seen that I have seen that no no I’m not falling for that shit anymore Brothers I’ve seen that pickup line before shut up I no no more falling for that shit no more no more okay it is time boys it is time it is time for The Gamers let’s

Go man I’ve been wanting to play so bad so bad okay let me grab my switch blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the switch yes I have played Lethal company and it’s a good game lethal company good very good very fun very nice yes

Yes we’re also going to be posting a video about it on YouTube later yes I’m going to be posting lots of stuff we’re going to have a the meme video we’re going to have daily DS we’re going to have the uh genon concert possibly I

Don’t know if we could put that up cuz it’s super super super long but some people might want to watch it anyways so yeah why not and then what else oh yeah the Leal company one yes that’s that’s too have you seen the new art of Hoovers

They are doing genin and HSR Simo what what do you mean what what do you mean they’re doing genin HSR Sim C what excuse me hi link hello so uh I have been doing a little bit of offline exploration when it comes to the underground as you can see we have a lot

More we have a lot lot more unlocked thankfully finally and it turns out that the fake Zelda girl that we had to beat the shit out of uh was connected to the kakariko Village situation where there was like a floating spiral thing and the floating

Spiral told us to go to to this like Lake and then this Lake told us to go to these uh wait where is it where is it these island Dragon Head Island in the sky and when we got here the dragon head exit had like this big ass door where I had

To use my hearts to open it and when I opened it it was like a mask and the mask turns out to be part of the fifth Spirit thingy protector uh the the little homies that that I can have around me that I can equip the ghosts the fifth stage

Yes you’re playing without us how dare you it’s okay but how dare you dude dude I’m not trying to play without you guys it’s just that Zelda has a shit ton of content and most of it is just insanely slow or like collecting stuff for instance the fucking

Batteries dude so basically you need 100 100 zonite which is this to make a 100 crystallized charges which is this and then with 100 crystallized charges you make one of these battery lines one not a full battery One Singular strip and you have eight Max batteries

Actually no 12 because you can you can get not 12 what am I saying 16 cuz you have can have double so you’re fucked you’re fucked so that means that for one roll of eight batteries you’ll need 24,000 crystallized charges and because you have 16 you need to get you need to get

48k well not 48k 4.8k of these motherfuckers what that’s 4.8k crystals dude it’s so much there is so much work but that’s why I was like bro I’m not going to be doing all of this on stream it’s literally mint farming I’m not even fucking joking this shit is

Mint farming at its best but yeah I I was like there is no way in Jose that I’m doing this on stream because if I do all of that on stream you guys are going to be you know fucking sleeping in the in the back and of course like it would be nice

To to have that on stream cuz you know more content more fun times more more stuff but like bro it’s so much back to the minds meu back to the grinds I see you’re suffering the shadows for us thank you for the sacrifice you’re welcome homies I’m still having fun nonetheless so don’t

Worry I’ve really been enjoying myself the biggest problem so a lot of people would think that the underground is like harder to navigate because it’s dark as set well it is dark as set but the good thing is is that the light routs are bright as fuck and you

Can see them from such a long like you know miles away bro colmers away but when it comes to the shrines on the upper grounds bro you don’t know where the fuck they are they could be underground they could be on top of a fucking Mountain they could be anywhere and

It’s this Shrine here it’s like in this area the entrance to it is there how are you supposed to know that this Shrine is underground oh it’s talis’s ow stop punching me bitch you want puns I show you puns y but yeah that’s what I’ve been doing

I’ve been trying to find all of the light rots cuz if I find the light Roots it’ll help me figure out and like pinpoint locations on the top part for instance this one that I haven’t gotten yet and this one that I haven’t gotten yet oh my God and this one that I

Haven’t gotten yet like there’s so many there’s so many that’s specific Shrine took me so long to find man it is it’s insane like what am I supposed to do now where am I supposed to go is this it’s it’s like locked isn’t it that’s a breakable wall

Bro that’s so much rocks what the fuck oh my God okay you know what we’re going to do we’re going to use these like rock axes and hopefully we we’ll get through eventually this is going to take so long is this what Minecraft feels like is this the pain and suffering that

You guys go through on the daily to find diamonds my make diamonds yes we got to the other side okay okay okay okay you know what we’re going to do I’m going to fuse this with the rock Rusty Claymore more rock boom boom boom bitch and then this is where the shrine should

Be open sesame where is it it’s not here bro I’m going to go fucking crazy where is it every time I see s on it reminds me of the video where meu roast Ziona that stupid snot faac bitch she took my fish sck I mean my fish I mean yeah him the

Her oh my God please please leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone it’s going to freeze it’s going to freeze again it is bro stop stop it bro how am I supposed to kill this guy

Okay wait wait wait what if I go on the top oh what what what did he eat what did he eat blow it on me bro give me the give me the Ice Ice Baby okay okay now okay going to use this and then oh wait bro bro bro bro y a Oh I got fucking wrecked by the chest the chest smacked me in the face kite Shield retal Warriors Cherish The Shield it’s Unique shape is designed with mid battle flight in mind to facilitate aerial combat what kite Shield okay okay the katana hurts you T

Me fo I know I know I know but the thing is is that we’re in the Overworld so I don’t mind taking Gloom damage here and I was like you know what we might as well just use it let me through fing bets what if I do it like this

Wait what if I crouch yeah oh it’s a booble bo boo Bo booble what are these called again fuck stop jumping around bro I I can’t aim for shit with this controller M where did the where did the little fox boil go more rock breaking it is oh my God wait

But there’s two areas there’s this rock and then there’s this rock what smack it wait it doesn’t break wait I can’t break it wait wait but this can hello let me do Rusty Claymore there’s fairies here there’s fairies okay okay slowly but surely do I have to get rid of these do

I have to get rid of the sages I think I do right Fairies I haven’t gotten a single one of these yet I haven’t been able to catch any fairies yet cuz they always scur away please come down here please please come down please oh oh he’s getting close oh oh oh oh bro come on come on yes okay okay two more two

More fuse Claymore with a rock or something I’m going to do that with a rusty Claymore yes come on yes okay last one last one last one I’m sorry I’m making you sit through this chat I know I know it’s fucking slow as shit but I don’t I don’t care I

Need I need to get I it’s going to the other side are you joking come back come back come here come here please meu you have a Zone I Cannon what does that even mean oh my gosh it’s leaving again can I can I get into the water I feel like the

Water is too deep for me to stand in right oh no it’s not okay that makes a shit ton of noise though come on link I swear just grab that motherfucker he’s right above your head just jump and grab him no oh oh take yes I did

It let’s fucking go oh my gosh let’s fucking go Wei yipp okay okay okay okay what what should I put for fairies maybe I should put I’ll put a heart cuz like they they restore my hearts when I’m dead we’re not cooking them oh my God bro cooking fairies are you

Joking you should have some kind of net to grab them like an animal C yes dude if we had that if we had that it would make our lives so much easier okay so I’m guessing that the shrine is it has to be this way how much do I have to charge this

Thing let me through let me through yes let me oh my God I can’t oh my God okay okay okay bro you want up here you go upes oh no it’s an electro boy oh sh another one no I’m not fighting right now I am fighting the big

Boy okay where’s the where’s the rock hi bye we did it oh my God we’re so much better guys I’m back in PC now I had to find one adapter was the last one in the shop dude congrats on getting that last adapter congrats where the fuck is this

Shrine bro I’m going to I’m going to lose that I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose I’m going to lose is it this way or is it this way okay it’s beeping this way so I’m going to guess that it’s through

Here yeah it has to be through here no no no no my Gloom sword you fucking idiot I didn’t know this until now but apparently fairies can be cooked with wa cooked with monster parts to create fairy tonic that restore seven Hearts when consumed though but fairies

Are better because they heal you when you die so if you accidentally like fall off a cliff or like you get kicked off by a monster or you just get like a random hit by a Lionel that should have hit you but whatever who cares like you’ll have you’ll have the opportunity

To revive yourself right why would you want to eat the fairies bro now that’s messed up I can’t carry any more melee weapons well that’ll change soon enough when I break this one that’ll change soon enough when I break this bad boy right now okay watch the Claymore fo

Fo wait I can’t see I can’t see the exit wait where the fuck is the exit is it curved does it go to the right here oh my God it does Rock Sal I love rock sh come okay now what yes yes baby let’s

Go that was a shrine and a half bro that was an entire an entire what’s it called one of those uh Labyrinth that was an entire Labyrinth to get here I better be getting a free chest motherfuckers I better I better be getting my freeing one come on come

On give me my free free chest no it’s not oh my God oh my God oh my God the right roll wait it’s darts it’s darts wait it I’m supposed to drop it so that it hits the middle oh there’s no way every shine is a free chest make you

Just have to find it yeah but I don’t want to work for it I don’t want to have to work for it bro what what okay okay okay okay no I get it you’re supposed to attach the balls to one another in a triangular formation kind

Of thing like that so that when you put it on the middle part they’ll both like use their their weights to distribute evenly and then fall down oh I did it okay okay okay okay okay okay five head as fuck let’s go next puzzle boys typical streamer wants all the

Rewards with no work hey hey hey he I am just lazy I already did the entire thing I did all the hard work drilling through all of these fucking rocks to get here so now I want to get my free reward okay so I’m guessing that this is another weight distribution

Thing but I don’t know in what way would the heaviest one be on the top or would the heaviest one be on the bottom because you’re supposed to make it roll sideways so that it hits the thing I don’t know in which direction this would have to be rolled that

Because I mean I guess it would be like this no other way around okay come back no okay so small one at the top heaviest one at the bottom okay I was wrong I haven’t found this sh because I have no clue what this puzzle is buzzle wait there’s a wait there’s a

Chest on the left oh there is wait can I can I can I can I use this as a can I use this as a way to climb up I mean that would be kind of funny oh this Co I’m stomped it’s too early in the

Morning for me to figure this out wait I can’t use this as a bridge hello let me climb it the fuckers I can’t climb this okay we’ll have to just lower it a bit come on Link Link Link you got this you got this gamer you got use

Ascend I I don’t think that that’s going to work I don’t I don’t think that that’s going to work no Okay small on bottom but then but then he’s not going to be able to climb the rest yeah it’s ooh okay oh man use time oh you’re

Right wait so I can do it like this I’ll leave it there for a bit and then I’ll lift it up leave it there for a bit and then let’s see if we can make this work he doesn’t even want to climb the small one though that’s the biggest

Problem oh oh come on oh we almost had it add the yes okay okay recall let’s go let’s go thank you thank you for thank you for the the the the the the tip for the recall you guys are so smart to you guys are so fucking

Smart free arrows you know what I’ll take it all arrows are always appreciated okay there we go where the fuck are you go where are you going try using a bomb on the dart what do you mean what what do you mean what do you

What do you mean oh my God I’m so mad I’m so mad I’m so no way you can do it like that what the fuck this game just wants to fuck with you dude okay I get it bombs are like heavy and they they have pressure and that’s what you’re

Supposed to do you’re just supposed to press on the fucking button really hard but that’s messed up like what you’re not supposed to cheese that Bro yo she saw that puzzle for 10-year-olds shut the fuck up shut up I’m trying my best here okay I’m trying my best God damn it I raage quit that puzzle you what you Rage Quit because it was that hard bro and that’s it that’s it

Bro okay well let’s uh I’m actually kind of curi Hardy truffle I wanted to say I’m actually kind of curious to see what’s on this side because why why would the tunnel be continuing from this this part oh I don’t want that thinking out of the box for real for

Real yeah why would it go here too where does this lead to this better not be a dead end bro I swear if this is a dead end I’m going to f hello my fol I’m in the train going black home to see family I wish you all a Merry

Christmas and happiness my f oh that’s OS that’s so Sweet man thank you so much thank you alas have an amazing amazing amazing rest of your time with your family enjoy your Christmas and your New Years and take care Gamers take care man that is so sweet thank you for the 34 months too holy shit 3 34 months bro

Smacka we made it okay what are oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no I couldn’t get any closer because of the fucking snow M you’re not going to do it again are you oh my

Gosh okay okay we dodged it but now what but now what okay dude another Earth Earth penis yes and they won’t leave me alone this ice one is the most annoying one out of all of the bunch you are so fucking frustrating suck a ice food throw fire wait that work three

Damage okay bro all of that all of that for a three Shield bro come on come on dude I’m okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it is fine where are you taking what that was just a circle that was just a circle I could have gone the other way around to Bro okay and I can’t even get out I can’t even get out you I didn’t even press B what are you are you tripping are you tripping Mr switch I didn’t press B I was pressing a can I get out please I can okay bro I’m going to go crazy I’m going

To go crazy I’m going to go I’m going to go crazy I was pressing a and it’s like oh you pressed B no let me out let me out controllers busted yeah the door stuck door stuck but yes my my current uh what’s it called my current goal for the stream is

I want to release all of the the the the the what’s it called uh fairies from their from their flower we currently have one left which is the one in the Christmas SL snow area very fitting very fitting let me change my outfit as well while we’re at

It cuz we’re going to be te peing to a cold area Mr horse Kiko hello let’s go baby boil I mean with how she dropped it I’m sorry Mr horse I’m sorry I was read T I mean with house she dropped it last times is it any surprise that’s busted

What do you mean yes I’m doing the musician Quest wait you know B RX should I wait now that I think about it it’s really really really far away I might as well just TP here and then I can recall my horse there as well you’re becoming more of a mole than a

Hero a mole I’m going to fing lose it then try fusing a spear and a cannon together do I even have a spear that’s not fused this one yes okay okay and the Cannons is portable pot do they even do they are they even cannons Frost AIT shock AIT beam AIT are

There cannons I I don’t see any yeah I don’t I don’t see any it might just be that I don’t have any yet I don’t have the gotcha Oh oh my God gosh dude that is so nice what the fuck the entire group together hello hello I know you traveler we’ve have a delightful development look I mean listen it’s eustus and his hold I’m back in our troop yes he was stuck in a

H notes to self us just doesn’t get to drive the C but I’m glad he’s out of his Funk and fit as a fiddle usess his horn will blow the stable ch’s back on course yes sir I remember is essential the stable gallopers a let me start with this thank you thank

You thank you thank you and thank you that’s five thank yous from the five of us bro that is so cute look it’s Nat holy hi not Hello thank you so much for the 49 months what the fuck wait are you still subbed even during the months that you don’t that

You don’t show up or like hang out that’s insane that’s insane welcome back Nat Nat is a from when I first started streaming chat he has supported Shon and on top of that he’s also a Founder but he got that after I got the partner badge still though it’s insane yeah one

Of the old G’s yep y yep the stable TRS man what the fuck oh my God it’s rare to see a Founder here besides Basel yeah literally bezel is the only one that’s like a founder and Nat anymore that that like dropped by I mean I guess I guess gunny shows up

Every now and then but I don’t even I don’t even know anymore if he’s had a Founder badge or not cuz he might not be in the top like 20 or was it 50 people that first subbed I’m not too sure anymore not to sub is obviously on auto

Renew I I don’t know I don’t know but thank you for the L Nat welcome back it’s time to go see the the beautiful fairy our beasy’s roof is broken so we’d be at the mercy of the elements just look at the snow falling we might fall

Ill in such weather and how could we perform at our best oh my fucking God okay okay so I got to build a roof for them God Oh my God it’s so nice okay so I’m guessing that can we can we do it like this on the Sides maybe this could just be the top and then these could be the sides yeah that’s that’s a good height right that’s good enough and then we put this Here whoop and then the other one Dragon SP PTSD bro you need to get that teched out manad you need to get that teched out homie oh my gosh oh my gosh I want it to be the same height but it’s so so hard bro okay okay you know what we’re going

To do we’re going to look at it from the front and then try my I’m going to try my best to have this be around the same height okay I think that’s I think that’s the best that I can get it at there you go does that count as a roof C that

Go is that good Enough I’ll take you yes I appreciate the sentiments but the Blazer needs a roof to keep I put a roof on it though I put a roof on it bro what more do you Want does this all count as a roof what about what about if I attach it like that and then maybe maybe I’ll give them a backing plate as well just in case you know I’ll give them a backing plate too uh like That there you go guys now it’s completely sheltered off we can’t ride the Breezer like this no roof or no roof we won’t get anywhere if we can’t even board the car what do you mean you can’t board the car you board it from this

Side and and then this part it keeps you nice and warm what do you mean look it’s perfect isn’t this perfect CH it’s perfect the fuck are they complaining about or wait is this the entrance for them no it’s not it’s closed off dude I swear to God oh my

God yes it is but it’s closed off where’s the door there is no door there okay do they just want a top plate on it do they do they just do they just muu you board a cart from the back you dumb dumb you do I’ve never been on a horse cart how

The fuck would I Know what about what about this is this is this good enough for you is this is this the roof that you wanted is that the roof that you Wanted bro wonderful now that we’re being attacked from the sides by the snow you can take us dude I gave them the most perfect setup ever and they’re like we just want a plank on the top what the fuck oh my God people be nitpicky yeah like what the

Fuck relax boys I’m just carrying you I’m just the Breezer is rocking yes it’s rocking I need to bring you to the main road do you guys want to be taken or not oh my fing God throw them away oh my fucking God wait okay okay this is the best pull

Pull pull pull pull horse it’s time to eat them yeah fuck them fuck them then alello H Merry Christmas hello hello yes I would like to no I’m actually set I have the the attachment wait time was you looked at the sky in the day you see the sun and

The clouds and night some moon and stars but nowadays you look up and see floating islands and ships of all sorts of strange things it’s hard to look at the future with anything But anxiety right now damn man despar what the fuck a where okay okay let

Me relax guys relax I’m just I’m just dude dude guys guys guys nothing is happening go go easy nothing is you’re fine you’re fine oh my gosh it’s moving forward stop stop moving forward stop it stop it Mr card please is it long enough is it going to reach it’s not Okay bro stop complaining there we go beautiful now I can take you I wish we could use gon’s horse to pull the cart the Tonky boil oh by the way dizzy I found the I found the uh the secret like God horse in the the horse

God Bridge he was right here was like this huge huge yellow gold is5 wait how do I get there uh I guess we can I guess we can only go from the side and he he’s a chunker he is a big boil oh my God no no no there’s enemies

No leave them alone stop shooting at them oh my God the arrow is inside the carart chat you can’t see it but the arrow is inside the car holy SN fuck that horse God stupid thing and its endure [Laughter] care damn Bros is angry he has some P SD from the horse

God try drifting and see if they fly off the car what mad bro you’re not falling out relax we’re here oh gr fairy the stable shers have arrived yay no time to Waddle it’s time it’s time for their last performance stop it’s time for the last performance blood moon hell no hell

No wait what hello hello oh there we Go wait this is so nice oh my God damn you know all and the blood moon in the back bro oh my God oh oh my God can’t we thought it would be happy times but no blood moon Doom sadness Mommy that’s the last one shot we’re

Going on to fairies you know what it was worth it getting all of these homies back together just so that we could hear that beautiful performance worth it we’re dead this is one of the greatest days of my life what a divine presence what Splendor I will remember this moment all my

Life we can’t hang around all day we must return to the stable to share the good news yes tell everyone which leaves only your reward now don’t be shy oopsie that’s that’s left the old wallet clear light but that’s no excuse to skimp on our thanks a clear conscious

Is worth every rupee our musical troop has finally performed for all the great fairies I’m moved I’m inspired I’m beside myself with joy oh man hi M welcome thank you so much for the five five stream streak damn did it did it reset I think it reset right welcome Mickey welcome

Back man I I’m happy I’m that we got to get them back together again we’ll keep playing good you better from now on I want our music to sooe every traveler who comes to the Stables not just the great fairies they’re going to continue playing I’ll consider you an honorary

Member of our grand stable Trotter’s to yes I am link yes please remember we what the stable here okay bro okay d i okay I get it thanks we’re going to go back to the stable we’ll borrow this horse and don’t worry we’ll return this Noble Steed from the bottom

Of our hearts thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome yay let’s go blood moon you seem to be having fun it would be a shame if all the monsters came to kill you you so you’re the one who arranged those soothing sounds for me I would have liked to be released by someone bigger

But what what do you mean girl girl girl what the bro dude well a slim little lad like you is fine too I suppose it seems that the world is not so corrupted as I thought so thank you for opening my eyes I can enhance your closing okay please enhance my clothes

To the maximum this is what I’m going to have to do chat you guys are going to have to sit there and watch me get fucking 30 deep fireflies so that I can Max them well I don’t even know where to get these she don’t appreciate short King link exactly what the heck

Bro also I need a bunch of these like luminous Stones cuz I really like this set it’s like it’s like the skull trooper from fortnite bro this one is hot as fuck too but there’s no really there’s not a lot of like times where it storms so I don’t

Know if this is going to be useful or not and I was like oh dude look this one has four four like Shield that’s so good that’s better than this one which is two and then I tried to level it up but you can’t enhance it like what and same with

This one I can’t be Dark Link I can’t enhance it like bro oh my God yeah the Deep fireflies are in the depths bye Mommy my bye they took my horse wait what that’s all my horse okay I’m so confused but yeah that’s it that’s all of the great fairies done and completed done and dusted I don’t know if we

Should do uh the I want to do the main quest as well I don’t know if we should do like the the underground exploration right now though because there is quite a few areas that I have not explored yet but it does take a lot of time it does take

A lot of time so oh yeah what happened to the blood moon oh it’s still it’s still here it’s is it not going to activate you think it’s glitched you think it’s glitched what the fuck speaking of horses there’s another quest uh it gives you a special

Horse have you done I have not done it yet but I did hear that it is Zelda’s horse okay now it’s going to now it’s going to blood moon okay finally bro it took you long enough God damn Yes red goop coming from the ground oh my

God bro I’m not fighting you I’m just waiting for the blood moon to to yeah there you go hi Mythic WEEI hello hello we could go on this side too we could go on this side of the screen too oh big man big chunker blood moon was patient to see the quest

Time I’m glad that they waited for us honestly we needed that extra time okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go to the Tower and then from the tower I’ll jump down to try and see if we can find Zelda’s horse but I don’t know what happened to

Zelda’s voice Zelda’s voice was actually fake genon Zelda’s voice was the puppet so after you kill fake Zelda uh Zelda’s voice disappears you finished talking yet you finished bitch okay the the horse should be um let me see around like here somewhere the biggest problem though is that there’s a frost

Gleo and I don’t I don’t think I can see it yet but there is a frost gleo in this region and I’m what the fuck leave me alone leave me alone let me alone crazy bitches no shrines here what I swear there was a shrine in this region

Since I be busy Scavenging for better weapons honestly I should too look at my look at my weapon collection bro it’s oh my God it’s so bad most of these are just farming weapons and the other ones are my good ones but they’re they’re kind of yeah they’re kind of

Ass they’re kind of ass they’re kind of dog dooo wait sh kind of light nearby where it’s 100% in the sky and I just missed it okay whatever let’s try and see if we can find Zelda’s horse somewhere yeah it is above uh the gleo is right

There and I do not want to instigate any combat with it so there it is there it is there it is there it is that should be it that’s it that’s it that’s all the SS okay we’re going to do a 180 and turn around because it is facing towards the

Gly those Gs are crazy I’ve only killed one yeah same same they’re really really really strong uh wait let me actually let me make sure that I wear this one I think do I only need one yes okay sh be very very quiet we did it oh my God okay good girl

What should I call their gold should I call her Zelda I don’t know bro so uh this is this is Zelda’s special horse and they’re very very gold Buttercup that’s cute I like Buttercup that’s really cute hi Brandon hello welcome I named her Golden Rod golden R what oh my gosh brother brother

Hello link can you focus on the doggle raw prime meat oh yes sir oh a deer no don’t run no the oh my gosh okay go go go boy go what what hello what how is it oh my gosh stop moving stop moving my my stupid controller drift it’s fine it’s

Fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you’re driving get get the fuck out of my chat get out Matt I swear no typing and driving at the same time bro I swear to God what bro come back here what come back here yeah finally okay thank you

Brandon it’s prime meat or may coret I hadn’t gotten a singular one of those yet Big G no no no no uh we’re going to try and see if we can possibly what I’ve never seen that animation before we’re going to see if we can possibly fight

This CLE in the future sometime um but not right now that’s for sure not right now fuck you more deer if I get if I get a weapon if I get a bow that does more damage will I be able to onot them cuz this one does 10 should we call her

Buttercup I feel like Buttercup would be kind of cute but I don’t know me have you considered disabling your gyroscope uh yes and no hello homies we got him we got the horse look who’s finally back home yeah no doubt about it that is Princess Zelda’s steeve for certain I’ve been

Worried sick but now that you found it yes I found it huh when did you oh never mind so partner when you show up and save the day in the middle of my reporting work here well it kind of throws me off of my saddle you know what I’m

Saying he’s just giving you oh I’m just giving you a hard time besides these Good Deeds of yours just feather my reputation you make me proud Nugget I’ll take care of her yes royal royal oh my god let’s Go thank you you might still be a rookie but as youve you’re every bit as good of a reporter as I thought you’d be I’m not a reporter a bon slip resistance yes oh my God what are you staring at bro thank you Josh thank you so much thank you there you

Go frog is the Frogger outfit is that is that like does it have multiple pieces or does it only have one wait that’s kind of cute though I like the tattoos like that are showing through that’s really sick that’s a nice outfit uh let me put on the cold

Resistance so cuz now that we’re done with the stuff there we go no not this one this one I will take care of Goldie thank you or or buttercup what should we call her fuck I don’t know man I feel like Goldie is also cute Mr dogle hello hi oh that’s princess Zelda’s

Golden horse well we’re well acquainted already you mean to register it I presume yes fuck off Windows security ooh wait her bond is already 90% Dental temperament very strong very strong and very very very how do you say that fast as well her speed is four stars oh Midas uhhuh Pony puns py

Puns um I want to I want to call her Goldie I feel like Buttercup is also very cute but goalie is like short and and quick I don’t know what do you guys want should we should we do a poll what what should it be you know what can some of the new

Mods maybe make a poll can we do SL pole and then you guys can machine gun fuck off why would I call her machine dude thank you T thank you you’re the best the new mods at work SL py Riot name it glue I’m not calling it glue bro bro spaghetti SP

Spaghetti I’m going to go czy CRA you made a v compilation yes I’d love to watch it I’d love to okay what do you guys want to call horsey Goldie or Buttercup nugget isn’t a twiice I I mean I feel like nugget is like more of a male

Name and since this a Zelda’s horse I figured that they’re female but I’m not sure no Golden Rod golden golden rod oh my gosh okay I think I think Goldie won chat I think it won let’s fucking go let’s fucking go uh I was putting nugget and midus also in there only one

S I would like to take her but I want to have her saddle oh oh yes Royal Bridal yes change equipment Royal damn dude that looks sick Bro change the M you can change the M on it too oh we should give her the flower one we should give her the flower one

Beautiful beautiful yeah we we’re not we’re not going to have her be in dangerous situations don’t worry homie also have I ever slept here I don’t know I think it gives you a horse Point thingy when you when you sleep there it’s sure melan the god of horses there’s a huge horse

What what did it say Fuck have we found a way off to Yona yet off wait what have we found a way to Offa yet no hi s thank you so much I’m glad that you like my model Big White Horse to the South wait isn’t that the horse that I have isn’t that Zeus

Where’s um isn’t that this one this is the Big White Horse right I named him t i I felt like I felt like he gave me like light god of lightning Vibes so I was like you know what this man is Tonky he looks a strong

Boil you’re so pretty oh my God you’re so pretty oh my God okay um what else can we do so we saved the horse we got Zelda’s stuff we opened up all the fairies oh before I forget if I accidentally say something people do not want please tell

Me my brain is not exactly working after I got soaked in rain water three times yesterday car dri is my for three times dude I hate it when they do that and you know for a fact they’re doing it on purpose bro I swear I swear d

Bro if there’s a shrine up here I’m going to fucking lose that you know what let me check I think if we open up if we open up uh internet we should be able to find a here are the kingdom all shrines bro guess what chat guess what guess what what the

Fuck why is there one in the corner oh my gosh so what the fuck bro it’s lonely okay dude so there is a shrine around this area there’s another one somewhere around here there’s another one somewhere around here and then the last one is all all

The way in the fucking back of this corner there what and then there’s another one down here bro could they have chosen worse locations to put these shrines in I don’t think so oh my God it’s time to climb the mountains top it is time to climb the mountains hi

Hello it’s been a bad Shine Bad shine go into the corner time out time out for you what did it do to deserve that treatment I know right I know right nobody cares about that try anymore bow thank you for the high I really appreciate it wait oh there’s a shrine right there

What we could do chat is we could go to this Shrine and then jump down from there onto the O sorry my throat was fucked no worries I’m getting my hydration don’t worry okay so we want to go to the pink one which is this Way hey Emerald that’s a bad word I see it I see it from here what is this what is all of this oh wait this is part of the the the okay never mind what the fuck what is that is that one of those uh what are they called uh uh Electro

Hypothesis I forgot the Word let’s go we found it cubes you don’t understand the shrine killed my Grand if you get the meme you get a cookie S I love cookies uh you know what we’re going to do the same thing for this one and hopefully it’s right underneath us hopefully Cube boss yes 1.0 bosses Exactly don’t forget to eat something chop make sure to get some sustenance wait it’s not here nearby down below where where okay I’m going to guess since there’s smoke coming out of this house that means that most likely this is going to be a quest or something coach oh hi sorry I thought

That you were my coach seli you know her no SMI used to be a shield Surfer real Pro level went by the name of Duchess of downhill what she said that she was going to build out a new course on the slope somewhere but she’s still not back

I’m worried sick me and my best bud Finn figured she’d gone to the Bri Breon snowshelf in the west okay I’ve been watching him to send up smoke signals that way I’d go wherever he is we’d help coach from there the West my Fu needs all the love

She can have before Christmas Day and having a wonderful year till the end see that’s so sweet thank you thank you so much have an amazing Christmas as well take care of yourself oh wait don’t these take you to shrines once you shoot them or not shrines caves they do they

Do who Okay Kebra mountains Northwest cap you think that they fell in here it would be kind of crazy if they fell in here an icicle wait wait wait wait wait wait no you can put that on top of the wait I like that okay the ice sword yes ice sword

Okay we’re going to try and see oh no that’s Monsters uh I’m going to try and see if there’s anything that I’m missing here because these sides look like like exits so I’m going to guess that we might need to defrost these but I don’t have any fire breath

Okay does this does this no it doesn’t okay so it’s not it’s not ice this is defrosting ice ah okay usually there’s either like secret doors or hidden chests or monsters inside of these ice cubes but what pick up nothing nothing in this one what about meu uh meu spear plus

Flam what no come back oh my gosh wait what if I what if I shoot these bad boys off of the roof does that kill them it doesn’t kill them but it deals the shit to the damage wait again again again oh man follow me into the water come

Come come come in the water oh no no no no no it’s unbearably cold never Mind okay bro listening to them scream is the funniest shit ever oh my God okay oh no that’s a big boy maybe I could try and see oh no I toasted that hard truffle he one shot me what the fuck wo no yeah shoot the ice block shoot the ice block brother

Again oh my God I’m so happy that I have the I’m so happy that I have the the fairies Okay okay okay okay okay where’s this weapon where’s this weapon where’s this weapon pick it up where is it where is it did I burn it I burned it didn’t I no into the water you go uh let’s let’s use a model butt on this one and then we can grab their

Stuff oh my gosh it’s so cold freezing water no no hi M welcome welcome how are you doing what was that damaged my dude I know right like it’s insane a fuck no these are giant bright blooms chat uh they’re like where are they they’re super super bright flowers that

You can use in the underground area these you can’t really see it cuz I’m fucking sing in front of it but these giant Bri blue scenes are a lot more scarce than the smaller ones and I really want to get as many as I

Can but I I smacked it with my weapon so now they’re used also it seems like the shrine is inside or what is that is that the shrine or what what is that how do I get that hearted blel I can’t grab this so I’m guessing that I might have to use the

Icicles to use it as a stick and like a attach it like that so that I can grab it damn I’m such a huge brain motherfucker Okay so where does this Shrine Stone have to take us oh wait no no no no no no no no no stop stop come

Back come back oh no okay okay it’s fine it’s fine and then this one should go here right or not is this is does do I do I not need the shrine stone for this like seek the crystal connected to the beam and offer I already dead I already

Dead you you don’t want it you don’t want it okay dude stupid boid Shrine stupid boid there you go bro finally LS I think uh we should be able to do this Shrine without using any HP stuff so when we’re done with it we’re going to have our HP back which is really

Really nice D just Shrine I need to shit of this luminous stone for the the skull the skull set which is this one to upgrade the radiant set yeah radiant uh I need I need luminous Stone but I don’t know where to find those I mean I guess I could find

Those maybe in like the Goron area and caves but I want to find a place where there’s like a bunch of it chest only Shrine let’s go we love to see it you love to see it boys Yes you were right easy chest easy chest interactive map coule yeah we don’t have that in this game sadly yay I you us was like two entire fucking fairies for this but you know what worth it worth it totally so wait if this isn’t the cave where the girl

Was then where the fuck is she cuz they were like oh yeah I think that she she was like snowboarding in this area but it wasn’t there so where is it done H that’s weird you know what we ignore her fuck it uh let’s see if we can go to the last

Ones on the snow area cuz there’s a bunch of them hi Dan hello welcome welcome I hope you’re having fun today cuz I heard that you can’t really be on the stream as much but that is okay go enjoy yourself gamer don’t feel too inclined to stay if you can’t that is totally

Fine totally fine actually let me grab this one the little gust gust boil now I’m finished with the meal already already wait but but but but what about hanging out with them what about what about chilling with them bro you don’t have to be it’s it’s good bro okay I didn’t miss right

Okay oh this is one of those trampolines what the fuck do I use that for yo vamp they’re sleeping oh oh it’s 11: for oh my gosh I am so sorry I am so sorry dude holy shit um should should I should I be more silent you know I we can’t really

Accommodate for everyone but today is a is a comfy stream most of most mostly anyway so it’s it’s okay we should have enough stamina to get to that corner this is what I’m going to say to I’m going to recommend it to you guys and I’m going to fucking say this every

Single time if you ever play breath of the wild or tears of the Kingdom upgrade your stamina first get that shit to Max then get the hearts cuz there’s literally no reason for you to get the hearts unless you’re ass and even then like come on bro it

Helps so much it makes exploration a lot easier everything is so much easier uh legit what I do every playthrough and you’re Soul based for that nearby down below fuck there’s a cave oh man there oh so that means that there has to be a cave entrance here somewhere but

Where oh my gosh okay no no I’m not doing this no not now no no there is the cave entrance there it is it’s right here I just need to Def fuck you know what I don’t care Oma yeah get fucked bro that’s what you get that’s what you

Get let’s see um what did I want to do again your ass if you upgrade past three hearts I mean I don’t think that that’s the case I I’m a completionist so I want to get everything and honestly I am kind of ass but still oh this is the best the fact that

We have one of these like heat heated swords means that we can like defrost this shit without needing to use anything like you just unequip it or like just keep it on your body and oh that’s monsters in there oh no no no no no no don’t don’t defrost

Those we do not want to defrost the monsters fire seeds throw fire seeds I’d rather not waste my fire seeds but I guess that those would work too yeah wait does this do I have to step on it I most likely do okay let me grab anything that’s left

Here bright cap I think that’s it okay y yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh Arrow free Arrow very nice very nice stop it stop It I I did not okay I did not think that that would happen I um holy shit I didn’t think that the fire would make the bomb explode I’m sorry t Okay um let’s see is there anything that I have that’s like powerful I mean I guess we could just

Use a fucking L thing on you I mean maybe not I only have three oh fuck it there goes my last one all goes my last one Brothers okay why are there so many strong goblins I swear no but like it wasn’t like this it wasn’t like this like a

While ago but after I beat all of the the bosses like it it it started spawning a shit ton of super strong fuckers and now it’s Like oh let’s go it’s right here sweat oh Dominator thank you so much thank you for the tier one for I hate Silver B Collins they’re so beefy but their horns make weapons and shields so strong I guess that’s true I guess that’s true but they’re so

Strong man why are they so strong like bro skip I give me give me give me free Shrine free free I’m not going to get a free Shrine this isn’t going to count this hard enough puzzle to get yeah no no I’m not doing this no I outside equipment is forbidden Beyond this

Point oh no oh no oh no no what is this there’s a fire here but I don’t think that we need that uh there is one of them right there or no two of them okay and then another one right here around the Corner oh shit fuck me Man o okay you know what we’re not doing that that hurt brother no I don’t have anything to attach to it ow stop shooting at Miro stop It stop it you’re the only reason why I have this much damage to me you motherfucker oh I took your Sho oh don’t oh you’re so mad oh you’re so mad you stck my stuff LOL oh my God more Arrows yeah this is a bob uh if I throw this at them are they going to get attracted by the sound no okay wait is that it is there only how many constructs is there here two for six is there only six constructs I mean honestly we take those higher Up the stupid controller drift bro I swear to God wait does that not deal damage to you what that doesn’t deal damage to damn he’s just better Bro I don’t have a weapon what does this do anyways it’s like a sword of some sort oh thank you for the Zite long sword I appreciate it I finally have a sword now uh wait if I fuse this now that I think about it if I fuse this with one of

These then it should repair itself right it does okay okay okay okay okay Drop and now I can grab yeah and that’s it let’s go okay perfect let’s just hope that I’ll be able to survive cuz I got absolutely fucked cuz of that Arrow guy or bow and arrow guy no that man looks chunky he has a big ass weapon what the [Laughter] oh

No does Zite power does Zite power do anything to it does this charge shit do anything to it I don’t think it does right plus two damage stop moving fuck okay walk through the [Laughter] fire let’s go okay okay we go again we go again come here come here on the stairs yes

Sir good job fuck I thought that was a bomb no it was a bomb it was a bomb it just needed fire fuck I thought it no no I’m going to have to do it all over again Bro I thought that I had it Burn Burn bitch it doesn’t know it doesn’t know anymore No how did you know come on bro how did you see Me stop it stop it oh my God I got stuck on the fucking Wall oh keep throwing rocks on me Brothers good job gamer you’re doing so good I’m so proud of you okay drop fo okay they didn’t see me thank you for the clip you clip that s bro wait there’s a rock here why is there a Rock I mean I guess we could fuse it but is that going to do anything for me what should I do with this rock oh my God I see I see what I should do with this rock oh my God this is going to be the

Fucking this is going to be this is going to be my my my my thing of a lifetime come here Gamers come here come here come here come here kitty cats come come here come here oh my gosh no way wait they didn’t get crushed by it what do you

Mean bro they should have gotten crushed by it n I’m redoing that Shrine I’m redoing it I I think that that’s how you’re supposed to kill them right I totally expected you to crush your fuck off of course he did of course no bro you’re English I thought you Japanese all of my content is in English though cut C I’m not Japanese though I can be whatever you want in you I can be whatever you want in your brain if you want me to be Japanese I’ll be Japanese there you go man thank you for the like Mickey take care take care enjoy fam time I knew it what you knew

What you knew What oh shit you think we can get a lot of them at the same time to get crushed under the thing I knew it that you can sa of course cuz like if we get this one as well then we could technically get all of them at the same time Right stop throwing rocks at me bro what is that going to do oh Shit okayy come on follow me follow me of course I can speak Japanese okay we’re going to try it one more time we’re going to try it one more time with homies let’s holy shit come on get under it please get under it ow why are they why are they throwing

Stuff at me guys wait are they are they cautious about the they’re cautious about it holy shit okay wait that’s surprising they don’t want to step they do not want to step inside of this area because they think that they’re going to get crushed yes yes

Yes wait it phases them out it doesn’t do anything to them I thought that that it’s a one saw oh my gosh Brother Fuck dude I thought that it was a wood shot but it’s not oh shit wait no that’s that’s a strong guy you grab my l again this is how you do it smart you just keep on running beep construct beep um I don’t think I’ll be able to

Make this shit explode cuz I’ll have to be on the other side and then wait for them to get close to it there we go oh my God I almost I I almost got Fucked no no oh no fck man bro stop moving I swear D okay grab this I got this right there’s no way ow why is your range that long bro is that a spear you got a spear oh my gosh you lucky bitch okay smack smack across the face me that surely she got this surely right okay we’re going to equip this hold

Drop this guy is the last one but we don’t have any food left that’s the biggest problem it reminds me of those wait it reminds me of those monsters that TP away while you’re trying to kill them with a thing that no one can shoot them which ones are those uh are the

Mages the Mages are so fucking annoying honestly I don’t know what they’re called anymore uh I don’t know that Brandon I don’t know those games what is that you know what you can never have enough weapons can never have enough boys okay let’s try and see Five Arrows gamer come here

What is he doing there is he stuck are you stuck oh he’s stuck oh my God I’m so sorry I he was stuck Yi you go stuck man feels sad man oh my gosh the poor homie okay whz robes that’s the word yes yes yes yes you’re right I was like what

The fuck was their name again suck a yo bro Mickey Mickey I didn’t mean it in that way come on D you know what I’m talking about Kiko Suck W yeah yes sir give me give me give me that shit Mighty construct B very nice you love to see it more how many do we have right now three okay we need one more one more and then we can get another heart how many hearts is Max anyways I’m guessing that

It’s just you do all of the shrines and that’s Max still though okay so we got this Shrine and then the last one on the mountains is this one but I’m thinking that this might be closer than going here yeah I think so actually yeah let’s go

Here pretty sure that was on the wait that was the on you dropped the Rock and thought the same phased them out oh the game phased them oh okay yeah I thought that the The Rock would crush them fully but I guess not it was kind of funny that the main

Boss got stuck though cuz that was the strongest guy out of all of the other ones which is pretty uh okay red we need to go to red red red red this way I see it I see oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is that that’s another

Shrine that’s another Shrine okay let’s go let’s go to that one first yeah I should be able oh there’s a there’s a there’s a gacha pwn here there too gacha gacha 40 40 Hearts what in this game does 40 hearts of damage excuse me four 40 that’s insane uh

Okay wait that’s a flame emitter oh wait wait we we don’t need hi y welcome we we don’t need to get we don’t need to build anything we can just use the flame emitter and that’s going to bring us up py 37 if Max stamina okay that’s kind of weird though wait wait now that I think about it most meals give you three extra Hearts so I guess that’s kind of perfect because those three extra Hearts fill it in and then it becomes 40 wait that is kind of funny yay Swine uh five H let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go we made it boys let’s see what this type of what what is this puzzle going to be I hope that it’s going to be another one of those big brains ones more than defense oh no what does that even

Mean what the fuck is that what is that oh my God okay no no my my shield now uh let’s drop this okay flame emitter so I guess it’s about to glue stuff on Shields no we’re most likely going to be have to using you have we’re

Going to have to use this to melt all of the Icicles what is this one though free chest let’s go oh hi turbo no worries no worries no worries this is so funny man good job dudee you lost your Shield what now stone slab I mean I’ll keep this one for now I don’t know what that would be good

For oh wait that’s what they meant with more than defense cuz they can do more things than just defend it can block the fire yo okay no that’s kind of sick no that’s kind of sick though good job bro good job good job M you did it you did it

Bro um I’m guessing that with this one we’re going to have to put our like shield with a rocket on it but I don’t have any extra Shields that I want to waste oh wait does the rocket break now that I think about it I think that the rocket breaks

After you use it right so that technically should mean that even if I fuse it with my shield it’s not going to do any oh okay let’s go okay and now I have my let’s fucking go easy easiest easiest try my life hi Welcome hope you’re doing good what Yan what huh what Mickey I’m so confused one of us one of us okay so now that we completed this Shine On Top of the beautiful uh Islands we have to go to the this one I don’t even know what the fuck this is like it’s so

Random how do you even get there I’m going to guess that you have to build something and fly there but where is it the fuck is it green I I literally cannot see it up there what how do you get There what the fuck nah okay you know what this is most likely not going to work but I’m going to try it anyways Um honestly honest this has rockets on it too or maybe I could just use uh where is it what what am I doing what am I doing what am I pressing maybe I could just use my hover bike I guess I could use my hover bike but I don’t know

If it’s going to take me that far that’s the biggest Problem is it going to take me that far cuz it’s so high up n i don’t there’s no way I make that it’s literally impossible at least in my current like with my current amount of batteries there’s no fucking way oh my god I didn’t even get close to

It bro what the fuck I’m already halfway power cores yes I have a bunch of those oh my God wait wait wait we might make it if I use every single one of them I might make it what do we do that do we do that though

Oh that’s a gly oh my God I just saw a wing I just saw a wing is that no way no way no it’s a gleo oh my gosh okay you know what we’re going to do we’re going to go there and then we’re going to place down a TP for the

Future because ain’t no way I’m beating this there is no fucking way on top of that I think that this is the last gly I think that this is the boss one and not just any G yeah this is like this is like the the the threee headed like three elements

Gly oh my God oh my God I’m going to go crazy bro oh no King G oh no dude no no no no I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m out of here no no no no no no no no no n fuck you holy shit holy shit holy

Shit it’s following me no fuck you fuck you meu GLE is easy yeah meu it’s so easy what are you talking about now fuck off stop stop it stop it you’re not touching me you’re not touching yeah yeah you better back off bitch yeah what you going to do oh my

Gosh try it once at least I mean that’s what I put the TP there for am I right oh my God we’ll try it once guys we’ll try it once right after I get this Shrine I put my travel Medallion there so we can tpe back to it

Oh wait I see the shrine it’s right there Shrine time yay get better armor first I’m literally going to get one saw the in the situation that we are in right now with my armor I’m going to get fucked which armor would be good against the gleo though I’m guessing maybe

Flamebreaker wait no because this is not a dragon it’s a three-headed dragon so they do different types of damage fuck oh my god oh no oh no oh no oh no no and he’s freezing too wait so we have to use this one because up there it’s most likely going to be even

Colder oh my gosh we’re fucked CH we’re absolutely fucked thank you for the five days H thank you welcome back where is he you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me you don’t see me check temps first then makes choices it’s it’s literally freezing here you

Can see it on the temperature and and it the sound like the music that it has that’s the Ice music like the snow music so we are going to have to wear this cuz if not you just fucking freezed it so we can’t use any other armor except the freezing armor

No no Mr G no one heart I’m out of here I am so out of here I am fucking dipping I am out out out out of this out of this out of this fucking shit no fuck that fuck that bro potions exist me fo yeah are you going

To be doing the grinding for me Rex are you going to get all of the potions for me heat potions Oh you mean like uh the ones that warm you up I guess so but against the King gly instead of having instead of having heat potions I I think I would way rather

Have um what’s it called I would way rather have an attack an attack up Boost from like food or anything thanks girl I will make myself at home with my quarter heart thanks girl I do yes please give me a malign bed extra bro no flamethrower ice beam and Char beam oh Man bro you can fuse any item that uses fire to a shield for extra warmth that works that works okay let’s go we have a reward the zonai ruins the biggest in the world okay bro what am I getting what am I getting this time what am I

Getting yes an an additional horse you get a night side and a night’s bright okay that’s nice though that’s nice though welcome back mad wel I’d say that a flame emitter isn’t going to do it so uh so a ruby a ruby a ruby gives off heat excuse me

Okay sua I think we’re just going to level up the snow trousers uh which one has this fairy close this one has the fairy close right yeah right up there a skeletal horse what talk to me what R rain did you come back because you’re interested in the

Skeletal horses too folks say they appear night after night near the s s Den Park ruins up the Road North here s Den up north where what where is it did meu put a TP in Terry town yet mhm it is right here do you guys want to

See my house you want to see my house hello Shadow Wolf welcome okay let’s go talk to my lady uh the fairy also this is technically my favorite outfit I don’t know why but I like the hair I like the little little like straps that he has that makes it

Dangle I don’t know why it just it looks so comfy and warm I also really like the stealth outfit because I mean Ninja ninja link pogy wagies and the Zora armor but it does it doesn’t feel like I use those a lot anyways so like the

Stealth one I do but the Zora armor that is so I’m actually kind of happy that we have to level this armor up because it’s it’s one of my favorites it is cool but hair down link is Best Link no no no no no I think that ponytail looks the best on

Him hair down just looks messy it’s okay though because I mean there’s a style for everyone bro the stupid rain where is she oh here wait oh you have frog armor me oh yeah that’s true I forgot about that hello my lady I’m sorry to call you when it’s raining

What you’re sent young man it’s a fragrance that’s familiar to me excuse me do you think that no okay I’m not going to say anything where is uh the winter one red choo choo where the fuck am I going to find red Choo Cho okay so I’m going to guess that the

Red Choo Cho are only available in the gouon area which I fucking hate the Goron area cuz it’s so hot and I have to wear the clunky disgusting garbage outfit you could convert regular Choo Cho to F what you can do that how do you do

That wait if you have a normal CH you can do that oh my gosh I I didn’t know that I’ve been I’ve been wasting all of my normal tutu Del thisly you got to use a torch okay what the fuck that’s statues of them I never noticed that oh my

God wait how am I not burning oh because in Gan City the temperature is like lower okay you could use a campfire too a campfire that means that there I mean there has to be a campfire in this area right in the city somewhere or like a cooking pot or

Something what about this heated plate in the middle yeah okay okay gotcha that is yeah that is usable oh my God okay unbearable [Laughter] heat uh let me let me let me um where this no wait even with that on it’s unbearable oh my gosh okay um where is that 45 okay

Drop there’s no way they’re going to turn into red ones right they do oh my God that is so cool what wait that sick thank you so much that I had no clue that you could do this oh my God life hack literally thank you more

CH more CH how much do I need to upgrade the winter one to Max do I just get all of all of the 50 plus choo choo jellies that I had it works with other elements too okay so I should keep some then okay okay okay um let me try and

See what was it called again the armor uh let’s see snow quill snow quill up snow cool armor upgrade let’s see I need three eight Chu jellies warm Safina sunroom and five rubies Bro bro I don’t even have any rubies mer Christmas my Fu my Fu hug spooky thank you so much thank you thank you s bye I don’t know if I can swap this Sapphire for a ruby somewhere m m g smile Christmas thank you uh let’s

Go let’s go back so warm Safina wait actually what is warm sapina do I have that I’m going to guess that it’s like a flower of some sorts Mighty thistle Sun Room it can be found in the desert okay so oh there it is and I need I need three of those so that’s perfect then we need five sunrooms which we have seven so that’s good we need five rubies uh of which I’m most likely am

Not going to have any for yet and then we need eight fire key swings where is that perfect and then 10 red lizard Tails oh no wait Ral fos wait lalos so that’s attack power fuck 10 I need 10 of those Bro oh no oh no okay so uh where can I find fire breathless El if you have luminous Stones I know a way you can possibly get rubies no I don’t and I actually do need the Luminous stones for something else too like the the armor upgrades oh that’s a bummer God

Damn thank you for the hyate by the way thank you I think she’s ignoring YouTube chat I see oh sorry sorry guys no it’s just I’m trying to do everything at once and it’s it’s hard for me to I’m not I’m not trying to ignore YouTube chat I’m

Sorry uh desert or was it Death Mountain well Death Mountain is right here yes love to the you frogs um so I can find lalos at Death Mountain I wonder if the shrine is on top of it or inside of it oh there’s YouTube chat hi YouTube

Froggies yes yes there is YouTube chat there’s just not a lot of people in YouTube chat so I didn’t suck I didn’t see it my Wi-Fi sucks and twitch isn’t working oh no I’m sorry WEA I get it it’s okay it’s okay oh it is outside okay I also heard that if you

Make a picture of enemies that you can like track their locations or something if you like need to find any yes I did get the camera but I’m trying to see if we can maybe find any oh there’s fire keys there but it doesn’t seem to have any fire

Lizards oh thank you guys thank you thank you for hanging on on the YouTubes as well hi toxic Josh the pet em curses me mod is so cursed it is it is it’s really fucking cursed oh sheh oh my God bro stop it stop it

You’re not aiming at me no oh my God what the I thought I was going to die bro oh my gosh I was like okay let me take a picture of this this guy I don’t have them in my in my uh book yet camera book I did not expect

That hello M welcome okay there’s ablin there bro I can’t find any of these lizards wait don’t they have like oh how do you say that protective stuff hey stop stop attacking them what the fuck no keep the old picture it’s better stop it stop it bro

Dude hey yeah yeah what you going to do now what you going to do now attack people yeah my bug collecting was already going so badly so being attacked was just a sting on top of a bug b let’s go bugs okay I I literally I do not give a shit oh my

God I don’t care but yeah continue talking yeah uh-huh oh thank you Dr water at least he gave me a nice meal of sneaky fruity tomato stew oh my gosh did you know um actually did you know that bugs are the most refined and amazing creature in all of

Oh my gosh it’s an octo it’s an octo boil turn towards me please Mr octorok yes perfect beautiful okay uh upgrade my weapon please this one no that one’s already upgraded this one please than you bro I okay dude okay okay bro okay well at least he upgraded it Right oh my gosh what did he do he told Tulin doing some trolling yeah what the fuck Big Boy black moblin they’re moblin oh no he looks scary I’m not fighting you fuck you we’re going to have to try we’re going to have to try to find some of these lazol foses but

No hey stop following me Bro you know what we’re going to go for your teammate instead yeah yeah now you lost a friend what you going to do about it bitch okay snippity snap I’m back to Twitch chat cuz there isn’t a lot of movement in YouTube chat yeah like the thing is

Is that why would you watch streams on YouTube so I I I feel really bad that there’s not lot that I don’t get the chance to like talk to the you YouTube CH because I I tend to like ignore it mostly so that I can focus on the twitch

One but I don’t mean to do it as then like I don’t want to ignore twitch homie or YouTube homies it’s just it happens when there’s not a lot of peeps in it so inventory okay let’s use this truck and see if we can get across

They just look in all of them yeah exactly Dam that is slow as fuck I expected it to be a bit faster but I might as well walk oh my gosh yeah very nice very nice speed you know maybe I should uh maybe I should slap some of these fans on the back

Too if only was allowed to merge chats I mean even if it was allowed to merge chats it would only merge the chat on screen it wouldn’t per se merge the chat tul did did you did you just did he just Bonk another person did you just kill another enemy tulan

What what are you looking what he’s a menace he’s literally a menace bro Bonk okay we go again hopefully these fans on the back is going to make it a little bit faster just a tiny bit did I do good yeah yeah s you did you did good

Bro is that any faster is that faster I don’t know bro I have no clue if this is faster or not maybe instead of searching randomly I should also wait what can I make pictures of The Birds now that I think about it wait I can I can make pictures of the

Birds Elden ostrich wait is it not saving it’s not saving very cool yay hello Mr Wolf perfect you even faced the camera it’s still the same speed okay bro wait now that I think about it is there meat going to get cooked in this region because it’s hot no

Okay okay well since it’s the same speed we’re just going to run no you hit those wait that was so funny the B cins can use the cart I didn’t know that oh my Gosh n okay well it doesn’t seem like there’s any red lizards here let me actually search it up online

You know what that’s going to be a lot faster too for you guys um fire lizel F tears of the Kingdom Oh shit wait there’s a farming route excuse me there’s a farming people make farming routs okay so this is close to the Garuda ruins um it’s it starts here damn f fing rout very nice if you guys want to see the farming route you know uh just in

Case here you go there there it is that is the one made by the community by the way me speaking of YouTube streaming there’s been a trend that’s kind of been blowing up among Japanese YouTubers on YouTube vertical streaming in the shorts category it’s quite interesting I didn’t even know

That that was a thing until recently you can stream in the shorts category yeah I had no clue that that was a thing either oh shit it’s going to be way too hot here for this okay there they are these are all fire Breathless alos wacky picture for the

Camera holy shit okay they’re called fire breathless alos for a re reason Gotcha stop Stop let me just uh grab their loot before this homy toasts it Alive he smiled at the camera perfect I know right it’s literally Perfect jeese bitch okay we got a bunch of horns but I don’t know if we got any more Tails so how many do we need 10 10 okay we need 10 10 red Li Tails I’m not going to climb that Lazy Lazy Boy I’m playing this game for the second

Time and I’m not used to all the darkness what do you mean like downstairs like downstairs underground in the in the dark areas wait who’s that is that Pura it’s not Pura right what is she painting Pango that shape really draws my eye what which shape what is he looking at what the

Fuck do you think it’s a natural formation or maybe that looks like a butterfly oh it’s you how are you holding up against the Heat preparation is key I wouldn’t be able to paint here if not for all the chili Elixir I prun in advance interesting in my painting

Process are you I’m fascinated by that small island up there it made it my goal to capture that distinct shape on canvas where is it where is it granted you can’t see it very well when the clouds are in the way ever since the upheaval the sky has been

Filled with floating islands but n as caught my fancy so much as that exquisitely shaped one there I can’t quite explain it but it feels as though it’s speaking to me somehow why are the floating islands up there it can’t hurt to take a little

Time out of your day to stop and think about it so what is he telling me to go go towards it I literally can’t see it I can’t I cannot see it oh wait there it’s a star it’s star shaped wait that’s so cute actually but

I don’t think that we can get there at least not right now meu taking monster picks when charging at her is like the seconds before disaster memes F off D I can’t okay now that we have a picture of him uh H companion yeah what how how do

I oh there we go can I can I search for them somehow or or do I need to upgrade my sensor to like be able to find them these fixtures are so dumb I love them I I this is is my favorite bro man was getting ready to shoot oh my gosh

Press the map and then press wait map and then press y yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t have it yet I guess we’re going to have to upgrade it Somehow okay there should be more that direction I see them you got to upgrade the sensor too what is it what is it required to upgrade the sensor that’s what I’m thinking about ah the depths yeah the depths are honestly they kind of scary I’m a scary hi

Homies he’s doing the sity saggy bro he’s he’s doing the sity saggy come back oh my God that shot was phenomenal okay no wait nobody saw that I they’re just jumping left to right bro they’re like boxers I swear I can’t fucking hit them for shit

Let me grab a sh you got enough shs I think you could show show back to Robbie you need enough enemy pictures and bring them back to Robbie and upgrade oh Okay wait wait I eated my sword but it didn’t did he pick it up he picked it up oh my God I’m going to go fucking crazy is ice damaged what did he just get one shot wait does ice damage deal yo that’s my loot bro that’s my loot

That you just punched off the Cliff nice okay wait so ice damages more to them because it’s Elemental weakness damn okay I didn’t know that so there’s more right there nice now that I know that it should be a lot easier there they are um let’s see do I have any ice stuff maybe some ice fruit or something

Oh oh oh this works this works ice le le do I have to actually hit them with it it’s it doesn’t oh okay I don’t I don’t I don’t one shot excuse me that’s insane oh oh my gosh okay bro okay dude you know what I’ll take it

What about what about the the flower let’s see let’s see the ice fruit does that do anything to them cuz honestly like fruit shouldn’t do any damage the fruit is usually like what one damage from what I remember so uh we will see ah there they are there they are hi

Brothers oh no wait wrong one where is that no no no I’m going to have to craw all the way back where the fuck is okay there it is what that one shots them nonetheless bro this is this that wow wow just just just wow I I am so

Surprised we love to see it I love to see it oh no my my phone is at 10% battery no where does this one take me you know what we’re going fuck it CH we’re going we’re taking the recall and we’re going up on a Tuesday where are you taking

Me where are we going I don’t see any Island above me so this is oh no bro I didn’t even get close to it fuck okay well di can I use my bow and arrow while in here again oh wait shit these guys are fire types or ice

Types I forgot okay no no no I forgot that I was going super fucking fast I’m so sorry holy shit I thought that I was just flying but I splat it onto the ground fuck me no bitches yeah no faar sadly ctif my me moment stupid

Boop I don’t think that it’s going to come down again sadly fuck I missed my opportunity it’s okay it’s okay I’m surprised that these are like ice types wait does spicy pepper work too does it work it doesn’t seem like it does okay ah hey hey hey hey stop dodging

That wow they actually get evaporated by it it’s not as if they like get killed or anything they literally evaporate that’s insane um and there should be more right there yes hey shut up my aim is my aim is fine my aim is fine okay it’s it’s not the best but hey stop

It horn stuff so you fucking you clip that you KN I swear you CP that bro it’s fine it’s fine you know it’s fine Broke My Window without it are you fucking with me bro get out of here get out does the fire Choo Cho like you know

What since we have enough fire chooes anyways let me try it out okay it does not explode never mind I was like if they explode it would be fun but they don’t sad yeah freeoad unbearable cold what why oh because it’s night time oh shit okay Dam don’t worry brother don’t worry

I got you I got you cold outfit there you go wait I should sort this too right sort by set there we go perfect it’s so satisfying dude oh there’s a bunny wait don’t these bunnies usually take you to like caves from what I remember oh bro

Oh there’s the cave yeah yeah we found that yeah we yeah we found that the G oh my fucking God okay L can we get in it and then climb out yes we can okay cot cot Plateau cave uh we we’ll we we’ll do that some

Other time we we continue on our fire alos Quest I think we should oh my gosh I was like I think we should have enough soon but nope buoi I love my Bono hi guys bye guys you’re not dead we not dead yet damn I guess we got to pull out the big

Boys a fruit no stop moving bro I swear to god stop moving you’re making me look like an idiot in front of my chest shut up stop it dude they keep on dancing like it’s fucking Just Dance dude shut up stop stop it it’s not just dance homie wait wait

These are this is this is an ice type oh my God there’s another I stop moving stop stop stop it fuck me dude okay no my aim is ass guys but but but please like I’m trying my fucking best I promise I promise I’m trying my best fuck me holy shit what the heck I got absolutely L plus ratio there God damn

Shesh dude honestly the alos harder than [Laughter] genon Las alos bro no wait now that I think about it the the the Ganon puppet was not as hard as the gibbo’s queen because the Gio’s Queen took me like what eight tries and Ganon took me four What the fu

Okay don’t you dare attack no don’t you dare attack them they didn’t see me no don’t tell me that they saw me oh my god oh of course they did of course you saw me why are you throwing rocks at me bro what did I do to You that is a lot of damage that is a lot of damage for dink donk stupid boid Lizard Smack smack smack smun Smun I do not have a fire sphere no sadly I do have this Though which also works which also works let’s go let’s go is there anything left here no okay okay uh where’s the last so there’s two more places that I can go which is right here and then right there so we can just walk down the mountain I Guess where is I want to check how many do we have five bro still dude I’m going to I’m going to complete this entire farming area and I’m not going to have any oh my gosh yep way better than the bull I kind of agree it is way better than the bull uh

Let me see if we have we do so I’m going to use the knight’s broadsword and then we’re going to use where is it so do I have any ice horns I do okay drop and then we’ll fuse there we gool so now we have both the fire weapon and the ice

Weapon if needed of course there’s a treasure chest oh my gosh all for me oh my you shouldn’t have all the question marks appearing are you going miss to eradicate the lizards or something I’m on a mission to max out my my ice gear so that we can wait that didn’t

Count what what why are you guys using fire aren’t you supposed to be ice types stop oh my Gosh fuck you there we go okay save safe we have to I need five of those dude and I’m most likely going to need five of the ice ones for my ice for my for my hot outfit as well the the the one that you get in the sand

Area so what we’re doing right now is we’re trying to get the ice armor which is the one that I’m wearing right now to max level and to do that we need a shit ton of these fire breathless alos Tails but I can’t find them Fire and Ice

Lizard boys swap in Garo desert fir works the day shifts really oh oh my God Vienna thank you so much for telling me that bro if you wouldn’t tell me I would have been killing ice lizards for the rest of my time so wait in the in the in the

Mornings there’s Fire and Ice at noon there’s sorry in the mornings there’s yeah Fire and Ice in the midday there’s only fire and at night there’s both or or evening there’s both and the night there’s ice literally gigot had a YouTube chat lit literally bro okay the last one should be down

Here oh wait is that hi my Fu hope you have a good Christmas my Fu love myu W no that’s still fire types or ice types wait are they ice types yeah they are fuck uh should I make it should I make it night time then cuz if I make it night

Time oh my gosh I almost fell off so this is why you keep farming offline it’s taking a shitload of time yes that’s literally what I said bro it’s very very very tedious it’s fun I personally think that it’s enjoyable to to do this but at the

Same time it does take a shitload of time so of course if it’s like if if grinding is not your thing then yeah we we could go for the sensor right after you are right oh no my stamina night there’s ice morning there’s fire I changed it to morning but

It didn’t work let me try and see if we can sit till noon maybe around noon it’ll it’ll be the the the fire ones they fucking respawned bro oh my gosh stop stop it okay okay I get it now I get it now bro you dodged my

Okay now you’re not going to dodge the yes I was about to say bro I was about to say he almost he almost Ted it again bro no no no no stop stop let stop that M it’s nice and warm okay so now the fucking fireless Al are out

Bro yeah you notice a little bit too late homies sorry it’s it’s all over Gamers go next okay um there should be more on this side of the mountain oh no I’m not complaining I do I love seeing you do dumb shit like confusing elements or getting getting

Link killed by falling from the SK yeah I’m I’m sorry this is why I don’t do the grind uh on stream cuz it it takes a lot of time but it is fun I do enjoy myself whenever I play It or you could take the cowards away and start duplicating I do I don’t think that I can because I’m at 1.2.1 and and uh that one is the version with all of the dupes removed so uh I think that that’s not going to be possible brother no you’re not not this time

Gamer wait there’s more of them down here oh wait it has to be higher up okay how much higher do you want me to fucking throw it ooh those are some extra spicy peppers no my ber my bery no my very got taken by the wind what the fuck my

Bro okay Mount naboru South cave nice and a mountain cave let’s grab all of this get this little homie against the floor or wall uh I don’t know if we can break that I I don’t I don’t think so I don’t think any of my weapons will reach that

Right a bomb no but that’s such a waste of a bomb Sapphire nice oh Mr chos hello Mr CH little bitch I do not think that I need that because all my bowls are Gucci Puchi jump and hit that works wait let’s let’s try let’s

Try it does okay okay okay run jump hit okay okay last one run jump fucking wrong button bro one more one more one yeah one One Singular One Singular Stone oh my gosh hello Mr Mr Bunny boil I I think I already found that cave yeah I did yeah

So so if you’re ever looking for caves make sure to check if you can find any of those like little bunnies those usually always guide you to caves oh my God look at all this free shit I mean I totally didn’t kill them yellow jelly Shield what they stuck a

Yellow tutu on a shield shield and called it a day um he where is the rest of them there should be more on the other side of this road but noise my little B noise where the fuck oh wait there’s wolves there oh shut too low oh my okay you

Know what let me just go pick up my fucking arrows why are you running why are you running from me oh my that doesn’t do enough damage to you damn damn why are you running okay so this we should have enough now right there’s no way we

Don’t 11 okay we needed 10 right we needed 10 boys the only thing that we need now is rubies but how the fuck are we going to get rubies like that is the one thing that we’re missing the one thing like bro man blue b the blueberries seem like they

Taste good they kind of do don’t they I feel like I feel like you would make the most busting slushy with that shit like during the summer if you grind up a bunch of those ice berries oh my god oh that’s the good cush oh you know what

Since we’re here we might as well we might as well new n we oh my gosh I thought that it was I thought that it fell from further up but I guess not uh where is the fairy there she is why do I have to farm

Caves I did hear that there’s a lot of like Side Quests for instance killing all all of the monsters all of the big big monsters like the bosses uh once will give you a like metal for every single like category I heard that there’s a girl that likes to find all of

The wells in the game like the shit that you go in to get water and then there’s another girl that’s wants another person that wants to find all the caves or something andh hands away my lady oh my God why Choo CH Shelly to delious go yes more potential more potential Yes your voice sounded the same as hers what the Yeah that’s called voice acting H meu don’t repeater I’m GNA lose I lost um yes I’ve killed every gleo and gotten the metal it was fun facing off the king yo girl damn damn girl damn Dam we need 10 fire breathless AEL tails

For every single piece so it’s not as if you oh my God it’s not as if you need 10 in general you need 10 for every single Piece what the the fuck that’s insane so I need 30 and then on top of that I warm it to warm s on top of that I don’t have any fucking rupes like think about it every single one of these costs at least like around 1,000 to

Upgrade to Max so one set is like 3,000 rupees right this isn’t even close to every single set in the game if you want to max out every single set in the game it’s all over for you oh my god also my battery ran out Ain no way ain’t no way

Bro oh my gosh e me for yes she’s Eep as fuck she’s taking a little napchat this is not at the level of TTS and grass while playing this game anymore I know right like what do they not expect us to like have a life bro and the problem is is that I’m

Completionist as fuck so that means that I either drop the game completely entirely or I actually fucking get everything maxed out eventually that’s that’s the only two options fuck that Apple fuck it whatever I I didn’t care about that Apple anyways I hate Apple apples you know mind you I don’t hate

Apples I love apples okay M I’m leaving it alone with no friends by itself you know fuck It okay I do not know if we should continue streaming because I personally would really really really like to cuz I’m having fun and I’m enjoying my time with you guys and it’s nice I like it I like you but it is my my phone has ran out of

Battery so I should put it in the charger right now which that’s what I’m going to do what are the geoglyph tears I don’t think I have I don’t think I have those you guys want see be me okay see before time oh my back oh my

Gosh I don’t even oh yes yes yes I do have uh the geoglyph tears are are this shit right the the the Zelda stuff this I do have every single one of them I think there was 12 from what I remember 2 3 six where is number where’s the last one

8 11 yeah there there has to be 12 um but yes we have unlocked every single one of them so where we currently were in the story oh also let me me change my Model she before your time bye me yes meu was taking a break for today Hello hello see time okay fuck I changed I changed tabs and it completely whacked out like it’s going cucko mod bro L uh but yeah what I want to say uh so so so we’re currently we’re currently uh trying to build this this girl’s body back or a a

Body because she’s the sage of spirits or something and because she’s the sage of spirits she doesn’t have a body so we’re going to have to build one for her in the depths and I’ve gone to I don’t know this left leg deposit but there is multiple so I’ve gotten the

Left leg already and but we still need three more which is this one right There there’s one where is it wasn’t there one up front me AR Go is her name meu I don’t know what what the what what what’s going on with the the sage of of uh uh spirit oh okay and that should be the last one so that is all of

Them considering that there’s quite a lot of lights down here who are you calling out to you are alone you alone in this cave homie there’s nobody else here oh no there goes your weapon mettu is the sister of the wait this the the the the really tall

Lady with small titties that was sitting on the chair when he first met her in Zelda cut scene oh no no no no I’m not fighting those no hell no yes yes okay okay okay God okay I get it I understand that I’m lazy fuck it I don’t want to I

Don’t want to walk through the the goop the the red shit so we’re just going to build this oh my gosh that is my last one I do not have any Zite left and now we can get around the place a little bit easier whoop right arm

Depot what the f what the fuck is this what is that what okay the small titties part is necessary yes because that’s the only thing that I remember her by I mean what and the fact that she had like green skin and that she was really lanky and long or tall I

Guess is the word um so this one this one this one is uh Gone what are we supposed to do now I’m going to guess that we have to put it the other way around so since these are pointing upwards we have to point this one downwards like that it’s not on

Though wait like this is it on it is on so why is it that’s weird get the box to the body what box what the fuck is that what is this what is this oh my God gosh oh the yeah no I remember the the

One that they drop you here okay no I remember now yeah I remember now okay oh it’s it’s literally bringing it up little little little area for us ooh shiny light green beam oo very nice now what what the fuck is this supposed to do something is this supposed to be like

Attached or something I don’t know bro let’s attach them let’s see what happens let’s see what happens if you have the lightning proof armor you could clear that easily a shit yeah I don’t think that I have that oh no it’s not fast enough do I have the lightning proof

Armor no it’s it’s Stormy Weather attack it’s not lightning proof fuck make a car a car a car so that we can take it to the other side you mean wait let me turn this off turn these off wait no this way this way okay and

Then okay and then we still need one more we oh wait that’s perfect oh G no no what the fuck are you making pictures of girl I what is my controller doing hello are you okay oh Mega bro let’s uh put these here yes big brain time surely surely

This is going to work right guys surely this is going to work oh my God oh my God higher up no don’t attach it to the other wheel there we go that’s fine I guess that’s fine for now oh wait the other way around like this wait fuck it’s supposed to go this

Way let me take a selfie real quick exactly we got to take a JY okay oh wait wait I think I have these pointed the wrong way I do fuck I had these points at the wrong direction bro dude this is so oh my gosh why is

This so hard why do they make it so hard for us sh shush it’s fine like that link get up link get up oh my God got sucked okay is that good no it’s not it’s not centered okay wait wait wait it’s running on my batteries stop it stop running on my

Batteries okay okay okay okay let me and we put it here we put it here nice and nice and comfy no no no no why is it not why is it not going straight wait it’s sideways wait it’s sideways it’s not oh my gosh okay this is going to be

Fucking annoying but I’m going to try again so this one part is shorter so I’m guessing that we’re going to have to put it like this mom can we get Bob the Builder we have Bob the Builder we do though this is literally Bob the Builder dude I swear Bob the Builder at

Home okay I can’t I can’t with this set okay so now they prey that is going to sit straight because one side is flopped so let me get it straight like that fuck how am I supposed to do this this is so hard what if

I I can’t wait for it to fall I want to make sure that it that it doesn’t if we lay the Box on its side what do you mean isn’t that it side and I was like maybe this will work but it’s it’s too steep see I be Like fuck I’m trying to see if it’s going to work that I’m so sorry for taking so fucking long God Dam it no it would be perfect if it was just stay please stay how about attaching Wheels in V shapes I don’t even remember how I do

This if you guys don’t even remember how you did this then how the fuck am I going to do it so you’re saying not like this but like what why doesn’t it turn hello like this you want me to put the box like this instead of it being like Straight Like

That is this going to stay no it doesn’t no right side okay okay it stays like that so maybe we should do it maybe we should build it on top whilst it’s like that and then we’ll just figure it out later fuck we’ll just figure out how to fix it

Later oh my God I swear I swear to fucking God just win yeah bro just do it easy peasy me what the fuck just do it girl um hello okay bro stop but it it still Falls this is so hard the indent is for the wheel it

Is it’s not it’s not for the bugs okay well we’ll figure it out right boys we’ll figure it out God damn it go straight there you go come on okay okay okay we drop it and it does not sit in place lay the Box on the right side what

The fuck does that even mean Rex what is the right side what is right side what side you either say short long width or length right this is length this is width and then you can say if you want it on the like this or like

This which side god dude n don’t you God mean Rex I’m we’re fucking trying I swear fuck it’s going to drop if I do that on the side of the road on the right side is in like you mean right here right yes okay okay and then so you’re you’re saying

That it’s supposed to like lay down like fuck like this that’s how it’s supposed to go yes okay but how do you do anything with the wheels then though big side facing up front then Wheels On The Edge you know what I’m going to do it like

This uh yes these are facing the correct way she’s using 100% of her brain power yep yes sir um let’s see I mean I guess I’d have to place them against it but how would that even work I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying guys I’m trying I promise like this right and

Then this one goes here somewhere fuck I almost had it like that I I don’t know bro no okay turn that shit off no what oh my my gosh my controller’s borking as hell stop it a little lower stop oh my gosh cooked streamer cooked as fuck brother I swear I’m so cooked

Wrong or maybe I’ll do it like this I guess I don’t know if that works oh it’s leaving okay okay well it’s gone okay um yep nice okay you need the box to hook to that edge me me you almost got it first try you know I did fuck why is this so

Hard why do they make it so hard for us bro fuck me man am I supposed to attach these to each other I I don’t even know anymore stop my stupid controller is bugged as fuck no do you have a wheel on the box it’s bre you do you have a wheel on

The Box on it’s breaking the build yeah yeah this one does that usually happen oh my God make could do the first thing is the first car please I’ll show you what do the first thing is the first car what br oh my God this is so annoying I’m sorry

Guys it keeps on slipping okay it’s pointed in the wrong direction isn’t it it is okay nice bro wait how am I going to do this then time to pull up Austin oned toil honestly facts valid truth bro I’m I don’t know I don’t know I’ve tried everything

To time to cheese it with rockets honestly I don’t know what to do you know what let’s try let’s try with a rocket maybe a rocket will be our Lord and savior here maybe maybe this is it boys maybe this is it you’re fucking joking you’re fucking

Jo it was so much easier with the rocket why did they have to make it that hard it was so fucking easy with the rocket I am so done with this stupid game God oh my God oh my God oh my God no no there’s no way oh my

God and everyone in chat was like meu do this meu do that one guy is like hey why don’t you try a rocket wow it works what how what I mean it’s a do that count meu don’t put it on that side put it on the other side oh my God she’s so

Dumb holy shit more building yes sir we got to bring it we got to bring it there you know holy moly that was um that was something to say the least oh wait this is the bottom part me I just want more cont to you know shut up shut up the rocket saves

The stream let’s go thank you thank you for recommending the rocket it really helped home # building my own Tesla building my own Tesla oh my God there we go and then we slap this bad boy on the back there we go fucking took so

Long oh my God if these if this stupid Goblin tribe is going to go through the middle they are okay no no no no no I’m not fighting no no no no no no no no no okay here’s your leg fam he’s here’s your here’s your leg girl God

Damn that took so long look at offerings what is there in offerings or an arm it’s an arm never mind man to left to left to think I was the one who suggested the car sh my deepest apologies no worries M we all make mistakes wait fuck now that I think

About it I might have to go back cuz I left my cart my little flying cart oh my God there’s a wall here let me bring it over the wall it only costed an arm and a it only costs an an arm and bro iing I can’t I can’t stand you I I

No hey what the fuck is this where are you driving me into oh my Gosh I guess me will never know the solution what what are we talking about get out of the way big faty man oh my God they’re throwing shock fruits at me yes sir I did find the solution we run it’s an it’s wait it’s an RPS folks what is there actually something in

Offerings LOL okay so I guess we’re not hanging out with FiFi because she wanted us to come over so bad that she’d rather wait till next year for us to hang out but that’s not going to happen because we’re still going to have the bunnies next year

So yeah basically what happened was is that Fifi or and me and Manu and Tommy were going to hang out together on Christmas but uh wait did my did my bike despawn wait they just despawned it how dare but yeah basically we were going to hang

Out and then manfu was like well I don’t want to leave the bunnies alone at home the entire day because then they’re just going to sit there and starve and they’ll be lonely and I’d rather not do that so if Fifi wants we can spend spend

Christmas at our house like my mine and man’s apartment and I mentioned that to Fifi and she’s like LOL okay don’t worry maybe next year then but next year we’re still going to have the bunnies too that’s not going to change the fact that we can’t travel to the other side of the

Country like unless we find a a baby sitter for the bunnies we’re not going to be able to to go see them anymore which kind of sucks if it’s both of us of course if it’s just me or just Manu then one of us can go but

Man I just told her lol girl we’re not going to be able to come next year either it doesn’t matter if it’s this year or next year it’s just we have bunnies now so we can’t leave them alone bike despawned because it was made out of out of Zona night

What how does that make any sense so you could be like oh yeah my bike was made out of cookies so it despawned no it’s not as if somebody fucking ate the cookies or the bike made out of cookies like huh my my bike was made out of diamonds so it despawned what

Bro where is it am I going crazy I am going crazy was behind it okay let’s bring the bunnies with you that’s going to give them immense amount of stress if you didn’t have the parts they despawn after a while oh really what the fuck that’s so weird right leg

Poses oh no no no we’re back to puzzle Town B boys it’s uh it’s uh it’s over it’s over what does that do oh never mind it’s the it’s the dispenser we ready are you guys going to help me what it’s all the way up there hello okay you know

What I’m going to guess that this is too heavy to hold both of us so what I’m going to do is I’m going to do like this rocket baby I’m not going to suggest anything now I don’t want to make take another 30 minutes for my stupid idea n you’re fine you’re Fine I’m going to guess that we’re going to need the fans for this unless there is fans in the region which it does not seem like yeah it doesn’t seem like it Okay make a plane what the fuck I you’ll say nothing cuz she can’t see what I can see she is blind to my visions so I will not make a sound fuck I I’m just guessing guys I don’t know if this is what I’m supposed to do I do not

Know uh let me see yeah it looks like I just have to take this and slap a fan slap some fans on the back no my goals are beyond your understanding okay hello okay okay okay okay we getting here yeah you’re you’re Fly flying homie you’re flying you be doing good you’ll

Be doing your job you be oh my God how does it get stuck to the fucking back like that what okay and then no no you’re right I could have just made a fucking I could have just just made it easier oh my God I could have just put it

Sideways you guys are right the fuck is that my Contraption my my beautiful beautiful conception wait you know what let’s do that instead actually now that I think about it uh it’s going to take another 500 years chat hang tight hang tight boys photographer for you back at it

Again I’m not doing it on purpose though is that enough space It should be enough space yes okay this should be the correct way right wa it has to be it has to be there’s no way there’s no way this it’s fucking impossible possible hi welcome welcome

Welcome okay okay okay I can’t see shit hello hello bro not the mid you fucking okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine come on yeah I threaded it how am I going to get on now though how am I going to get on it though

Cuz this is what you YouTube chat recommended is that I just make a little bridge and like put them on like that but how the fuck do I get on it can I can I oh oh come on come on come on come on come on come on come on

Come on come on come on come on come on come on yes okay no what I’m going to my controller is borging link what how is it not moving oh wait there’s a bar there why why is there a bar there how am I going to move

It wait how the fuck am I going to move that shit what bro I’m going to have to rebuild the entire thing again oh my God this is insane this fucking ridiculous that’s not connected correctly oh my ah wait no bro this is this is insanity this is insanity I’m going to

Go absolutely fucking crazy I’m I’m going to go fucking insane Oh my God no no ain’t no way bro I you know what who needs two hooks anyways I’m going to try and do it with one fuck you I love my controller I feel like the devs did this intentionally to troll people oh absolutely oh absolutely they just want

To fuck with us bro they just want n no no no they don’t want they don’t want to give us a a nice working game that everybody adors and loves no no no no no they want to fuck with us as much as they can okay please please let this work

Please please let this work please please please no no no what there is four of them how am I supposed to get to the other side then what waiting for you to realize are you joking okay you know what fuck no no no how is this going to work how am I

Going to do this how am I going to do this no this is literally impossible that’s some bullshit that’s some bullshit it I’m telling You okay you know what what if I just stay by myself on the ground cuz everybody’s like oh yeah you should get on it no no I’m not going to get on it cuz then okay okay okay come on bro come on bro come on bro bro no bro bro no it

Broke off put the arc on their side on top of the box what on their side what do you mean like this like that fucking Magneto over here bro like this crab time what the fuck is this shit you’re you’re trying to tell me that this is Rex can you stop back

Seating please thank you it is really really really really hard for me so like I understand that you want to help but right now I think it’s not working out oh my God yeah this is fucking hard like it’s just going to fucking slip off what what am I supposed to do no

No no this is so hard and I almost had it too but how am I going to make it so that it passes okay so I’m noticing that the hook is on that side right the hook is on the left side so if I put the box maybe like more towards

The left it’ll have like counterweight no that’s not how it works you’re saying exactly guys but it’s it’s not really how it’s working no just put it on top bro bro yeah this puzzle is fucking hard with this game you have multiple Solutions available exactly that’s why

I’m telling people not to back seat unless you can like instantly explicitly tell me what to do don’t yeah see like it’s it’s not going to work because it just pulls it Down just cheese this one uh this one you can’t cheese though because you have to be on the other side to catch it floating platform to CH okay yeah if you do it that way but that’s that’s kind of I don’t Know lay both hooks like that why is it hello why are they not aligning shouldn’t they align if they’re both the same weight what are you trying to do basically spooky there’s this block right here and we’re supposed to bring it to the other side right there but it’s not possible to

Like just lift it up because our power has a specific range this is the highest that it can go and that’s not as high as that platform no meu glue the hood hooks to each other and make an O how is it going to pass through this there is there is

Basically there’s these like bars that stop you from getting further so you have to keep it open if you remember correctly need to put the block standing up then place the hooks on its side on top of thex that way this the open side of the hook avoids the Bar you’re saying like this right fuck me man stupid controller no not like that okay no like this bless your soul dizzy God damn holy shit is that it did we finally do it this was the hardest fucking puzzle man ever what the fuck that was so hard why was it so

Hard actually wait I want these bomb flowers holy shit I have not been that exhausted by a fucking puzzle in such a long time there’s no way I would have have gotten that yeah I bro we we spent like half an hour spooky I swear to God we spent like

Half an hour trying to figure that out girl I’m so exhausted oh my God I’m so tired God Damn jeez Louise thank you dizzy okay more fucking building h more building boys this time we’re going to have to figure out how to make a uh thing that’s going to bring us back like wings so we have to go right there yes right there so let’s grab some some wings it’s plain

Time can I climb this I can okay n not Wings fans no these are wings these are wings girl aren’t they Wings come on I don’t know I haven’t played this LOL you’re fine noise okay we smug that on the floor there’s a chest here let’s

Go all of her alliv our qualms and problems solved with one chest hopefully please give me something insane game give me something absolutely cracked out of this world again I’ve never played this I didn’t know that there was actual Wings yeah no worri is honestly we take those Zite is good

Okay so since we have Auto build we can Use where is it no not history this this sh we can make this one yeah okay and it builds in Forest can you believe it oh my God God okay and now we put this bad boy right there it’s most likely we’re most likely going to get absolutely fucked but hey who cares

Okay have you played the original m f breath of the wild yes yes I have yes sir oh is it too much on the edge actually no it did move come on move yes yes yes yes yes yes we did it oh my gosh holy shit that was so hard

Why was that so hard these puzzles are insane they are fucking cray cray we Flying Saucer okay out of the box out of the box you go another leg we only have one more left H we only have one more left and that’s the right arm oh my gosh one more

Yay where was the last one again right there okay that is insanely high up oh it’s I mean not that high up but like it’s it’s getting there should I let’s try and see if we can use this I don’t think so cuz like it’s not high up so it’s most likely not

Going to work yeah yeah that doesn’t work that’s the left arm that remains before not the right one wait really I’m going so cuckoo right now oh it is the right no it’s the r it’s the right one from my side dizzy shut up who cares same thing another puzzle

No I know right that I feel you God damn living moving Brea breathing trees hell no hell no evil trees fuck that no no no we out of there bitch okay last one boys last one last one we need one more one more why am I not shouting somebody came in my YouTube

Chat and asked me why I’m not shouting what there you go Theon th oh my gosh the last one not the door we’re locked it’s a it’s it’s a little Wave Rider it’s a Wave Rider pool do we get to go in the pool what the fuck is that what is that that

Oh oh it rolls the chain up oh stupid b still the bed I get it wait does it stay up oh it does Okay what what what is this what no I’m curious how meu will solve this one so that’s how I’m solving this okay so that’s how I’m solving This yep okay no brothers wait until she sees the other side what do you mean it’s my first time chatting here on Twitch it’s me Vienna for oh welcome Vienna welcome so I can see that this is made specifically for it to go in the

Middle how is this how is this going to work how is this going to work Wait I guess we could do it like this I don’t know if that’s going to work though man okay we’re going to try anyways that’s the wrong way that’s the wrong direction fuck um oh wheel time I don’t know bro I feel like I’m going to fuck it up no no no

Please don’t throw your weapon it’s not working it’s not working how am I supposed to make this work look I need a second one but there is no second one technically it’s working but slow no it’s literally not moving like at all wait I think it’s moving slowly it

Is oh my God it is wait is it still moving with me on it oh my God we did it okay okay well it’s just going to take us 500 years chat me and you here together in this uh lava room you know waiting yeah bro

F we’re going to need some peace for that we’ll get there by New Year’s yeah yeah it’s going to it’s going to take us a while but at least it works right right right oh my fucking gosh this is uh this is something this is yeah no

Hi n hello hello how are you doing thank you so much for dropping by how is your day uh guys this is n ever they’re an amazing artist they’re the one who made my PNG tuber model and they also are working on a beautiful beautiful RPS of me right now currently I cannot

Wait I got distracted no no it’s your fault wait wait it’s on the other side but I’m not wait wait wait oh my fucking [Laughter] god is it still moving I don’t know if it’s still moving LOL so how are you getting there well I got there Gamers let’s go let’s

Go we did it boys now what not no oh my gosh there’s stairs there for some reason me that’s not an on sense shaking my head I know I know I know I was just you know dipping my toes for a little bit oh my God thank you so much EX thank

You for the gift and so to know that means a lot thank you thank you thank you why is this here what is the second floor for there’s literally nothing here I’m going to guess that we have to pull these both somehow but how wait maybe we

Can does that do anything no it doesn’t okay let’s see if we can attach these to each other cuz I’m not sure if I have to is there anything on the other side that can hold it up uh I don’t think there is fuck you know what we could do we could

Turn on this thing the driving mechanism stuff right and then just hope that the wheel is going to like kind of jam the door somehow let’s just hope that that’s going to no no we almost had it we almost had it no okay okay she forgot I forgot

What um do these fans do anything are they the ones keeping the door closed maybe the for store how it works there is no tires there is no tires here so how am I going to how am I going to open the to door with no tires can I

Use this one this one singular tire that I have can I use that you have a you can you can use that oh bro I did not know I’m sorry boys I had no fucking clue okay so it seems like we don’t Have we don’t have anything to fly with but I guess we have One Singular tire and uh a few fans I don’t know if we can make a boat with this but we will try come on not on the middle not on the

Middle no no no on the side no oh my God it’s like I’m talking to my fucking pets bro no don’t touch that no don’t eat that no I’m going call it a night I’m feeling dead at the moment have a good night y thank you thank you so much no worries

Desa it’s it’s been a fucking dead stream I’ll be honest I not de is in like chat dge but de is in like the amount of shit that we’re doing has my brain on fucking Edge and I’m at bro I am going cray cray right now onom oh my God whatever whatever let’s

Let’s see if this works let’s see if this works a shit wait the the thing is going the wrong way um so it’s supposed to go this way actually let me put this one on first Mr Tire what is this contraption it is a bolt question

Mark we’re trying our best to make a bat it’s not really working the way that it’s supposed to but that is okay we are trying our best I just realized my watch streak doesn’t carry over from mobile it doesn’t that’s weird uh okay I mean it’s kind of working it’s I mean

It’s kind of working meu there’s a chest oh well no more no more test for me I guess oh well bro bro I’m stuck St bro oh my gosh if it works it works exactly oils if it works it works oh my God hey I’m I’m coming across uh I’m

It’s working right it’s working you know it’s working let’s go we made it holy shit the last one and with this I’m finally free oh well it went better than the first two puzzles it did did it it went pretty good we’re finally free can I can I maybe I can end stream

With this too if we’re if we’re at a good ending point that is let’s go we got a cutscene oh cleaner you’re a cleaner you’re clean you clean shit for us she’s a CLE I went through all all of that for a personal cleaner my own maid are you joking are

You oh my God now make 10 of those hell no hell no it’s Gundam time Yeah oh my God that took so long I’m so happy I’m so happy we finally got them built let’s fucking go what’s this Zelda no you’re welcome girl are you joking okay what Bro bro what what is there oh Sh a plat for o wait we’re going to give her weapons we’re going to give her weap Weapons wait we can we can drive the robot we can drive her what not what no no way minu can write wait link can write on min’s construct what you’re fucking joking oh my God that’s sick you know what that’s what I’m going to do off

Stream I am going you know what I’m going to do I am going to get every single battery every single one what dude we can fucking no no way oh my God oh my God minu meu can you can you stick this on your on your body can you use

That can they use that is that possible little grinding off stream tat comes back with Max batteries oh I need to be on her okay oh my God get out a flame emitter a shock emitter okay dude no ain’t no way what what no no that is so

Cool oh my God we get our own fucking robot back part there’s multiple attach one to a hand and your power and comat will be magnified Sevenfold the road to the secret stone is long and AR I recommend that you make stops at each Armory along the way get

Accustomed to operating this construct so that you are prepared for whatever you may face nah bro get out back part What okay okay I see dude that is insane they can guard they have a shield bro oh my God usually you want either fan or a rocket for the back protusion okay so can I can I get rid of It can I can I get rid of the part no it doesn’t look like it what if I what if I take get off of her wait B dismount what if I get off of her and then I like rip that shit off no no the tasers on the back no yeah

Well a rocket or okay wait we are already in the depths what do you mean already we’re almost at the end of the game you can replace it with another part I can okay so if I grab a fan from my devices does this work bro that is so fucking cool

Nah fast as fuck fast as fuck boys oh my God that’s so cool wait that’s sick speed wait can we can we fight these guys I want to see I want to see how it’s going to go okay right hand try try me bitch try me bitch what

You going to do what’s you going to do when it come for you bro Zelda has a mea guys no that is crazy fire A they do not St STS you do not stand a chance against my fire BL oh six literally big hero six well I mean it’s five but can I grab some I can I can grab Stu while it’s on her back no that is insane

Oh no link has a me oh no it’s all over can I shoot up no I can shoot on the fucking back of her bro this is crazy oh wait I can also get damage on top of the robot gotcha now I know That Big Hero 6 now evangelon oh my God that’s insane this is so fucking cool bro oh my God nah breath of the wild who’s that tears of the Kingdom that’s not bits hi me we go again dude that is fucking sick man of course my bow and arrows still do more damage

But it is really cool that you can walk around as a robot I’m going be fair and and like you have wait what are you the sun god what are you where you be going he has like this weird fucking what is that on his back forgot that Splash

Damage what is that on his head or whatever that is I have no clue also yeah let me uh summon them again because I ddge I ddge so it Des summoned them uh no I do not want to Dismount bit yeah get him get him homies get

Him this feels this feels like it’s kind of broken I’m going be fair like holy shit bro it’s a level five monster robot I feel so bad for this poor little homie never stood a chance I can’t see shit though oh my God what soldier construct for horn

Damn damn girl damn can you they can they attack by themselves now that I’m thinking about it can they attack by themselves if they if I just let them follow me wherever I go this is so cool dude I think so okay let’s try it let’s try it hi guys oh

Shit hello oh I don’t have a bow and arrow Navia PS I didn’t do any Navia PS if only I had done my Navia PSE bro oh what hello Mr controller no They are they’re smacking shit by themselves wait that is so good yeah get him sidon get him get that motherfucker I Ain no where yeah I’m I’m not pulling for I’m not pulling for Navia because I’m trying to save up as much as possible for finina at the moment

Oh my God soers Broad Sword I have way too many of these ass weapons dude holy shit um this one let’s go Mr fan Mr fan a rocket as device when attached to the construct’s back can greatly enhance its Mobility we have far to go before it

Reach the temple where the secret Stone speed will be our Ally here wait so do these other ones are these other ones faster I’m pulling for gaming is the rocket not going to like no I would love to put the rocket but like isn’t it going to deplete super fucking quick M attach Rock Hat it does it does deplete instantly but that is still so fucking good bro oh my God didn’t finina already pass yes it did so I’m saving up more because I’m getting get her C6 what about this thing what about this m let’s see no no no no no attachs why

What oh there we go does this do anything it literally does nothing the Hulk you have the Hulk yep yep I have the one and only dude she’s so cool though honestly I’m so happy like even if it took super fucking long to get her I’m happy thank you Omega sounds have an

Amazing rest of your of your holidays and Christmas and New Year and everything thank you so much sounds fast as fuck boy do I have to fight these guys oh shit wait I take damage when I’m on her n brother hey hey hey hey hey stop

It oh my gosh oh my gosh stop stop following me stop it oh sort by attack power there we go damn I only have one one of these and it’s so powerful what why is it so strong come back here where are you going where are you going you attack me

And then you oh you can take this I’ll take [Laughter] that I love it when they get angry It’s the funniest shit ever Zite beer I’m most likely going to need all of these for for my my farming what Zite what whoop some ass yes sir yes sir whoop some ass

Time look CH I love this so much fast little boy aside from the main quest line obviously my favorite part of uh tears of the kingdom is dealing with Co guy is a fucking idiot yes yes what was his what was uh what was he again he was part of

The uh the K Clan what it called the K Clan I’m not sure anymore no my might no no no my light fuck man s oh well it is what it is boys it is what it is yeah the yiga clan sorry yiga Clan yiga Clan that’s the word I what the

Fuck was called again Zite B wait if it burns does the Zite fall off I’m actually kind of curious come on come on come on does it not does it not break girl uh can you can you smack that for me it doesn’t break oh man

Okay I think we’re going to try and see if we can get there depending on how far away it is never mind it is fucking far uh so we’re doing that next time or I can do it off stream and then when I get there we can play the rest of

The story holy shit that is so far away Big Stretch okay T we’re going to go raid someone because it is late it’s 8:00 p.m. for me right now so I should really go get some Nom Noms get some dinds get the good cush the good

Cush and I’m getting very AP too so I’m going to go rest for a little bit yes big stretches you need to stretch I can’t can’t sit still I can’t sit still at the at the at the chair if I do that I’m going to fucking just ruin my body I’m

Already sitting still the entire day anyway so stretch very important you can walk on the Gloom Sledge with men oh my gosh so right wait I didn’t even notice that oh wait we’re waiting PO today CH we’re raing poker today he is still streaming thank you Son thank you son so

Much I’m playing Final Fantasy 15 100% 100% run good best bestest of luck with that that is that is going to be a lot of work but I wish I wish you the best oh my gosh oh my gosh thank you for streaming thank you for watching thank you for being here

For hanging out with me for spending your time with me holy shit 5 hours of Tears of the Kingdom we streamed for a long ass time period I really appreciate it chat you guys are the fucking best you mean the world to me uh don’t forget to follow my socials if you haven’t

Already I would love to see you there in the Discord maybe on the Twitter or on the YouTube if you haven’t already we’re going to be posting uh a cover song very soon there as you guys know and yeah we’re going to have some more fun times

Tomorrow is going to be Christmas Eve and I don’t know what we’re going to do yet I would love to have some Christmas suggestions for the stream tomorrow because I don’t I’m not sure what I have what I’m going to do but I’m going to ask manful for some ideas as well and

Then we’re going to see what we can do uh tomorrow together yes or we can have like a very very comfy chatting session where we’re just hang out for Christmas Eve together mhm byebye chat take care of yourselves I will see you again tomorrow Yes M M M M my my my My

This video, titled ‘【TOTK】More Tears of the Kingdom!! Do we get to put our minecraft bed next to Zelda? 👀’, was uploaded by Mifuyu on 2023-12-23 19:20:22. It has garnered 402 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:54 or 18114 seconds.

Thank you so much for dropping by my channel!💕 I’m streaming on Twitch right now too!! 【

If you can’t see the emotes being used in chat make sure to get the Emotesly browser extrension!

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Thank you so much for being so thoughtful! ;//v//; My stream is free to watch so please don’t feel obligated to donate! Having you here is more than enough already! If you choose to donate please only do so if you are financially okay to!! Please take care of yourself first! 💕

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MON ~off day~ TUE Stream! WED Stream! THU ~off day~ FRI Stream! SAT Stream! SUN Stream!

I start stream every time at around: 3PM CET/ 8AM EST/ 11PM JST

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  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: TikTok: Instagram: Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: Cody and Seth English: Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!Wow, this meme is really racking up the points! It must be mining for gold with that score of 59! Read More

  • Wiki Wonders: Minecraft’s Lore Encore

    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a lava pit, but you still have the audacity to blame it on a glitch in the game. Classic Minecraft player move. #minecraftprobs 😂🔥 Read More

  • Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record!

    Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record! Minecraft Speedrun: Currents CTM Any% in 9:22.540 In a thrilling display of skill and strategy, a Minecraft player has achieved an impressive Any% speedrun time of 9:22.540 in the Mapwreck 5 custom map. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable feat. Game Version and Mods The speedrun was performed on Minecraft version 1.19.2, utilizing a selection of Fabric mods to enhance gameplay: Fabric API 0.76.0: Essential for the functioning of other mods. ReplayMod 2.6.15: Used for video production purposes. Sodium 0.4.4: Improves chunk loading speed for faster gameplay. SpeedrunIGT 13.5: Aiding in tracking in-game time accurately. Starlight 1.1.1:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge – 100 Days Survival!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in Minecraft

    Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-01-14 15:00:39. It has garnered 33983 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:15 or 975 seconds. JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler – AI Tally Hall Cover

    Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler - AI Tally Hall CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager is the Ruler of Everything – ‘Ruler of Everyhting” by Tally Hall AI Cover’, was uploaded by NathanNWCW on 2024-01-17 22:17:26. It has garnered 1109 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Read More


    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

    Welcome to MateeMinecraft 1.16.5 SMP Server! Join our small and friendly community where you can have fun, meet new people, and build together. Our server offers vanilla gameplay with quality of life improvements like Dynmap, Horseoverhaul, Multiplayer sleep, Instant tree cutting, and more. Interested in joining? Visit and send a message to be added. Don’t forget to join our Discord through the server! Read More