Nietvries – Choas is at hand! Unorthoblocks and Ignitor crossover 🔥 #livestream 🔥 #minecraftlivestream

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Hello everyone I believe we are live from the igniter SMP I quickly need to check a few things um yeah I think everything is working okay so yeah it’s been a busy week it’s um it’s crossover time so basically uh door wise I summoned them here yeah that’s otherwise I did ask one

Person do you want to play the what amazing the whole Surfer came with thumbs up it’s lots of fun we’re gonna do some games during the course so I don’t know if we’re gonna do them today but my priority right now is actually restocking the water maze because yeah

That’s why I brought them here so they actually have been playing and some of them have been pretty successful so far so my idea was to just go into the maze see what still needs to be restocked restock it and if we then have more people online who are willing to well

I do some games then okay okay so yeah our priorities uh first to find Rockets whoop and let’s go back to the water maze all right tedious yay you’re on time and I didn’t even schedule this one in time but nice to have you Daddy yes I miss you credible denoteco

Did you see that gempot fix our mid map problem oh it looks so clear So good champ where have you been all my life Okay so for those who came in later I might do search some igniter blocks members just to see what they’re doing but first we uh we’re gonna go into the maze yeah it looks so good even without shaders I was like damn fixed yeah that’s the first thing

Gem did when he came on the server he fixed it well our particle problem now it looks even more beautiful with shadows on uh uh yeah I’m gonna take this to my base first I painted thing welcome to the Stream all right okay and let’s go Daddy

So basically I told everyone and this this one actually needs to stay with me after another box members if they needed stuff they could grab it from my base but this is also one I would rather hold on so I’m trying to put all the valuable stuff and leave that infallible stuff boxes

I know they’re not hey did you move I thought you were there hmm okay this goes to fit for extra uh resetting the texture so very long lecture on it so my episode that’s definitely true well at least it did work oh wait do I wear those Rockets again uh here

Oh I did have a sec oh okay and let’s put this in here Here it’s a ghost What multiples what a chaos is happening well the chaos for now is actually not that bad I mean they took over the casino but we were igniters were already getting use over people taking off the casino I mean I first removed the carrots and then I had to

Rebuild it and then uh zero did it as well and then gems piece so kind of getting used to it hi Jay welcome to the Stream and thank you for the award and reading painting thing okay so we need to restock and what we mostly need there is

I’m actually not gonna put these more in than there already are because I already heard the plasma they all can also get them from the redeems uh I do want to have some valuable stuff and some of them actually are more Swift sneak bands and more books so let’s see and Foods

Definitely food they needed more mushrooms right but they wanted the red one so um so what basically happened is my storage system actually broke so welcome to the Stream so guys how is it going with all of you I will check on everyone that’s uh on

Later if they’re still on then but I’m first gonna see if I need to restock the maze and I’m actually looking if I have more items that need to go there yeah books more books It’s redstone look at you all of you saying hi uh um no I actually have no clue what’s in my chunk not more amethyst good thing the plasma isn’t in the Stream hi Sean welcome to the Stream how are you uh guys I haven’t streamed in a while

And I really have a good story to tell what broke again that broke again did I miss something pretty sure the redeems worked that’s what you mean yeah they’re very fun I know I know I have really good viewers um yeah especially the ones who redeem

Phantoms on me while they know they can spawn in my base [Laughter] oh that’s funny okay uh junk I actually don’t know if I have any more Swift sneak books and I do know that I don’t have them admire dude I don’t have some a Traders Haven nor in

My shop it’s only had someone wanted hats who was that let’s say right Jay I believe you are also watching my stream if you want you can come and pick up some of the hats here that are in there and since I know right I feel good uh

If yeah the Phantom redeem does work I don’t know if it shows up but it does work uh okay so guys I have like uh I can’t see what’s in these my webcam is hanging before it always can look at the other screen now this these are the only pens I have

I actually don’t plan on going to another ancient city and this is not really gonna help you towards the against the warden so good wish you could have taken a house with you to another yeah by the way I still wanted to show gempot my collection of

Hats that’s probably gonna be an episode okay we’re gonna put you back in there okay what else did we need we needed more of these which I don’t have a lot from oh yeah we do need to have empty balls I do need to restock those uh these I actually did restock before

Crossover right here clicking who’s there I hear more than enough did you want that yeah I came to say uh you said I could come and see these heads you got uh well uh the year I at least have my head in there and like animals and stuff and I believe

We have more player heads uh in the organic shop you can just check those for free yeah I just there’s also Indie head in there there’s an indie head Indy’s been on for ages by the way he was on India yeah I missed him oh wait neat freeze killed by vidm c

Yeah fit killed me more than I killed him believe me total Thomas man’s head we’ll take that wait is there a fattest head do you have a Fatty’s head uh well I also have all the hats on the who is it’s uh pain but those might also be at organic shop

We can look at that later all right uh more cities at his base at the back of his storage did someone say custom models yeah gem I still want to show you off all my uh my hats I have a but I wanted to say hats collection but it’s more Hat’s addiction

Yeah uh Andy said he’s oh he’s gonna restock his hat his hat yes I know right that’s gonna be so good oh you need to have to get my blue wizard hat well I I could be a wizard uh I’d make a good wizard look

Oh look at it look oh that looks so good look that’s a different head by the way I had this for you oh what’s that oh yes mushrooms yes thank you because that that layer I literally had to go A Million Miles Away to mine in

Time I believe I have a shulker box here with uh mushrooms and then yeah yeah small mushrooms if you play something needs them if you place them on my ceiling we can just grow them then you don’t need to go this far they need my I believe my ceiler and darkness okay um

I knew I totally knew that okay well look it up it’s what it’s one of the two I believe and it makes cool hats yeah I know right I know I might also have made something in block bench for the uh for the oh no it’s a blocks people yeah it’s definitely uh

I’m embracing the chaos I like this yes I know I want more chaos is that a bad thing or a good thing vid hasn’t seen what mean yeah man hey and Daniel done to the casino yet and you already took it over I know that do you have you done more Maybe something with allies oh okay well wait wait wait then I’m not going on the street to the casino okay well I wish you good luck because I’m actually off towards the water base because I want to restock and see what else I need to oh

Yeah I don’t know how much got lost but I need to check that there are at least enough for more players so okay okay see ya that’s food Tower goggles back on okay this is always a good thing well sometimes The Joker box monster I had here was so

Big that it lacked out zero I don’t think that was a good kind of Chaos oh oh I forgot my secret entrance thingy wait I’m gonna see if I can do that again let’s go back into the tree and we quickly grab my chorus fruits all right

I don’t even know if they still have gross fruits it’s actually really good what’s in the casino I don’t know what’s in the casino but I don’t want to spoiler it because I know fit is smart enough to watch back streams didn’t I have like something like an end box oh

Hello I wanna no maybe I did put it there okay so I’m looking for chorus fruits I must have it somewhere I also had an end box but I don’t know any end box wins you might have to do this this old-fashioned way I better teach welcome to the Stream um

I don’t think I have any chorus fruits I do yay for course fruits okay so this is the only way I go in if I were you guys I would never do this yes I know and Jane oh sounds good okay there we go oh yeah that’s that did really well

And we’re done I do not recommend this I summoned a few warrants doing that sometimes huh okay so the first place we’re gonna go oh is actually behind here I do need to have my Rockets ready oh oh he’s right here okay let’s not do that

Dude I want you to come over to me can you do that yeah I know you can smell me s please just a little bit more he loves me hello yay foreign just a little bit more Guy come on I want to have you here that I can look

Into the boxes without being having fear of getting killed hello can the blindness please go away okay thank you I’m not seeing him this is scary okay let’s quickly go down here until the blindness goes away it should be far enough to be professional I know how this stuff works

I built it so is he still there I don’t see him anymore okay well I don’t know where he went but okay okay so basically the keys are worthless because so those don’t get used anymore so I’m gonna put these in here what I’m gonna do now is I’m

I hope I don’t die I’m gonna flap here let’s see if the artifacts are still restocked so there’s one in there Ah that’s more than enough okay I have no clue where my water is that’s a bad thing well it’s around here somewhere but the other chest is here uh

It’s also pretty much restocked should I put a ghost in there he can’t despawn I name tag them I’ll do some books in there you have a little Aquarius there he is do you see him could see him go around the corner dude where are you there

There he is these girls Warden off the bay so he will be there okay next the future okay oop s so this is mostly the one that gives cake because why not there’s iron Waits there should be more in there yeah so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take a

Few of these and put more cakes in there because these are actually pretty rare uh water bottle there’s only one water bottle in here that’s something we actually need to keep in mind okay so what I’m gonna do now I will give me a warning

Did you see that this didn’t give me a warning that’s the one in zero somehow survival or yeah well waters are not this smartest things how did the other one actually have a bottle of water in there so the reason why there’s no gorgeous fruits in the normal water maze has to

Do with that you can teleport underneath into the Redstone oh yeah let’s not do that uh yeah this was the old escape room I have the problem is it’s actually built on top of Streaker so I’m yeah like I quickly need to there’s a carrots in there it’s the second one

The good thing is I have armor and an if rocket so I will avoid every button that’s not a problem and a few of these I can also check from underground if it’s really necessary but then my Escape Routes are actually like a lot smaller I believe this is one of

Those that we need to check the one that needs so we’re gonna go into the Redstone yay redstone oh um there’s another one here wait oh that was my third one that’s not ideal because this one is definitely next to a streaker it uppers empty uh water bottles

Let’s put more books in there okay okay um okay that was the last one Let’s go in here this usually has bats in them and the bats actually activate the lights oh what I can do so I can put a book in here just like extra that people can take it no Redstone it scares me more than the warden uh it will be fine

Okay uh it’s empty oh it’s not so much in here anymore put some golden apples yeah I believe this was where um plasma it’s okay book or Golden Apple front I don’t know if the or not blocks people actually realize but a few of them died

In lava but a golden apple also helps against burning oh yeah that reminds me I also need to close off the uh the fan here because I believe they left it open so that’s for the next one that’s streaming oh yeah okay oh I hate lightness They should be there right yeah so they’re not the Box people um there’s something I’m gonna fix they took like this loophole here that they could jump so um That’s fixed the way you actually need to go was uh go up there then you can walk over that job from Dad’s house so this house then you need to jump over here and then you get there so basically uh the levers there’s one in that house on top there is one

Underneath there is one here there is one here and there is one there and there the problem is with uh at this point is that for another blocks people they actually can reset the maze because they play it so much and that means that if they only find

Like three of them it will get reset so they can actually pick out three of the same ones and I actually prevented that when the guiders were playing so that made it a little bit harder because they had no choice of activating streakers or nuts

What I am gonna do and this is what I’ve been doing with the igniters as well this is a temporary wall and I’m gonna move that and I will probably plop that down somewhere else I don’t mind you guys looking because yeah change it’s called a mace so yeah

I oh I know exactly where I’m gonna put it I’m gonna put that where I locked in fit with wooden okay let’s see if all of this is still closed it looks like it’s so close uh that’s all off seems to be off okay so far it all seems very good hi spiders

Okay uh uh I believe with MC where did I remove the was it here what’s it there I believe it was here that I blocked it off oh yeah something’s never changed today I need to bring someone back to bed foreign [Laughter] LOL oh oh I see but that’s what I does know

That I have the the icons right parental issues here okay so I have multiple barrels across the Maze and sometimes I feel them and sometimes I don’t and I think this is a good one to just like let’s put a keys in there that’s that that’s funny I want to see someone grab

A geese let’s leave that closed for now I like how you’re not going Splat in the Maze now of course not I I built this I know where to go and I also have gear so I won’t go that Splat that fast although I do have some wardens from time to time

Just like now award and Goose I’m actually if I am ever fishing on auto blocks I’m building a modern ghost yes that’s like high priority like top priority feel the ones you remember exist okay so this one still has a book in it can I reach that from here I really hope

I can look some more books it’s also put the cake in there hey these are normal mushroom shoes oh well okay so we’re now going for option two and then I need to okay I will do it from here I hope it works it did that work okay so guys

You’re not allowed to go in here while playing the game but uh let’s see this welcome to the Redstone I also may have mind here to another ancient city next to it and I might have gone mining for diamonds sometimes why don’t cousin Elizabeth weather goes quickly need to scratch my ear

I have water in my ears Okay Um foreign [Laughter] okay so basically this to explain I used to be in my music system I know you can’t hear it right now you put my normal music off actually turned off the but uh I had four or five of these around the maze And Then There came an update and

It was no longer necessary so yeah that was definitely a thing I did this this disc is the one you can actually hear on top of the tree this is the the puzzle thing so basically when they push the button this will make a sound and that will actually

Activate the the sensors and also activate the streakers I don’t believe do I need to go through here um I think I’m on the wrong side yeah these are the automatic doors you have with the fewer uh interaction I’m definitely on the wrong side and to basically show you guys do you

See this red block so with the commented Fit made when you guys activate it on the website this block will actually finish so it will give up balls to here to the randomizer so it will activate the doors uh this is the one that’s restocking the artifact here this is the curse 48

Someone must have died with the one because there were a lot more um let’s see I’m actually looking for the road with sand might be down here yeah yes so this one is actually the one for the beacon that’s on top of here you sell 500 pounds to spend I believe the

Notebooks people are doing it more and um if I can convince fit at the end of the season I will turn this into a hardcore version and I will probably let you also then let’s kill me but yeah if I then loosen I will lose everything so I need to think about that

So above there is the one I need to check which one this is oh this is this one this is the one I already did from above I actually need to go to the ones on the right here those were the ones I actually couldn’t reach without 100 summoning Wardens

Yes I did leave all of this like pretty small yes even The Red Door there this for a jam custom model uh there are no onions in there let’s put some onions okay so this is yeah this is neat face let’s um can you see me laying this down and then

Fit him see walking behind me like [Laughter] so bye I get it to work or and if I don’t then I ask for it and then it’s like but wouldn’t it be easier if you did it another way and then yeah I actually don’t want the enchanted in this one

Because I want to have those in the Middle With The Wooden and can I reach the other ones yeah okay um there should be another one around the corner Jim are we getting the custom models I requested for next what I don’t want to know as long as it’s not

Be not carrots it’s fine very efficient well I hope it’s sufficient is it enough I think so yeah there used to be old Redstone but I actually removed that that’s why the one with the bottles doesn’t reset my uniforms and like with the other one this is also the fewer interaction

Let’s go in here this is actually the signal from above there and if you can see it but uh that’s where you actually turn it on and then a little bit further you actually put in the key and then the door opens so I I have the secret recipe I can make

More that’s not no problem but they will never be lt’s original audience they will be lt’s onions because yeah if LT doesn’t make them then I don’t know if he’s still hanging around in my chat he was here earlier the problem is I’m doing actually doing

The sneaking I don’t know if you guys can see this but this is the only way I can navigate here without like getting killed so yep Let’s see we need to go I believe it’s the next one no it’s I think I went past it so there is one with the zombie spawner

And actually if I go there with my armor then I am you working on at least at editing ah I was actually showing the custom model of something it might be here I am not 100 sure okay I can use free Camp white no this

Is in the house I actually need to go to there so yeah for someone who is not a redstone expert the games do function and it does work so I’m happy this is the little bad way that’s I believe spider plasma found good go over and yes wardens can spawn here yes

Here I was actually doubting about placing more doors but I didn’t foreign Yeah I want to go towards gears because I need to check on those as well which one is this this is one of the first yeah there’s still like a stack of them in there so I don’t believe it will go that fast we’ll probably check on later this week

Leave the gears should be on this side I didn’t find your way around here dude just wonder until you get to where you want well actually I’ve made this and block this so much that I actually do know where to go some of them are marked I will show you later on

I believe this is the one for the yeah oh I left it up this is probably the gears oh this is Beacon wait that means I went underneath it see I do I do still get in the wrong one that’s because I didn’t mark all of them

And that has to do with me being lazy but I’ll show it oh it’s done I will never get back there so for the beacon for example I never need to go there I should have known that because this is here now after the doors in the beginning if

I when I go back you will see that those are actually marked with a different kind of wool to actually know what’s where yeah okay so this is underneath the gears and this is why you need to turn them off before you yeah that you need to place the leaf around there

And then this will retract and then these will go in there are a lot more in here like eight so I believe with the other there are eight more artifacts that are gone it’s crazy but there are enough in here so that’s good And down there should be the sacrifice this was one of the things with the music discs but yeah we don’t need it anymore and here should be the one through sacrifice oh can I reach that can’t reach it this is the right one right yeah yeah there are two wrestle lines here

Which makes it very confusing I can actually restock this from the back but this one actually goes through here for the restocking I don’t think I can reach that oh I can 45 oh 54 sorry so the ones I still need to check are the ones

Uh the only one I still need to check that’s the one in the castle the other ones I can do from The Maze itself what was here sometimes even I wonder oh yeah this goes over yeah it’s not really that spectacular this is here because sometimes

You need to test things and that works okay so here you actually see like the colors of wool uh some sort of rest okay Jay I know you’re also in chats take your rest okay I know you weren’t well so basically this blue line goes off to the beginnings

And all the orange those are for my doors and this line is also for my doors the white line but the white line is that the doors actually get all of them get triggered once you enter the maze because you walk to the little yeah

I believe for the one at the castle we actually do need to fly hey and then the chest yes I can choose another chest I’m always looking for my inner chest and then we sneakily go here okay so what I wanted to do is I wanted to go to the castle

Okay it should be here okay so yeah this is not allowed of course for players but for me it just yeah takes away from the time and I go one lower or do I don’t fall into the Red Zone I will then fall into the red zone 55 no stairs yeah I do

Oh wait wait there we go fun little bottle we have something in here no we don’t let’s put an onion in there do I have more geese don’t have more geese I also don’t have more pumpkins okay let’s see if we can put the other insurance with golden apples on this

Side with the water yeah it’s already an enchanted one in there there we go so where’s my friend see on the other side I believe I seemed there oh yeah he’s there he’s probably fighting a bet or something we oh we still forgot the ones with the zombies

This door is closed this door is closed this door is open okay I will do it from above because I don’t want to go back into the red zone okay and let’s quickly put down a torch this should be enough uh only called the see this is why we

Stuck there are only 14 golden apples in there so we actually do need to go up out of the Maze and get something to fill it can I fly in can I fly in can I fly it oh you don’t think he’s friendly it depends depends

Okay let’s see what we can still put in there oh yeah I definitely wanted more geese sorry have you seen how big these things are by the way what look that’s ginormous they’re so cute even while they’re so big uh uh it’s like oh bar keys I keep finding more geese uh

Also the fit MC head I have more books in here I can also put more books in there what books and should I put diamonds in there I mean if they lose them it’s it’s a shame but I I know some I’m not the Box people do have a little bit of an addiction to one of the

Things I’m not allowed to go to so might be interesting to put some diamonds in there as well these are my hats by the way it is normally that big I don’t know if you’ve been outside in a while keep fighting more geese I know the feeling

Yeah I’m actually still waiting for the rainbow keys to show up uh what else can we put in there let’s take a second cards hey this is e yay I’ve missed Cindy oh wow apparently I missed all okay let’s go back I didn’t bring the chorus fruit with me

I don’t I don’t think I even have more girls from rainbow geese you say yeah uh gem is working with me for outright he’s gonna get the rainbow geese there and let’s turn you off because you don’t have to be on okay just pretend you don’t see this okay

Because uh that’s actually not how you’re supposed to get in hey it works for me wooden power who um I don’t know if you’d notice this but here is actually miniature Warden is look this is his face and this is a belly in his arms oh they didn’t summon awarded ugh I’m lucky

Okay let’s put some more books in here and carrots and a case the diamonds I will put in where they die more easily okay and while that’s training I’m getting out of here the diamonds are going where the warden was uh let’s first check where my friend is on this side okay

I can just flop like half in there it will drain itself now that’s because I now turn the bass off that’s also that artifacts that are not getting just like yeah are recycles I think that’s the right word hi bye okay we’re done it’s we don’t even need to put in that much

But still oh look there we go okay uh let’s use online only me Indian Dragon oh okay then let’s go to spawn and let’s see how the the tower is that we’re gonna make did you that I might have spoiled in my episode why isn’t this see through no

Okay can we see what India where India is gone Here we have a nice dining map you can actually see where everyone is I have one person one and in this not another map AC on red it’s not okay so we’re not gonna meet up with any then we’re first gonna look at the tower and see uh well that’s going I actually

Made a new layer that I can show you guys I might have a little bit of a delay by the way we this is also not there much better wait what’d you say how long did it take you to dig the hole to the ancient city from

The server well the removing of the mountain took me three months of that which I did three hours a week and the hole itself took me another oryx leaf it wasn’t that bad doing the stone the stone itself I believe went in uh one week but then you come to the deep side

And you don’t have to install mine and then it takes a little bit more do you see further feature on the diamond where you can teleport to players and go to other dimensions yeah you can see where we are in the end uh in the Nether and under normal level There we go oh they actually build a lot this is a huge spoilers but uh I actually want to show you guys my layers so they will have to deal with it so this layer I showed on my video this with uh an initiative of dragon

It’s a really cool Tower hey there’s a media hi welcome back so basically one side represents on auto blocks and one side represents igniter because I don’t want to have too many custom models because everything we have here but I don’t know what works I also need to copy to

Their world basically that’s yeah that’s why we get it fairly simple most products in case I don’t have enough already good right it’s even more spoilers now because I didn’t even see this one is this where you go down or what I believe this might be Amber’s

Actually thought she was gonna make a bubble elevator here but I wanted to show the the layer above that I made suck at least you’re a little bit of music I see Amelia up there okay let’s just build her up but yeah this is the layer I made in my video

I basically actually wanted to have flat fire but yeah same problem s okay well it’s good and what I want to do with this has something special but that’s for a few layers up oh and Yeah I actually made this that it also would go that way but then I discovered that you could you could see that in video that’s I didn’t make the ceiling high enough so I actually had to tear everything down and put it up again and I was like

Um if I didn’t do the stairway like this it doesn’t fit so I actually had to change this all up yeah hello you should definitely spoil her so I’m just gonna hop out free so yeah the chaos it’s not worse than it used to be so we will survive

Don’t Look Behind the Walls it’s fine there’s definitely lava trust me that sounds bad painting thing yeah these are from the MLG sweets right with the group yeah those were in Champs video I actually do want to check out the casino yeah I love spoilers but I know fit is

Gonna watch back this stream I’m so conflicted now hi Jim you made it my look so good uh can I turn up by render this is a little bit more uh we’ll probably Overkill but it looks so clear now the rain is gone oh you can even see the guy to blocks

Tower for me you can see the casino wow yeah if this is uh gonna cost me a lot of lack then I would like to hear a chat because 92 chunks is a little bit much so it looks so pretty oh I will turn it a little bit down that’s acceptable 17.

2 to where it feels okay I turned it down I turned it down I know that shaders sometimes make problem but the shaders by the way if I if you look without Shadows it actually looks kinda good since uh Jam fixed everything very cool yeah I don’t know whether it’s the last time

That I’ve seen Minecraft so player oh yeah I wanted to uh go to shopping real quick to see if I have more Swift sneak books okay let’s go in here uh there we should probably take this one I don’t even mind streaming without shaders and that does say something

Can’t believe it makes such a difference okay so what I’m here for is actually not screaming out she’s this so I have one swift three book I believe this is a different book this is Swift too I don’t have much I actually need to rate it into the city but I’m not gonna

Do that during a crossover these are also sold out people die way too much hey guys it’s a FPS a little bit better because I seem to have a delay on my stream so I can’t talk after right now yeah this is the the map we have you can

See only in the here so that’s a little bit of uh mycelium and this is the Halloween mansion and Halloween mention I’m actually gonna repurpose that so there you go for spoilers the other option was to actually build a new Halloween theme that was gonna do here but unfortunately that thing there is

Like totally empty so yeah why not if it’s just standing there alone then why not oh yay there is something I really want to try with gem but we need geese for that so I believe he would be the right guy Okay oh do you think it’s in there I’m gonna take us oh the bean soup looks really good from this angle uh where is my internet um Dynamite oh he’s in his room okay I just looked at the dynamite when I was like oh he’s in his room so I walked in

And then I heard something behind me he scared me okay okay that’s a jam okay so it seems like a certain J isn’t on and I talked with you about putting geese in his base yes yes so we put keys in his base the deadlift geese I mean geese yeah

I’m up for any good Shenanigans let’s do it uh okay we do need to have a little bit more of the Garf pumpkins and I think yeah okay I have some pumpkins here moment during the carve bees and then we’ll turn them into geese because I do not currently have any

I was actually thinking about giving them to zombies and then putting them in their space Or we can put them on a silent map with a bell underneath his face she constantly is like Bing I did that with chickens at a friend is I’m gonna create a group for this one second probably not Keys yeah I know right uh can’t see the group hi

Hello my phone works as a web my webcam and that’s actually blinding me from seeing the tablets oh no it’s always I don’t like turning up the webcam so that I can watch my ceiling I look at my screen yeah or the ceiling stream yep or a look at my obs

Oh okay so I have 43 pumpkins it should be enough right okay I’ve gathered 30 over here I remember the number for geese trigger got some other data here okay oh yeah for normal pumpkin we could also do just a normal geese Invasion but I believe the killer geese would be funnier

Guys it’s a great time yes so basically should it work if we just throw the geese at the zombie and then learn them in this house yes that should work and if not we can use dispensers but just throwing card pumpkins at zombies would work okay

So then we’re going wait uh on the no sleep please yay Emilia’s Gonna Love Me sorry oh you forgot one I forgot that I clipped it later okay I’ve turned up my invisible I’ve turned off my invisible armor resource pack so I can see if a zombie already

Has a helmet on and won’t produce wait but if it’s if it puts it on its head then it’s basically a small Goose right um oh that does depend on the geese let me see are these are ones that okay these are ones that go overhead I’ll

Quickly find the model number for the ones that envelop the entire body and on the head I don’t um excuse me the redeeming Phantoms on me oh yeah that’s definitely big but uh zombies sometimes don’t put things on their head but hold them yeah okay right this is on my head so this

Will work the same for zombies now oh that sounds interesting okay so zombies uh well we need to wait until it gets tonight yeah yeah should we already fly to his space yep let’s get over there you know the GG and ggj stands for geese geese Goose J oh

That’s some law now did you see this by the way yes oh I did see this oh I know this oh yeah I haven’t seen this this is my ex little breeding guy I do have a leakage here don’t mind the leakage I still need

To fix that oh no yeah but I have for this here and the problem is that I uh dexolotos keep climbing out so if you ever have any other animals that need to go for like a swim day you can put them in here lions If they want to swim that’s fine but I don’t know if that’s safe hmm yeah maybe Lions aren’t the best swimmers I did see that uh someone else made something with Lions last time I was here yeah there uh yes there are now lions at Dano Zoo oh and geese

And geese yes yes we’ve really made quite an expansion to the zoo by bringing our own custom models over yeah they yeah well they took over a whole igniter I believe it’s no longer Garrett versus beetroot geese versus Lions I think so at least carrots aren’t trying to rule

The world so that’s fine I’m out of I need to eat I do have food but I really need to eat wow I was really hungry sorry you have postcards on an orthodox right uh yes um every igniter box in the hotel has lots of postcards to consume oh it sounds lovely

Uh yeah we need to think about how we’re gonna do this because I actually that’s the model yeah that’s just star M cookie interesting yeah there are more custom models down in the water maze um it’s almost like custom models yeah I was like if if gem goes in there and he

Sees he’s like oh custom models yay I need things for zombies yeah what would be wise should we just load this all up with zombies like 100 guarantee that they will die which might be a little bit Troublesome if you know this is all

Stuff or we can make like a a gift thing like a box a gift box and put them in there that he needs to break it out oh I like that yeah well one thing to note is that putting a carved pumpkin on a zombie will stop them from burning in

Daylight so there’s not that issue it’s true yeah doesn’t the pumpkin break then uh no oh because armor does break off them interesting yeah but no carved pumpkins don’t break okay why do we want to put our gift well we need to find a place we can fit it because everything’s very beautifully

Terraformed around here yeah on top of it she works so fast I believe if we go up and then to the right at the lion Beach lion Beach yeah yeah oh we can do it here if we want yeah yeah this is a perfect place okay

Let me see what I have for my NHS uh I don’t think there’s enough um I’ll be back in once that I don’t break it down it’s so quiet now did my music stop and James called Emma music stuff yeah that’s the data yay

Okay oh I know what I wanted to show you my head collection that collection yes I need to see this look oh that is magnificent I have so many ways I have this box of course it’s gonna rain I want to try some of these on I’ll put them right back okay

And if these but these also have rare ones amazing matches my jumper very nice oh I like this look at me no no no no no oh that’s amazing and the gym but mushroom yes I’m such a fun guy in my mushroom hat oh God laughs

Oh I like this why did I put it fancy I put the goggles back oh that actually looks really good on you can you put it back it does yeah whoa gentleman uh this is amazing yeah all these most or all of them are actually made by Indian Jones

Uh awesome maybe some of them are also made by um I love this song this is some lovely pixel on this one yeah it is right a pirate Jam I guess I actually do have two of those so if you want to be pirate gem for the rest of the crossover then

You can take it pirate Jam I want to be pirate Jam that’s fake that’s that’s vacation gym the other one yes pirate Jam yeah yeah okay plunder during this stream just to match you up I will also be the Pirates yay we have a pirate to leave zombie geese in your house yay

This was the oh yeah I was wait we can use the hay bills’s material oh we can yeah wait does it need to be we then get the stripes yeah I like the stripes so how how big do we want to make this um one two three four five six seven

Eight nine nine I guess yeah we’ll do it this way because else I will uh yeah but how many whites this nine you said one two three four yes six it can be any size really as long as it fits I know the zombie geese inside

I know he’s gonna tear this down but you can use this um oh I have enough I just feel stuck at the bottom here because I yeah I had room a lot of hay bales for this yeah I have a hay farm so I have more

Than enough if we need more oh nice uh I don’t have it with me like right now but we can go to shopping and quickly pick it up yep okay I believe I should have murdered I do need to have more Rockets do you need to have more records

I have six Rockets currently here so I might need some more awesome yay okay let’s pirate to the shopping district yeah commercial building don’t you think you could make Daniel a hat with her dinner that goes on top of her TV oh I can make that for her that’s

Actually a really good Halloween costume yeah oh I have strong clothing issues I might have used outright thing again no yeah I don’t know why but I’ve like just holes what did you guys do at the casino by the way oh um is vid watching the stream uh he’s

Probably gonna watch it back that’s why I don’t want to go in there I mean to be fair he’s been online since me Jay and Anna did this so he’s probably seen him put in the video so I’ll show you he might have even removed it by now okay if you’re watching this

Okay please skip 10 minutes forward so you may notice there’s some interesting party balloons here floating around oh my God yeah that’s so funny there’s a thing we discovered on an awful blocks a while back but lays can hold us to models and they have the same hand item ratio at

Layers so when you get them to hold big geese you can have giant flying geese it’s incredible there’s just geese floating around the casino yeah it’s like you’re talking to you it takes so much fun this is amazing oh hello geese foreign I think what we’re doing is probably

Gonna have a little bit more impact yeah but I love chaos else is the best chaos is my middle name today yeah geography chaos potamus bongingom MBE ob-e geese the Third customer blocks Pokemon sir all right a rose from the chaos and I actually uh managed to

Lag out zero of the server so it’s oh no it’s definitely possible yeah okay so where where did you go uh I’m I’m just running around where should I be oh do you I never showed you the black market right so you want to see the black market

I would like to see the black market there is one thing yeah uh please whatever you do don’t hit the ends crystals please because then we will of course yeah then we won’t only die we will also destroy everything I understand the implications of hitting an end Crystal okay

Uh I do not have any arrows I’m afraid oh I do have so many earbuds so a really long time ago I actually duplicated the fifth coin and sold them for profit yeah who’s sneaky and I did that here in the black market oh wow and crystals

It’s really cool it’s even better with shaders wait oh so this is where the illegal dealings happen it reminds me of the unorthodox sewers and I’ll see what coin oh I think I will like your shoes yeah you’re staying there that’s where the hotel is oh that sounds that’s I

Don’t know if I find that disgusting or interesting yeah yeah we also have a higher automotive shop lovely yep and also I believe this uh no that’s Amazon thing should this work if I place coordinates and then on auto blocks behind it oh interesting let’s just try but if I magic boxes

Zero Crush machine yeah now that the fitcoin duplicator was uh back here but yeah I had to take it down because the law ah hello hello yeah so yeah and this was someone selling her head hats and golden keys so interesting it’s not really in use anymore but sometimes

I’m still coming here to check and then you find something random like this I have a murder a higher geese for murder here on another blocks um hmm no how do I get out oh I stand on the reverse plate yeah you don’t need to be fair yes

You don’t know that Eddie got guards getting out of there when Fitz didn’t know about the duplicator or he was he knew there was something but he couldn’t lay his finger on it oh no yeah and then you got Andy red and you it wasn’t even played he actually

Got a Miranda in it yeah amazing okay but I have new hay bills should videos should we also get some uh something red to put on like a bow yes but yes that’d be great um all right oh I don’t know if I have read their recorder

Plundering my own Chia Pete oh I did make a diamond I’m a little bit out of stock I can do orange or yellow um yellow would match for hay bales a bit um we could do pink yeah let’s just bake them perfect fifth one is in the entrance of

The casino on the bushes yeah that’s true oh those are the ones with mustaches oh that makes sense yeah I actually thought I’d fit through a lot of them away but he still had a few okay let’s go back and let’s finish off our gift before it gets started

Are we sure lights are doing by the way um about halfway through ah I know where the Enderman Farm is for yeah I saw that in your video yeah at least you didn’t die while using it that nearly happened once it’s happened this season to I believe at least for ignito so

Oh no yep inevitable it didn’t happen to me oh did you use your totem I did just use my toes for me yes did you kick the ground two hours I did do something around too hard yes I want to see how many deaths I have here already it’s been four days

Um a hundred exactly a hundred that was my hundredth death I don’t know it’s a box on igniter no no are there no other blocks we’re gonna play stat poker and then I’m gonna keep my second instance open so I can see what it’s on igniter we could do that yeah like server

Comparison stat poker that’d be really fun oh yeah and painting faces yes do not fly into the anime form and get your stuff launched into the void I have another one that wasn’t igniter this week that actually flew into the yeah battering Farm oh this is already getting dark um

It’s getting a little bit out the sun’s going down yeah okay you must make sure that they don’t sleep okay we need to make a temporary door in order to get zombie geese in luckily the hitbox even with the goose is that of a normal zombie

Well what we can do actually is keep this close and just make a hole in the roof yeah oh that’s what they fell through yeah I’ve wrangled way too many wardens so I know how it works he never roped it yeah my chat is already making me feel safe they’re already

Redeeming Phantom sent me oh I will be fine I’ll be fine oh you made this stairway there yeah I also needed to get out of the original okay there’s a hole in the top now on the staircase we should be able to leave zombies are bad

Yeah the question is how do we lower them in um we stand on the ceiling maybe we should also thank you Sean maybe we should also make it when it’s right over here okay that might be a good idea what do I have food in there can I reach it I

Can’t reach it ow I have foot in here uh I have such a full inventory oh yeah I go back yes okay that’s and what do I start getting again oh yeah it’s wrapped over so I have two threators oh it’s dark okay I see a zombie oh no there’s a creepers I do worry about doing this as I’m very prone to death but I’ll manage can you please avoid the creepers I’ll try my best but I am you are doing this with jump up on I know oh there’s food hey vid

Is like bwo he sleeps constantly so he will he will probably be here soon too like oh there’s a zombie here do you have a goose for me um this zombie has a helmet on oh then it just work yep no sleep I see your stream okay that’s good that’s good

Okay zombie right let’s give this guy a goose let’s give this Goku come on oh no no no no no no I’m sorry the other girls I think we they’re not picking them up we have to use dispensers because that sounds oh yeah that might be the problem tricky

Okay I mean if we put the Spencers inside the present box that should be good enough just as I think yeah then we need to lure them I don’t know if I have my Redstone box with me hello Okay let’s see I have my Redstone box with me yay awesome uh dropper dispenser dispenser right um dispenser yeah okay so what we then also need is a pressure plate oh White I have a pressure plate oh you have a pressure plate yep okay shall we first enter the zombie uh

A little bit more to here yeah we could have it so directly under where they’ll fall there’s a pressure plate in the dispenser oh this actually should be yeah that should make instant so let’s set up that I’ve got a pressure plate you have a dispenser I swear these uh things are the

I can’t see these sunflowers okay I also can’t fly anymore yay uh okay uh dispenser here yeah so here put one here oh there and then you put your thing on top and it goes in there okay oh yeah I’ll put loads of geese in here

We have a stack and a bit in there yay you don’t know that’s fastest with a hole right oh I don’t have a home oh no we need to uh Resort a beach okay interestingly none none of Jay stuff is actually damaged here the wool is completely fine but the beaches yeah um

Yeah you have not picked up any stuff from the blast uh I will fix I I did I’ve have 17 cents oh no can you guard me or is it uh yeah yeah I’ll keep a lookout yeah I was just saying to Jay like it’s just shame I can never prank you because

You’re always online and to be fairy is not feeling well but that doesn’t stop me from taking the opportunity I’m out of sand okay didn’t see anything I think we’re good okay missed oh now that summoning creepers at me not just mean after what we’ve just been through yeah but it is funny

It’s funny okay I have to eat this let’s see if I can get a zombie okay zombie right hello and a creeper but a zombie [Laughter] I’ve been online before it’s like I I never noticed Dragon doing stuff to me for some reason Network wasn’t a prank but I somehow

Didn’t notice that and I was online when a lot of that was built I’m a zombie okay Wrong Way Zombie oh it might also be attracted to me now yeah oh yeah yes a painting thing do you want to be a goose zombie everyone wants to be a goose just like

How everyone asks for lions yep and they have a whole I didn’t do it I didn’t work oh there are geese on there like he’s in there and he’s on it maybe we should try the other Goose then no these are the carb pumpkin geese though and maybe you can’t do it from

Underneath maybe it has to be the side hmm this is not going to plan so what did we do now kill him okay we’ll kill you will you get a new zombie there’s another new setup here I suddenly you got 15 geese in my inventory

Okay so what we could do is we could have it be in the wall and we could create an enclosure around here so it’s just a tunnel with this block and then when we’re ready to finish this we can make it so we can remove the funnel and

Just they can all release into into the parcel sorry how what uh brain malfunction yeah but that’s right okay so I haven’t got enough blocks to demonstrate this one second but I have a dispenser please oh yes thank you so we could do something like oh yeah no

Spider house also says that sometimes uh zombies don’t always take things okay oh yeah we can throw like a bunch of zombies in here and then do it from the side yeah so something like this they just go into a tunnel Okay so okay let’s see if we can find some more

Uh this is again at the other side of it it’ll stop being night soon I am wary of that yeah I’m afraid so I found some zombies across the river though so I don’t know if it’s worth it yeah I don’t oh there’s one there are a few here oh yeah there are quite a few if I’m burning now hey but that’s what is what does he want

Look oh yes we just need to look back across okay the screen finally we have a Gumby we have a goose we have a goose zombie how do we get him across do we need to build a bridge for him uh we need we need to get him in a boat

Yeah he’s going to turn into a drowned I think yeah if he goes any deeper He’s coming towards me I have materials for the boat another crafting bench they’re traveling to you I have a crafting bench a second uh air I have stones in my armor so it’s on the ground there oh I keep okay if he touches me he will get damage again oh no

So what did you do during the crossover well I made zombie ghosts yeah no follow me zombie if I hit him will he follow me now you’ll come he will come for me it’s just totally ignoring you come on get in the boat yes can you even see where you’re going

I hope I hope he’s not gonna attack you oh yeah I will be out of reach but we should be able to get him on to land now well we’ve got one Goose what do we say our goal for geese is three two How much time do you have tonight um I should probably go and eat in about half an hour so okay I’ll try and get another let’s say 20 minutes okay yeah I’ll do It might try one more night in my um Jacob start watching the stream at any moment uh he doesn’t see anything he just sees us and it goes oh yes how um oh it’s because there is a hay bale here oh no oh come on come on come on yeah he doesn’t one two yes that looks so funny one down

Oh we need to have the trapdos back there or else it will not work okay yeah we cannot I have I’ve probably got those but no I have not got the turtles yeah they fell in we can make new ones I’ve got some wood here oh there might be more zombies there uh

Where was it it was someone or somewhere around here was a cave a cave would be useful yeah yeah that was like my presence my secret Santa was in there I don’t know where it was I can’t seem to find it anymore no okay chats we’re sneakily gonna see oh

It was there see it was on the other side of this okay oh there’s a zombie here oh a zombie yeah he’s burning he’s burning I see oh I’ll give him a kiss I’ll give him a kiss is he a goose now he hasn’t picked it up zombie nope

Come on you know you want to be a goose you know you do yeah I’m afraid he’s not gonna pick it up uh uh maybe it might be easily to have a second dispenser for situations like this or you could quickly oh I have my Redstone box down there so

Basically okay I’ll I’ll distract him while you get a dispenser okay hello nice zombie I always burning again no no no no no no no no no but come again water back in water back in some form of water I quickly also need to have a button

Or something over pressure plate I have a button and a pressure plate okay coming where are you you’re there um prices so oh a dispenser here maybe like fish what oh I don’t worry no oh no okay uh zombie back in water back in water back in the water zombie uh

Okay I guess we just wait for night yeah okay we’re back here you see this thing creeper no oh my goodness [Laughter] but in here there were was my presence with like five zombies oh lovely yep I don’t currently have any food oh here I have onions

Oh thank you for the onions and Elsa yeah those are the original LT onions oh wow yeah amazing amazing okay okay zombie Goose wither Goose Legos yeah that’s true basically we like geese we like Yankees Our last gem oh I’m somewhere I am here I’m above you aha oh there yes they’re looking uh behind there and now we wait and that’s on together yeah we need to wait there is a I found the weather Goose by the way is he still get giving out fit going

Oh um maybe if you ask it really nicely um we could try they are fit going oh wait I buy goose is not so good here the Dutch keys are more like Arc instead of yeah um hello Goose River hello Giver can you give us some some vidcoin whoa Bitcoin Bitcoin

This is a casino gem oh yes yes uh I like it man yeah I like how big he is ginormous okay I’ve probably only got like 10-20 minutes now but hopefully when the Sun goes down in a few minutes we can we can get one or two yeah

I believe for the dispenser we should be able to dispense them all At least I have I hope sometimes it doesn’t work I’m not quite sure how it works it seems to not be a guaranteed chance which is frustrating okay so Paul calls it together and basic faces you like geese and would have never known um yeah it’s not something I really

Address much and it’s a little known facts but I quite like geese yeah uh but a painting thing is asking is it a goose reader or a geese wither because it’s made from multiple but it is just one being oh that feels like what came first the

Chicken or the egg type of question yes I think ah it’s got three brains because it’s these are great yay iron eyes hey I really agree wholeheartedly if you’re able to hop on you can help us if you want if you want you don’t have to but you’re if you want

We’re trying to put geese on zombies and we’re putting them inside a giant presence and outside ggj’s base and right now we’re just waiting for it to be night so we can find some more zombies to turn into geese okay Jim I’m just gonna tell you this but uh I never

Never but never never overdo my pranks so I might put a little more in than you had in your mind but you will you will be my assistant for the next round and if I yeah okay I want to have at least 20 in there oh my goodness of course yeah

Right now no you can help me for a few minutes and then uh yeah I will either do it alone I’m wondering if we have Phantoms you haven’t slept that might cause an issue I heard of her geese see season three is gonna be the the geese King Right zombies will be starting to spawn now did it gets dark okay I wait patiently oh he’s already glad I didn’t ask him to bring a rewarding with him 20 20 match 20 is a small amount of geese is it pumpkin that I see in my chat Casey is pumpkin right

Yes yay welcome to the stream hello Pumpkin yeah those were the Lions we asked for yes yeah yeah yeah everyone’s been asking for Lions well I actually did ask for the Lions that’s why I’m actually trying to pretend that I didn’t yeah ah right yep not finding any

Zombies yet yeah I think that’s because it wasn’t locked in yet but I will probably spot you we have one over here and the spider who turns into a goose value as uh tricky situation oh my goodness you look different oh oh uh I I do look a bit different

Yeah okay so this one doesn’t pick anything up so should we try the dispenser I think yeah so I’ll put the dispenser here very quickly put geese inside it button zombie come on come on then we’ll boat him across come on you want to be a goose don’t you

You want to be a goose everyone wants to be a goose Only a little bit big can you push the button ironite okay I tried maybe this is one we try and get inside the present box first yeah okay well you could try to you can also you can try again yeah like box them in maybe yeah yeah he’s walking around sorry

You can climb that’s okay if he like falls in the hole we could just base him across okay yeah yeah okay voted you sure okay yep we’ve got a dispenser inside our present hopefully it doesn’t turn into a drowned yeah that’s my warrior no he won’t we’ve had a few

Close calls I feel yeah so I mean we have a boat right uh I don’t okay uh I’ll be right back I feel like we could nudge him in maybe okay can you press the button if I stand here yeah yeah okay go press it I did

Okay it doesn’t work oh no oh no let me try one more time maybe um though right yes okay I don’t think the dispenser works but no I don’t I don’t know if it does yeah sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t which is weird because actually this is the giver yeah man

Okay if you ask it for fit going nicely it gives you fit going yeah yeah it’s crazy like that yeah come on zombie come on you know you want to be a goose yes he’s in I remember the button we press inside here so how many geese are

In here currently two ah well if it works and what are your plans to do with them I want to have 20 geese in here as a present for Jay I think he took full damage oh now he’s still standing in there let’s see yeah I see two pair of feet in

The free cam huh but only I can’t really see if only one of them is wearing a goose I believe only one of them is yeah it to me it looks like there’s only one Goose there’s uh two zombies here okay you want me to lead them over yes please [Laughter]

Is a duchess [Laughter] oh my gosh this is amazing we have case Okay so is that free geese no free zombie geese yeah yeah that’s amazing the fake we might need to make the pressure bigger hilarious [Laughter] oh come we need to get up more ghosts we

Have more Goose for me to throw it uh zombies so we just if you need some I put all mine in the dispenser oh oh I’ve got plenty if you guys want some of the Gita is small on the heads of Vegito are big in the heads

I I don’t know what geese I have okay let’s just fly around and see if we can find more zombies this is zombie yep there’s one this one I don’t think it’s picking up stuff he’s not a pickup gonna have to move him there is one more down there okay let me

Handle the creeper zombie solding geese is so funny it’s so so silly yeah amazing it’s amazing this this one also didn’t have one right can you um we could load him back and just dispense onto him probably okay yeah but is this if the dispense doesn’t work I can also try to

Use him to get more zombies yeah true if this is one that’s Cosmos at least there’s a zombie in here as well ah there’s so many skeletons oh you take a goose I don’t think oh um he kind of um oh wrong Goose [Laughter] this one is also funny

Well I have like three different stacks of geese maybe this is don’t have to kill him to get it off okay really no yeah just put them in there you can still pick one up and hold it again and you’re true yeah you could yeah

But he doesn’t seem to want to do that yeah there he goes oh my goodness that works right I now see what sort of need his feet yeah it’s JP it’s my initials Amazing okay so I found another one okay I’ll leave this one back this one also picked it up amazing uh you might actually be holding it this is also the butt a butt rubber can I can I call it like that or is it not family friendly

Um I’m not sure I’m not sure that’s the geese yeah how do I get out of it okay I’m gonna die let’s get this guy inside and I’ll skedaddle yeah It looks it looks it’s amazing I’m glad that this is something we oh it’s turning daytime soon oh okay well he won’t burn when he’s got a goose on his head yeah no I fell in here oh no oh no I got it okay he’s in foreign to witness our work here is

Quite spectacular yeah this is the Goosebumps like never never seen before yeah well hey I hope Jay enjoys these yeah I hope he does you know what after all of this it would have been quicker to make a Zombie Farm on top of this and then take it down true

I’ll tell you guys been doing this oh we just started oh okay um I have two 30-minute recordings here so about an hour oh wow Yep this is why I live stream okay okay I’m gonna head out now this has been amazing I’m pirate jam now bye so iron eyes

Do you wanna like help me for another round yeah sure yeah works for me no oh no get out I’ll keep pulling it it’s because the heads keep sticking out yeah oh it’s scary in there we actually need to build it up higher because I actually don’t want to have

The hats sticking out although it’s hilarious it’s not really what I had in mind sorry my headphones just stopped working the headphones for the headphone it’s from gym on your outfit looks so good eight eight oh I need to eat yeah I do thank you that is also we’re nothing we’re doing nothing

With Geese no nothing no not at all no no it’s you already try the the weather thing I have not you should definitely try it yeah yeah I’ve come okay what was it called again it was the the Jitter oh no you can ask the children nicely for some Bitcoin then you will

Get Bitcoin oh okay uh oh Almighty Jeffer um do you have any little vidcoins to spare oh yes thank you thank you Jibber totally the Jibber thank you thank you what do you have for your head oh I have a snake there’s a snake yeah I have my my inventory is just filled

With custom models right now I can see that yeah zombies no nothing with Geese is yeah zombie not geese okay maybe I won’t close it off that you can actually see the head smoking out that looks pretty weird yeah it does look funny you never decided if it was a goose or geese

Well that’s not my decision that’s uh chatbots decision and basically it’s like what he told you like it’s the chicken or the egg so ironite the I forgot the name again indicator yeah is it the geese or is it the goose oh I don’t know because it’s one entity

But it has three codes that’s true yeah so what is it it’s because champ said it’s the the question is the chicken or the egg yeah I thought I don’t know that’s a really good question right yeah you know this feeling all too well yet well normally

After a little bit less but someone forgot a ADHD match this afternoon oh no yeah so I’m basically all over the place but I’m happy so that’s that’s good that’s good I’m still wearing the pirate hat yeah yeah foreign I think I do

Oh I can wait I can also put a geese on my head then I will look like you right oh okay [Laughter] I need the other geese uh yeah is this is this the right goose that might be the right Goose I don’t know apparently not because it’s stacked uh

Here wait wait I I don’t have room in there here’s the other one what oh yeah it’s this one yay whoa ghost of my head at this this sums up a crossover I should put a goose on the water inside some of the crossover good luck doing

That we treat we three geez yes but I know the air came first because before something was a chicken the previous thing was not the chicken then it laid an egg something it was the first chicken so the egg came first was I supposed to understand that Uh uh you can read my chats back okay yeah so we’re just standing here with Geese on her head because why not yeah yeah just need to wait for the night I guess that’s what happens when jampart joins the server he’s just invade I just served the arcade has been fully restocked with Price Boxes including the limited edition hat boxes yeah yay was that out of stock One side was out of stock yeah ah yeah because of all the prize boxes yeah yeah one is IOU oh cool yeah it’s a goosehead I know right the other one is also so funny look look I now go in F5 this is me you can just

Look at the run around so there was a video from Japan that came out today where they um fit ironite gem uh Spider and someone else I don’t know they were running around to the casino they were doing lapses who could run around first a zero yeah yeah it’s so funny

So for everyone who’s now turning in my stream welcome to the Goosebumps Okay um so what’s our plan of action because I actually do wanna those of my stream in 15 I’m not sure I might also do this off stream but then I’m yeah yeah I gotcha I do want to have a little bit more in that just once we have now yeah yeah of

Course um I’ll make like a bigger platform for them yeah that’s true spawn on like over the river a little bit I’m not sure yeah well they should actually be able to spawn there yeah yeah I don’t have any dirt with me I believe

Yeah I don’t I don’t know if I do either I’ve got I’ve got wood I’ve got Emerald blocks oh but I might have a lot of Mars I have amethyst I have enough gobblestone I’ve really have a lot of cobblestone but Cobblestone takes time that does yeah we

Could quickly go to the Moss farm and get some more grab some Moss from there true you can do we’ve probably got enough time I don’t know if it works by the way yes well I need to fix this oh this is a mosque Farm yeah let me check is this

The most in the middle there is okay right there’s 14 miles down here that’s not enough no it’s not it works really quickly by the way yeah cool yeah the only problem is sometimes I don’t know what happens but then you get Cobble instead of stone and then oh stops working weird

Okay let me explain it better or benefits explaining before something involved into the chicken uh it was not a chicken that nut chicken laid an egg that was the first chicken so the egg came first I think I think I know what he meant it it’s actually saying like it’s probably

More like a reptile thing that laid an egg and that turned into a chicken gotcha okay oh there’s a frog here really oh that’s not supposed to be that actually comes from there now oh it’s almost a walked far then it’s so almost getting dark again

Okay so yeah we should grab some of that yeah I have almost three stacks down here you then you also looks like cool yes okay turn the farm off okay I did okay yep it’s getting dark yeah I will have Phantoms by the way

Wait if I quickly hop in and out then I don’t offensive right I think so uh I will just beat the birds okay oh my lighter is on Orange do we still want to make some XP extend the platform yeah I think we may as well let me get a couple more spawns

I think that will be uh yeah okay wait wait there’s a lot of XP in the water oh okay I’m done thank you okay yep thank you it’s so funny me mentioning to Jay like I can never prank you because you’re always online and yeah like sure from the moment he

Says that it gets ill so yeah that’s why I logged off earlier but I was like I’m grabbing my chance I hope he’s all right though yeah but I was still playing Minecraft so oh it wasn’t like he’s uh yeah she wasn’t gonna be there the next day

Oh you threw the wrong one again two different Stacks right they’re both wrong ah I’m gonna die are they both wrong oh oh they’re both wrong oh I’ve only got five of the other ones okay well this this one has a goose yeah I threw the other one also like a normal

Goose okay this this I have to I think this one just doesn’t uh this there are three now there’s also okay excuse me can you guys pick up the goose I don’t think they can so much okay well just let’s just learn them in the hole and press the button and see if

That works okay well there’s another one down there as well okay I will go to that when I uh picked up the girls a spider coming for you okay uh uh where is the spider I got it oh now there’s a skeleton open up a skeleton

Why are there so many skeletons ow I have no idea oh I’m gonna die oh no oh no I’m at spawn I will be right back okay the zombies are in okay uh you’re not that far away so yeah I think I will manage okay I’m already a joke you can start getting

Your stuff if you need them the first Aqua saved by proton chicken I will retail more of chat later yeah well I’m almost there okay I’m swimming around well it went like everywhere I’m at the the sniffer you know what I mean yep hey I found geese okay I got some of

Your stuff yeah it went like everywhere sometimes you’re lucky it’s something you should not I actually gave away my totem that’s probably also I doubt oh probably yeah save the geese yes no oh yeah I also didn’t help that I was wearing a pirate element no that does not um

Uh let’s see oh yeah there’s a creeper oh oh where did that come from [Laughter] I even died I’m sorry fgb yeah I’ve got I’ve got muggies I think these ones are yours oh and this here um and that hoe I think those are yours yep okay thank you

No but it was funny yeah um I think we need to do the dispenser down here oh well I have a zombie I don’t I don’t have any games wait do I have keys I have keys okay pick up the geese he doesn’t pick up the keys no later man I guess

I think there’s a lot in there so anything should we I want to see if we can get more yeah okay uh where are the keys I don’t have any geese anymore oh yes maybe I picked them back up yeah I can give you some where are you oh yeah there I’m here

No I okay if I did you want to say sorry I was gonna say I can give you half of the other stack as well which are the other size ah there was a zombie here but did you spawned right before me no oh but there are a lot of things here oh

There’s one over oh there’s a skeleton oh I uh oh there’s also creeper I don’t have my sword on my hard bar and I don’t have an arrow anymore no no I can give you an hour oh that would be appreciated this guy is not picking them up

Do I load them in anyway yes I should yeah yeah if you want an hour oh wait for me okay thank you that I can at least shoot some of the skeletons yeah so many yeah I took the hitbox to turn to hitboxes on ah cool oh now I reloaded my shaders ah

There are so many creepers here yep more skeletons no are you okay yeah I didn’t see him he was standing next to me oh I didn’t die for so long and now like two times in the Stream uh oh okay coming back yep I see your stuff

Yeah well weekends have it all so I think a real stuff said so I think if we if I go down here that this is the fastest route there are more zombies here oh no that’s another creeper oh don’t let it blow up my stuff I didn’t I think it missed a lot of it so that’s good I don’t think anything blew up

Your stuff went everywhere again where was it that I blew up uh just passed the geese thing like the Sandy area oh there I see you yep yay it’s actually even here wow yeah yeah it went everywhere there’s another creeper really really dudes oh yeah not anymore uh I’m missing fans I

Don’t have any pants I miss my pants and my boots I don’t have either of those I can give you some I can give you um my backup ones no no no that’s not necessary you sure yeah use them uh must have it somewhere no there’s a chance it probably blew up

I think it might have blown up yeah well yeah things can happen oh that’s fine you can use it it’s oh thank you but I do have a backup box somewhere okay it’s all good I mean have you seen how many how much diamond armor I have I know I know yeah

Okay I think oh I don’t think I gotta press the dispenser a bit because we got a bunch of zombies with no geese in there is there a dispenser there there should be dispenser in there I can’t even see where the button is for the dispenser I should also break down this platform

True yeah I can’t find the dispenser the button oh this is genius I we can’t fall indoor button we can’t fall anything right it has a button here I see it it’s here oh you see it okay yeah I’m pressing you press that a bunch then I’ll start breaking down the pot

Are there still zombies in there that that oh apparently yeah yeah they don’t have geese a couple of them I wonder if it’s out of geese I will put more keys in no that’s like hoodie in there so it shouldn’t be out viscosity says uh dispenser failed

Maybe that’s just maybe they just won’t pick it up there are so many in here can’t even see their feet anymore yeah we got quite a few did you try a few more can do oh it’s you picking up locks was like what’s the sound uh spices I checked my photo for

Universal travel on my s p I think you guys are factoring your Minecraft Universal line I’m not saying no to that I mean we do have alien technology that you don’t have just saying you also haven’t been cursed by water and started also works yeah maybe we’re just a bunch of crazy people

That is also definitely an option yep I mean you’re the carrot King you’re actually that doesn’t mean I’m crazy no but you’re an iron golem that says this is a carrot game okay okay maybe it’s a little weird maybe it’s a little weird and just a little yeah

Yeah slightly I’m not saying it’s not cool I really I really like your role as a carrot King there I said it I said it okay I can’t take it back flip that uh there were so many keys today I just trim that a little bit I like your raw

As carrots oh I like carrots if I just cut that a little bit um picked up a lot of the mouse if you want some after a year I’m used to you I don’t know if yeah some things never change and um like me like in carrots yeah apparently yeah

We also need to break the other thing down in the middle that I roam free then I just confined to the little space yeah good luck with that how would we go about doing that about dying oh I did close it off right yeah you did okay they’re free oh my God

Into the corner ah I must fell in there oh please don’t fall in there I I’ll do my best IE but also black now yeah I know I was just about to say it doesn’t even look like geese no that that doesn’t look good are these like evil geese or something

Oh this is amazing oh I just did a crazy idea but I don’t think I have enough time what we have a zombie spawn or it’s fun oh my gosh oh it’s not an episode so I will leave it at this yeah but if I would have done

This for an episode I would definitely refuse to spawner oh yeah well at least we had fun with Geese uh that actually would have been a really good title fun with keys sure not too late to change it you know what Jeff says no not the black entity Park they’re

Back now they’re back they’re poking their heads up with the little confined box sorry it is oh man oh I fight this way too funny I also still need to make a bow do you want to help me wrap a bow um sure okay we just search for the

Middle and then we fill her up and then we meet her in the middle again wait what yeah let’s see you’re doing there okay then on this side oh okay no wait where is my pickaxe here you made a lot of bows before I’ve made more bows before yeah really yeah interesting okay

This is not the first present I’ve wrapped with deadly things okay okay I’m not saying it’s gonna be perfect but I’m saying it’s it’s gonna work so I love how the keys are constantly hit by face true wait this one needs to go off and then it needs to go here

I only see geese yeah it’s a bit hard to see what’s going on let’s just random things popping out of nowhere so how does this look from a distance that looks nice oh yeah that looks yeah yeah they need the black black on top I want to give away okay

Not a goose on top we could put a goose on top oh I do have an item frame wait oh cool sure we’ve got armor stands where do you want to have it I I don’t I don’t know should we do it just here in the middle here where I’m sitting

Yeah sure every item frame do you have a cush for me uh yeah Wait no those are the same goose I don’t have any have any other release okay then we’re just gonna do that one okay no rip hmm there we go oh you were faster than me yep uh sweet yay This is such a funny prank uh Jimbo says [Laughter] you know that out I feel goose hahaha rip goes yeah this is not the first ghost unfortunately yeah I had a few more accidents yeah oh are you trying to change the direction yeah I made it one Higher at one point so

Here they all seem to be fine it’s night again I will turn the No Sleep off I fit nmc is online yay you deafened oh yeah that’s because I get something off no problem uh that means you need to get better right oh you you could buy from onyx

He’s probably still got um I I pushed all my diamonds in the water maze today oh is that it could win more than just oh rip yeah that that probably means uh you should have these free vidcoin that the uh the The Giver gave me um immediate spelled wrong are you sure

Yeah yeah okay then I’m gonna gamble my life savings right oh that was getting never right now gambling well that’s the only way I can use them ah fair enough totally can’t change them back nope yeah but I can’t buy it for yeah it’s all good I actually haven’t checked like any

Shops by self-profit so yeah okay when you get online oh actually sending in my message yeah okay so I’m basically telling him when you feel better and get online press records I left you a present with iron item Jam he’s probably gonna watch back my stream anyway

He’s either gonna wait till he’s feeling better or he’s gonna instantly log on as soon as he sees that message yeah I think so what what are the other people doing um I’m not sure I think teach and vid we’re recording something earlier I’m the only one who set a status so

Yeah yeah I reckon is probably making some small builds totally not a a tower or something yeah no not at all no but with it I am gonna close off the Stream thank you all for watching gem thank you for helping me with the keys ironite as

Well you’re silly with me but still when he opens the Box especially because she can’t really see what it is yeah there are definitely enough Goose around me oh I realized unwanted items no yep no my I don’t know why they don’t go in my inventory because my inventory isn’t empty with

Yeah now I picked it up cool yay yay for geese okay well we did I’m gonna close off I wish you all a very good day a very fine evening or whatever it is that you are and then I will see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Choas is at hand! Unorthoblocks and Ignitor crossover 🔥 #livestream 🔥 #minecraftlivestream’, was uploaded by Nietvries on 2023-09-28 09:43:40. It has garnered 40 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:18 or 9198 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftlive

In today’s stream is sponsored by geese! and apparently time space things???

Music by stream Beats and @jaytmichaels7550 with the fantastic birds song!

—————————————- IgnitorSMP is a multiplayer server for family-friendly content creators, based on the well-known Hermitcraft series.

Server story: Once I gave Total some beetroots seeds, things escalated quickly…resulting in a fight, then a lot of memes, and eventually things are getting out of hand…elections seemed to cool down all going vegetable disagreement, but with a black market, a war is never far away.

personal story: When trying to figure out where to build my mega base, I find myself at the ruins of the past where death decides it has other plans for me. The warden has choosen me to defend him and tells me to make him a maze for him. This should protect him from V right?

As the Visitor gets closer, my own v finds me and gives me assignments along the way that should help my warden goal. But if I am able to complete them is a different story.

———————————— IgnitorSMP Members : @Ironite64 @VidMCU @danodiggle8418 @OnyxxMC @IndialienJones @skunkmunkee @0_hours @StarMYT @ggjaymc

Unorthoblocks – @cuzza88 @directoramelia @drakengamewerks @gertiebell5506 @iondis @jampottbong @jayadonut @jenmariegaming @l_aurora @omeletteplays2929 @plazmahero @roguetorso5290 @sgtshotgun @spiderheartsmc @sunnyspacecraft @thebeardedteacher

———————————————— IgnitorSMP Members twitch Streams: Danodiggle-

IgnitorSMP Members Instagram: Nietvries-

Check out our website! Join our Discord server:

——— This isn’t just a Minecraft, let’s play! I am taking you on an adventure with me as I try to create and search for the limits within Minecraft. Doing this on an SMP not only provides lots of different perspectives, but it will also lead to bigger projects being achieved, pranks, and maybe even some lore!

I am doing my best to upload a new episode each Saturday, to keep you guys informed on everything that is happening on Ignitor.

—————————————- Lucky drops (points) and chat commands: every minute you watch my stream you get 1 lucky point. You can save those points to triggere events on my screen.

!redeemphantom 30 drops !redeemcreeper 30 drops !feelgood 20 drops !redeemwarden 50 drops

!drops (show how many drops you have)

————————– This season we are sponsored by Bisecthosting: The best Minecraft server hosting with the #1 unlimited support and slot hosting. Sign up today with plans starting at just $2.99/month. Use code: Random7s Music by stream Beats!

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  • Get ready for INSANE crafting in Minecraft! (Full Movie)

    Get ready for INSANE crafting in Minecraft! (Full Movie)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dar CRAFTING-UL este *SUPER OP*! (Filmul Complet!)’, was uploaded by Strumfanu on 2024-02-28 13:00:21. It has garnered 4713 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:15 or 3315 seconds. 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 si 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘 sau ai ghinion. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐️LINK-URI UTILE⭐️ ▸ Instagram: / iannys.barbarie ▸TikTok: / strumfanu ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▸ Email pentru colaborari/parteneriate: 📧 – [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Day 85 of Akebi Tsunari’s Minecraft Life!

    Secrets Revealed: Day 85 of Akebi Tsunari's Minecraft Life!Video Information [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] JA [音楽] [音楽] JA [音楽] こんばんはいらっしゃいとがりあび ですこんばんはたくさん こんばんは来てくれてどうもありがとう いらっしゃい おてさんこんばんは待機してくれてどうも ありがとういらっしゃいこんばんは こんばんは ありがとうえそれじゃあ今日はえまあ約1 時間のえ配信予定となりますえ今日は Minecraftのえ前回と 同じく 予感制作にえ取りかかると思います建設 っていうべきかえやりながらまみんなと 喋っていこうかなと思いますのでどうぞ よろしくお願いし [音楽] ますあ確か前回そうだそうだ入り口に なる道路か なこれを ちょっと作りたいなと思って作っ てで んそれっきりだった ないる なあ あれオッケ取れない けどもう1体違う2体かいるな うん気づいてるのかなあれはやっといた方 がいいかなこんばん可いすぎるさん こんばんは来てくれて ありがといらっしゃい ほいお肉いら ん燃やして んなんかいたな届くか [音楽] なか届かんかもうちょっと 上だめ だこの辺 当たり [音楽] オッケー大丈夫か なあまぐれさん こんばんはこんばんはこんばんは来てくれ てありがとう [音楽] いらっしゃいちょっと回復して な よしモンスターの掃除も進んだことだ しどのくらいの広さやっていこうかなまず この辺からこうでしょ 石 やり か やり [音楽] やりじゃあべやば やばそうだよ ね おりゃ おりゃ [音楽] オッケーこれ何 ああ おやだなどっから湧いてくるん だろううー旅館に砂利かううここはなんか 砂利じゃなくてこうなんだろうななんか もうちょっと違う何かが 欲しい試練が [音楽] ハーフ置いてみようか海に出ないと だ海に出る前にだったなよく見る光景だあ 担当頑張ってねありがとうござい ます [音楽] 待て [音楽] よちょっとまず [音楽] は悪くはないが違う なこれじゃ ないこの中にはないの かしょうがない な一気に 行けるを 作ろうどうだこれで あオーオ 近道もっと早く作ればよかったこんばんは こんばんはラグさんいらっしゃい来てくれ てどうもありがとう こんばんはびっくりした今一瞬すげえ… Read More

  • Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!

    Shocking: Scarecrow mace destroys Minecraft PvP!Video Information who what yeah that’s pretty broken isn’t it well it’s a new weapon added to Minecraft and it’s maxed out with all the new enchantments density wind burst uh breacher I think is the other one yeah and I personally like to call this amazing weapon the Bonker but I don’t know if that’s going to stick I really hope it does cuz like Bonker sounds a lot cooler than mace in my opinion but yeah here are some clips of me and my friends trying out this new weapon um to see what PvP will be like… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao Ming

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft: Journey with Xiao MingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:课本上的小明【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-23 07:00:19. It has garnered 68830 views and 4070 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Hi, I am Fang Fangxuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating hot internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of CubeXuan. The videos posted by other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Wonderful original videos are updated every day, come and follow us and… Read More

  • Fox Factory

    Fox FactoryIf you are looking for a fairly small survival server with lovely community and a supporting staff then this is the server for you. We provide a shop to sell and buy all ur needs. The server also has a pvp arena to fight against others. I hope you will enjoy the time that you spend on our server! ~ anti Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames

    Hey Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to Lands of Minearchy – where your Minecraft adventure begins! SMP: Join our active server with a tight-knit community where everyone is welcome. Minigames: Experience non-stop fun with a variety of minigames! Start your Journey: Ready to dive in? Visit our website at IP: (port: 19132) We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers, jonaas13 Owner – Lands of Minearchy Read More

  • GroveMC

    GroveMCWelcome to the Grove! Where a friendly and open community meets Minecraft. Join us in a fun and interactive server! Grow your town with friends and grind money from the jobs plugin or by selling items to others and become the #1 baltop! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Endcity is real, prepare to die 🙃

    I guess that means I should start packing my bags for Endcity! 🤣 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed! The Final Major Minecraft Snapshot! Exciting New Features The latest Minecraft snapshot has brought some incredible new features to the game. Players can now enchant the mace with three exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach, and Wind Burst. Density functions like sharpness, increasing damage based on fall distance. Breach deals higher damage to armored enemies, while Wind Burst launches you into the air upon landing a hit. These enchantments add a new level of strategy to combat in Minecraft. New Customization Options In addition to the mace enchantments, players can now customize their armor with new trims, including Pottery Shards and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we have a thrilling video to share with you – ‘Minecraft Animation Boy Love’ from the Music Series. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does remind us of the importance of finding partners and exploring new territories in the Minecraft universe. Just like the characters in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server are constantly seeking new adventures and connections. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay… Read More

  • Life’s Problems in a Nutshell

    Life's Problems in a Nutshell Minecraft Math Dilemma: Solving Portal Placement Issues Music Free Gaming, a family-friendly channel primarily focused on Minecraft gameplay, recently encountered a puzzling issue while trying to create a portal within the game. The problem seemed to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of mathematical concepts, leading to a humorous yet enlightening revelation. The Math Conundrum As the player delved into the intricacies of portal creation, they stumbled upon a crucial realization – the difference between positive and negative numbers. In a moment of clarity, it became apparent that twenty-one and negative twenty-one are not interchangeable entities, despite their numerical proximity…. Read More

  • INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft Project

    INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft ProjectVideo Information agora que o nosso Altar nível 5 está completo temos um novo objetivo que é conseguir antimatéria isso está aqui no nosso penúltimo capítulo de Quest aqui nesse ponto não é uma antimatéria qualquer é antimatéria do mod ftb Industrial contraptions que é baseado no nuclear Craft Então vai dar um trabalho aí pra gente conseguir fazer isso porque a gente tem um longo caminho pela frente a gente começa aqui temos que fazer várias fábricas várias máquinas até chegarmos aqui nessa maquininha que vai nos possibilitar fazer an matéria eu sou o enok e sejam bem-vindos a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Meme Reactions

    Ultimate Minecraft Meme ReactionsVideo Information I found the funniest Minecraft memes you’ll ever watch on YouTube and at the end it gets hilarious so stay tuned starting off we are in this beautiful Ravine and Steve is currently running away from a creeper Steve you can do this don’t wait what hey that’s not how it works that’s awkward okay Steve just oh wait wait now we’ve okay hopefully this creeper doesn’t do the same thing Steve help me out he’s stuck on the tracks oh St Steve you’re noty you didn’t help me he’s he’s still on the tracks but okay we’re… Read More

  • Proto King Arche’s Insane Hardcore Speedrun – What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    Proto King Arche's Insane Hardcore Speedrun - What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information hello once again ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking please keep your hands and feet inside uh something I don’t know SW anyways uh we’re on a lucky number seven speedrun attempt uh hardcore mode uh this is the series so far of me failing considerably over and over again uh trying to speedrun Minecraft in hardcore mode so let’s get to it I am slightly defeat H uh so if you don’t know my last episode I I’m I’m actually recording this right after the last episode but the last episode of random battle an… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlat

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlatVideo Information [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] 2 days [Music] later one eternity [Music] later [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥

    Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥Video Information he knows about the torch yeah I think I’m just going to kill him [Music] my death just motivated me more to find the torch for I can prove to everyone I’m not someone to be messed [Music] with some blocks in Minecraft shouldn’t be obtainable this includes Bedrock yeah I think you know where [Music] I’m going to be placing Bedrock to prove my Domin but right beside it will be a piece of carpet and a f [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up chat what is up everybody oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh… Read More

  • Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftlive

    Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftliveVideo Information चिपक गई छाती सेम माम माम बिंग बि सस्ते नन तार है ढीली कौन कसे कौन कसे कन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप लेन [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा हिट दुनिया परवा कर करदा खुश होके जीना ना की [संगीत] सरीदास कहते हैं इसको जी ओपी शोपिया ओ जी करते हैं सब मोजी हम इसके खी हो ओम माम माम बि बि सस्ते चिपक गई छाती सेम माम बि बि सस्ते तार है कन क कन क कन क कन क कन क कन कन कन कनन ब्रेन की बत्तिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda’s Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTED

    Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda's Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTEDVideo Information try again just kidding R the raw beef will always be mine hey hey leave EV alone hey hey let runic come on let the white man stop running so he wants his mayonnaise so much longer than mine This video, titled ‘While he didn’t take our deals, I believe he got his mayo in the end. |BLK CAT INFECTED EVENT’, was uploaded by Anori Sweeda the Dapper Seaweed on 2024-04-05 22:00:06. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Look at him run #shorts #BLKCATevent #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!

    Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!Video Information y hoy tenemos Ni más ni menos que un episodio muy especial en el cual vamos a tener que estar construyendo la casa de señor solgar y yo mismo una casa que hicimos allá por el lejano 2013 en un Survival el cual grabamos con una Nintendo 3DS bueno hicimos cada cosa en aquel Survival la casa está hecha un episodio bastante chiquitaje de aquí pero que tiene bastante historia al final una serie con señor solgard la cual a día de hoy ya está desaparecida van así Bueno más o menos se ha intentado hacer una foto… Read More

Nietvries – Choas is at hand! Unorthoblocks and Ignitor crossover 🔥 #livestream  🔥  #minecraftlivestream