PopularMMOs – Minecraft: PRISON ESCAPE! – STORY MODE [Episode 5][3]

Video Information

Here what’s going on guys it’s Pat and welcome back to Minecraft story mode hey guys so we are actually about to go to jail I know we need to find out what happens next so yeah we’re entering this quick today guys hope you enjoy if you do some masturbation that subscribe

Button and let’s see what happens I hope you end up fighting another day pti city I grant you these gifts Oh gifts not for you it must lead to the ever sauce really that’s what you’re focusing on I’d say we have bigger problems on our hands

Like Aiden look at him off friendly with the founder that’s bad news Lucas is right you need to figure out what Aiden is up to so we can stop him that’s what we need to stay focused on I’ve got the feeling I already know what aiden is up to take your reward and

Enjoy the bounty of sky city’s generosity character oh my gosh we are honored wonderful founder of course now go I have criminals to deal with I don’t like this lady you’re not criminal good luck Jessie I hope you like being doomed she kissing me plays rods you’re going down Aidan I’m gonna stop

You hi they so close to dressing out of my way Richie its Reginald come on criminals time to see the founder Jesse and accomplices we’re sorry committed acts of wanton and illegal building something specifically forbidden by our laws explain yourself okay I don’t know was an igloo kidding

She does not not have to do this yeah I’ve heard about this little law of yours and I gotta tell you it’s really stupid oh my god I had to um-hmm I knew you were a criminal but I didn’t know you were also so naive Aidan told me all

About YOU Jesse about how you’re a tyrant back home about how you and your order of the stone steal all the world’s treasures for yourself about how you’re here to steal the eversource from my design to you terrible act of treason listen found her Aiden’s a master

Manipulator he’d say anything to get his hands on the eversource hmm much like you would seem to be doing right now Jesse it’s clear that you’re the little ringleader so how about you come with me oh oh new things ah I guess we’ll just wait here then where do you think we’re

Going she’s gonna kill us he’s gonna throw us off the edge way she looks worried doesn’t she she does tell me what you see nothing oh yeah anything oh my god I see a control freak I see troll freak who loves the sound of a room helping us I know it’s funny

Though cute when she hit on me nothing exists below us only the void resources every kind are incredibly precious and when something falls it is gone for it is why building only happens when I dictated people only receive materials when I allow it otherwise we would

Collapse back into chaos it is my duty to keep my people safe and the only way I can do that is if our laws are obeyed yeah but it’s still wrong people should be allowed to build and craft whatever they want Aidan had warned me you were

Dangerous but now I am truly beginning to understand what a threat you are people backed as though I want things to be this way allocating the limited resources risking my life every day how does she risk her life every day I don’t know oh maybe it’s eversource weight risking your life is the

Eversource dangerous more than you could know I’ll have you know that before I found the other source this world was nothing more than a cluster of pathetic islands in the sky I do this for my people that is why I do what I do just want

Power do you agree with me now T that just sounds like a big fat excuse I think you’re just hoarding all the power for yourself you would know a little something about hoarding power wouldn’t you I think I’ve heard quite enough what come on Reggie no I now see that

Aiden was right and that you’re nothing more than a common thief here to take the eversource and destroy our community therefore it is with great pleasure that I sentence you and your companions to be imprisoned indefinitely Bruhl Reginald why move these criminals from mice for building yes ma’am you should’ve been so

Mean to her Oh Reggie no Reggie I thought we went friend you think I can’t get out of your little Jail I’ll be back I doubt that sorry Outsiders founders orders no changing your mind now that didn’t go well we’re gonna be the only youtubers that are in this situation I think

That’s what I was shooting for some unique content for you dudes be as rude as you possibly can you guys have some really fascinating stuff here you saw a stop hey I’m just doing my job but whatever Reggie Wow what is this sound and I have sandier hein it’s almost like dirt but

Oh gods as called sand you’ve never seen sand before sand Wow what’s it do are you kidding we are not going to explain sand to the guy locking us behind bars I refuse whatever it does it’s going in the chest with everything else nothing sadder than an unimportant man on the

World’s tiniest power trip hey I don’t have to take this I’m in charge here you’re criminals Aidan told everyone all about how horrible you are he said that you burned down trees just for fun then you know do all the world’s treasures and hoard them for yourself you’re

Testing it out on a stone you also said that you take my we’ll just so you can make them chase innocent people you can’t believe a thing Aidan says he’s a liar he said that you’d say that Oh Corsi there I suppose that’s probably what a liar would say can I help us

Reggie I’m sorry this is the way it has to be now if you’ll excuse me I have to go help the blaze rods beefed up security no don’t know these rods are helping with security how are we taking orders from that sniveling little um stay here don’t cause any trouble

I’m sure you’ll be very comfortable I think he’s gonna help us just your instant I promise I’m not lying you can believe me really kinda seems like a your word versus their situation um Richard think about it they want you out of the way they are upstairs beefing up

Security with the founder while you’re what down here locking up prisoners you’re right well I’m down here who knows what they’re telling her okay let’s say you make a good point I think I’ve seen you do hypothetically why would I captain of the guard let you a criminal out of that

Cell I’ll never know how you looked at them and thought there are some abscissa be working together I know that if you really think about it you’ll see we should be on the same side here we’re the good guys I gave him a nice smile I

Think we convinced him huh mmm good guys huh open it okay let’s say I’m heading to the pantry to get you prisoners some bread how long will you be gone how long would you say something like that would take you on average probably about as long as it would take someone to get

From here into the throne room get to the throne room stop the blaze rods that was too easy yeah he’s bad at his job he really is I need some dice water idiot now on to the other side give me that sound he wanting to stop the blaze rods but you can’t still

Really want to steal the eversource can you I was right you’ve gone through way too much to give up on getting the other source now it’s going to be mine you see Lucas I want to get our lives from room was back this way who’s gonna

End out really bad I think when we find out what the ever so it actually is unless B’s creepiest week at well here we are Mac in the throne room keep your voice down we don’t know if we’re alone in here I don’t know looks deserted to me Oh Oh No behind you

What’s your you oh hey Oh innkeeper morrow what’s he doing here easy that’s Jesse and Lucas oh they saw Kenny Oh believe we found you I came together mad man ah yes I feel absolutely terrible about that let me assure you where were you yeah we were

Actually planning to break you out of jail but I guess you guys have that covered hello again Jesse it seems fate has destined our paths to cross once more maybe you should look at someone’s face before blindly punching them next time protip I am terribly sorry about

What are you doing here anyway I don’t see any ends that need keeping in actuality I’m the leader of a group that wants the same thing you do it’s a rebellion it is a long story in short my people want to free the eversource from the founders clutches so that everyone

May use it if Aidan and his blaze rods steal the eversource we’ll just be trading one tyrant for another and I won’t allow that yeah he’s got to be stopped if we work together we can find it first I do like the idea of beating Aidan Milo I’m happy to have you aboard

Welcome to the team very pleased to be involved the founders secret entrance is supposed to be somewhere in this throne room let’s give you another puzzle isn’t it it’s gonna be up to us to find it yeah there was a board here before with a minecart yeah what happened to it just

Need to make something to activate that redstone circuit again it’s gotta be something in here we can use like a lever you can find one of those bad boys we’ll have that secret door open in a snap right let’s look at man let’s take a look at it first you say right now

Probably something like Jesse it looks like it doesn’t have any power I was a nice compression all right so Lucas what do you think man how’s it looking still looking like it needs power don’t worry I’ll find the answer okay I believe in you

I love you I’m Mel bad cuz he gets hit in the head no matter what happen alright so let’s see there’s got to be a lever like can I sneak by over here yeah there’s gotta be one somewhere we probably have to craft it maybe there’s like a chest or something oh

Maybe I don’t know where’s our weapon over there right there could be something wait I see a crafting table wait look this there’s a lever slot over here too oh I’m just walking back that’s not embarrassing oh I see the crafting table alright so we’ll talk to you i

Bored and then it looks like we can look at this bookcase maybe there’s something over there okay right there’s a lot of MacDonnell’s dude what’s up I know so do you have like any underground rebel type secrets that could help us out here I’m afraid not

Though I will certainly tell you if I think of any oh I thought I was gonna be more excited let’s look at the tree oh we can just like get some wood off the tree right yeah oh my god over there wait look it’s just like Skyblock a

Cobblestone generator woah oh my god this gonna be amazing okay so what we’re gonna do is already get some wood to make a pickaxe and then we’re to get the cobblestone yeah and then we are going to make however all right awesome eyes look at this this

Must be where the fountain crafts things for the people how do we I can’t healing this is a special tree yes the ground you’re standing on is actually the original Island that all of Sky City started from that tree dropped the saplings that grew into every tree on

The island I may not agree with the founders methods but even I must admit that’s an impressive feat well that is pretty special we can’t break the tray top down that special tree I’m okay it grew this whole oscillated we’re going punching it down I don’t think I can do it there’s plenty

Of other trees around cobblestone generator amazing lava the water placed exactly far enough that when they collide it creates cobblestone genius hello buy more we do the dude is gone mad but I love it alright so we’re going here let’s talk to Ivor and see what he thinks about everything there isn’t like

A potion or something that can help us is there that’s not how potions work Jesse although I should really look into that Oh Jesse thank you by the way for getting arrested with me no one has ever done anything like that oh well now go away Oh up is making me grossly uncomfortable

That was the nicest thing he’s ever said right there alright so look around here wait is there anything jakey okay Oh Patrick look awful again no she looks sick she always looks really bad for some reason she have to go the bathroom you like it uh yeah but the acoustics

Are funky in this place so it’s hard to tell when people are coming we shouldn’t hang around got it I’m glad you’re okay by the way Thanks me too all right we have to hurry the cigar bookshelf search the bookcase we can’t chop anything down so we must have

To like look at this first I guess I look so small it’s like an important time how are ya’lls of the Enderman by Sauron I’ll have that get here that’s actually kind of weird isn’t it yes maybe saurons been here before I said what i’ma do all right maybe we have an

Option to chop the tree down now wait let’s look at the video all right you are well so big nothingness I mean we need to chop down its tree all right we’re just gonna walk towards it and see if it lets us do it now okay unless there’s like something we missed

Somewhere all right so we go in here we will you towards the tree it’s so hard to control myself in this game yeah this is grappler first grab grab it yeah with my hand oh my god you can’t do that minecraft is ingenious all right nice all right cool

Again somewhere now we need a stick so we can make the lever so all right please let us chop down this beautiful tree all right there’s no options on the tree anymore all right oh we can take the dead bush I guess poor dead Bush barely more than a bundle

Of sticks sticks six point oh hopefully no one will miss one dead bush it doesn’t worth like this is normal minecraft yes we got the sticks I feel better about it than chopping the trade I think that should be everything I need to make a lever now all right time to

Chris alright so we would use this puppy over here let’s do this alright I’m not gonna look at the recipe I mess up every time okay alright so you got this it’s just a living make maybe the sign wait wait okay yeah like that you got it it

Was close I just shove everything in that’s what I don’t really do boo Marielle ah my old friend the lever all right we have to hurt no you wanna smile Balaji zukie it is still just such a thrill to see someone so confident and sure in there building abilities you and

Your friend Petra have been very inspiring to me and my people with your help we may finally liberate ourselves from the founders clutches you likes me okay so we can just take the lever now and put it down right yeah that’s okay looks like why are you

Walking dude you have no control oh I want to sit on throne no don’t do that half we don’t have time for these for your shenanigans but if you’re so good oh yeah she’s not gonna walk in now what are you doing ha ha oh I’m sorry

I got it alright let’s connect this right so they and they should open up the secret room in the ballast I do it alright so we use it here we go excellent this is it eversource here we come I’m a little nervous yeah it’s gonna be

Bad or good it sounded like you can be bestest I really trust her though so I have no idea it’s dangerous Wow look at all these chests yeah and they’re all creeper zombie sheep wait those animals in a man curious but what does it mean there must be spawn eggs in oh yeah

Eggs deciphers oh she must be up the creek home might as well throw it and give it a shot there’s gonna be amazing all right boom oh my god oh she is is that a monster that’s not so bad fluffy the eggs all have creatures inside them and there are all different colors

They must be you know color coded what’s in them so she can just spawn things whenever she wants to eversource makes it so the eversource makes these spawn egg things stay on your toes we’re close ah I can’t wait oh God let’s take a look around he’s seriously

Going wacko at this point all right do it here we have to fight not don’t run come back don’t run away we need to speak with you right now company chess wait what is that oh my god is it the king it’s the king chicken is this the eversource

Oh eversource eggs oh my god is adorable you guys meet the eversource oh my god listen no wait yes the spawn eggs it’s so simple so the chicken lays the eggs and the eggs make monsters and the loot from the monsters made this place well throw it in the minecart and let’s get

Out of here we’re still taking it right the chicken that the entire city depends on are you sure that’s a good idea what are you talking about we need to bring it to the people with it we’ll finally be free of the founder but that clucking

Thing is what we came for the pupils you have is grab it and get out of here are you just as easy to shoot huh it’s so cute I just want it just happen chicken must be hurting now oh she’s a ninja I will you are here to steal from me

Ah she’s too fast I was just getting it I wasn’t really gonna take it it’s just like I told you found her they’re here to steal the eversource classic order of the stone you don’t say what no don’t believe that no no no no no you don’t get to spin it like this

Aidan you’re the bad guy and I’m supposed to believe the escaped convicts Aidan warned me that you are a pack of thieves and here you are prepared to make off with the one thing our city depends on to survive boy when you put it like that I almost feel bad

Yep afraid I’m going to be taking the chicken it’s my pod whoa oh no this is outrageous Aidan don’t do this somebody order eggs oh my head savor wait let’s see her do it path I’ve got a tit save the powder oh do you got

Me Lucas Melbourne oh my god should I do it save them okay I’ll do it Oh pressure I have to do I might have a new girlfriend in the game thank you thank you wait maybe we’ll be okay that right because we’re all falling my god that’s fine

But you’re gonna die oh boy I’m gonna die it’s so good nd here right oh god where are we dead anyway I’m on the liver where am I right you have to add another best black Skippy Olivia started here I was worried for a second because

I thought Lucas died because I made the wrong choice but it seems like we’re all gonna fall down so besides I don’t think it was gonna die I can’t believe eversource a chicken I know oh my god this is hilarious I love it oh this movie slash game thing

Is just it’s so crazy it is oh but anyways dudes I hope you enjoyed this if you did definitely crush that like button and subscribe but throwing chicken and yawn or something do something weird and we’ll see you dudes next time see you guys you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PRISON ESCAPE! – STORY MODE [Episode 5][3]’, was uploaded by PopularMMOs on 2016-04-02 02:16:34. It has garnered 2022277 views and 28138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:19 or 1579 seconds.

Today we are playing Minecraft Story Mode! Jen’s Channel http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen Don’t forget to subscribe for epic Minecraft content! Shirts! https://www.districtlines.com/PopularMMOs/ Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/PopularMMOs/327498010669475 Twitter! https://twitter.com/popularmmos

Play Minecraft Story Mode: https://www.telltalegames.com/minecraftstorymode/

In this Minecraft Story Mode video: This is a new Minecraft Game that was created by Telltale Games. It is a story driven version of Minecraft where you go on an adventure and are impacted by your decisions!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442 Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records: https://www.youtube.com/user/playmerecords https://www.facebook.com/playmerecords Follow Spag Heddy: https://www.facebook.com/SpagHeddy http://soundcloud.com/spagheddy

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

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    My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft HospitalVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft hospital is HAUNTED!!!’, was uploaded by Spill!t on 2024-03-25 14:23:20. It has garnered 579 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:55 or 895 seconds. In this video i’ll be visiting the scariest abandoned hospital in Minecraft!!! These halls are haunted by many entities and we’ll be trying to escape them… ———————————————————————————— More scary video’s: https://youtu.be/vIo3gN0pIMs?si=D3m0Pj1geJd6-Ans https://youtu.be/sW9aeDtDYKc?si=MTgoPQG45AfZarNu ———————————————————————————— Ignore below: #minecraft #backrooms #creepy #liminalspace #minecraftmods #abandonedhospital #Minecraftsscariest #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lawless can’t sleep in Minecraft?! 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts

    Unbelievable! Lawless can't sleep in Minecraft?! 😂  #minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When you can’t sleep in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft With lawless on 2024-08-28 15:23:18. It has garnered 11148 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘The Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes in 1.21’, was uploaded by ProbablySnake on 2024-09-18 08:00:14. It has garnered 10323 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ▶ If you liked the video, please show it with a positive feedback 😀 ____________________________________________ ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@probablysnake ____________________________________________ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftranking #mc #mcpe #gaming #foryou #fyp #stereomadness #funny #backontrack #funny #gaming #geometrydash Read More


    🔥 EPIC DIAMOND HUNT IN MINECRAFT! 🌟 | PART 5Video Information This video, titled ‘MINEING FOR ORES AND SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS | MINECRAFT | PART 5’, was uploaded by Sweepful on 2024-08-17 00:27:15. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:21 or 8061 seconds. Welcome in guy’s my name is SweepFul if you want to know my real name let’s get this channel to 500 followers and I’ll tell you that information! I’m 26 years old with a 6-month-old baby who thinks I’m her chew toy. Following dreams of creating a community of nothing but gaming videos. On this channel expected to… Read More

  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

    100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft - Insane SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a BLOOD WORM in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-07-13 14:00:39. It has garnered 3169252 views and 26115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:45 or 2745 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Blood Worm! I had to save my family from the evil Cobras! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

    4RIN+ - Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunamiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I INVADED a VTuber Minecraft server with @AuriLunami’, was uploaded by 4RIN+ on 2024-07-07 09:11:55. It has garnered 757 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:05 or 24425 seconds. ✨ Use Code “SAERIN4RIN” to Get $5 Off Your Sakuraco and TokyoTreat Snacks! ➡ Sakuraco: https://team.sakura.co/saerin4RIN ➡ TokyoTreat: https://team.tokyotreat.com/saerin4RIN ____________________________ 🍰 FEED THE HELLHOUND: https://streamelements.com/saerin4rin/tip 🍰 🖊 JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: https://bit.ly/saerin4rinjoin __________ 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 __________ ◢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/saerin4RIN ◢ THRONE GIFTING: https://throne.com/saerin4RIN ◢ OTHER: https://saerin4rin.carrd.co/ ◢ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/93kdjRJabT Business contact: [email protected] ________ Other Minecraft VTubers ________ @AuriLunami @RIHSURI @SheeIchoKawaii ________ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ________ Please… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

    Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV Underworld – Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)’, was uploaded by Nani on 2024-04-22 01:28:56. It has garnered 361 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:35 or 2375 seconds. #ragecraft #ctm #minecraft #fyptiktok #survival #bossfight I’m not a fan of boss fights where you also have to worry about the tons of spawns there are, but I must admit that it is entertaining and forces you to think of strategies to make it easier Download map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=588 IMPORTANT 1: It’s been 8 years and I’m obviously not making… Read More

  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

    Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle BlaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Cancelled in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-07-30 04:58:44. It has garnered 87 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:31 or 10351 seconds. Getting Cancelled in Minecraft !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: https://streamelements.com/uncleblaiden/tip Discord: https://discord.gg/Hbnnk2bxhf Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: https://instagram.com/blaidenbeats Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaidenbeats Beat Channel: https://youtube.com/@BlaidenBeats Read More

  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: nerdpvp.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

    Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘WindCharge Logic・・・’, was uploaded by TK on 2024-09-16 14:07:34. It has garnered 618 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlogic #minecraftshorts #yes Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Mac’s Misadventures in Moosey Town

    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

PopularMMOs – Minecraft: PRISON ESCAPE! – STORY MODE [Episode 5][3]