OMZ as DIREWOLF KING in Minecraft! – Crazy Story

Video Information

In three 2 one wait wait what um who the yo is that wo oh my yo and that looks awesome right yeah this is so cool but H wait a minute Roxy this might be a little bit too obvious that this is our secret dad and it’s so easy to get into

What if someone wants to break in like Lily I’m the werewolf King and today we’re going to go on a hunt we have to bite someone to turn them into a werewolf so is there anyone in the forest hello and Roxy come here I’m going to bite you you’re going to become a

Werewolf please don’t bite me sorry Roxy it’s all over for you in three 2 one wait wait what um who the yo is that W oh my yo who are you I’m Lily the Vampire Queen the Vampire Queen well I’m the werewolf King and werewolves are way more powerful than vampires no they’re

Not not well Roxy’s mine I’m going to eat him right now no please don’t nope I’m doing it no he’s mine no he is not he does not want to go to a vampire right Roxy you want to be with me right I don’t want to be with any of you wait

What no no no I’m the one that’s going to bite you okay no you’re not oh my yeah well Lily is not going to yes I am no stop oh my yo oh gosh how are we going to decide this who gets to bite Roxy it should be me wait what why

Should it be you give us a reason it should not be any of you Roxy stop talking you’re not a part of this H we need a way to fairly decide who gets to bite him stop it guys oh my y be quiet Roxy but Lily what’s a fair way the only

Way to settle this is to see who has the bigger Kingdom the bigger Kingdom ah I don’t have a kingdom neither do I wait a minute that gives me a good idea whoever makes the better Kingdom gets to bite Roxy wait what no Roxy stop talking but

Ly do you agree yeah I agree all right let’s do it and I’m going to build right over here and I’m going to make the ultimate wolf Kingdom and what are you going to make uh I’m going to build a Vampire Kingdom well it’s going to be

Trash just like your face booty duty so let’s get started I’m going to build over here and you build over there and I’m Roxy Do you want to build with me yeah I would rather build wolf than a vampire all right perfect and you know

What we’re going to set a wall so you can’t cheat and maker Kingdom exactly like mine because I know you’re a cheater cheater pumpkin eater I don’t even want to see yeah yeah yeah let me grab my magical one and set a ginormous wall so you can

Cheat and boom it’s now set so you can’t look over bye Lily you’re a baby and you smell like farts no you do oh my y whatever but Roxy H can I bite you right now and just cheat no don’t touch me all right all right let’s just get started

On the building and if I when I got to bite you all right fine and that looks awesome right yeah this is so cool but H wait a minute Roxy this might be a little bit too obvious that this is our secret dad and it’s so easy to get into

What if someone wants to break in like Lily that would be terrible um we need to make it so only we can get in how can we do that how about we make a hidden entrance oh my yo that is a genius idea and I have a genius idea of my own what

If we grab some glass and make the front all out of grass so you could see the front of it but you can’t enter so let’s place it all with glass over here and help me out Roxy don’t just sit there okay helping all right perfect and we’re

Going to make it all out of glass so you can see the inside but you can’t actually enter so let’s place it all down just like this Kaboom and now it is all filled up nice and now it’s time to make the real entrance and H where

Should we make it how about we make it in the grass pet yeah oh yeah that would be super cool so these blocks can open up and then it can send us to a roller coaster and then lead us right over here right yeah a roller coaster sounds super

Fun all right and I know how to do this first we need to get some sticky pistons to move these grass blocks over here so let’s grab some sticky pistons then we’re going to need some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters and of course a lever to activate it all now let’s go

Down over here and set it all up oh your redstone’s going to suck wait what L you can hear me stop listening to my conversation and no it is not right Roxy you are kind of bad at Redstone oh my y not cool Roxy oh gosh but let me prove

Them wrong so let me make a wall of sticky pistons just like this then two down over here perfect and what’s going to happen is this wall of sticky pistons is going to push these over here and then these are going to push the block up and then it’s going to cover with

Some grass where do we put put the Redstone um this is going to be a little bit hard so we have to make some room so let’s break all around just like this so we have a lot of room to work with and oh gosh I’m not sure if I can do this

Huh oh you can do it I believe in you all right as long as you believe in me I believe in me so H first we need to activate these two in the back and I think to do it all we have to do is Place some blocks over here then some

Repeaters like this oh my yo now we can look at the outside but they can’t enter in here haha this is genius I know right that path literally just ends over there so no one’s going to know where the real entrance is oh yeah did you guys just

Say secret entrance oh oh my gosh Lily’s right over there h no Lily we’re not making a secret entrance in front of my base M I’ll be checking for it wait w gosh Le knows about the secret and she’s going to be checking for it oh no she’s

Going to find it out oh no no no this is really bad what do we do what do we we do we have to make our kingdom even better oh yeah so she doesn’t make you into a vampire cuz that would be awful all right let’s make it even better how

Do we make this place look better we need a source of food so how about we make a sheep farm that would be great oh my yo yes you’re right so let’s break out the back over here perfect and let’s make a giant glass enclosure so Lily

Can’t just break in yeah that would be terrible I know so let’s go over here build up just like this then put the first position then go down over here and then set the second position like that then set it up with some glass perfect now we have to haul this out so

Let’s go over here set the first position like that and then go down over here and set the second position and now set it all with air and cound now we have a completely incased glass cage and let me seal it up just like that and

Boom now we can make our sheep farm but first we need to make the entrance right yeah let’s do it so let’s break these blocks over here then make a little tunnel just like that Kaboom perfect and yes this is awesome we now have a way to

Go from our den to the sheep farm we’re going to have so much food oh I know right this is going to be awesome so the first thing we’re going to need is a bunch of fences and H the floor is already made out of light blue so how

About we make the fences out of red yeah please all right all right so we can make the fences go all around over here and then place them all down just like this perfect and then make it go all around like that and now we have a

Completed sheep’s fence area nice up but where are the sheeps going to come from H I want to make it so the sheeps automatically turn into food is there any good way to do that yeah what if we have water push them into lava oh my yo

That is actually a genius idea idea so we can automatically get food so all we have to do is place a couple of water buckets all over here on this side just like that and the water reaches here then next let’s grab a couple of signs

And this is going to be the border of the lava and the water so let’s place it all over here just like this and excuse me Mr sheep then now we can grab some buckets of lava perfect and then we’re going to put it all over here Mr sheep

Move oh my y you’re about to burn you did that to yourself but now we’re going to need to get more signs and then put it over here all just like this Kaboom perfect so I think this should work so the Sheep are going to go from this

Water and then into the lava and then they’re going to run over here where they’re going to burn and then drop some food oh my y they’re so silly but that’s done and now we have to decorate over here so how about we make it a cool

Sitting area yeah that would be great so let’s grab some sofas and we’re going to grab red and blue and you know what Pink Just for Lily and then we can add a set of blue over here like this then some red then of course some pink now let’s

Grab a painting because we’re going to make an awesome TV on this side so let’s build a wall just like this and make it a little bit high Y that should be perfect now we can place a painting and boom this is my favorite show it’s the

Flaming skull show oh this is literally a painting oh my oh that’s so silly but now we can watch whatever we want and do you think our wolf de is done yeah I think so oh yes yes yes Lily likes it and now we have Sofas in all three of

Our colors we have it in light blue the best and red and then pink it goes best to medium to worst oh Red’s the best oh my yeah we’re going to argue about this forever but over here we have some TV playing and it’s the exact same channel

It’s the skull with a fire on it and over here we have a little sheep farm now wait there’s not much to our base we spent so much time on that little entrance a thank you Lily I actually appreciate it even though you’re my mortal enemy but um Roxy it’s time for

For you to rate it what do you give my build I give a poop out of 10 wait what a poop out of 10 Roxy don’t you want to be bitten by a werewolf oh I didn’t mean it come here and that was an awesome

Adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye a few moments later baby Roxy welcome to the park since you’ve been such a good boy we could play all day today wo what I should drown myself wait what baby Roxy

No no no don’t drown yourself what are you doing no Roxy no we’re supposed to have a fun day at the park get out of the water I can finally breathe get out Roxy what do you mean you can finally breathe why would you jump in there that is

Dangerous I’m dying wait what Roxy you weren’t dying just a second ago Roxy wake up hello oh Goodbye Oh no Roxy must have drowned I got to give him CBR that means I have to put my lips on yours oh gosh are you ready for this rock Roxy

I’m going give you a CPR I cannot do this anymore I’m out wait what Roxy hey oh he didn’t even need it but where is he going baby Roxy what are you doing stop behave I have to babysit you for the whole day today and I am not letting

You get hurt you’re the worst babysitter ever I almost drowned Roy get out of there what are you doing no stop trying to drown yourself behave Mis I don’t have to behave unless my parents are here wait Roxy I’m your babysitter I’m your parent for the day what are you

Doing where are you going see you later buff face no Roxy calm down from there this is dangerous we’re super high up and you know how I feel about Heights Roxy come down right now I’m going to get to the top of this and jump off no

Roxy stop what are you doing Roxy relax this is a water slide not for you to jump off stop do not jump please Roxy please isn’t this so dangerous I’m running on the rails no Roxy okay okay okay okay how about this we could ride down the water slide and have fun no

What why not what what else would you rather do what else is there to do Roxy are you serious we’re on a water slide go over there and grab a boat there’s no boat I’m going to just jump in wait no Roxy oh my gosh I guess so all right

Let’s jump in and oh my that was insane were you not afraid of that baby Roxy that was so much fun I’m going again no Roxy that was dangerous your parents were going to be furious at me come down here Roxy where’ you get a mine car from it oh no do you

Have a mine car too see you later wait what Roxy no oh my gosh I got to follow him and whoa we’re underneath the map hello Roxy oh so you decided to come along yeah because I’m babysitting you what do you mean I decided to come along

And W wait what we’re going back down ah this one is awesome no it is not awesome this ride is not for your age and I don’t think it’s for my age either this thing is really scary and oh no we’re going up really high Roxy I want

To get down wait this is so much fun this is not fun at all and we’re approaching a drop oh my gosh I want to get down from here Roxy this is not fun at all this is amazing my parents would never let me do

This oh my gosh are you serious and wao the scenery is actually really beautiful no Roxy get me off of this thing right now you sound like such a baby right now are you scared yes I’m very scared oh my gosh we are so high up any mistake and we

Could oh okay Roxy we have to get off this thing right now someone stop it there’s no getting off we just have to finish it all right fine and F it’s finally over that was terrible W what is that rainbow thing thing in the sky wo

What rainbow thing look up there the one that starts with red orange yellow green blue and wait what Roxy where you going I’m running to the top of it wait no Roxy oh my gosh he’s going to get hurt that is the scarest ride in the park

Roxy hey where’d you go when I get to the top I’m going to jump off oh no and wait a minute where is the entrance Roxy what are you doing I found a way to get up there wait what you did wo this thing is ginormous and the command block says

Press here to go to the top and drop Roxy you are not old enough for command blocks don’t even think about it what I can’t hear you over me pressing this command block oh my gosh Rocky I’m coming up there where are we oh my gosh

We are super high up Roxy are you crazy this is insanely dangerous and nope this is a dropper would be a shame if I punched you in oh my go oh my go oh my gosh and oh that was terrible and oh my gosh Roxy The Dropper literally goes to the

Void do not fall in the middle fall on the sides what I didn’t hear what you said go to the side the Sid the sides oh pH you survived the middle literally leads us to the void should I go down there wait what no Roxy no no go back up

That was a close when I teleported Roxy up hey how did I get up here because I teleported you up here Mister you are not doing that that is super dangerous no it’s not dangerous enough we have water it’s not risky what what do you mean it’s not risky it’s not supposed to

Be risky it’s supposed to be fun we’re in a park this is so boring I need some thrill in my life wait what more thrill Roxy why are you looking at the side of the world like that what are you planning on doing see you later Blue Boy

Wait no oh my gosh Roxy this is bad and go we’re going up really really high ow I fell oh wait oh no Roxy are you okay wait what where did you go look I found parkour how did you get there that fast then wao oh my gosh Roxy we’re like

Really high up a fall from here is going to do some serious damage oh my gosh Hurry Up Slowpoke I’m going as fast as I can oh that was scary I’m coming and Roxy please just stop right here and are those ladder parkour jumps yeah these

Are my favorite oh my gosh Roxy oh oh these are dangerous I don’t like them one bit you stin hey be quiet Roxy I’m climbing up the vines right now I do not stay come down here M you’re never going to catch me I’m too fast nope you’re not

Too fast I’m just messing up a little bit kind of sort of I’m back to the trees baby and where did you go wait what why do I hear crying where are you Roxy where are you I fell oh no no no no no Roxy are you okay oh

Gosh oh gosh are you okay no I should not have been messing around like this I’m sorry baby Roxy you’re the worst W I am not the worst you’re the one that did that Roxy behave see that’s what you get for trying to go to the tree house oh

Yeah tree house I’m going to it wait oh my gosh I reminded him no Roxy that tree housee is for the big kids you are a baby I’m not a baby I’m a big boy no you’re not a big boy you’re just playing pretend your head is literally bigger

Than the size of your body hey that’s just the way I’m built oh well I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the way you’re built I’m just saying you look kind of silly be quiet what the how did you get there so fast oh my gosh

Roxy wow I’m really coming over my fear of heights nice but slow down oh my are you serious again Roxy Stop drowning this isn’t a joke drowning is very serious and oh my gosh you’re just standing there you’re not even drowning you’re fake Dr dring oh wait

Yes I am wait what yes you are what do you mean um Roxy are you okay wait Roxy Roxy oh my gosh you’re dying Roxy get up get up get up oh my gosh you just saved my life were you actually just drowning there nope I just wanted to see if you

Would help me well oh my gosh you literally were taking damage you totally were drowning and I saved your life and what the heck happened to this house oh you’re late I already destroyed it how did you do this in like 1 second I I literally just came in here how did this

Happen destroying things is fun you should try it no I shouldn’t Roxy stop it oh my gosh uh Roxy we’re going to go to jail stop it okay fine follow me wait what follow you where are we going to go welcome to the Wizards PVP wao this

Place is awesome what can we do in here you have to pick What wizard you want to be all right there’s a fire wizard a space wizard an animal wizard a heavy wizard a range wizard Wizard and a damage Wizard and wo they’re all a bunch

Of armor kits and oh my gosh this one has diamond with protection 3 yeah he’s a heavy one oh that makes sense and what about the animal one he spawns in wo wolves and zins what that’s crazy and he has a bunch of potions and this is the

Space one he can spawn an Enderman what and he has a laser sword with fire aspect too check out the fire one all right and wo it’s a wildfire item with sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and a flamethrower I’m going to be this one oh

My gosh this is crazy well which one should I be how about the rang one H I don’t know cuz you also have a bow yeah that would be pretty cool if it was a bow battle all right I’ll be the range wizard grab all your stuff and follow me

All right I’m getting everything wo this is going to be awesome you’re a noob ow stop hitting me with that all right all right all right you win let’s get out of here oh my gosh Roxy you are literally the hardest kid to take care of I need a

Break I’m going to sit down over here and relax okay come on I want to play no Roxy we’re not playing anymore I’m sitting down and relaxing for a little bit I’ve been on my feet all day M turn around wait what the heck why are you

Giant I’m the babysitter now wait what why am I toally ah and that was an awesome adventure

This video, titled ‘OMZ Playing as an DIREWOLF KING in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2023-12-25 13:00:47. It has garnered 4262 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds.

🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: OMZ Playing as an DIREWOLF KING in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)

🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Omz or Roxy or Lily? 😅

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    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : 😎BEDROCK/PE – 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Twitch: ► Discord: ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Book Me! Download: Giveaway – Discover… Read More

  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

    Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-05-11 17:58:56. It has garnered 5169 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:06 or 6486 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

    NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 24/7 SERVER JAVA + PE || JOIN FAST #livegaming #friskyGaming’, was uploaded by Frisky Gaming on 2024-02-18 05:00:37. It has garnered 59 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. Hi there Thank you for connectiong , hope you are enjoying our video/live, please subscribe and keep me motivated.. #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftlive #livegaming #friskyGaming for Ip and port join our discord TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7… Read More

  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

    INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won't believe what happened!Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Nothing Happened! Right?’ | Episode 11’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-03 22:53:34. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:50 or 12230 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

    Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Edit | Warriors – Imagine Dragons’, was uploaded by Moments Replayed on 2024-05-23 14:30:57. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:24 or 204 seconds. Welcome to my fan-made edit of “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, featuring scenes from Minecraft Story Mode. I created this video to celebrate and share my love for this incredible song and the amazing story of Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy the visuals and the effort put into this edit. // Credits: Music: “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons Video Editing:… Read More

  • Wavey SMP

    Wavey SMPA new Minecraft SMP with plugins such as a shop and better world generation which includes new mobs and dungeons. There is a PvP and Parkour world coming soon! Our TikTok and Discord links are below TikTok: Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP! We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing minecraft together. Invite your friends! We are on JAVA 1.20.6, professionally hosted and have long time support for our worlds! (we are on our newest season, after nearly 4 years of operation. We have lots of history and are looking for new players! Join our discord via the code below. Discord Code: F6maNHMK Read More

  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What real veterans fear…in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - What real veterans MinecraftReal veterans fear creepers more than they fear enemy soldiers. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2

    Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “You thought you were in control? Think again!” 🤯🤯 Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

    🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallen Summoner vs Magician #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 金くれちゃんねる@お金下さい🍈👑 on 2024-05-19 15:37:34. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxVOD on 2024-03-08 22:02:53. It has garnered 818 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:11 or 6911 seconds. WaxFraud live stream on 03/07/23 we back Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – also watch this – public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More