Pedguin – Ped’s New Backpack | Minecraft FTB Skies | VBOP #26

Video Information

Oh oh Trade Secrets yeah bye bye then no wait no what’s what’s wrong how do you can you could you shoot a mage ball into my Mage Light torches for me because I don’t uh this is a few masks little peasant girl I’ll do that for you

And then I I don’t know how to use my incredible Wizardry Powers I don’t know I thought I thought the crystal made them light up so that’s why I asked for the crystals so I thought they were I thought they were Crystal powered I didn’t realize he shot some magical

Balls and I’m just really really cool I just thought that was that I’m putting all of my coolness into helping you with your actually pretty nice Lantern I like the lantern great job proud of you are you telling me I have a mobile crafting grid yeah

So I don’t have to go to a crafting bench every time what you just did baby just figure this out no who said that I didn’t say that sounded why would I Misty’s literally been punching people [Laughter] wait what does that mean well if I see

If I see you next to the logic Cable in the middle of the base yeah in a punch well how was I supposed to know that I’ve got one in me pocket can’t believe this hello beat Friendly Farmer beekeeper Bakery person I mean hello hello I’ve brought you some seed

Could you farm it please yes I can do that thanks if you need any help with anything like trading favor for favor because I guess that’s what we do now we’ll see how the bees do with this yeah I can make the um Whaley sprigs kind of just

Passively Farm stuff apparently oh yeah that’s the thing we want but it uses magic magic power and we do not have enough of that um at the moment I see Lucy did you ever build the dedicated burning area burning area I think you’re dead right one of the things for the annoying squirrels

Who burnt the things come on the thing we did at the start of this session is that when we had the squirrels bringing coal and I was like can you build a thing that kind of is like fiery themed and then you build me a bridge I just

Thought you were asking for a bridge which I do appreciate actually I thought this was the dedicated burning area up here and you just wanted a bridge oh no I was thinking more like if you look down at um if you look down below I’ve got like little cages of um amethyst

Farm oh kind of something a bit like that right it’s like a little a little outcropping I thought you just I thought you just that’s not what I wanted oh I’m very disappointed the instructions were unclear um well I’ll get right on that okay I can I have a bit more instruction

Um the only issue I have is that if it if it’s taking from Storage if the squirrels are taking from Storage that means that it’s gonna need to be near storage or storage and I don’t that either means it’s gonna have to be like right next to the storage so the pipes

Don’t have to go far all the pipes have to go out to it unless there is some kind of Wireless alternative piping hello is that like a wireless piping system like computer storage you want me to put stuff into a storage system without pipes uh uh kind of

Just because I don’t want pipes to be stretching out over the wizard place because it just would be weird um I fell from the sky first of all yeah I mean we could just meet we could just hide them yeah remember you told us about a Sky Block that we could utilize tree

Wizard Skyblock yeah I can get on that then and then we could hide the wires and then your place have to look as stupid as mine I like the wires all over mine yeah whereas I it’s really hard to hide stuff here because I was like I’m gonna make

Everything float and be very small and like dedicated and stuff which makes it hard to like conceal anything in okay I’m trying to make this rat do something you can try all you want I answered no man all right so it turns out the block that I can make

Um requires a heck and load of the uh uh plant that I just gave boba so it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a little bit of time give me that back give me that back Mr Goblin please thank you I can get some oh yeah I mean it takes

It takes time and if we’re gonna like cover pipes with it it’s literally gonna be like so it’s gonna be a lot we’re gonna need we’re gonna need a ton ah does anyone see this tree over here it’s invisible for me yeah wait I can see

Some leaves I only see leaves yeah yeah oh my God oh my God because I flew into it right as it exploded it scared the out of me are you seeing this like little oh my God yeah what’s going on over here like green dust popping up

Yeah I am stuck inside of an invisible tree now oh God it’s a little buggy yeah I’m not sure why so there was a sampling we just couldn’t see it I can break it with magic what the oh I move I don’t know oh hello hello tree what the heck what’s

Going on what wait him hello I’m having a bit of issues say the um oh it’s because anchorism never mind continue the archwood trees oh piss like to grow in a two by two even if you place one sapling why was it on paste so Hmm this tree just might never grow

Right oh it’s just it’s just controversial maybe no I guess I’ll get some burn me allowance yeah yeah worst case scenario we just grow a different tree here and I make a different area it did grow but I don’t know if this is gonna this sore is actually gonna pop it

No it knocked one so even if we did uh I’d have to make a really unique I think um so there is I think what I I can I’ll there’s a magic um like bombing methods um and I’ll just have to look into that

I think to farm it I think this is um I mean I think it is possible yeah but with like a hundred souls or something I mean we just have to like force it in such a dense area that it has to grow a certain shape yeah and

Then yeah I have like a saw around each side there’s a lot of effort compared to just like doing the magic thing yeah if you can do it magically then yeah yeah I’ll add it to the list that was really satisfying I saw that happen in the corner of my screen this

Is beautiful thank you so much do you want me to like make it wait I was gonna put some like boss like like this around yeah pop off let’s go I was gonna ask if you’re gonna do that yeah that’s what I’m just gonna do that oh yeah

This is great this is great this is oh this is the best I I appreciate you ever say that a great contribution to the team unless this makes me very happy and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that you’ve built something really nice and it’s okay

It’s all it’s all you what are we looking at what did you do obviously versus you got me a little flame thing oh so what’s gonna be in here explain it to me um the guys that are down here shoveling coal onto these pedestals they’re gonna be up there shoveling wood

Onto those right okay I see that’s kind of that’s really cute yeah and it’s kind of the same as we’ve got down here below with the The Lads the crystal ads um very cool bam Flames beautiful thank you so much oh and the orange look oh in the

Wow oh my gosh this is I will come look this is great this is so pleasing foreign it’s so like very cool it’s one thing to do a fun mod pack it’s another thing to do it with a really nice base that’s like thematically good while doing it how yeah

Misty come look at this incredibly bright flame I can’t see my own eyes anymore ain’t you I think I’m blind oh congratulations oh my God I can see you again oh my gosh can you give me can you oh and there’s a little book friend and then I go for it hold

Them and he’s purple oh my God he’s a purple book worm I genuinely think I looked into the sun oh are you attacking us power I’m so sorry Christ video games then yeah no the real life Sun in Minecraft so it was so boring don’t look directly at it it’ll crash your computer

My eyes it’ll break your monitor oh my word it was so it was so bright oh my God this does look better suddenly my building looks better just by putting a whole nother layer of thing on 10 times better yeah I think it’s great ask completed what is happening oh

I’m making something oh my God I probably have so many rewards to collect at some point well last time I collected all my rewards I did it in a light space and of like spaces full of holes and I tossed quite a lot of things oh my goodness I have made false armor

Congrats yeah it was called hello there General Kenobi is that crafting this for genre may or may not show you the Jedi’s way as Yuna likes to say Adventure excitement it Jedi craves not these things luckily you aren’t a Jedi oh hell yeah I have Force mitts is that a thing is

That Canon the forcements that’s how they push things yeah yeah I think so and when they get things in and out of the oven they have to put on their four sticks there’s a bunch of like armor sets that you can like unlock but I don’t feel like we’re really

Fighting much I mean we haven’t we haven’t had the chance to do a big exploration yet so yeah we haven’t I think we can do some we just haven’t we’re just so wrapped up in our own base and stuff like could be going out at this point I think that’s

In fact we have access there’s not more to this world there can’t be there’s only this this empty ocean biome with no ocean right and pigs so many pigs oh my god oh okay all right let’s go I’m pogging all right pop off this is great perfect solved it um beautiful great day

Uh can you show us yeah come out you come to where I am with my eyes it’s right here look hello like so these two like storage deck since I’ve linked to the chests um and look they’ve the guy flies down to the chest that he’s linked to

There he goes the book worm so he goes down he doesn’t actually do anything it’s just automatically connected oh so I click on I click if you click on the thing it’s linked and they both have this on wait very cute so it’s like Wireless yeah yeah yeah yeah

Um okay and the whole reason I did any of that is so I can just wirelessly connect to the main storage if we want yeah no we definitely want to do that yeah it’s incredible crazy all right everyone meet me in the middle if you want your backpack there

Or it feeds your food oh I do want one of them I hope I made this ugly that’s the backpack Auto food ah how how do it work so you put it on your back yeah that’s it it’s on your back and then press B it should open it up I

Think unless did that work oh no that’s that’s build guide oh does it work for you when you press B Bobo um so we have to rebind it you might have to rebind something to the key Vines back open okay just say b um okay it’s because there’s like 60

Things bound to be because there’s so many mods involved let’s see what can we put it on so I just put my food in there that I want to eat so put the yeah put your food in there and also put the the feeding upgrade in there the stamp

Oh I just ate help it shoved it down me throat help wait what do you mean why did it hurt you I don’t know he’s confused yeah is it working this day yeah I’ve got it there might be some other oh you can have like a portable stone cutter

Kind of cute oh nice oh there’s a couple of cute little things you can you can have I say this with all right so we we have I just realized we we did have a creeper spawn next to overlying on over like space but none of the mobs will spawn in overland’s mob

Farm yeah yeah what the them it might be like the block type maybe like I don’t know there might be some weird Shenanigans going on yeah I think it’s some weird brawl or something I don’t hopefully get up maybe it knows they’re gonna be grinded and they don’t they

Don’t want this they don’t wanna you can trickers I don’t want it cheese McQueen Lightning McQueen have a catchphrase yeah yeah true he’s McQueen ciao okay the Autos the auto cooker isn’t as good as I thought why is that what do you see I’m on fire actually look my backpack’s smoking

Which is pretty cute um it’s it’s literally just a portable furnace that’s all it is you have to still put the coal in it I thought it was just gonna be like whenever I pick up raw food it’s gonna immediately be cooked but no not quite okay

I’m a big big outside of the base overall then I gotta build the Dome the dreaded Dome yeah the Dome the Dome can’t wait can’t wait for the Dome session well apparently there’s a there is a um a thing and I was told about this on the YouTube comments uh called a shape

Builder um to make it I’m gonna use have to use the solidification chamber which is why I was asking about early on when you were talking about oh really sheep uh it uses crystallized Amber to make it oh okay unless we have some of that lying around we could make that very

Quickly yeah yeah we need to get liquid Max your observe a sign just make them easy peasy and more liquid honey um so yeah it’s just the crystallized Amber that we need to make amazing yeah I’ll do that for you right now um and then I have absolutely no clue

How it actually works but apparently uh you can use it to automatically make um I don’t somehow perfect that sounds fantastic yeah and oh apparently we might have got one as a Crest reward oh myself oh my Christ we have already what are you oh you must

Need to make it oh my god well there you have it oh we were able to make it we worry we’ll make it okay my roof is coming along oh my God your roof is amazing thank you let me have a look holy baby that looks so good holy oh my

God I’ve not looked at this in a while oh I would love to hang out here in real life and the Goblin is just like top-notch as well so much it’s called a goblin still I didn’t even realize that I love him he’s brilliant I’ve got a kitchen

Started in there and then it’s got like the overhead lighting because it’s um it’s like in the kitchen it’s the polished glowstone looking stuff oh yeah that’s so nice some of my stuff out actually for that let’s move both Stone that’s really nice there’s some in the um oh the statues oh

My God stairs this is so good yo there’s stairs down into the forming fairmen I found this roof on another building that someone had built but it was a very it was a smaller building so I just had to make a long version of it essentially for what I wanted to do

And now I have to look at the brick part does the brick look it’s gonna break my brain but I’ll do it this makes me very happy it’s all it looks so good from a distance as well oh my gosh yeah I’m learning something weird what weird thing are you learning oh

It’s it’s really mundane it’s a really mundane kind of a weird thing I can link these lecterns together and they’re like a form of storage right except the stub uncles which are supposed to be for like picking things up um from chests okay so if I go like this

And like that they’re taking from that chest right but if I go over to this lectern I click it I come back and I right click oh picking items from one location it’s working now okay and checking my items and they’re off yeah they jump look there they go the amethyst dust is

In there oh yeah so they’re gonna very slowly oh wow oh what a good little one yeah oh I see a little guy that’s all the coal is through then it will start to move the amethyst the amethyst will just be part of the computer system now I’ve put it here on

The drawers if you ever want to like manually look at it well it’s nice to have it all visually out in front of us on this level right just for fun yeah because these would just be hidden otherwise because yeah drawers are so good because they just

Hold thousands upon thousands of items I do really want to make this into kind of like a it looks like a library library yeah yeah maybe we’ll make it like a spiral staircase so you can like go up and be like so this is where I keep my end of

Pearls I have thousands and thousands of them we need to have like those ladders oh yeah you can make oh I got an idea you know these things oh yeah it’s like oh yeah come on this is where I keep my uh my uh uranium blocks yes absolutely

I have a little wheels on the bottom or something but there’s definitely some visual thing like we should have a red carpet actually here like a carpet that goes around yeah yeah yeah I think it’s a lot of a lot of little Spruce and update oh

The sheer amount of Joy I received from watching the little storage dragons fly around and two of them are hanging out together by the same chests each other they were inside of each other in a Minecraft way uh oh well yeah I should probably I need

To eat food save me too I’m hungry I like the honey you’ve placed all over the place but if you need any buckets of honey so yeah I think it might be nice if they’re dripping off the ends um can you get any drippers in this game like uh You get like drippers you like different drip Stone and I think it will drip honey if you like place it somewhere if I get to the uh if I get to the Mage blocks uh the sky blocks one there’s also an invisible one so we could like do your actual

Boiling honey and like just sort of over there yeah and just like make it um you know stop it from falling off the Sky Block so it’s less laggy but you know Aesthetics oh yeah I’ve got an idea I need some buckets of honey okay there’s one beneath

Yeah rat and he’s also got another bucket if you use the bucket on him he needs more bottled honey though I have to get more bottles was my only thing was my only bottleneck nice all right that’s this done that’s a wrap alrighty bye YouTube bye everyone [Applause]

This video, titled ‘Ped’s New Backpack | Minecraft FTB Skies | VBOP #26’, was uploaded by Pedguin on 2023-10-02 18:00:16. It has garnered 3860 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:38 or 1418 seconds.

The FTB skies modpack features many fun and interesting magic and technology mods to explore such as Create, Mekanism, Elemental Craft, Refined Storage, RF Tools, and more.

We’ll be exploring this Sky Block survival island mod pack by advancing through the quest book and building our perfect base. Hopefully, no creepers or custom mobs spawn and mess up our base!

I’m joined by VBOP (Viztee, Boba, Overlite & Pedguin) If you would like to follow any of them out check their links below!

Viztee (She/Her) Twitch – YouTube – Twitter – Discord –

Boba (She/They) Twitch – YouTube – Twitter – Discord –

Overlite (She/Her) Twitch – Twitter – Discord –

Pedguin Social Links Twitch – Twitter – Discord – YouTube –

FTB Skies – We have added a few mods to this mod pack, but they’re a secret!

Special thanks to @RefD for hosting the minecraft server

#Yogscast #Minecraft #Skies #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #LetsPlayMinecraft #skyblock #ftbskies

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    Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3Video Information राइट क्लिकट मात्र आ लाइ देखिए प्रॉब्लम ब लो दोस्त कैसे हैं आप लोग क पर तुम अपना घर में जाके अभी नहीं चाहिए मे को अपना में जा ले सामान वगर में [संगीत] उठा गग है तुम्हारे पास आर ग होगा तो क्या है कोडिनेट हाइड करने को नहीं चाहिए नहीं बनता आवा लाइव टेक्स्ट लगाओ कोने हाइड नहीं करना कोई मतलब नहीं है दरवाजा लगा पड़ा है मेरे को जहा तक या मेरा घर इधर ही है क्या बोल रहा क्या बोल रहा तुम य मेरा फ वगर है ये मेरा घोरा ये मेरा छगल [प्रशंसा]… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!

    Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!Video Information all right dudes welcome to Ultimate mine Steve Ultimate Chicken Steve ultimate mine chicken Steve it’s basically Ultimate Chicken horse so you see we’re building this parkour uh to get to the end and we have to go through this island I’m placing my first block right here go away I’m placing my first block right here so every round we will place new blocks to build the parkour to actually complete the map and uh then we can also add traps and things to try to stop each other you get one life per round to try… Read More

  • Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!

    Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!Video Information okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out my chat and we are going to put it into the URL spot and then YouTube open up the chat top chat live chat what’s up Noah what’s up Greninja what’s up Ender Soul how is everyone doing what’s up graned what’s up Crown uh what’s up gos let me send in the Discord @ notific there we go live now live now working on the whole once again I don’t know how to spell again I spelled it with an H again there we go… Read More

  • 🔥 ZAIDO – Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥

    🔥 ZAIDO - Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥Video Information السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير اليوم رجعنا لكم بفيديو جديد بالقناه بدايه جديده نوعا ما بلعبه ماين كرافت انا وين جاي لا تقوللي الاصفر صار عندي اه لا فكرت الاصفر نسيني حرفين يعني انا انا جنب بده واكيد شافني ودع البد يا باشا [موسيقى] ‏what h binks auf لا الجيم غريب الجيم جدا غريب اوكي يا ربموت ما مت اوك هنا انتهى الفيديو والسلام عليكم This video, titled ‘أفضل ريسورس باك بي في بي لماينكرافت 1.8.9 ! 🔥PVP’, was uploaded by ZAIDO on 2024-03-31 08:46:01. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes…. Read More

  • Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!

    Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Transformation to Abstraction in Minecraft (The Amazing Digital Circus Mod ) ADDON UPDATE’, was uploaded by Hard Craft on 2024-02-13 09:00:06. It has garnered 9292 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. #minecraft #addon Read More

  • EcoSurvival

    EcoSurvivalWelcome to EcoSurvival we are a basic survival server with a few enhancing plugins. Server IP : (1.15.2) We tried to change a few things that most server do. We want a realistic economy for the server so there is no server shop the only way to get money right now is to sell stuff using a chestshop or killing mobs. Read More

  • 🏔️ Highworlds SMP – CONTENT CREATOR – 18+

    Highworlds Creator Community 🔈10 Members actively looking for more 🔈 📹 Content Creators ONLY 📹 📚 Highworlds is a Hermitcraft like content creator Hybrid Survival SMP. About Highworlds: Collaborate with a welcoming community still in development. Stream and record your gameplay. Engage in weekly group sessions and creative freedom throughout the week. Craft your own story in the world. Join Us: Anchor yourself in a new world with fellow creators. Participate in community events or create your own. Experience a server with dynmap plugin, 11 datapacks, and custom Modpack with SVC. Join our Discord to connect with admin team and… Read More


    “We’re breaking the meta with this one… because we literally broke the block in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Stone Thrown, Husamettin’s Zone: Minecraft’s Mysterious Monster

    Stone Thrown, Husamettin's Zone: Minecraft's Mysterious Monster In the Minecraft world, danger lurks in the night, Endermen and monsters ready to fight. But fear not, for heroes like us are here, To face the challenges without any fear. Hüsamettin, a brave protector in our midst, Shielding us from danger with a mighty twist. Fakir freezing time, a clever move indeed, To outsmart the monsters and make them concede. But tragedy strikes, as Hüsamettin falls, A sacrifice made to protect us all. We mourn his loss, a hero so true, His bravery and courage shining through. Now we must seek the mysterious monster’s lair, To avenge Hüsamettin… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft

    Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft Exploring the New Armadillo Mob in Minecraft 1.20.5 With the latest update in Minecraft 1.20.5, players are in for a treat with the introduction of the adorable Armadillo mob. This new addition brings a fresh dynamic to the game, offering exciting possibilities for exploration and creativity. Discovering the Armadillo Habitat The Armadillo can be found roaming in the Badlands biome and the savanna. Keep an eye out for these unique creatures as you venture through these terrains in search of new adventures. Taming and Feeding the Armadillo To tame the Armadillo, players can feed them with spider eyes. Once… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!

    🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!Video Information right [Music] right forgot what you call him to be honest I forgot what you called him to be clearly honest oh yeah we have a walking stick forget is there anything we can do with mutant in sax uh from what I saw it makes a giant smoke bomb don’t ask me how don’t ask me how useful it is I’ve never mutant INX yeah what [ __ ] you think I said we got out to work oh [ __ ] another chicken let’s go it’s working hey we got your oh okay no no Tyson it’s true I can… Read More

  • The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨

    The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨Video Information [संगीत] वई आर यू रनिंग वई आर यू रनिंग खत्म बाय बाय टाटा गुड बाय गया m This video, titled ‘When I Try To Escape Then This Happened 😭 #shorts’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-03-22 14:38:51. It has garnered 422 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 1. In this YouTube video, explore the vast and creative world of Minecraft as we embark on exciting adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various challenges along the way. Join us as we delve into the endless possibilities of this popular sandbox… Read More

  • Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

    Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades - Skip Tutorial Now!Video Information remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out… Read More

  • Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)

    Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello how are we all doing today ignore the fact that I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my keyboard to transition us over here but we’re here ever so slightly later than usual but that’s okay we have a mission today I want to finish building my little farm area and in order to do that we want some more Cherrywood so we’re going to go on a little adventure and we’re going to find some Cherrywood and it’s going to be great it’s going to be beautiful nothing’s going to go wrong… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build – You WON’T believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Build - You WON'T believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build like or not’, was uploaded by Not Gaming Bhangu on 2024-01-07 03:30:28. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft build like or not #minecraftratingyourbuilds, #minecraftbuildlikeapro,#minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecrafters #minecraftdaily #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftonly #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuildings #minecraftxbox #minecraftideas #minecrafts #minecraftuniverse #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafthouses #minecraftart #minecraftforever #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftps #gaming #mcpe #minecraftbuilding minecraft build, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building tips, minecraft build challenge, minecraft builds house, minecraft builds aesthetic, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ’s Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey & JJ's Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft MaizenVideo Information oh I had a good night’s sleep I had such a sweet dream all right let’s get started wait what’s that outside my window is that ice that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that is it really that cold outside I don’t know what’s going on here at all I guess I’ll have to go outside anyway it’s completely abnormal I need to go to Mikey’s now and find him then we can really figure out what’s going on with the weather outside my window anyway let’s go outside JJ don’t go outside I’m really Frozen… Read More

  • Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!

    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:51:28. It has garnered 208 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More


    ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET vs MINECRAFT VILLAGER - EPIC SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Floosh COOL on 2024-01-13 08:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this captivating episode titled “Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft … Read More

Pedguin – Ped’s New Backpack | Minecraft FTB Skies | VBOP #26