Revealing the secret in ATM9! Episode 35, Creothina returns!

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Hey Minecrafters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you’re new here and to episode 35 in our all the mods 9 series I have quite the list of things to do today so grab a drink grab a snack whatever it is that you get for while you watch

Videos and let’s get on with the fun all righty so as always we have a list of stuff to go over and of course some wonderful comments I do want to go over to blue skies and try to get that Summoner boss down because I need to get

To that other boss that drops the alchemy table so there’s just a bunch of things I want to do but as always I always end up giving myself too many things to do and I can never get to all of them but I’m going to try my absolute

Best today because there are a few things I want to do but let’s go to the comments first because I always love this part this is just so entertaining and so lovely because you guys are the best so um Jack so not this like not 34 but 33 I believe was

The episode where I mentioned that Jack would be really happy about me asking about automation for the energizing orb and boy was he excited about that so he says in fact I do have a recommendation on automating the energizing orb this is with refined storage and modular routers I don’t use

Refined storage so I might not be using this but I’ll read it out to you guys if you do use refined storage he says place a crafter below the energizing orb pointing up right click the crafter and in the upper right click the crafter and in the upper left corner click the redstone

Torch Crafter mode until it says Redstone pulse insert next set place any crafting patterns with the orb in there ensure it is connected to your refined storage system modular rers place a modular Ruder to the side of the Croucher add nine times speed upgrades in the upgrade section you will need a

Polar module MK2 that you right click on the energizing orb uh this selects the location to pull out items place the polar module in the module section of the modular router that’s a lot of modules and hover over and press C to configure it make sure it is set on

Blacklist empty Blacklist add a detector module to the module section of the the modular rder and hover over it and press C to configure it left click the side that is facing the crafter set the signal to 15 and weak add an importer from RF to the bottom of the modular

Router to import the items that are picked up by it this should automate the energizing orb so you can use RF or ae2 to request the items you want crafted let me know if you have any questions or problems happy automating I knew he’d be so happy about that so I’m wondering if

I can still do that with AE because like obviously modula router should work with that right but uh yeah thank you Jack I appreciate you that’s really really good we’ll definitely have to get to that um and if I forget you can remind me but I know you love reminding me about

Automating and for anyone that Jack is is a total sweetheart I like to tease him about this stuff and it’s just a back and forth and I promise you I adore him so I’m not being mean I promise um so Ash being the lovely being that she

Is she says the soul jars are so funny to me for some reason it’s like M pickled Souls Robert is best Kitty keeping those noisy Sky beasts at Bay amaris would probably sleep through it so amaris is her cat who is just such a fluffy adorable little thing and or big

Thing I guess and uh yeah so that’s what she means by amarus but yeah I just wanted to share their comment with you guys because Ash just cracks me up every single time so but Noah says hey I just want to say I’m loving the series thank you doah and

Also a few tips ideas Solium ore can be found in the nether in the pockets of Soul Stone okay so you should be able to vein mine right click to harvest all adjacent crops and there’s also a harvester pile on and that’s super cheap it just needs an inventory on top and a

Hoe in the inventory un breakable is best I hope this helps so uh the Solium thing okay um I’m going to put that in the notes actually I’ll just keep that there and you should be able to Vin mine right click to harvest all of Jason I

Tried that so it wouldn’t let me vein mine the crops I tried that let me try it again cuz like yeah see it’s it’s showing that I can vein mine it but it’s not letting me I tried that last time it should work that way though

Because it does work for all of my farm crops like when I did the farm at the start of the series but I don’t know who knows but yeah thank you Noah I appreciate you that’s awesome uh so BWC Biz says I suspect you if I could read I

Suspect you already know this but the flexible way to use compacting storage drawers with an AE or RS system is to keep the ingots blocks in the drawers permanently link the drawers to a storage controller then link the storage controller to the furnaces with pipes or whatever and the system with the storage

Bus then the system is able to automatically Push Pull ingots blocks or 1X blocks as needed so yeah my thing is I want it to be compacted into the very very compressed variants which is what I had in the chest before the the um the

Compactor was doing like the 1X 2x 3x 4X of the alanium blocks um so yeah but the compacting drawers I tried but it was pretty slow so I don’t know we’ll we’ll Tinker around with that and see but that is definitely very helpful so thank you

For that I appreciate that uh Shadow Con says just so you know you can pick up the Full Source jars and move them you don’t need to have them all in the the same location I make a 5×5 around the source link of jars um and a four and

Four 9×9 farms at the Four Corners with a five wide path between each Farm just for an example of how I do it that’s actually really good we’re definitely going to be remodeling this area this was just for me to like tinker and test so yes we will definitely be doing that

So thank you and nauy professor says I believe it’s called The Eccentric T that is exactly what I was looking for it’s not the akashic to in this it is The Eccentric Dome this is the thing here a lot of people commented about this but

Naus was the first one that I saw uh so thank you naughty I appreciate you jabid King says confirms you can use star buun for farming so thank you for confirming that I don’t know how I’m going to do that but we will We we’ll try to figure

It out if I don’t end up figuring it out in this episode please leave me the tips on how to get the star buun to do the stuff for me because that would be really appreciative uh that would be really appreciative I’d be really appreciative oh my God it’s going to be

A day uh bed says uh you should add the experience module for the chunk Destroyer it’s a great way to passively get experience if I remember right you take the module out and right click it cuz that they actually that last part they were answering oh boy words uh me

Asking how I could get the experience out so we’re going to make that for the chunk Destroyer today so I can scoop up that experience and also thank you Ben for the uh $10 super thanks I really really am very grateful for you guys that take that extra step to support the

Channel uh don’t forget about the memberships if you’re wanting to sign up for a membership you get all kinds of cute little benefits that’ll tell you what they are and you get your little image on my on my channel and stuff like that and it just helps us out and helps

Me out helps um the channel out everything like that and if you are enjoying the videos please remember to like And subscribe because that also does very much help but anyways back to the comments so Sarah says if you want to create source for ours in your base

Or in general honestly I like to use the volcanic Source link it basically uses any materials that burn uh archw is best or normally I do an automatic link with Ender tanks to the nether into lava so it has an infinite source of lava with lava it produces Source like crazy I

Love it nice very nice okay I will definitely try that so anyways thank you for the comments you guys you’re the best um I’m just going to Tinker with a couple of things on my list here um Sarah I might have to do next time okay let’s see hold

On okay so Solium ore there we go okay and that okay so I know in the last episode I had mened that I wanted to find a warped Mesa now I searched for so long to find a large siiz warped Mesa um that was going to fit what I wanted to

Do but I didn’t however I found the very first thing that I wanted to find and I found a a massive massive umber Forest I know it’s not called uman Forest but I’m going to keep calling it an umbran Forest so that’s what we’re going to be do in our

Our house but I do want to show you guys something really cool about the Warped Mesa so I found a small one I’m actually going to show you guys I don’t know did I show this in the last episode I don’t think I did I don’t think I showed this if I did

I’m I’m a derp and I forgot but um um oh no no did I not put a did I not put a waist Stone there oh no I thought I did do I oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay there’s one okay okay so here’s

A warped Mesa it’s it’s just just this tiny little thing it’s not anywhere close to the size that I want it to be however so the the uh the sky turns purple so we’ll go over to this one here now um I love this so if you place grass

Down so if you guys find one of these in your world and you want a nice purple sky and you want you could like you know make this area really pretty heck you could take out of the Terra Cotta and just you know make it into like a purple

Beautiful area just gorgeousness so I wanted to show you guys that cuz look at that color it’s so pretty and apparently bad mobs don’t spawn here except for like on blood moons and like spawners and stuff like that so definitely if you guys can find one of these do it because

It’s just it’s so pretty but it’s definitely something I wanted to show you um yeah so that was one of the the main things I wanted to show you guys so we’re going to go over to Blue Skies we’re going to go and find ourselves another blinding dungeon I think I have

Blinding keys I remember I did reset my Blue Sky Dimension because apparently the more you like activate him or like fight him he gets harder so I didn’t want to go in and uh F myself over you know what I mean so we do still have the gear that I made

And the tools and stuff like that and there’s two blinding dungeon keys there so we’ll put this stuff on an armor stand oh my God my throats already going goobery do I not have an armor stand we’ll stick this stuff here for now can I put my book on the hands oh no

I wanted to put my book on the armor stand but I don’t think I can do that okay that that oh gosh I forgot we had all kinds of crap in our bag okay that’s fine that is fine I’m just going to look through my list really quickly

We do need to try to get that Wilden thing done but I can’t remember how I read to do it but we need this for that book right somebody said to do it in one of those like little pocket Dimension things who’s the what which mod is that from

Oops this is from ARS noo but how do I do how do I oh here we go tablet of summon wild and a tablet used for rituals consumed on use without augments the ritual will summon a random variety of wild and monsters for a short duration when

Augmented with a wild and Spike wild and Horn and wild and Wing the ritual will summon the Wild and Chimera a challenging and destructive monster note if summoning the Chimera this ritual will destroy blocks around the braier okay so we need to make this do I have the stuff for that I do

Okay should we do this first wait what was the dimension box called that I made what was it called it was like the oh crap was it dip storage wait no that’s that’s not what it’s called what was it called oh no I don’t remember um no that’s not it that’s not

It was it under basic storage no um crap like I know we made one right oh my God why is my brain just doing the thing today um it’ll be in here somewhere I’ve only made one there’s editor’s head that’s so funny uh uh-oh where is it where have I put it oh Sugar yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s going to be one of those days folks okay oh for the love of wait did it did I put it in here here was that mod removed I don’t what I’m so confused what is it called and I know

I’m going to like be oh when I watch the the video back for edit noes I’m going to be like oh it’s right there guaranteed it happens all the freaking time um what is it called no hyperbox is that what it is the hyperbox is that what it’s called Hy yes

It’s right here oh my gosh oh my gosh okay so Dimension ID do I have to um one oh did just type a name chimera am I prepared for this fight I don’t know if I’m prepared for this fight this this might not be a good thing I should

Put a waist down here just in case oh I need a braier though don’t I I need a braier don’t I ritual braier okay hold on I’m I’m going to Google something really quickly okay so the RS website but is that yeah cuz that’s a but it said

And because it only used one of these ones do I have to do it with more than one like this no it’s the same thing wait I don’t think I can do this unless how do I so I have to make the braier then right oh I should have researched this a

Bit better I’m so sorry wait can you it’s not letting me use my thing cuz every gosh dang it there we go Source gem block arcane pedest still ritual braier awaiting activation how do you activate it uh-oh wait I need to do some more research I know I just broke that it’s

Fine you get it all back um I think I need to do a little bit more research on that because I’m obviously missing something maybe I have to be further into ours which makes you know a bunch of sense but yeah let’s go over and find ourselves another one of those uh

Blinding D blinding dungeons yeah that’s the one so we need to have all of this I don’t have any um Whatchamacallit Health stuff and everything on these like my gear now has really good health so maybe I should be trying to put Health on these just before we go I think we should

Because uh yeah I kind of wait oh all my levels are in the thing I was like I have a billion levels what are you talking about I definitely need more health on these so that is 7 max Health okay four Max Health seven Max Health seven Max Health okay let’s put this

On okay okay so it’s got lots of health what else am I missing I mean the rest of it doesn’t really matter so I’ll put oh the speed though oh gosh um okay I need speed I definitely need speed can I search it this way speed no what about this speed no okay

I guess we’ll just do one of these that’s fine because I’m not really going to be um wait huh oh I’m trying to do the wrong boots there there we go okay that’s way better okay there we go so that’s done um it’s better to use apparently

This stuff now I might try to put life Steel on this what do I have on this one oh gosh I have really juicy life steal on this um that’s 19% life steal okay and let’s check the gems the gem that’s life steal is this one here okay should I be bringing a

Shields I think I should be right because everyone that I’ve seen do this fight has a shield of some sort um oh it Stacks but I kind of want can I add Health to this I don’t think I can maybe can I add Health to this Shields armor toughness armor

Armor toughness Dodge chance Armor armor toughness o Max health I’m just like beefing up my health see what happens when I hold this I don’t even know if my health can go up anymore I mean I got some pretty crazy Health right now Dodge chance plus 10 Max Max health health health armor armor

Toughness okay let’s just try him with this oh my gosh I’m so nervous because it like oh this guy absolutely throttled me last time I was there I don’t think I can use my bow but I I I’ve been told bows aren’t exactly the best thing to use for him

Anyways we’ll just put all this stuff away um I need to keep my bag okay we have the alium carrots which is good that’s actually probably going to help us okay let’s go back over to Blue Skies I have it so I can fly there

Now um I I just took out the No Fly mod completely but um he’s in the ever bright right yes he’s in ever bright okay and again for those of you that don’t know I take uh I remove the dimensions from the nfly thing once I’ve gone through them and everything the

Only thing I haven’t done is really fought some of the bosses for this but I’ve explored a lot in a lot of my episodes so um I’m going to maybe run as much as I can because I do have a structure compass but if we get stuck I can always um use

My my Jetpack so let’s go to I need to figure out how to get to The Alchemist actually we have our book entry right um everb how do I get to The Alchemist I’m assuming yeah he’d be in the ever Dawn yeah he’s right here a top

The ever’s blinding dungeon I got into a battle with a person wearing a hooded red garment so I guess this is just going to be the same as when you do the uh the Summoner okay okay I’m so nervous I don’t know why I’m so nervous I’m way beefier now but uh

Yeah where is I always struggle to find this and I don’t know why oh we’re going to need a boat I just remembered we need a boat can I there we Go so oops oops oh my map still okay so even though I deleted the dimension my map still actually is uh showing everything so there’s a blinding dungeon here which is this way so we’ll mark it the temp way point and we’ll go this way that’s the joys about having a map

Mod oh my hearts are a lot lower oh I’m only in blue hearts in this gear that doesn’t make Sense oh maybe it does oh those other gems that’s right cuz there’s other gems that boost up my hearts as well oh well that’s fine what if I hold this huh okay so if I have the shield in my hands then I go up to purple hearts pink hearts

Okay Shield is definitely a good thing then is this the same yes okay it is hopefully we’re not going to get too throttled by this guy God this Dimension is so pretty and I can’t wait to come and grab um some of the the grasses and stuff like that with silk Touch so I just realized something as I was running over here I want to go back and maybe put some like attack damage on my sword or something I’m hoping that that will help maybe Possibly maybe maybe possibly let me go and check the gems real quick can I search by Flawless yes I can treasure Goblin oh maybe I’ll put that in my helmet armor Pierce is armor Pierce good for him I don’t know maybe okay let’s go back oh I forgot about that

Um the music of these always gets me I love it they to search these Rooms there’s one think I need one more wait I’m lost in the Maze help there’s the other one all right let’s go let’s do this again I don’t know if I’m ready for this you guys this guy was an an absolute Nightmare can’t hit him yet stop healing woo let’s go I was so much easier than last time good gravy okay so we got a new book entry did we get loot there’s a Summoner bag wait what do we get Summoner or soulbound spear smithing templats Soul fragments cool okay I want

To go find the other guy cuz I really want that alchemy table what do I do with this oh okay so now our entry something unlocked what unlocked wait what unlocked I heard something go you know little writing sounds oh cuz the spears okay so now we’re going to go over to ever

Dawn ever Dawn ever Dawn ever Dawn ever Dawn ever Dawn ever Dawn I don’t think I lost any health there so I’m just going to put my shield in my other hand Um here we go wait which one’s the everon portal oh this one I really want that alchemy table for a multitude of reasons is my bow going to work here I don’t know I actually don’t even have my bow okay so this one should still be showing as well did I

Find oh wait did I not reset my everdon Dimension I don’t think I did okay oh what’s that okay so we need to find the uh ever Dawn blinding dungeon 821 blocks that way oh my God now it isn’t a guaranteed drop for this guy to drop this so we might have

To find a bunch of them but can we just appreciate how freaking beautiful this Dimension is like I know I said this the last time I was here but good grief okay so this one uh blinding dungeon Dawn we’ll do that how does one get in

Here same way oh gosh this lunar and dusk Woods are so pretty do we have any more keys no the heck was that what is that opening huh Interesting hey Kitty that’s Two oh oh oh oh there’s one there Hey dudes okay there’s the other One let’s go please drop the bag please drop the bag Santa is that you oh I forgot to put my thing on oh crap I still forgot to put my thing on oh my God will you click please get back here get back here get back here no no healing for you

Woo let’s [Applause] go I was poisoned that whole time okay please please please please please please please wait my bags full crap no I don’t think we got the table okay we’re going to go have to find another guy then man I really want that table all right well time to find another

One I’m determined oops I guess we should get out of here first and then RTP okay let’s find another one I’m determined like I’m genuinely determined to find this 516 this way okay let’s go all right I see one oh it’s so pretty I just I love the

Dark purples and the oh my gosh just everything everything about this Dimension is just beautiful we’re going to stick this back On time to get more keys oh one second so the other dungeon that we need to do is we need to do that big Green Goblin dungeon now I’m assuming to unlock that you need to do these two dungeons first oh did I skip I think I skipped a floor oops

Did I skip a Floor no oh maybe this one’s just different where’s the switch oh there’s a key There there’s a key there oh maybe we missed other Keys as well oops or maybe not oh that’s the Redstone okay let’s go please drop the bag come on stinky drop my bag or my alchemy table so the more you fight them the harder they get oh the lag stop it

No no healing for [Applause] you ooo I am poisoned okay where’d the bag go Alchemist trophy wait didn’t he drop a bag no wait aren’t they supposed to drop bags wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hm I am Confucian because the first guy dropped a

Bag this guy dropped a red bag before where’s the red oh it’s right here did my magnet get turned off no huh there it is oh my God we got it we got it oh I’m so happy I’m so happy I’m so happy okay so this lovely thing right

Here I do want to go and try and do that Green Goblin dungeon this is what I’ve named it I’m sure it’s got a different name but I have to just double check that us defeating both those first means we can go to that one I didn’t think

This was going to be like a whole episode of me doing blue skies but I’m kind of excited okay so we got the table oh I forgot to turn my bag off where’d I go so drops decaying spikes in a line above the player star flare okay so this table here if you

Press U over top of it it’ll tell you everything that it does so it turns a lot of blocks into other blocks and trees into other trees and yada yada yada the thing I’m looking for where is it oh lunar dripstone that’s cute that’s not what I’m looking for

Though this I mean I could just get that though I guess but that’s wait wasn’t there something oh no don’t tell me that I got this for no reason I thought there was another thing I could make wait poison Stone that’s not it no I thought there was something else I

Could do h I thought there was I thought this turned other maybe it’s just not showing in the UI I don’t know there was something else this table does that I needed to do but I can’t oh whatever anyways let’s go and check out the other dungeon I swear it did crap

Whatever well we have it now I thought there was something else but I maybe it’s just not showing I’ll have to remember it when it pops up into my head so the Green Goblin dungeon where is it nature dungeon I managed to stumble upon a giant green pyramid

Covered in snow covered Pines after entering I was grad by many of its inhabitants they seem to be Golems constructed entirely of the structure Stone held together with starl vines as I was nearing the top of the dungeon I started to realize that the build quality had been getting better the

Whole time the bottom floors seemed to be very aged and weathered away while the upper floors were in almost pristine condition each floor seems to have a dungeon key in it I’ll assume that just like the blinding dungeon there is a keystone at the end of the tunnels to

Use however due to some rumors I’ve heard I likely won’t be going to see for myself I’ve decided to call this giant structure the nature dungeon so now that I’ve done those two am I going to still get that oopsy doopsy when I go towards that dungeon is the question

We’re going to try though we are going to try cuz I want to see what that dungeon’s all about uh maybe I should empty my bags first I mean we still have a ton of space maybe I’ll take a minute to empty them let’s just go into our blue skies Quest book first

Oh that’s so pretty boss of the poison dungeon boss of the oh so there’s two there’s the Green Goblin dungeon in everbrite and then I guess there’s like an equivalent in the um ever Dawn it’s kind of an equivalent we’re definitely go into the Green Goblin one gather some nature dungeon keys within the Maze of the structure to unlock the boss fight and chop him down you can trade with the gatekeeper in case you can’t find all of the keys but only after you right click

The gate for the boss fight what do you trade with him though okay we should be able to go there now though okay let me empty these and I’ll bring you guys back so as I was emptying this more stuff popped up so we got the one for the spike

Shield The Dusk Arc the ethereal Arc and the soulbound spear the only one we don’t have is the summoning table but I’m not sure what that does we got a ton of blinding dungeon keys though oh my gosh awesome so I don’t need this cuz I know where there is

One we do need our boat oh I already had a boat in my inventory oh well oh my gosh I have hiccups oh the ATM Star wait what unlocked for this oh the ARs new stuff a log thanks game best reward ever all right let’s go back to the everbrite

Can I put the boat down thank you and then there was one right over here so we should be able to go in there now cuz if you try to go in there before doing the other two dungeons I think you get like pushed back or I can’t remember

Exactly what it was blinded or or something oh look at that Green Goblin Dungeon of Doom but those trees up there I think those are the comet trees that you can’t grow on normal grass like you have to get a specific kind of grass that doesn’t have silk touch on it Um I need to go back and get silk touch on my shovel it’s weird that it’s overcast here it’s literally supposed to be ever bright you guys hear that thumping so I think we have to find the front door which should be Hello friends should be over here somewhere bunny Hoppers for the

Wind and did I just go in a like oh there it is okay let’s test this oh I can go in now okay I’m going to get a snack and I’ll be right back all righty let’s do this snack has been acquired I forgot to eat before I started recording

Again oh this one has a new music SEC oh I hear noises I kind of oh oh I can’t place torches uhoh I got to keep track of where I’ve been oh no that’s not going to be good and I can’t break the oh I can okay oh I wanted to go back

And get silk touch right hold on I can’t do that here hold on what wait what where can I put a Way Stone there we go what are you oh a frost spirit so we can at least break the spawners that’s good can I get up

Here okay I’m going to have to keep track on the map I think I’m just going to have to do temp way points because there’s no way there’s no way my Derpy brain is going to be able to keep track okay and I’m going to keep stopping to make temp way points you

Guys are going to hate me but I have to or I’m never going to remember where I’ve been oh oops I put down a Circle by accident there’s so many dang keybinds in this game we’re in this pack oh oh cool so you could see how they’re

Connected oh now that’s cool okay we got to go back down south and clear those rooms this is so cool I did not expect for this to be the episode and I kind of feel bad because uh I wanted to do the star bluno thing but honestly that’s going to make

It so I can do a little bit more research before I do anything oh I can’t break that spawner wait I can’t break that spawner oh no um I can’t break that spawner uhoh oh well so is this room connected to anything just these two okay there a spawner in here there is

But can I break the spawner I can hey little dude okay so this room’s done and then we can go do this room I’m guessing we can eventually break the blocks if we beat the boss okay so that room’s done so now we need to go back North and go to that

Room music okay that one’s done now we go to this room might be a little bit harder on the top floors to keep track is there a chest I might have missed a chest in another room so now we go this way nothing I lied oh bye they’re so

Cute did I mark this already I did so now we go down to this one there no chest here what’s following me did I accidentally put down a mahoo thing again maybe there another one Spa nope okay and go back over to this one look

At all the freaking way points oh my God it listen it’s the only way I can keep track of this there’s way too many freaking rooms so now now we go to this one oh there’s a spawner up there and there’s also a chest over here not the best of loot that’s for

Sure so this room’s done now we have to go back up and around oh good gravy so this way this way this way this way I guess I could make my map bigger this way oh I missed you this way okay and then this way hello there’s one this

Way there a chest in here no okay and then we go back down this way oh my gosh this is insane and this is only the first floor oh I hear jingle balls okay and then this way first okay anything no then back down this way then this way hey

Dude and then this one okay we need to go back down this way then this way then this way I feel bad they’re so cute that one’s done and then this way and then the other one the question will be how do I get upstairs where’s the chest

Hello oh I didn’t mark this one I know I could keybind a key but I’m being lazy um how do you get upstairs I’ve done all the rooms how do I get upstairs Um how does one access the upstairs region the music is so good okay but H I missed the chest oh what game okay nature dungeon key literally the first thing that I missed okay n is there a door somewhere oh crap so all the way over

Here I guess all the way not that far away there was like an upwards kind of like Spiral thing so if you guys see here I was looking on the map and I could see kind of like a spiral is thing so I decided to check it out and

Apparently you go up this way the key I’m not sure what that’s for maybe that like unlocked it or something I don’t know but yeah this is where it is I need to clear all of these way stones though cuz I think I have to start setting new ones

Um there we go those are done now how does one get up here bunny hoppers for the win let’s go so I’m guessing this just shows the new level or do I have to do a cave layer there we go so we’ll mark this room oh the now the music’s mixing and

It’s making me oh God I don’t like it got to be very careful about missing chests I don’t like the mixing of the music it sounds really bizarre hello this is so cool though this place is Awesome ooh Starlet wood so pretty I just want to break the stupid spawner how do I get up there me up you guys can follow me up here you know what keeps glowing around me am I accidentally putting something down that I don’t know about what’s this oh very

Catchy and then we’ll go to wait oh these little connection things are confusing me so I have to be careful that I’m paying attention to the upper Li player boing boing I’m a bunny what does one get up here oh there’s no chest oh it’s right it’s right

Here I hear more of you stinky somewhere so this way and they’re not really stinkies they’re just doing their job they’re just they’re just meant to be here protecting you know is there a thing up here no so now we got to go back down back down back

Down this way thankfully I can see like a topography and it looks a little different so I’m not getting too confused yet yet being the operative word there oh stop not trying to break your stupid trees I just wanted to get the chest or the the uh uh uh spawner that’s the

Word there a chest over here I don’t think so the music definitely makes it a lot more enjoyable though that one that one that one that one where’s the other guy hello I hear you oh there’s another dungeon key so I’m guessing you need four of them to

Fight the the big stinky at the end hopefully we will have time to fight said stinky uh so we got to go back this Way um see that one is downstairs how do I get out of here have to go straight this way and then go this way and then go this way hello Boop guess I Thorns do I have thorns I made this gear so long ago that I don’t even remember what I have on

It I guess we technically could have come back sooner I got so caught up with everything else I do hope that eventually I can get these blocks oh oops did I just double temp Waypoint this I did so now I have to go back down this way cuz that’s a downstairs

One well the hallways are definitely not as connected as they were downstairs where’s the spa in here there’s one there hello and one over here hello oo it is warm in here today it’s like stamping my energy okay so that one’s done guess we can go to this

One is there no chest in this one H what not okay we can go down here is there no chest in this oh I’m super Speedy oh my gosh wait okay I like the rooms that don’t have all the foliage even though it’s beautiful but I can’t break anything so

The foliage just yells at me it’s like you can’t break this how dare you we go this way hello little Golems maybe the bone Shield makes the booby sound too oh oops I already temp way pointed this oh and then this one ooh a lot of spawners in this one oh my

Gosh that’s a lot of boys so I think it’s that each floor has one key question mark we already have two keys wait we should have two keys yes and then we go can we go this way let’s go this way I’d like to fight I’d like to fight

The boss that would be nice just to kind of see what it’s all a boot I mean I guess I could keybind to set a A Way Stone or a Way Stone a waypoint but honestly like there’s so many other keybinds taking up things I

Don’t want to oh is this to get upstairs okay that’s to get upstairs I don’t want to um yeah let’s just go upstairs I don’t need the loot in the other rooms cuz we’ve already got the key so okay so now we’re going to do another cave layer I think this is up

Here yeah this should be this floor okay this should be this floor yeah okay so these thicker ones are going to be the ones that we can connect with okay okay hello bone Shield doing its thing well I guess that’s what those little that’s what this is those are bone Shields

Okay so this room is done and then we can go to this room hello oops trying to smack you with the the nature key my bad so there’s only three floors right so does that mean we only need three keys we can also trade what that dude it

Said if we don’t have enough Keys is there a chest in here no T not t not I’m afraid okay this way I I know it’s the nature dungeon but like I cannot get Green Goblin out of my head I don’t know why I don’t know why that just is what’s

Going to be stuck in my head where’d you come from ston lit so they’re not really Goblin or goblins they’re not Golems they’re stoneless and where’s the other chest I saw wait did I see another chest Oh I thought I did good I have to be missing other chest or Something m this way oh there’s the upstairs okay I don’t have the other key though so I can’t let me Mark this as a Special Way Stone create go up and then we’ll do a bright green I mean the loot isn’t exactly stupendous so I’m only going to go until I find the

Key didn’t I mark this no I did not where where’s your spawner ooh but I can’t break that yet I do like that they made it so can break the spawners that’s super good I have to be missing chests can I have the key please key please I have to be missing chests

There’s no way um I mean like I said I guess I could trade with the dude but go up this way this way still no key H is there another spawner up here oh there is up there can I reach that there it is all right let’s go back

Oh okay oh I can see all the pink pretty oh this stuff here the comet grass I need that I need that to grow the comet trees so hopefully when I defeat the boss I can come back and get this because I need that I need that for the the

Trees cuz I think it’s like the um the echo trees from deeper and darker they have to grow on this the echo soil or whatever it is and they don’t grow in the botney pots oh there’s one of them right there oh my gosh there’s the oh my gosh they’re so

Pretty they’re so pretty oh look at them they’re so pretty I will be back for you I will 100% be back for you I’m like hyperfocused I want to get this done before before I have to uh end recording I want to go fight the big boss we go I just hear a

Gas must be imagining things at least the Parkour in this is enjoyable like it’s not ridiculously insanely hard to do that’s just little hops cuz me and parkour are not friends her and I don’t get along so let’s go I guess we can go this way they’re little stubby arms oh my God

You’re so cute looks like a boss face almost and then we go this way and then we go this way and then we go this way and then we go this way where am I there it is now we just got to find the Um the up which we haven’t done this whole downstairs part here yet or downstairs lower you know what I mean lower part oh talks about how the parkour isn’t that bad and still sucks at it oh goodness can I reach that from here nope there we go um the hyper

Focus I might have missed the chest in the other one oh crap I didn’t think about that uh-oh oh we already got the key so it doesn’t matter so that is not where we got to go that is not where we got to go did I go here

Yet did I just not mark it no this is not the room either ooh this one’s going to be tricky that’s the up oh more pretty trees I didn’t mark this room either oh look at the face that’s so good oh there’s fences in this one

Are you going to have a spawner okay I can get that one and there it is all right are we ready are we ready to go and do this I think I’m more so asking myself cuz I have no idea if I’m ready for this wow look at this it’s so

Beautiful I hope once I beat this guy I can come and get this grass and stuff assuming that I beat this guy because I mean who knows how freaking tough he is Hi oh no nope don’t like that how am I supposed to get him am I supposed to oh an axe wait do I have to get rid of these oh so I have to use an axe oh I’ve made a boopsy a boopsy I made a

Boopsy I made a boopsy I should be juicing up my axe oh no I should I didn’t oh I oh I’m dumb I need an axe for him and the downside is my axe isn’t as strong as my sword is uh-oh uh-oh I made a boopsy I made a

Boopsy yeah my axe is nothing like what oh no and if I go home it’s going to crap yeah I need to go and Juice up my axe okay uh problem problem I need to go home real quick oh but no I can’t put a was Zone

Down oh no then I got to come all the way back upstairs again no oh this sucks okay we’re just going to have to do this a long way then oh he Angy it’s just going to take a while that’s all it’s just going to take a while that’s all I’m sorry little

Birds it’s just going to take a whole heck a lot a time to get him down his grunt I don’t think he’s healing I don’t think I hope it’s just going to take a while that’s okay we can do this I got plenty of Health I Hope I thought I killed these guys stop it go away I guess I should have paid attention to the thing when it said chop oh my God these guys are annoying this is just going to take an insane amount of time that’s all get some hits on him when I can

I hope he doesn’t heal cuz it’s going to be a nightmare why don’t you put those walls up sir oh man I can only imagine how TP the spider is going to be or whatever that said it was O Yi let him have his little episode are you

Done so when he’s exhausted it’s the time to hit him okay I got to say the Blue Sky STS just they have such a good way of creating these fun little boss areas and mechanics to things they do such a good job oh he’s exhausted I got I got to remember to go

In when he’s exhausted like that oh boy that’s going to take a while maybe I’ll stop talking and we’ll have to speed through this part come on stinky woo let’s go I did it oh my God God okay so not to self you guys have to make sure you I

Did not think to juice up my axe but wait so how do I how do I get the wait what am I supposed to like am I supposed to use something something else to get those blocks I got the comet sapling but I can’t grow the comet sapling wait I’m so confused can I do it elsewhere like how

Do I get outside cuz it says that you can trade with the dude outside but how are you supposed to get out there oh I can break blocks now though okay did I get it yes give me all of this oh he spit a sputer out

Here oh my gosh that took for freaking ever are you for real Z so defin definitely if we come and do this fight again I definitely need to make sure that I juice up cuz this axe is so bad look at this nine attack damage that fight took me so long oh my

God we’re probably going to speed up a lot of that fight because that took like an expensive amount of time an unhealthy amount of time but okay I have lots of the Comet grass I have Comet saplings oh my gosh oh boy that that took some time and I didn’t I don’t

Even have time to do any of the other stuff that I wanted to do because I got so caught up in all of this but honestly totally worth but where’s that like Trader person they said I could trade with I haven’t seen the little Traer

Dude it said you do it like after you unlock the boss but I didn’t see oh I guess I could have used my sword on the sperss oh whatever oh that’s so pretty though that is so so so so pretty very cool all right everyone thank you so much for watching I didn’t

Expect this to turn into a Blue Skies episode but apparently it did and I’m not even mad at it so next time we will do the other stuff I said I wanted to do and if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like on it subscribe if you

Haven’t already and I will see you in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Episode 35 (I Finally Went Back!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-03-09 13:00:35. It has garnered 1292 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:24 or 5544 seconds.

Hey everyone! So the time has finally come…..I went back to take down the Summoner along with some of the other bosses of Blue Skies. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, those devs REALLY made an amazing mod because the boss encounters alone are so well done.

If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a “like” on it/subscribe if you haven’t already and I’ll see you in the next one.

#minecraft #modpack #allthemods #atm9 #survival #series #episode #atm

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    Insane Challenge: Surviving Frozen Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information this is a frozen super flat Wasteland there are no animals no Villages no structures that I can get loot from to help me survive making food extremely scarce I installed a temperature mod which kills me if I get too cold or too hot I also installed a progressive difficulty mod so things get a lot harder the longer I manage to survive enjoy the video all right here we are I have 4 minutes to find a source of heat before I freeze to death I know that lava pools spawn in this biome just a… Read More

  • Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers 🎮🔥 | Minecraft Live | 24/7

    Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers 🎮🔥 | Minecraft Live | 24/7Video Information [संगीत] सट ना तू बाली साडे सीने उते ला बैठी तार ले तू मंग तारे झोली विच पा बैठी कोठे तो दिस दी दुपहर लगड़ ना थले तेरे पैर फुल तू गुलाब द फुल तू गुलाब [संगीत] दी परी तू पंजाब दी फुल तू गुलाब जी फुल तू गुलाब जी फुल तू गुलाब द परी तू पजाब द फुल तू गुलाब द [संगीत] मुख तेरा तकी जावा कद भी नाका मैं नाल तेरे रया जावा कद भी ना थका मैं लोका दा तू फिक्र तू छ दे दिल सारे व तू क दे ले लेनी तू पिपल द… Read More

  • eZomb

    eZombHola todos supervivientes, en esta 2ª Temporada le traemos el sistema de votos para que tengan más recompensas Recompensas: 1 Vote Crate Key Gracias por votar! Nuestro discord: Read More

  • 💎💎NORTHLIGHT SMP💎💎 – vanilla

    Welcome Gamers! Interested in a chill, whitelisted Minecraft SMP server? Look no further! We are offering a fresh reset with the upcoming 1.21 update! What we offer: Homes, warps, and playtime ranks Bluemap for live map viewing Treecapitor for efficient tree cutting Custom heads from wandering traders Discord chat integration Bedrock Port available No pay to win system Whitelist to prevent hackers In-game communities to join Join our server today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 25565 Bluemap: Read More

  • 1.20.4 SMP

    1.20.4 SMPA new 1.20.4 SMP is welcomeCheating is of course forbidden and PvP is allowedGriefing is allowed as long as you don’t destroy a farm or village hall Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Gamers: When Pigs Fly”

    Minecraft Memes - "Gamers: When Pigs Fly"I guess you could say this pig meme is “hamming” it up with a score of 33! Read More

  • Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness!

    Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m mapping my hardcore world, living the dream. Exploring caves, mining for ore, Building my empire, always wanting more. With each step I take, a new adventure unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. From sunrise to sunset, I craft and I mine, In this hardcore world, where danger is fine. So join me on this journey, as we explore and we play, In this world of Minecraft, where we’ll always stay. Leave a comment below, share your thoughts and your views, And together we’ll conquer, in this world… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 “Why do Minecraft boys always build huge, elaborate structures while Minecraft girls just want to tame cute animals and decorate their houses? It’s like boys are playing SimCity and girls are playing The Sims!” Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days as Squirtle in Hardcore Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days as Squirtle in Hardcore Minecraft The Epic Tale of Zozo: Battling Charizard and Restoring Peace to Apaculpo Beach Day 1-10: A Beach Episode Turned Chaotic On day 1, Zozo, transformed into Water Pokemon Squirtle, found himself in a beach paradise marred by a territorial Mega Charizard X. The ensuing conflict led Zozo to flee, seeking allies like Raichu and Raichu to navigate the treacherous beachfront. Day 11-20: Unlikely Alliances and Beach Bungalow Adventures Zozo’s encounters with Weedle and Raichu led to the formation of a plan to reclaim Apaculpo Beach from Charizard’s tyranny. Crafting tools and fortifying their base, Zozo and Raichu prepared for… Read More

  • 5 Epic Minecraft Building Hacks!

    5 Epic Minecraft Building Hacks! Minecraft Building Ideas and Hacks: Unleash Your Creativity! Are you ready to take your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are some incredible building ideas and hacks that will inspire you to create amazing structures in the virtual world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Creations: Elevate Your Builds Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate mechanisms and contraptions. From automated doors to complex machinery, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with redstone builds to add a new dimension to your creations. Tip: Utilize redstone repeaters and comparators to create timed… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Gameplay

    Insane Modded Minecraft GameplayVideo Information [Music] wo [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] a [Music] w [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] okay hello peoples it is um it it is Minecraft times no way it’s m end can move blocks like dirt seeds why they can move seeds why I’m that’s real modded Minecraft I I’m going to turn my mic volume up to that I don’t know I don’t know if that’ll be good for you guys I don’t know if you can hear me or not you guys don’t tell me that stuff I do… Read More

  • Survive Ancient Cities in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!

    Survive Ancient Cities in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!Video Information have you ever been awake at night in a dark room and just out of the corner of your eye you feel like you just saw something move so you look around and there’s nothing there but you know you just know you saw something so you get up and walk around the house you check all the rooms looking listening oh you heard a creek now you’re sure something is there well that was probably just this guy well he may look scary in the dark but Wally Warden let me tell you he’s not such a… Read More

  • Joining a Minecraft Cult!? 😱 Chuck Nasty’s Story

    Joining a Minecraft Cult!? 😱 Chuck Nasty's StoryVideo Information recently my viewers have been getting up to some unusual Shenanigans see while most YouTubers and streamers have fan bases that Troll and act egregiously sus jinxy this your door Dash driver I nutted in the ranch my fan base started a cult that wasn’t a joke the Chuck Imperium a group that started on my members only Discord server and uh oh boy they are the real deal they have an official Minecraft server they made a flag and they even claim territory in real life that is my face on a flag on the top of… Read More