Nick Badley – Building a Metro System in Minecraft

Video Information

There we go okay finally there we go now it’s working okay thank God okay that took a while but and a few attempts but it’s finally up and running there we are yes okay and a few attempts there we go cool right hello say hello n as well to the hello

Yes I trying to keep quiet while she trying to sort that out yeah it’s okay don’t worry so yes hello um we’re doing Minecraft this is uh certainly a bit different from what I’ve normally done on the channel um but you know it was I’m I’m playing I’ve been playing this

For a bit this particular hardcore world and it’s dark out right now I don’t know what’s going on but hopefully I W get eaten but yeah so um yeah I I I had the idea to sort of build a Metro system for my Minecraft world and I felt it was probably you know

A thing I could do on a stream for YouTube because you know it it uploading a Minecraft video I think would be a bit weird but I think you know doing it as a stream it’s it’s it’s it’s a valid reason so hi sorry this is going great it oh my God

So I think I’m time to bless you bless me thank you oh no where are you anyway you’re in the oh hello there you are yes hello say say hello n yeah hello Nat hilarious hilarious oh my God anyway so yeah um I’ve still got a couple things to so I’ve done some

Mining off camera uh as as you can see um and before I begin building it basically I’ve got the plan to go and fight the Wither get a Beacon and stuff and then I’m going to get the last bit of iron that I need and then um yeah

We’ll have a Max beacons get haste cuz I’ve got my efficiency 5 pickaxe here which I’m going to use to basically just have insta mine so that it doesn’t take ages for me to dig the whole thing out and hopefully it should be fairly quick so we’re going to start the stream off

By fighting the Wither so um this should be pretty I not I going to well you’re not going to yeah I will fight the Wither and uh yeah it should be it should be good so uh yeah on Hardcore Mode as well yes indeed um okay so I

Think I before I do that I’m going to go and just get some strength potions uh I’m going to need some glass bottles let’s Brew some strength up uh right you you you you put your freaking boat on the oh yeah you your boat is still here um right did it again I

Didn’t let’s okay right where are you going to kill the with um I’ll just dig like a whole deep underground and then I’ll deep underr okay yes so it’s blaze powder for strength and then should I do strength two cuz like strength two it’s got a lot

Lower duration but if I can kill the with a quick enough then it shouldn’t matter I don’t know is that like yeah because I’m also playing the game simultaneously I won’t be able to interact with the chat as much as I have done in like normal try inter the chat

Like say if there’s any questions I’ve got to open on my phone don’t dig straight down no I won’t don’t worry don’t worry you know fun fact I did used to do um before like the whole Nick badley channel I did do like Minecraft streaming so it’s like I I know how to

Do this but it’s I’ve never really had a reason to do it again but here we are now again so so um should I should I make it strength two where I think they only last like oh it’s no no they last a minute 30 what am I thinking no okay

Yeah I’ll make strength to sure also what is these look the exact same as like I swear strength potions did not look like that did they change strength potions did not look like that that’s that’s weird that’s weird I don’t H I don’t know it’s a minute 30 okay that’s fine

Um sure um minute 30 is good uh what else should I do what else should I do um maybe regeneration I think regener generation would probably be ideal okay I think that should be good uh apparently all potions are a color update in 1.20 oh did they oh I

Mean I I I saw that the fire resistance look they had a up oh right okay sure yeah they used to have like an enchantment glow or something to them didn’t they yeah 1.20 change I don’t know why they changed them didn’t need changing but Bedrock wither is much

Harder yeah I agree I’m glad I’m on Java and not Bedrock because the Bedrock wither I hear is a bit of a nightmare so I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that yes me and Nick are a couple yes yes we are yes if it wasn’t obvious

Enough yeah this is not on Bedrock thankfully I’m I’m glad about that hello Destroyer official hi I’m taking I’m taking this opportunity while I’m waiting to like read some chat messages okay regen cool yeah hardcore is Java only so yeah did you did you like trains before

You met me or did did I brainwash you yeah I did like trains before I meant it yes he did not brainwash me I met Nick because I like trains uh right I’m off to wait oh I don’t have Soul Sand what am I doing I can’t

Actually summon the wither if I don’t have Soul Sand right hang on Jesus um okay here we go my next point is Journey from the never to the end yes absolutely I’m building the northern line in Minecraft oh God don’t you’re you’re not destroying my portal mate go away all

Right uh right where’s the nearest bit of Soul Sand there’s some over there okay uh right I’ll just get this in there okay let’s get some Soul Sand I don’t have a YouTube channel now I I just occasionally appear in Nick’s videos oh Christ that’s about it I’m too

Busy with uni to do stuff yeah my own channel we can both see the stream chat so we’re just talking together um right oh I accidentally hit my Windows key and tabed out of my game that’s that’s good um right four Soul Sand cool let’s all right I’ll just dig a hole in

The ground like deep deep underground okay Mercy rail Norther line or tfl Northern line Coast I don’t know H that’s a good question that’s a good question all right well we’ll start the stream off with a bang and uh try and a literal bang or a literal Bang Yes and try

And try and kill the Wither and get the resources necessary to make a beacon uh they should do the trick I think um yeah I should have brought torches I hold torches so I can you can actually see here all right how long from oval toward

All the branches do you think you’ll be able to do I I don’t know I can’t think right now I’m I’m I’m a fool right this should be far back enough let’s oh yeah 777s are on the world line now too aren’t they I keep forgetting

That cuz when I’m at Uni I’m not near like Mery rail so I’m sort of just out of the loop with everything that’s going on I we didn’t we go on one on the line yeah we we did but I keep forgetting that like that’s the wrong line thing

Right well here we go um let’s uh Studio Lighting in the form of torches yes well here it is the Wither and um let’s hope I don’t die uh here we go ah go all right regen strength and shield okay oh that is so loud yeah I know oh my God

Die one hit there we go nice got him brilliant we did it we beat the Wither okay oh my word right that was ridiculous just got to not die from the Wither now the the lasting wither effect yep strength two and a Smite five netherite axe it’s it’s unbeatable kills the Wither instantly

Basically yeah how did I kill the Wither so quick I have a Smite five netherite Axe and I had strength too easy so now we have the nether star and uh now I can go and get the remainder of iron I need which is I forget how much it was but not much

I don’t have Fortune so yeah I need like five Stacks or something so uh right well that was a pretty big success um let’s go and get iron uh right just put that all in there put the nether star there for now okay uh am I’m watching Minecraft later

You know funny you should say that um because I I I plan to start streaming at 5 not 4 but it was I realized afterwards that um the stream was actually going to end up clashing with Minecraft live cuz I forgot it was today so any like Minecraft interested people were

Probably going to go and watch that instead so I was like oh shoot I should probably move forward the stream a bit so here we are now instead I’m streaming at 4 instead of of five uh right so what do I need that is a huge I need

Jee I don’t know how to find my way out of here I need like five stacks of iron okay um now I think I actually left in my book here my my book of coordinates um there was an iron vein I found 967 -1 -280 so that’s 9 128 so this way

Okay right there’s an iron vein in this sort of direction that I found what line am I building I’m not building like any particular line like from The Real World I’m building just a sort of metro line linking up some of my builds which I didn’t actually showcase

I will go back and do that right now um I’m going to build from I think for the sake of the stream the bit of Metro I’m going to build is from my house over to here which is like like under the river and everything to here which is my

Villager my villager place and they they’re all sleeping right now but yeah my villager place I know it’s quicker to use elytra and everything but it’s trains trains are like Superior to everything like come on they’re Superior uh as for mods no I’m not using any mod I’m just doing it with like

Regular Minecart rails and stuff trains are better than elytra yes uh right 967 -10 -280 okay all right we’ve got the xaxis done – 1280 which is like oh there’s another Village here too um right ouch right uh I’m just going to go to those exact coordinates cuz I know that’s where like

Regular cave is I’m being shot at by a skeleton oh God ah go away okay right I’ll just dig here whatever oh badly Express transit that’s a good bet bet for Express trans trans bad line Express oh these some oh Jesus what the huh are you okay oh my

Word what the hell was that I got dive bombed oh oh that would have been bad dying that early on it okay yeah don’t oh my God oh boy okay right um well we’re not going to have any mobs dropping on us now so that’s that’s okay right well that was unnerving um

Right well at least I know I can survive a point blank Creeper explosion now that’s that’s good was oh boy all right I really should get totems of undying but I don’t yet so o okay there we are right there is there’s the iron vein okay now

Um do that cool so I need about five Stacks I think and it should be hopefully cuz iron veins are like overpowered So and I’ve got Fortune as well I know half a stack isn’t much but I it’s all right it’s a contribution so you know I’m trying okay with my limited

Gear you’re trying your best and that’s what matters right uh right casually scaring myself in my viewers since 2023 I am indeed uh right okay I don’t know where the remain of that I’m so glad that like Fortune now works on iron and gold and stuff thanks to

1.17 this is great makes it a lot easier and you get full on blocks as well of raw iron which is nice uh what is my favorite Metro o good question I don’t know um I mean I could just be basic and say like the London Underground but I don’t

Know I mean that’s the one I get like the most excited to go on I guess I mean yeah it’s pretty big it’s pretty big and there’s a lot of stuff proba the biggest yeah um the badly ground yes bad bad trans badl Express a class X oh yeah what do we

Call the class what class number is a m C cuz it’s not it’s not electric but it’s not diesel either it’s like so it doesn’t fall into like any category do we callot like the class I don’t I don’t know can’t quote class one 2 3 four five or anything cuz

They’re not electric or diesel so ABC easy yeah class mo1 class mo1 I mean that works mine yes that that works that Mak sense class is not I I did I worked out by like pixel like and everything like cuz m one block in Minecraft is a meter the track gauge the

The loading gauge of rail in Minecraft is 1T 7.7 fun fact so it’s very very Narrow Gauge say anything other than glaso Subway you’re wrong I mean glaso Subway is cool Glasco Subway is pretty cool I do like that it’s very neat and Tiny it’s very tiny yeah i’ I’ve only been on

It once but I’m going on it again soon it’s very tiny and cute and I like it four Carriage class 181 yes the class 999 uh okay well I’ve I seem to have mind all the iron that was in the vein on the surface oh my God uh right have to just

Dig in slightly here we are I swear like iron veins they have like 10,000 ore in them or something ridiculous like that so there’s definitely enough here I just need to dig to find it oh [ __ ] shoot shoot hey hey hey hey hey this [Laughter] isep I was looking you are live on

Air yeah no it’s fine unble oh you can’t get demonetized on on streams it’s fine this is a Christian Minecraft server okay did have you seen the the five pound um stupid is it Super Chat is that what they called yeah i’ lit it’s just

Shown up on my stream chat now yes thank you unsubscribed for the5 pound greatly appreciated thank you for donating uh any other tube challenges like the actual tube CH no um well not the tube challenge anyway the the snake challenge was enough to teach me that I would not

Do I would not be able to do the the tube challenge that would be too much 7 hours was was as taxing enough as it was wow Nat wow shout out to you yeah yeah wow oh my God I’m I’m so honored to get a shout out by by Nick [Laughter]

W uh H do I have enough iron now I think I have enough I think I’ve got it I think I’ve hit my quota do do do a a Minecraft Race you you on the metro metro versus boat or something I mean yeah that’s like if it

Was elytra you would you win but oh yeah of course if if I go on b i I think it’s you would still like Metro would definitely still win probably okay there’s a lot of okay I don’t know why I’m mining more iron I don’t even need

More I’ve got all I need already but I’m just greedy I guess I’ve seen two suggestions of pointless Journey between headb lanes you know that’s that’s a solid idea you have already done a Kirby one though I did already do Kirby but you know headb Lane’s a new one so true true

Yeah I have yet to visit Lane it’s quite far away from where I am right now yeah I mean me too that’s the problem I would have gone to it but it’s so far the only I wasn’t at the opening because you know it was a strike the previous day and

Then yeah um yeah and you know I’m over at Lincoln for uni so it’s not Metro must have high level and lowle platforms Metro must have high level and low level okay okay I could do what a sort of like Monument esque from Tiny wi Metro like

That kind of interchange where I’ve got like two different platforms like they like perpendicular to each other uh I study maths at University and I’m I at doram Uni oh hello of course I do actually need more iron for like rail as well don’t I so may as well this vein is insane

These are so overpowered these iron veins My Stream has been stuck on 56 watching ever since the stream began I I don’t think it’s that many oh on my my screen it says 110 but I’m not really 110 oh my okay wow I don’t know whether it is though like mine’s mine’s been

Stuck on 56 watching since the stream again so I don’t know yeah yeah ton but nice okay I’m surprised this is more popular than I thought it was going to be to be honest 17 yeah had this has had a better this has had a better turnout than I thought it

Would there’s a horse I’m going to are you I’m going to get a horse you’re going to get a horse are you all right yeah I think I’ve got a couple of saddles back at home I got a saddle I found one in a dungeon oh nice okay have

I tamed the horse I don’t know it’s it’s been St all right I have done some mining on camera and now i’ I’ve got 6 64 iron mate oh it’s such a slow horse oh no I’m sorry horse you’re not you’re not mine anymore uh maybe I should I don’t I

Don’t know I always underestimate how much I’d need for stuff like this so I don’t know I’ll get a bit more can never have enough oh jeez hello oh so much I didn’t pick up all right there’s so much more of this still hi you you got full chain

Armor no match for me I’m too overpowered why are these hosti so slow I’m going 24 minutes I 71 likes okay okay someone ask how old you are Nick I’m just going to let you on to that uh uh yes I am an age oh wow F fact yeah

That’s quite old actually no I’m I’m I’m 32 actually just considering I’m 20 that sounds very oh God [Laughter] no uh where is my come on I’ve only touched like a fraction of probably a fraction of what what this vein is I I don’t even know which ones

I’ve tamed and I haven’t okay I’ve this one this one slow I don’t know uh okay there’s no tough here anym High I think iron the iron vein generates around like tough I think so if there’s no tough then there’s no iron no tough no iron words to live by yes horses have

Different speeds like I don’t know how to explain but like you can selectively breed them I think yeah yeah you can can horses have the traits they have as a heart they have jump height and also speed and obviously if you breed them selectively then they carry on the traits to like they

Young that’s definitely I got a fairly fast one it jumps fairly high as well it just doesn’t have many hearts oh well that’s fine die tough luck bro sick MC yeah I’ve played Minecraft for 11 years fun fact so you know oh got a bit of knowledge

Just a little bit time just a little bit of the game I don’t even remember when I first played Minecraft do you have any leads uh I do and I think in one in one of my chests I don’t remember in one of your millions of chests okay I’ll find one

Hm is there a way out of here I don’t remember uh oh God don’t bunk my head uh oh that’s that’s not a torch that’s my water has not been to Marsh bot and I have not I’ve not been to a lot of the new stations down

South I can’t see any leads maybe I’m missing it but be ever did it on creative mode I know it would have been but it’s hardcore mode hardcore is cool how yeah I me it’s cool until you die and lose your entire world yeah but oh well

Oof right I’m back on the surface now let’s smelt this and then we can finally begin um building this thing so right uh which way is home again this way I think have I been on trains outside the UK I have done a few years back uh when

I going on holidays with like parents and stuff where I’ve gone to we went to like Italy and road trains there did some in America as well um and I’ve done I’ve rid like the Paris Metro and things like that so how long have I

Been how long have I been I I don’t know I’ve been yeah that is the entire question just H long not even a question hey n dive bomb hi oh hi right um give us the link to this you must hydrate well this is not a server um

I’ve yeah this is open to LAN well I mean it’s not not really Lan we’ve sort of like done a bit of VPN magic magery to make it so yeah it’s not even it’s basically you like it’s a land server to it’s basically just a land server

Yeah look we have we have mat um Shield oh yeah we do well not exactly matching mine’s like a girly version cuz yes yeah God sa God Save the King yeah something like that or whatever it’s pink and mine’s pink and light blue it means God save the the transs yeah exactly

Exactly uh right uh where is uh right so got iron now you smelt oh I smelted a bit of iron and let me go get it okay I put it in oh I got hair all over my hand oh dear just don’t have long hair easy I mean you still have hair true

Hair on your hand have you any name tags I don’t know what what should I name my horse I do do I have I’ll take name suggestions is my refrigerator running yes yes it is I I I should hope so anyway I really I have to make an smpp

Called badcraft I mean I you know I I could I guess right where are you putting your iron I’ve got I’ve got the iron for you oh um I’ve I’m putting all in the the the furnaces out here I I’ll give it to you yeah mhm right uh right let’s harness let us

Harness the power of geothermal energy right nice how did how did you enjoy M dor I am currently in my final year of it so it’s it’s a it’s a bit very heavy on on lots of oh what there’s no iron in there okay thank you very much math yeah I

Agree math no I’m kidding I I did math cuz I enjoy it I never I mean I would say I’m very good especially compared to a lot of the people who are like really really good look at this harvesting geothermal energy we are green with our energy usage

Right so uh just I have to wait about 10 minutes now for that all to cook and then finally we can get that Beacon going so I mean you can start building like the initial building if you that’s probably a good idea right like the I

Suppose I could yeah I don’t how am I going to how am I going to do the design I wonder you could like base it off a design of a current like I mean I did build a sort of Metro in my another world I had and I might try and do that

Again am I doing two-way tracks or just probably just single track cuz I’m like the only this was a single player world that’s just joining me for the stream but this is normally just a single player world for me um but so it’ll probably just be single track just for me um

But to graduate in the cathedral yes that would be cool I mean I didn’t get to have my matriculation in the cathedral because of like I did it in a big tent Big Tent yes yeah it’s meant to be in the big like big Grand cathedral

But because of like Co and stuff it was just in a huge right on like the race course lawn we got 130 watch I think that’s a new record for me on stream streams now I think that’s a new record nice thank you uh I’m just bimbling about now waiting

For that iron to finish smelting I should probably yeah what what what place are you going to build it in um is it going to be close to the Sea here yeah uh you know that’s a good point where should I actually oh thank you thank you for complimenting my

House it’s not often I get complimented for my Minecraft Builds are not great it is a pretty nice house I mean as a as a builder I do have a few little things saying yeah I wouldn’t have done that but it’s it’s still nice uh you know I’m very I’m very not

Artistically creative it’s I’m not I can I cannot build like it’s so hard so I’ve got like a singular house design I conjured up years ago and just never divert from it I mean at least you’re using some some of the new blocks the Cherry I love the Cherry it’s so cute

Yeah I I do like it like normally I built it out of like oak or whatever but this time I decided to just when I built the house it was actually originally just um originally just Oak but I converted it to um cherry wood and stuff

So I I can’t remember we built like a Cherrywood house on our like joint survival world but I can’t like kind of just like it was a lot more boxy than this house I think yeah it did it did look nice I mean you were the one who

Built it so it actually nice but you know no yours looks nice I built this though this was all me and I’m proud of it it does look very nice how’s my have a Twitter yes um I’m trying to remember my Twitter now I think it’s well

X what it’s called now X TW Twix ttex NJ funky like I think like this I don’t you can see chat uh where’s my oh I was like where I was like where’s my phone and I realized I’m I’ve got it the stream on my phone cuz

My I didn’t want to put out my second monitor yeah oh shoot hi right so where do I build my entrance to it I think I might have like a stop for the house and then maybe another maybe another stop for the M shaft yeah actually give it give them a reason

To be far apart maybe I should build the stop like here yeah yeah I just have to make sure I have enough angle to dig down that I don’t end up in the water uh yeah oh I can’t dig down here because ooh yeah cuz there’s there’s

This here ooh okay so digging down there is going to be a bit hard um oh that is there’s this huge like crass underneath maybe just do the other side of the house then okay um might have to do it that was okay maybe I might have to

Build a station like here but Dig Down sort of that way like dig down there so I’m not digging into the crass and it ends up being just a bunch of water so yeah I’m try not to do that right sponge it out I mean we don’t

Do you even have any sponge I don’t have any sponge I’ve not been to an ocean Monument yet I probably a bit of a pain to try oh God to try and do that I’ve not been to an ocean Monument i’t even seen one I mean too

Fair I haven’t I haven’t explored much on this world yeah oh well literally joined yesterday to try and right so if I build the okay okay where does the crass go to that is I need to find that out goes to about here which is 1327 on the x-

AIS 1327 on the x- axis and then oh I’m I’m listening to I Want It That Way my backy boys and it’s it’s a really a good song I want to sing along but I’m just like I’m going to get judged so I’m not I’m just holding back

So bad so this is about where the crass goes to so if I can dig I could probably build the station like here I could probably build it here and then yeah I can dig down just fine we should probably sleep yeah someone suggested we should sleep oh yeah good

Idea okay I’m just trying to fend off all these monsters I need wood I’m out of wood um I can I’ve got trees right here I can do that but no those are pretty trees don’t C okay they’re pretty trees fine fine I’ll I’ll go to a forest and DeForest it sure deforestation

Only place is is all right is Minecraft yeah tell me why now I agree ain’t nothing but a heart break not heart it’s heartache not heartbreak oh my God I am so musically uncultured right I I’ll go find a forest and cut it down there’s

One behind I’ll go cut it down how much wood do you need um I don’t worry I’m already at the trees I’m cutting down now no I a fire deforestation right I know the beds aren’t pink I know it’s a bit inconsistent but well I was

Going to make my bed pink but and then I was like well it’ll be mismatching with yours I don’t want to make your bed pink without your consent true sounds like a lesson and consent don’t make someone’s bed pink unless they consent to it yeah okay can you retroactively like

Dye them I don’t I don’t know yeah you just break it and dye it you you just I’m I distracted from the task at hand but oh well whatever oh yeah you oh me why I somehow didn’t know about that okay that’s that’s that’s good I I D my beds all the

Time so I’m a I’m an expert bed D perfect now it fits in with the house okay cool nice right now it fits in with the house my channel is so cool thank you thank you tin’s Main but a mistake now number five number five what is have you never

Please a you don’t know Brooklyn 99 reference oh oh I did I watched the first like four episodes of it years ago but then forgot to pick back up every time I sing that song I sing now number five it’s it’s oh it’s iconic wait tell me is that like number

Five killed my brother thing yes oh okay I’ve seen that on like YouTube short get like reuploaded that’s that’s the best I have right okay well probably by now I think the Iron’s going to be cooked so I mean may as well uh yeah been live for

40 minutes already this is insane I’ve not even beun digging x uh yeah go ahead I’ve been live for 40 minutes I haven’t even begun digging the Metro yet this this is I’m behind schedule there 10 and I’m delayed and over I’m not over budget but you know there is no budget

Do you want me to make it into blocks um I can do that it’s fine okay thank you very much I need 36 I think right let’s see here 36 there we go okay cool right let’s put the rest of this in here don’t worry most modern transport

Projects are delayed too yeah yeah we’re making it realistic don’t worry it’s just realistic to the real world you know badly link is delayed until 25 yeah it’s fine at least we’re getting it un like hit just to the north yeah of course mhm sad Times right put this in in here cool right what is the recipe for a beacon again it’s nether star obsidian and glass right yes yes have you got obsidian uh yep nice nether star okay oh wow people are people really want you to hydrate have you got what this hydrate Nick spam

About like what what you mean like they’re looking out for you they need you they want you to drink some water to keep you hydrated have you got a glass of water or I will just I will just say like if if everyone keeps spamming it I will just have to

Like time you out just for spamming so like don’t don’t keep spamming that kind kindly don’t keep spamming it thank next person who types it I will time them out oh okay yeah next person who types hydrate Nick is getting timed out okay sure I just warn

You um right Beacon and then oh okay well I’m out well that that’s a that’s a shame 10 seconds there you go oh people okay uh okay 10 seconds time out I’m kind no no it’s only 10 seconds don’t worry I’m not that mean but for for real

Like don’t don’t spam it okay okay yeah like if you do say it even after I’m going to put you in it for longer because people are going to say it because yeah right oh my God uh right Beacon let’s let’s do this oh that’s going to hit my freaking it’s so

Big can’t like uh I can put it like here maybe okay okay yeah I’ll trade this so give me a sec um I cannot check Discord right now both my monitors are taken up yeah yeah it’s fine um I’m assuming only Nick can make you moderator will oh okay you just saying

It asking about whether he wants to be what whether we want him to be moderator because obviously I’m trying to play and yeah there we go cool done okay nice done that’s great thanks will good idea willk I’m not doing anything at the moment anyway but yeah yeah that’s a lot of

Iron no my you stole you stole a block of iron no please I need actually I can just craft another one but you know what why are you breaking it you’re not putting it on top anyway true it was it was I did need it to be there anyway I don’t

Know oh like actually no that’s going to that’s going to go there anyway doesn’t matter yeah all right will has the power yes will does have the power but yeah if you if you stay stuff like can we just like stop the the the messages with big

In caps and like yeah it’s there’s literally no need I’m glad I added a slow mode to this now cuz yeah do badly link can I can I have wait actually no there you go you can put it down put what down I didn’t pick anything up the

Block I placed it down earlier no you didn’t you’re still holding it what you’re still holding it what just right click anyway go on my screen right click anyway there you go nice my screen I did not have that block in my hand I I had to click

And oh you got achievement too nice bring home the beacon beaconator right we need haste to there we go okay so now I should be able to instamine Stone I think yes someone said I should do the bad badly link announcement the badly link announcement I could make like a

Resource pack or something that gives gives automated anoun 1650 service to the villager farm I definitely need to make villager farm only calling it villager farm only this is the train to villager farm calling at villager farm only this train is formed of one Minecart if you see something that

Doesn’t look right if you see something that doesn’t look right speak St text the British transport police text the Minecraf and transport police on the Minecraft transport police on I don’t I don’t know what Minecraft what should the Minecraft transport police number be I don’t know honestly right okay let’s begin I’ll

Just begin digging the the 6464 on 6464 yeah please man all right this is it we are breaking we are breaking the floor we we are beginning construction is starting here we go only 46 minutes into the stream but here we go it it is beginning let’s go

6446 yes I’ve got to remember to dig it to the point where I don’t get I’ve got to dig it so that I don’t get um so I don’t bang my head on it when I put stairs in indeed um annoying that there’s sand here as well that’s going to yeah do you

Want me to what what are you going to make the staircase out of I’ll probably just use stone brick again I think stone brick do you want me to go smell some Cobble cuz I’ve got like a sure okay if you can smell some stone brick

That’ be grand yes it has to a pal drum yes I agree paland drums are very nice I I love the train like units that are PAL drums they’re my favorite I think I have stairs on here I think two 22 one one two2 that’s quite like the the cross country voer

One oh my God oh my God I I can insta M Sandstone i j God right I need to just test it if I get some stairs here and then what was I doing do I bang my head if I run down here H oh my

God no I don’t okay good right so that’s how it’s going to look okay let get rid of these so I need to have the the roof be that high yes greet greetings Auto under hello Auto under seems I calling people by the the YouTube names but yeah of

Course uh oh my God insta it’s it’s very insta mine is good for digging quickly but also when you’re trying to you know dig precisely it’s a bit difficult I’ve got to dig it deep enough though so it also goes underneath the river not the river the the ocean

Okay oh de I’ve slightly sunken the floor but it’s fine I can I can fix this there we go seamless right this will this will be lined with like stone brick I’m hoping afterwards um so yeah I’m slowly smelting this cobblestone yeah now how deep is the ocean just to make

Sure uh right how deep is the ocean or at least the deepest bit that I’ll have to go under uh not terribly deep let’s see um oh here’s a deeper bit Yeah okay uh all right just to be safe I’ve got some more iron do you need

It for like rails is that what you going to use it for uh yes probably all right I’ve just kept it in a Sher box right until you need 40 okay I’ll probably dig it down to like y32 maybe or something yeah am I making it into St Bri stairs like

Um hang on I’m us I’m using um deep slate stairs for deep slate stairs and stone I’m using deep slate for the floor and then stone brick for like screenshot FL for like the walls and stuff oh this go so deep this bit if we need some more

Deep deep SL we’ve got a ton on this I’m going have to dig it down to like y 20 odd or I could just deal with this and am I am I just breaking these walls then and putting I don’t want to ruin your system um yeah okay so the wall is yeah

You can just dig out the walls and line them with brick except the the floor is like I’m assuming it hasn’t come through for you yet the 10 pound hey 10 pound yes thank you sha Brockway hello hello from pmri Shire yes hello hello to you in pen Brookshire

Thank you for the donation we’ll be going pire next year oh yeah we are aren’t we yeah hopefully we get to like visit like Milford Haven and yeah is it should we go in I don’t know is that that’s class is p right I don’t know yeah that’s

Penri it’s a pmri coast I don’t know what oh god this is going to have to be so deep actually come to think of it just cuz it has to go under the water that goes like really deep down unless I the thing is though if if

I wanted to be entirely concealed I could or I could just deal with it and have a little bit that looks a bit unnal like a bit of tunnel sticking out here and I don’t dig it down as far I don’t know which is W of I don’t know which is which is

Better have a little bit of tunnel just down there poking out or do I I don’t know I mean I don’t think anyone’s going to is anyone going to see the like I mean you’re not going to see the tunnel poking out are you really like make it out glass easy like that’s

That’s that’s what the EUR star is right it’s a glass tunnel basically yeah yeah you I have I have my computer in my kitchen because I’m in Halls this it’s all one room yeah um oh you met me at the Elizabeth L through the oh really you met me at

Stratford I think I remember seeing somebody unless it’s just mandelo but I swear I did yeah a person in in the bunch of people oh are you getting shot at all right I was getting shot at by a skeleton but I’m good now I see what you

Mean this this quick mine is very hard to control yeah with Sandstone right oh no oh dear lord I’ll cover it up later it’s fine oh I’m leaving this not train and boring oh well there will be trained soon but yeah I can’t I can’t force you to watch

So nobody is obliged to watch so yeah oh wait I didn’t need to mine that good so far I mean it’s literally have you got the Deep slate stairs you want me to make them I can do that um I don’t have deep slate stairs okay I got make

Some cuz I’m basically out can they be deep slate tile stairs yeah yeah deep slate tile stairs yeah I yeah thank you do how much we got we got I don’t have much space in my inventory oh no I’ve hit water oh cracky uh what what is this doing here no

Ah someone from the tfl 3 said said Nick is 50 what I don’t know which one of that you that is but yes I am 50 yes Nick definitely resembles a 50-year-old man or I’ve just got young face syndrome you know I’ve got good jeans you know

Where’d you get them from tell me uh Primark you know oh no don’t use Primark how do I make the is it it’s not polished deep which one is it like just um go to the go to the Grind is it the grind the stone cutter stone

Cutter oh it was hiding in the corner you’ll have it yeah it’s hiding in the corner sorry about that chisel polish there oh I find it right oh that’s cool that it actually gives an entire stack for a stack that’s good yeah no it’s more economical to use a stone cutter so yeah

Right what God I am not going to read oh je that that was a surprise to read what I just read good I would I would rather be blissfully unaware it’s okay I mean it’s in your chat it’s okay I will just not read the chat for the next few seconds

Oh my God a potato do you have potatoes I don’t know I’m assuming you do I do yes a I’ve got every crop I think am I putting it on top or am I breaking the um yes yes I gave two options and you said yes no so breaking the

Top what am I doing yes breaking a what am I doing yet I’m not reading no I mean I I mean what what did I do he’s still going to reach sh oh now I I didn’t real like that have a little gap of I have to fill this all

In with sand actually no I shouldn’t because you’re about to mine the block anyway yes okay webcam is a bit high up Alexis train fact says Nick you have a cool girlfriend oh thank you yes he’s very cool all right this to need a market be considered pointless I mean maybe I don’t

Know my definition of what is a pointless journey is always a bit up in the air but you know oh well now I need to make sure having stairs is not going to result in me banging my head I mean it shouldn’t cuz I’m adding an extra oh true oh true yeah

You told me to M it’s nice and it’s nice and spacious so I need to make sure I’m digging down to where I need to dig down to I’ve just got to go a bit deeper than a conventional rail system are we going to count how many stairs there are how many

Steps equivalent to a 15 story building 15 story building yeah equivalent to a 15 story building where I was going with that I did indeed yes oh I mean we we need to like we need to have a sign say we need to represent the like only to use an emergency we

Need to only to use an emergency I think someone suggested before it use a a bubble elevator a bubble elevator I mean that works yeah for a lift yeah that would be cool we can do that oh my inventory is full oh I’ve got a do you want to put

Stuff in a um sh box I need the oh you’ve got an extra one I see i’ I’ve got one for Cobble oh true yeah I can give you the Cobble if you want yeah yeah cuz I’m going to I well oh leave it in there I can put

It in my Su box there you go I I don’t have space in my oh come on it’s so hard to dig neatly when it’s like deeper than Hay Market deepest in time I mean hey Market is the one that like it always seems to be ah the the

Hey Market exit is Exit Only I don’t know why always seems to be the escalator seem to be out of use all whenever I go to whenever I go to Newcastle hey Market is always exit only I think it wasn’t exit only when we went

Recently oh true true I mean we lit that was the one rare instance where it wasn’t exit only although we weren’t there for long yeah that’s true it’s a shame but oh well it wasn’t exit only when I went which is rare God I oh I have fortune 3 so it

Always turns to Flint when I M gravel oh God Suffering From Success the Minecraft music it’s so good I just have Ed share on playing at the moment of course land Jon GRS by public train sport um you know that’s a that’s something I want to

Do I just need the time di budget so it won’t be for a while yet I don’t think I left my sugar Bo this New Castle video we got featured on a trash feature stream recently a what what wait a trash feature stream I don’t know what a trash feature stream but huh

Interesting I mean I don’t I don’t I I don’t know if the name sounds familiar or not but still neat right okay I think this is deep enough i’ I’ve actually gone deeper than I wanted to um oh no uh y 24 okay that’ll work okay

So right one hour in and we finally made it to the the we’ve done oh God I I reading the chat and fell down a hole it’s fine so this is equivalent to a 15 story building uming yeah I I need I need to count the stairs

Now are we counting one like actual physical block of stairs as two steps that’s like yes yes that’s two steps so yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll do the signage and count them actually you don’t need to count if you just like do the master between the lowest lowest floor on the top the yre

Level and just like times two um oh my God I Jesus I don’t know how I Jesus you are Jesus I I clicked off of my desktop I I I like I I made a new desktop I I don’t know how I oh yeah if

You shift um Windows tab I think it is shift Windows tab I must have pressed all three of those in sucession and not shift Windows time just Windows tab sorry um no smoking at any time on underground stations yes I I’ve done that a few times in the middle of a a

Match that’s why I need to put like gaming mode on cuz I keep I I fat finger Windows key which is yeah no smoking any sorry if you use a stone cutter can you do that on stone bricks or does that not work uh you can do it on stone

Bricks yeah does it give you more stone bricks then uh for no it doesn’t for it’s only for stairs really that it becomes economical oh okay so so I’ll just use this no point going to liquid right um that’s I need to I need to clear out

My inventory of things I don’t need right now so yeah I have a really CL I mean most of my inventory is just like okay uh that’s fine I’ve got plenty of stuff got some more things here all right I need to put away stuff that I don’t need right now dihydrogen

Monoxide I agree Nick as a chemistry student how do you feel about dihydrogen monoxide oh it’s oh it’s it’s it’s an incredible thing to be honest yeah I love dihydrogen monoxide oh 79p tin tin’s main Channel celebrate their first Super on a live stream hey hey thank you very much for the

Donation I appreciate it got more got more Stone to smelt I think there’s enough in there I’ve got a quite a bit of um what’s the word I’m looking for stone brick at the moment okay I’ve got like one two three four five six seven Stacks

Oh wow okay I’m putting the remainder of what I have in yeah that’s fine we’ll need it eventually so may well smelt it now oh my God I just destroyed a lot of St brick accidentally might have to like it’s for my future Kon chemistry Labs thanks

Thank you will Master stud have you heard of the British Rail metric I haven’t I have not a clue what that is right I’ve got do I have screenshots of what was my what was the plan for it have double check here give me a second my game will freeze momentarily

But I am just okay I’ve got the picture I used for the thumbnail of the stream okay that will do um right so I’ll just put this down oh are we using like are you going to use like stained clay and stuff for the platforms

To like make a color like a color strip or something what color idea actually yeah I have you got have you found any clay um like a um a Mesa biome um clay hardened clay harden clay yeah um have you found a biome if not we can

Not found a yet no okay I can try and just find like mine some clay just we don’t need too much every time I see PJ I think of like a like like in in the UK what no I think of like peanut butter jelly even though peanut butter jelly is actually peanut

Butter jam which makes no sense but oh my word like I mean still a j actually I realized that peanut butter jam sounds different tinw Metro tin Metro is cool okay broke the Torches I think you must must have picked them up again they’re just like temporary lighting it’s fine

Oh I see it’s going to be darker they’re temporary lighting for the time being time yes oh no so be stuck in my head Now peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly oh dear oh dear me so I dug it like this so it’s like three I’ve got I’ve got another

Screenshot of like how I wanted it to be just as a reference for how big I’m trying to dig the tunnels I don’t know P PB&J PJ I don’t know P bring PB&J to PJ I don’t even know but yeah I guess PJ I guess something I don’t know my

Brain uh you don’t know your brain I don’t know my brain yeah wel the internet look around anything in that brain or yours be found yes are we putting stairs on the roof as well uh like the ceiling if you put like um stone brick stairs just to

Make it fair enough sure okay nice I’ll do that later six seven okay the next station is okay the ocean where you have to swim up and oh I can’t even Dr to mention story only five only five that’s not bad I don’t know yeah 11 12 giving a run for clan for RPG yeah that that one uhhuh six seven8 9 10 11 12 13 14 feels so long since we’ve been there like well been to Clan Fair PG yeah I don’t know I’ve still not been there on the channel how long oh yeah on the channel we haven’t been there on the channel

I’ve still not been there yet will film a you don’t have to film a video of everything you do but oh true yeah I might Brunell myself am I playing vanilla with most I’m playing vanilla right now just hardcore vanilla hardcore regular vanilla hardcore you know right so this is the beginnings of

The first station um just just trying to just work out in my head how I’m doing this again so it’s I’ll finish the step it’s PL this is platform this is platform and then it’s three blocks of platform and then there are going to be slabs here I

Think okay how often do you love video I think you try every once a week don’t you once a weekish usually is when I try and upload yeah currently have a bit of a backlog filmed at least I do but I’m glad about that I like having a back

Yeah so you can actually do your uni work exactly that’s the way to do it me two here so I dig like this I’ve got like fancy Max netherite Enchanted pickaxe and Axe and a still just got a regular iron shovel this is this is great I think I might need I

Need to quickly repair my pick it’sing on but I don’t oh I could fish fish with it fish with your pickaxe what what put it in my off hand cuz obious you get XP from fishing oh true and I don’t want to use it because if I

Use use it to mend it yeah yeah yeah oh you made the Pink’s bed bed’s pink yeah I made the Pink’s bed yeah uh-huh uh-huh I made the Pink’s bed oh right so for your sake when I’m mining out the stations and tunnels you don’t need to dig out an extra block to

Put the uh stone brick in you can just fill the outer layer basically okay for the tunnels okay yeah I come upstairs what was going to do fishing rod I was going to do yeah well this is this is this is how wide it is without stone brick in it so

I’ll add stone brick in it afterwards I am so glad though i’ I got that that Beacon cuz this makes digging this so much quicker oh my God I’m so glad I got that Beacon that was a good idea right yes my two Underground videos back

Toback they worth a good watch yeah just cuz you’re in them will yeah uhhuh you make you make Cameo appearances in them yeah to do the tube challenge oh God the tube challenge just seems so much more chaotic I’m going fish on your dock that sounds like a eism it isn’t I

Promise okay this is taking form I’m scared like a creeper is going to sneak up on me yeah that happened to me earlier on in the Stream and I nearly died so I mean you know that was fun one heart Warrior DLR challenge okay DLR challenge I mean

Is a bit more oh fishy business that’s creep oh bit easier I mean I did I did the Mery rail challenge so I mean that was oh fny you didn’t see this I was just fishing and a zombie came up behind me I was about to to kill it but and

Then it just went into your boat oh it’s just like sat there chilling I’m just going to leave it oh my word favorite station on the mercy Ro Network James Street I like James Street that James Street is a cool street street no I’m [Laughter] station James Street’s pretty

Cool I’m we’ve had consistently like over a 100 viewers for this stream I’m surprised I’m very pleasantly I do think that there’s going to be there’s going to be a bit of a drop off when Minecraft live starts in an hour or like an under hour it was it already start I thought

Itting I thought it was starting at 6 or was I wrong I don’t I don’t know maybe I was wrong it could be starting at six I don’t know I don’t know I someone was counting down to it in the chat and I swear they said like it was like 10

Minutes like 20 minutes ago they might have miscounted I don’t know I have no idea to be honest I don’t actually know come on fish oh well uh right oh good luck good luck you with your NL no no no not good luck is it good saying good luck like sounds like your

Um I mean enjoy and good luck to the team I guess yeah oh dear it started already wait some one person said it started one person said it’s starting at 6 p.m. I don’t know who to believe wait who do I believe here oh no think of the B

Network I mean I’m not actually considering like it’s they started like the the be our buses and stuff like just as I moved back to UNI so I’ve actually had a chance to go on any of the be bus I mean toir I don’t really use bses in

Gr Manchester anyway what football team do I support I’ve never supported a football team I I am completely uninterested by football oh you scared the life at me look I am completely uninterested by football don’t look at the friend I found hey also I don’t have enough space

So there’s just a ton of fish on the floor I do have an axe that can onot zombies so I mean you know is this going to be single truck or double truck um well probably just single track because this is a this was a single player world

Nat’s just joining me for like the stream but oh you’re kicking me off are you I mean unless you want to keep playing after just you know until now it’s been a single player world so I had it planned to be single track but oh well um can you lend me

Some stone brick just so I can for your like future I’m going to lay out like a sort of sample of what it should look like where stone brick not that much just a little B oh sorry I’m going to lay it out as a sort of just like sample

Area so you can sort of see where you meant to put Stone break just for later yeah okay yeah sure I mean I think I understand what you mean anyway yeah just as a demonstration um right it’s taking age to repair my pickaxe way a faster way to do this oh I

Can kill mobs there’s a oh my there a we have not Lo this area very well oh you know actually I’ve had an idea I could probably make oh I’m running there I think the stone bricks I put on the ceiling could probably be slabs I can

Get away with that I am very I can get them being slaps getting shot at I can oh don’t don’t get shot at I do forget this is still hardcore and like if you die you’re screwed and I can’t bring you back to life that would yeah we’ve got to both not die

So all right I think for the for any any stone brick slabs that go on the ceiling I can make them slabs instead cuz you you’re not going to see the other side of them so then being slabs it’s more economical so uh also I didn’t need to I’m stuck in

The water and I’m being shot by a skeleton this is not good come on skeleton oh I’m trying to see what I did to my my original schematics I’m calling them that they’re not that but you know uh so oh I’m not meant to dig this out

No oh no okay stop shooting at me with your enchanted bow oh it dropped it what did it have power two that’s it I mean fair enough it’s better than it’s better than nothing yeah if I made okay so I’m I’m doing a bit of like an area that’s slightly elevated with slabs

Just to prevent mobs spawning um but if I add more slabs underneath like that then it looks entirely covered but it’s just okay it will have the illusion of it being like fully covered but yeah like that okay that works okay that’s good right what are you using to light

Up are you using like glow stone or something probably maybe like glow stone or something we can do some like fancy cool lights like with glass in the walls or something yeah oh that was a hiccup I apologize oh I can make that slabs too okay I’m trying to just I’m using slabs

Where I can just to save money yes this is money yeah you know speaking of adding announcements you know I could I could probably make like a resource pack or something that that has like automated announcements make some sort of resource pack that turns certain sounds into automated announcements that’d be

Cool all right so this is just a sort of of course I don’t need to put slabs I don’t need to put stone bricks there that’s going to be deep slate um do you have do you happen to have any deep slate tiles left or they all stairs

I made them all into stairs I make some there’s a basically basically just this platform area I wanted to be like deep slate deep slate slab tile deep slate tile slab just oh wow this look cool uh deep slip time yes okay slab all the entirety well just because it’s going to

Be it’s going to be covered up by this here so it’s going to so you you’ll only be able to see slab so yeah but it doesn’t really matter if like if they’re the same in terms of economic economical stuff if do like this true true given that you’ve already

Used that then sure but I mean they may be used again for like future stations but I don’t know I mean you can still it doesn’t really matter cuz it’s still one block per actually no that’s that’s one block per stair as opposed to that’s what I’m

Saying is I’m like it’s the same I as opposed to half a block per slab like s like currency conversion I don’t know if that’s the correct term to use but like I I was like yeah I don’t know what you me apparently you’ve got a little you’ve

Got a little something on the back of your head oh no oh de that looks uh that looks painful that looks painful someone just said I have an arrow sck in the a couple names for requests for station names what are the station this is this is the station name

Serving my house the station that serves my house this one will be so what do what do we what do we call it I don’t know what do we call this um h b badly Lane badly Lane house Street something like it has to have like Lano Street that’s what most

Stations have right rather than representing the actual area they serve they have to have like Housey halfway house halfway thank you the FBI very cool um thanks FBI Cherry House House Central if I make this slabs too then I can put and then the rail the rails will go here

So I really hope this doesn’t cause any um visual lighting glitches it should be fine it shouldn’t do right seems very cous placing these stairs like this so the tunnel I think what does the tunnel look like it looks like this that looks like a tunnel this is the tunnel

Boring there we go so now we can have a bit of fun here and uh do this a bit of fun oh you’re kidding me I’m already in a cave okay that’s fun um already hit a cave it’s fine oh my God okay okay that’s that’s fun call it

Moting him Nickman’s worth Nickman’s worth I like badly badly stoked Lane nickl it sounds like Brick Lane that’s true going do going to do some math so that’s where the bottom is yeah please only use the stairs an emergency there are a few stairs 66 I

Can do M so 66 minus 24 that is uh 40 uh 42 two yeah 42 so that means there are 84 steps equivalent to a 15 story building building 84 steps the equivalent of a 15 story building oh no way I’m going to I’m going to get a

Second shulker box I think just for Cobblestone cuz it’s going to be uh I did have a shulker box for mind two I had two let me go get them I kind of left them at the badly on TR badf badford true cave does mean less mining

That that’s that’s a good way of thinking about it true a cave does mean less mining uh okay you can see you can see why I got the beacon now cuz it’s so quick well except for when I run into all veins but you know okay Bradford forer Square though

Everything is kind of square London London big yes London bid what what a good what a good name oh my God gravel okay oh I’ve closed my stream on my thing h no right okay well I don’t need my I don’t need my screenshot open anymore I’m cing right now with the CH

Box that I yeah for the Cobblestone right that’s all the main tunnel I think much this is going to be a bit sketchy but have to what color scheme are we going to go for there like I don’t want to like cuz obviously there’s like orange is glasgo Subway so we don’t want

Like yeah there’s what other the colors like this London what is red on ground I don’t know I guess it’s different for the line um yes I got this here oh this should be slabs cuz it’s the floor what am I doing uh there you go I don’t know

What you want it but there Mery Relic yellow oh dear I we could do lies we going to do I don’t well if we do like I don’t know you get what I mean but like just like a big long strip of color yeah along the side

Along the wall like Center like yeah no I I I get what you mean yeah yeah well obviously we’ll see what color we want to do yeah I I understand what you’re getting at yeah M where’s your high Vis is oh no my high Vis I’m sorry I need to I need to

Wear some don’t have orange armor gold armor we have to do I should get an armor Tri like an armor trim or something cuz they’re in the game now so I could I should use that yeah use gold armor with like white rims or yeah probably what the oh they flooding the Metro

Whoops oh no I fell off quite literally yes what did you fall off of I I fell off my the thing I was building it’s 2c2 yes okay right this is what I wanted to do flooding a Metro is this New York yeah I didn’t mean to flood it no it’s it’s

Um it’s like the I what happened with the um the Scott rail stuff when flooded all tracks boat yeah we have to run a real replacement boat instead that was one of the most liked replies to that tweet and I’m so proud of myself and then there

Was that other person replied with that that AI generated train on a boat Scot Rail train on a boat yeah that was that was cool AI is brilliant I mean not when it’s like thieving artists of work but you know yeah for funny things like that it’s brilliant but funny things like

Extending your your YouTube yeah yeah uhhuh no one no one’s meant to know about that oh yeah that’s fine nobody would have known anyway definitely you can’t you definitely can’t tell tell that it’s not real true true true I mean most of it’s real it

Just wasn’t I didn’t take it on a big enough wide enough L true true yeah and it would have C off like half your head so I don’t want my head getting CAU off that doesn’t sound good I don’t know how long I’m going to even be like streaming for this is this

Is fun I’m enjoying myself right now an hour and a half so far an hour and a half okay oh my word oh no I’ve reached the the the the crass under my house okay there’s going to have to be a bit of unnatural looking tunnel but it’s

Whatever there’s going to have to be a bit of unnatural looking tunnel sticking out of the thing but I might quickly just put myself in a hole and pop to L fair enough yes go ahead okay right be back sure I’m all on my own again oh no um right just get this

Done uh yeah this is fun to be fair I mean at least at least having a cave like this does mean I do actually have to do less physical mining which is nice um I should probably actually as well find where the coordinates I need to go to for the Villager

House I need to match them up cuz I’m digging I’m digging right now to the Village I have set up so ideally that’s where I’d like to end up oh dear God this is fun kind an underground farm for some scenery true oh my God I keep

Falling I’m so I am I am I am a liability in the workplace apparently just fill that in whatever uh right so this this block here that it goes up to so if I it’s the one above this one so if I just do this that’s three blocks

Then this is yo I’m back hello I hear a zombie what is going on I have no idea oh knock where it is there some iron if I had sponge that’d be really convenient but I don’t so oh no o hey you got a new what’s it called

Channel member thank you nio Pro for the membership oh that did not that did not do anything it was like literally just after will said ah R you can join next Patron here clearly it’s working yeah wow it’s working being a patron on channel member gives you access to a cool exclusive

Discord server oh yeah definitely pretty cool I I I I do spend too much time in that server yeah me too me too right this is annoying I really wish I had a spa right now said thank you Nick So Pro So Pro I agree Nick is a pro oh

No yes I am so Pro is this not even oh my God it’s not even it’s not even I agree I like it’s not even getting rid of the water this is this this should not be so puzzling oh wow what next yeah a funny funny coincidence funny coincidence yeah that is pretty

Funny oh my God thank you thank you I appreciate it uh oh here’s an air pocket okay yeah this is all the only way I can do this is by like filling all of this in and then digging it all out again so that’s this might take a while how are

You like doing the corners are you doing like a bending or are you just doing it like it might just be like a sharp turn to be honest oh God if an actual train like came around corners like that that shop that would be a bit well this isn’t real life

Thankfully so you know I’m I’m good get find a sponge the thing is like I’m sure it would take a lot longer to find a sponge than it would I mean just depends taking the time to go get a sponge will probably still take longer than you know doing this yeah I feel

Like I might make another Diamond pickax cuz this iron one like takes 8s to repair the problem is this is cobblestone as well so I can’t mine it instantly what is was that the creep that was a creeper that was a creeper don’t worry was that you that was me

Yeah you blowing up stuff well the creeper blowing up stuff not me you know n Nick the creeper yeah of course Nick the creeper that’s just like that’s just like that just sounds like some sort of what what like a a 9-year-old would call their Minecraft Channel ah yes imagine

A Nick creeper what yeah ah yes that definitely never called your channel anything similar to that is not playing this as well yes I am here is doing stuff uh what what are you doing I am replacing the walls with stone bricks of course thank you so you you’ve not got

Insta mine I realized so it’s going to take longer for you to do it isn’t it no um wait so I’m yeah so here is it here I’m doing this or am I breaking um oh shoot um like like I’ve done here where it’s oh I see okay a slab here and then

Another slab on top basically it’s all just to prevent mobs spawning and stuff right oh no I missed a bit X okay there we go work creeper XX XX X nuke X creeper guy X yeah you got to have all the X’s wait that sounds like yeah Twitter Twitter X you know

Yeah that’s how X all right all right we got through here I think we’re nearly done here the tricky bit does Nick have a PC specs this is It’s these are my PC specs up there yeah see if I go F3 I I built this PC like over 3

Years ago for the sake of spec if you go F3 well it shows you your CPU and GPU so I mean whereabouts am I looking the top right is top right is oh yes I see yeah that I have a rizon 5 AMD ryzen 5600 process I mean it’s not the best

And radian it radian or radian I don’t know RX radian RX 580 and then that’s still not bad like yeah it’s not the best but I Rec yeah I recently just upgraded to a um 32 gab you’ve got more R than I do yeah yeah have you got 16

Gigs still 16 gigs yeah yeah like it was it was on a cheap sale I mean not that I needed it but I had it I thought I was having issues with my Ram I think it still was I think it was Ram issues but

To be fair I think just take it out and put it back in again yeah fix it oh well I’ve got I paid 60 quid for 32 gig extra Ram PC it’s been a long time since I did like PC stuff i’ lost I’ve lost a lot of

My knowledge or a lot of my knowledge is outdated I still think like the I9 9900k is the latest Intel CPU like I mean I was quite it was when was it I can’t remember what year I think it was like 2019 is maybe that I

Well my dad helped me build my PC I I didn’t I just don’t trust myself to build a whole PC by myself like with all the expensive parts of a p I’m too scared I’m just going to break it with like some stuff yes

Oh God I went too fast oh my God that was scary well I’ve got a lot more Cobble if you want it I’ve got more Cobblestone yes uh did you put it in the put in the sh box uh the shulker box is full of other stuff

Right now oh oh that’s shulker box right I gave you a I’m blind sorry that it’s okay I’ll put it in there there we go there you go turn it back into building materials yay hey nice uh so yeah my CP motherboard be on repair once

Ah yeah that’s what I like the thing is with the CPU like it you got to be so careful with it you can yeah if you bend the pins you screed it’s so expensive to of a mistake to just like bend a pin accidentally L and it’s and it’s gone can I do

This oh my God right so where will I put the I think I’ll probably try and put the like villager station like here or something so many Iron Golems around here what the hell um okay so this is maybe I should start should I start digging up when I’m close to here probably

Yeah if it goes a one to one so when I’m at about 1410 on the xaxis and then I’m at about 370 odd here okay okay well not 370 odd cuz I’m like 40 blocks down so 410 odd yeah and hopefully I don’t hit this water when I’m digging

Up oh yes hi vex well done hey yeah I put a rail replacement bus outside yes probably I realized I found that before I didn’t I didn’t realize those things existed can I fly in can I fly down here I’m curious oh wait actually that’s probably

Going to kill me I probably shouldn’t do that don’t yeah maybe don’t die I realized I don’t have a way of slowing down without smacking into something so that’s actually probably going to kill me so I won’t do that okay so where am I okay I’m not far enough

Yet how do you do that you you like go onto the well on my screen it’s like a the money icon in the bottom right and then it said free membership mil Milestone shot send a highlighted message as a member also you know this is about as

Close to standard tunnel width as you can get it’s like 4.7 M or something this is five so you know I’m keeping it somewhat accurate to real life oh here it is yes another Cave of water as well which is wonderful I don’t want to have a tea I’m

Hungry already it’s I be I’ve got a bit of Sandwich still left that I can eat so that’s fun I mean I did I did have breakfast like quite a few hours ago oh I’ve almost used all the lava in the pit oh no um

H I don’t know how much more we’ll see how much that gives us and then yeah I’ll think of a way around it afterwards I have like maybe three more three or four more furnaces left okay to put lava in right Sunday uh I am not making roast dinner I’m a

Student Al yeah no I am not I mean I could technically I could make like roast potatoes and that’s probably about it I don’t really have much else to I can make I have potatoes what else do I have I don’t have any Meats I don’t have

Any vegg in I have to go to the shop I mean I do I do love a good Sunday dinner but next week I’ll be I Su Sunday Sunday dinner next week yeah I so will you Nick cuz we’re having one at my grandma yeah good good old grandma suay dinner grandmotherly Sunday

Dinner Sunday versus lunch I mean to be fair like you can have a Sunday Rose for lunch or tea or like it doesn’t no I have it for breakfast most of the time I have it for like in my family we have it for tea however occasionally we’d have it for

Lunch like Christmas Denny have I have that for lunch oh Christmas dinner is so good when you said breakfast reminded me yesterday’s dinner which Just Bagels with omel oh that sounds so good oh I’m giving you I’m giving you ideas now you know food is just I love food so much food is

Like yeah I don’t know what to have a te like I have pasta uh I could do wedges I could have I have to throw away with my lettuce cuz it went off uh rip I could have wedgies and a burrito or something I don’t know how long have I got to make

Food I have 3 hours before I go out I have to be fine I really wish I had sponge this would be really much more convenient if I had sponge the thing is like I’m I’m not a big fan of actual meat itself like I don’t really eat like save my parent

Like my family having a a roast roast dinner like the only meat I would eat is chicken but like if they have beef I just don’t have the beef I just have the like the veg potatoes y puddings but that’s it I don’t I don’t have

Um I don’t have the meat yeah I don’t know why I’m never been a big fan of it chippy oh I I had chippy tea last night I had a fishing chips from the local Chi oh I’m so good is that it yes the water’s been cleared

Hooray I do really like I made homeade W home homeade wed homemade home Wade mges and those are quite good yeah have you tried my wedges yet I don’t know I don’t probably think so no probably not I don’t think you’ll have to try try them like at some point I’ll have to

Cook wedges for you they’re very tasty to be fair I did steal my sisters sister’s recipe Pizza Express oh talking about Pizza Express I do have a Tesco Tesco voucher that I can convert into like nine quid of of a Pizza Express thing however I have to eat in for that

And I’m not going to go to a restaurant by myself yeah I mean I’ve been to Spoons by myself before just yeah that’s like I I I mean to be fair I did eat a Newcastle by myself the other week when you were waiting for you oh right I mean

That was like a fast food thing that was a bit different for again another upcoming thing that is watch this bace on the channel how which words yes that’s going to be quite a while though before you release that one isn’t it yeah I’ve got I’ve got

Quite a big backlog of videos up right now so it’s yeah I don’t know how many I did that part I’m getting through the backlog slowly any plans on doing beos with the snake challenge hopefully there will be in the future more videos with that with them yeah I’m hoping

So have I finished it I think I finished that okay nice finished what I just need to um the walls I just need to do the roof now okay well the walls of the staircase yeah do I have a desktop departure Bo I

Don’t I don’t but I need to ni can I do a mukbang mukbang I don’t I don’t think people will want to see us eat seem a bit OD I don’t understand mukbangers like it’s just yeah I don’t understand it I mean I do like to eat but I am very messy

Either where is the dam sh box is full idea the Sher box is full i’ I mean I’ve already got him some up for his birthday um it is being delivered um well it’s not been delivered yet it’s being delivered so it did take me a while to make but

Well I mean you’ll find out what it is soon hopefully well I say soon with when you on your birth well after your birthday actually because yeah I won’t be seeing you until a few days after I’m going to just do a bit of a clear out of the stuff I’ve collected so

Far right I’m I going to name these stops yeah I definitely will are we still sticking with the idea of getting like concrete or something and putting that as like a yeah I I can go find using concrete or stain clay what do we want to

Use well which is easier to get I don’t know um concrete is like sand gravel and what is it is it well I think I have enough of that stuff the thing is you need to wet it don’t you yeah how do we make what is it sand gravel and

What um sand gravel and a Dye oh I see that’s not too bad then yeah um I mean we can easily get sand and gravel um I feel like I feel like concrete would be easier to get my wood it’s just like wetting it I guess yeah would be

Probably the hard I mean it’ be fine when when you’ve got um uh what’s it called you’ve got the um Beacon so you can mine it a lot faster I can like place it you can mine or something we’ll see might do another chest for granite diorite and ight just cause I’m just

Throwing that away I don’t want to keep it in my inventory I don’t know it could be useful later for something I don’t know what but it could be I have a lot of coal as well oh know I mean that could be useful for like smelting stuff

So what was I I lit just for oh yes a new pickaxe I’m just going to put the the half broken one in the chest I’ll mend another time yeah yeah I don’t really have the means of getting XP to mend it why is there just a some diates

Chilling diates chilling yeah over here you’re just chilling must have dropped that out at some point okay head B Lane’s a head stone lane head bolt Lane to head stone lane I mean that makes sense yeah that makes sense Co instead of conk of the cold cre out of the conk the

CR oh have you not seen the um like why do they call it of and when you of out of hot eat the food or something no oh okay well that that sucks okay yeah I I do not understand the context behind this shame shame I just making this a big building

Like it’s beginning to get dark outside if I end up turning on the light in my room it’s going to end up like I’m my face is going to get really dark and it’s going to look weird so I don’t know my face is going to end up looking really

Dark so if I if I do that oh well might make another CH have you got a chest to put Cobble in near the furnaces or not um oh yeah I left it there the the thingy the what what’s the the sh box sh box yeah okay

Cool right oh you got two of them oh one of them had um other bits in that was dumping in like the buckets for the um furnaces that was oh nearly yeah we are nearly out of lava oh God yeah nearly drain near drain the whole lava

Lake so is a lava Pond not really to a lake I mean we can always no it’s a bit far to go to go all the way down to yeah a lot underground Lava Lake I was like why is it mining so slow I was I trying to mine stone with a

Shovel yeah as you do Nick house tour I mean it’s just a singular room it’s uni Halls it’s not it’s just a singular room eventually at some point I’m going to get out of range of the beacon that’s that’s something I’m going to have to

Deal with true I’m going to end up out of range of the beacon at some point should I just eat a bread stick on I own I need to think actually at what point do I get out of range of the beacon is it right

Here oh I think it’s I think it’s here I think I found it oh no oh so it’s here where I get out of range of the beacon okay right good to know uh okay oh so I catch it there and I’ve got to be quick yeah I’ll have to move the beacon

At some point I’ll just move to like the middle of the I’ll move it to like the middle of the ocean or something oh God yeah okay right we need to move the beacon okay right let’s go move the beacon yeah ow ow right whilst moving the beac can get

Some Sponge okay fine yes well you can try and find some it’s quite dangerous though going sponge well from here though I shouldn’t be moving I shouldn’t be running into any any more water I don’t think cuz I ran into that crass down there I can double

Check cuz I don’t I shouldn’t be running into anything else from here but between here and there there’s not really how deep does this go not deep enough that it will collide with my tunneling okay this won’t be deep enough that I will collide with my tunneling so if I go this

Way and it shouldn’t do here either okay yeah we’re fine I don’t think I I think I can get away with not having sponge oh I think it’d be kind of cool to have these like have Glass Walls yeah just like into these caves and stuff

Like I don’t know it won’t be realistic I don’t know whether you prefer it to be realistic or um I don’t know I I I don’t know I don’t know where to tow the line all right ow I don’t need these whatever I I swear I accidentally nearly

Threw my shulker box in there that wouldn’t have been good okay let’s move the beacon I’m running out of food as well uh I don’t I’ve only got a bit left I don’t much it’s okay I can just get more later it’s fine okay right we’ll just we’ll have to

Move it to like just somewhere in the middle of the ocean right I need to repair my pickaxe as well it’s already on like 2/3 durability oh god I’ve not I’ve not been getting any XP so my Ming my mending hasn’t been working so it’s not been mending

It me when The Mending doesn’t mend I can’t I can’t promise that we’ll actually finish digging the tunnel to the The Thing by the end of the stream I can’t promise that but it’s quite B thing to do I did I didn’t think I would anyway

From the start of the stream I didn’t think it was likely I was going to finish it but I mean it’s been going we’re making progress I just wanted to I wanted to stream it cuz it’s you know it’s train related so you know and it’s something different from usual

So indeed but I I can’t I can’t promise that we will finish it all the way to the Villager place also Minecraft live should be starting soon so I I feel like the viewership is going to go down a bit when Minecraft Life Starts yeah I know well we I do think

The viewership is going to go down a little bit doesn’t matter no it’s fine yeah Minecraft live in four minutes also it’s getting it’s get it’s slowly getting darker outside so my it’s my face cam is going to get darker and it’s just going to be weird spooky I

Need a ring light or something they sell ring lights at the range so I should go and do that quick trip to the range for a ring light okay there we go I’m missing some blocks where are they I’m I’m missing some where the hell

Did they go I’m just here for Nick oh yes everyone’s here for Nick thank thank you I mean it is channel after all that’s Tesco s too yeah going for Minecraft live all right cool if any if they if they reveal what 1.21 is can somebody please let me know thank you if

They reveal the topic of the 1.21 update that’d be great I’m in I’m I’m intrigued to know B is better than Minecraft life true thank you thank you thank you uh right how deep actually underground is this cuz this is relative to here the tunnel is 40 m

So it’s it’s deeper than the average Tube Station but it’s not as deep as Hamstead it’s about as deep as the DLR platforms at bank that’s that’s the that’s about the best I can describe it or it’s about as deep as the Picadilly line at hobin or something like that

That’s how deep the tunnels are are right now uh right so let’s uh I’m going to turn this gunpowder into more fireworks while I’m here oh I’ve got some golden carrots okay they’ll make they’ll make good food cool they’ll make good food uh right okay we near get day 100 of the

Minecraft world the amount of times the 15 stor stor deep like that’s we said that joke so many times and it never gets old it’s it’s hilarious true true uh ooh plenty of stone here actually I might use this to repair pickaxe even just a tiny bit

But cool right well that’s a lot more Stone very cool um what am I doing with this left wall am I just leave like are we extending it in that direction at any point um that will probably be extended at some point yes as in when you’re on

The plat when you’re on the platform going left yeah do you want me to like just replace that with storre for now or just leave it um probably just leave it for now um okay because I’m I might I’ll be extending that later so yeah all righty not on the stream though probably

Cuz that will be too far in the future but you know Minecraft West to Minecraft East I need to um yeah I need to I need to I need to build this in such a way that I can do a pointless Journey on it actually for like April Fool that

Would be like Minecraft pointless Journey for like an April fools video nine Elms in Minecraft right I’ve got more Stone if you want it have you put it in the furnaces um no Stone from the furnaces oh I see okay nice yes I will

Take it’s a lot there you go it’s a it’s a lot of stone I don’t have enough space for it take my di right oh I should I should I should put it in the shulker Box hang on oh yes thank you considering I’m going to make it

Into there you go I don’t even have a crafting table oh you don’t have a crafting table oh I don’t either oh God there’s oh there’s one down there okay yeah I was going to say like you put it like halfway up and I was going to make

It into stone bricks the there’s one crafting table at the furnace is sorry oh it’s okay I need to rebuild the the beacon as well uh right honestly I think streaming though big projects like this in Minecraft is a good way to not get bored while you’re doing them I think streaming streaming

It does make it more fun uh right speaking of right I’m going to get this dire right and build the beacon in the middle of the ocean cool right so Nick this is your last call do you want food question mark do I want food um I mean I could

But what what food what food are you offering um what what how how how am I being offered food in this context 8 to1 real yes how is how is this how is this working I maybe ordering takeaway for you I don’t know true or going to the shop and getting some

Food I don’t know I don’t know what the the like I mean it’s it’s all right I I will I’m not hungry I’m not hungry right now so it’s deliver yes don’t worry it’s okay Molly can be your delivery driver it’s all right don’t worry about

It come to Durham and drop off me some let’s go I’m Kidd I’m not hungry right now and I I can just get some food get food and give it to me that works that works H it’s it’s tempting but like I don’t know I’m I’m

Fine I’m not hungry yet I had I basically had a late lunch before the Stream So I need I’m make sure I eat before later I don’t know whether I’m going to drink or not should I drink I don’t know no drinking is bad for your liver

Probably won if I do drink I probably won’t drink much I need to to get the the social anxiety out of the way by drinking alcohol that’s how it works M yes indeed have I built this no I haven’t no I’ve built it right okay

Cool thought I done it wrong but no I’ve not drunk that no I’m not drinking on stream I’m going out for drinks later I mean I I could have a cider now but I wouldn’t be drunk student that’s Student Life [Laughter] yeah right I don’t I don’t have a

Sacrifice to give to the beacon uh um hang on I don’t have a sacrifice your firstborn child uh there we go yeah I perfect let’s get haste to I should I kind of want to like M we got we want have some well left some sun

Somewhere I’m going to I want to try and make some um also let believe drinks in November yes I think they’re still on like if you’re still going coming in November then drinks will be still on right um oh we got you got a lot of

Sand and gravel let’s go what what color are we to go for then for the concrete uh o good question I don’t know what what’s an easily available die we have what’s it what you say an easily available D that we have well there’s yellow there’s red there’s orange

There’s blue I’m going to go turn on a light give me a second try blue Wicked is the only alcohol drink of cuz I’m not has that done anything I don’t know I need to see has that done anything say that I mean like it’s done a little bit okay

That’ll do right sure I like ciders ciders are nice that’ll do but I don’t really drink much else I guess like any any flow do I live in student accommodation I mean judging by the fact that I have a PC in my kitchen I mean you know that’s a oh wait

You don’t have a PC I have a PC in my kitchen that’s it could I guess there’s orange there’s yellow there’s red there’s blue there’s light blue there’s purple purple purple be you know purple yeah we get our own purple trains down here purple train purple

Train purple train I I don’t have Beacon power oh now I do okay cool got it nice okay I will oh that’s not meant to happen oh God okay let’s meal some of Bones right I’m about at where I should be on the x- axis now so love the line the true purple

Train I think 1410 was like still in line with the building so I’m going to just be a bit careful and just go a bit further right this should be good oh I’m out of range of the beacon again oh no wait can you not bone meal flowers anymore wait you

Could yeah is that is that only a Bedrock thing I don’t know I didn’t know that was even a feature I you bone me to like duplicate it or something yeah oh I did not know that was even a thing I it’s insane I know you can do it with

Rose bushes but like you usually to do it with um other as well I don’t know could huh interesting I’ll just use some bone Mill to create some more flowers it’s fine lost the Hast again no okay you can still do it with rose bushes is my beacon too far over I

Don’t I don’t know whether you can create corn flowers in the wild or whether you have like if I bone meal I don’t know whether I can I think they do spawn naturally I don’t think I’m going to be able to get any I might just have to use

Lapis that’s fine H okay fair enough it’s only large yeah I swear like though you used to real if your bone meal like around a small flower it would it’s two block High flowers right okay yeah I I I know that but then like if if there it

Might have been Bedrock only but like if you place a small flower down and then you bone meal like around it it would spawn the same flower again like it would like right huh strange I somehow didn’t know about that I don’t know maybe I’m just misremembering

But um take oh oh I real I didn’t see all the blocks of lapis I think we’re fine for oh yeah okay I didn’t see you had like 25 blocks of lapis I’m back in range the beacon that’s a relief okay oh let’s not use all your rose

Plants I will put a few back I’m back in range of the beacon let’s go oh what okay it’s only it’s only a small bit okay we’re fine this is no biggie it’s only a small bit okay this is my this is me officially I’m Renown I am re renouncing yes I’m

Announcing my retirement as a railway vlogger and I’m now becoming a Minecraft streamer easy I’m not actually that would be weird but you know make the Mery rail logo as my shield that’s an idea is there a way to make the London Underground round Shield I think I’ve seen that before there must

Be a way there must be a way there has to be yeah sure okay I have a lot of um purple concrete powder now time to create the you’ve got a whole ocean outside you can probably put it in there yeah I think there’s a I think

There’s a vanilla tweaks data pack that like automatically that automatically uh wet concrete but I’m not I don’t have it installed obviously but I think I’ve seen a vanilla tweaks thing for that I’m just going to make like a big like stream and then place it by the

Side of it cuz I know you can yeah it’s probably the best way to do it oh flipping Phantoms flipping Phantoms can we please sleep by I’m getting attacked by okay I will come back so we can sleep sure yay right I’m on my way we are we putting Cobble in that shulker

Box as well by the way or not um we can do yeah I don’t mind okay whatever sure it’s it’s just mainly stor breaks at the moment but it’s cuz I don’t have enough space in my inventory to hold it all yeah especially I’ve got inventory full of concrete

Powder oh my word ah okay you get what I mean by I mean I mean I’m safe okay hey oh my word right okay these back no more Phantoms anymore Phantoms are indeed the worst mob to ever exist they like what what we voted for them as well I mean I didn’t I

Voted for Mob D fun fact back back in 2017 when they had the mob vote for the Phantom I voted for Mob D so I did not contribute to the Phantom’s existence oh it’s so slow maning this concrete oh God I probably should have done it elsewhere

With the thingy Beacon well my beacon is literally in the middle of the ocean it’s like it’s it’s perfectly situated well it’s not situated for me oh okay skill issue I should have cuz I’m doing it like on the the sure I should have done it underground I’m sure that was a good

Idea ha okay I’ll just replace the sun I’ve broken o another cave okay I’d rather run into a cave than run into water so not needs to unionize what unionize what does that mean you’re going to form a union you’re going to go on strike or something I don’t

Know why why do I need to strike I don’t know strike over how much I’m paying you which is nothing I guess so I mean actually that would be that would be perfectly Justified I think not getting paid at all you kind of expect people to strike for

That it’s called a volunteer you know what those are right oh true yeah never encounter the warden no I like the warden the warden’s cool the warden’s cool I like it it’s nice to have an actually like difficult and scary mob in the game you mean to tell me the the Wither

And the Ender Dragon are not difficult to fight oh no I’ve gone through my first stack of concrete powder I might just do two stacks for now yeah okay place down purple train purple train definitely not ripping anything off I promise I’ll get copyright stried by who

By Prince or by Jeff uh I don’t know I didn’t think I didn’t think of a respon for the the joke in time so O our balls what why why has will put our balls in the chat I don’t know what will will is balling about what hi Nick and nut hello welcome hello Hello Elijah Elijah’s transport Zone hello Jeff’s purple train is better wow is my singing bad what I don’t think they’re referring

To that no definitely I don’t know why I’m placing all this this is going to get turned into stone brick anyway but it’s just a temporary measure br’s Got Talent wow what a not rig show definitely a show that is definitely all about people’s talent and is definitely

Not rigged and overplayed for viewing reasons uh-huh totally real and 100% realistic okay I’ve got two of I have one missing where is my missing piece of concrete you’re missing a piece of concrete oh no I think I’ve lost it oh hello I see you down there oh am I under

The under the I can’t see your name tag oh wait I can ha hello hello is there a there’s no hole oh okay I can I can come come that way all right sure my face is getting increasingly dark as it gets darker outside this

Is this is fun hello how are you both doing I’m I’m doing good I guess uh yeah I’m doing good this is fun I’m enjoying this I’ve never done a Minecraft stream on this channel before so this is uh it’s something different is better

Than this oh I get what you mean oh okay that makes more sense okay yeah je the song yeah I I thought you were meaning like just purple train was better than my purple train like just rendition of Purple Train oh no no no am I just putting the um purple strip

Like on the platform or am I like where abouts uh the purple I don’t know you can do may maybe on the platform yeah that makes sense like it will like just I could wrap it around a bit to the um staircas and just like put it into

The wall so it goes into the floor I don’t know I’ll see I’ll see what it looks like here right I need to get the coordinates oh yeah this looks cool oh wow purple TR nice okay I like this this looks cool this looks

Cool oh my God this looks nice I can do it I’ll do it in the wall opposite as well yeah yeah on the wall opposite too um I’m doing it the entirety of the world way down the Metro um or just the platform uh maybe just the platform for

Now and then we’ll do that later so um you should add yellow yellow line that makes sense I mean it could but I think like there’s not really anything small enough that we can do got a car oh no do I have do I have Tinder bots in my chat now oh god

Oh no oh no I’m being invaded by Tinder Bots the don’t tap the sign me what like we could put I guess a yellow carpet at the edge of the platform that would be okay I guess yellow cop okay the yellow cop it would make sense yeah

Do you have bedro yeah I think we we have bedro edition how long will it take to make the Metro well I’m not going to be finishing the Metro today I don’t think I want to at least like tunnel tunnel to the Villager area um we can we can at least complete a

Section of it not like probably we won’t have like the stone brick lining all the way to the other end of the station or to the other to the other station over there but I think we’ll try and well at least dig there I think this is not the I’m not building the

Full Metro today I’m going to build I’ll dig dig at least the tunnel from there to here so right probably around three okay so 37 okay we want to be hitting the surface at around 380 we want to hit the surface at around 380 and we’re coming up by 40 blocks

So we’ll want to be starting to dig up at around 420 420 makes sense right negative 420 oh hey look it’s Dolphins watch this watch this I have depth stri at three we I’m so fast oh my that was fun anyway let’s dig let us dig my face is getting very

Blue c i I wasn’t thinking I’d be live like this late to the point where it would be dark outside so it’s uh oh well get a soundbox so see it say sorted yes see it say it sorted say it say it say it say it sorted

Right we’ve got a bit further to go down here but yeah I think we’re going to we we’ll cut out the lights in the tunnel afterwards um but for now we’re going to keep the Torches there whilst we’re building itz yeah there’ll be actual like permanent fixtures in there at some

Point did you see what wanted me to do like stone brick stairs for the ceiling of like the roof slabs slabs for like the very topmost bit the stairs the stairs stairs what for for the the roof of the stairs the roof of the St um just

Regular blocks what be find for that yeah yeah but for the roof you don’t want yeah but if it’s like it’s I’ll show you well I’ll show you what I mean okay yeah I’ll come over give me a second all right demonstrate yeah so this okay honestly

Yeah yeah yeah okay do that that looks that looks Co that get back one if if you don’t do do that that looks cool yeah okay nice if I just another Roxy record on shelf would you blow me BL like everybody else what s what song is that um stereo

You can do the Skelly Hearts that’s a Minecraft parody Skelly Heart Stereo Hearts by it’s like I don’t know I think I came to dig dig dig dig and build a city so big big big big yeah what’s it called um I think it’s Adam Lavine not Mar five creeper all man yeah

Baby tonight the Creeper’s trying to steal our stuff again you tree above my bones I can’t remember the Minecraft parad when you’re listening to it don’t sing song don’t sing copyrighted songs that would be uh is it because my my singing is that good that it get

Copyrighted oh my what the heck not I wasn’t I wasn’t what the hecking that I found I stumbled upon a cave do do like do M parodies have copyright I don’t know how it works I don’t know to be honest I mean if you I don’t know are

You are you I mean it’s not going to get monetized anyway but I don’t know whether you’re I mean the the VOD it’s the VOD really that’s all that I don’t know I don’t know how copyright was in terms of singing songs like generally it doesn’t I don’t think but I don’t know

Content ID claims they’re a bit broken so I’ve still never been copy stried yet on my channel which is quite nice I’m I’d like to keep that up CL is very confusing yes still not had a single demonetized video yet so I’m happy about that even my bloopers video didn’t get

Demonetized which was quite nice why what oh cuz you swear on it yeah swearing oh my God that’s illegal I can’t believe DanTDM said a swear word oh my God you’re DanTDM wait what wait no no no ah how many stations will the Metro have I don’t know

Honestly I mean so far it’s only going to have two but it will have more in the future when I’ve built it myself sure so I’m listening to I’m going to listen to Revenge next we got to have the cre all Man song Can’t Believe Nick badley is

Playing Minecraft yeah I know calling out it’s ridiculous oh I need some more what that’s not okay yeah creeper creeper oh man oh man so we back in the mine I’m not going to sing to I’m going to get copyright strike by Captain Sparkles no I literally sng two

Two words of the song it’s fine okay fair enough two lines not two words oh I messed this up oh God you messed it up or you missed the song like I no I messed I messed up a bit of building I did I see the colle regression to a 2013

Mindset oh my colletive regression to 2013 yeah yes that was a great time when they turned Minecraft and minc raft that was fun I remember the uh 2.0 April fools update thing that they did in 2013 that was funny and 2014 where they turned everyone into a villager and everything was villager

Sounds that like cuz I was still young enough where I could be sort of like I was gullible enough that I sort of believed it and I was like oh God what’s happening here oh no everybody is now a villager I was like what the hell is

This okay there we go right got through the cave again all right keep an eye on the coordinates I should I do this if I they go up H trying to think actually what’s the best way it’s not sne again is it coming I don’t know whether I’m

Going to sneeze or not oh dear it’s just scking in there I don’t think I’m sneezing K think it’s gone okay oh no you you gave me a bless you blessed me and my I did not sneeze ow ow die that is a huge amethyst

Geo down there oh my god oh there a baby zombie oh my there’s so many baby zombies go away oh sugar what what what what what what what happened what’s happening I got hit into a into the whole cave and there’s like three baby zombies tring to Kill Me Baby

Zombie on Hardcore that’s that’s a bad sign okay I have just about survived take a Revenge who so much copper in my inventory how do I get back up okay I’ll just mine my way up mining way I don’t know what to Mine I’ll mine this anyway uh right I need more

Fireworks not jump scared yeah I am sorry I jump scared you’re like yesterday when we were playing this I feel like I definitely screamed a few times and scared Nick with my screaming yeah you’re you you unironically jump scared me I am very scary terrifying I should be a horror film so

I’m like 14 something or rather you’re 14 no I’m I’m I’m coordinates I just I really hope that when I dig up what I won’t be there it’ll be like off to the side the platform and then the platform will come up here the stairs will dig up to

There okay you know what I’m going to do this ahead of time I’m going to okay so I’m I’ll dig I’ll I’ll I’ll get the the staircase up here just ahead of time so that I can how deep was my damn it okay well I wasn’t this okay I’ll might dig it

Here it’s not the end it’s not the end of the world if I dig it at a slightly weird if if I make it a bit twisty twisty yes the I’m sure the floorboards in my bathroom are creaking I don’t I can hear the floorboards in my bathroom creaking from

Here that’s not creepy someone’s in your bathroom no they do that every now and again they just Creak for no reason it’s a bit weird but odd uh I’ll go down here for a bit and then so I went a bit further than 1400

And odd so if I go to the side of bit and then hopefully I can go down from yeah this is a problem I’ll end up running into this what coordinate is my platform at another me about is the staircase equiv into a 15 story building

Like oh yeah I need to put a sign I need to put the sign on it saying yeah 84 steps equivalent to a 15 story building yeah did we say 84 yeah 84 84 steps I think did we say 84 or 88 cuz it was 40

Oh 42 steps yeah 84 sorry 84 steps equivalent to a 15 story building only using an emergency now we need to we need to make the the the bubble lift okay so this it goes to 1444 and 148 okay 1414 right that’s where I dug the tunnel to so if I go back

Here and then I go up so 144 is where the tunnel Lo to now I’ve got to account for the platform being there as well so yeah uh right what does served mean I don’t know maybe I’m just uncultured apparent someone said nut has served L nut has I

Mean served your duty I guess I don’t know I do not know I can’t insta mine because I’ve not got the beacon power from here I’m no oh Golem move what are you doing this is a restricted area this is a specifically restricted area tempor I like the

Pieces yes don’t worry they are actually genuinely temporary I’m honest literally means delivered I see that makes sense you have delivered yes I have delivered yeah do you do you do you deliver now I’d like to keep my liver please there’s going to be like an entire meter gap

Between the the the cart and the platform Edge oh dear please mind the gap between the cart and the platform Edge it’s big don’t like yeah please mind the gap between the cart and the platform Edge I need to repair my pickaxe actually good thing I have villagers okay

Right let’s get get this pickaxe repaired hey welcome to standard hey thank you 801 rail for the uh the standard Patron not Pat not Patron this is memberships not Patron I’m so used to saying standard standard patrons Ser equals Slade Okay okay there we go that’s repaired my pickaxe a bit cool oh we have a lot of cobblestone in these yeah it’s a lot it’s a lot of it’s a lot of Cobble we’re mining it’s a it’s a large project yeah it’s a lot you’re mining I’m not mining that

Much we’ve been oh God this stream’s been going on for two and a half hours this is insane two and a half hours or what put are you calling it is the question I don’t know like I don’t know I I feel I feel

Like I I I want to finish the bit but I feel like it’s going to I want want to at least complete the tunnel probably I think I don’t think that we’ll see this fully finished but I can finish the tunnel it’s been nice to stream some of it

So right I’ll do a little bit here no I didn’t mean to do that oh my God okay um so I dig down to Y 24 again I think that’s where it was and I hope I don’t run into water if I do that’ll be a bit

Annoying I have used the supply of geothermal energy oh you’ve used up the geothermal energy oh dear um and now on to Coal I put some there was a lot of coal that I’ve just mined into just from digging the tunnel so I think I put it

In my or’s chest oh I see I’ll go get it there was a bunch of coal I just I just coincidentally ran into while mining so yeah I’ll go get there cuz I probably need it yeah sure Minecraft 1.21 is penguin is not penguin not penguin them I read the word p

Adventure it’s adventure themed I like that and P penguin lost the vot oh of course it did of course it did I think the crab’s going to win that’s that’s what everyone seems to think so it’s adventure themed have they said by bye Elijah see you later have

They said what it’s called or is it just like it’s just Adventure themed cuz I they had the adventure update like 1.11 so was it the exploration no not not the adventure the was it called the exploration update was there an adventure update I don’t I don’t know they all blur into

One at this point I I don’t know yeah oh yeah beta beta 1.8 I think was the adventure update yeah it’s coming back to me now a dungeon chamber called the trial chamber that sounds interesting huh a new structure called the corridor with Chambers around like from Coronation Street I like that see

Contrary to what’s happening right now I like sort of the more like survival Adventure aspect of Minecraft as opposed to building so it’s like that’s that’s cool I I I like things like that isn’t that short for something yes it’s short for Natalie yes Wow real name docks let’s go

Whoa no no I hit the water oh for God’s sake I hit the water no darn it for water what did it do to deserve this this is annoying oh my God okay um well I will have to I have to cope somehow um have to just build what will be en encased

By the stairs okay oh I’m going to drown Don’t Drown that’s bad drowning is pretty bad yeah I agree don’t drown oh Minecraft adventure oh Minecraft adventure update was One beta 1.8 and 1.0 yeah right of course yeah now I I like the sound of an adventure themed update though that’s

Nice at the same time though moang employees when they have to work for more than 20 minutes a day they’ve not really made the best rep for themselves lately with the recent updates uh okay so from here I then make this so the roof will be there so then

The roof will be there and then it would be there okay cool oh I could oh I don’t have any lettuce though do I pop out to get some lettuce just to get to have like a chicken burger for tea I don’t know if you want your choice I don’t know

Okay there we go that’s what will be the staircase now incased I think incased it’s been encased look at this engineering let’s go I an engineer what are you having for dinner I don’t know whether you’re asking me or Nick but I’m planning I was planning to have some sort of like bottom

Oops what I I forgot the bottom of what was going to be the staircase whoopsie like I was planning to have like wedges and I don’t know like what chicken burger or like chicken wrap or something I don’t know I don’t have any lettuce though there we go automating crafting automated

Crafting what that better be a thing I remember like the mods the mods that are so cool that automated crafting that you have those like crafting tables like what is it like teit mods or something I don’t know but like I never played teit Weir you sell like a crafting table to a

Specific recipe and then you can have pipes going in and like with the ingredients and it makes it and it comes out like like Hoppers if it like it work with Hoppers or something that would be so yeah that seems interesting automated crafting huh that seems that’s that’s neat I

Guess that’ be cool for like Minecraft servers where you make um like you can sell things where you can like craft things it’s like if everything’s automatic you make an automatic like say like cake Farm or something not like cakes I don’t know maybe cakes myself a lot more

Than it reminds me of like the gffa factory from um yog’s cast oh that’s a blast from the past they say they say don’t mine at night but mining at night is actually safer because at night there’s mobs that also spawn on the surface meaning that the mob cap gets hit more easily

So so actually do mine at night mining at night is good right you know I’m just going to fill this all in I don’t care and just mine it out later yes you been saying exactly this yes exactly okay that’s all the water got rid

Of so now I just have to dig I have to dig dig dig and build a city so big big big you you said it too quick I was singing the I have to dig dig dig dig and build a city as so big big big big

Yeah just wait a sec B big big big big go go go almost dug it’s so slow without any enchants on my pickaxe I should probably like I’m on level 20 9 at the moment I could do a level 30 enchant if I get a bit more

Levels yeah oh I kind of at least then I if I get some efficiency I literally have no haste because obviously the beacon is not in my area yeah and just a plain diamond pickaxe it’s quite painful mediocre 2010’s charts has been immortalized in the form of Minecraft songs

Yeah drills and don’t get me been immortalized with Minecraft songs I have never tried Ln food yeah I posted my meme my meme I made in two minutes on my Twitter David horn himself liked the Tweet I’m like oh yes I’ve peaked let’s go wow yeah I I mean I mean

I probably could eat some of some like I’m sure there are some bits I can have from the food but I think the only other thing I’ve ever like bought bought I’ve like probably bought drinks from um like on board catering and stuff and POS oh

Got the haste let’s go and I think I’ve also bought a gin once I remember that was you can get like l r ale as well I think elen do their own apparently it’s a bit n but you can actually get like elen ale or something Prett

Cool oh yeah this is this is yes Matthew this is the second station on the line they get rid of the sausage RS a not like not that I could have had could had them anyway but still at least they give out the free greg sausage rules on the

L&r app you have you used your free greg no I haven’t yet I’m sorry uh are you sorry it’s your your free sausage rolls true that it’s only me it’s only me I’m failing here yeah okay right so so the edge of the tunnel is this block right here

So that’s a bit annoying um can I make this work they’ll have to be just like so okay okay I can make it work in the fact that I’ll have to have like no the platform will have to be all of this basically okay and I I really hope I’ve lined this

Up correctly as well I have to I’ll I’ll double check okay I’ll have to I’ll I’ll dig this way and hope that I’ve lined it up correctly oh no my pickaxe no did it break no I dropped it oh all right please I really hope I end

Up bumping into my existing tunnel I really hope I do I hope I’ve got the coordinates right oh god oh I’ve hit the beacon let’s go oh I need to go back and get some more I’ve hit the beacon yes yes I got the calculations right let’s go yes I got it

Right oh I did not mean to screenshot that was an accident yes okay I got it right let’s go okay that’s a relief mob vot win is getting announced now I’m betting it’s the crab it’s probably the crab why do I like the 230s I don’t know

They’re quite unique and the fact that like their former tube trains they’re pretty neat they’ve got the sort of unique thing about them with the fact that they are like refurbished tube trains and everything and also they replace 150s so you know that too ow oh my God there’s so much stuff

Here what are all my thing yeah I’ve not picked up because I have the inventory space I’m dumping more blocks in here I’m just getting some more I’ve made it my my my other chest is for like ores I’ve just happen to have picked up cuz I couldn’t make another Shel

Box so I just that there hey you’re doing a good job here I’m liking this it’s getting there slowly it’s getting started in here yeah it’s getting started no that’s that’s copyrighted definitely I mean I literally Su like barely even Su I just said the word Let’s Get It Started ha

Let’s get it started in here oh the Minecraft music’s coming back on let’s go you what the Minecraft music’s coming back on oh nice Sweden by C418 I think this one is oh oh no I’ve lost the haste oh it’s back there we go go

Haste yes be haste be Hasty oh my God make haste there we go probably W even have time to make food at this point I don’t know I don’t know I me if you need to go then no like I’m just trying to think of like

I mean I probably could make it but I just cuz if I want wait armadillo one armadillo one the really I was expecting it to be the crab wow okay oh wow huh that’s a surprise I thought the crab was on track to win huh I guess all the penguin voters

Wanted the armadillo in instead then it’s like their backup I don’t know I need to go I need to close my curtain it’s everyone can see singular curtain yeah one sec I could just do wedges and like some El what could I have I Che sorry

Word there we go it’s a blind not a curtain my bad illegal use of wrong terminology I’m sorry okay I’m kidding I don’t say I’ve apparently according to OBS I have not dropped a single frame in nearly 3 hours on this stream apparently I’ve not dropped a single frame that is in 3

Hours not bad considering we were having issues yesterday when we were trying this out yeah trying to get the land working and everything that was oh yeah yeah uh oh dear so much Hasty mining I’m loving it oh but then I hit then I hit a bunch

Of gravel and then it just ruins up want the Hast come on give us the Hast what is the you still earing at the gravel yeah just a general I you know it’s been three hours almost like within 9 Minutes of been 3 hours us SC or BR don’t know

Never played either of them I don’t even know never played and never probably will play either of them so I don’t know I cannot formulate an opinion on that out have inventory space again the Mt arm which what’s the MTR mod is that one with trains and

Stuff does that give does that add trains to the game it could be like Minecraft transport wait what is what would they ask on for I don’t know Minecraft sport [Laughter] maybe oh I’ve lost my haste I’ve lost my haste no I don’t have haste like it just didn’t

Give me haste I actually place the beacon pretty well that get me that get you haste for most of it most of the tunnel length why am I not getting his is it cuz I’m like if I walk here do I get it now I get it I

Think it’s like cuz I’m on the right side of the tunnel ah maybe oh yeah I’m just doing this first straight part for then and then I’ll do the rest of it yeah I think I’ll I’ll finish digging this bit of tunnel and then I’ll add the

Tracks and then I think they’ll probably call the stream there just because this is taking too long yeah Minecraft Transit Railway that’s what it stands for okay I see yeah Minecraft Transit Railway can’t believe I’ve been streaming for 3 hours I don’t think I have that in me honestly I did not think

I have that in me I remember when I used to stream most of the time it be like one to two hour hours cuz I would have to either go to bed or like but sometimes I could do I would end up doing it for like four or five hours if

I was like yeah enjoying it I don’t know all right there we go this is the end of this will be the platform here so oh no I’m out of rain I’m out of range of the beacon there’s not much here to mine anyway it’s fine so watch Minecraft live so apparently yeah

So it’s I’ve I’ve heard through the grape vine that the uh armadillo one and the the next update is Adventure themed and there’s some sort of automated crafting thing that they’re adding thank you to everybody who chose to watch this stream over Minecraft live I I appreciate you okay that’s the tunnel dog

So that’s the tunnel that’s the tunnel dog to where to where the Villager place is so I don’t think you heard my joke no I didn’t I was talking Sor I said who’s Doug you said that’s a chel Doug like who’s Doug who’s dog you’re calling me Doug my name is Doug

Mama I don’t know I don’t know I was meant to be like Joe Mama but oh that’s that’s that was a meme in like 2018 I can’t reference that right um okay so 1 2 three four F oh God four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

It’s so much slower when you don’t have when you don’t have haste oh my God I agree I so much slower without haste okay so it’s like this oh my God ah gravel it’s so annoying I I’m not moving the beacon over for this bit it’s it’s it’s not really worth it

Right I do want to place I’ll place the rail down and then yeah okay so this is where the platform will be and then uh yeah right okay so I’ve sort of I’ve dug out the basic like what tunneling between the places oh hello do you say hello to me yes yes I

Am where are you oh hello I see rails are one because I’ve made I’ve made the tunnel so big and long because it’s sort of just to keep it sort of true to life with the fact that well keeping it true to life in terms of tunnel size and yeah

But I mean Minecart a tiny compar to the tunnels but you know I’m I’m keeping the tunnel size true to life as true to life as I can this looks nice I like this yeah uh we’re leaving this wall undecorated for the time being cuz this is eventually

Going to be broken through and extended that way um so we’ve not decorated that wall yet but but yeah this is this is nice not bad so far there’s there’s a a tiny bit here that’s not been done yeah I know I’m not I’m not done it yet that’s fine wait

Which tiny bit are you want to about uh the bit here with like the di oh yeah add yellow lines we will add yellow lines to platform Edge don’t worry we will we will be doing that make carpet um we’re going to use it carpet and

Stuff but the moment I’m just trying to do the tunnels so much Cobblestone right now I’m going to make rails and then add those uh if you’re doing the rails I’ll quickly do the floor then make sure it’s all correct yeah so you don’t have to break

It oh balls balls balls what what’s happening what’s happening I fell into a creeper bit oh no yeah if she just you die now and I’m like oh well that’s a problem cuzz this again this is this is a hardcore world so like just kind reminder to everyone that

This is this is a hardcore world so you know we can’t die so right let me do my way back up again the big cave in is like a death trap yeah I’m just remembering at the start of the Stream when I nearly died from creepers falling on me that was if

Anyone was there to see that if anybody’s actually like watched the whole stream L that was terrifying if I died there that would have just been embarrassing where one piece of blast prop yeah I mean I’ve got prop four prop four prop four fire prop four right now

But I mean I don’t have anything I think the only thing I’ve have Enchanted is my chest PL which is to because I don’t have the levels to enchant stuff yeah so funny when it comes to Minecraft I am trying to be family friendly with

The this thing I’m not I’m trying not to scream my head up this is a Christian Minecraft server no swearing Bal is like you can’t swear on my Christian Minecraft server like when I say sugar before like I would not be saying the as familyfriendly words if I was oh my my

God right let’s get these rails placed uh give me a second I’ve oh yeah true you need you still need to like stone brick the floor I that’s what I’m doing at the moment I just dug it up so I’m going to put the things on uh all

Right I can’t add a button can I um the floor is leaking it’s just like slowly dripping because of the water above might do I’ll do a powered rail every 32 blocks I think I leave it how are your photos so good oh thank thank you I I just I don’t

Know I I take photo and it yeah I I do a little bit of tweaking to make sure it doesn’t look rubbish and then I have photo yay oh what that didn’t what’s up oh you’re kidding me okay that doesn’t work um what does not

Work what is the issue I can fix this don’t worry okay hopefully that does that oh it’s not a full block that’ll be why okay did you what yeah P rails only work for I think it’s for eight blocks in an unmanned mine cart

But do you did you want me to change it from half SL stre okay that works okay yeah it’s just on the ones under the ones with powered rails under them okay okay so well you can just decide which ones those are going to be cuz I don’t

Know which you want those to I’m missing a slab now as a result cuz the it’s okay I can fix this there is a solution random Holes in the Floor is very hard to do oh I did not need to do that I did not take damage how the hell did that

Happen what did you do make detector rails before powered rail I mean that can work but I don’t know yeah this it’s this is the cheaper method of using Redstone torches trying to cut costs you know right here’s my solution there we go cool done okay I need to not wear my elytra

Cuz that’s just asking for you to die pickax is very low durability 110 left is that an iron pick pick ax no diamond oh Diamond one okay have you got Unbreaking or not no ah I I’m say I was saving up for a level 30 enchant but I

Don’t it’s about to break so I might just have to make a new one by the end and then enchant that there we go perfect okay ah I’m out of slabs damn it I need to go get some more there’s just random patches of them yeah annoying okay yeah I need

More slabs just cuz of the yeah it only works to full block so I need like extra slabs next to the the rails here yeah whoops what you mean extra stops um because underneath this flooring out here is slabs just to save on you taken the it doesn’t taken an extra slab from

The side to I’m fully out of sum so I need to go get some more um I’ll take this Cher box with me so I can we’re out of coal as well um so I there’s literally no unless you got some I’ve got some coal in my inventory if you want that

Okay can you come and bring it to the thingy or just give it to me stairs give me a sec H will with the D jokes someone said I’m starving and then said you starving are you sure you’re not a dad will no call him Bill Dill no bill it’s

Old a much older sounding name um right I am waiting oh yeah uh coal right yes how much do you need I’m sure that someone said rails don’t go on top of slabs I mean they are going on Rails don’t go on top of bottom half slabs top half slabs they do

But yeah can I have them uh cool there you go yeah sure I’m not N I definitely believe you you can’t you can put rails on top half slabs but not bottom half slabs so yeah wait we’re making so how much farther would you like to go

What I will have this how much farther do you want to go with greetings John Morgan 30 4 15 6 7 8 9 20 21 2 3 456 27 28 29 30 31 32 oh God oh God I’m back in the range of the beacon okay uh right oh

No okay I’ve reached the edge of what you’ve yeah I’m Stone brii steal from here I’m trying to work as fast as I can now use the furnaces and fuel yeah all right I’ve got a few more Stacks yeah the armadillo I’m surprised the armadillo won the mob vote that’s

Surprising all right see see you nexo thanks for the uh the membership appreciate it hope you enjoyed my neck is hurting from this leaning down I’ve had to position my cuz I’ve been positioning my seat is up higher than it normally is if I keep it where it

Normally is it’s like down here but I’m really low and where the webcam is I’m just looking down a lot so I’ve had to move my seat up a bit higher than I normally use so man of T yeah Minecraft’s cool Minecraft is a cool game yeah I should probably eat soon but

Oh it’s fine it’s fine we can well well it won’t be long until we complete this anyway yeah I’ll probably just I’ll I’ll complete the rail and then I think I’ll end the stream cuz we still got a lot of like other things to do like building the

Metro buildings when sign just no the stream will go on for too long so I think I will complete the rail the rail bit to this to the other station and then I’ll call it there so yeah you’ve got button I see yeah that’s just for starting Off okay you know I I need multiple of those One Singular rail isn’t enough to get a good Start this is the first test run the first test run of the rail it’s not even it’s not even finished I know but rails I’ll I’ll build in front of me it’s oh god oh no okay I messed up are you sure you will I I accidentally got out of the mine cart

It’s fine I think it’s been done I finished it all right oh not the this is a Wallace and grommet reference okay no I was trying to the thing where I build I build the rail in front of me I don’t think you’re going to be able to do

That I can’t click fast enough okay how about give me the mine cart you do you build it and try and get it built before I come all the way around right I’ll try that hang on right yeah actually wait no I don’t I don’t even have enough

Yet you don’t have enough rails can you give me some slabs as well so I can fill in underneath oh yeah yeah for the powered rail do a Wallace and grommet yeah I referenced it yeah oh my God okay um right I need to make a bit more

Rail I think I have enough powered rail I’ll make another one I’ll make another batch just in case there we go okay cool right all right 1 2 3 four 5 six s to start the I am on my way the next train to depart from I don’t know the bad’s house the

191 the 1911 trans bad line Express service to to the villager farm to Village I don’t know to the Village there there’s a metr link stop called Village so that counts I see this this service is formed of one mine cart soon as 11 minutes past I will I’m

Going to start the service no the the the track hasn’t finished being built yet I don’t care no and it’s 11 oh it doesn’t work um you got to press W you got to press W to actually get the mine to move you have to press W to make the minec

Move okay I am on my way it’s not it’s a Subway yes I know okay there we go done it’s built you’re good I am appearing as out of the the very lit tunnels which W won’t be lit when we we finished that got not the full thing isn’t going to be

Finished in this stream it’s it’s going to take too long we’ve already been going for over 3 hours so there we go we have finished it nice to villager station well what will be the vill end of it let’s have a look oh I see wow stairs I have to actually

Click do like the space bar to I know I’m sorry can use stairs for buffers that’s true mhm I don’t have any planned extensions past here yet for this line but I can for um the other way for like M my M shaft and stuff oh W Iron Golems

Yeah woo so there’ll be another station here villagers hello villagers how are you doing in this fine British day yeah I’m sure they they’re living their best life you know right anyway that’s we have completed that I’m going to go on the first I want to go I want to go on

The the my my own first run the first first first I’m sorry we haven’t fully finished it in the Stream but it is just going to go on for too long if I try and do the full thing plus you need to go out as well so yeah I mean I need to

Make food I’m you got to make food and stuff so yeah yeah oh the bend kind of slows you down a bit okay that’s something I’ll add another powered rail like here just cuz the bend slow you down a bit oh my God what are you oh my goding at I fell

Because I instam mind and I’m not used to having no I’m just going out for drinks hit the town with you know and someone else I don’t I don’t know who is someone who used to run the real train soci here I don’t know you’ve got friends I mean I’d

Come too if I lived in Durham so you know I mean yeah but you don’t you live quite far away away yeah what’s 3 + 8 I don’t know I no I’m getting it’s it’s obviously 11 this station is Nick’s house this train terminates here all

Change please well I made it oh my God you SC I made it I was looking I was looking at your stream I was confused and you came out here it’s 13 how how is it 13 okay I I I don’t know but it’s fine Scott rail Glasgow Central great

Announcement thank you thank you thank you yes this train is for Village the next station will be village where this service terminates Vincent I yeah wow I do have a good announcement voice Northern should make me record an announce yeah exactly yeah don’t forget to take all

Your belongings with you when you leave the oh we should make a like a a like a chest mine cart uh but the powered rails aren’t close enough that it’ll work so it it only works if you’ve got a passenger this is a chest mine right I’m

Holding a chest in a mine I me that works technically okay that works there we go just mine God oh my God that works it doesn’t you have to nudge it you have to give it some momentum why have they got Sprint particles coming from underneath the mine cart

What the heck all right bye see you I should add like some iron bars here like with a sign saying do not trespass on the railway or something uh add some iron bars must not must not pass this line yeah okay so this just imagine imagine that it all looks like this and

This is this we’ve completed it yay it all looks like this mhm yeah we built the metro line a lot just do still but there is still a lot left not enough to too much to cover in the Stream but yeah anyway yeah I think so we’ve sort

Of done what we need to do I think shall we uh shall we call it for the time being then yeah I’m tired I’m waiting for the inevitable oh no I just got here message in the chat CU that always happens oh well I mean that we here it’s

Kind of hard You’ been I was not I did not think I had it in me to stream for over 3 hours to be honest I I’m surprised 3 hours was like 16 minutes to be exact from now yeah 3 hours 15 minutes and 8 seconds apparently oh no I just gogged

Here you did just get hit oh no I’m so sorry so many because people are making the joke because yeah true true bro made the new have Lane station he did just get hit I’m so sorry oh that sucks well maybe there the next time I don’t

Know it depends yeah we whe do you doing another stream I might do I might do if you want do if if you want if anybody wants me to do more like Minecraft streams where I do more like Metro construction I mean sure we’ll see I mean there is there is

The there is the stream replay too that is that’s true wait we we we need a not not cam not face cam no I’m kidding I I literally can’t right now that’s that’s an impossibility you know you can like if you if I show my thing on Discord and

Then I can’t be bothered like doing the whole OB OBS jigging of stuff that’s not that hard to do you know that right badly the Minecraft Youtuber is it because you can’t be bothered you don’t want people to see my ugly face thanks no I didn’t no no I didn’t say that

I weekly metro updates yeah sure I am I am I am now a Minecraft Youtuber that’s how I’m I no longer a railway vlogger I’m becoming a Minecraft YouTuber I’m I’m I’m a Minecraft streamer Co chat passengers hello passengers how you doing watching my passengers I accidentally clicked off my Minecraft

Game that was not what I wanted to do okay sure I was going to like hit you as a joke but then I realized like wait this is Hardcore and PVP is on that’s not a good idea and also I have no armor so yeah that yeah that was nah

You my background no I don’t I have a wardrobe I my background’s got wardrobe and it has I actually all my trains are trains are in the window the other window but yeah oh yeah I have a disappointment I don’t have a kitchen as my background I

Should put my PC in the kitchen I’m sure my housemate would not mind definitely that’ be great yeah totally all right anyway so shall we I think we’ll we’ll call it there so we did we did we did good a good amount of progress thank you

For everyone who um who tuned in to the stream this was pretty fun I indeed you know it’s it’s something different from usual I hope you enjoyed it I hope you found this cool nice doing a Minecraft stream wasn’t really expecting I do that on this channel but here we go so uh

Yeah what’s the station name we’re deciding the station name now what do we call it like badly residence I don’t know can you do votes on do I call it do I call it bad badly residence yeah or bad badly Central badly Central badly Central yeah badly badly Central will promoting

Ni Patron on Youtube membership right so I hereby declare this um this this station badley Central have have you got a have you got a sign make you a sign badley woodh house maybe or W cuz like woodh house is like an actual it’s a bit more creative in it yeah I don’t

Know okay you know what I will do I I can do a poll I can do a a poll right so I’m I’m going to put the um I’ll do I’ll do a right badly Woodhouse badly Central um we have bad badly Woodhouse badly Central um just Woodhouse

Uh then we have well not not not not just woodh houseing to think um h b I can’t put building so I’ve got building building the badley oh well but only you stairs in emergency 84 steps 15 story building that’s all can fit on the

Sign yeah no I did not mean to oh God okay did you miss wood house mistype it I’ll call it like badly something that’s a great name badly something okay yeah badly I have to put it on the side side as well just like badly Woodhouse badly Central you

Have do you know those Maps what you can do where you build like something and then load the area and like like pick there’s the pole okay there we go badley wood housee badley Central badley Village there we go there’s the pole go go what are we Getting Bley Central Central okay it’s going it’s a it’s close between Bley wood house and Bley Central o oh it’s it’s close badly Woodhouse seems to be prevailing oh my God this is exciting why does it keep going up and down can people change their vote I think so yeah oh

See oh I think I think it’s badly Woodhouse I think that seems to be winning just barely oh my God 48 votes yeah not I voted badly Village oh wait oh it’s it’s it’s changing oh it’s changing badle Central’s now winning oh my God this is

Very close right I will be ending the poll in I’ll be ending the poll in well I mean you’ve got a bit of a stream delay so I will end it in 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one there we go okay

End pole so badly Central is the winner okay so um this this is just a temporary sign but we have uh there we are badly badly Central is the uh the winner nice thank you you put a central on the the wall and it’s it’s it’s a temporary measure until I find a

Main sign but badly Central there we are so um well anyway so thank you for watching the stream this was great great fun and um nice to do a something different Minecraft Minecraft streams pretty cool I’m in F5 so I’m like viewing yeah I know I know yeah so oh you’re watching

The stream aren’t you um no but I Al assumed well I am watching The Stream but I assume you’re in F5 as well yeah okay I’m watching well thank you thank you everybody for watching this was proper fun I might do this again to be honest who knows but yeah hope you

Enjoyed and uh I’ll see you uh next time I suppose goodbye

This video, titled ‘Building a Metro System in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nick Badley on 2023-10-15 20:13:45. It has garnered 4137 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:39 or 12099 seconds.


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    🔥 EPIC Gamer Legends - LIVE: Blaze SMP Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE: Minecraft on the Blaze SMP’, was uploaded by Legends gamer on 2024-05-30 07:52:18. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:57 or 7077 seconds. Join my discord server! Roblox: GAME LINK: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viral

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour 🔥 #shorts #viral #trending #minecraft #shortvideo #shortfeed #ytshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by AnkushplaysMC on 2024-05-17 18:25:00. It has garnered 12713 views and 792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. @SenpaiSpider… Read More

  • RealWorld

    RealWorldWelcome to our Minecraft haven! Dive into a colossal 30,000 by 30,000 block world filled with endless wonders. Here, the possibilities are as vast as the terrain itself. Sharpen your skills with MCmmo, becoming a true master of mining, combat, and more. Forge alliances and build thriving communities using Towny, fostering a unique camaraderie among players. Streamline your gameplay with Essentials, making your adventures seamless. Navigate this expansive world effortlessly with our detailed Dynmap, a cartographic masterpiece at your fingertips. But that’s not all – we’ve also introduced a gold-based economy, enabling you to trade and barter with fellow adventurers…. Read More

  • Ender Craft SMP 1.20.4

    Server Name: Ender Craft SMP Owners: BoomitsBrenda, Dash610 Extra Worlds: Creative World, The Void (Dedicated event/mini game world) Today is opening day at Ender Craft SMP! We have a fresh world just waiting for new players with loads of features: 1 player sleep Player Markets Custom Enchantments Custom Armor Mini Games Custom biomes Protected Claims Player/Entity Teleport Options Protected Post Office Live Map Rules: Rated Mature server (18+), no spamming/advertising, no politics, harassment, racism, PvP is fair game outside of Spawn and Player Claim areas Join our discord to get started! 😊 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Avocado Almighty”

    I guess you could say this vertical slab is truly avoca-dope! Read More

  • Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret!

    Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We bring you the news in our rhyming vibes. Updates and tutorials, all in a rhyme, Keeping you informed, having a good time. From building tips to new features in the game, We cover it all, without any shame. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Your favorite news reporter, always on the beat, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhythmic feat. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing you the latest, let the rhymes begin. So join… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More