NotNotBrock – I Spent 100 Days Making Minecraft Fun Again

Video Information

When I was a kid first getting into Minecraft I remember spending countless hours loading into a new peaceful world and grinding diamonds like I had a morgage to pay I was a Madman I’m pretty sure 14-year-old Brock thought that the year was 1957 and he literally was a

Coal miner in West Virginia this was just one example of many different times in my life when I have fallen completely in love with Minecraft but lately I’ve been in a bit of a rut with this game and it’s time that we fix that so join

Me over the next 100 days as I relearn how to actually have fun playing this game Again our journey begins on day 3,803 ironically but we’ll go ahead and call it day one so that my fragile brain doesn’t implode while trying to keep track of the days during this recording speaking of fragile I now have the defense of a wet pool noodle thanks to

My new trendy cursive binding leather armor that we got in the last video and thanks to my farming efforts to get this armor I’ve pretty much left this place looking like like a regular Minecraft village that needs a haircut so it’s time we show this place some love I

Began by tearing down this house that I apparently had borrowed blocks from in the last episode as well as removing buttons and filling in these ugly holes I spent the rest of that afternoon reshaping the land a bit before night time was here meaning it was time to

Test my new armor against the local mob engage how long I will still have a pulse in this world how much damage does this do half a heart per hit that’s not too bad the only real trouble now are skeletons which can easily turn me from

A melon man into melon pulp if I get caught in a mosh pit with them I spent the morning of day two wondering what sort of psychedelics the Mojang devs were on when they generated this Village and taking matters into my own [Applause] [Applause] Hand just as I was getting used to the peace and quiet of having my Village years locked away in a dungeon I mean a basement I was greeted by an angry toddler in my house there’s a baby in my house that’s okay nothing some clever signage can’t fix all of that

Terraforming around the base had me quite short on dirt however so I took to the countryside to collect some I made sure to make it look natural though so as not to disturb my good buddy Looney across the pond on the way home I was ambushed by two spiders with speed

Potions as well as finding a wannabe Scarecrow in my wheat field the next morning I said something but my mic was muted don’t worry it probably wasn’t important anyways before going through and hoing all of the pathways this Village came with since they lead literally nowhere and that’s it that’s

All I did for the entire day realizing now that I must live with the consequences of my own Silly actions I started constructing a plan if I want any chance of feeling enjoyment during the next 100 days and Beyond I’m going to need to design my base such that it’s

Very difficult to die speaking of my own actions what kind of SC puts their nether portal in the very bottom of a cave like this anyways after collecting some Netherrack and having a complete panic attack trying to leave the caves I don’t like it here it was time to get to

Work on day Five did I really just break my diamond sword collecting bamboo Oh my God I I broke a diamond ho too what am I Doing at this point I decided the only thing wrong with this Village was everything in it so I spent day six focusing my efforts on clearing away trees and vacated villager houses which just so happened to be all of them these destruction efforts continued their way through day seven including but not

Limited to the local church that night however I was faced with quite quite an interesting conundrum oh don’t tell me there’s Phantoms here don’t tell me there’s Phantoms Aha and there’s a creeper but look what I got look what I got you’re both scared of me the next

Day I caught wind of a potential visit from Peta regarding the living conditions of my farm animals so I played things safe and murdered every last one of those suckers look man I have no time for any lawsuits over these 100 days on day nine I thought I would

Switch things up so instead of terraforming I did some terraforming doing this terraforming was honestly ly a much needed break from all of the terraforming I had done so far I also attempted to go caving and by attempted I mean I saw these skeletons and turn

The hell around nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I spent the day continuing to fix the terrain whil sinking of a passive aggressive email to send to the Mojang devs regarding their terrain generation I also discovered that basically any nighttime work is now best done in third person mode considering a

Creeper sneaking up on me is the real threat to the series at this point the following day I went through and destroyed all of the crop fields that I spent so long growing in the last video and after a much needed efficiency 4 shovel enchant I leveled out the

Remaining terrain I’ll be honest right now my Minecraft world was feeling kind of messy I started having flashbacks to my recent move in real life where like the first thing I did was set up my office and get to work Meanwhile my entire garage was full of clutter and

Boxes I mean yeah sure this base had been functional so far but at the end of the day it’s not a place I’m excited about calling home but the fact that I at least wanted to change it for the better that was a good enough place to start despite my entire base being

Pretty much destroyed at this point I finally had enough Clarity to Envision what this place could potentially look like so I began outlining where I wanted the actual crop fields to go with the outline of the village in place I went through and deter determined the proper

Center which I outlined with a big circle in case you forgot the main goal of Minecraft is actually to make this block game feel less like a block and more like a circle the rest of that night was spent killing more spiders with speed potions man I really got to

Find their dealer for uh science on day 13 I gave myself access to my elytra again because haven’t I been through enough already all jokes aside in the last video when I threw everything away this was the only thing I kept because I knew what one day I would need it again

I set off to find myself a spruce sapling much like your average motorcycle rider These Wings offer very little protection but do help me overcompensate for my average looks by making me think I look cool I will need a ton of spruce wood for my plans so

Later that day I set up a makeshift Tree Farm area that looks terrible but that’s okay because it’s outside of my Village it’s important to recognize here that I make all of my villagers sign a contract that actually allows me to wake them up in the middle of the night and trade

Things things whenever I want which was nice because it allowed me to get a much needed axe upgrade at 3:00 a.m. and then this happened dude what why is there so many zombies what do you what is this what is going on I spent the next morning collecting

More wood before laying down the framework for what will eventually be a proper Village wall since apparently my one tall Netherrack outline won’t protect me from well anything I kept the black pallette pretty simple here alternating between oak wood and Spruce Wood which will hopefully provide some

Nice contrast to the Cherry forest and the background as I’m sure will be the case throughout many parts of this video I came nowhere near to finishing this in one day so the following day I went through completing the outline and then stripping the Spruce Wood I also took an

Opportunity that evening to trickshot some zombies in an effort to make machinima’s top 10 plays this week really hoping it’s the one before continuing up the wall building I’ll save you the headache of watching me mindlessly Place logs and just cut to right about here really not much

Happened in this time I mean besides chopping and placing a stupid amount of oak logs I did manage to snag some melon seeds from a Wandering Trader which I definitely didn’t murder as well as trap a Pillager captain in this boat which I’m sure will definitely be used later

In this video foreshadowing by now it was day 19 and I started off that day pretty chill by digging out some watering holes that would eventually hydrate my crop Fields before doing some enchanting I managed to get both a fortune 3 pickaxe and thanks to my

Villagers a silk touch bad boy which is exactly what I needed I set off flying and got completely sidetracked finding out that I do in fact have neighbors before setting out in search of a frozen River for some ice aha I found one a frozen River it should not have been

This hard I knew there was one over here though filling in water sources one by one with buckets makes me want to rip my hair out so having a few stacks of ice to Aid in that will just make my life so much easier I was however a little bit

Overzealous in the ice collection but that’s not really a big deal since these are all in unloaded chunks meaning that the next time I come back it should all still be here the next morning I began digging out the central circle a bit I’ll be honest like most things I do in

Life I have no idea what my plan is for this all I know is I want it to be a big hole with something in it you’ll have to let me know but at the very least right now it’s a very good way to get some

Blocks by now it was day 20 and even though there was still so much work to do I was just starting to overcome the initial friction that comes with the new project in Minecraft it was very subtle but I was slowly beginning to enter that autopilot mode I put all of the stone

That I just collected to good use and began outlining a structure for what would eventually serve as some elevated crop Field after building up the first retaining wall I soon realized that once again my plans for world domination were being spoiled by terrain generation but no worries after reshaping more of the land I landed can get it landed on some shapes that I think work pretty well now

All there was left to do was fill in the remaining dirt and Bam we got ourselves a great place to grow some crops next I went through adding a trim of Cherrywood along the edge of the retaining walls which honestly I don’t think looks all too great I also tested out different

Accents along the edges of the walls only to find them very ugly and Reverb back to the original now would have been a great time to actually plant some crops up here but unfortunately I won’t gain access to the plants that I need here until much later in the playthrough

And thanks to all of that derping around it was now day 24 and I refocused my efforts to the lower area going through with ice and adding in more water patches using oak leaves I begin slowly creating borders with this idea that they would separate the different

Patches of fields much like me at the eighth grade school dance this remaining villager house was horrendously awkward and looked quite out of place so I spent the morning removing it and instead adding a simple ladder entrance with a trapo honestly I don’t know why I didn’t

Do this sooner luckily though this gave me the space to continue my leaf placing well into the night where I spotted this local iron golem having a really terrible time by Sunrise all of the leaves were in place and this area was looking more like a spiderweb than

Anything at all beautiful but sometimes you just got to give things a chance man that morning I did some more trading with my villagers to get a mending book on my shovel and repair it with the help of my Farmers my previous terraforming efforts left this rather sizable divot

In the ground which honestly I thought for a while would make a cool detail maybe like a pond or something but I decided now I better just fill it in with things more flattened out now though I was able to now go through and outline a very rough pathway as well as

Install these little fence gates to connect up the area a bit the area was beginning to enter phase 2 which meant that I actually needed to start placing blocks and making it look semi good but I’ll be honest I wasn’t n mentally ready for this part yet you see I have spent

The last 4 months not only traveling and moving into a new house in real life but also taking advantage of some amazing opportunities to experience a different side of Minecraft than I’m used to more on that later though so on day 27 I took an entirely different approach to the

Game and spent the entire day fishing this is basically like the Minecraft equivalent to one of those days where I end up just playing valerant for 6 hours instead of editing like I’m supposed to but apart from being a much needed mental reset this day spent fishing was

Not a total waste immediately I put all of the fish to good use and begin breeding up some of the local Village cats which will come in handy very soon feeling a bit refreshed from my time at Sea I spent some more time that day widening my Pathways and installing some

More water sources it was finally time to start replanting all of my crop Fields after all my villagers probably haven’t eaten in at least 10 business days I went through tilling the soil and planting in carrots potato potatoes and wheat seeds at differing elevations making sure to take time and breed up my

Cat Army in between I spent the rest of that evening chopping down Spruce Wood where I had an interesting runin with this zombie the next morning I accidentally bought way too many pants from this man before purchasing myself a new diamond sword after trading with my

Farmers for some more levels I rolled a looting three enchantment as well as lined up a Smite 4 enchantment which I intended to use very soon unfortunately though my villagers were now on strike protesting those 16 work day I just put them through so I spent a while that

Night collecting some more Stone before picking fights with the locals to get levels that way the next morning I watched this man get absolutely manhandled before revisiting my villagers for some more XP since they were no longer mad at me finally I collected the new Smite four sword and

Before long I had a new and improved weapon that was much better than the junk I was using previously that night while chopping some more trees I had a pretty good opportunity to put this bad boy to use and right I say it does a

Pretty fine job day 32 was a good one not just because my kitten Army was not reaching Max Capacity but because it was finally time to start that new project that I have been hinting at I flew out to the nearby ocean to scout locations

Before setting up a chest to hold all of my relevant materials like pretty much everything I do in life I could only assume that I’ve grossly underestimated what this new project will entail so I spent the rest of that night collecting more Stone dirt and wood than I thought

I would need right and early the next day myself and the kitten crew set off to find their new home which if you haven’t gathered it by now will be in the creeper Farm we are about to build straight away I got constructing these dirt Platforms in the ocean which was a

Great opportunity to practice the teleport trick that I’ve been training them to learn the past few days with all of the Cats in place I started constructing a dirt pillar all the way up and began building the creeper Farm the only way I knew how from the bottom

Up this first area is going to be the Kill Chamber AKA where the creepers fall and meet my looting three sword the next morning it was time to build up the central funneling system which basically catches the creepers in water and then pushes them into the drop

Shoe you see nothing makes me feel quite brain dead like watching a Minecraft tutorial so I’m really trying to avoid watching one and go purely off memory for this Farm Instead This did mean however that a fair bit of trial and error was required to get the water

Streams how I needed them but hey at least my little brain was enriched right now it was time to build the actual spawning platforms the first step here was to build the platform itself followed by placing in a series of carpets which prevent spiders from spawning from there you simply head down

Grab a cat lure it up to the center of the pl platform because creepers are scared of these little guys and then you just repeat the process over and over and over making sure to also go through and add trap doors to the roof which will ensure no zombie skeletons or

Otherwise other tall boys will spawn here as well as along the edges which ensures the creepers will actually want to heat themselves off this was a process that took me the next 4 days to finish partially because 12 layers is a lot to build and also because like I

Said before I am awful at planning and had to regularly go back and collect more materials but finally on day 39 I began construction of the massive roof above the farm you see creepers like really any mob in this game need complete darkness to spawn and this will

Ensure my farm is running at maximum efficiency and finally after nearly 2 hours of work the farm was fully operational well this is uh anticlimactic they’re they’re not coming why why aren’t they coming coming what’s going on uh yeah it it didn’t work either I built something wrong or all of

The creepers in my world just decided that you know what they’re actually cool with cats so against my sanity I checked out the classic tutorial from logical geek boy which this Farm is pretty basely loosed on anyways only to realize I still need more blocks outside that

The creepers think they can walk onto so that night I mosied my way carefully down through the platforms replacing torches to turn off the oh Jesus I just hit my cat before getting back to work on the platform extensions on day 40 I was already regretting my decision to

Slaughter all of my sheep earlier in the video since now I was out of carpets so I spent the rest of that evening collecting more sheep in a holding pen before leaving myself this handy dandy reference sign so I would actually remember what the heck I was doing upon

Logging back in the next day the next day coincidentally both in game and real life I had a different idea about how to get some wool so I set off exploring instead I took a quick little pit stop at this nearby Village but found nothing more than some leather armor not sure

What that’s good for before raiding their crop fields and heading out to Shear some sheep in the wild because I need wool and I need it now in fact doing this gave me even a better idea to get my grubby melon hands on even more W but this one involved a more dangerous

Trip to the ancient city which honestly I wasn’t all too thrilled about but I knew would be well worth worth it just as I expected there was no shortage of wool here but what I didn’t expect was to find another ancient city directly connected to the first one I honestly

I’ve never seen this before I didn’t even know it was possible but that’s about enough excitement for me down here after all the goal is to not have a panic attack during this playthrough luckily for me though I finally had enough materials to finish the platform

Extensions on day 42 and so the next day I once again made my way down through the farm removing torch after torch and finally my friends I had yet again succeeded at making another mediocre Farm inside of this hardcore world and I spent the remainder of that day slaughtering creepers and celebrating my

New accomplishment the next day I made one final Improvement to stop the creepers from clipping the edges when I had quite a philosophical thought something about this does not feel very safe it is almost as if I am ah yes that was quite a deep thought for my little

Brain to rationalize any anyways I spent a while longer hacking away to collect more gunpowder before heading out to collect some copper which I will need for my next quest in true Brock fashion it’s time we see what the new Minecraft 20 update has to offer only 3 months

Late to the party so I crafted myself a brush and set off in search of gravel and sand that gave me the side eye oh hang on now you you look a little suspicious my friend oh never mind I think I hit the wrong button oh I have

To go this way oh okay good didn’t know a wooden hoe wow that is so good a golden nugget wow okay really really coming through with that good loot take me out to dinner next time before you spoil me this much game as much as I

Love hoes I was after something a bit more rare here I did a quick research to find that sniffer eggs can actually only be dug up in warm oceans so I set off that night to find just that dude do they only bury wooden hose in these

Things oh hang on I think I just found something yes this is what I wanted let’s go baby I finally had two of these little sniffer eggs which is infinitely better than just one of them because now I can actually breed these suckers I should also mention that while I was out I

Managed to scavenge some beetroot seeds from a village so I could finally begin adding that into my crop area the next day I went through adding in these fun Spruce slab details around the farming area before continuing my expansions of the crop Fields I pretty much just spent

The entirety of today going through and hoing the entire area and then going back through to make sure none of the ground was thirsty I did make one trip out to sea that evening to collect some Moss from a shipwreck which will come in handy with my sniff boys is here very

Soon on the way home I made a quick pit stop at the creeper Farm to gather 30 levels before heading home and beginning a new build in usual fashion I just started digging out an archway and placing in blocks despite the fact that I had no idea what I was doing at this

Point before long though the archway was looking pretty good so I went inside and began clearing out the area that I will go on to call the smelly cave that’s all I could think of okay whatever like the unprepared soon to be father of twins that I am I frantically purchased some

Name tags the next morning before getting back to work digging oh it’s cracking I think the eggs are hatching you guys oh my God we have one let’s go what you doing oh my God there’s two of them I shall name you smelly and I shall name you Nelly completely ashamed of the

Living conditions that my new children were living in I frantically continued to work on clearing the inside room the next morning though while repairing my tools I had quite the interesting runin with one of my Librarians no no get back in there you’re there’s nowhere for you

To go up here do you want to come with me if you really want to I think I can have a spot for you I’ll tell you what if you make it up this ladder I will okay you made it up the ladder without hesitation I brought this man

Into the smelly cave God that still sounds so wrong to say I shall name you Bruce and Bruce you will commit your life to studying the sniffers later that day I chopped down some trees and also dyed my sheep red since I eventually plan to make Bruce a proper research

Tent and red just seems like the right color for that day 51 was a fun day of random Shenanigans I started out that morning planting some crops before realizing my time would be better spent collecting Moss so I could begin decorating the sniffer cave after all I

Do want this place to actually look cool sniffers can sniff up ancient plants on a bunch of different blocks including mud so I spent that afternoon at the nearby River collecting some the oldfashioned way I like to imagine that my man Bruce was the first person to

Discover sniffers so for the floor I wanted to go through with a bunch of the different sniffable blocks as if he’s been doing like a bunch of extensive research and testing and speaking of Bruce I soon got to work on his cabin of research which I’ll be honest is just a

Triangle Hut made from this red wool it’s not the prettiest thing in the world but then again Bruce is a pretty simple man I spent that night continuing to expand my crap Fields with more beetroot before um committing our sin yeah yeah I burned this man alive with

All of the Iron Golems sufficiently burned I was able to spend the next morning fully planting in my crop fields at this point I’m still planting everything in these rows which does make the crops grow faster but at the downside of potentially looking like hot garbage but I won’t know how I feel

About that until much later I took a pit stop back in the smelly cave to witness both smelly and Nell’s first sniff it’s the moments like these that make me such a proud parent I spent the rest of that evening repairing my tools at the creeper Farm upon my flight back home

Though I got thinking that a beacon would do me well with all of this digging that I’ve been doing so I made myself a shield and set off to the nether in theory this should be a pretty straightforward process when you factor in that my nether portal is basically

Inside of this here nether fortress so I lowered my render distance to hopefully increased spawn rates a bit and got searching for the wither skeletons I really don’t know who I pissed off to make this happen but I searched that entire Fortress left right and Center for 15 minutes straight and didn’t find

A single mob let alone a wither skeleton feeling a bit defeated I set off to the nearby Soul Sand Valley to get some bone blocks since I don’t really have a good skeleton Farm yet actually I don’t have any skeleton Farm yet I did manage to find another Fortress though this one

With a couple of wither skeletons but no luck on beheading any of them unfortunately back at home I took an opportunity to clear out a few more layers of the Central hole while also collecting some Moss which is basically my fastest way to get rid of blocks

Right now with haste 2 being out of the question Nelson and smelson have been hard at work sniffing blocks which finally meant that I had two of the torch flowers needed to breed them to think that I’m going to be a grandparent you guys can you believe it oh also

Bruce has moved into his cabin officially where I intend for him to live forever it was finally time to put all of that Moss I just collected to good use so after collecting a bit more Cobblestone I was ready to finish the decoration of the smelly cave I wanted

The walls to start off with moss at the bottom and then slowly transition to the darker blocks near the ceiling which I thought would be a pretty nice little gradient in Here I did have to make a trip down into the caves to get a bit more deep slate but besides that decoration was coming along smoothly and by the end of day 57 all of the walls were built up on day 58 I did some enchanting and said hi to my

Librarians to make myself an efficiency 4 silk touch hoe which I immediately put to good use collecting up some aelia leaves these leaves along with a few lanterns for lighting added some nice details to the cave as well I really can’t figure out why the hell smelly and

Nelly were doing this but they would not get off of Bruce’s cabin that evening almost as if they were trying to implode it on top of him now pretty worried for his safety I spent a bit that evening reinforcing the base and moving him to a safer first spot in the corner feeling

Pretty excited now about having access to the ancient flowers I started laying out dedicated farming areas for piter pods and the torch flower seeds I’ll be honest I’ve been so out of the loop with Minecraft in the last few months that I thought for certain you could bone meal

These flowers and get more of them that way I guess the good news is that I figured out this information on day 59 meaning that Nelly and smelly still have plenty of time to keep digging up more plants to hopefully fill up these fields before day one 100 actually I’m just

Kidding I think we all know that if I really want to get enough of these plants for my needs then I will need to set up a bootleg sniffer Farm using all of their offspring so I started digging out a massive room right behind Bruce’s

Tent I don’t know I just like to imagine he’s the ring leader of this very highly secret operation considering I was now having so much fun just completely winging this playthrough I decided to build this sniffer Farm completely on my own after all I really don’t think it

Should be that complicated I can’t express to you how much more fun it is for me to play the game this way as opposed to just following tutorials for everything like I’ve definitely been guilty of in the past anyways by now the minecart tracks were in place and I was

Realizing I would need some powered rails to actually make this bad boy work so I set off caving in search of some Redstone and gold while I was down there I also managed to find a geode and a zombie spawner which I have no idea if I’ll

Actually ever use but hey it’s good to know I guess and all of that mining sure did come in handy because I now had all of the powered rails I would need to finish this Farm the basic idea here I had in mind was that anytime a sniffer

Would dig something up the hopper mine cart below would suck it up through the block and output it into this chest I went through filling in the layer above the mine cart with dirt before digging out another layer of the ceiling and breeding smelly and Nelly once more to

Plant a couple of eggs into the farm I was going just a wee bit insane being cooped up inside all day though so that night I started laying out a pumpkin patch next to that I decided to put my three melon seeds to use and start the

Humble beginnings of a melon farm before stopping back at the sniffer Farm to see we already had a baby in there I spent a good chunk of that afternoon just running around my base observing the area and honestly thinking I don’t know if you can relate to this or not but so

Many of my good ideas come from doing this it’s kind of therapeutic and away and in doing this I realized that something just fell off I had no idea exactly what the problem was right now but my gut just felt like the pathways were in the wrong place so I began by

Removing all of them once again feeling the need to get rid of everything I owned I had to do something about this sheet pen in the middle of my base but as opposed to committing mass murder for the second time this video I thought these guys were maybe more deserving of

A proper home so I broke them free and moved them into one of of the sectioned off areas that I made earlier one task at a time I started solving problems the first issue I had run into was that my crop Fields were way too small so using

More oak leaves I began laying out much larger areas to grow them in I quickly realized in doing this that my storage system consisting of four random unorganized chests in the middle of the area was not really an ideal way of playing this game so it was time to also

Do something about that I had the idea to store organic blocks like moss dirts and the different Stones right here inside the smelly cave with the sniffers especially considering that many of these blocks were used in the construction of this place to begin with as for everything else well I know that

Getting a proper storage system in place wasn’t really in the cards for this 100 days playthrough but honestly anything would be better than what I had right now so I began digging out a little Nook into the side of this wall which would serve as the temporary place to put

Everything and now the only thing in between me and being organized was my own lack of self-control which I’ll admit was quite the risk to take but I’m trying to be better damn it days 64 and 65 were probably the most boring days in this entire playthrough as I basically

Spent the entirety of them just moving items from one chest to another chest honestly I feel like this is the price I pay for being so disorganized all the time I will admit though it did feel pretty dang good having everything put away despite the fact that my bootleg

Sniffer Farm had now built up a decent population of workers the farm was not producing any items yet so in a feeble attempt to make this thing work I did the only thing I could think of and dug out the ceiling by one more block

Because I don’t know why but I just did I have no idea if this actually did anything or if it was just some crazy coincidence but I swear to God the next morning I caught the first sniffer actually doing something here in the farm so despite my new found confidence

The farm was fully operational with my clutter finally out of the way as well I was able to put the outline for the final crop field in as well and so I got to [Applause] Work I decided having so many different crops planted so close to one another just looked messy and caused my eyes to have no idea what I was looking at so instead I went through and made this entire field one big carrot farm and even though it’s not even grown in at this

Point I can already tell it was making the area feel so much better so so using the same idea I turned this area into a massive wheat field that night I continued breeding up my sniffer Army which at this point is getting pretty ridiculous in size before expanding on

The melon farm that I had forgotten about completely I also had to dispatch this Enderman who made quite the mess with dirt blocks inside of my storage cave here I spent the entire next day continuing my farm field expansion this third area I decided would be a massive

Field of beetro look I’m done pretending that this is like the worst C of the game you guys I mean sure it’s pretty damn useless in terms of functionality but I must admit there’s just something about a giant beetroot field that looks so nice unfortunately though my villagers are directly below this area

And despite the fact that I have built them a literal safe house down there they constantly feel the need to spawn iron golems on the surface to protect them I had to spend the entire afternoon that day killing all of these guys though since they have a terrible habit

Of trampling all of my crops by day 69 all of the new crop areas were planted pled and I was so much happier with how this place was looking I finally finished planting in the melon field that evening when I had another run in with the wandering Trader who sold me

Some Cactus which is honestly good because I’ve yet to find a desert out in these parts I then kindly asked him to get the hell off my property I finished off that night going through adding detail to the pumpkin and melon patches with some podel corer and aelia leaves

Which round out the area quite nicely if I do say so myself having spent way too much time lately playing stardew Valley I frantically started building scarecrows the next day even though these won’t add any function to the base I’m definitely going to keep them because they are cute and I like them

You can really tell at this point that I was getting back into the Minecraft Groove because For the First Time In This 100 days playthrough I decided to actually build something outside it’s so sad that that’s true I kept this one pretty simple as a cute little house

Here in the carrot field but honestly I have no idea what to put inside here so if you have any ideas let me know with the new house in place though I thought I should revisit the the idea of Pathways since I would need a way to properly navigate around this place that

Night I also realized I never put any scarecrows here in the carrot field so after building up more of those I installed another pathway through the field leading up to the storage barn honestly I like these paths way more than the ones I built previously unfortunately my villagers were

Continuing to spawn iron golems so it was time to do something about that I already knew going into this playthrough that I wasn’t going to keep this weird basement place as their permanent home so I was is fine moving them anyways and I like the idea of having them

Eventually live in the very center of the base here for reasons I will get to later but for now I started digging out a tunnel that leads to the central hole I also took some time that evening to just fly around and appreciate the progress I’ve made so far in this place

Before getting to work planting the actual pitcher pod in torch flower field now that the sniffer Farm was doing its thing I would love to show you some footage of me actually moving all of the villagers to their new home but uh yeah I didn’t record anything on day 73 but

Just take my word for it when I say they are now all inside of this box I promise we will eventually give them a proper home but today is not that day luckily though they don’t seem very phased by the move so after a quick librarian

Trade I was able to get mending on my ax and spend the remainder of the day at the creeper Farm repairing that along with the rest of my tools I was finally at a place though where my lack of deep slate was becoming quite the problem but instead of just

Diving into the nearby caves and continuing to collect it that way like a peasant I knew it was time to take a different approach to the matter so yet again my three brain cells did their thing and gave me the idea to dig out another hole into the sidewall here this

Time to create a m shaft I kept the outside design of this thing pretty darn simple if I do say so myself but as far as the inside I dug out this winding cave and decorated the wall walls with moss Cobblestone and lots of different dirt to make this feel like a proper

Entrance it also gave me a pretty easy way to make the M shaft look good for the time being and hide the fact that right now it’s basically just a massive staircase down to deep slate level and I pretty much just spent the entirety of that day digging my way down trying my

Best to cover up these safety hazards that kept presenting themselves I also can’t say that I was exactly thrilled to see this cave was covered in skull but luckily I was able to ignore it for the time being and find myself some diamonds the sniffer Farm was working overtime at

This point so I spent the morning of day 77 filling in more of my pitcher pod and torch flower fields which I have to admit looked pretty dang good and have been worth the wait that afternoon however I was looking to continue my farming expansion so I set off in search

Of sweet berries at the nearby Tiger Biome look in terms of function we all know these things are about as useful as a wet paper towel but I thought they would make for a pretty cool Vineyard back here at the base so that night I started prepping the area and going

Through planting the berries in rows not just so it looks cool but so I can actually Harvest them by now I had quite the craving for some steak so I set off to befriend some local cows in hopes of gaining their trust in one day slaughtering them I’m playing the long

Game though so for now I just lured them into this nice holding area next to my sheep field after planting even more torch flowers that afternoon I decided now would be a good time to start frameworking another building here in the wheat field the only goal for right

Now was to get a good shape and place because I could easily go through and fill in the details and the walls later and by Nightfall I was quite pleased with what I had built so far I also quickly realized that harvesting sweet berries was shaping up to be quite the

Difficult task so I spent the rest of that evening covering them in Spruce slab which still allows me to harvest them while keeping the thorns out of my feet after finishing the framework for the vineyard the next day I spent the entire day chopping wood that’s it

That’s all I did it was day 80 baby and at this point in the challenge I was completely dialed in just building my heart away without a care in the world honestly it almost feels like I blacked out and remember very little from this time just simply because I was so damn

Immersed in what I was doing and for the first time in about six months I felt that spark coming back in my hardcore world that same spark that helped me transform a village way back at the very beginning I was spending less time thinking about what I wanted to do and

More time just doing it and it got me thinking this whole time was worried I was falling out of love with my Minecraft world or getting burnt out but the reality was that I was just invested in other areas of the game or honestly even life quick little story time you

See back in July I got invited by my buddy lagundo to try out for MCC Rising which is this awesome opportunity where new creators get to compete in the Minecraft Championship obviously I was down so that weekend my teammates and I stayed up super late making an application video submitting it and

Nervously awaiting to hear back it’s also important to note that there were thousands of applications but only 10 teams would make it in and we were one of them in just three short weeks I would be competing in one of the biggest Minecraft tournaments ever having never

Played an ounce of PVP or Parkour in my life and while obviously placement doesn’t really matter I just wanted to make damn sure I didn’t embarrass myself here so I grinded I spent so many hours the next few weeks learning parkour courses practicing ungodly amounts of of

PVP and watching vods from old mcc’s to learn strategies hell the week before the event I got access to the ace race training map which might not mean much to you but oh my God it became my addiction honestly the entire MCC training the buildup and the event was

All that I thought about for almost an entire month and hands down it was one of the coolest experiences and most fun I have ever had in Minecraft and then it was over and here I was back in my hardcore world alone and just sort of

Lost what I’m trying to say here is that this whole time when I thought I was getting burnt out or tired of Hardcore Minecraft that’s not really true the reality was that I just wasn’t fully in it I wasn’t fully immersed and I realized that immersion is like the

Single most important thing for me to keep coming back and having fun playing this game uh anyways yeah that was a lot of emotions oh my God look at this cute little house that I built for my bees I spent the afternoon of day 83 filling in

The supporting walls and details to the new house that I had built in the wheat field before setting off to the Cherry Grove that evening to search for beess to start filling up my new Sanctuary now I have no idea if I got lucky or if

These are just way more common here but I found four Bess basically right in this immediate area and it’s a good thing I did because that night like a true Nimrod I managed to successfully piss off my entire new population of bees by harvesting their nests without a

Campfire below the next day was a rainy mess but you’re out of your mind if you think that was going to stop me from finishing this house day 85 is up there with my favorite days of this playthrough you see while I was making babies with smelly and Nelly that

Sounded so weird I found myself unsure of what to name their offspring so I asked you guys for some suggestions and of the 265 submissions at the time of this commentary I’m happy to welcome goobers schmack and fleary to the family I also uh totally named Bruce scoper

Schmack for a second but hey that’s all right luckily for me a few of my bees were still alive after the incident so I was able to breed them now I wanted to go through and take some inspiration from the pathways we created in the carrot field and expand them into the

Wheat in beetroot Fields as well especially now that we had some buildings constructed that night I killed Bruce look look I have my reasons okay and I guess killed isn’t really the correct term it’s more so that I lured a zombie in and had him turn to a zombie

Villager you see we are going to be attempting a raid very soon and I can’t risk my boy Bruce actually dying so this is is the next best option at this point there was just one more patch of land on the outskirts to be filled with

Something and I knew just what to put There I derped around the next morning adding a few more scarecrows to the wheat field since I forgot to do that earlier I also realized at this point there was still a wheat field inside of the house itself so after removing that and filling in a more socially acceptable floor I

Installed this small Archway in a few furnaces look at me doing Interiors aren’t you guys so proud although the base was looking pretty good at this point I found it severely lacking contrast in the brown department so I spent the entirety of the next day stripping in each and every Oak Log In

The Wall which honestly did a great job the buildings stand out a lot more now remember those Terrace Farms I built earlier in the video yeah me either because I finally remembered that I now plan to fill those in with more torch flowers and pitchure pods I’m honestly

Just glad that I remembered here on day 88 as opposed to just completely forgetting like I normally would the rest of that day was honestly pretty boring I just chopped wood and built up the outside wall a bit taller that’s okay though because it was finally time

To get working on the part of the base that I was most excited for in fact earlier when I said that I wanted to design this base such that it would be really hard for me to die I meant a little bit more than just building up a

Derpy wall on the outside now if you recall a bit earlier you know that I’ve moved all of my villagers to the center of this hole and the plan is to turn this area into a makeshift raid farm with a trap for all of the pillagers and

Other raid mobs and that plan started right here with this massive trench I was digging around the outside while doing this I made sure to slope the terrain down on each side do a couple of low points that way I could go back through and flood the area with

Water which would serve as a pretty easy way to funnel anything that falls into it I’ll be honest it’s not my brightest idea but I’m pretty confident I can make this work from there I went through slabbing off the inner ring to prevent spawns and adding in trap doors just

Like I used in the creeper Farm earlier I easily could have just left this alone right here but the idea of having this massive trench in the middle of the base be completely undecorated was just bothering me so I started things off at the bottom going through replacing the stone with Cobble deep

Slate to serve as a darker block of course though I was yet again out of it so I had to spend a while down in the mines collecting some I also grab some tough while I was down there before going through with a couple layers of

That just a bit further up and lastly two complete the gradient I added in some Cobblestone and some mossy cobblestone near the very top at the risk of sounding like a complete hypocrite right now I decided to leave the center completely unfinished since I have more ideas for what to build here

That extend Way Beyond these 100 days unfortunately on day 93 I handled this eager test subject inside of the trench before setting off to the nether to grab myself some Soul Sand I then used that Soul Sand to make Soul campfires which would serve as the killing mechanism

Along with Hoppers and chests to collect the output I then spent the rest of that evening adding in these floating lava blocks which I hoped would handle any ravagers that fall into this thing and just like that I think I just made a raid Farm sort of kind of I spent the

Next day going through spawn proofing the inside of all of my buildings with buttons like a fool because I failed to realize that raid Mobs Can Only spawn under Skylight as well as adding in some ladders down to my collection chest the only thing left to do now was improve my

Gear a bit if there’s one thing I know about myself it’s that the Farms I design on my own usually don’t work very well so I wanted an Infinity bow just in case I needed some extra help during the upcoming raid so I spent the rest of Day

94 and unfortunately most of day 95 at the creeper Farm rrolling enchantment after enchantment after enchantment until eventually Infinity came up on day 96 I did one final preparation and built myself a safe platform of above the center of the village out of glass which would not only hopefully protect me from

Danger but also allow me to see what the heck is going on all right well I think it’s time I’m not really excited about this uh but I do want a totem so we kind of have to do it I think the water stream’s going to be a good idea it’s

Really stupid that’s for sure but it might work hopefully and so on day 97 I paid a visit to our Pillager Captain friend we captured way back at the beginning of the playthrough and before I knew it the raid was starting okay it’s happening all right let me get up

To my spot and they spawned outside are you actually kidding me right they’re falling into our trap guys hang on it’s not the most efficient thing I’ve ever done but it seems to be working oh they’re on top this time okay interesting strategy things were going great until a

Ravager showed up oh my cop Fields no dude get in there each wave of the raid spawns more and more mobs and my trap was honestly working pretty good as long as the Raiders actually got in the base which wasn’t saying much because they pretty much exclusively spawned outside

I did manage to see an evoker fall in it though which was a huge Victory I also had uh this happen oh my God are they falling on my iron golem pit are they all falling on my IR go what is happening oh my God they just all fell

The hole look I’m glad it worked out but I am a bit salty I spent so long digging out this trench just for my iron farm to completely steal the show and before long The Raid was complete well kind of it’s got to be in here it had to like

Fallen in the cave I have no idea what to say that I have no words because I can’t find it anywhere I’ll be honest I have no idea how this happened happened I spent the entirety of day 98 and half of day 99 just searching around the

Entire base even resorting to ringing a bell to try and find the last raid mob and nothing so I spent the rest of that day filling up holes in the base in replanting my crop Fields where the ravagers got through I did take some time that evening to kill a couple

Witches in the event that they were the last mob but no luck and by the end of the night the raid had unfortunately timed out which really didn’t bother me since I got got my totem anyways and finally I spent the entirety of day 100 back in the mines paying homage to my

Younger self you see what I didn’t tell you about that summer I spent grinding for diamonds as a kid was that pretty much as soon as I became rich I would just get bored delete the world and then do the entire thing again it turns out I

Wasn’t really after the diamonds I was just after a journey and while I may never look at Minecraft with the pure excitement I did as a kid honestly that’s okay because I know at the end of the day that Minecraft didn’t change I just Did

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days Making Minecraft Fun Again’, was uploaded by NotNotBrock on 2023-10-07 17:00:03. It has garnered 95404 views and 5094 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:39 or 3039 seconds.

I gave myself 100 days to make minecraft fun again. here is the result.

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    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More