Raevhynn – Building a Star Wars Ewok Base in Minecraft, Phase 1: Galactic Adventure Awaits! – Ramble SMP s03e05

Video Information

Foreign Hello everybody and welcome back to ramble SMP before we do anything else I just heard that today is spirit’s birthday so what better gift than a few shulkers uh I’m 16. split those up um let’s let’s go let’s go eight eight seems like a reasonable birthday gift

Um I’m learning my lesson from giving end of our two stacks of shulkers uh apparently he was my primary customer so so I’m not selling anything now uh we were just constantly selling out and now we uh we have just had a full stock and I’m not selling anything I think this is

Spirits base over here I’m not actually sure yes okay so I need a place to put these um well we could just I mean it’s gonna be his anyways right so I could just there you go I made you an extra chest Spirit out of your own logs welcome

Um let’s give a sign yes there we go what can I say I’m being enterprising happy birthday spirit Raven yay all right well um let’s see we could do like that maybe oh that um like no there there we go that that works there there we go

All right so that’s very clear there you go you can make your eight shulker boxes happy birthday Spirit hope to see you on here a little bit more I know you’ve been busy but uh we miss you and uh yeah I think this is gonna come out way after

Your birthday so uh I’ll tell you Happy Birthday in Discord too cool all right I am so excited for this episode because I know where I’m going to build my main base so I have been hacking away up here at the nether ceiling and obviously this is a huge area I thought

That I needed to find y128 so I spent quite a long time searching but there it is right there white 127. that’s what we need looking at block y127. uh all right so if you don’t know uh the nether has a Bedrock ceiling so what we’re looking at here and that Bedrock ceiling

Can be penetrated uh you can actually get through it uh so once you get on top of it that allows you to build some Farms but it also gives you access to an area in the nether that is completely safe uh in other there are no mob spawns

At all so it’s wonderful for traveling long distances um obviously gold Farm um uh the Frog Magma Cube no what is it the Magma Cube frog thingy to get the Frog lights that works really well up in another ceiling as well there’s a lot of stuff honestly

That works really well up in another ceiling but that’s not why I want to get up there why I want to get up there is because of what I mentioned earlier easy way to travel long distances in the nether because the place that I have found for our base

It’s kind of far away and so rather than building a ridiculously long tunnel which we might still do um everybody else has kind of got tunnels to their bases Down Under the ceiling and we might still do that but I would really like just a quick and easy way over there

So rather than tunneling the whole way we’re just gonna we’re gonna hack our way through the ceiling here so the nether ceiling thing is a little bit tricky um because you have to take advantage of a glitch with pistons um so I have learned how to do it and we are going to

Tackle this today I’ve done it before uh it’s it’s not too bad it just there’s a lot of TNT and piston stuff and once you’re above another ceiling that’s it like you can’t can’t get back through unless you get this hack to work so it’s a little uh yeah a little nerve-wracking but

That’s okay uh we’re gonna use an ender pearl to jump up through the ceiling and we’re gonna use this hack to um well hopefully to put a hole in it and then everybody will be able to get up here and uh we can build some Farms up

Here and all kinds of good stuff so uh let’s grab what we need and we’ll do this all right so I’ve got my ender pearls I’ve got a ladder up to the hole in the ceiling or where I hope the hole in the ceiling will be soon

And uh we’re just gonna throw this right here at the corner ta-da welcome to the nether ceiling very exciting all right so I’m going to take note of the block that I am standing on because that’s the one we want to blow our way through uh and it’s

Important that there’s only a single layer well I’m gonna just grab my Redstone I’m gonna grab some Pistons that one goes there and then we need uh obsidian we need any block above the obsidian we need TNT there and the end there we need a lever for activating the TNT

Probably move this stuff out of the way because I don’t want to blow that up we’re gonna need the lever let’s see so the lever is going to go right and a trapdoor so that we can get the right angle for putting down the other piston Okay so I think that’s everything

Now in order to make this work you go to keybinds and you bind your right button so that’s your right Mouse button you bind it to a key so that you can hold it down and it’ll rapid fire and that way you get more than you know

Just like super fast clicking so there we go bind that to the letter i to game and then I okay okay so I have to press I to right click now so I gotta I on the thing and then get over here and I and then

Hold down I didn’t get over there in time okay I’m not used to the whole holding down eye thing uh maybe I should switch that to a different letter that’s closer to my hand uh yeah okay so we’re gonna do a piston here again there we go and we’re gonna do our keybind

Let’s go yeah this is just driving me uh I’ll put that back to a letter in a minute for now I I need my right button to work okay so block there and then we get a piston or not a piston a uh uh let’s just put this

Out of the way where we can actually get to stuff uh okay yeah there we go because I need my levers okay we’ll put a little lever here we put a trap or no uh we put TNT up here and we’ll put things in here and

Then we’re gonna put a trap door here and do that and maybe I should just try it with the right click maybe I can just get it I just just fast okay and then is it up here oh that um right so you have to you have to put a

Piston down also that’s the other piece of this which I know I just um yeah that’s uh it’s not uh it’s all right we got this we have got this uh this is it’s gonna be great this is gonna it’s gonna be I’m just gonna

Grab all of these I don’t know why I keep putting them back in my under chest okay or shulker whatever ah TNT there and there and go with I’ve got the piston in my hand all right this is what we need and then we go over here nope that’s not right there

That’s not what it so it should be an if I remember right there should be an upright piston let’s try this again right there closer nope and Nope oh man okay well no well at least my my uh portal that I’m using is right near spawn let’s make our way back that was a lever in my hand okay nope not going well no Oh I take that yes yes all right we got it we are through the Bedrock ceiling now it is time to go Oh nice Phantoms are scared of iron golems I didn’t know that that’s cool all right we have got our portal it is time to take ourselves through to the other side welcome to season three home base that’s right we are going to be in a spruce Forest

And man oh man do I have plans for this place so I think it’s finally time for me to reveal what we’re going to be doing my kids have been asking for years for me to do an ewok Village so Star Wars Return of the Jedi Ewoks living up in the trees yeah

So we’re gonna do it uh especially with the latest versions of Minecraft raising the build limit we can build some absolutely massive trees we’re not capped at 128 anymore um yeah that’s what this is gonna be so I don’t want to wait like I’m really excited to get at this

Um I love this whole area I think it’s gonna be perfect and I want to build like the equivalent of some giant redwood trees right if you don’t know Return of the Jedi was shot in Northern California just north of where I live uh uh just past Jedediah Smith

Um northern very top of California bottom of Oregon type area I think all in California um in the Redwoods and so it’s all redwood trees um or at least that scene with the the Ewoks and the forest and all that and uh yeah I think that would be an absolutely amazing way

To build a base so I’ve been hard at work designing this base and I know exactly how many resources I need I hope I hope I did the math right I have made a few changes but I think I know what I need so I’m in the shopping district now and

I have put together a little pop-up shop for lack of a better wow for lack of a better term uh and so we’ve got four chests here and pop-up log and leaf shop Phila shulker take a diamond block so I am paying the other Ramblers one diamond block per

Shulker that I need uh and as you can see there’s a lot so these are dark oak logs uh we need six so I got six blocks time so we need six boxes of spruce we need 14 boxes of spruce leaves and 13 boxes of birch leaves um

Yeah so I know some of the guys have logs already so I think what I’m gonna do is get at the leaves and see how that goes so I’ve been harvesting Spruce or not Spruce Birch these are Birch Birch leaves for a while now and just as I’m

Doing this I thought I would show you guys kind of the method that I’m using I’m not doing a tree farm uh there are tree farms where you can Harvest leaves I think um but uh I don’t know a whole lot about that I’m not actually sure if that’s true or not um

So the tricky thing is that in order to do this you need to harvest the leaves but you also need to get saplings so it’s a balancing act right you need to harvest some leaves but you need to leave some leaves to Decay and so what I found is that if I harvest

I’ve got them space four apart if I harvest three of those four spaces so I leave the leaves next to one of the trees and I leave the leaves in the Rose where the trunks are so there’s basically like two rows of leaves that remain for when I harvest the trunks

And then I harvest all the wood and the saplings and sticks drop what I found is it gives me exactly well just more than the number of trees that I’ve cut down and so it’s a perfect balance of the number of saplings that you get to the number of leaves that you

Get so if you are curious this is a great method I’m also using you can hold F3 and press B to get boxes around your entities you’ll see that it’s it’s way easier to spot the leaves as they’re dropping so that’s what that is if you’ve never seen that before uh super

Handy tool okay so we have been hard at work I have harvested all of the leaves we now have 14 shulker boxes full of spruce leaves and 13 shulker boxes full of birch leaves which is going to be very important we also have most of our logs

Well I shouldn’t say most we have a third of our locks and so I am gonna head over to ameradorn’s base and apparently there’s a ton of dark oak around his base and he wants it all cleared out so I am going to head over there I’m gonna clear that all out

And uh hopefully that’ll be enough so let’s head on over to Amador in space and while we’re here I have not uh uh delivered his shulkers yet uh if you remember in the last episode amadoran helped me to build the shulker farm that we are using to stock the shop

And obviously we want to deliver uh some shulker boxes so I was just looking for a good place to do that and uh I am loving this base but I have no idea where the entrance is all right so I found a little entrance gate area here so I’m gonna go with half

A stack of shulkers uh so we got 32 that’s not that’s no there we go 32 shulker boxes thank you amadron for your help all right so I have been hard at work chopping down spruce trees and dark oak and I cleared a huge area of Amador

In space uh hopefully uh you might see that in his next episode uh that was actually really monotonous um I’m so glad this is done this was a ton of work um so time consuming I do not recommend but that means we’re ready we can do this uh I’m not sure how long

It’s going to be between the last episode you guys saw and this episode but uh this has been a huge huge project uh so I apologize for whatever degree of delay uh there is um and I haven’t even started building the trees yet it’s already taken forever

So uh let’s let’s get over to our new area uh I’m just I’m gonna have to build some more shulker boxes here um and uh yeah we managed to keep a lot of our diamonds uh because I ended up doing almost all of this myself um so you know

That’s cool uh anyway I was just in too much of a hurry that’s what it was I’m sure the Ramblers would have helped but I was just at it all right I’m rambling let’s just get on over to our new base and we are here so without further ado

We’ve got all these shulkers that’s what 27 36 39 shulkers full of materials I don’t know what the math is on that so I’m gonna do that I’m actually curious uh and that is gonna be the entire like that’s everything that’s those are all the supplies I hope that we need

So let’s jump into a time lapse and we are gonna see if we can’t get these trees completely done in this episode let’s do it foreign Thank you Foreign This has got to be the most excited I have ever been about a project ah ah they look amazing these look so incredibly good I mean once we start adding like houses and little shops and bridges like oh walkways down I love the Little River uh I just I am so

So incredibly happy oh I I can’t describe how how happy I am and I gotta say I usually only use shaders for my time lapses I think they look really cool but I like the the kind of way that separates the time lapses from the gameplay but that might be over because

This area looks so amazing with shaders on like I love the darkness under the trees and especially at night like when you when we get some light sources in here and stuff it’s phenomenal I mean it just I’m totally geeking out over how amazing this looks I am so excited for how this

Looks uh yeah I I hope you guys are stoked with what this is looking like um I am just ecstatic I can’t I’m like lost for words I’m so happy about how how this looks like and part of what I love about the shaders is the way the

Trees get lost in the fog because if you’ve ever spent any time in the Redwoods that’s legit like that’s what it looks like the trees in the distance Fade Into the fog I mean not always but when it’s foggy and that’s like my favorite view of the Redwoods is

The fog coming in through the trees and just it looks so cool so I I may have to just stick with shaders from now on uh at least when we’re playing in this area uh I am curious what you guys thoughts are on that do you like watching the gameplay with

Shaders you prefer it as like vanilla Minecraft just the standard view um I don’t know what do you think I may stick with this even if you don’t like it um but I guess if enough of you say you hate it then uh then these are videos

Made for you after all uh but I mean look at that look at the way that just I mean you can’t you can’t really argue with how cool this looks um one of the things that I did discover is it’s ridiculously dangerous down here um I’m not sure if any of the footage

Actually made it into the time lapse but like I got so many creepers and skeletons and when I as I was working on this little river um I’m super happy with how this came out by the way uh I really want to add a bunch of stuff I wasn’t planning on

Messing with the sniffer at all uh if you’re not familiar it’s a new mob that they added in the latest version of Minecraft and uh I was like okay cool whatever you know amadoran’s got a bunch of them and they look fun cool but you can get these really cool flowers

That you can only get from sniffers so I’m starting to change my mind now because how cool would it be to have like these really cool almost like prehistoric looking flowers growing down in the trees here um especially like around the river or if we did little ponds and lakes and

Then like there’s that scene in Return of the Jedi where Luke and Leia are talking and we could do like a walkway kind of similar to that like down low I I don’t know my brain is going crazy I’m so excited about what can be done with

This like it’s this canvas that has been created with these giant trees is exactly what I needed I mean like I am so inspired to take really take this season to the next level and take it up a notch I hope you guys are as excited

As I am you’re probably not I’m totally geeking out over this but that is all the time we have for today so if you liked this make sure you hit that like button if you’re not subscribed please make sure you do that because I want you to see the rest of this project

And I will see you all next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Building a Star Wars Ewok Base in Minecraft, Phase 1: Galactic Adventure Awaits! – Ramble SMP s03e05’, was uploaded by Raevhynn on 2023-09-22 15:00:58. It has garnered 132 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:13 or 1693 seconds.

Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Star Wars Ewok Base Build – Unleash Your Imagination! 🔮✨

Explore the mesmerizing artistry of Minecraft as I lay the groundwork for a stunning Star Wars Ewok-themed base like never before. This video is your passport to escape, inspiration, and pure Minecraft magic. Whether you’re yearning for adventure, seeking imaginative inspiration, or craving a unique Minecraft experience, join me on this journey into a galaxy far, far away. Dive into the extraordinary and let your dreams soar high – watch now!

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  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm mat.com and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

  • EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft Parody

    EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft ParodyVideo Information look JJ it’s a whole bunch of diamonds pick up your pickaxe and get to work we don’t have much time it’ll be night soon and the zombies will attack us yeah Mikey we found a whole mountain of diamonds and now we are extremely rich now you’re super rich all the villagers will be jealous of us do you think I can buy a whole box of carrots with one Diamond definitely with this vein of diamonds a new Village I hope the villagers won’t take all our diamonds away from us but we’ll be open to… Read More

  • Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant – 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug Gaming

    Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant - 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug GamingVideo Information ब हेलो हेलो हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम बैक टू द स्ट्रीम और आज फिर हम लोग मा नहीं खेल पाएंगे क्योंकि मा ही नहीं क्या करें हमा दो के सामने हम चिल्ला चिल्ला पर क्या करे बताओ [संगीत] थ सिपल तो आज खेलने वाले है या ने वाले है य अभी बस सा साइड हो जाए हमारे दोस्त पता नहीं क्या है या चलो य लोग बलोर ब कर रहे तो बता तुम लोग बता अलग से ता मा चल नहीं रहा आज पास होया नागे या फ ना चाहोगे गु जोर से आ रही है पर क्या बोल… Read More

  • Unveiling Lilyville’s Top Traitor RON9IE – Minecraft PvP Drama 😡

    Unveiling Lilyville's Top Traitor RON9IE - Minecraft PvP Drama 😡Video Information This video, titled ‘Revealing Biggest Traitor OF LILYVILLE gamerfleet pvp god RON9IE hacker 😡 Minecraft Live’, was uploaded by Happy Adi Gamer on 2024-01-14 06:52:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags :— gamerfleet live stream lilyville day 9 gamerfleet live stream herobrine smp gamerfleet stream lilyville lilyville new member … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RA

    Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RAVideo Information [Musik] kebanyakan malah hancur [Musik] semua [Musik] kebanyakan terus diapain Buset Kaget gua Anjing Lah iya kocak ini adalah orang-orang yang [Musik] tolong Gimana cara cancelnya [Musik] cancelnya I’m so sorry my friend foreign This video, titled ‘Hal Stupid yang Gw Lakuin di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-23 05:50:00. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Stupid Things I Do in Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play Minecraft games, brothers and sisters. Donation link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link… Read More

  • Pixel Planet 21+ Bedrock SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist

    Pixel Planet Gaming: Future Server Join us at PPG in creating a new Minecraft world for the next big update! We aim to have a friendly SMP server with various gaming channels on Discord. Let’s work together to choose the seed, resource packs, and world name. Come join the fun and make new friends! Discord: shackfu Read More

  • Worldborne

    WorldborneWorldborne is a plugin based Nations server where you will join a group and try to rise to the top. Several nations have already been founded so far all with rich lore and really cool people. We also have the plugin for Simple Voice chat so that people can easily communicate. We offer a non-toxic community with an anticheat, as well as several moderation tools. Also unique to the server are custom Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – GAMERS, I GOT A THEORY

    Minecraft Memes - GAMERS, I GOT A THEORYGuys, I have a theory that if we keep upvoting this meme, we’ll all level up in our meme game! Read More

  • Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More!

    Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More! In the world of Roblox, we aim to win, With Death Ball battles, let the games begin. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers so keen, Crafting content that’s fresh and clean. Join us on YouTube, for gaming delight, Minecraft, BTD6, we play day and night. Our channel awaits, subscribe and see, The fun and excitement, for you and me. In the heat of the game, we fight and we spar, With uppercuts and gems, we raise the bar. Defeating opponents, with skill and with glee, In Roblox Death Ball, we’ll always be free. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Ronaldo’s Recipe for Minecraft Motivation

    Ronaldo's Recipe for Minecraft Motivation Why did Ronaldo go to Roblox for a recipe? Maybe he’s trying to cook up some motivation to score more goals! Or maybe he just wants to listen to some motivational music while playing Minecraft and Mobile Legends. Either way, he’s definitely got his meme game on point! Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire

    Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire Welcome to the Imperial Amphitheater Building the Underwater Kingdom Welcome to the Empires Mode server, a creative multiplayer server where builders can create their very own kingdom. Jake Kelton embarks on a new Minecraft Creative series to showcase the process of building a mega base Kingdom. Whether in a creative test world or survival mode, these videos aim to inspire and provide tips and tricks for creating your own incredible Kingdom. When starting on the server, Jake had to decide on the type of Kingdom to build. After considering options like a flying city and a city built into… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever found yourself craving a new and unique Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “The derpage will happen #shorts” by Music Free Gaming, you may have noticed the sense of community and… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost! Minecraft’s Easy Auto Kelp Farm: A Versatile Solution for Fuel, XP, and Food Looking to level up your Minecraft game with a reliable source of fuel, XP, and food? Look no further than an easy auto kelp farm! In this tutorial, players can learn how to construct a dried kelp farm that is perfect for Minecraft 1.20. This innovative farm features an automatic harvesting system that is seamlessly connected to a smelter, providing a hassle-free way to gather resources. The best part? This farm doesn’t rely on Zero-Tick technology, ensuring a stable setup without the fear of breaking or… Read More

  • Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling Mod

    Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling ModVideo Information but now not more goblins all right sure let’s put the Venom Fang on [Music] oh it does answer the question it does we can apply our poison to our magic or wait maybe it was just burning I think the rate I think the rate of those hits are literally yeah I think the r of those hits are from the poison thank you silver car for Prime thank you thank you come the T we’re just chilling out with some more goblins but you know just chilling out with some goblins just not a big deal… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted Realm

    Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Myth: haunted world’, was uploaded by TymaxgameHD on 2024-03-01 13:50:35. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. If you have scary myths or bedrock seeds/ video or photo footage from any Minecraft version, you can show it on my discord server and I’ll upload it on YouTube if you want that! (: My discord server: https://discord.gg/xMv8xvh5 Copy the link and join (: Subscribe, like and commend if you want more! It’s a great support for me! Thank you Read More

  • 1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper Farm

    1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper FarmVideo Information welcome to 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft established in December 2010 2 b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos Reigns Supreme with no rules and No Boundaries players are free to explore build and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination prepare yourself for a journey like no other where danger lurks around every corner and Only the strongest most resourceful players can Thrive welcome to 2 b2t where history is written by those brave enough to venture into its unforgiving landscape I never slow up no I don’t take I… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!Video Information hey guys this is Karina and today welcome back to my channel and I’ll be playing some more Minecraft for you guys oh oh this is where we are okay okay we’re building our cherry oak house here should I continue working on this house H we got some oh yeah we got diamonds in the last episode we got three of them we got a ton of iron cute I’m going to make myself a little hat since I’m already making more iron so I can make a hat her I’m going to try and take down… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back guys to another stream today now we are here on Minecraft um on a new survival world called stream so pretty much I’m going to stream this world a lot and a lot um throughout the week um and also now I’m going to do a thing now where I let you guys choose a game on Fridays that I should play so it be pretty fun I want to finish the FNAF one that that is a tall mountain guys like um I will met I we do have cheats on… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon Ladders

    Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon LaddersVideo Information I found colorful ladders and so many characters in Minecraft hey guys it’s Zach here today let’s take a look at the new Rainbow staircases to different colors lots of different interesting portals at the end of them and the most interesting characters look I won’t even list them all there’s all sorts of minions and rainbow friends and ladybug and all sorts of good characters like lunk Angela and Jimmy netron anyway we’ll see it’s going to be interesting I think you should enjoy it I suggest we go probably all the way to the first one… Read More

Raevhynn – Building a Star Wars Ewok Base in Minecraft, Phase 1: Galactic Adventure Awaits! – Ramble SMP s03e05