NoobSniper – Let’s Play Minecraft Episode 87 – Witch Hut Hunt!

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And I’m going to grab some ice here but being chased by skeletons like this was just a second after i got off the boat but there’s a bunch of skellies here so I’m going to take those guys out and then steal all their ice because i want

Ice hit me suck oh damn 1.5 skellies this shoot fast get well Oh creepers I don’t want with our haha you suck power to bow I’m better than you I’m better than you you died you died I give me your experience yeah alright grab this

This ice with a silk touch pic I need to heal as well let me actually heal first just in case i did some see some creepers there so we don’t want to die such a beautiful pic so good oh yeah and the water now repairs itself flow wise

So that’s always good oops streamate ice via look at all that ice dog look at all the ice so beautiful sweet another piece over here and anything else well maybe one little sucker over here alrighty so um I’m contemplating whether i should get a bunch of ice bottom here or mm-hmm or

Just go explore it more I know where the I says you know if I want to get more i’ll go get more but anyways I’m gonna bare back once we find hold on well wait a second why is their crafting bench there I guess I’ve been here before oh I

Think I leave from this area I probably left from this area all right well I want to track down a Plains biome as I checked out Plains biome here it’s the ocean that looks like a Plains biome hmm all right let’s stop off here and see

What we can find slow down slow down slow down whoa daddy whoa Nellie whoa Nellie all right good keepers gonna give me a visit here oh you didn’t blow up my boat thank you sir appreciate it she ate it we got a zombie here behind me okay

No no mine just scared myself my own sounds cool lots of Endermen I do need some ender pearls Ashley so we might go ahead and oh but I said these guys on fire they get really erratic it on fire mm-hmm what to do what to do let’s do it

Anyways let’s see what happens oh it’s sand oops sandstone might have enough blocks here let’s see yeah I’ll be good let’s do this throughout this area here friend again let’s talk a little bit more room to work with here and so basically the whole time Thurman all you

Do is just make yourself a too high my protection field look at the Endermen then come to you there you go and you can’t attack you so just get a suite that’s the only thing with the fire though is that unfortunately he doesn’t like fire too much and he just goes

Around and dies essentially i’m gonna look at the other end of in there then come here that’s not good that’s not good kind of just goes around everywhere and randomly and then dies so unless he comes back to me I ain’t going to work not gonna work very well so you need to

Get just a straight sharpness for sword which is kind of what I wanted before but enforce I got fire aspect if I respects great at all but just a straight sharpness for is a good sword to know more hit it’s good to kill mobs like this but not good to get endermen

Which is something I want because I want to go to the end that’s something i do want to do and something i haven’t done yet so want to go to the end and want to fight the wither as well all right fine you win that one alright so here’s a

Plains biome and i’m not sure if we’ve been here before kind of feel like we have this might be a lost cause might be oh there’s endermen so we can go i’m not sure if the same one if it is then good not whatever nope not the same one you would have died

Oh it’s nearby is somewhere nearby or someone won an Endermen is nearby i’m pretty sure i didn’t set that one on fire isn’t doesn’t sound like he went on fire watch my back here don’t want to get ambushed we’re okay I think he kind of just teleported away and said no I

Don’t want to want to fight someone with fire it hurts yeah forever reason the fire kind of glitches him out and he see endermen don’t teleport away if you hit their feet but the fire affects their whole body and so just like rain they

Hate it and they try to spaz out to get out of the fire in that sense obviously that doesn’t work so they just spaz around and yeah oh well if you’re in the middle of the ocean and somehow you make in Endermen if you have an end up in

There since there is nowhere else to spawn they will keep spawning in that area but again that’s very specific so I’m just waiting for these guys to die and just guys that the spawn here Oh smart smart guy right here and don’t they die anyways ok done anyways it’s

All good collective arrow just looking for a rose because I’m running low and i don’t have a chicken farm going yet which i need to get going and we owe hit me you got me oh my favorite biome any biome with exposed stone like this i absolutely adore I don’t know why it’s

Just so good so good it’s just classic minecraft just world generation it’s just too good I do got soaked touch so it’s kind of useless to use it on that but whatever whatever I’ll do what I want alright so we are in a Plains biome correct playings yes and I’m not sure if

This is previously generated or not I kind of feel like it is previously generated only because I’m not liking like crazy I’m not losing a lot of frames but we will explore it anyways and obviously the main goal here still trying to find a horse or a donkey

And not fall into a ravine I try to find a horse or a donkey or both and a village possibly village is just bonus this is actually a really cool generation I’m not sure if I’ve been here before though anyways though the generations really cool it’s kind of

Like a mountainous planes oh now we’re in stream hell’s whoops well that was short lived there was a swamp there though and swamps are good because I need slime balls for leads for the horses once if and when it and if i want to find one so let’s head over to that

Swamp ass swamp avoid the massive ravine that i would have died from falling and as much as i like to kill the chickens I probably come back here and grab some more eggs so that I can make a farm closer to my area alright so let’s go

Slime hunt in here it’s a swamp correct yep now we need is a bunch of slime to spawn so slimes do your job spawn okay and I’m I don’t hear a single one oh well then that is very interesting and that is a good sign for those of you who

Don’t know that is a witch hut which had spawn most frequently in the swamp biome and very very very rarely in any other biome so this kinda has to be new generation since these were introduced and I believe one point four point seven I believe don’t quote me on that

But let’s go see if there’s a witch in here I do want to make myself a witch spawner area so this would be kind of cool sir what’s in there right now I don’t think so they would have come attack me by now cool though okay

Awesome I do have some ladders I think I need a bit more would get up there no that totally doesn’t match this okay and I think I think I knew would need one more ladder but we’ll do this cheap out here there we go let’s get in here there

Is a cauldron no water let me fill that up I should have asked to be fuller not bugging it fill it up anyways oh look a little potted mushroom I believe that is like sometimes occurrence doesn’t always occur but these two are always in a

Witch hut and I need spruce so we have a taiga biome over there that’s good which come here and make our witch hut but this is awesome alright this is a good find let me take a screen I didn’t take a screenshot of the cords i think i did

I’m going to take it anyways just in case i don’t think i did actually screenshot good and I losing all my controls here awesome all right so which huts are witches I should say not a hard enemy you know then I’m terribly hard but the job kind of cool stuff and they

Drop stuff that I would be very interested in so if you stay I think its twenty four blocks away from a witch hut it seems about twenty four or so they’ll spawn in there and then you can kill them but what I damn I don’t want to

Take more screenshots but what I want to do is make a multi-level multilateral okay a multi-leveled area here maybe for high we’re witches can spawn and then I’ll kill the witches and just get there drop so they job a lot of stuff they can drop up to six items at a time more

Frequently they drop me two or three that’s cool okay I wasn’t expecting that but that’s nice and let’s go continue hunting for hunting for slimes slimy slimes which I haven’t heard a single slimy up which sucks I know chickens right like don’t you just agree I know like where– where they’ve wired they

Spawn in yet come on now we did the only spot at night I don’t think so this one every every where and every time Oh egg egg egg egg I heard someone plop out an egg where where give me that comedic give me yeah I get it and get it love

Like okay I was going to say random things on fire over here fire for the fryer spread sucks i’d have to worry about that too much that’s funny all right back into a jungle here come on now give me them slams I need them slams Lance its limes so i can give myself

Some leads here we will find a well as a car that was a horse maybe we’ll find another witch hut here possibly let’s go let’s keep looking around this is a pretty big swamp ion so definite possibility the congregation of sheep has arrived is apparently right here there’s a definite new generation

Because my frames are dropping meaning the world is trying to generate we are come on i can out-jump lily pads for life of me okay oh whoops jump jump and sprint jump good mrs. successful alpha out alright just seem much else is spawning we yep no slimes but let’s go put this

Away go dis away back on yeah yeah really nice going online since there’s no real way of getting there anyway so might as well just swim over Michael Phelps it not look like I’m rowing myself ok I’ll stop nope not gonna make that chickens may do I permission to board land sweet thanks

Boo new generation cool see what we got going on here oh well we got brain rain rain go away come again some but they’re laggy day extreme Hills over there that’s where I came from zomba it goes on Bay Oh planes I planes just cut it

That zombie all around see ya how did that tree what the heck I mean interment ago tak that’s weird I just planes please let me explain starts extreme Hills at swampland oh god like world generation oh why why you know planes are you extreme Hills edge make gold

Planes become planes like this grass make a planes planes planes no dance extreme Hills ah piggies why why are you do that why are you only going all the time why there’s no planes y you know horses why I like oh also just thinking about it the work that I did mmm wow

That’s really cool generation actually Wow ah ok leg k leg not cool thank you the work that I did the money I made from it I’m going to go straight to straight to me sneezing now it’s gonna go straight to my new pc so i’m hoping i

Have a new pc by sometime next week and that’s being optimistic but i’m hoping i do and that is really cool this is like the alien alien biome over here got a couple of floating UFOs over here just taking screen shots galore likes taking screenshots I was thinking about

Doing for people who have watched as far or still watching I was thinking about doing a screen wow she is this a pig party over here Miss Piggy invited some of her friends don’t want to see Kermit for those of you who are possibly interested I was thinking about doing

Maybe a screenshot contest where the winner gets you know a certain prize but the best screenshot wins and I was wondering if you guys I actually be interested in that that’s something that appeals to you guys essentially I’ll just open up an email you guys we’ve drop all your screenshots that you think

Are really cool or really interesting I and maybe a skeleton nearby over a ravine that’s not good I may be a friend or something we’ll go through the mall and pick a winner and then that winner would get a specific prize and so let me know what you think about the idea I’ve

Had the idea mulling in my head for a while and if that’s something I interest you or you think that would be cool please let me know thanks no stop trying to shoot me in the ravine you know mean that is stopping mean God so rude this

Is Bruce I didn’t end it i do need some spruce be a smaller tree here I need some spruce for that witch hut Oh cow hello should I kill you yeah then I let’s get myself some cooked cook a pork chops yeah cook chops I like a few guys I need

Me some pork chops yummy yummy there’s nothing here all right let’s just get some some spruce wood really still following me after this whole the whole time come here yeah ah you missed suck okay it’s fell yeah I do need some of the spruce wood for the witch hut so I

Believe the only spawn in spruce maybe not but I’m going to just make it out of screws just so this is consistent with what’s supposed to look like anyways mom’s flower this flower over here put them down over here there you go good flower give me that would give me that

Would I should get some Tyga saplings from the trees I’ve harvested here so I can plant my own saplings hello / like five hoping for five would try to say there you know I’m just thinking here I was looking out here waiting for something to despawn minecraft is a very beautiful

Game as well as blocky as it it is it is a very beautiful game I mean look at the snow and I’m playing on you know like default everything that those mods and that make things look just absolutely beautiful in the texture packages really quite amazing actually going that way

Yes I am it’s really just quite amazing i mean i don’t know is just it’s so perfect yeah screenshots all day every day so i really like that that’s one aspect of minecraft i love is how beautiful things it can be let’s get out of here all right and I know it’s

Raining but raining decreasing my frames so I’m going to AA like I was going to say I was going to take it off but apparently I can’t fine hmm and I know my home is probably out in that direction over there but I just wanna quickly come here and explore this see

What’s going on and then we’ll head on home and the meantime I’ll check my text messages ok to boodam hmm jungle biome because we haven’t seen enough of those right kit oh go away sorry zombie I’m not gonna be your friend wow this looks really weird until

Explored that looks really weird is that like a tree generation into the ground that’s gonna be funny get a water source here what the heck aw I get all like little bushes Rose let’s go plant that so i used to be new farmer knob new gardener okay well we we explored some

Stuff didn’t really find what you’re looking for i just want to do some more exploring another time but i’m going to end this episode here i’m going to go record some more but gonna end this episode here and i shall head on back to my home but if you guys enjoyed this

Episode and you do want to see more please please please please please we do know if you guys did enjoy I feel free to leave a like and subscribe if you haven’t already and again be sure to check out Delta to 49ers channel because he’s cool and thanks guys for watching

Hope you enjoyed do so

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Episode 87 – Witch Hut Hunt!’, was uploaded by NoobSniper on 2013-05-10 19:20:35. It has garnered 5530 views and 224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:58 or 1498 seconds.

Be sure to Like the video if you enjoyed! Thanks 🙂

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    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in Minecraft

    Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-01-14 15:00:39. It has garnered 33983 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:15 or 975 seconds. JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler – AI Tally Hall Cover

    Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler - AI Tally Hall CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager is the Ruler of Everything – ‘Ruler of Everyhting” by Tally Hall AI Cover’, was uploaded by NathanNWCW on 2024-01-17 22:17:26. It has garnered 1109 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Read More


    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

    Welcome to MateeMinecraft 1.16.5 SMP Server! Join our small and friendly community where you can have fun, meet new people, and build together. Our server offers vanilla gameplay with quality of life improvements like Dynmap, Horseoverhaul, Multiplayer sleep, Instant tree cutting, and more. Interested in joining? Visit and send a message to be added. Don’t forget to join our Discord through the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Gateway Drug for Kids

    I guess you could say that Minecraft is really ‘mining’ for trouble with the younger generation! Read More

  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface When you’re trying to find diamonds in Minecraft but end up getting lost in a cave for hours, that’s when your Minecraft sense starts tingling! 🧐 #lostinthecave #minecraftsense #wherearemydiamonds Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Boubou as they tackle the challenging Hardcore mode in version 1.20.4. Despite some technical difficulties, Boubou has bravely uploaded their gameplay to showcase their survival skills and determination. Surviving the First Few Days Boubou managed to narrowly survive the initial days in Minecraft Hardcore, setting the stage for an epic adventure ahead. With a few goals achieved, the journey is far from over in this vast and unpredictable world. Even though Boubou admits to not being the best hardcore player, they… Read More

NoobSniper – Let’s Play Minecraft Episode 87 – Witch Hut Hunt!