Pain – I STARTED OVER In Hardcore Minecraft… (#1)

Video Information

Today I am starting over in Hardcore Minecraft back in 2021 I had survived in my main hardcore world for just over 600 days and I had accomplished so so much however if you remember that world then you also most likely remember what happened to it my old computer died and

I lost all of my data including the world so here we are setting out on our brand new adventure to make a new even better world in Minecraft 1.18 this is Hardcore Season Two foreign so here we are the first hardcore world that I’ve played in that’s just straight up vanilla Minecraft

In a while it’s honestly been a while so let’s go ahead and get some wood this is also the first live commentary I’ve done in the channel in quite some time I really am excited to start this series I hope you all really enjoy this I have

Big big plans in fact for this video today I wanted to make myself three big goals that we’re gonna accomplish the first goal get full iron armor the second goal is to find a good place to live and make a house and the third goal

Is to light it up and make a wall but first we need to get some tools place a crafting bench next to our friendly neighborhood dog here and we’re gonna make ourselves a pickaxe ax I guess to get more wood even though I could just get stoned and we’re taking this okay so

We got our we got our wood we got our wooden tools let’s go find a nice little like cave look at that look at the terrain over there look at how beautiful this is this I still haven’t played a ton of 1.18 since I’ve been doing so much better Minecraft but like oh

Oh okay I could work with this you find us some nice easy Iron uh there’s copper I spit on you disgusting we don’t do copper here so let’s get ourselves some iron find us a nice place to live so we can actually start working on a base and

If you know me by now I’m a very picky person when it comes to finding a place to live what is that look at this there’s not even any iron in there is cursed he’s actually cursed well at least I can use this as an opportunity

To get us some some Stone because I’m not gonna walk around with like wooden tools I know I see a lot of people that comment saying wow you use all your tools to the end no no I normally don’t normally what happens to my tools is uh yeah

That that’s what happens boom lazy crafting so we got ourselves a sword since axes are weak give yourself some pickaxe get ourselves a ax boom stone tools moving up in the world all right now we gotta find ourselves an actual like cave this is not I kind of want to

Go in that direction towards an actual like Forest instead of here but this one seems to be less of a pain to go I’m also not finding like any food at all all right we at least found some easy surface coal I guess to we found two

Surface gold that’s is it’s gonna be one of these huh it’s gonna be one of these episodes the very first episode needs to be a good start we need to be super successful aha planes biome if we can find a village over there absolute perfection that’s what we need so

Honestly since we’re here and I can like talk to you guys in just I don’t know it’s it’s different than a 100 days video you know what I mean I could just kind of say things a bit more chill actually talk about stuff give Channel updates since I don’t want to like plug

Too much stuff in those videos since they’re kind of like a movie and I don’t want to like interrupt the EXP experience you know but I can actually just kind of talk about stuff and like I’ve been excited to do this hardcore series for a long time like so long but

I’ve been putting it off because to be honest I was nervous of how well it would do on the channel for as one and two oh there’s a village let’s go let’s go sorry chicken and number two it’s just kind of I’m just kind of sad about

My old world I’m I miss that world I never died in it which is such a cruel way to have it taken from you like you know if I died I would have been upset sure you know I’m gonna be like wow all that work just to die in this world

That’s that sucks but losing a world without dying is so much worse you know what I mean almost as bad as the amount of caves that this world has oh wait what do we find here right before Oh okay maybe maybe we can at least find

Some kind of something in here now one coal and we found a Rob Zombie and we got some copper my favorite I love copper it is mad dark down here I’m not really a huge fan of trying to go down these kind of caves right now I’ll

Take the coal and I’m kind of just gonna dip you know what we’re already here there’s no mobs I don’t hear them not a big fan of this really making me anxious it’s all actually just copper let’s leave this is making me super anxious we’re getting out of here this is not

This is not as the kids would say POG Champions we’re almost there I have to walk slowly because I’m out of food and I don’t want to eat my raw chicken this is the this is the hard life it’s almost night time the sun has gone down chicken I’m sorry

Sorry chick chicken chicken s sorry pigs I’m hoping to find some cows that I can start breeding like ASAP so we can get ourselves an actual some actual stuff going on here as you can probably tell this might be a good spot for me to start calling home

Although I don’t like swamps swamps are kinda icky and gross they’re kind of an eyesore and I always like to you know like terraform my Terrain so I don’t know man this is the this is the first night though this is okay this is we’re gonna Rob them like any natural

Minecraft player would do get ourselves some free beds fog three apples free potatoes bread please tell me this Village has a blacksmith at least it’s got to have something oh oh it’s copper okay you know we’re gonna sleep for now we’re gonna check out that cave tomorrow first Emerald cool or potatoes more

Bread POG yeah my bed this is a good first date first day was a success kind of let’s go into this cave with no hunger which is a very smart gamer move this is it where are the caves in this world I need Iron Man I’ve never had

This kind of difficulty getting iron in a new world in my life in my first hardcore world I legit found one cave walked in not enough iron to supply a whole city all right Cave System number 24 number 15. if you get that reference let me know in the comments it’s a

Classic all right we got a lot of oh we’re in a mountain area so we got like oh wait a second what y level are we on oh that’s probably why I’m not getting that much iron I see some way over there on the top of that mountain I’m gonna get this this

Emerald just because it’s kind of funny I normally never get emeralds this way so I have to at least do this once can I break it with stone I don’t think I can break it with stone it’s probably gonna just disappear yup it’s gone okay well I’m gonna hear about that in the

Comments for the next month out of all of these resources none of them are iron okay so we got more cows I could probably regret let’s go get some more food while we’re at it because this kind of works out we’re kind of looking for a house to

Live in as well like a good place to make a base so you know I’m not very happy in this area so this works out all right so I decided that I’m actually so desperate I’m Gonna Leave This coal we’re gonna go over to this mountain

Area and just I guess climb up to that area maybe there’s a bunch of iron up there yeah you know what we’re gonna do it I want Iron and I’m desperate for iron so we’re going up the side of the mountain why not I could also I can make

A water bucket but I need iron so I can’t really do that there’s more emeralds over there all right let’s hope this is a massive vein full of it’s looking like okay wait all right so that’s four five six seven Eight nine ten let’s go ten iron okay we can work at this let’s get smelting this stuff because I would like to actually make armor I’d like to no longer live like a peasant you know what I mean all right so now that we have all of the

Iron I mean not all of it that we’re gonna need but we have a good amount of the iron that we’re gonna need gonna make a chess piece make a helmet throw those on it leaves me with four he’s been with five so we’re gonna do boom

And boom now we have ourselves a shield look at us look at us moving up in the world we are living like a Larry so I’ve been thinking about like what kind of house I’d like to live in and I’m honestly thinking I want to find a village right

So I want to stumble upon a village build a wall around it and build a house like a small starter base inside of the village so that way we could immediately in the next episode of the series begin exploiting villagers for Mad stunks capitalism because that is what the

Gamers love to see but for now we’re just kind of chilling in this cave and we’re gonna Focus up some food it’s probably gonna be night time before this food is done so we’re probably just kind of sleep in here maybe yep I see the stars coming out this is our home for

The night all right sweet is the next day and we have ourselves a friend outside and I kind of want to see if I can okay we got ourselves two friends outside you guys really gonna be like this huh oh I found more iron wait a

Second okay he didn’t drop me a bow but he led me to more iron the skeleton actually helped me this is enough to make pants too let’s go and I did not get shot a single time by that by that guy that guy must have been a Call of Duty player because

He could not hit me for anything nine more iron let’s go get rid of that and boom Bowl iron armor and we still got three more also gonna make an ax so we can get more resources boom all right let’s pick everything up and let’s move on from

This dump because it’s not it’s not very friendly place here we are officially at the point where our inventory is getting full so you need to find ourselves an actual place to live like now but at least we have a lot of food you know what I mean whenever you’re

Indecisive and you take a long time to find a place to live you always end up with a lot of food all right so we finally got over to the village and I see finally because I may have stopped for the tons of animals that there were

It’s almost night time I took so long there’s just so many animals there’s so much food look at this 12 raw Martin 52 raw pork chop 41 raw beef 36 leather which is fantastic for future like enchantment setups just look at all this these stunks man how am I supposed to

Resist this so let’s just go inside one of these houses and go to sleep for the night all right so we are now on day what is it day four day four do any of you have anything where it’s D um borrowing borrowing yes borrowing I’m mainly just interested in going to the

Blacksmith’s house let’s finish looking at this place and then we can maybe get a horse and get out of here this place is pretty awful but I’m seeing some good promising areas over there whoa that was stupid that was that was stupid I’m lucky there’s not like a creeper or something down here

All right we had a chest more free apples okay cool I don’t even know why I’m taking the potatoes potatoes are a terrible source of food I know I can cook them people always tell me in the comments hey you can cook those potatoes I know that I just don’t care

I choose not to I don’t want them come on Golem give me your iron let’s go sorry villagers it had to be done how many did you give me yo he gave me five okay I’ll take it now that I’ve ravaged this place let’s get a horse and let’s

Leave all right let’s look at you I like you you’re a cool horse we’re gonna give him that and let’s see how fast he is oh oh he’s actually kind of fast I almost just killed him too I’m so sorry let’s go horse riding Adventures begin nope I’m so sorry horse

You do have apples I can give him apples honestly unpopular opinion here but horses I do love horses in Minecraft but they’re kind of useless like especially after they’re like hey yo look at this horse you can get a horse now then they’re like Yay the elytra now horses

Are useless all right so I figured maybe since if I don’t want to live near this area and I don’t want to find dark oak in the future maybe I’ll just you know get some and hope that we get saplings to drop so I’m gonna Harvest a couple of

Like dark oak wood trees get us a whole bunch of dark hope my horse doesn’t go too far away is he is Shadowmere we’re gonna name him Shadowmere based off of if you know what you know what let me know in the comments if you know where shadowmere’s

From so for the next couple days I was joined by my friend Shadowmere and we continued exploring across the lands looking for the perfect place to call home and I said I was picky before but I didn’t say exactly how picky I was because this place was going to have to be perfect

Ha All right so I dropped off Shadowmere back at an area that I might call home and I started going across the ocean because I couldn’t put him in the boat and I stumbled upon this bad boy and we have a buried treasure map I kind of want that paper papers

Uh paper is kind of easy to make that’s fine oh I’m gonna drown what do I stick spy is it almost night time again it feels like it’s always nighttime in this world alright so it is the beginning of day six and I’ve just found the best

Thing in Minecraft so right here we have death that’s death we’re gonna leave that I just found a mushroom biome and it’s actually not that far from the place where Shadowmere is where I can call home I go back that way I can mark this on my map I can mark

Down the coordinates and we will have access to making a Mob Grinder like a really good mob grinder just in the middle of this mushroom biome I have never found a mushroom biome in an actual hardcore world before the only times I’ve ever seen them is if I like

Look up a seed and I’m like wow there’s a seed with a you know a mushroom biome but I don’t think it’s very fun to like start your world with a seed that you already know exactly what it’s going to be wow this place is great we can

Literally come back here and make a mob grinder that would perform insane so let’s see Boost from biome right Valley mushroom Fields let’s go alright so it is the beginning of day six and um I’m gonna come back to this place I marked down the coordinates and

We’re gonna actually boat our way back over to I guess this treasure and then back to where we’re gonna call home but this is is really cool I didn’t expect to find this at all like it’s not the closest to our house but you know what I

Will take it dude I have never been able to build anything in a mushroom biome in hardcore this is going to be an insane Series so once again I sped off into the distance with Shadowmere exploring tons of different biomes in search for the perfect place for us to call home oh we

Have more water over here okay I could really work with this I think we found our home I think we found a new home there’s a lot of grass everywhere but you know that’s okay it’s gonna be the first time I’ve ever actually made like a starter base I normally don’t do

Starter bases I kind of just if you’ve been around the channel for a while I kind of just start like random areas and turn them into houses after the fact you know what I mean got some free bread in here where are all the villagers okay we

Got a baby in here we’re gonna block him off with we’re gonna use Cobblestone because it’s more visible all right we got farmer that should be the last house it’s not that I don’t trust Iron Golem to just kind of do its job it’s kind of just I don’t trust the

Iron Golem to do his job all right we’re gonna go to sleep for the night and then we can finally begin working on our new face all right so since we’re finally making a place that we can actually call home I can finally actually make things

So we’re gonna start out by making us a crafting bench finally make myself some chests to actually store all of this stuff okay so I thought of the perfect solution I want to build a wall but I don’t want to be like a stone wall I was thinking maybe

Make a stone wall with lava but instead I could use like Spruce Wood and we can make a gorgeous wall the only thing is I don’t really have much Spruce Wood so we’re gonna grab some iron you should get on Shadow Mirror we’re gonna head over to that Spruce Forest because I’m

Thinking maybe we can make the wall out of like some spruce trees so actually I’m thinking maybe instead of spruce wood we’re just gonna go with Oakwood instead Oak is kind of closer to me and it’s also a little more it’s a little more abundant I guess I don’t

Know I just don’t like those Hills to get Spruce and I feel like it would kind of match more to have like Oak inspired fence versus having like Spruce because I know a while ago I used to say that I didn’t like like Oakwood that much but

Actually it’s kind of grown on me at this point so we’re gonna sit here and we’re gonna collect a whole couple of stacks of oak woods so we can go around and make an oak fence it’s not going to be cheap either because we’re going to

Be using the actual oak logs along with some like slabs and I’m thinking fences since fences will be nice we can actually look through and see when there’s any mobs nearby just to make a kind of Safe Haven area to start out with All right so the sun is starting to set again and I didn’t get a ton of wood since it does take a while to actually mine with uh with iron axes but I broke the first ax and I’m halfway through the second and I got myself about three

Stacks of wood and we got seven apples from this and a ton of saplings so it won’t just be deforestation I can actually pick stuff afterwards but for now we’re gonna go back to the base camp and we’re gonna sleep for the night so

We don’t have to deal with a ton of mobs tomorrow and now we can begin building ourselves a wall and maybe if we have enough space we can actually gather some sheep some cows and get some basic Farms kind of going all right so it’s the next

Day now and I’m thinking we’re gonna kind of just wing it with this I want this wall to look a bit more natural so I’m thinking what we’re gonna do is we’re just take wood and start kind of just go in with it you know what I mean so

Like boom maybe let me decide exactly how it’s gonna look so I was thinking maybe like slabs maybe like four apart and then fences in between so like one two three four boom one two three four boom one two three four boom maybe something kind of along the lines of

That and we can kind of just work with it make ourselves like a temporary little area that’s more safe than the rest of the nearby area so I’ve got my perimeter kind of laid out here I put four spaces in between every wood and uh there is a villager that is out

How are you out what it’s okay natural selection if it takes him okay but yeah I kind of I I also spent some time leveling out this land over here because it was kind of in the way and now the difficult part is going

To oh he dropped me a bow okay now the difficult part is gonna be making these walls into actual real walls because I realized just by placing out all of this wood just how much this is gonna cost me so we’re gonna make this three High just

For kind of like the sake of my sanity so we’re gonna build up we’re gonna build this wall and we’re gonna get some farm animals in here and we’re gonna build ourselves a house I just realized that if I do build these three High some of these spots are not

Gonna work because they go lower down I guess we’ll just figure that out as we go though Foreign So we got those we’ve got one two three four five six seven eight maybe we make the center area kind of like a larger entrance and we could do like a that could work I put these sand blocks here because they were kind of where I thought the center would be

And they kind of ended up being perfect so we’re gonna leave this like this for now and we’re gonna kind of work on the fence let’s go over to our crafting bench here we’re gonna need wow I got lots of dirt now we’re gonna ditch all

Of that dirt and we’re gonna start I do not have much wood left but we’re gonna start making slabs here let’s make a stack of fences we’re gonna see if I actually like this design first so we’re gonna go through and we’re gonna add all of these let’s start out with the slabs Foreign Thank you All right so we now have our kind of like vicinity that I want and we’ve got some of the walls completed uh This is Gonna require a lot of wood so the first thing I want to do is run through and kind of just wipe out all of this grass

Just so that way we have a nice smooth area to work with in here not a ton of like grass doesn’t hide any mobs or anything ninjas so I could also gather some seeds so I can begin making a wheat farm and start getting some animals in

Here as well but we are gonna need a ton of wood obviously all right so now that I’ve actually cut most of the grass in this place it looks so much better it looks a lot different than it did in this area like I said is going to be the

Entrance and then we’re also going to light up the outer like the outskirts as well so I’m thinking maybe now that we have all this in here we can kind of just light it up and I know a lot of you are going to get pretty triggered about

How I use torches because I like for areas to be well lit even if I don’t need to use as many torches all right so there we go our place is now well lit and the grass has been cut so I’d like to get some cows for sure I’d like to

Get some sheep um for now we’re actually I think I only have one Diamond huh if I had three diamonds I’d make myself a diamond ax because we are going to need so much more wood to finish this fence but I’m pretty sure it’s almost Sunset so for

Now what we’re gonna do instead is we’re gonna make ourselves a nice little wheat farm so while we’re Gathering these oak trees we can also you know wait for our farm to actually become harvestable we do have the wheat over there as well that we can steal from the farmers okay

Let’s let’s also go get Shadow Mirror because he’s kind of getting far away alright Shadow Mirror I’m sorry that’s that’s gonna be where you’re gonna stay for a little bit buddy sorry man I’m thinking maybe we’ll put the farm like over here I want to put the house kind

Of in the middle I mean I can also put it kind of over here over here will be the cows we’ll do we’ll do over here for now we’ll do like a single water source area so we’ll do like what’s like one two three four two three four so the center will be

Like right here two three four and then we’ll kind of just have like a nice little farm area right here for just just some easy wheat just so we have wheat kind of going on nothing crazy looking and we’ll go ahead get us a block of wood place this bad

Boy right there and we’ll just throw one one little torch on there it looks kind of scuffed but you know what it does the job for now so it is what it is and now we’re just going to kind of get some seeds going because we need as

Much wheat as we can get so that way we can actually start breeding cows and stuff until we can get like golden carrots as a real source of food all right so it is already day 13 and we are on a mission for wood so we’re gonna dump anything that’s not that relevant

Out of our inventory we’re gonna keep this scared of that don’t be you guys we’ll keep you down there because I do still need you we’re gonna dump a lot of the Torches and we’ll keep those as blocks and we’re gonna make ourselves I think the goal we’re gonna kind of have

Is probably to break as much of as many of these iron axes as possible I think this should be enough I hope to finish up the wall and maybe build ourselves our actual base look at our nice beautiful lit up home area we’re really moving up in the world Gamers all right we’re gonna go to sleep and this is a zombie zombie zombie haha you were

Fooled by the fence and it hasn’t yet even been built but what a guy all right so now that we’ve got this going on we’re gonna take our birch wood make tons of sticks with birch wood since I was not going to use it for anything

Anyways and take stack of this make it in the wood and we can just make a ton of events now all we gotta do is go around and fence this whole place up the space kind of gives me like a bandit Camp vibes from like uh like Far Cry or

Something this place is kind of like a nice little bandicamp I built just far enough away from the village that I can raid them whenever I want all right so we finished up about half of it maybe that’s that’s about half and we just

Just ran out of vences so we kind of got an Overkill amount of wood which is definitely not a bad thing I can use it to finish up making like a house in the middle I’m not really looking forward to making the house because I don’t really

Build small houses all right so now I have all of the fence around this big base area built and it’s it’s kind of interesting looking I don’t know exactly if I like it or not but it’s got a little more flare than just like a regular stone wall or something and it’s

Kind of it does its job you know what I mean we have a nice much safer area that we can live in all we gotta do is make an entrance to the front but first I think now we’re actually ready to begin building ourselves a little like house

If I wanted to okay so now we only have two more things to do before I’m kind of set in my new place to live I need to get some animals right we need to start getting us some animals to actually begin arming I guess I Like

Cows because we do need more leather and none of my wheat is grown yet I do have some bones but instead I thought I would um borrow some of this uh this fresh weed over here you know what I mean oh those carrots okay potatoes don’t really care

But I’ll take them anyways and rhubarb’s gross or what are they beetroots gross rhubarbs lol might as well take all these why not don’t care no remorse No Remorse all mine all right so we’ve got a lot of wheat now and we can go get some cows and some sheep there’s

Actually two sheep right there and there’s that guy so let’s get the sheep first Juan boyos come on over to your new home all right so fun fact um I made this little sheep farm this little sheep farm and I thought it was recording but it turns out that I had

Ran out of storage space for the files on the drive I was recording to so yeah we got these uh we got these sheep boys now I collected a bunch of them from out front bred them and we got some nice wool wasted some of my iron to make

Shears and carpet and now we’re gonna go grab us some cows it’s a oh that was almost night time okay we’re gonna go grab us some cows off of this side area over here and I did get a whole bunch of hay that I um borrowed from the village

So I can start breeding there’s four cows to start out with we are gonna have a good cow Farm I won’t have to worry about food for a while you got us a wheat farm we got a sheep we got some cows all we need now is chickens for

Feathers and we’re living life like Larry right now all right cows you are now trapped in here let’s go ahead boom boom boom and did I did I get all of them there we go let’s go cow reproduction is a go that’s a weird sentence but that’s okay Place one of

These and now we officially have both our sheep farm and our cow farm and we got a little bit of space in between so we can actually walk in between and not have to worry about stuff okay so ideally for this area right here I was

Thinking maybe we could go up like three on each of these and then maybe make like some fence gate areas kind of there put this here maybe get some fencing to go up here fencing for now we’ll do torches since I don’t have anything better than torch is and then maybe

We’ll make another one of these do the kind of same thing for that that looks interesting I could work with that it feels like this is one of the worst things about when you’re kind of just building in Minecraft is when you constantly run out of inventory space is

You just find yourself at a constant state of building things picking up things when you’re moving them Etc and it can be kind of rough okay how does that look especially if I have like it could look better but it could look worse I guess so I was just chilling

Here trying to figure out you know how to build my starter house maybe a little staircase in a house and um I’ve got some trouble visiting me we’ve got some friends over here just kind of I’m near a village and he should I just leave them I can’t know they’ll attack the

Villagers I do have cows here’s what we’ll do we’re just gonna go get our bucket of milk and we’re gonna take those guys out I’m not scared of tier three twitch subs or your Sims curse shoot me all right we’re drinking that right away

As much as I’d love to have a raid get some totems of undying not prepared yet all right so now that little problem’s over no more no more distractions we’re going ham and we are going to finish building this house okay so actually in the middle of building the house there I

Kind of decided that I want Spruce to be the roof because just all Oakwood it didn’t really sit right with me it kind of looked kind of bland so we’re actually just gonna head over here to the spruce biome and pick us up some Spruce Wood because uh it is the

Superior wood it is literally like my favorite type of wood to build with in this game so it is I think it’d be it’d be fitting if you put it in her house you know what I mean even if it’s just a little baby starter house it is still

Something okay so we got ourselves almost stack of spruce wood and more importantly being honest a whole bunch of saplings you got seven saplings eight saplings so that way I can make two super trees which are way more efficient than chopping down these baby spruce wood trees all right so now that we’re

Back here we’re gonna place out both of these so they become super trees since I’ve been placing trees everywhere in here and it’s been a mess and I could finally finish up our roof hopefully Thank you it looks awful it actually looks so awful All right so the inside of the house is I think good now I lit up the roof as well this place should be well lit up enough as well that we should be good from the inside it looks pretty cool I like the idea of having a big roof like

This and we got this cool little like porch area look at this okay it looks way better than it was starting out at you know what I mean so now all we gotta do is move our bed in there we officially have ourselves a home and just like that we’ve started our new

Hardcore Journey off to an incredible start I’ve checked off all three of my first goals for this world by getting full iron finding a new place to call home with walls for safety and I built my very first house to shelter me from the dangers of outside and this is only

The beginning in the next episode that Village next door to us will become a capitalistic machine that will help me get fully enchanted diamond armor and tools so stay tuned for episode 2 of hardcore season two and as always don’t forget to subscribe if you’re new anyways this has been pain domination

And I will see you all in the next video foreign

This video, titled ‘I STARTED OVER In Hardcore Minecraft… (#1)’, was uploaded by Pain on 2023-09-22 21:00:26. It has garnered 41321 views and 1583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:16 or 1996 seconds.

I STARTED OVER In Hardcore Minecraft… (#1) **This is a reupload from my main channel PainDomination

After losing my previous world, I started over in hardcore minecraft! ——————————————————————————————————————- Get mods and world downloads by supporting the channel!

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#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #Episode1

Pain 2 (The Sequel) –

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    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Minecraft Hardcore Madness

    Survived 100 Days: Minecraft Hardcore Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the norm, I built a mob farm to gather experience and reform. Villagers trading for mending books, a crucial task, To keep my armor strong, a daunting but necessary ask. Flying high in the sky, I soared with glee, Forgetting I could fly, what a sight to see. Villagers in their homes, waiting for a job, Offering incentives, a fun task to rob. But the journey continues, with challenges to face, In the world of Minecraft, a never-ending race. Surviving in Hardcore mode, a true test of skill, Crafting, building, exploring,… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft!

    Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft! The Hidden Underwater Village in Minecraft That 99% of Players Haven’t Seen! Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem in Minecraft that left you in awe? Well, get ready to be amazed by the underwater village that 99% of players haven’t discovered yet! In this article, we’ll dive deep into this mysterious underwater world and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Exploring the Uncharted Waters Imagine swimming through the vast ocean in Minecraft, surrounded by nothing but water. Suddenly, you come across a cluster of buildings submerged beneath the waves. As you approach, you realize that… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

    Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods The Terrifying World of Minecraft Skyblock with Horror Mods Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Skyblock with horror mods. As our brave protagonist navigates through the treacherous landscape, they encounter the ominous presence of Herobrine lurking in the shadows, the ever-watchful Cave Dwellers, and the haunting gaze of the pale hound. Herobrine: The Shadowy Stalker Herobrine, the legendary figure rumored to haunt Minecraft worlds, adds an extra layer of fear to the gameplay. With his eerie presence felt at every turn, our protagonist must stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to his malevolent schemes. The… Read More

  • Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000

    Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000 Exploring the Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Prepare to be thrilled as a new, spine-chilling creature makes its way into the world of Minecraft! The latest mod introduces a relentless entity that will stop at nothing to hunt you down throughout the map. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you try to outsmart this menacing foe. Remember, if it catches you, run for your life! Discovering the Mods: Delve into a world of fear with these intriguing mods: From the Fog: Unleash a mysterious creature that lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. The Man… Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start

    Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start In Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, we take a dive, Into a world where memories thrive. Nostalgia hits hard, like a wave of the past, As we embark on this journey, it’s sure to last. The perfect start, in this version so dear, Brings back the joy, the fun, the cheer. With every block we break, every mob we fight, We’re reminded of why Minecraft feels just right. So join us on this adventure, filled with delight, As we explore, build, and survive the night. And if you enjoy this content, don’t be shy, Hit that sub button, and let’s reach… Read More

  • Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the top 10 highlights of the recent Minecraft 1.20.5 update. But before we dive into that, have you ever thought about exploring new Minecraft servers to enhance your gaming experience? While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft updates, you might have come across the idea of joining different servers to meet new players, engage in exciting challenges, and discover unique gameplay features. One server that stands out among the rest is Minewind. Minewind offers a thrilling… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine facing off against mutant mobs in Minecraft with powerful weapons that can one-shot them. The thrill of the challenge, the excitement of the battle – all of this and more awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and embark on an epic adventure like no other. Don’t miss out on the fun – connect to Minewind… Read More

  • Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled

    Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled In Minecraft’s world, the updates are grand, With new features added, like the Deception Trial’s stand. The new mobs and items, all so unique, Crafting stories and adventures, for players to seek. The Trial of Deception, a challenge to face, With monsters to fight, in a limited space. The Windward, the first mob, armored and strong, With benefits aplenty, it won’t be long. The Breezer, a mob with flying skill, But weak in damage, its rod a thrill. The Marshwalker, with poison arrows in tow, And a Brazilian green look, a unique show. The Windward’s upgrades, special and bold,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed! The Final Major Minecraft Snapshot! Exciting New Features The latest Minecraft snapshot has brought some incredible new features to the game. Players can now enchant the mace with three exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach, and Wind Burst. Density functions like sharpness, increasing damage based on fall distance. Breach deals higher damage to armored enemies, while Wind Burst launches you into the air upon landing a hit. These enchantments add a new level of strategy to combat in Minecraft. New Customization Options In addition to the mace enchantments, players can now customize their armor with new trims, including Pottery Shards and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we have a thrilling video to share with you – ‘Minecraft Animation Boy Love’ from the Music Series. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does remind us of the importance of finding partners and exploring new territories in the Minecraft universe. Just like the characters in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server are constantly seeking new adventures and connections. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay… Read More

  • Life’s Problems in a Nutshell

    Life's Problems in a Nutshell Minecraft Math Dilemma: Solving Portal Placement Issues Music Free Gaming, a family-friendly channel primarily focused on Minecraft gameplay, recently encountered a puzzling issue while trying to create a portal within the game. The problem seemed to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of mathematical concepts, leading to a humorous yet enlightening revelation. The Math Conundrum As the player delved into the intricacies of portal creation, they stumbled upon a crucial realization – the difference between positive and negative numbers. In a moment of clarity, it became apparent that twenty-one and negative twenty-one are not interchangeable entities, despite their numerical proximity…. Read More

  • INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft Project

    INSANE Enoki BR FACTORIES & AE BEGINNING! -Minecraft ProjectVideo Information agora que o nosso Altar nível 5 está completo temos um novo objetivo que é conseguir antimatéria isso está aqui no nosso penúltimo capítulo de Quest aqui nesse ponto não é uma antimatéria qualquer é antimatéria do mod ftb Industrial contraptions que é baseado no nuclear Craft Então vai dar um trabalho aí pra gente conseguir fazer isso porque a gente tem um longo caminho pela frente a gente começa aqui temos que fazer várias fábricas várias máquinas até chegarmos aqui nessa maquininha que vai nos possibilitar fazer an matéria eu sou o enok e sejam bem-vindos a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Meme Reactions

    Ultimate Minecraft Meme ReactionsVideo Information I found the funniest Minecraft memes you’ll ever watch on YouTube and at the end it gets hilarious so stay tuned starting off we are in this beautiful Ravine and Steve is currently running away from a creeper Steve you can do this don’t wait what hey that’s not how it works that’s awkward okay Steve just oh wait wait now we’ve okay hopefully this creeper doesn’t do the same thing Steve help me out he’s stuck on the tracks oh St Steve you’re noty you didn’t help me he’s he’s still on the tracks but okay we’re… Read More

  • Proto King Arche’s Insane Hardcore Speedrun – What Happens Next Will Shock You!

    Proto King Arche's Insane Hardcore Speedrun - What Happens Next Will Shock You!Video Information hello once again ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking please keep your hands and feet inside uh something I don’t know SW anyways uh we’re on a lucky number seven speedrun attempt uh hardcore mode uh this is the series so far of me failing considerably over and over again uh trying to speedrun Minecraft in hardcore mode so let’s get to it I am slightly defeat H uh so if you don’t know my last episode I I’m I’m actually recording this right after the last episode but the last episode of random battle an… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlat

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge on SuperFlatVideo Information [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] 2 days [Music] later one eternity [Music] later [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] [Applause]… Read More

  • Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥

    Insane Editing Skills Revealed 🔥Video Information he knows about the torch yeah I think I’m just going to kill him [Music] my death just motivated me more to find the torch for I can prove to everyone I’m not someone to be messed [Music] with some blocks in Minecraft shouldn’t be obtainable this includes Bedrock yeah I think you know where [Music] I’m going to be placing Bedrock to prove my Domin but right beside it will be a piece of carpet and a f [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up chat what is up everybody oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh… Read More

  • Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftlive

    Unleashing Devil Ninja in Hell SMP 🔥 | Road To 1k | Stay Tuned! #minecraftliveVideo Information चिपक गई छाती सेम माम माम बिंग बि सस्ते नन तार है ढीली कौन कसे कौन कसे कन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप लेन [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा हिट दुनिया परवा कर करदा खुश होके जीना ना की [संगीत] सरीदास कहते हैं इसको जी ओपी शोपिया ओ जी करते हैं सब मोजी हम इसके खी हो ओम माम माम बि बि सस्ते चिपक गई छाती सेम माम बि बि सस्ते तार है कन क कन क कन क कन क कन क कन कन कन कनन ब्रेन की बत्तिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda’s Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTED

    Shocking Twist: Anori Sweeda's Mayo Encounter | BLK CAT INFECTEDVideo Information try again just kidding R the raw beef will always be mine hey hey leave EV alone hey hey let runic come on let the white man stop running so he wants his mayonnaise so much longer than mine This video, titled ‘While he didn’t take our deals, I believe he got his mayo in the end. |BLK CAT INFECTED EVENT’, was uploaded by Anori Sweeda the Dapper Seaweed on 2024-04-05 22:00:06. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Look at him run #shorts #BLKCATevent #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!

    Mind-blowing Minecraft house rebuild from 2013!Video Information y hoy tenemos Ni más ni menos que un episodio muy especial en el cual vamos a tener que estar construyendo la casa de señor solgar y yo mismo una casa que hicimos allá por el lejano 2013 en un Survival el cual grabamos con una Nintendo 3DS bueno hicimos cada cosa en aquel Survival la casa está hecha un episodio bastante chiquitaje de aquí pero que tiene bastante historia al final una serie con señor solgard la cual a día de hoy ya está desaparecida van así Bueno más o menos se ha intentado hacer una foto… Read More

  • “Naruto’s Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1” | EPIC REACTION | #anime

    "Naruto's Crew Plays Minecraft!? Ep. 1" | EPIC REACTION | #animeVideo Information yo black hole what you up to right now bro uh I did a little bit of mining a little bit of Min yeah all right so I just need a little bit more oh my [Music] God yo I just got an end PE do you want it yes give it give what oh no ooh this is pretty I’m going to hit it oh my God it’s a Friendly Creeper wait Z come huh look oh it’s a Friendly Creeper okay all they have to do is get to this iron block right here go that’s… Read More

  • Torn S3

    Torn S3Torn S3 is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Features: -Plots -Pvp – Prison -Warzon IP: Website. Discord. Read More

  • VanillaAnarchy – Semi-Anarchy, No Hacks, 1.19-1.20.4, Vanilla, No Resets, No Mob Caps Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Server Established on July 1st, 2023, VanillaAnarchy (VA) offers the ultimate vanilla Minecraft experience. World Size: 30 Million Blocks View Distance: 10 Chunks Simulation/Tick Distance: 9 Chunks Mob Spawn Distance: 8 Chunks World Resets: Never Start Date: July 1st 2023 Joinable on: 1.19 – 1.20.4 Discord: Our commitment to authenticity is reflected in our no-reset policy and minimal rules. Join us to experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Would you survive this?

    I wouldn’t go in there unless I had my diamond sword and enchanted armor ready to go! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥

    Minecraft's Hottest Clips of 2025 🔥 I can’t believe in 2025 people are still getting blown up by creepers and falling into lava pits in Minecraft. Some things never change! Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Why Join Minewind? Unique gameplay experience Dedicated community of players Exciting features and challenges Endless possibilities for creativity Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Warden Beam Madness!

    Warden Beam Madness! Minecraft Snapshot 22w15a: Warden Beam! The latest snapshot for Minecraft, 22w15a, brings exciting updates to the game, particularly focusing on the powerful Warden mob. Previously known for its close-range attacks, the Warden now boasts a long-range attack, making it an even more formidable opponent. Long-Range Warden Attack In a thrilling demonstration, players can witness the Warden engaging in long-range combat against the Wither. The Warden’s new ability to target enemies from a distance adds a challenging dynamic to battles, showcasing its strength and agility. Impressive Damage Output The Warden’s long-range attack is visually stunning, emitting powerful shockwaves that deal… Read More

  • Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey’s Furnace in Minecraft!

    Insane! JJ Builds a House in Mikey's Furnace in Minecraft!Video Information all right let’s get started today I want to see what Mikey is going to do he told me he wants to do some kind of experiment I’m interested to see what he’s going to do as we can see they are building some kind of mechanism it really looks strange I want to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and get everything out as interestingly as possible look it’s really like he wants to turn into someone it’s incredibly interesting looking anyway we’ll just have to follow it up and draw some conclusions I think… Read More

  • Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!

    Minecraft Legend Myths Busted!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft Legends you’ve never heard of starting with a myth sent by ety on Discord and they say I know this sounds fake but don’t go to This Server something is wrong with the Statue here and it’s just a picture of a statue with an IP to an anarchy server and wa what what is this this is kind of weird this actually has a nice spawn oh wait there’s only one person on the server limbo 22 oh this is kind of sus guys is the scary stat to even real like… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore Survival

    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MADNESS! Day 1-5 Hardcore SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘BETTER MINECRAFT (1.20) || Day 1-5 || Modpack, Hardcore Survival || Full Play-through || Forge’, was uploaded by KILRtv on 2024-01-08 23:00:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:57 or 4977 seconds. It’s the beginning of an incredible, beautiful series of exploration, building, and discovery as we play “Beyond Minecraft” – A modpack for Minecraft 1.20 using Forge. In this episode, we explore our surroundings, start building our first house, and meet our neighbor. This is a full play-through and not a “100 Days” video, so you’ll… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓

    🔥 EPIC ALIEN BASE RAID! 💥 #18 Garena Free Fire 🔓Video Information got to wa RI tray like I’m young cuz I am in the scenes I got little more to give y’all the people I’m not St fo in G change uhhuh ha them more cuz I’m up and I don’t even fly up here I see rappers liing dark F High thingss I know they hiding but what you hiding from you TR you know I’m about to grill your ass [Music] hey it’s my time was on my time when i r be manipulate time like you do mind I’m sick and tired of the LI you… Read More

  • Crazy Grillium S1! You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Crazy Grillium S1! You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information hello everyone uh this is the Gillian reforged SMP or let’s play and I’m here with forest and fumble who is Wizard in game and we are the members of it we also have Sammy the bones he could not make it at the moment so he will be here later we have a few plugins we have our obviously simple voice chat plugin where we have proximity chat Minecraft and we do have a dead chest plugin when we die every all of our items going into a chest this is just going to be a survival… Read More

  • EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!

    EPIC REUNION: Nappa and Vegeta back together in Minecraft SMP!Video Information Nappa and Vegeta are reunited Vegeta hey it’s me Goku in today’s episode of Minecraft we fight the warden cooler demonstrates his power to Vegeta oh really you want to see my dust on power F then you want to see the greaty mighty cooler sure come at to me you stupid Warren and Vegeta makes fun of me oh yes he cut the lights off yes well we got to see now was I supposed to know that I’m going blind idea Karo oh you’re so smart shut up Vegeta stop making fun of me don’t miss… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Will Toshiruz ACCEPT Pact with Bael in Minecraft KSMP?

    SHOCKING: Will Toshiruz ACCEPT Pact with Bael in Minecraft KSMP?Video Information [Música] [Música] [Música] [Aplausos] we [Música] [Música] we [Música] [Música] [Música] it [Música] Alô Yumi Obrigado pelo membro membro não pelo Prime Valeu Yumi tamos junto Yumi Jack tamos junto simbora gurizada mais um dia feito deixa o like vamos embora vamos embora vamos bora trabalhe too trabalhe glória ao Ba vou dar glória ao B [Música] deixa o like meus [Música] [Música] bom que man ol o Senor bael chat para com isso chat seus [Música] traidores [Música] [Aplausos] simora [Música] [Aplausos] eu sei o quão perto estou agora eu vou gritar e vou lutar Sem dúvida… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft NEET World Tour! 😱🌏” #gaming #viral

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft NEET World Tour! 😱🌏" #gaming #viralVideo Information welcome to the Techno gamer world in Minecraft today we will be exploring this amazing virtual world filled with technology and creativity as we enter the world you can see the intricate redstone contraptions and high-tech builds that techno gamer has created from automated Farms to impressive Redstone Machines this world is truly a sight to behold every corner we turn reveals something new and exciting the attention to detail and creativity in this world is truly inspiring we can see techno gamers passion for gaming and Technology reflected in every block and pixel of this world it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Exposed! #minecraft #gaming

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Exposed! #minecraft #gamingVideo Information welcome to Minecraft fact or fiction part one one of these three Minecraft facts is fake but can you spot which one the nether is a realm of peril and misery but did you know that traveling just one block in the nether is equivalent to moving eight blocks in the Overworld this makes it an incredible shortcut for Savvy explorers who can navigate the fiery hazards slimes can spawn only in special chunks at light levels similar to other Hostile Mobs these elusive creatures add a layer of mystery to the game spawning in their unique zones… Read More

  • Athios

    AthiosUnique gamemode SEARCH AND DESTROY 2 Teams! 1.8 PVP Loads of kits to choose! Unique maps! Achievements, cosmetics, and more! Read More

Pain – I STARTED OVER In Hardcore Minecraft… (#1)