OMG! I Survived 100 Days as a MAGICIAN in Minecraft

Video Information

Welcome to 100 days as a magician say hello to my bunny Jimmy hello in this video I have to survive 100 days against three of my friends who are literally going to do everything in their power to stop me from getting to day 100 and with

Only five hearts of HP right now I’m in a lot of trouble but luckily for me I have my magician upgrade menu where I can buy more Hearts by becoming a stronger magician unlock new magic tricks to slow my friends down oh and uh I can create balloon animals that

Explode so that’s kind of cool but my first goal is simple get away from them at spawn now I could just start running off my stage but I’m not not going to lie we have tried that three times already and I’ve died every time so I

Need to try something new so this time we’re going to unlock one of our magic tricks which is actually called the card shuriken and get it all we have to do is complete these quests you see on screen starting with getting a bell in a village cuz I’m guessing there’s one

Somewhere in here okay it’s going to be risky going into the village to start but it’s going to be worth while so here we go 3 2 1 go go this way go this way get him let’s go around the far side of the village and just see what we can get

Oh this is not good they’re over there behind me is there a bell in this Village that’s what I need to look for where is there a bell there’s got to be oh there’s more down here good good good good okay there’s got to be a bell down

Here right get back your magician we’re going to need some logs I think to break the Bell we’re going to need a pickaxe so let’s just go up here to this tree real quick go go go grab the tree grab the tree grab the tree cut down faster

Little guy where’d he go he’s at that tree oh they see me they see me they see me quick Qui quick oh I see him get back here got a bunch of logs we got a bunch of logs let’s go to the water now and quickly use that to craft oh they’re

Close it’s okay this looks deep oh it’s very deep there is a lot of glow squid okay we’re going to be quick about this ready Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive I don’t see any magma down here so we’re going to have to go up for air for sure

I was hoping there be magma down there but there’s not that’s okay that’s okay dive I’m okay quick turn all of our oak logs into Oak planks make ourselves a crafting table now let’s swim over here real quick to the edge you can’t run forever okay quick put that down make

Some more sticks now make ourselves a wooden pickaxe we’re good swim make another crafting table later okay now we just need to go back to that Village and get a bell there’s only two on me so there’s likely one still in the village well we run over to this Village let me

Tell you about this cool new mobile game arena breakout so thanks to Arena breakout for sponsoring this video now look I’m guessing there’s at least a few of you out there that have never heard of or even played Arena breakout before and if that’s the case you’ll want to

Keep listening because Arena breakout is the new most popular mobile SHO shooter of 2023 with over 80 million downloads Arena breakout is an immersive nextg FPS and extraction shooter game better than even games like escape from tarov and no I’m not kidding this is the most realistic FPS game ever made for a

Mobile device like legit you can even battle in a typhoon now on top of the insane gameplay players can also customize their weapons in a ton of different ways using the advanced gunsmith system simply mix and match over 700 gun parts to create super unique weapons and then you can use

These weapons to play the game your way want to play stealthy you can want to go up guns and blazing you can do that too play the way you want your only goal is to get the loot and Escape oh yeah and with the new season comes a new map

Called Port so you’ll want to hop in soon and experience battles that have really never been possible in a mobile game before be a little bit careful because there’s also a brand new boss in the game and uh if you die to it or really die at all at any point in a

Match you’re going to lose all the gear you have on you so Gear Up make a smart strategy and you’ll be a legend in Arena breakout in fact I’d love to see some of you guys in the game so come and join me in Arena Breakout by simply clicking the

Links in the description down below or scanning one of the QR codes you see on screen right now so what are you waiting for come hop in the game soon before stuff like the Halloween event and the new limited game mode Farm storm warning go away I’ll see yall in Arena breakout

Very soon okay now we just need to find that Bell where’s the Bell there’s got to be a bell in this Village right I see it I see it it’s on the well it’s on the well cut him off Goldie stop that baby break it break it break it it are you

Kidding me don’t get in my way while I’m breaking now they’re coming at me no no no no yes we got it we got it magician run get over here okay we’re going to need to get a kill here because our next Quest requires us to get a kill with a

Crit okay we can do this we can do this we need to play around the village for sure though do we have any blocks actually oh I do I do I do do this is going to be huge this is going to be huge I have an idea we’re to go next to

This house and go hey on the roof on the roof I see him on the roof get down here they’re going to start coming up they’re going to start coming up oh he got he got me got me he’s low he’s got to be low that was fall damage too oh he oh

God oh God oh God I’m on him no no please we’re low please please please oh we got the crit we got the crit we got the crit kill this cow we got to kill this cow quick die cow there we go just kill my friend oh they’re coming they’re

Coming I have an idea to actually Qui get some food let’s go back into the village start breaking this stuff carrots all of it nice we got a carrot oh we’re going to take a punch we’re going take a punch Round the Corner go back oh my gosh scared me there we go

Down here grab some more hay Hells grab three can’t keep doing this I can keep doing this okay go this way we’re going to go back to the water dive eat okay got a little more food than us we just need to get some of this bread where’ my

Crafting table go there it is to the crafting table we need to get air we need to get air oh there’s no one even near us we’re good for a second we’re good for a second get this crafting table turn the hay bales into wheat and then take these turn these into bread

And we got at bread let’s go this will have to last for now for food this will last for now for food let’s just get out of here oh they’re cutting me off they’re cut me off they’re cut me off it’s over for you this way this way this

Way actually I have a better idea have a better idea better idea go this way into the forest I have a good idea to lose them here let’s go this way you’ll never lose me baby oh he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead nice there’s one below us

One below us if we can kill him I think we’ll be good we just need to get away start going along the trees we can get him over here get get back here baby magician yeah he’s in the trees he’s in the trees he good good good that’s where

We want to going around here we go no oh he’s low no please he’s going to be low he’s got to be low yes we got him eat some food eat some food eat food and then we’re out of here go go go go go go go go go go go

Magician is out of here go okay so we’re super far away now so we should be okay ow but if we want to finish unlocking our first magic trick the card shuriken we still need to kill five rabbits and since rabbits spawn in a bunch of places

This shouldn’t be too hard in fact look at all these biomes that they spawn inside of deserts snowy Plains Frozen oceans tigas Meadows you name it they spawn there in fact right over here I think I see a floral Forest which is one of the places they spawn yeah the biome

Weon is a flower Forest so rabbits actually spawn here okay so let’s go into the forest start looking for some rabbits let’s also get some logs real quick so we can actually beat up the rabbits okay cool now we have a wooden sword let’s go find some bunnies oh a

Rabbit I see him I see I see oh two of them come here I need to kill five of you I missed again I missed again I can’t hit the rabbit get over here bub yes we got him one rabbit down four to go and there we go all the rabbits are

Down which means now we can unlock our card shuriken an ability that lets me throw out cards that are deadly kind of like isoka from Hunter Hunter if you know what that is so if I go up to this cow right here and hit my hotkey you’re

Going to see that I throw a bunch of cards at the Cow hitting the cow and doing a bunch of damage also sorry if I sound a little sick uh I am very sick right now apologies in advance but anyway now that we’ve unlocked our first magic trick let’s start working on our

First magician base cuz as we can see the sun is starting to set so we need to get a base going ASAP from Days 2 to 8 I Simply Built My First magician base which would hopefully keep me safe for my friends as long as possible cuz if I

Die at any point before day 100 I automatically lose okay so welcome to the first ever magician base you’re probably looking around like uh I don’t see a base anywhere that’s cuz the base is actually down in this giant cave right here so if we head down here and

Uh Dodge all the mobs real quick oh please don’t kill me please don’t kill me la la oh we’re in trouble okay one more lap one more lap we got this we got this okay go here there we go and we’re in and now the mobs can’t follow welcome to

The base we got our furnaces our chest a lava generator our bed and of course a little crafting table down there now before we go and keep keep working on our magician upgrades to start getting new magic tricks and stuff there’s actually an item I forgot to show you

Cuz as a magician I was supposed to spawn with my magician’s hat it just kind of broke so I didn’t get it but this giant hat you see in my inventory is the core to being a magician you’ll actually see if I right click the hat

That a bunch of different rabbits pop up from rabbit Evolution 1 to Rabbit Evolution 5 and since I’m just a kid magician I can only summon the rabbit Evolution 1 which is this little rabbit that just jumped out of this hat right here and while this rabbit might look

Innocent enough this rabbit will try and kill you so don’t mess with him okay but anyway now that I showed you this rabbit it’s time to work on our last tier one ability called teleporting handkerchief you know that magic trick magicians use with that big colorful handkerchief but

We’re going to try and unlock that now because if I unlock it that magic trick will let me teleport anywhere I’m looking and luckily to get it all I need to do is get two red dye eight books and 16 ender pearls and none of that’s hard

At all let’s get to work okay so first things first let’s go out our exit right here which just leads back into the cave behind a waterfall then we just got to walk over this way there’s so many mobs ow okay so let’s just get out of this

Cave real quick that blew up my entrance all the gates are are gone okay whatever we’ll deal with that later and now let’s just go collect some red dye so we can start working on that handkerchief Now red dye is super easy to get we can get

Red dye just by grabbing some red flowers I would say I found some red flowers so let’s just go grab those cuz that’s super duper easy give me you and you and now we turn both these poppies into red dye and we already have the first Quest done now we just need either

Eight books or some ender pearls now look we can craft a book by simply getting some paper and adding some leather to it and since there’s literally a cow right here let’s start killing him for his leather now I need eight books which means we need eight Lea so I still need

To get five more wait do horses drop leather why am I am I right on this I might be wrong on this let find out they do drop leather oh you know that’s good to know I always forget that horses drop leather but luckily there’s more cows right here so goodbye

Cows okay there we go that’s more than enough leather now we should need to go find some sugar can for some paper like that over there and then we’ll be able to craft all of these books and all we need left is 16 ender pearls okay there we go we got 29 sugar

Cane and since the sun’s starting to set let’s quickly head on home and cry CRA those books so let’s take all of our sugarcane and put it in a line to make a bunch of paper then we’re going to take that paper and Surround it with this

Leather to make ourselves all the books we need and now we officially finish the second quest for teleporting handkerchief so now if we just go to sleep it’s day 10 and we can finish up the teleporting handkerchief so since all we need is ender pearls there’s

Really a few ways we can go about getting them and the easiest way is definitely to go to the nether so to do that we’re going to need to get ourselves a diamond pickaxe so let’s just go ahead real quick let’s go deeper in the cave and quickly get ourselves

Some diamonds okay here’s one Diamond two diamonds oh and three diamonds okay now we can make a diamond pickaxe so let’s quickly throw that together in our crafting table and now let’s go get some obsidian now let put this water bucket up here to quickly make a bunch of

Obsidian now let’s get mining okay we got 10 obsidian and nether portal now let’s just go in and let’s start getting ourselves some ender pearls now in total we currently need 16 ender pearls to get the teleporting handkerchief so we just need to find a warp fungus biome to

Start killing some of those Endermen okay I see a warp fungus biome we’re almost there we just need to get up there and there should be a bunch of Endermen we can kill okay we made it up now let’s build the actual Enderman trap take three Cobblestone put it like this

Like this and like this an Enderman can’t fit under but app apparently neither can I cuz the rabbit on my head so um that’s not going to work okay we’re just going to have to battle him the oldfashioned way but it really stinks cuz we only have five hearts of

HP so like two hits from these guys and I’m dead let’s just be very careful here here we go let’s get this one here we got him but no ender pearl okay let’s find oh there’s another one lit right here actually oh there’s two right here we’ll start with this

One and we got ourselves an ender pearl okay now let’s get this guy over here five which is not all I thought I needed but I’m just dumb and I actually need 16 ender pearls so okay we officially have all 16 ender pearls we need now just make our way

Back to the nether portal and let’s head on home okay so obviously some great news we can now unlock our teleporting handkerchief our brand new ability that looks like this and you’ll see when I throw it it goes flying and I teleport wherever it lands now that didn’t really

Go that far let me show you just how far this thing can go I shoot it like straight up in the air that thing goes flying and if we shoot it straight on and if I rapidly click it you’ll see I can teleport in a bunch of directions at

Once making it impossible to track where I move and with no cool down this is just honestly brok broken so yeah this ability is pretty cool and we got it just in time cuz the sun is starting to set behind me but now that we’re done

With that it’s time to work on our tier 2 upgrades since we’ve already gone the tier one child magician the tier one card shuriken and the Tier 1 teleporting handkerchief it’s now time to pick one of the tier 2s and unlock it starting tomorrow so which of the tier 2 powers

Do I want to unlock well if I become a Magician’s Apprentice I can actually get 10 total hearts of HP doubling my hearts and making it much less risky if I die and I’m not going to lie having more Hearts would be pretty nice so let’s

Just unlock that to get it we just have to get a rabbit’s foot a bunch of gold golden ingot and 10 melon seeds and since we’re near an area where a bunch of rabbits already spawn inside of the floral Forest let’s head there and just go get a rabbit’s foot real fast since

They have a 10% chance to drop from Rabbits he there’s one rabbit right here he’s hiding under the tree though there you are get over here yeah I got him but uh no rabbit’s foot I think I got a rabbit’s foot yes we got a rabbit’s foot

There we go we got one and that really didn’t take too long and it only took about half the day to do so now we just need 16 gold ingots and a bunch of melon seeds and back at home we already have a bunch of unmelted gold so let’s just

Smelt that up and that’s going to complete the second Quest so let’s throw some of our gold in this furnace to start smelting and then let’s do the same with the other gold in the other furnaces okay now that that’s all smelting in the furnaces even though I

Probably should have put that in the blast furnaces we’ll have enough gold to finish the second Quest meaning we just have to get 10 melon seeds okay now let’s grab all this gold and as we can see Quest two is now complete we just need to get those 10 melon seeds which

We can grab tomorrow now there’s an absolute bunch of places you can get melon seeds from chests inside of Woodland mansions to even just breaking some melons out in a village which that second option is what we’re going to do because melons spawn in Jungle biomes Savannah Villages desert Villages and

Then Woodland Mansion obviously we’re just going to look for either a desert village or savan Village or if we find a jungle great we’ll just head there too it’s kind of whichever comes first so let’s just run around till we find one of those things okay this Village

Definitely isn’t going to have any melon seeds but it will have extra hay Bal since I’m starting to run a little bit low on food so let’s just grab that real quick first then we’ll go look for an aaia Village or whatever it is that’s

Going to Hunter Hunter hun H H hold up hold up I definitely just saw one of them yeah the doors open and everything look at this building let me get in this building let me get in this building I want one of them to come over here one

Of them’s coming this way here we go go got her she’s done oh I run into the position y is attacking me she’s done we got her one down now start using our abilities watch this they’re both going to jump down then we’ll teleport back up ready let’s put down our rabbit actually

Put down our rabbit right here teleport back up B okay we have The High Ground now he put me in a straight jacket hold on Fell oh God I got to tape these words enchantment oh God I have slowness till I type all these words that appeared on

Screen they put me in a straight jacket so I have slowness this is not cool let’s teleport again far away Wizardry Poca stash Pocus Mystic okay we’re good we’re free teleport back up on that tree we missed we missed we missed it’s okay throw it again go over

Here oh they’re on us they’re on us get up there get up there get up there oh I threw it over I threw it over that’s okay I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that sh that over it’s going to get put me right behind him Goldie back

Somehow I can take her out I can take her out she they must their base must be close to here oh we’re Bea him we’re beating him go I’m going to kill him dude I heard one more he’s up top coming my way eat a this teleport is busted go

Back down oh we’re this is so broken I’m going to fight him I’m going to fight him he put me in the straight jacket again but that’s okay he’s running no oh go go go oh no yes we got them all three of them are toast and we’re back in a

Straight jacket great luckily They’re All Dead so to get out of this straight jacket I just have to type five magical words like wizard there we go we got it we’re free we need to get out of this Village pretty quick cuz I know Goldie got back here insanely quick which makes

Me think that their base has to be near here so we’re just use our teleport and get out of here like ASAP and now back to finding those melon seeds okay I found a jungle up ahead cuz this is where’re going to start getting some melons there’s a melon right here here’s

A couple melons right here in fact we got five melon slices which is five melon SE okay that works isn’t that exactly what we needed it is so let’s just teleport out here real quick and now let’s say goodbye to our kid magician with only five hearts of HP and

Absolutely no bonus and hello to the Magician’s Apprentice who not only looks bigger and has 10 hearts of HP but you’ll also notice he has infinite speed one and Infinite Strength one now instead of being super slow I am much faster but anyway now that that’s

Finally done with I’m going home cuz I think we’re like 3 or 4,000 blocks away from there okay so with our new magician unlocked it’s time to unlock another magic trick and we’re actually going to be unlocking the most famous magic trick of all the red balls with the cups

You’re Going to see that it’s called the red balls of booming meaning my red balls explode and to unlock it all we have to do is tame four wolves swim 50 blocks with dolphins Grace and kill four players with lava so let’s start by taming those wolves which means we need

A bunch of Bones which we can get in the nether let just teleport up there and boom we got some bones that’s exactly what we wanted perfect grab all these now if we take these and we turn them into bone wait these turn into bone meal

Not bone blocks okay so I guess bone blocks are not what we need I thought bone blocks could turn into bones but I guess not just bone meal now we just got to kill skeletons for bones okay so instead of bone blocks let’s just go over here to our cave and let’s just

Fight all the skeletons we can find oh there’s a lot of zombies not give me your bon okay that’s 20 total bones which should be all we need to get four wolves now the fun part finding four wolves okay so wolves can be found in pretty much any

Forest so this Tiga actually has a chance to spawn them now wolves only spawn in groups of four and once in a while you’ll also get a baby wolf but I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen for us I found some wolves right here let’s be friends yes okay we got one one

Wolf tamed now let’s go get the others two here there we go that’s two this is three okay one more we just got to get the last wolf who’s literally right here yes and four Quest complete and now we have all four wolves we need since

There’s still plenty of time left in the day I’m going to take this this chance to also try and quickly get some Dolphins Grace because it’s really not too difficult to get and we only have to swim 50 blocks with it okay so we’re going to have to find a warm ocean if

This is going to work at all cuz if I look under the water you can see that I’m definitely in a cold ocean right now there won’t be any Dolphins spawning here so I’m just going to keep going in this direction till I hopefully find a

Warm ocean we’re in a desert and there’s a pretty big body of water here this could be a warm ocean deserts tend to be near warm oceans oh yeah Coral we’re definitely in a warm ocean there’s a ton of coral up there got to be a dolphin

Somewhere oh I see a dolphin come here give me dolphins Grace no don’t swim away give need Dolphins Grace please yes we’re starting to get Dolphins Grace now we s you can see our quest line going up all those blocks are starting to go up

We just need to do this 50 blocks and done there we go Quest complete and there’s only one more to go which is killing four players with lava but uh not going to lie that’s way easier said than done so uh we’re going to go back

To the base real quick get a bunch of lava buckets and then go to battle okay let’s start by taking our iron ingots and let’s make ourselves a bunch of buckets real quick and now let’s head out to the surface to go burn four of my friends in

Lava oh what there’s a guy right next to me wait what where did you even go I was looking for your base where what is happening where did you even come from I’m going to go explore wait oh there’s a magician I don’t even see a base oh we

Got him he’s low yes there we go there’s another one there’s another no their base has got to be near here where is it they’re coming from this water it’s got to be in this water somewhere hold up oh God oh God oh God oh God God okay

They’re coming from me they’re coming from let’s actually whack Goldie once oh once twice and we got to get our lava we got to get our lava H we got to teleport get ready eat some food jump in the water nice teleport over here their base

Must be down here I found it where is it where is it it’s got to be down here we got some magma okay swim up swim up swim up I don’t see it I don’t see it name above me name above me I got it I got it

B’s in the pain we got to find the way we to find the yes we’re in oh shield shield sh Shield nice we’re in we’re in we’re in we in we in we’re in that was dumb that was dumb no oh my

Gosh dude the no no no no no no no no oh no no no no oh I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning there we go we’re out we’re out we’re we’re out oh we’re in trouble down here down here down here red one just died in lava

Trying to escape nice that’s good we can get the we lava there we go oh we missed we missed we missed we got him in two we got him in double lava grab that one back grab that one back oh God oh God oh God I can’t escape this I can’t escape

This oh it’s pouring on him he’s done nice nice that’s two down in lava two down in lava grab that lava grab it nice we’re safe oh they’re coming down they’re coming down this way this way this way got to eat some bread let’s teleport past them ready F no go up go

Up go up go up go up pour lava on them pour lava on them they’re dead they’re dead they’re dead we got to both bye-bye oh oh oh no no no oh no oh we’re screwed that’s one dead see if the other one dies if we do we can finish this Quest

They’re still burning in here they’re still burning in here get ready teleport are ready Bo we got her in lava she’s done she’s done go in here yes that’s all of them done okay quick outside teleport over here now we can unlock our new combat ability which is the red

Balls of booming we got to try these things out they’re in our inventory somewhere here they are get across the river get across the river teleport there we go let’s see how these things work we can right click and it puts these red balls on the ground then if I

Go over here they should detonate if I right click it so as he gets close Okay I get how these balls work let’s go over here let’s uh let’s actually teleport up this hill a little bit there we go and then if I right click the ground three

Times I can place these balls and then if they come up towards me I can explode them by clicking this thing again they’re coming up here they come they’re close boom only went flying she should be dead what she’s low nice she’s gone that’s so op let’s see if we get the

Others while we escape here this is actually going to be really good for escaping especially if we can get uphill let’s actually trick them back up hill they’re downhill at the minute no they’re both upill they’re both upill we’re not going to go up there I got an

Idea I got an idea I got an idea let’s go over here to this little cave this is going to be a great spot to get them oh it’s not working it’s not working okay let’s get let’s get this one let’s get this one ready pret we’re running

Pretend we’re running turn around boom oh he’s in trouble I crit him dude I saw where he was going to be and I crit him get back here bro oh my god oh he’s toast oh but the other one got back here in time we

Need to keep going we need to keep going oh that went down a cable there okay we’re out they’re pushing me they’re pushing me that’s good boom Goldie he’s done one more to go one more to go we can get him we can get him here let’s

Throw our shurikens at him ready we can get with the shurikins keep backing up teleport got him again combo off it he’s done yes let’s go now we got to get out of here before the others come back quick quick quick quick quick and we are

Out of here okay so now that we’ve unlocked our red balls of booming I’m not going to lie we’re really op because these things are literally super strong so now we’ve unlocked those there’s actually only one more tier 2 magic trick to go and that’s called a sparkle

Bomb this is basically a fancy smoke bomb like you see magicians use and this should help me to escape if I ever get myself in a super tight pinch now to actually unlock these Sparkle bombs I just need to get a music disc 16 magenta

Wool and 16 spider eyes which is easy so we’ll start with the easiest part first which is heading down into the mines and killing some spiders for their eyes oh here we go spiders are spawning spiders are spawning did my sword just break oh God okay that’s not good we lost our

Sword no way I caused one explosion and there was diamonds right there you can’t make that up you literally cannot make that up boom I have a diamond sword now that couldn’t have been more convenient now we can go back over here and let’s start fighting these spiders okay

Perfect we have all 16 spider eyes we need but hey we have 17 spider eyes now which means I can save one for a snack so all we need to do now is get a bunch of magenta wool which means getting a bunch of white wool and magenta die so

If we simply take some shears to these sheep they’re going to drop us a bunch of white wool okay I went a little overboard we have 39 wool and now we just need to grab some magenta die which we can get from a bunch of different

Things by the way I’m just going to start trying some stuff cuz if I’m right I believe these lilacs will give us two magenta die each though don’t quote me on this I could look really dumb here in a minute oh that’s a peion but it gives

Me the wrong type of D that’s pink so I appreciate it but no we need lilacs I don’t know what a lilac looks like but this kind of looks like one right that’s an alium that should give me a magenta yeah this one will okay there we go 17 alium which

Means we have all the magenta die we need we just take that combine it with our wool to get a bunch of magenta wool and now there’s only one thing left to finish the sparkle bombs Quest and that’s getting ourselves a music disc now luckily getting a music disc is

Actually super easy to do as we can get them in a bunch of different areas now the easiest place to get one is an ancient city but I don’t know where one is yet so I’m going to go with the easier solution which is just to go to

The abandoned M abandoned M why did I say it like that the abandoned M shaft below my base oh we found a spawner this could have a music disc this could definitely have a music disc hold up spiters can’t get out of the one high Gap so that’s good back to the music

Disc here but we got a golden apple and there we go boom we got cat okay perfect we have the music disc we need which means we can unlock Sparkle bomb which uh let’s get to a more open area and we can test them out okay so back down we

Go oh oh oh shield shield shield shield Shi Shield we’re in trouble oh he’s here he’s here uh oh God teleport yes okay we got through we got through we got through oh God okay our base is under attack hold on put some bombs right here

I got to get out of here I’m killing him no okay we blew up one we blew up one we got to get out of here we got to get out of here let’s oh go teleport this way teleport this way teleport this way nice

Go go go now we’re going to go up in this tunnel now let’s summon our tier 2 rabbit we need it we need it defend me rabbit defend me oh wait he’s mining for ore okay I can actually read up on what my rabbits do I don’t think they fight

For me oh we got a teport we got T get up there get up there get up there I’m just going to abandon the base I’m going to ditch to the base I can’t risk dying I’m just going to lose all the loot at the base it’s kind of a big setback I

Don’t really have any other choice right now okay so thank goodness for our teleporting handkerchief magic trick cuz if we didn’t have that I don’t think we would have been able to escape there but we did so that’s really all that matters now we just have to accept our loss of

The base and build a new one far away okay welcome your faces to the brand new magician base now as you could obviously see I built this base at spawn and my thought process is pretty simple why would the hunters check out spawn for my

Base so I hope this works but now let me just jump down here and actually show you the base so if we climb down these ladders we’ve reached the magician room where we have these nice curtains all around all of our smel our lava generators our cave our enchanter our

Nether portal our chest you name it we have everything we need to survive and keep on getting our upgrades to get stronger but we are far from done cuz there is still something I haven’t told you guys about or at least not correctly anyway you know I have my magic hat

Where I can summon all my different rabbits well I thought the rabbits just got stronger with each upgrade but I’m totally wrong my first rabbit right here rabbit Evolution 1 is actually going to go ahead and hop around and give me a ton of food items after about a minute

See he gave me some carrots oh he’s giving me a lot of carrots keep going is that it that’s all I get well we got the free food and as you can see he then hops in the Hat and disappears and now if we activate our Magic Hat again I’ll

Show you what the level two rabbit does cuz a level two rabbit is even cooler but uh before we use him let’s go down to the cave cuz this rabbit actually will mine for us so we take this rabbit hat and put it right here and spawn our

Level two rabbit this time you’re going to see that he’s automatically going to go and mine all the closest doors within 25 blocks so like that iron right there and then when he’s done mining all of the ores nearby they will automatically pop into my inventory so we’ll just let

This guy mine for a sec he’s going deep he’s on a journey there’s our bunny now he should give me all his ores he got which was uh no no okay we’re good oh my God oh my God oh my God he got me three stacks of Diamonds oh my God that’s so

Broken I can’t wait to use the other upgraded rabbits later but uh we got to start working on getting the rest of our magician upgrades now so uh let’s go back up to the base and let’s look the magic trick to start working on okay so

The next magic trick we’re going to work to unlock has got to be the linking lightning ring now you’ve probably seen this magic trick before as well it’s the one with the two giant metal rings that somehow connect midair and all we did was give them the ability to also shoot

Lightning now to unlock those Rings all we have to do is damage all three Hunters at the same time with our exploding red balls then we just have to get the zombie doctor advancement and escape the hunter straight jacket underwater we’ll officially have our new magic trick unlocked now the easiest one

Of these has got to be zombie doctor so it said let’s go find an igloo because those are the easiest places to start getting zombie doctor I believe if I go this way I’ll run into an ice biome so we can get this advancement done with I

Thought finding an igloo would be kind of easy and well it actually was I I found a a single Igloo really fast but it didn’t have the secret underground area where I can get the zombie doctor advancement so I spent the next few additional days just trying to find

Another Igloo oh an igloo but it look it’s built into the side of this like Mountain here does this have the hidden thing underneath no it does it’s under this one oh I thought it was under the middle oh it does have it okay let’s just break okay so here’s where we can

Get zombie doctor inside below an eggloo if you look at the chest we have a bunch of apples and golden apples and if we look in this we should have a potion of weakness which we do now to cure this guy I believe we got to break this bar

Throw the potion of weakness at him and then feed him a golden apples here we go throw him that now feed him the golden apple and now you can see he’s starting to shiver like he’s cold and if we simply wait here for a few seconds he’ll turn into a normal

Villager oh I heard it I heard the noise and there he is we got zombie doctor and now that we’re done with that I got to go battle my friends okay their Bas is literally right here I don’t see name plates base seems intact all the chests

Are empty oh this base is abandoned they left yeah they literally left they’re gone I guess that means we got to go look for their new basee which is going to be a pain but let’s get looking oh look at all these torches wait there’s so many torches on this mountain I think

I just saw one of them next to that Golem okay let’s just teleport over actually can I just go in this cave here let’s try this NE Nether Portals right here put our bombs down right here let’s lead them out here ready watch watch watch watch watch watch watch oh there’s

A magician here now we should lead him down here around the corner around the corner around the corner boom Oh we only got two of them we only got two of them okay let’s go this way let’s go this way let’s go this way teleport in this way I

Put down one here one in the back and then one close to me ready go down here oh they’re there they’re there boom everyone charge him at once get him oh there’s balls here run oh we killed them oh no we didn’t no we didn’t no we

Didn’t down here down here down here that’s one of the quests complete the other Quest we need is to be in water while in a straight jacket and Escape so let’s go down to the water and pretend we’re injured so they’re going to chase us hopefully now we’re going to try and

Bow him keep missing keep missing yeah yes he got me in the straight Jack okay this going tough though I have slowness here that shouldn’t affect me in water luckily uh oh we need to move so we need to kill them first that’s first things

First okay ready oh I can’t do any of my stuff if I’m in the straight jacket I can’t use my abilities okay so we need to be quick about this ready let’s save the first one magician okay there we go oh wait that just counted as the quest

Even though we did not Escape oh I spelled it wrong I spelled it wrong that doesn’t count okay we don’t don’t need to be in water anymore let’s just teleport away real quick and type the rest of these okay here we go sorcerer wizard trick enchantment okay o we we

Broke free we broke free now let’s go ahead and let’s unlock our new combat upgrade which is the linking lightning Rings now here’s how they work I need to hit two players with these lightning Rings they’ll attract together and then they’ll get smited okay yep there’s

There’s one right in front of me we got him we got one we got one we got one now we need to get them near another player and we need to link them both up there’s one coming up this way coming up this way ready boom and they got smited and

Linked together so now I can whack them and they’re both dead oh my gosh what is going on I don’t know get off of me I can’t Boom the other one lived okay there we go one more to go okay now let’s go get Goldie where’d she go

Where’d she go oh down here down here if we throw a sparkle bomb at her she should go blind ready I can’t see she can’t see she can’t see yes and she’s done now let’s get out of here before the others come back quick I think we escape with our

Teleport oh we’re gone we are gone see you later okay so with our new lightning Rings unlocked we can literally Smite players together and make them stuck to each other which is kind of cool but with that done it’s now time time to unlock our next magic trick which is our

Card Shield basically I surround myself with a bunch of cards that are going to protect me from incoming damage and unlocking them is actually super easy all we need to do is get one lightning rod 16 blocks of bamboo and two potions of regeneration so uh I haven’t seen

Bamboo yet so let’s start by looking for a bamboo forest which I’d assume our best bet is to head back to the Jungle we found earlier and look in that area so that’s what I’m going to do so uh I kind of lost the jungle I was looking

For so I had to go find a different one also what is with all of the rare biomes I have to to find this video anyways after 3 days of looking we finally found some bamboo there we go bamboo lots of bamboo perfect grab all [Applause] this okay that should definitely be

Enough bamboo now just go break a Lo to make sure so make ourselves a crafting table now if we take all of our bamboo and stick it into this crafting table we should get a bunch of bamboo blocks just like this and if we look at the upgrade

We have all the bamboo blocks we need which means now we just need to go get a lightning rod and some potions of regeneration and I’m not going to lie getting a lightning rod is is really easy we’ll just go home and make that cuz literally a lightning rod is just

Three copper ingots but what is hard is getting the regeneration potion so we’ll go home make the lightning rod and then go get the regen now we go over here to the crafting table we spit this in and Boop we got the lightning rod now we

Just need to go to the Nether and now work on the regen potion now making a regen potions also kind of easy cuz as you see we just have to add a gas tier to a bunch of awkward potions anyway so we just have to head to Nether Fortress

Real quick to get the supplies We need oh we can go down here got it boom oh here we go here we go teleport down there yeah there there we go now we’re in oh here we go netherwart it’s literally right here grab all these grab

All these okay now we just got to go find a blaze spawner and take out a blaze oh here we go here’s a big open area oh yeah there’s a blaze spawner literally right there and a blaze right there SC me Watch What Happens B teleported you’re dead and we got one

Blaze R now let’s just go take out his Blaze friends and get a couple more oh I Shield that whatever and three blaze rods now we can go ahead and actually get back out of here and now we have to go and get some gas tiers in the nether

Oh there’s two of them up here let’s go three of them up here let’s go yeah got them and gas tier acquired hey now let’s go get those other two real quick oh I got you you’re done there we go we got him come on yes and a gas tier oh yes

We’re good three gas tiers uh we only needed one but I got extra just to be safe so now let just go on home and let’s make ourselves some regen potions okay let’s take our Cobblestone combine it with our three blaze rods to get three Brewing stands now let’s just go

Ahead and take some of our glass here and make ourselves some glass bottles and then let’s go down into our cave real quick and grab some of this water and then we throw these glass bottles right into a brewing stand okay so now we just take this turn this into powder

Throw that inside of our brewing stand so now we should add another wart into this and that’s going to take these water bottles and turn them into awkward potions and now we simply remove the nether warts and add in one of our gas tiers and that’s going to make the regen

Potions and there we go three potions of regeneration and with those in our hand we now have everything we need to unlock the card Shield our newest ability that does this you can see I have four giant cards that now surround my body that protect me from all incoming damage so

Long as they’re active Okay so now that we have the card Shield that we can activate there’s only one more tier three upgrade to go and that’s adult magician now to unlock them all we need to do is get one totem of undying 16 ink sacks and one recovery Compass now I’ll

Start with the easiest part of that which is getting 16 ink sacks okay perfect there’s literally some squids right up here is that a dolphin I didn’t know that was possible but I’ll take it cuz now we have Dolphins Grace which will make squid way easier and there we

Go 16 ink sacks which is the easy Quest done and now we have to go do the two hard ones which is getting a totem of undying in a recovery Compass so let’s start by getting that recovery Compass which requires us to get these blue Echo

Shards that we can only get in an ancient city so that’s where we’re going we’re going to find an ancient city as soon as we can and get ourselves that recovery Compass so for the next couple days I simply checked around for an ancient city and actually found one kind

Of quick however there was one little problem I ran into and that’s that the hunters were inside of the ancient city that could be one they could definitely be one that is definitely one yes okay we found an ancient city a bunch of fall Dam out let’s uh let’s just teleport

Down it’ll be easier okay now we’re just going to start looting some chests to get some recovery compasses so there’s one right here got to be super careful there a shrier in there there is okay so that’s going to activate no matter what I do there’s no real getting around this

Shrier as long as we get the recovery Compass piece I don’t care give me an echo Shard no Echo shards really we got some Enchanted pants though okay that’s not good let’s go go back over this way okay there’s a chest right here I don’t see a shrier but I there’s probably one

Nearby that’ll activate yep there we go not what we need but we got the best music disc other side how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old Man still no Echo shards let’s go around back this way real quick oh hi my friends are literally right there they’re in this ancient city with me they’re placing wool around hold up I got to be careful here let’s get a warden summon on them they’re trying to

Be quiet watch this teleport over oh they saw me oh maybe not maybe not oh wait there’s the position oh okay come on summon them once is there no shers around here there’s one over here there’s one over here there we go we set

It off we set it off one more we got a warden summoned one more for sure to start swinging I can’t see if they’re coming up okay they’re not nice we summoned that one more time that should get a warden in there he is there he is

Me dude so if I shoot arrows over there he should start going to their arrows he’s coming in he should be aggroed on them I think yeah he is he’s not aggroed on me come on Warden kill them not me oh they shot me they shot me they’re trying

To send it back my way he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s definitely done he’s done he’s done got him got him he’s blown up that warden’s coming in though he wants me oh no he’s going for someone else oh y there there goes another one there

Goes another one dude the warden’s on me the warden’s on me he sees me I’m dead dude let’s open this chest we got to loot it quick EO just we got three I see some chest back here that’s going to set up that Sher for sure three more Echo

Shards totally worth it an amending thing go okay we’re super far from the warden now oh there’s Goldie there’s Goldie there’s Goldie let’s get rid of her real quick she’s coming in I got her watch this come down here fight me fight me fight me done B gone now we just need

To go keep looting we just need a few more Echo shards specifically two more let’s go check around this side we haven’t gone over here yet please just one only one really there’s a chest right in front of us this will summon a warden as well there’s a streer it’s

Worth it though check it two God apples okay let’s check up top there let’s check on that Tower come on I see one Echo Shard oh my God yes we got all the echo shards oh we wi up a streer last second no okay just swim up just swim up

Just swim up don’t worry about the W don’t worry about the ward we got out of there and we have all the echo shards we need to make a recovery Compass so uh now let’s just get out of here and go home okay so now if we just combine this

Compass with all of our Echo shards we’re going to go ahead and get ourselves the recovery Compass which means there’s only one more thing we need to become an adult magician now which is a totem of undying and there’s only two ways to get that either I

Battle a bunch of mobs in a raid or I find a woodland Mansion but I kind of want to get a bunch of extra totems as well so the Woodland Mansion is probably our best bet so let’s gather a bunch of stuff we’re going to need to get a

Woodland Mansion map from this Village and the first thing we need is sugar cane which is obviously easy as found inside of a desert so let’s just grab all the sugar cane we can so we have two full Stacks okay there we go that’s more than enough sugarcane now we just need a

Bunch of sand which I should be able to just Skip by doing this and there we go we got a stack of sand which is all we need for that and now we can head on home put all our supplies together and then we’re off to a woodland Mansion okay so first things

First turn all of our sugarcane into paper then we just go over here to our furnace real quick and throw all this sand in it starts melting and now we wait for that we just take four Oak planks throw two paper on top of it we get ourselves a cartography table okay

Let’s take all the glass that’s finished melting so far and go over here to this crafting table we can turn all of this into glass panes and we’re going to get over two stacks of glass panes which is all we need now we just need to go to

The surface and head to the Village nearby and put down this cartography table break this and this guy should want to be a cartographer he does not is there another villager coming in for this job oh he wants it he wants it he wants come on come get the job he’s

Going the wrong way no you don’t you are not becoming a farmer go become a oh wait there is one there’s a cartographer right there come here cartographer now now we trade him all of our paper for some extra emeralds then we’re going to

Wait for him to level up there we go now we trade him all of our glass paints for even more emeralds where he levels up again and now we should trade us a woodland Explorer map I just forgot to grab a compass hold on one sec and then

We can get a woodland Explorer map which we can then follow straight to the Woodland Mansion which it looks to be to our Southeast just literally in this direction over here so let’s start teleporting that way until we get to this Woodland Mansion it’s generating I just don’t see this thing it’s somewhere

Over here am I just blind they’re like right in front of me and I just not oh it is literally right in front of me okay we found the ancient city now we just need to go in there get some totems teleport up here and now let’s go see if

We can find one of the totem boys there’s one right there I definitely just saw one in the hallway I don’t see one in here so this is actually a good room to enter so let’s enter this room here oh we’re getting magic 1 2 three

He’s dead we got the totem we got one totem we got the one item we need now we’re just going to get any extra that we can hold on to in case we die there we go we got two totems oh got uple got uple got uple there’s still one more on

This floor I’m pretty sure is it in here yeah here he is here he is I was wonder where I was getting aggro from oh he almost got me he almost got me where low we low low low we got three totems of UND dying that should definitely be

Enough let’s just get out of here and go home before we risk dying cuz we use all our God apples for that and now we’re home we can become an adult magician who has literally double the amount of hearts with 20 total hearts and additionally I am much much bigger I

Have a wand in my hand and most importantly we have a new upgrade to our magician’s hat which is going to let us summon the tier three rabbit and this rabbit is a rabbit that will literally start fighting for us with a tiny sword and shield and he will battle any player

That tries to hurt me and he’s actually super duper strong so you do not want to mess with this rabbit but because no one’s attacking me right now he’s just going to kind of stand there okay so now that we’ve officially unlocked a new magician and a new rabbit from our hat

We’ve officially moved on to the tier four magic tricks which includes hunter in half an ability that’s going to let me cut the hunters literally in half now you know I have to get that even though this is where unlocking ability starts to get tricky with how good our magician

Been I don’t think it’s going to be an issue now to actually unlock Hunter in half there’s a bunch of quests we got to do as you can see first things first we have to have one of our rabbits kill five players which is exactly what we

Need our tier three rabbit to basically do then we just need to get the advancement this boat has legs which is riding on top of a Strider and finally we ride on a horse with diamond horse armor and we’ll officially be done with this Quest where I can then apparently

Cut the Hunter in half whatever that means but what I do know is you all know the hunter in half magic trick you know that one where the magician literally saws someone in half inside of a box yeah it’s that one and I’m going to use

It so now let’s actually make our way back to the ancient city near our base real quick because Diamond horse armor has a 16% chance to spawn in there and I wasn’t really looking for it before so I don’t know if there was any but we’re

Going to go find out okay let’s just go loot some of these chests here that we haven’t looted yet and hopefully we just find some Diamond horse armor that’d be the easiest what about you no I didn’t loot this one but it doesn’t have the diamond horse armor we need nope no

Diamond horse armor here oh there we go Diamond horse armor we got some now just get out of here let’s make our way back over to oh we that’s going to summon a warden that’s going to summon a warden for sure oh yeah we just need to get out

Of here we just need to get out of here okay let’s just run this way I can’t see anything but I know the waterfalls this way yes it is I see it over there I can’t see anything but we are out of here okay now let’s just grab a saddle

From this chest right here and let’s go to the surface and find a horse now he going to ride a horse with horse armor and this horse right here should do n the horse keeps kicking me off come on be my friend yes okay cool now we can

Shift right click you and I can just add some Diamond horse armor and a saddle and then if I right click you now we are riding a horse with diamond armor on and he’s actually super fast fast this is a really fast hor so I’m actually going to

Bring him around back here and I’ll just put some logs around him so he’s a little Blended in and I don’t think the hunters are going to notice that but we officially finished that first quest of riding on top of a diamond armored horse

So now we just got to go to the nether to get a boat with legs actually wait we need that saddle back now to the nether now this requirement actually requires me to walk with the Strider underneath me meaning I’m going to need to warp fungus on a stick at some point to

Actually get this achievement so we brought a fishing rod along that way we could finish this up pretty quickly okay here’s a warp fungus now we just combine those two things inside of our crafting bench and we should get a warp fungus on a stick now we just got to bring this

Saddle over to a Strider okay now we should be able to get a Strider here for a sec we just need to make sure we hit this TP cuz I’ll burn if I miss it not the move not the move not the move not

The move not the move where do I go oh we can teleport teleport teleport yes okay we’re good we’re alive and look we got this guy right here oh get away wait why can’t I reach so far oh my God my adult magician gets two extra blocks of

Reach so I can get things from so far away we got a saddle on him go we got him and now we just have to walk around for like 1,000 blocks and we should get the advancement this boat has legs we did it we just just actually had to

Right click the fungus and it started working achievement completed now let’s just ride this guy back over this way towards our nether portal so we don’t have to walk all the way around again so we’ll walk him into this Edge Park them up take our saddle back wait can I not

Take the saddle back hold on there’s got to be a way to get that saddle back hold on a minute let me get some blocks for you maybe I can get you to walk up a block you walk up that oh you will you

Will good so now I put you up here hop off and kill you and you should drop my saddle for me now I get the saddle back and now let’s go back to our nether portal and now we need to get five kills with our rabbits that are inside of our

Hats and I’m not going to lie I kind of want to see what this bad boy can do so let’s go to the hunter base and let’s show them the power of a rabbit okay their Bas is right here let’s go through the side cave again so they don’t see me

Coming in okay let’s set up the Hat let’s put down our tier three bunny he should start fighting now if they attack us I’m so big I I don’t fit on this side let’s go through the main wait what they leave the base wait what oh it’s abandoned this is like hella abandoned

Oh yeah this place is abandoned and they left poor Big John here alone goodbye Big John okay well this base is definitely uh abandoned so we got to go look for their new base wherever it might be and then get five kills with our rabbit it

Took a couple of days of searching but I was able to find their base and of course they kept building it out of cherry blossoms like every other base they’ve built this video I found their base I just saw the glowstone down there but look there’s cherry trees that’s

Been like their thing all game I’m like 99% sure this their base I don’t see any names yet but all we have to do is get five kills with our rabbit and then we’re good to go well uh if you look at the quest it’s technically four now

That’s cuz I learned if I summon the level three rabbit and it kills anything it upgrades the quest but uh I feel like that’s cheating so I stopped doing it and we’re going to get to the rest of the kills here against the players if

They’re even here I see a a can I land in that water I don’t oh we’re Landing in it now oh that’s all my health did they see oh they see me there a guy the magician is here teleport over there quick go oh okay that was close okay now

We need our rabbit to get start getting kills so we got to lead him up here start defending me rabbit get him rabbit oh mess him up oh we killed him oh let’s go that’s two kills oh he’s actually kind of strong that rabbit okay he just disappeared let’s go this way let’s

Climb their ladder actually teleport over there oh wait there’s one up here wait what ah what he teleported behind me dodging weave dodging weave watch this ready watch this this is going to be crazy oh I missed him I missed him he got away from that no way they’re going to pop my

Totem at this rate we need to be careful oh he’s straight jacked at me no shot I can’t even hit him now Abra Dash kabra Okay we did the first one sorcerer wizard wand illusion okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re we’re good our Hat’s about to be undone our Hat’s

About to be undone then we can use the rabbit again oh he hit me in the water he cred me two of them on me there’s two of them on me we got to go this way stop in the rabbit go I killed one I killed

One get away dude oh no the rabbit killed another one okay the rabbit’s going to disappear in a sec let’s teleport out uh we got to teleport we got right there okay we’re good nice get up here oh we’re in trouble okay one’s coming up one’s coming up we need to

Teleport up there okay we teleported we’re good wait for that hat to refresh okay now we’re going to go back down into the Ravine with our teleporter and in fact let’s uh let’s blow up their beds oh I got found okay let’s go here ready tier three rabbit go that’s two

Hits on him he should be super low come on get him yes two get him come on rabit come on kill him yes we got all the quest done let’s go up here and now we can unlock our brand new combat ability hunter in half okay here’s my hunter in

Half ability let’s see how this works exactly oh there’s one coming up now here we go ready let’s hun and half him but good we got him in the table okay he’s going to get saw in half now aha you thought you oh what is this I cut

Him in half look dude he saw me in half C off your head oh we got him he’s done let’s saw him in half there we go we cut him in half look he’s now completely headless and he’s lost all his controls so he can’t do anything get over your

Goldie your next get s in half and now you’re dead I’m not going to lie that was so overpowered I can literally cut them in half but uh now I’m going to get out of here because uh I don’t want to risk losing my totem already okay I’m

Not going to lie Hunter and half is the coolest ability ever I mean look I get this table and anyone who sits in it gets sawed in half now that we can literally saw people in half there’s only two more tier four upgrades to go and that’s the crystal ball and of

Course the Master of Illusions and you know I got to work on this Crystal Ball cuz just look what it does it’s going to allow me to teleport all the hunters together in one spot which may not sound op but imagine if I’m fighting one of

Them and I teleport all three of them onto some bombs and just blow them up it’s way stronger than people realize which is why I have to get this Crystal Ball ASAP all we need are 16 slime balls 16 sea lanterns and two end crystals and

Yes SE lanterns we’re going to have to head to an underwater Monument which normally would be pretty difficult except for the fact that we already leveled up a cartographer over here who can literally trade us the map that we need we just have to go grab our

Emeralds and a compass and that map is ours but there’s one other thing we need as well and that’s actually getting silk touch on our pickaxe to gather the lanterns oh my god did I just get that first try really so uh I guess now that

We’re done with that part um give me my emeralds give me the compass and now let’s go trade with that villager okay now we trade this guy for his Ocean Explorer map thank you very much and now if we look at the map we can see that oh

God we have to go really far Southeast which uh just like last time is in this direction so let’s just start going this way until we run into this underwater Monument okay so The Monument’s apparently right up here uh we just got to dive in it should be right in front

Of us yep there it is I can see it and I can see some lanterns too so let’s actually quickly just grab a boat so it’s a little easier to navigate and now let’s go to the monument and go get those sea lanterns okay the Guardians are literally right up here so we’re

Going to have to be pretty quick about this okay let’s go in let’s just start grabing some of these sea lanterns one two 16 sea lanterns we’re good we’re done let’s go we got all the sea lanterns we needed that was just way harder than I expected it to be now

Let’s just head on home and get the last two items tomorrow okay so that obviously went really good and now we just have to go get slime balls which we can get at night in the swamp but like I said we can only do that at night so

Instead we’re going to go into our nether portal and get the other items we need which is the end crystals so let’s start by killing this Enderman here and hopefully he just gives me an ender pearl oh my God we got it we have two ender pearls well there’s the ender

Pearls we needed now let’s just go to that fortress out there and get some blazes there we go two blaze rods which now if we turn one of them into blaze powder and combine that with our ender pearls that’s going to get us two Eyes of Ender and to finish the end Crystal

We just need to get two gas tiers and some glass and since we have glass at home we just need to get the gas tiers and uh there’s a gas right there okay there we go we have have two gas tiers now we can go home make our end crystals

And as long as it’s still night time we can go get some slime balls okay so we take our gas tiar Our Eyes of Ender and surround them in a bunch of glass and that gets us our two end crystals that we need and luckily for us it still

Looks to be night outside which means now we can go to swamp biome and start killing some slimes for their slime balls okay now we just got to run around here and look for some slimes that spawn in and we’ll just kill them okay here’s our first one give me some slime balls

Give me some slime balls okay how many we get that’s seven slime balls okay there’s another slime over here oh and a big guy up here well there’s all the Slime balls we need okay so officially we can unlock the crystal ball our brand new ability that uh sits in our hand

Like this and supposedly should teleport all of the hunters together okay so you’re going to see have this crystal ball in my hand and when I right click it a menu pops up that shows all three of the hunters that are hunting me right now and if I click one of them like

Let’s say this guy they should all teleport straight to that player uh I have no idea if that worked I’m just going to guess it did well if it did something I’m sure the editors will cut it in what wait me yo is there a magician nearby

Okay so anyway now that we have the crystal ball there’s one more tier four upgrade to go and that is to become the Master of Illusions who also gets access to the tier four rabbit and trust me I want the tier four rabbit luckily unlocking him is pretty straightforward

I just need four sponges 16 Echo shards and 32 nether quartz and since two of those things are honestly like stupid easy let’s start by going to the Nether and getting that nether quartz so luckily there’s some pretty much everywhere I have silk touch so I’m

Going to have to smelt this but that should be okay okay there’s all the nether quartz or we need now let’s throw our nether quartz inside of our blast furnace to start smelting and while that’s smelting we need to go get some Echo shards now I actually already know

Where a few ancient cities are so let’s go to one of the ones we haven’t looted yet to quickly grab those because if I’m being honest with you Echo shards are super easy to get okay the ancient city should just be just up here let’s just teleport down now let’s just go grab

Those Echo shards and let’s try not to summon a warden this time we got one Echo Shard oh let’s go we got five Echo shards in that one oh we got a bunch more here there’s a bunch of echo shards that may have just summoned a warden oh

We are barely good and we just got a mending book and a fortune 3 book I still need seven more so let’s just keep looking around okay we got a few more in here no we’re still too short oh I just set off that streer gosh darn it oh

That’s the EO shards we need and now we just got to get all the way over there if we want to escape teleport up there let’s go and we are out of here and now it’s time for the easiest upgrade which is just going back to the water monument

And grabbing four sponges and since we know if we just keep heading Southeast in this direction we’ll reach the water Monument that’s exactly what we’re going to do okay all we need are four sponges that’s all we need to grab try right here yeah we got it we found sponges we

Just needed four okay we’re good we’re good we just need to get out of here now now let’s just grab our quartz back in our blast furnaces and then we’re going to go over to our regular furnaces and add all of our wet sponges into there

Instead and then we could say goodbye to our adult magician and now we can become the Master of Illusions so I am a little afraid I’m going to get too big for this base so I’m going to do this over by our ladder to be safe never mind our size

Didn’t change at all but look at our outfit oh my God we actually look like a professional magician now now here’s the thing you’re also going to notice we have 30 HP now which is a lot more than before but we’re just starting to tie

With my friends who have a total of 30 HP so it’s not that good yet however though now that we finished the Master of Illusions there’s only three more upgrades to go which are all tier five upgrades that require stuff from the end like the blasting balloon animals that

Take elytra or the god of magic that takes dragon’s breath but before we do any of that we need to go to the Nether and start getting some blaze rods okay there we go that’s eight blaze rods now we just have to go get Ender Pearls by trading at a Bastion wait what

Is this is this the Hunter’s nether portal no way they have respawn anchors in the nether this is where they’re respawning I think this is definitely where they’re spawning how do I get out of here now how am I flying oh my God I just realized the Master of Illusions

Can fly and he has plus three blocks to reach oh my goodness I could have been flying this whole time I’ve been walking through the nether oh let’s just go to a Bastion and quickly get those those end pearls here we got a Bastion literally right here it’s a bridge which is the

Best type of course I want to be careful cuz I don’t want to let a bunch of these piglins die in the lava yet so let’s actually go and let’s grab some blocks and let’s try and trap a few of them there we go now let’s just go grab one

Gold block now just go over here take this gold block turn it into gold ingots there you go now he’s trading push him in he’s in nice we got our first one trapped now he’ll start trading for some ender pearls well we start getting the

Rest of the gold okay not a ton of gold down here like I expected but that’s okay okay check the chest we got two gold blocks in there we also have a netherite upgrade and we have two ancient debris and a netherite Ingot and a diamond sword and a bunch of iron oh

My goodness now let’s just grab these gold blocks and be extra careful they don’t go into the lava cool we got everything we need in here now let’s fly back up now let’s go check in our guy down here see if we got any end pearls

Yet oh no we didn’t okay here hold on Don’t Shoot Me don’t shoot me there have some more gold okay well he does those trades now let’s go around back around this Bastion and there should be a bunch of gold around back yep there is now let just start trapping more piglins and

Trading with him over with this guy he’s been uh busy trading hold on before you just start blasting me take a bunch more gold there you go get to work oh look they’re done okay let’s kill all you guys let’s grab all the ender pearls down there thank you give me give me

Let’s see what we got and we got ourselves a whopping 14 ender pearls which is way less than I expected to be honest but it’s going to have to do I guess there’s another Bastion over here we can go trade at but uh I I just don’t

Care enough so let’s just go back and battle the ender dragon or that’s what I’d like to say but actually there’s a few things we got to do first because if we pay attention the god of magic requires eight dragons breath to be able to upgrade which means we got to bring

Some glass bottles to the end with us so let’s just store up all the excess that we don’t need at the minute and now let’s gather all the supplies we need so first things first we’re going to grab a bunch of glass bottles even if it’s too

Many then we’re just going to combine up our blaze rods with our ender pearls to make ourselves a bunch of Eye of Ender and now let just grab our bow and 64 spectral arrows and honestly let’s grab one of these netherite ingots real quick with a netherite upgrade and let’s craft

Ourselves a smithing table and then if we combine the smithing table with The Sword and the Ingot we should get a sharpness one netherite sword which we did and now we’re ready to take on the dragon that is once we find him uh let’s throw the eye and just see which

Direction we’re going in we’re going to have to be careful with our eyes we don’t want to use too many there we go we’re going in this direction so let’s fly about 1,000 blocks this way and let’s throw our next one okay let’s throw the next one oh it went backwards it’s somewhere

In between the the first and second throw all right let’s just go to the coast over here and just see if it’s in the ocean or not it’s not it’s not it’s literally right here please don’t break it’s right below this hill then you know what well

Let’s just go below this nether portal we got it we’re in nice oh and we are too tall to navigate it we’re going to have to break our way through this aren’t we another door this could be a dead end no it’s not it’s the portal

It’s literally right in front of us and now we barely have enough put all these eyes in and now it’s time to battle the dragon and we’re in oh perfect and since we can fly this should be really easy to do we should be able to do this really

Fast ready watch one all his crystals are gone now we just got to kill them this should be super easy to do with our netherite sword and flight wait before we kill the dragon we need to get the dragon’s breath let’s grab our bottles real quick and let’s

Actually grab all the dragons breath we’re going to need oh is that already fading that is oh there’s some right here actually how much do we need we got 12 oh all we need was eight we’re done already we can kill the dragon now let’s get our red cups of booming

And let’s put three bombs next to his head when he lands there we go and BK oh that did a ton oh we got him comboed he’s done now we should drop all his XP and we can get the dragon egg which is nice nice we right click that dragon egg

Let’s grab all this XP first now just grab a torch let’s go fellas let’s do it Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters it’s worth it it’s worth it just break it yes we got the egg we got the egg we got the egg oh they almost just stole that egg

From me okay we need to get an end Pearl we need to go to the outer end okay they’re trying to shoot me right now let’s see if we can just link two of them together and smite them real fast we got one we got one we got one we got

One let’s okay let’s get a ring on this guy real quick there we go I smited them they’re now stuck together that should slow them down a bit now let’s just get an end Pearl nice we got one now while they’re distracted let’s go over here to

The outer end let’s throw our thing through and we’re in we’re in the outer end nice now thing is we can fly and they can’t so hold on they might try and come through and follow me I got a brilliant idea watch this say they come

Through I’m going to bomb them with the sparkle bomb so they can’t see okay they should be coming through any minute and then we can get them all right go forward go forward where is he where is he oh he’s on me oh literally as I said

It boom he should be what was that a carrot that carrot just exploded okay it looks like they have some sort of carrot launcher put down the thing dude no I’m I’m trapped oh Bell illusion Abra Kadabra I got one of them trapped in the table luckily okay we’re flying again

Okay let’s get this guy out let’s saw him out ready oh he’s dying nice we s him in half he has no controls he’s going to die nice we blew one up we blew one up the other one’s still scrambled so let’s just kill him off

He’s dead nice one more to go one more to go what is that no he’s dead there we go let’s go I can’t move I’m trying to run now we need to start looking for some elytra after a couple days of searching around the end we found an

Elytra ship that contained the rest of the items that we needed yes there we go finally one with an elytra ship let’s break in right here now let grab the elytra now if we go up top there should be a dragon head right here we can grab

Yes there is and now I think we’re done in the end so let’s just fly on back to the portal and head on home okay so first things first there’s literally only a few more items we need to finish up our tier five upgrades so let’s go

Ahead and list everything we need to finish up this video we need to get a trident kill five mushrooms get a turtle shell and get a netherite sword we also need to saw three players F and get the withering Heights advancement that means we need to summon a Wither so we’re

Going into The Nether to start killing some wither skeletons for their skulls okay cool that is all three Wither Skeleton skulls that we need let just quickly grab some Soul Sand over here and now we can summon a Wither but I don’t just want to summon this Wither in

Some random place I need to summon this wither at my friend’s base and here’s why because I need to use this saw table on three players they’re definitely going to be distracted by it so it’s going to allow me to finish two quests

In one go and now all we have to do is just head to our friend’s base okay the base is literally just up here now we got to get this wither summoned pretty quick I don’t want him to even realize what I’m doing here we go ready 1 2 3 oh

He sees it there’s a Wither he’s here he’s here he’s here Funk wither have fun now here’s where we’re going to start sawing them in half in fact let’s saw one in half really quick there we go we saw one my hit is gone now let’s put

This up here that should pull another one in saw two dude he’s sawing me in half how is he doing this now we should to saw one more okay they’re busy dealing with the Wither that gives me a chance wait for this cool down to go off

And then we can cut another hund and half okay here we go last one there we go we saw three of three and now I’m just going to leave them to fight the Wither good luck with that guys okay so now that I left them to go fight that

Wither we legit are almost at full string we just need to kill five mushrooms get a trident get a turtle shell and get a netherite sword and since I have a netherite sword right there I’m technically done with that one already but what I’m not close to

Getting is a turtle shell cuz to get one of those you need to get five Scoot and Scoot is hard to get so we need to build a turtle farm right now so let’s grab one of our diamonds and let’s make a diamond shovel and now let’s just go

Quickly find a beach where some turtles are spawning now we just need to actually build this Farm okay so what you really want to do is lay out a bunch of sand like this and kind of like a grid pattern and then we just this whole thing kind of in a Netherrack pattern

Like this it doesn’t really matter what your surrounding block is and now we’re just going to dig down one block deeper in each spot now let’s take some fences and put them all the way around this Netherrack area and now we’re just going to take some carpets and put it on each

Corner so that way we can get over our fences okay so next all we want to do is go grab some water and we’re going to put this in each corner of our new Farm once the turtles spit out their scoot it’s just going to end up in this Hopper

And we don’t really need to make a chest collector or anything like that this will be good enough now we need to actually get some turtles in this farm and breed them with some seagrass okay so let’s just grab some of the seagrass right here there we go is that seagrass

That’s kelp we need seagrass this stuff okay now we should to lead these guys into the farm okay now let’s breed these two turtles together and they should start making some scoot I just found a legit scoot on the beach wait what was that you too did you guys just make me

Some scoot okay well we’ll just let them do their thing now and let the farm automate and uh while we wait for the Turtles to have their fun we have to start looking for some mushrooms to kill cuz once we finish that we’re going to be able to unlock our magician wand that

Has a bunch of different moves in one as you can see so let’s just start flying around the world till we find a mushroom Island cuz uh those are really really rare no shot Oh I thought this was going to take me at least 3 days I just don’t

See any mushroom cows oh no there they are there they are there they are one mushroom cow Dead 2 3 4 5 we’re officially done with that Quest and now we can unlock the magician’s wand okay you know what it’s night time I’m going to test this wand later I don’t have

Time to test it right now let’s just try this thing out in the village real quick and see what it does so if I use the blue on this Iron Golem as an example what happens oh he uh freezes oh wait edone on that ice takes damage well

Anyway now that we’ve unlocked our wand um let’s try some of the other colors I did not mean to freeze you I’m so sorry let’s try some of the other colors okay like purple as an example said it should start making it rain oh it’s raining

Crystals look at that that’s so cool I’m guessing those do damage if they hit you okay what does green do I got to try green Out oh it summoned a witch bomb look at all the witches that just spawned and the only one I can’t test is yellow and that apparently lets me move players whatever that means but anyway this magic wand is super strong but we’re still not even full strength cuz we

Still have to become the god of magic by getting our turtle shell and we still have to get the blasting balloon animals by getting a trident which uh honestly speaking of we should probably just go get that trident done with so uh let’s just start killing a bunch of drown till

One drop and trust me this will take a bit oh thank goodness okay we got a trident we’re done and now that we have this trident in front of us we can unlock the blasting balloon animals so here we go blasting balloon animal animal unlock and then to become the god

Of magic we just have to grab our dragon breath right here and fly our way back to our turtle farm to make sure we have enough scoot okay I don’t see any more eggs here so I think we’re good let’s just check we got a turtle egg right

Here actually and we got six scoot that’s all we need let’s just grab a log right here turn all these logs into planks make ourselves a crafting table take all five scoot make a helmet we got the turtle helmet now and now we can also become the god of magic oh my

Goodness just like that we’re at full strength okay so obviously as a god of magic I now have 50 Hearts I Can Fly And I have strength five and speed five but more importantly is our other new ability now if I take this balloon and I

Start blowing it up you’re going to see it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger okay yeah this thing gets absolutely huge and once it’s blown up it’ll automatically go attack the nearest Hunter nearby but uh since there’s no Hunters it won’t spawn right now that’s okay cuz we actually

Currently are on low health so let’s just get back to full health and just focus on staying alive for now anyway we have plenty of time left left in this Challenge and we are already fully upgraded so our goal is simple at this point stay alive and either make the

Hunters quit or get to day 100 and so I spend the next few days just waiting and setting up my base for an attack that I knew would come from my friends who of course showed up on day 86 okay let’s make this other netherite sword real

Quick come on give me something good Unbreaking three oh sharpness four Unbreaking three okay we can just store the other one up in here then footsteps footsteps footsteps on me oh they’re literally right outside right outside right outside let’s get with the balloon animal I haven’t been able to test this

Yet let’s make it huge ready get her oh my god oh that didn’t feel good did it let’s SW up a huge one as big as we can get there it goes oh it s them flying oh it’s a giant balloon oh my goodness I need to do that

Again oh no I tried to water Bucky it oh he’s coming for me he’s coming for me he’s in the air oh he hit the bucket what that’s it we’re getting with a bigger one here we go hit that MLG bucket you won’t wow he did you know

What rapid fire the balloons get them boys get them now watch she’s going to go flying boink and dead no he got me wait what all my abilities just turned off wait what happened they must have something that could turn my abilities off now I’ll start trying out our magic

Wand so we haven’t actually tried out the color yellow yet so let’s try yellow oh look at that we can actually just grab him hey buddy you want to go for a journey ow rude I’m dropping you he MLG bucketed that too no way let’s switch colors let’s go with blue

Now they’re taking damage on Ice yeah that’s right the other one can’t move he must be resetting his control this is actually good for us let’s get him with a ring boom enjoy the smiting friends they’re trying to go hide now they got lucky they dodged that let’s go freeze

Another one oh we missed that big one just set him flying get ready now let’s make him land Bo boom got him okay cool okay we got to figure out where they’re spawning nice we got one dead one dead one dead oh the totem popped I think the

Witch just popped my totem I got an idea okay I blew her up where is she going to right there that building right there I think she just came out of this bed so if we break that bed she no longer spawns okay let’s go in let’s get

Another one with the Rings nice okay one of them just got struck by lightning okay there’s no bed in there I don’t think they’re spawning in there I don’t think Goldie respawned here anymore so I think I got rid of her bed we got to figure out where they’re spawning from

In fact I should probably just destroy every bed in here one right here he’s spawning over here I found him we got him he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s in this building I found him broke the bed kill him oh no he’s alive still in

There no way you have idea switch this to Blue now he’s going to die in there he’s going to freeze to death yes they almost got me there so I don’t think they’re going to quit I think they’re going to keep fighting me to get back to

Full health in case they come back oh I’m done wait are they quitting hold up I got to check are you guys quitting dude we can’t win it’s literally impossible you almost killed me twice what do you mean you broke our armor we just died out well if you want to quit I

Just want to hear the magic words who wins magician wins magician wins that’s right magician wins thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a MAGICIAN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2023-11-04 12:30:41. It has garnered 449411 views and 10350 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:55 or 3595 seconds.

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    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : INSTAGRAM : DONATE : ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More

  • “Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂” #minecraft

    "Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂" #minecraft When you send this Minecraft meme to someone special, make sure they don’t mistake it for a diamond ring and propose to you in the virtual world! #minecraftlove Read More

  • Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Creating the Monster Bear Portal Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players often delve into the realm of crafting portals to explore new dimensions and encounter unique creatures. One such intriguing portal is the Monster Bear portal from the Zoonomaly game. Let’s embark on a journey to discover how to create this portal and encounter the fearsome Monster Bear. Unveiling the Monster Bear The Monster Bear is a creature shrouded in mystery and terror within the Zoonomaly game. Resembling a grizzly bear, this anomaly possesses a slender body… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • 100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft… DID HE SURVIVE?!

    100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft... DID HE SURVIVE?!Video Information how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this… Read More

  • Maximus60 Minecraft Horror Shorts

    Maximus60 Minecraft Horror ShortsVideo Information far apart so we don’t all right watch out it’s going there one hit me we going to push This video, titled ‘#minecraft #horror #shorts’, was uploaded by Maximus60 on 2024-02-12 20:25:49. It has garnered 705 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Full Video- Read More

  • INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shorts

    INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is He GOOD #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by NotLegendGamerz on 2024-06-01 07:17:31. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Please Guys Subscribe its means a lot Read More

  • Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft Dungeons

    Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft DungeonsVideo Information how Minecraft dungeons got abandoned Minecraft dungeons is widely considered to be the most successful Minecraft spin-off with over 25 million players and they 25 million is crazy a mod Day game kills for the opportunity to even just get 1 million but we’re we’re talking here an extra zero and multiplied by a couple of times wow widely positive reception Minecraft dungeons was set to be big after the game had a very successful update Reviving interest in it in October 2022 players were optimistic about its future but suddenly out of the blue after almost a… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!

    Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!Video Information у вас лагает Minecraft и вы не знаете как это решить Ты подпишись я помогу тебе решить Это вся суть в новых обновлениях которые не оптимизированы для слабых ПК тут вам поможет эта сборка модов тут есть всё чтобы поднять твой FPS А что если This video, titled ‘Что делать если упал фпс??? #майнкрафт #шортс #мод #майн #minecraft #обзор #mod #моды’, was uploaded by CryLove on 2024-02-29 09:30:11. It has garnered 6556 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    Novayon - OMG I GOT TURNED INTO POPULAR BLOCK GAME CHARACTERVideo Information [Music] ch [Music] for why is the music so moody in this just Minecraft man come on this mod pack so edgy look at the purple but uh yeah hello last stream I did was three three weeks ago yeah three weeks ago and I was supposed to do another one last week but I was really tired on Saturday because last week I was making videos for this week and I’ve uploaded three videos this week so I was pretty Shattered by the end of the [Music] week but I thought well I don’t want just want… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT: BUILDING KINGDOM WITH FRIENDS!Video Information hum stream start stream stream stream 1 2 3 testando Bora lá hein demorou um pouquinho hoje mas e aí tá um aqui o que exatamente nós vamos fazer rapaz eu não sei nada desse mod você tá me batendo a Será que nós tem que achar a Vila primeiro eu não sei se tem um tipo de tutorial que a gente consiga manjar nada no i Tab nada pera aí que eu ainda não tô no jogo não vi Eu Tô organizando chat eu já iniciar a minha já esse trem aqui logo já P telefone carregar… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadness

    EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information don’t build your sofa like this build this simple modern sofa instead that I’ve got please stay I want you you God take beautiful I’ve [Music] please don’t This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft sofa #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ALEX on 2024-04-21 12:38:39. It has garnered 11602 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape Prison

    EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape PrisonVideo Information [Music] nice huh huh help me huh go go go what p This video, titled ‘Help Herobrine Escape from Prison’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-25 20:39:14. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper survival -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft like server with about 9 consistently active players, but we are looking for more. If you are interested in joining a server built around community and trust, where members work together on builds, feel free to join. We are looking for players 16+ years old, but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Our goal is to reach 15-20 active players. Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Aethro Minecraft

    Aethro MinecraftExplore the Worlds of Aethro Minecraft!Survival Server: Dive into our enhanced Survival server, packed with exciting plugins to enrich your experience. Enjoy features like Extra Storage, Minepacks, Crates, a Land plugin, Proximity Chat, and many more. Discover the full plugin list at Aethro Plugins.Vanilla Server: Craving pure Minecraft gameplay? Our Vanilla server offers a pristine Minecraft experience with just Keep Inventory enabled and essential administrative plugins.Join Us Today:Java: 25565Bedrock: 19132Xbox Users: Add Aethro2000 as a friend and jump in!Stay connected! Visit our website or join our Discord community for more information and to meet fellow players. See you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than most of my high school essays. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

    Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft Minecraft: The Adventure of Avoiding Orange Color Introduction In a recent Minecraft video titled “Minecraft ama TURUNCU RENGE DOKUNURSAM VİDEO BİTER,” the player embarks on a unique challenge where touching the color orange would end the video. Let’s dive into this thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns. The Challenge Begins The video kicks off with the player surrounded by orange hues, setting the stage for a suspenseful journey. The goal? To avoid any contact with the color orange while navigating through the Minecraft world. Seeking Diamonds Amidst the orange landscape, the player’s primary objective is to find diamonds…. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!

    Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!Video Information apa lagi Uh oke Guys Langsung aja kita review untuk edonnya langsung aja oh ya BT sini juga sudah cosplay menjadi penyihir ya guys ya Oke Langsung aja kita ganti kamera guys dan langsung kita coba dari pertama yaitu ada black hole spell langsung kita cobain kayak gini guys Boom untuk Black hole-nya guys Wah berputar-putar kayak gitu guys ya Awas cuy Black hole-nya ini sangat besar banget si kita gak bisa keluar guys ya gila cuy Oh my God gila guys ya Black ho-nya sangat apa ya menyedot banget gitu guys ya kayak kita terserap banget gitu… Read More