PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday

Video Information

Foreign all right can you hear me oh that was loud okay it looks like it went in the red like I’m like Oh my face is right next to it okay um yeah that’s weird I don’t know why Nvidia broadcast was like that and then

That was covering up the thing so now I have to reshoot my intro I mean the intro wasn’t great so I’m gonna do that anyway um so why is my face still like that who cares um Okay so so this is when this timer runs out

Anyone can enter my base and kill me for ten thousand dollars and it’s weird doing recording doing this on stream but anyone could enter my base and kill me for ten thousand dollars so weird uh this is this is day seven of me preparing to fight thousands of players

All right I did the I did the thing uh right so last episode let me go down to the farming area so that I can record this bit I’m back yes bro I can’t join is this supported to Pocket Edition yeah you can join on Pocket Edition are using the IP

The Bedrock IP in the description all right last episode we did a little bit of farming um uh desargio from Tick Tock chat I am not your father I really I don’t think I am 10K USD yes um let’s see what what else do I got to save the video uh

The daily objectives so uh actually I’m not going to be able to do these objectives today wait should I switch the objectives because I can’t do I you know I had planned out my objectives like a while ago but I just can’t do these objectives yet

Because I don’t have I’m not at that point uh do I have to make new objectives do I have to switch out a different day um what’s up Stevie weavy uh just do a little bit of farming well I I need to have it like one one of the

Objectives match up with the thumbnails we’ve been producing so wait what was the thumbnail for today wait as I put up the thumbnail didn’t I I think uh okay I’m probably gonna die while I’m not in the game okay I can do that I can do that

Um I’ll just do I’ll say the the um the objectives in post depending on what what happened to the stream but one of the objectives is to start digging the trench the trench yeah so it’s a it’s an area around my base where it’s Phantoms relax gosh darn

Okay we’re sleeping through the night I’m gonna make some pumpkin pies real quick because why not but the trench is an area going to be around my base to protect me um can you join me yes do you want me to give you likes I have

An auto clicker I mean sure thank you be nice I guess I don’t know if that really affects views or anything but that’ll be cool to have an absurd number of likes the mountain peak is gorgeous what’s the seed unfortunately this is uh this Mountain was man-made

So you’re not gonna if you get the seed it’s not gonna do anything you didn’t see oh you just click the notification okay do you actually have a stack of pumpkin pie well not quite um I’m gonna turn on replay mod once I do a few things so first thing is I’m gonna

Make some pumpkin pie but I leave the sugar at swear I’d like spare sugar all right I guess not I think this is worth the stack so yeah wait I grabbed car pumpkins I don’t even have enough pumpkins uh I guess I’ll just do 32 more whatever now let’s make 32 boom

Wait did I even do it wait how many did that even make I swear oh I didn’t put oh I’m so dumb I didn’t put all of them in my whatever um oh cause you only can craft a certain amount of time too whatever I’m confusing myself

Um let’s let’s put this up let’s go to the villager trading area I think that’s where I was gonna go yeah this is my pumpkin pie chest make some stairs yeah actually I should take stairs uh it’s about time so let’s gather the materials uh stairs all my building materials are not here

All right let’s see if there’s anything good on the age though should buy one of your cakes on age I have 61 pumpkin pie I think good Ice Dude keep listing things for absurd prices rather Ingot yeah that’s a lot uh someone’s been spamming the smithing top lights

All right if you selling them for 2000 I could probably sell mine for like a lot cheaper and then maybe snag some or you have no idea about the stairs but you’re in I’ll have you fixed the bot now it it just hasn’t worked to begin

With I don’t think it’s I think I may have just not set it up well what even is a seed because the biomes are close together no they’re not um all right what was I doing oh stairs yeah yeah wait but I I gotta go okay so I gotta go

To the Villager area and so I’m gonna do that real quick I’m gonna harness these and then I’ll come back I did not know I was holding that in my hand I’m Gonna Keep uh this in my inventory too then I’ll come back do the stairs

And then start on the trench I think I wonder how much money I’ve made from from my market I guess not much they still only have 800. I don’t think people have bought anything from my shop yet guys go to my shop and buy pumpkins and stuff so then I can be rich

Are you winning son yes I’m winning the villagers are kind of op just watch your day four video nice yeah that just came out yeah we’re on day seven so I’m a little behind I’m sorry okay these carrots and potatoes all I’ll replant soon not replaying I’ll plant them soon

In the you know the massive area over there okay so I’m gonna go to the Village area maybe probably bring some paper and stuff I was like going to the military again oh also for the the stuff the thing y for the building materials for the

Stairs so then I don’t have to waste my time every two seconds going up here how do you how deep do you plan on making the trench you’ll see can you open the under chest mid-fight yes I think so so yeah I could probably just do this and store away my most

Precious items real quick but um only only VIP ranks God ranks and Target rank which is me has that ability to open Vander chest yeah I guess I don’t have much sugarcane and stuff so let’s go Harvest some sugarcane and then go also I keep picking up these eggs

I keep putting them away but then I pick up more you’re sick right now and your streams in your streams are awesome oh you’re sick and my streams are awesome thank you do the different colored colors on the sticky notes mean anything yes so the blue means six months plus

Uh that people have been a patron and then you know it’s in this color salmon color is uh three six to three months and this one is below I’ve why do I have no wood ever I need a tree farm or something no actually I don’t even need a tree farm I

Got a ton of tree or I got a ton of wood but just not over here I always keep it at the Villager area I got to keep like a stack of like logs in my whatever so I don’t have to do this every two seconds I don’t understand how can you prepare

If people are online well why would other people being online stop me from preparing they’re preparing to consider the amount of sugarcane that ends up despawning maybe place a double chest well actually if I have enough um sure cane at the side or no if if I have

Enough like room I tend to pick all of it up like if I if I click completely empty my inventory when I do this and I put some in here then I’m able to pick all of it up I always associate the level elevator um um yeah so let’s make some sticks

I’ll probably make two axes actually so let’s do that real quick the the axes from the Villager I mean they’re like cheaper but dang they’re expensive I probably should be also I should be selling things on the auction house and the market at the same time probably our video thank you

You didn’t realize that there were three colors of sticky notes yeah a lot of people keep thinking it’s like the the periodic table of the elements or whatever foreign yes yeah I like to throw in like when I’m like talking about different things um because they’re kind of like

It kind of gives pause to what’s going on otherwise like people can get bored with like say if I like was droning on about the same thing or not droning out about the same thing but say I was showing the same thing for a while like people can

Kind of start to get bored of that and then you have to show it quickly but say if it was something that took hours like the best way to break it up and like show time passing is to like put clips that happen during it in the video

And so that was one of them I was like I was like you know it’s a it’s good moment and yeah there’s a market that isn’t in the auction house you do slash warp uh shop and then you can set up a market and sell things what made you decide to do this

Challenge uh uh I just thought it’d be really cool I’m like a lot I thought a lot of people a lot of other people would like it so I’m like why not also can this just not grow pumpkins there because I feel like that never grows there

Hey there just have a good day I will I guess it’s just farming simulator that’s some little stuff other like talking IRL is also nice in a video yeah what’s up uh Liam I bonjour he’s doing this challenge to grow his channel part of it is for like you know

The views but also if I wanted if I was just caring about views I would have just stuck with building content because I tend to get a lot of views on that I would just do more bass designs and stuff but I was I like to do stuff that’s different okay guys sleep

That just made me cramp trample my crops these guys are so annoying foreign you’re so annoying why do the hitboxes have to be so small what’s up guys I I don’t like this I don’t want to play this game sometimes relaxed I’m just trying to mind not mine it’s not fun okay

Now they’re just being annoying maybe trample two of my crops stop telling me I’m out of here I don’t know why people aren’t sleeping you’re building oh any do you have any advice oh um I don’t know spend a lot of time with it it’s kind of my advice

I just saw pumpkins on the ah for 200 let’s see if people buy them Phantoms be ruining him yeah they’re annoying because I don’t have a bow so I can’t just shoot them there those things were hitting on your nerves last night yeah I feel like they’re just so hard to hit

And that’s like the main thing that I’m like I don’t like him for that reason because if you could hit if they didn’t have such a small hitbox and I’d be like okay well I’ll just hit him but I guess that’s just a skill issue I just gotta get good

All right I’m coming back to my more more Pumpkins I’m gonna go to the Village do some trades I’m gonna bring back the building materials and uh and then of course start to um whatever you know he wasn’t saying that for the first few days what do you mean about

You go gym yes well not right now just because of the series and previously it was like I was recovering from like injuries and stuff for a while Flex for us no you’re my favorite YouTube channel thank you I appreciate that you found an abandoned mine shaft cobwebs would be

Sorry I gotta I gotta move to get move this window to the side because it’s covering up some of the chat would be a perfect alternative way why would cobwebs be an alternative way to kill Phantoms usually replacing cobwebs and then you got to go work have fun streaming all right

Don’t forget the stairs yeah I’ll play stairs so you guys don’t have to see me like run into blocks every two seconds what’s up DB Star gaming foreign I do have a lot of pumpkins at the villager trading center I think because the Dude still is has high prices

What happens when you leave the stream what do you mean what are you talking about what happens and maybe there’s too many bumpkins when I get like an efficiency five Diamond ax maybe that should be one of the objectives of today is to get an efficiency 5 Diamond ax

Which actually would be pretty easy the main thing is I want to level it up with levels then I don’t have to use up emeralds you’re just turning on hitboxes would be smart that’s true but this is for the content once this I’m not gonna wait till these

Ax breaks because then I’m gonna be without ax for a while so if I need to mine some blocks and it’ll just be really annoying oh it was a native when you joined yeah so I’m gonna so yeah one of the up one of the objectives I guess is now to

My to get a diamond ax with efficiency five and start the and start the the um thingy oh that might that might run right into my Farms actually that may be an issue wait while I was why did I whatever I’ll go trade and then plant stuff

What am I doing I’m doing things on order man can’t you buy an enchanted iron ax I can but that’s a lot of M’s and I’m spending a lot of M’s that I don’t know it’s M’s like spinning M’s to get more M’s but like the M’s are

It’s not like a high conversion rate so I just need a maxed I’m an ax so then I can be far more efficient can’t you get a diamond ax um for what I remember yeah wait let me see all right dude that’s amazing oh pickaxe not not dominant X this dude’s maxed out

Well you get another one of these guys but we’re probably gonna get stuck with the same starting trades and then I’d have to spend a bunch of M’s to get past that W video thank you w live appreciate it have you watched Sonic X no

All right uh I hope you have some good trades for me man okay that’s just good enough I’ll take it wait no the building supplies are at the base I’m so dumb I came all the way over here for essentially no reason because the building supplies aren’t even here

Oh I stored it behind the portal and I can’t remember anything can I not a single thing is in my memory right now I think my memory is just wiped anyways uh that’ll do well at least while I’m here I’ll breathe the animals and then XP you sell your Unbreaking three books I

Don’t have on breaking three I’m mending look at all the XP I’m getting let’s go bro Democratic relax you’ll all get some there foreign well I guess that’s another two and a half levels uh I’ll thin out their ranks next time after I breed them just saw the shorts and banished

Episodes one through four hopefully you binge the long forms but uh when is episode five gonna be posted uh well four just went up this is day seven so did fall behind because I’m like I need my sleep so yeah I fell behind a little but that’s fine

Day five hopefully we’ll be posted tomorrow see I’ll probably I’ll probably keep this a shorter stream I know I say that every time and then the stream’s like five six hours but this time that’s the goal Peter wants to know your location well they they can know my location but like

All the other players you’re not gonna be able to enter it because of the red border can you buy mob spawners from the shop no let me leave sorry you just stream roll you can’t leave I don’t tell you looking for something specific but I can’t tell you what

Here’s what I might do I may combine these oh I should probably I gotta max out the shovel too I need XP that’s right that’s what I need all right chickens I need some XP sorry sorry sorry oh I actually just use the seeds what am I doing

This is actually a easy XP method mad easy XP all right let’s see if we can grab more seeds real quick too I don’t have that many seeds I just realized that oh because I spent all of them all right now that I’m back um let me cook this real quick

Now that I’m back I’m gonna plant more that’s not even where I’m keeping the eggs now the wheat can go in here then the wood can also stay in here oh it’s getting to be night time that’s annoying I’m gonna go Harvest there’s not really much to harvest

I probably have to be around here more but the more I’m around here the more I’m developing the more things grow can I build stuff outside your border I think soon we’re gonna set it so that you can’t see anything within my border like anything like you can’t even get close

So if you build things with outside of my border there’s a chance you’re not gonna be able to reach it until you know doomsday itself so all right uh this is yeah wheat at least we’ll get some seeds from this actually I should be planting the seeds but I need the XP

Actually I’ll just buy the seeds off the age I know people are selling seeds for like 250 okay this is some sort of joke I’m doing that whatever I guess I’ll just not buying people were selling it for like 32 and like 64 dollars and maybe I’d consider doing that

The best most night time it’s just an absurd number of mobs asleep please I’ll do slash AFK so then people can sleep what’s up uh meme hub I’m sleep guys I don’t want to deal with these mobs not that hard there we go sleeping through the night yes thank you guys

It’s more out of just like it’s just annoying dealing with the mobs like it’s like just Minecraft mobs are just annoying enough that like like you don’t want to deal with them but also not scary enough that you’d like or dangerous enough that you’d actually really go out of your way

To avoid having to deal with them or like trying to protect yourself from them or at least in my eyes I know that changes for some players oh yeah you guys are missing some here all right now let’s go through the potatoes this one’s grown and we’re going to expand the farm I’m

Hoping I get enough well whatever I don’t need to really expand the chicken area that much that’s the thing about Minecraft is it’s like capacity it’s like who cares just have like an infinite amount like an exponentially growing amount of each resource there’s no there’s no height There’s No

Limit well of course there is a limit time that you know what’s up Kyle Kyler load um you can use pumpkins oh you can use pumpkin seeds for chickens I guess I don’t have that many of them but I’ll I’ll use them up since I guess I don’t need

I don’t need pumpkin seeds anymore since they’re all placed I have a lot of bone meal but I guess I’m Gonna Keep Those for like trees when I farm trees well I say I have a lot of bone meal but I mean I have a lot of bone blocks

Oh you can craft one pumpkin four seeds oh well yeah I guess you could also Shear them and get the seeds behind the car pumpkin but that’s just a waste to have the pumpkins because it’s like who cares what are they even useful for I mean they’re

Decent building blocks I guess like if I need to go to the nether then I can use my carved pumpkins to like bridge and stuff it’s like the uh the hay blocks in Terraria it’s like they’re just they’re so annoying and you can get so many of them if you have the sickle

But um but I guess they’re decent for like just having a mass amount of blocks at the start because you can just sickle so much um so much grass are others worth saving or uh are you getting to narrow as you as you farm um yeah

Because if you if you harvest crops you get like a little bit of money if you kill mobs you get a little bit of money if you breed I don’t know if you kill anything you get a little bit of money just like basic kind of progression stuff

Yes iron and Snow Golems I get that but like I don’t have a need for them I love Golems I remember Golems were I think the reason part of the reason why I thought Minecraft was so cool because I’m like there’s these dangers and you can build things to help protect you

I’m like that’s so cool but not are you losing 10K no matter what yeah so if even if I don’t die on doomsday then it goes to charity I don’t counter that I don’t count that losing 10K I know it’s not what you meant but I think it’s a wing either way

If you try setting up beehubs um I don’t know that’s what are you even for when is the end open it up opens day 10. you guys you can just ask questions like that in chat because a lot of people know the answer just put in gen chat in the Discord or

Or just uh say it on the server or ask and people answer well hopefully people will answer I’m so rich things are actually going pretty fast that’s I’m trying to like Farm it as it grows but it’s too fast things are just growing up grow up so fast [Applause]

This is good this is uh expanding pretty quickly very nice all right I’m just gonna get continually get distracted I should just stop like doing this should just place the rest of everything say that then I just immediately stopped whatever whatever so this is potato row and then

We this wheat row I think is finished is it I don’t know I just start planting this carrot can I have a shout out shout out to power washing videos I mean at this point I’m just like when people ask for shout outs I’m just essentially

Like okay well it’s just I think he was most people essentially just want me to just that like acknowledge their Channel whatever but just you know like it’s not gonna if it’s in terms of like wanting more viewers or anything it’s not gonna work shout outs don’t really work except in

Very specific circumstances give you a shout out shout out to man T2 foreign wait oh no I’m done I’m dumb dumb dumb I think this is one last row of Wheat and then one two three four yeah I think this is the last last row of wheat plant

Huh we’ll see if there’s enough seeds it probably isn’t we’ll see go faster a place where I am I missed one I can click so fast really love my content thank you appreciate that one all right seeds are planted and then I’ll I’ll just go some pumpkins

To like turn into seeds and breed the chickens oh yeah dang these just yeah I need that diamond pickaxe so then I can Harvest all these in like two seconds you’re not diamond pickaxe I mean maxed pickaxe Max diamond what charity will the money go to that’s a great question it is to

Um so if I win then the money goes to uh Underground Railroad I’m pretty sure it’s called they like pulled children out of um out of human trafficking big fan of the content wouldn’t mind seeing seeing long form long form content from the lives well check out my channel I have long forms

Days one through four long forms are out right now you can watch them they’re not they’re not long videos to be honest but uh the videos are gonna get longer there will be more content to go around soon of course that takes more time so we may get behind on videos we’ll see

All right lots of pumpkin seeds here you go chickens actually I shouldn’t have crafted that many because their timers haven’t reset so and then now I can now I’ll wait for them to their timers to reset and then I’m gonna finish them off yeah it’s good to have uh all these Farms

Say hi to my friend big Aiden what’s up big Aiden the bald cats charity what what are you guys what do you guys saying the bald cast charity oh are you a fan of pumpkin spice no well I haven’t had it actually that’s some amazing charity I’m proud of you thank you

I mean that is if I win I mean I do want to talk about it maybe on like the full video or maybe later in series for the shorter videos too but like at the end I’m gonna we’re gonna do like a full doomsday movie I

Don’t want to do a little segment in there about that like even if I lose so then you know there’s more awareness and stuff but also donate to your your pockets charity uh uh I’m good we just start digging we gotta okay I gotta figure out this business location

Because I have the map of my like game plan and everything I really hope I don’t accidentally leak it because that would like ruin everything all right it’s it’s up there now so uh so it’s one two three four five six seven it’s seven chunks in so F3 and G

It’s definitely gonna cut right through these Farms isn’t it there’s no way it isn’t it big eight and said you made a state that’s good what’s up uh basma all something please say hi to that guy what’s up that guy will I be able to claim land in the end

That’s a good question I don’t think so some people could like claim the center Island and stuff okay so I’m gonna go to the border and then count in six blocks and then that’s we’re gonna start where we’re gonna start mining just so I can have like a little

Thing actually I should what am I doing the whole reason I was gonna do it was so I could stand near the crops when they grow I gotta stand near the base area oh stairs I keep getting okay wait and I keep forgetting home is a thing slash

Home so then I don’t have to like run back to the base every two seconds okay at least I just remembered that then stairs I got the resources here we’re doing stairs let’s go um they should be enough maybe like stone bricks too or should we do maybe deep sleep breaks that would

Look pretty cool but I don’t have much deep sleep if any do I have any of these plate let’s see if there’s any age deep sleep no that’s fine all right so I’ll make the stairs and then you guys won’t have to watch me run up

With like and just run into the box every two seconds is slash home a VIP command no wait what am I doing uh I’m supposed to I need it I need to exit so I can turn on recording record server a lot of my servers just don’t exist anymore or or

We’re like personal servers for like a long time ago for like a specific thing oh I guess if I use this wood then it wouldn’t match uh uh that’s annoying should I use Spruce stairs then let’s see how would it look I mean it’s not the end of the world I’ll survive

Oh this is a smart way to do it so then it like matches up but then oh that looks so ugly that in that way that’s fine what’s F3 and G oh wait why did that reload everything all I was doing was turning chunk borders off

Do you think humans will be a type 1 civilization before you destroy ourselves I can’t remember what type 1 civilization even means and yeah I mean I I agree humans will destroy themselves for the most part but as a Christian with uh the belief in eschatology well I guess

Yeah the belief in eschatology I guess that’s not um some people don’t believe there are end times so I guess it is a belief how are you doing right now I’m good thanks thanks for asking Mr nuggets yeah I decided against that I think this is the move

Because then you don’t have to run it a little bit even if you so you can still easily go up the stairs just by turning it’s better for the god I guess versus Superior wood that’s true a few more viewers a day this series will take off soon yes I hope so

It’s funny how much I get sidetracked just super funny you guys are just dying laughing every time that happens guys secretly my plan is to launch chickens that people did a chicken just die what yeah my plan is like just an army of chickens and then I and then they all

Throw eggs at players what’s the objective for today’s Stream So the objective is um trench trench time and then also maxing out some tools like my ax and then also my shovel because those are two things because I need the ax for farming and then the shovel for shovel things

Very descriptive I know let’s turn some of this into hay bales just to conserve inventory space pumpkin seeds can stay here for the chickens hey let’s see if they can breed yet because oh it looks like they can the timer’s been set all right and then now I’m gonna kill

Some of them after I think you should make custom ranks for the people who win the bill Jones PVP and parkour well actually we are doing that so like the the parkour challenge this weekend on Saturday at 1pm EST uh which I’ll be in all of the video out

About it I should probably make that tonight to be honest I should probably do my homework and make that after the stream and keep this like a shorter stream um so then people are like aware of the event and can see the build and everything

But uh what was I saying but yeah we have a custom rank challenge winner rank if you win the challenge you get challenge winner rank so that makes sense maybe it doesn’t I think it does XP baby actually that’s not even that much xp to be honest

Oh wait did I just open them oh crap oh oh accidentally was spamming and then open up come on come in here we got a cool old seed it’s 100 worth coming into the pen for they all fell from a trick what fools you want to play all right well join the

The discords link to my bio it has the IP information what’s up Owen welcome to the Stream did you make the pumpkin shop yesterday yeah it’s it’s a work in progress does not look good wait does that mean this is a Christian Minecraft server we have become the meme now um

Also didn’t you say you lived in Australia because it’s currently 4am you know no it’s uh I live in Georgia in the United States the most popular games called the world war okay is the trench being filled with sharks with laser beams on their head um I don’t think that’s in vanilla

Minecraft so probably not good job on your farm today thank you have you considered getting into 3D printing no I have no plans though and I’m gonna run out of coal real quick again I need to get the lava Farm going soon oh it’s it’s not time for that yet

Didn’t get that many levels to be honest with those chickens it’s a little annoying where am I putting the seeds again here all right so stairs haven’t started to be placed right that’s why I came up here I’m gonna turn some of this in the stairs a lot of it

It’s gonna be night time and theater get attacked but stairs are important is This Server yes you live in Georgia that’s crazy all right yeah this is uh much more efficient than how I was moving around before I don’t know why I hadn’t done this already I’m glad people pointed it out

Isn’t mine in the know I don’t know when is the end opening it is in opening on Sunday so like on the 10th so soon well I guess not super soon but you know what I mean let’s make it look fancy by doing this yeah I’m out

I mean I’ll do this just so I can go up the stairs I’ll grab some more wood real quick good old chicken flooding true RP server I’m assuming that means role play no this is like regular Minecraft people are gonna try to kill me type thing

I feel like stairs are so expensive why do you get why does it cost six to make four how does that even work like how how much wood are you losing um how are you always streaming because it’s for this series I have to be screaming a lot for this I

Don’t have to I could just record it but that’s not as cool and also I want you guys to join the server so that’s part of why I want to get people on the server so we could have more people trying to kill me um what’s the welcome Tommy uh what’s

The clock for Doomsday Clock do you not watch the announcement video the whole point is once this timer hits zero people can kill me for the ten thousand dollars what’s the Discord it’s it’s linked to my bio just you know go on the link tree you should print 3D print some of your

Minecraft Builds I haven’t thought about that I wonder how you’d go about doing that I kind of know but like hmm interesting idea that’s the cool thing about Minecraft is being able to build in Minecraft isn’t necessarily a useless skill if like Minecraft died because Minecraft can be used just like

In like like a work kind of way like with creating a build and then like 3D printing it for example or putting importing it into like blender or something like maybe like you’re creating a set for an animation or something which is just fascinating to me I’m out of I’m out again

Here I’ll just I’ll make for that’s six eight eight stairs and then I’ll be done let’s slash home because it’s faster it almost seems like cheating a little but it’s fine who cares I need eight stairs perfect are you on a server or single player on a server that anyone could join

Um why no southern accent of Georgia uh because I live not in like the country I’m not I’m near Atlanta it’s like people who like don’t have an accent are generally around the Atlanta area but like don’t have a Southern accent I mean so yeah I mean I can do a Southern accent

Because I’ve known so many people and like I mean obviously there are a lot of people at the southern accent in Georgia but I don’t know when you’re at around Atlanta people generally talk like this he’s a southern belle at heart not sure what bell means I suppose maybe yeah I mean um

Why so many um why so many doors uh because it’s it’s extra layers of security I don’t know what’s the server IP it’s uh it’s in my Discord just go to the link in my bio and then you can find it there is this like an open realm it’s it’s a server

You forgot about time zones yeah speak in southern speak um I generally don’t like to do accents on the spot because then I’m like because then I often just screw it up because I’m like oh well people are expecting it thank you and there’s like various levels

Where it’s like you can have like a slight Southern drawl actually that’s not even though I I feel weird whenever I do it what is the IP it’s in the description of the stream though am I allowed to leave the stream no sorry man but welcome you’re stuck here

Well the server still up still be up after doomsday yes is this prior MC yes how’s the server work well you just join and then type in slash Wild or go through the portal and then you go into the survival world you can set up claims and different stuff like that

Just join and people can help you walk through you or help you walk through it all right what was I doing next um oh right the whole digging thing are you going to the gym not right now because of the series you’ve never missed one because you’re that good let’s run what stream

Yeah I don’t just like I did in the middle of the massive ocean it’s oh yeah um yeah just type in slash Wilds then you don’t have to be like next to the ocean it’s actually it needed Harvest trying to stay in this general area so I

Can continue to continue to breed the chickens and everything and then grow the crops because if I’m within render distance of the crops and stuff then they’ll grow so if you’re not there I guess in Minecraft a watched crop never crows just like the famous saying that says something I know the saying

But I was trying to think of an alternative that would be slightly off as you guys would correct me if you like no it’s actually this but no I couldn’t think of anything on the spot end Mega Bass or Overworld megabase good night all right yeah just yeah

Oh okay pink or purple then purple or red I don’t know if you’re Crossing red obviously purple over pink I don’t know why I don’t know colors all right colors are the best well they still grow with the village nearby uh villagers don’t render chunks or they don’t load chunks like I said

Same thing The Village are big nearby has nothing to do with it I mean they can Harvest crops and so then you may like not have crops for that reason because they’ll go around harvesting it before you do I remember when I first saw villagers Harvest crops I thought that was insane

I’m like what they can interact with the world too tell me your channel name and I’ll you’ll sub dude you’re commenting are you talking to someone commenting on my channel I I don’t know if you’re talking to me or not probably not how many pumpkins do you need a lot

The trading is very important are you on a server yes what block is a sugarcane growing on it’s growing on uh grass but the reason it’s growing is because it’s right next to waterlog slab and so that I play slabs so then the sugar canes can still grow because there’s there’s water in

The slab but they’re not gonna fall like into the water like over here okay I hate skeletons you’re smart you back away too dang no wonder you’re stealing so much damage I guess now the power Cuba and I wish this mobs could hit each other because then the skeletons would hit

Zombies or whatever and then they’d die yeah I’m out of here well at least now we have the trusty staircase we got 44 people in line right now that’s crazy I can’t believe only 29 people are watching well yeah I kind of started off the stream a little slow because I wasn’t

Sure what to do lightning stroke stroke do you know think noodles no I don’t know what that is yo I will leave this stream I got stuff all right well good luck if you want nine stacks of if prior what do you want to buy nine stacks of diamonds for a thousand

Dollars in game no I’m I’m the one selling pumpkins I got way too many pumpkins man I was carved the eggs are not serving much of a purpose so let’s do a little bit of this put up the power belt I guess this is turning into like my tools chest

Oh I had extra chests in there the whole time if I’m not carrying around the boat foreign did you build a base yet this is my base I know I I started out with like a really slight base like a tiny base so then I can work on infrastructure and

Then work on the base towards the end this solo now it’s it’s uh it’s multiplayer destroying the Discord if you want to join Bedrock Java any version of java the Discord link on my bio has um how’s the information for the IP you just ask around or something needed a subscriber Bell

What do you mean I guess wanted me to be aware that you’ll keep the grind okay Hazel or tan I don’t know man I don’t care about colors that much all right how’s their timers reset yet all right you guys ready no wait some of them I think huh

They’re not yielding much anyway let’s go over the Villager area I’ll grab some some sugar cane to do some trades too I’ll keep 64 here uh someone just bought my pumpkins can’t tell if he’s just trying to help or if people actually think it’s worth buying them but if you think about it

With that amount of pumpkins you can buy them and then like replant them like turn them into seeds and you can have like I don’t know so I think they’re high value they just I don’t know and then you can also use the pumpkins to sell the villagers

But like people don’t generally have the money if if they have the money they probably already have the infrastructure so I probably doesn’t make that much sense so I’m gonna be here doing trades while these guys reset because the goal is I need the tools to do the trades foreign

Manually place the items in the crafting table but thanks for the gifts Rachel what inspired this project um I just thought it’d be really cool to do like a month-long event thing like this did your Minecraft the end in Minecraft worlds get deleted

Uh no I still have it I mean it yeah I got deleted but I don’t know but if you watch the video I got the stuff back another 12 M’s all right paper guys give me that is the XP I need keep forgetting these guys give so much XP

This is like almost like one of the easiest ways to get XP without going to the end or having like a mob farm do you stream other games or just Minecraft um just Minecraft generally I have streamed other games but not going too much okay that’s that’s a lot of different

Colors that I don’t I don’t know I mean glossy black is better I think than matte black for some reason I actually know what all these colors look like I forgot slash rules is a thing oh I guess it tells you all the rules and such rules two

Most importantly have fun that has its own page to itself um homeboys got the periodic table patrons yes but an i5 dude I don’t know Sam I don’t I’m not that techy I mean I have like a PC that like I know all the specs and I know how

Some things are but like my my the knowledge of PC stuff is very limited he’s trying to sell for me for an exorbitant price I need to get one another one of these guys whatever I’ll I’ll purchase that because that’s not horrible well it kind of is a lot

Same for these dudes because like what am I gonna do not buy from them I mean that’s so many M’s for something I harvest in two seconds are you trying to get a PC that runs Minecraft well without spending one thousand dollars well make sure to get some mods that have like optimizations

Um OptiFine doesn’t work with like optifabric is compatible with almost nothing so that’s really annoying so OptiFine generally helps but there’s other mods that can optimize your game get higher frame rates 56 I’m not even if I had paper not in a million years man I should probably invest in another tool

Smith or something I was Prior at mango online at the same time why wouldn’t we I should I should maybe look into getting some melons too to round out the trades so then the prices aren’t so crazy what else was I here to do I guess trade

For the XP 27 I actually just realized that 20 level 27 that was like another five-ish levels read chat they are the same person they okay I don’t know how you’d get that impression that’s mean to me okay that’s sorry I was joking it was a joke I swear you have any XP

Or how much XP decent wait did their entity cramming great Oh they think you’re my alt why why would they think your account is my ALT account and we get a base tour um Maybe I mean this is kind of my base tour I mean you saw the other thing where I was back at the home area and then there’s this and that’s like essentially it I’m just doing a whole lot of farming a whole lot of infrastructure stuff or economy stuff I mean not infrastructure

Uh let me craft another ax so I can keep slaughtering these guys next time foreign come on give me what I need almost out of baby color that would have been a waste level 28 I don’t know I’m not gonna keep killing them because I think I’ve already thinned them out enough

It’s a lot of leather and stuff which is useful prior is all confirmed actually goblin shark Gray or multi-cam popcorn or butter yellow oh are these even colors I’m trying to ask different questions even though I do want to repeat myself I’m also don’t want to come across the rude uh

Oh I guess I didn’t read the thing you said earlier sorry what was what is your favorite non-creative flight mod uh of Transport or mode transport well I have uh the transportation methods guide video like that’s actually a video I uploaded like maybe like a month or two ago

And it has like all like the in my opinion the best methods of Transport so I actually have a video just for that I do not have the code for this hmm also I realize how many just realized how many M’s I have permanent blocks just to flex mad Flex right here

Now we have leather from our books and we put the whatever I’ll also grab some coal and smell this why not I’ll put the I’ll put the beef in like this chest because this is more like the food chest nacho cheese Orange elytra flight with Riptide Trident we’ll try the

The bubble dolphin bubble pathway thing because that’s not even the fastest method it’s the it’s the bubble half with Riptide trident with dolphins Grace on Soul Sand with soul speed three boots I think that’s it it’s crazy like the speeds are just beyond crazy Rose rich

Dude oh no I got 1.2 K on the server right now my play time is a day and two hours 25 minutes dang I’ve been on here a while there have been people who are like been on for like double or more than that but I can’t be on the server that much

Because I gotta make the videos what else was I doing oh yeah so I was gonna start digging the stuff wait but I wanted the XP so I could dig okay so then let’s try to get the remaining XP from grabbing that and then I guess also the chickens have

They reset their things do I need more pumpkins yeah I need more pumpkins so then I can turn them into seeds why not even grab that skeleton horse oh so so skeleton horses why does he have such a strong bow what did you see that he just like destroyed me

I swear they don’t normally have that strong of a bow I swear and why is that even a thing in Minecraft so I know that’s vanilla thank you let’s grab a bow deal with these guys how did it lightning in clear day that’s just how this works I don’t know like

It’s a thing in Minecraft this sometimes happens with like you’ll have a lone skeleton horse and then it’ll get struck by lightning and I’ll spawn a bunch of these guys and I don’t get it let’s get a bow power two and then a stack of arrows and we should

Be able to dispose of these guys pretty easily and hopefully not hit the horses so I can have a cool skeleton horse no R.I.P skeleton horse whatever there’s a bunch of others wait they can’t move I I don’t think they’re close enough to move or something or they can’t control the skeleton hearts

Or something no they can we almost hit the skeletons this dude’s stronger foreign horse I just gotta put a saddle on him thanks for the um the um the gifts vex how are Phantoms still in the game yes never got removed they’re really annoying earlier today

Is this a realm no it’s a server you can join on Bedrock or anything pizza pizza or ice cream uh I don’t have eat ice cream so Pizza I don’t really eat pizza either in this pizza I should probably eat pizza at some point I’ve seen that message

That’s so mean why would you say um I am F1 ice cream ice cream or chocolate okay I don’t know what what you guys why you guys are whatever I could question it uh yes poor prior so poor being called such mean things power gaming live yes

Some of the people on the server don’t know that I’m alive right now uh oh is this the yeah this is the Doomsday server if you want to join the IP information is on my Discord Link in my bio what am I looking for again oh saddle that’s I keep going down

Because I’m like oh well I I’m like why am I even here and then each time so silly of me this dude fast this dude actually seems quite slow yeah um yeah you don’t deserve saddle man is this the latest version uh yeah it’s 1.20.1

Why is it I guess horses don’t seem to like stairs huh but like you can join my you can join the server on any version you can join in 1.8.92 because we have the plug-in for that but uh the blocks that don’t exist in your version of the game they

Just get replaced by other ones okay yeah this could be very useful having a horse like they’re all kind of slow to be honest I’ll just leave them wandering around the base you don’t deserve a saddle none of them do wait yeah if one of them wanders outside of my base

People will just be able to take them yep kind of TPA to you to give you stuff no you’re not allowed to give me stuff it’s uh trying to make this difficult not easy what was I doing oh levels yeah so I need I need more

Pumpkins that I got because I was going to get more pumpkins and the skeleton issue and then I got sidetracked by that I keep getting sidetracked even be within My Side Tracks here let’s mine pumpkins over here so I I’m like letting the the crops grow

Now would be a good time to fish but fishing is kind of a waste of time if you’re under a time crunch I think you’re just chilling fishing’s cool does it work on Bedrock yes as I said the IP info is in my Discord Link in my bio

I remember the fudgesicles man I’ve I haven’t heard of that or like seen one of those since back in the day back when I was young I guess I’m young now but who cares where you think you’re confusing each other with your questions game can’t the skeleton horses despawn I don’t think so

I’ve never really noticed one t-spawn maybe they’ll just despawn on the server but I don’t really care if they do they’re all slow you guys are slow they deserve to know all right you guys ready don’t HD cram please I just I need your levels not your oh I

Need to be able to kill you okay I think they’re gonna start entity cramping real soon it’s too many of them almost level 30 almost and then I can Max and chant uh I’ll probably do my shovel first all right let’s go level 30. let’s do the just we don’t waste

Let’s do the thing first single player multiplayer single player or not sorry not single player multiplayer it’s a server anyone can join we got 42 people on right now all right uh I’ll pause the recording for now I hope I remember to turn it back on because it’s just a waste if I

If I’m really replay recording right now so let’s enchant this shovel um yeah I guess I need lapis maybe more we’ll see if I get a good thing all right shovel okay efficiency four that’s exactly what I want Fortune three fortune 3 sucks on a shovel then it turns Flint into gravel

Or or it returns whatever um in what world is a fortune three good on the shovel I don’t want gravel turned into Flint I’ll just I’ll use it but that’s annoying maybe I’ll get efficiency five but is that even useful whatever I’ll try to get the levels for

My ax too so I can be done with that foreign chickens eat it up they have so much room this is this is what free-range chickens look like trust me um you found the cave nice how do you join me because plays on Playstation Bedrock because you can’t

Add servers to your list uh look up a tutorial I don’t know why you can’t add servers to your list I’m pretty sure you can actually oh or Anthony all right let me get rid of some of them let’s thin the Rings they’re just not concerned having this one after the other just

Destroying them are so many of them come over the new new area there’s plenty of room I guess for some reason they don’t want to be near me the person who’s just slaughtering them foreign that’s decent I mean at least I’ll be good on food I with the pumpkin pie situation I already

Fixed my food situation I mean I’ll be good on food as long as if I’m able to cook it oh R.I.P baby chicken 28 levels that’s solid I’ll start digging and then do whatever I’ll use the efficiency 3 for when it’s just dirt oh and then also there’s this

Still not that many levels though oh chicken you can go in here actually right here see as you can go in here x and Bone here crafting table could go in my inventory Spruce planks can stay in here and then now let’s go mining for the the thingy Zoom recording

Good luck surviving the Manhunt I appreciate it download app Bedrock together to play on servers I guess you have to download an app for it Red Vines are pretty trash most the time oh you’re talking about the candy okay um let’s start digging over here or prepping I guess yeah this

This thing is gonna run right into my Farms I’m probably gonna have to delete my Farms but I’ll probably kind of try to avoid it as long as possible priorities pineapple on Pizza no I don’t don’t say such slanderous things against me two three four five six

Wait so this if this is this is seven uh let me recount that I want to see if this is actually correct I guess a lot of the farm will be spared I think your weather respawned I don’t know the weather could despawn I don’t think it can

You have three real quick I’m good two three four five six okay so I guess seven so I guess it is this chunk huh so yeah this is it let’s start digging well let’s start digging over there well we can we can do this here wait I guess Farmland isn’t

It’s harder to mine than dirt [Applause] oh I didn’t mean to dig it that far because it’s only supposed to be for this chunk I’m dumb there we go and let’s outline this okay let’s figure out how far it goes foreign build just watch the videos what’s wrong with that chunk uh we’re

Doing so I’m digging out a trench wait I didn’t oh someone planted that I’m like there’s no way that’s natural yeah someone built up a base next to my base again guys you gotta stop doing that because like we’re gonna make this you can’t do that soon oh wait this isn’t even

This isn’t even correct this is our one who three four five six seven so this should be seven in let me look at my map so one two seven I don’t think that’s done correctly I don’t think the red border is at the right spot I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be

Right here let’s just go to the other side because this is confusing what am I doing what’s your base chords I’m not telling you my bass chords hello mine Crafters Minecrafters say hello yeah this I’m I’m gonna have to offstream I’m gonna see if that red border is in the right location because

It may actually not be I guess I didn’t give much Direction to make sure it is because I wasn’t the one who placed it yeah all this is gonna have to get mined up not immediately though I’m probably gonna do the farm to last because I spent so much time placing them

Thanks for the gifts stalking why are you messaging please please what I didn’t see anything you said uh okay one two three four five six and then it’s this other chunk seven all right within this that I will mine out so I’m gonna have to get rid of all this

And unfortunately that’s all flat okay all right so let’s start mining so I think this is efficiency three efficiency three can’t even because I want the gravel I’m not actually sure why I don’t remember what I do kind of switch between troubles so I can use up like the efficiency glue [Applause]

And then just use the efficiency [Applause] and I I need the dirt so I can play something you just joined welcome thanks for the gifts Rachel what are you making says O’Leary um well I’m digging this out I’m starting to dig the trench for to protect myself on doomsday

So I think it’ll slow down a lot of players once it gets starts to get gray yeah then I’m done 51 all right next finally the next one because I may combine it with the other shovel for mending on it so then I can have a shovel that doesn’t

Have Fortune three in it [Applause] and also with this dirt I can as I said I can tell on the river anything sponges though does anyone have sponges and they want to sell them you have sponges and for some reason you want to sell them put them on the market

Put them on there for like at least like 800 or something [Applause] not actually on the market but on the age all right sleep sleep busy digging okay sleep what are you what are you doing I guess I’ll just have to fight all the maps what if assassins watch this Live Well

I’m assuming most of the people watching the live are actively participating and want to kill me so I mean I expect it what is doomsday just watch one of my most recent videos that explains what this is all about oh wait when I dig down oh I’m supposed

To dig down slightly wider so that I can do the thing here then I’ll do this good thing I remember that because saving myself a whole lot of time so I’m supposed to dig slightly wider than one trunk for a specifically I mean you’ll find out it’s to place an

Obsidian wall I don’t know how much of the city and I’ll be able to place we’ll see um let’s drink more water you see Herobrine Grill where the time item times next to the items it’s the time before it despawns I’ve been streaming almost two hours

Already I swear it like passes by so fast I was thinking it was like 30 minutes and it goes to this point so I’ll just extend this as much as I can bro you’re driving right now can’t be driving while you’re watching them you gotta be safe

I need you moderating can’t have you dead you need your unpaid moderating labor the best part about your stream timing is that you can hop on the stream right after school I’m glad it times really well and since I stream for so long for the

Series and like a lot of people can make it even if like my they can’t make it for part of it and stumbling on my words [Applause] I guess I could just do the pick block function I don’t need to by the way look at look at this trick guys

So you can place four blocks down by just swimming like this like why is this a thing you can do in Minecraft this is kind of absurd respiration would be very useful this is something all right this is just so fast it was ridiculous once I do this I can just

Speed around the rest of it above water walls uh yeah it’s balls for the trench [Applause] and I can’t click that fast where I can just do this where I can like place it faster than or like as I’m walking not that cool I guess I can

Speed place like this like speed bridge take place I can’t do that oh I went farther than I’m just too oops now let’s do the other way try to place the bottom layer first all right yeah it’s oh no I didn’t do it right I have to mine that

Or I can just mine it later let’s do this I’m supposed to it’s supposed to be slightly outside like not one but two you’ll see why you’ll find out enjoy your day have a good one thank you what’s up uh Emma Roche I said that right [Applause] all right see if anyone added

Sponges to the h nope no sponges it’s fine oh you can drive unless well that is the thing you can do but you can’t watch this channel cool yes [Applause] how how what I wonder how many times I’ve clicked my mouse buttons because I’ve been using the same Mouse for years

And I’ve probably clicked it millions of times maybe tens of Millions who knows there’s just a way I mean I’m sure there’s a way to track it I think I’ve heard something about that before but I don’t have a way to track it and I haven’t tracked it so hey respiration

I could do that part later I’ll just go up to the point where it runs into the farm do that foreign more than one one home because I’m the target I mean that’s interesting um I’ll just play normal I appreciate the suggestion though the walls and floor of the trenches I

Recommend making both the floor and walls crafting tables so you can’t place blocks and make the top wall power cauldrons well it’s it’s not necessarily supposed to like be like a trop or a um a drop thing and water cauldrons that would be mad expensive if I had to do water cauldrons

For every single one you should make a bunker uh that is an interesting idea but I’ve already thought of everything I’m more interested in hearing how you guys think would be the best way to kill me so I can stop that why did I mine that out actually I I

Kind of need blocks there so I can I’m drain this still no one put us put any sponges I’m trying to hint you guys put put sponges on the market in these sponges Turtle helmet three with respiration is good [Applause] what’s up dude in The Tick Tock chat I

Think he said hello a while ago and I just haven’t been able to respond bunker yeah a lot of people suggest a bunker some people such as sky base some people suggest various different things but I’m not going to reveal what my plan is it’s not necessarily something you’d expect

No one’s really said it wait oh wait I went a little far good thing I ran out of blocks so I thought I’ve gone too far build this up let’s try like a marker and it’s night time again great let’s slow down even more because it

Would be annoying to get out of the trench even if it’s like three four blocks deep which is what you said though well it’s it will be a bit more than three four blocks deep yeah it is just slowing down I get it but like it’s for more than that

Um and I can’t really say why and that’s why can you join hunt yeah of course join the server IP is in the description what are you building I am I’m building uh I think I’d probably just leave my course I don’t care everyone knows my chords already unless everyone

Most of the people who are on the line a lot it’s not going to help you to have my chords anyway but um what was I saying first lunch [Applause] We’re Gonna Fill This in even though you know whatever because I don’t know if I’ll get sponges

I want to hear those rasp like breaking sounds when I’m using this shovel that means I’m hitting the target block [Applause] pegs yes they are indeed pigs The Hunt is Java exclusive now bedrock and bedrock and Java we have a plug-in that puts cross compatibility you can join I mean that the information

Is on I don’t yeah I guess the um the bot is still not working which is so annoying why did why does the IP Command not work anymore I got to figure that out after the stream I said I’d figure it out after the stream live stream but I didn’t figure it out

I want to give you some watermelon season game can I do that no so I’ll be helping me I can’t help I can’t have anyone trying to just help me sorry fishing’s too bad baby it was a bit of a trench huh I mean that would be an efficient way to get down

My name is grass blocks thank you [Applause] maybe I should just fill in the rubber or is it worth trying to obtain sponges I don’t know there’s there’s a there’s a solid amount of stuff to empty a lot of a lot of water to empty I’m not really sure what’s the move

I think I may just start filling everything in [Applause] chicken yes what version it’s literally any version Jabba information is in the description of the stream man this is not super efficient and if only I had whatever but a bunch of people get kicked and rejoined I think maybe it’s another person with

A messed up player data for some reason it like sometimes when certain people join the server it kicks everyone or most a lot of people not sure why adding a reminder to join doomsday hour um well it starts October 1st at 1pm EST if you’re in the Discord it’ll tell you

Like the it’ll adjust to your time zone so you don’t have to calculate it so I recommend like all the information for all the events everything is in the Discord I highly highly recommend joining the Discord all right I wish I was Rich enough to be able to pay someone ten thousand dollars

Yeah well it’s not cheap for me to do that but it’s worth it for the content [Applause] foreign please don’t spam the chat with random letters what are you making I’m filling in the river so I can I’m trying to make a a trench around my base just slowed on people

Which it seems like it’s such an obvious and like kind of like basic thing to build I’m like oh people can just bridge over it but I have some strategies this is all a part of my master plan and I feel like I’m saying that like it’s ironic but it’s actually like

I do have a plan to survive [Applause] strategy counter eleven interesting well I have a lot of strategies there’s a lot of things that will be going on to Heaven relax I think I think that’s a a younger person respect big respect for the grind I appreciate that man

It is it is a bit of a grind the gameplay actually isn’t even as much of a grant grind as the as the videos are what I probably should do is make it so that this dirt doesn’t get grass spreading on it like this whatever I may just like fill it in and

Then mine it before the grass spreads or maybe it doesn’t maybe it just won’t matter because soon I’ll have like a shovel that can handle all the digging and I can repair it real quick [Applause] I’m gonna go three blocks high up four [Applause] wait no this is too high yeah I’m not

Gonna be able to reach that too high placing dirt epically yes it is mad epic the way I’m placing this dirt takes a real gamer to place dirt like this [Applause] you should sing me a song while I eat um I don’t know about that man I’m not one to sing songs

I would play music during stream that would be cool but I I still have to figure out like the whole system of like well I guess it’s not that hard to just put the music on a different track but like how do platforms respond to that and I don’t know uh

I don’t know man oh I missed the block here [Applause] wait is this working with the gravel no so I thought it was instant mining the gravel because I because there’s a thing it’s not really a glitch but the thing that can happen where you can instamide a block you’re

Not supposed to install Mine by insta mining a block right before that in the game like kind of Acts a little funny and it’s useful 10 out of 10 singing I highly doubt that my scene is one day I’ll do music so I think it’d just be so fun but yeah not yet

[Applause] Mike Road chose zero I’m not sure what you mean by that people getting kicked and rejoining just someone that keeps trying to join them I won’t worry about it the reason I’m doing all this is to get my dirt back and so I can just um yeah I don’t know

I’ll probably buy a couple more shovels once this lowers in durability then once I touch the gray area I’m probably gonna use up this shovel mostly those are both set aside now what college did you go to um all right now I’m doing online for Liberty uh speaking of I should have

Emailed my professors before spring I still haven’t done that they still are like why are you not submitting anything because I’m playing Minecraft the pits yes I’ve seen more oh I guess I haven’t been mining this out am I [Applause] need to fill in more stuff that’s fine foreign

Cooler in your server yeah check out the the end video the end upgrade that’s what it’s going to look like and we’re gonna have a custom a lot of custom stuff like the end fight will be way cooler than normal like we’ve been working on it for a while now decided for Saturday

Then also well not Saturday sorry Sunday is when the end fight is the parkour challenge is yeah the other day man I hate turning all this into Flint I like using gravel for like concrete and stuff but I probably won’t really use concrete in the space I don’t know we’ll see [Applause]

The goal is to use up the shovels and then eventually I think I’ll find out the other stuff with the faster you’re new welcome welcome um Minecraft comes first yes is there are there any other games that you like to play other than Minecraft um not right now I don’t

I’m just working all the time so well when I say working I mean playing Minecraft for videos and stuff so all my focuses on Minecraft uh your new welcome I think I already said that do you have a girlfriend yes welcome everyone what’s up Jay Ashley

Yeah this is going to take a while to fill in it’s gonna take a lot of tool durability and stuff still no sponges on the age you guys wants to get my hints and be like oh well put sponges on the H for like one 800 or something like a stack of them

Yeah Builder’s insane thank you when do you start this um so this series started one week ago you can kind of see on the timer there’s 24 days left and I don’t know if that’s right because there’s 30 days how much money for Minecraft do you make uh normally it’s you it’s not

Proper to ask people how much they make but I mean it depends it really depends on like the video and how well it does and what platforms and it can vary wildly what’s up band does some stuff can you see the trading Hall um people watch the the trading Halls over

There I mean I’m I’m recording a replay mod clip right now so I’m not gonna go anywhere I’m gonna keep filling this in 31 days well there’s only 30 days in September right oh well I guess there’s the additional day of because it’s counting down until October 1st which is when doomsday is

I am not weird definitely uh yeah not weird people tend to say they’re not weird so I’ll take your word for it it’s like trustworthy people they tell you how much how trustworthy they are they just convince you constantly because that’s what you do if you’re trustworthy

Are you worried about the amount of people and for another right no I actually now I think about it I expected more people in full netherite and I actually don’t think there will be that many I mean sure they pose more of a threat because they’re more likely to make it to me

But I think I’ll be fine because if we don’t get at least a thousand people trying to kill me on doomsday then I it should be a win for me we’ll see foreign would you mind being my friend in Minecraft I have a build world I would like someone to see

Well I mean I can just Join This Server and then like I don’t know let’s play on the same server but other than that like I’m just 24 7 busy working yeah why does that one command work but the IP Command doesn’t work anymore maybe I have to redo the IP Command I’ll

Probably make it again yeah right here what I’m doing is I’m working on a trench but to dig the trench I have to get rid of the water recently also I wanted you to know I only recently saw you on course I just want to say they’re perfect thank you foreign

How did I get here uh your guess is as good as mine why don’t you just fill the top layer because I’m going to be digging down this is not this is not about flattening the land this is about digging down into the ground there’s gonna be a bit of a long process

Digging this trench I’m not I’m only going to start the trends today I don’t think I’ll actually be able to do that much today in regards to it so yeah um see a trench and I think yeah the trench and like upgrading my gear which I already upgraded the shovel

I’m just gonna get a few more levels once I run out of stuff I’ll probably go to the back to the base and start enchanting more stuff and whatnot like the ax specifically so I need my ax I need my x max well it’s in the it’s in

The chest it’s not at my 100 test you’re getting kicked from the server I feel like there’s someone with like uh messed up player data or something and so when some certain people join well there’s multiple people with messed up player data so whenever they join it

Kind of kicks other people I don’t know why so I’m sorry about that nobody leaves the Stream True what is the new mod that you’re gonna oh I use the the mod called Axiom do you only play on stream mostly I mean it’s it’s almost always for videos at least these days

Dude I’m not why do people ask how much money I make that’s that’s kind of weird I guess it’s because of the ten thousand dollar prize a lot of people are kind of questioning like what yep foreign the server here like whether you’re Bedrock Java just come join the server

If you want to be a part of the event what’s up Duck welcome to the Stream it’s an interesting topic no offense no I mean no no no offense taken it’s just I don’t know it’s not really something people like to share online I don’t care as much because

You know I’m reinvesting all the money I make back into my videos well most of it almost every bit of it so um so it’s not like I’m like flexing or anything because it’s just like you kind of see almost all the money I’m spending in the content somehow

I mean not necessarily on the actual production of the videos but anything video related really you love my videos thank you do you plan on getting a beacon yeah yeah but I don’t know I’ll probably have to wait to do that because people I don’t think anyone has beacons yet

How old are you I’m 19. okay I’m Gonna Keep the sand should have failed in this side so now I would have more day whatever I’ll dug over here also I forgot thank you now let’s take from this side I think three in rows of three is like most efficient [Applause] foreign

How do you get good at Minecraft I’m really bad uh play the game for 12 years yeah that’s kind of the just play a lot of it watch a lot of people play Minecraft but I mean think about why you want to get good at Minecraft because it may not be worth it

Because like why does it really matter for me it makes sense because like I mean I’ve always loved it that’s kind of the main reason because I’m just like well I want to get better at something that I like I enjoy playing um and also just competition

And now it’s my job so that’s another element you look good for 19 I think you mean you’re an old yeah thank you how do I join your server well the IP information is in my Discord linked in my bio so you just go on the profile

Click the link and then click Discord and the IP operations there it’s his stream or death true you guys always better be on this stream always put a sponge on the h One Singular sponge uh one sponge and that’s a lot for one sponge man I don’t know I’m good

Maybe if there’s like one area I needed to clean up but I got more than that if I wanted to make SpongeBob then that would be a good purchase but that is not a goal of mine let’s keep filling one is your limit wow I guess I’ll probably have to figure

Something out I’m gonna have to get a sponge on my own or something I’m guessing not many players have really looted the water temples have they what are your thoughts on what is Zen patches what is that or what are those how do you get good at Minecraft on bad

I just answer that question play a lot like if you’re talking specifically about PVP or building those can be trained skills where you like specifically train for them so you could do like a lot of fights with PVP just play a lot of different game modes that are quick PVP matches

Um or if you’re looking to get better building just make stuff Moon oh glitch hopefully by the time you need to clear out a large amount of water more players are selling punches we’ll see I’ll probably postpone clearing out the water but for now for this little bit just so

I can get some progress I’m filling it in and for the content it’ll look cool in the video [Applause] [Applause] how much more dirt do I have probably not much actually no I have a lot I’m standing corrected I refer to myself so I don’t think that breeze really close

What up am I huh for some reason my Chrome is like is like not happy especially like you’ve got too many sites or something I mean I I only have like eight tags open and several of them I don’t even I don’t even know I think several of them might even I

Have I haven’t even loaded another another dry sponges I know that but thank you for the letting me know if I go to the nether to dry sponges they’ll probably kill me although can you claim land in another I can’t remember what’s up uh zenta Kai [Applause]

They have become so big in the USA that people are getting more addicted to them than smoking sin patches I don’t know what that is huh maybe maybe I’ve heard of it before if I don’t remember but if they’re getting addicted then my thoughts on it is probably it’s not good

There’s a pure a slave to the to certain chemicals that you’re putting in your brain or whatever then well I guess technically technically the um the hunger response is a chemical and you’re kind of controlled by your hunger in a way but even even in a way if you’re entirely controlled by your

Hunger then that’s also not good there is also such thing as control and moderation and a lot of stuff else it’s healthy healthier than vaping well I mean I sure hope so because vaping is horrible for you you’re scalding your lungs not to mention potential cancer risks

And all that stuff they’re just like burning your lungs with oil someone said finally said your name right yes [Applause] not true I can quit whatever I want you’re funny man foreign because I just like I make Minecraft videos man that’s right that’s what I do

I just grind day in day out even when I’m sleeping I’m always grinding you’re vaping since 12 and you got on bins it’s a lot better I’m sure there’s definitely some sort of drawback to that too but I mean I guess it’s on that positive if it got you to stop vaping

But vaping was designed to get people to stop smoking cigarettes but then it was much worse so I don’t know your channel is blown up yes it has high from acuria is that a country because I mean I took uh AP World History and I don’t remember that being a country

Maybe I’m just being super mean right now and you’re like bro my country exists trust me I don’t know I just don’t remember that welcome welcome there’s a lot of countries out there to be fair what are you working on I’m digging a trench for doomsday I hope that will actually do work

That is the kind of thing that like I remember playing on the beach it’s like soccer and I’m like it’d be so fun because you can control the Sand by like digging it and like shaping it and so like that would be so cool if I could like build like trenches so people

Trying to score on me the ball would just fall in the trenches or like I don’t know so I was like I remember I was I thought that was just so cool the concept of that and I tried but you know taking takes a long time in real life

But also in Minecraft at this scale it takes a long time so yeah like by the end of the like everyone just get bored and be like I’m I want to play soccer and I’m like trying to dig like trenches so they can’t escort me uh that was funny

Welcome Jay what brings you to the Stream you enjoy my content because it makes me feel much better about liking Minecraft at 20 years old yeah well I mean you’re 20. you’re a little old for Minecraft I’m 19 so fun okay no I get it yeah Minecraft a lot of

People kind of think though it’s like a kids game but it depends on how you play it it’s kind of like my content I try to appeal to everyone mainly focusing on hitting like a little older of a demographic [Applause] and I feel like that’s like where I got

All my a lot of my viewers from is people just like you who are saying the same thing saw you were live in Discord nice yeah you’re 21 to play Minecraft as a job yeah well you’re kind of old 21 is I don’t know man how’s your bones are they quaking

Are they aching on me [Applause] I carry it as a country in Asia okay sorry about that yeah I guess I just didn’t know I thought I thought I knew all the countries they feel great all right well they’ll they’ll start to they’ll start to ache because of your old age

I say that but then I’m gonna be like 20 soon and then everything that I said to people that are slightly older than me they’re gonna apply to me maybe I’ll get trolled but I can say I’m a teenager so I’m exempt from all sort of age jokes

You do a good job with your sense of humor but also the type of playing you do thank you yeah I think the humors and kind of just demeanor is the same is is part of why because it’s much more relaxed you feel like I’m 17 still yeah well

Wait I guess this dirt goes a little lower than I thought I’ll dig that out later I’m just trying to mind the surface dirt I’d love to build a Minecraft for a job well I mean I’ve um I got a couple people who will Who like when I need people to

Replicate my builds for like videos they’re I mean their job is essentially playing Minecraft too and they’re not even a content creator they just help me out although I do all my designs myself because I’ll hand off like producing the replay video sometimes because if I try to record the

Replays as I’m building oftentimes the the replays will be super long and then it doesn’t work it doesn’t turn into a tutorial though and then like the videos get a little incoherent so to make sure that everything just stays coherent and especially a larger based build

Um I have someone else just replicate it in like a very specific way so everything can be summarized in a very digestible manner you’re a nobody I feel that I feel like a nobody and then it’s just imposter syndrome but then it’s like those moments where occasionally you’ll get recognized or

Something it’s like dang maybe I am reaching real people they’re not all fake how’s your day going it’s good 29 is still watching nice yeah it’s it’s good that you know the Minecraft audience like the old Minecraft audience has has grown and so then there is a market for like content

Like this where it’s like it’s less bubbly and kid friendly and loud and I don’t know I could not be one of those kids YouTubers I’m just being real like man trying to keep up that energy I just I’m not even that high of an energy person

But to keep up that energy is like to struggle like I I struggle with keeping up my streaming energy but part of that is I’m sleeping almost not like barely sleeping because of the series because we’re working on videos at the same time have you ever played subnautica no

Thanks for the gifts uh Marco uh you’re back welcome back making a trench yeah you do check your YouTube you do what please act like a kid’s YouTuber uh I’m good I would I would hate my job if if I had to be like that but I mean some people

Here some people their personalities are better disposed to or predisposed um because they just have more energy than a bubbly but like I just don’t have the personality for that and then also I think I’m too serious sometimes are you gonna beat the 1000 assassins

Yes I expect to I think I will I hope I will in your next message you’ll pretend to be a Minecraft children’s YouTuber you do that buddy you’re gonna hit someone that’s probably won’t be very nice I should play subnautica if I haven’t well I don’t I don’t get the peel to be

Honest I like blocks that’s what I like I’ve always loved blocks I’ve seen some gameplay and I’m like I don’t know I just don’t get why it’s appealing just being real and I’m not just I’m not trying to Flame the game it’s just not my thing man

I’m missing stream layout what do you mean [Applause] this is gonna take a while I need those sponges let’s see if someone put any nope still just one sponge maybe I’ll do that some other time maybe another stream I’ll gather some sponges what do you guys think

But until then I’m gonna waste a bunch of time doing this is there a time limit that the 1K assassins have to kill you yes um one hour time limit so I’m preparing for a whole month so then just survive one hour but one hour is actually not a lot of time so

And I expect to win even though like each every every time someone dies someone else can fill their spot because there’s only going to be like a 500 player cap um because there’s client-side lag the problem is like your game can’t necessarily render a thousand players even if the servers can

And so I don’t want everyone to just lag to death and have a horrible experience I want to keep it like a high player count but but obviously like before your clients start exploding before your PC your console or even phone explodes um so each time someone dies so we have

A cap and then someone died each time someone dies they get replaced by someone else what if the guy is actually what are priors base chords why do people keep asking not supposed to know what my coordinates are I mean everyone knows where my bass chords are but I’m not supposed to know

Oh like streaming layouts to help your audience know more about your handles uh well the thing is this is also about I don’t know I I feel like all that kind of stuff just doesn’t look clean you have younger step siblings who would watch that

With a deck yeah so if you if you uh you get banned from the server for like a certain amount of time like timed out if you die so if you don’t have if you’re just a regular player you you essentially get one life if you

Die you you can’t come back during the hour um if you have content creator rank that’s the highest response time so like if you die you can respawn 10 minutes later um if if you have a challenge win a rank that’s every 20 minutes and then if you

Have VIP it’s every 30 minutes so say you die with VIP and then like 30 minutes later you can respawn with all your stuff and try to get me again so and then VIPs I think are like the first people to the higher the rank the more likely you

Are to get into the event at the start so we prioritize people’s uh who are like supporting the server maybe building a flat land for defenses now this is a trench said Nautica is good but you died with your cmoth so you quit but you’re probably gonna come back huh

How long have you been playing many many years I feel like I’d say 12. not 12 years straight but it’s when I first started playing the game I think so I didn’t have it until like a few years in after playing it was more like at the start it’s just

When I get to play with friends or whatever and there was like a couple years where I didn’t play it again but over the course of 12 years I’ve played a lot of Minecraft so yeah it’s ingrained into my brain now I can’t get it out drowning I need respiration this is annoying

[Applause] you have any tips on building um build a lot practice it’s really the best tip you can get and spend a lot of time with it I have a building tips video it didn’t do very well back at the time actually oh it’s only on my Tick Tock I

Think because I never reposted that to any other platform did I people are doing the tell me why song are gone again oh foreign how do you get the content creator rank the information is limited stored I honestly don’t remember what the requirements are if you have to like

Just message us and then we’ll give it to you if you meet the requirements and then you know you can be a part of Doomsday and everything with like the extra lives or whatnot and then you get a specific Rank and then you get priority and events and

It just makes sense to incentivize people with like a following to make content or stream them all in the server because then we get more people yeah so the the requirements are a little high to be honest because you can kind of cheese followers pretty easily and like not

Have like a much of a fan base or anything or not get many viewers what are you building I’m building a trench people are talking about subnautica in The Tick Tock chat I don’t know I just don’t play subnautica so I can’t really weigh in [Applause] I think this can go two more

Laughs 23 days I mean yeah it says right here are you at the University no I’m at the office [Applause] I don’t attend in person anymore because I need to play more Minecraft sound silly but it makes sense to to grow the social medias especially while social media is like

It’s still so new and it’s like it’s so easy to get views I mean the series hasn’t gotten a ton of views but that’s because I’m bad at making videos I’m working on it can you use a sponge can’t you just use a sponge to drain the water yeah but I

Don’t have any sponges man and if I leave the base to get sponges people are gonna kill me because they get ten dollars I’ve kind of incentivized it so that’s kind of my vault let’s start placing it in I may get sponges at some point I may

Need people to like join the server and protect me we’ll see you do Subs you like the content appreciate it Shadow X yeah we’re gonna make the long forms longer I mean the streams have been longer so there’s more content to pull from yeah I’m gonna try to make them longer

So there’s more content overall and then also it’s good for fuse to be honest so when someone binges the the entire series it doesn’t take them two seconds he said it takes longer and they can become more invested and enjoy it more and it feels about ten dollars for a

Bodyguard well that’s the same amount of money you could get from killing me I guess that’s kind of the the deal isn’t it I don’t know if I were to get a bodyguard I’d probably want like to get content creators so then it could be like contact like a Content stream so like when I need bodyguards I probably have content creators to help me out we’ll see I was not having a bodyguard I think

It’s cooler or more entertaining generally why do you send me your inventory nice Ward armor trim I don’t know what that is is that like an ancient city thing oh you’re stacked yeah the Ender Dragon is a little different we’re gonna do like custom I think maybe custom Enderman I don’t know

If that’s decided upon yet or like if we’re gonna do custom Enderman what they look like but the end fight is gonna be made a lot more difficult so then it’s actually a challenge for like hundreds of players what would you rate yourself at okay uh how do you how long do you

Stream for generally during this series at least like five hours to be honest because I stream way too much maybe it’s too much I don’t know what would you rate yourself at mini golf if that’s directed at me um I don’t know I’m fine I’m like decent maybe better than

Average but everyone thinks they’re better at average at things well not everyone but most people think they’re better than average and a lot of them are below average just statistically you like this guy thank you would you be against people fighting with you during Doomsday uh with me oh um

You can’t like enter my base before doomsday if you want to try to fight other players and protect me for some reason that’s an option um I don’t I don’t want too many people doing that because I have a feeling people are just gonna start slaughtering

Each other and then it’s going to thin out all the ranks and then No One’s Gonna Be able to kill me because my my strategy they’re just too strong so I don’t know man so I am looking for people to like try to kill me because people are definitely gonna are

Underestimating how powerful my strategies are did you ignore my question no I answered it when will I get another right uh oh when will you get another right um when I get it I don’t know I don’t really need another right but if I try to get it like I’m probably

Just gonna get killed so I don’t know if I’ll we’ll see what are you making today I’m working on a trench to go around the base [Applause] yes a trench it’ll also look visually really cool so that’s part of why I’m doing it because it serves a lot of

Function and then also it’ll just look cool for like the videos then maybe I’ll like make it look extra fancy and stuff I gotta I should have probably started doing the defenses now I think about it for like when I like intro the videos and stuff people are like oh oh that’s

What you’re doing that’s how you’re prepping and it like subconsciously shows kind of illustrates what’s going on cool server thank you yeah we got 41 people online you guys want to join feel free to if you want to prep for doomsday try to claim the ten thousand dollars feel free to join

Have I been asking too many questions no I like it when people ask questions at least if they’re good questions too bad you can’t breed puffer fishes and put a bunch in them puffer fishes probably won’t do that much to be honest [Applause] I mean they’d be all right

I probably that would be pretty time thinking though even if you could breed him also really annoying to deal with myself can you play on phone yes [Applause] are you in Java or Bedrock I’m in Java but you can join the server on any version we can make teams right yeah I

Expect people to make teams I encourage people to make teams but make sure you trust your teammates is what I always say just say one of them kill me they can pocket the money because I’ll send the money to them and it’s up to them to distribute the money

Man I gotta get aqua affinity or something or no the respiration I’m out of dirt are you gonna get enchantments yeah I mean I already have almost a Max Enchanted pickaxe I just need I think Fortune three but my enchantments are important specifically for the tools

Can you play on Nintendo I believe so you were on a couple of minutes ago and got iron gear and one Diamond nice uh I just asked because the program you said you would donate the money to if no one killed you what a program I would like to see supported

I just started your server earlier today I mean that the charity that will get the money if I survive it’s in the it’s in the Discord information page you’re playing on a team with literally just me and your girlfriend LOL also do you plan on touring other base people’s

Bases after doomsday or anything well yeah one of the things for doomsday is on the last day of preparation I tore your bases and the best base design gets 250 so if you have the coolest space on the server you get 250 dollars where’s the updated and video check out

My videos it’s literally the finished video is out finished it a week ago posted a week ago foreign you got a team of eight op PVP players nice we’ll see if you guys win then what do you think you’ll do tomorrow well um I don’t really know what the game plan

Is for tomorrow but it depends it probably depends on what I do today because I think it really depends on progress and everything yeah trench is starting to look pretty good starting to get make some decent progress I’m gonna dig more but we’ll see we’ll see if this shovel can handle much more

Prior got a school barbecue nice give me some barbecue then let’s snag some of this easy XP it’s also useful for um well it’s repairing my pickaxe right now but it’s also useful for because I need the coal and I need the XP for maxing out my sh my ax so then I

Can instrument all those pumpkins maybe I’ll start farming melons if I get silk touch on my ax imagine winning this I think I think I’ll win I’ll see but yeah I mean it’ll be really cool if you guys want any whoever wins it it’ll be really cool I’m excited to see what happens

[Applause] what are the rules for doomsday well the information is in the Discord on the Discord page with all the information [Applause] have you considered using wardens for defense I mean that’s an interesting idea and I have thought of everything but I’m not gonna reveal anything about my plan but remember

The thing about wardens is shrieker’s only spawn wardens in the um in the thing in the deep dark it’s Saturday so I’m probably gonna wear my new Nike’s and probably bring my my phone to look cool nice gotta Flex on them don’t leaked your chords I know everyone knows my chords

I don’t really care though because they can’t answer my base okay 55. let’s be real careful I’m not trying to break this shovel this Max shovel anything I can throw in there nah all right that’s fine pumpkin pies aren’t actually that great of food source to be honest

You have a trading Hall yet yes indeed yeah I’m going back to my base because I have to repair my shovel but before I can do that I need mending wait I should place in uh why am I going back to my base I should be placing the

Dirt and stuff before I go because it’s just gonna sit in my chest all right uh write that down that I didn’t leave and that I went back to the thing it’s for the video put X days left in the title now you don’t want to put it in the title I put

In the thumbnails um because so people can track while also not making it obvious that is an episodic kind of series or that is not episodic or making it obvious that or not making obvious that it’s episodic like a lot of people are gonna be like I’m not

Clicking on a day six if I haven’t clicked on days one through five so like just by not putting in the title I mean maybe it’s a little misleading but it makes it a middle less obvious that it’s that this is just part six of preparation so you got kicked by server lag

I don’t think it’s server lag I think it’s on your end because we’re not having server lag right now server is going great have you heard of my channel I have 168 yeah I’ve been following your channel for like 30 years you don’t have money to claim anything that sucks I mean just

I don’t know just claim a tiny area get a little bit of money claim a tiny area and put your like best things in that area kick the chest so no one can steal or break your stuff you just got back from school nice what are you doing filling in the dirt

Why is that um so I’m working on a trench I’m trying to get rid of this water all right and so this isn’t a super efficient way but I just don’t have what I need oh I should be using sand so that I can break the sand really easily

I forgot that’s a thing bruh because I can just Place torches down and break this down that way instead of having to use my shovel whatever [Applause] anyone play shattered vanilla I don’t know what that is [Applause] can I join on Xbox yes you can IP is in the description of the Stream

Can I leave I got basketball practice all right if you got practice you can go I guess it might be unlisted because it’s not in your videos what is oh day six I know I haven’t posted day five or six yet because the videos aren’t made yet I

Gotta work on that after stream that’s one of the things I gotta do what’s up uh pwr G-Man oh the updated End video it’s it’s not a it’s not a full video it’s a short I haven’t made it if I make a full video on that like after doomsday series then I’ll

Probably put it on my builds Channel because I don’t think it’ll serve as like a maybe it would be a good main Channel but main Channel video but like I don’t know if you make a section with water using magma blocks you can help slow people down

Uh people would just like go over it or something well I guess that would pull them down but people just walk over there shout out me shout out to Sir fusions all right let’s place in the sand too I guess if you make a section all right I

Already read that I found this stream on my TV so I went on my phone to comment ice watching on your phone and TV good stuff man glad that’s funny yeah so many people watch YouTube on their TVs nowadays TV watching has just risen so much

How long do your builds take it depends I think the the end of grade one in total took around 15 16 hours so check it out here back by the way it would be an amazing main Channel video especially if you had a friend to try to

Fight it well we’re gonna be fighting it here on the server so that’s that’s what the end fight that’s what the end is going to look like on this Hardware once we open it up you start on September 1st yes 45 watching nice how do you vote uh like vote on the

Server so you go to slash Hub and then takes you to the main area and then you just like click on the NBC that says vote and you just like vote on sites it essentially promotes the server which may mean we get a few more players but

I don’t think it matters that much but if you want to do it I would do it death so far I mean I’ve died like a lot of times but a lot of them weren’t necessarily in this world so I’ve had to give people I’ve had to give away sixty dollars I

Think in total to players who have killed me but like like the ones I have counted because there have been some that didn’t count where either I just died myself or like I dyed a whole bunch on this when I was like messing around with people on the PVP area because that

Doesn’t count because that’s not like the survival so people don’t get money from there these zombies are slow can’t even swim they can’t they’re just gonna turn in drones how can you join IP is in my Discord Link in my bio you also played Minecraft nice just got back from school awesome

You waved at me yesterday by the same time we both got attacked by creepers nice I had to wait three hours for a test it’s a lot hey I just saw YouTube short of yours and thought it was cool just wanted to say have a nice day and keep up the good

Work thank you man sorry I have not been here very long what are you making um I’m working on a trench around my base I think it’ll slow down players on doomsday especially the the people are less prepared like if you don’t have like I don’t know stuff

You should put magma blocks at the bottom and drag people down yeah but like it’s really easy to I don’t know I appreciate the suggestions though school is so fun also I just went to the new home new school and it’s so fun because I get to you get no homework oh nice

Yeah homework’s the worst school would have been much better if I didn’t have to do any homework and I would have probably still learned the same amount well not in physics class physics I needed the homework you have the fortune that I wanted I don’t really need Fortune but I appreciate it

It’s not a super it’s not a big priority right now I’m not gonna pay a lot for Fortune right now and you can’t just give me items because that’s against the rules there was a fight in the boy’s bathroom well if nothing like a good old fight nice content thank you you’re doing

Homework while watching me well I hope you’re able to focus generally it kind of makes it a lot more difficult to actually get work done generally get it done a lot slower I don’t get it how people can like do homework in like a group say if you’re all quiet that makes sense

Because you’re all like essentially providing accountability for each other but if you’re in a group like and you’re talking you are not getting any work done that’s just a socialization group not that it’s not homework group you know what’s your favorite subject well back in my day when I was in school

I think I liked psychology based stuff you want the fortune no how many people on Tick Tock live I have no idea I don’t I don’t have a way to see I don’t even know how many viewers are in my YouTube or Tick Tock and it’s

Probably for the best so I can just focus on what I’m doing what is this dude doing see I think he wants some help you all right man okay now he’s put he he was doing that for attention now he’s fine what time is it over there it is 4 43 P.M

Oh my cottage cheese maybe I should start eating my cottage cheese are you gonna make the success of beating 1000 assassins I think you’re saying are you gonna beat the Thousand assassins I believe so I think I can win I expect to win for so many reasons

I think this dude is not watching the stream because he’s not he doesn’t realize that I’m answering him out loud What’s your favorite block I don’t know man I like building with deep slate tiles so I guess that’s the best answer I can give you hope I win thank you how long have you played Minecraft 12 years You’re just grinding to kill me right now nice um what’s your tactic I’m not telling you you’ll find out later I mean some of it you’ll be able to decipher from just what I’m doing but I’m doing the obvious stuff on stream and the stuff that you’re not

Necessarily gonna unders like know about until it actually happens I’m doing off stream it’s probably stream delay yeah what’s your opinion on Minecraft’s current state I think it’s good I like Minecraft although there’s one main issue is it’s too easy not dangerous enough that’s kind of what drew me to the game

To begin with is I’m like I’m like the the danger aspect not just part of it was the building but the whole thing about having danger is it makes you want to like do things to survive if it’s a struggle to survive it’s less boring it’s more entertaining if it’s like

It’s like man I don’t even know if I’m gonna win this or what do I do I’ll put clay in here I guess I don’t I guess this is like a flight and Clay chest those various things where’s the other test with plants that’s going in there now who knows

At least now I have some coal do you play Roblox no I only played it like once did like this supposed to be like a scary game thing all right let’s figure out the the whole shovel situation I think I may should I just go get more from the villagers okay

Uh yeah I may do that since I’ve been around here let me just Harvest I’m gonna Harvest what I can from these Farms let’s hope they’ve grown do you have the VR headset yes I do the vibe craft I’ve actually played that I’m actually gonna be doing a VR related thing

I’m not gonna say much about it because I like to keep it somewhat secret I guess I like to keep it a surprise but you have a serious plan that is VR and it and it said it’s going to be an actually interesting VR Series so many

Of them the whole Crux of the series is that it’s in VR and it’s just boring it’s like oh it’s just the same thing except it’s in VR or you you edit the content to be so much slower why did Discord crash again that’s so weird it’s crashed a couple times lately

It won’t let me log onto your server but make sure you have if you’re joining on Java make sure you have the Java IP Link description or not Link in description it’s just in the description um and then if you’re joining on Bedrock make sure you have the better Arc IP and

The port so it’s different they should make a deep dark dimension well I think Minecraft is gonna add one I took my whole video about is Minecraft Minecraft is going to add a new dimension that’s uh that’s what my video is all about anyways I’m going to basketball practice

All right nice thank you so much for the entertainment Good Vibes appreciate it man I truly help you grow as a content creator thank you this wasn’t a huge Harvest but it’s decent it’ll do because I’m just going to do some trades probably for some more shovels I know I have the

The stuff but like it helps to have like a ton of emeralds I can also sell it sell them okay so let’s well if I’m gonna enchant the ax I may do that and then get some more pumpkins why is a pumpkin right there okay it’s kind of weird

Just two pumpkins just in the ground your Minecraft is Swedish and it’s made by Swedish dude then sold yes I do know that I’ve heard that I mean I know about I follow a notch on Twitter he just posts random stuff I don’t know I mean I don’t really go on Twitter but

When I do sometimes I’ll see this stuff because I only check following I’ll see if like certain people that I followed have said something mildly interesting but it’s I don’t I don’t even check it what version of the server any version of Minecraft RL craft and VR is chaotic I don’t doubt it

Let’s breed the chickens pumpkin seeds I should do the trick hopefully they’ve their time is already set they’re not no they are okay we’re good maybe it will level up enough I think I’m feeding the seeds to a bunch of baby chickens on accident this is Humane which one are you having

That’s fine yeah still not enough XP I guess that’s fine I mean hmm I can I’ll turn off the replay recording until I get back because there’s no point in having it on as I’m just running to the other base I’ll go right now you have to leave but you’ll be back

Well you better be back man it’s almost midnight for you well you should probably sleep you’re my favorite person to watch keep up the good work thank you man what’s up Brandon e almost out of pumpkin pie but I’ll just dip into my other store of things they’re definitely not ready to

Your timers haven’t been reset have they watch out is that villager wandering on still alive where is he at see like he’s in the cave this dude I don’t know how he stuck around for so long you just grew apart from this Society huh all right double

Am I gonna get more of these uh I may get two more we’ll see I still have to decide buffed end yes five minutes behind streamers I don’t think so if that’s what you’re saying all right let’s see if this dude let’s drop his prices no they’re still really high all right dudes

I mean this guy isn’t as expensive so 16. that’ll work well I guess I don’t really have any pumpkins here I thought I did foreign where’s the toolsmith dude I may buy some shovels off you where are you at don’t you want some resources all right um all right I’m thinking

Oh I had to combine them into efficiency too um short stream now I’m at three and a fourth hours three and a quarter yeah well that’s kind of a short stream for me right now because I mean I probably won’t go for that long I say that every time and then I stream

For like six and a half hours yesterday so um efficiency too should I do it because the thing is I have the shovels but I kind of want another one but those would combine up to efficiency five I mean I’ve bought a lot of these uh uh I’ll do it yeah

So then I have another efficiency three shovel once I combine them or have your paper trades reset or not reset but went down in price oh this is back to normal price all right let’s snag that real quick give me where are you there he is

Excellent trades if I do say so myself okay so that’s mending and thorns fire aspect does dude have any other oh I’ve only traded with them like once foreign oh you have tea launcher does that not let you join hmm well if T launcher is like a is a cracked version of Minecraft

Then yeah it’s not gonna let you join I don’t really know what T launcher is to be sure to be honest what was I doing again oh right enchantment for the ax which is right here we already have an efficiency two right here

So I just all I had to do is buy one more and then I can make another efficiency four shovel I don’t know I have a lot of shovels I could probably combine these that’s keep this this this I could probably sell shovels for a decent amount on the age because people

Would love to have diamond tools that should probably be something I do um all right let’s get in here let’s do some enchanting okay efficiency four that’s what I need I’m pretty sure but please get more what is fortune 3 doing on Ax what do you mind with an ax that oh

Melons yeah I guess you get more melons but I mean I’d rather keep like the the whole thing so I can sell it directly to a villager whatever I mean it’s kind of what is kind of the best I can get from an ax so I can’t complain

So let’s slap bending on it soon and let’s combine let’s take the efficiency one off of this bad boy and then enchant that efficiency two okay on breaking two and then I can add and I can combine it with zero efficiency threes still the same either way um

Efficiency five isn’t really useful is it so I could just I could stick with that or I could play it smart Okay let’s let’s deal with that in a second this is efficiency two is regular efficiency too let’s do this that’s seven five okay I’ll do five so I think it’s gonna be three either way yeah and then what I could do is combine that with that

That’s 12. I’m of course going to do the six okay so now I have a fresh version and then another efficiency port so now I’ve three efficiency for but this needs to okay they all need mending too so I actually may need more levels

Let’s see if we can pin up the ranks a little a little bit XP I think that’s baby chicken he started dying real yeah efficiency four can remove the all the shuffle pull blocks okay so I don’t even need an efficiency five shovel first time watching a stream nice

Say hello to the USSR hello USSR we get officially five but that’s just a waste let’s grab our many books so I’ve got three which is how many I need also diamond sword I forgot that’s something a thing to enchant only two okay uh that’s handy five not quite enough

Oh I need uh I need mending on this so it’s okay yeah I need a lot of shovels or specific reason you got many for a hundred dollars well I got I still have another many book it’s just and then I can get it for really cheap from villagers I’m not worried about

Getting many oh in fact I’ll probably sell mending all right let’s uh I can’t test this out I need I need levels let’s go mine some like fours or something should I go underground and try to get some oars and get levels that way let’s let’s mine this call up here repair that

The ax and then use the pumpkins that I get from mining with for the thing because then I can I can repair using the Villager trades you motivated I motivated you to start a tick tock nice my contact details all right uh Stupid Phantoms can’t believe that DanTDM’s pug died

Yesterday I didn’t know I had a pug I remember watching this video so long ago but at this point I don’t care because I’m older United forever foreign ly that’s why you left I’ll tell you why you left I don’t know what you mean are you gonna finish the end the end the

Chains were cool by the way um I mean I finished the end over a week ago check out the short videos Go Fish okay um this is not gonna serve me a purpose since I can’t even enchant right now my ex has no durability let’s smoke some chicken and then get

Some XP that way since I now have this extra coal on my hands let’s use up this iron ax while I’m over here foreign close that low browser storage I don’t know why it’s a thing why is there no browser storage is a thing like what

And what is even taking it up oh it must be the streams I think it’s storing the information from my streams in my browser and that’s what crashed things huh wait I need a test to see if this instrument it doesn’t insta mine wait does efficiency 5x Mr mine

Do I need efficiency five to Instagram this what’s up mushroom Dom I get this ax thinking it’s Max but it’s not okay I may just Pi or pay the Absurd prices to the Villager just so I can repair this I’m gonna be doing a bit of Builder trading in a minute

Get that XP so blonky MC yeah it should be fine and durability for a while agency doesn’t cross over to other tools only looting and Fortune what do you mean all right yeah once this ax starts to feel like it’s it’s almost gonna break then I’m gonna I’m gonna stop mining

I’m still harvesting dude I just got tires thing I’ve been mining almost the entire stream you you pull up right when I’m harvesting the only status effects well I’m not trying to get looting or Fortune with something in my off hand I’m I’m trying to repair it so when I get XP that’s

What it is that’s why your villager Hall looks cool thank you what’s the server IP it’s in the description of the Stream yeah you always pull up when I’m harvesting I think I think it’s trying to say something the algorithm’s like oh man he’s harvesting better better serve the stream to Branson

And this has a lot of durability at the very least it’ll last me a while and I don’t have to worry about these dumb iron pickaxe or iron axes and waste iron on that how do you play have you just joined make sure you type in slash

I don’t know if he’s asking if how to join the whatever I answered his question I think when did you start Minecraft I started playing 12 years ago I think do you watch the NFL I’m excited it is about to come back I don’t watch the NFL I’m not really a sports viewer

To be honest but can one of you guys look up if uh efficiency five mining insta mines like pumpkins I I have a feeling it doesn’t DanTDM’s pocket I heard someone said that already I don’t really care to be honest I mean I watch his stuff but like

I haven’t watched stuff in a long time and so I kind of am apathetic in that regard so you don’t watch the NHL no I don’t watch hockey either it does okay so I just have to get efficiency 5 from that villager so first I’m going to make a couple

Books while I’m over here let me do that I’m gonna hmm all right uh yeah this hasn’t really been smelting much I got some XP repaired it a little okay um pumpkins y’all just bring foreign I need to buy a few books maybe another mending 20 paper yeah that’ll suffice

And I’ll put my coal in my under chest just getting enough just enough durability on this thing so it doesn’t break how long to Minecraft every day uh it depends since I’m streaming like six hours a day at this point but previously it would be very barely

Any just be even though it’s my job technically but my job is making content not necessarily playing Minecraft so like working on the content takes way more time than playing the game are there areas where you can’t kill me pretend up ten dollars well there’s a

Lot of players areas you can’t kill me like my base you can’t even if you found it I mean people would easily leak the coordinates to you like people can’t enter it it’s like I have a force field around it how’s your day been so far it’s been good

Let’s go to the villagers now um I’ve crafted the books yeah let’s do that I have everything I believe how do you join on Playstation uh look up a tutorial the IP is in the the description of the Stream Epic Base thank you so yeah that’s why I started digging this yesterday

It’s because the trench is going to go all the way around the mountain because I want people to completely surround it it makes it harder on me to kill you all or stall you all but um but it also will benefit the event if you guys are all spread out because then

You don’t um because then your client your game only needs to load in so many players can you tell me your plans nope that would that would jeopardize the entire event because people could plan for my plans prior when only two people and 500 dogs try to kill him

I expect more than two people to try to kill me on doomsday we have 41 people under some odd stream on just at a random time then we’ll probably get more on doomsday just joking yeah I know I know I know you’re joking I just have to clarify for

Some for some uh other people or like the audience oh so that’s why the sometimes my Tick Tock stream will just start like doing like the the things it’s because everything just ran out of space that explains a whole lot through your entity cramming that’s not good

I gotta run around so they just don’t yeah I just picked up some some stuff from calzone and cheap dying they’re actually just dying I’m not even getting the XP because stop dying guys why do you have to crowd so closely you’re literally killing each other like dang like me when Black Friday

Ah a what time of day is the Doomsday slash hour it’s 1pm EST do you make traps off stream I can’t tell you that but anything that I don’t want you knowing about will be offstream smokers they cook me quicker I don’t really care what solar system do you live in

Um all of them I have a single one let’s carry all the M’s all right guys it’s party time it’s party time all right I don’t think they think it’s time to party they just don’t care I have the thing they value above everything else and they don’t I mean whatever

It’s not like I care at all not one bit okay all right uh dude I’m gonna need to drop your trades are you still charging so much I haven’t been buying you from you for a reason what a nerd look at this dude look at this nerd got glasses and everything glasses makes

You a nerd you think the devs will make the change with the Villagers having specific trades in specific times maybe I feel like that would be a good addition it would make the game more difficult and more annoying but it would be an improvement because I want the game to

Be more difficult and more annoying how to break a rule very quickly to set a reminder for the main hunt and you’re profusely apologize okay at least you apologized you left the stream for a minute you came back I forgive you okay uh please refresh your trades and

All that stuff drop your prices okay this dude’s prices are low but I don’t have any paper same with this dude this dude is who I’m waiting on okay I’ll take it I’ll take this thank you now let’s switch it out for my shovel and do some other trade

What’s the longest time it took you to build a base I got no clue man what else am I here for again oh many another many book because I got the efficiency book now I need a mending book which do one of you has The Mending here I’ll get like

Three I guess actually no because I think it’s higher than normal no it’s a little cheaper that’s these are The Mending this deficiency so I got four many books well I might as well just get another good XP and I can just sell them on the market

So how much does a menu book go for who’s selling many books right now okay this dude’s selling them for 150. I’ll sell them for 100. foreign let’s see if it goes all right I just undercut this dude but I only sell it but I’m only selling one so you guys better

Eat it up soon you’re my favorite YouTuber thank you the emerald rain from the villagers look so weird yeah I mean I think it has something to do with the thing I don’t know as far as my sixth favorite YouTuber dude not even third not even top three man whatever

I guess that’s fine I think I’m gonna have to start another rule another stream rule if I’m not your favorite YouTuber then I have to become your favorite YouTuber not more two and then one two three uh and then I got all the letters all the leather back they’re my favorite non-family YouTuber

Thank you oh you were live and just wanted to ask where do I download the axio mod uh so if it’s if you’re making a server so if you’re gonna be playing it single player um you just get it from their Discord just look up Axiom Discord

And that’s where you get it from yeah like a direct link all right oh I don’t have the levels to use the books bruh where do I get the levels from chickens I guess it’s time it’s time wait but if I kill them with the ax then it just goes onto my tools Yeah it’s just repairing my tools and I’m kind of a sticky situation right here because I need the XP what else do I need to repair all right someone okay Elementor and an Elemental Hero man do you even need the books are you just doing that because I can’t tell if you actually

Need them like the stuff that I keep buying selling well there’s a cow head white wool chicken head all this stuff should have left the pumpkins there whatever not the end of the world did you get the end back yes just watch the video put the tools away and use a stone sword

Yeah I mean yeah I could I could just use like a stone ax or something I have them in here but okay let’s first just evaluate how expensive it would be to add efficiency to this ax because I guess that’s the main thing is I just need to add efficiency to it

That’s it six okay so let’s not repair these things the thing is I want to repair things but yeah I gotta I gotta do what I gotta do to get to level six right now uh what do I do what do I do I guess Harvest crops that’s something I should

Have done already I gotta Harvest crops again and I think I can no I can’t get XP from that I get money from it I do need I do need to find the crop so I may actually just Side Track and do that right now like down there and expand the Farms

Wait okay actually what I may do is I may farm pumpkins for a while and then as and then let the crops grow and then Harvest them big brain move right there massive Brian absurd the large Brain am I right this series is incredible I binge most streams nice

You’re brand new but you seem great I appreciate that you’re a big fan appreciate it are you actually the best football player ever what’s up Ryan Willis for the Doomsday event will the server stay up after doomsday yes so it will stay up as a survival server until

Um and then until like the next event then it’ll be we’ll like put that world to the side like the survival world because we the prior MC has been a survival server for years and it wasn’t until recently that like we we put that world to the side and

We’re loading this in and then after all right this dude’s definitely getting students definitely getting banned yeah and then after after doomsdayans and it’s gonna go back to a regular survival server um with probably like mini games and stuff I’m gonna be I think I want to add I want to be

Designing more mini games and add a lot of the mini games I designed in the past because I think it’s just really fun to do mini games like especially new ones you’ll stay to the end I appreciate that what’s up John welcome to the Stream appreciate the follows from click talk guys

It’d be fun to do the mini games you’ve made on server bomber man looks fun what is bomber man what are we talking about you like my videos thank you man yeah I’m glad to see that people are starting to enjoy like or like the the

Long forms are starting to you know get some more views and people are like binging the series and it makes me excited for like when we have the full series out and people can watch the entire thing you ever played Bed Wars yes I have played far too much of that game

Far too much I have almost 400 Stars I know there are people a lot of people that know life and have way more stars than me but but still those people are just insane fire floor oh you’re talking about the the TNT run I didn’t I didn’t design TNT Rodman

Did you give the guy ten dollars yeah all the people who have killed me I believe I’ve given them ten dollars I think I’ve gotten I think everyone who has killed me if I’ve missed you or if I missed one of you guys if I didn’t like reach out to me

Because I think I only got killed six times and I think I gave sixty dollars away on ban you no dude why would we unban you you can’t just say stuff like that in chat or you probably do something else I think from what I heard can’t probably give me 10 000 prior

Dollars when you kill me and yeah you can get you can have a choice between real money and 10 000 in-game money I think prior MC dollars is better personally but no whatever can you say my name sure what’s up the best football player ever Bed Wars is also on Roblox huh

What happens if you leave the stream then you broke the stream roll I don’t know I don’t care it’s kind of just a joke you take the real money why you don’t want the prior MC cold hard prior MC Cash yeah if you leave the stream off with your head true

We threaten our viewers with violence that’s what we do here at prior MC and prior gaming how old are you I’m 19. so no efficiency five yet yeah no I I need three more levels three I’m at level three so it should be really easy but

I don’t know I just don’t have the levels prior cash is better that’s facts you can use money to buy a cardboard house iro intro but also you could buy items on prior MC with with um fake money not sorry not fake sorry very real prior MC dollars

Soon the United States is going to be based on prior MC Cash that’s going to be our currency and then I could just give myself infinite and then cause infinite inflation as I steal everything from everyone like the government your team is gonna win the best base I believe in you man

I probably should have just like the video challenge where like so like you can make videos about the server we encourage everyone to make videos about the server like your experience playing and all that kind of stuff um like the prize is ten dollars so sorry

No the prize for first place who whoever makes the best videos gets 250 second place 100 third place 50. so like not a lot of people have made videos yeah or or are making videos because I guess I haven’t said much about it people kind of don’t realize it’s a thing

But um but yeah it’s kind of similar but the thing is I was thinking like maybe maybe the prize for the build best base design should have like for second and third but I don’t know maybe not let’s Harvest these and expand super real monies yes prior MC is money is real Trust

What is your favorite old people food what’s an old people food out I don’t know what that is never heard that before protected is that a promise is a problem with me can you say my name what’s up Eli favorite color I don’t know man are you single no

Okay that’s weird that I got what okay I think my wife I just like crashed or something that’s weird but I’m still on the streams join your server no I’m in the middle of an event on my server everyone joined prior MC IP is prior for Java

Bedrockets prior played up prior port number 19132 I need more people on the server 43 it’s not enough we need more people prepping for doomsday but now I know the getting more players is a matter of the videos getting views and so we’re working on that I I haven’t

Really been making the videos they’re not up to date I’m being so rich you play Terraria I have played a lot of Terraria in my lifetime it’s a great game here’s what I’ll do I’ll just I’ll do this I’ll mine it all first then place it saves a lot of time probably

I’m so good at this game am I right for my right this is just skill right here it’s encapsulated in a single clip that is a lot of carrots okay I’ll definitely be able to maybe finish this Farm Maybe the vid only got 31 people watching through that’s fine I’m not worried

As long as people are watching we’re good as long as the people watching are enjoying then and it’s a successful stream does anyone like Wings of Fire what do you mean you like dogs or cats I mean the question can be answered like do you like dogs or cats like as in like

Do you like either of them sure they’re fine depends Actually I don’t even know what I mean by that and I know some people are more of a fan of animals than me I don’t really I tend to be more indifferent to be honest shows your offline and Discord yeah

For some reason oh well that’s because my Discord crashed that’s why that’s weird it I don’t know there’s a lot of carrots okay well I’ll definitely have a lot to trade at the very least let’s use this hoe oh you have to go see ya all right see you man

Couldn’t you get more crops for potatoes if yeah I don’t have Fortune three hell though the whole point is I’m trying to get XP I mean not at the moment this that’s not my direct goal right here but I need XP and that’s to like make my ax maxed so that I can

Harvest the pumpkins immediately or instantly all right carrots are almost placed yep there we go I guess I don’t have many carrots left over but at least the carrot section is complete the wheat section oh it’s not even complete huh interesting for XP what about zombie pigment Farm in

The nether we have another roof disabled and if I did that people would just kill me trying to stay in my base a lot some people can’t kill me mob spawner yeah I could look for a mob spawner Underground probably be focusing on harvesting the potatoes right now no I’ll let them grow

I’ll focus on harvesting all this and then let the potatoes grow and then when I harvest the potatoes less then I can fill up more when does the live end um I mean I’m just trying to get enchantments and then I started the trench so I think once I

Don’t know once I get enchantments I’ll probably end the live uh yeah I’ll keep harvesting this wheat the wheat’s great because you know I can farm animals and then also I think I can trade it to villagers yeah because that dude has been jacking up the prices for the

For the pumpkins so having a more rounded out thing I think can drop his prices and then I have more to trade and then that means more XP too so I guess it’s kind of like a great deal breaking more than I should but it’s fine efficiency

What time do you start like streaming generally at 1 pm EST is the plan I don’t always hit that in fact I missed it every single time this whole series but the first day but a lot of it came down to like video stuff taking a while and then I wanted

To upload the videos before streams but now I don’t care and like when I the first day when I couldn’t even join the server I’m like great turns out because turned out my network was blocking blocking me from joining the server 17 people are still here nice yeah this is definitely not as

Interesting because I’m just harvesting crops it’s like I don’t blame people for leaving foreign like this slightly off-colored one isn’t quite matured wheat so I don’t get wheat from it is that is that my Wi-Fi 33 people know nice I can’t tell why does it keep kicking me

Is it someone who keeps joining who’s like um whatever it’s obviously not the end of the world it doesn’t matter that much I didn’t lose any progress but it’s kind of confusing foreign happen again no yeah no I just picked it up all right we’re good W live thank you

You thought that okay so it is my stream so it must be my Wi-Fi then which is weird my Wi-Fi is supposed to be perfect it’s near perfect like I have ethernet so I’ll look into that after the Stream we don’t have that much left of the stream so

Okay this is this is getting a little crazy I just break all the potatoes because that’s that seems like a lot of fully ripe potatoes yeah I’m gonna do it because it’s gonna take a lot of time to decipher which ones aren’t fully grown so who cares let’s do this efficiency let’s go

Wait that one’s not right so I’m not gonna go for that back to that the way to do it oof uh yeah I’m maxed out yeah some of these May despawn we’ll see I’m missing a carrot here and wait here I don’t know how I missed these

What services a prior MC my server feel free to join IP is in the is that on my Discord Link in my bio as for the Doomsday series or you just check out one of my most recent videos that the IP information is always in the description

I could just put my shield in my off hand the reason I’m not having it in my opinion is so that I can plan faster but it’s fine then I can pick up more potatoes I’ll champ start planting here too I think I’ll have enough to actually fill this Farm which is great

I’ll try to harvest them just when everything is like completely grown so then I can spend less time like or when most everything’s completely grown so I don’t have to pick through it see what’s ripe or not we’re not unbanning you Archer you can’t just say a bunch of stuff like what you

Said and then expect us to keep let you stay on server are you Nick a30 yes how’d you know yeah I have not been responding to chat uh yeah and one of the things I look at you’re such a nice guy I’ve been watching other people who usually don’t

Respond to chat but you do and then I don’t respond to that message because I haven’t been looking at chat since I’ve been grinding uh ethernet is the way to go yeah ethernet isn’t Wi-Fi I know that that’s why I corrected myself inside ethernet instead

How much money you got in game 1.9 k I think I just got a bunch I think it was 1.4k not long ago I think I got a bunch from farming this dude Associated who is me couldn’t you pin oh you can pin the IP

To the stream chat I forgot you can do that I don’t know how to do that though the bot is supposed to be working I I will check that out after the stream because the bot was working for the first stream and then it’s suddenly just like stopped because they’re just

Respond to certain keywords with people asking and it was really helpful but I don’t know man can you see leaderboards what player has the most amount of money yeah there’s leaderboards for like a lot of different things but I don’t really go to the lobby much so I don’t see it

How far are you from Spawn thousands of blocks why is griefing working on my plot I might I’m getting grieved uh like on your claimed land are you sure you have everything claimed is anything you don’t have claimed is going to get grief or can get grief

And it’s not against the rules I don’t think because because we have the claim line function let’s go such a farmer is so good for the environment just fill up a river is what they should do in real life they should find rivers and just fill them up and farm on them honestly

Like who cares about the environment am I right or am I right it’s a joke for the people who are like he hates the environment yeah after I finish this row I think I’m gonna plant it and then I’ll be done with farming for today

Maybe I well no I’m gonna I’m gonna max out my pickaxe or my ax and then I made like Harvest some pumpkins or something but I’ll be done with doing this what’s up uh something is a mill please don’t stay on the chat the lag is real there is lag

Like as in like connection lag or is that like a in-game lag because that’s actually a huge issue if there’s a bunch of lag your staff ain’t doing anything I don’t think there’s staff online right now that’s why your streams are great to have in the background thank you Ben

Have you played Starfield no what is your testimony it’s nothing nothing special to be honest okay I think that’s I’ll pause the stream there then if I when I come back for the pumpkins I’ll unpause the Stream first time watching your stream nice what happened he can get past your plot

Was burnt down I mean submit a ticket and we can roll back what happened with your your um thing assuming there is an issue how to sell stuff well you can sell stuff on the age by typing slash H sell and then the amount you want to sell whatever’s in your hand for

You don’t have Discord so will be banned so I have to watch the Stream I’ll just get Discord you won’t be banned I’m the stream rolls are kind of joking I have a bit of stuff on my hands Bill not level six dang all right so

I’m gonna go do some trades with all this stuff need to grab some pumpkins too got a bunch of bending books I can put the many books away I don’t need to carry that on me I don’t know why I’m carrying them around then hopefully I’ll get enough XP off of

This that I’ll be able to well I will get enough XP yeah I’m not gonna do that because that lacks a stream your actual name is Ali nice time to get the efficiency 5x yes they had a cult for cows and used acacia okay you want to be friends nice

Can you make a base 10 blocks below mine you can try it’s not gonna be possible though because of my claim I don’t recommend for people to set up a base near mine because soon we’re gonna make it so that you can’t even render render in my base because then people can cheat

I can like try to see what I’m doing frosting is good food to eat when you’re sad I’ll take your word for it all right let’s go mad trades getting rich all right that’s enough to upgrade my ax I think or whatever yeah let’s let’s get the durability up on this now carrots

And then now pumpkins boom I’m a rich guy now all right restock hurry up I need to get another compost guy said I can trade more do I not have any I got no wood none let’s see okay I have enough in here in which continent do you live I live in

The United States which I know is not a continent I’m not whatever don’t clip that and bully me I’m saying because I don’t know why you’re asking so vague best builds ever thank you man let’s be a farmer you’re from Asia nice I’m guessing India from Deluxe your name

What’s up uh killer king graffiti who’s gonna be a farmer you need another guy to steal stuff from I got more pumpkins oh restock okay this dude I don’t have any no it’s not enough to level them up that’s fine dude don’t get away from me dude’s getting too up close and personal

Here let’s let’s dip into the storages so then maybe I can sell more pumpkins right now all right pumpkin pie dude I wanted to sell pumpkins to you this dude sucks stop socializing and restock men says do you mean mean Jacob Huff oh they’re all going to sleep all right

They’ll probably restock in the morning just say killer it’s easier all right will you be streaming for one month yes every day you’re South African nice do you think you’ll survive I do what do you do in your channel um well I’m currently doing a series about you know Doomsday

Um but I often do building and stuff love your builds keep up the good work thank you man okay trades time restock get out the way I need your attention go restock dude is horrible at business when people want to buy from you you let them buy from you

To clearly didn’t spend 30 million dollars getting a a degree socializing okay what use is that I need a scammy for your emeralds you have an armor Builder to get the remaining diamond armor pieces I probably should do that what do you need again grindstone no you

Need to grindstone for like the sword stuff you’re very hard working bro thank you how’d you think of taking this goal uh I don’t know I thought of it like over a year ago stop helping prior honestly trying to get people to not help me doesn’t necessarily benefit you

Because your chances of winning probably stay the same whether people help me or not because of people help me then I I’m more likely to kill them or kill people in general what’s your plan to survive I cannot tell you is this your family is this a family-friendly channel uh yeah

Dude you’re literally right next to your workstation just restock it’s not that hard you have five seconds five four three two one all right did he do it okay he oh threatening works I guess if you just dropped it way below it’s ever been normally selling it to me for like way more

Interesting oh and he just restocked let’s go yeah that’s weird the other commands work but not the whatever please play with shaders sorry I won’t prior is a goat thank you why are you hesitant to when they asked it was a friendly family friendly Channel well the reason is because when

People think family friendly they often think like oh kids when my content is not geared towards kids necessarily it’s meant it’s geared towards like everyone um and so I just there’s like kind of that stick Sigma there’s that Sigma is that sagma of people think it’s like a kid’s Channel

When it’s family friendly blast furniture okay I don’t really know how to do Blast Furnace I just it’s probably it’s really simple I think it’s like Smooth Stone and like iron in a furnace but I don’t know it’s next time what time is it where I’m at in the USA it’s six

O’clock P.M for me you just ask the question once you don’t have to ask like 30 times oh I’m not gonna do this trade right now because actually that’s dipping into my storages of wheat for like breeding animals so that goes back in my inventory all right um

See I repaired most of my ax now I can go back to base yeah I guess I’ll just go back to basins I won’t breed the animals right now I don’t have time it’s 3 A.M dude you shouldn’t be up if it’s 3 A.M you’re amazing thank you Davis

See this no I’m not going to foreign now it’s time to max out the ax I was a little I put way too much emphasis on the word ax there have you ever played Plants versus Zombies yes many many many times I have a hard copy of the the game

Like on a disc that’s how we got it originally all right efficiency five baby let’s go let’s let’s name it um uh something dumb how old are you I am 19. love that grind man thank you they say pitch patreon is 4.99 a month it’s actually just four dollars not 49.99

Eminem died you’re making stuff up platypus true all right what should we name the ax what do you guys think I need some suggestions are you guys the first word that comes to you first word that comes to me is always fortnite or fortnite battle pass because I I’m weird

Say my name the dude from fortnite yes fortnite I don’t know that would be too dumb what about something dumb like all YouTubers do like Subs like subscribe tax evasion we could also we could go along the the theme um tax fraud that would go well with the pickaxe

It’s nothing like tax fraud I did it your mom yeah that would be so funny if I if I named it your mom that’d be like the funniest thing ever pterodactyl is that what you’re trying to say all right let’s see if this insta mines and if I was scammed or not

If it does instant mine then I mean it’s fine it’s not the end of the world all right ten nine eight uh oh it’s sharpness five I guess it’s slightly better I mean yeah I guess I do want I would would have preferred oh it does instrument let’s go [Applause] that’s that’s effective

This will save so much time awesome you know India or Pakistan of course I do when I was viewing your end transformation oh you saw this when you were viewing the end transformation and clicked on my live nice what is your favorite build the favorite build that I’ve done maybe

The Church of watersheep by the way you can find all my most of my best builds on here on the server it’s just it’ll be really hard to find because I don’t necessarily make it it’s like all all of them are Beyond 5K from Spawn

I’d have to go back and find the exact coordinates but yeah they’re there and I don’t think anyone’s even stumbled upon them yet because they’re not easy to find are you done yet with the end yeah just check out the the last videos because it’s there’s four videos to it four part series

Pumpkin this is actually so nice I’ll I’ll be so rich from this I’m set I can villager trying to get like most any items I need really yeah trying to pick up all the pumpkins because I’m even though it’s probably inefficient and I should just let the pumpkins despawn just

Continue to get more continue to mine I don’t know I’m kind of I always like to pick up everything do you play free fire no I know that’s super popular in India but like I don’t even know anything about it really yeah like in the United States you ask

Some random person what free fire is they have no idea like they would know fortnite they would know probably a lot of other first person shooter games but free fire no let’s your skin 11 Pakistan nice you know you could type without cap lock caps lock on right I’ll see your messages regardless

How do we join the server the information is in the description of the Stream Java and bedrock are pumpkins some Pro Minecraft Strat also no clue what free fire is yeah figured um free fire is essentially like fortnite or like Pub G um but it’s it’s like one of the most

Played games and viewed games of all time Americans just have no idea because it’s just it’s not a thing that people know about in America um but yeah no pumpkins are for trading is there someone invis I thought I saw some particles some admin must be messing with me um Oh you want to see my skin I mean it’s kind of messed up for some reason it’s not showing it properly I don’t know why you’re nobody to somebody love you good song I didn’t want to sing it because I that’s really weird or at least the way to me

All right yeah so now we have a ton of pumpkins that we don’t really need to be honest but we have it I have them now and now infinite emeralds infinite Emerald glitch let’s go that’s hard to sell these two uh You’re Gonna Leave This 1am Video two for the first time I’m not sure what you mean any chance that you could flood the market with villager eggs uh no that would not be vanilla or survival and I don’t even have permissions to do commands and stuff like if you see no command options

Slash help not even slash help so when so I couldn’t even claim my base I mean I have the claim command but I didn’t want to give myself be able to give myself the money and stuff so I had an admin do it because I want I want people

To realize like this is completely legit and then it’s a if slash when I win Doomsday then it won’t be like insane or no it will be insane because people won’t question the validity because I want to be as like transparent as possible 611 there okay so satisfying nice

My inventory is almost full so I should probably put some pumpkins in there in my under chest in New York yeah it’s it’s same time zone here but I’m down in Georgia doesn’t like Georgia America am I right let’s doomsday just check out some one of my most recent videos that’ll explain

I mean I guess I can explain here so essentially it’s uh when this timer runs out anyone can cross into my base and and kill me and if they kill me they get ten thousand dollars so my base border is over here so that red line right

There people can’t cross that line right now but on doomsday they will be able to and so anyone can come kill me so I’m preparing for doomsday within my baseboarders I can leave the base but if if I leave the base people can kill me for ten dollars that’s kind of like a

Little precursor so what’s gonna happen so 512 there I’m guessing you live somewhere in the mid middle United States then you can’t play Minecraft you keep getting jump scared by spiders well just hide build a base and hide in it half the servers paid actors there to

Kill the other half I mean that would be a crazy strategy and I can’t say I haven’t thought of that oh wait what am I doing I wait actually I don’t I’m not trading right now I’m about to in the Stream so I did the thing that I was gonna do um

Yeah so I I got Max ax Max pickaxe Max shovel sure it needs to be repaired but it’s like mostly Max like I don’t need anything better and then I have multiple other shovels for mining um I should probably put the pumpkins away and then yeah um this chest is full

Yeah and so that’s it uh is there anything else I need to say uh make sure make sure you’re like you look you go into the Discord you look at all the information make sure you’re participating in the various challenges because there’s a bunch of money prizes

There’s a bunch of events I don’t want you guys to miss out um yeah and then I’m just gonna keep doing this this is my outro uh I’m gonna be voicing over this part so like what I’m saying right now won’t go in the video but my voiceover will

So this is just for for the video I’m gonna look I’m gonna look at the camera I’m gonna pretend I’m My Links my my lips are not going to sync up to the video and people are going to be so confused so it’s gonna be so funny so all right

Thanks for watching guys I gotta go uh adios

This video, titled ‘Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday’, was uploaded by PryorGaming on 2023-09-07 22:45:21. It has garnered 3152 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:45 or 16725 seconds.

This is day 7 of preparation for Doomsday in Minecraft. Our goal is to make this the biggest Minecraft series of all time and you can be a part of it. Come be a part of the series using the IP shown below! You can join on any device in any version. Except cracked clients.

**Doomsday Premise:** I’m streaming on PryorMC every day for 1 month to prepare for ***Doomsday.*** On the final day, I try to survive for 1 hour from ALL players trying to kill me for $10,000.

**PryorMC IP:** Java Edition: Bedrock Edition: []( Port: 19132

**Discord and Patreon links:**

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By using this affiliate link to get a Minecraft server, you greatly support the series and future projects. And can go play Minecraft with your friends 🙂


Key Words: (Ignore all this) Doomsday Minecraft Doomsday Doomsday IP Doomsday Server 1 Vs 1000 Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Battle Minecraft War Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Civilization Simulated Minecraft Simulation Minecraft Series Minecraft Assassins Minecraft Survival Minecraft Hardcore Doomsday Bunker Secret Minecraft Base

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    DarkQuestdo quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Quests Dungeons Custom Items do quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience custom items including chestplate: 50hp 20attackdmg helmet: 50hp Sword: 24hp when holding attackdmg potion: splash potion of DEATH ———————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————— Read More

  • EternalCraft Vanilla Survival, No Resets 1.20.4

    Join EternalCraft Experience a vanilla survival server where the world is permanent with daily backups to ensure your progress is safe. Build your legacy with us! Join our Discord here Read More

  • 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: Read More

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

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  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

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  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

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  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

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  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

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  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

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  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

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PryorGaming – Me vs 1000 Assassins, But 1 Month to Prepare | Minecraft Doomsday