Preparing for NEW MEGA PROJECTS in Hardcore Minecraft Survival

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Hey folks whip here and welcome to hardcore minecraft today i aim to finish all of the projects i have half completed within this world to make way for new bigger better and more insane mega projects which i will be unveiling my plans for three new mega projects

Later today but first we need to do what no minecrafter has ever done before finish a project tackling the swamp transformation to finish the aqueduct overhauling the bamboo farm and finally and boy do i say finally finishing the central zone of mooshland the villager trading metropolis with a

Beautiful statue be sure to leave a like as this has taken well over a week to record and please subscribe but let’s get rocking getting started today i didn’t quite know what projects i wanted to tackle inside of the hardcore world we are on day 1563 right now and i’ve already accomplished

A lot inside of this world but being minecraft there’s always more to do sometimes it’s best to work on some projects you have finished instead of starting new ones that you will probably also have finished i got to work breaking some blocks just to get the creative juices flowing and i decided i

Wanted to create a small lake at the end of the aqueduct we built in the last episode bringing this into the environment by surrounding the final pillar as if it’s floating inside of the lake itself now this lake would overflow if we just left it here so creating a

Small river that’s going to lead us out to the ocean through a little bit of a underground sewer system i wanted to build a small sewer exit on the far side of our town to be so we could just have this flowing right out into the ocean for ourselves don’t worry we’re not

Insane this is clean water but the sewer in town does look pretty good right now oh wow i’ve done that twice i’ve done why why is that keep happening oh my god oh i really don’t want to die oh wow okay there’s let’s just let’s just

Put that in the off hand all right i have completely forgotten my ability to fly what is wrong with me regardless of almost dying i’ve picked up a bunch of different detail blocks we can use to make this place look really really amazing starting with a bunch of coarse

Dirt along the edges here and i just ruined everything it’s all yep there it all goes everything’s oh no it stopped wow amazing without any further leaks i did a bit of terraforming and got all of the dirt in that we’re gonna need to have some fun here i added in warped roots

Along with a few small patches of sugar cane around the area and since we’re next to the bamboo farm added in a few large patches of bamboo around the place as well some big drippy boys and then of course a small hill of sweet berries from there i realized i never finished

The end of the aqueduct so i wanted a quick finish for this thing and basically just made the wall less flat going all the way up to the top there we have it this waterway is looking much more detailed and finished up now and i

Am really loving it i added in some tall grass around the area which i gotta say i love and i always forget to do that then i figured since we added a new water feature over there we can finally get rid of this weird minecraft watering

Hole now for the next mini project today we are going to need this piece of rooted dirt the goal here is to create a hanging roots farm over in the corner right here and i want to see if we can make this thing work so if we have

Dispenser pointing up we have rooted dirt sitting there fill the spencer with bone meal and we trigger it doesn’t work do we have to do it into the thing so dispenser at the top right there with the bone meal rooted dirt inside of it and lever

Down okay there we go and then we manually harvest like this and then we could just keep flipping or to make this more interesting we incorporate some observers so like that it’s constantly bone mealing which is not good because we don’t want to be wasting the bone

Meal so this is where we incorporate sticky piston now if we flip the lever it activates the farm and then we sit right here and we just keep shearing and we keep getting the hanging roots yes amazing all this is going to require is a way to access the dispenser right up

There at the top and the ability to shear these and collect them now as this is going to be more of a gather as you need them type system i don’t think we need all that much storage so maybe we just do a chest right down here with a

Hopper looking into it and it should automatically collect yes yes it does time to bring out the super shears systems filled up with our bone meal we activate it right here and we go crazy oh this is gonna be a good farm i love these little things

About a minute later now and we’ve got a good amount in here and check that out oh this is gonna be so so nice to have almost five stacks of hanging roots we can start to do some really fun stuff with these even just starting by decorating out this area further now

It’s feeling much more like a lush cave maybe a few too many but i don’t hate it for the next project in today’s episode i would like to spend some time hiding the gross redstoney front of our bamboo farm before we get to that one however there’s something very important we have

To do that we do in every single hardcore minecraft episode plant a brand new field we do this in every single episode so if you want to see how many fields we can plant inside this world be sure to subscribe but let’s get this thing planted As the sun is setting we finally have another carrot field added in over here and this area is starting to look so very cool the unending expansion of farmland oh it’s looking good with that in place it’s time to get to work on the bamboo

House i’ve got a bunch of blocks in the storage room but the one thing i want to make this work with the rest of the town is some copper i flew up to the farm in afk for a good chunk of spooky day as i

Want to stock up on as much copper as we can get rolling into the new update many many days have passed by but let’s see how much copper we were able to get out of this thing we’re up to level 141 from 85 and holy cow that’s a lot of copper

Wait wait wait that is more than four stacks of blocks of copper i’m loving this farm i am loving it putting a little over half of the copper we got into the aging area it’s time to get started on this build while i figure out what we’re going to be building over

Here i figured we could get started with creating a pathway i’ve mentioned it a few times but one of the main goals i have in this world is make sure everything is connected the idea my brain keeps coming back to you for this build over here is some sort of a large

Scale greenhouse so we can still see the red stony components being this mess right over here which i actually really do enjoy looking at so now that the pathway’s done let’s go get some resources together and see what we can’t make back here all right now to get

Started on the build today i think we’re gonna need some oak logs we’re probably gonna need a good amount of spruce logs to make a bunch of different things some spruce fences spruce fence gates can always help maybe some composters bootstrap doors for sure acacia trapdoors yes oh we already got a bunch

Of spruce stairs amazing some spruce slabs can always help i think some cobblestone can fit in really well here now for the copper today i think we can take a bunch of these guys and turn them all into the cut copper which then i would like to directly wax the cut

Copper because i want to keep this first stage look at all the spooky boys down here with their pumpkins on their heads oh happy halloween everybody happy spooky day but with that my friends i think i’ve got everything together here that i think we’re going to be needing

To build this entire house over here so without any further ado let’s kick this off and good old-fashioned time we’re so quick i couldn’t even finish saying the word over here we have an entire greenhouse coming together look at all that orange jam glass in there and then

Yep it’s really cool got a copper roof in here i’m being very very aware of my surroundings yay being colorblind and not really being able to see creepers i ain’t dead yeah don’t listen to loud music while you’re going crazy building folks it’s uh it’s quite deadly but over

Here we have the bamboo greenhouse night’s about to fall so i’ma bring the bed inside with us and we’ve got a few more things we need to tackle mostly down here underneath where we need to clean up the area just a touch so bringing some spruce trap door action

Right all the way over here and then we can do another stair and then probably just the loggy boy right down in there and i think we might just corner this guy off here too then a nice cobblestone wall on the back yeah that’s not looking half bad it

Gives us a great area to move around down in here and we know the oak ones in the middle are the way that we get out of course i did mean to strip those down so that should be fixed now and now everything in here is boxed in the final

Bit of detail i’d like to do down here on the base is actually turning the floor into moss because i think it’ll look a touch better than having the stone everywhere but just making the floor nice and green down here i was really hoping it would spread underneath

The chest but i guess not and there we have it with a few torches hidden underneath the carpets this is completely safe down here so we can grab all of the bamboo craft it up as we need and get on out of here speaking of which

Hopefully yep the sun’s up now i’m just a little uneasy now if you can’t tell let’s make sure this farm still works so firing that dude off the mine cart should go and the bamboo is a fallen and now fully equipped with a nice little viewing platform right here at the top

Look at that go we’re gonna get so much bamboo which i have no idea what i want to do with it but for now we can at least add a little bit more out here in front of the structure two projects down for the day and it is looking fantastic over here

But it is time to move towards mooshland next up it is time to fix the nether hub for that we are gonna need some obsidian and a lot more than 20. oh boy for the entirety of this hardcore series i’ve been flying through some really really rough tunnels in the nether ceiling well

All my other things are on the roof it’s time to move all of the portals that we have up to the roof to help keep us safe and it seems like i need that a lot after these last few episodes but first off i need a lot of obsidian so flips

Back out again with another pickaxe in the end all this because i want to move the mushroom nether portal but create a giant one at the end of the smith’s cave now here’s hoping this portal can actually light yes yes it can we’ll be back to detail this

Area soon but look at that our new entrance to mooshland i love it from there i got to rebuilding all of the nether portals that we previously tore down on the roof of the nether which was going very very well which meant something had to break

And it worked we are at mushland oh no not good not good not good why is it linking there i decided to bring the iron farm contraption on the nether side up to the roof as well to see if that would fix this system for us allowing it

To float in the air so i can build something cool around it later on and we can get a lot of storage out of this thing because previously we did not have nearly enough but i’m kind of prepping for the next time we’re going to transform the nether hub on the ceiling

With it rebuilt i went to the overworld to wait for a golem to spawn to see if we could do a quick test on this guy all right i just saw an iron golem go through finally let’s go through the portal ourselves and uh hope that it

Ended in the iron farm instead of just chilling on the roof oh no wow i missed a lot of them going through here that’s a problem that’s a big problem sorry boys just gonna take the iron golems out from as far away as i possibly can i believe

The solution here is gonna be put the nether portals on the same level so i guess the nether portal the guest mooshland is just gonna be floating oh he came back through and i just hit him as he phased out oh god get the rockets ready

Oh he doesn’t like me oh he doesn’t like me he doesn’t like me wow they hurt a lot but now it looks like it’s working check that out the iron golems are spawning inside of the iron golem killing chamber now instead of coming out of this portal okay that

Is fixed since we’re really in the process right now of finishing off a bunch of mini projects and kind of setting ourselves up for success for some newer larger projects there’s a huge project i’ve been wanting to tackle for a long time inside of this world and

That is transforming the entire main end island but one thing we gotta do before we can even get to that is killing the dragon so many times that we have every outer end portal spawned now the portals i’m referring to are these guys we got one two three four five six

Seven eight nine we have 10 so far and i think there’s a total of 18 or 20. so if we want to kill the dragon 10 more times we’re gonna need 40 end crystals will the soul sand valley giveth or take it away today so far we give it here we go Gas stairs in hand all we need now is a bunch of eyes of ender which i have uh three ender pearls and please tell me we have some blaze rods yes yes we do there will not be many left after that but that’ll be perfect and we have plenty of

Glass there amazing we’ll grab all the ender pearls we need while we’re out there in the end but my friends it’s time to uh kill a bunch of dragons we got the totem if anything goes wrong we do have it hold up yes there’s another one down yes there we go

Oh i hit her wow look at that there we go one more dragon down We did it there’s the final one yes it’s done oh we never have to kill a dragon again in this world we’re done we don’t have to do it anymore now here’s where the insanity comes in i decided that wasn’t enough grind for today so i went forward with killing the wither and

Setting up a new permanent beacon for ourselves inside of the end so i could start tearing down one of the obsidian pillars after about an hour and a half of digging the acidian pillar down it’s barely below surface level i’m glad i got to start on this project but holy

Cow it is going to take forever to remove these obsidian pillars and all of that has to happen first before we can even start to remove the end island as i want to use tnt carpet bombers to do it so that way we don’t have to dig all the sandstone by

Hand off of that first pillar alone look how much obsidian we were able to get and it’s not even halfway gone about to have shoulder boxes on shoulder boxes of obsidian oh boy what do i do with it i have no idea it’s kind of a useless

Block what do you think i should do let me know down in the comments below but okay let’s get over to mooshland and do some more fun building yay the next project i aim to finish is the central point of mooshland our villager trading metropolis for this i’m going to need

Quite a lot of building materials that i don’t have yet first off i grabbed a sugar box full of deep slight down in the caves where next up comes calcite unfortunately a little bit more difficult to get for this i drank a night vision potion and flew around in

The ocean thankfully finding one and digging up all of the calcite and well trying to leave the rest of it behind in case we need it later unfortunately though the first yield was not large enough so i had to rush off to find a second geode thankfully it was pretty

Easy to spot inside of a ravine even though my night vision potion had run out so i cleaned that thing out of the cal side as well and we are good to move on i want to make use of dark prism marine we built the entire guardian farm

And have only used about 80 blocks out of it so this seems like a great opportunity to do so but unfortunately i don’t have a great source of black dye so it was time to take the jungle cruise and kill as many squids as i could inside the rivers before jumping into

The nether i use the guardian farm storage area to craft up as much prismarine and dark mars rain as i can get my hands on i’ve got just about everything i think i will need to build out this central area in here and i’m so very excited but first and foremost

We’ve got a lot of blocks to clear as we need to bring this entire section down four blocks in the middle This is looking much more grand already and before we tackle the center i figure we can brighten up the outside just a touch so i’m thinking we come all the way throughout remove all of the stone that we have along the edges do this little base design right in here and

Then all the way up this wall we replace it all with calcite which in turn will look a little something like this oh i like that oh that looks so much better than before yes yes yes all right time to get this around the entire place It is looking a million times brighter inside of here now that we have the white walls in place i love the division with the deepslide and the gray concrete powder down here but i noticed something extremely frustrating well i was in i can’t land it take two there we go

Extremely frustrating this trapdoor right here has been off the entire time it needs to be right like that symmetry is restored oh i feel so much better let’s keep moving on now for the next step we have the lowered floor but we need to figure out how we’re going to

Be getting down there so i figured we could start piling up a bunch of the deep slight stone bricks over here and then on the inside we start a little staircase coming down that looks a little something like this now we reach a bit of an issue here as i have this

Lower staircase that leads even further down to where we have a basalt farm and i’m planning on doing things like that on every single corner so i figured instead we split the staircase in half which we can create this little overhang right here so we can still walk up the

Sides now from here we’re going to want to bring in the deep slight bricks going all the way across and mimic this around the entire circle with the split staircase design on every single side adding a few small little archways like this is going to be super cool then we

Can come on top with the anvils and stretch them going around this entire way now i love the blue fire in minecraft so i figured we could bring that here onto the corners as well as a little bit of a highlight to everything going on and then we surround it right

Here with the acacia trapdoors which we can also use the acacia trapdoors to complete our railing by throwing these on top of the anvils now this is where the dark prismarine comes in i thought this could be a great accent color down here for this smaller wall just throwing

It in all of the cracks right back in here yeah that’s looking great but even though we don’t have mob spawns it is a touch dark so maybe we throw some sea lanterns here at the base of these pillars and hide them using some warp trap doors a subtle change but i like

That a lot ooh this is looking really good what if we go even more green and throw some moss here along the back yes yes yes yes yes yes and a pop of color there we go that is looking amazing we just need to duplicate that going around

The entire perimeter and look at that we now have a giant circle inside of here and i added all of the detail bits and even a little bit more here in the center with a large platform this is looking quite grand but we are not done

Yet that platform in the center needs a statue on it a statue i promised a little over three months ago a little late but we’re finally doing it first for this we’re gonna be needing four beacons thankfully the wither skully farm has been working like crazy so we

Already got the skulls ready to go hopefully the final end trip today one down two down three down and there’s number four four beacons there we go four beacons to be the most expensive lamps you could ever think of in the game amazing but what is about to

Be even more amazing here my friends is a giant wolf statue sitting right in the middle so for one more time here let’s kick this up in a good old-fashioned time lapse mode And there it is the shining wolf statue in the middle i absolutely love this thing it is looking so cool and such a perfect point to throw right here in the center the front left paw is resting on top of a bright shining blue orb there

We’ve got the big ol bushy tail and i used a lot of brown stained glass inside of this thing since i felt like it worked really well with the color scheme and i think it just helps blurring the shape a little bit to bring it outside of that minecraft blockiness

Next up i’m working on creating a bit of a ring right up here using the polished deep slate slabs trying to put these on the half slab level which is causing a wee bit of a headache but with this almost done over here we can move forward with the final step of today’s

Projects continuing the cobblestone roof that we have made all the way up to where the future level of land will be bringing some cobblestone into some mossy cobblestone into some moss block creating the perfect gradient that we just need to send all the way around the circle the cobblestone layer is now in

Just kind of causing a waving pattern around this entire place and then from here we’re basically just piling up as much of the mossy cobblestone as we want until we want to throw the moss on top of it and then from here finally we start bringing in all of the moss and i

Think for now because i don’t know how tall we want the terrain to be around here i’m just gonna bring it up to this flat line and there it is the mossy descent down into the villager trading metropolis oh my gosh i’m so excited about oh my gosh wow that looks so much

Better than i ever could have thought it would i really like that i really really like that i did this on a whim today and i had absolutely no idea how it’s gonna turn out next steps that we’re gonna have to do in the future is filling out

All of these villager trading stations with different villagers that we need i’ll probably handle most of that while i’m streaming over on twitch but the first thing i think we need to fully kit out in here is our librarian so we can get as much free glass as possible now

That we’ve wrapped up a few projects today i am so excited to move forward with some new mega projects inside this world first off i still need to build the entire village outside of the castle so stay tuned for that project coming hopefully very soon might as well update

The map while we’re here hey look a new field next up the end transformation we started today by opening all of these portals my plan is to remove the entire end island and create a galactic nebula inside of the end filled of stars and bright colors and just a magical

Atmosphere well we’ve got a lot of work to do before we can get to that project holy cow and finally the next mega project i want to tackle is a way that we can link our castle and village and everything in to mooshland they’ve always felt very distant from each other

And i want to start with a mob that i have not even touched since 1.17 release the axolotl i want to create a massive underwater habitat here in the ocean somewhere right in here building almost atlantis-style city underwater so we can breed axolotls and get that beautiful blue axolotl eventually hopefully if you

Have any ideas on how i can pull that project off let me know down in the comments below but that’s it for today leave a like if you enjoyed and please don’t forget to subscribe i really appreciate you all doing this october was the biggest month i have ever had on

My channel so thank you all so very much for that it was honestly amazing i don’t even know what to say about it but with that my friends i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Preparing for NEW MEGA PROJECTS in Hardcore Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2021-11-04 17:15:03. It has garnered 371704 views and 17730 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:07 or 1507 seconds.

fWhip is getting ready for the new Minecraft update by finishing projects to make way for new MEGA PROJECTS in Hardcore Minecraft Survival. Click the Like Button if you enjoy!


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    TheCrib Minecraft Server TheCrib is a Minecraft server that offers Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy game modes with quality of life features to enhance player experience. The server is accessible on both Java and Bedrock editions, supporting versions 1.7 and newer. Server Information: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • Simply A Server

    Simply A ServerA Simple Server updated every day, not much to do but im always adding more, and please support and help me in the long run. Supports bedrock and java! In this server you can play survival and creative like any other server but ill make sure to add more than like bedwars and pvp. If you want to keep up on updates or want to know the status of the sever like if it is online or not, then join the discord.Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!Looks like this meme just leveled up to epic status! Read More

  • Drop it Like it’s Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot!

    Drop it Like it's Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, We trade in OP items, just you and me. From pigs to chickens, we slay them all, To gather the items, big and small. With each kill, a new op item we find, To defeat the Ender Dragon, one of a kind. But beware of the mobs, they can be tough, With each challenge, we have enough. So let’s keep playing, with rhymes so neat, Crafting our way to victory, in every feat. Minecraft, a world of endless fun, With OP items, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • 999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob

    999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob -356 IQ: Tries to swim in lava in Minecraft 999 IQ: Builds a working computer in Minecraft using redstone circuits Who knew Minecraft could be the ultimate IQ test? Read More

  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

    OwenP's Minecraft Mayhem Chaos Unleashed in Minecraft SMP Suit Join OwenP on a wild adventure in the world of Minecraft SMP Suit where chaos reigns supreme. From accidental mishaps to hilarious misunderstandings, this stream is a rollercoaster of laughter and fun. Unexpected Encounters As OwenP navigates the server, he encounters a friendly creeper, a landlord dispute, and even tries his hand at starting a bread-selling business. The interactions with other players lead to comedic moments that keep viewers entertained throughout the stream. Landlord Troubles One of the standout moments involves OwenP declaring himself the landlord of a fellow player’s house, leading to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine facing off against mutant mobs in Minecraft with powerful weapons that can one-shot them. The thrill of the challenge, the excitement of the battle – all of this and more awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and embark on an epic adventure like no other. Don’t miss out on the fun – connect to Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • “🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!” #shorts #shortsfeed

    "🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!" #shorts #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (101)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-09 10:32:27. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper Tutorial

    Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper TutorialVideo Information [Music] [Music] by [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a oh This video, titled ‘Mastering the Art of Redstone: Double Block Swapper Tutorial’, was uploaded by Ninja Nexus on 2024-04-07 04:30:14. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Join me in this step-by-step tutorial where I dive into the mechanics of Minecraft to build an efficient and sleek double block swapper. Whether you’re looking to add some flair to your base or just love tinkering with Redstone, this video is for you! Don’t forget to hit that like button,… Read More

  • “Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!” #Minecraft

    "Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!" #MinecraftVideo Information द जाइन जॉम्बी तो आप में से बहुत सारे लोगों ने आई फील टावर स्टू च ऑफ लेटी और बहुत सारी ऐसी बड़ी-बड़ी चीज देखी होंगी लेन आज मैं आपको दिखा रहा हूं [संगीत] mc5 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैनल जी0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक यू तो इसको समन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको लिखना है स्लश शमन और उसके बाद स्पेस दे के लिखना… Read More

  • Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shorts

    Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:That was so close …🤯(World’s Smallest violin)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-01 13:50:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft – MakiTuna’s 600 Subscribers Celebration!

    Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft - MakiTuna's 600 Subscribers Celebration!Video Information hello humans nonhumans and the undead my name is makuna and welcome to the 600 subscriber special now if you’ve seen my community post and asking you what I should do for 600 subscribers you might be confused why I’m in the mods and buildings world I just wanted to do the intro here so I can create the world with you guys and we can start the survival world together and like from the start so I also be surprised if I create the world and I see it a bit then I’m not as surprised now… Read More

  • ibxtoycat – Ultimate Disaster Add-On – OMG Moments

    ibxtoycat - Ultimate Disaster Add-On - OMG MomentsVideo Information hat and I just got back from a lot of accidental flights and weird chaos that led me being in Sweden uh with Mojang and I want to talk about all of that however first let’s check out the insane disasters add-on this just came out this week and it is the highest rated add-on on the marketplace right now although not with many reviews it’s also the tide most expensive at $8 is it worth spending $8 for tornadoes and meteor showers earthquakes and blizzards well today I figured so you don’t have to I will find… Read More


    EXPLORE THE NEW NANA SHINKU HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information H こんばんはどう もそや [音楽] で [音楽] ちゃよこらせん とみんな何もよく気づい たよく気づきましたねツイートしようあれ それツイートしてないよ ねよく気づきました ねゲリラでやろうと思っていたのだ が よ よいしょはいということで皆様チモンで ございますそやはえ入れてくれてん の ありがとう配信誓そうかなって思ったら YouTubeも更新してる えーそうな の ありがとうえ 優しい通知も入れてんの すごいじゃーんそやんち そしてなんも ない何も ない今日ちょっとあの喉がなんかあんまり あれなんですけどえ何もねえのよ平らない よな全ての木を貼りつくしあのでも木が なさすぎて困ったのでとりあえずあの桜を ひたすら植えて全てこいつを借り取 るっていうあの作業をねしているのだが いや何もないんだよ ねそうていうかねごめんあのね喉ねが ガラガラしてるのはみんなのそやがね風が 治ってないとかそういうことではなくて そうやってあのコーヒーとかはミルク ティーが好きなんだけど乳製品飲むと喉が こうなっちゃうんだよ ねで今絶賛ミルクティー飲んでるんであの 喉がもう本当こうなってるんだよねすい ませんあの全然気にしなくて大丈夫なので よしさが順調に原木が集まってきており ますいいですね入品向いてないのでは自分 でも思うんだけど入品大好きなん だ大好きなのよだってココアとかも飲め なくなっちゃうんだ よこれ全部カ取って 木をねゲしたいわけなんだけどみな見て ほしいそういえばここの偽物のそやが作っ た木を桜に買えまし たどうです かなんか桜これがいいよねこの花びら四角 が2個ってくるの がそう偽物の木がそして次郎 ですそがね回この次郎はシャルちゃん ところで不機嫌になって攻撃性の高い顔を 合わせるだけで怒り顔になるワンちゃん だったんだけど1回骨上げ たら違うわ3個骨上げたら仲間になんなく て逃がしたくないから壁にこう包もうと 思ったんだけど間違えて殴っちゃってそっ から舟でしたうんそしてもう1回 チャレンジで骨をあげたら仲間になって くれたっていう可愛いやつですそそうい あわごめんごめんごめんちゃ餌食べたいの よ餌をそやが うんそうでそやねこの次郎のために生きて いくと決めたのでそれがこのブランコに 乗ってそのそばにいつも次郎がい るっていうでこうやってみた時 に寂しいなってねやっぱ 今桜の木がね集めてたからね植えてある からなんかあれだけどここもなかったんだ よ木がも広大な大地なったんですよもう ただただ とりあえずみんなでみんなでじゃなくても いいんだ けど何を作ろうかなっていうのを決め たくって さまとりあえず港みたいな船場みたいなの 作りたいんだよねえ今日は船場やりたい けど よしねえ港みたいな船つき場みたい 噴水あちょ寝る助けて寝る寝る寝る寝る 寝る寝る 寝る村にしたいの えそやとしずみさんあのの老後をこう 見据え [笑い] た老後を見据えた街にしないとえまずえ港 でしょまず 港老人ホ老人 ホーム老人ホームを作らないとえあと誰か が酔ってくれたえ噴水 でしょ ゲートボール 上だめゲートボール上はあじゃあ分かった… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!Video Information al [Música] e [Música] sient di te quiero chingar te voy aar Déjate llevar el celular si está conigo no te va pasar [Música] nada tu est Mándame tu mu arrim de tik conmigo en su que conmigo cabrón Pon avón lo bón sup para m yo por ti [Música] me quiero chingar voy aar para asegur si está con no te va a pasar nada lo [Música] dejar Yo quiero contigo y tú quieres conmigo [Música] pon tu conigo es gata se acabó el que la rompe soy yo me la robó de menor otra noche dándote… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

  • Wisteria SMP Modded SMP

    Wisteria SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Join us on Discord: This is a new cobblemon + create server with a focus on building and creativity. Join us if you enjoy building with create and cobblemon mods! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft’s Amethyst Wonderland”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft's Amethyst Wonderland"“Wow, talk about a gem of a find! I bet the creepers are just dying to get their hands on all that bling underground.” Read More

  • Unveiling Technoblade’s Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest!

    Unveiling Technoblade's Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest! In the world of Minecraft, we roam and explore, Finding Technoblade’s grave, a tale to adore. The Piglin speaks, a message from beyond, Technoblade’s legacy, forever fond. With new weapons in hand, we face the Frozen Night, Defending our city, with all our might. Bel joins our quest, a partner in crime, Together we conquer, every challenge in time. The city awaits, with rewards in store, As we complete tasks, we yearn for more. Adventure and battles, we face with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Read More

  • SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥

    SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥 When you’re trying to get more subscribers but all you’re getting is creepers blowing up your channel. #minecraftstruggles 😂👾 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!

    UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!Video Information so ich bin live ganz kurz auf ich bin live was geht was geht warte ich jetzt guck ich gehen wir schell auf youtube gucken ob da auch alles läuft B Moderation wenn man live geht was geht geht okay sieht schon mal bis jetzt gut aus und jetzt sieht sogar noch besser aus let’s go also Jungs ladet ihr mich ein also und die haben schon ein bisschen hier gespielt ich noch nicht ich habe ze Abos gemacht ich nicht mal gemerkt egal so also wir haben schon insgesamt ganze 7 Stunden gespielt ja ich leider leider… Read More

Preparing for NEW MEGA PROJECTS in Hardcore Minecraft Survival