Video Information

Ladies gentlemen today’s minecraft video we are time traveling back into the past I have found something on one of my old hard drives that I thought I would never see ever again I literally almost couldn’t even believe that I still had it it’s one of my oldest minecraft

Worlds to exist I actually think it’s my first if not second minecraft world I ever made this minecraft world that I’m about to show you guys is 8 years old this minecraft world that I’m about to show you guys was made by me eight years ago I’m not even kidding

Eight years ago I made this Minecraft world this has to be either the first if not first the second Minecraft world I ever made let’s go ahead hop into single-player if we scroll down here this is it right here official project version 1.0 so if we hit play select the

World this world was last played in a version unknown you are on version one point fourteen this Minecraft world is so old that minecraft doesn’t even know what version I made this map in oh my gosh okay I know what I’m doing let’s load up this Minecraft world hopefully

It doesn’t corrupt it that would be really really bad but what I think this Minecraft world is is I think I made like a survival island kind of thing honestly I don’t remember I mean I haven’t seen the world in eight years but that’s what I think it is I think

It’s like an island oh my gosh guys look at this made by unspeakable gaming oh my gosh I can’t believe the world worked oh it actually worked it actually loaded up let’s go ahead and clear out this nasty weather and let’s make it beautiful daytime no you don’t want it you don’t

Want to be day there we go now it’s day alright so let’s go through this Minecraft world and let’s just see hey wait wait it just automatically turn denied oh oh I remember why I wanted this Minecraft world to always be night so I set up a command block that just

Repeats and constantly sets it tonight I remember how I made this world anyways we’re in the world right now made by unspeakable gaming YouTube subscribe for more updates subscribe for more updates I don’t even think I ever updated this world looks like you found what’s left we’re all

Going to die here okay great for the inspiration our ship is destroyed it there is nothing but the four of us and this island try to find the others the world will probably reward you all so watch out for traps this island is crazy okay so this is like a survival island

Kind of thing okay alright well let’s head downstairs go down and read the rules alright so here are the rules okay what is this unspeakable gaming unspeakable gaming version 1.0 okay goals and objectives okay so these are all the goals and objectives that we want to do what find three other

Survivors hint and the dungeons I already give a hint and speakable find three dungeons well I guess if you find three dungeons you find the three other survivors because all the survivors are in the dungeons okay anyways make a two-story house make an enchanting room

Make a small farm get a full set of iron armor and tools this is interesting goals oh my gosh set your spawn here okay I guess I’ll go ahead and set my spawn here I just got an achievement for that we’re gonna play through this map a little bit why not

Difficulty must be set on normal or hard look there it is it says the time is controlled by command blocks it will always be nighttime yep yep it is you cannot sleep at any time that’s one of the rules you cannot sleep wiser bed you cannot break through buildings or any

Types of rooms you cannot use mods hacks or disobey the rules thanks you thanks you I said it again thanks you oh my gosh alright let’s give this minecraft world let’s explore oh man I can’t okay I guess I got a little bit smart with making this room all right well let’s go

Explore this Minecraft world I guess we’ll start off by getting some dirt maybe some simple building blocks wait why can’t I pick anything up oh my gosh I left all that stuff in my inventory oh snap okay so I was picking up the dirt okay so um yeah I guess I didn’t like

Delete my inventory before I wanted to play them anyway he’s okay I got a full set of diamond armor let’s go alright so here we got a nice little lava pit beautiful I think that might be the boat over there that saying oh I remember making all this stuff what is this

Melons sometimes wash up I put that sign there because if you go off of the coast I think there’s melons yeah look there’s a melon right there I think it was like another one somewhere over here but yeah I just planted a bunch of random like

Melons and pumpkins in the water I don’t know why and then I remember I think I think I think it’s one of these trees have a secret base under them I swear I don’t remember which one it is but one of these trees have a secret base I remember making a secret base

Under a tree oh I’m gonna find it I’m gonna find it maybe it’s maybe it’s this one no not that one or like this one I’m gonna dig up every single one of these trees until I find it I remember I swear I swear I made a

Secret base under a tree all the way is that it look look look wait wait what is this I think there’s water down there yep look what I found check this out case of that so that’s a little trap right there but I remember making this and I think okay so there’s

A chest right there there’s a button and then I get you get this button and you put it on this door is to find the button why did he found the button I do do it all the memories slowly coming back to me this is insane okay hmm okay

So this is a maze you see I wasn’t really too smart making this Minecraft map I put this entire glass ceiling so you can literally go down there you can literally see the entire path of the maze and then that’s the exit right there there’s literally a sign right

There that says I hope you found that button yeah this is like the easiest maze ever I’m sorry I wasn’t the best minecraft map creator let’s see if I can beat this maze though I said I’m pretty sure it’s like this way and this way and

Then this way watch i’ma beat this maze I’m literally my first try cuz it’s so actually I just made it to a dead end never mind and my oh ohs they’re all I got a button I might have actually made this maze somewhat good not really I’m

Oh and there it is okay all right well yeah in that in the maze that was pretty easy what is this the cake is a lie oh my gosh cake diamonds emeralds gold dude this is what I’m talking about okay let’s steal some of this cake –

Don’t mind if I do what is this there is not a way out you must mine out okay well I already had an iron pickaxe but now I got another one and also I believe there’s a trap right here yeah I’m terrible at building traps

I built a trap and I put a button there I mean I guess some people might press it and they might be like Oh what is this button do but like really like there’s dispensers oh I don’t know I don’t know okay so I guess let’s try to

Dig out of this place I guess honestly I am just going to dig straight up I think that’s my goal here I’m just gonna dig straight up hopefully nothing falls on my head hopefully nothing gets in my way but yeah that was a pretty cool part of the

Map I mean I definitely could have made it a lot better but honestly not too bad for my first room I almost got killed by gravel there dude I can’t see anything right now oh is this a cave system and the granite cave system I don’t have any

Torches on me I’m sorry guys I literally can’t see anything right now but I’m digging up back to the surface we’ll be up there soon oh oh found the surface and runner water okay we’re good alright okay are you kidding me okay so it looks like there is a

Little tower over here and there’s also the crash boat so let’s check this out I’m pretty sure I put something at the top of this tower – I think I made like a little parkour game out of it I definitely did and there’s something cool down there – alright so here is our

Boat welcome to mob island survival survive okay so I think this is where you’re supposed to like start the map is on the boat which will make sense spices and seeds so there’s some stuff in here there’s some a little bit of food in

Here some ice so I kind of made it like a frigerator but yeah that’s pretty cool okay I think that’s all I put on the boat I don’t think there’s anything that I put on here not because it doesn’t look like it okay so let’s swim up and

Let’s go to this tower now the way I designed this tower the way I made this tower is just kind of dumb because look at this okay so this right here is called the Hall of Fame put some of your important items in here okay so I made this hall-of-fame thing

And you’re supposed to like put like your most prized possessions or whatever like we’ll throw like emeralds maybe like a diamond up there but the thing is I made this entire room out of iron literally whoever is playing this map probably just came in here and they’re

Like oh yeah that’s definitely what they did because that’s what I would have did but then again in the rules I do say do not break any blocks that are a part of buildings and I guess this is a part of a building so technically you would be

Breaking the rules but then again what are you gonna get banned from your single-player Minecraft world let’s try to do this parkour and get to the top of here if I can make this in the first try I am going to be wowed okay so far this

Is all I always that was just that that was just a dumb move I don’t even know what I was thinking there I just jumped died just got a little trigger-happy okay it really isn’t too hard at all that was extremely easy okay what’s up

Here we got a bow and arrow and some apples unfortunately my inventory is full so I think I’ll give up my diamonds and my gold yeah sounds like a fair trade and I’m dead oh my gosh okay well at least the spawn worked at least the

Bed worked right but I just lost all my stuff that’s fine I think I’m gonna go up to this tree and explore I think I might have put something up in this tree too and oh if I remember correctly I know where the secret room is the secret

Secret room there is a secret room in the lot I think it’s in a lava pit I want to say it’s in the lava pit oh my gosh I just saw it I just saw it I just saw okay hold on ladies and gentlemen now you guys know where all the secrets

Are and what speakable the very first minecraft world okay yeah I’m pretty sure it’s like right yes it’s right here it’s right here oh I almost made it in there okay hold on I’m gonna make it in here I’m gonna make it in there any

Okay this one oh come on come on come on come on come on come on oh come on you literally have to land like directly in there or you’re gonna die actually what if I just do this hold on hold on we are gonna discover the secret

Ourselves this is minecraft in 2019 and we get smart with our brains alright hold on I’m gonna get really smart here you ready okay hopefully I didn’t cover it up I think it’s I’m pretty sure it’s this one is it this whole I think this is the

One yeah it is okay we’re hopping in yeah lucky you okay so this is like I put this like secret room here cuz I’m like oh no one’s ever gonna find this you found the secret room take these items so it’s like super Opie Armour super Opie and chanted golden apples

Like the most Opie stuff look at this oh my gosh I remember making all I remember making this room okay and look I didn’t even give any arrows so like you don’t even have arrows there’s also some music so if you’re feeling some jams go ahead

This is do you think you won want some more advanced challenges so and then I put more challenges down here because I’m like hmmm if someone makes it down here they’ve probably progressed quite a bit in the map so I’ll put some more advanced challenges so like make an

Automatic sugarcane farm it turned the boat into a ship convert at least half the island into a small city and then look if you have anything you would like to add on the map comment on the walkthrough video I will most likely add it if it’s good search for me on YouTube

Unspeakable gaming I think when I made this map I had five hundred or a thousand subs on youtube I was really really small I think I had under a thousand subscribers when I made this map but yeah this is just like super super code you see I don’t really know

How I’m gonna get out of here now oh and look there’s also a chest right here what’s in this chest what is this I just got trolled I just rolled myself eight years in the future lol spelled out and leaves it says lol wow I just rolled myself eight years into the

Future this feels weird I’m not even kidding I thought there was something good in that chest I did not think I was get trolled Wow I am a little troll you see unspeakable the trolling unspeakable but still trolling people back eight years ago he was still pulling those

Trolls off okay let’s try and climb this tree I kind of want to see if there’s anything up here okay we’re almost there this really is massive absolutely massive I think there is something up here I think I think I do see a chest

Okay um I just don’t know how to get up a tree looks like we might have to dig that already blocks on me so we’re gonna have to kind of dig through the wood here bear with me I know I’m working I oh there’s also a sign up there too

Interesting okay so we got a chest and a sign here’s some stuff to start a farm that’s it I mean I guess it is useful i guess that to be fair it is useful but really like look how tall this tree is this tree is massive from what i

Remember that is all the secrets to this minecraft world i know there’s a couple other things under this map like here if i pop over into spectator mode and we fly all the way under the map i’m pretty sure yeah there was some really cool cave systems there’s like these massive

Ravines under the map there’s another huge ravine right here there’s the maze that i made right there oh my gosh i remember okay minecraft world ed it wasn’t really a thing when i made this map so i had to hand break every single block and carve out this entire room it

Literally took me like three hours but yeah exploring under this map look there’s there’s one too and i think if you keep going down here i think there’s a third ravine somewhere but there’s like three ravines that like cross each other under this map on it and that’s

Why i decided to make this map on this island because it was just the underground part there was so many things to explore I think there’s a mineshaft somewhere I don’t think it’s too far anyways guys that is gonna wrap up this video this is my first minecraft

World that I ever made I I’m pretty sure it’s my first I’m like 99.9% sure that this is my first minecraft world that I ever made this is just so so cool I think there’s another Island over here come on chunks in dirt unfortunately minecraft world is not

Wanting to load I think I’m slowly breaking it up I don’t know what just happens there’s another little island right there there’s nothing on it it’s completely empty there’s not even a single tree on it but I remember that Island and this island is the only two

Islands for like miles there is no other islands like there’s no big plant or anything for literally miles that’s another reason why I picked this map is because I was like yo this is sick alright guys so that is gonna wrap up this minecraft video I hope you guys

Have enjoyed let me know in the comment section below what was your first Minecraft world what did you make on your very first Minecraft world and how long ago did you make it did you make it longer than eight years ago let me know guys down in the comments section below

I’ll be reading through a ton of your comments but thank you guys so much I loved making this video because it was a big big throwback it’s crazy to see where I was eight years ago to where I am today on YouTube it is just insane

And I want to thank you guys so so much for supporting me and watching all my videos it seriously means the world to me thank you guys so much for watching before you guys go definitely be sure to click that red subscribe button below otherwise you’re gonna miss out on all

My future videos but I will be seeing you guys shortly in a brand new video so stay safe stay awesome and state unspeakable peace I’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘PLAYING MY FIRST MINECRAFT WORLD I MADE! (8 YEARS AGO)’, was uploaded by UnspeakableReacts on 2019-11-21 20:00:01. It has garnered 12635257 views and 197006 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:59 or 1019 seconds.



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    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 #minecraft #memes #tutorial #gaming #art #trollface #beauty #roblox #bedwars #funny #kayi’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-12 15:49:39. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender… Read More

  • Troy’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    Troy's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft!’, was uploaded by troydoesstuff on 2024-03-28 01:45:15. It has garnered 53 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:31 or 13771 seconds. Read More

  • Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shorts

    Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘parrot 🦜 viral hack in Minecraft 😯😯🔥🔥💯#shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Chimtu pu on 2024-01-12 11:58:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. parrot viral hack in Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraftminecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft but viral shorts … Read More

  • Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #Shorts

    Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spawn Herobrine who created a curved portal #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by Jerry Shorts on 2024-05-09 08:00:00. It has garnered 32428 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwar’s Tournament on Infinity SMP

    Ultimate Bedwar's Tournament on Infinity SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY’, was uploaded by Infinity Smp on 2024-05-23 02:08:44. It has garnered 66 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:55 or 4975 seconds. Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY Discord: 🎮🚀 #MinecraftMonday #GamerFleet #LiveGaming #livestream 🌟 Immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft journey with GamerFleet! 🎮⛏️ Join our vibrant community of gamers as we embark on epic… Read More

  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

    Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can't be a Dad! 😱🙈Video Information This video, titled ‘Mai kabhi BAP nahi ban sakta 🤣😭 #comedi #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by SSD Bhai 99 on 2024-03-24 06:42:26. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft aayush poppy playtime chapter 4 animals movie camera toilet granny gulli bulli herobrine iron man ishq bhi toilet nagin videos one more time shorts superheroes minecraft ye jism. hai toh kya 390 duke aalu mota bhalu aayush poppy playtime chapter… Read More