Pixlriffs – Finding Buried Treasure! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 13]

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Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a wonderful day as you can see I have been putting the finishing touches to the barn from the last episode I still have a little bit of cobblestone

Left to add along the bottom row here but unfortunately this is the last piece of cobblestone I possess at present that is the only one I’ve got left in the entirety of my inventory my chests are completely dry of cobblestone and I still need to adjust bits and pieces of

The roof here but I’ve made this lovely kind of fence work over the top there kind of keeps the hayloft nice and open because this is going to be a hayloft eventually I’ve even installed a ladder and a trapdoor although looking at it now I can see that the trapdoor is it

Kind of an odd angle so maybe we want to do something about that let me go and grab another ladder in a second because yeah we could we could maybe put some slabs either side like that and then put this on there and actually that will work pretty well because ladders with

Trapdoors at the top the trapdoor actually still functions kind of as a ladder because it makes it easier to get through the trapdoor in the end so actually let’s look at it from the bottom you know that’s not too bad I think we’ve actually solved that one

Pretty quickly I think we can we can probably lay that one to rest uh-oh there is an Enderman in my barn well we can probably leave him in there as long as we don’t look at him directly he’s not going to be an issue but for the

Time being I want to go back to my enchantment table because as you can see I’ve got myself to 30 levels by breeding and killing some of these animals in here and right now these sheep and cows are all separate in either side so the

Sheep can graze on all of the grass over here and the cows can do their thing in the slightly muddier patch that we created in the last episode so let’s head into the house we got our 30 levels I’m going to enchant that fortune three diamond pickaxe that I said I found in

The enchantment table last time and it will still be there because every time you come back to the enchantment table it doesn’t like cycle through a new set of enchantments until you’ve used something in here and even chanted it so let’s get that 14-3 pickaxe we’ve always

Wanted and again we’re only getting four to three I continue to be surprised by how the enchantments are working out in this enchantment table because it seems to only be giving us one enchantment at a time I promise you that it’s not the case but it looks like we’re gonna have

To wait a little while to get a decent enchantment but we could combine that with our unbreaking three efficiency for pickaxe but the thing about fortune is that when you come across a block where you can use fortune I feel like it’s you know it’s something that you can take your

Time with anyway so when you’re finding lots of diamonds and stuff down in the in the caves in the cave mines that you’re doing you will probably end up just being able to get the pickaxe out with fortune on it kind of casually whenever you like and mining those

Diamonds at your own pace it’s not like you have to tear through the entire planet with with a 14-3 pickaxe it should be fine so I’m actually going to go and do a little bit of off-camera mining simply because I want some more cobblestone to finish this off and while

I’m getting cobblestone I may as well be looking for more diamonds because we have 18 diamonds left in the chest up there and there is still scope for us using let me do the math here quickly we want eight for the chest plate seven for

That one and five for the helmets so let me think that’s like twenty something like twenty-two diamonds am i thinking about that right or maybe it’s just twenty but I’ve only got eighteen right now so a couple more would be would be helpful we only got 18 in there so I’m gonna go

And do a little bit of diamond mining if I if I can hopefully find some diamonds that’ll be fantastic and we’ll be able to use this little fortune three pickaxe but if not at least we’ll be able to get enough cobblestone to finish off the

Roof ridge of the barn here and then we can carry on with the rest of today’s episode here we go I’ve been doing a little bit of strip mining here went through the ravine that actually passed below the abandoned mineshaft we discovered a few episodes ago and I’m

Gonna put my fortune three pickaxe on my hotbar here and mine myself these diamonds and it looks like we at least got more than usual yet we got five diamonds out of three at Diamond blocks there so once again fourteen three it’s only gonna get you between one and four

Diamonds per block and it’s not really guaranteed to get you more than one diamond every single time so in that case we only got I think we’ve got three from one block and we got one from the other blocks but that’s still not bad that’s still more diamonds than we would

Have got otherwise and let’s do a quick dig around here to make sure there aren’t any more diamond doors hidden in the walls because sometimes these veins of diamond can generate diagonally as well so it’s usually important to check around the area to see if there are any

Diamond or blocks you have missed and we’re going to be grabbing some iron as I go here as well because we’ll need iron for a little bit later on in today’s episode and I just ran into something very unusual which I’m going to try and get to trigger again so bear with me

Here while I do a bit of digging around but we are in if we press f3 you’ll notice on the left hand side where it says biome underneath all the coordinate data and stuff we are in a mountains biome specifically a gravelly mountains but the mountains part is the thing I

Want to focus on here occasionally when you’re in mountains you will come across stone blocks that break immediately regardless of what kind of pickaxe you’re using and they will break and spawn one of these now these are my my least-favorite mob in the game they are called silverfish and silverfish they’ll

Kind of the the blocks will sort of disappear into a puff of smoke and as you can see like my pickaxe has the efficiency enchantment on it and it’s so efficient that it’s actually breaking the blocks instantly but silverfish stone will spawn in clusters and then it

Will spawn one of these mobs and more often than not they will tunnel away into some other stone blocks but they will actually attack you they are a hostile mob and the thing about silverfish is that whenever you hit them if you don’t kill them in one hit then

They will tend to break other silverfish mobs out of nearby stone blocks these occur in extreme Hills or mountains and in strongholds which are the place where you find the portal that takes you to the end but that right there is a bit of a nuisance because naturally we want to

Be harvesting stone it doesn’t drop anything from the block when you break a silverfish block it just generates a mob and a mob will come and attack you and then it will in theory if you don’t have like a really sharp sword and you can’t

Kill it in one hit then a bunch of other silverfish might come out of here and you might find yourself getting overwhelmed very very quickly but luckily for us that doesn’t seem to have been too much of a problem and all blocks are still safe to mine they will

Only tunnel back into regular smooth stone blocks and occasionally cobblestone and stone brick but you won’t find them going into andesite or diorite or anything you won’t find them going into coal ore or diamond or they won’t infest blocks like that they only end up investing regular stone related

Materials so we can can safely mined the rest of this I’m using fortune on the coal here as well so we can get more than one coal per ore block and that will be very useful as a bit of extra fuel for our torches and for our furnaces and things like that

I’m gonna spend a little bit longer down here and then we’ll return to the surface and today I think we’re gonna do a bit of exploring there we go we’ll pop those diamonds in there 27 diamonds is a nice little stockpile and as you can see

We’ve also got a bit of iron and a bit of gold and a lot of redstone I’ve been using fortune on the redstone all blocks as I find them and acquiring a whole lot of redstone dust now as you can see my storage system is getting a little full

Of redstone and I don’t want this to take up all of the space in here so what I’m gonna do is put a few of these other blocks away let’s pop the cobblestone in there really fast let’s at the gravel the diorite and so forth goes in this

Chest up here like so and then I’m gonna take all of this redstone dust out of here and combine it in a crafting table to get blocks of redstone and not only Oh blocks of redstone a compact way of storing redstone dust and they can actually be broken back down into 9

Redstone dust each every time it will also allow you to power circuits with blocks of redstone they are actually a power source although we’ll get more into the details of that in future episodes but I think for now we’ll leave some of this redstone dust separate but we’ve got a full stack of

Blocks of redstone now let’s grab a little bit of lapis lazuli let’s take it to the enchanting table and let’s see what we get on a bow right now punch – okay punch is a an enchantment which allows you to knock the enemy you’re fighting further back there’s also a a

Sword equivalent of that that’s called knock back but punch is a decent enchantment but I’m looking more for in shamans that increase the power of my bow which you know it might be possible to get on this bow but given our luck with enchantment tables so far I’m

Fairly certain we would only get punched – which isn’t really worth spending our 30 levels on at the moment so I wonder maybe if we put an enchanted book in here what we will get it’ll be interesting to see what comes up here power 4 there you go that is an

Enchantment we could then apply to our bow if we ended up getting another punch enchantment there is also an equi affinity book available which we could put on our helmet to allow us to mine blocks underwater more easily or there’s just a power one as the chiefest enchantment up there I’m

Not really interested in any of those right now because power 4 to be honest is one of the enchantments that comes up most often for bows it’s the only one that increases the power of a bow so I’m gonna leave that in there for the moment

The next thing I can do is take out the diamonds and we’re going to make the rest of the armor set out of diamonds because that will definitely provide us with the most durable armor and the toughest armor it is possible to get in the games so here we go folks we’re

Gonna make a diamond helmet to start off with we’re going to make a diamond chestplate like so which is definitely the most expensive thing you’ll ever make out of diamonds except for maybe diamond two blocks if you want to build with them but this is going to be a an

Eight piece diamond chestplate and then seven pieces of diamond we’ll get us some diamond leggings and we still have seven left over which is perfect so with our 30 levels we can now go back to the enchantment table and let’s see what we get on these fire-protection three

That’s not the best unbreaking three we’re not guaranteed protection but unbreaking is always useful to have and then on a diamond helmet aqua affinity that might be worth going after actually because it’s possible we might end up doing some stuff underwater and you never know we might get an enchantment

Other than a cure Finity on these hmm I wonder what we should do I would still rather have protection on a helmet rather than you know risk the potentially getting blast protection or fire protection or something like that I think unbreaking 3 is a pretty good

Shot full of leggings let’s give that a try and we just got unbreaking 3 par for the course at this stage but then that cycled the enchantments for our other things so that one’s still getting a Qui affinity good to know and that one there is getting thorns thorns is another

Enchant I haven’t really covered yet so I’ll briefly cover it here basically what thorns does is it allows you to deal some damage back to anything that’s attacking you kind of automatically so if anything hits you it takes damage for attacking you and sometimes that can be

Very useful sometimes if you want to control how much damage something is taking it can be a little bit awkward so again I might bypass thorns for now and only add it to my armor if I really want to later on but we’ve got some unbreaking diamond leggings I think

Those will already provide a little bit or armour power than the iron leggings we’re currently using see this has five armor and protection one these have six armor and some extra armor toughness to them which is a bonus that is only available on Diamond armor not to mention that the durability of these

Leggings will last longer than iron leggings in the first place but now with unbreaking 3 it will last about three times as long so I’m going to put these iron leggings away in here with a my old suit of armor I think those will go in

There just fine I might leave the other diamond armor in here for now though because I would rather work with these enchanted ones and not like waste the durability on my Diamond armor until I’ve got enchantments like protection or I’m breaking on it and it’s going to be

Worth using let’s take a look at our possible beaux enchantments now there you go powerful has come up in the table and I’ll quickly take a look at what’s available for books as well efficiency smite – fire protection 3 nothing too special so the bow is

Definitely going to be the next thing we want to enchant here in fact now that I’m thinking about it it might be worth enchanting the bow before we end up going exploring so I might hop into the nether really quickly kill a few more blazes like we were doing in previous

Episodes and then we can we can get enough experience to enchant the bow before we head out exploring today exciting news on coming back from the nether it was actually really dark outside so I went into the house and I slept there are a couple of things hanging out in the barn afterwards

Because of course sunlight wasn’t getting down here so the undead mobs weren’t burning in the Sun the way they normally do there was a skeleton and a zombie in here as you can see had a bit of a fight with the skeleton a few arrows flying and the zombie dropped a

Carrot now this is one of the rare drops that I mentioned in previous episodes where we were talking about fighting mobs occasionally a zombie will drop a carrot or a potato and this is very rare but for the most part they are really really useful for starting new crop

Farms because when we when we go over here and plant this carrot will actually much like we do with the wheat seeds be able to harvest more carrots once they are fully grown so I’m going to plot out another little farm here we’re gonna start growing carrots we’re gonna break

The bones down into bone meals so that we can grow those a little bit quicker and now if I break these it will actually give me a whole bunch more carrots like so now we have four carrots that we can plant per in the for the things I already laid out

The full little farmland plots like so and now I get to show you something even more special because now we have a fortune 3 tool fortune will actually give you more crops as well as giving you more or so for example we got four carrots out of that one let’s break it

With a fortune pickaxe and see well that’s not very well illustrated my point has it it is still a chance much like getting more diamonds out of a diamond block it is still only a chance to get more things so let’s see if we end up getting a few more carats out of

This there we go we got three more now the first time around we got four out of one plot and I’ll promise you that is the upper limit of what you can get normally but if you’re using a fortune tool you’re more often guaranteed to get more drops out of fully grown crops

Especially with wheat seeds you will get an absolute ton of seeds out of it afterwards so just by harvesting like a few spaces here we got sixteen wheat seeds which is much more than we’d normally get so if you want to populate a farm really really quickly

With some fresh crops let’s move the flowers here so that we can hoe a couple more spaces and allow ourselves to grow the rest of these carrots there you go fortune tools are actually really useful for that the also the advantage of this is that when you’re breaking crops with

Fortune like so it does not decrease the durability of your tool meaning you can get a whole bunch of seeds and a whole bunch of crops without actually sacrificing your pickaxe durability whatsoever that’s just a smart little tip for you something that you can bear in mind so let’s let’s take the mutton

Out of here let’s cook up some iron like so three bits of coal won’t hurt and we’ll probably put a little bit more coal in here as fuel now I’m storing the blaze rods in here as fuel and I need to correct something that I mentioned in a previous episode because some people

Were kind enough to point this out to me in the comments blaze rods will cook twelve items at a time they won’t cook I think I meant I said 20 at the time they I’ve always thought it was 20 for some reason but they will actually cook

Twelve items before you burn through a full blaze rod and you have to use another one so they are slightly more efficient than coal coal will only do eight plays rods will do twelve kelp blocks other things that do twenty but I wasn’t confusing those I just genuinely

Thought for the longest time that blaze rods were the ones that did 20 so that’s there’s nothing to worry about we’ve got plenty of laser odds we could use them as fuel all day if we wanted to but that’s just something to to keep in mind a bit of a correction

From a previous episode there so let’s put the gold items away I’ve got some more cobblestone slabs let’s head down and finish off the roof of the barn and then let’s enchant our bow and we’ll do some exploring there we go I think we’re done with that there’s a nice three slab

Thick ridge along the edges of the barn there and if I had to do one thing differently about this build I probably would have started it a couple of blocks over there to the right because it’s interfering with the line of the house here I had to take out one of the

Supporting stairs in order to get the roof line of this symmetrical but there you go it’s a bit of trial and error when you’re building so this stuff in Minecraft I didn’t know how big this barn was gonna be when I started building so you can always live and

Learn with this kind of stuff let’s head up in here and let’s enchant our bow and see if for once we get anything other than just the power three enchant let’s hop into the enchanting table here pop some lapis in there and unbreaking 3 as well okay that’s fantastic that’s

Actually really what we wanted now I’ve only got 15 arrows on me right now I think we need to prepare a little bit more for that so let’s take a quick look around here to see if we have any Flint fantastic stuff we do have some Flint

Now the last ingredient for this is going to be feathers and I don’t think we have any feathers from our chickens down here but you know what I’m a little tired of having these chickens around the house for the moment I’m going to kill a couple of them just so we get a

Couple of feathers that we can use sorry folks we’ve got three feathers that’ll do for now and they each time they lay an egg there’s a chance that we might get another chicken back from that so I’ve been throwing them on the floor occasionally when I get them collecting

A few in this chest and we might be able to repopulate the chickens nice and easily here there we go we’ve got one and it looks like we’re just getting the one but like I said we’ll be able to repopulate chickens any time we want to

We can also breed them with seeds that kind of thing if you want a guaranteed chicken that’s how you do it now let’s go into the crafting table here and let’s put some feathers some sticks and some Flint in a line like so to make arrows and this makes four arrows at a

Time meaning we will get twelve out of the three Flint and three feathers that we had and working with 27 arrows instead of 15 is going to be a lot nicer so let’s pop the cobblestone slabs back in here I’ll probably leave the raw food in this chest here like the mob drops

I think we have a little bit more cooked food down here in this chest yes we got 64 steak fantastic so we got to do a bit of exploring today and I want to show you guys how to navigate in Minecraft without getting too lost so we need to

Start off by building a compass we’re going to do that using four iron ingots and one redstone dust in a crafting table you need a 3×3 for this you can put iron all the way around like that and the redstone dust in the middle and that helps you create a compass now a

Compass in Minecraft does not point north that is the first thing that you need to get your head around because compasses in Minecraft actually point towards your spawn point and that’s something that’s very important to remember the Sun is going down a little bit so we’ll make this quick

If we press f3 now you’ll notice I’m facing north and the compass is pointing north that’s fantastic that’s more or less what we want but as I walk in this direction you will notice the compass starts to swing around when we get further away from our spawn point and if

You’ll remember we did spawn around here in the grasslands the first time we loaded up this world so our spawn put our spawn point is actually generally speaking around here like it’s actually right here or maybe a couple of blocks over to the site and that’s quite

Important now that is the world spawn point not the spawn point we have set by sleeping in a bed but if you build your starter house quite close to the original point where you’ve spawn in for the first time in the world then that will actually allow you to navigate home

Very easily by using one of these compasses now if you haven’t built near the spawn point if you actually explored further afield before you set up your first base there is another way of navigating in Minecraft which will be very very useful and that is to create a

Map we can put a compass in the middle of the crafting grid here surround it using paper that we’ve gotten from our sugarcane farm and you’ll get yourself an empty map and the map right now will not show you any kind of navigational data but if we go outside we don’t have

To go outside but I’m going to do that for the sake of example here we’re going to go outside we’re going to walk out in front of our house and we’re going to right-click with the empty map in our hand and that will display a map of the

Surrounding area as you can see the thing that the sort of brown square in front of us is our house the gray square just south of that is the bond and the marker that’s there that’s kind of rotating around as we rotate demonstrates where the player is so this is actually a

Really neat thing to have in Minecraft this will allow you to navigate around at least the immediate area if you have a map in your hand you can even swap hands with it like so or hold it in both hands to get an even bigger view by

Taking whatever’s in your offhand out of it so I’ve taken my shield off now and you can see it’s displaying a massive picture of the local area which is actually very pretty we’ve got quite a nice little varied bit of terrain here a lake a river some mountains and a nice

Little town developing here fantastic stuff so the thing about maps is that they will always show the indicator for where the player is regardless of whether or not you are on the map so if I continue to walk north here you’ll notice that the indicator no longer has

A point showing you which direction we’re facing it’s just turned into a white blob but that white blob now indicates that we are off the north edge of the map as I navigate a little bit further this way if we go west you’ll find that the the blob kind of follows

That along the top line of the map until it’s off the top left corner and as you can see when we walk back into the area of the map our position indicator returns showing us which way we’re facing and exactly our position now it’s worth noting that you can also navigate

In Java Edition using the f3 debug information so right there on the left hand side it’s got our coordinates if we take a note of those coordinates maybe even take a screenshot using the f2 button you’re always going to be able to return to this location later likewise

On the bedrock edition of Minecraft it is possible to have your coordinates displayed in the top right corner although not playing the bedrock edition I’m not sure exactly how that works so that may be something you have to do a little bit of research on and to my

Recollection when I used to play the console versions of Minecraft coordinates would be displayed at the top of maps and you would get a map as soon as you spawned into the game so that’s something to keep in mind as well if you want to remember where to come

Back to just make sure you take a note of your coordinates and you should be able to get back there no problem so I think it’s time to explore our world a little bit more I’m going to head north at roughly north at least of our extreme

Hills biome here and we’re going to see what else is out there I know we’ve been to a swamp before in this action so I might go through the swamp and see what is on the other side it’s also worth getting used to navigating using landmarks in Minecraft

Because that will save your bacon if you don’t have a map on you or if you don’t have a compass and if you don’t want to be a little bit cheaty by using the the F 3 coordinates screen it’s that a pink sheep oh my goodness me that’s incredible it’s funny

Normally sheep only spawn in a variety of colors they’re usually the grayscale colors they can be white light gray dark gray or black occasionally you’ll get a brown sheep and even more rarely you find a pink sheep that’s quite special and I promise I have not gonna die to

This off-camera or anything like that this sheep is a naturally spawned pink one fantastic stuff I’m going to take a screenshot of that one of the things that’s nice to do when you’re walking around a Minecraft world is just get the occasional screenshot of places you’ve

Been it’s this one seems to be hiding in the tall grass to get away from her it’s not camouflaging you very much of there buddy but it’s nice to just take screenshots of places where you’ve been especially if you want to put the coordinates on-screen and remember where

That place is because sometimes it’s very easy to forget with how big minecraft worlds are what you can find out there and and how to get back to it from the base that you set off from originally so they can put the map away

For now as well I don’t need to refer to that right away I think that will be absolutely fine but let’s head across this swampland and see what’s on the other side I think it might also be worth making sure we bring some logs with us or cutting down a swamp tree

Here we can always grow another one in its place if we want to but turning this into a boat will be super useful let’s make a crafting table really fast let’s pop down that let’s make a quick boat and then navigating using a boat in these waterlogged areas is going to be

So much easier and it looks like this swamp leads directly to the ocean you can see the water transitioning changing color there and we have a nice wide ocean ahead of us there are natural fish swimming around there are squid over there which now only spawn in oceans and

Rivers you might remember and there are even some dolphins nearby amazing stuff it’s fantastic to get out to the ocean and explore a little bit more of this world but we don’t want to stray too far I think because the ocean can lead us to a completely

For at land mass I do want to explore around the edges here and see what else we can find there’s some nice oak forests around here some mixed oak and birch forests Oh what is that on the horizon I think I see the mast of a shipwreck fantastic stuff so

Now we can actually talk about some of the newer features that have been added into Minecraft as of the update aquatic version 1.13 including the dolphins and turtles that we’re now seeing out here in the ocean there are shipwrecks that will be offshore in ocean biomes and occasionally washed up on shore as

Though they’ve run aground in these biomes and shipwrecks are often the site of some fantastic treasure that you can find by looting the chests you will find inside one of these so let’s hop down into this and make sure that you keep an eye on the oxygen meter when you’re

Going underwater because we will run out of breath very very quickly and we don’t have any enchantments to help us with that so luckily this one is nice and shallow so we can make our way to the surface every now and again it might be worth destroying a couple of blocks down

Here just so we can make our way into the cabin open up this chest and Wow look at that we have a bunch of emeralds in here we have some iron ingots and some iron nuggets which can be converted back into ingots if we want to use those

For anything perfect we have a 10 emerald which is enough to even make an emerald block if we want to that’s brilliant stuff now it’s time to take a big deep breath and dive down into the hold because down here you will find even more treasure in this chest

Here looks like we’ve got some potatoes and some carrots wonderful stuff that will go well to expand our crop farm there’s even a little bit of enchanted gear let’s take the mending leather pants from this chest because talking about mending will be super fun before we get ourselves some books for it but

Let’s head in this direction as well because behind this rockslide that seems to have gotten into the cabin here there might actually be a doorway fantastic so we can recover our breath in here if we want to I don’t think I can place a

Torch on the wall in here at all so it’s going to be a little bit dark for you guys but if you break into this cabin underneath here at the back you’ll find that it’s it’s a little bit flooded but we can open this chest here the contents

Might take a second or two to load because these have berries treasure maps in them and these are going to be very useful let’s take the feathers so we can make some more arrows and let’s grab that buried treasure map and let’s quickly get back into the safe haven of

This little cubby here where we can end up recovering our oxygen now let’s take a look at this treasure map and see what we have okay right this is going to plot out a map of a nearby location where we might be able to dive for some buried

Treasure let’s make our way out of here and it looks like it’s getting dark right now I’ve purposefully not brought a bed with me this time around because I feel like we rely on having beds to sleep a little bit too much and it might be worth actually seeing if we can hold

Our own against some of the monsters that are out here so come at me monsters I’m ready for you in fact if there are grounds here throwing trident I would probably die quite quickly so maybe I I don’t need to be quite so bombastic with what I’m asking them to do but you’ll

Notice that the maps here for buried treasure work quite similarly to the maps that we had in in our first little demonstration of maps here so you’ll notice there is an indicator on the bottom corner let’s quickly take the shield out of there against my better judgment just so we

Can see this in a larger view you’ll notice that the player indicator is there on the bottom edge of the screen so we are south of the location we want to be traveling and if the Sun was in the sky or if the moon was rising which

I can’t see right now which is kind of a surprise but maybe it’s behind the hills in one of these directions or maybe it’s behind the mast there it is okay there we go so the Sun and Moon in Minecraft rise in the east and set in the West

Much like happens in real life so you can navigate this way if you’re not using the f3 screen to figure out which direction you’re facing so if this is East then that is going to be north which means that is south in that direction so we want to be traveling

This way in order to find this buried treasure you see the X on the map there that’s going to lead to the buried treasure itself and once we get onto the map it will start to display a little bit more like this map where it will actually show us the terrain we’re

Looking at right so let’s pop our boat down where the boat go it’s over there fantastic and let’s sail north of here and let’s see what we can find so we’ve just come on to the bottom edge of the map right there and it looks like this treasure might actually be buried

On land which is quite unusual the the brown sort of striped areas of the map there present water and the pale areas represent land so this treasure might be buried quite far inland which is unusual normally normally for these treasures they tend to get buried in in quite

Waterlogged areas they’ll tend to be on beaches and sometimes even under the under the ocean sort of just slightly offshore so it’s gonna be interesting to find this let’s see if we can make our way down the river on this side and we should be coming onto the map there yes

There we go we’re going up River folks isn’t as exciting let’s see if we can find our way to that treasure yep it looks like if we swim around the outside of we roll around the outside rather oh this turtles getting in our way sorry mr. turtle didn’t mean to barge into

Your your home there let’s oh oh wow okay well we’re gonna have to whoa okay there’s a trident being flung at us we’re gonna have to make a very hasty escape here folks because it looks like there is a drowned ruin over there we’ll need to be extra careful that we don’t

Run afoul of that ah it looks like this is leading us to a little Lagoon over there brilliant stuff Wow oh good okay right we should be able to make a land in just a second and you know what I’m gonna do a little bit of fighting at

This point I think it’s it’s probably worth us getting ashore and fighting some stuff we’ve got some treasure now we need to fight for it okay folks let’s take on these zombies luckily when they get into water zombies and skeletons move a little bit more slowly and they

Will even start to sink and zombies if they sink may turn into drowned zombies so that is something we need to be sort of aware of there we go i trick the skeleton into fighting that zombie fantastic let’s get the shield back on the bar but I think we are doing pretty

Well here there we go not exactly the most face to face up close way of fighting but I think we can get the drop on this skeleton over here yes we did it’s fantastic we can block with the shield and take him out nice and easily

Oh hello there’s a creeper here as well need to back off from this guy it’s also worth noticing that if you’re in the water and a creeper explodes it does no damage to the environment so if you want to it will still damage you but the blast will be protected from the

Rest of the environment so if you want to avoid making giant holes in the scenery then it’s often best to try and get a creeper into water if you think it’s about to explode but definitely to swipe at it with a sword get your your gunpowder drops and so forth anyway

And I think I might throw a couple of items out of my inventory really quickly because we’re getting a little bit full here let’s get rid of the granite and the site some of those materials we won’t really need too much of and let’s take a closer look at the map now that

We’ve secured the area a little bit let’s put some torches down make sure that nothing else is gonna spawn around here so it looks like hello chickens it looks like the it looks like the the buried treasure is going to be somewhere around here let’s let’s get the shield

Off the bar here so we can take a better look at the map nope it looks like we’re headed in this direction maybe on this sand bar over here you will usually find that these buried treasure chests are underneath sand or gravel and in this case I think we have come across it

Right around here so now we’ve got an efficiency shovel it’s gonna be nice and easy to remove a bunch of the sand here the moon is going down The Sun will be coming up soon I don’t think we need to worry too much more about monster

Attacks let’s let’s do a bit of digging around here efficiency shovel will absolutely tear through the sand around here and we’re looking for a buried treasure chest it usually takes you a little while digging around in an area because the either the crosses on the

Map are not super exact or it’s kind of difficult to see when you’re standing directly over the top of one of them so we’ll collect the sand as we go where we can but oh look there it is fantastic it looks like we found the treasure chest

Without even having to dive down too much well that was lucky folks that was a bit of a bit of a stroke of luck there let’s see what we get inside this chest shall we drumroll please don’t Dada oh my days look at that we have so many gold bars a

Little bit of iron two diamonds and a heart of the sea as well as a little bit of food that’s very cool and some prismarine crystals as well amazing stuff so glad we managed to find a buried treasure chest that quickly fantastic so let me put away some of the

Stuff that we’ve got in here we can probably put a crafting table and an oak sapling in here in exchange for the more valuable stuff like the iron I think I took some iron out of my inventory I think me only had nine iron ingots in there let’s take the diamonds let’s take

The gold and of course let’s bring with us this wonderful treasure the heart of the sea hearts of the sea can only be found in treasure chests like these and they are respond of all for making conduits which are a very important item for later on in the

Game if you want to be doing stuff underwater but I’ll let you guys look up what conduits are yourselves because we’re not going to delve into that in this particular episode I’ve already got a stack of sand just from gathering up all of this stuff over here Wow so

That’s it and that’s how to find a treasure chest folks this buried treasure map came in very handy and I hope you guys enjoyed this episode but I am going to call it there I think we will make our way back to the settlement off-camera remember

You can always just switch Maps like so take a look at this map find ourselves on the OL oh wow marker has disappeared oh dear well at least we know that we are headed south again I wonder why that’s happened that’s confusing maybe if I throw it on the ground and pick it

Up again will my player markers show up then it won’t okay we’re off the edge of the map folks ignore my advice from earlier in the episode it looks like we might have a little bit more trouble getting home than I thought but we were through the swamp and we were on the

Other side we’ve come around here into this Little Bay and most importantly we know the coordinates of our base I included them earlier on in the episode so if we need to get home it should be nice and simple to do that but mmm there was me expecting that we could navigate

Back home that way uh-oh well this has been a little bit of how to get lost in Minecraft and hopefully how to find yourself again maybe the the compass would have been a better solution ultimately at the end of the day but here we are on this sandbar wrapping up

Today’s episode thank you so much for watching the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixel rifts and it turns out I don’t know everything leave a like on the episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Finding Buried Treasure! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 13]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2018-10-03 15:05:44. It has garnered 697875 views and 11827 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:30 or 2130 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to deal with Silverfish, some tips for (not) getting lost in the overworld, and where to dig when you find a map to buried treasure!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

#Minecraft #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Survival #BuriedTreasure #TreasureMap

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    Minecraft Universe: Infinity Elements with Transmutation Tablet! #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-03-23 21:00:27. It has garnered 7054 views and 212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:41 or 3521 seconds. Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW FACTORY AUTOMATION PACK! #1: https://youtu.be/HhsvsfG0FEE ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: https://discord.gg/R2FnaCryrq ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine Universe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/universio Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #UniversIO #Modded Read More

  • “Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!” #minecraft #hilarious

    "Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!" #minecraft #hilariousVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Mod IN THE DREAM SMP – MINECRAFT #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Zypherix_ on 2024-01-08 21:05:23. It has garnered 16964 views and 386 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Thanks for watching please like and subscribe my pc got fried from this! #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #gaming #mlg #parkour Read More

Pixlriffs – Finding Buried Treasure! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (1.13 Lets Play / Tutorial) [Part 13]