Video Information

Today i’m reacting to the best minecraft animations on youtube the rediscovery animation versus minecraft shorts episode 1 by the legend himself alan becker so i’ve never seen this series before it is supposedly the best minecraft animations ever that is just not minecraft we’re just on like a

Normal windows desktop we got a little orange person i’m gonna name him maybe he actually has a name i don’t know comment down below if he has a name if he doesn’t i’ll use the top comment down below as his name oh orangeman stepped on the windows home screen okay we’re

Scrolling down a little bit go down he’s using his foot oh minecraft yes open it best game of all time most downloads look left look right and click it oh he grabbed it wait okay he’s got a little hop bar above his screen he’s got grass he’s got wood he’s got

All the building blocks oh wait there’s more people oh they’re very confused they all have normal heads and he just has like a circle head okay he’s hiding the minecraft block from them they have no idea what’s going on they’ve never been exposed to the beautiful world of minecraft before obviously oh oh

They’re confused oh wait they stopped him he’s picking it up start building wait he just grabbed so many wooden blocks he’s grabbing bricks he’s got he’s got full-on creative mode oh this is amazing this reminds me the first time i ever played minecraft with all of my friends on a multiplayer

Server we just went into creative mode and went crazy we built castles we built dirt huts it didn’t look good at all because we did not know how to build we were flipping terrible oh my god they’re grabbing everything they’re gonna okay this is gonna be the

Farmer man this is gonna be the redstone dude okay so i want you guys to comment down below all of the different colors and what names i should give them oh oh ladies having flashbacks yo wait did i miss an all-out war you guys have to let me know this said it was

Episode number one but maybe there’s one before this all right so they all completely kitted themselves out they all have full diamond armor this dude he doesn’t have anything i’m not sure why i don’t think they actually gave him a block he doesn’t have access to creative mode

You have the tnt specialist wait this dude’s setting up a trap they are about to kill this man oh poor guy wait i think he’s paused right now they gave him creative mode wait wait oh this is bad they should not have done this oh oh why are they activating the traps

Activate the traps what are they waiting for wait he’s about to summon in what is that a llama a bunny it’s bunny rabbits he’s 17 little rabbits they gave up because they don’t want to kill bunny rabbits oh oh my god the building contest animation versus minecraft shorts episode

Last episode we left off they were all given full creative mode and they teamed up on the red guy all right they’re all going through they’re collecting all their different things and today we’re going to be having a building contest oh okay wait he put back the minecraft block

Oh he’s opening up google he’s hanging around google images uh what’s he gonna search up how to become best minecraft builder he’s gonna just steal the e oh okay cool uh emoji oh no extra uh how is he this doesn’t make any sense how is this possible

Excavator oh wait a second can you actually ride that get on top of excavator and then destroy everything that’s what i would do if i was a little tiny orange stick man all right so we have a timer set for five minutes on the clock the animation is insanely well done if

You guys haven’t checked out alan becker i’m gonna leave his link down below in the description by the way you guys should go check it out and smash like and also subscribe to his channel all right we got five minutes on the clock it looks like we got red green yellow

And blue all setting up for a build competition i got my money on red red seems to know exactly what he’s doing he’s got all the different wool colors set up so he’s probably gonna build some sort of pixel art i have no idea what he’s building that

Kind of just looks like a banana doughnut banana okay all right so we got a banana doughnut this dude’s building some sort of turd structure maybe a hot dog i think he’d build a hot or maybe hamburger ham hot dog um this dude over here blue guy

I don’t know what he’s building maybe a bumblebee and dude no idea what he’s doing this is me i’ll normally start building and then i’ll stop because i don’t know how to build and then i get really mad at myself and then i grab tnt and then i

Explode because when in doubt it exploded out am i right all right five minutes have passed we’re down to the last second time’s up hit okay okay cool uh what did everybody build everybody stop building it it’s over all right wait oh they were all trying

To build an excavator that makes so much more sense yes he got extra points for the cat oh look it says cat on it nice love it good work red team personally i think red is in first place right now but i haven’t seen any other

Bills yeah that’s right give it up for red got a guy what a beautiful red human being next up okay this one’s not bad it obviously has a little bit of redstone functionality because yellow is the redstone man okay all right all right we’ll give it

To him we’ll give him a couple extra points because it actually is working but he doesn’t have any cats this one probably has the best design no no all right i think orange is probably the judge here and orange seems to really enjoy it and last but not least let’s

See what green was able to make yo way that’s crazy okay i don’t know if red’s gonna win i hope red wins because he put a cat i hope orange has a soft spot for pets no fine whatever green one got a little gold trophy

Hold it up blow it up blow it up blow it up blow it up [Laughter] that’s what i would do if i lost the roller coaster animation versus minecraft shorts episode 3. yellow man is back he is making a little tiny lamp it works nice work yellow man

All right cool nice yeah he’s obviously a redstone master i just realized dude they don’t know how to play minecraft so they’re all just testing out the different functionalities of how to build how redstone works they obviously already know how tnt works But it looks like today they’re gonna figure out how to build a roller coaster by the way if you guys have not already grab your left hand and boop the like button if you guys want to see more episodes because there are tons more of

This series plus i do want to make tons more reaction episodes for you guys well yellow is breaking the biggest rule ever you never dig straight down did his mother never tell him this before somehow it worked out for him normally i run into lava but he runs

Into a mine shaft and finds a chest and also the first ever rails he’s never seen this before oh okay look at that he’s figuring out that he can make a little minecart system all right take out the chest put your body inside oh my gosh the man’s a scientist

Modern day stickman einstein here i wonder where the rest of the gang is right now oh no okay okay oh he’s figuring it out wait okay can he get more rails yes he figured out where the rails are okay so now he’s gonna place them all down

And then he’s gonna go real fast all the way down to the bottom wait here we go here we go here we go [Laughter] and now they’re gonna make the most insane roller coaster ever there’s the rest of the boys and we have the admin orange i don’t know what they’ve been up

To but yellow has been busy at work yes he bought a roller coaster for all of them everybody go ahead and hop inside yo i’m so excited to see exactly what he was able to build that’s all right just get inside you gotta trust him no no running away that’s right sit down

Sit the flip down there you go good boy that’s right everybody else get inside do not run away there you go all the boys are in give them a little push yellow oh there they go wait this is crazy oh my gosh he pulled it all through the mine shaft whoa

The animation on this looks so cool alan becker is an absolute legend oh that was a neat little feature okay he needs some power rails in order to go up all right he built a little statue of himself oh wait they’re going quick [Laughter] oh wait a second look there’s a little piston system it should pull back yeah oh that was fun all right now they’re going down and oh okay everybody duck get inside of your mine cart get get low get down to the flow wait a second he mined out that entire

Area and built a huge statue of himself this is literally the most insane minecart rail system i’ve seen ever in my entire life obviously i know it’s not real it’s just an animation but i wonder if somebody would actually be able to build this in minecraft

Wait no okay never mind that is not possible you cannot do a loop-de-loop like that i’ve tried that was like the first thing i tried when i got minecraft after i figured out how to make a roller coaster was can you do lift-y-loops no the end yay wait wait wait jk

I have a feeling this isn’t gonna end well they’re going way too fast and i know yellow is kind of a savage oh oh he’s standing on top of diamonds somebody tell this man to get the diamonds here they come is it gonna work wait wait

Yup that sounds about right i don’t know if you guys have ever tried to make a rap in minecraft but it never works like that every time you get to the edge it just drops you straight down potions animation versus minecraft shorts episode 4. blue man is making a farm

He’s got some wheat he’s got some beetroot he got some melons oh there you go a little sprinkle of water oh my god that was aggressive water all the seeds oh he’s eating the beets beets are disgusting oh potatoes too carrots are fine they help make your eyesight better My man’s out of water hey go scoop up some more water from the cauldron water all your seeds and i think today he’s gonna figure out that he can actually use all of these different ingredients together to make some potions that’s my big brain thinking because i

Looked at the title of the episode all right you probably no no oh okay okay those are disgusting okay i don’t the netherward is not good that is not nutritious and delicious wait he’s gonna mix it in yeah that’s right he’s gonna make some soup add a boy blue

Okay we got ourselves a little scientist oh he likes it oh okay he’s gonna oh wait he made an awkward potion there you go okay now pick it up and then just mix it with anything well now he’s awkward drink some more or maybe there you go okay he’s got the

Brewing stand this reminds me of the old school days of minecraft which you guys probably don’t know but if you guys have played minecraft for a decade you know that a lot of things that you originally had to start with you had to figure it out yourself there were no guides there

Were no tutorials you had to watch somebody else do it or you just kind of had to learn as you went i remember my first time making some sort of like brewing stand and some sort of potion i just figured out that you needed to make an awkward potion and

Then just put random items up top i tried to put cookies up top but there is no such thing as a cookie potion but if you put some uh some sort of like blaze cream up there you get fire resistance potion oh look at that he no longer burns i don’t

Know if i would trust that what else is he gonna oh a rabbit’s foot speed or no leaping speed’s different at this rate he is going to have every single effect in the game by the end of today’s video yup he’s making tons more potions red’s over here messing around with some

Different minecraft mobs he’s placing down some pigs oh a little porky he’s gonna take his slice of bacon on a walk oh somebody’s been busy making potions over here look at all the potions that he made wait that’s crazy oh he had one too many potions last

Night the pigs wait do you guys hear that oh the pig wait oh they’ve created mega piga it’s pig god oh oh my god yo this slice of bacon no longer cares it he’s got all the effects he’s turned into a big god oh my gosh oh my goodness

Bro they’re just trying to enjoy a simple fire they were telling campfire stories and they just got eated by a pig oh big mistake that’s oh there’s about to be a battle boys oh no oh no this is crazy this reminds me of dragon ball z oh my god

Oh get him get him get him i kind of honestly hope the pig wins oh yeah that’s not fair they got back up now the pig needs help he’s getting man slammed careful i don’t think he’s dead no don’t do it do not nope oh no no no

Oh that’s not good for the pig oh mr bacon’s dead [Laughter] his pet pig is gone do not eat oh he has a pet llama pajama there’s red guy and blue guy they found a wild chicken the chicken isn’t even fighting it kind of just is like okay i’m here

This is exactly what’s gonna be happening today i’m just gonna get picked up by a red and a blue guy all right he’s making a little tiny structure here there’s uh some white wool uh oh oh he’s just like rebuilding the chicken i thought maybe he was building a chicken coop but that’s

Actually not bad honestly i’m gonna mentally take a picture of that just in case i ever need to build a chicken in minecraft all right well um i don’t know nah i feel like you can maybe use yellow wool here um or i’ll go buckle oh

Wait a second okay use a note block oh they just discovered a noteblock for the first time ever oh this is going to be good every time you press it it makes a different sound and with the note black too i don’t know if you guys know this

But whatever block is underneath of it it changes how the noteblock sounds so these ones will probably sound different let’s see oh see look that one sounded different because it’s on top of the other note block so you can make songs let’s see if they figure it out

Change the block okay he’s going in blue guy is smart oh okay now it’s more of like a muted sound sand makes it into more of like a top hat sound like a okay okay wait a second they’re gonna make oh i don’t know where the rest of the guys are oh

Oh and mary had a little lamb oh gosh wait a second they’re getting advanced here he made a little tiny jukebox drum set oh yellow guy found them wait does adding a re oh i completely forgot that you can actually make automated songs by using redstone this was a big thing back in

Like 2014 of minecraft it probably still is a big thing but i haven’t seen any like crazy note block songs in a long time okay let’s see what happens if he combines them all all together he can make beats yeah yeah okay yeah i see let’s go oh oh my gosh

Green guy welcome to the party how’s it going what’s he gonna do oh he’s taking over this little tiny drum set oh they’re all musically talented unlike me okay he’s taking a little bit of a classical approach here i like it how beautiful yeah now there is still one character there’s

The admin orange character i wonder what he’s gonna do wait they’re all about to start jamming out together they all have done their own individual things and they’re about to go crazy they all know how the jukebox or the the noteblock works now i think i was calling it jukebox this

Entire time it is a noteblock i am dumb Oh i’m gonna be dancing this entire video oh this is good if you guys start dancing at all you gotta leave a like on today’s video also huge credit to alan becker for creating this his links will be down below in the description go check him out he has so many more

Amazing animations just like this one yes yes oh this is beautiful oh my goodness check out also links to the song creator he’ll be linked down below in the description of alan becker’s video and also my video Okay i love how they’re using little tiny sticks and little drum sticks oh this is amazing just sit back relax and enjoy the tunes ladies and gentlemen Oh this is so cool like a green guy is building like his own little set oh no they have the automated section all set up oh that is sick Oh what was that you can’t do that in minecraft wait a second hold up you cannot do that i don’t think that’s possible Okay i’m gonna stop interrupting now we are just going to absolutely jam out Look it’s admin my man is just trying to take a little nap and everybody out here is currently going crazy they’ve created a little tiny stick figure band wait do not no no hey hey don’t do that no what why do you have to be a party pooper

I understand you need to sleep but still they were going crazy my ears were being blessed with beautiful sounds yeah turn it back up blue do it blue blue all the way up 100 back to 100 yes [Laughter] i don’t think this is gonna end well for them

Admins not gonna be happy about this all right three two one go i think my favorite might be green aaron grooves is the musician behind the noteblock video go check him out so it’s the next day and yellow has woken up and looks like they’re about to start a minecraft

There you go go ahead take that block and i think today they’re gonna discover a new block that seems to be every episode they discover something new in minecraft so they’ve obviously already discovered everything that’s redstone related okay they’re going into the flowers the dyes the doors the chorus

Fruits all the different music discs they discovered noteblocks in the last one and they can oh hold up my man just went into the illegal territory of the creative menu there’s a barrier block there’s like some other weird blocks or the monster spawner and then there’s the command

Block i have a feeling they should not be allowed to touch the command block oh he’s going down got the the dragon egg and now he has discovered commands i don’t know if this is gonna end too well oh we just collected them all it’s just yellow though yellow now has

All of the power oh yellow opened up the console command it can do anything with this it can give itself anything it could uh it could go into different game modes it could obviously kill everybody it can set up a repeating command block i don’t know i don’t know what’s gonna

Happen oh wait did you just open the command block bro oh wait there’s a manual inside of it i never knew that that’s actually kind of cool give yellow wait he’s going to start giving him oh 64 command blocks you’re crazy is wait is it actually

Going to work yep he has uh op access step block planks uh oh oh he’s learning too much yellow is about to be miles ahead of all of the other stick figures he gave himself cake what else is he going to do summon an armor stand with just the arms oh

Oh look he’s going to make a little animation using the armor stands good work yellow oh he’s placing down more oh he just learned how to code ah red red i wouldn’t take the cake red this isn’t going to end well for red oh nice try turn around go ahead try to

Take it again again oh no no too slow too slow he’s just changing it using the command blocks that is amazing now it’s gonna teleport red okay that’s good that’s one of my favorite things to do to troll my friends no they both just waved to each other i

Was holding out the cake this time nope yo red is having a tough day that’s right red you probably should eat an apple instead hit the arrow or hit the apple off of its head using a bow and arrow then maybe you can get the cake let’s see what you got

Okay slick nice shot uh oh wait how is yellow doing so oh what the heck yellow became a master of command blocks in like three seconds oh red i love how yellow just pressed it really really really fast he was like nope nothing to see here don’t worry about it

Wait did they just team up together blue and green if you know what’s good for you i’d turn around and go back to the nether where it looks like you came from uh oh what is red wearing right now is that a coal helmet oh it’s like a magician’s hat

He just pulled out a killer bunny that wait oh no that i think it was just a normal bunny bunny is now gone and then it’s gonna scroll out and then obviously yellow is going to be like the wizard of oz behind the curtain look at how many command blocks they have now

Oh this is crazy oh my gosh there’s so many commands happening they’re gonna turn all into zombies they’ve become too powerful red has become a god meanwhile yellow is actually doing everything wait that’s so cool uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh wait a second what just happened it’s changing

Once you place down a command block you cannot get rid of a command block unless you use a different command block in order to set it to air oh that’s not good uh oh uh oh malfunction there’s a lot of errors going on they’re just turning into every single block

They’re starting to float oh my god he’s just slamming them with diamond pickaxes tnt does nothing the tnt turned into a bunch of baby sheep uh oh oh my god it’s someone in a giant um okay good admin has showed up let’s see if admin is able to fix them oh

So yeah that is the the console of the server that i guess they’re on and you can see all the commands that are happening right now his head just turned into infinite chickens this dude is floating look he’s trying to get back but his fishing rod just turned into like eight

Different things up okay that’s pretty good orange you might want to help them out here oh my goodness they’ve messed up a lot in the past but i think this is the worst thing they’ve done so far it just keeps getting electrocuted and now the reality gem is like changing everything

They just broke the computer that’s actually kind of a cool background the screen is starting to tilt or are they starting to tilt i don’t understand how they’re going to fix this they’re probably going to need to restart the server all of the different windows programs are starting

To float around just shut it down restart the computer will that fix it no signal entering the power saving mode windows is loading up okay alan becker’s back and they fixed it let’s go did they actually fix it it worked they made fire and they got rid of the command block

That was probably for the best it’s another day in stick world on the computer they’re building things they just quickly built an amazing house they’re starting to learn a lot more about minecraft they obviously know how to build they know command blocks they know redstone they know how note blocks

Operate and now they’re becoming like master builders this is all happening extremely fast too this reminds me of the good old days of minecraft where all of your friends knew absolutely nothing about the game and you guys would all just hop on a server together and try to learn it um okay wow

Are they doing like a build battle it seems like that’s what’s happening yeah the right side and left side are kind of versing each other right now uh i don’t think you’re supposed to connect it don’t you probably should not connect it oh oh oh he’s grieving

Green’s like hold up what you doing brother wait they need more space to build so okay so who’s gonna build where that’s an important part of minecraft even okay well technically their world’s not infinite so they need to figure out where to build because they only have

One desktop to build in there’s not enough space for all of them uh oh oh oh oh oh oh he bit his tongue at him or he bit his thumb at him he brought out his sword oh my god yo that was aggressive oh oh it’s it is on my gang is calm

They’re going crazy right oh my gosh wait that was actually really smart they just built a minion an iron golem to do the battling for them that was crazy it’s also a 3v2 nice they win uh sorry Uh-oh wait a second that was smart oh my gosh wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’ll happen way too fast let’s throw an ender pro hit it back in the back oh my goodness wait this is crazy this is one of the most insane minecraft animation battles i’ve seen

They’re just spawning in snow golems they’re just dropping in snow golem turrets oh my gosh look at their bodies their bodies are just flailing like dead fish they’re just destroying the roof uh oh oh it’s about to go down oh the end of pearl oh they’re doing backflips

They’re using the other pearls to teleport into each other that is so cool oh wait they just made potions uh oh oh they’re invisible but you can see the particle effect so how are they gonna sneak up on them well we can see them wait wait turn around oh you should

Really look out for particle effects oh you can’t see them no oh they just got shot with milk uh oh uh oh wait what’s going on oh he took it a step too far there Oh just in the nick of time oh my god wait he killed him is that have they died before do they respawn this is new i don’t know if i’ve seen them die before maybe i’m forgetting something in the earlier episodes but do they not know that they can respawn

Is this a hardcore world like i’m kind of a little bit confused is green gone forever did they actually just get rid of green wait wait is that it wait no okay green’s back but where is green right now there’s like a staircase going up

It okay it still has a top bar but his hot bar is empty is this heaven for the stick figures oh no it’s it’s back where did it go the background’s different here oh wait it just respawned they made a grave and a burial for him

Okay yeah this is the first time they actually killed one of them and little do they know that they can all respond oh my god okay so we’re back in the desktop uh we have the blue guy we have green guy blue guy is just chomping on some cake i have

No idea what this episode is going to be about i try not to look at the title before i actually go into these just so i am completely confused the entire time okay we’ll try to figure out together so right now uh he’s making some more cake

Like they they had access to creative mode um they recently discovered what a command block was and wait where did that zombie pigmen just come from zombie pigman’s i’m pretty sure can only come from the nether unless lightning strikes in the overworld oh i think somebody may have opened another portal

Why would it be in oh why would it be in the storage folder wait somebody actually did it could have been orange admin maybe it was yellow uh red feels like he may have done it as well i honestly i don’t know who did it wait they’re going in okay they’re gonna

Find out exactly who it was also how does another portal work you kind of need the two obsidian pieces on the bottom uh we just won’t we’re not gonna worry about it they made it into the nether oh ho ho ho there’s zombie pigman there’s gas there’s fire there’s glowstone

And they have never seen any of it before they look extremely confused right now they’re kind of just like what the oh oh it reminds me of my first time going to the nether because you don’t realize that the zombie pigmen even though they look scary they don’t actually attack

You unless you attack them and if you do attack them their entire lineage comes after you it’s like an army of zombie pigman soldiers trying to destroy you and your entire family okay so uh in this update they have nether quartz oh no okay they like it okay all right oh

You shouldn’t have done that oh you’re dead wait they just left their pickaxes behind them okay now they’re running through another fortress they have what one two three four at least like six zombie pigmen chasing them did they make it out alive oh my gosh

Wait they did they ran into it in the blazes too i wonder if the other stick figures are going to be somewhere in the nether because i’ll just i mean like somebody made this right like somebody built a portal oh they’re so dead are they gonna

Jump onto the gas maybe uh i don’t know what’s gonna happen what are they gonna do they’re just standing there they’re like there’s there’s nowhere to go are they gonna do like a dream clutch they are i knew it i called it oh that was so sick

Okay oh oh he’s about to get blown up what dream who oh that was so cool alan becker is the best animator in my opinion on all of youtube make sure you guys are subscribed to him and check out every single one of his videos or just react to them with me but

Make sure you guys go and at least subscribe to him because he is a god when it comes to animation it looks like minecraft but at the same time it like obviously you can’t do this in minecraft but it feels like you probably should be able to mojang should hire this man

What is happening oh my gosh i would have never thought that was gonna happen well seems like they uh survived the nether this is normally what it’s like after you somewhat survive the nether you kind of just go back and you’re like bruh what did i just get into and you

Just rethink that you never want to go back to the nether ever again so okay the nether portal survived so they’ll be able to go back not a problem what’s uh okay are they they’re oh oh hold up new character alert they found another nether portal and i

Don’t remember a purple stick figure being in any of the other episodes to be continued we need to watch the next one if you guys haven’t already this series is powered by your guys like so go ahead and leave a like on today’s video they have teleported into another person’s desktop

This person is using mac which is just awful on so many levels playing minecraft on a mac it’s not the worst thing if there’s people out there that do that i mean you know i’ve lost respect for you but you know i understand it’s almost impossible to mod

On mac or at least it used to be back when i played in like 2016 my friend had a mac and he could never figure out how to get mods working on it windows for the win okay so they discovered a village all right there’s villagers now i don’t

Think they’ve seen villagers they’ve seen an iron golem before and have spawned it in to fight each other but never a villager so this is their first time seeing the giant big nose characters i guess they think that they’re greeting them but they actually have their arms stuck together wait wait a second

You know they just kidnapped them they’re going into the finder wait they have a secret house up there that’s actually kind of cool okay so they’re going to go up the stairs and that house looks custom built okay they’re wait they’re taking him to a different house the color purple wait a second

Okay this is where the purple guy must live right they followed him back through here they’re going into the icloud drive and they’ve discovered the purple stick figure he is the king of the village king purple i don’t understand why he’s giving them nether quartz i mean like villagers like emeralds but

I’ve never seen them like nether quartz before look they’re the same or one in the same they’re literally brethren i don’t know if king purple likes them oh wait they can share they have lots wait they have like multiple sacks the villagers look at that

Look at that i don’t know why they like nether chords so much uh oh somebody’s not too happy that their power is being taken away from them the villagers are minions i’m surprised that he doesn’t have iron golems too wait they just got thrown in prison

Yo this isn’t it this isn’t a village this is like a kingdom they have castles they have prisons and they have a giant area for all of the villagers to live so like how are they going to get out and also where are the other sick figures like what are they up to That’s the one problem with minecraft for prisons is you need to make them out of like multiple layers of obsidian and possibly like lava and water for them to actually work i have a feeling yep that was an iron goal oh my god yo they just got slapped back in there

That was aggressive wait they have oh no they don’t like gold maybe this is where they figure out that villagers like emeralds yeah oh oh he took the ball oh that would have been great if he took it and then just ran away careful those are friends not to be smashed

So now they escape honestly they need to figure out how to get back home so that they can get their stick figure army together and they could come back here and conquer the kingdom that’s what i would do if i was them anyway so far they’re okay they’re talking to

The purple villager the purple villager seems to be like a little bit more advanced than the other ones but these guys are really s oh oh okay wait they gave away an emerald for a block of gold wait okay wait he has another quartz block they’re giving away their emeralds

This doesn’t make any sense normally the villagers want the emeralds but now they’re actually like able to give them away in order to get like all of the crazy blocks from the nether and it makes sense because villagers don’t normally like to go to the nether because they would die

A lot of times all of his villagers are going into the village to get every piece of valuable material from the other stick figures so yeah he’s gonna catch on except this guy i don’t know how long he’s been here this is a brand new character so we don’t really know

Anything about him they’re just collecting emeralds i don’t even think they know what to do with all of the emeralds uh-oh yeah he’s not gonna be too happy about this [Applause] um oh it’s battle time they’re all running away for some reason what’s king purple gonna do

Wait whoa whoa hold up villagers can’t do this villagers don’t know how to build did they do this just to improve the oh wait okay they’re improving the castle and they’re also taking down all of king purple’s blocks it actually looks kind of good oh no wait a second they look they made

A throne room for him they love king purple blue and green are slowly approaching king purple king purple maybe realizes now that uh these guys aren’t super bad possibly maybe hopefully no yes they made friends that’s so nice you love to see it now they’re bestest friends in the entire

Universe stick figures can unite together now so like wait how do they get back home wait is there a secret door oh that is sick uh i don’t know if i would trust king purple right now i mean technically he only gave you a crown wait hold up

The end dimension they’ve never seen this before i completely forgot to they they haven’t even gone to the end yet is that the next episode are they about to go to the end dimension and fight the ender dragon wait wait wait my mind is exploding wait he has the eyes of the ender

Oh snap crackle pop let’s go they’re going in oh they just jumped in no no way i need to watch the next one i was curious where the other stick figures were during all of this they’re just discovering now that the other two stick figures are gone this man’s just

Eating some cake okay so they built up right they should be able to go into the nether and then all they have to do is just find the other nether portal and then they can meet up with the other three stick figures okay they located it the broken nether portal still exists it

Doesn’t have the bottom two obsidian but for whatever reason still works okay so okay uh they didn’t go in yet they have no idea what the nether portal actually is these guys however have discovered the end dimension and just jumped in like 30 seconds ago they spawned in the end dimension oh

My goodness okay they discovered the ender dragon and also enderman i don’t think they’ve seen enderman yet oh they got the diamond sword what are they going to do it’s battle time stab wait actually just don’t look at them head down how does this how does he

Know okay this is like an experienced minecraft player obviously he knows not to look at the enderman he knows how to get to the nether and also knows how to make an eye of the ender he’s a genius what can i say he’s a visionary okay so they all have both uh

No they don’t have bows and arrows they oh there you go that’s what i’m talking about blue you’re going to go in so oh buddy gets regened so stop wasting your arrows you need to shoot the end crystals stop wasting it stop wait stop he was just like ah

Okay that’s not gonna work uh a fishing rod what the heck are they gonna do with a fishing rod oh okay imagine if you could actually do that in minecraft that would be so cool if the fishing rods actually worked as like spider-man webs they just mounted vendors like oh

I was not expecting this whatsoever they’re on its back and they’re wait oh they can no longer get healed what’s happening oh wait are they spawning in another ender dragon i think it might be because if you take away the ender dragon i think no wait it thinks that it’s defeated

They spawned in the dragon egg oh i am invested now ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be sweet it’s not gonna hatch right does purple see that i don’t i don’t think they saw but the these guys have a little tiny picture of red and green stick figure the villagers know

Them the villagers love them let’s see if they can lead them to where they went because they went off in secret so they i i don’t think the villagers even know where they went let’s see if anybody saw so while they were going in maybe one of the villagers

Noticed that they were leaving oh this one did that guy was looking he knows he knows something yeah wait did uh hold up did i just see him taking his arm off he did he detached his arms confirmed the villagers their arms aren’t actually stuck together they choose to be like that

Unless wait this isn’t i don’t think this is actually like minecraft allure this is alan becker’s minecraft animation versus minecraft lore so in this universe of minecraft they can indeed take their arms apart villagers they just choose to have them stuck together anyway um yeah i’m pretty

Into lore so we’re just gonna note that down for next time and now they’ve discovered the end cities which means they can find a light truck and also the dragon head okay wait are is he just gonna leave the sword in the back of oh oh wait did he just tame it

Nah what he’s going back now that’s not good blue and purple are now stuck together oh wait did he just find that no way that is so cool you honestly would think that because there’s giant floating ships in the end dimension that they would be able to go places

Maybe at one point they were able to in the minecraft lore but like in this world it actually moves that’s so cool and wait purple just found the elytra go ahead yeah take that put that on your back oh put it on do it do it yes

Oh god i didn’t even notice that oh he’s about to be levitated and he has no idea oh okay well now he knows what it does maybe he can get levitated and then start flying they’re back at the end island with all of the end crystals and i guess they’ll probably start

Healing the ender dragon right as soon as it gets close enough yep wait is it going up oh yeah it’s health is slowly going up it latched back oh wait wait careful okay now they’re attached they can try to stop the boat oh they’re going in reverse

They’re gonna try to pull the ender dragon away from it so it doesn’t get healed i don’t know if the ender dragon likes that green just got thrown off it purple’s really about to trust the elytra right now wait it’s gonna steal the dragon egg up no way oh it’s going for it

Look at emma oh the ender dragon wants to go get a dagger uh oh Uh oh oh that’s not good that’s not good at all wait are they gonna get levitated by the shulker do it yes okay green safe no no okay blue blue is not safe they have 10 seconds left of levitation what are they gonna do they can’t control it at all oh come on

Purple come on purple the stakes have never been higher this is also not how electro works but we’re just going to roll with it you have to continue to glide keep going down go get them save them save them and then go back you look it’s been five seconds they’re

Falling by now oh my god no purple left green and blue that’s it for you now what they give a little hug i think wait are they actually just gonna fall nobody’s gonna save them come on purple don’t do them like that oh orange oh where are they hanging from what

Okay i was not expecting that if you gave me 10 different options of what would happen and this was one of them i probably would have picked every other option before before the option of a villager rope system combined with the stick figures would save green and blue did not see that coming

Meanwhile you have purple who just oh lost the dragon egg that’s what you get well at least the boys are back together and they also have an army of villagers oh so not like no oh they’re all hugging it’s a hug train there’s also yeah the issue of the ender

Dragon that’s still there that probably does not like them what uh that’s not supposed to happen purple i don’t think this is gonna go well for you oh my god what the ender dragon needs its egg back oh my gosh wait that’s crazy imagine if this actually happened in the game imagine if

The ender dragon if you didn’t kill it it could escape and come back and just wreak havoc on your world it’s looking around for the dragon egg but yeah as soon as it finds it and figures out that purple stole it i think purple might die

Purple you might want to get out of there oh the villager’s panicking well at least it knows exactly what it needs to do just bring back the egg go give it to the ender dragon and hopefully the ender dragon will spare you i think i think it might i think they’re gonna oh

Somebody is not happy today it hurts no way oh let’s go look how cute it is tiny baby ender dragon i’m surprised they never added that feature into minecraft like why would they have the dragon egg it’s a nice trophy but like if you could actually hatch it in vanilla minecraft that would

Be amazing if you could have a pet dragon like maybe one day they’ll add it there’s so many mods that do have that in that feature that i feel like mojang eventually should add that feature because it would be so cool to have a pet dragon all right well oh

Yeah the entire villager uh party just turned on purple king and i guess that’s the last time they’re gonna see purple king they did good with the villagers they traded the villagers helped them the villagers even saved them so now they’re on good terms and i guess

They could always come back if they wanted to they know where the nether portal is all in another day in the world of animation versus minecraft all right go ahead yeah build back up home yellow what are you thinking yellow what this is like the multiverse so i’ve been

Reacting to these videos but this one is supposedly the original you guys were commenting in the comments of my other reaction videos that i needed to check this one out before checking out any of the other ones so that’s what we’re going to be doing today so we’re back in

Our typical desktop home screen windows we got admin orange coming out supposedly i’m going to learn more about the characters as well in today’s video which is why i wanted to check it out before we go any further make sure you guys go check out the creator alan

Becker his channel will be linked down below in the description of this video that dude is an animation legend like he created all of these this came out all the way back in 2015. so i’m a little bit late to the game but i’m just excited that i’m gonna be watching this

For the first time ever with you guys okay so this is like their first time ever discovering minecraft and admin orange already is just a professional builder my man’s crazy with it look at that he put down a bed a crafting table like he knows everything about minecraft and

Just build a house within like 30 seconds okay so green is coming up to him he’s like dude what’s going on oh okay just added in a couple oh okay so he’s yeah he’s teaching green how to play okay look he placed on his first block

So they all just have access to creative mode like none of them have to worry about survival mode they just automatically have every single block and are able to build whatever oh wait what he’s not able okay oh yeah i guess since he didn’t

Place it down he has to break them oh no wait he gave away creative mode he’s in survival mode i didn’t even realize that was the thing uh oh okay so he said yeah he’s gonna learn that he needs to i guess that’s in the animation world how you get sticks and blanks

And now we can open up the crafting table place down the two sticks place down the wooden planks he’s got his property and now he’s able to mine the cobblestone he’s learning things uh green’s back he you know he’s stole creative mode oh he just built a working windmill he just one-upped orange

That’s that’s insane that i don’t even that’s not possible right okay oh look at wait there’s blue blue stoli when i have a feeling this is gonna get out of hand very very very quickly all right so blue is the farmer of the group hey what up he’s planting more oh

Yo yellow just came in and say yoink is he going to build a beacon yeah i’m trying to think what update was out in 2015. i think it was maybe 1.10 maybe 11 12 i don’t really know and then there’s red who’s coming out he was probably taking a a poop and then

Now he’s like discovering minecraft for the first time oh he’s changing the colors of the beacon red is the only one that hasn’t gotten access to creative mode yet uh is he gonna steal it or is he just gonna take it why did they zoom in so much red it’s kind

Of looking a little bit oh my gosh bro he just punched him right in the circular face all right so he’s going through the entire inventory they’re okay he’s like huddling oh oh whoa he’s taking it to the next level oh my god he just jumped into storage [Laughter]

Wait a second how are they gonna get it back uh okay so they know where he is right but like blue is completely trapped are they able to move them out maybe they can use the pistons oh yeah i forgot orange admin has a wooden pickaxe so he can break them out

Okay cool yeah now they should be able to get through and they need to track down red red has access to creative mode right now which means that he’s going to be able to do insanely cool things but they’re in survival mode they’re going to have to use all the blocks that they

Already placed down in creative mode in order to get their upgrades okay so they’re already upgrading they’re using the iron there’s a bunch of diamonds up there too so they should be able to use the iron to go up and get the diamonds that’s not gonna work blue nice trap dummy

Yeah yeah there you go okay cool so now they have all the diamonds that they need so they’re gonna be all geared out they’re gonna have full sets of diamond gear and also full sets of like diamond armor uh they’ll have diamond tools diamond weapons maybe they could also make golden apples

I don’t know if they placed any gold down all right so one of them is fully geared up okay he has the rest of the diamonds yeah so they’re gonna be set i don’t know if it’s gonna be enough though because they have to take down

Red who has access to full creative mode so he’s gonna be able to get all of this plus he’s gonna be able to fly around and do whatever he wants so they need to be prepared they also should probably make you bows maybe some shields as well i forget if shields are

In this version of the game but like if they can get shields they should probably do that okay wait they just placed down a bunch of food as well they’re gonna make tnt oh they have everything they have fishing rods too okay it’s a 4v1 so like maybe they stand

A chance comment down below who you think will win if you haven’t seen this before i know a lot of you guys have probably already watched this since it is one of the most viewed minecraft animations on all of youtube i have no idea how i haven’t seen this yet

Okay so there’s a bunch of different files where would he be there’s one that’s just called dead end oh oh a zombie dropped out of required essay hey and we just took him down real quick oh my gosh wait a second it’s a trap they’re popping out of every single file

Get that zombie killing spree these are actual names of the files oh the animation style of this is so amazing alan becker is a genius when it comes to this okay wait a second there’s one that’s called push the button oh wait they’re able to travel up they’re gonna find

More zombies but maybe they’ll actually be able to find where red is oh look at that there’s a little kitty i’m a big fan of cats but okay they went into a folder inside of a folder so it’s getting to be a little bit confusing here

Uh they found a mob spawner they should be able to destroy that hopefully oh my gosh destroy it hurry up and destroy it there you go okay cool so they’re kind of learning pretty quickly what they’re supposed to do in a normal minecraft world let’s see if they can keep moving and

Then maybe find red oh they’re getting shot by a dispenser or is it oh that’s a lot of skeletons yeah it’s literally like rapid fire wait this is where they’re probably gonna need to make shields right yeah there’s no way okay wait they can build i guess that works

So how are they supposed to get through what’s the plan throw out tnt oh yeah oh that’s so smart okay wait any more arrows they’re just pulling the arrows out of their body like it’s nothing oh oh that is sick i love how orange head is just a little

Bit bigger than the rest of them so his helmet’s also bigger he’s got a fat head it’s kind of like me i kind of have a little bit of a big forehead oh wait there’s a creeper up there guys guys you want to watch out behind you you’re about to get exploded

Oh my gosh wait how did yellow not see that oh no they should be able to survive it though they have full diamond armor right okay yeah they still have some health let’s see orange got hit the most that was so cool all of the arrows killed the

Rest of the skeleton so it seems like they’re safe for now they need food though so that they can start regening their health oh where do they keep coming from oh wait that was cool it just blew aside wait what how did that is that possible it just opened up

The folder into the rest of the desktop how does alan becker think of this it is so creative okay so they’re just gonna keep blowing things up wait a second they’re blowing up the desktop and turning it into the nether wait a second hold on that doesn’t make any sense by

Mining the desktop they’re going into the nether is this where red is i don’t know if it is maybe red left these as traps okay so there’s a bunch more mobs okay well they’re just gonna come in and demolish now that they know exactly what

To do they need to mine that kill the creeper oh he’s carrying around the dispenser that’s so cool attaboy blue there you go everybody apple up they need to find some gold so that they can get some god apples that’s probably the only way they’re going to be able to

Defeat red if they find him nice work squad go ahead move out they didn’t get too far oh what’s up with red why is red gone psycho can they just like maybe work this out yeah just uh be be cool be calm be casual there’s no reason to go crazy red don’t

Do it oh my gosh he turns into the avatar and starts bending all the block elements it’s crazy he just broke his diamond sword in half okay wait that’s actually smart green’s thinking with his head now he’s able to mine the blocks oh wait he’s not going to be able to do any

Damage so they need to steal it grab it grab it grab a grab grab it what are you doing grab it why would you go so slow bro hold up wait did you guys just see that are you guys seeing that i don’t know if fred is actually red he

Just made a giant mech out of cobblestone i don’t know if you guys noticed that but like red was slowly turning into herobrine i think your brand maybe took over the soul of red oh wait a second okay this is why you guys wanted me to watch this there’s

Like a bunch of lore in this video that i need in order to watch the rest of it oh i’m getting goosebumps wait he just literally upgraded it into obsidian oh that’s not good oh that’s terrible they’re all gonna die it’s over for them they’re getting smashed all of their armor is breaking

There’s no way they’re surviving this right they all have like half a heart left there’s no way no it’s not gonna be enough they literally all have half a heart right now he broke it wait no way no way let’s go orange come on all right well that was short-lived

Oh he’s getting slapped around oh how are they supposed to beat this thing Oh we’re doing a a nice little flashback here how did this happen to red this is when they all used to be friends they were playing war back in the day all trapping admin I wonder how this happened they were just having good times until red came in and took the block and destroyed everything it was at this moment that like something weird happened i don’t know how they’re gonna get to red he’s oh they don’t have a heart yeah um they tried their best honestly

They were so close i don’t know why they did not grab the block from red while he was laying on the ground they had a perfect opportunity and they soiled it soiled it oh my oh no oh my bro this guy’s going on a rampage like

He woke up on the wrong side of the bed today i’ve never seen a little tiny stick figure so angry yeah that’s not going to work guys you might want to go ahead and maybe like retreat a little bit and go get some more weapons maybe also get some backup

Could be a good time now to install some more ram to your computer i don’t know about that okay what’s the what’s the game plan here are they gonna maybe try to trip him they literally have two broken fishing rods oh okay i don’t know if this is gonna probably not

Wait where did they go where are they wait is that them like all the way down there is he standing over top of them oh no they’re hiding in the folders no way oh they’re gonna use the fishing rods to strap him down now he can’t move oh

No way they’re putting down rails oh this is crazy okay he’s gonna go inside of the mine cart oh they tripped him and they’re gonna build trees what i would have never seen that coming in a million years they got it from reddit wait no red grabbed on tackle them green

How was he still fighting for him he got it back no how is it bouncing around like this don’t let him get it yes blue Somebody just throw it away there’s four of you and only one of him just literally play keep away Oh they s slam dunked it into the recycle bin and it all went away minecraft is gone but wait does that mean red’s okay now oh oh yo here brian trying to escape where they did oh they got him he’s back to normal now is he actually though i think he should

Be but like you know you can’t be too careful especially after all that just happened are they all friends now is it gonna be okay are they gonna give him a big hug yes oh so wholesome epic gamer moment that was so nice so after this is when the story continues wait wait

Wait look uh what do they just is that league of legends all right so last time we left off um orange green uh and uh who else did do they all come so yeah they all came out of that nether portal and they all had a giant battle and they made it

Into the end dimension where they discovered the purple dude right purple dude is gone for now but it looks like yellow blue red green are all going to go into these other dimensions where they discover that there’s like other nether portals that lead into alternate realities so they all just decided to go

Into one meanwhile orange i guess is gonna stay back oh they’re the middle of nowhere wait they fell on something oh it’s a sky block what okay i guess i should have realized that from like the title but it makes sense um yeah this is one of like minecraft’s

Most classic game modes you kind of just like chill on nothing you have like 12 pieces of dirt a couple of trees lava and water and then you need to make a giant sky block using basically nothing it’s actually a lot of fun if you guys haven’t checked out you should no you

Lost it guys like they just they just fight also a couple of you guys were commenting that there might be actually like captions in this oh yeah i think these are like user captions so maybe we can actually read these um okay this might yeah okay all right

They’re kind of just like in the middle of nowhere uh green’s like now what oh wait i forgot i had some inventory oh they actually like have things from when they came so yeah they already have like bows they have redstone they have a sapling so they can actually like get

Some things going um i actually okay the captions are cool but i kind of wanted to like interpret it myself uh so we’ll turn that off for now if you guys do want me to keep captions on in the next episode comment down below what uh is our

Video orange is a savage he’s just chilling he made a beach for himself and he turned on beach sounds i don’t even know what he’s drinking it’s watermelon juice i like his little spiral straw it looks nice but yeah i’m curious like why he didn’t go with them because

So far out of like all the other episodes they’ve done things together in every single one of them oh my gosh guys are professional minecraft players i feel like they should be in the next season of hermitcraft it’s crazy what they’re able to do they have a full mob farm they’re like

Turning it into a castle yellow’s just chilling down there waiting to pick up all of their their items as soon as they drop down and die it’s kind of a little bit sad when you think about it but the mobs i guess you kind of need to do it in order to get

Lots of amazing items and then red is over here just living the farmer life he’s getting everything that they need in order to make cake they can celebrate all of their hard work on this skyblock it’s been literally like 30 seconds and they already have everything that

They could ever you need on this skyblock you got cake they got carrots they got beetroot soup they got bread and wait okay i think orange might be going to check them out i think if i remember correctly in the previous episodes this is kind of the way to get back but like

He’s kind of just reminiscing right now oh i still don’t understand why he didn’t go with them like it doesn’t make sense oh oh hey what’s going on does he like wait did does he know that they need help go up to storage that’s where the nether portal is

Go ahead go go go go go there’s no time to waste go get them okay so a creeper blew up their mob farm right that’s why like mobs are everywhere oh my gosh like this is just it’s called mayhem now they’re they’re chilling literally they have like two cobblestone walls and

Barely any materials left they’re down to their last rations they have two carrots a couple blocks and a diamond sword so i mean they could probably fight off some things that’s it that’s it they’re gonna have to start eating the dirt that they’re standing on it’s over for them

But i don’t know about that so does orange know which portal they went into i guess we’ll find out pretty quickly because if he goes into a different portal that’ll be a completely different universe oh this is a sweet animation alan becker is so talented the man is just an animation genius oh

I did not see that coming oh my gosh yo this gas needs to chill for like two seconds wait he’s gonna go into a different portal that one’s turned up oh where is he gonna end up now he’s not wait there are they they’re going to end up somewhere else too

Or the portal is just going to completely shut down oh boom plot twist we’re watching the next one strap in orange just yeeted out of this nether portal we’re in a brand new land it seems like i don’t know if they wait is this their first time actually like

In minecraft because they’ve been like kind of in minecraft but not really they’ve been able to use minecraft blocks on their computer but i guess they’ve been to the nether which is kind of minecraft but i don’t remember in previous episodes i don’t think that they’ve actually been to like a complete

Infinite minecraft world so we’ll see what happens here is he really trusting a bunny what the bunny in those things that is a mansion i don’t know if orange is going to like the things that he finds inside of the mansion also i mean like the bunny seems like the bunny like

Is the bunny actually a bunny the bunny is offering a bunch of rabbit i am kind of a little bit confused by this bunny i think it might be a killer bunny it is definitely not a normal bunny it just had a bunch of raw rabbit on the table

All right orange is kind of just like trusting in him he’s just he’s just chilling out the bunny’s acting normal it’s eating a carrot that’s what bunnies are supposed to do right i’m still really confused about what’s going on right now i feel like the captions would probably

Help but i also kind of like just kind of thinking about what’s gonna happen because i’ve never seen these before so like it’s all brand new to me orange is i mean if i had to guess is gonna die yeah that makes sense uh the bunny just did not seem good oh

Turn around it’s a cake that was so smooth yeah okay yeah nice nice yeah totally nothing suspicious there about the bunny going behind your back to find a cake meanwhile on the skyblock world it seems like our friends did they make it out they’re trapped up at the top right yeah

They aren’t able to get back the nether portals got shut off by the ghast as orange was going to try to find them all right well at least the rain stops like that’s good for them i love that but at the same time they’re trapped there so

Like they’re not gonna be able to get out unless they’re able to make a flynn steal but there’s no iron in this world so they’re like how how are they gonna get out also okay they got all their diamond swords back which is good for them that’s nice they should actually be able

To fight and maybe take back some semblance in their worlds take over use a little bit of their power what’s going on right now oh this bunny has booby trap after booby trap set up why is this bunny crazy oh [Laughter] do you now realize that the bunny is

Trying to kill you yes use the bucket oh yeah orange versus a bunny rabbit this is not a battle i wanted this is not a battle i thought i’d get but now i’m not even mad about it how many traps does this bunny have oh my gosh it has vindicators on top of

Indicators luckily orange is probably the most skilled out of all the game figures oh that’s sick oh is the bunny dead i gotta hope so oh there’s an evoker use the axe throw the axe pick it up boom right in between his eyeballs i think i think wait the bunny’s gone i

Don’t know if the bunny’s dead down nice what did the bunny do the bunny made the entire world into dnt if the tnt explodes i think that the nether portal will also get exploded don’t do it you’re going to kill yourself too if you do that it’s not

Worth it what is wrong with this buddy is this bunny like maybe herobrine in the form of a bunny oh my goodness wait this just got crazy he’s gonna make it right wait wait he’s gonna give him a rabbit the bunny fell for it no way what a dumb bunny Just in the nick of time orange made it out meanwhile yeah on the skyblock it seems like they’re actually starting to take it back over yeah they’re building back the mob farm all right nice yeah they defeated all the mobs it looks like so now they can

Go back to living in normal skyblock world since they can’t escape so they kind of are just like forced to live there watch back Are you serious you let a spider kill you after you took back the entire skyblock island he’s gonna respawn right wait there’s water no way wait that’s not supposed to happen in the sky block world oh wait they don’t even know what’s down there they’re crazy wait

We gotta watch the next one red is just fishing red’s just kind of hanging out i guess he’s been down there for a little bit longer than them but like maybe 10 seconds and he already caught a fish meanwhile okay blue green and yellow they need their own boat so

Or i guess fish works too oh oh my gosh wait it’s the aquatic update this is so sick the squid in the background there’s all new types of fish and i feel like yellow is gonna find something underneath the water maybe like a shipwreck maybe like a some sort

Of ocean monument or like oh wait maybe they’ll actually come across dolphins that’d be kind of cool maybe they could like take over maybe they’ll be like atlantis okay oh wait there’s sea turtles in the background nice all right so they’re kind of just like underwater they don’t have any bubbles though

Are they gonna latch onto a turtle and then swim with it oh never mind they figured out they have bubbles yeah so uh they do have to breathe that’s good to know this reminds me of the scene from the titanic except there’s four of them not too wait there’s a dolphin

Oh oh wait the dolphins are actually going to help them that should give them water breathing so they can actually go explore the ocean with the dolphins oh dolphins are actually kind of cool okay go ahead normally dolphins travel in pods so i’m guessing that there’ll be more dolphins

That they encounter instead of just the one the dolphins leading them somewhere let’s see oh there’s a king dolphin and he literally has an army of fish with iron swords that’s so sick where is he sending them to maybe they’re having like a war with the ocean um guardians king dolphin

Meet the stick figures oh my gosh wait he’s just giving them all tridents oh that is so cool okay nice now they’ll have weapons they went from living on a skyblock and basically losing the entire thing to now being minions of a dolphin king i don’t know how alan becker comes up

With this stuff no but looks like orange made it back now there’s still a bunch more portals to go through and he can’t go back home so he’s probably gonna have to go back to a different portal he’s just having like his own random journeys right now while the other four

Stick figures are doing their own random things too it’s like two separate story lines that are hopefully one day gonna come together i’m kind of sad that he’s all by himself though but it’s his fault he did not go with them in the beginning oh i knew it i called it they’re having

A war with the guardians wait did he just kidnap the dolphin wait is there like a dolphin king and a queen maybe they stole the king maybe they saw the queen but the fish are coming in hot i don’t know how the fish are going to beat the guardians

Yeah like there’s no way the guardians have ranged attacks ranged attacks beat physical attacks any day of the week if you have a knife and you have a bow and arrow the bow and arrow will probably win every time unless you’re really good at throwing the knife

Okay the dolphin is gearing up for combat oh wait that’s actually kind of cool they have riptide oh oh yeah okay extreme speed beats the range plus also the stick figures are crazy good at minecraft so i have a feeling that they’re going to turn the tides in this dolphin aquatic war

Yeah that’s a big guardian they might want to team up on that one together the animation for this is just so well done it is epic oh okay there’s is there more dolphins wait wait wait wait wait okay yeah wait are they trying to like make a dolphin guardian child what’s

Going on here what kind of weird stuff is happening i don’t think i don’t think the dolphin likes you sponged him get sponged i don’t know how they figured out what sponges do but that worked out better than i expected yeah hey everybody loves them i guess

Everybody must hate the guardians in the minecraft aquatic world yeah okay so what are they gonna do are they gonna like become honorary dolphins how does that work oh wait they’re gonna find a wrecked portal that has to be it and then they’re gonna be able to rebuild it right

Unless the dolphins have their own version of another portal which would be kind of weird oh wait but they do have buried treasure maps okay so they’re gonna be able to hopefully find buried treasure that’ll give them the materials to build their own nether portal that could work

All right they’re just off the distance swimming let’s see if they can find the berry treasure are they all with him oh they all just got sucked down into a trap oh no wait it’s magma blocks i forgot yeah magma blocks create air bubbles so it sucks you down

And it sucked them down into the worst spot possible they found davey jones and his locker oh wait it moves no that’s crazy that’s straight out of pirates of the caribbean they just got trapped in a little tiny game and there are so many more drowning than there are stick figures

At this point i don’t know if they’re gonna be able to find the buried treasure they just can’t catch a break honestly at this point like i’m sure they just want to go home they probably haven’t eaten in a while too no no no no don’t cry somebody give him a hug

Right now i guess like a hand on the shoulder works too what the right thing right next to each other leave a like if you guys want to see more subscribe to my channel and also alan becker’s channel which will be linked in the description below and also watch another video

This video, titled ‘Reacting to ANIMATION vs MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2022-01-08 18:25:29. It has garnered 11250710 views and 213516 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:03 or 4863 seconds.

Reacting to ANIMATION vs MINECRAFT w/ BeckBroJack


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  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario Party

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  • DarkQuest

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  • EternalCraft Vanilla Survival, No Resets 1.20.4

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  • 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: Read More

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  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

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  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

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  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

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  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More