Nugget City: Play with us LIVE!

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All right all right all right what’s up oh my goodness I just say like everything what’s up okay who do we have in chat today guys uh we have Damian of course I’m not surprised you know WOD uh craft welcome MLG fortnite player George welcome back uh blazing mellow uh MC what’s up

Craft uh that dog what is nugget City nugget city is a world I build with my viewers for the past two years and uh yeah that’s basically what it is um y what’s up guys all right uh let’s get into it today is episode 6

4 um so that’s always fun uh yeah 64 we’re almost at 65 um yeah let’s go guys uh let’s head into last screen oh okay mic’s still on okay it’s just my face Cam’s gone where has my face cam gone alert box webcam Source oh why is it all the way over here

That’s is so strange I think I was getting Clips I’m not sure all right there we go let pump that out all right let’s go guys uh I do want to VC with my mods today uh if any mods want to uh VC what we build uh yesterday got a little lonely

Uh so if there are any mods that do want to VC uh let’s do it I’m going to copy this world I went around fixed up all the things me and Eddie kind of destroyed uh yesterday uh your camera is off center by the way yeah well that’s just how it normally is

It’s always like this I if I wanted to like have it just centered I just do this but I don’t want it centered I you know I want the I want the setup to be seen too in the background you know cuz if I’m centered then I’m kind of like

Over the Nugget sign you know so I kind of got to sit in you know my desk’s like angled so it’s weird man hey what’s up Eric welcome dude can I BL with you yeah dude all you have to do is join the Discord uh one of my mods can put it in

I’ll join you baby what’s up Parker such a goofy man 64 there we go play um see I do want to VC with mods today gu I what is up guys yeah so if you guys do want to join make sure to join the Discord uh also drop your microsof

Username uh uh that always max players 30 there we go clear all right uh so yesterday what I was working on was this hill over here uh this is going to go up and then over here behind this hill and all that cuz it’s going to be a pretty big hill

It’s going to be uh a beach a beach is going to be behind this hill and stuff uh so we can actually start adding like an ocean you know we can add things under the ocean you know some cool things you know um so yeah that’s kind

Of like what our plans are man everybody’s builds are still in here guys I didn’t destroy anything there’s nothing that I seen that needed to be destroyed you guys are all doing pretty good uh besides this building over here and the mojing studio building I think

Those two are going to go so we can have skyscrapers right there um Eddie should be on later uh I gotta ask waffle I don’t know if he gets the notification on Discord I hope he does uh but I’ll have to ask because today I really want

To finish the uh poppy building um yeah uh the coral reef of nugget City exactly that’s exactly what I want um yesterday also uh Eddie built all these buildings over here uh so he did a lot of work yesterday he kind you know he he kind of made up for well he

Didn’t build all of them but he redesigned each one of them you know like the outside of it so he did kind of do some work but um he did build all these fully interiored um you know so it’s really cool cuz I always wanted like some sort of builds right here across

Um which is really cool so hey what’s up DT DT are you going to finish your uh news station today I would like to tell you that we now have the same number of episodes that are in a stack of items in Minecraft so we have a stack of EP yo that’s so

Real yo that’s so true 64 dude that’s crazy man we have a stack of episodes dude also uh Johnny 5 was working on this I like the start of it by the way it’s definitely different very unique um the way that this looks right now with like the little pillars

Up front looks actually pretty cool um so there’s that uh Eddie and craft were working on this school right here uh yesterday uh I don’t know if I can because I gotta be doing stuff today okay that’s all good dude as long as you’re uh just in chat for a bit that’d

Be nice uh till we get all the mods in here something uh can you add that yeah I got you dude uh why is who’s Ethan oh yeah get him out of here I know who that is uh swept why is swept in okay um oh Eddie joined Eddie’s already

In dude let’s go man uh DT what do you have planned today uh by the way uh bat dog are you in the Discord server already I’ll add you but that 87 I’ll add you to the uh thing over here you should be able to join now I’ll

Give you a plot of land for a house uh I am going to add your name now over into the 4K uh the signs let me get you here uh let’s see that what f 87 there we go your name is now on a sign as well

Um uh actually I should probably go back and honeycomb all the signs that I made so far I think they all need to be honeyed yeah these ones need to how far back okay right there yeah all right uh what was my user ever added to

That uh I think so Johnny I think I did add your uh number or not your number your username to this if you guys are all having a good day make sure to leave a like on the stream by the way let’s try to get to 40 likes man uh Johnny

Where is Johnny at Johnny Johnny Johnny Jordan Roberts beta waffle I think I already had beta waffle earlier Jordan Roberts you’re probably in the Jays Johnny yeah here you go is this you I think this is you right Johnny 5 on your Discord whatever um yeah I you all

Right I am going to go out here go can I join uh Arch yes you can dude all you have to do is join the Discord if we can get a Discord link from the mods please uh can you help me copy up these fls yes I will I know I

Told you I’d do that yesterday so I’m going to jump onto it right now and help you out I’ll fly right over there we added some deny blocks underneath some uh buildings so they can’t get destroyed um why is there a hole here Uh that what fella follow me man uh I’m going to give you a plot of land to build a house on what’s your username uh how do I join all you have to do is just join the Discord server uh and then you are allowed in

Uh what what is this by the way why is this like this um here uh let me give you a plot of land to build your house at dude uh where would you fit uh yeah just join the Discord dude and then also uh Daman if you want to

Put my username in chat you guys just have to tell me uh you just have to uh tell me your username Yeah that’s uh my username man all right Guys let me fix this up I don’t know why there’s holes in this I thought I had deny blocks underneath this I probably have to do it no you know what it is cuz it’s it’s cuz uh psycho who’s building this or whatever uh skip cell doesn’t have op so I can’t

Add deny blocks under this at the moment I have deny blocks under this one but I can’t add it underneath this one till it’s finished dud remember when this building used to like drop our frames now it doesn’t do that anymore uh bro’s calling out Freddy for

Real dude the Freddy slander it’s crazy hey waffles here dude you like my cabin yes looks very nice I like that cabin it’s right over there know you’re talking about looks really good uh dark what’s up man oh was my name added I’m pretty sure yeah if

You’re in my Discord server your name’s added I went down through every name and added it uh I it is better um how you doing uh Bon Ballin B I’m going to get rid of this this has just been sitting like this for like ever I got to give room to other builds

Here by the way if you guys don’t know what to build today man you guys always come over and just build a house man uh Damian I didn’t forget about you by the way I’m going come over and uh copy and paste up your floors yeah if you guys do not know what

To build just build a house man it is uh one of the easiest things you could do and one of the things that we actually need so it works what is this don’t like taking up oh those were trash bags are like that’s actually really neat how they started

Up K boom Cory will the griefer alert come on if I pull out uh fln steel I need it for my NE roller coaster uh no it shouldn’t um yeah it shouldn’t okay thanks yeah I got you d I’m going to come over there right now and copy up the floors for

You hey Jordan Roberts welcome what’s up man you guys are enjoying the stream make sure to leave a like by the way all right let me uh did you do the floors already uh okay so one of the things that you should do before I copy it up dude is do

Interior bro trust me cuz then you don’t have to do interior for each floor man you got to just trust me do the interior make the walls you know what I mean like where everything’s going to go and then trust trust man Archie all right Archie let me get you in here dude

Archie there you go Archie welcome to my friends list and you should now be able to join my username still glitched by the way as Skin standard uh cust for some reason uh let’s go guys Archie is here Archie I will give you a plot of land uh to Build give Archie a plot uh let me give everybody that’s new a plot of land real quick guys uh to build a house we’re getting a lot of new people in here um let me uh make sure to get everybody a plot I don’t even think he knows who I am

He’s not even on my friends list I think he’s somebody else’s friend all right Archie let me get you a plot Archie build a house here then you’re uh free to do whatever you want after that to build whatever but first thing is to build a house right

Here you can build a Skys scrip or whatever after can I build with Archie and sure as long as you know the rules all right uh all right yeah you guys can go uh build with them what rules uh rules to the server also make

In all right uh you guys can all uh go uh building what all right I don’t know who wants to play basketball with the fraud uh I would but I have to uh I have to uh build uh the hill today uh I want to finish the hill at least for today get

Like the main design down for it um just so that way I could start on the beach and one of the what happened to your skin Oh for some reason it like showed like just a red line what’s up all right um let’s see what do we got going on in here man

Dude this school is looking amazing dude Can uh one of the mods get a hold of Freddy please and ask if he’s going to join did dude yeah this looks really nice man ball I also have to get rid of this I don’t know what what this even is but I could probably use it for like a skyscraper or

Something uh anything I could do I I need something to build uh uh if you don’t know what to build just build a house man build the inside of a house you know or just you know do stuff like that that’s uh normally would I say I found a lag

Machine oh you did find a lag Mach all right I swear okay honestly I’d be really surprised if that was like all problems to our lag like that solved it All oh Freddy’s here when did Freddy join or did he change his profile oh no he just joined okay uh L just got back as you said cuz someone uh get a hold of me what’s up Freddy uh we’re getting a lot of newer people right now Freddy so

Just be on the lookout dude well you just stay focused on your school but you get what I’m saying you know we got a lot of new uh lot of new people today this really far away from uh make sure everything’s good around here I’m just looking around guys at the moment

Nice dude your house has come along you’re good uh I don’t know whose house this is but it looks really nice as well all right we got oh scuffy is here scuffy what’s up scuffy how you doing RG oh you’re start on a nice house yourself good looking good I’ll probably

Move it over to like right here though so like there’s more room so you’re not taking up like two spaces for one house you know what I mean I’ll probably move it over a little bit once you’re done with it but other than that it look take B looks good

Um ready Freddy how’s your school oh wow okay you starting on the nice Hill so Next uh I’ll just keep your okay I got your DT yeah you do that man something different about this like it used to not have that little curve there there we go I also need to start adding deny blocks in underneath this it’s only amount of time

Uh how add deny blocks underneath these buildings I have a lot of deny blocks to put around today all right G I want to revamp this area Lila B all Right all right yeah I guess you can change this up a little bit but like there’s things there’s like hidden things there’s signs here people’s names and stuff that like been here since like forever like when was the last time you seen horror f in here you know what I

Mean like there’s signs there’s things here Eddie you know that are like look it when was the last time you seen this guy on the world you know and also the little secret nether thing you know look at this man just saying you know what I mean you

Got to think about it man you got to think about it a little bit and look at the ducky he’s not listening we will keep the signs okay fine hopping on nugget City let’s go you should make billionaires a row for 5K Subs uh maybe yeah I mean we

Always do like a special building for each like k um besides the old nugget City like this one for 3K we made that building and for 4K uh we made that building um so for 5K I don’t know what we’re going to make uh but we’re we’re going up there pretty

Fast speaking of which if you guys are not subscribe make sure to subscribe man also me leave a like on the stream so we can hit 5K all together uh here before Christmas when when is Christmas isn’t it like two days um uh I want to do something for it uh let me See yeah it’s in like two days so isn’t like so it’s like literally tomorrow’s like Christmas Eve um we’ll probably do a thing after Christmas because I want to um like tomorrow’s Christmas Eve uh I don’t know if I’m going to stream technically tomorrow because of Christmas Eve uh but

I know uh after Christmas I want to do a little gift card uh giveaway for like uh builds you know what I mean like probably like you know the top like three like best builds are going to get like $20 uh like gift cards and stuff like

That feel like that would be a really cool thing to do um I want to do something like that like some sort of a gift card giveaway doesn’t that sound fun uh Hey nugget or anyway can you move my builds uh here to me

Uh I’ll see if one of the mods want to do it let me work on this hill a little bit which is really my planned thing to do row would be cool to make I have to look up pictures of it I don’t even know

Like what it looks like and if you guys know I don’t really like to keep things that are like from in real life into here um at least I don’t want like the same purpose for it you know um like the Freedom Tower that’s in New

York what it stands for in real life isn’t what it stands for in like here it stands for hitting 4K subscribers stuff like that um so yeah uh Parker’s working on his park today which is nice it’s nice to see him uh doing something because we’re getting really close to it

Man we’re slowly getting there each time building there we go Uh like that who’s T nugget can you TP me to much let me see something oh he’s in nether okay this kind of goes goes hard let go hard another theme ride okay so it goes down and comes through here okay seems pretty cool hi can can I join uh yes you can

Ruby all you have to do is just join the Discord also drop your Microsoft username one of my mods can put mine in the chat for some reason my thing is glitched today and yesterday and the day before yesterday I don’t know what’s going on it’s a Bedrock

Problem uh yeah all I to do is just join the Discord and if I already have you added uh then you should just be able to join back in uh this is really nice by the way I like the way that this kind of just is it’s different you

Know um this is pretty nice too oh I like this one as well man you guys are building really good houses dude you guys are doing really good houses there’s no inside to this rip this one’s not done yet I’d imagine it’s going to be inside

Though uh I know my bad right now but it’s in the work part yeah I got you nugget today you’re looking minty fresh thank you so much man I’m feeling I’m feeling minty fresh you know what I mean uh who’s the guy that needed his building TP Tim or

Something I think it was this guy right Maybe okay yeah that’s my username uh can we get a Discord Link in the chat guys please can we get a Discord Link in the chat mods anybody invite the game add friend let’s get star is that a zero yeah it is core 36065 I like us very uh

Galactic I made that word up all right I’m GNA hope you guys uh this look really good wait also wait wait wait wait hang on hang on hang hang on Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie wait Eddie are you sure you want to destroy this because if you look down here

Dude if you look down here it has one of the original maps of the city that’s not updated yet are you sure you want to do this because it has one of The Originals you get what I’m saying if we pick it up it will break yeah H what did Tyler just

Do Tyler you just ruined it does it really matter yeah it matters it’s one of the this is OG dude this I I had an OG all right man I had it OG dude this is one of the OG Maps man I mean you know how cool it would kind of

Look to kind of go over that like you know how sick that would kind of look to go over that little portion you know what I’m saying I mean I kind of want to I kind of want to do it I kind of want to I’m going to just I

Kind of want to go over it I I want to see it just all update to this that’s actually that that was way better than just looking at it I gotta say that that was way better than just looking at it that was really cool what’s this thing what was here

Oh why is there this are you guys doing that that was really cool hey what’s up thank you no problem uh come look at the interior we’ll do in chat Corey after you end your stream I need your help for my coaster it involves command blocks that and there’s

A little problem but it’s nothing big so it it can wait uh till after stream because I don’t want to type all this in chat all right I got you uh yeah uh I’ll get you here guys make sure to leave a like on the stream and also subscribe to

The channel if you are new uh I’m going to look around here see what everybody’s up to how’s your house coming along it’s looking nice it’s looking nice uh can I make a corner store uh if we have a corner open for a corner store

But if we do yeah you can make one I just got to go see if we even have like a corner open for a corner store hey what’s up Mr cameraman I don’t know if I already said that or not nugget uh come look at my skyscraper we do uh I

Got to look for a corner store as well then I’ll go check out daman’s interior um how’s it coming yeah dude looking good man looking good I’m excited to see it uh get brought up Corner open near me all right just give me a second uh waffle are you in

Here waffle is in here is he working on the poppy building oh he is he has been oh nice dude nice man it’s awesome good stuff man good stuff so yeah this keeps going up it kind of just keeps breaking apart then going up again uh that’s how it’s going

To look then I’ll texture the uh stuff outside read my paragraph please I did read your paragraph Parker uh all right let me teleport over to to I am kind of excited to see what you have planned for it oh that’s all the old world maps what’s up all

Right you guys keep doing that uh Damian what’s up Damian oh nice man looks good dude Looks nice man yeah dude keep doing that just do that for uh more rooms you can also have like little like you know like areas for like bathrooms and all that but yeah other than that dude it looks good make sure to add like hallway lights as well like things in here like

Maybe little tables or chairs you know things like that but other than that dude looking good man looking good I gota I’ll be right back and finish my time all right I got you uh he just no yeah uh all right nice uh let’s go swep what is swept up

To S is just chilling you the Chick-fil-A all Right uh I’m new yeah he’s new um I think he’s in the Stream I’m not sure uh star want to build a house Hello Burger hey what’s up star star s I’m in stream yeah I thought so um here follow me DT you can keep doing what you’re

Doing by the way I’m going to give Star a plot of land uh to build uh her amazing house um let’s see uh Burger let’s see that ain’t me yeah yeah I I I thought so it’s not you I know who that that is the person in chat that put their username

Uh let me see trying to look for a plot of land over here that’s maybe like not filled up but it’s really hard to find something like that I got to move this house like over here or something get rid of it then move it uh we could probably give here uh teleports

Star over to me build a house for yourself here you go give [ __ ] that 30 64 20 that is no way that’s 20 blocks that’s crazy 21 by let’s just do 20 up top by 20 you want there you go uh structure T save slash fill 43 13 306 hang on

Grass I got to move your house over a little bit man I have it saved don’t worry uh like right here uh load t there you go man all right nice so now we have like a little bit of room for them to have like a little thing or something you know

That’s all nice all right uh we got that move that over all right uh what’s up guys barrier blocks uh blocks uh do people even use the barrier fence thingy uh barrier blocks no other structure wordss I never really used anything else other than the structure block um when

We were building this one Hunger Games map like back in like 2020 we used like these like fences that like were like barriers very weird dude it’s weird saying that is like a plot of grass dude like it looks weird bro oh why is that what you guys

Like why is it all grass so like there’s no like what how are people supposed to get to the construction site so you guys were just changing the middle thing not the whole Road got to go probably won’t be back toodles all right I’ll see you man uh I got an ad on

Stream right now yeah uh they do that uh that plot of grass looks better to be honest okay Freddy we need a TV nugget okay uh let me get the uh map for you I’m also going to just set in my Ender Chest let me get an AM let me get an Anvil a uh name tag there we go and then let me get a map map I’ll uh get you guys the TV just give me a second uh just popped up in my room border blocks uh yeah I got you uh dog uh let

Me get the uh TV map for you it’s right over here I’m also going to save it in my Ender Chest so that way I could just place it down on like an item frame get rid of some of my old stuff that should be the whole

Thing huh this is very uh weird seeing it like this it’s actually really cool looking though that over here is like a train yard you know whatever it is little stop you know maybe people go here to like watch the game we can add like NPCs like how Freddy has in his

World um with certain things uh this right here name name tag this oh wait oh I don’t even need a name tag it’s not like an animal uh TV for viewers oh wait I’m going to just name it TV just in case if it has like a

Thing on it that says TV all right let me get a uh item frame now like that uh okay maybe I shouldn’t have named it there you go that way it just has nothing all right who needed the TV uh we need a TV all right there you go guys enjoy your

TV how is looking good by the way I like the way it looks uh see everybody else how they’re doing on their houses by the way your house has to have an interior to it oh this looks nice I like this looks really nice uh but yeah all

Right uh I have op but I can’t walk through it do I go through oh hey Burger do SL G border block one Burger have a name man it’s nugget man I’m really interested to see how this turns out huh all right well I guess we’ll we’ll we’ll find

Out uh can I put corner store where I’m at uh let me check where you’re at real quick teleport me to uh fortnite player what are you hang on let me think here I think you’re open fire right no you’re not you are definitely not open fire where

To you’re not an amazing NB oh what’s your username fortnite player again I’m not really good we’re getting so many new people dude I can’t remember names I have a hard time with that this is a little house man so tiny wow there’s a lot of lag to the world when hitting

Something why is it only when hitting something it like really laggy that’s super change feel like I’m finding somebody in slow mou uh okay let me tort right here this is a this is a hill not right here follow me uh want to build something here

There you go you can build a little thing right there all right uh when I get my account you won’t believe what I’m going to start uh going to build what are you going to build man you got got to tell me man you can’t leave me on

Suspense this looks like a hot mess so far all right let me uh over to see fredd how you doing Freddy oh you’re just planning things out all right keep it up bro Freddy’s really trying to be the best school out here man I’m telling you he is try

Harding right now oh my Goodness uh nugget can you help me with my Cafe to make a parking space and drive-thru please uh Felix I’m going to do my own things here in a bit I’m not really helping anybody build besides copying and pasting up if you need it uh

I got to I have some of my own projects I got to start on uh especially that Hill I need to get that done I need the interior for the 3K building done um because that was my building and like I can’t just be telling people to build an

Interior to theirs when I haven’t even done uh one of like the last ones that I need to do and then I got to finish these buildings up at some point right here so I can get these done uh Chinese uh restaurant right here and then I don’t

Know that’s going to be probably another like uh Disc Shop um nugget hey what’s up G dog welcome back dude you feeling like building today or you you’re not in it man oh I see what you guys did there looking good I know who did that

Yeah I have to also like go around and Destroy some things uh so I got some like cleanup work to do today and also like finishing up the hill or trying to at least uh getting like really close to it um uh did you search up the skyscrapers

SL building I was talking about uh the last stream uh no I didn’t I didn’t really do anything after uh last stream I went to get something to eat and then I um yeah that’s pretty much it went to get something to eat and that’s it

All right housing area is looking good I got to add like trees in the middle or like give people backyards and stuff like that but other than that dude they looking really good I actually have to extend this road out going this way now probably going to do

That now so we have more uh room for housing uh so yeah uh no remember watching tomorrow I can play all night all right gotcha uh nice dude um can I build a mil military base um I’m sure at some point yeah we’ll get to that sort of like part uh

We don’t even have an airport yet like right now I’m really trying to build this city like the main city itself then we can extend out build like you know like farmlands and all that you know what I mean we could do like stuff like that then we get into like you know

Mountains and like whatnot um then you can do like military bases airports uh the closest thing that we’re up to right now is building a beach which is going to go to an ocean so we can start building like boats and stuff out there um which is going to be really

Cool I’m excited for that um but uh yeah that’s basically uh what the idea is for help on the airportal I’m not going to ask for help don’t you worry man don’t you worry I’ll set that I’ll do that myself man I know how to I know

How to build an airport I’m just going to build terminal from Call of Duty man that’s all I’m going to do um I’ll probably ask for help anyway 3517 here why is there a donkey oh my God I can keep them up I can keep them up in the air dude that’s

How much it’s lagging Yeah it’s just it’s a glitch man honestly Rick can just live his Life there we go we got open spot right there for a building um what else do we got have a little open area for like a parking lot or something right there uh I’m going to go see what waffle boy’s up to um this looks nice man this looks really good uh

This is GNA alt tab everybody Out because I didn’t have it like already open up oh no my Discord won’t open never mind I literally can’t I would have to restart my uh I would have to restart my PC I’m pretty sure yeah my discord’s uh glitched uh I can’t do it right now I

Got that weird uh glitch so I just alt tab for nothing I’m done lurking I’m gonna go bye why don’t you say anything stop lurking and say things in chat like what you’re trying to do you literally have a set Ru of things to do man set max

Players um yeah never mind my Discord is glitched I literally couldn’t I’d have to restart my uh PC to do it maybe next stream uh but that is okay slash yeah literally he hasn’t said anything slash clear at a all right uh let me uh see how this is

Looking all right you started the next layer doesn’t it go in a bit or does it stay like that oh it goes in on this side I see I’m I’m going to just uh help out on this uh if you keep doing that I’m going to fill this up here whatever

Block yeah my discord’s uh it’s cuz I had it closed all stream and I don’t think I’m allowed to open it up or like not allowed but like it just glitches out whever I’m uh streaming that’s weird uh close it from there then you can reopen it really is that an actual thing

Because I really don’t feel like alt tapping everybody again right now because I have task manager I have that like thing is that really how you do it like for real I want to try it again but like I don’t know cuz like I don’t want to alt

Tab everybody because I can get frustrating to some people I don’t like I don’t want to do that to everybody again but I do want to VC with people I’m going to try it I’m going to open up my task manager task manager uh Discord I’ll close

It oh yeah me uh end task there then let me try to open it back up it’s starting you were right BR W BR in the chat right now BR W mod W mod W mod W mod he was right he was right guys W mod all right guys uh join the squad

VC mods join the uh Squad VC Cy press f11 don’t all tab I I I all tabbed I I can’t help myself uh what’s up hello hi okay uh yeah let me just there we go all right uh Eddie you can join the uh VC as well uh same with you uh

Tyler or Damian uh we could just up it out of a squad VC we can make it bigger uh so you guys can join uh the VC SL set max players 30 slash clear there we go yeah that’s my bad guys that’s my bad how’s your day man uh good

Good I’m just building I’m building yeah exactly I got like one more layer and then I’m done with this like after this layer there’s one more awesome man and then there’s the antenna I think and then I’m done it might be pretty big so I might have to shorten it maybe maybe

Not cuz like I still got another layer uh can I start on a skyscraper yes you can uh Sim uh what is your um what is your username uh what did you say waffle I’m sorry I was saying like this might be a little tall oh no it’s perfect I dude

It’s it’s a tall building dude that guy donated $350 if anything it should be the tallest building in the world n uh but it’s going to be good cuz you know what it’s going to blend in over here anyway uh considering the fact that I’m just not used to making these tall

Buildings like I feel well welcome to nugget city um like I usually make like skyscrapers but I don’t make them this tall open fire uh yeah I I’m pretty used to this let me tell all I think I can copy it up open fire I want to see how much here to

Me how many times you can build your skyscraper brother oh this is a lot bigger uh Eddie are you going to join the uh Squad VC on nugget server uh Tyler can join as well if you guys are in a VC not it scrapes this guy for

Real this is like 10 floors so what is that seven for six for each six 60 blocks yeah that might be way too dull yeah I’m going to I’m not going to do this one to one CU this is going to be the tallest building in the server if so

Uh yeah we don’t want it too tall um let’s just just copy this part up except we’ll see where we’re left at like try to copy it up until like this point like right here on this guy’s building why is there chairs up here the chair of nogs the other chair of

Nog copy it to 70 okay yeah you can copy it up to like 70 170 not 270 yeah cancel for uh seven Damian uh try again man 6 12 18 24 30 is that what is this now I still got a couple floors I I can do like one more I think

Yeah oh so this is like six I think like the rest of them or seven okay like the the other two I think are six floors each so I think this is seven or six and then the tower like the the rest of it is way taller than everything else

Okay so oh this is looking good yeah have that go to like wherever that is you know that’s pretty good uh by the way this side’s gone yeah I know I can I can only copy so much it’s kind of annoying oh yeah I was like we’re missing half the

Skyscraper next next time when I cut it again it should be able to yeah I gu you say yeah it looks good so far man obviously I’ll textur like the parts that you know need it well like some certain things to it yeah 6 12 18 24

Uh did Damian get in scuffy got in I don’t know how you’re not getting in Damian to the world or the VC the world uh Daman join the VC on nugget server if you can set max players 30 just making sure I have everything set up

Right all right now it kind of looks like it goes in like the same way it did like originally on the first so it kind of like keeps going back and forth on the way in yeah it’s on side again kind of like on that curve does it have the

Same curve to it yeah it has the same curve uh where does it start at would you say see I don’t want to take too much off the building and then it’s too small then it looks all snubby so I might I want to definitely like keep the elevators yeah

So we might have to just go back like a little bit so like so like right here can start like the diagonal and it goes like one two that might be too small I’m thinking maybe like start here cuz this cuz that will look too

Small I feel one one two one two tell me when I should like kind of like go at one two one yeah this is probably the best we’re going to be able to do with this right here should I start like curving back in or like keep going out

Uh I think keep going out for a little bit I would say like now maybe now like curve back yeah all right here that’s good like that yeah yeah we can do that oh there’s going to be like no offices at all yeah there’s have to change the whole floor

Plan yeah we can do that hey what’s up Damian what you up man done why like what does it say when it pops up unable to connect to restart your uh Minecraft I did I reset it twice well it’s third three times a charm man wait I just noticed we didn’t put

The the like the brown terracotta thing where at like on top of the next layer cuz it’s on every layer oh just do that then let’s just do that but I I want to keep the curve so I might just like structure block the curve we could just

Like build around it so I’ll just you know or you can stru structure block the curve that that works just 64 64 my house is finished all right nice dude one two three four five one two three four five man dude this is looking nice

Man two three four five so it’s five it really does look like the image too yeah that’s crazy like how good it looks how did we get here on this build hey what’s up Jack welcome welcome back to the uh the channel nice to see you um hey what’s up uh Swan welcome

Back yeah we’re going to have to just redo the whole floor yeah that’s fair I think because like there’s like no offices left yeah there there really isn’t we could put like one office maybe then like a bathroom you know yeah we could do something like

That uh can we get a Discord Link in chat for anybody that’s sign Discord make sure to join the Discord server uh we’re really close to uh three what what 330 330 members trying to hit uh 350 probably the end of the we just hit like 300 that’s crazy yeah well we got

Some W mods going man does fire spread I need in my house no fire spreads are off so you’re good it’ be pretty imagine I have fire spreads on that would be like the worst idea ever uh I think tomorrow short is going to be blowing up the city like the copy

Of this one uh I think tomorrow be a short then on Christmas Day is another short then after Christmas it’s supposed to be like a gift card giveaway thing for Christmas you know my bad um oh yeah I want to I want to see the the blowing up of nugget City yeah

So I had 20 some likes on Tik Tok and then I also had like 70 something on uh YouTube um so yeah which is like seven time three is 210 210 yeah would be so 210 TNT in the middle of the city I think my buildings will be fine

Unless the TNT just launches over honestly dude I feel like putting like 2 like 10 or something like everywhere 230 something like everywhere so like spread out yeah spread out you should just have like like in one of the most important buildings just put like a bunch of TNT in

There like inside the building what just be like one TNT from my Walmart what is going on dude something’s happening things are getting like built like in front of my eyes like it’s like but there’s nobody there building it like built no like what it’s the command block that’s weird

Dude oh wait your name is BU what the hell how language oh it’s a damn what the heck oh what the heck we really going to have a mountain how is this happening what is this that’s crazy that’s not even that bad of a command either like to right actually

Kind of cool I thought it was be like something crazy I swear Tik Tok ruins your attention span Tik Tok kind of a little bit but that’s everything though bro it’s still not letting me about everything what happened to spawn what do you mean what happened to spawn they’re redesigning the proba

Talking about the uh yeah guess map area I mean honestly I’m going to have to see when it’s actually done cuz right now it doesn’t look uh too pretty at the given moment um so I’ll definitely have to wait because it looks like just a stone

Mountain um so we’ll see how it turns out they have the other one copied just in case it is really weird like under the map no they have it on uh a block oh yeah no way BRZ got off and went to go stream he to go stream Roblox no I did

You got the notification too yeah dude ain’t no way bro he didn’t even you know he you know he was not lurking you know he was not he was not he joined said lurking over goodbye I’m going to go stream now yeah bro was not lurking at all dude

Exactly El mod man L mod I was like like he was like he just said I no he was like all right I’m done lurking I see you and then I was like dude you didn’t even say anything like you have like things you have to say

Like where’s the Discord link you could have placed it you know instead of just lurking you lurking doesn’t do anything so that’s how I just know he wasn’t lurking at all dude all right I have to go eat so like okay I guess that’s cool I got to work

On the the building the building all we got to do is basically just like redesign theor yeah and then priorities for Real uh yes you can join Andre all right I’ll be back as soon as someone left they’ll let me join that is so funny well hey welcome so yeah it’s not

Even max players right now but we do have a lot of players I can’t even lie this was more than yesterday I’m surprised that today has more than Friday nobody it’s like the other way around I mean it’s a weekend so it is like the weekend so people like wake up

And they have nothing to do yesterday was still School technically but now you on Christmas break that means uh W uh you know things yeah but isn’t that a good idea I think like me giving away some like uh gift cards or whatever like people like do

Like the best build for that sort of stream or like like a building competition almost you know yeah what kind what it’s going to be like what kind of gift cards like Amazon oh just anything that the person wants like it’s going to be like $20 worth stuff you

Know um but yeah pretty much just uh some uh gift cards and stuff like that uh I think that would be really cool to do uh probably setting up stream and your stream in the background for real dude that’s crazy man I say I don’t know

Uh that was a really cool like thing I thought it was just like building in front of my eyes like is like getting built honestly man I hope this turns out good cuz I’m going to be really disappointed that you like did this all stream and it turns out really

Bad all right I’m gonna go work on my hill uh how’s your uh thing going by the way $50 gift card to all mods I say $50 gift card to all mods yeah I mean I could I could do that um I guess we’ll see you know maybe you should listen to

Freddy listen I want to pay you guys all right but I don’t make enough to pay you I’d be going in debt more than I’d be like earning if I had to pay you guys so right now it’s more like an investment at work so like you guys help me out in

The future I get like a banger video or something at our money you guys all get a nice portion of it all right a good a good like loan of it that’s basically you guys are investing right now right that’s how I see it guys are investing in me to like actually do

Good do a good job that’s what I think yeah uh almost at 4.7k for real almost at 4.7k uh we help n it out now you get cancel it we never earn anything I’ll never be cancelled guys CLI that and then like in like five years he sent it

To me when I’m getting cancelled dude I I was like thinking like what if I they made like a like pre-made apology video like I just have it ready no I I’m too like family friendly I don’t know what I’d be canceled over something that’s like

Something some like old like uh Clips or something come up yeah I was going through like my old streams and stuff like when I used to be like not family friendly and they’re not very uh fun to watch hang on I was so confused right when you left like why did you leave

It all right I’m back my bad Guys all right for not unban for not unbanning Griefers because everyone deserves 10 chances uh not everybody um yeah Probably what Cory wait what happened guys it happened so fast you didn’t see the no did TN pop up yeah and it was Archie then Archie left really Archie I didn’t think Archie would do anything but all right Archie is Archie inv visitor now like his things like that

This SP second you went off camera uh someone some guy pulled out TNT must have been waiting it was all all set up it was plan oh my goodness okay I get it I get it let me let me get the end chest out can you add

Me again uh Andre I think I already have you added what’s your username I can check right now try to blow up somebody’s house RG what was the username again AR a r c h i e right right wasn’t hello anybody no maybe okay uh what was the username Archie what

Uh 9 90 wait 69 69 okay uh was did I spell Archie right a r c h i e I think I yeah okay there okay uh all right nice H I’ll see how this turns out uh do you have TNT explosion settings off I think

That’s a setting at least uh yeah I do but when Griefers join they don’t know that and the first thing that they pull out is TNT then I get a TNT alert that’s how we catch most of them my sisters are playing while I was uh having a

Dump that’s C man put your sister m I’m sorry Archie um I feel like this c yeah we all know it’s cat that’s like the oldest excuse in the book man I used to make that excuse don’t you I’m not a griefer besides one time and then he made a

Video that video’s still up I think you reacted to it too on like yeah I did it was really funny it was uh I think it was like 2021 or no no it was like 2020 I think I did it um I was kind of like just bored and I was like I

Never really griefed before and it was like this guy that just wasn’t the nicest person in the world um so I was like all right let me see how it goes um and I stole his wooden stuff and then he got really mad his wooden stuff he has

Like something I think he had like a trident or something like a half brok Trident um and then like a little bit of leather armor I’m pretty sure if my memory Ser right then he got a pretty mad then I killed him he was really bad at the

Game considering the fact that I had like stick like uh stick uh drift at the time all that yeah um and like all that other stuff yeah he wasn’t very happy um and then I started toting him saying if you K me you lose all your stuff

And it was so mean I’m actually like a really bad person for that I did try to apologize and then he he banned me he didn’t even like try to get the stuff back you’re a bad cuz it really didn’t mean anything to him I think he just really wanted to

Have my name out there as the guy that griefed him look at your statue okay uh oh we have a water Griefer oh no all right a water what are you even doing in Here I think it was noob that did it I’m gonna Noob was just the closest to it uh does my sker need to be wider uh it’s good just build your skyscraper I’ll let you know later on and stuff I think it’s uh good for now sponge yeah considering the fact that

He’s a that and this happen he didn’t say anything also I saw him with a loom earlier and then there was like the nword spelled out in like banners oh God and he I remember I teleported and he broke it like instantly so I’m pretty

Sure it’s it’s him like if it was to be anybody it would be him right now uh also that guy said go check out my statue honestly water just causes lag the only like issue about it uh rate my Cafe yeah I’ll be over there in a sec let me clean up this

Mess okay look at the Statue I will just give me a second did you add something to it I got to clean up this mess first I just got grief yeah probably I’d imagine but I thought I had deny blocks underneath it so I’m not sure if I don’t

Then it’s whatever I’ll fix it or something I I know you know maybe he added something nice you know maybe that’s why he wants me to look I’m I’m going to look at the positive all right by the way why is this sponge not working like doesn’t work on this some

I’m going look at the positive of it and just hope that it’s something nice uh yeah I I have you added still Swan you should be able to join I know that username yeah I think my game’s Bugg dude the water like isn’t like getting picked up by the sponge anymore oh it’s

Cuz it’s a wet sponge somehow I got like turned into a wet sponge there we go all right let that I’m G to just go down here the statue is gone oh my God no Felix Didn’t Do It Felix made it that they broke the statue Felix Didn’t Do It Felix made

It the guy in chat saying go look at the Statue obviously did it where’s everybody’s brain cells at H man really the statues on I thought I had deny blocks underneath it I swear I had deny blocks Underneath It All right I’m going to just let this

Water just drain actually I’ll just do it real fast how much see we got on the server how much people do we got in here I’m wait how many what how much people are in here in you uh we have one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9ine 10

11 uh 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 we have 18 players right now no wonder why I’m lagging so bad yeah be like that yeah that was a really nice statue too yeah I think I already have you added I think it’s just glitched right

Now where you can’t join uh I’ll I’ll type it back in now I know I have you added though unless you unfriended me oh that’s not what I wanted chist oh it’s double a Christian uh one six 2 42 yeah I already have you add man see

We’re friends on here you should be able to join all right uh water’s gone off of this building grass is a little destroyed which is very weird um okay yeah it took me two days yeah I know well that sucks man I’m sorry that you know people did that

Man but you know what I’m sure you could build an even better one man that sucks dude I’m sorry man people are mean dude uh let me uh see if there’s anything else destroyed over here I put I put uh deny blocks underneath your place so you your

Walmart can never get destroyed unless it’s from an OP member all right um you work too hard on yeah imagine you just got like griefed dude just like everything’s gone again inside at that point you just you just give up another 28 episodes 28 episodes all right I’m back what’s up man welcome

Back a man I feel bad man that that was a really good statue too man it fit really well in the world what uh who’s this the statue got grief who’s in the VC right oh it’s waffle yeah waffle like he sounded like his voice got deer yeah the

We had a water Griefer which was the same person I’m pretty sure actually you know what no it wasn’t I mean that was uh the Nugget statue okay yeah I know what you’re talking about yeah yeah the Nugget statue got griefed up um which sucks because it was actually a

Really cool statue I love how he made my my pancake Cape you know what actually I might still have it on a on a command block or not a command block a regular uh what is it called structure block I might if anything I think there’s a way you can import it from

Other worlds pretty sure uh no we tried I don’t know I don’t know how to do it but I think there is a way you can import structures from one world to another let me just see something T would not be it t would be what would T be or t would

Be that house right now or whatever I could have something else RS like R something no we both use T So for yeah I don’t think I have it actually didn’t get grieved it got straight up disintegrated yeah what is your username uh modu we can get a

Username in the chat please for me that’d be awesome yeah I’m sorry man that that happened dude um also can we get a Discord Link in the chat as well h i don’t have stream delay so I’m like ahead of everyone yeah dude you can see like the poppy

Building from like over here now it’s really cool really that’s crazy yeah it’s like it’s not it’s not done yet so you’ll really see it well if I’m if I’m on like the ground level you you can’t really see it uh but if I F just a little bit if you

Were taking like a like a picture or something yeah I think that would look good like the 4K building and the like the poppies building in the background background yeah that would look pretty cool so now they’re adding flowers around it like flowers on top of you

Got to figure out what to build after I finish this I’m pretty close to finishing so it’s cool uh did Eddie ever add deny blocks underneath his build here probably didn’t no we should really add deny blocks these buildings are really nice which give them more of a chance to get

Griefed but to be honest they normally go for the the bad buildings the ones that are easier to fix yeah I know I don’t know why cuz they’re just a little uh dumb I guess I don’t know yeah yeah guys why don’t you just grief the good ones the

Griefers don’t got brains bro yeah I think they just like attention yeah I feel like they just grief the closest building to them and most like the closest building to them is at spawn which are like the ones that when we first started are like the bad

Ones um yeah yeah I have loads of structure blocks copies of those things I could fix them if they get okay yeah that’s true all right time to start the next layer of things I like how all the elevators are still like connected so all the elevators do

Go to the top of the building so that’s pretty cool it’s a good thing we put them in the middle if we put them on like the sides or something it wouldn’t have made it all the way oh my God they got rid of the playground as well oh

It’s crazy dude the playground really dude didn’t have a child he’s like now nobody’s getting a child and they changed the basketball thing into a soccer thing what is this what they’re like changing things is going on what is going on around here dude what dude this is just like

Feel like I’m living in like an ultimate maners like it’s just it’s just it’s just things that you never think to get like griefed or like nugget nugget City uh change to a soccer no we going to back soccer soccer uh C what’s up Cory hey what’s up Gio

What’s up man how you doing today man we’re fixing up we just got a griefer in here I’m just fixing up some things other that I’m doing pretty good is it like on the white line yeah it is okay don’t make me add like deny blocks underneath the the the basketball court

Here that is like so weird four one two three four what do I feel like as soon as I left there was just a bunch of Griefers yeah nugget city has the weirdest Griefers well there’s not much you can’t really like fool on hard grief so it’s

Like they have to like do something else other than that um but yeah it’s just kind of weird how this is what’s like the worst griefing we you’ve had on nugg city city we had a lot uh the worst though what has someone tried has someone tried griefing the nug Tower

Uh no it always had toight box underneath it um uh first worst one was probably off stream uh we were doing this thing for the 2K or twoyear special uh and then some guy joined with hacks and he started like going around like destroying the uh 4K building like as a

Spiral basically like same thing happened in the for the 2year special that like if you watch that that same thing that happened in the first nugget City it like happened yeah uh so yeah it’s a little little weird yeah that’s probably like the worst one that we

Had ni the church the church though is pretty pretty bad like when the when the structure block or whatever yeah like that was I mean we fixed it pretty fast but that was that was bad when like we first found it oh yeah definitely yeah we should keep track of what’s the

Most like griefed building I really don’t want to keep track of that no so then we know like which buildings to put Deni block I’m doing good bro nice man you should join in and uh build something dude at some point man I miss seeing you around dude feel

Like it’s been everybody just got kicked I’ll restart the World um yeah let me uh make a copy I feel like the griefing is tension is getting high um never hurts to you know re restart it get that all right I got kicked yeah everybody got kicked so I’m just going to copy the world so

Uh no uh I like how you have like a every episode like has a copy yeah um I try to keep every copy of it it was a little bit there at I just kind make like random copies of my worlds yeah well I

Kind of have to do this I nugget city is getting really like it’s it’s growing right now let’s just say that and that means more Griefers so I really have to keep this on a thing every uh every once in a while I got to just copy

It then I’ll copy this world tomorrow and it’ll be 65 make sure everything’s good all right all right once I finish the other like the the building poppy building I’m probably going build something next to it like the one next talking about the uh black one yeah players 30 it looks

Like that that building I’ll definitely finish the outside by today maybe not the inside but the outside is very e now or you might get glitched out bro it’s not going to let me join back yes it is never mind I’m join yeah you got in pretty fast all right it

Works uh so I don’t know how I did the playground it was I made this like years ago like probably like the first year nugget City I made this you can maybe like look back unless you just want to make I’ll probably just make a different one um yeah me and

Eddie were literally just playing on it yesterday um so yeah I just got to go around make sure everything’s not you know everything’s good still uh that stuff I can just worry about at a later date it’s nothing like big uh I do feel bad though that statue man

That was a really cool statue it it fit like perfectly because it wasn’t too big and it wasn’t too small it was like probably like the perfect fit but I should have just did like stuck with my instinct and put the night blocks underneath it I just thought that nobody

Would really grief it um I put too much stress into the people uh let’s see oh what building is this oh dude you know what they even tried to get underneath the signs dude to like break it to start breaking the signs cuz I cuz I have the blocks

Underneath each sign dude and they tried to dig underneath it and break each one underneath but they don’t know that is this the uh oh they got into one row I think someone’s dude it was one row dude what keeps happening why does everybody keep getting kicked that is strange you guys should

Just be able to join back man it’s I think someone’s um building the uh what’s it called the Willis Tower or the Sears Tower like next to the uh the other one like the one in Chicago oh yeah yeah the one in Chicago I know I

Know what it is I’m just I literally live near Chicago um yeah it looks like uh I don’t know who’s building it but it looks like someone’s building it who was it it was Poppy’s building it was uh I think it was Kaden Kaden’s building it looks pretty good

Actually I’m excited to see it done you check if my building uh needs to be wire or something since I don’t want to fix it when it is too late I got you dude oh yeah everybody should be able join like right back in uh uh I don’t even know what like names

Were on those signs dude I’ll probably just uh fill them in as we go oh he has the little pant Cate man on the sword that’s pretty cute man I would like to see you try to remake it though dude not just take that loss you know what I mean who who made

It originally uh it was uh Felix that’s why he said I made it I made or I did it I did it I was like he didn’t like grief it he just you know he just kind of like uh it’s not like someone didn’t like like it’s not like someone made it

Like a couple years ago and like they don’t play it anymore I thought it was like like something made a while ago all right yeah um yeah no it was Felix it was actually really recent too it was like probably like episode like what 50 something yeah honestly Felix I

Would I would like to see you try to remake it man uh and not just take the L on this don’t give them that satisfaction make it even better you know what I mean uh hey G dog don’t worry your sign didn’t get destroyed right next to it uh

I’ll just I’ll just play Signs here and I’ll re-edit them um when I get new people in I’ll just you know re-edit the signs uh yeah I’ll just do that for now that’s crazy he found the one line that like didn’t have a deny block underneath it dude he mad mad

Person uh yeah I’m gonna uh check it out real quick what’s your username again GTA 6 will have a kidfriendly mode like education modes like car Lego mode uh my hero American mode yeah it’s a it’s a theme park didn’t realize what this was yes so it’s going to be a theme park

At some point all right I’m going all right man I know you’re talking about a a beach hey Beach going to be uh the beach is going to be over this hill over here you could teleport to me um I got to check out this person’s building as well

But the beach is going to be right across over this hill and stuff so once like we have things up on top of this you know then it’s going to go back down and then that’s where the beach area is going to be it’s going to be like a big L

Almost and then uh yeah we can basically start doing that uh Beach and we’ll have an ocean where we can like make ships and all that which is going to be really cool then we can make a ports for ships ship ports yeah like a do Griefers get

Second Chances no no Griefer gets a second chance only a very few rare occurrences but they have to be like sticking around Channel and like commenting and all that dude but only then will I give him a second chance no third chances absolutely not though third chances would never be

Given I’m in some random building you just teleport just teleported to try and uh get to the building Poppy’s building and then I just teleported inside like the building next to it yeah let me go check out this guy’s building real quick no no yeah honestly that’s a pretty good size

Man for your uh building that’s a pretty good size it’s pretty nice looks pretty good dude yeah just keep it like that I have to add some things I like this Taco Bell in the corner it’s really cool all right got that I’m going to go check out how the

Train station over here is doing just some person messed up all right uh let me get this yeah got all this dude this all I might um need help with the uh the floor all right I’ll help you out cuz once we do that then we’ll be

Done pretty much with this building I got you D I like this so far I do like this a lot over here uh waffle teleport to me do you like this also like how it just looks stuff like it’s completely not what I had in mind but it looks really cool I

Actually I’m going to keep it I got to load the chunks take forever yeah and like goes over here I mean it works I I think it works yeah like with the with the stadium and stuff yeah like people coming on trains stuff and yeah stop enough at the

Stadium plus if you have like a render distance like you’re like up all the way and if you like come in like towards the train and then you’ll see like the city yeah that’s also true I mean the cities that to come out like over here though like at some point

These Banner like these things are going to be removed uh slowly like one by one they’re going to get destroyed as like more buildings come out this way uh but all this will be like uh skyscrapers and stuff um but yeah I really like this uh I want

This road here though I want this road right here to curve in though that like kind of crosses over these tracks this way uh then I also wanted to go forward as well like alongside the tracks feel like that would look uh cool uh but yeah

Uh says we’re done bro made a Tik Tock to try to get unbanned yeah I saw that in general today that was really funny who uh Hayes the guy that’s trying to get a third chance oh yeah yeah it’s not it’s just I just can’t man I can’t risk it dude nobody

Get special treatment like that dude at all dude this University is going to be sick Freddy I’m excited to see how I’m going to do the roads though for it dude it’s crazy how huge this city has gotten dude that’s dedication for real dude the dedication is there

Man see that’s what I like to see man he’s retrying it man Felix trying to rebuild the statue again man try and do something like that I respect that right there man Felix trying to do it again that’s that’s what it’s about man picking yourself back up you know

What I mean dude this building is sick looking man I can’t wait for uh papia to see it I hope I hope she I hope she likes it cuz if she says like it’s all right I’m going be really like sad it’s all right

Just be like we got to redo it all we got to redo it tear it down we bringing like the oh yeah it does look really cool I I’m seeing on your stream now yeah because I haven’t really gone like back to look at it I’m kind of just been building this cool

Honestly if this is the Sears Tower dude it should be way taller it should be technically bigger than our building but like it doesn’t matter because it’s not really a competition but this is going to be pretty huge and then like the Sears Tower would probably be like the second

Tallest cuz you can’t like you’re not even really allowed to go over the uh 4K building cuz cuz it’s like Max height yeah so we got to kind of like watch out second yeah it’s even better because gers don’t even get any rewards so let’s just uh fixed and moved

In although what I never tried although what I never tried with the structure block is to see if you can go over Max height with the structure block yeah I don’t think I don’t know if you can but maybe I don’t know I’ve never tried it but I think think it was just

Because like it was before 17 or whatever oh I found like how you can uh how you can go like under the map now because like it’s like an old world or whatever but like I remember I was structure blocking like an ocean and then like it went like under the map and

I thought like the structure block like broke it all but I think it was just like cuz it was like before 1.17 mhm like the world was made yeah uh can you even make super flat worlds anymore cuz I like I don’t think you can

But I don’t think or is it like a preset no it’s not like a you can make flat worlds but they don’t it’s not like they don’t start at 4 they start at like – 68 or something oh mine starts at 4 yeah cuz this was before

1.17 yeah so does that make this even rare to be honest I wish I wish there was a setting where you could still have it on the like original thing cuz like I wish like I could build like under the map for like basements and stuff you know you can

Right yeah I mean I know for this but like newer worlds cuz like I have cities that like are after 1.7 oh and you can’t build underneath cuz it’s like already at the bottom yeah cuz it’s already at the bottom like I want I would want to

Do like a subway system or something but I I can’t that’s one thing I have planned for like after like probably I think after like episode like maybe 100 I’ll probably add like a subway system although I could I could do it in my uh should we build the layout first before

We add the roof to this uh yeah maybe all right I’m going to go down here grab the uh block for this I don’t even remember how to do this uh two three four five six seven eight so eight hallway oh wait we got to put the

Ice oh yeah make the ice I’m going to uh start doing the uh ground here one two three four five six seven eight hello what’s up man I want to keep like the hallway thing mhm but uh like the offices and rooms and stuff have to be changed all

Right so I just laid out the hallway and then the elevators have to be there so yeah what up oh what can I build uh what do you want to build I’m going to go now nugget have a good rest of your stream thank you so much George I than I’ll see

You not tomorrow because tomorrow’s Christmas Eve and some people celebrate Christmas eve uh I’ll see you after Christmas the day after Christmas so the 26th I will see you hey uh have you played Lethal company why is everybody saying like why is everybody playing lethal company I don’t know what game that is

It has to be one fun game dude if everybody’s like asking about it I’ve never played it so I don’t know I’ll I’ll probably be able to make uh the 26th if you’re streaming the 26th yeah the 26 the 20 the 27th I’m going on vacation for like 3 days okay nice

Man yeah dude that’s good thanks for letting me know that yeah like yesterday you were streaming I was like I to eat and then I came back at like 9: mhm but I I was trying to make it but I couldn’t yeah I get what you’re saying that’s all good dude

Sometimes things happen and things come up M jokes you can get out of it it’s so fun with friends nugget let me know if you need any ideas for the subway system I got you Freddy uh bad at them okay just help with this feel like I’ve never I haven’t I’ve

Never built like a subway system and I’ve never built like an airport so if you’re going to do both of those at some point have an airport like try and help do you know we have to like now now we have to uh now we have to oh dude you don’t have

To make it taller just to make it taller well we’re going to yeah we’re going to keep going up but the thing is that like I know what it actually looks like Chicago like I feel like that’s too tall like the top of it that he’s doing

I think he’s just too tall I don’t think it’s like like that yeah I like the original height of it yeah you might want to like lower it down just a little bit unless you’re watching the tutorial for it then if that’s what the tutorial says then keep it I’m sure it’ll

Probably raise everything up though that’s we’ll see we’ll see uh by the way cor you you going to uh any college or you have a job at the moment I don’t have a job this is my job at the moment and I’m definitely not going to college uh uh I might actually maybe

College I think this might be the second once I get like a g and stuff like that I don’t think I could go to college I don’t think they like it would have to be like a community college wouldn’t be like anything like fancy like a like top of the line sort of

College all uh there we go all right so that’s the Hallways the elevator is the elevator here uh what are you into uh streaming this is video editing sometimes and streaming this is uh my talent do you want one on this side as well what um I think that was stairs if I remember oh no no it was at elevator okay

Yeah okay wait I I think the water’s here I don’t even remember how to do this so that means if the water was there so this will be so that’s one elevator next elevator there’s two right here uh can I make like a second tallest I know Ru about the tallest building um

Honestly I say keep it at this height dude like that’s still pretty tall that’s taller than the Nugget Tower already like at the spawn so like honestly dude I just keep at this height that’s you asking uh but yeah guys don’t make your buildings taller than they

Have to be like dude I make so many buildings that like aren’t the tallest building cuz you know it would just ruin the way they look in my opinion uh yeah that’s why I don’t go too you don’t have to do it guys also make sure to leave a like on the stream

If you guys haven’t already let’s try to get to 40 man we could definitely do that we had over like 40 people in this chat today we could definitely do it man yeah I never I never go too tall the tallest building I’ve probably ever built is honestly probably the the

Uh um the the Twin Towers to be honest like I don’t build it’s rexa what’s up rexa hope you’re having a good day man are you uh doing b game tonight are you are taking a break after you beat that guy to the uh whatever thing that you were

Doing by the way uh if you guys like Roblox you guys can always check out rexa man rexa is a pretty W YouTuber also you gave me a shout out the other day so trying to return the favor with like one third of the viewers right now we are still building

The uh building for uh poppy uh it’s almost done right you would say it’s almost done right yeah once we finish this then yeah it is almost done okay I won’t go crazy on the height yeah dudee you don’t have to go crazy on the height man it just ruins it at that

Point you don’t have to go insane uh you inspired me to make a city of my own thank you so much man I appreciate that what’s up man sure I mean the only thing that I would see maybe beating this building that we’re building now is if we built

Like billionaires row yeah that’s pretty tall 5K because billionaires row is like there’s like three buildings that are like 1,000 feet tall uh more more than 1,000 feet true that’s the only game he plays he plays other roox definitely be sure the future he’ll do other Roblox games than Beast

One uh where can a pet shop go Pet Shop yeah I’m trying to give this guy a building for a pet shop here he he needs like a p land for if there’s any I don’t know if there’s like districts or anything but if there

Is like a place where there’s a lot of shops I guess legs are uh are D I’m trying my best to make them look like mine uh yeah I’ll check them out here in a bit I’m trying to uh get this finish uh this building done for uh

Poppy uh so that way you know you can get it done uh honestly I’m going to give you the plot of land right here right here it works actually do way better there you go this going to be your plot land I know we’re really far away from

Where we started but this road takes us right to it so I’m going to just follow this road I did like three different curves to get to this spot that I wanted to get to uh nugget can I see your skin for a bit uh yes yes you can I’ll give you

I’ll let you away hang on I see this bitty Park oh my God I remember that joke bitty Park not working oh Sho uh every other Roblox game L really there’s some pretty good ones in my opinion I play a couple uh okay I’m back why is what but not

Working uh the Water elevators it’s it’s just missing like honestly we don’t where one of the concrete thing is oh like it’s not working like uh the the Terracotta no it’s just because there’s no full blocks right here after it should work some of these actually are

Working I don’t know why like some of them are and some of are not yeah I got you uh nugget can I make a small Park here give me a second guys I don’t know I literally am chugging a monster and somehow I’m still yawning all right dude you know what

Sounds good like a good pizza right now really not trying to go down this whole elevator let me go to G he wants to make a small Park let’s see here uh this is going to be uh for buildings for buildings yeah it would just look better

Right here because I know uh beta waffle wants to build uh build right here that’s why this is all flat so he can attach a building to it and make it different uh so yeah a small part can’t go there I mean as long as you leave room

For that cuz like yeah that I was definitely going to build a building next to it yeah we’ll uh well let’s have you build your building later on and then I’ll see if I can give him a area for a park cuz I feel like that’s one

Thing that we do kind of Miss around here we don’t have many parks I know that cities have yeah it’s very like it’s very just buildings it’s built yeah exactly um so yeah I definitely want to like try to uh do something different T be to me please all right I

He’s going to be in the nether isn’t he maybe not oh no he’s not hello oh wow there you go nice man looks actually really good I see what he’s do he he wants his legs there that’s pretty cool uh I’m going to head out now uh how uh how I can get

More of the lion further out of the town and maybe make second station probably going to call it uh Lincoln Road hope everyone well all right thank you so much crafty much love all right uh I’ll check I’ll see you see you on the

26 oh I got to make two shorts man oh that’s going to be fun I don’t even know what well the first one’s going to be the TNT blowing up I know that one and then I kind of want to promote nugget City more on shorts uh but I don’t know

How to do it exactly cuz I feel like a lot of my shorts recently been about good city but considering the fact that that’s what I stream I feel like I should definitely be like capitalizing more off of this and stuff by making shorts about it more

Um I definitely want to do a uh City Tour after my video that I’m editing now is done I think I’m going to go for like more easier uh ones like howtos and also like um like my city tour so maybe guys is uh bill is going to be in the uh City

Tour look at my statue please will do coming over think I’m flying right towards the I mean the house would obviously be on building but like what would oh dude this is looking good so far man all right this elevator is working this one’s working I don’t know why

Those weren’t working right now they’re working oh and then I got this staircase which is oh I just noticed the staircase is like definitely broken yeah look good man looking good I thought you needed my skin for a little bit but it’s basically you can take a screenshot take

Screenshot I just noticed I have to do the whole staircase of this building I don’t good there you go yeah looks good man there three staircases too uh take some cinematic photos of nugget City and I’ll do small uh promotion on my won’t be tons but it’ll be about 150

Each post I’ll take it uh take some cinematic photos okay I will I’ll put should I turn on RTX for it or just keep it normal uh Freddy for uh your thing I think these oh yeah I think the staircases dude it takes so long to fly

Up there I’m going to start teleporting to you yeah I just noticed I to do this whole staircase it’s going to take forever yeah which one oh right here okay how about I start it yeah that one and then you just you just work on what you have to work on all

Right yeah I’m just going to do the floors there’s three staircases but only one goes up to like the top okay yeah I’m going to start on this so we can get it fully intered a staircase in it oh everybody just got booted you guys should be able to join

Back in It’s just sometimes that happens I’m waiting for everybody to be in the chat like why did I get kicked like every time I got kicked yeah I I got kicked I was waiting for it yeah it’s just a glitch guys sometimes it happens when I

Get a lot of people in the world I think it’s a server trying to like connect everybody and it just kind of like bugs out uh oh dude the stairs aren’t that bad I mean you just have to break each floor yeah the flooring for oh okay so I did I

Did them good at least yeah you did pretty good all right I just have to add like this thing around it never mind I thought I thought I did the staircases like one like usually I do the staircases where one goes one way and then one goes the other way but I

Did it so they just go up to each floor like the same way so all you got to do is break the floor oh I see so all I got to do is just add this oh d that’s good yeah that’s that’s good yeah I just have to do it like

This yeah there you go so I’ll just do that for each one add the floor add this oh this is not it oh I have to like read add this St right here so like stairs have to go up this way now for because this is like the empty

Floor there’s like nothing to it yeah all right so that means this oh it’s happening a lot what I just joined Damon you can’t join man don’t you know it keeps kicking everybody at some point it’s going to stop though yeah it stopped for a while and

Then everybody got kicked again as soon as I joined yeah man you gota you got to leave man don’t worry you just got to lurk like br I mean I wouldn’t call that nuget he thinks my school is ugly who thinks your school is ugly he’s got to make the world look

Good up to 10 photos uh okay up to 10 photos uh free of charge and also no pictures of his school oh oh all right that’s no pictures of his school that’s mean man all right uh so I just add the staircase like this then up to the next

Floor uh yeah I guess just like the how it was originally like the same way uh I can’t really the same way all right that’s fine so is this good right here like how this looks yeah as long as as long as um I just usually do this yeah makes it look

But as long as um as long as we have a staircase that like does doesn’t like we don’t have to redo it all cuz this will be the probably the tallest part of the the thing that will’ll copy up yeah sure well I’m just making it like this you there we

Go all right I got the hallway done now it’s time for the offices and stuff yeah honestly the stairs aren’t that bad man it just has a piece I thought it would be worse I just got to uncover all the wood uh more buildings eh uh yeah uh

This is for the person that donated uh $350 uh it’s a full interior build uh Roman uh I can go down to the bottom floor and show you it’s it we’re still working on that one uh fully interiored office building uh then we switch elev elevators I think

It’s no that goes up then it’s across here that goes down more yeah so it’s a fully interiored uh building for poppy it’s based off of the Trump Tower uh in Chicago uh it’s really big um really big Roman’s like making buildings eh s making buildings yeah it’s kind of like I’m streaming

Nuggets any man um but yeah fully interiored uh I’m going to texture up that stuff but you going to get an elevator in there that is the elevator the water elevator dude yeah we have a like five elevators yeah we have five elevators we also have a staircase for fire emergencies holy cow

Yeah yeah dude it is gorgeous man this is I I peaked an interior work in here dude I I peaked in this building uh so yeah so we have water elevators that one goes down this one goes up as you can see so I’m not even pressing anything I just go up each

Floor uh and then if I want to get out I just kind of like squeeze out there we go you have like different offices you can even look out the windows and stuff is there a functions lift though what’s that wow this is crazy yeah dude yeah man each floor is

Interiored looks good we can even go higher uh just uh up into a certain point this is the floor that we’re working on right now at the very top uh yeah dude it’s really cool I feel like I’m showing my dad like back in like 2015 when I building yeah Dad

So um so yeah that’s what we’re doing right now we had uh we had how many Griefers what like just one but a really bad one yeah we had one Griefer today um which wasn’t very fun no it’s all we had two no we had one

And I I suspected that it was a different person as well um that place banners down that had like the N word on it but I can’t prove it so I can’t really do anything oh rexa joined rexa never joins what’s up rexa um yeah so that’s kind of what

We’re up to right now uh building the interior for that building um dude you know what it’s like really like tall all right I’ll see you swep have a good night uh can I build a hotel uh you should be able to aren’t you building a thing right now though

Already I thought you were already building something oh no yeah oh this is nice where should uh we’re going to have bathrooms right so I don’t know where bathrooms should go yeah let me uh see here where I could give this person hotel room it’s getting pretty small like the floor oh they

Could just go down a floor if they want to use the bathroom in real life they just go down the floor they want to use the bathroom all right you have to add a bathroom to it uh also I got to copy and paste Damian yeah but this is going to

Copy up and going to be like we got to go down like 10 floors to use the bathroom really I mean you can add one if you can fit one yeah I’ll try I think I will I’m I don’t know how the bathroom was though I

Might just have to like you’re not done yet you said Damian no okay I’m like halfways okay that’s good you’re good man still live for another hour 30 this is very even overtime if I want to get stuff done because I’m not gonna be live for like tomorrow or the next day so

I’ll probably extend the length of the stream make it longer you know what I mean I have no clue how Freddy thank you for the Discord link Daman by the way in the chat uh we definitely need to start pumping that out more a lot of people are

Joining uh pump pump pump you know uh oh no I’ll be able to F this at least one bathroom I’m really surprised on how this looks like it it’s weird uh also yeah uh we’re redoing the world map area by the way is there still going to be a

Thing for Nugget city1 In Here Eddie is Eddie even in here did Eddie dip no he left a while ago wait why did Eddie leave oh Freddy’s still here did he say like bye uh I was I was talking about the bathrooms and stuff I’m going to go

Now I have to wake up early tomorrow okay uh so it’s just Tyler at the moment working on this uh I didn’t even notice that he left um all right uh so yeah basically we’re redoing the world map right here I thought um oh no Eddie left not Freddy Eddie Eddie

Freddy they the same person Yeah Eddie Freddy that’s why like I love that Freddy’s a mod now because it’s like who’s better Freddy or Eddie who win you just uh let me check out this somebody griefed the statue over here as well that build as well yeah so he’s building another one

Oh that’s actually really cool I like how like I’m looking right know looks really nice I meant new floor what this is the new floor should I just make that whole thing a bathroom though I don’t have like any you know what I’m just going to split

This and make a meum like that let’s just like go in here oh this this is a cool design are those stairs hold on I need to break one of these signes oops no that’s not stairs okay needs cap and sword yeah it’s looking good man it’s looking

Good a nugget statues coming back from the dead yeah I mean I told him I was like dude don’t let him win you know don’t give him that win where you just and it’s even better than the first one so far you know I’ll definitely add deny

Blocks it is so it won’t get destroyed yeah dude it looks really good I like it yeah dude the buildings over here are crazy man this is uh definitely uh it’s kind of nice that we’re starting on this by the way because like after we fill up

That other corner of the map we’re going to come like straight over here and it’ be kind of nice to have everything kind of already you know yeah made up at least so we don’t have to do too much over here yeah as long as I separate

People you know to like do certain things so we’re not all working on one area that’s how that area over there got done so fast in like three streams we had like so many buildings yeah because everybody was just going over there yeah to build um but

Yeah that’s basically uh mine is uh I’m going to go over I’m going to try to do some more interior work at the 3K building I’m kind of everywhere I have like three different projects so I like to rotate between things yeah I don’t really have a certain I mean right right

Now I’m just doing like the offices and Freddy’s doing the bathroom and then we’re going to copy it up oh dude the Rogue got destroyed over here somebody like ran through the roads destroy them all right there’s a meeting room so I I managed to fit everything pretty

Much like that was on the other floors nice dude I mean there’s only one bathroom this time instead of two and there was always one meeting room but good stuff man so we definitely like got everything I might just make new pill uh no I won’t make new pillars I’ll figure

Out where the old pillars were mhm because it will look better overall oh maybe not cuz all these pillars go to the outside you guys are enjoying the stream make sure to leave a like uh let’s try to get to 40 likes I think we’re what are we at right now 39 dude

We’re so close to 40 we’re so close come on one like why does it say 14 for it says 38 for me refresh just close out the stream and come back okay there we go now we’re good yeah I was going to say there’s no way there’s 14 has 38 for

Me yeah dude we’re almost at uh 4.6k or 7K I mean and then and uh what 300 more subs and then we’re at 5K 5,000 one two three four five six 78 I’m thinking for like episode 100 I buy like a nice suit you know come on to stream with this nice suit

On what should we build for episode 100 oh man I’m not even sure I haven’t finished the build for episode 50 I just have to like do that off stream uh build something crazy I think we just honest I don’t know what we’re going to do I I’m sure once we get there

It probably be like the start of an airport or something I’d imagine at episod 100 how much we’re doing right now as long as this keeps up on how fast we’re going with this uh I think by then we’ll have room for like an airport you actually start building

Things for it I want like I want like a Easter egg of like terminal cuz I remember as a kid uh when I was on my PS3 I tried to build terminal and in my like what how old was I probably nine or something uh in that kid’s brain I

Probably thought it was like the best thing ever like the best build yeah like Peak to ever be like constructed bu ever yeah uh and now if I think about some of the things dude I mean back then all you really had were item frames and like a

Certain have blocks like I don’t think you had like quartz yet yeah you you didn’t have smooth quartz but you probably actually no maybe not yeah I probably cuz the nether came in in like Xbox edition later on I think yeah so I’m not sure if I even had

Quartz yet into the game uh so yeah I would like to see um D imagine getting all your Old Worlds back dud that’ be crazy okay there’s the offices in that room uh Roman are we editing tonight together two three four three four five six seven eight n 10 there we

Go oh these don’t fit okay I’ll just move this uh do you have a gold or silver play button I don’t have it neither listen all I want to do hit 100K get a silver play button have that up right there where that little pitch of

Wh is uh pitch of white yeah I put I put a poster there and then like the paint ripped off the the the the the tape ripped off the paint so just just little like white Speck on my wall like pink G so I have to cover it up at some point with

Something um so yeah two three four five six seven eight nine 10 there we go see yeah I basically have two days off tomorrow and next day which is nice uh but technically not because I still have to edit like two shorts plus I’ll be editing my video uh

Because I need that out of the way I say that with every video that I start editing like I need it out of the way I mean I got to say though for like the past how many uploads like those are some pretty like harder videos to edit stuff put together especially with

Somebody that has to stream and like do other things as well taking those days off so busy MH oh no I wish I had a gold or silver play button got to go now see you all right see you man I will see you in the next stream which

Will be in two days but I’ll be uploading shorts between that six seven have you watch uh Invincible no I have not I have never watched that oh this is nice dude his little pet shop dude with the little cats the cow oh dude you should make like a little pig

Here dude this is really cute bro I love this it’s so cute man so cute such a cutie Cutie bti oh this looks good A uh Willis Willis or whatever Sears Tower whatever had two different names so yeah yeah I’ll get the uh t 10 images for you

Uh uh for the uh post Freddy Cy uh can you TP to me I’m done with my legs okay me teleport over to you Parker oh nice dude nice man let me see your legs all right nice dude looks good man I don’t know what this pink building

Is here but oh it’s a maze that pretty sick yeah we’re getting pretty close to the pork chop uh Park I mean we still have probably like around like 20 episodes until we actually hit it actually probably not probably hit it before that um there a lot of smaller buildings out

Here this apple bees is starting to look good though I don’t know who built it or who started it looking pretty nice uh is this supposed to be all like sidewalk oh it’s supposed to be this guess I’ll have fill this in thr this up around me Apple

Beast a nugget what are the chances I can build the rest of the cliffs off stream because it’s so massive um you can build them like uh well uh I’m probably going to be live a little bit longer today considering the fact that it’s a weekend people could stay up plus

Uh I’m not going to be live for two more days after this I’ll probably be live for even longer tonight if I fill up to it uh when the time comes I’ll probably be live for like also we did hit 40 likes I’m pretty sure right so I’ll

Probably add another hour yes yeah we did also 39 but I’m sure it’s yeah people four five six seven uh yeah you could build them like you don’t have to build them like right now you could build like your school up or whatever Freddy so that way you

Know all right I’m working on the last office and then me can copy this up nice dude and then we should be done bro this apple bees dude goes hard uh nug when ending roughly uh probably normally it’d be like an hour from now uh but I think I’m going to oh this

Do that I’m talking about this it’s too low I make it up there there you go I make it like that um yeah probably like in two hours uh I need to build house but I got to go AFK for like 20 minutes yeah I’ll probably be live for like another two hours

Probably add an hour to it uh I can’t work on the school till the cliffs are done L uh do you want help with the cliffs I could probably help you out a little bit give you some help man I’ve been helping out like a lot of people

But you don’t really ask for it so I’m not sure I also have to finish this building and that building right there there’s a lot of buildings I’ve started and like haven’t finished there’s probably like what one two two three four four buildings at the moment that aren’t finished five that one over

There I have five that aren’t finished uh that I really need to finish okay great yeah dude you’re good it’ll take hours so won’t be good for the stream let me see now get the statue is done okay let me come check it out okay looking good

Man looks nice why can’t I get a good painting right now oh the cape why is this uneven that looks actually really good okay that’s good yeah please don’t spam man yeah it looks pretty nice man I actually like that a lot yeah please don’t spam bro that’s pretty annoying I don’t know

Why that’s happening I got to redo all the buttons now you do I’m doing I I put the buttons down for the mouses but I didn’t put like the monitor things so now I got to you got to go back I thought I thought the buttons would be like considered as a

Full block but I guess not I see read it I already read it man earlier I get what you’re saying man GTA6 going have a kid friendly mode I see all right man well this looks nice it I like the light that you have going

For it got add the End Rod but other than that do that looks pretty good yeah these are tall man these things things go tall man these things are probably like in the actual thing dude if you have an image up on it dude it goes tall these

Things but the only problem with those is the fact that like um also they’re I think they’re a lot more spread out if I remember they’re more like this far apart we need to do this here they’re way more like spread apart man uh we should probably use like a

Gray block instead as well so you can see it from down low cuz these disappear after a little bit Yeah so if we move these over if we were like break these up they’re further apart they’re not like that close together like That yeah they’re pretty spread apart man uh so I would say like oh I see why you did that though because this doesn’t have a middle to this I wonder if we can make one up here all right so right here this would be one here then like one right here that’s

Normally how it would be in real life um okay uh let’s do something else though besides it I said something that’s not going to disappear like over there how I can still see those those lines let’s do um let’s do something that doesn’t disappear from far

Away uh are you talking about for like the yeah he didn’t he didn’t make a middle so like the fact that these aren’t like really like even like this yeah they’re pretty spread apart oh yeah those those work okay yeah those work cuz then you can see them from down low as

Well yeah yeah I don’t know why iron bars do that it’s kind of annoying yeah that’s why that looks like it has oh can’t see it from over here keep forgetting we’re not that close to it um so yeah that’s that’s about the height for it have the pictures that way

So like down here this you can still see it it doesn’t disappear or anything like that that’s probably the best I could do for you uh net can I find my area well I can’t find my area have you checked out the channel uh it’s pretty cool activity Thing no I haven’t and maybe let’s not promote other channels um um all right I think that’s what I’m missing man oh I need lights okay yeah and then I’m done we do something like that maybe like at the front of it just like the OG yeah it needs it it

Needs to be more in like the middle though to have it like or you have like hanging off the side a little bit that’s kind of cool uh I’ll teleport you uh Freddy all right I’ll teleport FR there you go man yeah this looks pretty good

Wait I see what you mean why am I doing this this it I just noticed I can structure block it I what am I doing right now activity thing Discord I just I didn’t know I had a thing called activity thing on the Discord activity thing Channel activity chat messages and last

Year yeah oh you can go to like channel activ oh so you can see like all past messages from like people’s uh streams and stuff that’s actually uh pretty cool I definitely want to add lights in here yeah where’s the N Rods I found them that’s like three so let’s do like

Here there you go um yeah that’s actually really cool so if I want to go to like pass like messages from like rexa on this channel go I can go to like message activity that’s pretty cool uh now I have completed the statue looks good man I like that wait got to

Go bye all right I’ll see you man uh do that oh that’s the start of your hotel that’s very nice I’m going to go over to the um animal place over let me see how that’s turning out check that out but uh I don’t know

If someone is good at uh tenno stuff but I think someone would be better at decorating making the tenno look look better yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll uh I’ll try to uh fix some things up man for you I’ll try to do some things like that for you

Man yeah this is really cool like the you know I C yes or no uh what I’m gonna leave Eddie’s side because I to do it yeah you’re good you’re good Tyler really nice little corner spot right here all right look at my Cafe all right I’m going to

Go check it out it’s pretty good yeah dude your Cafe looks nice dude the inside looks really good as well man man I like that I think he needs a little bit more tables but other than that dude it looks pretty good yeah it even has music in here

Dude dude this is nice man I like this dude this is w w build W build oh you have a little drive-thru as well yo that’s sick man that’s sick dude you need a brewing stand now somewhere but other than that dude that’s sick man I really like this sign

Dude I like this a lot actually this looks really nice what is it called gab’s KF nice dude oh nice little parking lot too yeah dude that’s really nice that’s really nice man oh I just messed that up I’ll just air that you go man looking good looking good

Yeah I’m just going to air this uh I did the that’s too many blocks yeah I know you helped them out a little bit but it’s okay it’s good looks really nice yeah you don’t have to do EDD side at all you’re good man that’s still too many block I

See now it’s not working what the Helly what the heck language language this thing’s not working why is it not working I don’t know the slash fill is not working I’m trying to slash fill air and it’s just being annoying I’m waiting for this thing to like

Work about to about what you’re about what you’re about what you’re about to what it’s not working maybe you just need that nugget like touch to it you know you might have to do this I don’t know why it’s not working are you too tall it’s just saying like

Cannot like oh you probably have Place probably have the command wrong no I’m doing SL fill air cuz I accidentally like messed up this one floor but like it’s it’s saying like cannot like do things out of the out of the world or whatever mhm like whatever

That uh like is oh that yeah that’s just a problem man that like happens U make sure you’re like not you’re not like you know you’re at the right spot for it have to do it so I don’t remember what you said will you be able to

Arrange a time for me to finish the cliff off stream or something uh yeah I can probably uh set that up yeah I could probably set that up boom Oh this is going to lag the whole server right now because I got to do this like one by

One because this thing is not working I gotta res this Qui all right make taller the water elevators are not airing oh wow hey you you got a mess going on right now yeah I messed I messed up one of the floors oh yeah you got a and it’s just not working stuff

Question is is it one aenna like taller than the other in real life isn’t that like a thing I could have sworn right are they both like the same I thought one was like smaller than the other no they’re the same I think same okay and they’re pretty tall right

Yeah they are yeah I thought so pretty tall just like the uh like the uh the World Trade Centers ex yeah we don’t really Max height like yeah but that thing is like probably 100 blocks like in Minecraft yeah well actually yeah it would be CU I think it’s like 300 ft and

Like the block is a meter or whatever it is you just be knowing that that’s just from trying to build New York see yeah so those got to be pretty tall up kind of like that that’s like the right size for something like that okay there we go now it’s working although I

Have I have the water elevators everywhere oh my goodness dude yeah that’s not uh working out how we thought it would uh can I start the layout for a mall we already have a mall dude we don’t we do not need to start another mall at the current moment in

Time maybe as we expand out we’ll have another one we have one we used to have a different one but it got destroyed uh that’s why we made the Eddie Mall CU Eddie mall was one of the first malls made then we destroyed it to recreate it but yeah do we already have

Them all do windows look a bit weird since the building is not that wide what do you mean oh no I’m not trying to air everything right now hold on wait yeah you’re choking man things are happening yeah it is very oh there we go all right oh this is it’s getting messy

Man it is getting messy yeah it is we got some Freddy you got to send this to likey once we get it done cuz this is this is if she doesn’t like it I’m going be like what do you me that’s the first thing you’re going

To have to blow up then in in the short actually I would love to see this thing get like blown by TNT like the inside of it would be so weird to see like get destroyed destroyed yeah I’ll probably play you know all right I think this can go a

Little taller yeah this is definitely going to go taller now that this is like fixed okay yeah let’s do it all right so instead of that I think it’s 36 I don’t want to mess it up though again yeah I’m actually going to yes it’s

36 so 36 and then plus six see I did plus four so it’ be 42 and then it would be 48 and then it would be all right we’re getting pretty close to the top here Max wait let me see actually no we’re not we’re we have a lot more actually a lot

More room yeah I’m not trying to go too high I mean actually like I mean honestly cuz then like other buildings can go pretty tall around here you know so it it kind of like makes the uh I would maybe go like two more maybe I might go two

More six I’m not trying to make this like the second tallest building but like I it’s not going to look good all right we got to remember it’s A3 50 uh $350 building so we have to make it I think that’s good dude it looks crazy from down here

Dude I know it goes toer in real life but it doesn’t matter uh you can make taller if you have to $350 man I want to make it as as possible possible yeah but then it might go to Max height I don’t I’m not trying to

Make it go to Max height do they have a tenno on this at all do you know yeah they do okay so we’re going to need to save some room for it by the way this side is not copy paste this up by the way over here yeah I know there’s like a

Little area uh both nuget and Tyler came over to my cliff and had one look and dipped yeah so we to show the PO prob another 15 we we have to build another one like we just start crying we’re going to have to build the same exact

Thing no no like a different one probably well that’s for anybody if anybody donates that much D you have to build something for them you can’t just not do something for them the poppy uh Empire over here so if I donate $1 will replace one block yeah a dollar a block

A dollar a block well this would be a pretty TN poy Hefty amount if so yeah if this if this was one block for every dollar dude would be this would be at least like a what 3,000 maybe even more more than that definitely like a $20,000 building

More there a lot of blocks here okay I just copied this all wrong that’s nice oh dude that looks great man keep it up it’s okay cuz I copied it wrong anyway like I missed one of the blocks so I could you meant you meant to you

Meant to you meant to yeah yeah that was on purpose that was definitely on purpose yeah I’m excited for poppy to see it oh by the way we have to add one Flamingo into the lobby for uh I found out that she really likes flamingos so we’ll probably add one Flamingo somewhere

Okay all right random Flamingo yeah just one random Flamingo somewhere I’ll probably add one in the lobby is it just me is it like brighter in here like something happened the brightness kicked on in this building uh maybe I don’t know I mean it’s a it’s a rich building

It’s probably the richest building here definitely dude definitely if you look at nugget City’s economy this is in that one building no cuz I’m still dark yeah so it’s just a glitch like it like I’m still dark in some areas yeah it’s just a glitch oh yeah that’s like a

Like lighting glitch like light like Phantom light or something I think it’s called Phantom light Phantom T yeah it’s like it’s basically just like light that’s like not there but it’s just there yeah I uh in both Fe and yeah dude ft and nugget City dude we’re both going to have

Flamigos now both our city Dimension dude it’s really tall though it’s huge yeah I’m I’m definitely stopping here I mean I got to do the antenna and stuff but I’m stopping for floors MH now all we have to do is just build the top of it right yeah now uh is it

Another Brown layer is it like another like brown layer of three high or I’m probably going to do all right I may add a brown layer at the top start it up yeah I’m just going to uh where can I build uh build skyscraper oh you’re not even done with your school

Yet you should probably finish your school before anything oh wait is it done is your school done I don’t think it is right oh it might actually be done almost it’s really close to being done the school dude dude your school looks sick man actually d i I don’t know if Freddy can

Beat it honestly I mean we’ll see but dude competition the competition for the better school is insane dude cuz this school is crazy good looking like this the colors how bright it is and stuff it’s such like it’s a masterpiece man it is a masterpiece so we’ll see if Freddy could beat

It but it’s going to be a hard competition uh once you get done with that uh you can build a skyscraper over here uh next to crazy oh I got to should I make these sidewalks like the new ones over here start the new sidewalk area over here or

Just keep it like this I’ll probably just keep it like this until Freddy to do something yeah that’s wild that you just said I can’t do that yeah did I don’t know man it’s really good I’m starting the uh the layer of stuff I’m so offended by

That I mean it’s a really good school man I mean the interior is pretty much almost done dude I mean it has some rooms on the top floor that needs to be finished but like other than that dude the lockers everything man it’s really cool and for no op as

Well like that’s a lot of work man it’s a good uh chunk wait how does uh blue glass look with your RTX like does it look bad uh I think it looks really good I’ll have to check it out I could check it out like I

I cuz I think I might have a extra I I have a different one than you I think and the blue glass just looks terrible yeah I think you have a different one then I might have to steal your RTX thing yeah you can steal it okay

Uh which which one do you have what’s it called cuz I can just tell you I think it’s like Kelly’s RTX or something yeah I have a different one I I I forgot my friend gave it to me I kind of just like downloaded it Kelly

RTX I was like free RTX yeah free RTX it’s actually a virus I was trying to delete the virus little does everybody know that was actually me wasn’t though yeah it was I tried deleting the virus and Som things happen so how did your pants fall down uh I I stood

Up PS just they weren’t tight enough they weren’t my right size can I make a skyscraper fortnite player uh what’s your username also yes you can uh I’ll give you an area over here to build one this will definitely be like the center of this area oh yeah I feel like every

Every side has a center of it mhm of like the areas yeah like the Nugget Tower is the center of like the main like the start of it uh then you have the Chrysler Building uh but technically like there’s going to be other buildings behind it so

We’re more like on kind of like the corner right now yeah kind of like bigger yeah it’s going a lot of buildings going to be around here dude but it’s definitely like a good yeah start to wherever this area will become uh yeah I can give you a plot of

Land to build a skyscraper uh just G to give me a sec here trying to get this right Hold yeah I can give you a plot L for a skyscraper don’t you wor man yeah right now I think we peaked at like 27 viewers uh for this stream so far get a nice stretching what how many likes are we at right now guys we’re at

41 likes which is always nice dude it was so crazy yesterday we lost like what like 15 likes dude right youtuv tell me if it looks good I just finished the front body got you all right let me go to Parker hello let me see your

Arms I think the arms need to be changed around a little bit out of that but other than that dude it looks pretty good yeah looks pretty good I think the only thing that needs to be changed is the arms just change them around add like different colors to

It you know you can make it like 3D as well like you can add like things like kind of overhanging stuff like you can like make it kind of go out and stuff like that uh read my last message this is what you push you know what I’m so offended I’m

Going to make working lockers a working Bell System when activities a working period system and everything oh my goodness it’s not that serious man 40 likes yes Koo we hit 40 likes which was my goal I’m pretty sure right was that my goal 40 likes yeah so I’m really

Happy that we hit our goal welcome Koo to the stream by the way it’s nice to see you here how are uh how was your stream and stuff I don’t know if you went live today I didn’t get the notification or anything of these sorts but I imagine did there we

Go uh if I do anything through yeah I got you yeah just get like the layer done and then do 3 you don’t and you don’t believe me I don’t know how you’re going to get a working Bell System that’s the thing how you going to get a working Bell System that’s crazy

Man uh thanks hey nugget always happy to catch uh catch a live nugget yeah well it’s nice seeing you here so you know us Minecrafters have to stick together you know it’s a rough field out there uh uh took today off but Friday was good yeah uh you did honestly for

Not doing like fortnite streams your fortnite ones did really well what’s up all I don’t have a elra on right now so I can’t fly that fast oh you’re going to your all right Cafe I think I’m done for the rooms yeah what’s this oh it’s like a that’s actually really

Cool so it just keeps working that’s actually pretty cool I like that oh uh can I have a plat for a skyscraper uh yeah what’s your username fortnite player I’ll give you a plot for a skyscraper me uh fly on out uh yeah you know what triggers me the

Fact that brick slabs are called brick slab brick slab Kaden okay yeah I’ll give you a plot yeah dude our dude poppy building is huge man it looks really good though yeah I got you fortnite player let me uh give you a plot line here there you go all right See’s Tower com

Along it’s actually way faster to take to elevator than flying up without like an elytra it’s a lot of floors there we go hey I’m up all right uh I’m going to add the lines that go up through it got to go all right I’ll see you

Felix have a good night man thank you for stopping by I’ll see you on the 26 m there uh Cory I’m G to get off I’m getting burned out are you still going to call me after stream to play uh yeah I can just subscribe to you nice city

Thank you so much dream machine if you are new make sure to join the Discord as well uh the link is in the description uh if any mods are here listening if you guys could put a uh Discord Link in the chat for this nice man that would be

Awesome thank you so much for subscribing man I appreciate that I appreciate that dude yeah uh dream machine just let me know what your username is man and I can uh add you into the uh all right if you join the Discord I can also add you into

The city here I’ll make sure to put your name on a sign um here on in the 4K area right there there’s like a sign area I’ll make sure bad you to it right now we are just building a skyscraper uh for somebody that donated $350 uh the other stream

Um so yeah we’re building like a fully interiored tall skyscraper for them lot of ups and downs here just like that oh now I just got to wait for him to get back to know what the next steps are for it uh 3 $50 yeah dude it was crazy awesome I will join

Your Discord I have uh one too my user tag is POV uh yeah let me add you here dude invite add the yeah dude yeah I got you him oh my God feel free to add bum um p p V bum bro call him a bum that’s crazy

HF R there you go dude I got you added my username one of the mods could put in chat if you want to add me back you could join and start off by building this house if you want thank you man yeah no problem yeah $350 dude so yeah we

Decided to build like a pretty inspired off of the Trump uh Tower in Chicago uh I’m once we finish this I’m going to put a picture side by side the one that we were going off of it’s kind of like at this angle right here of it um oh this is

Cool nice this going to be like the lobby floor yeah open fire all you had to do dude is build the inside of it give a wool skyscraper are you just planning it out I think you’re just planning it out right now yeah then DT’s news station is going to

Kind of pretty I think DT’s news station is going to pretty much cover up the poppy uh sign unless you’re like right here like on this angle right here uh that’s the only way you’re really going to see it besides you know being at the

Right um is there any way to uh my urge to get sign before it’s too late probably not man right we got the roof and then we’re done n just DM me nah So the antenna is on this side okay wait let me do the roof first

Uh I would come in uh definitely all right dude yeah dude all you have to do is just add me back man build a house and stuff like that but other than that man it’s pretty much that this school is turning out really good by the way all

You have to do is just add like the vent and all that like the vents and stuff on top to add it like some details but other than that dude I think the school looks awesome n need you to copy and paste the floors up all right that’s it let me uh

Bro the person who Parks here has to go all the way let me go Dam all right Damian I’m here hello all right so everything’s good here this is how you want it you want to number each room or something actually no you don’t really have to what is this by the

Way why is it like this I mean I like the bed and all that this actually looks really nice uh what about a TV somewhere it’s all good you don’t really need it all right I’ll copy it up for you I’ll copy and paste it up isn’t that

Mean that this is pretty much almost done then also can we add like a little hangover here like where like you can like look down at oh yeah I feel like that would look really cool like where you can like look down at like each floor from like right

Here like we open this up a bit on like both sides here so like that would look uh really cool let see each floor I can only probably copy up half of it then half of it again on the other side no I’m not saying like you can add

Like like this like just have it like oh yeah like this or something you know so you can see like down basically do this for like each side uh that’s kind of like the idea that I had for this I feel like that would look really cool then if you had

Like little things over here hly this’s just get rid of this TV and do it for this right here all right so that way when you look up like you see all the floors and stuff it’s going to look really cool do we have like a chandelier come down from

The top down to like the floor here or something like that feel like that would be really cool so yeah if we just like get rid of the TVs on this side then you can add like the things on the other side the wall if you

Want uh let’s get rid of the flooring right here so it like just looks like white all around on God man uh I’m in the city it looks uh looks nice FR oh you’re in oh yeah he is in I’ll give you a plot of land to build a house

On there you go say it looks something like that um let’s get rid of all this yeah this kind of like the idea that I had for it like this sort of like uh allow Freddy to like help out a little bit uh let me teleport over to POV okay

This needs what’s up POV these like Windows I’m so confused what this is okay yeah I’ll give you a p l build a house on follow me okay so it’s on this side there’s like a block Gap so say from like here yeah I can give you a plow land like right

Here I don’t know what you do all build your house here BR are you seeing like Each corner like the whole thing cool yeah this is where you can build your house have like a garage and stuff with it um that’s one of the rules I require here really just

Have a garage but if you can’t fit it that’s okay as well it be like that sometimes guys we’re at 42 likes let’s push to 50 dude I feel like we can get 50 likes right I think we can do it yeah that’s kind of how that oh that actually looks

Nice okay how how much does this go oh this looks one two three four five it’s like a sandwich actually I’ll do five all right I’m working on the antenna and then we’re done basically unless you want like texturing and stuff oh yeah we’ll texture at some point I’ll definitely texture it

Uh up on each level what is my cat’s doing they should have a slash fill that you can like slash fill inside of like a certain area yeah what you mean like that would be nice yeah cuz like I don’t feel like doing the ice right now but I have

To yeah I get you that would be kind of cool uh should I just make a opening or keep the automatic doors honestly keep the automatic doors I think that’s really cool to it that’s actually really nice I actually really do like the automa do there we go

Oh I am I pause the stream again like delay 30 minutes oh my God all right oh any honeycom the signs g dog subhouse dude that’s actually really cool name g dog subh house a really cool name for it how long until stream ends uh I’m not

Sure uh right now as of like right now I think I’m going to probably try to push for like an extra hour but if not then like uh probably like 30 more minutes stream uh Bridge goes here dude this is kind of nice I like this looks actually pretty

Nice all right time for the antenna how tall is this antenna Not Too Tall oh you know what I forgot my uh my uh little brother’s coming over so I have to end it at8 actually one uh he’s supposed to be dropped off at eight so like 20 minutes

Yeah uh but I don’t know times and all that so I mean could be uh later on uh but they said he would be dropped off at eight so we’ll see it’s crazy that like he joined Roman’s hide-and seek thing and one like and he just took the Discord CL yeah

He doesn’t even have Discord he just took him that’s crazy man I was like wow wow yeah if that’s where the atenna goes like is that actually how it looks yeah that is actually weird yeah I mean if that’s how it looks I’ll uh texture this

Up um this is uneven basically let me just I’ll start texturing because I can just do slash fill with like the holes and stuff to air sort in different like blocks you know I just don’t want it to be a really basic like roof uh I’ll be right back all right

We go yeah so I could probably uh just do a slash fill Command right SL or I could just do it by hand honestly it last take a do N Rods disappear from far away oh no it doesn’t look like it uh I don’t think so cuz I put n Rods on the

Antenna yeah I don’t think they disappear from afar no I don’t think so I’m just gonna boost this up like two more blocks all right I think that might be good for an antenna I don’t know this antenna is very weird on this building it’s kind of

Like small for the we got like 15 minutes that looks weird but that’s how the building is uh how long till the stream ends like 15 minutes now yeah I can’t stay till past it uh for this one yeah 15 minutes I’ll end stream so so

Uh all right so how do I do this so I actually let me go grab the blocks that I need to fill this up in like I’m going to do this um yeah it’s kind of weird how that like looks and stuff you got to make it

Taller though dude like at the very bottom bro you can’t even see it yeah you won’t even be able to like see any of it at all until you fly up like here I mean how tall is it in real life like if it’s not that tall in real life then not too

Tall okay um yeah I mean we can make it a little taller then here it’s no good city is there two of them or just one no there’s only one it’s kind of weird yeah it is a weird sort of thing okay uh oh yeah that’s better think yeah

That’s weird hey why are those all like light gray and then this one’s like a hard dark gray oh wait is it just like the color like the shade no it’s different it’s a different block man yeah I picked the wrong block shame uh I could probably switch it with SL fill yeah

Replace no it’s the same no it’s not this is gray or down here is it different no it’s all gray no if you come up here I got the Block it’s a different block this is like a dark gray I can see yeah this is gray concrete this is cyan

Terra cotta that we were using you see the difference oh yeah Oh I thought you were talking about okay never mind thought were talking about this yeah now just replace this the the uh withan terracotta replace it up here uh I’m going to go grab the blocks that I need for the uh

Top of this uh do you have uh a news building because I think I would be really cool to make in the future something uh DT is building one right there actually it’s kind of funny um yeah so that’s what’s getting built right there uh who are these

People oh this is like oh they got like friends or something hang on guys watch out real quick these people no I’m not going to do a grief teamore terra cotta oh no that’s not what I wanted to do okay he now you can copi these floors

Now yeah give me a second I’m watching out for something that’s all right I did not mean to do that but whatever I kind of Slash wrong but we’re good I was meant to do replace air and I kind of didn’t uh mods can we watch out for

These people please these people aren’t my friends and they joined on like a split screen account so they might try to like do a grief oh I don’t know those people yeah a lot of the times it’s been my friends but yeah I don’t know them I finished the framework of the skyscraper

You want to see it yeah I’ll go check it out uh Freddy uh if you can uh watch out for them something just something just you know doesn’t sit right should I make a Spire to my skysc where’s the completely this looks so dumb you SL field it

Wrong yeah I meant to do replace air and I kind of just didn’t so now it’s just like a big cyan blob on the top of the building yeah I think these are all friends by the way uh yeah completely this looks so dumb welcome to City I got this it’s live

Streamed on oh we only have like 10 minutes right I don’t know if I’m going to be able to fix this yeah actually I might be able to finish this next episode which is 65 all I need is the casinos and I’m done oh my God they’re griefing what are they which

Usernames the already got screen oh no wa who are they hacking oh no no no wait hang on hang on wait this isn’t bad this isn’t bad I just have to make sure okay command blocks are on okay I got I got one I got one okay uh what do they try

Oh I knew they Something Told Me about them okay that’s okay I’m let me do this that’s okay I was just make sure fire sprs were off because it looked like they were on how they were breaking this up I was like wait a second or fire spr

On good thing this isn’t a hard fix to do uh I put the other one usual poem because they they’re all not my friends why did they try griefing a house like out of everything I know dude look at the skyscraper from here dude I know that like this got

Grief but that looks sick from all the way over here yeah even with the broken roof I did that like it looks so dumb I completely fed that wrong yeah it’s not good oh I make sure to add both accounts into the uh grer

Book yeah I mean it was kind of the same thing because I mean I kind of already knew like I told you guys like watch out for these guys nobody just joins on a split screen and builds like that never happened tag they literally tag team this building bro it’s

Crazy yeah well I realized I was talking to the other girl for so long I was like wait a second where’s the other two oh my goodness all right well that’s okay honestly easy fix build it’s and wood it didn’t even like destroy much it’s just like yeah put

Water and fire water and fire they really got me this time and they kind of like went inside destroyed some things but other than that really wasn’t that bad um yeah this easy fix yeah really easy fix all right I’m going to go it’s just the hello neighbor

House oh that’s what this is yeah that’s a window yeah that’s all that is and just like that it’s pretty much fixed uh this side needs a little bit uh they couldn’t uh afford a second monitor yeah they have Financial issues all right I think that’s it uh yeah that’s it all

Right well I mean I saw it coming I mean that was a pretty easy fix there they play some webs around on top of these buildings they Place some webs they got a syst they were hacking when you started saying like oh no I they wereing no they weren’t haing I

Just I saw the fire and I cuz I turned off the command blocks for the last copy of the world uh cuz I had to fix some things that I couldn’t touch for some reason cuz of command blocks I had to get rid of some animals cuz I had to

Turn on potions so I had to turn off command blocks for that so I thought they were still off that means that they had like uh access to like everything cuz there’s one thing that we have put away that they can literally use which are those like what are those

Where you add glow stone to it and it makes this huge explosion oh that’s like the respawning yeah yeah I don’t have those like enabled or like you know disabled where like they can’t blow up cuz I don’t think that’s like an actual thing for I think it’s only TNT explosions you can’t

Turn off explosions in general no I think uh you can I think it’s I think it’s a different sort of thing it’s respawn blocks explode that’s what it is I’ll turn it off now now now when you do like uh end crystals and stuff they don’t

Explode yeah oh this is a nice house nice yeah so that’s all well I’ll make sure to add them into the griefer book I think this is one of their friends as well that’s joined usual that M up yeah I think this is uh one of their friends were you friends with those

Two I mean if he’s not building so uh well they’re in uh visitor mode I make sure should have put oh oh oh I wasn’t asking that person I was asking else yeah um Brazilian they’re Brazilian I respond I’m going to just kick this person I’m pretty sure that’s their

Friend I’ll just add all three of them to the griefer book uh because I’m sure they were going to grief together and chess can you just can you tell me all their usernames please uh after I do this I was going to say in the YouTube chat

That I had to worry about a 10y old uh 10 old in YouTube chat asking to join over on my stream it’s going to say in the in the YouTube chat that I had to worry about 10 year olds uh you stream uh yeah let me know what their uh username is

Now uh Damian and how to spell it happen can you tell me what their usernames are and how to spell them just oh I TR spell I don’t know how to pronounce m i m i b e b e l o l o e e

And then 51 51 98 and then the other one is the same one but one b e l l e 5198 underscore that one there we go and then what’s the last one the one that I just kicked out the world us wait which one the one that just left basically is

It I think’s usual pal yeah that one how do you spell it spell it out us us any capital u um capital u okay that’s what I there we go anything else after the AL capital p p o e m poem wait yeah poem okay and and then 2 47 247 247 again

247 all right there we go uh yep I stream uh I Have a Dream City and I’m trying to work on my Christmas field near my metro station oh nice dude that’s awesome man I love getting people that have their own cities because it’s like you just know

They could build good in like your city and like you know forever become like really good friends or whatever you know um I can also build in your city you know it’s like a big thing dude one goal that I have is to like have like an actual like really good

Team of builders for nugget City on Bedrock so like think about nugget city as this big circle right and then like like think about lines going out of the circle and those are like different cities so it’s like um like you have like Freddy City that’s like one

Different circle like a smaller circle out to like the left of you know and like then you also have like other people’s cities so it’s like this big Community project are you saying that I can build good yeah you’re all right Freddy I mean you know I personally seem better no no

You’re good man pretty good all right I fixed my my own griefing of my own building I’m adding to the grief book do uh let me see the allign of this guy’s building yes pretty good man that’s a pretty good outline I like that for your building yeah our building is going to

Stick out like a like a like a bad bruise uh but like in a good way you know the poy building cuz think about like once we have buildings all around it kind of like the stadium like when we first built there was like nothing so like it like really like

Thanks so much yeah dude like uh uh it was just really out of place but now like it’s blending in more and more as we get builds around it all right let’s uh finish this up uh here I can add like little details later uh but

Is this basically it for this yeah I’m just uh adding like things once you finish that um can you copy up the floors I’m going to copy up your floors now all right yeah by the time you come back I’ll probably be done with this yeah

Just add some things and stuff uh don’t you have to do the same thing now for this like I have to add like this right here right so it like like makes it look all good yeah just one line out you can like fill this up like

This all the way around through here there you go all right uh you want to check out the outside just just in case you want some details to get cop Place uh placed up like any like Windows cuz it looks kind of weird cuz you have this

One little window right here by the way for this big wall you have this one little window right here if you tell come over there you see so it’s like it looks it’s going to look really weird yeah uh honestly let’s just uh get rid of

That yeah there you go we don’t even need it you can add like details to the outside later after we copy and paste it up dude it only took you how many streams far to get this far or like two I don’t know two three no it been like five it’s been

Five five five all right yeah let me uh try to copy and paste over here uh pork chop oh yeah I forgot you had op um okay let me see how I’m going to do this I never copy and paste it up something in like halfes I know that uh

Waffle did waffle you want to just copy and paste up this thing so I don’t mess it up like after you’re done thank you yeah I’m I’m finished right now yeah just teleport to me I’m at the uh front of his building so it’s just one

Floor did you have to copy and paste up uh it’s this floor right here this one this layer you have to just copy and paste up hey hang on Damian what about over here what about this area right here oh um I don’t know I don’t even

Know what that is I’m I’m probably have like nothing room yeah but you need to have something here maybe like a pool or something on each floor make a little pool make this little pool room oh I guess so well hang on does this leak into like another person’s bedroom yeah

Never mind then you don’t have to do that let’s just close this off man don’t want to overwork you you know what I mean cop I’m not trying to SP you can copy it now you’re good man you can do it now I’m getting this for just closed

Off so there’s nothing I think this other building is actually in way wait is that just going to be like air right that’s just yeah that’s going to be nothing I mean we could probably add something later on but like that’s that’s actually better off because right

Now I’m like uh there’s like the this building like this the Sandstone building and it’s kind of in the way yeah so oh here Daman you can come out this way I’m just going copy this this way yeah make sure there like yeah David this pretty much going to be your

Building pretty much inside done after you get that stuff added 64 I just got got casinos and I’m pretty much done oh yeah I got to do two structure blocks but that’s fine is this five all right every five so that’s easy there you go five five

10 oh my God I want to stand in the middle while you do it so I can see like all the floors just get like added up oh that looks actually really cool dude look up Damian come here oh my god look up look at that dude this looks like

Sick now Damian I know dude sounds like you’re gonna cry like it’s so beautiful and it didn’t take him 20 episodes to do it oh man I’m so proud there we go there we go man nice dude okay oh I like the designs that like you did out here like the little

Like thing right like it’s so Random it’s really good I mean the design Freddy did yeah but look at that dude look at how cool this looks now like you can look down I know different things dude that’s sick man let’s go on the see what the looks

Like again there’s like one part that I think is missing yeah I don’t think so I’ll just do that quick cuz there’s nothing in there or is there just there’s nothing in there right well there’s floors though I mean just add like let’s make the floor I

Guess oh yeah just so like when you look in it doesn’t look all just completely flat by the way it’s laggy over here not is it’s just like insanely laggy over here uh dam was about to steal myign yeah all right so right here Freddy does not like copyright bro he’s copyrighting

Everything he does I lagging like crazy I am lagging like crazy too over here it’s just such a laggy area oh my god oh wow this whole yeah this whole side’s like it’s fine I can just put no no no no it’s not that it’s not that he he’ll

Get it he has to copy up this you can only go so far yeah you can only go 64 blocks with a structure block because Minecraft hate on us but in Java if you have that wooden axe or whatever you know you could go anywhere with

It but um yeah uh dude it looks really good though man you did really good Damian it’s actually pretty cool casin now all you have to do is just add the little Casino things in it but the main portion of it done man yep dude the Chrysler Building how did

He get done with the Chrysler Building before you Damian how did he do that fully interiored Chrysler Building and you’re just now getting done with your yours like oh man I’m just happy it’s done to be honest I really do not care I just need all the appreciation you can get yeah

Really we just got this one bit that’s just like yeah it’s just extra laggy over here for some reason it’s probably because I load up right here the C building is also probably a big portion but there’s not really loads of just stuff yeah is there any paintings in

Here or no not really I don’t see any no there’s not okay it’s it I think it really has to do with my building that I made over here because it has campfires in it it has uh paintings it has uh item frames in it so it’s like a really big

Portion of it has to do with that wow look at the uh poppy building from like over here you can see it what’s your frame rate up to well no I’m yeah I have like Max chunks on oh dude that’s not good how’s your PC not like

Dying I have a pretty good PC I mean I could bump up but my fans are so loud cuz I’m getting quiet fans for Christmas and stuff basically it’s just cuz I got a pre-built and stuff and they came with like pretty loud fans so for Christmas I

Only got this PC for like two years ago so it’s like pretty new yeah mine is new I got mine like not even a year ago stuff oh yeah but I met like most like Damen did he he he was there for the PS5 streams you know what I

Mean yeah the real but this just runs everything like yeah like I I I think the only thing I lag is like when I’m in like a survival world with these Max chunks on cuz like this is just a flat world so it’s not actually like yeah as bad as a uh thing

But I’ll send a picture of the yeah so the uh do you want to uh can I send over images uh to you Freddy uh later on actually we’ll show her uh on the 26 poppy of the building cuz I got to do some final details over the two days off Bas oh

Well uh yeah well I have a saw Ro Chief we’ll join soon I know I have to S check my Ser now not now everything’s not going to be loaded I once I join back in I know I have two swimming pools check my sa General stor oh storm him okay

Yeah I think is okay Rex because I think I’m gonna end stream here uh pretty much soon after they get done copying that up I think I’m gonna end stream because my little brother’s coming over and stuff so I have to go hang out with him and

Stuff you know we’re pring some Call of Duty or something I don’t know um then I have to work on two shorts because tomorrow the shorts going going to be uh the one with the TNT blowing up uh then the one after that I don’t know I think

I want to make like a thing uh about nugga City like what like what’s about and all that without having any like special thing about it you know just basically straightforward what it is stuff I’ll probably pitch like a little thing uh all right I think I’m heading

Out now you’re heading out now yeah okay uh yeah okay I’ll yeah uh finish my walls of my SI SCP if you want to see I mean not tomorrow 26 26 yeah 26 tomorrow’s uh short and then the next days are short when I come back dude my daily

Uploading is crazy right now MH go hard dude I never thought I have a better upload schedule than Roman um yeah my land uh my land prob is going to get y till next time I join no I don’t think so what what area did you

Have I didn’t know that you even had a plat land uh it probably won’t be if I see something built there I’ll just leave it um wow this looks crazy all right yeah I’m yeah I mean why do I keep seeing tomorrow 26 yeah I’ll probably

See you on Roman stream later on so all right because I know that’s where you’re going tell me I’m wrong tell me I’m wrong am I right I knew it I knew it all right I’ll see you later man I’ll see you on later to be I was just expanding grass and I

Put a sign out let’s go dude nuget I’m done with my sub house I’ll come check it out I got to check out uh the walls that he did dude that looks sick man skyscraper honestly you want to kind of go off of it and add like two a

Tennis CU it looks a little weird was just one doesn’t it I mean we it does why I did you see the picture uh did you send it uh yeah I sent it it’s from like across the map but looking at it from like the floor is kind of crazy all

Right let’s uh yeah I’ll uh I’ll come check it out uh just give me a second I’m gonna um I’m gonna end stream uh give me a second uh yeah let me end stream real quick oh hang on I gotta do something real quick all right uh live stre okay hi all right Um all right uh let me go over here all right guys we’re going to be ending stream here uh I’m going to teleport everybody over everybody already knows where to go they’re already all right sltp Shi a to at s all right guys thank you guys so much for another amazing stream

As uh usual guys uh I love each and every one of you guys you guys are all amazing people thank you uh waffle boy for helping me out with the building Freddy you’re good stuff man today uh W mod work today guys we got some new Discord members POV I’m happy to have

You here dude welcome to nugget City I hope to see you a lot more dude uh you seem like a really cool person Parker get off of uh Good Stuff Parker I’m happy that you’re working on your thing nice to see you and I will catch you guys all in the

Next one goodbye guys peace

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft Nugget City ep 64! Playing with viewers – xbox/playstation/mobile/PC’, was uploaded by Nugget on 2023-12-24 03:56:56. It has garnered 352 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:51 or 14931 seconds.

In todays stream ill be Playing Nugget City with subscribers! Make sure to like and subscribe if you’re new.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: / 19132 Website: htts:// VKontakte: Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server: ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More