NOOB vs PRO: Modern Warship Build Challenge

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our friends Mikey and JJ and their families are being hunted by these scary mobs now we must build modern warships to help them escape the incoming attack from these terrifying creatures but what happens when the final boss shows up to eat our friends in 20 minutes the sun’s going to go down and unleash a terrifying creature right here chip oh no Milo look Mikey and JJ are watching TV I wonder what they’re watching oh no what can it be y we need to check it out oh no Milo that monster is attacking the nearby Village this is insane who knows how long it will take to get to us he’s really scary that was insane Milo I can’t believe that’s real I’m feeling totally freaked out right now don’t worry Milo we need to stay calm and get building these warships to survive hey Mary come with me we got to build a warship to save your family and JJ if you follow me we can build one over here I know we’ll be able to do this and will save everybody me and JJ are going to build a super pro warship right over here it’s got to be absolutely huge and it’s going to have enough space for everybody to stay safely inside yeah well me and Mary are building an even better warship it’s going to be so epic no way how are you guys going to build an even better one as will definitely be the coolest and it’ll be the strongest well I’m using some top secret materials that I’m not going to tell you about uh Milo are you building with dirt right now baby oh Milo dead isn’t going to help you survive this thing you need to use really strong materials like concrete iron and terracotta like me and JJ are using nuh no way I’m building the Miler sty thank you very much okay we’ll see how that goes JJ if you want to fill the entire bottom bit with this terracotta I can start building up the walls using the block as well I think this will really really help we’ll be able to get this done so quickly every second we have counts that monster was insane it was all gross and green and gloopy like a huge zombie monster I do not want to see that thing attack us or your families yeah he looked really mean if I see him I’m going to shout at him shout at him Milo I don’t think that’s going to do a lot of help he has so many teeth he’ll just shout right back and he’ll even bite you what oh no I don’t feel like getting B today no I don’t feel like getting bitten either that is why we need to make sure he can’t get onto our warships and we stay safe from getting bitten that way I think we can totally do it as long as we all work together and we make sure we build the best worships we can yeah I’ve actually built a lot of Warships pretty much what when have you built warships before Milo well I go to war all the time Milo when do you go to war well sometimes in my dreams I build them and stuff Milo there is a big difference between building warships in your dreams and building them in real life we can’t just dream about this sort of stuff we actually have to fight it together for real well all I know is that mine’s going to be better than yours no way Milo I don’t think that’s going to happen my warship is being built by me and JJ two of the most professional builders in the world professional you’re right Milo me and JJ really are the best Builders we’ve saved our families from so many bad situations before it’s really really awesome and now we get to save them again yeah but you be saving them from Bad situations but you’re always putting me in bad situations like when you pranks me and stuff Milo this is a lot more bad than just a prank this situation is terrible there’s a huge monster after us that’s no prank this is a disaster a disaster yeah that’s really true actually because it is a disaster both of our warships need to have ways to defend ourselves we can’t just be random boats on the ocean we need to have proper defenses well I’m going to have some good defenses like snowballs Milo snowballs aren’t a good defense that’s not a good defense at all Snowballs will definitely not help you against this monster yes says you but I don’t really trust your ideas because I really like snowballs I know you like snowballs Milo you’re always throwing them at me but this time you’re going to need a lot stronger things than just snowballs you’re going to need some crazy cannons and maybe even some Arrow launches what that sounds really fun maybe I will do that stuff yeah you totally should I’m going to have so many fun defenses on this warship it’s really important to add every single one if me and JJ forget even one defense we could totally lose to these evil monsters they’re already destroying the villages Milo it is not long until they get to our village yeah I’m feeling pretty nervous my legs are shaking a bit Milo don’t let your leg shake that’s going to make it a lot harder to build this warship we’re going to need to make sure we stay nice and calm when building the warships that both us and JJ and Mikey’s families will survive on we also need to make sure we build up these walls nice and strong JJ if you want to help me make up these walls really really tall just like this we can go all the way around the side then we can actually start filling in the rooms in the middle section I can’t wait to see what rooms we could possibly add I bet we can add some seriously awesome ones in here what rooms are you and Mikey adding Milo um pumpkin rooms pumpkin rooms Milo that’s not going to help I was thinking stuff more like a survival room and maybe even a shelter area in case you get stuck oh yeah I’ll love that as well but my priority right now is the pumpkin room oh Milo that is not a good idea I mean I hope the pumpkin room does help somehow but I have a bad feeling about this do you and Mikey just want to come on My Worship I’ll even build enough for him to save you and Mikey’s family if you like no way that sounds like a really bad idea your worship has bad vibes hey it doesn’t have bad vibes me and JJ are doing such a good job building he even completed the wall now we can add in the roof that separates the Giant open area with all the weapons from the bottom area where me and JJ’s family will be hiding we need to add this light gray concrete all the way around JJ’s even going to help me do it it’s going to go so much quicker yeah well I guess JJ’s helping you but Mikey is giving me lots of really good ideas actually Mikey was the one who mentioned the snowers earlier Milo snowballs are not a good idea I think Mikey is giving you really bad advice that might even put you in a lot of danger with this monster how dare you say that about miky he’s my new best friend what I thought I was your best friend Milo not any more not since you said you didn’t like my snowballs sorry Milo I guess snowballs can have their uses but are you sure this is a good idea I totally will still be your best friend would it help if I let you on my ship no I already said I don’t want to go near your ship now stop asking me sorry Milo I guess I’ll have to stop asking I just hope that you and Mikey are able to make a ship good enough that lets you and Mikey’s family survive these monsters are crazy they just came out of nowhere one day I have no idea how they born but now they’re taking over the world every village has been destroyed except for a couple left that’s why we need to build warships it’s our only hope we need to be able to survive this really scary attack yeah we totally do wo JJ this is already looking so awesome our warship is really coming along now we actually need to build the insides of this warship let’s make an entrance here this can be the staircase that goes all the way down once it does reach the bottom it goes into the hallway area the insides of this warship need need to be a nice orange color but I guess we can add red too this way both of our colors are added to the inside of this warship and we can both really really feel like we’re a part of it actually JJ that’s a great idea we can use the light gray concrete on the inside rather than the gray terracotta this means that we have such good colors here wo this already looks awesome now we can extend this hallway going all the way back I really think it’s important to have a lot of room inside this ship that way anything we need to do inside no matter what it is can easily be done by us let’s also make sure we build this hallway all the way around we can’t miss a spot this hallway will make the inside of our ship really really stable if somehow this monster attacks the side and chews a hole in it only one room will be chewed into because the walls will be so strong the monster will probably even break all of its weird spiky teeth oh yeah that’s a great idea I can’t wait to see the Monster totally get destroyed by this warship I wonder what rooms we could even add inside here we’ve got to think nice and long about this we don’t want to add any ramp little ones oh I know we definitely need to add in some kitchen areas I think the kitchen area can be right at the front here the stairs will definitely go down all the way here like this we’ll add some stair blocks on top of this concrete but for now we’ll leave it as concrete I think the entrances to the kitchen can be on this side perfect we’ll even build a wall right over here separating it from the rest of the area then the walls can go right over here into the main kitchen area the kitchen can be right here we’ll have to add two sinks so that anybody on this ship can wash their hands next to the sinks we will also have two really awesome fridges they’re a nice dramatic dark color to fit in with the dark of this warship here we can even have furnaces and on top of them we will even Place enchanted golden apples golden apples are so good they really heal a lot of your health so they’ll be really handy when surviving this crazy monster attack we can even add barrels to the back half of this kitchen these will really help make sure that we never run out of storage and we can even fill the barrels with enchanted golden apples just like this this way we will never never run out of them I think also we should also add a nice little Smoke Stack above this furnace area we do not want to trigger any of the smoke alarms on this crazy warship otherwise we could be in a lot of trouble finally up here we will add some cabinets just like this this way there’s even more storage for when we need it I think now we also definitely need to place in some of the stairs here we can use polished andesite stairs just like this these will really help make this entire section look so awesome I think it’ll also make it really easy to quickly get back up all right perfect they do break into the kitchen a little bit so we’ll need to push the kitchen wall down slightly uh-oh if we don’t do this in time we’ll waste so much time before the monster comes phew luckily that totally works and this kitchen looks awesome now JJ we need to build bedrooms over on this side we need to make a big dormatory we can make one for each family me and Milo will probably need our own but I have a feeling that you and Mikey are going to want to stay with your families we can’t tell Mikey or Milo this but we are going going to build an extra section here just in case Mikey and Milo need to stay here I have a feeling they will not be able to survive on their very own ship it’s made of dirt for crying out loud that is why we need to make sure they have a place to stay here in an emergency that is all right we’ll build the wall right till the end here and we’ll need to build it up so it connects all the way to the ceiling and there are no empty spots I think the first room we need to build can be your room JJ we’ll have to add red concrete right over here we’ll also replace this concrete with a red so that it matches your color I’ll put this right up here and then we can continue the light gray concrete all the way to the roof perfect now we also need to add down some trap doors this trapo will be the bed that your baby is in let’s place a red bed right here wo that looks so nice I bet your baby will totally love this bed now on the other side of the room we’ll build one bed for you and we’ll build another bed for your wife here perfect we can even give each of you guys your own chest with your very own flower pots it’s a poppy which is the reddest flower in all of Minecraft this way you both get to sleep next to your favorite flower ever over here we’ll even add a bookshelf this way your baby could totally learn to read really quick and the baby even gets his own flower on this wall we can even add a really awesome painting first we need to place red concrete like this then we can surround it with these aasia trap doors by doing this we clear out a really good area to make the painting frame now if we place the painting down oh wo that’s a really scary painting that’s way better this painting is so nice and it really makes this room look awesome now we just need to add carpets to the floor right over here and we also need to add in some lanterns to the ceiling we can do a really nice zigzag pattern like this wao this looks awesome I can’t wait to keep everybody on board safe and sound in this room now we definitely need to make a room for me I think mine can be right over here it can be orange so we’ll add orange concrete next to the red concrete on this wall we also will definitely need to build up using this light gray concrete off to the ceiling I’ll just add the final level of orange concrete here and boom Oh yeah this room is about to look awesome I can’t wait to see what we build in here my bed can be right over here in this corner I’ll also give myself some orange Sher boxes this way I have a lot of storage to keep all of the ammunition we might need to defend this warship we can even add some flower pots on top my favorite flower is an orange tulip and right inside we can have a painting no why is it that wither painting again that’s a much nicer painting it’s way less scary than the Wither over here we can even have a bedside cabinet area with a nice sofa here too this way I can sit down relax after a really long day of Defending everybody I’ll also place down some carpets right here boom this room is looking pretty nice I think you could definitely use an extra painting though let’s use these bedside cabinets to block out an area this painting looks pretty cool I like this one I’ll add one more flower here and I think this room is looking pretty good I’m really happy with how it’s going at the moment we need to Now quickly build Mikey and Milo’s room before they get too suspicious of what we’re doing oh lanters that’s a great idea JJ if you add lanters to the ceiling I’ll start clearing out an area to make Mikey and Milo’s room in we’ll need to put it at the very end of the hallway here this room has to be really secret JJ otherwise if Mikey and Milo find out about this they could be really really upset with us we do not want that that’s why we need to hide it here in the back of the ship okay this is looking pretty good but I have a feeling we’re going to need to do more if you place this gray concrete All Along The Wall above this door and above the sides I can start adding in the decorations and this can go really quick we’ll need to have three beds on this side one for Mikey one for his wife and one for his little kid all right this should be enough chest for them I do not think Mikey’s baby needs a chest of his own we will give Mikey his very own carpet though okay this is looking pretty good but there is more we need to add we need to add a section over here for Milo Milo will also get his own carpet and he can get a bed right here this is nice but Milo needs a lot of storage he always has a lot of bird seeds so he needs to be able to not run out of storage okay we’ll even add in some surface here Mikey’s family sofa needs to be a bit bigger that way it can fit his whole family on it Milo will only need a little sofa so I think that’s enough okay this is looking good but there’s definitely still more we need to add they both definitely need some desk cabinets with a flower pot on top Mikey can have a bamboo one like this oh I know Green is his favorite color so he’ll totally like it over here we’ll give Milo his very own but he can have a blue orchid this room is looking really really nice I sure hope they love it but we’re going to need to do one last thing for each of these rooms JJ we need to add iron doors to every single room these will help make the rooms nice and secure I think this is definitely a good idea actually on the outside we can even add a button this way the doors can be held open from the inside but they won’t stay locked from the outside and the monster might even have trouble getting in this is a perfect addition it makes the rooms way more safe all right we need to add these doors to every single one we can’t miss a spot otherwise whoever’s room we forget to add a door to will be in a lot of danger now we need to go back up here and build a pilot’s room we’ll have to make it right at the front here I think this is a really good spot we’ll build a nice section out here for it and we can even add a doorway at the front we’ll make a big Arrow shape this way it points in the direction that we need to be steering in let’s extend this room up a little bit using the orange and the red concrete it is really important that we keep the same colors otherwise the warship will look really silly now we can even add some more cyan terracotta Above This one this way all the Builds on the outside that are not a floor will be made out of this material it is very very dark so it will hopefully blend in with the darkness of the nighttime ocean we need to build a really cool slanted roof design just like this we can build it all the way up to the top to make sure this room is so tall it is the pilot room after all so it has to be a really good height we don’t want anybody not to be able to fit inside other than the monster of course this monster should not be able to enter the pilot room if he does he will get control over the entire warship and he would be able to use it to send horrible attacks anywhere he’d be able to destroy these Villages twice as fast we need to be able to stop him from doing that now if we break all this glass from this this front window we can make a really good viewing section this way we can pilot this ship with a really good 360° view we won’t miss a single thing we can make the control panel right here out of these quartz blocks we’ll make them go all the way around but we will not have them touch this very Corner that’s because JJ this corner is going to be where you and your family can sit I do not want you guys outside of this room this way everybody can stay safe together I think we also need to add in some amazing dials to this super cool control panel you can’t have a control panel if you can’t control it that would just be crazy by adding in all of these we really help make sure this ship can be steered really really accurately I’ll even add in some trap doors so that we can see where the wind is blowing okay this is looking pretty cool but there’s still more we need to add now we have a steering wheel JJ and we can control this ship to go wherever we want that is once we build the engines we can’t pilot it now we need to make some other rooms like wait a minute JJ did you hear that roar oh no that’s so loud what could that be chip what is that noise I have no idea oh no the ocean’s getting pretty foggy this is Bad Milo this means we have less and less time I think that raw might have something to do with the monster oh no does this mean it’s getting closer it totally does Milo we do not have a lot of time this means we need to build the final stages of our warships quick before the monster gets here and destroys Mikey and JJ’s families oh no now I’m really stressed out come on JJ we have to get get building now these new mobs are so dangerous and scary that I think we definitely need to build some really intense defenses I say we totally need to build these TNT cannons JJ this will absolutely help us they can be a little complicated so we’ve got to be pretty careful we build these right what about you Milo are you and Mikey building any defenses yeah just a really awesome roller coaster oh that’s awesome Milo that’s a great idea I really think that’ll help but wait a minute did you say roller coaster yeah roller coaster hang on a minute Milo that is not a good idea roller coasters aren’t going to help but it’s really fun and what’s the point of having a really crazy ship if you don’t have a v coaster uh Milo the point of having these really crazy ships is to survive that’s the whole point if we don’t have these ships we might not make it well I’m definitely going to make it cuz I’m going to have other differences I just haven’t thought of them yet oh Milo you better think of them quick before it is too late all right Milo if you keep trying to do other defenses we’ll keep working on this one I think we need to fill all of these dispenses with a bunch of TNT yeah this will totally work we can even right click on this one to make sure we instantly past the TNT dispensers all over oh no we just have to make sure we don’t spill the TNT everywhere that could be a pretty big disaster and we don’t want that to happen that will just delay us and make us take longer to build this thing on the back here we need to add a button and we can even add redstone on the sides just like this this is already looking really good but there is still more we need to do at the back here we just need one last dispenser and this one is full of TNT too but it needs to be at the end of a very long delay that’s why we’re adding in these Redstone repeaters it’s important that this takes a while and oh no quick we need to block off this water so it doesn’t impact the kitchen phew we managed to do that JJ good job that was a quick save otherwise we would have had a wet Kitchen on our hands all right now this is looking pretty good but there is still more we need to add otherwise this thing really won’t work on this side before we actually reach these Redstone repeaters we need the Redstone Dust to go down and hit these three dispensers this is good now that we’ve added that this TNT cannon should be pretty close to working all right JJ it is time to test this thing out wo look it’s totally going to work this is awesome what the oh no Milo did it hit your ship ship what did you do um uh it wasn’t me it was oh JJ we need to think of a lie quickly um wait I have an idea hey Milo it was um it was a brand new monster that attacked early it was really scary and it was like ACH of creepers all tied together what are you telling the truth right now yep yes I definitely am and me and JJ actually managed to destroy it using our TNT cannon so we kind of saved you guys oh Mikey that’s really scary that’s so really sad because my ship was so beautiful yeah sorry about your ship Milo but hey at least me and JJ were able to save you both from that evil creeper monster yeah I guess so I can’t believe they bought that JJ now we need to make more TNT cannons since we definitely know this one works really well we need to build these TNT cannons going all the way along JJ this way we’ll have so many defenses against these evil monsters I think we need to have at least three of them then we can also have some on the other side although the monsters will probably come from the dock area that’s why we need to aim towards it hopefully this will be enough to take down some of these evil evil monsters yep that’s perfect I think four is a great amount while you try and work on these TNT cannons I’m going to summon a little army that might be able to help us I have an entire Army of golems that we can spawn to totally help us against these Monsters the first Golems I think we really need to try out at these concrete Golems we can have different ones of each of our colors this way our ship will be defended by an army of JJ golems and an army of Chip Golems I think that is so cool and it will really help scare the monsters these are the official colors of our army so when the monsters see them they know to be really scared let’s also add in some obsidian Golems these Golems aren’t the strongest hitters but they are very difficult to break the monsters will get distracted by them and spend all their time trying to whittle down their health little do they know these guys have almost infinite health points let’s also grab some netherite Golems netherite Golems hit really really hard and do a lot of damage so do Diamond Golems actually that’s why we need to have Diamond Golems at the back here too wa this Golem Army is looking awesome but we need more let’s see if we can add a pumpkin Golem no we totally can’t uhoh JJ do you think there’s some sort of of block we can use instead of a pumpkin that’s a great idea JJ we can totally go over to Milo’s ship and find something don’t mind me Milo I’m just over here doing something important you’re being weird sorry Milo I don’t mean to be weird trust me I have a really good plan for surviving I just can’t tell you yet squ buddy get away from my ship sorry Milo I won’t come back I just need to make sure we build this next defense look JJ your idea totally whed we now have a hay golem look at him he is so cool and he’ll totally help us we can also try adding a soul sand golem I wonder if this Golem will be really slow and wait a minute it doesn’t work this is bad some of these Golems are not working properly H we have to think what’s an evil monstrous block I totally know we can use bone blocks to make a bone Golem oh yeah wao that looks totally scary maybe if we can have scary monstrous Golems on our warship the scary monstrous monsters will be too scared to even try and get us these skeleton bone Golems are so cool they’re like walking Halloween decorations finally we really want to leave these monsters with a bit of a burn so we’re going to add some magma Golems W you can see the magma flowing through them that is intense these Golems are going to be awesome we will need a way to keep these Golems from falling off though so we need to add a big wall all the way around the outside of this awesome warship otherwise these amazing Golems will fall into the ocean and sink to the bottom since a lot of them are made out of very very heavy blocks the hay Golem would just get really soggy and wet though I don’t want that either we’ve got to make sure we place these wall walls all the way around otherwise these Golems could be in some serious trouble and then so would we I’ll even place them going over the tops of these TNT canons this way the Golems won’t be able to just climb on top and go to the other side they’ll have to really think of a creative way to escape this ship and luckily I don’t think there even is one that is perfect they might accidentally fall off this section with the Redstone but I think they’ll totally be fine right in the middle of all these Golems we need to build a giant giant tower that goes really high it’s super important that we do not make this wrong hey Golem get out of the way uh-oh these Golems are really climbing all over the tower if these Golems can stop us from building just by walking around they’ll definitely be able to stop these monsters yeah I really think this will work we just need to make sure we place all these blocks right now like this oh perfect now we can also place the inside pillar we’ll make this one out of light gray concrete all right JJ I am so excited to see this working I can’t believe we are now making a huge turret Tower this also will be a radio tower so we’ll be able to hear any nearby help signals that way we can help people and we can send signals to make people help us otherwise if we somehow crash this thing we will be in a lot of trouble all right this is looking pretty good but I think we can do more by adding in some andesite walls to the very edge here we add a lot more stability to this structure we can even make sure we add them in this pattern that way they’re really tightly held on to the bottom let’s also add in some iron bars to the side just like this wo this is our strongest piece of technology we cannot afford to lose this otherwise we we would be in a lot of trouble Milo what are you in Mikey building to stop the evil monsters from attacking your ship that’s weird I don’t see Milo he must be taking a break or something I’m sure he’ll be back really soon okay we’ll put more iron bars here and oh yeah these are looking so cool we will have to make this top Tower a little bit more tall I think if we extend this platform out in this directions like this oh wao look at that it already looks so cool wo it looks like proper technology now we also need to add in some iron trap doors on each side like that wao good job JJ amazing and we can even add in some andesite walls like this this way we have a really high reach point on every direction we also can add some on the bottom like this this makes this pillar way more secure than it was before now on every single andesite wall we need to place down a gaus turret wa look at that these aren’t the final steps though we’ll need to do a couple more things to make sure they’re nice and secure we need to place down some slabs on top of each of these walls this way these t have a really good platform to stand on oh yeah look at that that’s amazing let’s also add one final turret right in the middle here on next to every single turret we can add Redstone torches oh no they actually activate the trap doors that’s okay that just means we need to replace them with slabs we can also do the same on this side so it is both equal wao look at that JJ this is already looking pretty awesome I think we can still do more though we need to place some more Towers all throughout this warship this Tower will actually be a radio tower so we can send proper signals we’ll also be able to use it to take a look at different areas around the world it’ll really come in handy if somebody gets lost or if we need to spot any monsters let’s also make sure we put slabs on the bottom just to keep it safe and supported otherwise it could collapse at any moment next to each of these TNT cannons we also definitely need to make smoke stacks these will be giant chimneys that we will use to power the engines with once the engines activate all the fuel there will be a lot of smoke produced and that’ll need to go somewhere we do not want it flying around our breathing area or clogging up our vision that’s why we need to use these chimneys to send it really high up into the atmosphere that keeps it away from us and we’ll be a lot safer for it because we’ll be able to see better we can also keep far away from the monsters and we won’t accidentally bump into any of them let’s add all the chimneys up here oh wow this is going to look so cool now we just need to add walls to every single one and at the top of each wall we’ll need to add a campfire now we need to place the campfires just like this and on the sides of every single one we’ll need to place four trap doors it’s important that we don’t forget these otherwise parts of the campfire Flames could spread and set the rest of the entire warship on fire if that happened we would be in a lot of trouble now I just need to open every single one of these trap doors using this special stick most sticks are not strong enough to open these because they are made of iron but luckily this one totally is wo our warship is really coming along hey we should totally tell Mikey and Milo about this guys come see our awesome warship hey Mikey I see you on the trampoline but do you know where Milo is oh no Mikey has no idea where Milo is JJ this is bad um uhoh uh Milo Milo where are you hang on JJ we actually have a solution to this we need to use our newly built radio tower to see exactly where Milo is come on we don’t have a lot of time oh no look it shows that Milo is running away from some evil creepy monster in this Village this is Bad Milo get away from there how do I talk to him wait a minute I know exactly what we need to do sound the alarm w W that ship hon is crazy loud that’ll totally make Milo hear it all right while Milo runs back to us we need to get this place ready the Sun is going down and those mobs are about to reach us we can’t let any monster hurt you or Mikey’s family chip I’m back Milo you made it oh goodness I can’t believe it that monster was chasing you but it must be right behind you that was the scariest monster ever I think they’re coming to get us let’s go quick Milo we need to get ready to leave before these mobs attack I need to spawn four final Golems on this pier this way they’ll be able to stop them as a first line of defense I just really hope this works quickly chip this no time I know Milo okay the first Golem is going to be a coral Golem this will be strong because it’s surrounded by water then we’ll have a redstone Golem to help use all its power against them the Redstone Lantern Golem will work really well with the Redstone Golem it’ll be powered which will double his damage finally we’ll have a slime Golem to bounce them back hopefully this works all right everybody get inside as much as you can we have to evacuate now all right I think we’re ready and the ship is powered and so is JJ’s family on board wait a minute look Milo the mobs have already started appearing what the chip they look like freaks this is bad but Milo look the Golems are helping to fight them wait a second and so are the turrets hey these mobs are totally trying to get us what is that thing champ I’m really freaking out right now I think we need to go I have a couple weapons we can use I’m even going to use acid to shoot down these monsters I’m going to try and start launching some snor balls wo Milo these monsters are doing something crazy and look they’re trying to go towards you what J out me okay I’m going to have to go over and try and save you this is bad but first we’ll try using the TNT cannons I hope they are good enough to work these better do something all right I just hope all of these can work at the same time wait a minute these aren’t working properly they’re destroying themselves this is bad I didn’t realize they would fail CH these guys that freaks and they’re trying to F my feet oh no don’t worry Milo I just have to come over and save you H what can I do this mutant endent is crazy wait a second it just ate a chunk of the world this is bad I need to eat a golden apple so I don’t lose even more Health Milo how are you and Mikey holding up wao my vision just got attacked we’re not doing very well chip this is very bad oh no don’t worry I’ll help save you I’ll try and take down some of these evil purple Enderman they all hanging up on me help me don’t worry Milo me and JJ are here to help I can rapid fire the acid Cannon look it’s totally taking them down quickly what chip that’s very powerful I think we need to abandon our ship oh no Milo look my ship is being attacked by the monsters the corrupt Enderman is destroying his way inside what the that’s really bad oh no we need to destroy him but I’ve run out of weapons this is really really bad I hope my Army of Golems can help quickly Golems we need to destroy them oh no I need to help my Golems too by taking down these Endermen but uh-oh they keep totally making me blind quickly get the end man he’s nearly dead quick okay we destroyed him and he dropped something hey wait a second what was that JJ quick give it here I might be able to use it this is known as the protective look it summons a protective barrier against us if we can all get inside one ship together we should be able to use it to protect everybody ship I’m going to be honest I don’t think my ship is working very well what your ship isn’t working Milo you did build an engine right um I probably forgot that yeah oh no Milo more of the monsters are coming we have to quickly get on my ship I definitely know that it will work and we need to ride it out of here as far as we can get come on M you want swim over come on everybody we have to go now before the rest of the monsters show up wait a second Milo the corrupt Enderman is coming back there are more of them how does this keep happening quick we need to repair part of your ship with the pumpkin so we can get going I don’t have any pumpkins Milo I only have TNT and I don’t know if it’s safe to repair a ship with TNT well maybe not but I’m going to try and use my pumpkins really carefully okay while you do that me and JJ are going to bridge up using TNT and try and get this engine going okay we need to go quickly okay how’s your patching up going Milo it’s done we need to go wo more mobs are coming but wait I fell down guys don’t stop the Ship Without Me I don’t want to be left behind Quick great chip you need to get up here oh no more crazy monsters are arriving all right everybody we’re about to activate the ship and sail into the sunset goodbye monsters goodbye everyone hopefully this worked I think we’re far enough away from all of the evil evil monsters but we need to check are there any around the ship I really hope there’s not oh no if there are we’re totally doomed but Milo I don’t see any monsters CH I think we’ve really survived and I think we really safe Mikey and JJ’s fames yeah I think we did too look everybody’s in here and everybody is safe hooray we totally saved everyone yay

This video, titled ‘MIKEY vs JJ Family: NOOB vs PRO: MODERN WARSHIP Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Milo and Chip on 2024-04-05 18:00:19. It has garnered 1125271 views and 9390 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds.

Milo has Challenged Chip to a Noob vs Pro Modern Warship Build challenge in Minecraft! But what happens when Maizen suddenly show up?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip

  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

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  • My First Minecraft House

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  • Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20

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  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

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  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

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  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

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  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

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  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shorts

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  • INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #roblox

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  • 🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼

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  • TurboMC Modded

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  • The Garden SMP – LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

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  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Trials Update

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure – Quest for the World!

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  • Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! πŸ”₯

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  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC Hardcore

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  • Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!

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  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! πŸ”₯

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDWARS In 2024?!’, was uploaded by Aimsey VODs on 2024-03-01 22:00:02. It has garnered 5315 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:12 or 9432 seconds. This was streamed LIVE at: Stream Date: February 29, 2024 – Aimsey’s Socials: Youtube – Twitter – Instagram – TikTok – Tumblr – Discord Server – – Managed by: #aimsey Read More

  • πŸ”₯ 24/7 Minecraft Madness! Join Now! πŸ”₯

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  • EPIC MINECRAFT FAIL: Exploring Nether, Tragic Death & Valuable Loot

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    MINECRAFT PIXEL ART: SUBSCRIBE for SECRET BUILDS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Ragas YT on 2024-02-13 11:15:02. It has garnered 2787 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts Read More

  • Onyxtales

    OnyxtalesOnyx Tales is a revolutionary Minecraft Survival MMORPG. Open-world, custom environments and independent player worlds. Begin your adventure now! Read More

  • KidlessCraft SMP Whitelist 18+ McMMO Terralith Quests 1.20.4

    KidlessCraft KidlessCraft was founded in 2016 as a server for adults looking for a relaxing gaming experience away from kids. It has grown into a passionate community aiming to provide the best experience possible. In 2023, we acquired our own server rack and continue to grow our community with games we love. Join us and help make our world unique! Join Us: Discord: Server IP: Server Website: About the Server: Location: Central US Game Play Type: SMP / Survival / Hard Difficulty Version: 1.20.4 PaperMC w/ GeyserMC Server Rules: Be Respectful Be Ethical Use Common Sense Features:… Read More

  • The Vibe Zone

    THE VIBE ZONEMinecraft Version: 1.21Server ip: tvz.zapto.orgHas Plugins!Hello, We are a brand new 1.21 Minecraft Server and we are here to invite youto come play with us at The Vibe Zone!We have plugins, and are looking for staff members, helpers, etc!What are you waiting for come play with us on the new Minecraft Version 1.21!!!!!!Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Copper Bulb Scams Squidward

    Minecraft Memes - Copper Bulb Scams SquidwardLooks like this meme is as valuable as copper in Minecraft – not much! Read More

  • Mine the Unknown: Minecraft Block Xuan Unveiled

    Mine the Unknown: Minecraft Block Xuan Unveiled Welcome to my world, where Minecraft reigns, I’m Fangkuaixuan, here to entertain. With animations funny and bright, I bring joy and laughter, day and night. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, in every frame. Pirated videos, they won’t be found, Only originals, with happiness abound. So come along, join the fun, In Minecraft world, we’ll all be one. Subscribe today, don’t delay, For MC facts in rhymes, I’ll convey. Read More


    MINECRAFT PE: POPPY PLAYTIME CAPITULO 3 - HOT MESS Why play Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft when you can just play the actual game? Seems like someone really wanted to mix things up in the virtual world! #confusedplayer #minecraftstruggles Read More