Revolutionary Minecraft Mob Farm!!

Video Information

It just became possible to make this insane looting Farm hello there Ray here and 8 years ago I made some special AFK looting Farms but there was a problem one of my crazy looting Farm ideas didn’t work I wanted to store mobs up in a different dimension and then throw

Projectiles through the PS to kill them on the other side but there was a bug that was stopping this from working as the game would forget who actually threw these things meaning he wouldn’t get the special loot like blaze rods from blazes but after all these years the bug that

Was stopping me was finally fixed so during my live streams I got straight to work designing some new crazy Farms I have three different designs each using some unique mechanic first up is this one one of the most useful places in order to use Looting 3 is to get the

Wither Skeleton skulls that’s from the wither skeletons themselves so I went ahead and tweaked out my Wither Skeleton Farm what I got here is just my simple version where they spawn up above they would fall down here and then I have my tamed wolf here kill them and then

There’s a chance of dropping the Wither skulls but but there’s a problem since our dog is killing the wither skeletons and not the player we won’t get the Looting effect that the swords offer and by having looting on the sword you can change your chance of getting a Wither

Skull from 2 1/2% to 5 and 1/2 meaning that you almost get twice as many wither skulls from the same amount of skeletons so this is the perfect Farm to use my looting through the nether portal in order to get a higher chance of getting

Wither Skull so I went ahead and took my same farm and I just removed the dog down here and replaced it with a drift Stone Point and a trapo above it with some lava so when they fall down they’re going to take quite a bit of damage but

Then if they ever get stuck down here lava will push them through over into this nether portal and if we go through this nether portal we’re going to put them over into the Overworld pushing them through over into the Overworld has another benefit that’s because the game

Only naturally spawn in so many hostile mobs for the nether Dimension and if they happen to just sit around here we can’t spawn in anymore but if we push them over into the Overworld all of a sudden they’re no longer Counting to the Mob cap over here so the game will

Actually spawn in even more wither skeletons this way we can actually pile up the wither skeletons in the overworlds let’s go over to the Overworld and see what’s going on over here so over here in the Overworld we have another nether portal which is one where the wither skeletons come out of

So once they’re coming through the portal giving them a little bit of a nudge from this mine cart over here that has a boat riding it and then it has two chickens riding the boat that way none of the wither skeletons can get pulled

Into the boat and the way you do this is by by first putting down a mine cart then putting a boat it’s important to put the boat while standing in the same direction as the rails are going that way when you come in with your chickens the chickens will be in the same

Direction and they won’t actually suffocate in the walls but this does push the wither skeletons out of this corner over here and over here and into these bubble columns bubble columns just push them upwards very simply and then we have them all being stacked here now normally they would take entity cramming

As more than 24 entities in a single area we’ll do a massive amount of damage to everything and eventually kill them but we can prevent this by having them stand inside of a block where they’re actually climbing it so just like ladders and Vines scaling can also be

Climbed and I’m using that so they will climb up in it and then they won’t actually take any damage so far so good we got a whole bunch of them sitting over in the overall so they’re not interfering with the natural spawns in the nether so despite having a couple

Hundred of them stacked up we can keep having more and more spawn in and add to the gro but now we run into a problem we need to kill these Withers skeletons using looting which means we actually have to have a player holding the Looting sword in their main hand and not

In their off hand otherwise it won’t work but we can’t have our player standing over here killing them because we need the player over in the another dimension that’s because in order to get natural spawns in this world we need the player to actually be nearby and for my

Wither Skeleton Farm we have the player afking up above the Bedrock ceiling so if we go way up above it you can see I have my alter count sitting over here so we’re forced to be afking here in the nether Dimension so if we would want to

Use our looting sword on the wither skeletons we could send them back through the nether portal and have them being placed in front of our player and have them kill them the only problem is if we move the wither skeletons from the Overworld into the ne Dimension then all

These wither skeletons are going to prevent any more skeletons from spawning in in our farm down below and in the past this was a typical way to get looting you’d have to actually bring them back over to the Nether and have your player whacking at them to kill

Them all but my new through the portal looting will now solve this issue so if we put the Looting sword in our main hand and then put the rockets in our off hand and then we just launch a rocket into The Nether Portal it’s going to go through the portal and actually get

Teleported and then end up on the other side so I put my ALT account over in the Overworld so we can actually see the rocket coming through so watch as I right click you can see the rocket ends up coming on the Overworld hitting the top of the nether portal and exploding

That’s because the rockets that I’m using are different than your normal Rockets your normal Rockets just cost a paper and and a gun powder and that will get you a flight duration one rocket these are great for flying with elytras cuz they don’t actually explode and do

Any damage to you but the rockets that I’m using have more to them they’ll only produce damage if you first make a fireworks star the cheapest way to do this is by using some bone meal for white dye and one gunpowder and this will produce one of these then all you

Have to do is add the star with a paper and another gunpowder and these will produce fireworks but they’re fireworks that can do an explosion so for only two gunpowders you can actually produce three different explosions which makes it much cheaper than TNT which takes a

Total of five gunpowder only to get one explosion which means we can get almost eight times as many explosions using the fire Rockets compared to using TNT now sending Rockets over into over world and killing the wither skeletons are considered to be killed from me that’s

Why it’s dropping the XPS and we get a chance of getting the Wither skulls but in order to get looting we do have to have a sword with looting three in our main hand at the time that the mobs die now you could do something with where

You send off a rocket and then switch to a looting sword before the rocket actually kills them and that way when they actually die they’ll see you holding the Looting sword and give the extra loot but just like my previous automatic looting Farms there’s an easier way of doing this using the off

Hand so by putting the thing that does damage in my off hand I freed up my main hand to hold the Looting sword now when I right click the sword doesn’t have any right click option so what it’s going to do is then activate my offhand and use

Its right click option if there is one and there happen to be a right click option for the Rockets by standing in front of the portal it will send them directly inside of it but how do I actually AFK this because if I just hold down right click it’s going to send all

My Rockets into The Nether and I’m going to run out of them in the off hand and once they are missing the off hand I won’t be able to replenish them speaking of replenishing the Rockets offhand since they can stack with other Rockets we just have a dropper here which is

Dropping them out resupplying our stack but even though the Rockets are cheaper than TNT I still don’t want to use them all up so I made a similar setup as my automatic AFK looting farm for slowness are arrows and that’s by putting a gate

In here so I can go AFK hold down my right click button and what will happen is I’ll continue to try to open and close this gate and then I hooked it onto a piston with a clock so every once in a while the clock’s actually going to

Pull away the gate allowing me access to the portal blocks behind it once the gate’s out of the way my player will then right click one of the Rockets into the portal sending it off that way it only waste one rocket each time instead of wasting a whole bunch of them so

Let’s go ahead and take a look at the actual clock it’s actually pretty simple we just got a little Hopper clock over here and then I take some of the power and put it over here and I set the Redstone such a way so the Piston is

Only turning off for a very short period of time so fast that it can’t even pull the block away before putting it back out again so the way you would run the farm is you would aim right about here and then you just hold down the right

Click button on your mouse now once it’s held down you can press F3 plus T and then release your right click button and then once this pop-up goes away your player will automatically be right clicking all the time so that when the gate does move away it’ll automatically

Also release a rocket it which get sent over to the Overworld killing all the wither skeletons that are piled up now you might need to give a couple attempts at right clicking to make it so that the player only release one rocket sometimes they’ll release two and sometimes

They’ll release zero if that happens just stop right clicking and then try it again now for demonstration I do have this clock pretty fast but you can actually slow this clock down by a lot and for my setup here I figured out that we only actually need to launch a rocket

Four times per hour that means it’s going to cost you less than three gunpowder to run this farm for an entire hour all while getting looting at the same time but how fast or slow you have the clock also depends on how many wither skeletons you want sitting over

In the Overworld because if too many pile up in the Overworld it could slow down your computer now every time you send a rocket through the portal or wither skeletons go through this portal it’s actually loading the other side using the same chunk loading method I

Showed a long time ago where it’ll load the initial chunk for the item falls into but also the surrounding chunks as entity processing ones so stuff like rockets and wither skeletons will be able to move out but since these chunks are loaded and there’s no players nearby as you’re afking over in another

Dimension that does mean that if there’s another player in the Overworld any Hostile Mobs which are way over here are so far away from any player that they’ll immediately despawn so this Farm is most useful in single player where there’s no one else in the Overworld despawning

Your mobs or by using two players but the second one sitting over here so they can’t despawn but killing the wither skeletons is only one part of it we still need to actually collect all their loot so when we kill them from a rocket their items get pushed out of this water

And up against this wall here very quickly then the items are actually smaller than the XPS so the items will fall down through this hole and get washed over here on top of the Hoppers if I turn on the hit box you can see how small items are and how they can barely

Fit in the wall there but when XP orbs come through you can see they are twice as big and they’ll end up staying in the water string now all the items are aligned using this chest over here so that they are partly between that block

And the same block that the chest is and then I I push them over this direction which means they’re on top of this Hopper as well as in this Hopper and then I push them and line them against this chest here which means now they’re on top of four different blocks all at

Once but since the wither skeletons only drop three useful items the bones the coal as well as the skulls I just put in three simple item sords here that automatically pull out these items and put them down into the chest down below you can already see how many wither

Skulls we got but the wither skeletons also drop Stone swords but they’re not very useful so I’m just leaving them here to despawn after 5 minutes minutes you might not think it’s possible for such a small item sorter to actually collect the thousands of items that are

Being produced per hour but the reality is all we need is for The Hoppers to be able to pick up the items that are sitting above them within 5 minutes and by putting the items between all three of these Hoppers we don’t actually need a ton of Hoppers or sords to collect all

These items in time because just a single Hopper here can sort of weigh 750 items all before they actually despawn and this is the main limitation on how many wither skeletons you can let pile up before having to kill them but when they die they don’t only drop items they

Also drop XPS and we can actually pipe these back to the player that’s in the ne Dimension so after we sort away the items you can see the XP orbs are then getting Washed by the Water stream and getting pushed back into the exact same nether portal where the wither skeletons

Are coming out that’s because this portal is actually closer to the portal that is up here above the bedroom so if we sit over here we can actually see XP orbs come popping out of the portal and with the player close enough they’ll just start moving towards them and then

Gradually be absorbed now sometimes when sending a rock over you’ll kill the Wither Skeleton that’s inside of the portals and then in which case their items will drop directly inside of the portal and then end up back on the nether side but if you put your player

Close enough to the edge like I am here you can see I’m actually close enough to pick up the items that are inside of the actual nether portal including the skulls which you can fill your inventory up with skulls so that when you AFK they will stack with other ones or you could

Always come in with some Hopper Minecarts underneath to pick up the extra items so just with my simple Wither Skeleton Farm down below it produces an average of 66 skulls per hour 3,000 bones per hour 2,000 coal per hour and around 8,400 XP per hour which

Will get you to level 60 what’s really cool about this Farm is you don’t actually need an auto clicker and sit there and constantly kill the mobs in front of you but instead it could all be done within the game using cool mechanics and you can use this setup to

Get looting for any type of mob farm which is going to be the go-to method for a lot of different types of looting Farms as cool as this Farm is I actually took this one step further and made it infinitely automatic and without using any Redstone my gas designer is really cool

The way it works is we have a gas here that is constantly trying to hit me so it’s summoning in a fireball in front of it and then it moves it towards my Direction but I’m just slightly to the side of where the fireball is spawned in

So it moves towards me but since it was just recently spawned in it can’t actually collide with me so it continues on in that direction the way I do this is by having a gas that is in a mine cart and then I dropped on top of a

Flower pot while also being held in from the sides by some blocks this will make the gas summon its Fireball at a very precise location and then what I have over here is a mine cart and the mine cart is on top of a rail then I have it

Pushed up against this wall here and that puts it in the perfect location to get the gas I’d recommend building in a little platform using magma blocks in a biome that can actually spawn in gas and also put a little cage around it so when

A gas spawns in it can’t fly away and then use your lighter to keep flying in and spawning in mobs and leaving until you get one spawn in and then capture it using a m cart and move it over here it’s also safe for the player to Dismount where it’ll be placed Behind

These blocks out of the view of the Gest and then whenever you jump into the M cart it just starts back up perfectly now with the projectile going in front of me I can use it just like with my fireworks now currently the gas Fireball is considered to be coming from the gas

But if I hit the Fireball and redirect it is now considered coming from me so hitting it through the nether portal it’s now considered mine and it can also do area of effect meaning that whatever it hits can damage multiple entities and once they die they will drop their XP

And their loot when the gas Fireball kills the mobs it will then check to see who actually killed them which is me and then it will check to see if I’m holding a looting sword and if I am apply that looting effect to the mobs that die so

Not only am I able to kill mobs in a different dimension and I’m able to get looting on top of that but I’m also doing this with infinite projectiles unlike the fireworks where you eventually will use them all up the gas has infinite Fireballs so I never run

Out of them now me hitting the Fireballs doesn’t actually do any durability onto the sword but since I’m technically attacking the fireball it is actually removing my hunger and eventually your hunger bar will go completely up and then it’ll start take away from your health depending on what difficulty

You’re on and in hard difficulty it could actually kill you and that is why I actually have a beacon over here which is giving me the regen effect this way whenever hunger does a damage then the regen will come in and reheal it and like the fire Rockets this method is AFK

You might wonder how in the world am I afking if I’m constantly swinging my sword well you could do this with an auto Clicker just have it constantly clicking about four times a second but if you use a crazy trick that I showed way back where you rebind your keys

Specifically your mouse button key to a button on your keyboard then when you go ahead and press that button and hold it on your keyboard the game’s just not going to click one time and attack with your sword but instead it’s going to constantly repeat that same key meaning

I’ll be constantly attacking more specifically attacking two times a second so to AFK this all you have to do is put a weight down on the key something heavy like a battery or stack of coins but the downside with this weight but unlike the firework Rockets

Where you can start it up and switch to a different window you can’t do it with this one as you have a weight on your keyboard because it never runs out of projectiles and once you start up it continues without any new input by you this makes it infinitely automatic but

On top of that this actually doesn’t use any Redstone whatsoever because all there is is a gas a mine cart and a portal and down below where my Wither Skeleton Farm is there’s actually no Redstone in this either just a piglin that is attracting them to to this drop

Shoot which are getting pushed in using lava and damage using the drip point and on the overall side we’re just pushing the mobs out by using a boat riding a mine cart and if you want to get away from using the power rails since they

Have Redstone in them I just put in a iron trap door and then this will push the majority of the wither skeletons out of here and into the bubble column over here and we’re storing up the wither skeletons just like the previous one and when they are killed their items are

Dropped in the water stream and we’re sorting them through the wall again where they’re going to end up over here and instead of having a item sld you could just push them all into a chest but it just take more storage as you’re also storing all of the stone swords XPS

Are being sent back over into The Nether Portal by using a water string pushing them and that’s what it looks like when they die you can see it all working all without having to use any Redstone I also have the player in the nether close enough to the nether portal so that the

XPS will just slowly move over and be absorbed also have it so when the gas just shoots normally through the nether portal it’ll go straight on through and it’ll just hit in the back of some water when it hits back here it will collide against this block and it will explode

But it can’t damage any blocks because of water in the area it also won’t damage these wither skeletons which are inside the portal and we really don’t want them to die here because their loot will be sent back to the nether side that’s why the fireball is shooting out

On this side but the wither skeletons are being pushed out on this side that way when they’re over here floating upwards they don’t get directly hit by the fireball which could instantly kill them and also send their loot back through the portal this would also mean the fireball would explode inside of

This portal which would end up actually breaking the portal rather than it exploding over here in the water where it’s safe the wither skeletons also have enough Health that if explosion happens nearby they won’t die on the very first explosion now the glass is just so you

Can easily see inside of it I’d recommend probably building out of some type of last resistant block like Stone when the player starts to redirect the Fireballs I’m aiming a little bit up this will send the fireball a little bit up into the right in the Overworld as

Well this way it gets closer to the wither skeletons that we have stacked up it will do a bit of damage to them after a couple hits they will die now where you need to aim to actually get the fireball to hit these wither skeletons without damaging the other ones nearby

Is a bit tricky but if you hit just slightly to the left this is bad because it can actually clip on the side of the nether portal in the Overworld and explode and destroy the portal so depending on how well you linked your portals up we kind of depend where you

Actually have to aim so using all these tricks you can make an infinitely automatic Wither Skull Farm with looting through Nether Portals all without using any Redstone or macros and it even made a version of the farm which uses the new 1.21 Breeze mob these are the guys that

You can find in the trial chamber structures and spawn in from The Trial spawners and they shoot up projectiles which can damage you if they directly hit you otherwise if they just hit near you they just push you around like an explosion these can be redirected like fireballs and sent through Nether

Portals but they are different to the gas Fireballs when it comes to the damage damage is actually only done to one mob and it isn’t like a big explosion that we see with the gas Fireballs that can damage all the mobs at once because of this you actually

Need to send over quite a few charges to keep up with the mob spawning there’s another problem when it comes to these wind charges that the breeze put out there currently a bug where they can’t actually go through Nether Portals very easily because the game thinks they actually hitting the portal block before

It actually teleports just by placing something like banners the breeze charges can’t actually go through it so it can’t even hit you which is really weird you can even use a piece of string that’s enough to stop the charges so if that works then the bullets will go

Through the nether portals I’ll put the bug report in the description if you guys want to upload it hopefully it gets fixed so the charges can be sent through portals more consistently now they can go through portals but in order to do it you have to make the charge go almost

Parallel with the portal so that it teleports before it actually hits the portal blocks this is a bit inconsistent now see how I did The Unthinkable by making an automatic farm for every item in the game of Minecraft with this playlist here if you appreciate the hundreds of hours it takes to design

These I do have a donation page through PayPal and any amount really helps out or you can always become a supporter like these guys here and get extra perks along with it and as always I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘This changes Minecraft Mob Farms FOREVER’, was uploaded by Rays Works on 2023-12-09 20:36:14. It has garnered 41857 views and 2660 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:13 or 1213 seconds.

Like and Share with other Minecrafters! New mob farm using looting 3 through nether portals is now possible in java Minecraft 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 versions. I made afk looting using fire rocket, infinitely automatic wither skulls using looting ghast fireball and even 1.21 breeze wind change. ►More Simple Farms:

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►All Farms in Minecraft spreadsheet: Portal mob farms: Auto wither killer: Looting snowballs: Loot through portal snapshot: Wind charge bug: Chunk loading playlist: Ghast fireball trick:

World Downloads: Ghast Rockets Breeze

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0:00 New looting trick 0:38 wither skeleton skull farm with looting 3:25 collecting mobs afk 4:27 rocket looting 12:19 ghast fireball looting 18:33 breeze AFK looting

ProtoTech is 100% Vanilla Survival whitelisted 6 year old server that has never reset the map with 160,000+ Minecraft days accumulated. With the goal to automate and collect everything possible in the game, the journey has only started! ► ProtoTech episodes: ► ProtoTech tours:

Ray’s PC setup: Recorded with OBS: edited with SVP: Optifine: Mcedit: NBTexplore: This changes Minecraft Mob Farms FOREVER Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks. Amidst: Replay Mod: Carpet mod: Music:

Rays Works RaysWorks #Minecraft #redstone #minecraftfarm

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    Ultimate Minecraft House Build: Tiny Quartz Home (Insane Comfort!)Video Information This video, titled ‘how to build a small quartz Minecraft house (cozy and calm)’, was uploaded by KazyModo on 2024-02-15 19:51:03. It has garnered 218 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Top 5 MODS for MCPE 1.20+! MUST WATCH!

    INSANE Top 5 MODS for MCPE 1.20+! MUST WATCH!Video Information [संगीत] टॉप फाइव मा मोड जो तुम्हारे गेम के एक्सपीरियंस की मां मेरा मतलब है कि तुम्हारे गेम प्ले के एक्सपीरियंस को बढ़ा देने वाला है अब मुझे ना मा के अंदर कैमरे को बार-बार चेंज करने में ना बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा आता है जब मैं कैमरे को थर्ड पर्सन पे करता हूं तो अपने प्लेयर का थोपड़ा नहीं देख पाता हूं एंड जब मैं कैमरे को फ्रंट पे करता हूं तो मैं प्लेयर की गा भाई भाई इतनी तकलीफ मत ले मुझे तकलीफ होती तुम्हे पहले नंबर के मूड में इसी चीज का सलूशन मिलने वाला है… Read More


    INSANE NEW BOSS IN MINECRAFT! Wither Storm Birth!Video Information This video, titled ‘Birth of Wither Storm | Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1 #minecraft #minecraftcharacters #gaming’, was uploaded by DrHg on 2024-02-16 17:00:48. It has garnered 122 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. The Wither Storm Fight in Short Version Minecraft Bedrock DLC Minecraft Angry Birds DLC Minecraft Minion Minecraft Spongebob Minecraft Batman All Boss Minecraft Bedrock Skin Pack Minecraft Batman Skin Minecraft Batman Mod Minecraft Mod Minecraft Modding Community xp farm minecraft 1.20 bedrock gold farm minecraft bedrock 1.20 best minecraft seeds 1.20 bedrock raid farm minecraft bedrock 1.20… Read More

  • Unbelievable Surprise in Vines and Visions SMP (Watch Now!)

    Unbelievable Surprise in Vines and Visions SMP (Watch Now!)Video Information [Music] yay it actually let me go that’s good long probably to actually allow me to do that hold on the screen’s going to be tiny just deal with [Music] it yes oh no oh you got to be kidding me Minecraft don’t do this to me right now why are you kidding well wait yep okay guys we’re going to deal with this again because it’s stupid I’m telling you guys there something about the mod pack because it doesn’t do it doesn’t do this with other mods it don’t it I’ve never had issues actually streaming… Read More

  • Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!

    Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!Video Information [Music] fellas how are we oh man this this is kind of crazy this takes me it’s been a while and by a while I mean like what 2 days it’s been 2 days since I’ve been on the air two two whole days I hope we’re all doing well I hope we are do are all doing well oh this music this music is so great this music is so great where did your username come from me I thought of it uh yeah might need to uh oh swe actually no no I I can slouch… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! SPIDERMAN PIXEL ART in Minecraft PART 9Video Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER MAN PIXEL ART ( PART – 9 ) #minecraft #gaming #shorts @UjjwalGamer’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-11 03:30:22. It has garnered 2132 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 @MRINDIANHACKER @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @YesSmartyPiesFans20 @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @fukrainsaanlive4744 @imbixu @upflowgamerz @BBKiVines @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming @ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @sinotalgaming minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

  • DefevTowny

    DefevTownyDefevTowny – Economic Towny War / DefevTowny is a towny war server on a 3000×3000 and expanding 1.18.2 world. The server has many features like mcmmo, jobs, chestshop, and more! Start your own kingdom today MCMMO, Dynmap, Essentials, Jobs, Brewery, Chestshop Read More

  • Classic Prison – pve 1.20+

    Billionaire Prison Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with custom builds and plugins. Join us for: AH Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates The server is still in development, join our Discord server for daily sneak peeks: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – distracting boys with Minecraft skills

    The girls may have diamonds, but us boys have a score of 741 on this meme – who’s the real winner here? Read More

  • XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile’s Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+

    XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile's Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+ In Minecraft, the mob trap is key, To gather resources and XP with glee. Build it in the ocean, far from land, Where monsters won’t spawn, it’s all planned. Start by building it at sea level, With blocks you love, make it special. Choose a spot where mobs will fall, And build a farm that will enthrall. The best way to build a mob trap, Is to use water to make them snap. Lead them to their doom with ease, And collect their drops, if you please. Remember to light up the area, So mobs won’t spawn, it’s a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars

    Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecrafts Next BIG Story [TRAILER]” that left us on the edge of our seats. The cast of characters, the unscripted dangers of the prison, the missions – all in Hardcore mode! But wait, this is not your average SMP, it’s something more epic – it’s KosmiKrime Minecraft Hardcore Story! As we watched the trailer, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await us in the world of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob

    Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob The Mysterious World of Minecraft Mobs Since the initial release of Minecraft, the game has been filled with a variety of mobs. But have you ever thought about the mobs that were removed from Minecraft? Well, let’s dive into these fascinating creatures that once roamed the blocky world. Rana Mob The Rana mob was the first mob added to Minecraft in the 0.31 Alpha version on December 19, 2009. This unique creature brought a new dynamic to the game with its presence. Steve and Blackseve Mob Following the addition of the Rana mob in version 0.31, on January 29,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!

    INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!Video Information ओके तो लेट्स गो ओके ओ लेट्स गो ओके ओ भाई कितना डैमेज दे रहा है वन शॉट व्हाट भाई सब गोलम को मैं वन शॉट कर रहा हूं ये बहुत तो गाइस फाइनली आ चुके है m के अंदर एक और अपडेट तो आ गया भाई आ गया m के अंदर फाइनली गाइस आ चुका है m 1.2 1.0.21 बीटा अपडेट तो गाइज इस वाले अपडेट में बहुत सारा कुछ ऐड हुआ है सारा सब कुछ मैं बताने वाला हूं इस वीडियो को पूरा देखना एंड तक देखना और लिटरली भाई इस वाले अपडेट में ना मेरा… Read More

  • The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!

    The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!Video Information 哈喽各位大家好 我是油哥 欢迎收看史上最好的咒术回战模组 时隔几个月 咱们心心念念的咒术回战模组 也是迎来了好几次的更新 最佳的许多咒灵咒术师以及术士 并且在第 24 版本的时候 作者直接将模组移植到了刚更新的 1.2 0.1 版本 当然说了这么多 可能有一些观众完全就没有关注过 咒术回战这个模组啊 甚至连我的世界都不太了解 单纯就是动漫或者漫画版 所以我们这个系列就从零开始 逐一介绍每个角色的术师以及玩法 喜欢这期视频的观众朋友们 不要忘记点赞评论和关注 废话不多说 我们即刻开始 当我们刚进入存档的时候 系统会自动送我们一套咒术高专制服 还有一只虫 四虫可以为我们解决掉饱食度的问题 只要把它吃下去 我们的饱食度就会永远都是满的状态 那最重要的就是本术士选择书了 打开这本书 我们就可以挑选深的术士了 由于大部分角色的术士都有做出的 所以我们就根据动漫角色的出场时间 一个一个来吧 上期说的肯定是我们的主角小智 虎杖悠人选择了虎杖这个角色之后呢 我们就会获得一套虎杖的制服 穿上之后还是非常帅气的 那虎子这个角色并没有深得宿舍能使用的 只有最基础的体术招式啊 不过他的基础属性 buff 就会比其他角色 像攻击力啊 防御力这种啊 说到体术啊 现在作者已经做出来了攻击动作了 整个攻击过程咱就是说非常的丝滑 算不仅有刺旋 还有扫腿 再也不会像之前那样 每个动作都是单纯重复的 挥手显得那么突兀了 并且配合 1.20.1 的全新抖动特效 让玩家在第一人称体术打斗的时候 非常有战斗感 说白了就是让你在挨打的时候更沉浸式一点 当然除了攻击手段之外 现在的闪避效果做的也很不错啊 只需要在后退的时候按住空格键 就会触发后跟翻 翻越的距离还是挺 并且还可以连续翻五下 随后就会进入五秒的冷却时间 基础体术方面大概就这些 接下来我们来讲讲如何咒力 并且提升我们的术士等级啊 最简单的方法就是不出咒灵 获取名声 名声达到一定量就会升级 直到成为特级咒术师 猛猛干就完了 当然不排除有个别玩家想走捷径 快速提升等级啊 没关系 作者也贴心的为你们想到了进城推荐信 没错 只要使用了推荐性 便可以不费吹灰之力提升一个等级 怎么获得呢 百夜香这个生物只要击杀他就有机会掉落 但是就非常非常的低 我劝你们还是趁早死了这条心吧 补充一下 想要从一级术师升为特级 需要特级晋升推荐信号 这玩意也可以在百叶箱上获得 那当我们提升等级之后 不仅会增加我们的重力 buff 方面也会随之提高 而且还会解锁新的招式或者术士 值得一提的是… Read More

  • “INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft – must see!!” #cricket #minecraft

    "INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft - must see!!" #cricket #minecraftVideo Information eu sei que tu é galinha Então vem cá mamã vem cá mamã vem cá [Música] [Aplausos] [Música] [Aplausos] mamã Calma calma This video, titled ‘would you do this ? #cricket #minecraft#youtubesearch’, was uploaded by Cricket_with_shivansh on 2024-04-29 05:20:35. It has garnered 10098 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱Video Information we’re showing you an update on my server so this is what it looks like now I made a custom logo for it if y I think y might like it this is a big version of it I don’t know I was just going crazy with the glass got our balcony we got a helipad let’s go to the bottom and that’s where to start okay so we got my friend my one of my friends [Music] rooms um we got my room we got my other friend room you got the meet the meeting room which… Read More

  • Minecraft Live SMP – CRACKED Server 24/7! #exciting

    Minecraft Live SMP - CRACKED Server 24/7! #excitingVideo Information नहीं यो गाइस व्ट्स अप सभी लोगों का एकदम गुड वाला मॉर्निंग भाई बहुत लोग मेरे को यह बोल रहे हो भाई तुम यार मैंने बैन किया गाली देने के कारण ठीक है भाई कोई गाली दे रहा है सर्वर के अंदर मैंने बैन किया तो भाई पहली बात तो मैं यह बता देता हूं कोई भी अगर सर्वर में गाली दे रहा है तो भाई उसको बैन अगर हुआ ना बंदे का बैन का कारण मैं नहीं हूं ठीक है तुम लोग को मैं ये बता देता हूं पहले तुम लोग सोच रहे हो कि भाई मसन… Read More

  • Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventure

    Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventureVideo Information God why why do I always leave that on turn off turn off no no God why why do I always leave that on that I should change the alarm honestly maybe to like the seaside one I don’t remember the name it’s an annoying ass alarm uh did I leave the TV on man I must have must have just passed out I really got to start sleeping in my own bed uh is grandma back yet doesn’t seem like she is is she oh doesn’t look she’s back yet strange is there anything the fridge I… Read More

  • Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shorts

    Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shortsVideo Information ты точно не сможешь найти все отличия за 5 секунд если ты смог то напиши комментарий и поставь лайк This video, titled ‘Попробуй Найти Отличие На Этой Картинке 😇🙂 #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Mega Show!! on 2024-04-07 08:01:00. It has garnered 10123 views and 324 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom – ESL Birmingham ’24” #trending #esports

    "EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom - ESL Birmingham '24" #trending #esportsVideo Information why did you go for these items CU in the end that was a pretty long game 54 minute game when they played against lgd gaming and ended up with bkb satanic silver Edge disperser blink so wanted to utilize you know disperser was his pretty much way to move around the fights cuz later you don’t have enough slots but want to see what he’s going to be doing nowadays cuz disperser is not that popular item so want to see how he’s going to approach I assume you still want to be able to deal some… Read More

  • Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore Minecraft

    Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information stream isn’t available [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean no it huh I’m going to I’m going to refresh the screen uh hello now you can see what I can see oh let me add my yeah let me add this [ __ ] hell yeah now you can see my heart rate on here too super super good [ __ ] all right uh looks like I’m live uh let’s see anything live chat uh okay so I could do one of two things here I could use U as a music playlist or… Read More

  • FrinkaMC – ATM9 Survival – Modded SMP ATM9 Custom

    Join our ATM9 Minecraft server! Experience the excitement of our All The Mods 9 custom modpack with mods spanning magic, tech, exploration, building, and more. There’s always something to do! Benefits include: Strong server hardware 15K world border (expansion possible) Interactive world map MC2Discord integration Community-built spawn area We prioritize player experience with constant monitoring and maintenance to keep lag at bay. Join us and be part of our passionate community! Server Details: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥They may not be the best speller, but at least they have a score of 4 in meme crafting! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the party? Because they heard it was going to be a “digging” good time! #minecraftmemes #partytime #shovelready Read More