OMG! I Became a MILLIONAIRE in Minecraft?!

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Today we’re having Rich babies hey yo yay babes that means we’re rich parents what no we’re not parents well technically we are but check it out look at our baby y father I am here where is our Mansion oh my gosh Crystal it’s Rich baby boy OHS really bro father say is

And so are we broke boys I don’t want to be like the red boy I’m not broker hey I’m not broke oh my gosh Rich baby arms go back in the chest get in there father where is my Mansion Crystal our son is a rich kid and um he doesn’t have a

Mansion he is so upset at us bab we have to be good Rich parents yes and I know exactly how we must make an awesome mansion and ooh Crystal we can make it out of bricks o that would look so nice I know right so let’s go all the way

Around and we’re going to be the richest ever wait Crystal leave some room around the sides of the base okay all right I’ll break a few blocks yes sersi now we must connect Luke our Mansion is going to be the sauciest one ever and really Crystal you use like half the blocks oh

Oopsies oh my gosh don’t worry Crystal I’ll come in clutch because no matter what we have to go all the way out here and use the magical wand to set it all to some bricks like that baby W oh yeah yeah and oh my gosh Luke our Giant

Mansion is going to be so much ler than yours nuh my floor is made out of emerald blocks oh my gosh Luke everyone knows that that’s not how you show that you’re rich just by putting your money out there you have to keep it safe that’s why we’re making our house look

Kind of normal just a really nice big house oh I spent all my money on Emerald blocks oh dude that’s exactly what I was talking about and oh my gach really bro but check it out Crystal I’m making our house have a cool design do you see it

Are you liking it oh yeah it’s like a wave yes exactly it’s exactly like a wave so let’s make the wave go down on this side over here then make the wave go like that awesome now we need to make it go in the middle of both of them so

We can connect it over so let’s make it go up like that and we’re going to have the most grandest entrance ever is this right oh my Chris out Chris out chill let the professional do it you do know I’m hey what what’s so funny Crystal this is

Not funny this is serious it needs to be perfectly even and oh it’s looking swaggy let me put two blocks like that and yes this is exactly what I had in mind now we need to make the walls so let’s grab some quartz blocks and we’re

Going to make it all out of smooth quartz so let’s build up over here set the first position there fly all the way around and then let’s set it with some smooth quartz and oh my goodness gracious this is looking amazing now we could also grab some stairs and put them

Right over here like this and over here in the quartz crystal we need to add Windows ooh great idea I know right so we could put one right over here and guess what color glass I’m about to make it out of light blue yes sersi cuz light

Blue is my favorite and I’m using glass panes oh no this detail is looking sauce oh yeah yeah yeah now let’s go to this side and let’s make it thick as well and ch are you setting the walls over there yep now I am nice and wow I just saw

That and now we need to make the entrance right over here and I’m going to add two small Windows on this side then two small windows on that side and we need to make the door look extra fancy so let’s make it out ooh o look at the mangroove door Crystal cuz it’s

Matching the bricks and oh my gosh Luke you’re a broke boy I’m sorry I just have to say it huh how am I a broke boy because check out how lit our mansion looks and wait I’m adding more ridges so it looks extra richy doesn’t it look

Rich luk dude you actually look like a millionaire with this house what what do you mean look like a millionaire Luke I am a millionaire let’s go and oh my gosh Crystal I added more waves and it made it look so much better it kind of looks

Like a dude is wearing glasses and then indors his nose yes babes I see it oh my gosh pull up inside e no Crystal emergency meeting the inside of our Mansion is super duper cheeks yo yes babes rich kids are supposed to have the most fun I know

Right but hold up hold up I just got the coolest idea rich kids be having fun by being around all their money we’re going to make a couch literally out of Diamonds oh no I know right this is lit and wait I need to make the bottom part

Of the couch where we put our butts on like that and what what are you doing I’m making the cushion what but but then that hides the monies bab are butt needs to be soft I’ll make it like a cloud oh my really bro well at least we could

Still see the diamonds on the side this is looking swag and since our son is going to be a rich kid we need him to have the most ultimate biggest TV ever oh yeah yeah and oh my goash this is literally like a whole movie theater oh

My golly gach gach this is a bajillion inches boy now let’s fill it all up like that y ye perfect now let’s grab it and boom Kung Fu HS boom Kung Fu HS wait we need it right there then boom Kung Fu HS boom Kung Fu HS and wait Crystal we need

To make the TV a little bit bigger bigger yes sir ski so we could have 1 2 3 4 five six Kung Fu OHS and seven if you’re including the real life actor that was in the movie me well pal all up in your face yo I’m that guy pal and

You’re not Crystal you’re not that guy it wasn’t real W this was totally a real thing that happened but Crystal since our kid is a rich kid he needs to be rude to us all the time what babes what are you talking about that’s how rich kids be acting they’re always rude to

Their parents so we have to give him everything he wants so what’s something like a little kid would want maybe cake oh yes yes yes yes yes so we have to give our son all of the cake that he wants no matter what even if he’s misbehaving he gets more cake oh yeah

We’re the best parents ever don’t you think this is bad parenting oh yeah we’re not giving him enough cakes oh my goodness gracious you’re totally right crystal we should make the entire kitchen all made out of cakes yes bab great thinking this kitchen is going to

Be straight junk food boy so let’s grab a fridge and guess what I’m putting inside it how nutritious meals what oh no I’m put a straight cake in that John oh yeah yeah but wait wait we’re going to add another fridge since we are rich and I’m going to add something healthy

Oh like steak right no cookies extra chocolate chip Crystal our son is a rich kid he gets what he wants when he wants we have to just do what he says bab we’re the parents with the money exactly my boy we got to give him anything he wants what’s another really really junky

Food we could give him and oh I know stay it on three 1 2 three pumpkin pie oh no crystal is you in my head babes I know everything about you oh my gosh you’re literally not that guy Crystal you’re not that guy palb I put the sauce in the fridge but

Now we need to make the kitchen area have like normal kitchen things like a sink yes sir so we could clean the dishes after we eat straight cake cookies and Pie and then we can also use some counter oh my gosh Crystal I think we’re actually the best parents and wait

I’m going to make it out of wood so people know that we’re stacking money I’m filling up the sink o nice nice nice so we could wash all of the plates now let me finish putting up this table in the kitchen now we need to grab some

Plates so let me put one here two here 3 4 5 6 7 8 awesome and Crystal let’s put it straight with some pie boy oh yeah yeah wait wait wait wait not all of them not all of them I want some cookies too I want some cookies Crystal let me put

Some cookies here some here okay okay okay that’s a good cookie to pie ratio huh did I just hear cookies and Pie I want a treat Luke it’s not a tree in this household it’s the only thing you eat boy oh yeah this is the best place

For a young bratty kid to grow up because he gets anything he wants whenever he wants dude that’s not how you have a kid you have to raise him with discipline and respect boy what the what Crystal get Luke out of the house he’s talking a bunch of big words I

Don’t like this that’s actually a good thing what what are you talking about discipline and respect what type of rich kid has any of those qualities they’re always rude and they’re like get me my things Ma and L you’re a genius we need a maid but oops how is he going to learn

To do the chores bruh Ain’t No Way Luke just said that have you heard of a villager spawn egg we could just have people do that for us can you think Luke think no your son’s going to be so spoiled W oh my gosh Luke stop being a

Cornball and I’m going to fence up this villager so he has to do the chores oh yeah let me put that boy over here now Mr villager make us some is he trying to escape hey B we have them in yes sir move move crystal move your Big B oh my

Gosh oh my gosh literally escaping they’re literally escaping yo mid y’all just not going anywhere Crystal put them back in stop moving around how is our son supposed to be a spoiled brat when they’re doing all this movement oh my gosh Crystal put them boys back inside

And oh my goodness nice job yep I know and Mr Maids make our son some cookies all right thank you what crystal that’s you but babes we have a problem we don’t have a garage oh my gosh what type of fridge person does it have a super duper

Litty awesome car Crystal pull up outside over here and oh my gosh wao Roxy and Lil’s house it’s so small that John looks like trash rocks you’re not that guy pal yeah but the alterior looks good oh yeah it actually does look pretty good wait wait I’m stealing this

Idea of the bushes rich people do be having bushes hey why did you steal that thank you my brother brother brother and oh my gosh Roxy come on say that this looks sauce it looks sauce yes sir that’s ltin and what you even have a fountain but do you have an awesome

Garage no but we’re about to make one you just read my mind Hey CH chill Roxy you’re not allowed to steal that idea that was my idea hes you’re also adding a garage to your house yeah what what do you mean Luke are you adding one too yes

Sir and it’s going to be a 10 car garage 10 cars what but you only have like one I just like the space oh my goodness gracious Crystal I do not like rich people they’re always like so like snobby and stuff right oh my goodness

Babes we are rich people oh well I’m not like the other rich people cuz Luke probably has more money than me right Luke dude I told you I spent all my money on my Emerald blocks oh my gosh just put the garage on top you’re not

That guy Luke you’re just not that guy and oh that looks so good and wait wait Crystal I’m about to show you a building technique you’ve never seen before it’s called use how did you know because babes I read your mind every day what well well oh my gosh it looks like

Garage is is is right it looks like it’s like being lowered and stuff M sure what do you mean sure it really does this is like the coolest building technique ever so we can make it go up over here and then hold up we just need to place it

Right here and wo it looks like it’s literally coming out now we have to make the floor for our car cuz I don’t want my car touching no grass oh yeah that’s so right so let’s fill up the floors like that y y easy picking and now

Crystal what color should we make our super duper Rich car I know let’s say it on three 1 2 3 gold oh my gosh we did it again Crystal let’s just smooch real quick no one’s looking no one’s looking ready what how Crystal sitting in a tree i

S and now give this to your bab Roxy first of all there is no tree we’re in a garage so Crystal do you have a crush at all what did you just change subject crushes oh my gosh I humongous crush on him oh no why is this happening right now

Crystal turn around they both have spy glasses oh no what oh no Luke I should be saying that to you bye that’s what you get B boy but hold up Crystal I knows what you just thinking babes we need a sport car yes s ski I’m grabbing all the materials let’s

Get it and you ready for this first we need to put the super duper lit wheels on all the sides like that then we have to make the base of the car and hold up hold up I’m about to make it like this so we have room to get inside then let’s

Make the base of the car over here like that and holy guacamole this car has a gon it’s looking beautiful now let’s make it go over here place it up like that and we’re going to need some head space but since this is a super duper

Litty sports car we can make it low right Crystal I can’t even enter yeah well that’s the point it’s a sports car they’re really really annoying to drive have you ever even been in a sports car before Crystal uh now I’m trying to oh

No but we need a door to get inside so let’s put that John right over here put a block over there now we can continue it and make it go to the front like that and it needs to look very drippy then we could grab the front windshield like

That and oh my God go this John is actually looking super duper Saucy and wao that looks awesome now we need a license plate so let me grab a sign and I’m going to make it say ohy poo boy and I’m going to use glow Squid Ink sacks to

Make it boom bright and and guess what I’m also going to use light blue dye what oh no chrst you’re actually in my head right now but sh you in the omy mobile oh no Crystal this whip is actually lit and what are you doing I’m

Trying to get in the back seat what there is no back what the heck Crystal’s going in the truck there is no back seat I was going to place blocks here ah I thought that was the back seat Oh no you’re crazy Crystal but we is whipping

This John right now selfie got it oh my gosh Lou come over here so I can Flex on you here what’s good man check it out we got the new msmobile and you can tell it’s mine cuz the light license play in the front says omy poo oh no you rich

Rich yes sir I’m stacking that cheese Luke I’m stacking that cheese and I’m going to let my son drive it so he can be the coolest in school and he could pick up all the ladies oh yeah W dad W Dad yes sir W father I know right this

Is not going to make him spoil at all but Crystal pull up on the inside and whoa Luke do you have fences outside of your house yep cuz we can’t let The Intruders in yes sir Luke I’m about to put a fence as well so I can keep the

Broke boys like you out nope I’m not a broke boy I’m a rich boy oh no Crystal pull up look at how swaggy these fences are seriously look this is actually a really really nice touch I’m making it go all the way around dude those fences aren’t as cool as mine though they’re

Literally the same fences ly Pooky but let’s go all the way around and Crystal you ready to connect yep let’s do it all righty and what you didn’t even start and oh no our garage is literally going over the world we have to make the fences flow oh no let’s do it Crystal

Ain’t no way I know right so let’s go all the way down like that turn around and Y I’m about to connect the fences just like this baby easy pickings babes use the magic wand to fix the floor all right all right I’m on it let me set the

Position there fly over here and then set it like that and then yeah yay oh yeah yeah magic W boom this is is looking super lit but hold up Crystal hold up okay I’m holding up but well that’s just something people say but seriously ah this place is looking empty

Oh my goodness gracious what type of house looks like this we need to make it look a lot nicer so I’m going to do something really cool I’m going to put walls in the house so it’s more separated off ooh that would look really nice I know right so let’s set the first

Position over here then set it with some smooth quart blocks like that then we could do the same for the living room set it here like this make it entrance so you could walk on in like that and Crystal this middle area is looking super duper dull bab we need a giant

Chandelier wow that’s exactly what I was thinking every rich person has a super duper overly expensive chandelier in the room and oh oh I know exactly how to do it check this out Crystal so we have to do this all around around like that now if we grab some glass it’s literally

Going to fit perfectly oh my gosh and the rich people always have their chandeliers made out of diamonds so let’s grab some item for RS put them all around the chandelier just like this make sure you don’t miss a single spot Crystal cuz we’re supposed to be rich

Now we have to put diamonds inside yeah here Kaboom you’re putting blocks I was only thinking diamonds but oh no you’re totally right block are way more rich and that John is sparkling and rich people also have a giant fireplace oh yeah that’s such a rich people thing to

Have I know right so let’s place it over here like this and it could lead out into a chimney so let’s build all the way around like that now we’re going to need to grab a fireplace and put it right over here and oh no Crystal it’s

Starting to get extra hot and then we can make it go up over here into a real life chimney so let’s break that break this as well and wo this is super duper Smokey Crystal oh my gosh now help me build up all of these bricks okay all

Right babes on it let’s go this is super lit and we have to use bricks because we don’t want the house literally melting but bricks are super duper strong let’s place that John all the way up and Crystal you get that side oh yeah yeah and hold up the inside still need some

More bricks oh yeah we need to make it look really nice I know right and boom Oh yeah this chimney is looking gigantic but hold up Crystal I know what you’re thinking you’re like yo where’s the smoke at yeah that’s exactly what I’m thinking well I’m going to show you a

Secret building technique it’s called bringing the campfires a lot higher so then the smoke reaches so we can just put them right over here like that and wa our chimney got f that is super duper drippy and it makes the living room look so cozy we could

Even have a second sofa here that is such a rich people think to have in their living room a second living room I know right cuz they stacking that bread they don’t care about money yo so I’m going to make it San and also light blue we’re combining two of our favorite

Colors oh yeah yeah and Crystal am I crazy for putting another TV here baby I don’t think we’re that that rich yes we are oh yeah I’m going to make the TV super duper big like that Y and of course guess what I’m putting

On yes oh heck no who is that guy I don’t know who that guy is I don’t know either oh no get out oh double no who is that guy that looks like Luke huh did I just he Luke yeah bro there’s literally a TV show of you what is that guy doing

Pal this guy handsome just like me oh my what the heck why ISU not on right now y cooking show homes you’re not doing it right oh my goodness hey hey hey this is weird I’m not oh there it is kung fu Luke stop trying to pretend like

You’re me come on let’s remake the photo no I’m not re actually I need to remake it all right let’s do it smack you in the face up I’m going to tell my mommy oh my gosh looke is is the do what does he mean he’s going to tell his mommy

Does he mean Alexa look at stop being weird don’t call me that oh no he called Alexa mommy but oh Crystal it looks so good and wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know what rich people always have what do they always have they always have carpets and we can make ours

Blue like this and I’m going to make it a circle carpet so it looks very very unique and they say don’t put your shoes on my carpet oh yeah yeah yeah you’re totally right rich people don’t like people messing with their carpet cuz no and needs to be clean at all times so

Let’s make it like that and Crystal I have a good idea what’s your idea we can make the carpet have a super duper litty pattern check it out it’s light blue all on the outside like that then guess what color I’m about to grab next you can

Never guess it Sayan what okay you might have guessed it but check it out science up next like that and then guess what the final color is light blue what the heck Crystal you actually guessed it and wow we have an awesome swaggy car a l TV and a super beautiful fireplace really

Crystal I don’t even have shoes oh yeah I forgot about that oh my gosh but Crystal check it out look at how cool Roxy looks he made his second floor super modern let’s steal his exact idea what now yes sersi so to make it look modern we have to make the walls a

Little bit on the inside of the house like that and wait wait a lot of the house needs to be made out of glass oh yeah babes glass is so good so let’s at that first position there and I’m making it out of glass pain Crystal cuz we rich

Like that so let’s set it like this and we need to put a border all around it because I do not want the glass shattering that would literally be terrible babes I don’t even want to think about that happening I know right but wo that looks so good and rich

People always has their houses like super duper crazy design so they always have like a super big wall like that and then they have like a smaller wall oh yeah that is how most of the mansions look like exactly so let’s do it just like them baby let’s set the glass pane

Like that and ooh that looks really really good then we can make it go all the way down this way because I have the most genius idea ever idea ever this is about to be super lit you’re not ready for this Crystal babes I am ready for

This I don’t think you’re ready for it I really don’t think so because I’m going to make a rooftop pool babes we were literally thinking the same exact thing no way you were thinking that that is literally the most Saucy idea ever oh yeah yeah but

Hold up we have to make the glass page reach up over here like that then let’s put the quartz blocks over here all along the top and oh my gosh this John is looking modern yes bab I just added the letters oh really really cool and

This room up over here should be our bedroom OMG bab yes so since this is a r person’s bedroom it needs to have all of the essentials that rich people need so we need an overly sized bed for no reason so let’s make the light blue bed

Like that and oh my gosh that is the biggest bed ever but guess what I’m going to do you’re going to flip it what well you don’t know what color you saw it you saw it no way you could get that no you could no way no way but you’re

Not going to guess what I’m about to do now you’re going to put slabs around it what the what how did you actually guess that yes I’m putting slabs around it so it looks very very cool so we can just walk on up to our bed and Crystal can we

We bounce on our bed OMG babes I just woke up cuz of that yay oh yeah we’re bouncing Crystal this is a really great relationship thing did you just say relationship like friend relationship cuz friend friendship friendship friendship that’s what I said homes we all know that you guys are

Dating oh no Luke dating is weird and I’m too young for something like that that’s too serious dude you literally have a kid together no no that’s just not true but Crystal oh you know what else rich people have they have giant bathrooms in their bedroom it’s

Literally all in one I have never had that I know right neither have eyes I so I guess we have to make the bathroom right next to where we sleep which is kind of gross but but that’s which people think Crystal just deal with it

Man but you’re going to enjoy this oh my gosh we got that’s a good good good good golden toilet is that awesome yeah I can’t believe I’m sitting on gold and pooping I know right that’s what rich people be doing they be using expensive things for other random things but guess what else

I’m about to make gold uh our shower yes sir SK oh my gosh wait how did you actually guess that let’s put it all around like that then let’s grab the water and wow shower oh my gosh this is so nice and we also need the sink right

Over here so let me put some gold blocks like this grab some water and boom we have the sink the toilet and the shower all in one and then we’re going to make it so that our bedroom leads directly outside to our awesome rooftop pool you

Hear that Luke I know you’re jealous H how could I be jealous when I’m that guy you’re not that guy Luke but Crystal our outside pool needs to be the most swag ever and I already know exactly what to do B what are you going to do cuz

Already know what to do I don’t think you actually know what I’m actually seriously about to do I’m going to first need to grab some quartz and some slabs so first we need to make it go all around with some quartz like this so let’s place it with only one layer all

The way around and the reason we’re doing one layer is because on top we’re going to put some cord slabs yeah bab we were thinking the same thing oh no let’s go finally I had my very own thoughts but you’re not going to guess what I’m

Going to think next you’re going to add some stairs oh my gosh yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing I’m using the slabs as stairs so we could easily get up like that and now we could grab water and fill up the pool yes baby let’s do

It and check it out we could put water right over here so it looks like a very pretty fountain on each side oh yeah that is seriously swag bab this is such a good P I know right and wait wait I’m going to break these so we can we jump

Inside oh my goodness gracious that Crystal you know what’s missing right over here you don’t know you don’t know diving boards what oh my gosh that’s exactly what I was going to say we need a diving board that is super duper high up so let’s grab some ladders put them

From down here going all the way up like that now let’s make the diving board Crystal do a cool trick all right babes let me do it I have to go backwards for this one oh no you’re Wilding chill chill chill all right one two three W

You’re that guy you’re that guy you’re actually that guy Crystal but you know what we need we need to grab some brick slabs and Luke what are you doing in our pool I’m about a boat clutch in your pool boy what the Luke what get out of

Our pool dude but I’m adding some extra layers of the what Ro did you just pee yeah oh dude oh my gosh we need a pool boy to clean up Roxy’s messes but Crystal look I’m adding slabs around the house so it looks extra fancy ooh that

Would look really nice I know right and I’m make a two layers just like that all the way around so let’s set it down one layer is on top of the block and then one layer is outside of it oh I get an out I’m going to help o thank you very

Much and we can make it go around the chimney and Crystal we’re about to meet up are you ready of course I am what was that sound luk y’all just said you’re about to meet up yeah we’re about to meet up Luke what do you mean like boyfriend and girlfriends do when they

Go on a date what no oh really dude no you know that’s not what I meant bro you know it HS that’s what you totally meant oh my gosh but she this is looking super duper swaggy sauce Crystal that was a great detail we did yeah I love it but

Hold up we should do the same right over here we should make the roof out a brick slabs and make it one block going out so let’s go around like that and Crystal are you going around right now where is you at yo oh I’m right here oh nice and

Oh my gosh Luke just say that you’re jealous already dude jealous of what my drip boy our son literally has the most lyest mansion ever made so let’s go back over here like this and I can’t wait to see Crystal how does it look like so far

From the outside really nice oo let’s go and boom oh my goodness gracious audacious this looks swag but we should make one more layer for the top out of quartz so we could blend in very nicely bab yes let’s do it so let’s put the one

Slab on top of around race you Crystal race you there’s there’s no point already I’m already done why you are not hey what the what all right well I’m going to race you on the next layer still no point I’m already done what no you’re not no you’re not I finished

First and I’m doing the next layer already cuz I’m that guy Crystal you are not that guy pal you are not that guy I’ll repeat it one more time you are not that guy I’m already working on the next layer hey slow your booty down yo oh my gosh but we did it

That looks legit oh my goodness gracious that’s actually so swag and hold up hold up hold up right over here we could set down some laying towels so we can soak up the nice Sun oh yes this is a really nice day oh I know right so let me put

One two light blue ones for me then one two more light blue ones for our son then some Canan ones for you and oh gosh we have to get some for Luke and Roxy son for when they come over yes babes you’re right so let’s grab some red and

Green ones and oh my gosh now we could all sunbath in what the what Luke what is on your roof I’m making an epic litty race track what yo you have that much money yes sski I’m that guy oh no I’m hopping in one I’m hopping in one and oh

My goodness gracious I’m going to get in whoa this John is looking swaggy oh my gosh I’m going in and wow oh my goodness Crystal this is crazy right I love booster things I know I Luke Luke I’m about to fall oh so sorry

Come oh my gosh oh hi Roxy I’m in your house now don’t worry Luke I’m still somehow riding hey hey let me let me ride up over here and okay I’m good now I stole your car alls you could keep that one for yourself what oh no Luke is

Trying to flex on me with his money by saying I could keep his car Luke I don’t want your car take it back but I do want to ride Crystal do you want a race yeah let’s do it Crystal hop in the back of my whip what the heck oh no racing Luke

And Crystal oh yeah what’s good I’m that guy pal hey hey chill oh my gosh oh my gosh this too crazy first one to get the three what just happened we fell off oh my gosh Hey Hey My My whip is stuck but I’m already on the second lap ly you’re

Not that guy and you never will be that guy wait I need to get my hidden weapon hey hold up Roxy what oh my gosh I fell guys that is so litty lukan wait what’s your secret weapon sh is that a shopping car yep this thing crazy and what is

Roxy doing he’s breaking everything oh not chill Roxy you guys are whing right now Crystal pull up back to the crib coming Crystal we have a major problem we’re millionaires where are we supposed to put our money we need a secret bank vault that no one knows about us like a

Humongous safe yes sir ski hopefully no one heard that I heard that what you didn’t hear anything all right well it was only Roxy that’s not too bad where’s the money at yo what the hell oh my gosh how do you know there’s nobody Luke there’s nobody Crystal we should make

The secret room right over here next to the couch ooh right next to the couch that’s a great spot oh hey hey get away Luke we’re not doing anything this is Private Business ooh business for me to take oh my gosh Crystal we have to make this JN out

Of Bedrock we ain’t going to let no one get here I’m making it super duper big Luke so people like you can’t break in oh but I have infinite money so I’m going to break in anyway oh my gosh Crystal this is our son’s life savings this is very very important so let’s

Make the wall super duper tall for our little boy just like this at Luke why are you touching that sign no I’m not why you just did something it says Els and Crystal sitting in a vault k i SS I ngg really oh that means you have to

Smooch what what how that does not mean we have to smoo bab yes it does no it doesn’t but once you make it into the Vault we’re not going to make it so easy what how well I’ll show you I’m going to go put lava all the way around just like that

Y what are you guys doing just making sure you guys aren’t smooching oh my really bro we’re not smooching hey stop making kissy sounds ly I’m sorry oh my gosh but let me put water here so when we fall down we land in the water and O

Crystal our money for our son is going to be all the way on the other side but we can’t make it easy for criminals like Roxy to break in bab you’re totally right I know and guess what I’m going to do bro look at this I’m already starting

Off with a three block jump that goes one block high this is nearly impossible Crystal did it first try cuz I’m a professional come try this out for size crystal all right bab’s here oh nice said bro you fell on the second one and Crystal I’m going to put up one 2 three

Four block jump Oh no you’re not that guy you’re not that guy Crystal it’s way too difficult there’s no ladders needed oh man try your best oh no Crystal let me show you a professional doing it you have to gain some momentum so you got to go y all

Right that was lit but since I’m getting real serious out here I’m literally not playing any games we’re going to make you do o iron bar parkour Crystal it’s not a zigzag it’s parkour oh man yeah it’s serious try that on for size that’s nearly impossible why yes say hold up

Crystal are you actually that guy pway let me give it a shot hey I did it too all right all right you really think you’re that guy well try do it again and then no again two in a row Crystal you’re not pulling this one off hey wait

Wait yes I am no you’re not Crystal it’s too difficult you’re going to full oh yeah it’s so hard that means no one’s going to take our son’s money B it’s definitely possible it’s not possible for a noob like you cuz you got to go y y

Y I’m that guy I made the first one yeah well Chris you’re not going to make the second one you’re literally not that guy and nope you’re that guy pal you’re that guy didn’t even Crouch oh my goodness gracious but hold up hold up hold up

Yeah I have an idea check it out I’m going to put sand right over here and guess what I’m putting on top you don’t know Cactus what oh my gosh how did you guess well guess what I’m about to put on top of this one Cactus what oh my

Gosh well you can’t do this jump cuz look it’s three blocks and one block up try it that was a jump over there but all right and up you failed it let me show you how a professional does it you need momentum crystals so let’s start

From on this iron bar like that jump over it oh okay then you got to go like that but cactuses in game mode survival do damage to you I’m about to put you in survival Crystal you ready no all right boom there you go do the jum and it

Doesn’t stop when you crouch you just have to time it perfectly and oh no you failed sorry qust you’re not that guy pal I’ll give it a shot though babes I put this block here hey that’s cheating break it cuz I’m about to go there’s no

Way you can do it it’s impossible yeah maybe for a dou you no but ow ow ow my booty B oh go I didn’t make it but hold up ah I can make it back Crystal blow me out blow me out I’m still burn this is not work oh

My gosh really Crystal I don’t want to die please let me get you some water really after I had half a heart sorry it’s all good cuz I’m back and up oh no really bro Crystal this is nearly impossible babe stop falling in the lava Crystal it’s a lot harder than it looks

Wait I just did it easy that was sauce but hold up Crystal I knows what you was just thinking this is too light work right yep it’s really easy what hey it’s not that easy oh my gosh you know what that’s it I’m going to make Gul

Impossible jumps you leave me no choice babes don’t tell me you’re doing it I’m doing it literally right now as we speak I’m making super duper hard jump like water J well Crystal this is what you get cuz you said it was easy and boom now the water shouldn’t overflow so if I

Place it like this jump on it and oh you slipped oh no let me try again you got this go go go and nope you’re not that guy pal you’re not that guy let me give it a shot I got to jump and then ooh really brow it’s cuz you slip from

Underneath yeah well maybe let’s try it like this and O Okay you make it now we have to make the next water jump right over here so let’s throw down some sides like that going here then we have to make a wall on the side like this lay

Sit up going around and we just need to make sure that the w water doesn’t flow into the lava that would be terrible da really bad it would turn into like obsidian and Cobblestone I know so let’s put this sides down like that then one

More over here like this now we can put down the water and it should be safe bab oh okay well it should be safe wait wait wait wait maybe oh my gosh Crystal I’m really messing up oh this is embarrassing let get rid of this we hey

Wait wait this is a work in progress let me let me let me let me work uh wait let me put the water now like that okay okay now all we have to do is put the side over here everything’s under control Crystal everything’s fine I don’t think

Anything’s fine don’t worry just just trust me everything is all good water don’t worry it’s all good we just have to put a block there then like put aside okay Crystal I might have messed it up yeah I see that but don’t worry we can just use the magic commands like that to

Clear up the water problem and do the same for the obsidian problem so let’s do the command for the obsidian to make it lava and all right I quickly fixed it that was easy pickings guys that was the biggest mess up ever no it wasn’t that

Big Crystal but I figured out why it’s because we need a block on the bottom first D so let’s make it go around here just like this let go on this side like that all the way around nice now all we have to do is just replace this gold

Block over here with some sides and boom we should be good Crystal I think I’m like not really sure hopefully so if I boom put water oh my gosh are you serious again babes don’t worry I have a solution all we have to do is the water

Command Okay Crystal this is really not working out at all how I thought it was babe stop it and hold up boom fixed it now we can replace on the obsidian and yes let’s go I fixed this JN now we can go over here then go over here oh no

Crystal Say It Isn’t So is this jump imposs I think so no oh I’m actually being trolled right now wait wait don’t worry I have a w life hack to do we could just put a side right there then if we break this n don’t worry Crystal we’re good oh

It’s possible now kind of yes sir and yes we made it oh my gosh that was insane so let’s place a block right over here and break all the ones behind it and we could make it like that now Crystal can you try and get to the gold

Block ah no I can’t make it oh no you’re big noobing all right try now yes okay double big ning all right try now all right now I can make it w oh my gosh that was easy pickings but I’m going to make these blocks out of gold since

We’re getting closer to the Vault oh no yes sir ska o I have a really good jump we can make it go all the way over here like that and then put a ladder right over here just like this no oh you didn’t see that you didn’t see that that was embarrassing

That was really embarrassing you did not see that bab get water out of your inventory all right all right it’s out it’s out it’s out you didn’t see that but wait did you do the ladder parkour yeah it was really easy ooh nice and oh

Okay nice and W now we’re up over here on a head hitter so we have to go oh and hit our head then we have to go here and oh ow I hit my head but I slipped try it out Crystal oh my gosh this one is

Really hard you have to perfectly made it then we can do one more over here oh made it I’m still trying to make this one oh no but then we can make it so that you have to go all the way down here like this and then these are the

Final jobs to Victory and it could be right over here the Vault to all of our son’s money oh yeah and we need to make it out of something expensive but that looks cool so how about netherite blocks o that’s like really expensive I know right so let’s build all around like

This and we need the entire floor and wall we made out of it so with the magical wad we can set the first position here set the second position up there then set it all to some netherite blocks y yeah y now Crystal we have to

Hollow it out so let me set the first position there fly all the way around like that then set it into Air Boom nice babes but hold up Crystal can you do the roof as well I don’t want Luke sneaky get over here I don’t think he knows

Where we are yet hes where’s your Bot I haven’t heard you in a while Luke we’re nowhere don’t go looking for us we’re not in a super duper secret vault where all of our sons MD is going to be I’m right on top of you hey hey you

Don’t see anything quickly Crystal we have the you built it all right nice we’re now safe for blue key that was a close one I know right but Boom the vault is now made so let’s grab our valuables Crystal what’s the most valuable thing to you Bab you what oh my

Gosh really Crystal we got to put our son’s money in here not me oh man oh my goodness gracious but check it out I’m putting some diamonds some good good gold some emeralds over here oh my gosh this is lit yes our son is going to be

Super rich and no one knows about this Vault right crystal you didn’t tell anybody yeah I totally told Luke Roxy Lily and Alexa what oh my gosh hold up hold up that can’t be true Ms we’re here for the money challenge what money CH oh are you serious there is no money

Challenge Crystal told us if we win we get a bunch of money and she gets a smooch what no that is not happening I am so excited for this money there is no oh my gosh are you guys serious well if you are you can try the parkour so I

Could see how good it is but you guys are going to feel it I’m going to do it in survival and flawlessly oh no and L died on the first jump oh my gosh that boy is not that guy palad wa Lily you did the first and up

You failed I knew it it’s way too good Roxy don’t even try it dude you’re not that guy are you sure about that I’m positive oh no you guys are actually not that guy what are you trying to do Roxy you’re not going to win kids how are we

Supposed to do this you have to be a professional like look I just did a first try what Luke you’re cheating no I’m going crazy what the heck oh my Luke you just hey Luke you just cheated there’s checkpoints what check what are you talking about are you guys serious

Right now Alexa you too yes let’s go oh my gosh well the cactus jum is going to get you Luke you do know that it’s very prickly right wait is it going to be sharp on my butt yeah Ro it yo you let really do you fell you have to restart

Guys re Crystal no one’s restarting yeah me too what not you too oh my gosh guys you can’t just go and she at roxxy’s actually a noob oh no this jump is impossible hey Luke relax oh no oh no and roxxy’s literally cheating I’ve seen

You fly like hey hey get your booty you was back over here dude okay I’m coming oh my gosh and he’s messing up the parkour and Luke can you stop cheating no I did it all legitimately oops oops oops oops hey you’re flying oh my gosh

Alexa you made it too are you cheating nuh-uh I’m Legit I’m staring at you right now Alexa you is going to die right here 8 8 oh what up yes ly caught me hey everyone out this is my son’s room for his monies oh this is your

Son’s of taking all of it hey Crystal I literally see you stealing it too oh o I want to be rich too what okay all right you guys already took everything you took everything just get out please get out all right oh my gosh Krystal we just

Got robbed by me yeah I know but you know what that just means that the real rarest thing ever is a giant bone because I’m a dog and my favorite food is Bones to chew on look at me crystal woof oops that’s really cute and it’s

Just an outfit hey it’s not an outfit Crystal oh my goodness gracious are you serious right now and Luke I want an apology for you robbing me are you looking for for my daddy book boy what the heck it’s ly Junior and are you a

Rich kid yeah I got silly bands what you have silly bands oh my gosh oh my gosh wa I didn’t even realize luk your crib is lit yes sir we got money growing on trees why you literally do have money growing on trees oh no and hold up is

This the inside your house why is it made out of snow it’s cuz our maids are snow people wo l Junior you have snow people Maids yeah I want to punch him what you too Roxy I saw that yeah I did it for a snowball oh my gosh but hold up

What is this you have to use a trap door to enter wa what is that this is Mommy and Daddy’s room whoa that’s awesome and uh it’s made out of all emeralds are you that rich luky junor yes sir my daddy so rich he’s richer than you what he is not

Richer than me your dad is never going to be that guy pal ohs is that guy nuh my dad is a billionaire hey I am the billionaire don’t make me throw you off ly junor hey hey hey hands off my son you heard all right all right all right

Sorry sorry sorry but WAOW is this baby boy’s room is that you luky Junior yeah this is my room whoa and what a pooper shooter what does that do it’s my favorite check it out oh my God are you shooting out poopa this is not fny oh no

Luke your son is literally pooping out dookie you can have it he’s my favorite why I’m getting out I’m getting out I just touched your son’s poop that was super duper gross but wa your couch is huge is this a part of being Reda yep our couch can fit a thousand people did

Roxy just break the TV with snowballs oh no I’m going to destroy him with the touch of my hand what the heck oh no you’re bugging ly junor your father is very powerful yeah he’s hurt people before hey what the but wait Luke hold on do you only have one floor in your

House no oh I think again pull up over here hold up wait a minute I’m pulling up over here oh my gosh this is the track and I know who trolled Roxy definitely put all these here but I want to race luky Jun and you have a whole

Selection of cars I’m going to take this light blue one and Crystal you can sit on with me all right babes I’m coming yes sir ke pull up we have to beat luky junor you’re not that guy pal that’s never going to happen it’s happening right now already smoking you and oh my

Gosh Roxy oh okay Crystal Abandoned Ship Roxy put cars everywhere it’s actually impossible to drive I know right cuz you just go overboard really Roxy are you serious Roxy’s actually W bugging right now away I’m jumping where are you what is going on LY Junior we’re racing right now you’re not that guy

Buddy yeah you’re going to taste my dust I’m not tasting your dust little kid you tasting my booty oh yeah yeah hold up I got to hit a Quick Drip like that oh my gosh you’re going to I can’t even drive you’re not that guy B I am that guy how

Dare you but that is super duper lit ly at is that a muddy side on top of your house yes s ski cuz we got money like that o o o o oh my gosh you actually have silly beds hey what’s good with the

Hy what the Roxy waxy boy and oh no is this your crib yeah super expensive it cost five M jillion dollars five a million jillion dollars Roxy your son is very smart he knows big numbers H yeah I know he’s my son oh my gosh but who you

Guys have water fountains and yo the outside of your crib is actually super sarce Roxy waxy boy yeah super cool poopy boy he I’m not a poopy boy you even have a mailbox hold up I’m going to leave you guys a gift I left you a piece

Of Bedrock e I’m going to fun on it what are are you serious right now oh my God but waa is this your garage yeah there’s so many cats hey Roxy is your son allowed to drive Roxy is son to drive yeah he is I don’t think he should be yo

Yo y y oh my he’s did he did he just fall off I’m going save him luk there’s no way you’re going to save him what the heck you actually saved him you’re that guy Luke you’re literally that guy but Roxy you’re so rich you have a bajillion cargo G and hold up

Your outside of your house looks awesome and the inside is filled with shopping carts why my revenge oh yeah oh no Luke is bugging Luke is actually bugging I’m going to you Luka maybe Ro going to fart on you but W Roxy did you copy my idea

Of giving your kid only junk food here has some steak oh but he is a rich kid so he is eating only the cakes I do want boy oh Nar but hold up is this your TV and K FU oh it’s playing let’s go this

Is me the one about to destroy you what what did you just say what repeat that me about destroy you who’s about to destroy me the white one what that is not how it goes the blue one destroys it every single time Kung Fu OHS one p Luke

You’re the white dude I’m going to fight you butts hey hey hey Chad oh my gosh l turn around look at his diaper oh no he dooky oh my goodness gracious but hold up wait a minute do you guys have a doggy that’s in a shopping cart uh I’m

Going to kill him why hey hey you can’t just kill things you don’t like Roxy waxy boy pet him nicely a that’s not that that’s not that that’s that’s not Petty you just blicked up the dog that so silly oh my gosh but what Luke you really went overboard with

These shopping carts yeah I got a little bit out of hand dude get rid of them oh my goodness gracious but is this your room little boy yeah got to sleep is that a snoring noises LCA hes I’m going to take him out what oh my

Gosh dude he’s just a kid even though he’s like rich and annoying you made a baby cry he h his to dude you’re I’m going to destroy you with my armor Roy Roxy junor chill chill how about this I’ll fight you okay you just throw you away what you want Bo boy I

Was going to say I’ll challenge you to spare Luke’s life is he still alive Luke 1 HP and my butt hurts oh my gosh I have to smoke your son Roxy I’m sorry it has to be done boy you’re never going to destroy me W that’s going to be so easy

It’s going to actually make me sleep cuz you’re not that guy and you never will be that guy be a smoke shower it’s not going to be a smoke show um speed up the wed boy don’t worry Loki Junior I will I’m e the enchanted golden apple boy is

About destroy no way Crystal can you give me some motivational words please babes please don’t get destroyed don’t worry Crystal I’m a professional let’s go 3 2 you’re getting smoked kid you’re not that guy you’re not that guy Roxy you see a little boy oh yeah he’s

Getting cornered by obsy poo I’m that guy pal I’m that guy let him win so I can do the joke why hey I’m not letting him win are you serious Roxy yeah oh no hey hey hey okay that’s it yo yo yo I’m throwing you overboard hey py Bo I’m

About to destroy no you’re not you’re going overboard nice yay I got it Bry was that Lit going to do the joke what what’s the joke that you want to say I’m told this H okay I’ll hold it smells like poo poo wow poop from

Baby Roxy but head what oh my gosh that is gross but I smoked your son boy now his room is my room and hold up you guys have an outdoor dining area yeah we do Bo why why did I hear baby Roxy why how did you come back cuz I’m just got by

Power oh my goodness but wa do you guys have giant trampolines no this is parkour wait what parkour oh I see it wow I’m jumping so high right now okay wait I missed a jump no one saw that no one saw that did you see that baby Roxy

Yeah I saw but boy I’m oh my gosh but y hey this is not even possible yeah babes it is I did it oh it is and I made it oh my gosh the last one is crazy high but don’t worry I’m a professional at literally everything I’ve ever done ever

And three I hit my head and I fell off D stop laughing so funny I am not a poopy boy Chrystal don’t laugh don’t laugh that is not funny I’m going do it again I already laughed so many times come on yes I am the Conqueror of the

World Buck Crystal oh you know we need to see what we need to see we need to see if our son likes our Mansion remember he was really upset before all right o baby obsy you’re coming back boom hell father I have returned and is this our Mansion Papa yeah it is Rich

Boyy do you like it father hope I’ve never been more impressed I am so proud mother let’s go inside to our house all right baby boy omy let’s go inside oh my gosh Crystal we’re such good parent and as you can see rich boy omy

We got S TV play C FU oh my father this is amazing I want to be just like you when I grow up he believes it’s real yes I can’t it’s not real it’s real crystal and we also have a chandelier look up guys at what are you guys doing I was

Practicing my Kung Fu moves like you oh yeah check me out waa Alexa my son is cooler than yours such Co Tri yeah he’s that guy and then over here we have an L couch and hey Rich Boy OHS that’s fire yo oh Father sorry I did not know oh my

Gosh are you serious but check it out over here to the chilling room we got you with cakes father yes I will only eat cakes cuz I am a rich boy yes delicious and is this Kungfu ‘s playing on the televisions yes sir we have six of them wow father we’ve really leveled

Up I need a fart quick oh yeah hey roxxy’s destroying my TV yo oh really bro oh my gosh but come over here baby boy obsy we have our maids over here and they be cooking us food and it’s only cookies and cakes for the delicious make

Me more food Mr maid uh Crystal I think our son is becoming a little bit rude to the maids hey he just killed one what the rock it really bro that was a me that you have a sword in your head I just have snowballs oh my God rich boy

Oby what are you doing whatever I want for me having everything makes me misbehave this is lit uh Crystal I think we might be raising our son wrong I told you this was a bad idea oh my gosh well come up over here maybe you’ll feel

Better after you see me in your mom’s giant bedroom wow father this is huge can I sleep in between you two a yeah you get little boy and Crystal he’s sleeping hey what up the Roxy don’t run over my son Hey Ye peasant red boy get

Away from my bottom hey why is he being mean oh God I think it’s because I’m spoiling him well at least we have a golden toilet over here check this out father Are you seriously trying to disrespect me gold it needs to be diamonds what really father I am not

Putting my booty on this peasant gold switch it Roxy what hey Roxy don’t just listen to him really Crystal you too yeah he gets what he wants whenever he wants oh my gosh well at least enjoy this pool father I am not getting in a pool that’s

Where the peasants go where is the hot tub what hot tub we don’t have a hot tub oh my gosh well at least check out this cool front flip I’m going do everyone clap wow that was amazing please don’t hurt me what Roxy are you afraid oh my

God are you are you serious all right well why your son to me I don’t know my gosh all right well Rich Boy obsy come over here at oh gosh Roxy waxy boy is here yo don’t say anything to my son okay he’s kind of crazy yeah this boy is

A poopy why father who is this boy can you show him our car yeah I can show you my car check it out it’s the omy Poo father is this made out of only diamonds where’s the netherite what what do you mean the netherite netherite super expensive there’s wheels made out of

Netherite Father are we poor or something I cannot be seen in this where is my money well me me and your mom stored like money in a secret vault if you want it follow show it to me now or else you will be in trouble no no okay

Please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me Roxy Roxy boy you’re not so bad after all I’m the guy that destroyed you in the battle okay never mind you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad but pull up over here me and your mom worked all of our

Lives to get you this money and you have to do some crazy parkour to do it father have you heard of creative mode I can just fly silly hey you’re ruining the fight hey hey hey don’t fly really bro yes sir father whatever but I fail I

Just fly and go over and and here it is it is your Vault with the iron bone father what is this I only want money this is terrible uh Crystal I think we may have a problem our is kind of spoiled yeah because you’ve been spoiling him all day well there’s only

Two things we could do either teach him well or uh the second option b why don’t we just do the second option oh all right um rich boy obsy here have a bunch of C said stay here with your friend Roxy waxy okay yes Father I will be here

All day okay okay um SL slash repl near 100 made out of grass in the TNT um father why is there TNT everywhere oh oh just don’t just don’t worry about it just don’t worry about it uh Luke H sorry about this dude no yes said wait I need do with that

Roblox too chill I’m doing it oh my gosh ah I’m laging like crazy easy okay um did anyone’s B survive mine did a little bit uh Roxy yours did not survive oh my Gage at least my Gage and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to

Join us on the next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘Having A MILLIONAIRE Family in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2023-11-13 17:00:13. It has garnered 482682 views and 6471 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds.

Today Omz Roxy Luke Lily Crystal and Alexa are Having A MILLIONAIRE Family in Minecraft!

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    Welcome to our Genuine SMP Server! If you’re looking for a better survival experience, you’re in the right place. To join our private discord and be part of the fun, please fill out our form here. Hurry, as the server will start soon! Read More

  • Galaxy Network

    Venture into the most epic Minecraft universe! Build, explore and conquer unique worlds with cosmic events and an incredible community. Join us and discover a galaxy of possibilities! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Plant-based propaganda: tree whisperer”

    Minecraft Memes - "Plant-based propaganda: tree whisperer"This meme must have rolled a critical hit with a score of 12! Read More

  • Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast!

    Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast! In the world of Nerf Ops, the mission is clear, To take down the Minecraft boss without any fear. Aaron, Mitch, and Kevin, a formidable team, Ready to conquer, fulfill their dream. With guns in hand, they enter the fray, Facing henchmen and obstacles in their way. The boss looms large, a formidable foe, But our heroes are ready, their skills on show. Dodging and weaving, they fight with might, Each move calculated, each shot just right. The medallion is theirs, victory in sight, As they open the loot vault, bathed in the light. The Nerf Ops Squad emerges… Read More

  • MINECRAFT MEME: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God 🔥

    MINECRAFT MEME: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God 🔥 “When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you still call yourself a ‘pro gamer’.” #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs #gamerlife Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival servers and looking for new ideas to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! We have a fantastic recommendation for you. While watching the latest video from Ponycraft on how to build a 4×4 easy survival house in Minecraft, it became clear that the key to a successful Minecraft survival experience is finding the right server to play on. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re into building structures, exploring new worlds,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks Exploring Creative Builds in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Are you looking to add some unique and creative elements to your Minecraft world in the Bedrock Edition? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into two fascinating constructions that you can incorporate into your gameplay. 1. The Toaster One of the innovative builds you can create in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a toaster. Imagine having a functional toaster in your virtual world! This build adds a touch of realism to your kitchen setup. To create a toaster, you can use a combination of redstone components and decorative blocks to… Read More


    INSANE FLOATING GARDENS in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Floating Gardens | Ep.14 | Minecraft Oasis SoS’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-05-29 20:45:00. It has garnered 393 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:44 or 3404 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. Enjoy your favorite series but better quality! Today we find our very first fossil using the fossil archeology mod! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • Top Secret Indian Minecraft Livestream!

    Top Secret Indian Minecraft Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Telugu Indian Minecraft Live Right now!’, was uploaded by KingPhin on 2024-04-17 03:43:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. telugu #gaming #minecraft #jagan #telugudesamparty #hyderabad #mukbang #karthikadepam2 Laptop: Acer Nitro 5 Specs: i7 … Read More

  • Pixel Money Art in Minecraft $$$ – Mind-Blowing Viral Creation !!

    Pixel Money Art in Minecraft $$$ - Mind-Blowing Viral Creation !!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made Satisfying Pixel Money 💰💰💰🤑 art in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Dish Gamer YT on 2024-01-15 01:01:29. It has garnered 3103 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. I Made Satisfying Pixel Money 💰💰💰🤑 art in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art free fire gaming video garena free fire Gaming video youtube shorts digital circus shorts shorts loud Shorts viral videos viral videos reality viral video exposed Viral video minecraft shorts minecraft challenge minecraft but pixel art guide pixel… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Boat Survival House Tutorial! 🚤

    EPIC Minecraft Boat Survival House Tutorial! 🚤Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 BOAT ⛵ SURVIVAL HOUSE 🏠 TUTORIAL 🛠️’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2023-12-20 10:00:49. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:18 or 438 seconds. “Set sail for survival with a floating boat house in Minecraft! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a sturdy and stylish boat that doubles as a safe haven, complete with essential survival features and a cozy interior. From anchor to anchor, we’ll guide you through every step of building a floating home that’s a real treasure! #Minecraft… Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing SteamPunk Secrets in EP08 Wolfy Souls!

    Uncover Minecraft's Mind-Blowing SteamPunk Secrets in EP08 Wolfy Souls!Video Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk: EP08 | Precision Mechanism | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Wolfy Souls on 2024-03-31 20:15:52. It has garnered 124 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:25 or 1885 seconds. In todays episode, we FINALLY upgrade our create machines to be fast and efficient. We also make a precision mechanism making machine. Huge thanks to Triobian for the design. He ALWAYS makes great builds and you should definitely go check him out. Anyways, I hope yall enjoy, and I’ll catch you in the next one! Original Design Creator: Schematic Download:… Read More

  • Hell’s Revenge: TinaKitten’s DEMON Power VS Angry Thomas QSMP!

    Hell's Revenge: TinaKitten's DEMON Power VS Angry Thomas QSMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘TinaKitten Used Her DEMON Power But The Hell Went After Her And Empanada! QSMP’, was uploaded by Angry Thomas on 2024-02-17 20:52:43. It has garnered 26597 views and 1395 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:55 or 1975 seconds. #qsmp #qsmpclips #minecraft #tinakitten TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Tina Unlocks Flying 11:42 Gifts for Empanada 14:35 Empanada finds out 15:44 They are coming! Streams Tina: Stars: Tina: Stars: If you want me to remove the video for copyright reasons, I will do so. Most streamers enjoy seeing clips/montages of them because it helps… Read More

  • GK’s SHOCKING survival on a DEADLY Minecraft Smp #underrated

    GK's SHOCKING survival on a DEADLY Minecraft Smp #underratedVideo Information This video, titled ‘My First day in this deadliest Minecraft Smp #underratedsmp’, was uploaded by GK PLAYZ on 2024-04-22 00:32:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. like and subscribe for more Minecraft videos and please support karo bhai ko 1k karna hai So in this video i will show you my first … Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Wither Storm Faces Mutant Team!” #minecraft #mobs

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Wither Storm Faces Mutant Team!" #minecraft #mobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wither Storm Vs. Every Mutant in a Team #minecraft #mod #mobbattles #mobbattle’, was uploaded by White’s Battles on 2024-04-05 11:34:44. It has garnered 1230 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. eras Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Guitar Cover With Crazy Long Nails

    Insane Minecraft Guitar Cover With Crazy Long NailsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wet hands – C418 Minecraft guitar cover (with long nails)’, was uploaded by kamilia on 2024-05-26 17:55:14. It has garnered 7279 views and 955 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Infaru

    InfaruWith a diverse staff team and player base, Infaru is a welcoming and inclusive server for all races, genders, sexualities, and identities alike. All of us will respect you as long as you respect others! Read More

  • Tech Server Vanilla

    Welcome to EPoint Server! If you enjoy servers like SciCraft and Prototech, then you’ll love EPoint. Apply to join us by filling out this form. Can’t wait to see you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Microsoft Branding Mystery in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Microsoft Branding Mystery in MinecraftI guess Microsoft really wanted to make sure everyone knows who’s boss in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • “Alexa, where’s my Minecraft Dad?!” 🔥😂 #VillagerMeme

    "Alexa, where's my Minecraft Dad?!" 🔥😂 #VillagerMeme Alexa: Sorry, I can’t help you with that. But I can tell you where to find diamonds in Minecraft! #priorities Read More

  • Mind-Boggling Nonsense!

    Mind-Boggling Nonsense! The Latest Minecraft Updates and Previews Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for the latest updates and sneak peeks into upcoming features? Look no further! This video provides valuable information on Minecraft’s newest snapshots, previews, and updates. By subscribing to the channel, you can stay informed about all things Minecraft. Exploring Minecraft’s Latest Snapshots With each new snapshot, Minecraft introduces exciting changes and additions to the game. From beta trials to new chambers, the updates bring fresh content for players to explore. Keep an eye out for versions like 1.21, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.22, 1.23, 1.21.1, and 1.21.3, each offering… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE CPU UPGRADES & CHEMISTRY! EP14 – Minecraft Modded Skyblock

    UNBELIEVABLE CPU UPGRADES & CHEMISTRY! EP14 - Minecraft Modded SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘ADVANCED CHEMISTRY & MASSIVE CPU UPGRADES! EP14 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-05-19 19:00:21. It has garnered 1721 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:48 or 3648 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | ADVANCED CHEMISTRY & MASSIVE CPU UPGRADES! EP14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Sneaky Pixel Art Tricks in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Pixel Art Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pixel Art -4 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-03-16 17:00:10. It has garnered 4584 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Realistic Crafting Short – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Realistic Crafting Short - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic Crafting #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Abdul Ahad Gaming on 2024-04-30 17:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival House Build 🔥 Easy Tutorial! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Survival House Build 🔥 Easy Tutorial! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-25 14:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Sculk Pandemic Madness: Bon Chơi Tuốt Clickbait! #minecraft

    Sculk Pandemic Madness: Bon Chơi Tuốt Clickbait! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Đại dịch Sculk nhưng phiên bản gọn nhẹ hơn #minecraft #bonchoituot’, was uploaded by Bon Chơi Tuốt on 2024-03-26 11:00:04. It has garnered 236567 views and 11648 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🎵Join the Play All Discord Team: ☎️Advertising contact: [email protected] #minecraft #bonchoituot #bon #bonsmp #teambon #teamct Read More

  • INSANE! Surviving 1000 Days as Sculk Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft

    INSANE! Surviving 1000 Days as Sculk Dragon in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a SCULK DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – The Ultimate Dragon Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-06-04 01:15:01. It has garnered 30359 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:57 or 13557 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a WARDEN DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 0:36:12 200 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 1:10:42 100 DAYS as a DEVIL DRAGON 1:45:07 100 DAYS as a VENOM DRAGON 2:20:58 100 DAYS as a… Read More

  • Ultimate SMP Editing Hacks w/CAPCUT | Lag_playz

    Ultimate SMP Editing Hacks w/CAPCUT | Lag_playzVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make SMP Editing On CAPCUT | LAG_PLAYZ’, was uploaded by Lag_playz on 2024-03-04 09:46:13. It has garnered 91 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. How To Make SMP Editing On CAPCUT #minecraft #minecraftpe #lag #mcplayz #starplayz #video #ujjwal #viralvideo #youtube how to make a lifesteal smp how to make potionsteal smp how to edit Like PSD1 how to edit Like senpaispider how to make SMP videos how to make videos like Himlannds how to edit in capcut how to edit minecraft videos how to edit… Read More