Playing Minecraft With Viewers LIVE!

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What’s up guys ah my hair what’s up everyone it’s been a while it’s been three days I think I think it’s been three days I don’t really remember but hey um I’ll see what you guys are saying yippe I’m early now you’re just on time don’t worry about it uh same L

I’ve been waiting for like 10 to 15 minutes wow it’s a long time I haven’t seen you since last year yeah I know I haven’t seen you guys since last year wow happy 2024 everyone before I start playing um I want to fill you in on some

Stuff um it’s been like 3 days since my last stream I think I think I didn’t do it last time just cuz I did it okay I did it four days in a row and then I thought okay I got to take a little break from streaming so I skipped a

Day and then the the next day after that was um New Year’s figured no one would show up anyway and I kind of wanted to hang out with uh my family so we did and then I decided to come back and um play some Minecraft with my viewers but uh

Over those 3 days I’ve been I’ve been uh all roughed up apparently cuz um my hair’s not fixed sorry about that hair is not fixed um I shaved like 30 minutes ago and I cut myself like or all around here so we got like little red spots right here so and um

Mic isn’t on how could you guys hear me my mic wasn’t on how do you guys hear me um okay I’ll be right back sorry my brothers came in even though I told them I was streaming like five separate times and they’re idiots anyway

Um Mike y you muted yeah how long was I muted for how how long was I muted I don’t even know how long I was muted for um oh hey welcome back 42 gent that’s rare to see mhm welcome back um you know what enough talkie talk talk talk like 5

Seconds oh okay that’s fine then P okay my bad I didn’t mean to um that’s enough chitchat but oh by the way um I’m if I look down I’m looking at the chat because once I enter Minecraft I won’t be able to see the chat so I’m

Looking at my phone to see it so if I look down I’m just looking at the chat okay time to play did that work I hope that work let me look at the phone real quick at the phone here see if it worked doesn’t look like it’s working hold on the stream looks

Broken oh oh wait we’re good I was just lagging apparently we’re good looks fine looks fine okay I think we’re good um does the stream look fine for everybody I’m not entirely sure I think it looks fine yeah it looks fine it looks fine okay let’s play a

Little bit move my mic a little bit here move it and take a sip of water okay and we’re back in the world next time you get presents hope you can get a second monitor that would be really cool but they’re really expensive so not exactly sure if that would

Um happen but one can dream one can dream that’d be really cool actually I totally go for a second monitor anyway um hey we got Jeremy in the world welcome Jeremy I got to destroy this annoying dirt thing that somebody built last time so um let me um destroy this pillar and we

Can continue about the world here how tall is this thing jeez Dang jeez hold on I’ll be right right back think that worked sorry my brothers just like to come into my room and tell me stuff I don’t need to know okay let’s try that again let’s get rid of this annoying dirt pillar that somebody built and I just don’t remember

Who maybe I should punish them by putting them in the dungeon oh there’s Jeremy hello Jeremy oh Man uh hello Jeremy hi I don’t think I’m going to make it over there hold on let’s use some of my Birch okay we’ll go to the end of the pile here and then we’ll just destroy the bridge as we walk how much longer okay that’s

Fine I made it to the wood okay I’ll destroy that and that and that okay dirt dirt wait okay that’s fine I’ll just go all the way wait no this I need to get rid of this wood too oh man why did somebody just have to be annoying I’m still going

To be oh wait hold on I’m doing my nails so if I don’t talk for like an hour hour that’s why I’m still going to be here though okay that’s fine let me destroy this what is De doing over there what are you doing over there de what are you up

To what are you up to oh he’s coming over here uhoh he’s going to come cause Mischief as he always does I was hoping a bunch of the other people would join today but it doesn’t seem like um Mikey or Easton or orange bass or Katie are going to

Come but that’s fine I’m sure they’re busy or they just don’t want to come either one either or okay I finally gotten rid of all that jeez now I guess hey what is this about my family is being so loud outside I’m so sorry um that’s the house we have built oh there

Left something up there that’s fine did Jeremy steal all the blocks I just Ed to get okay you know fine jerem can have those I guess get rid of this Rose I don’t have the rose oh I left it okay um they’re Christmas themed I know it’s not Christmas anymore but they’re

Still cute so ah nice thank you for the dirt appreciate that um what do I not need right now paper seeds Redstone meat that stuff obid I might need that later and arrows and that think we’re good now I put leather in all the different places there we

Go okay I don’t think I need the wood axe wait who gave me the wood ax ax I don’t make wood axes that’s kind of weird um I guess I will I need to cook some food so I’ll just use this okay I need wheat too ah Focus Landon

Focus oh wait I do need seeds ah I do need seeds I remember I remember I do need seeds for the new cow farm and it seems that we have a little bit of wheat here not enough for a full actually no we have enough to make a new

Cow so that’s good we’re making progress this Farm stinks we’re going to we’re going to work on it it’s fine we’re going to work on it let me get the wheat make some cows smooch each other bring me a baby where’s the baby hey baby cow welcome to

The world baby cow you will supply me with food eventually but not yet you need to be grown and there needs to be more of you in there you can press shift and click on an item to automatically shift them to a chest hold on hold on let me check let me check

Here chest okay um okay you know what let’s do that okay shift so instead of having to drag it I can like do that that’s kind of cool you can press shift and click on it I have automatically shift them to the chest that’s cool yeah thank you that’s cool I

Like that I will try to remember that what are you doing what are you doing huh are you digging holes you can’t be doing that okay do I want to keep working on the castle or do I want to go mining again cuz I went mining for a lot of the stream last

Stream um and I didn’t really get a lot of time with all the players but um it doesn’t really seem like there’s any players that are joining today you know let’s do our Rounds Around the houses just cuz look around the house so we got my castle we got de’s M

Hut or Jeremy to I’m going to have to look at your little spot again Jeremy cuz um it’s looking a little different J’s mle Hut yeah okay this is good let me look down here actual house yeah wait do you have anything in your chest still not using your chests

Okay all right um ah there’s some stuff in here okay cool cool um yeah the bed all right looking good jery looking good um let me get back up here why can’t I get up like that and then like that there we go your house is very interesting Jeremy

But um you know what I’ll get used to it I’ll get used to it um okay who’s next oh wait before I check everybody else’s houses I need this sugar cane That’s growing here all right now I should be able to make if I’m correct paper yeah paper paper okay so I made

Paper and then get this paper we should be able to make a map that worked oh I’d like to make it bigger cuz that’s not a very great map you can see my house and Mikey’s house and a little bit of Katie’s house Kermit you should join he doesn’t have to

Um I need to make the map bigger how do you do that you need a craphy table right C there we go I need that I need one more piece of paper I think I have one I don’t have one crap of course I need one more piece of paper just how it

Goes all right um well it’s something it’s a little it’s a little something but it’ll do for now um okay let’s look at everybody else’s house go across the bridge and see how everybody’s been Doing okay let’s take a look at Mikey’s house here yeah okay looking good oh I forgot Henry was in here hello Henry and then the cool water tunnel yeah okay Mikey’s house is cool Mikey’s house is cool um she needs to add stairs here though she got to add

Stairs um all right we look at Katie’s house I still don’t know where orange bass lives I don’t know if he has a house yet um let look at Katie’s house yeah looks good does you have any items not bad not bad yeah kti’s house is looking pretty good

I can tell that her glass is not finished which I could do for her you know what sure let’s be a cool friend here and finish off some of the glass in our house there we go there you go cool cool Katie’s house is looking good let’s go look at

Easton’s house I’m sure it’s a lot different thanks to the giant Tower he made to jump off of after um Phillip rest in peace pal um but here’s his house oh he blocked it off a dirt again East he just piled it with dirt me close this door just in case a

Zombie doesn’t come in all right we’ll clear the house just um so we can have some fun next time I’m willing to take care of his house while he’s gone even if he did the dirt thing but you know what that’s fine uh hold on Jeremy give me just one second

Here just a second let me get rid of all this dirt there we go now we can actually take a nice look at his house oh wait he has a hole I have Spruce so that works kerplunk okay yeah it’s pretty good block storage you don’t have a single

Block wow okay I should give him the dirt I picked up not e no I’ll put he probably had about that much Katie joined welcome oh yeah hold on we got some people talking Kermit right my house hi happy New Year happy New Year

Katie oh no she died oh no Katie I hope you slept did you sleep uh here’s our stuff Katie where’d you spawn oh okay Katie I’ll pick up your stuff don’t worry oh I can’t pick up all your stuff um that’s not good oh Katie yeah yeah um

I’ll beat up the zombie for you hold on I’ll beat up the zombie for you there you go um here you had a spider eye you had an apple think get all these torches that that that I think you had a lot of this iron maybe even all of it

Um that I think I think that’s everything uh but welcome to the server it’s good to have you again um just a couple minutes ago I put some um I put I finished your wall with glass cuz I realized there was a hole in it that you haven’t finished putting glass

In so put some glass in there for you but um good to have you back you didn’t join last stream so it’s good to see you again oh great creepers in there explosiveness that’s fine I’ll fix it I guess but uh it’s good to have you back

Katie um last stream was um an eventful one we found a lot of diamonds um I’ve started building the castle that I live in um what else oh yes Philip the dog Easton’s dog died so we had a funeral for it um there’s a short that I posted about that if you

Want to go watch it but um it’s Bas why is there bad guys in my I don’t have torches that’s why did I give Katie I think I gave Katie my torches ah it’s fine she probably needs them that’s fine um let me just kill this skeleton and I’ll figure this

Out where’s the creeper he’s back there okay I don’t want him to explode my house um um I need coal do I have coal how much coal do I have ah I need more coal that’s fine that’s fine I’ll make four torches that’ll be enough and then I can put the

Coal wait I still I remember um the trick 42 kit taught me hey Katie welcome back and happy New Year yes happy New Year Katie um hello oh you brought me torches ah thank you thank you so much thank you um let me put one on the wall just

Because I can hey come get me come get me yeah come get me you won’t you’re a loser absolute dwee head don’t blow up my chest please okay thank you appreciate that but you’re still going to die don’t blow up my anything else die

Die okay yo he gave me iron sick okay I gotta kill the rest of these zombies in here put torches first that’s not a torch that’s a pork chop oh no I can’t put down oh crap I’m going to die oh crap I’m going to Die I was on half a heart I’m going to relax it de this boys I almost died you guys oh man that was scary okay I think we’re good for now we should be fine all right um now that we’re alive for a little bit yeah we got some more Hearts we’re

Fine now I didn’t want to die cuz I’ve been working hard for all this XP um I don’t have a lot of it but it’s a decent amount and it’d be annoying to have to gain it all back so I hope Mikey joins again and orange bass in east of

Course how are you still I put torches in here oh wait these are the ones that almost killed me never mind hey you hey there we go we’re alive you will come true soon oh man welcome Mikey dang it’s like you um it’s like you read my mind can everybody sleep

Please everybody take a sleepy sleep sorry about that hi it’s good to have you back Mikey good to have you back I missed you and Easton oh man I joined right as you said that l dude I literally just said I hope Mikey comes back and Easton and orange bass of

Course and as soon as I said that Mikey and East are both here wow that is insane welcome guys it’s good to have you it’s good to have you back Um uh so far only me and Jeremy are on the server so um feel free to fill up some more slots please where’d Katie go why isn’t she sleeping she’s in her house but she’s not sleeping is she AFK again I think she is okay sorry Jeremy I

Don’t think we we’re going to be able to sleep here I’m not finished with the server yet I won’t give up I’m glad um because I don’t think the server is going to end until I beat the Ender Dragon so who’s in oh yeah we also have Katie

Forgot about that we have me Jeremy and Katie right now so you guys will make it five and then orange bass and hopefully Bella eventually can up and the whole server will be here okay let’s chop up this it’s annoying me okay um I what is oh someone’s Iron’s in

Here it’s a shame no one put their name on the furnace I might steal that later if someone if someone doesn’t come and claim that I’m going to steal it cuz I think I gave Kitty my iron too now that I think about it think I gave her some of my iron not

All of it hey Landon can I change from gatekeeper to scavenger sure man scavenger e Easton has a good ring to it let me invite you guys just to make sure you and uh you I could invite the other two but I don’t think they’re online at the moment

What are you doing there get down from there hey I don’t even think I can oh well he’s dead doesn’t matter okay I don’t like that I don’t like how you were just creeping around that tree going to have to murder you now got

Have to kill you there we go all right I guess we’re going have to put torches around here too just to make sure hopefully nothing bad happens there we go light up the area a little bit oh no Katie died uhoh sorry Katie all right I think this is enough

Sugar canane to finish the map I was working on W bam all right we have four pieces now uh how how do you build the cartography table I think it was that and then you put two paper on it yeah look at me being amazing put that down

Put the map down and then of course that we go there we go then we’ll name it London’s allseeing map there we go is it better oh that’s much better I can see a lot more now I can see Jeremy over here hello Jeremy goodbye Jeremy my Minecraft is taking forever that’s

Fine man that’s fine I want to kill this guy I’m going to kill him he’s dead now oh he gave me copper just as an Ingot he didn’t it wasn’t even the normal that’s kind of weird I don’t want it though didn’t I get a telescope in this world I feel like I

Did no okay couldn’t remember uh we don’t need that we don’t need that that you know what I was debating if I wanted to do this or not hey welcome back Mikey okay I’ll do it after Mikey comes so I can say hi to Mikey um because Mikey’s

Cool Mikey’s one of the coolest people on This Server I’m running out of food I need food desperately I need my farm and stuff to get a move on cuz I am struggling hey you know what it’s working working we’re getting we’re getting the food going okay we’re going to plant these

Back where’s the other one I don’t know might maybe right there okay oh wait I have one more there okay Katie keeps dying Katie are you okay okay you guys can make another baby so we’re getting the food grind going the food grind’s getting there um I’m

Going to go say hi to Mike before I go and do what I was going to do I don’t want this copper throw it in the water I got to destroy that weird dirt thing also Katie not Katie Mikey hi Mikey it’s good to have you back you’re looking phenomenal I like

Your house I hope you add more to it because you are a fantastic Builder so I hope you add some more creative stuff to your house because it’d be really cool very very cool okay let’s get this dirt because I realized this is not patched up and it

Makes me angry that it’s not that’s better um that’s was really random I feel like uh but it’s fine I want to get the nether unlocked today we don’t have to go in the nether but I want to get it unlocked so I’m going to go back in the

Cave I’ve been going in for the for a little bit and unlock that by getting some obsidian I think that’d be pretty cool I need a bucket though I need a bucket bucket perfect go ahead and get some water and fix this little weird stream going on now that I

Can right there now it’s right here there we go okay and then hey east’s in we got a bunch of the crew in here cool cool um I need what do I need I don’t remember what I needed guys what did I need someone remind me what I needed is it

Food I do need to put my food in here while I’m doing whatever I’m doing um let’s put a bunch of this wood in here because I don’t need it at the moment or the glass okay oh man I can’t focus let me Focus let me Focus let me Focus everyone shut

Up let me Focus Um obsidian I need obsidian um I’m going to go in a cave I’m going to go get some obsidian and I’ll be back maybe hopefully probably without dying would be preferred uh how did I get there it’s like yeah this little divot see you Jeremy you’re in charge

While I’m gone actually I take that back I don’t trust you at all uh Mikey you’re in charge while I’m gone I trust Mikey with my heart because I went and rescued Katie with her so I trust Mikey I trust Mikey Mikey’s in charge uh

How do I get down was it this area it might have been this area I just got go down there’s seven people welcome everybody welcome welcome welcome um let’s go yeah you’ve earned my trust don’t break it or you’ll spend time in the dungeon I think it was in this little

Area yeah I got to pass through this little crevice here and then I got to go down this little step everyone’s dying today jeez um I think it was down here ow yeah okay um there’s some lava that’s what I need I need some lava for the

Obsidian oh wait there’s some over here too oh it’s a torch okay I don’t think I put that down but it’s probably East not e in uh orange bass cuz he was in a lot of the caves yesterday as well not yesterday last stream which was 3 days

Ago let me get this iron just cuz I need it because I gave something to mine to Katie on accident all right let’s okay put it in there I need the lava how do I get it what if I break that and then steal it oh crap that’s

Probably bad bad idea oh E’s changed his skin I’m going to go have to see what that looks like to see what his new skin looks like okay I stole the lava so I’m going to now put it where do I put it ah I can put it along this water

Stream that’s a good idea Landon thank you Landon you’re welcome Landon I’m gonna put it at the top and let it flow down I think I think that’s a smart move completely random but um I’ve owned the Spider-Man PS4 game for like three or four years

Now and um I also have Miles Morales on the PS4 as well but I recently got a PS5 for Christmas so I’ve been playing it on those playing those on it and um I actually beat the story in Spider-Man today and I actually have never beaten the story in that game so

Achievement one beat Spider-Man main story and I’m hoping to 100% complete it as well because I’m having fun in that game and I really want to get Spider-Man 2o so we’ll see what happens oh man that only got me one dang it that was a bad placement that’s fine I’ll go find more

Lava dang it okay well we have two which isn’t enough we need like 10 I think I think we need 10 I don’t remember you guys remember how much obsidian you need for a portal I think it’s 10 not exactly sure okay we now I need to find more lava cuz that was like my only lava source okay fine we’re going have to go find more I think there was some down here not completely sure but we’ll look down here yeah there’s some lava here

Okay good good and tons of it too maybe I should have brought water down here I think I put these here think I definitely put this and aside here all right we’ll move the map all right you know what I’ll build a I’ll build a staircase back up because I feel like

I’m going to be coming back down here so we’ll do that there we go that there move that and then move this so I can jump on here destroy this there we go made a staircase sort of is where’s some water give me some water here it

Is I don’t want to put it in those little those little divots though okay you know what we’ll have it flowing we’ll have the lava flowing have it flowing down this little stream here and then ow ow jeez I’m hurting myself badly eat some food um I need water

Water wait no this isn’t how I supposed to do things I supposed to put the okay hold on don’t Cobblestone Cobblestone get the lava and we’re going to put it over the water that’s how you’re supposed to do it all right we’ll destroy this Cobblestone let it spread out a little

Bit hey I made my own cobblestone generator there we go okay and then we’re going to have to put the the lava over it okay no this isn’t how I want to do it though okay hold on sorry I’m trying to figure out how to

Do this in a good way put the lava there and then we’ll take the water we will put it right here so it flows a good amount I’m glad I picked up the lava when I did or it would have been gone oh it wouldn’t have been it would have just barely

Survived okay and we’ll put the lava over the water to make obsidian and this should work oh come on okay this is tough I I don’t I don’t want to just find obsidian because it might take forever I just want to be able to make it and get out of

Here ah don’t don’t don’t get too close me okay and we’ll do it like that that should work guess we’ll find out I can’t tell did it work I think it just made cobblestone yeah dang it and just normal Stone that’s kind of cool okay how do you how do you do this

How how is this done cuz I am just failing miserably okay how do you get obsidian I feel like I I I’ve never actually had to do it like this I’ve always just been able to find it but jeez am I having trouble all right we’ll put it there I

Just let this water flow over over it then maybe it’ll whoa dang I’m terrible at this okay what am I missing here can someone tell me how to do this can someone tell me how to get obsidian because I felt like it was water and lava which it is but it keeps

Making Cobblestone I I need to do it in a certain way to make it not do that what if I lava it here so it like spreads like that and then I get the water that I have and I do the same but like in a different sort of way let’s

See do it like this that’s just going to Cobblestone what am I doing wrong what am I doing water over lava it’s water over lava really ah it is thank you guys thank you gosh I’m so sorry I’m dumb you have to place the water next water of lava

Thank you guys why did anybody tell me that before I was trying like five minutes for that water over lava not across lava okay thank you cuz that took me forever jeez okay we have three pieces I’m I’m just going to go over to the lava pool down here and just pour

Water over it now that I thought it was lava over water but now I get my my stupidity all right we’ll put that there there we go that’s plenty of it all right now we’re just going to mine it I think we’re going to get like

13 maybe I don’t know I’ll stop when I’m bored all right I’m bored no I’m just kidding how’s everybody’s day going haven’t asked that oh boy that was scary uh like I was saying how should I how is your guys’s day going because uh it’s been a few days a

Lot can happen in a few days good that’s good that’s good oh no oh no de’s died to a zombie classic D’s thing to Do RIP times two yeah well oh man this lava is really trying to get the best of me but it won’t because I a smart boy I am little smart boy ah it almost burned my obsidian thank you there we go let me just pour water over this so I don’t accidentally fall

On it okay let me figure out how much space I need the portal to be so be four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I need 14 for a portal is that right because it be like that I need 14 for a portal okay so we’ll get like 16 because I I want to be able to make like an enchanting table too hello none of that

Please this lava wants me dead glad of being cautious um two wild dog spawned in my house oh man that’s cool let Easton have one because Easton’s a little little sad from last stream so get out of here oh that didn’t really do what I wanted it to do crap I have no

Water now okay we’re just going to have to be careful how we do things I guess no there we go I figured out a strategy we’ll just place blocks in the way that’ll do it that’ll do it indeed dirt dirt dirt there we go how much do you need for an

Enchanting table when from obsidian I mean do you need two or three for an enchanting table oh man hello water that scared me a little Bit CU if it’s who that almost Swit me in um if it’s 16 then I’m just going to go do I need two or three pieces of obsidian for an enchanting table wait I can just figure it out myself hold on I can figure it out for

Myself enchanting table I need four okay well I need to get two more pieces then four yeah figured that out I don’t like this water pushing me you know what no there we go we’ll get rid of it just in case thanks for uh attending my streams and

Putting up with my dumb random humor you guys because let’s face it it’s dumb oh no okay one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 okay 14 and then four is eight 18 so I think I have enough obsidian I’m going to head up out of

This cave get the heck on out of here and not have to be in here again excuse me I’m going to go the path I think I I think I dug away straight up oh wait no I think Mikey did right yo Emerald nice ow stupid

Zombo stupid zombo get out of here um I think Mikey did make a little hole right didn’t didn’t Mikey Mikey did you do that I’m pretty sure he did I can’t remember where I was though yeah I thought you did I just don’t remember where it

Is all right I don’t remember where it is so I’m just going to have to walk to one I made I guess wait is that it no yeah I have no idea where you made it Mikey I don’t remember it’s a shame I should have torched it off or

Something because I put a torch here for some reason but not where I needed one that’s fine we will climb until I find a way out because I’m pretty sure I made ooh hello finan um welcome to the stream we are playing Minecraft on a server alog

Together if you would like to join the server all I need is your username so I can friend you and you can join along with uh Mikey D’s which is Jeremy Easton and Katie and there’s other people that are just not on right now there’s about

Seven of us in total I think so if you would like to join then um go for it hi finny and welcome to the Stream OMG Autumn high oh you guys know each other cool cool Coolio okay we’re going to just do this there we go I

Think there should be a yes I think this is a way out pretty sure because I don’t want to be in here anymore I don’t I want to be here let me out yes I did make a staircase okay we’re cool I found a staircase I made

Dude finan is Autumn oh okay my bad my bad I see name tags oh wait is this the thing is this actually the thing that um no I I think I think I made this one I think this is what I made all right and this I should

Be ended up in the river that is in between our houses yeah I’m back up to the surface I’m back you guys I’m back okay oh man I like this Jeremy I like this little river you got flowing this is not what does it say water slide nice water slide I like

It that’s very good I like the creativity you guys are putting Jeremy’s got a water slide Mikey’s got a cool underwater tunnel I like the creativity you guys have very cool um I’m going to cook this turkey cook a little turkey for me because I am starving and I have zero

Food I had a lot of food but I died so I don’t have it anymore but that’s fine best Minecraft Duo is crafting table and furnace um or it could be Sten Alex you know but I see your point that is a pretty good Duo I’ll plant these seeds did I only get

Three really wait no I got some just one okay that really oh I got another one okay that really wasn’t helpful I didn’t really get any extras though okay plop that back okay well that was a little F if anybody has any seeds that’d be a great

I wish my brother allowed me allowed me on his Minecraft oh man that stinks I’m sorry if I had more seeds that’d be fantastic but I don’t all right I don’t actually need that piece it’s fine I starving is that chicken done yet yes it is good good can Chomp on

That Chomp on that chicken by the way what are you going to end when are you going to end the stream um depends maybe 10ish 945 to 10 maybe not entirely sure here all right eat up cows eat up Make Me More Cows I gave you my heart what’s happening who gave who

Their heart what’s happening okay I might have time okay cool it’d be cool to have you on oh man I saw someone just jump to the water that was cool and the Very wait a second is somebody singing yeah okay he is Last Christmas I gave you my heart

And the very next day okay shut up East shut it gave it away shush it shush no more more qu that no more okay um I’m going to save these wheat for later all right I’m going to make the the this thing wait do I have Flint oh

Man do I have Flint can somebody please give me a piece of flint that’d be great can somebody please give me a piece of flint oh man he sure is laughing he’s a laughy boy can anybody can I have a piece of flint piece of flint ah thank you thank

You thank you appreciate that appreciate that thank you thank you hi Mikey what are you up to oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the seats I greatly appreciate that I need these what is this Rand

Daryl oh no way hey you’ve got this server’s version of Rand Daryl that’s funny um for those of you that don’t understand um me um Jeremy and another one of our friends have had a Minecraft server a couple months ago and he had a horse

That was named Rand Daryl and um he just put a chicken in a hole and and his name is Rand Daryl so that’s his version of Rand Daryl in the server that’s really funny what is this boat doing here just G to move it over there we go um

Let me make this flint and steel I think it’s that and that yep all right where should It Go ain’t no way bro going to Nether without full diamond I’m not going I’m just making the portal don’t worry I’m not going yet what are you talking about flood hi

Mikey where you going Mikey where you going where is Mikey going oh someone’s all the way over there oh who’s all the way over there oh is that penguin I think that’s penguin yeah it’s East east’s all the way over there okay then um I am going

To build where do I want to build this I am no you’re not liar you’re oh wait you might not be a liar no no yeah you’re a liar never mind I think um Easton’s all the way over there cuz I think he said he was

Going on a journey pretty sure he said that so think he’s all the way over there yeah cuz you’re right there okay I’m going to build the portal right here right here is good we’ll build it right here right here is is a good spot and then we’ll build the portal

Like this all right guys the portal is being built it’s being buil wub bam there we go I don’t know if who wants to go in the portal who wants to test it you said you needed Flint so I was making a j yeah I know I know I I got the joke

Don’t worry um who wants to go in the portal cuz I don’t want to I need a guinea pig you going to be my guinea pig Mikey all right good luck in there good luck Mikey hope you don’t die because you’re you have a lot of armor and that

Would be a long time to get back I just want to make sure it’s not dangerous let me know what it’s like on the way back I guess I need food so bad I need food so bad think I’m going to have to start killing the cows soon Thing it’s going to have to happen ah uhoh don’t go the wrong way oh crap okay there’s lava to one side oh crap oh no oh no Jeremy well um I think it’s safe to say that one side of the portal is very dangerous okay uh glad I didn’t go very

Glad I didn’t go thank you Mikey really appreciate that um well that’s terrible but you know what it’s fine I think maybe why am I getting very few seeds I feel like I’m supposed to have more than this right where are all the seeds going this is bothering me oh hey Katie

Um you know what let’s let’s get the cows going there we go hey paleo Jeremy is Rand Daryl still in there yeah he’s doing great oh another one is done did I get seeds I didn’t get seeds what is going on how make a boat uh you should just

Need a few pieces of wood pretty sure the cows are going all right we’re making progress over here got cows five wooden planks yeah all right everybody please go to bed please go take a sleepy s stop it with this stupid get rid of the boat okay

Everybody please go to bed that’d be great if everybody could take a sleepy sleep that would be pretty cool that make me happy if you go to sleep oh I see Jeremy running see Jeremy going go Jeremy who’s who’s not sleeping I know Jeremy’s not but he’s almost there there

He is okay who’s not sleeping everybody please go to sleep if I open the chat sleep yeah yeah please sleep please sleep go to bed please and thank you who’s not sleeping going to get angry who’s not doing it who wants a spun okay one part okay who’s the one person that’s not

Sleeping getting one wool okay um well take a sleep and then get that one wool because more animals spawn in the morning so oh I have school in like three days I know tell me about it tell me about it I’m not looking forward to it either

I’ve enjoyed this break it’s been a lot of fun and a lot of relaxation and I’ve needed it school’s not that bad though it’s not great but my school is really cool so it could be worse I don’t know what to wear um wear a hoodie and

Um sweatpants it’s what I always wear I wear that every single day a t-shirt hoodie sweatpants can’t go wrong with that unless it’s summer then I guess you could but I wear it during the summer too so it doesn’t matter EZ I’m trying to get one wool for bed ah you have a

Bed at home what are you talking about oh wait you’re so far away from home all right oh I have theater oh yeah theater’s Epic Theater is cool I’ve never had a theater class but I did a musical in eighth grade so I think theater’s pretty cool all right well if Easton’s not

Going to go to bed then I’m just going to walk around until he can um think I’ll get some sugar cane while I wait I am so hungry and low can somebody please lend me food cuz I’m going to die soon I need food so bad if anybody has

Any food please please please please lend me some please pre pretty please pretty please cords for home uh can somebody give him the cords cuz I’m about to die and a creeper’s after me uh oh go back inside go back inside go back inside okay he’s just standing there he’s just standing there

Menacingly hey you’re going to be a theater kid theater kids are cool what’s wrong with theater kids they have a bad reputation but theater kids are cool I don’t want to hear it theer kids are epic oh hello Mikey what are you doing come on in come on in come on in oh

Thank you thank you thank you thank you is that creeper still there thank thank you very much thank you very much now I can actually eat no wait wrong one there there thank you oh thank you Mikey appreciate that while I wait for the food to be done I’m going to paper it

Up Mikey okay you’re welcome thank you very much appreciate that get my food immediately disintegrated into my mouth nom nom nom nom someone lend me their oven please um there’s one that nobody wait there’s stuff in it though um I have an oven that you can

Use you can you can have it I don’t really need it I don’t really know why I have it to be honest here I’ll come bring it to you do I have it yeah I’ll come bring it to you because I can and I do not mind to give you an

Oven oh the railings you finally added the railings yes that’s a good addition I like that Katie I like the addition here’s you an oven there you go pretty sure somebody else gave her an oven but you know what she has two now so she’ll never need another

Oven let me destroy this dirt thing get rid of it of course Katie of course no my sh B string I might need that who knows need some string okay there’s a lot of talking right now I’m going to have to read all that hold on because they might be talking about

Someone and it better not be me okay let me put my map in here put a piece of paper in there I’m going to I’m going to make it go as far as it can actually that might be a Terri terrible idea cuz I won’t be

Able to see where home is yeah I definitely won’t be able to tell where home is um you know what I don’t care let’s keep it going oh well that’s the farthest I can go anyway all right perfect great okay oh wait I should um make a blast

Furnace Blast Furnace how do you make that oh that’s kind of weird okay I think I have the perfect number for it I’ll let those get in my house so I can read messages no l uh hey you’re going to be theater kid H they can be a bit

Interesting I mean I guess some of them can but a lot of them are really nice and I’ve met a lot of nice people I’ve met one person in this server through theater and he’s really cool so take that um I’m going to have like zero classes with um Chris or Robert you

Problem honestly at least I will still be able to talk to Adrien Fair um yeah I don’t have any new classes um this semester because of how my school is scheduled but we have this thing called um I’m not I don’t know if any other class has this so I’m not going to

Say what it’s called but um Wednesday Thursday and Friday we have these little special times where we oh crap baby zombie ah we have these little special times where we can like do like something we like like um Disney movies for like an hour or um um tennis

Or Smash Bros stuff like that and we can all meet together and kind of do it together it’s really fun um and each semester those change and um I had Disney movies for one day I had podcast where we all work on like a podcast for the school and um I

Had oh yeah um it was like just a time to relax and talk to friends and all those were pretty cool podcast the podcast one was okay but it was it was pretty cool um the people in there were really nice that’s the best part of it I

Think um but Disney movies um was my favorite and I hope I get it again because it was super sick um by theater kids I mean you wow you think I’m dumb you think I’m dumb wow watch me talk to you again watch it okay I need this

Cobblestone wait do I have dirt I can replace it with yeah I do don’t come attack me please I need this Cobblestone I’ll take this this this this how much Cobblestone do I need I’ll take as much as I need it’s the community bridge I can’t wait to see if if I get

Into that school yeah I really hope you can get into that school be a lot of fun all right fix the bridge up a little bit and now I have some Cobblestone wait I need a furnace don’t I okay fine um I need Cobblestone I probably have some in my chest I

Probably have some uh I do not I have one piece of course okay um I’ll steal some from Jeremy because he has just piles of it outside that do nothing he’ll never notice unless he’s listening to the stream in that case um haha so water slide yeah water slide’s pretty cool

Um okay we make a furnace put the furnace in the middle put those there and then put this around it no iron I didn’t even need it uh Jeremy I’m G to come put this back sorry going come put this back for you I don’t really know what it does but you

Know I want to try out your water slide pal let me try out your water slide I can’t oh okay I need to get in the little hole here and then wee we that’s a lot of fun I like your water slide man it’s pretty sick it’s pretty good water

Slide I’m a fan I’m a fan I I endorse it is that the right word I think that’s the right word I endorse it makes me sound sophisticated so I’m going to say it’s the right word my stuff isn’t growing fast enough and I’m not getting enough seeds I need more

Seeds this is Rand darl still in there yeah he’s doing great we need a name tag for Rand darl where is Easton going what is his goal cuz he’s just gone now I need more coal do I I’m going to steal this person’s coal they didn’t have their

Name oh no Mikey I have to go sorry see you later oh it’s okay Mikey see you later Mikey that’s a shame oh man well I’m sure it was important but see you Mikey it was fun um let me nobody gave me cords oh yeah I’m so sorry um hold on hold on

Hold on 184 64 3 814 814 62 315 I think that’s it okay it’s basically it basically that with those quarts he’ll find his way home because they’re practically the same thing okay um do I have still the wheat I do still have the wheat I have some in here

Great I will halyo sheepy um I’m going to oh yes we have more we have more that’s missing now is that supposed to be like that I don’t think they’re supposed to be missing I don’t think they’re supposed to be missing you should not be missing why are you

Missing why okay we’re going have to put a fence around it CU I think the sheeps are eating it or something I don’t know if they can do that but that’s my theory hey get off my oh wait you won’t oh wait no no no no no you can’t have this you

Can’t have this sorry this needs to be for my cows because they’re going to be my food source buddy what is what are you building sorry I took your dirt there you go my mouse is being weird again no I thought it was the batteries were bad

But I think I just need a new mouse that’s not good news that makes me sad okay cuz I spent $80 on a webcam like a week ago oh well I guess sounds like a me problem um hello Katie what are you doing oh you added a roof I like it um e

On his way back No I gave him cord so um e if you didn’t hear I gave you cord so you can come back if you’d like what was I going to do can somebody please remind me what I was going to do fence fence I need a fence I reminded

Myself I don’t need anybody’s help although I still appreciate it because I love you guys um let’s use Birch I have a ton of it it’d be cheaper I only got half a stack why okay fence that and I need I need more than 15 that’s for sure give me

Sticks how much did I get okay oh I didn’t want to make all those okay that’s fine that’s fine um fences I don’t need all those I think 30 will do okay I think 30 is fine and then I can upgrade it a tad if I need to

Okay and then we’ll do it around this side here one two three four five one two three four five perfect perfectly even bam now there should be no sheep stepping on my Farm Seed Farm whatever who I’m going to say it was Jeremy Jeremy you little troll little troll

Jeremy little troll okay I need to work on you know my house cuz it doesn’t look great at the moment hello Katie good to see you don’t mind me I am making stairs why you ask I’m not going to tell you it’s a secret it’s a secret let me get my wood

Though I need all that okay Jeremy stop it stop it absolute troll okay let me get this oh no this and this this is what I was keeping secret making the windows look like that oh yeah that’s nice it’s a just a little bit more interesting you

Know I like it I like it looks good okay um I need to work on the floor I want to make it out of birch Birch is so um out uh I don’t know what I’m talking about um I need to get a shovel though I do know that I need

Shovel there we go I also need more coal but I’ll work on that later I’m going to put some iron in there I need food me too man I also ran out of food so I can’t even run at this point why is there okay why is there like a whole system

Under my house there we go all right you know what we’re just going to have to dig out the floor so we can put down an actual floor it will look great that’s all I have to say it’ll look great it’ll look fantastic I wish I had the person living

With me here so she could get me the wood I need but that’s okay I’ll get it myself that’s fine all right this is a good enough space we’ll just put down the wood there we go oh i r out I ran out already for that stack at least that’s annoying here we

Go I haven’t even done a full room yet I’m already out did somebody block up my door again I swear no okay we’re good just making sure I don’t like being bullied okay okay we’re getting there we’re getting there I’m going to chop down my doors though here’s Johnny uh we’re going to

Put them going put some wood here then replace the doors is E on his way back yeah he’s on his way back hold on guys this air is like crazy cold okay I’m sorry you’re all right you’re all right right I get it I get it how much wood do I have

Left not much okay 1 2 three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 369 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56 okay that’s all I can fill up for now so I’ll just fill that in here and then I’ll go get more in the morning but for now I want everybody to go to bed please oh hello what are you up to oh thank you thank you very much

Appreciate that hey where are you going there’s nothing up [Laughter] there that was funny I’m going to watch it on replay on my phone because it’s about to happen again and there he goes that was funny that’s so funny hey Easton’s back E’s back um hi hello danillo welcome back

Welcome back put this tree here hello we oh um I hope you respawn where you’re supposed to yeah you did come get your stuff I don’t want to pick any of it up and forget what’s mine and what’s yours you can come get it at least he made it home before he

Died that’s good at least okay I got three seeds from two plants but haven’t been for a while now it’s weird it’s really weird hello Pig all right let me get this and get some more cows going hey mumo here’s your food oh Jeremy left I’m going to stay in

Stream but leave the server that’s fine man it’s fine thanks for thanks for playing for a little bit and dying was really random hey uh e you didn’t get all your stuff pal you didn’t get everything that’s mostly junk what you left by except for iron all right and

I’ll hold on to this iron for you if you don’t want it then I’ll take it but if you want it then come get it it’s in the blast furnace pal it’s in the blast furnace um let’s go to bed everyone let’s go to let’s go to sleepy night night

Time only three people are in the server really oh yeah because Mikey had to go and then Jeremy’s gone so it’s just me East and Katie wow that’s a shame but can you guys please go to bed please what are you doing we’re just having fun um right now my goal is to

Work on the castle and finish it but um we’re just hanging out having fun in the server relaxing a little bit um if you would like to join give me your username and I’ll let you in but um you’re completely welcome to just watch the stream and laugh a little bit hopefully

If I’m funny um but basically what we’re doing is that I need food so bad bad I need so much food please wait hold on do I have any okay I’m going to go have to chop down some oak trees but I want food please what’s

My phone battery at 98 okay I could take the stupid charger off of it then it was getting in my way of my mouse so do I have wheat I don’t have wheat how are the cows looking okay I might be ble to kill some of you guys soon so I

Can have food but for now you’re safe because M has been through some things yeah it has your terrain is awful you need some dirt and just patch it up a little bit oh no there’s a creeper hold on I’ll come get him get away from the Bridge wait it’s ours not

Yours what’s wrong with you why why aren’t you moving no don’t break don’t break it don’t break it break it don’t break it don’t break it be a good creeper come on yep in here nope over here what is your problem today over here come

On no okay I just killed him he’s being dumb didn’t feel like fooling with all of his creepy creeper is things okay let’s go down here uh think these Oak Crees look really nice where they are so I’m just not going to get rid of

Those I’m going to take some of the ones in the back Katie house oh I like the the font I want to take a look haven’t been here in a minute this looks very nice Katie I love it I love what you’ve done did you make a second

Floor wow I like I like Katy’s house a lot too Katie and Mikey are like top tier in houses they’re doing great wait what’s this sign say in progress Katie oh Katie’s making a whole other area wow I like what Katie’s going with all the bushes around

The dude Katie’s doing great Katie and Mikey have the best houses for sure I I just love the um I love the the water tunnel that Mikey has and I love the just the whole aesthetic that Katie’s going for you guys are doing great I know um Mikey can’t hear that but I’ll

Tell her next stream let’s chop down this tree there we go hasn’t this hasn’t been a very eventful stream but it’s been a nice relaxed one which is kind of what I wanted anyway what should I make for a snack um make or like get cuz like are

You talking about making something as in like um like a like making as in like using ovens and microwave and multiple things to make one thing or you talking about like you know just going into the pantry and getting some Goldfish like what what what’s your version of making a snack in

This situation make a oh oh yeah making grilled cheese dude those are great I love I love one right right about now you should come over to my house and give me a grilled cheese cuz that sounds tasty sounds great I think I’m going to end the stream in about 20 more

Minutes all right oo a stack in eight not bad at all I’m going to cook this food I just got because I’m just scrapping for it at this point what’s the farm looking like okay we’ve got some progress oh man my inventory is so full

Um I’ll just drop the arrows for now I don’t need them I don’t need those arrows all right that that is that it only those two okay I got three seeds though so more than I had before I guess I got the arrows back dang it I

Almost fell in Rand Arrow’s hole that would have been terrible now my food should be done I should be able to oh wait I should have I should have given these to the cows do I have any that I still need to give no I don’t okay that’s fine food

Finally it’s been forever since I’ve last had food it’s like it’s a miracle give me this food I need it right now dude I can finally Sprint again finally I’ve been walking for the past forever hello Easton what what are you doing swimming all the way over here what are you up to

Easton oh he’s going to the nether portal uh careful one side’s like complete lava I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen it yet but that’s what I’ve been told by Mikey and Jeremy so be careful be careful time to be a mad man uh-oh that’s not going to go

Good pretty certain that’s going to end terribly actually but you know what it wouldn’t be e without a little trouble ooh another piece of my wheat is done give me that thank you okay I have three pieces to give I don’t want to give three pieces okay you know I’ll just give

Two there you go okay we’re getting some cows we’re getting some cows we’re getting there all right okay I’m going to put all the stuff I care about in this chest just in case I do die because I do want to see what’s in there all this wood I

Don’t really care about but I’m going to need it later so just put all that in a bucket yeah okay going to put all that in there I’m just going to look hopefully I don’t die because I have a lot of iron on me as in like armor and shield so and

Weapons so um be careful here oh wow yeah definitely be careful wow I’m glad somebody poked this up that’s very very good of you all right we’re going to railing this off because that is dangerous I like that that we spawn in a blue Forest though that’s cool no

Fortress that I see which is a shame but um Blue Force is good so all right block this off a little bit so we’re safer you know we’ll double layer it just cuz I don’t trust any of us to not die in it we’ll double layer

It all right this is safer now I’m going to go back in I just wanted to make sure I knew I’d be safe if I walked through there and now I know I will be because I helped block it off all right let me get oh crap something went

Wrong is the stream still Going my phone just it popped up saying something went wrong H is the stream still working for you guys okay it seems like it is stream still going yeah okay good my phone just popped up uh saying hey something’s going wrong which is not good but um um but um seems like everything’s going fine so we’re good I think I think we’re

Fine yeah we’re we’re good I hope does it still sound f fine good yeah sounds fine okay I’m making two grilled cheeses perfect make one for me all right we’ll take that take that take that take that take that okay come to Nether we will hunt tall men I’m good

Man I don’t have any diamond armor I’m going to die instantly you have fun though you have fun but uh I don’t trust myself so you go on ahead I’ll wait it here how about that Landon looking chat oh I’m looking I’m looking they came from the store and it’s

Because my parents are asleep it’s all right man oh there’s a tall man that’s made it here oh crap he’s after me where’d he go where’d he go he put one of the blue things there the the blue dirts get back here get back here a

Crap oh there’s two of them oh poopy ah I’m going to get in the water I’m going to get in the water okay this is fine I’ll just destroy both of you ow you can’t get in the water what was that about ow hey how are they hitting me

They can’t get in water that’s their whole like purpose oh a grass block that’s cool hey ender pearl there we go it’s kind of cool that I just got a grass block like that because you you can’t get that without silk touch so it’s pretty cool bodm nah I got them we’re

Good uh can everybody please go to bed that’d be fantastic if you only two people what oh right cuz e’s in the nether Katie can you please go to bed then thank you Katie appreciate that Jeremy just sent me a picture yeah I’ve seen that that’s funny

Okay n I’m G do my own thing yeah yeah I’m G do my own thing okay let’s get this Oak put into the floor Flor just because it look great and I want my floor to be done 5 six 7even eight dang it that was almost perfect

Until I messed it up I didn’t come in nether I promise it’s safe I’m good man I’m good I don’t want to die you know so I’m good I think I’ll just stick it out here you know but uh you you you got this pal you got this I believe in

You I almost just half my half my health got pulled down to two Endermen while I was in water so if that doesn’t prove why I should not go then I don’t know what will although I will have to go to the nether eventually because we got to get uh the

What’s it called Blaze blaze rods so we can go to the end so I’ll have to go eventually but today’s just not that time I got to fix this here one two three four five six seven eight nine all right I think that’s almost all the oak I need

Anyway but I do want to put a little more in areas I want 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight more pieces which is two pieces of log so I’m going to leave a tree floating I’m I’m sorry I know how evil that is but I’m going to leave a tree

Floating unless I can find like one of those logs it’s like half laying down then I won’t have to Katie your house looks amazing I know I already said that did you had a balcony hold on I’ve got to go look at that balcony that’s sick I got to go

Look at that okay there’s a birch log but there’s no Oak one that’s a shame because I I really don’t want to leave a tree floating but I think I’m just going to do it no one will see this tree here no one will see it no one’s going to

Know no one’s going to know no one will know no one have a single clue no one shot I want to see what Katie builds in this little area cuz like she’s like dug this little area out it says work in progress so I really

Want to see what she does with that this little tree Flo here does annoy me though so I’m going to chop this down for her and give her the pieces I’ll keep them actually I chop the rest down it’s only fair hey Katie I would like to

See what you got going on Wow glassed it up oh man this is cool she has a great view by the way she can see okay she can see Easton’s house on this side but from her balcony she can see Mikey’s house the bridge my house Jeremy’s house the

Water SL slide and just everything else like this is such a good view wow fantastic view very good Katie I’m very proud it’s a very good house very very proud wow another one of these floating trees okay I got to get this one too it’s

Going to bug me if I don’t get rid of it okay there’s a naked sheep trying to get into Mikey’s house is that you Mikey I want that lead I want that lead I want that lead yink oh no I’m running out of Sprint no no that’s

Annoying I need more food dude I just need more food some of my week done oh a lot of it’s done okay a lot of it done let me get some of this weight here you you okay six pieces that’s not bad let’s get this and um replace the ones I

Broke there we go yeah all right I’ve almost filled up this entire spot I want these seeds back so I can put them there there we go that’s looking we’re we’re almost oh wait hold on another one just finished there we we go put one there put one there okay I

Need 1 2 3 four 5 six seven eight I need 10 more seeds I need 10 more seeds until I can finish this little this little area here and I have some wheat to give my cows and you know what I might just kill some of you just so I can have some

Food so sorry about that but uh it might just happen all right and I’m save this one for later because I don’t want to just give one to a cow and not let it breed that defeats the whole purpose the whole purpose you know okay the stream should still be

Working I hope it is be embarrassing if it wasn’t I got a whole pen of cows I need more though more cow more cow me need more cow I don’t know why I turned Russian I’m so sorry I bet a bunch of you just cringe and want to leave desperately I’m

So sorry please forgive me please forgive me I’m so sorry um let’s make um let’s make an enchanting table I feel like that’s a long overdue okay so we got to go like that and then that what am I’m missing I’m missing something missing books I hope not yep missing book

Okay fine I need to put some stuff in here though um put some of that there there there don’t need you or you or you I might need you eventually okay that’s better I need leather leather and what else I need paper where’s paper I

Know I have some there it is okay how do you make a book how do you make a book you need a piece of leather maybe some pap paper oh I nailed it wow I was just guessing to be honest okay put that back in there and then book two

Diamonds and some obsidian boom that’s beautiful where do we put it we’ll put it in my house we’ll put it in my house I can say that because I made it so we put on my second floor actually that look nice and then if anybody needs to come

Enchant some stuff then we can and you can come over and uh do that all right this stair this stairwell will come down and then it’ll go into my dungeon but I don’t have the blocks for it yet so enchanter I got I got an achievement for it that’s pretty cool oh

No I didn’t mean to do that wait hold on I got a text message hold on okay we’re good okay I don’t have any food I need food so bad I’m walking around like a dying old man but we have more wheat that’s um grown so we’ll just get this nothing

Else Lon you won’t die I promise I did a lot of work in here for you um I don’t know about that one I don’t know about that one not too sure about that I have four pieces of this though um you know what Easton if you have a bunch of food for

Me then I’ll come on in because I know you don’t have a bunch of food for me and even if you do then I need it so it’ work out either way but um I know you don’t have any so works for me anyway I’m going to make some bookshelves just because I

Can where is the this I need leather I’ll make a bunch of books there paper it up four books wow isn’t that a lot I do yeah sure you do buddy sure you do you don’t have any food do you don’t have any no you don’t have any food I

Don’t believe you I don’t believe you I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I need paper paper paper paper paper paper how much is that five more books so that’s nine I think that’s enough for three bookshelves right and then we’ll W it up here yeah three bookshelves it’s not terrible

Okay that’s not bad I’d say Okay um Katy please go to sleep please please go to sleepy sleep once it once we can I guess cuz I cannot yet hold on someone keeps texting me the little the little goober okay this person keeps texting me sorry about um sorry about

That oh wait we have a new person hi I’m new hello also call me Doge hello Doge uh oh thank you for the food wow thank you um hello Doge we are playing Minecraft if you would like to join the server please give me your Minecraft username I will friend you and

Then you can join the server hello hello hello do I fine fine you know what we’ll go to the nether what’s popping um but do if you’d like to give me your Minecraft username I can let you in the server if you don’t want to then that’s

Fine and you can watch and have some fun hopefully oh man you sure did something didn’t you e wow okay you sure made a tunnel in this okay wow how much dirt did you have oh wow oh this is kind of interesting I kind of like this

Little this little safety Hut that you have but there’s no Enderman around don’t know if you noticed that but um he wanted to kill some tall men um but I see no I see one tall men but he’s all the way over there do I have a bow I don’t have a

Bow oh wait there he is come here come here we want to kill you come here oh wait there’s another one or it maybe it’s one oh yeah um he didn’t drop anything he didn’t drop he didn’t drop anything okay my mouse keeps getting stuck it’s good to have you Doge the

More people the marrier it’s good to have you hopefully you are entertained but um the stream is going to be ending soon so he kind of joined at the at the later part but I’m probably gon to be streaming again tomorrow at this um at 8 in my time

So you know what I don’t need this safety dirt barrier I don’t need to be safe maybe maybe I do need to be safe no I I don’t need to be safe I don’t need to be safe oh there he is hold on E I’m

Coming to save you there he is where is he at let me get him let me get him come here come get me he’s just focused on Eon I got one I got one all right I say that now that I killed one with my own hand I can safely go back I

Accomplished my mission can I join now absolutely you can just give me your username um and I will friend you and I will let you in the server all I need your username n can you respond me yes I have I have I’m sorry I’m sorry um just give me your

Username and I’ll let you in all I need is your username oh he gave it to me okay hold on let me put this in wrong button I would like to have a new member added add friend let me type this in KY corn all I hope I think that’s you guine

Corn one two three that should be it all right I friended you you might need to friend me I’m not entirely sure but you might chat’s a little slow for him sorry oh it’s okay um I’m not exactly sure but if you need to friend me um then my

Username is right here per penguin 275 Perry penguin 275 yes it’s that okay cool um so so if you need to friend me then that’s it and then you can join the server with um the rest of us there’s only three of us on right now but um

There’s four other people that just aren’t on right now I think that’s right yeah there’s four other people that’s not on right now so in total there’s seven of us and with you there shall be eight but at the moment there’s only three of us on

So but it’ll be good to have a new face be a lot of fun I might need to go pick him up because spawns a little bit far away from oh my mouse is being really bad right now Focus Mouse um but the Farm’s coming along good that’s a good

Thing I always love it when my farm is doing good okay got some more wheat oh man I only have five hello I’m Doge but on another account oh okay welcome both of you then I guess what was your user by the way oh U my user was Perry penguin 275 Perry penguin

275 right here by the way if I’m looking down that means I’m looking at the chat so but yes it’s Perry penguin 275 a rather simple username as just friend hey he added me okay cool welcome Doge I hope you enjoy invite me yes I shall do that um invite to

Game uh just scroll down here I don’t see you let me look again huh hold on oh he’s in he’s in don’t don’t have to invite him okay cool welcome to the server I’m going to go get you now that I think about it because you’re kind of far away and I

Would like okay you can stop I just joined okay cool um let me go get the boat I’ll come get you actually let me kill some cows real quick so I’ll have food to go get you but you should have a map just um follow that map should I

Already open the map yes open the map so you know where our houses are it’s not too far away but it’s a little bit of a walk I’ll come get you if you want me to um it’s not a problem for me hold on let me just get this

Okay boom boom um if you need me to come get you I will not a huge problem I’ll go to you instead okay cool cool cool cool um you might need a boat for a lot of the journey so if you want to chop down a

Um like two blocks of trees and make a boat because that’ll make it a lot easier on You okay I need to cook some food for sure put the food in there ah come on there we go and then eat this what I have so far you’re not on the edge of the map so you’re close yeah you AR not too far oh um Katie’s in the nether as

Well all right hold on someone sorry about that someone texted me again don’t have to worry about that nothing nothing important all right I’m going to chop down a few trees so I can make a second floor and put down the enchanting table because that’d be super cool

Oh my gosh my mouse is being a butthole Lon come in the nether I need the pearls in this chest uh I only have I have two okay I guess I will come to the nether then but only for a second I’m not staying not staying you little what’ you want to be

A scavenger you little scavenger you two have penguin LOL yeah we do it’s pretty funny okay where’s the chest ender pearl storage cool all right there you go hello Katie I didn’t expect you to be in here uh but once you join Doge I will give you the rounds and show you where

Everybody lives and stuff everybody’s Star members that’s kind of cool okay interesting um I need to chop down a tree I need to chop down a tree right now I need oak trees to be specific I realized something but I don’t know if that’s right oh okay then

Ow my mouse is being so bad what is your deal Mouse what is your deal stop being this way towards me why I’m not a fan of how you’re acting towards me okay the red ones are people on Nether and white ones are the yeah

Yeah um I think it’s purple when you go to the end as well I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s purple oh my shovel ah every time I come to break this stuff my shovel breaks it’s really annoying but you know what I’m going to

Clean it up before the new player gets here so it can look all nice and stuff for them because we want everything to look presentable for our our new member meat finally I have food okay it’s good to have food again geez okay shovel all right I’m almost there okay cool cool cool

Cool all right let’s destroy this dirt before the new player gets here so they’ll they’ll think it looks a lot nicer CU we don’t we don’t want this dirt just hovering over the water that would make it look not very not very um welcoming destroy this

Dirt there we go all right that’s better okay I once said a no no word by accident uh oh that’s not good don’t say no no words can’t be doing that okay my mouse is wow it’s impressive how terrible my mouse is being right now wow okay hello sheep come here

Bam okay I’ve killed two sheep so that’s two wool for the new player um maybe I have another piece of wool somewhere oh crap uh forgot about that I’m going to have to end the stream in five minutes I completely forgot but uh oh they left oh well that’s a

Shame see you see you I guess oh well thought we had a new player guess not oh well oh he’s back never mind I’m just wrong sorry I left oh you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re all good I disconnected I get that my mouse is so

Bad um I’m going to be ending the stream in five minutes by the way because um actually I might not we’ll see we’ll see how it plays out we’ll see how it plays out I might not but my mouse is being so bad why are you being this way towards

Me Mouse what did I do to you I just need a new mouse I might I might need a new mouse hold on let me get my phone here let me see what the situation looks like for my mouse maybe it’s just not plugged into a good part of the computer here Okay sorry about that I’m just not on stream that’s funny I don’t know why that was so funny to me okay all righty where’s the new player okay almost here pretty close pretty close they should be able to find their way with their map at least which is a

Good thing which is a good thing I still haven’t gotten the wood jeez what is wrong with me I can’t focus I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m like in a maze uhoh that’s not good hope you’re able to get out of said maze Mikey’s house is the best so

Far not Mikey’s um Mikey’s the second best but um I think Katie’s taken first oh sorry first place did I just hear a dolphin maybe probably did get out of here okay good ow creeper I’ve survived that’s how you survive a creeper you just pull up your

Shield I could fight him if I want oh come on another I’m alive I’m at the middle the middle of what the middle spot okay cool you’re almost here you’re almost here K Oak I think that’s enough Oak for right now it’s enough Oak for at the

Moment um can you guys in the nether please um come back um I would like you guys to be here for when we greet the new player so please wrap things up in the Nether and come back cuz this new player is almost at our our little spot

And I’d like you guys to be there to greet Doge okay let’s put a little floor down here oh no okay I landed on a bed we’re good landed on a bed we’re fine sorry I couldn’t get on right now I will next time that’s fine the stream’s

About to end anyway so you’re all good orange bass you can come back to the stream tomorrow because I think I think I’m going to do it again tomorrow so um just join back next time you’re all good man you’re all good this one get this here oh hold on guys I will

Not be able to see the chat for the next few minutes hold on I will hopefully be able to change that I can’t see the chat hold on hopefully my can get my dad to change it back but hello Easton welcome back Katie please come back for the new player

They’re almost here seem to be having a little bit of trouble getting here but I think they’ll be here soon dang it I almost had enough for this little area it’s a shame okay okay I see you guys are here thank you appreciate that um the new

Player should be here really soon it seems like they sto moving that’s not good especially in the dark very bad here I’ll put this in Jeremy’s chest I’m sure he’ll like it okay I broke it never mind uh we can’t go to sleep sorry um the new player doesn’t have a bed cuz

They’re new so um I might end it soon at like 10:05 maybe I think I’ll ended at like 10:05 here you if you guys don’t mind okay I’m able to see the chat again sorry about that okay no one said anything while I was gone good good okay sorry my dad’s texting

Me because he let me look at the stream again okay we’re good see the stream oh man you got a new dog what’s the dog’s name what’s the dog’s name hey um Doge you’re going the wrong way pal Doge you’re going the wrong way you’re going the wrong way

Doge um Phil great name I like I like that very close to um that name is very close to um you know a dog we grew close to last time I think I’m lost uh just look at your map man just follow the just follow the map follow the map I’m playing

Gary’s mod with my friends right now that’s good you’re all good man you’re all good hey um three minute warning to everybody on the game I’ll be ending the stream in about three minutes in about three minutes here bouncy ow but that’s perfectly fine I still

Need to get an oak tree I still need oh man it’s okay um I’ll be streaming again tomorrow and um we can continue playing then as if I was always streaming wow that was inspirational um I need some Oak I’m just I’m just going to take this one here that’ll do hello

Katie hello e um do you’re going the right way now by the way you’re going the right way okay I have enough to uh add a bit of room here there we go that’s it that’s how it’s done okay I’m not sure I like this so much I’m

Gonna you know I kind of like the wall though so I’m going to open up the wall a bit and uh yeah like that that’s good and I’m going to just leave an opening there maybe like a three opening yeah that’s better and uh we’ll fix it dang it

Man my luck is just awful where how’s Doge doing doge is nearly here doge is nearly here we’ll greet Doge and then I’ll end the stream because doge is just so close it’d be rude not to almost there yep you sure are you’re very very close very very

Close all right we make another axe here and then I’ll finish with the oak that I have and then we’ll greet the newcomer and then we shall end the stream get Oak here okay ow okay I think I’m going to get rid of this one right here just because I don’t

Really like where it’s placed and I’m going to put it somewhere else okay there we go where is Doge doge is here doge is pretty much here Katie come back from the portal doge is here come back from the portal please I’d like you to be here when we greet the

Newcomer let’s go guys everybody everybody follow everybody follow does here no he died by a drown oh well dang it man do I have cheats I don’t think I do but I’d make an exception I’d make an exception there but I I can’t I can’t sorry man oh man sorry sorry

Dude I’m so sorry man hopefully you’ll be able to make it next stream but I’m going to end it here never mind there’s no use in seeing them now uh I’m going to go save I will come back tomorrow to play again but um let me enlarge in oh no I

Moved myself my bad I large in myself at the end of the stream but um why is my why is my camera look so weird hold on okay it doesn’t doesn’t look great hold on looks a little fuzzy doesn’t it how’s that is that better I think that’s

A little bit better um goodbye bye uh thank you guys for um playing with me it was a lot of fun uh I hope to see you guys again in the next stream tomorrow if I don’t then oh well it was fun um see you guys I hope you all have

Either a good day or a good night and I’ll see you later see you guys

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft With Viewers!!’, was uploaded by NodNal Studio on 2024-01-02 03:17:01. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds.

Come play Minecraft with me and relax!

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    Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod - Ride in Style! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod takes flight, Introducing Minebikes, motorcycles so bright. Craft them with care, fuel them up right, And ride through the pixelated night. To start your journey, craft a table so fine, With categories to browse, items to combine. Gasoline is key, for your engine to ignite, Refine it with coal, water, and might. Don’t forget the spark plug, to start your machine, Choose wisely, for different types are seen. Repair with a wrench, iron ingots in sight, Keep your bike running, in the day or the night. Paint your ride, with colors… Read More

  • Back in my day… #minecraft #memes

    Back in my day... #minecraft #memes Remember when you used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have your little brother come in and blow it all up with TNT? Good times. #velhostempos #minecraftmemories Read More

  • Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft

    Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft Day 16 – A Little Market – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Building a Market Square On Day 16 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid player decided to expand the village by constructing a small market square next to the main square where the villagers gather. The goal was to create a vibrant area where villagers could find more job opportunities and engage in trade. Materials Used: Guard Spawn Egg Tiled Deepslate Flat Raw Gold Block Tiles Small Gilded Blackstone Bricks Polished Deepslate Botanist Workbench Carpenter’s Table Loom Table Mason Table Tinkering Table Alchemy… Read More

  • Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown

    Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Noob Vs Pro: A Fun and Educational Comparison Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some entertainment and learning at the same time? Look no further! The Minecraft Noob Vs Pro video is here to provide you with a delightful comparison of the mistakes made by a noob and the correct strategies employed by a pro. Learning from Mistakes In this video, viewers get to witness the common errors that a noob typically makes in Minecraft. From inefficient resource gathering to building structures that are prone to disasters, the noob’s journey is filled with valuable lessons for beginners…. Read More

  • INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On Caffeine

    INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On CaffeineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-06-01 22:00:23. It has garnered 18043 views and 847 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:35 or 3755 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: ★Watch Live On Twitch: ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: ★Join the GOC Discord: Sky Revolutions Mod Pack -… Read More

  • Spooky Encounter in Minecraft

    Spooky Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro got spooked #minecraft #scary #dweller’, was uploaded by Madi And Will on 2024-05-03 06:03:35. It has garnered 3799 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!

    Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘that one friend joins the minecraft server…’, was uploaded by jimdoga+ on 2024-01-17 11:00:24. It has garnered 12148 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. that one friend joins the minecraft server… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #girl #vs #boy #funny #meme #shorts Read More

  • OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!

    OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Almost DELETED Minecraft!’, was uploaded by enbentz games on 2024-04-14 18:00:07. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. This is the story of Glaedred, and how he almost deleted Minecraft in his quest to maintain the Balance within the Shroud. “Before anything existed, there was a Shroud, and in it was a magical, immortal being named Notch. The world we know today did not exist, but was created from His own magic. One day, Notch got tired and lonely from being the… Read More

  • FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraft

    FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrRJay on 2024-03-18 06:02:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today Iam Gonna Be Show You How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft If you liked the Video don’t … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew’s EPIC Real Base Build!

    UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew's EPIC Real Base Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started a REAL Base in Minecraft (2024)’, was uploaded by God King Mew on 2024-04-15 20:00:34. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:11 or 18251 seconds. In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, join me as we explore mysterious landscapes, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on quests that will test our courage and creativity. From towering mountains to treacherous dungeons, every block holds a story waiting to be told. **Survival Mode**: We’ll gather resources, build shelters, and fend off mobs. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the… Read More

  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

    OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Eating Food And Op Item || Subscribe|| #1 || Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by MiningTv⛏️ on 2024-02-20 23:39:41. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. join Dc Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए)! Join my Club on Turnip MININGTV ⛏️: Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a… Read More

  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

    SahuPlays - INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-06-03 03:32:28. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime animation catnap huggy wuggy mommy long legs poppy 퍼거필러 번조버니 마미롱레그 bunzo bunny fancy refill 허기워기 파피플레이타임 smile critters critters 캣냅 poppy playtime chapter3 maizen pj pug a pillar aphmau aphmau games cash and nico nico cash aphmau aaron aphmau playing as minecraft aphmau minecraft mods minecraft funny… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-05-31 20:41:22. It has garnered 534 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft… Read More

  • Doepiecraft

    DoepiecraftHello, this server is just made, we build a simple survival server to play with your friends on PC and Console. So its a Crossplay server! The server is just started so there are not a lot players yet! The bedrock Ip is: And the port is: 19132 Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 252 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. Revive Competition If you die, you can earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Team Competition Sundays at 12CT there is a special Team Competition, ongoing for 218 weeks. Prizes Prizes include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Server IP: or Goal & Score Goal: Stay alive and earn points. Score +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point earned…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down Stairs

    Minecraft Memes - Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down StairsIt seems like that rabbit really hopped into a sticky situation! Read More

  • Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge!

    Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge! In Minecraft news, we take flight, Reporting updates with all our might. From head base challenges to new mobs, We cover it all, no need for sobs. Join us on Discord, YouTube, and more, For gaming fun that’s never a bore. AquaVerse is the name to know, For Minecraft facts that steal the show. So come along and join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve just begun. Stay tuned for more, don’t be late, AquaVerse Channel, your gaming mate. Read More

  • Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab!

    Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab! “Experiment 1: Trying to play Minecraft without accidentally punching a tree for 10 minutes straight.” Read More