Prowl8413 – HOW To Move Villagers | The BEST Ways | Minecraft Keeping It Simple

Video Information

Hey everybody this is proud and welcome to another minecraft keeping it simple tutorial and today we are going to go over what is probably the most annoying thing in minecraft at least to most of us and that is moving villagers moving villagers is not fun to do

There’s a number of different ways to do it let’s start with the worst work our way up to the best at least in my opinion you guys if you have different opinions definitely drop it in the comments section down below but let’s go ahead and let’s jump into the worst way

To move villagers so have you ever just wanted to get a villager inside of a house if you do if you have at some point during playing minecraft you’ve probably tried the method of just pushing them and just kind of hoping that you know what this little guy he’ll decide

To move into the door and then i could just like knock it off and just trap him in there as you can see this method does not really work very well look here we go here we go see if we can get them let’s see if we can get them and we nope

Go further in and we got them in that was successful it doesn’t always go that way but regardless of how it went this time i think you guys all know that is the absolute worst way to try to move villagers and you can probably only get them about that far

If you try to go any more than a few blocks you’re going to be i don’t know you’re going to be in trouble you’re not going to be very happy you’ll probably rage quit the second worst method to getting these guys moved around is boats we need to no can you get in

There sir boats are easy to to get started with i guess but they’re really slow um if you can make your way to water though like i happen to know there’s a river all the way down there it does get a little bit better but to do that you have to get over

There you have to make sure that you don’t fall down stuff and keep in mind with boats once you go down you can’t go up so if i need to go over there it’s not happening at least not very easy one of our future uh one of our future methods i’ll show you

Guys easy way to do it but once you get to water if you need to go a pretty long ways this method isn’t really that bad you can move pretty quickly problem is though is once you get to your destination wherever that may be yeah you’re probably going to get stuck

With this issue now the typical boat method can only get you one villager at a time because you got to hop in you got to be the one to steer it and it’s pretty slow but if you grab a lead which should be readily available from killing wandering traders which

Hopefully all of you guys do you can actually pull one of these guys and it’s it’s a little bit faster than just driving it just make sure that you don’t get too far ahead of it because that’ll happen right there you have to make sure you keep eye on the boat

And make sure it’s following you wherever you go you’re still going to run into that same problem though once you go down there’s no going back up we got a fix for that too though and that fix is called a bucket of water all you gotta do carry a bucket of water with

You drop that guy down and your boat will float back up to the top and then you’ll just probably want to have a block with you to keep getting that water or pick it back up with your bucket whatever um and this is actually a little bit

Faster way to get around too because as you can see i could drop this here and then those guys will zoom right across i could drop another one and they’ll zoom right across again like i said this is great for getting these guys up hills not even just a one tall little hill

Like that but you can even get these guys up something kind of crazy like this too i can go up to pretty close to the top here maybe even all the way to the top i could drop that down oh look he actually followed me up if you go up

High enough they do kind of hop up but they can still have trouble but if you go up right here behind this water stream this guy he’ll he’ll float right on up to the top as you can see with not too much problem come on buddy come on come on

And lead them over to where the water is there we go we can get them right up here no problem at all no problem at all light easier to move your villager around still if you have to go far distance this is probably going to take you a

Little while now this leads us to probably the most used method if it’s not really should be this should probably be your go-to method for moving villagers from one location to another that is a mine cart it’s not too bad although it could be a little frustrating sometimes you need to set a

Minecart track down set a minecart down get a villager inside of it get him on the track actually and then we can go ahead and actually launch him off we could put this guy right here let’s push him back yeah he’s on the track now and then now we could take this

Really anywhere we want to and really the main thing while doing this is you’re going to have to have a decent amount of powered rails you can space them out a decent amount but you don’t want to space them out too far because if you do

Your your minecart is going to stop so go through place a couple powered rails maybe every i don’t know probably about 15 12 to 15 blocks or so should be fine if you’re going downhill less if you’re going uphill more and bring yourself a whole bunch of switches

Because these guys are going to help you out a lot and we can go through here we probably put down a couple more here yep that should do it and then we can go up this way like this we’re about to go up a hill so

We should probably put one or two like right here as well and then eventually we can get to our destination eventually you’re probably going to get to an area that’s just not easy to cross or you want to take a more direct path so also make sure

You bring yourself plenty of blocks that way you can put those down go over top of water or even go across like larger like paths between mountains and a lot of other things also here we go we got a pretty steep incline here i might get us a nice boost

With a whole bunch of rails and i’ll probably as i get close to the top here we’ll throw in a couple more just to make sure that our villager can clear it and like i just said sometimes like map when i get on top of that mountain i probably don’t want to go

Down and then try to find some way to weave back up instead i’ll probably actually build myself a little bridge so i’m going to do this in creative mode a little bit easier for me right now but you guys can build yourself a little bridge across and once you start getting

Close like if you’re going up probably want to do a little bit of this action right here just kind of staircase this guy up until you get on oops until you get on the same level as the ground you’re trying to get to something like that should be good and

Then we just repeat the same process we’ve been doing and bring those powered rails and regular rails all the way across and in most cases i do recommend maybe even hop into minecart yourself and trying it out just make sure your villagers don’t die or get stuck or something like that

But in this case we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna take a ride with this guy and we’ll go through and make sure we get ourselves all the way down and there you have it we made it all the way down to villager that was a nice quick little ride

Great way to get this guy back and forth but i’m not done you may think this is the best method and maybe it is but i got a different method that’s gonna work a lot better if you can’t find any villagers anywhere so this last and arguably best method

Is not going to be for everybody it’s going to be a little bit dangerous you’re going to require a little bit more of an advanced um i guess like place in the game because you’re going to need some different materials to do this but if you’re in that type of position

This is going to work great for the person that really can’t find a village with villagers or maybe the village just really long ways away and to demonstrate this we are actually going to need to Set this to let’s do midnight and we need some mobs now this will only work those would be really bad um this would only work if you’re in a medium difficulty it’ll work 50 at a time if you’re on hard difficulty this method will work 100 at a time

But we need to run around in this case i’m in creative mode i’m going to stay there because i don’t want to die during the tutorial and we need to find ourselves some zombie villagers so let’s do a little bit of flying around and see if we can’t get some of

These guys to load in we got a group we got a group of three of these guys right now and i’ve actually run close enough to get them all to follow me now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna pull her up three blocks high like this

They’re gonna want to get us but they can’t okay and now what we need to be able to do is we need to be able to box them in so i’m holding shift so i don’t fall i’m putting a block right there on the second block

Up and i’m gonna probably do this in a kind of like big space let’s move over some that way these guys can’t get to me so we got those look we got two of them in this general area we want them to be in now we got three of them in there

Let’s go ahead and let’s move over this way a little bit oh we didn’t get where we wanted exactly that’s fine um let’s close in okay let’s move around let’s close in this side now looks like we got another straggler over here that’s fine we’ll kill him off

If we need to okay and then look now we can start to box these guys in just like this and look now move back this way like this perfect now these guys are boxed in nothing can happen to them but we do not want them to despawn if we go more than

44 blocks away from these guys they’re gonna despawn so let’s see if we can throw them some blocks not all mobs pick up blocks some do some don’t okay so only one of these guys took a block from us so he is now what’s called persistent he will not despawn

These other two guys you got a couple of options you can either a name tag them and they won’t despawn either so put it get a name tag you found somewhere in the world or traded for uh put it into an anvil put a name on it name tag them

They won’t go anywhere or what you could do is you can just go ahead and convert these guys now now before i do that one important thing before you guys do that too if you’re gonna wait if you’re gonna sleep and turn to daytime or it’s about

To turn day time really for any reason basically go ahead and put a roof on this because when it turns day time those guys are gonna they’re gonna despawn or they’re gonna burn up also yeah i’ve cheated a little bit i put myself back into creative mode so i

Don’t have to worry about these guys fighting me um but now that we like this guy right here he really wants to kill me i just looked at him he’s probably not happy um now we’re gonna go ahead and do this now because we don’t have persistency

For all these guys so let’s go ahead and let’s get it switched over to daytime there we go it’s now daytime you’re gonna want to probably go around and clear out all the mobs in the area kill creepers and stuff so you don’t die and then we’re just gonna we’re gonna

Close this in the rest of the way we don’t really need to but we’re going to we’re gonna poke a couple holes in here that way we can see these guys we need to see their beautiful faces because we’re about to use a method of changing these guys over from zombie villagers

Two villagers i will show you how to get these things but for now we’re just gonna use them we are going to throw a splash potion of weakness and we’re gonna feed each one of them an apple a golden apple and then once we wait long enough

These guys will change over to villagers and while we wait on that let’s go ahead and show you guys how to get these wonderful materials to do this and here is the part where again this might be a little bit harder but i want to show you guys how to do it because

Once you know how to do it it’s really not that bad especially if you don’t mind hunting down the materials so first of all we’re going to need a couple things we’re going to need a crafting table we’re going to need a brewing stand and you’re going to need a nether right block

I’m just kidding you don’t need another right block you just need the brewing stand and the crafting table okay now you need to go do a little hunting you need to find yourself a spider eye a mushroom brown mushroom and some sugar spider eye kill spider sugar get some sugar cane

And then the brown mushroom they can be found anywhere in your world uh usually you’ll find them in wooded areas on the ground or you can find them in a nether on the ground as well you’re gonna make a fermented spider eye now you want to take that fermented

Spider eye you want to go into your brewing stand you need to take a blaze rod and turn it into blaze powder put the blaze powder in there and then we need to put the spider eye up here and then the water bottle right here and that spider eye is going

To cook down fermented spider eye it’s going to cook down into the water bottle and that’s going to make a potion of weakness as you see the bar is going down here once it gets to the bottom we’ll have a potion of weakness but we

Will not be done with that quite yet it is now raining in my video why is it raining in my video i don’t know um now we have a potion of weakness let’s go ahead and let’s change weather clear i don’t know why that happened and

Thank you all right now that we have our potion of weakness we can go put this back in up here at the top or down here at the bottom i mean and then we need to put gun powder at the top now this gun powder is going to

Get added into the potion of weakness and it’s going to make it a splash potion of weakness that way we can throw it at the zombie villagers to cure them and then while we wait for that to finish go over to your crafting table if you haven’t already found a golden apple

In a chest you just need to take a regular apple which you can get from trees put it in the crafting table surrounded by gold or just pull up your crafting menu and you there have crafted yourself a golden apple you’ll need one of those for each zombie villager

But if all of your zombie villagers are together the splash potion will work just fine because it splashes and it gets all of them and there we go they have changed over they they tried to kill each other but they’re fine they’re okay they’ve changed over two villagers now

It takes about two minutes for that to happen and there you go guys villagers they’re probably the most powerful single entity in the game because there are so many things that you can do with them and that they can do for you so i thought it was a good idea to show you

Guys how to move these guys around because not anybody really ever goes over that you just kind of see it and pick it up as you go so there’s your top ways to move villagers around if i forgot any let me know or if you just have you just link to something

Um or if you have like some really funny like cool interesting ways that you’ve done this before definitely hit me up on twitter or in discord i like to see screenshots and or videos of that because villagers are pretty funny to be honest with you so show me your crazy contraptions

Also if you haven’t already click the like button click the subscribe button ring the bell to get notifications all those good things that make me happy please please please thank you and you guys have been great goodbye

This video, titled ‘HOW To Move Villagers | The BEST Ways | Minecraft Keeping It Simple’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2020-09-27 16:00:01. It has garnered 405910 views and 6580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:10 or 910 seconds.

Hey everyone, Prowl here and welcome to Keeping it Simple, a tutorial series targeted to show you how things are done. Today’s tutorial is showing off some of the best ways to move villagers around in Minecraft. Villagers can be really difficult to move around, and different methods may work better for different situations, so today, we will go over what I think are the top ones, and demonstrate how to do them.

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    KamillPlayZ BoxPvP Season III OpeningVideo Information This video, titled ‘BoxPvP Season III Nyitás┃’, was uploaded by KamillPlayZ on 2024-03-02 17:58:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. My Minecraft Server: ➥ tiktok: osu profile: … Read More

  • Insane HD texture pack with Fury using Kogetsu

    Insane HD texture pack with Fury using KogetsuVideo Information we’ll now begin the pushup section ready [Music] begin I want ho with the Bros turn the new [ __ ] up we hop in the right keep it down low that we up got to go to the top so please I don’t waste no time always with the G we don’t got a B so I don’t need text a clock or a n Too Fast 6 Feed I’m a dash now I’m on the way I’m a make I don’t want ho I be out with the Bros turn to do [ __ ] up… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Viral Fashion Trends 🔥 #shorts #reels #viral

    🔥 Ultimate Viral Fashion Trends 🔥 #shorts #reels #viralVideo Information ीर समाया छल कपट आदी कसम राख कर सब तन जला दी चरण शरण में भगत सु बोला मेरे मन में वास कर बना दे पला भी कताप अहंकार ना अ बड़े प्रतापी भर्म बने ना अनी करे तू ही है एका तू ही रचेता स्वामी विनाश फार This video, titled ‘#shorts #new #reels #viral #youtubeshorts #instagram #minecraft #music #status #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Mani_fashion05 on 2024-01-04 06:32:02. It has garnered 2179 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #new #reels #viral #youtubeshorts #instagram #minecraft #music #status #shortvideo #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate MLG Fail in Minecraft! Pt 26 😂🤣 #herobrine #dream

    Ultimate MLG Fail in Minecraft! Pt 26 😂🤣 #herobrine #dreamVideo Information fren FR fren FR FR fren FR FR FR [Music] fr This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg Blooper 🤣🗿 Pt:-26 #minecraft #bloopers #herobrinesmp #dream #dreamsmp’, was uploaded by Gaming Killer on 2024-04-08 06:49:00. It has garnered 473 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #26 epic moments……Highest Mlg Blooper 🤣🗿 Pt:-26 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #killermlg #funny #herobrinesmp #minecraft #manhuntclutch @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @dream @MrBeastGaming @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie HARDest and HIGHest mlg – part 26 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #yessmartypie #notgamerfleet if you like my clutch so please like and subscribe. and comments down.pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee peace out hahahah hahahahaha stay… Read More

  • Dukeaux SLAYS in ALL THE MODS 8!!!

    Dukeaux SLAYS in ALL THE MODS 8!!!Video Information e what about now definitely now right y’all are trolling of course um listen as you can see there’s a lot going on I’m trying to figure out [Music] why what was I supposed it’s something I have to go to to change my memory thing or is that on maybe it’s before this oh no it is it is thanks Tower I’m glad you can hear me Evan’s trolling um listen like I said it’s been a lot going on okay I gotta change I got to change this better late than not coming at all right… Read More

  • PixelFire – Insane Minecraft 15th Birthday Bash LIVE!

    PixelFire - Insane Minecraft 15th Birthday Bash LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] mic test mic test can you hear me let me know in the chat can you hear me nice nice nice what is up everyone that’s not pixel fire what oh where is it where is it it has been so long since I’ve I’ve done a Minecraft stream I’ve lost my chat my trigger um let’s do this there we go what is up everyone it has been such a long time since we’ve done a Minecraft stream guys Minecraft is 15 years old I think the official birthday was two days ago but yeah… Read More

  • INSANE BED WARS GAMEPLAY!! 😱🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE BED WARS GAMEPLAY!! 😱🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Aplausos] [Música] un video más mi gente para anunciarles que ya me transformé en un This video, titled ‘🤣БЕД ВАРС НА БЕДРОКЕ😂#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 02:32:49. It has garnered 790 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters… Read More

  • “Insane Bedwars Strategy: 2v1 on Hypixel!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Insane Bedwars Strategy: 2v1 on Hypixel!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information I I have no clue what just happened but easy let’s go the 2v ones are insane Dam TDM death I’m not going to be able to get this amm I I am they suck and then I’m going to do that and then I’m going to get both of them off the edge how did you survive I got him let’s go This video, titled ‘how to 2v1 in bedwars #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by TripleThePugg on 2024-03-14 22:00:05. It has garnered 9597 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25… Read More

  • Crafty Caverns


  • All the Mods 9 – To the Sky – modded SMP

    Welcome to SilverKeepMC! We are actively looking for new players to join our friendly and helpful community. Our servers are run on high-end hardware for the best experience. Modpack Version IP Address ATM 9 – To the Sky 1.0.0 Explore our other servers here. Join our Discord: Read More

  • NPC-MC

    NPC-MCWelcome to NPC-MCthe ultimate SMP experience! NPC-MC boasts a fantastic community, unique custom plugins, an engaging economy system, and active development to keep things fresh. Both Java and Bedrock players are welcome.1.20+Show your support for the server by voting to earn great rewards, such as custom tags, crate keys, commands and much more!Java IP: play.NPC-MC.comBedrock IP: play.NPC-MC.comDiscord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Underrated: Dripleaf’s parkour potential”

    Minecraft Memes - "Underrated: Dripleaf's parkour potential"“I definitely think Dripleaf deserves more recognization – it’s practically the Beyoncé of Minecraft blocks!” Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Minecraft Madness!

    Crafty Campus Capers: Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Funny stories unfold, with humor that entertains. From classrooms to battles, the fun never ends, With each new adventure, we make new friends. Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with animations so bright, Bringing laughter and happiness, day and night. So join in the fun, subscribe and see, The wonders of Minecraft, in rhymes so free! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #meme #oddprum Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an intriguing Mana Pool tutorial for the Botania mod in Minecraft 1.19.2. While learning about Mana Pools, Diluted Mana Pools, and Fabulous Mana Pools, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine a world where you can harness the power of mana to create and transform items, supply functional flowers with energy, and even mark your territory with Fabulous Mana Pools. The community on Minewind is vibrant and full of creative individuals who are always looking for new adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft… Read More