PopularMMOs – Minecraft: EPIC ASTRAL LUCKY BLOCK BEDWARS! – Modded Mini-Game

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[Applause] [Applause] oh my god the house is on fire just kidding welcome back to another video you don’t just stop drop and roll while the house is burning on fire Jen howdy all right our intros are gonna last forever guys so we are still doing every day this

Week brand new intros I’m running out of things to say though dude so today we are know I’m a what if I decide we do this forever know forever so today we are playing bed wars with lucky blocks once again guys and check it out in the

Chest yet we have Astra lucky blocks these ones and some of the coolest weapons and armor normal lucky blocks five very lucky blocks and five unlucky blocks so guys if you’ve never seen bed wars before lucky blocks you have some insane stuff I’m not going over all the

Trades today so if you’ve never seen this before watch one of the previous videos but only one thing has changed with the trades today Jen if you go over there should be another chest in your face and you will notice there’s no villager for this yeah I’m gonna set

That up next time but to enter chests now give you six obsidian to protect your bed way oh so because we’ve been getting obsidian I mean we forgetting ender beds getting lots of beds and ender chests so we’ve had nothing to do with them now we could finally build a

Defense you have to relax before you play so this is our fourth episode right now I’ve won three of them jen has one there’s been three episodes I want to and you won one yes so if you went today it ties it up okay that’s gonna happen

And we do have this set up a little bit different than normal bed wars of course this section over there normally the diamond section we get lucky blocks from the Admiral section we get them twice as quick and then we have a third section in the middle to make this better than

Normal bed Wars where there are super lucky blocks waiting for us which no one got to last time I’m going to the center today all right Jen no one believes you you’ve never left your base before into one before still and there’s the order of the channel you’ve never said

Yeah do it right now also guys leave any comment down below write down Oh what I put a block down near my bed okay so no I will win the game starts but guys I will be comedy to a bunch you guys – we appreciate your business support and we’ve got trades

You see them we’ve got challenge games trades plus we also have normal bed Wars traits are you ready for this – so ready but I want to see what your your block grants you alright well I guess if you just stand there you’ll find out after

This goes – I got a cool furnace alright that would be really really sad for me right so I’ll put this into you oh I could listen to coal that is brilliant why are you jumping around so much Oh funny story guys my dad messaged me all

Right he didn’t message me ooh I’m gonna kill me alright let me finish my story real quick as I go through this maze okay so my dad he uh he didn’t message me he texted me and he told me he made a roblox cow and is himself the magician

Dammit my knees almost 70 okay so I got a couple treasures in there never got in that drop before all right I need to get some things I have like nothing so far I’m not even joking this is bad alright sounds good to me owning me there’s a bunch of Enderman

That actually have blocks but have nothing to kill them with he’ll just kill me mm I got queasy Stowers oh yes yes yes yes you won’t believe what I just got Oh give me that okay so I’m scouring the chicken oh I love you you’re my hero baby this died

So yeah there are snow golems that are like special that can actually kill stuff in Samad boy I got 32 blocks of guests watch add obsidian so I’m making the best defense that you guys have ever seen in bed Wars it’s gonna have layers of obsidian around this we know what

It’s not even gonna matter cuz I got icy mage pants sound so weird I got damn awesome mage pants odd but 36 cool didn’t get sweet oh this is perfect okay put in my iron yes okay gonna go continue to open blocks and you said you’re going towards the middle

Oh did you oh everything’s hurting me oh no wait I suffocated little wall or are these Jordan okay so I can grab these and then I can shred with new block strategies okay okay let me just grab all these things get all these I think there’s something wrong what’s wrong I

Can’t open this chest I think my minecraft is broken partners we are back is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen you have to come here alright will you feel you have to you do not understand the premise of this game there’s a rainbow in the chest alright

Okay why don’t you just leave in there I’ll go check it out after I kill you just imagining your brain right oh my god it’s beautiful it’s the most beautiful chest that weight like our cat no like clouds oh my gosh yes okay so there’s like clouds and a

Rainbow in a test what kind of madness is this alright so guys we are playing this so basically in bed words I didn’t mention it we need to break the bed after you break the person’s bed they cannot respawn so if you kill them the

Game is then over okay how are you doing right now by this like I feel like I’m not doing so good I like normally do so much better do you lie no not well I got the obsidian I mean you sound like your sounds sketchy alright a little sketchy

Yes fine they used artichoke way at least see the rainbow did you think about guarding the back oh I got a poison to hit finish you off oh no she’s got what help wait are you to rebuild the whole rainbow the whole rainbow boy I thought you were going towards the

Middle you never even build a defense on your bed okay let’s see the rainbow this might take a while are you blind – no I shouldn’t open that a lucky block I thought maybe I can blow up your base red my near you yes where’s

The chest I can’t see anything but I can jump like really really it’s not coming out as good not cool alright should be able to see into one it should be done let me check it out oh so that was oh my god you got all that good stuff yes look

At it it looked much better though the way that they created it how come you didn’t put anything over your bed okay you remember in bed was you really have to build it quick you see that I was able to build the whole thing all the

Way across or – oh you were just like you were looking at the rainbow the whole time man are dudes we are back and Jen actually had asked me to come to her beast so the first thing I did was they came to her baby no I didn’t mean to

Like kill me I just wanted you to see the rainbow so you wanted me to come there and then come back okay this is bed wars like never seen before dudes are you ready for round two it guys I’ve decided right now from now on cuz I

Always said we don’t know how many rounds it’s almost always three rounds we’re just two or three rounds from now I’m best out of three oh all right so right now that’s not a good sign three two one go okay so last time your message know

What I’m into you I’m gonna put all my lucky blocks down and I’m just gonna open them really really fast all right I actually might look over to your side all right we’ll give Jen a little chance right here yeah watching you all right okay she’s got five down start with all the

Very lucky ones all right let’s see how we go for it this is actually slower come on I can’t see any of the drops from here really good oh my god Hall repulsors chess play you know what’s really weird I got three chest plates in

A row I have like every chest plate set that there is dying from the bunny it can’t be a good sign but so which one is the best I think it is this ward yes okay oh my gosh no no the bodies very hurtful to the bunny mom oh I think

I hope Biddy drops itself on the ground oh do drop oh no yeah it still killed me oh my god how did you get over here wait you’re better pearls no don’t break my bed I don’t have your fight that’s how you got here isn’t it oh my god I don’t

Know I don’t know what I’m gonna do all right I’m just gonna build something really quick okay okay all right before she gets over here again wait what happened this time oh my god she tried to progress you can only enter her over when you’re on top of your own

Structure yes I wait before after I scouts honor Oh fives a girl scout I don’t lie okay okay so Jen has one round – that means it’s tied up so you end up you learn from me yeah also you got the coolest sword in the whole MA thank you for giving me

Such knowledge last episode I just tried to throw a cookie at you I had some of these is why should have just thrown those alright so this round I didn’t do quite as good I got some cool chests place I had a nice Bowl but Jen and I

Rolled over yes you quite as good you did horrible so mean all right dudes we are back and Jen was making fun of me last round win the first round you invited me to your vase I came over and I took your bad I made fun of you I was

Making fun with you that’s love I love you I love you I love to beat you and I’m gonna beat you right now Bruce do one go alright so this is our guys this is the one that actually decides the winner a lot of us who get to the middle and show

Off how cool the section I set up is that would be fabulous okay oh I need a pickaxe I found a beacon but I can’t wrap it oh I got a treasure maze oh my god that before there’s some cool stuff in it that you think maybe yet but I hope it wastes

Time for you is that if I could just gather all this I will have the most amazing defense ever I know oh so I need to make sure that Jen doesn’t get to my base and you know break everything good things in here are you doing really good to start good there’s

So much obsidian no no the time’s up I couldn’t grab everything all right I am so what weeks you have obsidian – yeah but I didn’t get that much of it I only got four piece well you know also that’s not enough to actually protect your bed

Yeah so guess what I got yet Oh beacon bed protest and you won’t be able to add a pearl here you now need yourself a very good pickaxe to get through this all right okay so we did good guys we did good all right well I am going for

The middle today and you are too right yes all right are you really are you this comfortable it’s over Jen I have the fairy the fairy godmother lady who grabs you another life oh you had me that’s what habit that thing is really hard to actually use for a series like

This but you know what you could do I was gonna give you another tip oh yes please oh my god I got another big what’s the tip oh no is this no it’s a blinding beacon I’m seein things okay so what you could do is you could take that

Fairy godmother water in your ender chest and then take her out when you plan to come on and fight me oh that’s such a good idea all right so you know that for next time thank you I love all the tips you give me all right so y’all you’ve been

Beating me just as much anyways I don’t want you give me a tip right now okay so if you see me you I don’t think I’m qualified to be giving anyone anything all right I think commit you’re right about that all right I got some really cool stuff but I’ve been killed by

Astral ice mages okay what are we gonna do what we do okay okay so we’re gonna begin to give to you so Jen I’ve gotten to beacon so far so my defense it’s over 9000 right now okay let’s get this super super good over here blocks my huge oh

You’ve got a huge lucky block something good or something bad will probably happen all right okay got open these let’s go no don’t feel like dying oh my gosh something out of it did you really like that’s good right okay three more these open yes okay what are these love

Potions I got love potion oh my got a cake I got cookies and I got flowers extremely good defense system you’ve ever seen all right so you think it’s gonna be better than my full obsidian defense I have yeah all right I’m excited to see them then all the

Stops alright so let’s see what do we have I’ve got okay Jed I’m looking at it you did that’s fabulous for you oh this is amazing okay okay so what do we need to do oh can I believe who’s got that trade oh it’s the block strategies who’s the one

Who has to trade for the crafting table all right I finally got a crafting table okay so I put this so this is really sweet and then you over here okay need five gold ingots all right wait he’s no but I want to make yeah so who is the beacon trader

Who’s the big Audrina some chuck norris Five really oh we know I didn’t get a pickaxe I need so you’re gonna have obsidian I’m guessing yes okay so what I need to do I need to trade this in for stick I need to get some diamonds all right but I don’t have any diamonds right now but

I’m gonna get some here we go dudes we’re ahead now I’m scared wait maybe I can just get to Jen’s base right now just win no no you have to go to the mill remember there’s no rule that we have to go to this you have all

Right are you going to the middle yes I just haven’t gotten there yet but I’m going to see you know the thing is it takes you about 20 minutes to get to the middle and I think that’s why you never get there all right so yeah we do have

Lucky about generators plus if super lucky blocks it I’ve used everything but my unlucky ones I’ll save those for Jen’s base this is seriously looking like you’re gonna be impressed all right you know that I can see it you you can’t are you coming oh hello oh yeah oh my I

Don’t know if I can blow it off wait what do you mean oh I bet you that what you did you can still get there from the thing right all right is Jen put so many blocks down that she couldn’t even spawn over there anymore all right Oh are we

Supposed to wait for the other person to finish building their place nobody’s explode all right okay I understand now okay give me some blocks give me them blocks why are these cacti working you have to put them on sand there also can’t be any blocks near them

Okay all right why are you really trying to put down cactus I’m excited to see this what it’s done right okay let’s go over here and then we’re heading to the Mitchell all right okay sneak over this way so this one they generate twice as quick from oh yeah yeah keeps falling in

I’m getting so many block Oh fantastic I’m getting all kinds of lucky blocks right now yes all right Jen’s really slow up building I just hope she doesn’t get and her pearls that’s their chance to beat me right now but so be killed over you yes

Oh super lucky blocks let’s get rid of things I don’t need like a whole probably or carpets lightning maybe I don’t need all these love potions as too many regular that all these super lucky blocks and I need to get back before Jen why do you need one I just you know I

Just need one why are you on your way to my base no so you would be on the way to my base wouldn’t you savage that’s the whole point of the game no I don’t I don’t think so I think that’s uncool and look at your base looks hilarious I love

It I even have no gold wait no he’s standing in the captain is he dying no all right let me get all of these together things are gonna be good okay so I’ve got some blocks that I am going to want to open Jenn’s bass I’ve never seen a

Defense like it and bad want some practice I love it thank you all right so by trying to be creative I can tell all right so I need to eat some cookies I’m like so hungry is she building towards me yet no she’s not yeah yeah see are you still watching the

Middle at some point all right like if you have like a sick defense no one could ever kill you in bed Morris cactus maze that was so cool all right so I’ve got some super lucky blocks I stole from the middle so let’s hope booty goes well

For me are all these super lucky I don’t want to open any unlucky ones but here we go give me some diamonds oh this might even be better projectile damage and I look like a boss ooh I got a well my wish came true which gave me ninja stars you’re in trouble

Chad I can’t okay so 15 of those I’m not gonna jump on top of the wall right now this is no time you could jump off as long as your bet still there there’s no reason you can’t jump off all right so I’ve got eight more lucky blocks that I

Got from the middle to open I got the astral dude – yeah eloquent all right okay did I get something cool I have so many cool items right now I could make something with my block a diamond we how much does it cost to get a crafting table up Oh baby

Grabbing table is 50 arm iron to make remember all you need to do is you need to find a well and then turn it into you know ingots instead well yeah get a well from your blocks I already opened all my blocks I didn’t get any Wells metal

Hello middle Oh go to the middle oh okay so let’s see how is Jen’s beast doing I have a perfect view Oh whiz it this is block a diamond get here okay I need you in my life I’m doing so good right now like you you

Don’t even know all right so I got a really cool pickaxe I don’t know if it breaks obsidian Jen but I am excited to find out I try to mine that’s what we good thing to do Oh in case it somehow does enderpearl and over right now please don’t do that

I’m hip once Nick are you really all right how you doing right now absolutely tremendous Oh what do we do it I’m just gonna spam until I get 50 iron ingot all right that’s gonna take you a very very long time all right so I did get these and I made

The crafting table which is super useful that I actually got it today I don’t have a stick wait you don’t have a and plus you can buy a stick for five gold ingots if you remember okay yeah so glad that you remember okay wait I need one

More let me grab that and then I can make some boots I think the crafting table is like one of the most useful things because you can make any armor for yourself that you yeah ooh you know I had a case to trade in you’ll be there soon all right so

Let’s just take the crafting table um it is chef Norris who sells the crafting table thank you okay there are double layers I think now I’ve double lettered obsidian you to break through multiple pieces to get in okay all right so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go back to the

Middle get more lucky blocks cause I don’t think you’re doing anything wait are you coming for me right now what did I sound like yeah you coming for me did I salad you kind of did yes no I’m not gonna come for you that’s weird

No you are I can tell I’m going to the middle you’re you’re lying why would I lie about such a thing look at me in the eyes right now you’re like I’m home I looked at it in real life but you this evil look on her face I had nothing I

Was just chillin I’m like yo Dawg I’m just not coming away yeah but then she gave me that look like yeah all right so guys bad wars this is the final round the one that actually decides the winner we both have amazing defenses Jen’s looks unbeatable there’s like water in

It I think she started a garden on top of her bed I’m pretty sure there’s like a water side no I’m not I’m not going anywhere you don’t have a weapon where are you Jen I fell off fellow somehow whoa is this the underground where are you where are you I think you

Lost yet oh my god this is no I don’t think this was the coolest heap Oh ant you got one more time and you daus okay this is the coolest event I’ve ever seen embarrass guys this might be the only defense that ever was a cactus farm they

May not have ever seen hot water and everything like this the cacti may have taken me 20 minutes but was so worth it like it was nice there was an oar in it it was like whoa it was like a it was a cave but it was a garden but it was

Better if you did definitely subscribe that would be also definitely leave a comment down below the who look in my eyes I’m looking at you guys I’ll be leaving a bunch of comments to you because I appreciate your amazing support on the channel and hope you guys

Have an epic day and we’ll see you next time for more bad warned You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EPIC ASTRAL LUCKY BLOCK BEDWARS! – Modded Mini-Game’, was uploaded by PopularMMOs on 2018-03-07 01:00:14. It has garnered 7485567 views and 89700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:56 or 1616 seconds.

Time to fight it out with Lucky Blocks in Bedwars! Jen’s Channel http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen Our Book! http://bit.ly/AHoleNewWorld Cloud’s Channel goo.gl/PgWJR3 Shirts! https://represent.com/store/popularmmos Our Book! http://bit.ly/AHoleNewWorld Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/PopularMMOs/327498010669475 Twitter! https://twitter.com/popularmmos

Astral Lucky Block Mod: http://popularmmos.com/astralluckyblock/

In this 1.12 Astral Lucky Block Bedwars Modded Mini-Game: We need to defend out bed at all costs because if you die with it gone you lose! We can open crazy astral lucky blocks to gain, items, weapons, blocks in the challenge!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442 Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records: https://www.youtube.com/user/playmerecords https://www.facebook.com/playmerecords Follow Spag Heddy: https://www.facebook.com/SpagHeddy http://soundcloud.com/spagheddy

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

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    INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTFVideo Information तो गाइज यह देखो हमने बहुत सारे क्रीपर कैप्चर कर लिए अपने घर के अंदर मिलकर भाई मजा ही आ गया भाई यह एप्पल पता नहीं क्यों नहीं दे रही और यह मजा और यह एक और बार जंप करने वाला हूं मैं ओ नो अबे यार गलत भाई हो गया खत्म गाइज वीडियो पसंद आए तो एक लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब This video, titled ‘What the F*ck 🤬 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lucky Gaming Ankit on 2024-01-14 12:30:25. It has garnered 6526 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – DONG_FORTNITE’s Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMC

    EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - DONG_FORTNITE's Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMCVideo Information the amount of people I’ve spoken to who are really good at this game and really good at parkour and they use R to Sprint oh my what and I made the most wonderful well-used map that everyone loves the black Wars season 11 hunt map that got used once and everyone said it’s the worst thing they ever played in their entire life and never got used again I guess my one fun fact is that I’m the reason fishing rods are in MCC sky battle there is no event game I love more than multip it… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Japanese House | Cinematic Showcase’, was uploaded by MrMattRanger on 2024-04-07 14:46:20. It has garnered 11868 views and 644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Minecraft Japanese House Cinematic 4k Showcase Tour World Downloads of all my Builds https://www.patreon.com/mrmattranger Find me on Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/mrmattranger Find me on Twitch | https://www.twitch.tv/mrmattranger Find me on Twitter | https://twitter.com/themrmattranger Find me on TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@mrmattranger Join My Discord | https://discord.gg/6usKvHZ8g9 Do you need a Minecraft Server to Build and Play with your Friends? DedicatedMC is a Minecraft Server Host, with top… Read More

  • Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!

    Ultimate Underwater Minecraft Puzzle Map Challenge!Video Information [Musik] Oh lah ini ikannya merah banget iya kah merah Oh merah merah berapa ikan merah berapa ikan coba Guys kita ikan merah berapa ikan merah ada tiga 1 2 3 tiga ikan merah tiga biru S du 1 2 t 5 3 5 1 4 2 ikan paus makan k C cakep paus pembunuh orka halo semuanya balik lagi bersama aku orcak craf hari ini aku akan bermain puzzle lagi guys ini part ke berapa Aku lupa guys udah part ke berapa pokoknya aku lupa ini aku akan lanjut dah dan di sini aku di penjara guys… Read More

  • Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft Animation

    Zlatoff UNVEILS Secret Herobrine Brothers in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information breath at your WS slipping Venom in my veins yeah you’re just trying to clip my wings this why you throw these words to me I wish I could stay away I don’t want to see your face no but you got me in a days I can’t find a way out of these chain no my strength feeling so Dr made the mistake believing you’d be true believe in you were you This video, titled ‘#minecraft #herobrinegamerflet #minecraftanimation #animation #herobrine #herobrinebrothers’, was uploaded by Zlatoff on 2024-06-04 07:19:52. It has garnered 1625 views and 156 likes. The… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viral

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack || Must See! #viralVideo Information आज हम मन को कुछ हैक्स टेस्ट करने वाला है देखते हैं ये काम करेंगे कि नहीं लेट्स गो अगर तुम लोग के पास ऐसा बबल एलिवेटर है और तुम लोग इधर साइंस यूज कर रहे हो तो हम लोग ये साइंस की जगह पे ये ग्लो लइकन भी यूज कर सकते हैं लेट्स ट्राई ओके थ्र टू व वो काम कर रहा है और एक्चुअली कितना अच्छे दि और वो लाइट भी एमिट करता है तो अगर समझो तु अंडरग्राउंड हो तो उधर वो लाइट देगा अच्छे से दिस इज सो ऑसम हैक्ट नंबर टू है कि… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥

    Insane Minecraft Baby Zombie VS Villager Battle! 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] h This video, titled ‘Baby zombie and Villager fight meme (Minecraft Animation)😅🧟’, was uploaded by TC Films on 2024-02-16 15:37:03. It has garnered 9440 views and 299 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Amethyst Pixelmon

    Amethyst PixelmonAmethyst Pixelmon is a new Minecraft server launched in July of 2023. We have a number of features, including a Battle Tower, Gyms, and multiple fully explorable cities and builds. There is also a unique set of custom starters and an expansive wilderness world, allowing you to wander freely and build to your heart’s content. Our staff is always present ingame or on discord and is happy to help you get started! So come navigate your way around and see if you can uncover everything we have to offer. 🙂 play.amethystpixelmon.com Read More

  • Eternal Realms – Official Server

    Greetings, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? We are thrilled to invite you to Eternal Realms, a dynamic and thriving Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. 🔹 Endless Exploration: Discover diverse biomes, hidden treasures, and epic landscapes. 🔹 Creative Freedom: Build anything you can imagine, from towering castles to intricate redstone machines. 🔹 Friendly Faces: Join a community of friendly and helpful players, always ready to collaborate and share ideas. 🔹 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events and challenges to test your skills and win awesome rewards. We can’t wait to see the incredible… Read More

  • ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽

    ☼ MIDCRAFT ☽☼ MIDCRAFT ☽Do Anything Except Hack.SMP is a survival multiplayer server, With Pure Vanilla and Enhanced Vanilla.Enhanced Vanilla:• /Homes, /TP, /back• Quests • God Items • Custom Structures• Custom Bosses Pure Vanilla:• A Brand New World for 1.20.6, No resets!• Just Regular Vanilla MinecraftDo Anything Except Hack.Bedrock Port: 19132 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme MadnessWhy did the creeper cross the road? To blow up the chicken on the other side! Read More

  • Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3

    Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3 In the world of Minecraft, we take the stage, Crafting news in rhymes, setting the page. Insane Zombies in Black Ops 3, we explore, With rhymes and beats, we never bore. We appreciate your support, hanging out with us, Thumbs up and subscribe, no need to fuss. Gear we use, links we share, For streaming success, we always care. Throw a buck in the hat, if you please, Support our channel, with great ease. Facebook and Twitch, where we play, Join us in the fun, every day. In Minecraft’s world, we make our mark, Rhyming news, with a playful… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #minecrafthumor #noobmistakes Read More

  • Crafting a Redstone Timer in Minecraft

    Crafting a Redstone Timer in Minecraft Constructing a Redstone Timer in Minecraft Introduction MoonGMC, a Minecraft enthusiast, demonstrates how to build a timer in Minecraft using redstone components. This guide will walk you through the process step by step. Materials Needed – Redstone Comparator – Hopper x2 – Redstone Repeater – Redstone Dust – Sticky Piston x2 – Redstone Block – Bell Building the Timer 1. Start by placing a random block and a redstone comparator facing towards it. 2. Place two hoppers facing into each other. 3. Add another redstone comparator facing outwards from the hoppers. 4. Place redstone dust on both sides of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Servers – Join Now for Free!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Servers - Join Now for Free!Video Information hello everybody brow here and I wanted to go over something that a lot of people have been asking me about um I have and run a lot of community servers some paid some free that people inside of the community can play on and a lot of people don’t know a lot about them so I wanted to kind of let you know some information what are the different servers what makes them different what makes them better than maybe other servers that are out there what systems can you join them on easy quick answer all… Read More

  • Ultimate HeroMC PvP Gameplay

    Ultimate HeroMC PvP GameplayVideo Information [संगीत] तेरे को क्या चाहिए मेरे से मेरे डायमंड वापस दे ओ नो नहीं मे डायमंड This video, titled ‘@UiHeroMc Players Minecraft 🥶 #pvp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UI HEROMC on 2024-04-04 06:22:54. It has garnered 12343 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In Minecraft, MLG (or “Major League Gaming”) refers to a term commonly used by players to describe performing a clutch maneuver or stunt, typically involving water buckets, to prevent fall damage or execute a daring escape. It’s a display of skill and quick thinking, often celebrated… Read More

  • 🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥

    🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘5 most used block in minecraft’, was uploaded by ActuallyMaple on 2024-03-06 11:47:32. It has garnered 40 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #comentary #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #skyblock #gaming #shortvideo #video #hypixel #shortvideo #viral #subscribe Read More

  • EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴

    EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴Video Information I started a stream I start a stream I’m streaming chat I’m streaming I think yes no maybe so perhaps per chance one could have reason to believe so uh uh okay yeah I’m streaming I’m ultra streaming I need to close Minecraft because we do not need Minecraft when will I what in what realm am I ever going to need Minecraft not this one not this one hey there mic stick hey there broy stick okay not going to lie party’s 500s being a year ago is flaring crazy I’m scared why do I hear this… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!

    Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!Video Information this is the Las vdz sunshine good morning Las vdz with the server reopening sometime tomorrow citizens can’t wait to return to axilus however instability continues to haunt the region Beek has seemingly made no concessions to their massive stake on the continent their proposed border is now encircling yet another Nation settling nearby The gerk Horde descendants of the famous wrath Community ktek nevertheless phase one of the Las vas development plan is still on track leadership has recently discovered that the underground ores and resources are actually renewable in the long term regenerating after 1 year… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!Video Information today we are playing Minecraft but mobs will get bigger every minute this one’s going to be a funny one wait is that a portal already okay well we found a good seed but like I say mobs will get bigger every single minute so that means creepers zombies and yeah even the Ender Dragon wait hold on is that a sheep oh my gosh look how small it is yeah so they are got to get bigger oh it’s so cute look how tiny it is the shadow is bigger than the Sheep itself what the heck… Read More

  • Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!

    Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Updated Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-05-29 12:00:58. It has garnered 291 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more Minecraft gameplay! mod: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/171488-the-amazing-digital-circus-mod.html mod: https://mc-addons.com/mods/mods-120/4161-the-amazing-digital-circus-addon.html #Immersive_Paintings_Mod_1201_1194_Download_Links #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!

    Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!Video Information this is the impenetrable City from Avatar and Last Airbender and I’m turning it into Minecraft’s safest city complete with blast proof walls doors that can kill anyone outside my team and so much more upon joining the server for the fste I was given a set of armor and tools by a player called Emma which seemed like a nice gesture but you never know what people are really after on This Server so even though I’m suspicious I happily accepted the gear saving me a lot of time grinding which means I can instantly start working… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)

    EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again - Wiz Khalifa (trailer)Video Information [Music] hey everyone down here from the Diamond Minecart hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft it’s been a while since 360 my friend and I’ll hop on 1 20 when I see This video, titled ‘”A Tribute To Minecraft” A Minecraft Parody of See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)’, was uploaded by Kemac Animations on 2024-03-04 16:20:49. It has garnered 127 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Song by: Wiz Khalifa Parody by: @JJGamesOfficial Animation by: Me Read More

PopularMMOs – Minecraft: EPIC ASTRAL LUCKY BLOCK BEDWARS! – Modded Mini-Game