Pixlriffs – Episode 200 Cinematic World Tour! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 200]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is Pixar IFS and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide this is episode 200 and as promised I’m gonna give you folks a full world tour we’re gonna do this using the replay mod and some fancy shaders so sit back and enjoy the tour this farmhouse

Was one of the earliest things I built in the series and has remained so I recently took a poll about whether we should change it and I’ve decided I’m going to keep it as is a reminder of the early days of the series and it’s kind

Of been my base of operations for all of the episodes that we’ve done recently most episodes you’ll find me starting either at my storage room or at this farmhouse because it just feels like the center of my world right now it’s got a bit of storage it’s got some villagers

Who trade some very good books it’s got an enchanting setup and a safe bed and basically everything I usually need to get myself oriented in the world before I move out and do other things Once the farmhouse really felt settled in and of course my first big project was to build a massive wheat field around it and I am still patching up this wheat field from occasional bits where I have to clear out sections off the land or mobs jump up and down on it

And trample the crops so occasionally you’ll find patches of that that need fixing up I don’t tend to harvest the wheat all that much but it just looks so pretty on the hillsides here of course when I do harvest or eat it typically goes towards feeding some of the animals

That we have in the barn and stable over here we’ve got a bunch of horses including a skeleton horse and a saddle pig in there as well and of course in the barn we have a herd of cows and a flock of sheep looking a little bit thin

On the ground lately but that’s mainly to promote passive mobs spawning elsewhere in the world speaking of passive mobs of course around the back of the house we have a chicken coop the design of this has been broken since minecraft 1.14 but I’ll patch it up one of these days one thing

I won’t be patching up though is this nether portal which was the first nether portal be ever used to enter the nether in this world but in the lore I’ve developed for the world only the people in the castle have access to the nether so that portal had to go 1.14 didn’t

Break all the farms though it actually introduced the opportunity to automatically shear sheep using dispensers so I put that to good use in a multicolored wolf farm here across the bridge I have what I think of as the industrial area it’s where I tend to test out redstone farms and the like and

This one over here is the sugarcane farm it was one of the first things I built and one of the first things I really fully decorated as a farm design as well the farm itself is kind of basic compared to other sugarcane farms that are out there but it does the job of

Course one of the other major buildings out here in the industrial area is my storage building and this contains basically all of the supplies that I will need it’s getting a little bit small though I’m starting to run out of space for some things despite the shelcha boxes so I might end

Up moving out of this at some point anyway a lot of the storage is labeled and manual some of the stuff downstairs is automatically sorted and there is a room for expansion but something tells me we all need to graduate from this and move on to something bigger in the

Fullness of time outside here in the industrial area we’ve got a few farms this one here is for cactus and the ones next door are for pumpkins and melons we established these quite early in the series and they’ve been reliably churning out resources some of which now

Even go into composters so they can be turned into bone meal thanks to 1.14 adding those the rest of this area is mostly not very decorated it’s just a large open space that I use to test out farms and do occasional experiments on creepers and things like that right here

We’ve got a cobblestone generator that can run automatically based on a piston feed tape and nearby we even have stuff like an automatic tree farm which to be honest I haven’t used for a while because it really wasn’t all that good I will probably end up redesigning this

And coming up with another farm or perhaps searching for a farm that better suits my needs we got a cocoa bean farm over here well some of these never really found a permanent home because they weren’t really all that necessary or in the case of this music disc farm it’s better to

Have them out here in the open where creepers can spawn wherever they want to the skeleton in here has been an employee for a while speaking of employees we have a village breeder here that no longer works as of minecraft 1.14 because the breeding mechanics changed but before that we

Were able to take some villagers from that breeder and populate my trading hall which you can see in the background and in some of these shots here a few of these villagers have unfortunately died to pillager attacks recently it’s kind of my fault for going with such an open

Design for this place but I am planning to basically start a trading hall from scratch at some point soon to take advantage of some of the revamp the village of mechanics in newer versions for now though having a crop nano farm nearby means that I can build up a

Supply of carrots and potatoes nice and quickly to trade those with the farmers that will trade for them and that’s a pretty handy way of getting emeralds along with all of the other benefits that these villages provide my favorite farmer is this guy up here on the right-hand side he’s a legacy farmer

Which means he’ll basically trade most of his supplies infinitely of course one of the newest additions to his area is my iron farm the iron tower and unfortunately we’ve had a couple of problems with this farm I know how to fix them so that’ll be coming in a

Future episode but for now it seems to generate more iron on the outside of the tower than it does on the inside of the tower which is a bit unfortunate but nothing we can’t fix soon before we head out to the town of founders Forge I

Should probably take a quick pit stop in the cave down here which was one of the first places I went mining and one of the first places I discovered a spawner we have a spider spawner down here that I turned into one of our early string farms although the amount of chests I

Put there was a little bit optimistic but this farm still functions just fine it’s got a minecart underneath some magma blocks picking up the spiders drops there’s no XP element to it it’s just full string and spider eyes really and it still churns out a decent amount

Of spiders if I want to afk here not a patch on the double cave spider spawner I have elsewhere though up on the hill here we have a windmill this is my one chunk windmill design which you can find in a tutorial build elsewhere it’s been rebuilt by a bunch of other people

Actually a lot of people seem to really love this design so thank you if you’ve built this in your world it’s still kind of cozy in there even though I haven’t really done all that much with the interior and I think it provides a perfect little pastoral outlook over the

Rest of the farming area before you move on to the slightly busier areas like the town in the neighboring forest I built this giant tree stump that was supposed to have been struck by lightning a long time ago and that has a charcoal generator inside of it you can feed logs

Into it and it will perpetually refuel itself in order to cook more charcoal for you not only that but we added a bunch of campfires to the top to make it look like a stove was merrily burning away in there and it really makes it stand out even though the whole thing is

Kind of hidden inside the forest there up in the sky that we have a hot-air balloon that’s concealing a dark room mob spawner a single floor flushing out with dispensers nothing too advanced but just perfect for what we needed at that stage in the series and I was really

Happy with how the hot air balloon came together to this day it remains one of my favorite things I’ve ever built in this whole world speaking of things I’ve built though we now come at last to the town of founders Forge this was established a long time ago in this

Series and of course is still a work in progress there’s a lot to do here there’s a lot of buildings to make but I’m really happy with what we’ve managed to do so far like the blacksmith’s guild here where people would make tools and equipment to mine out the ravine in the

Center of town that’s supposed to basically be providing both the energy and the industry of the entire area and I really like the way the blacksmith’s guild came together there’s some really nice interior stuff in here even if only the bottom half of the building is done

We’ve also got a market place in the town there’s lots of shops and stalls and as a bakery and a butchers lots of places that you would expect to find in a thriving town that’s got lots of people lots of Industry and plenty of money to spend as well as money to make

We have a couple of secret areas elsewhere in the town though underneath the main row of shops we’ve got a nether wart farm that I was using to make the red nether brick that eventually went into the roof of the castle the central ravine is decorated with cyan stained

Clay and a black concrete powder to give it that kind of ashy volcanic look including some of the magma veins that we’ve got running up the wall there as well but this town isn’t all grimy and dirty there’s some high-class shops up here selling expensive clothes

Nice books so pet shop on the corner there that sells mostly fish and coincidentally neighboring it is a cat cafe it’s not the only animal themed thing in the town though I recently made this Fox Head Tavern which has a cartoony Fox head above it but there are

Actually some resident foxes on the inside taking care of the place while the owner is away this building up here in the mountains houses the blast furnace and is one of the many blacksmith’s that I decided to build in the area unfortunately this build never really got finished and while the functionality

Is there the exterior kind of isn’t one of the other things I really want to return to soon is Old Town a kind of Chinese and Japanese inspired area out here on the fringes of town and it’s supposed to be where founders Forge started out before people had to abandon

This area thanks to the swamp rising and some of the houses starting to fall into it so it’s meant to have a bit of a ruined and rundown vibe but the thing that dominates the center of Old Town is this Chinese junk boat which is primarily here to disguise the fact that

We have a kelp farm here and an automatic smoker which smelts the kelp turning it into kelp that we can use for kelp blocks which could then in turn go and fuel the smoker again one of the islands in the center of town houses a bit of a secret

Kind of like the bat cave I suppose we have a secret potions lab down here that you can swim into through that entrance on the right-hand side there and this is where I do a lot of potion brewing gonna be brewing up a lot of potions here very

Soon for how did we get here and I might have to borrow that conduit as well that’s not the only alchemy that goes on in town though we have a concrete maker here that I’m eventually going to develop into an alchemists guild for now it’s just got a machine there and a

Bunch of storage moving on into the rest of the town and there are a lot of foundations here that need to be built out into houses like this one on the left or useful buildings like Vulcans blacksmith which is the site of my first and probably my main automatic smelter

In this world I still come back to this auto smelter time and time again whenever I want large batches of anything mostly glass these days to be honest it’s mostly glass and the highlighter found is for to really has to be brimstone castle which was named by some fine folks in my order

And voted upon by you and I really really like this place it’s probably the first Castle I’ve ever built on this scale and it’s got so many lovely different details and towers I could walk around this thing for days I could also decorate it for days and there are

Still some sections of it which remain unfinished but I’m really happy with the stuff we’ve got done like the soldiers mess hall over here there are other features like the library which are really really colorful and have loads of character loads of chances to use color

And paintings and all of the kind of stuff that they don’t get to tinker with all that much when I’m working on technical builds one of my other favorite features at the castle is the botanists tower where a botanist would come and study all of the plant life in

Greenery in the local area he’s even got some coral and sea pickles in here the castle also has a brewery and the design of that is something I’m very proud of with the magma and soulsand providing all of that bubbly fermentation in the giant vat there some wine barrels and

Beer barrels strewn around the place and thanks to a recent addition of 1.14 an area to crawl into as though there are rat tunnels near by the rats probably also spend a fair amount of time at the loading dock around the back of the castle where there are lots of barrels

And crates to be loaded onto barges that go down the nearby river the castle is supposed to be a commercial place after all and instead of a throne room it’s got a grand inspection hall for people to have their Goods inspected as they make their way into the area below that

Is the central nether portal of my world and that is where we enter the nether hub for the first time the nether hub is where I decided to leave the story aspects of the world behind and just focus on designing something that looked kind of cool in

Particular the main floor of the nether hub is a giant compass with biome dioramas built around it these are still a work in progress but we have a bunch of them built so far I think there are about six or seven of them built out representing different overworld biomes

We’ve got swamps deserts forests of various kinds and a Plains biome with some stuff growing eventually even mesas oceans mushroom islands the nether and the end are all going to find their place in the dioramas here for now though I think it looks pretty cool and we’re going to have even more expansion

To the nether hub in future above the nether hub though is one of my latest projects a giant gold farm built on the nether ceiling which we broke the bedrock for in a pretty early episode of the series while I did build some gold farms before this this multi-platform

Gold farm is the most recent addition and while it is loosely based on snow crashing dill mangoes designs it’s probably not built in the most efficient way possible because let’s face it I was to one building it and that’s not always my priority but it certainly looks pretty cool especially with these

Shaders on now moving out through the nether we will come to a variety of other things including a wither skeleton farm which I haven’t really touched for a while and it hasn’t really been producing all that much stuff as of minecraft 1.14 I have a feeling I’ll

Need to do a better job of spawn proofing the surrounding area of the nether fortress or just come back through and redesign this whole thing entirely there’s definitely some more efficient farm designs out there that we can make use of moving on though the nether hub connects us out to a wide

Variety of other things in the world and by flying out a little bit further we get to some more exotic destinations like the suspicious stew factory which I’ve built here on this mushroom island starting to convert some of the surrounding terrain into grass not sure if I’m going to continue that in future

But for now I think this is a pretty nice-looking Factory it’s got a bunch of brown mushrooms in it which can be milked if they’re fed certain flowers to provide suspicious stew and we’re going to be needing one of those in the near future for the how did we get here

Advancement I still haven’t finished the back wall though and there are a lot of builds in this world that remain unfinished in that way moving on to the outside we have the creeper farm out here in the water outside the suspicious tea factory and for some reason the creepers aren’t

Running off the platforms today I kind of feel like they might not recognize buttons as a block they can walk on anymore but one of my favorite things about this whole farm design I dedicated the entire episode to this is the item transport pipes under the ocean that take them out

To the storage system where we store any gunpowder the farm happens to produce moving out over the ocean from here we end up at a couple of things first of all the Turtle Paradise Island that I made in the episode where we were talking all about turtles and turtle

Breeding and turtle hatching this is actually one of my favorite little hidden features of the world I don’t come out here all that much but it’s always kind of nice to stop by and see the turtles when I do of course the main reason I come over to

This area is the Guardian farm which was my main experience farm for quite a long time and of course a source of some of my favorite blocks in the Prisma reen family this thing is a bunch of soul sand bubble columns pushing Guardians up to the surface in the same design as Cub

Fan 135 kind of pioneered and this thing still produces a pretty large amount of experience and a whole lot of drops some which I don’t even have the storage space for anymore the guardians just keep coming regardless of what time of day or night it is and it’s a pretty special farm to

Have in fact until I built the Enderman farm in a recent episode I used to come here to mend my tools with experience all the time and sometimes I still do the next place might not feel so connected to the Guardian farm because this is the first village I ever

Encountered and of course because it was generated in Minecraft 1.13 it still has all the original village houses even though the villages themselves are looking a bit more 1.14 now now the reason I came out here after the Guardian farm was because it has my squid farm which if we’ll take a quick

Zoom out you can see I’ve dried out the riverbed in a 128 block radius around the farm making this the only place in the surrounding countryside that will spawn squid and it definitely spawns them quite frequently I get probably 9,000 ink per hour out of this on a good day

Recently though I added to my collection of water based farms with this turning an entire footprint of a river biome into a giant tank in the sky purely so I could use it to farm the Drowned this is one of the only effective ways of farming drowned in Java edition and this

Thing has already provided me with a bunch of Nautilus shells a bunch of trident and a pretty reasonable quantity of gold as well as all the dead salmon I could ever ask for so I’m pretty happy I built this thing it looks like an enormous jigsaw puzzle in the sky but to

Be honest it’s one of my favorite farms I’ve built lately purely because it just works it works super well it provides a bunch of ground and I do need to finish building the roof on it but then during the day or night I’ll be able to get a

Trident anytime I feel like it it is one of the reasons I use shaders for this tour though because without them the fun does look like a giant mess in the middle of the sky from one village to another though because out here a long distance away we have an intersection of

A jungle and swamp biome that I decided to make into my first 1.14 village project building this entire village up from scratch the perimeter the houses getting zombie villagers from each area and curing them so that we could breed them together and generally turning this into a villager experimentation

Playground this is where I got to grips with all of the new professions figured out what made the villages tick we ended up spawning a whole bunch of iron golems here none of which I can really find it in my heart to dispose of at this point

So I’ve kind of abandoned this project for now I still like the style of the houses and we could probably come back and do more with this in future or even start a whole new village project somewhere else I’ll definitely be finding the swamp and jungle villages

Again though because I really like the outfits they all have and I’m kind of fond of this place we spent a week here or so in the first stages of 1.14 and it still got a lot of happy memories nearby hopefully for the villagers as well as for me

This isn’t the only village I’ve challenged myself aware that since 1.14 came out though because out here in the desert I’ve actually developed a bit of a desert forts out here it’s mostly because of the wall around the outside which was designed to keep out pillager

Raids after this was the site of my first disastrous attempt at a raid but I’ve managed to breathe the local population back up and even designed them some new houses which is probably my way of saying sorry for messing with your village in the first place the reason this village is so perfect

For raid practice though is that in the nearby vicinity there is a pillager tower a pillager outpost out here in the deserts which spawns a fair amount of the guys and I’ll probably come back here at some point in the near future not least because I will need to try out

A couple more raids but also because I just like messing with the pillagers every now and again believe me a raid farm is something I plan to do in the near future so keep an eye out for that in the early stages of 200-plus here in the Minecraft Survival Guide it’s not

The only thing I built out here in the desert though because further afield we have at the site of my first ever proper fossil find in the Minecraft Survival Guide world and I was really happy we managed to find one of these because I always found them by accident it’s

Really difficult to find a fossil on purpose and I happen to find one down here in a ravine that had lava at the bottom of it so it felt like the perfect place to start a paleontological dig site and go digging for bones and coal hoje both of which i’ve found by the

Bucketload down here in this ravine I still think fossils look super atmospheric though it’s super cool to see them all lit up and it’s always really exciting when you find one in the overworld for the first time speaking of the overworld though we are going to be

Leaving it shortly and we move on to one of the places I’ve been spending a lot of my time recently the end but first of all we have to stop by my redesigned stronghold portal room which I’ve designed to look as close as a facsimile

To the end as we will get here in the overworld so this is the end but not the end of the series not the end of the video just the end dimension this right here is my end hub which I decided to build after fighting the dragon 20 times

And generating all 20 of the end portal gateways around the outside which you can see are now linked by this platform and have had the bedrock removed from them so I can just walk into them anytime I want to and I do like to walk into them quite frequently because one

Of my favorite stops out here in the end dimension is of course the Enderman farm which was designed by an m1 and is an absolute blinder of a farmer it’s really quite special seeing this thing in action as you’ll be able to see in a car seconds when I drop down and start

Killing some of these Enderman the thing is built at the very bottom of the world and it spawns Enderman so fast it’s now one of my favorite XP farms to use not only because you get a load of ender pearls and a load of experience but just

Because of how crazy this thing looks when it’s in action I normally don’t get to see it from this angle either so this is really really entertaining to watch for me I definitely need to expand the ender pearl storage though because after using this thing to mend my tools a

Bunch of times I have more ender pearls than I know what to do with it’s a good problem to have but it’s still a problem and it’s not the only entertainment I have out here in the end though because after trying out a few different villages I thought why not build a

Village in the end why not give that a try because it is still possible to bring villages out into the end dimension and using a flying machine I transported a few out here and started my own village from scratch most of them are librarians there are a couple of

Farmers and the idea behind the landscape of this place is that it was sort of half built by the Enderman they’d seen the overworld and they’d stolen a bunch of blocks from it but they weren’t quite sure what the landscape was supposed to look like which is why all of the stone formations

Here are built in spirals and that kind of thing in exchange the villagers have been trying to build houses looking like the N city towers and they’ve done a pretty good job of that building them out of oak and dark oak there and this is the place that I stole a bunch of

Shell cos from recently to bring them back to the central island and then to the overworld for the handi do we get here advancement there are a couple more stops to make on the tour a few miscellaneous places we haven’t visited yet one of which is this blaze farm

Which has always used slime block flying machines to transport the blazes around but more recently I decided to have a bit more fun with this farm as I wasn’t using it all that much and instead of just dropping them into a kill chamber this thing now sends them into the

Overworld through nether portals transporting them to a swamp where I can then damage them using a water flow and the reason you don’t see more of that in this video is because it got a little bit broken or rather I forgot to swap the portals around and relight the

Portal in the area where they’re all supposed to turn up so it ended up letting a lot of blazes just freely out into the swamp and where the less said about that the better down here though we have a farm that I’m actually pretty proud of this is my

Double cave spider spawner and skeleton spawner farm which is still probably one of my main sources of bone meal if I want a whole bunch of bone meal in a hurry I typically come to this place instead of afk at any of my general mob farms got a couple of spawner on each

Side of the farm and a skeleton spawner in a slightly more remote location that still all gets triggered when I stand on this spot delivering both spiders and skeletons straight to me whenever I want them and the spawner farms are still one of my favorite things to rig up in

Minecraft there’s something really satisfying about exploiting something like this for your own benefit and so every time I want bone meal I just come back here and I hit a few skeletons with the looting sword and typically that gets me by bone meal and bone blocks are

Both pretty nice to have those so in the near future I might end up looking for something a little bit more industrial sized or probably just building a better mob spawner to suit my needs for this kind of stuff for now though hitting skeletons into lava is always satisfying

And the last stop on our tour is something even more satisfying and it’s the snow Plains biome where we built the giant version of the Minecraft Survival Guide logo so it would go into some map art and this was one of my favorite projects that I’ve done recently it took

Absolutely ages it was such an incredible level of detail we had to put into the project but I was so so happy with it it’s one of my proudest achievements and it kind of fits that one of my proudest achievements is also the name of this series because I’m so

Proud of the series and I hope you guys have enjoyed watching the first 200 episodes of the Minecraft Survival Guide here’s to the next 200 I hope you guys enjoyed this tour my name is Ben Pixar if I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Episode 200 Cinematic World Tour! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 200]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-08-09 10:00:14. It has garnered 693781 views and 22406 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:40 or 1540 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! The series has reached Episode 200, so it’s time for a world tour to recap everything we’ve done so far – and maybe drop a few hints about what’s next!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

Cinematics rendered using the Replay Mod: http://replaymod.com/ Music used: C418 – “Haggstrom”, “Taswell”, “Cat”, “Haunt Muskie”, “Aria Math” —- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

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    Lucy Pyre's Hilarious Minecraft Failures Welcome to Noomcraft #2! Exploring the World of Minecraft with Lucy Pyre Lucy Pyre takes her viewers on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft in her latest stream. Let’s dive into the highlights of her gameplay and discover the wonders of Noomcraft. Introduction to the Stream The stream kicks off with a lively intro, setting the stage for an adventure-filled gaming session. Lucy Pyre’s energy is infectious as she gears up to delve into the world of Minecraft. Just Chatting Viewers get a chance to interact with Lucy Pyre during the “Just Chatting” segment. This casual… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Fun and Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Fun and Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of clever hacks and efficient gameplay in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a vibrant community of players who are always looking for new ways to enhance their gaming experience, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Imagine being able to implement the latest hacks and tricks, like the String Farm hack featured in the tutorial video above, in a server full of like-minded individuals. On Minewind, you can take your gameplay to the next level and truly stand out from the crowd. Join… Read More

  • BCraft – smp, 18+, whitelist, crossplay

    Welcome to Our 18+ Community! If you’re looking for a build-oriented SMP with creative players, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a builder, redstoner, or just enjoy projects big or small, you are welcome here. No playtime requirements – your progress stays intact even if you take breaks. Join our cross-platform server for both Bedrock and Java players. Experience a Hermitcraft-inspired economy with diamonds as currency. Visit our shopping district at spawn to buy and sell goods. Take advantage of our resource and creative worlds connected to the server. Rules are simple – no discrimination or racism, just… Read More

  • TulipSurvival 1.20.4 | Your safe place | Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival (Very Friendly Admins!)

    TulipSurvival 1.20.4  |  Your safe place  |  Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival  (Very Friendly Admins!)TulipSurvival is a semi vanilla Minecraft Survival 1.20 server with quality of life plugins to make your experience even better!You can play with your friends, make land claims, make towns, make player warps, buy & sell items to others and more!Come join our welcoming community 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!

    Minecraft Memes - Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!Well, I guess you could say this meme is really building up its reputation with a score of 57! Read More

  • Submerged Splendor: Minecraft’s Underwater Wonder

    Submerged Splendor: Minecraft's Underwater Wonder In the depths of Minecraft, a hidden villa lies, Beneath the waves, where the ocean sighs. Crafted with care, a mansion underwater, A true work of art, a gamer’s wonder. With glass floors and tropical fish so fine, Each one unique, in a watery shrine. But beware, only one fish per column to show, Lest they fight and cause a watery woe. To keep the water out, a clever trick, A pathway to block, the flow to stick. Dig deep, build high, create a grand design, In the underwater mansion, where the sun does shine. So dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends

    Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends How to Play Minecraft with Friends || Create a Server on Aternos 2024 In this Minecraft video, you will learn how to play online with friends for free using the Aternos platform. From registration to customizing the server with mods and plugins, each step is explained clearly and concisely. It demonstrates how to start the server and provides a quick overview of the console. Finally, it showcases the server in action, with additional tips on professionally managing it! Don’t miss this comprehensive guide to enjoying Minecraft with friends without spending money! Registration and Server Creation To begin, head to… Read More

  • Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start

    Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start Minecraft: The Legendary Beginning 😱🔥 Embark on an epic journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity One of the defining features of Minecraft is its creative mode, allowing players to build magnificent structures, intricate redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes. With an array of blocks at their disposal, players can let their imagination run wild and bring their wildest creations to life. Survive and Thrive For… Read More

  • WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮

    WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮Video Information با This video, titled ‘Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-03-22 07:28:40. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99#shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort #minecraftshorts #minecraftdaily #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #video #memes #memesdaily #funny #funnyshorts #funnyshorts #funnymoments #funnymemes #funnycomedy #funnymoments #memeviral #memesbr #skibidi #skibidibop  #skibiditoilet #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidimeme #yessmartypie #yessmartypieisindiandream #yessmartypiereacts #dreamboy #ezio18rip… Read More

  • Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in Minecraft

    Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information तो चलते हैं सीधे अबे भाई तो ठीक है गाइस अभी मैं आ चुका हूं उस वर्ड के अंदर जहां पे ये मिस्ट्री हम लोग को सॉल्व करनी है मैप स्टार्ट करने के अलावा मैं तुम लोग को बता दूं वो विलेजर से फाइट करना बिल्कुल भी ऐसा नहीं होने वाला है जैसा कि मैंने सुना है वो विलेजर मरने वालों में से बिल्कुल भी नहीं है यानी कि मैं कितना भी ट्राई कर लूं मैं उसे मार नहीं सकता क्योंकि मैं सेलेक्ट करने वाला हूं यहां से हार्ड एंड हार्ड सेलेक्ट करने के बाद हम लोग चलते… Read More

  • Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!

    Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!Video Information This video, titled ‘3.5 Years Of Crystal PVP | Ht3 Very Soon….’, was uploaded by GreaterSteve on 2024-03-30 14:42:26. It has garnered 2527 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button Play.lifesteal.rip is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp. G0CKK, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, karmaticc, roist_,… Read More

  • Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information let’s continue exploring the universe within art and the art within farming in this episode we’re going to be looking at how to farm Nether wart there are a bunch of different ways that you can do this but unfortunately there isn’t a fully automatic one but we’ll be going over all the different ways for you to get tons of Nether wart so that you can pick which design fits your needs the best whether you want an automatic collection system or you just want some assistance when it comes to harvesting it hopefully this video will… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lesson

    Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lessonVideo Information какой самый сильный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это варден или Эндер дракон но нет это было бы очень легко кто-то скажет что это Иссушитель но этот моб намного сильнее и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это заряженный крипер Он запросто может убить игрока в незеритовой броне с одного удара Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской версия игры стареет Итак я заспавнился и пока что я на максимальной… Read More

  • Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smp

    Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey guys how are we doing how is life treating you how is how was the weekend cuz it’s now like Sunday evening you know weekend’s kind of over which is lowkey really sad but it is what it is but like how was it you know hopefully it was a fun slay weekend maybe it wasn’t I hope it was though but you you never know you never know let me get that I am in a cave kind of in the middle of nowhere to be honest but when am I not exiled hello how’s your… Read More

  • 🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀

    🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀Video Information hello bro person to complete the game okay he won he just won the match and we will start in 2 minutes stay t gold to in party unated [Music] body [Laughter] for hell auto adjust auto adjust second sunset or l and doing oh okay okay okay good [Music] uh thanks for subscribing I don’t know how to spell this name good job good job good job okay okay okay okay rules br r you oh okay okay okay you can see yes going B on my way uh Val wait Val has a rank yeah valent… Read More

  • Insane Combo – Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-Nite

    Insane Combo - Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-NiteVideo Information like crab so um this is a Minecraft fortnite server that literally just came out and um it’s been super hard to get in and I finally just got in so I’m going to try to play it and see what happens okay so the back story for this is that there’s this dude named nimsy and he is the first person to make the Minecraft fortnite M with like the entire OG map and all the guns and actually working building system so I decided I wanted to try it and I did not realize how hard… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXTVideo Information [Music] here [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] a h ow owow [Music] h [Music] light [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah yeah n This video, titled ‘minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-09 15:25:54. It has garnered 1856 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles… Read More

  • Goon Squad

    Goon SquadHi! The Goon Squad community is glad to announce the opening of our Minecraft server, currently running MC Eternal modpack. The server is dedicated, running 12+ GBs RAM, so no lag here! It’s 100 slots, so there’s plenty of room for you and all your friends! No banned items. 24/7 Uptime. Restarts at 12 AM and 8AM Rules: No Griefing PvP must be consensual No racism/sexism/generally hateful remarks Staff: Destle, Owner Skutha, Owner Bugzie, Admin Wits, Server Moderator IP: goonsquad.mcserver.us Discord: https://discord.gg/6583eS Modpack: MC Eternal 1.3.5 goonsquad.mcserver.us Read More

  • VanillaPlus Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on playing Minecraft on the latest version with no additional addons or benefits. We offer a texture pack, data packs for quality of life improvements, and crafting packs to reduce grinding. Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs to get started on play.vanillaplus.uk with a code from our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, bases, and selling items at the spawn shopping area. We now support bedrock and account linking! Check us out on PMC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/vanillaplus-whitelisted-vanilla-smp-always-the-latest-version/ Read More

  • Legendary realm

    We have mini games such as one in the chamber and spleef, if you don’t want to play the mini games we also have survival with land claims and a PvP arena Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!

    Minecraft Memes - Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!Twitter bots be like: “IPTV account hacked? NFTs stolen? Sounds like a personal problem, have you tried turning it off and on again?” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick’s Wild Ride

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick's Wild Ride When you’re trying to look cute but end up looking like a confused emoji trying to flirt with a sparkly star. #fail 😂🌟 Read More

  • Can Knarfy Break Minecraft’s Potato Update?

    Can Knarfy Break Minecraft's Potato Update? Minecraft’s Poisonous Potato Update: A Chaos Trip Introduction Minecraft’s April Fool’s update this year introduced the Poisonous Potato update, bringing a whole new level of chaos to the game. The update centered around Poisonous Potatoes, adding a quirky twist to the gameplay. Exploring the Update The update featured a variety of new elements, including Poisonous Potato blocks, toxic mobs, and unique items like the Potatish Great Staff of the Peasant. Players could venture into the Potato dimension, encountering potato-themed structures and creatures. Breaking the Game In an attempt to push the update to its limits, our protagonist embarked on… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed!

    Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we’re diving into the magical world of Minecraft with a cozy Cottage Witch modpack adventure. Join us as we explore new lands, encounter friendly creatures, and face the perils of the unknown. From towering trees to mystical biomes, there’s always something exciting around the corner. But why stop there? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With endless possibilities, friendly communities, and exciting adventures waiting for you, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. So grab your gear, set… Read More

  • Customize Default Model Tutorial

    Customize Default Model Tutorial Customize Your Minecraft Model with Yes Steve Model Tutorial Are you tired of the limited models available in Yes Steve Model for Minecraft? Do you want to create your own custom model but don’t have the time to start from scratch? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you through the easiest and fastest way to customize the default model without the need for complex animations. Let’s dive in! Importing and Exporting Models Before you begin customizing your model, make sure you have the default model file for Yes Steve Model. Navigate to your .minecraft folder, then locate the… Read More

  • INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱

    INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱Video Information hello there everyone the inada here and welcome back to Episode 22 of our FTB Skies let’s play series where today we’re working on getting our enchantment factory set up from industrial 4 going enchantment applicator all that good stuff and uh working on getting ourselves some enchants at least trying to that’s the goal at least anyway let’s get started welcome back my friends another wonderful night here in the world of the andrada where today well stuff and things are going to happen we’ve got some industrial forgoing to work with let’s break down our clock… Read More

  • WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in Minecraft

    WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in MinecraftVideo Information s guys what is up welcome back to another pixel Razer video where today we are doing another horror Seed video where today we continue on with the series of I believe it’s season 6 where you guys comment a seed that you guys want me to try to do and we play on that seed now today we are doing a seed I’ve never heard of but it’s similar to 2323 I know you guys in the comment section have been freaking out about 2323 but today it’s similar but it’s not the same it’s 232 but… Read More

  • Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global Ideologies

    Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global IdeologiesVideo Information Какая идеология самая сильнейшая в этом мире у нас есть демократизм фашизм анархизм коммунизм консерватизм либерализм монархизм Социализм синдикализм и у каждой идеологии по 1.000 человек и у каждого человека в своём государстве есть определённая качество отключим Восстание отключим голод и старость отключим природные катаклизмы и другие бедствия а также отключим все ненужные эпохи и Как видим уже каждая государство построила себе костёр и несколько домов ещё хочу сказать что каждая черта в каждом государстве даёт свои какие-то определённые качества и Как видим анархисты уже основали второе поселение например черта анархист даёт плюс два к военному делу плюс… Read More

  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm mat.com and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

Pixlriffs – Episode 200 Cinematic World Tour! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 200]