Our Scariest Night In WORLD’S Most Haunted Hospital – WAVERLY HILLS SANATORIUM (FULL MOVIE) 4K

Video Information

Are you in here with us anymore can you show yourself again Oh my gosh bro you’re going to want to see this bro hello are you there What is up fame so james and i are here we’re on the fifth floor of waverly hills sanitarium now i was here not long ago with my friend mo i came with my fiancee tiffany my ex-wife melissa and her boyfriend jose also angelo was here just a couple

Of us and we were exploring i filmed a three-part video of waverly hills and ended up not being happy with the footage that i recorded and that’s one of the reasons i am back of course this is one of my favorite places to explore as well but when i came back and started

Editing my footage i noticed that there was a strange frequency in the audio throughout the entire night that i was filming very strange i was using a wireless mic setup so it was really easy to i guess encounter some interference somebody told me that it could have been emf which stands for electromagnetic

Frequency i’ve never had that happen to me before i have used the wireless mic in the past in other videos but not here at waverly if you do plan on visiting waverly be careful with wireless mics that’s all i have to say i do want to

Share some of that footage with you just to kind of give you an idea what does that say room of death and it’s locked it’s got a padlock right on it oh is this where it happened right here because yeah the lady with the story okay yeah interesting story about right where

We’re standing right now melanie was doing a paranormal tour and there was this guy of course following behind this guy and she was like trying to get him to go and rush him but he was taking his sweet time and she was way back there just watching this guy on the tour and

He was kind of separated from everybody else he just dead stops right there in front of us you can see how dark it is in here he stops right there and she is at this point just so upset and so mad and she went to go pat the guy on the back

And the guy was invisible there was nobody there and she was like oh my god let me just catch up with the rest of the crew so i thought that story was interesting have the fan with me james he’s right over there somebody’s sitting in the dark now when people ask about waverly

And what are the most haunted floors or rooms i mean there’s so many stories in all parts of the sanitarium but the fifth floor definitely comes to mind and is probably one of the more haunted floors according to some i’m going to share with you my opinion of most

Haunted based on my experience there’s a room here that investigators like to visit also known as 502 people have caught a lot in this room and some say that the reason why is because a nurse hung herself in that bedroom but i did a little bit of research and

That’s not where she hung herself she actually hung herself right from up here which is very close to the entrance of room 502. now there’s a couple different stories about this nurse some say that she was having an affair one of the doctors she got pregnant and the doctor still

Didn’t want to i guess he didn’t want to get serious with her you know he was obviously married there’s also some talks about the nurse you know still having the affair with the doctor and you know she was heartbroken because he didn’t want anything to do with her and

He had broken up with her and what most people believe what happened is that she may have been murdered because when she was discovered there was a maintenance man that came off the elevator right there and he saw her hanging from the ceiling there was a light

Fixture it was up there it’s not the same light fixture and there was nothing beneath her another thing that’s freaky is on her death certificate it says death by tuberculosis and the reason why they kind of tried hiding her death is because this is one of the biggest

Sanitariums in kentucky i believe one of the top ones and they had a reputation to to keep positive and you know if they’re hearing about nurses that are working here hanging themselves you know that’s not going to look really good look good james is outside on the decking over there I feel like it is colder do you see anything out there um actually yes i was outside though i was walking into it and i heard like a whisper from behind me i was like what the hell is that i got it on camera well you heard a whisper yeah there’s a

Whisper out there well right out there i walked around this side then i walked over here and then like all of a sudden it’s like it’s almost like somebody whispered right behind me like what the hell i turn around it was not even there no you were like all the way over there

I even showed you on camera you were all the way over there so i was over here like talking about the nurse that was home and i thought i had heard something coming from this way but i thought maybe it was you but you were on that side

Well it’s probably connected i don’t know so the room that i was just in where where james was in if you ever come visit waverly hills that’s a really cool room to hang out in there was that you me no i heard something from behind me though i wasn’t even recording

It was like or something like that really i don’t know what the hell was if you guys hear anything in this video please let me know i’ve never been out here no i wonder if they used to do cold therapy like for the children so anybody that’s

Working here it’s always cool to ask them some of their experiences as well as people that have come and visit here well we asked the security guard hey what’s the craziest thing that’s happened here in the last 10 years that you’ve been here he kind of like froze

Up a little bit and he was like uh there’s a lot and i was like okay well the first thing that comes to mind right now yeah so what was the first thing that came to mind he said on his very first day working here he went outside from the fourth floor he

Saw like a rubber red ball bounce out of the actual sanatorium onto the road and now if that’s not crazy enough he was like i’m out of here right so he gets in his car he drives down this long road to the gate and as he gets out of the car

To open up the gate he hears the ball bouncing again and it comes down the road and he was like he left he’s like i didn’t even lock the gate i just got out of here like first first day on the job i’m surprised he came back bro yeah i

Don’t know if i’d come back if i seen that on my first day because he was like hanging something and he went outside and dude that’s just didn’t he say something also like the second time the ball bounced he heard like a giggle oh yeah when he went out to the gate yeah

Right ball and then he heard a giggle and he was out i mean that that’s dude i hope we can experience that but do you remember the first time we came here we were on one of the floors second floor second floor and there was a ball and it started

Rolling or bouncing i can’t remember what it was right so there is we caught it on camera there’s a little boy here that they say will play ball with you and he likes like the like a red ball yeah you know what i did see a red ball

Up here well there’s a ball right there oh there’s a couple balls got a couple balls oh there’s a red ball right there there’s something about like the red ball here at waverley you want to go into room 502 sure i think it says 502 remember when i was here

I didn’t really notice anything happen in this area i can’t remember oh that’s definitely a james toilet right there let’s take a look actually kind of take it home i gotta kind of go too so what the hell what is that is that a bidet no it’s a

Toilet that’s a toilet they got blown up i guess you’ve been here before oh yeah tiffany and i were in this room right here and we were doing like a spirit box communication if it doesn’t bother you to hear that strange interference that i picked up the last time that i was here

I’m going to share with you maybe just a couple clips because there was some really good ones you want to go down to the fourth floor i got something really crazy to share with you about the fourth floor in fact when we go down there you keep your eye out foreshadow people because

There’s a lot of them they say that they’re very shy what happened to the people on the fourth floor or what happened to people that were on the fourth floor was very very sad oh yeah very sad so they say when you come to waverly to be respectful

I mean not only all over but especially on the fourth floor all right so this is the fourth floor right here no it came from here okay from down the hall this is the elevator it was used it possibly saved a lot of lives i always feel like that when i come here

Every floor yeah that’s very every single floor so from 1961 or 62 to 1981 or 82. it was around those dates the first second and third floor were rented out here at the waverly hills sanitarium it was like a nursing home now the fourth floor fifth floor

Off limits well there was a health worker that gets on the elevator and she comes up to the fourth floor which they thought was like abandoned like it was off limits fourth floor fifth floor was always off limits for some strange reason a miracle from god she gets off

Of the elevator and as she’s getting ready to get back in it was like an accident she thought she was going to the third floor and she gets back into the elevator and notices that she’s not on the right floor as she gets in to the elevator she starts hearing like a

Whining sound come from down the hall so she backs out she thinks that maybe there is some ghost or something here she starts wandering and starts noticing that there are people hidden inside all the rooms there were boarded up bedrooms almost like if you ever played call of duty it’s a good whistle

I hear a dog right here okay go ahead i heard something else it wasn’t a dog it was like a person yeah so when this woman goes and investigates she starts peeking in some of the boarded up rooms and there’s people chained to their beds covered in urine covered in feces

Terrible living conditions come to find out when they did a little bit more research on why there was people here some of these people had mental illness they were being pretty much held here because their family didn’t want to hear from them supposedly they brought them

Here on the fourth floor pretty much to die like they were they were barely being fed i mean what happened to some of these people was is terrible very very sad they say that they’re very shy like you come to the fourth floor according to investigators they say that

Sometimes they’ll start peeking out like little shadow figures and they’ll go back in and they’re very timid very scared but the woman was able to bring this to light and there was all these investigations after that this place got shut down and the doctor that was responsible

For like what had happened i guess he was responsible for the other floors but there was something about this fourth floor these people were just being held and like almost like in prison that’s crazy so um it’s so sad if you come here to waverly hills like walk around be

Really quiet on this floor and see if you could uh see if you could see or hear anything because some people have reported still hearing those whines you know i mean i mean these people were being held like almost like like prisoners barely being fed i mean it’s terrible

I’m so bummed out the last time i was here dude tiffany i mean we’re at the end of this hallway and we start hearing this like shuffling like a like somebody was walking like dragging their feet and i was so excited that i caught this on video somebody here listen

Do you think the wind did that to the ball this way oh listen listen maybe jose what the hell is there listen i can’t tell i almost feel like we should have walked barefooted there’s less noise when you walk down these halls you definitely feel like you’re being watched

Tell me you don’t feel like that why are you laughing i can’t take it seriously okay try to do some thumbnails here okay i’m so excited that i caught this on video and of course my audio didn’t pick it up on the camera so i’m hoping that maybe we could catch that

They said that it smelled terrible on this floor james something was just walking in front of me here well you heard something out there too yeah is there anything in there anyone here visiting we’re here visiting i’m sorry about what happened to you guys on this floor

I was really not ready i’m very sad well aside from that i mean you have you know the tb hospital i mean this this place seen a lot of deaths It’s an unofficial number but tuberculosis was the pandemic of of that time it was terrible i mean now we have vaccinations that we get as children to keep ourselves from getting tv do you i feel like a strong pressure on my chest but everywhere like on on this floor

The third and the second floor which was where you know most of these tb patients were i mean you just you feel like there’s just you feel like they’re they’re watching you or something they say that they used to put the like the terminal like the terminally ill like the ones

That were gonna definitely pass away they would put them in this back part and the ones that were like healing they would put them over here or the ones that had a higher chance of living no i know that’s what i heard i don’t know if that’s true

And the reason why these porches are open they used to do like this cold therapy so if you look up waverly hills you’ll see a a ton of patients and and their hospital beds out here and like pretty much the open they would they would do that during the cold months too

You know they were somebody’s got a lot of dogs down there while we were here sitting in the dark we were just taking random pictures with no flash where i saw something peeking out of that room over there almost like came out and went back in all the

Way oh you got a picture too look at that because we were taking the like we’re standing together taking these photos hinge was kind of crouched down and then it like stood up so it’s the same hallway right through it looks like a white gown right right and that’s it like a

Hospital gown yeah like a hospital again oh yeah that’s crazy and that’s taken that’s right there right there in the hallway right and that was with no light yeah that red light that you’re seeing is from the it’s from the exit sign right up there hey guess what a train horn works

We are doing a little goofing off right now only because we’re waiting for that train to go by yeah so we’re just taking pictures and hanging out but the last time that i was here there was a train going by like that i turn off my camera

And of course something happens i don’t know if it was a whistle or something and i tried to turn my camera back on and see if i would catch it but i wasn’t able to catch it again but yeah it was like a loud like whistling and this is before

My friend mo even got here because he drove up all the way from vermont so for a little while it was just me and tiffany i tried to hold the camera really still oh right there what oh the ball’s moving look at the ball moving look at this is gone now Come on i feel like the first time we were here we’re gonna wait for the trains to go by so we could just what is that bro something just stuck its head out of one of those doors bro i knew i had a bad feeling about this area no

I don’t even care about the train anymore it was straight ahead like see that’s i think like a cafeteria something like stuck its head out i mean that’s what it looked like bro there’s something in here there’s something in there bro i saw it again there’s something moving around in there

It stuck its head out it was just a reflection of what the heck was that dude it sounded like a guitar string or like something metal who’s in here oh hey i know what it is bro i remember now they don’t like the light they don’t like the light

Did you hear that bro yeah dude there’s something in there dude i saw something dark standing in the corner right now whatever was in this room right here or maybe i thought it was in this room is really in that room i’m coming you don’t have to be afraid

Dude i thought i saw somebody like standing right here right now where’d you go are you in here yeah it’s just james i know it may sound like i’m just kind of scared which i was a little startled not gonna lie i thought i saw something in that room i’m thinking it

Could have just been like an illusion of something maybe my light maybe i don’t know i know that the very first time i saw either a head poking out of that room or maybe it was right here i thought it was right here on the other side of this wall I feel like i’m walking in the dark right now the camera’s picking up more of this light than we are that’s me how’s your stop stop stop i’m pretty sure i had like heard like a footstep or something well that’s no it wasn’t you that’s why i said just

Stay stay put for a second There’s somebody at the end of that hallway i don’t know if you were able to pick that up dude we’re hearing noises like all over like all around right now i bet you came from that same area that you’ve seen somebody poking about you know that kitchen area

Maybe it wants us to go back there i think it wants you to go back there nah yeah maybe later i feel like there’s something on this side yeah as well yes over here let us know where you want us to go this way or this way make a noise for us so

You don’t have to be shy i don’t know i feel like we should go this way because i did hear something come from this yeah very quiet maybe it just takes a while for them to warm up to you such a heavy feeling man especially

Around this area this is one of the more gentler floors like i know that i got a little spooked out but i think it’s just more curiosity than anything are you down here behind us or i like to relate better let us know here in the comments if you would come here

All alone by yourself in the middle of the night yeah all the windows are wide open so i mean you’re going to hear a lot of what’s going on outside oh bro come over here and smell doesn’t it smell different on you you fart no i didn’t fart i’m being serious right

Now it smells like my grandmother’s house the antique smell yeah like moth balls [Laughter] you know my grandmother like you know old latin grandmothers like they really used the hell out of mothballs but it wasn’t a mothball smell like right now it was just a it was a very like that

Old classic like perfume yeah like that my grandmother would wear so my grandmother just passed away she was a great person i miss her a lot i just gotta just got a memory of her i miss my grandma too my feelings of death are so different now than they

Were before i mean i genuinely feel in my heart i’m gonna see my grandmother again like i’m gonna like to me she’s not she’s not dead like she didn’t die her physical body is maybe not here with us anymore but her soul like i i still

Feel her i feel like i’m gonna see her i feel like i’m gonna see her and i can’t wait it’s gonna be great this life is so short We’re still on the fourth floor bro i feel like they’re warming up to us i don’t think it’s a bad hello bro what the heck okay here’s the thing there is a window we can’t rule that out there’s a window right there they did try to cover it up with some paper or

Some plastic what do you think it could have just been moving what if there was a some sort of light or something this window is closed so let me do this hang on look still try not to freak yourself out no no no no look there has to be a logical

Explanation stand outside over there i’m gonna i’m gonna flap this and you tell me if you see any shadow or anything so all right let me know okay You see anything nothing okay i’m gonna do the other one now this windows this window is closed too bro dude there’s something on this floor bro we legit caught something right now no i told you on this on this doorway i think we totally did

No i mean maybe it was a reflection of us or something comment below let me know what you guys think that was legit look like something was pacing i seen some kind of shadow that’s all i know was this door opening and closing or something that’s why i was wondering was

It the door movie let me see here stand over there well yeah but is that different no because you can even hear that it couldn’t have been the door that was intense bro i think we actually caught something really good on camera right there i hope

So i don’t want to get overly excited because last time i was i looked and i didn’t catch you nothing i don’t know i think we just caught something bro i could have swore i saw a person behind you right now dude no it wasn’t a shadow that was a person

It wasn’t even a shadow person bro it was it was an actual person like i saw color to them are you in here with us anymore can you show yourself again what the hell was that what was that there’s this like metal pipe on the floor did you no

There’s something here bro i’m telling you but what was that noise though it was this well before that i heard a noise before that you heard a noise yeah i heard a noise it sounded like coming down i don’t know this way or something i’m thinking what we heard is just like

Scratching or something i wish what the heck is that well i think that’s for like a suspended ceiling or something oh bro i got an awesome story to tell you awesome story from one of the main like volunteers has been volunteering here for a year right well for years but i

Mean for a year for years years waverly hills is one of those locations where you may get scratched you may get pushed you may get hurt now i asked this volunteer she was giving us a tour the very first time we were here well you

Know a month ago and i asked her have you ever been hurt or scratched and she told me there was this one time and it was really cool she was somewhere at the bottom of a stairwell did you hear that oh you this smells bad i hope it hits you too

Wait we’re gonna walk down to the third floor i’m gonna i’m gonna keep telling you the story this woman is here at the stairway i don’t know exactly where i think it was probably one of the first floors or the first or second floor and she’s just standing in one spot and she

Gets pushed hard like just pushed and she was in shock because she’s worked here for years and she was like i’ve never had one of these spirits you know try to hurt me like that as she’s like just kind of dazed and really like in this confused state she

You know of course is like out of the way like maybe four or five feet away and a huge chunk of rock hits on the ground exactly where she was standing before true story this is one of the volunteers i think her name was uh charlene or um i

Think it’s charlene or i have to go back but see you can see some of the see the plaster right there yeah now there’s really thick coats and that’s that has like a mesh in it i mean that’s really really heavy stuff i mean like a

Huge chunk of rock pretty much but that felt exactly in the spot that she was standing and then after of course she was like okay thank you yeah thank you for pushing me i mean it literally happened like seconds it was trying to save her oh wow so i

Mean she was like i said it happened really quick you have any idea what floor that was i think it was the first or second floor and it might have been this stairway wow i’ll have to take you down there i have another really cool story too that i’m going to share with

You with the same woman she had a pretty unique experience Welcome someone said you were trying to avoid this floor bro that was weird you wanna go to this let’s go to this side okay all right no worries man so james is outside there pretty sure i heard something [Applause] those are the original windows waverly hills i’m going to show you the

Newer windows in a second hey james we should spend the night here no i mean like sleeping bags is that you no no that was that was not me i think that came from the room i was in There’s a lot of people that come and visit here a lot of paranormal investigators and some of them sorry to say they don’t know what they’re doing and there’s probably been a couple of them that have done something that weren’t supposed to do up here yeah maybe some weird sounds it’s just

Just such a freaking weird feeling here i just can’t get it i don’t know what it is i’ll tell you what it feels way different than when i came here just a month ago which floor was it that we caught that door moving the first time i came here second floor second floor

That was probably one of the coolest things that that i’ve ever caught and you know what i found something really cool about that very same area i gotta share with you when we go down to the second floor and i have a picture i have a picture of some that is gonna scare

The crap out of you and i’m gonna share with you i shared it in the video that i made here but yeah um i was mentioning in my first video i mean obviously it’s probably like a couple different parts to this video but i was here a month ago

It’s like a stairway like an outdoor stairway but yeah i was here about a month ago filmed like three or four different parts of a video here and i used a wireless microphone setup that picked up this really strange it was like a high pitch like a

Like the whole video dude i mean we were here like six or seven hours the whole thing was was like that i tried to use some like audio software to clean it up and i just could not clean it up it was terrible there was things that i caught that night

With my ears of course because my camera didn’t pick it up and it was like everything was ruined so this is technically a reshoot but in itself it’s a completely different night yeah things are always going to be different i mean the very first time that i came

Here is with james we caught this door like opening it and like it opened in a way like you could hear the like the doorknob you could see it moving but yeah i have to share something really creepy about that floor you know what i’m seeing a lot of like all over

The place so i’m seeing like a lot of graffiti with the the numbers 502. see like 502 over there 502. this is a different staircase though for sure this one doesn’t go all the way to the fifth floor unless that fell you want to go down to the second floor

Um we set out more to go on the third floor no okay or do you want to go in the second i’ll go to the third oh you want to stop get up do you wanna oh good yeah so go ahead we can we stick together too if you’re a little

Scared i’m not scared sure don’t jinx it all right well call me if you need to all right all right i think i’ll be all right are you sure you’re gonna be okay i’m gonna be okay i might get lost but i’m gonna be okay sometimes i feel like i’m james’s c and

I omar no you definitely are but i mean that’s cool i always want to make sure you’re saying but i will be careful i mean i’m gonna combine them i was up here not too long ago and there’s no holes in the ground like you’ll just don’t wander off over that ledge

What we caught on the floor above us like i don’t know what to expect on here so good luck to you too bro all right i’m gonna share that photo there’s a really strange photo of where we caught that door moving i’m going to save that i’m not going to go

Over there until you come down to the second floor so because i want to share that with you but i’m going to explore All righty well this is the second floor i am gonna take you back that way in a little bit actually i’m gonna do it once uh james comes down here from the third floor waverly hills is one of those place where i’m not sure if it has anything to

Do it probably does with the windows being open but there’s definitely a lot of cold spots but i don’t know i’ve been here in the summertime before too and you feel it like could it be warm in a certain area and then cold another Who’s there says away say you bro i don’t have the brightest light right now what my camera is showing is a couple notches brighter than what my human eye can see i don’t know i feel like i see something in the distance it’s like gray there’s somebody over there

It kind of looks like a like a little boy or something it’s kind of weird there’s a little boy ghost that people have witnessed spend a little time right here i know a lot of you wanna you know get into exploring maybe paranormal investigating if you’re gonna get into paranormal investigating and

You know using gadgets and equipment things like that just a word of caution i’ve witnessed people that didn’t know what they were doing start getting involved with things of that manner and losing their life over it if i were you and you like to go to creepy places just

Do that if a place is haunted you’re not going to need all these gadgets not saying that there’s anything wrong with that for me personal conviction god’s been kind of showing me to not use a spirit box anymore when i started making content exploring places you know that

Were haunted in places with history of the paranormal i never used spirit boxes i never used any kind of gadgets i was really just there because i was intrigued you know i love hearing anything when it when it comes to history i love anything history related especially if it’s

Got some creepy backstory behind it i mean it’s it’s very interesting to me i know it’s very interesting to some of you so i am trying to get back to my original roots of just going to places documenting things kind of share the history you know of a place and maybe

What people have encountered in some of these places you know without really getting too technical and using any sort of equipment i started out just using my camera having a light maybe taking pictures with my phone and i’m gonna stick to that in case you didn’t know i

Do have two other channels i have a vlog channel the omar gosh vlogs you know if you want to get to know me a little bit better as a person i do a lot of random videos there sometimes behind the scene videos to these videos i also have a

Live streaming channel i ain’t gonna lie i i didn’t do a whole lot of live streaming on for a couple of months but i have been going live there i mean today i went live three times which is pretty awesome so if you want to interact with me i do leave those live

Streams up on the channel it’s just for live streaming sometimes i give you a little sneak peeks at locations that i’m at and i do some like raw you know uncut type videos they’re fun they’re a lot of fun it depends if i have an internet

Signal at all but a couple days ago i was at a location where i was live streaming and i was just kind of sharing some of my personal convictions on that so if you want to understand a little bit you know why i feel the way i do about

Spirit boxes make your way to that video it’s something uh i think it was called octagon hall check that video out it’s on oh my gosh live but what i was trying to say is when it comes to any sort of ghost hunting it takes a lot of time i’ve been to some

Places sometimes for 15 to 16 hours from daytime to night time trying to capture something so you know not all the time are you gonna catch things i have plenty of videos where i’ve never caught anything and i’m always trying to give a reasonable explanation as to you

Know if i see like a door moving on its own or maybe if i see something dark move like on the wall like a shadow you know so i did that earlier you know in this video so not everything is paranormal but i’m also not excluding

That it’s possible that it could be feel like i’m doing an interview yeah this is tiffany reporting live from waverly hills hospital so on the third floor she was telling us about this homeless guy who used to live on the railroad tracks and before they bought the place in 2003 i think it

Was 2001. there goes that ball again okay it’s fine just go ahead so um this place you should just be like wide open and he decided to take like refuge in here and he would sleep behind one of the i think it’s like a staircase or no behind an elevator

Space that was in there and i said there’s nobody there you heard that right are you walking towards us that is so cool we caught that i mean you can literally see there was nothing there wow that was really neat okay maybe it was the homeless man

No that was on the third floor do you think he didn’t come up here either yeah true people would try to break in here and like vandalize the place he would run them off until one night there were three stupid teenagers who came in here and they cornered him into the room across

From where he would sleep and killed him and they beat him and his dog to death with a hatchet so here’s the crazy thing actually it’s not crazy it’s called karma the homeless man was like in his 40s and when the teenagers all hit their 40s

They all ended up dying so two of them on the railroad tracks over here two of them died from a um apparent like um suicide by getting hit by the train and then another one was i guess murdered but they were all in their 40s around

The same age that he was when he passed away that’s definitely karma i agree that toilet has seen better days i promise you that james was supposed to come down here meet me i’m just trying to kill some time and sit around and see if i heard or saw anything so

What’s in there let me know if you see anything what’s good bro uh just chilling so here goes james he said during his live stream he was live streaming for like a good hour somebody kept commenting and sending him like a super chat and they said something about seeing a hand

On either my live stream or his life i’ll tell you what it is a lot spookier when you’re just walking around by yourself dude really i was getting like anxiety you were quick yes i was starting to freak out because i heard it bro you weren’t he’s lying

This is like he’s like the most savage dude he went down you actually went to the body shoot by yourself yeah it started lagging so i left but oh so you didn’t make it down there no but okay what’s on this floor the second floor live stream

And we’re at the end of the hallway all the way at the end there and all of a sudden here and i’m like dude no way omar are you there and you weren’t there no no like legit and then after that i just started having anxiety like something was gonna

I started walking this way like i was like Oh my god bro seriously i was having a heart attack i was trying to be cool because i was on live stream but like inside i was like so the very first time james and i were here we we were in this room right here i can’t remember what it looked like a

Couple years back i mean it looked similar but i don’t know if they still have these don’t remember exactly where i was standing bro i was standing right here and you were standing right over there all of a sudden we just here and we weren’t even recording remember

No we weren’t recording we weren’t recording and the door i don’t remember was it closed and started opening it was open starting to close um at first at first i think it opened and then i hurried up and turned the camera on yeah me too and then it closed

I just remember you going no way oh my god what the [ __ ] it was it was cool that freaking door was just opening right now by itself i swear all by himself Reason i was freaking out so much though was because there was nobody out there and there was not one gust of wind i mean like the door opened and then it closed i caught some of it i caught either opening or it closing but it did the

Opposite before i pushed record so funny story about this i don’t know if i had told james there’s a window over here and there wasn’t a window i think at the time and there was a woman who is a volunteer here her sister was here visiting and her sister took the picture

Of her and her cousin and it was right and like right here in this area and when they look back at the picture it wasn’t a digital picture so this wasn’t photoshopped or anything this is an actual legit photo film picture when i look at the picture that was developed

There was a woman standing between the two women behind them i know what you’re thinking okay well maybe it was a reflection perhaps it was but here’s the thing from where they took the picture there was no glass it was like this it was like this it was open so there

Was no way that it was a reflection of anything i have that picture i’m gonna share it with james so he could put it in his video here’s that picture check it out demon that sounds like a demon to you thought i heard demon now what does that thing do

The flux or this one the triangular device so if something interferes with the sensor oh okay so it’s like a rem pod it’s like a red pop yeah and a lot of times they answer yes and no questions green is yes and red is no oh for some reason it’s like something’s

Just grabbing off it shouldn’t be doing that right now oh like oh that’s why it’s beeping right now look another demon right now so that should be standing in blue right now wow what’s touching that the the what’s touching the flux or who is it do you guys know the significance of an

Annie we got an x-flag i mean bro there was like 60 000 people that died in this hospital so i’m pretty sure that officially or unofficially unofficially 66 000 could be more I keep hearing demon i know we’ve had it like 20 times already are there demons in here yeah i heard ghosts too in here how many demons are here Wow that’s an accurate as hell a thousand demons you can’t make that up you know i wonder if because the place is so haunted people came in here not knowing what they were doing and brought something from the other side something evil because this place was abandoned from 1980 to 2001

That sounds like like a like a heart machine yeah you’re right i mean earlier we were getting sos on it like actually yeah let me let me just try something out let me see look i just touched her right now right let me throw it here nothing obstructing it

Oh now it’s doing something else it’s hanging on to both now green and red stop doing that stop it’s top of the red oh now it’s doing green yes did you suffer in here if you suffered in here make it go to red oh

Well so green is the yes and when i said if you suffered it it flashed to green right oh what is that it’s a wasp oh there’s another one there’s a ton of wasps look they’re all like dying look at that oh yeah what killed what’s killing these wasps weren’t moving before look

They’re all moving they’re all over the place it looks like they’re coming alive oh wow look there’s watch where all these wasps from look it’s like they’re coming to life all of a sudden oh there’s one right there babe you’re allergic you need to get out of here i’ll go out there

All right that’s really weird if we’re going to get out of here because she’s allergic is she yeah that’s crazy they like came out of nowhere like that do you want to start making our way to the potty shop i’m excited i was already in there

So i’m so excited about the body shoe because the last time we came here we literally like we were running out of time and we were down there for like 10 minutes like i was so upset about that so all right so how do we get to the body shoot it’s over here

It’s crazy because like it’s cold I told you that door moves bro that door moves somebody out here there’s nobody out here bro all right look though man i’m not gonna discount that the wind didn’t do that like that that is possible it’s possible with the it’s possible the wind did that

Yeah no i don’t think so can you do it again can you make that door open go for it come on use your energy do you think like asking things to do things is the same as using a spare box now you’re really good or maybe maybe

I’m thinking a little too much uh no you’re not thinking too much i know exactly what you’re saying okay okay um but that’s that’s a conversation for another time because it’s a debate right it is it is yeah we’ll have to discuss that later i mean this is just personal conviction personal conviction

When it starts opening again i think little gust of wind came and opened it Yeah i spent a lot of time on the second floor yeah i even just sat down in the dark for a little bit that was kind of freaky so remember the last time that we were here we were on the first floor and they said that there’s a spirit that

Will go home with people that’s down there no i don’t remember that i don’t remember that i don’t know bro there is a spirit that has been known to go home with people okay well we’re definitely praying before we leave before we leave in case you’re wondering why this looks so different

Compared to the rest of waverly this was actually a haunted house attraction at one point that goes to the body shoot that’s right yeah but here we go yeah we’ll go in there and look in a second i want to show you the area where people have encountered

It’s like a man spirit and i hear he’s kind of a jerk that’s that’s not my words okay it’s not my words you see there’s some really cool art on the walls here they might be taking this stuff down actually since they’re not gonna do it yeah they didn’t have the halloween thing

Last year now james wasn’t here for this but when i was here they were filming a movie of a motion picture here i guess there was some uh some delays and when when we came so they actually they let us stay like just a little bit longer which was

Really really generous of them because they felt bad because of the the the mess and like all the it wasn’t even messy but there was a lot of um like tripods around and um storage supposedly it’s a horror martial arts movie so be on the lookout for a movie that

Is a martial arts horror movie you can see like the setup it’s really creepy down this way it was so different when we came here a couple years back isn’t there like a morgue or something what is this look at this this is cool whoa this is awesome

You notice like a bunch of these down here have these stairs that go up to these exit rooms i think it just goes outside there i think they may have done a haunted attraction but it kind of looks like bro oh my god oh oh oh my god you’re talking about

No i just that face freaked me out i thought there was somebody looking at us right now dude look you don’t see that face yeah now i do so i thought that was like i thought that was a window oh i thought that that was a window bro no wonder you freaked

Out that freaked me out too what the hell is spooky though all right this is the spooky room over here now investigators will come in here and hang out for several hours there’s the elevator right there and this was the original front entrance of the waverly hills sanitarium that was

The that was the front door right there oh oh oh my gosh bro you’re gonna want to see this bro go get it come come come come come go now i know that there’s some history about this safe but look what’s on the ground what is this bro what is this soaked rule

Evil [ __ ] oh god why are you walking on it man you’re locked in here for 10 minutes it looks like some sort of spell or something evil oh i should not be in here i feel lightheaded from that was a bad idea i think

I just wanted you to see it i want you to go in there all of a sudden i was fine all of a sudden there is something i remember them telling me something about this room the safe room there was something what what okay you’re gonna think i’m losing my

Mind i just seen a freaking hand in that mirror bro no no no no no no no i’m not losing my hand i mean you can’t see well so unless it reflected your hand i seen like a black it was like this it almost waved at me dude

Bro that trips me the hell out that was bro is there something that’s a mirror yeah well the mirrors pointed at that thing too but all right let’s get out of here this guy here i got kind of bad vibes in here he was like riding on these mirrors they

Say that mirrors are portals have you heard that before and there’s a couple mirrors down here james is really good at making me almost poopy my pants i did that on live stream oh bro is that like a coffee what is that yeah that’s like a baby coffin really

Either that or it’s something that they store people’s ashes and they like bury it i’ve seen those in like funeral homes now one thing about waverly hills is there was so many thousands of people that were passing away at an alarming rate of tuberculosis that they didn’t want to trouble

Some of the other people recovering and actually getting healthier when people would pass away they didn’t want to see them rolling out a bunch of dead people all day long i mean they were dying left and right so when somebody passed away they were very quiet about it very secretive about it

And they ended up building this uh this shoot this body shoot they say that this body shoot is extremely haunted and i will tell you it’s got an off feeling oh look right here this is the morgue yeah and i mean this doesn’t look like a morgue that

Would be able to handle thousands upon thousands of people dying that’s another reason they had to have the body shoot didn’t you go inside this and like lay down in it yeah do that again did i do it last time look this is where yeah they had they had like dead people all

Right roll me out man oh no wait this is uh i don’t think it goes out like you might break it oh yeah i probably would i’ll do the same thing oh look this is how they brought bodies down there was a separate elevator they would bring them in here and

See this is right next to the body shoe which we’re gonna go there in a second so it was it was very secretive because they didn’t want the other patients like getting upset seeing uh i mean and it makes a lot of sense if you’re recovering or you know trying to

Get healthy from a very new disease a pandemic if you will of that time a terrible one that was killing people i mean they had to think about it they were making special hospitals just for this pandemic and that’s what this was i mean i wouldn’t want to see

Somebody dying of the disease that i have and i’m trying to get healthy in essence it was good what they were doing they were doing good because they didn’t want people getting discouraged and thinking that their life was going to end or possibly end and how many bodies have been in this thing

Lots you know how many bodies have been this way and you know give or take over 50 hours Bro there’s something like gray over there what is that no bro look there’s like somebody standing over there you know what i’ve been feeling bro like taps on my like the tips of my shoulders really that’s what i just felt like on my head but it’s almost like a little wish

That’s the door right there so when i was in the body shoot about a month ago i was really upset because we didn’t get to spend a lot of a lot of time here but when i was in here and we all witnessed it it sounded like people having a full-out conversation

And it was yes everybody that was here that night was in this one area and it sounded like it was a like a conversation between people it was the weirdest thing we all i believe you because when i did my live stream we heard voices in here watch your step right here

To the right oh there’s such an eerie feeling if you’re in prison and you were given the electric chair and you were taking your last walk this is what it would feel like for i wish you could have heard what the death whistle sounded like in here it’s an aztec death whistle

And they say that sometimes it will wake up spirits i will say it does wake up the cops we’re going to try it right here at waverly hills body shoot where thousands of bodies were i don’t know what’s the word carried down or no they were like offslotted

Down right like maybe on their stretchers yeah and there was a hearse waiting for them at the bottom so you guys ready oh let’s do it i’ve always wanted to hear one of these things in real life that’s [ __ ] terrifying my fears i was gonna warn you not to stand here

That is terrifying that’s pretty crazy it sounds great do it you again do it one more time i say go down a couple more steps the deeper you go the more echo you’re going to get i feel like none imagine you get a scream back though i’ll give this to you

What you just you know you sanitize it mo says he doesn’t have these in canada that’s awesome man thank you so much just so cool just put a little alcohol on that dude i’m gonna be growing this all around my house scared my wife i’m pretty sure that just became

Possessed here we are hey thumbnail with me here real quick [Laughter] you better not be trying to make one of those videos exposing our thumbnail i’m so gonna do that oh my gosh here it is Here it is there’s stairs right there and then there is a very steep decline and that would go to the bottom of a hill where a hearse would be waiting for sure it’s so quiet is there anything down there I almost feel like we should walk down to the body are you walking this i don’t work on this side the spirits don’t like us hopefully they push you it’s really easy to go down but once you start coming back up Hello are you the known there it says up there bro this is closed that was a dude Yeah that was that look at it look it’s like moving it’s already moving it’s like moving look at that dude look at it shaking is that for me like just removing it i don’t know well you didn’t move you just a minute ago when we were down in the body shoot

I think the security guard was here no no way he’s outside though he’s in his truck i just realized he’s outside he’s not in here bro i don’t know if i want to go back down there it was like right when we started walking down there yeah you want to know

The crazy thing while i was starting to walk down there i felt like i was kind of getting pushed like there was like this force but i mean it just could it could be gravity not trying to rule that out but i almost i almost felt like

There was something trying to push us down can you move that again do you want to go back out there oh bro feels so dizzy yeah we should okay right when i got on the like not the stair part but like the little decline where they would put the

Stretchers like the actual body shoot i felt like a a terrible lack of balance like it was i don’t know i don’t want to walk over there again i don’t feel a draft of wind coming from down here that’s pretty steep how the heck would they just roll bodies down this

There had to be somebody guiding it all the way they were like on wheels or something from what i was told they would literally just send the body down like that maybe there was a rail there oh that’s what it was look yeah there was rails here you could see

The marks right there of something that was metal that was probably taken off so there was rails here that would guide the stretcher i mean think about it they didn’t have time to have somebody push this this body you know on a stretcher down they would just just let it go just like

Go ahead watch your head there’s like a lantern right now we should sit down and turn the lights off and just see if we okay you want to do it right now sure oh you’re getting so close man i’m scared yeah i know that’s scary there’s any spirits in here you’re not

Allowed to touch us nope i’m gonna learn your way down on the body you’re laying down ew you just touch my hair and touch you okay something just touched my hair you’re there bro there’s something touching my hair can you please turn the light on and tell me there’s a bug on my

Head right in here literally two or three times something was moving my hair this is probably hair spray coming out of your hair or something yeah oh what huh you did [Laughter] So It’s going to be counterfeit i was just thinking when we first got here we started going up some stairs because we started out on the fifth floor dude this guy was like we gotta take a break bro gotta take a break and i was like yeah break sounds good

Because i was running out of breath too i think he’s touching my hair bro touching your hair yes it’s like i look up for like a wire or something something keeps touching my hair i’m not even playing james is really tall so he doesn’t bump into this do you see something right

There is there something hanging right there there’s a pole right there but i mean you would have that one this is a trippy walk like it’s super trippy this is going to collapse one day this is a old building it just keeps getting colder what is this oh gosh look

Okay that was bro staying right here that freaked me out oh that’s freezing a little there literally feels like there’s a fan this thing just keeps going i know i was like does it never end i think we’re reaching anyway remember that time we went in that tunnel in russian where

Prisoners were escaping and stuff look at all this like clay or dust or something where’s that coming from tony brooks was about lying a girl what oh it’s closed off okay so this was the opening well it was open at one point and that’s where they would usually have a hearse waiting hello

Hello so yeah i’m kind of disappointed that this wasn’t open but maybe it’s a good thing that it’s closed off because that went to just straight outside that’s outside right there and from what i was told there’s a little road right there and it was far away enough where the patients wouldn’t see

These bodies being taken away from You know where the hills so James was just taking some pictures right now with his phone and we heard like a it was like and we both weren’t recording of course yeah what would you say that it was like a tap or something like that when you come to dark places like this

You definitely gotta bring more than one light and that’s what we did one of my lights already died this is my only other source of light a little harder going back up dude look at all these rocks just like it’s like crumbling that’s crazy man you know what we’re experiencing history right now

Because there’s going to come a time where this is going to collapse and they’re going to close us off you know i mean i’m sure they’ll repair they are on top of stuff and they’re doing a lot of remodeling here pretty steep literally like you take like three steps

And you’re out of breath you know it makes it harder to breathe too it’s so cold it’s probably 15 degrees in here right now yeah such a long walk if you ever come to waverly and you make this walk down the body shoot it’s kind of like one of those things you

Just got to do get off your bucket list and never do it again i think i might take a break all right james need a break too that’s how we do our our thumbnails yeah it’s a light cold lighting that’s pretty dope you look like a oompa loompa

We could change just like making all these faces first thumbnails ready start walking back up yeah let me know when you need another break this is such a steep hey this is it’s hard getting down here we’re coming back up to a whole different game oh my gosh what kind of

Angle is this this is like the worst hill i’ve ever had to walk up man i’ll tell you what you want some good exercise go down the body shoot and then try to go back up and do it really fast bro i don’t know which side’s easier to walk

Up um i think the stairs it’s probably easier yes these are both hard all right we got like another 20 feet or so this is worse than just walking up regular stairs you know this is like remember we’re going up those massive hills in hollywood uh yeah except there is

Could you imagine the noise that that made oh dude we got another another 30 minutes to go just kidding we’re almost here i wonder how many people have done this you’re not even out of breath i’m out of breath i’m not brave it’s cool they put this just to kind of protect people

From scenario this is weird i still feel like i’m on that body shoot going up but now we’re going straight i’m curious if this door is closed up again maybe while we’re at the bottom bro when we leave i’m asking the security guard what is not what it’s open

You know i’m kind of bummed about though i didn’t get to hear that conversation like last time it was cool bro like you just heard me listen to us talking oh look at this i mean i kind of noticed that last night but it’s a stretcher

Oh i didn’t even notice that was the structure think of this rolling down like maybe that’s what it was bro you mean like this is the actual structure i mean you could put a body on it and just roll it down the thing i think would go

Really fast though so it shoot out i mean that’s why they call a body shoot right because it shoots out at the bottom right damn bro wouldn’t that be crazy to reenact that oh yeah definitely maybe one day we can try that that’s pretty good and you can lay on it yeah

I thought this was a real mark before this is all hand-painted yeah i was wondering about that like i seen did they actually put bodies in there no no this is a this is all block probably for their halloween oh check this out well i’ll just notice this

There’s like a hand coming out of here that’s pretty cool Spooky All right fam we successfully completed the body shoot challenge at 3am i want to give a huge shout out not only to you but my homie the fam james for being such a savage and going on these crazy adventures with me be sure to swing by his channel show him

A little bit of love dude i don’t feel good after going up and down those stairs we’ve been doing this all night we should have started with that actually that’s a pretty good way to end it actually yeah we’re gonna go ahead and get out of

Here thank you so much for being a part of this adventure got to go for now before we leave give me a kiss peace You

This video, titled ‘Our Scariest Night In WORLD’S Most Haunted Hospital – WAVERLY HILLS SANATORIUM (FULL MOVIE) 4K’, was uploaded by OmarGoshTV on 2022-01-03 04:01:05. It has garnered 1418247 views and 31233 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:03 or 5643 seconds.

The scariest night at Waverly Hills. The complete full series movie with Unseen footage feat: @moesargi @TheFAM @exploringwithangelo Tiphanie and @OmarGoshTV

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Check out my other cool channels: VLOGS http://youtube.com/c/theomargosh LIVE STREAM https://www.youtube.com/c/omargoshlive

Write to me here: http://OmarGoshIntro@gmail.com For professional inquiries: http://theomargosh@gmail.com

More about OmarGoshTV: Omar Gosh goes on scary travel adventures to some of the scariest places with real haunted history. On this channel you can expect to get scared but have fun with the scary creepy content thats safe for the entire family to watch. Do not attempt to go to some of the locations or ones like it that Omar goes to as some can be very dangerous. With that said: Omargoshtv loves making content for entertainment, education and most importantly: give viewers an escape from their hectic worlds. Enjoy!

Film by: OmarGoshTV All Rights Reserved and protected against unauthorized use.

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  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video showcasing the new Wolf Armor in Minecraft 1.20.5. The process of obtaining this armor involves finding the elusive armadillo mob in the Savannah Biome or Badlands biomes. But fear not, we have the solution for you! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server at YT.MINEWIND.NET to embark on an adventure like no other. Explore vast landscapes, encounter unique mobs, and uncover hidden treasures. The Minewind community is vibrant and welcoming, making it the perfect place to craft your own story. Just like obtaining the Wolf Armor in Minecraft, joining Minewind is… Read More

  • Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start

    Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start Minecraft: The Legendary Beginning 😱🔥 Embark on an epic journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity One of the defining features of Minecraft is its creative mode, allowing players to build magnificent structures, intricate redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes. With an array of blocks at their disposal, players can let their imagination run wild and bring their wildest creations to life. Survive and Thrive For… Read More

  • WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮

    WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮Video Information با This video, titled ‘Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-03-22 07:28:40. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99#shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort #minecraftshorts #minecraftdaily #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #video #memes #memesdaily #funny #funnyshorts #funnyshorts #funnymoments #funnymemes #funnycomedy #funnymoments #memeviral #memesbr #skibidi #skibidibop  #skibiditoilet #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidimeme #yessmartypie #yessmartypieisindiandream #yessmartypiereacts #dreamboy #ezio18rip… Read More

  • Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in Minecraft

    Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information तो चलते हैं सीधे अबे भाई तो ठीक है गाइस अभी मैं आ चुका हूं उस वर्ड के अंदर जहां पे ये मिस्ट्री हम लोग को सॉल्व करनी है मैप स्टार्ट करने के अलावा मैं तुम लोग को बता दूं वो विलेजर से फाइट करना बिल्कुल भी ऐसा नहीं होने वाला है जैसा कि मैंने सुना है वो विलेजर मरने वालों में से बिल्कुल भी नहीं है यानी कि मैं कितना भी ट्राई कर लूं मैं उसे मार नहीं सकता क्योंकि मैं सेलेक्ट करने वाला हूं यहां से हार्ड एंड हार्ड सेलेक्ट करने के बाद हम लोग चलते… Read More

  • Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!

    Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!Video Information This video, titled ‘3.5 Years Of Crystal PVP | Ht3 Very Soon….’, was uploaded by GreaterSteve on 2024-03-30 14:42:26. It has garnered 2527 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button Play.lifesteal.rip is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp. G0CKK, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, karmaticc, roist_,… Read More

  • Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information let’s continue exploring the universe within art and the art within farming in this episode we’re going to be looking at how to farm Nether wart there are a bunch of different ways that you can do this but unfortunately there isn’t a fully automatic one but we’ll be going over all the different ways for you to get tons of Nether wart so that you can pick which design fits your needs the best whether you want an automatic collection system or you just want some assistance when it comes to harvesting it hopefully this video will… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lesson

    Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lessonVideo Information какой самый сильный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это варден или Эндер дракон но нет это было бы очень легко кто-то скажет что это Иссушитель но этот моб намного сильнее и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это заряженный крипер Он запросто может убить игрока в незеритовой броне с одного удара Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской версия игры стареет Итак я заспавнился и пока что я на максимальной… Read More

  • Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smp

    Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey guys how are we doing how is life treating you how is how was the weekend cuz it’s now like Sunday evening you know weekend’s kind of over which is lowkey really sad but it is what it is but like how was it you know hopefully it was a fun slay weekend maybe it wasn’t I hope it was though but you you never know you never know let me get that I am in a cave kind of in the middle of nowhere to be honest but when am I not exiled hello how’s your… Read More

  • 🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀

    🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀Video Information hello bro person to complete the game okay he won he just won the match and we will start in 2 minutes stay t gold to in party unated [Music] body [Laughter] for hell auto adjust auto adjust second sunset or l and doing oh okay okay okay good [Music] uh thanks for subscribing I don’t know how to spell this name good job good job good job okay okay okay okay rules br r you oh okay okay okay you can see yes going B on my way uh Val wait Val has a rank yeah valent… Read More

  • Insane Combo – Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-Nite

    Insane Combo - Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-NiteVideo Information like crab so um this is a Minecraft fortnite server that literally just came out and um it’s been super hard to get in and I finally just got in so I’m going to try to play it and see what happens okay so the back story for this is that there’s this dude named nimsy and he is the first person to make the Minecraft fortnite M with like the entire OG map and all the guns and actually working building system so I decided I wanted to try it and I did not realize how hard… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXTVideo Information [Music] here [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] a h ow owow [Music] h [Music] light [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah yeah n This video, titled ‘minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-09 15:25:54. It has garnered 1856 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles… Read More

  • Goon Squad

    Goon SquadHi! The Goon Squad community is glad to announce the opening of our Minecraft server, currently running MC Eternal modpack. The server is dedicated, running 12+ GBs RAM, so no lag here! It’s 100 slots, so there’s plenty of room for you and all your friends! No banned items. 24/7 Uptime. Restarts at 12 AM and 8AM Rules: No Griefing PvP must be consensual No racism/sexism/generally hateful remarks Staff: Destle, Owner Skutha, Owner Bugzie, Admin Wits, Server Moderator IP: goonsquad.mcserver.us Discord: https://discord.gg/6583eS Modpack: MC Eternal 1.3.5 goonsquad.mcserver.us Read More

  • VanillaPlus Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on playing Minecraft on the latest version with no additional addons or benefits. We offer a texture pack, data packs for quality of life improvements, and crafting packs to reduce grinding. Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs to get started on play.vanillaplus.uk with a code from our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, bases, and selling items at the spawn shopping area. We now support bedrock and account linking! Check us out on PMC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/vanillaplus-whitelisted-vanilla-smp-always-the-latest-version/ Read More

  • Legendary realm

    We have mini games such as one in the chamber and spleef, if you don’t want to play the mini games we also have survival with land claims and a PvP arena Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!

    Minecraft Memes - Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!Twitter bots be like: “IPTV account hacked? NFTs stolen? Sounds like a personal problem, have you tried turning it off and on again?” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick’s Wild Ride

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick's Wild Ride When you’re trying to look cute but end up looking like a confused emoji trying to flirt with a sparkly star. #fail 😂🌟 Read More

  • Can Knarfy Break Minecraft’s Potato Update?

    Can Knarfy Break Minecraft's Potato Update? Minecraft’s Poisonous Potato Update: A Chaos Trip Introduction Minecraft’s April Fool’s update this year introduced the Poisonous Potato update, bringing a whole new level of chaos to the game. The update centered around Poisonous Potatoes, adding a quirky twist to the gameplay. Exploring the Update The update featured a variety of new elements, including Poisonous Potato blocks, toxic mobs, and unique items like the Potatish Great Staff of the Peasant. Players could venture into the Potato dimension, encountering potato-themed structures and creatures. Breaking the Game In an attempt to push the update to its limits, our protagonist embarked on… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed!

    Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we’re diving into the magical world of Minecraft with a cozy Cottage Witch modpack adventure. Join us as we explore new lands, encounter friendly creatures, and face the perils of the unknown. From towering trees to mystical biomes, there’s always something exciting around the corner. But why stop there? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With endless possibilities, friendly communities, and exciting adventures waiting for you, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. So grab your gear, set… Read More

  • Customize Default Model Tutorial

    Customize Default Model Tutorial Customize Your Minecraft Model with Yes Steve Model Tutorial Are you tired of the limited models available in Yes Steve Model for Minecraft? Do you want to create your own custom model but don’t have the time to start from scratch? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you through the easiest and fastest way to customize the default model without the need for complex animations. Let’s dive in! Importing and Exporting Models Before you begin customizing your model, make sure you have the default model file for Yes Steve Model. Navigate to your .minecraft folder, then locate the… Read More

  • INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱

    INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱Video Information hello there everyone the inada here and welcome back to Episode 22 of our FTB Skies let’s play series where today we’re working on getting our enchantment factory set up from industrial 4 going enchantment applicator all that good stuff and uh working on getting ourselves some enchants at least trying to that’s the goal at least anyway let’s get started welcome back my friends another wonderful night here in the world of the andrada where today well stuff and things are going to happen we’ve got some industrial forgoing to work with let’s break down our clock… Read More

  • WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in Minecraft

    WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in MinecraftVideo Information s guys what is up welcome back to another pixel Razer video where today we are doing another horror Seed video where today we continue on with the series of I believe it’s season 6 where you guys comment a seed that you guys want me to try to do and we play on that seed now today we are doing a seed I’ve never heard of but it’s similar to 2323 I know you guys in the comment section have been freaking out about 2323 but today it’s similar but it’s not the same it’s 232 but… Read More

  • Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global Ideologies

    Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global IdeologiesVideo Information Какая идеология самая сильнейшая в этом мире у нас есть демократизм фашизм анархизм коммунизм консерватизм либерализм монархизм Социализм синдикализм и у каждой идеологии по 1.000 человек и у каждого человека в своём государстве есть определённая качество отключим Восстание отключим голод и старость отключим природные катаклизмы и другие бедствия а также отключим все ненужные эпохи и Как видим уже каждая государство построила себе костёр и несколько домов ещё хочу сказать что каждая черта в каждом государстве даёт свои какие-то определённые качества и Как видим анархисты уже основали второе поселение например черта анархист даёт плюс два к военному делу плюс… Read More

  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm mat.com and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

  • EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft Parody

    EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft ParodyVideo Information look JJ it’s a whole bunch of diamonds pick up your pickaxe and get to work we don’t have much time it’ll be night soon and the zombies will attack us yeah Mikey we found a whole mountain of diamonds and now we are extremely rich now you’re super rich all the villagers will be jealous of us do you think I can buy a whole box of carrots with one Diamond definitely with this vein of diamonds a new Village I hope the villagers won’t take all our diamonds away from us but we’ll be open to… Read More

  • Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant – 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug Gaming

    Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant - 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug GamingVideo Information ब हेलो हेलो हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम बैक टू द स्ट्रीम और आज फिर हम लोग मा नहीं खेल पाएंगे क्योंकि मा ही नहीं क्या करें हमा दो के सामने हम चिल्ला चिल्ला पर क्या करे बताओ [संगीत] थ सिपल तो आज खेलने वाले है या ने वाले है य अभी बस सा साइड हो जाए हमारे दोस्त पता नहीं क्या है या चलो य लोग बलोर ब कर रहे तो बता तुम लोग बता अलग से ता मा चल नहीं रहा आज पास होया नागे या फ ना चाहोगे गु जोर से आ रही है पर क्या बोल… Read More

Our Scariest Night In WORLD’S Most Haunted Hospital – WAVERLY HILLS SANATORIUM (FULL MOVIE) 4K