Rexiipher’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

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No one expected it no one even asked for it all right nobody wanted it but here it is th this is it this is an early Rec stream it’s a longer Rex stream you’re going to have me for longer I don’t know how often I’m going to do this but I

Wanted to try it today because I I had I had time we here what’s up boys how are we all doing today you know I could say today instead of tonight because I’m not streaming at night it’s like I can see the sun I’m hitting my microphone I can

See the sun I can see the sky I bet you guys didn’t know I existed before 8:00 p.m. did you huh I could actually subsist in reality while the sun was still existent but I can and I’m here we’re on Hardcore I’ve been being begged

To play it so now we’re going to play it and I figured the what better time to play it than when I am sitting around doing nothing already so we’re here we we’re we’re playing the game all right I don’t know how long this is going to go

I don’t know how we’re going to do but it’s happening so how are we doing tonight chat wait today I just had a long spiel it’s not night anymore yeah I haven’t actually been on here in forever and like I don’t remember what I was

Doing what would I do last time wasn’t I clearing out like chests and everything ah we we’re done with that now uh we need to keep speed running the game I need some professional advice right okay so I I don’t play hardcore I don’t know how to min max but that’s what we’re

Pretty much in the process of doing we’ve already got like a quantifiable amount of diamond tools we have borderline full diamond armor what was the end goal right it’s like full netherite or something in the deep dark yeah we’re in the deep dark we already cleared it out

This is uh we played for forever ago it’s been like several weeks um but pretty much what I did was like within like the spin of like two live streams I found a deep dark I cleared out the deep dark and I also like maybe it was three

I also ran through the Nether and got a bunch of stuff so that’s why we have like some Diamond equipment we do we have any yeah we have like two ancient debris and I think some netherite scrap somewhere maybe I’m wrong about the scrap I don’t see any scrap so I guess

I’m wrong about the scrap but we at least have ancient debris which is pretty cool yeah we are in the deep dark we have completely turned this deep dark into our own land um we need a silk tuck pickaxe I remember that because we need

To get a lot of the uh blue wood the Warped stem and then we were going to start converting this into a home before we do that we also need to min max and everything uh I really don’t know how long we’ll live considering how I’m going to be playing like consistently

But here we are let’s grab some Netherrack and um I think we’re just going to jump straight into The Nether I don’t see why we wouldn’t because I kind of just want um netherite so we’re going to spend the whole stream looking for it and if we

Die we die I say you die fighting the dragon we’d have to resummon it um people in the server have already killed it but that’s not a bad shout oh crap it’s the classic thing where I’d have to screenshot and look which way I’m going okay I remember the last time I started

Exploring out here I was in hell like actual Agony um because I wasn’t finding ending anything uh so this time we’re just going to keep going we’re going to go a really really long distance in the nether uh might not be able to make our

Way back I don’t know but we’re going to do it just so we can find stuff and hopefully stuff that hasn’t been looted or raided yet cuz we need netherite but we also you know you need like sheep or like an excessive amount of wool in

Order to like go like bed mining for like all of the um ancient debris so instead of doing that what we’re going to do is we’re going to do the fun way which is finding piglin bastions and hoping we get lucky that’s how I prefer to play

Minecraft uh I don’t know if that’s just a me thing though is the audio a little bit quiet I’m going to turn it up a Teensy bit I will turn down like creatures and stuff like that because they are pretty obnoxious yeah weather 100% is actually my favorite that’s thing we don’t need

Gold really at all we just need bastions I need to turn up my render it’s already at 20 and I can barely see anything what is it this nether fog better use a shield and beds to mine for another right yeah but I don’t really

Like that’s boring we don’t okay if I if I had that desperate we’ll turn around and we’ll start doing that and then we will craft up some like netherite armor but we also need like an enchantment table and a consistent way of making experience we need like farms and things

Like that remember last time I was talking about wanting to make a skull Farm but I really just like could not find a good one like not a single good skull farm so I kind of gave up what’s up Queen it’s an Ary stream I see all what did you

See I’m going to dinner with my sister in about an hour well I hope you enjoy your dinner I always eat my dinners late um so I’m like just going to wait till then I already like had a little bit of lunch which my lunch was like an hour ago maybe half an

Hour it’s what it’s let’s not fall to our death cuz it’s a Sure Fire way of just immediately ending this uh part portion of the stream we’ll probably change game um later on like if ly gets some we might go over to uh softcore uh if I get bored on

Hardcore die we’ll probably hop on Hypixel or something maybe we’ll do some star rail or gen chin I don’t know I’ve never streamed this early for this long without like you know a set plan in mind it’s exciting it’s it’s exhilarating even I’m doing a thing hold on oh

Okay wait where do I go from here maybe that way we can go that way right now I’m heading back towards the spawn I don’t actually want to do that 0000 is stinky that’s where everyone’s already been I have a crossbow with no arrows I’m not going to use

That okay let’s just go across here Minecraft 11 early stream means more Rex yeah I also want to figure out what more to like upload on YouTube cuz myth isn’t going to last forever um but I also don’t know how to edit so I don’t know

If I need to learn and then start sinking in like hours of my time trying to edit or what so we’ll figure it out I might just start uploading um softcore vods in like their entirety to YouTube too just because I can really but an idealic World I’d like to

Edit them up a Teensy wey bit cuz it’s really just survival just a little bit fancy I can’t even see that ghast how come the ghast I could see he was like just not even like I didn’t exist in his mind but this gas it’s like n it’s on site let’s go this

Way I wish there was an easier way of finding Bastion remnants this is like it’s always excruciating I did screenshot yeah okay I was about to say if I didn’t screenshot my coordinates I’m going to be really sad what you doing Rex we are trying to find more bastards remember

The first time we came into Nether and I spent like the full stream looking for bastions and it was like really nerve-wracking we’re doing that again oh my God have we been here before though this’s no shot we wait I hear brutes and that fast yeah that fast I

Guess all right we got our we let’s not forget our techniques right we have our trusty lava bucket so we’re going to have to use our secret teack in order to win we want to place blocks above our head at all time so no one could possibly

Drop on us it’s simply that Shrimpo it quite simply is fellas that was the easiest Bastion find I’ve ever experienced these guys ain’t got nothing though uh we’ll just go ahead and cook them die all righty oh oh that was so close oh that was so

Close how are you did you have your water break I have a drink with me right now um I’ll definitely get more as we keep going I’m actually going to seal this up behind me just in case these fellas need to Die My Heart yeah get ready that’s the welcome to heart attack

Simulator in fact just as a precaution we’re going to place those blocks there and that one there here we go all right oh right 1. 20 we have smithing templet now Queen oh is that what you were working on was your ability to be able to gift Subs again Queen thank you

So much I really appreciate that we don’t need iron swords f and there you go in classic Queen Fashion the double sub thank you Queen Miner really appreciate it never uneven okay well we got the poopy kind of Bastion though there isn’t going to be anything good

Here yes because it’s a struggle now I can’t believe twitch is rate limiting you bnk bnk bnk bnk fine guess you are my little Grand thank you for the gifted sub dang I’m really feeling the love right now thanks fellas let at my notification sounds on otherwise I wouldn’t know if you were

Yeah I mean I didn’t really announce it it was a little bit spur of the moment um I was sitting around today and I was like damn I I was looking at like my analytics for like past months of like streaming and I noticed I had like a lot

More hours like last summer than I did this summer um and with like all the growth I’m experiencing like recently I I just I really didn’t want like that to go to waste um because we’ve been putting in a lot of hard work and I kind

Of you know want to be able to like at least make something of that so I was like okay maybe I can start trying to stream more I don’t know if it’s something I can consistently do but it’s something I definitely want to try um I definitely have been a little bit more

In the content mind like lately with like you know trying to put out more like streams and videos and everything but oh nice yes it’s already paying off boys have an amazing stream Rex thank you Cookie Monster I really appreciate that so yeah that that just that just

Pretty much breaks down like my current thought process at this uh point in time I want to stream more because I’m having a good time doing is that a netherite upgrade all right wait so we we just won right that was the one thing we needed from the nether that was going

To stop us from getting netherite right now we just have netherite right we can we can go back and just start and just start uh bed mining did I get this [Laughter] right never unlucky it’s just that Shrimpo it is that easy you just have to you know

You just have to play Minecraft what can I say what can I say first Bastion how long have we been in the nether this stream has been less than 15 minutes so far excellent you can um duplicate them using diamonds if I recall correctly so we’re kind of just done

Here I st see my good buddy Rex is up to yeah were you disappointed Daniel how do you feel how do you feel right now gift or bits flipping the bird to Twitch well feel free to keep flipping the bird to Twitch reminded of how bad I am at

Minecraft yeah could you call this a skill issue could this be called a skill issue don’t fall you’re right good shout cuz there’re definitely still brutes down there well no wonder this Bastion never got found it’s literally packed in the earth it is buried how did we find

This so let me just recap we went into the nether like oh we’re going to die but we need some netherite from bastions just for fun because it’s the best way of looking for bastions and then I was like oh but I don’t know how we’ll find

A Bastion they’re not exactly the most easy things to find in the world so we started digging into a wall just a random wall just any wall after I’m like oh we’re going too close to 00 I’m not going to find any new bastions this

Close we dig through a wall and then we immediately come out into the most secluded Bastion I’ve ever seen in Minecraft and and then immediately upon entering it we get hit with some of the best chest generation there were two double chests and two single chests that doesn’t always

Happen and then we we popped them open one of them has a netherite scrap and the other one has the netherite upgrade template that we needed so now we we have another netherite scrap and with the ancient debris we already have we have enough netherite to make one piece

Already and we have the template to actually be able to make the piece what can I say what can I say let me open up this uh screenshot maybe not standing on a cliff though give me the screenshot real quick let’s drag this over here just that

Lucky it’s I swear I swear it’s something you just have to see to believe is the pure unfettered luck of me playing video games except from when I’m unlucky which I guess is in genin and star rail but Minecraft n Minecraft treats me good I don’t know consistently find a

Crap ton of diamonds CU it takes like what seven diamonds to duplicate a smithing template if it won’t full netherite that’s a lot of diamonds but honestly diamonds aren’t even that hard to find so it’s not a big deal am I going the right way I’m

Not wait I am I am I am I am okay we’re good look at the reaction speed and de breed back to back I I don’t have the clip I have all of those um vods saved I have every single VOD I’ve ever like recorded saved except for like a

Handful like several years ago but I have almost every VOD saved oh it’s very sweet Cookie Monster very very sweet I might I might develop some kind of condition with that level of sweetness just the two of us we can make it if we try just the two of us just the

Two of us um we need to go that way and we need to increase her x a little bit more we’re not actually even that far from our portal we’re about 300 blocks away right now give or take how flabbergasted I was don’t worry Dan get let me get some beds and we’ll

Reprise that for you we we’ll have round two of Rex’s netherite Mining Adventure well we’re going to collect a lot of the wool that’s inside of our um city right now because we don’t need wool inside of our city I think it kind of looks dumb

And then I’m going to just do it I’m going to do it is this Java yes it’s Java and I’ve never tried Bedrock Rex’s play style being risky never being punished it’s just that Shrimpo it is just that Shrimpo okay uh this needs to decrease a little

Bit more we’re pretty much right here this was next to our portal so our Portal’s like right over there 976 1243 I just have Bedrock yeah there’s only slight differences okay that was deep slate I thought that was like an ancient debris just straight up chilling up here do I not have OptiFine

Zoom what the heck where’s my OptiFine Zoom wait what is half of this now shaders oh do we not have OptiFine oh okay we might relaunch just so I make sure I have my OptiFine back I need it I love me my OptiFine okay 12

43 9 976 why’d I climb up here I don’t know what I’m doing 976 1243 it’s below us there it is Dingus that’s me okie dokie hey hey hey this is Library all right we’re good and now boom boom wait where did I get the one debris or

Was that in the chest I don’t remember okay we have a snout smithing trim the template trim that’s useless but this is where the good Goods at so this collectively um does this cuz this is wait is the scrap just an Ingot I don’t remember how this hold

On right all right it’s not in here I’m going to look this up right now netherite recipe is it for scrap it’s for scrap do you what do you do with the ancient debris netherite scrap recipe they said Ramen NOS with Doritos and three different hot sauces yeah I can imagine that wouldn’t

Be good kill switch that doesn’t sound like a great time oh okay yeah yeah yeah I’m right I’m right I’m right so you you cook the debris it makes the scrap you use the scrap to make the uh this so we pretty much have one netherite Ingot

Now and we could go ahead and make it just for the flex let’s do that where’s my FR there we go and we’ll use these oh right you can’t use these as fuel for whatever reason but you can turn them into sticks and use the sticks

As fuel why did I do that why why didn’t I just use the coal I have I am a little bit strange but that’s all right you get the scrap you put the debris in the furnace yeah see it’s quite literally that simple right now we have a bunch of

Mushrooms that won’t last us forever though um we need wood the only wood that we have is a warped stem so maybe it’s a worthwhile advancement to make a way up to the surface and just make a staircase or something and then we should work on maybe maybe it’ll be less painful this

Time getting some animals down here here cuz we could just use them chickens will be the easiest that’s going to be like a really clean like easy instant hack for infinite food we’ll also make a farm and I think we’ll put them in here underneath this little

Area so yeah that should be good so now we take four gold I already had gold in my inventory what am I doing who knows we take the netherite and then we uh I don’t I don’t what’s the crafting grid oh it’s shapeless cool boom that is a whole netherite Ingot

Boom an entire netherite Ingot should we make a netherite hoe you think I’m joking chat but I’m dead serious I am I am tempted beyond belief do I have a diamond hoe with yeah I do this is the godho right here for a joke yeah I kind of want to make this

Netherite this is a Max Diamond hoe hold on no we don’t have any diamonds what happened to all of my diamonds did I just not have diamonds to begin with and I simply fooled myself in leaving out diamonds okay I’ll tell you what if we get seven diamonds and I

Duplicate this template we will make a netherite hoe just that is my deal with you right now chat we will make that netherite hoe hands down you can keep me at my word let’s put that away that that back up diamond pickaxe so we don’t drain this

One too much we’ll put that in there for now uh give me my arrows back cuz you never know when you can use a crossbow can’t play recklessly cuz then we’ll die um so while while we do goof around we also need to play a little bit

Smart okie dokie uh we have ender pearls too we’ll put the hoe in the corner okay now we should make a way up that way I think and then just staircase up for the rest of the city I’m thinking we clean up as I like the skull but we

Can also add skull later if we wanted so I think we use The Mending hoe that we have we clean up a lot of the skull right and then we um we try restoring the city and it’s like ruined state and everything which means we need a lot

Deep slate which we’ll get for mining you’ll be so powerful with it with the netherite ho yeah yeah yeah uh so we’ll do that and then we’ll worry about enchanting so for now let’s dig our way out of the deep dark and get to the surface o wait Phantoms are a problem

It’s too dark to see hold on yeah let me bring back OptiFine real quick and then we’ll also grab some torches just in case let me relaunch should just take a second Minecraft to like base Minecraft especially in later versions launches like borderline instantly if you don’t

Play smart then there will be a zombie with Diamond Armor after you yeah or a um zombie with an iron sword that’s all it takes evidently that’s what killed me last time a zombie with an iron sword uh do I not I didn’t even stall optify 1.20 okay hold

On I’ll put a on a prettier screen real quick boom there we go just the two of us we can make it if we just the two of us just the two of us just the two of us building the Castle in the Sky two of us

You and I I listened to that just before the stream started so not stuck in my head what’s up dragon cat how you doing we’re doing a big stretch right now activate that boom install come on then all right now it should be there please bro I’m

Begging I’m beg okay there we go one. 20 OptiFine please just run it all righty there we Go just the two of us you and I there we go now it’s uh this one boom we’re back on okay now that should give me back yeah all my good stuff I have my zoom it’s not going to help too much with the brightness I I really have this as

Bright as it gets I don’t think I can increase the gamma at all let’s grab some torches we won’t use the soul torches we’ll save those and we will rock and roll we’re also going to get rid of any normal Spruce Wood in these uh ruins cuz

I just I hate it do I not have dynamic lighting there we go okay put that there for now until we run into enemies I want this to be directly across from here we’ll add stairs later for now we’ll at least dig up an extra block height

Maybe no cuz we got the bottom here and make them stairs I’ll worry about that later one hour later yeah it’s actually going to be like that we are digging up from what yal -50 right now yeah so we have to go all the way up to

The surface maybe I should have brought the efficiency 3 pick uh but I kind of want to save it uh this the good side is the Deep slate that we’re getting here is going to be incredibly useful because we’re going to start I think maybe today

Trying to freshen up the deep dark a little bit just really like um look at the designs infer what they were supposed to look like and then just build them back up how they should have been we’ll make some like really grand staircase or something in the future

Maybe but for now we just need something to get us up and down hopefully we this is actually one of the few times I don’t want to breach a cave because that’s going to prove to be a lot of work to deal with though the odds are very good that we’re

Actually going to run across one but if we don’t that’s pretty good that’ll be pretty great make them colored wool I don’t know we might just cannibalize all the wood for beds netherite just seems way more important then at some point we should look at going into the end I just don’t

Know how to make that trip painless the reason being being is uh we need to find an End city right but I’m pretty sure every single close by end City to the start of the end is already taken and there’s no such thing is fastly moving through the

End unless you have an elytra all that really works is like a stockpile of Ender Pearls but that’s so risky if you hit the half of an island like you hit the side of it you are dead it’s just guarantee you are you are just a corpse

You are dead in a ditch face down of course there’s a shrier there why wouldn’t there be that’s okay hopefully he doesn’t hear us mine but we’ll find out pretty soon it will all right we’re going to deal with it we P off a Ward and we’ll just run back down

Finally all right that was the shrier that was uh causing us issues M my beloved thank you for following cool now that that’s dealt with re I cracked my phone oh no I’m sorry to hear that at least it’s still usable though uh there’s an upside to Everything that one yeah that was the streer we might come across another but that was the one that kept going off unfortunately now we’re like almost Warden up so if I hear another Sher I’m running down those stairs and now it just sounds like sensors just sensors all right we’re good we’re in

The clear now and get me out of that deep slate okay there we go this will mine a little bit faster but second NS to for $20 it’s normally 60 I don’t know what the game is is it good bro I just want to Leave that’s so go that sucks though oh we should have also torched up the uh stairwell here we’ll do that now actually even though I don’t think mobs will spawn down here cuz this still in a deep dark dang why does this sound like he’s close he’s getting it

Pissed he only spawns on skull yeah but it sounds like he spawned like close like the shrier went off in the wall how do he spawn close it’s a game about going into people’s heads it’s fun huh oh he’s fighting a mob I thought he was getting ticked off at me we’re fine

Still that’s a cave sound is that not the cave that’s I guess it’s a side case sck situation what’s that jump on a honey block to break your fall oh did I can just hop on honey block or did he almost fall to his death we’re okay we’ll keep

Going I don’t think he’s noticing us I’m pretty sure he’s noticing something else we’re literally not making noise so it couldn’t be us what’s taking this guy off I wonder what is ticking this guy off trying to get hurt I don’t know if he’s going to one shot me in

Hardcore whatever I’m just not going to screw with it let’s go down yeah there’s probably a big chamber right up there if I had to get guess oh let’s just head down we’ll hide down here for a bit until you know he decides to stop being so

Rude he can one shot all right we’re not messing with that then I we have almost full diamond on but I still don’t want to risk it but dang he is loud you probably to give warning because does have Tri content oh huh all right I’ll tell you what we can

Do how about we start cooking up some of this Cobble deep slate and while we wait we can start trying to fix stuff up bunk cuz we can make some bricks uh and at least fix up like this stuff this bridge is cringe uh but I’m not sure what to do

About that uh we’ll leave the sensors on the lights those things are cool oh but this one fell over we’ll have to fix this with full diamonds he can one shot yeah great cool that’s a pain in the ass just to leave okay um could we also make a nether portal

Just like go through this one go up like several y levels and then make another portal at the ceiling and it might make one on the roof like in the actual surface or would it just link back up to this one I’m going to break this wool

Here cuz I’m not sure why it’s here to be honest just not cool aesthetically like why why all this wool look at this with this much wool we can go bed mining for like 5 hours we are going to break the crap out okay uh someone advice does shears break wool faster

Like wool blocks faster actually let’s use the wool we just broke to make a bed yes shears okay we’ll make some shears and we will start cleaning that up there respawn Point set wow so useful you’ll get through there eventually yeah let’s just hope without dying I don’t

Want to have to pop an enchanted God Apple but if I do then I do let’s hope he’s gone cuz he could still be there because of the stupid bats continuously ticking him off is a warden won’t leave if he’s angry see he won’t leave if he’s

Angry he’s never going to go away now a this sucks this sucks fat doooo see oh my God just kill it you’re right why didn’t I think of that man I’m such a bozo should have just killed it maybe he won’t kill me if he’s angry at everything else right is that a

Possibility you know what I don’t think there’re enough wardens here let’s make a few more uh-oh uh-oh Queen Queen leave he doesn’t know I’m here Queen we’re fine he doesn’t know here I’m hiding in his mother’s basement it’s all right WS are just so scary they’re scary on Hardcore because they could easily just end your whole career we don’t have any toems of undying either so you know there’s [Applause]

That 10 minutes that’s so long Camille I’m going to be so bored I want to leave I want to go I want to see what the sky looks like wait did anyone tell me if I make like a nether portal and I just go up like like several dozen blocks and make

Another nether portal is it going to make another one on the surface or is just going to link back up to my one underground yeah yeah to what he’s not ticked anymore so maybe he’s close to CW falling out it works oh come we might just have

To do that solution for now because this is not working Chief have us for the next 10 minutes yeah it’s me and you and you and me and you and my friend the warden he still let’s just go let’s try the another portal trick let’s just do that

Idea cuz that will save us some you know heartache right now he doesn’t know his King He Is Lost disillusioned okay let’s grab obsidian and then uh some rack and then we’ll make a spiral staircase we finish that later if I can figure out how to get out of warden

Count oh you still here hold on oh no that was the arrow he mid shot it and so it just stayed here Frozen in space until I came back into The Nether and then the arrow hit me that is so stupid are you in the skin actually

I’m not I’m in the softcore skin but you can’t even see it so I didn’t bother changing that would be why though I guess yeah oh spiral staircase is actually going to be really agitating okay this isn’t as bad as I thought it would be it’s definitely like an uers if a gas

Shoots me though but whatever uh we’ll pretend that’ll never happen or a skeleton shoots me oh a skeleton shooting me is actually even more spooky I’m making guard rails now no I will be fine great uh now what I need to go up higher let’s try uh staircase 2 Electric Baloo me this

Buk don’t fall not bad come on I can’t of feel like there’s a personal s to me who fell and died cat if you feel called out by that by a generalized statement I don’t know what to tell you how long did you play Minecraft for

Rex I don’t remember it’s it’s been a while though I think I played during like one dot actually have no idea I have no clue I can’t even remember what version I started playing one. five one. four I have no idea it was one of those I was into Minecraft for a long

Time before I even started playing though like I was into Minecraft before there were Hunger bars um I don’t know if I’m counting this right so the spiral staircase could easily get Jank but here we go let’s just do it here oh and we’ll do it here okie

Dokie let’s see if I was all lied to I was deceived for the last time I didn’t bring a flint Steel that was a little bit of a dingus con moment that was a really big Bozo moment let’s see if our friend the warden’s gone it hasn’t been 10 minutes but we’re

Going to see Java seems play the plane I’m sad I can’t get it a well never say never let’s see oh these are all the chests we broke so we don’t need to craft more chests try to bear that in mind but where are my flint and Steels

Do I even have one I do let’s go check the warden we must know how our boy is doing you like that almost 360 no no no no no cat you told me if I go up a bit it won’t link I’m going to take your word for it

I’m going to trust my friend kon’s it won’t link right that’s that’s what you said you told me and you wouldn’t lie to me you wouldn’t lead me astray you said it won’t link so I’m trusting you let’s go what’s up Queen I hear a gas that could ruin my day you have to go a few conks out dang it’s like when you enter a car crash and your life slows down tin hindsight this wasn’t the best design yeah there we go now it’s a little bit more

Economical man they shoot so quick and hardcore hate them I really do be like that you’re lucky Minecraft loves you yeah I am sometimes it chooses to put me back in my place but that was not one of those moments bop bop there we go my good

Friend cat said it won’t link did I just get good luck I just got luck to chat what just give me luck two guys what was that why did I have luck too guys guys hey oh golden carrot okay no I just hopped in the portal it is G me l two

Again it gives me luck two every time I step in this portal what is this why am I getting luck two Minecraft really playing favorites look and I’m not even insane there’s like particle effects did you see that look particle effects just go in sure

Fine wow cat so you tried to lead me astray Again by telling me it wouldn’t work huh is that how it is cat I see the who you really are I see what kind of friend you really are cat all right I won’t forget this I won’t forget this blatant transgression against your

Friend Rex all right I I will I will I will always remember this as the time that cat kon’s tried to lead me astray huh cat what do you have to say for yourself answer on the polygraph Village this is not a village what are you talking about there’s no Village what

Village this a Rex only thing what village hey some pigs we could try to bring back emphasis on try will pigs follow golden carrots wow there’s a village look downhill you sure that was on are those pumpkins Queen those look like pumpkins turn left did everyone see am I

Blind how did all of chat see this but not me llamas pacas turn left from portal look downhill from Portal is this some joint psychosis there there’s no like there’s no portal or I’m sorry there’s no Village I will come over here I look to my left all right there are

Trees right you here there you’re saying here they’re trees this this is a village maybe a village for um from for mini Moyes these are pumpkins Simba everything the light touches is not a village it was pumpkins it’s okay it happens to the best of [Laughter]

Us dang we’re far out too okay hold on what do we uh we want to get some carrots we don’t have normal carrots though so we can’t get those pigs we also don’t have wheat so we can’t get we can’t Larn any animals actually right now I don’t know what I was

Doing oh there’s my good luck too again we can look around for a sec at least I guess we’ll leave that portal there carrots man if only can find something like a village yeah we need wheat too there cows at least there are animals nearby if I can

Just sheep are big that’s so big uh I don’t have any bone meal I killed a skeleton he didn’t drop any bones what an a-hole don’t get lost we screenshotted coordinates we won’t lose the portal why are you bullying my chat candy it’s like asking to get bullied in return candy [Laughter]

Mean let’s see there’s a village over there Plains another Hill honestly there this is such like there’s so many mountains in this area there could be another deep dark nearby not that I really care about finding one I don’t really care for finding a second deep dark but

Yeah I should believe you Rex instead your chat is innocent take a shower first then we’ll talk I heard a skeleton I hear the trestling of Bones me uh more iron could never hurt anyone okay man is this all creepers it’s creeper County oh no where are the skeletons I won’t

We it’s the audible trestling of Bones I’m not insane oh they’re above me gentle he did not drop a bone he he could not he said he will not he said no what if they have like power five I’m kind of scared actually okay we’re good raccoon eag girl thank you for following

I really appreciate it it’s actually scary skeletons are the most scary mob in the game people say it’s creepers no it’s skeletons with their freaking quick fire that is line up and they just start gunning you down in your Prime Rex stop getting hurt I’ll try

You know I have so many things to help keep me alive I just never use them AR reached the goal hired help he made a built an iron golem for whatever reason uh that’s what I meant chat that’s what I mean that’s what I mean it spiders sound scare me every

Time I could see that oh my God I barely survived with my life hey lumo cats what’s good you know until we can get um whatever we should get an actual like proper tree sapling let’s get on that let’s grab some maaa that’s going to decay all right now what we need

Is crafting table some sticks whoops sticks and now we make a wooden hoe and now we ho the Earth get some seeds any seeds will do there we go well I want this not this okay now we grab our bones I don’t have enough inventory space for any of this

Okay that I don’t need any of that go you have a hoe in your inv that’s not just a hoe all right we can’t we cannot even begin to act like that is just any old hoe that is the hoe chat that is the Wonder hoe we cannot use the Wonder ho

It is blasphemy to use the Wonder hoe okay all we need to do now these two sheep they come home with us you know I have leads we can come back over here we can lead the pigs home instead of using carrots too we are genius 3 a.m. but

Bored so watching twitch it is well I’m glad you decided to click on my stream to watch it’s really sweet so we get the sheep first sheep are the most important then we’ll get pigs then we’ll get the cows uh and then if we find some chickens we’ll try to bring them back

But I’m more interested in getting eggs than the actual like chickens okay I don’t care about this cow too much but I do care about these two sheep I hope they don’t fall to death all righty this is already way going like really well now we just need to get them down

Like they’re going to die we need to get them down like two spiral staircases they’re going to fall and die okay come through the portal oh man you got to enclose it no no no let’s just let’s just hope they’re not suicidal okay as long as they value their lives they won’t lose

Them and they definitely won’t push each other off oh they’re trying though oh my Jesus Christ the Enderman just made me defecate why is he on here he actively is killing my sheep okay that’s fine one of the sheeps can be injured that’s okay just as long as

They make it down this staircase safe if one Falls I hope it’s the full health one no no no no no stop trying to push each other dumb Dums hey 10 one let’s go come here in and in get in it’s just that Shrimpo it’s just that easy it’s

Just that easy chat what can I say doubters [Laughter] doubters no the Sheep come come here all right see to value your health too I’m just not paying attention to where I’m stepping that’s one sheep down can that guy please all right you know what we’ll get this one in here

First and then we’ll go hunt for that sheep there’s no way he’ll walk into the fire right like that that’s next level stupid he won’t do that right for now we’re going to do that come here I had no doubt when do I doubt Rex yeah I’m just calling out the

Doubters the ones that do doubt I would hate having to play a world with you if you’re this lucky all the time welcome to the uh being friends with Rex experience all right come here yes yes yes this is such a hype moment guys this is this is a new day

This is great this is excellent okay for now we’re going to put them in this room I I’m going to dismantle these redstone things because I really don’t care about them you’re stuck make me babies yes yes yes my Empire grows we will have a mad sheep farm and

We will have so much wool we are going to literally hollow out the nether okay let’s see if our good friend the warden is gone because that was surely more than a 10-minute Adventure trying to get those sheep right right yeah he’s gone let’s go oh he just left oh my god that

Actually scared the crap out of me well we’re going to have to summon another one cuz we’re going to dig right up right here but let’s at least see how many blocks we can break before we have to start running okay Tiptoe Through the toilet

I tiptoe oh it’s in gravel too that’s so painful I don’t have a shovel okay now we locate the Sher we break the sh skeleton okay no we’re good we’re going to get that streer over there too I don’t trust him we’re creeping they’re creeping our way over

Here there is so much skull I didn’t even know it could come this high up come here Immaculate but truly impeccable a classic Rex fer play if I do say so myself how truly marvelous oh am I kidding I put stairs like all the way up here which means this gets broken all

The way down and then I just Place stairs so this ceiling just needs to increase by a block that’s not terrifying or anything we’ll leave it no cuz then something’s going to drop on my head and I’m going to feel like such a bozo all right hold on

Okay I’m going to eat dinner with my sister maybe back later but if I’m not having an ex stream you enjoy your dinner with your sister Rose Take Care thank you for tuning in zom man I don’t want whatever you’re selling you need to leave because of you I’m not having a

Barricade this in shoot stay back beat it I don’t like you I do not like you go away You’re so stinky oh dang I thought I just got an achievement for bludgeoning him to death let’s do that that bang Bango I don’t have enough Cobblestone nor do I have enough shits

To give so we’re just going to keep going common Rex W yes what the hell a m shaft well don’t mind if I do okay this is okay I thought it was about to be the tiniest M shaft known to man all right home we got a side Adventure now that way is

Dangerous and the reason why it is dangerous is because Give Me Diamonds can’t win them all boys can’t win them all not even close anyway um maybe some bread do you mind God fer oh pumpkin seeds hold on we don’t need wheat there’s another one glowberries uh hell yeah actually

Looting one hell I’m not getting R of a Hool that is a Priceless commodity uh wooden hoe clean clean well we got to go near the spiders a little bit closer we might give him a complex at this rate it’s too late for that one sensor being set off in the

Distance I’m not going to find my wait hold on I should have taken screenshot I got to get the cords of my staircase hold on let’s backtrack before we get too lost just real quick okay so that was there we came from right here now we won’t get lost hi let’s go this

Way b b b BM glow Sid you’re dead ah okay well I can’t actually kill the glow squids I don’t have inventory space I they just give Glo ink right I don’t too much of a use for that glow berries is very very useful though and down this way yes I

Have that takes care of that uh let’s go this way oh the glow SIDS are beached so I came from that way and then I just ran that way so let’s see what’s here There’s nothing here that glow squid is suffocating we can’t help him it’s survival of the fittest and he was not fit skeleton I hear the trestling of Bones I want more Minecraft chests because there can be diamonds in them and that is really what I want right now I

Actually don’t even care about golden apples right now I kind of just want more um mine cart chests maybe down here may be up here no leave me alone Jesus criminy Christmas holy nuts Batman I feel like I’m fighting for my life here I’m back what did I miss just the

Usual God plays with your Boy we live here now we live in this hole in this little this prison you see because in hardcore that’s what poison does and that’s not okay I am not okay with that so stinky come here you little stinker he hit me that’s why M shafts are really

Dangerous all it takes is one little misplay and you’re a corpse tempted to just say screw the M shaft after that I don’t I don’t even want to risk it yeah I think I will iron shovel I’m scared of zombies with iron tools and weaponry ow he 360 no scoped

Me what is that creeper doing careful Rex yeah that’s just the goal is to not die cave spiders do be scary though they do be terrifying even more terrifying than skeletons Poison’s just no joke witches are also incredibly dangerous for that reason getting poisoned by a witch is a

Borderline death sentence a witch will take you down to half a heart like it is just a guarantee you are going to go down that half a heart and all it takes is someone to sneeze on you and you’re dead doesn’t matter how much armor you have a witch will just nuke

You we already went this way but I’ll check this chest again yeah I mean if we want to gamber we can go this way yeah why not we just got to be very careful that we need to break that and I do mean break screw cave spider spawners I get

No value from it whatsoever it’s better off not existing I don’t have an a uh my lava bucket will get rid of the cobwebs right yeah boom I just made this world a slightly better place there was no point in going in here even there wasn’t anything all

Righty die hi’s gaming thank you for following welcome to chat okay my my staircase it’s not this way it’s this way it’s right here now we keep going up Boop I will wall off my sides though because you never know boop boop boop okie dokie we are still so deep underground and

How’s your day been so far it’s been all right I’ve just kind of been toiling away which is why we’re live right now holy nutballs okay well we’re almost at ocean level at least the nether portal is still maybe not the safest but it’s still going to

Be the fastest way up and down cuz this is just agony Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk I really don’t even know what to comment on here this excruciating have copper ore in my inventory I do why copper has no intrinsic value or you’ll get through

This oh you’re right I will this is the surface it’s not I’ve been jait for the last time that’s pretty much close enough definitely not the safest way of reaching the surface though big open dark cave but we’re here we did it now let’s go back

Down crap where do it go where where was it I just dug up and I don’t know where it went hold on we’re just looking for a hole in the floor wait was it right there no he’s next to some dirt right that’s not it what the hell I just like blank okay

Here it is let’s descend I’m done up here you get to pick up a little bit more cobblestone on the way down which is good why am I getting no Minecraft music I always comment on this every time it just never plays is that a hole buk

Uh we can start sealing this up a little bit more I would explore this cave but there’s really no point it’s not low enough to have diamonds I don’t think right diamonds generate way lower than 21 oh I made this much too tall there we go or something close

Enough definitely really ugly but I don’t really care right now if they can’t go in the nether it’ll make a zombie pig are you sure I thought that’s only if they get struck by lightning is it really when they just go in the nether oh they try to sleep I can jump in

Bed we’re almost there what’s up kitty go bang how you doing yeah boy boom we have snoozer um now what hold on I cooked up that yeah deep slate into normal deep slate we could be worthwhile to make a stone cutter was me had a drink of water

Oh I completely have not been paying attention to that how do you craft a stone cutter again let’s find this out stone cutter you craft it any stone and an iron ingot okie dokie I guess we can use some deep slate that all right hold let me let me empty

Out my mess of an inventory first I don’t really care about organization thank you for hydrate I just want to say it was fun watching your video oh thanks Kitty I really appreciate that thank you for the hydrate griam let’s grab that back out where’s my iron there it lied fine This Means

War I will use two I never got saplings did I I’m such a dingus whatever we can easily go up and grab grab some in a bit uh what was I doing oh I was going to use this as kindling cuz I don’t want to waste coal on like three

Cobblestone let me stretch real quick I should make that a routine my limes need stretchies there we go why does this cook so slowly I guess I’m used to smokers and stuff now speaking of which we should make um some smokers and stuff we have sheep um now

We need the pigs and we need the cows do we want to go up and get them now or do we want to go hunt for diamonds we also need a sapling I guess we should just go up and handle that now just get it over with I threw away my

Wheat like an idiot I don’t know why I did that but we’ll use leads I guess leads going to work they that might actually cause them to fall off like legit we’ll try it with the pigs cuz if the Pigs die then so be it we don’t have any carrots

So set this up here deep SLE doesn’t what what the hell do I use with deep Sleek then hello what deep SL how do I make the bricks deep slate bricks how the hell do I make these using polish deep slate how do I make polish deep slate what oh my

God who let me who let me do this why and why is Minecraft even like this who let me just cook up like a stack of deep slate when all I needed to do was that why why is it even like that with stone

No you got to make it stone with deep SL no you can let that stuff be Cobble why not right why not it can be Cobble anyway let’s go get some pigs and let me actually Grab should we get dirt while we’re up there yeah do I want to make a shovel yeah I’ll save myself some time let’s get some dirt or up too just cuz I might need a little bit do I have any dirt at all like really I I just don’t see

Any um no I just don’t are you okay Rex it’s a classic Rex mental breakdown all right that that’s just all it is also I don’t know why I get good luck too every time I go into a portal it’s just I guess I’m just that goated

What does it even do what does what does good luck two even do should I just start making portals next to chests and opening them when I’m standing in the portal die die he lived of course he’s got like 20 Hearts so makes sense right we need a

Tree so let’s chop down this tree right here and then hopefully get some saplings it is absolutely nothing wait dead ass it’s just straight up useless great we love that for Minecraft okay let’s grab two leads let’s go get these pigs there’s one of them there’s two of them

Go but if it doesn’t do anything what’s the point of getting the good luck too okay let’s hope this goes somewhat well get in well my leads are gone what a scam where did my lead go did it also go in the portal I don’t I’m going to hope I

Hope it’s on the other side of this portal okay it was good come here come on oh this is not going to work on a spiral staircase is it you need to come down now I’m going to have to borderline push him oh come on is he walking

Away I need you to walk down no stop it down no I’m going to have to push him down I’m about to beat this pig come now not up not up wish there was like a button I could press to just like them over to me down down

Down every corner it’s like this with the one of the pigs okay keep going keep going keep going yeah we just have to push them down every time don’t stand that close to the edge of the block dang it’s like he wants to get pushed off

No I broke my leads but that’s okay one’s walking down good he had the right idea there’s one of them I don’t know where the other one went come on no not up down stupid Pig there’s my other lead okay that’s one spiral staircase I forgot to get dirt whatever

I’ll go back up for like other animals too okay this pig is being a big old butthole right now stop going up he keeps actively walking up how how does this help how does this help tell me go down dang down go down these stairs oh my

Gosh okay good pig get on the floor other one come here not up not up down down stop it down down I see the gas I’m trying to do this quickly okay come through yes we so good we are so clean we are actually built different one of the pigs took a little

Bit of damage but that’s all good Ary thank you for the raid welcome Raiders come here you stupid little pigs yeah yes R toer get in Broski okay stay come here no no no bad oh they there two of them there’s Dumb and Dumber

Okay I don’t want them to be in the same thing as the Sheep let’s stick them in here and then I’ll put in some blocks in these windows for now ugly but it’ll work okay one two three they can’t do sweet parkour so this is going to be fine Awesome now we have pigs and we have sheps we are killing it right now all Kings search somewhere yeah by Leading pigs into their underground stupid stronghold with leads because they don’t have carrots right now oh my gosh okay let’s grab this and then some bones and we’re not going to use The

Mending hoe that would be ridiculous we’ll use the un breaking Three diamond ho and we’ll make some more wheat and we are going to get the king the the Kings the cows down here and the um some chickens too just cuz and then we will have are those all

The farmable animals we need I know you can farm rabbits but they’re typically just not worth it I mean you can get rabbit’s feet which gives you jump boost potions but like don’t you did it I hate I hate I just hate I hate I hate gas bro I hate

Him all right that was not nearly as destructive as I thought it was he literally isn’t even loaded on my screen hold let me turn off simulation distance it’s not going to do anything it’s literally not even loaded on my screen and he’s like giving me from like

A mile away and that guy’s been there this whole time I’m going to kill him if I don’t fall off of every block D well I was going to kill him but instead he can kill himself I guess just get two at a time two animals at a

Time all righty this uh here that is really all we need but we’ll make a couple more I’m four forget cuz I just remembered uh we also want some dirt let’s grab a shovel it’s 33 that’s 44 kind of want a stack oh that is Stone whatever that’s 56 4 5 6 7

8 that should be a stack yep all righty now the cows hopefully these guys don’t follow me with wheat in my hand let’s pick this up I don’t need any of that can’t believe it’s still there though but I don’t need any of it okay wait there

Were cows weren’t there I’m not insane where are they wait they different direction you already have sheep I don’t care about the Sheep up here it’s like more beneficial and like it literally saves time to just breed them instead of having to cart them back well here’s one

Cow we need two unfortunately um they cannot asexually reproduce they’re they’re not like a bacteria they can just split themselves and then just duplicate all right there’s the second one come here hey dum dum wheat all righty come with me we’re going to hell straight to Hell yeah I I was worried if that guy was starting to get interested that was going to be annoying okay they look so angry they do don’t they cuz they’re they’re well they can’t be Bulls only one of them could be a bull coming all right that’s part of the

Journey now for the hard part getting them on two flights of stairs did the cows also get good luck they don’t all right I didn’t get any green particles okay uh where the heck oh here hopefully they aren’t too big that they lose interest past each

Other as long as I don’t move too quickly we should be good okay this is the tall one the other one’s not quite as tall made it past the Cobblestone bit which means we’re almost at the bottom come here of the first staircase stupid idiot oh I

Slipped okay let’s just hope that one that fell doesn’t fall again we should be fine water brick you at least there’s a redeem for hydrates right Camille come here come here you’re such a [ __ ] whatever we’ll get one and then we’ll have to go find a second one now come here here here come on in okay where do we throw him in here we’ll give him probably going to have a crap ton of chickens we just kind of put him in here okay the

Millisecond the microsc I start placing Blocks he’s on the Run stay all right good cows handled pigs handled sheep handled well okay a cow handled I have to get another one and then it’s just chickens um we just grab a crap ton of eggs we don’t really need to worry about it but

We’re going to get that many eggs I don’t even have any whatever we’ll try drying down some uh chickens if we can let’s see now we get one more and two chickens well at least if we’re moving one cow there’s no chance that’ll push the other one off the

Cliff but uh downside is I don’t know where a third cow is what this man doesn’t look angry he looks dumb look at his face come along cow get this one two chickens and we’re good on animals which gets that grading task done with and once it’s done we don’t

Need to worry about it ever again okay two three think for the hydrates when I get this cow down I’ll need to get another drink here let me finish this one off though oh boy he shot the cow he killed the cow actually I hate skeletons bro like actually hate

Them well let’s go get a third cow wait no that was the third one let’s go get a fourth cow we got one home safely the one that we got home safely pushed the other one to his death twice and uh a skeleton just instag gibbed

This cow because he had bad aim and completely missed me come on are there even any more cows horrendous chickens will be easy though because I can push them off the uh staircase and they’re just going to float down so that one’s going to be quite simple

Why are these cows being the biggest pains in my ass that was the last cow why does every skeleton have an enchanted bow free blade thank you for following oh cow okay we’re going to kill that creeper though cuz if he blows him up I will scream another couple cows so at least

We have another try in case something really goes wrong okay I was like three miles away from that creeper well you can still blow up anyway I guess come here forun we have to walk him across the country it’s good that we’re getting these guys here though cuz I am running out of

Hunger there’s another cow too why do they all have to be down here though why is there to be so many creepers dude we also need bees I forgot bees are a thing it’s not super imperative though okay that cow can chill for a bit I need to clear out some of these

Enemies come here come here back in my day I don’t know if anyone played Minecraft for that long but once upon a time there weren’t carrots in Minecraft and before carrots are in Minecraft you actually lur and bred pigs with wheat as well so like the

Only like mob in the game that didn’t use wheat was chickens cuz you would use seeds there but use wheat for pigs too and then whenever they release carrots they okay skeleton Valley one two let’s get the zombie dead did he you drop potato no he dropped his stupid

Shirt how I had my shield up all right that time I didn’t that time I absolutely absolutely did though okay come here if there’s another skeleton in the Nether and it shoots so help me if it either shoots this guy to death or shoots me to death I’m going to go

Ballistic all right I thought that was a creeper but it’s a zombie don’t even joke like that that is so literally the creeper just materialized I am so I would have screamed I would have let loose the most blood curdling shriek you would have ever heard chat so help me come

Back oh my gosh I’m going to use this rotten fles stop stop yes come here dum dum you know how like Goku like whenever he’s all like like this is a Super Saiyan this is a Super Saiyan 2 and this is to go even further Beyond and he like starts

Screaming for like a solid like 3 minutes that will be me let’s just grab his remains real quick I saw the skeletons I’m just trying to move quickly before they uh see me all right we’re in the clear now I think he still die from this height ow yeah we’re good

Now yes finally come in all right yes now it’s the easy one we just get chickens super simple and then once we have a couple chickens we just get infinite chickens and chickens will be our best sorts of food because it’s just you get the eggs

You throw the eggs then you get more eggs then you throw those eggs and it just keeps going oh come here all right where the cows again back here the biggest animal I’m giving the tiniest pen but I really don’t think I’m going to use cows all that

Much can you jump up on the all right fine okay there we go no I saw him he immediately tried he was gunning for it okay excellent chickens chickens chickens chickens chickens that’s it chickens and we’re good we’re in the’re we’re in the home stretch guys it’s just chickens it’s just

Chickens oh you take care Cookie Monster thanks for uh tuning in though I really appreciate it have a great one uh let’s put some of this away there’s the saplings there’s the dirt uh uh uh that actually I’m going to cook up these steaks real quick using coal

Though then we will go out get chickens we will have chickens and we will come back and then it’s going to be so gang just Gucci gang just make sure we’re clearing out Phantoms cuz I don’t want to deal with that oh yeah actually let me go ahead and get

A drink right now I’ll be right back for okay we got a drink we’re back let’s grab steak and now let’s grab chickens I guess there are two cow carcasses at least gave us a little bit of food so there’s an upside everything then once we do that we’re going to

Quickly grab a bucket head to the Overworld if you don’t already have water um we might need two get an infinite water source and then set up a quick Wheat Farm uh just so that we can actually breed the sheep and the cows and the chickens consistently

And also because you know I we’re not really going to make a huge Wheat Farm we don’t have the space for it right now or time but it can also be useful for bread cuz we have a lot of Bones so bone mealing that’s going to be probably in

Our best interest spider is not going to be hostile cuz it’s daytime so I’m not going to worry about him hate skeletons and now he’s hostile what the hell I was literally talking about how chill you were dude now you’re dead okay chickens they were all over here I remember seeing at least

One I hate skeletons I feel like there’s infinitely more in hardcore like not just monsters but just like skeletons in particular there’s just a million of them okay is that a chicken no that is a sheep what the heck there were chickens up here oh finally Minecraft music I’ve missed It I love old school Minecraft music it brings me such peace honestly we just need one chicken we don’t even need two cuz this guy will keep dropping eggs and eventually if we throw enough it’ll make another baby his legs look weird I don’t know why and they look exceptionally weird

Now I think it’s because they weren’t like actually full like block pixels in um base Minecraft but my texture pack makes it so like it’s actually like a fullon pillar for each leg which looks definitely different okay come on man and I could just like walk off and then

He should follow but whatever we’ll do it this way since he’s like moving so quickly okie dokie this way Mr Chicken this guy is the best out of all of them but then again he is the only one of them but I can’t even say that cuz the cows are just miserable every

Time I hate that my portal just has to be in skeleton Valley my least favorite mobs in the game come here get in yes that was like almost no time we spent more time looking for the chicken where’d he go okay I thought he immediately barbecued himself come this way Mr

Chicken mon here chicken okay and now we bring him in here and we box him in all right chat do you believe in the heart of the cards check this out that would have been so cool huh we just immediately got the chicken that’s okay we can wait he’ll lay eggs over

Time and he can escape oh my God I said L stood in the window and slowly clicked that he could Escape there we go he can’t escape anymore though now he’s trapped that’s for the rest of these guys I’m actually I don’t care about breeding those cows right now I’m going

To breed these sheep with this wheat more sheep the happier Rex we’re going to go and Destroy these things in here too can they parkour out do you guys know if that’s possible for mobs to like gen be parkour gods and do this like little corner jump

Here yes okay we’ll put an extra block then NBD bunk bunk I’ll leave this junk for now now I can’t parkour out there we go we’ll leave that for now just want to clear out some of the junk in that sheep pen but redstone blocks aren’t really

Like have any interest to me I guess the sticky pistons are useful maybe we’ll see I’ll try to remember that Noah No shoot I forgot the water uh I’ll keep my lava bucket but let’s make a couple of new buckets and let’s go grab some water real quick and then we should be able to stay down here head up this way hold on stop ow my poor kneecaps stop it I hate gas

Bro they don’t even load in they’re like Fireballs from the void all righty finally the last trip I hope right we got we got we got the saplings we have dirt we do not need to worry about the the above surface for a while now we

Have a wood that we could just use and like grow and everything like so yeah we got pumpkin seats we don’t even need those pumpkins there see you deos yeah I need nothing up here except for water uh where’s the AA there it is it’s all the way over there

Though okay whatever we’ll run down and we’ll grab it and we’ll reclimb up the hill and then make a little wheat farm and then I say we hunt for diamonds to make our netherite hoe and then if we keep going we can start netherite mining TBH after to make our netherite

Hoe because then uh we can start digging up all of the wool inside of the deep dark because we don’t need it like I hate the wool I just hate it so we’re just going to remove it all and we’re going to turn it all into beds there’s actually a surprising an

Alarming amount of wool in deep dark in the deep dark but I don’t think it’s like appropriate at all I just don’t think it fits I mean I get why it’s there it’s for the mechanic right but since we’ve eliminated the wood we don’t need the mechanic

Anymore I don’t need no baby mode um deep dark okay you head down here man it’s so fast going down this without any animals that was a record time we just set a new record okay and the wheat farm and’s see if we can just temporarily shove it down here let’s Grab some dirt from this do I have any other enclosures left I think so yeah this one okay this will work perfectly Let’s Take The Mending efficiency one clear that out I won’t breach the wall right now until I know I can fix it crops don’t grow without enough light

We’ll have torches it’s all good there’s Bing chilling in fact for now I’ll do even one better than just torches uh hold on is this an even number room no wait one two three two it is what the heck one two three two three four it is even that’s very cringe bro

Oh whatever that’s what it’ll look like for now and now take the Unbreaking three hoe oh crap hold on let’s just make our infinite water source here it’s once again an even room Rex I don’t know why you’re trying to find like the exact middle in an even room room

Rex that’ll work I prefer the not 2x two water Infinite Source but the three long but here we are oh those Vines are getting in the way of my farm land there we go beautiful now this this is nice okay there’s just there’s not enough light apparently from our two

Lamps there is not enough light okay let’s see where we can’t plant now cannot plant there I’m out of seeds well we are just going to throw around some random torches I guess to make sure this area is lit enough and then I’m going to bone meal this and get even

More this is actually pretty like decently Wheat Farm as well like that is not half bad that is quite a lot of wheat can we breed the Sheep again no one of them’s still a child I doubt they’re breeding CDs back let’s see oh it is

Cool and let’s get the cows to cows too hello it’s dark back here for them I’ll actually place a torch here Lany eggs you did give me the baby rats we’ll get lucky eventually eventually they’ll lay the egg that does it welcome back Noah that’s

That uh uh what did I want to do next I literally laid out a whole itinerary and now it’s completely escaped me can also do enchanting but I don’t know if we have lapis we’re going to need to mine up lapis right we wanted diamonds right we should go CH uh check

The adjacent Caverns then because we need both lapis and oh my crap I see this is where I put all my valuables and it’s been so long I just barred this entire chest chest for my mind with one whole netherite ingot in 15 diamonds wow that is a Rex maneuver if

I’ve ever seen one I’ve never met anything more on brand for me that that takes the cake okay me all right I I see I see how it is okay um let’s move the stuff in there then just real quick did I just shove one of my mushroom yeah I did there

Diamonds um grab the smithing template so how do I duplicate these all right hold on netherite smithing template I wasn’t looking what has happened we found my own quote unquote secret treasure Trove in which there was just a chest that I was completely forgetting existed this

Whole time like a idiot okay we also need a smithing table let me look up how you make one of those it is really simple okay that handles all of that I’m just cracking my kns real quick Let’s see we need a Netherrack just one wow there was a

Full my organization is horrible all right this this and now we get two never use this I’m saying it to myself never use this all right and now two iron and aaca here here smithing table ho add smithing template okay here and then the Ingot which I did not grab I’ve never

Done this before hold on sorry here template Ingot that’s netherite this is as best as this can get right there’s also a silk touch one but I don’t need to make that one netherite make this one oh it’s so high value oh so high value such a Quality quality use of

Netherite I could not be happier right now just for you rex look it’s our first nether Tool we have ‘ve done it it is it’s happened we have made our first netherite tool I couldn’t be happier I am ecstatic right now I am so happy at this moment in time I’m not even like joshing I am just happy we got to make some shears thank you for the

Hydrate next on the itinerary I’m out of torches so I will make some torches boop boop boop and then Boop next thing we will do is we going to start getting rid of all of this stupid wool that’s going to make a crack I will fall

In a lot so let’s go ahead and patch that up a little bit of deep slate how many are missing like four right there okay then let’s go to our stone cutter 1 2 3 4 uh it’s the big bricks oh I’m also going to be missing

Two more as well I’m such a dingle here let’s go here one two we go we’ll be doing that a lot in order to fix up this city with also intermix and cracked and what not where they need be but for now let’s start grabbing this wool this

Is what I mean like do you see this like outer layer of wool right here what’s the purpose there isn’t one so it should just be stripped like this this little like this insulation do you have any idea how much wool is right here we going to be bed bombing for a

While this is like so much sheep farming condensed down into like almost no time at all it is an immeasurable amount of wool we are going to have stacks like we already almost have a stack the only thing we need to worry about now is inventory

Space which I don’t know if bundles are enabled so I don’t think we can make a Bundle what the heck is this it’s just there to be there I guess There is wall around the ancient city yeah and the floors too like they have like the pathing it’s not like carpet like in some places it’s not just carpet it’s like full on wool in the floor we are going to remove all of it and we’re going to replace it with deep slick

Probably tile if I with like personally cuz I think that would make like a good like accent road block but all of this wool that’s like insulating this entire thing is gone we’re taking it we don’t need It with these little spikes we’ll make them out of deep slate like they should be like this I don’t know why some of them are wool and some of them aren’t it’s just strange to me yeah see look why why why what why just the two of us we can break W if

We try just the two of us just the two of us just the two of us breaking the wetside the sky just the two of us you and I uh other thing worry about is wood we’ll need a lot of wood uh in order to

Make the beds but we have so many bones we should be okay for the time being we going to run out of Bones eventually but for now we’re good I haven’t exactly been grabbing the bone blocks from the bastions like I should have been doing bone meal is actually very useful

Especially when you’re trying to build you need so much wood okay well that’s pretty much like a stack we’ll call it there for now right yeah and then we’ll need a crap ton of deep slate to fill in this that we’ve just removed but it’s going to just be this

Bit on the inside and then we’ll also remove the in miixed like wool right here like why is this see like what is the point okay three stacks of wool let’s put that little bit in there that that let’s grab some of this dirt oh it’s in our inventory already and our acia

Saplings wherever those may be here so you can’t grow this yet when we can we’ll we’ll be in business but until then and then some of our plentiful bones I know we have a stack in this chest I just didn’t know if we had any others laying around turn this into bone

Meal and then we will start growing and chopping I guess right here is Fine there’s no ceiling right like not for like a really long time so this should not be stunted in growth I don’t know why that one was so tiny grab that and clam on down here we need a lot of logs we’ll be at this for a

Second for a stack of beds we’d need three stacks of planks for three stacks of planks we’ll need pretty much like a stack of wood not like exactly but pretty dang close at least like 48 logs so we should just get a stack of Acacia and had our

Inventory um and then we’re going to head into the nether get down to whatever y level ancient debris is at I it’s been a while since I’ve done this so someone’s going to have to jog my memory on where I should be splunking at and then we are just going

To break in the nether netherite thank you for the hydrate cuz I think I missed that one cuz there was two and I needed one I think 28 48 logs of three stacks of planks yeah I did my mouth right yay honestly if you play enough Minecraft it kind of teaches you your like um eight times tables you know what I mean have you guys had that experience like you played a lot of Minecraft you just

Memorized like all the multiples of eight and like by extension some of the multiples of four but primarily like eight that’s happened with me whoops I saw some like sticks that were falling so I wanted to grab them I have no idea how an AAS saing got all the way over

There I don’t like the ambient music you don’t like the Deep dirt music what’s WR with the Deep dirt music it’s a chill vibe it’s all spooky and stuff okay I’m sick of these torches I’m just going to place one down right here and I’m going

To stop holding them for now 2 48 16 yeah and then you’re like you know oh this many sets of eight to cook up like 16 you know and that bat set off stuff and it scared the crap out of me I mean you don’t actually like expect it

But if you clear out all of the um shriekers in a deep dark it’s like the safest place in the world literally like there is nowhere safer than a clean deep like deep dark like I am completely safe where I am standing right now there is

No way I could ever get caught off guard there’s not a creeper that can walk into my house there’s not like a random like dark spot that could like get me killed there is no physical way for me to like die here unless there is a

Shrier and it’s because no mobs spawn in this biome like there there’s no mob spawns in an ancient city I don’t know if they can spawn in deep darks I don’t think they can I think they just like spawn on adjacent caves and walk over but because of like

The way it’s designed this is like the safest place in all of Minecraft right now like I will never die as long as I’m here 52 uh uh uh uh uh uh 59 I think that’s enough we’ll let that be for now Mushroom Island that are the safest I guess those would be two yeah monsters don’t spawn on that um melium and you have all the mushrooms for food because you just milk them with the um

Bowls bowls I don’t need those buckets I might need the flint and steel so I’ll keep that I need the fire resistance potion ender pearls I need a crap ton of food bed mining yeah also need a lot of cobblestone I could use deep slate but I’ll use

This yeah no Ms can walk in because it’s just an island you’re right we’ll take that we don’t need the shovel I’m going to make another Shield we’ll put that one there let’s make a new Shield because I don’t want to run that risk all the iron is in my inventory I’m such

Ault we have somea diamonds away Bonk Bonk put that on we don’t need the iron we do not need these saplings wood these glowberries can stay here I know it’s an additional source of food but we’re just not going to use it I’m going to use the rest of this

Bone meal on wheat underground actually leads don’t need ender pearls uh I might as well just keep them torches I don’t really need in the nether the shears I don’t need it’s wood we don’t need dirt yeah I think that’s good okay on this bone meal some

Wheat and now let’s break the wheat plant these real quick check for an egg egg no egg breed these guys can’t breed these pigs for now breed these sheep cuz we will need so many sheep I might as take the XP too on that all of it oh God

Yeah I should make a chest down here I want to watch a Skyland R stream live but I always miss it yeah we we were trying trying to make a schedule at least but it’s just not working out so far we’re working on it though put that there okay hopefully um this mushroom

Stew will last us in our little netherite Excursion but we need a lot of food like it drains our health pretty easily and I do not want to die I really don’t honestly let’s bring a potion of regeneration too just in case I already had glowberries huh I should plant some of

These can I plant them in here I can these are going to grow Right or do they need like more light or something yes okay thank you we’ll stash those for now um still leave a few glowberries in this chest because you never know but I’ll take these with me for more food um I don’t really have any other sources of food I don’t

Think I could make like two loaves of bread but it’s just not worth it okay fine we we will run this and hope for the best I do not need my netherite hoe for this task we’ll leave that there and honestly I’m going to bring the efficiency 3

Pickaxe should also get some Netherrack just as a building block in order to get down to a good level to mine at okay um someone smarter than me in chat or someone that has the capability of using Google what y level should I be mining for netherite

At how low in the nether do I go also there’s bone meal right there I might break that while I wait take care mother frog 10 through 15 let’s go grab this too 10 to 15 8 to 22 10 to 15 seems to be like a good spot in between that

We’ll mine it like 12 or something okay so we’ll need to get below that Lava Lake we’ll do that in a second I just wanted to grab the rest of those blown blocks and I’m going to because the portal is right there and I don’t want to carry these with me we’re

Just going to quickly throw them away and then we will we will hit the uh underground the bone blocks are good I think they give like what nine bone meal pair or am I wrong let me check yeah nine bone meal peir so if we need to we can always go

Mine up more bone blocks as well I guess okay now let’s head down if we go this way can clamber down here just the two of us I have so need to not parkour next to like just drop offs like that all right how about we just dig down here

We always remember it because it’s right next to the lava waterfall just in case though oh McKenzie suit you’re warming my little heart thank you so much I’m doing great I hope you are as well definitely have to be very careful because lava is no joke and that is lava level right

There now we are going below it okay what was it again 10 15 is an optimal level but it spawns between 8 to 22 really cold but I’m wrapped up in 12 billon kits honestly that’s one of the best feelings though even if you are cold being cold but wrapped up there’s

Nothing more like just just Pleasant it’s it’s just a pleasant feeling that’s actually how I like to sleep every night um I like to make my room like an ice box if I can so it’s like freezing cold um but then I uh I like I just bury myself underneath the

Covers so like if I like stick my arm out it’s like cold so I just burrito myself I don’t know why I just love the feeling okay that’s a lot of lava it’s a lot of lava so not even a block for me to whoops I did not mean to

Waste a glow Berry like that I didn’t even know you could place glowberries in the nether all right we’ll turn this way just make sure never to break that here x I love the cold thank you for the hydrate than you’re one of my favorite streamers you’re so sweet thank you so

Much your voice is so calming I’m glad uh it can go from being calming to um I don’t know how to describe it it doesn’t always stay that way I am also a very loud individual I’m just not being very loud right now let’s go here we’re going to need some

Planks let’s make a few beds okay more than six that’s for sure 10 is that too many might be yeah yeah it was too many well just get rid of the magma blocks and the uh 40 Netherrack okay so now we place this here we place a cobblestone

There if I recall correctly and then we and welcome to the stream this is what we’re going to be doing for the rest of it now is that for the whole time and if we mess it up we die so we have to not mess it up dang

Dang I didn’t even see the lava pouring down that’s what this is what I mean by we need a lot of food cover that up because we’re going to be taking a lot of damage careful don’t worry we’ll be fine while we run out we’ll head out but hold

On we got to keep our eyes peeled for ancient debris and you guys are going to help me here all right if you see like a little bit of like a brown stone you know be like recked rex rex rex rex you know just really start yammering and

I’ll be like huh what did you guys see something it’ll be like an episode from a door the Explorer did anyone watch that as a kid I did oh my God oh my God it’s already beginning guys guys guys guys guys guys it’s already starting I kid you not we

Barely started we’re barely in it and it’s already beginning I’m strip mining into ancient [Laughter] debris the last time I’ve ever um played Minecraft and was strip mining by the way uh or was hunting for ancient debris uh I kept finding ancient debris by like strip mining into it and a bunch of

Other things and it kept really pissing off my friends so congratulations guys you you are in for an experience cuz this is this is the rest of the stream’s going to Be there’s another one in that lava oh my God that almost incinerated me though but hold on there was an ancient debris in here you don’t like my texture pack I love my texture pack oh that lava was terrifying hold on H oh man I got to chill with that boom

See there it is Read It and Weep fellas I’ve never seen any Disney shows or cartoons you should see some sometime they’re pretty cool a lot of the old school ones they’re just kind of heartwarming the newer ones are kind of dorky but the old school ones are just like really

Cute it’s like the Snow White like song I’m wishing me you hate Dora I love Dora never had a real childhood everyone’s got different experiences there’s nothing wrong with that okay here here Bing Bong okay I thought that gravel was another one but it is not that would have been pretty cool

Though huh if that gravel was an ancient debris let’s keep going so far we’re two ancient debris in that’s halfway to another netherite Ingot we’ve already got one we’re about to get a second 10 11 12 ooh Black Stone this is actually I kind of want to dig through the black

Stone because the bed’s not going to explode as well inside of it so we’re just going to go to the other side of it and then bed bomb here see it it just didn’t even get past the Blackstone that’s another ancient debris just BT dubs do you speak Polish

No unfortunately I I barely am capable of speaking Spanish I don’t speak any other languages but English all right righty let’s collect oh you’re talking about I saw door but in Polish my bad yeah you’re right that’s pretty interesting I didn’t know there was polish Dora that’s pretty cool though so I

Guess polish Dora taught um Spanish but to the Polish I’m back welcome back Cookie Monster whoops I didn’t mean to click that we are netherite mining so far we are almost at another ingot okay now here we need to Bonk Bonk ah I just got graveled crap was there ancient debr

Underneath this gravel I didn’t look I’m going to assume not what are you doing we are hunting for netherite except instead of like digging around forever looking for it we are using beds and a copious amount of them to explode the nether until we find some netherite and it works pretty

Well except for when it doesn’t like here when there’s just no netherite I’m just not lucky right now so much gravel I’m blaming the gravel hello what’s up Violet Streeter how you doing let’s put bed here Cobblestone here here we go I look down and immediately start punching by the way um

In case there’s fire underneath me I can like try to break it before I get set on fire no debris here either going to Chuck this one up to being lucky generation okay here here we have so many beds we’re going to be at this for a while just BT dubs

No speak German polish and English huh multilingual that’s really cool I always think it would be cool to be like multilingual but I’m not even bilingual and I just I don’t know I never had like the time investment to like actually focus on it I took like a

Du lingo Spanish for like a long time but I just never really got deep in it and in order to learn the language from Dual lingo not only do you need to like actually you know learn it but then you have to be like practicing it with like

Actual people and I just don’t talk to uh talk enough to other people that can speak Spanish with me not frequently enough so I just don’t I saw some ancient any doubters fellas fellas take a look take a peek when I first started this someone was like oh it’s insanely rare to find like two next to each other let alone three three is like impossible it’s so improbable here we are

Do have you stream the back be I look over for one second you’re the luckiest man I’ve ever seen thank you thank you thank you I’m here all night is this wild SMP all over again you bet Aaron you bet it’s wild SMP all over again it’s the reprise that’s

Six I’m going to have a netherite throne no no no not an ancient debris Throne a netherite throne at this rate Black Stone yeah sometimes sometimes it does Cookie Monster it certainly feels that way all right hold on let’s make some more beds uh first off let’s throw out like almost

All of this Netherrack and black stone now we could use Black Stone also instead of cobblestone but we got plenty and now let’s make some planks do that come here and do that whoops I’ve done it again okay going place that there place of cobblestone that nether

Wck nothing that’s okay when we’re next to like a giant Blackstone Clump that’s kind of just to be expected you guys are so sweet just consistently oh my my teeth hurt from how sweet you guys are oh and immediately everything got buried I hate gravel I didn’t see any ancient debris

Though so I’m going to choose to believe there wasn’t any give me that bunk boot doot boot no to debris there then bring that out one more bang bang bong so unlucky come on give me more I want so many more I want infinite debris okay this black stone is actually

Really irritating I don’t remember ever seeing this much Black Stone whenever I’ve done this before black stone what is up with it I’m just going to detonate one here this probably is going to find anything but I’m so sick of this black stone gravel where am I it’s just so Much okay here bang bang bong B uh still dry that’s AOK okay I’m already kind of happy with the hul we’ve got but I definitely want way more I’ll just use Black Stone I never seen this much Soul Sand and like gravel and everything like I’m not even like I’m

Done like trying to audibly complain it’s just like I genuinely have not it’s typically like all Netherrack but there’s just so many patches of Soul Sand I don’t know if they’ve like changed like nether generation a bit or something well I mean I’ve heard they made Netherrack did

They make netherite hard to find or did they just make it like harder to like transform I don’t remember that’s all good Mackenzie they keep going in a straight line at least we haven’t run into like when I played on like wild the first time I did this I kept running into

Little lava pools and oh my gosh there we go it’s another one and another one y yes that’s eight that’s two whole ingots oh we got to craft more I made slabs I’m beyond dumb why did I do that I did it again what am I doing I just made like

Over a don’t do it again Rex holy oh my gosh what am I doing why did I do that a it hurts oh it hurts so bad oh my gosh why why what possessed me did only do it once but twice and there’s another ancient de breis

Oh my God I don’t even I I I don’t I don’t know what to commentate on here did you drink water today I’ve drank like a little bit of water yeah uh right now I have Sprite next to me but I have had like I think two glasses of water

Today I’ve kind of just been lounging so I really haven’t been doing anything except for like drinking and staring at my monitor um there actually something you should know about me I don’t actually snack all that much chat fun fact Shadow Fox thank you for following appreciate it

Um no I don’t actually snack all that much I have a crap ton of snacks but um I typically just eat large meals so I don’t pick away at snacks or anything even when I’m hungry I’ll just wait till like you know it’s time to like eat

I think there’s one in the gravel oh truly sure we’ll detonate this then whoops we’ll see if Candy’s right fellas let’s go boom uh looks like she was wrong I didn’t see it did you oh I’m sored to hear that Mackenzie my bad you cost me a bed it’s more than

My bad you lose limbs kidding I guess I clicked twice it’s okay I thought I clicked once I only tapped I had to have clicked twice I guess I only tapped my right Mouse button once it instantly blew me up like the bed was on screen for a split

Second it’s okay it’s all right it happens I just I I would like to say that that wasn’t like my faults or anything but genuinely it just went doot doot I had to have fidgeted I had to have that’s unfortunate oh well it is what it

Is I at least had fun it was a good stream uh I’m not going to end here though but it was good hardcore that is sad yeah no it’s on me I was already kind of risky bed mining but like I don’t know sad sad day yeah hatag doesn’t feel bad

It’s not that bad we’ll live it’s all right if we ever get brought back we still have our netherite hoe we just lost everything else which it’s whatever uh outside of that let me figure out what we can do next Hold on I’ll put us on a b right back soon screen but I got a genius idea hold on on my genius idea I’m just going to set up something I should have set up long long Ago here we go check this boom it fades now instead of just jump cutting that amazing work though yeah it’s whatever that’s so I’ll give you one of my hearts guy when you come around to the roster hey that’s okay cat I appreciate it though and if you want to do that you

Can do that I really appreciate it um we could jump on softcore for a bit swap over that would take long to launch yeah let’s do that and L might join us who knows we can do a little bit of work that she might not want to do that she

Might be dreading while we wait for her I think later version Minecrafts they all like run similar versions so even though my thing is set to 1.20 it should just pick up the scene anyway whenever I swap back oh I’m coping so hard right now sitting in my car all right now I

Just like said a plane flew really close by my car oh huh are you near um an airport that could be why like a plane could have just taken off for his Landing oh I’m on so much copium I am so distressed I’m like ah it’s chill but like inside I am

Maling wow I just turned around it’s dark I really did just spend all day streaming huh that’s pretty cool that’s actually a pretty cool feeling I’m not going to Lie hold let me try jumping back to the live Scene It should pick up the window yeah it did nice you did amazing work though I guess yeah until we exploded well Minecraft is you know it’s the classic LoveHate relationship I have with it it treats me well until it doesn’t here we

Go back into the world might hop on in a few too got some food right now all right get on Cat and feel free to let marshy and Ary know if they want to hop on like I know AR doesn’t like playing at night so oh yeah we’re at Marsh’s place right now

Very weird looking house man all right we’ll have to figure out how to get back I can set it today just by hopping in her bed real quick boom now if I recall correctly it’s going to be the opposite direction from that oh you know what we could do

While ly’s gone um I don’t know I’m not sure if she’d appreciate it if I explored without her so I’ll wait for her um but we do want to find some sweet berries still I know missing that maybe I can make more pens but I’m not sure

She’ll get mad at me if I don’t make them right I also don’t want to start clearing out the forest because I don’t know where she’s going to place pens dang man let’s head this way we’ll find the beaches and once we get home we’ll

Figure out what to do uh we could TR spanning the basement I don’t know what to make the side Chambers look like but we could give it a shot what server is this this is softcore of which let me change the uh name and category of the stream real

Quick by going to rexer and opening up my Creator dashboard stream manager edit stream info that that one ah it’s still Minecraft I don’t need to change the category boom name fixed I don’t remember where to go from here is this the Lagoon no this is is it

Wait I can never remember all these beaches look the exact same okay yeah no no no no our house is right over here my she’s actually way closer than I originally thought I guess I just get lost every time I try heading over there we’re

Here so if you don’t maybe I should kill some of these pigs and get us some pork chops yeah I think I’ll do that and we’ll rebreed them uh we’ll also breed up these cows we’ll Harvest a lot of the crops today um nards I’ll have to tell ly we should

Put these barrels next to all of these things because there’s no we’ll have enough room inside of the house to store all these crops so we might as well keep them next to the stuff too how do you keep escaping stay uh yeah let’s grab some carrots and

Then let’s kill a bunch of pigs and then breed a bunch of pigs [Applause] really that’s all the carrots that have grown okay how’s our little straw guy doing I don’t think we have enough apples to keep feeding him but yeah we don’t he ain’t looking too

Good though we’ll repair him a little bit just grab some [Applause] wheat I’ll keep them I mean it it comes at no cost to keep them fed on wheat so might as well do that but uh I’ll probably hold off on feeding him he’ll have to just sit there and starve for a

Bit unfortunately until we can figure out our Apple solution sorry man uh we’ll need seeds to breed chickens carrots yeah yeah that handles everything all right we I see ly knocked down the that thing next to that enclosure all right come here cows okay it handles the cows the

Chickens are over here desperately need way more chickens let’s throw some of these eggs n I’m not lucky okay um hang on did oh it could only bre once I see okay that’s fine that little man is so cute the straw Golem yeah yeah guess you my ver

Thank you for the sub guess I got to show up at some point La yeah it’s been a second how have you been how you been taking care of yourself and doing well I’m just going to kill a crap ton of pigs real quick get a lot of bacon all right that

Should be good and now let’s breed a lot of them okay I think that handles that I forget you can feed babies to make them grow up faster too uh I mean we have a lot of seeds I’ll do that with the chickens I guess let’s

See oh yeah it shes up like aund ticks every single time diminishing returns actually there we go make another one yes my Empire grows I’ll feed them the rest of the seeds there we go now these guys are going to grow up pretty quickly that’s 25 pork chops take a n

Shift watching a friend but it’s not bad he’s doing better how about you oh yeah I’m glad your friend’s doing better uh hope everything’s okay there I am all right I was bored today so I decided to stream a bit of a long longer stream um I’m having fun plant more

Flax there you go pick up those onions and then immediately replant all of the onions pick up some broccoli and then use the broccoli seeds to plant more broccoli pick up some cabbage uh plant the additional cabbage seed not there there and then collect some Tomatoes why did I put these cabbages

Here ah whatever this Farm is a little bit nonsensical but that’s okay uh that’s all of that harvested Le all that’s grown right now uh berries right let’s check the berries Rex I have a question go ahead shoot what’s up Cookie Monster ow ow ow ow ow ow

Ow all right um note to self these foul berries poison I’ll put them in the back then I might just reshuffle this because I don’t want to have to walk through fowl berries in order to get to um wild berries let’s pick up these wild berries and then move these

Okay and let’s put all these fowl berries in the back here salmon berries are fine being in front there we go when does the next episode of skyline Rim come out um we have to make it when it comes for live streaming um the streamed episodes

There’s no set schedule we we kind of like work really hard up until the point that they come out um so I can’t really give you a good estimate right now um not one that would at least give you an estimate and then you’d be like oh and

Anticipate that day but then we might not deliver on that day um when we get a little bit more consistent about like meeting the deadlines that we kind of anticipate meeting um I can give like a little bit more of like oh we’re probably going to stream this day um

When it comes for the actual upload to YouTube it will always be on Saturday every Saturday you will get a Youtube upload mhm I hope that helps Bonk Bonk got to plant more carrots BK Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk all these potatoes there’s still some spots back here couple poisonous

Potatoes I wonder if these guys have a use can make a barrel full of poisonous potatoes when fed to a baby animal it is a chance of poisoning them if the animal is poison it’ll never grow into an adult wow excellent and also useless I could see

The appeal of that but I don’t have a use for that wow I can see the appear of poisoning an animal thank you for the follow funny water man I really appreciate that let’s break these bushes all right L’s going to have to make us a spot for

These that should be the next pen should be these bushes because holy heck Spider-Man and then we should move these melons and pumpkins too to their own enclosure hi there what’s up zerif cast you having a good night tonight okay that handles that I’m going to place these last ones there and

Then actually you know what I’m going to place the rest of these carrots here and I’m going to fill this line up with potatoes here of cast thanks for the follow welcome to the stream hope you’re having a great night tonight we’ll put that in there um we

Also have beetroot in this field so we’ll put that there we also have tea in this field so we’ll put that in there for now now what the heck I might just shove all of the crops in here for now just until we actually have a proper sorting system

Because we’re missing Barrels in some of our other fields as it stands potatoes there beetroot seeds I’ll actually plant more beetroot let’s go ahead and do that there and then uh there we go few fields are a little bit more full now definitely bigger than they were

Before probably plenty big as well do you want wear green tea leaves oh what the heck can never hurt I’ll let I’ll get these ones before they age too much then uh I’m just out of space I’m going to trample these badass thank you for following what a badass name

Okay way too many bushes I I’ll have to get my hands and knees and beg lightly about one more enclosure for bushes for now though let’s grab these eggs throw them too a come on really okay all right that handles that for now let’s put wheat over next to the wheat

Field should I plant a little bit more I should shouldn’t I let’s grab this place these here and then I know little guy I’m sorry that you’re starving I wish you had more apples I only have like 16 left so you got to save them could look becoming a streamer

Never go up thank you appreciate that I really do Rex I’m learning how to speak Greek that’s pretty cool uh pork chops I’m going to organize these like little cabinets up here a little bit better because right now this ain’t going to cut it so this is right now raw meat these are

Utensils well I’m going to put glass bottles in here too rice h let’s see how can we organize this you can put produce in one of them or items that are just strictly ingredients that aren’t really edible on their own is also an option no that’s not really a great one

H is flax even an ingredient for anything it’s not get this out of here A C we have an acorn I don’t remember how we got it I think from an tree sort container I’m going to move these pumpkins and the melons into a different one at the very least a different

Container we’ll put them here and then um as for the rest of these I’m not too sure I guess you can move te over why not Rex you have a cat yeah we have a I have a cat and ly has a cat we also have two

Dogs L named her fluffy and gave him a sword and we have a glare named shrub like I said the noises of the animals for driving her crazy though she wants to move them out at some point I don’t blame her she also made the stuff

Pumpkin so if we need food we’ll just eat our bowl of stuffed pumpkin that’ll give us nourishment for like 5 minutes and then we will eat the um we’ll grab another bowl of full only after the chicken soup of course she she also went the effort of making his chicken soup

H i could put grains but then like grains would just be like wheat that’s it it would just be like wheat okay Rotten Tomato just shouldn’t even be in here like you can’t cook with this can use to make tomato seeds might be its main use we shouldn’t

Even put Rotten Tomatoes in here shouldn’t put poisonous Tomatoes either these are all ingredients though Berry limeade that’s pretty cool we have limes we just got to plant them we just don’t have an area to plant them yet uh that handles that we also need grapes grapes might be a pain in the

Butt oh let’s get some more honey hold on let’s grab some of these bottles we didn’t lose any bees did we there two in there there three in there I don’t think we did if we did it doesn’t really matter during the day we might as well

Breed some more so that we can try to get Max bees then more honey okay I don’t I really don’t oh poisonous potatoes okay but no duh I figured out the use I remember the use now an actual applicable use the same thing we’re doing with

Cocoa beans now you know what I’ll take this batch and instead of turning this batch into compost I’ll bring them inside and put them in the cabinet too let’s stick these up in crap Apple I guess I just put it in here I don’t know where the uh rest of

The cocoa beans are all right you know what things that you can’t eat on their own are going to go in here anything that’s a food on its own though can go in this one but these are all strictly ingredients so I’m going to put them in here

Boom make cookies we could I don’t want to intree on LY space this is her kitchen until I have an idea of what I’m doing she’s the one that figured out how to work the pot and everything I just figure out how to work the kettle though

I would like to make more teas I think that would be really nice I also think we’re going to need more cabinets but we’re doing a pretty good job so far especially with like organization we got a lot of different Meats we have a lot of different um

Produce it’s actually really nice um it’s kind of cute and fun uh collecting this I we’re like a little Farmers right now we’re on our farming AR I definitely want to start getting into and looking at the other things like you know Minecraft has to offer outside of like

Just farming but so far it’s been kind of good like I I don’t mind it um there’s definitely a lot of animals that can be farmed though and there’s a lot of crops and everything and I think we’re far from that I mean like we don’t have

Rabbits rabbits is an animal that could be farmed but oh that’s going to be such a pain in the butt to get we kind of can Farm squid just by hopping into the river same with like the kelp um but there’s still like other things like we haven’t planted glowberries cuz we

Really can’t right now but yeah I’m going to be right back I want to use the restroom real quick H H H please h crap Okie doie we are back um we could figure out how to work the keg maybe you know what I’m going to make L’s Barrel piles myself she might appreciate that I I I don’t know um she puts them in the enclosures but I don’t know if we we’re

Going to want to do that hold on let me c a couple flowers and breed these uh bees like uh break one of these bushes here we go and uh this one too all righty now if we come over here bees oh they just left dang it

Let’s and pick up these cocoa beans they’re compost now too let’s bone meal this area a little bit more they’ll come back out in a second second I’m sure come on out wake up get out it’s daytime where’s the phrase busy be can you get busy

Please like zo sco I want more be all right I’ll wait for them to come back out so L equates the barrels in there she just set the whole pile of barrels inside of this enclosure if we want Barrels in this one we’ll have to make space and

Then for these guys I hate you so much let’s just set barrels outside of them o thank you for the raid welcome Raiders hope you enjoyed his live stream I’m doing a lot of productive things on Hardcore this horse is on a mission to escape okay how do you even craft a

Barrel let’s figure this out Barrel it’s a barrel planter H with materials you blow my mind okay we’ll at least put a barrel next to each of these and then we can mention it to LY but we’ll put a barrel next to all of these pens that’s a baby

Nice but the reason why it came to my mind was because sometimes we’re probably not going to want to drag everything inside um but with a cows I think we can put a lot of the wooden buckets um next to the cows and be able to use those cuz we don’t really need

Iron buckets but might as well milk them regularly let’s see I need wheat I want to breed them again bees come here yes make another one tr horse probably escaped the same way you got out yeah but I’m stay in okie dokie now let’s breed them can also breed the horses but I

Don’t think there’s much of a point right Now okay that should be other the cows handled wait do we not have sheep I just don’t realized do we not have sheep I thought we had sheep out of everything we don’t have sheep also have to mention that to LY then uh that’s that be I don’t

Think yeah that’s the one I just bred where did the baby bee go into it went into this one I think well let’s see yeah I went into the one on the left that’s good so they’re bouncing out love the house oh yeah do you this

Is made by ly ly built this one up at my behest I was like we should make something out of Birchwood and then she was like I hate Birch it’s the worst wood in the game uh so we compromised by me hunting down uh Spruce Wood so that

She could use Spruce for virtually everything and Birch for almost nothing [Laughter] and that’s how that went down okay I’m diing around enough let’s make a barrel okay let’s see barrel barrel we need slabs and wood we’ll use whatever wood type we have the most stuff because it’s

Going to be all the same anyway and the answer is birch I should have seen that one coming I got planks slabs slabs go in here planks go like so and that makes a barrel uh let’s make a few of them one two three one two three that’s plenty it’s pretty funny muffin

God okay now we place some barrels not inside the enclosures cuz then they’ll Escape but we’ll just set them next to them outside I guess for now and then L can be like what is this Rex why would you do this you monster you little you little monster Rex oh my

God you know in classic ly fashion we’ll put this one here too okay that h handles all of that I’m eating this big yeah I want to keep eating the baked potatoes actually I want to eat up all of our bad food before we start relying on ly’s good

Food okay there are a lot of bees out right now any of these breedable well that one was and there he goes more honey these guys are actually making insane amounts of Honey like really quickly I can’t keep up with it you know what square dancing is I can’t say I do

Why does that sound like Harper’s voice I try I I have a limited range of unique voices sometimes characters just sound the same Mythos yeah you see all these wooden buckets I’m pretty sure we can just ly might not um she might appreciate if we just use

Them for milk and then just throw them next to the cows there’s a barrel in here but’ll leave that there I’m trying to think why have two enchanted book chests now we should just Port these over no then again this is still like way too many enchanted books so I guess

We do need two chests what was there down here for I I I I always have this Minecraft always exasperates this about me I I’m such a spaz I cannot remember what I’m doing when I’m doing it I came down here for wooden buckets but I wanted to check to

See if we still had iron buckets which we do okay so I’m going to use like all of the wooden buckets for milk Mythos Rex and skylin Rex have distinctive voices really is that like actual like not cap what what the hell hold on we got to we’re gonna we’re

Gonna hop in a call now let’s see if cat kon’s joins it give me a second I’m not in the game yet I beg to differ cat kidon okay hi welcome polar [Laughter] s oh I’m all Bri skinned bit C’s talking about my squeaking versus my growling what an interesting world we

Find ourselves in let’s put these all in here world where cats appear floating out of nowhere and Candy talks about growling and tweaking check that out guys we got some milk let’s put some in the cabinet just for a use uh we’ll put three of these buckets in the

Cabinet I think that’ll be a good number and we’ll leave the rest next to the cows for pigs there’s not really much of pigs going to drop except for pork so I’m not sure how good the barrel is going to do up there but I guess if we

Keep killing pigs you know it’s going to be better than having stacks of pork chops in here I don’t know how to say your name do you want to be called TJ thank you for following just let me know test if you don’t believe me n

I oh yeah you have the wrong skin cat now you have the right skin do I have the right skin I have the right skin yep Mythos Rex is a German Shepherd like a pit bull and skyl Rex is a golden retriever puppy yeah Tyler is my name and having a

Confusing name is my game you nailed it I like it well I hope you’re doing great right now Tyler thank you for uh tuning in appreciate it you know wasn’t my greatest idea putting that in the corner that is why how you we don’t even

Need a lot of fowl berries I don’t I don’t know where I was going for with that we’re going to move these though we’ll put one foul Berry pip back here so it just forms like a line that could still be like reached a perimeter if you will and for

The salmon berries we’re going to grab these and we’re going to turn these into Pips as well the same with the wild berries God I got to there’s got to be a way to not poison yourself on these fowl berries I hate them I hate them so

Much what are these even used for I can make a foul Berry sack and I can make foul Berry Pips I can use them in foul soup these are poop all right you know what we’ have plenty of foul berry bushes then I’m I’m I’m making uh in

Fact you know what I’m going to make less I’m I’m I’m using oh my god did an Enderman just drop a block in my house did yeah there’s just a random like dirt block in the middle of nowhere that’s really funny this I’m building Tak over his arms now purple ooh nice oh

Gosh it’s so crazy to think about like the early like plot and then like just watching that develop I know right everything always escalates andever you’re like oh man I wonder how this escalates and then it escalates Coco moraki thank you for following really appreciate it welcome

To the stream I need more carrots let’s get some more carrots BK bing bong bing and let’s breed some more chimkin after CH we plant even more carrots cuz you can never have too many carrots all right that should be plenty I’m not even going to bother breaking

These tea bushes anymore I’m on protest until ly makes me an enclosure for the tea bushes I start my phone my face it almost hit my eye yikes I’m glad you’re okay glad it didn’t hit your eye how’s the house coming cat Kon slowly got to remember what direction you live

In I should make we should make a signpost and like point it where people’s houses are cute here let’s figure that out I can put one up in like the middle of like uh our little farm plots here so we can remember what direction you and Mary are

In I’m going to kill some pigs real quick I got way too many all right I’m I’m I’m making the the Trek back so I can point you in the correct direction sure I’ve seen the SST out in the wilderness now it’s just a matter of figuring out how to make

Them hey here we go that is more pigs yeah we we’re never going to have a worry about running out of pork chops or anything like that it’s pronounced moraki all right sorry gotch you Mori Coca moraki hope I got that right hello hello finally 21 I am here it’s finally

2011 it’s finally me yeah yippe tell us about your agonizing homework oh um I mean it was basically the same as yesterday uh what took me so long is I actually finished coding like over an hour and a half ago um but I had to write up all the documentation for it

Because my teacher likes us to take screenshots and Gifts of certain things and then paragraph by paragraph explain everything we did in the code like step by step so it takes a while to write up and clumsy je thank you for following I appreciate it yeah sounds agonizing at least you

Get a break now right today wasn’t as bad though because it covered like a concept I already knew of in you sure it wasn’t as bad you spent all day doing it yeah but I did take a longer dinner break than I did yesterday so I should

Have been done like at least a solid 40 minutes earlier than for context by the way Chad this is my first time hearing L’s voice today same [Laughter] here here we go hello chat how are you guys doing today I have no idea how this thing works bore bmpp yeah that’s it I

Point two different directions but I I got to be able to rotate it how do I rotate it hello Dino welcome back hi angles right I don’t know did you know baby pandas have a 0.1% chance to drop a slime ball after they sneeze what what

The hell that’s the Minecraft tip I just got that’s so gross a depper zombies are trying to kill me where are you I’m at Mary’s oh I have no idea where that is I can’t come save you oh I really don’t want a creeper to walk up and then accidentally tring to

Figure out how to make a point towards like a specific Direction be running a horse to do this V but I don’t know how come here horse my love for you is infinite now let’s ride into the sunset I know it all looks like I can point it in like the cardinal

Directions just by ding cat which direction do you live in uh well technically that’s correct can I oh it’s it’s a bit more like oh god oh no it’s it’s a bit more diagonally but but that’s close enough uh so where is home what a great question ly to a

Willly I will find it do you me to come collect you do you me to come find you good you sure I’ve already started wandering off I think I think I might have navigated no I think I know where I am now I I reached the lava pit I have

No idea how to make these signs point in these particular direction hello The Prodigal ly to a wiie has out I see how has returned hello how do I remove it oh cat cat what’s the direction your house is in like stand like stand like the most accurate like point from where

I am move over to like the right a little bit and face it that way would you like part of the feast yeah like that cat look at it look at cat cat c c cat turn around is it that way yeah Hey kid oh you good over there cat’s house and

Then Mar’s house is like it’s over this way pretty much directly yeah where you’re facing right now this way this way yeah it’s like stand there for a sec like that yeah do you like these it is kind of cute cute h I need a third one to point to yeah it’s

A straight shot nice it actually works out pretty well it kind of blends with the pads oh it would be really cool if eventually we can actually have like pads leading to each other’s house genuine pads yeah have to build a bridge across the river but that’s okay I think that would be

Really cute we have a community yeah oh that’s wonderful thank you for the head Pat bat go also welcome I’m getting one more to pointed AR which is over the hill so it’s going to be pointing at our house how was your day oh it was great de I honestly I’ve been

Doing awesome but I think that might be the lemonade talking and not me oh you had some charged lemonade oh hell yeah I did I wasn’t getting through the day every was close I was so tired when I woke up I was like man I need something

And then cuz last time I got the little uh ary’s house is a little bit more D it’s fine it gets the general direction I actually think that looks nicer yeah okay cuz if it just pointed directly towards our house it would be like that’s ary’s house but this makes

It feel like it’s not directly our house mhm and I’ll point it directly at our house ly this is ary’s house Rex’s AR home I can’t put I can’t put house at the end of our oh okay it’s home where you I can put H oh

No maybe maybe just say like Lil fter home or something sure Lil fers home hey L get a hug how are you I’m doing good see a lot of people from the server are coming in my chat right now because chat no one has heard me talk today or really much of yesterday

Too I’ve been gone like a ghost oh my God cat I’m your notification you’re a I’m going to become the ghost of the server oh no I’m like a straight shot behind I mean yeah that might be like a little bit off but whatever screw it it’s like

Vaguely right everyone has houses but we we have a home Mar’s is also pretty accurate I think and cats is definitely super accurate mhm then neither of them are actually that far Mar’s house is actually like way closer NE and so as cats they’re both closer than I originally thought

Thanks for the head pet Dino and thank you for the hug Flame H this is our H Lily your H yeah our H oh uh come over here our hod so I I try to do a little bit of like f like structuring like around here

Um we don’t have barrels for the rest of you enclosed I don’t know if you forgot or if like really didn’t think it was important so I went ahead and just threw out some barrels next to them just in case um with the cows I went ahead and

Decide we could use the wooden buckets to just collect milk instead of eating them for like most yeah I know that’s that’s chilling yeah oh you’ve been breeding them I’m so proud yeah there’s a lot of pigs so I’ve been killing a lot of the pigs too for now I’ve been

Putting the pork chops inside the cabinet but for when there’s too much I think we should store some of the pork chops next to the enclosure as well um and as for the chickens out here right now I’m using chickens to like throw in eggs but then I can start storing eggs

Outside of the enclosure too and Feathers more scaffolding just doesn’t eat up all of our inventory space and everything like that um fowl berries are useless so I’m not going to put a whole lot of fber I think I’m just going to put salmon berries and wild berries ow

What the heck oh there’s a foul berry bush I slipped one in on accident anyway oh you silly lad once we get sweet berries I wanted to put them like either on the side I think we need to put them on the side cuz they hurt when you walk

Through them man flax look so pretty also when did our Farms fill up this much how when oh I’ve been working on it a I was all like I can go look for sweet berries L will get upset if I try adventuring without her oh I can try

Clearing out some of the forest make up pens and like no I will get upset if I DeForest oh I can try uh like this and this and I kept doing that no yeah so I was like all right all I can really do

Is just Farm I guess I thought wait we I might have read it wrong when you went live I thought you were doing hardcore I died oh oh no it wasn’t even like I died in like a like super whatever or anything no I was bed Mining and I was getting netherite

And whenever I placed down a bed and instant right clicked again and just killed me I think I might have accidentally tapped it but like yeah I mean like it instantly killed me I’m so sorry that blows yeah it’s what it’s it is what it’s indeed so yeah now I’ve

Been on here for about like about the greater part of an hour so far while waiting for your slow ass I’m sorry I wasn’t checking for grammar I want to lose a point all right wait what am I doing bra oh cat where did you go uh I’m at my house

Oh come hither I will I want I want to present thee hold up I grabbed Birch to fix a tree and then I put the Birch away because I forgot that I was fixing a tree also hi I do things like that all the time like all the time I do things like

That be good room by my phone randomly per dying oh I’m sorry to hear that quam have you got a replacement soon did I hydrate for flame I’ll do the hydrate again just in case Cur intentional game Des curs my fidget fingers for like instant right clicking just

Going I’m sorry you lost the device today gly food food food food actually cat you can stay at your home I will come to you in a little bit oh okay let’s put in I’m already halfway there the broccoli go back to your home the salmon berries

Shoot uh for now we’ll just store salmon berries here just in case all right I should fil in this R PS5 died how it’s so new that’s so terrible I’m so sorry oh no rest in peace your PS5 uh flax seeds can go in here come up this way okay took the flx there we go we have this I don’t need also I’m pretty sure we should just we should just throw like poisonous potatoes and stuff like that lightly straight into the composter just doesn’t have a use cuz I

Noticed some were like stored in the I also reorganized the pantry a little bit I’m not sure if you like dislike it um uh no it looks great okay but yeah so I took out the poisonous potatoes and Rotten Tomatoes those should just be composted well Rotten Tomatoes also have another use

You can do this there we go no sorry sorry I wasn’t looking wait what’s up I chucked the Rotten Tomato at you oh what you can do that yeah you can throw them oh man oh see you soon also hi FL thank you for the headat I mean I said

Hi earlier I don’t know I said hi again thank you hi there’s way too many pigs okay cat I’m on my way we’re going to cat you want to come to cat’s house yeah I was going to present her with this as well yeah let’s go you’re next to the horse it’s not

Going to summon yeah yeah you don’t even need to her house is right there oh it’s like right here yeah it really close okay I will follow you we just walk diagonally in this direction it was always just hard for us to find because we would like have to go through like

Bells and whistles and like walk around and stuff like that but if we just go this direction it’s like right here all right it’s the Fallen Birch log so cute I really want hollow out Vlogs though oh yeah hi it’s right here see again still not much of a house just

An uh it’s very nice kid very white do you want do do you want to hold on I’ll welcome you to my front door it’s nice you’re making use of scaffolding though yeah I’m like Dad he destroyed your scaving ly ly I’ll teach you right click the ground with It and then just keep right clicking just keep right not in that direction not in that direction on on on on on the top wait not on the top on the side or no yeah on the side on the side do it on the side no not while shifting [Laughter]

There you go wait hickmon thank you for the follow welcome how are you doing today that’s how scaffolding works that’s why it makes the building a little bit easier very cool mhm also where is your front door oh that personal no get that that’s my front door oh wow it is you

Get it’s very nice okay I I present you I have a gift for you o okay you ready you ready mhm it’s a pumpkin more than just a pumpkin sound more excited it’s a stuffed pumpkin and there you go you can take those bowls and you can right click it to get food

Pumin and now it’ll fill it up with food so you can just keep eating more and more well every time youat a bowl it yeah it will make it so you’re not hungry for like 5 minutes nice mhm and you get multips out of this stop dying

Of fall damage yeah so what’s on the inary for today 2011 well what are we feeling we want to explore a little bit like What what do you want to do I don’t know we need SP berries but I don’t know where we’ll find a spruce Forest honestly I kind of just want to like keep improving our house I’m just not sure how to all right I can we make yeah can we make another

One just for like the lime bushes and the tea bushes right now we haven’t planted those yet it’ll need to be they and you can’t overops you know what I mean you have to walk between them nope that’s fair I like that cat’s house is so close it’s actually really

Convenient yeah Mary’s isn’t far either Ary is also a little bit farther it’s not that far AR is the most I think well no Mary’s is the most inconvenient get too CU you have to go across like the river and what not this is like a really

Small river that one’s a little bit thicker I guess yeah ary’s house you have to climb a mountain but I mean it’s worth it it’s AR I sat down on the SL oh it put me back on my scaffolding and this is really cute I

Know why we always get an OP G era next to the house I don’t either strange also another thing for the composter anytime you see like the beans have grown just Harvest them because they make great compost oh yeah I typically do they grow so fast that

There’s no point in keeping up with it no that’s fair like they instantly grow back that’s why some of them as you saw weren’t like fully grown but some of them were because they just grow back so quickly you also need a of glass bottles

So I’ll probably have to like go to that desert like I might just do that while you like do the Pens um I’m going to go to the desert I’m going to grab a shovel and I’m going to excavate like a crap ton of sand so that I can make a crap

Ton of bottles Sam thank you for the raid I really appreciate it yeah no go for it oh go so while you like do pens and do that strenuous task I’ll do a different strenuous task plastic guts thank you for the follow how are you doing today I I don’t

Know why I was to say who who are you doing today who are you doing today hey never apologize for that Sam I really appreciate it thank you so much for the raid and welcome as well I hope you had a great stream a thanks Cookie Monster I really appreciate

That yeah and you can always get an another one grimly it’s all right I’m sure no I yeah I totally feel it I would be in mourning if like my PC died or something yeah doing good I’m glad you hear it harach wait oh no that was just

Not even close hey they where they angry why are they angry did I hit one wait what happened the bees are angry is it because I broke a flower it might be I I don’t that feels a little bit odd but could be wrong playing Faz for an hour that’s

Fair Faz is really fun I recently started playing it um with these two who are in call with me cat and Rex uh and I’m terrified frankly by the game have to be in a certain mood to want to play it because man do I come out feeling so freaked out the first

Time I played it we were on stream and there was a point where everyone died except for me and I was like pleading for my life I swear I never pleaded so hard to just not die bre flowers make Angy yeah they were pollinating oh whoops I didn’t realize

That and then I don’t need this can we hop in bed it’s about to go to sleep all it’s about be I just did not speak any English just now got you’re good you’re good mods or no mods uh yeah this is modded it I don’t have like an exact

Like mod pack I can just name because it’s a like custom mod pack but um if you watch us play anytime I highlight over something like for you can see like this block right here it has the blue text Minecraft the goal is for it to like not immediately

Be super obvious that it’s like modded so like you’re looking at you’re like oh this is cute huh is that in Minecraft you know like right here for example I’m looking at this like block and it says vanilla plus yeah so if you ever see us doing something and you’re like oh I

Wonder what mod that is just look at the blue text and it’ll tell you what it is I’m going to go make my way over to the desert hopefully I can remember how to get there all right I need oh take care Cookie Monster have a good

Night that never hurts I think the desert is past my house but I might be wrong there we go it is it’s just like way more complicated than that level 178 dang that’s awesome Sam that’s like I said I I I just I love the experience of having to learn the environment and

Like memorize the landscape mhm you know you genely have to with your like locations that thing yet uh I don’t know yet it’ll become obvious at some point I feel like it’ll either be cat or Marcy that’s like wait what yeah what like apparently cat right now yeah what’s that thing you’ll notice

It when you notice it oh you’ll know you’ll think something’s wrong with your game but it’s not okay comforting facts am I right thank you for the follow welcome how is your day going draconic Evolution frog called Mountain chicken o also Bo welcome back

Bandini oh my gosh I’m out of it I swear if I see the the butler person come back I’m not going to call him butter I’m going to know better I’m going to know better you’re going to know better or you’re going to know butter to be

Determined feel come and chat I like Hello but oh no be so I’m heading towards a desert so it’s like incredibly unlikely but if I do pass by Spruce biome I’ll let you know and I’ll pop in and try to see some if I can get them sweet

Berries it’s been okay I’m glad to hear it we just haven’t like found one like we’ve been like all around and we’ve like found almost everything but a spruce biome and I guess Mangrove like we haven’t found a mangrove swamp I found a swamp but no man Grove trees in it

Actually I used to be a sucker for Tech mods when I was way younger starving actually I’m not sure if it’s like was super obvious I’m not sure if I ever said it on stream whenever we were doing Mythos but I wasn’t even into magic mods

I was the one that talked me into th craft I was into Tech mods I was all the way into Tech mods all the way up to that point and now I just like I got into tomcraft and I was like what the heck this is just not AR’s the same way

I know he doesn’t love a lot of magic mods feel free to correct me Ary if you’re like chilling you’re like what is she viewing I remember you saying that once but I know he likes th craft as well yeah that might have flipped like simply because of Mythos I don’t know it

Might super both cuz that’s what’s like happened to me I used to be weed Tech and now I just like I I’m not nearly as like I still think it’s cool but I’m not nearly as into it as I used to be that’s fair I I don’t mind Tech there’s certain

Ones I really enjoy but it has to be like kind of special for example like uh the create mod I think is like really unique mechanism is I think thermal like Dynamics and stuff like that is like clunky I think if you want like a Sleek one you look at mechanism that one’s

Like pretty well made I came down here to get something and I don’t remember what it apples we don’t have many left what do you mean we have like 48 yeah that’s not a lot ly what if we need them for recipes now that’s why I was like you know what I

Want I really want to find an Apple like tree seed I want to as well but I just cannot for the I’m going to get I’m going to bet they’re in Oak Forest we haven’t really been going through too many oak forests maybe we should walk through some I honestly I agree I’m

Feeding the little guy right now yeah his head is in his body scientist Mage Rex say you oh no what happened here you good okay bud no man his he that was some possession stuff I just saw right there its head went in body and it flipped right back up the second I

Pulled the Apple away it was strange bye squir lovely night squirrel dang I should have put the acorn with me I wonder if there’s some special interaction with the squirrels cuz like we killed them they don’t drop anything so they have to have a different purpose okay so it wasn’t just magic

Mods for Ary was like all mods and you know what that’s based Ary I get that bomb craft sets a really good standard okay so from the village do you remember what direction the uh desert was it was like diagonal from the yellow Tower but I don’t remember which diagonal

Uh like if you’re looking through the sa right okay it’s a little bit like geared right I’m just going to walk to the Savannah and hope for the best okay the desert’s huge there’s no way I can miss it if you did that would be hilarious

Well I hope I miss it into a tiger ah trying to think SCI project tomcraft yeah the what was that is it project e that has like the equivalent like transmutations like Equivalent Exchange I remember being way into that when I was a kid it was

Literally a mod it’s so stupid it was a mod that would allow you to like literally exchange anything like anything for like something else I thre the chest I’m trying to think the best way to so like if you had like enough coal or something you could turn it into diamonds

Permanently all right I totally missed the desert I don’t know where it is I made it to the Village like I remember how to get to the Village well ly I don’t know what’s right go right I don’t know what’s right the tower right which Tower there’s like three of them no is

It the yellow one the white one the wind there’s two towers in the end yeah like and you’re supposed to go to the far one so you you first you walk in from one on one side of the village go directly to the other side of the Village from there

And then do like a little bit of a right turn and just head diagonally okay I think it’s this way then I’m not sure oh you know what we killed the like turkeys we probably should have brought some home oh shoot you’re right maybe we’ll find some more

Sometime that Autumn Forest is a while away but still it would be a worthwhile investment of course I do um Bandini although I guess that that isn’t like enough course for all people but yes I do where in the hell is this desert what am I feeling here I’ve never

Seen this much of this Savannah cuz I just don’t know where the desert oh was that the desert I found the desert this feels like an awkward kind of dip down here but we can work with it you know I wish honestly be the path to cats honestly wish the Savannah Biome

Got revamped a little bit it’s still kind of like like it looks prettier there’s just nothing to it you know what I mean yeah did a pretty good job it had those like spear guys you know I’m not feeling the way I did this fence here okay Cal

I’m going to need you to move a little bit can you just scooch over please I don’t want to harm you I’m not trying to you know do anything right now I just I don’t have any excavate off the top I think so okay well at the very

Least let’s get like a a load of sand log let’s get like three stacks so that we can just turn them all into bottles and literally have like a quadrillion bottles I want to try to get you I just I guess we don’t need to turn them all

Into bottles but we can turn a lot of them into bottles we also should plant our Cactus somehow lightly so we can grow the cactus fruit unless you’re not interested in that what we should also plant our Cactus somehow uh so we can grow the cactus fruit unless you’re not

Interested in that uh I’m not overly interested in that but I think we can find a spot for it I kind of want to have a little bit of everything cows please yeah you I bre I think the fig fruit can be used for like some stuff

But I’m not sure are the cows dying what’s wrong with our cows because I’m try damn it you killed our cows again I no I’m not I’m not trying to I’m trying to edit the enclosure and they won’t move away from me and I’m I’m there’s plenty of cows there’s plenty of cows

Okay I don’t want to Heart the cows there we go heart I want to Heart the cows please move yes I win yay now this can actually be a pathway all right Cal one more movement I need you to move that way okay work with me

Also in case I haven’t already said it welcome back team o there we go there we go we’re winning these woohoo what talking there’s a rabbit there’s no way I was talking about it earlier I was like we still have animals that we haven’t like ever like did

Anything with but I was like rabbits are one of them but now I’m like staring at this rabbit I’m like there’s no way in hell I’m going to bring this all the way back what do rabbits even eat hi carrots carrots RB I have carrots yeah maybe

There’s a way of caging them or something home D hold on let’s see is there a cage there is a cage all right from here can the cage capture mobs I wonder your house is pretty here I can show it off a little bit better let me come on this

Way we’re making a little like Farmhouse kind of a state type thing so we have like this mon up there’s an obser observation tower I can talk I swear I have my moments yeah it’s definitely not hi welcome back how are you doing today and these are our pets this is my dog

Fluffy oh by the way do we have a name tag like extra ones you’d have to check the MK chest I’m going to hold down if we do I really want to name my um horse snowy sure I’m going to come back I’m going to make a cage and I’m going to

Test it and if it works I’m going to use it to try to bring some rabbits back what do you think of that okay I think that’s awesome all right let’s go name our horse snowy it’s actually I don’t know why I just want to like I’m going

To level with you chat right like completely brutally honest I do not know everything about every mod I put in here right I some of them I have like a vague idea or some like base Concepts you know I was like okay that still fits but I

Didn’t like study up on every single facet and function of them so like whenever I’m like I wonder if this is a thing and I search it and then it’s there and then I’m like I wonder if this is what it does that’s like genuine and it’s such a genuinely cool feeling it

Feels like playing Minecraft like all over again and being like is there a way I can like do this and then you like Google it learning yeah you can what mod pack is this um it’s not like a find mod pack that I can really

Give a name of because we just threw a bunch of Mods together and created our own like one but um if you ever noticed me playing something and whatnot let me see no it won’t do that for example I’m looking at this tomato Vine if you see

The blue text it shows exactly the mod that it’s from so if you’re ever watching me or Rex play and you’re like oh I wonder what mod that is just look at the blue text and it’ll tell you exactly what it is I fortunately can’t

Name all the mods on the top of my head it’s just it’s a large mod pack but the vibe is very vanilla s oh God half these cows are like almost dead this is all my fault it’s okay still alive it is what have you been were you beating them back into their

Pens it wasn’t just hold wheat I was yeah yeah yeah Thunder Man welcome back hi it’s your first softcore stream well welcome we’re super welcoming here vibing not like just bludgeoning all of our animals to death no it’s not my fault do you have shaders I do I have

Um oh I should know BSL Lex I’m using project everyone’s curious in my end too look at this lad look at him he’s adorable you’re already hungry I’m glad I didn’t trample that would have been rough very funny grumbly here we go some here to watch well

Welcome uh right now I’m planning on trying to a crap where’s the jingle I’m trying to plan out the estate a little bit more we need to find a place to put a cave so we can use the like a little globber enclosure as well as mushrooms

We just need like a small thing in like I think the side of the mountain mhm I’m just trying to think about Pathways right now cuz I want to plan this if you if you think it would be helpful we can maybe look into trying to make some

TNT uh it definitely would be actually yeah okay I’ll look into that and then we could just like TNT like into the mountain you know sometimes I don’t think people realize that like you know sometimes blocks have like other functions that aren’t necessarily intended just to be troll blocks TNT is

One of them mhm mhm I agree all right what am I feeling here a it’s so sweet grumley Mythos Rex definitely could use the head Pats yeah poor guy he needed so many breaks and never caught him I’m trying to but it’s cool I don’t want to pretend like a second like he

Didn’t like it that way oh hello bud you know as much of he as much as he hated I think it was really obvious that he loved it could build stable fa horses I do want to do that eventually I’m just trying to plan things out in a little my

My mind when you think of it like this way Skyline Rex and Mythos Rex are the essentially they’re the same person just like undergoing different experiences and you can obviously see that Skyline Rex definitely wants the smoke so you know deep down Mythos Rex wanted the smoke

Too here ow oh my my my my thingy broke my helmet done all right oh well we’ll just pretend that that’s there we go tree bushes we already did did we do tree bushes yet tree bushes no that’s the um tea leaves and everything that’s what I

Was begging for okay we only did the berry bushes so we did Prim crops berry bushes right yeah no we the stems are the pumpkin and the melons they’re technically still in like the larger pens you don’t need to worry about them right now um the reason why I’m saying

Like the bushes is we might need a little bit of a larger enclosure because those bushes are like you can’t necessarily walk through them when they’re that tall you have to knock them down and I don’t want to like like let’s say we’re like oh we need more black tea

Leaves I don’t want to like knock down like a bunch of green tea bushes in order to get to a black tea bush mhm but they could just be me we have these but they don’t have like specific enclosures it’s really however many like things you want to like make like little

Plots for yeah you’re the one building it so I just put like a list of Jackson of like the million different types of things that we had Jay Hi how are you today what a nice house thank you thunder I appreciate it also hi Queen how are you doing that house is hella

Pretty I don’t know why I when I when it’s spelled like that it makes me think of Joffrey is that how it’s supposed to there Jeffrey never know I always get the mixed up of whether it’s like Joffrey or Jeffrey I feel like my whole chat’s be like Joffrey but I swear

That’s how I read it here we go look do I know one more than one language um I know the bare minimum of Spanish like I I took it for a couple of years in school uh but I don’t really remember that much because it’s been a few years

Since I’ve done anything with it Queen thank you for the bits so if you start speaking me in Spanish oddar I probably will not understand but I can pick out select words oh G wait g off Offrey giery giery like I’m just butchering this

Right now L is fluent in German oh no I am not Ary could like say a sentence in German and I right over my head it would would no no understanding oh my gosh I’m running through Death Valley to get home right now the monsters in these

Forests I made it I’m like ducking and Diving and dodging like quite literally it was like an action movie I’m back welcome back like creep and spiders and everything yeah that’s cool I’m going to smelt up like a crap ton of the sand every you want to say it I’ll

Follow no you’re going to follow in my butchering of the word yo Rex I have a I have a question for you how do you feel about naming our little Golem giery geopy there’s no way you just read Joffrey is geopy geopy sure his name is now geofrey I

Guess I don’t know why it’s my horse in particular ly he loves breaking out of this pen I don’t I mean that checks out honestly be totally real with you that is such a like you thing to do it takes after its owner for sure for sure look I

Named mine I’m glad that’s clear queen I’m glad also your horse has so many hearts what is happening no you’re right he’s beefy they have different amounts of Health beefy horse different horses have different healths that’s like one of their four stats yeah my my horse you

Know it’s a little weak Bud actually she’s strong I love giery I love it it is a perfect name thank you for the name okay all right what do we do oh man I’m getting distracted way too easily yeah yeah yeah can you make a bush pen please yes sorry

I’m like I’m at the point where I’m trying to figure out what to do should iite another mini story you need to ask Queen they’re going to be cool anyway if you have the passion for it why not at the very least it seems like an excellent way of holding your skills

Mhm that will make two enclosures I definitely will enjoy reading it I always love reading Queen stories I I know like we read the first one like we were together it was so cute oh yeah was that when we were like literally together in person yeah we were in an

Arcade and I was like y check this out we read it there and it was like really cool yeah mhm MH Harriet o Gilbert Marco I have okay so I once got this like LL bean bag for uh snowboarding but it was super on sale because apparently if you

Get like something initialed at L Bean and then you know either return it or or I guess don’t end up getting the personalized bag in the end it goes heavily on sale so I had a bag named Harold and it literally had Herold written on it and I loved that bag so

Much because I don’t know why I thought it was the goofiest thing ever to just have a bag named Harold even though my name is not Harold so oh look at the bees there’s so many bees they’re so happy Harold the bag right it was this big bright don’t punch them otherwise

You’ll have to start running for a hot second noted will they sting you in the water what if you just hop in the water they’ll sting you if they can get to you I don’t know if they can they can sweam I have to get rid of this bush I’m

Sorry just grabbing some flowers real quick to breed them up a little bit more do you have any dirt on you dang it they went back in dirt uh no there’s probably some in the chest I’m just going to take a piece you for am I forgetting

Something the bees will stay above the water till you come out for air ah so you pretty much just drown yourself ly if you if you try to dive into the water to hide from the bees oh wait no o I’m GNA call you out because you’re in my chat so I’m I

Before you joined this like streaming Channel went on the ser and went on Rex I joined it as I was getting ready to like load up my game and whatnot and I was gonna go BRB but right before I got out of my desk I hear I’m like what what

Just happened did I am I imagine that and so I I look over and it was O and I saw it just as he left the call and I was like oh the o the hell that lead was on the fence the lead’s gone here I’m moving fake Le

Over here it’s a shadow lead oh is it it’s whole time okay I will respond after stream I’m really bad about doing it during stream it’s like 13 minutes after whole time I know I I traditionally oh thank you yes I traditionally am you know I do it after

Stream oh my God that’s a lot of dirt thank you kid or kid yeah no problem there more to the point where I love need some carrots because there’s so many pigs yeah I’m going to stop breeding carrots for a bit um or stop breeding

Pigs for a bit because we have so many pork chops and they just they reproduce so much maybe I do want to put some like horse stables right here or do I want to build like an entire kind of like Farm like Barn situation I could do that too

I don’t if you really want to I mean would you finish it ever that’s a good question would I finish it my axe broke gosh dang it finally used my sword um H I might build a a arm type of swich but for I’m trying to think what I mean we

Already have enclosures for a lot of the animals I mean we could also move the animals and make these also Farm plots that’s fair but even if I did that I probably wouldn’t be anything like giant yeah that’s true a medium you can also just make Stables Stables wouldn’t be like that

Big okay I might quite literally is whatever you feel like doing ly to a willy willy to a willy uh in that case oh the bees are over there look at I might just start building a little staes if I and execute pigs for now I’m just

Going to store the pork chops next to their thing like if there’s like a decent amount of like food inside of like the cabinets then we’ll just store it in the barrels and then if like you know we Max that out like or if like we

Start running out and like that then we can just come out to the barrels and start collecting from there too okay that sounds good it saves us from having to store everything inside of our houses to I’m birch as well in this case the

Bees are out hold on I got to breed them what did you break this rose bush uh yeah I just put them I moved them over there because I’m going to build here come here come here here here yes make another be yes how we doing on

Bees Zeno thank you for the follow hope my dogs are drowning me in their cuteness oh I feel that my dog always does that every day actually remember faces and will sting you out of spite if they dislike you of course they will that’s terrifying no one time I had to

Deal with a hornets nest and then like a couple days later I went to go check out the trash you know after like we dealt with the Hornets Nest but I guess like The Hornet like the the WASP remembered you know that I was the one that

Destroyed its nest and whenever I went to go like um take out the trash it stung me on my hand huh so it was literally spawn camping me for days a good point for the no maybe a little bit further maybe like here yeah and then you know the more I

Look at this the more I kind of want it to be off centered so let’s put it there dogs are known to do that mhm what’s what the skyline city name you mean arowin a e r o w y n here someone type it in chat yeah give it to Queen

Cat in well it’s on stream it’s nice and easy to look at and then she did it in chat too now it’s copy pastable I’m also going to store um bottles in the like um you know how there’s like a like like a utensils and like Cutlery like cabinet mhm I’m going

To put the bottles in there because they’re used for like honey but they also used for like tea and stuff so might as well just keep them in one place I got to make another axe I broke mine killing pigs we go honey bees also die after

Breathing so the game is not 100% realistic yeah I don’t know how you’d ever like be able to make more bees then I need a map it does need a map I I mean I thankfully know my way around like the city pretty well because I spend so much time like working on

Building it and what not but man is it a large city yeah oh yeah I I thought I knew the city pretty well but there’s still times where it’s like you know like literally unironically like start walking down a wrong way and be like hold on a sec let me re

Myself do you know how to cook I do I know to cook some dishes if you’re talking about real life but I’m not like I wouldn’t say like I’m an avid cook or Baker or anything thing I’ve never really frequently had the opportunity but you know that thing that

Like some people like lack you know that prevents them from cooking well it’s like called common sense or something yeah I do have that so I have some of that I’m good following recipes that like you know there that aren’t like you know it’s it’s like oh how much do you use for

This part of the recipe and they go oh you you use love I measure with love I struggle with that it typically takes me a couple of tries to actually yeah how about you tell me the tablespoons all right love does not tell me how many tablespoons it doesn’t tell me how much

Of the stick of butter I chop off also ly I’m going to make fun of you real quick of all animals for us to not have how come we don’t have sheep I don’t know we probably will need a sheep pen too and then we’ll have to go find some

I like cheese too I’m going to go find sheep right now okay and then I grow how do I want to do this I’ve never I don’t build many barns I’m going to be totally real right now this is doesn’t look at a reference image 2011 I can I’m going to look up

Reference images yeah exactly otherwise you’re not going to build anything it’s been a whole stream filibustering I don’t know what you mean you’re so funny all right I mean this pretty solid reference image I think okay I know they have like the I know how to do like the

Curb roof thing that they typically do you know they’re all like fancy and stuff with like the SLS and everything yeah yeah yeah yeah so I’ll do that I kind of like this but I’m going to modify it a bit yeah okay looking for sheep in this

Birch Forest I hope we didn’t kill every single one off you know what there’s sheep on Ary Hill oh yeah go for it going to go up there okay first you go we’re not going to call it Ary Hill and now you’ve just consistently been calling it AR well I

Want to call it Pumpkin Hill but we haven’t put pumpkins on it yet cuz every time I want to be like we need to go To you know what chat there’s no Minecraft music playing we’re going to listen to The Pumpkin Hill now Yeah I hope it’s not copyright it’s a video game right so there’s no way yeah it should be fine can call Hillier for now thank oh no we call it hiler thank you very much no no no no Ary you’re you’re under the wrong impression that you have any say

In what we name this hill you see how this works is someone says something that gets catchy and eventually it just sticks so if hiler ends up catching on it catches on but does it have a theme song I think not you need to give it a theme song

Something you know something something catchy that’s how you’re going to get the people in yeah oh that’s really good A Catch theme song like I was doing it in beat with like the actual like listening to so funny I just came here to start sing the

Pumpkin Hill theme song but they so I’m gonna go take Draco hi River thank you for the braid welcome everyone welcome C hi thank you so much River welcome Raiders I found one sheep I’m going to start bringing it back then I’ll look for a second one okay get to watch the

Sunset from here I think I want to make it like a a short slope I’m going to need a bunch of slabs honestly if I had a theme song I’d want it to be Pumpkin Hill Pumpkin Hill is a good theme song to have I agree it’s such like a sweet

Like unironically like chill beat that can also be goofy well how are you doing welcome back honestly Sonic the Hedgehog songs are always just like so but Rock high energy I’m not sure if you’ve ever listened to like a well I was the Sonic

Fan out of our friend group but he has a banger songs not me just struggling to build as PR usual that’s pretty funny Le that’s a game I haven’t played in Forever sidmar civilization five I missed that game I don’t think I’ve ever once played the game to its completion

Cuz every time I started like a set of games with someone we’ get a certain like length in and then we’d be like all right let’s continue this next time save the game and then never continue it a that’s kind of rough yeah but I have so

Many hours in that game even though I’ve never completed it shoot cow o so I can make it do like a little don’t kill this sheep it took some fall damage oh oh don’t put it anywhere near me genuinely you want that thing to live do not put

It where can I put it what pen can I stick it in um I don’t have a pen for it I’ll put it in the horses for now yeah yeah that’s a good place hopefully won’t would you rather have your favorite wood removed from the game or your favorite

Stone type REM from the game oh oh uh Stone I’m sorry I want favorite my spruce yeah I want my no no I’d want the stone gone I want what is your favorite song yeah like that’s I’m sorry that’s what I meant to say what is your favorite song Pumpkin Hill

Pumpky H the song we’re listening to right Now this song is way longer than I remember it and it’s over you’re listening to it on the stream yeah yes that’s so funny you just got it on because there’s no Minecraft Music so cool I might switch to stairs now oh man I really just need a wood cutter out here move the one out there it’s in the basement yeah you can move it wher you need it the Holly trees are so tiny all right I found a second sheep well not for long

Who that creeper blew it up but it lived not like that I don’t think I can move it actually because I do not have a pickaxe all right um there is a birch tree that has been chopped in half on Ary Hill what the Ary because you care

To comment no it’s cuz a creeper just detonated the whole middle yeah you I apologize Rex comment what do you mean I’m the one bringing the Sheep back that you’ve neglected I’m sorry I’m oh yeah that’s what I was going to do okay as soon as I

Get the Sheep back there I’m going to look into making a cage and then I might go I might go animal hunting for like turkeys and uh rabbits and I don’t know any other animals but turkeys and rabbits definitely I want some of I want some of

That fir okay this sheep is going to kill itself going down this hill it does not know how to move slowly azreal azreal dreamer from the hit game undertale what The frogie can what’s the point of having frois go I’m I need to probably lessen this now is there a point of having frge yeah what’s the point of like taming FR can they like give FR legs fr if you give them no I want to do one but hold on let’s look

FR they don’t drop anything meaningful no the frois can stay in the um well that depends on if L everyone wants to build with frog lights but I don’t think she might probably not if you know what a Frog Light looks like no they look like prismarine Lancers but they’re different

Colors consider it yeah they have like a green yellow and a purple one it’s pain in the ass if you ever interested in one we can try to like figure there different types of frogs and it all depends on the type of frog you get um

But we can always look into it at some point okay definitely not in anytime like soon though cuz it is a undertaking like in order to get a frog to make a Frog Light it’s so specific I don’t know why Minecraft made it this

Way you have to get a frog of a specific like there different types of frogs of like different like temperatures and everything right you have to get the Frog to eat a magma Cube oh the azreal is a spin-off of the name yeah I knew it I knew it azreal

Dreamer from the game undertale hey J Man Hey whenever someone says Hey with it makes me think of that Spiderman meme of the dude putting like the the first yeah yeah yeah people made that joke at the end of like the uh I’m going to stop

Talking I almost did it again oh my God keep spoiling um spider BST 2 for people including like specifically cat it’s always been cat is around cat I have watch goes oh yeah the the the movie was really long it should have ended at blank and I’m like I’m too dein now I’m

Going to goodbye I almost did it again you I have a seral spoiler time I am a seral spoiler a problem I have an addiction with spoiling Okay I’m GNA test this cage you can place it but can you put things in it I’m going to try to abduct one of our own chickens to see if it Works and then if it does I’m going to make two of them and I’m going to go abduct some rabbits can rabbits jump over fences maybe you can abduct you can abduct you can abduct I just abducted a chicken all right ly to a Wy I’m going

To go abduct some rabbits all right that sounds good that’s cool with you unless you wouldn’t do it or if you want to do it with me like it’s whatever you would I want to likee you or anything hey hey hey hey you’re good go get some

Rabbits you little paranoid lad ah don’t die I won’t I will not I love the diagonal fence right Draco it’s so cool where do we put iron bars basic blocksy combat oh yeah look you ready for this ready I guess there a special block we’ll stick it

There and there’s one for the axe Too Minecraft is fancier now because of the mods yeah the moon has such a glare I did have the Birch log I’m going to go put it back I’m literally going to climb all the way up Ary Hill I’m going to put that log back go there we go then from

Here I can add in this stuff ow I’m beinged you’re being saled by a skeleton tell it no dead oh W I’m really struggling there we go I’m just going to clear fences with a jump you’ll need two block high fences oh gosh how did I even do that let’s get

This yeah apparent yeah rabbit can jump over fences ly like how many how many fences can they jump over one if there’s two fences and they can’t but I’m not sure how pretty that’ll look uh yeah um you can come up with something else or I cannot grab

Rabbits I can also just cage them we can keep in the cage for a bit yeah yeah yeah yeah we we’ll come up with a solution I’m not too concerned okay time to head all the way back to the desert well I guess I just need to

Technically go to the Savannah cuz there are rabbits in the savannah I hope we can make some good dishes with rabbit at least so that this is worthwhile I do know it’s at least like a core like unique like meat type in the game so it should be worth getting at

Least you know logically speaking and like you can make rabbit stew and things like that like I think it counts you’re probably right C know we’re at least close to correct beatboxing W um L’s so good at beatboxing she even threw in a in [Laughter] there so

Bad I’m the worst I remember one time my school Ary if you’re here you might remember this we had someone come in like this is back in like middle school or where maybe it was elementary who could beat box and we had a literal like assembly in the gym where it was just

This person beatboxing I am not making this up either I swear to God this happened I swear and it made me want to be a beatboxer unfortunately I don’t think I have the talent for it no ly I think I need a little bit of little bit of help with that

One we go and then from here there is a Rex indeed are we going for the Symmetry oh no we’re not we’re not no symmetry we’re just kind of chilling I don’t think we need to farm crowd either the are right here so it seems like imag having a crab

Farm I don’t even think we can breed them we definitely can totally breed turkeys I bet though mhm what about turtles sea turtles turtles are F we have the ocean nearby Turtles can like we can just bring eggs to the actual Beach like we don’t need to make a

Proper enclosure for that we just walk down the river and boom there we go you know I want some barrels I haven’t seen any Toral eggs though I don’t know how I get Toral eggs your legs oh you know what I’m going to do after I do this and

Make like two more enclosures I’m thinking you know what I’m feeling I’m kind of feeling the whole um decorating thing I want to decorate our house I make it really nice I’ll try to help you out too I’m going to grab these rabbits and then unless you don’t

Mind I’ll grab the rabbits and I’m going to run over to the Autumn biome and see if I can find some turkeys no yeah that’s chill it’s going to take me a while to complete this so I don’t even know if we’ll like get to the decorating

Today but I do want to do it it’s a goal I have you know mhhhh mhm mhm mhm mhm no I’m not feeling any of that that’s not what I want how do I make a barrel again isn’t it wait no that grally growl of Beatboxing nice yeah

I’ve never learned how to do like the I’ve never learned that if they do that they’ll be like okay and they’ll like do that ah I was close I was really close chat um no one no one how the guy made like what was like the tetris meme or is

It like hold on the tetris beatboxing meme what does that sound like again I do not remember I’m going to look it up real quick thank for the follow how are you doing today boxing one two there we go hold on let’s yeah he does use that growling for what we need at

Least accounts for something yeah it was close that is a a a b for be go oh Bud honestly that little Golem reminds me of like you know that’s I meant to do he does it really well the tetris guy that was such like a funny meme for the longest

Time that’s going to be nice and we probably want this to go on for quite a bit inside I’m thinking of this simple that’s an old one too that was like an old meme think it’s at least a few years old now okay this is going to have to go unfortunately bye-bye tree

You will be missed of gota love you peacefully building with Gremlin noises in the background H that is just basically the question three what’s us oh um peaceful building with Gremlin noises in the background oh yeah YouTube is oh oh I see honestly it switches between who is

Who all right that’s pretty cool I never actually knew who did that I just knew the meme because it’s so good okay I’m coming up close to the Savannah now yay which means we’re coming up close on rabbit Town rabbit town the hardest part will be catching the

Rabbits that is fair that is not what I meant to do that is what I meant to do so this is a two so three three one that way we can fit and then and then yes yes I have a plan it’s a plan yeah nice so this could

This will fit like four four kind of thingy with Bobbers we have more wait no we have exactly four horses this works really well take switch that way if we breed horses we can gift them and then keep you know our our best horses or whatever whatever the plan there is but

I think I’ll hold four horses in here oh hi bee how are you you doing today or is your name Barry no what about Bumble that’s pretty good rose it’s always going to feel daunting whenever you first like go but like once you get there it’ll like you’ll feel

Really nice remember the first time I went to college I was like so nervous and like anxious and everything and then once I got there I was so excited yeah I like barely slept for like 3 days because I was just so hyped a so cute all right we’re going to find

Rabbits now we’re going to leave this out because instead of like actual you know anything we’re going to do this instead there we go there we go we’re doing things I swear play us a song You’re the piano man these are sheep are cows here we go a chicken um do we have

Chestnut Wood we either have one or we have Chestnut I know we’ve seen both though I’m not sure if we’ collect there’s a chestnut tree like right next to our house okay I’d check though we have is there walnuts I think there’s wait now I’m confusing myself Walnut Wood um I have Walnut

Wood well I was just going to say it’s really odd that we never cut this tree down if like we don’t have that a village never even been to I don’t need to go to it right now dang where imagine if you prop the Minecraft be and it just starts reciting

The Bee Movie script I think I would be terrified that would be a funny like April according to all known laws of Aviation there’s no way a bee should be able to fly tiny little wings are two you know there’s some people that like think they’re like so funny enough

That they’ve like memorized like significant portions of the be movie Just like long enough so that yeah there’s definitely like I’m trying to think of situations like it’s it’s the same energies remember the League of Legends tutorial video And I memorized like an uncomfortable amount of it yeah yeah so

It would be just I never memorize a full thing but it was just long enough that people would be like do you have the whole thing memorized you know I’m certain I’m so beyond sure people have done that with the B Movie because I am people my God and I would do

That ah oopsies I didn’t mean to do that I know like the GIF or whatever that just plays the whole be movie or whatever yeah I mean you can press a video file down long enough like I’ve seen people send the entire like I’ve seen someone send like an mp4 of the

Entire morbius movie in Discord with like you know just by compressing the video file enough mhm mhm rabbit that one might be a baby but it works that’s okay if it works it works come here hold still we go so the interior it will look like this which is perfect oh I’m so

Excited this is going to look nice guys I got two rabbits when it’s a baby but it will grow up mhh HOA mly I’m sweating all right I’m heading back all right is it all right to not know what you want to do when you grow up yeah

That’s fine absolutely yeah there are people that figure that like that still don’t make up their minds like senior years and college like no matter like what happens you’re always going to end up happy anyway it’s the uncertainty of the future that typically causes people to get stressed and anxious but realistically the

Uncertainty is also what makes life worth living so intrinsically if you were certain about things then it would kind of start becoming a little bit monotonous it’s the challenge it’s the road that actually makes it kind of entertaining it’s the chase today’s wisdom Levi cats thank you for the

Follow I like the silly Minecraft I don’t blame you the goofy a Minecraft it is Goofy a indeed all right we do that and then sadly this tree has to go yeah AI voicing is getting crazy I’m seeing a whole lot more of like the um different characters dubbing different songs with

AI voices and they sound like really accurate like I sent like to Ary the other day I sent like a um AI voice cover it was U do from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure singing kick back oh my God and it was really good it was frighteningly good this is not the right

Village go let’s make ourselves a new axe that’s there we go is that the jungle though is that the right jungle fireworks just went off as soon as I showed up in this Village oh oh you know what this might be the same Village that we did the raid at

Maybe here we go let’s start over here listen to a ey cover of Welcome to the Internet by J I listened to a cover of JL but I don’t know if it was welcome to the internet but it was definitely J schlatt singing something it might have been that

Though and I definitely remember hearing an AI cover jlot and it’s terrifyingly accurate that people can just AI voice like your voice like they did it with J they can make jat say anything now oh try to think do I want before the de one it was really funny so I’m thinking

Instead yeah we’ll do th this there we go and then from here we’ll also do the three and then the three the three there we go I need get the two actually that’s what got me to see like keep singing just the two of us I was listening to an

AI cover fun fact it was a Neco Arc singing just the two of us and just like just the two of us was really funny like really really funny did I accidentally leave some wood the leaves aren’t disappearing I did I’m the worst well maybe at least yourself aware what the There we go now this will I want to spend some time with you just a two of us we can make it if we try just the two of us two of us just the two of us just the two of us building a castle in the sky

Just the two of us you and I okay I need to get rid of these trees cuz it’s looking a little too goofy we go and then and then I’ll have to cut the corners do a little bit of gardening and stuff so it separates from that tree and then

Now okay everything should creeper you know naturally disappear here I I’ve done my job as a gardener I will never like every time I see creeper now only thing I can remember is those like two like ocean Creepers the freakiest things I’ve ever seen just

Mauling ly to death there we go oh oh my God that those things are terrifying she’s like oh the puffer fish willon go in the bucket and I was like that’s not a puffer fish I don’t know what the hell that is that’s a skeleton we can make it if we try that’s

A skeleton that’s a skeleton I’m running ah home sweet open G ER 1282 it happens every time we come home I don’t know what causes it ly ly ly L what we have a rabbit rabbit rabbit Nick he’s in there yeah he is he’s he’s a vibing I don’t want to just

Leave him in there though wait maybe put him in our house for now in the cage uh yeah all righty I’ll set him in our bedroom that way if it starts raining he’s not like out here you know getting rained on before you’re like you know he has a

Roof over the cave put in the wall what he died in the wall you murderer God damn it now I need to go get another one a wait how did that happen I don’t know I right clicked instead of like putting in the cage it

Like put him inside of the wall I don’t oh that’s so we still have one of them at least now I have to go all the way out there and get another hole

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft/Softcore SMP – 11’, was uploaded by Rexiipher VODS on 2023-12-23 18:00:23. It has garnered 92 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:45:32 or 17132 seconds.

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    AMAZING 3D MINECRAFT PIXEL ART! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART ๐ŸŽจ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-04-30 15:12:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shorts

    Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts’, was uploaded by Banarasi GAMER2 on 2024-04-14 15:55:13. It has garnered 489 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts mob battle,minecraft mob battle,carty mob battle,i cheated in a mob battle,mob battle compilation,mob battles,minecraft battle,cheated mob battle,minecraft battles,cheated in mob battle,insane mob battle,mutant mob battle,ultimate mob battle,dinosaur mob battle,i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle,build battle,mob battle minecraft,minecraft mob battles,maizen build battle,op mob battle,mix mob battle,void mob battle,dark mob battle minecraft rp , minecraft rap , minecraft rpg , minecraft… Read More

  • Grotex: Insane Twist You Won’t Believe!

    Grotex: Insane Twist You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘WTF just happened!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-26 06:02:45. It has garnered 108 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight… Read More

  • Country Craft SMP 1.21.1+ Java Modded 13+

    Country Craft Server Welcome to Country Craft, a server where players can create or join countries of their own! We encourage players to develop their own cultures and stories while playing. While not strictly a roleplay server, we value roleplay over metagaming. We also use the Prominence II mod, so make sure to play through CurseForge. See you on the server! Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Portal, You said?

    “I guess you could say it was a real ‘block party’ without the obsidian!” Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme I would pick iron ore because it’s a real “ore-some” choice! #punny #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘‘ Princess VS Zombie ๐ŸงŸ Minecraft Song ๐Ÿ˜ธ|| Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes๐ŸŽต’, was uploaded by Purrfect Songs and Nursery Rhymes on 2024-03-03 13:00:27. It has garnered 77167 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:06 or 6606 seconds. ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ˜ป SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME ๐Ÿ˜ป๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ’– @PurrPurrKids Hey there, kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Dance, sing and learn with Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes! Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ”” 00:00 Minecraft Song 02:30 I’m a Mummy Song 05:06 Police Officer Song 08:11 When Dad’s Away Song 10:52… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!

    Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Purple Heart And Tiktok Cape Unveiling! Day 3’, was uploaded by deepboye on 2024-05-18 04:58:48. It has garnered 285 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:31 or 19891 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA ๐ŸŸข Kick: ๐ŸŸฃ Twitch: ๐Ÿฆ Twitter: ๐ŸŽฌ TikTok: ๐Ÿ“บ Instagram: Facebook: How to get the Minecraft Twitch, Tiktok & 15th Anniversary Capes! #minecraft #minecraft15 #deepboye This stream is for solely fun purpose. RULES- BE NICE BE KIND ALWAYS BE HERE TO SUPPORT THE CONTENT AND STREAMS THAT WE DO… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don’t miss out!

    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. ๐ŸŽ Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm ๐Ÿš€โœจ#minecraft ๐ŸŽ‰โœจ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. เคฎเคพเค‡เคจเค•เฅเคฐเคพเคซเฅเคŸ เคซเฅเคฐเฅ€ shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY ๐Ÿ’€ #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END โ˜ ๏ธ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END โ˜ ๏ธ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!

    Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!Video Information This video, titled ‘shadow vs Steve & gigachad |#shorts | #whoisstrongest |#shadowfight2 |#minecraft |#memeverse |#edit’, was uploaded by Mark-[Classified] on 2024-04-20 15:10:34. It has garnered 1433 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. request@Scarledemon v#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#onepunchmanthestrongest#onepunchmanm1887gunskinreturn#opm#opmmanga#opmedit#anime#animeedit#animeshorts#shorts#short#edit#viral#viral_video#viralshorts#cosmicgarou#viralvideos#viralshort#garou#garouvssaitama#manga #one #saitama#cosmicgarouvsonepunchman#whoisstrongest #youtubeshorts#whoisstrongest#shorts#marvel#marvelcomics#nomarvelstudios#dc#dccomics#dceu#lucifer#beyonder#viralshorts#anime#edits#debate#marvelvsdc#preretconbeyonder#comics#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#opm#opmmanga #dc#dceu#dccomics#dceunews#dceuedits#dcuniverse#dcshorts#dcstudios#dcfandome#dccomic#dccomicsnews#viralshorts#viral#viralvideo#viralvideos#viral_video#viraledit#viraledit#viralstatus#viralpreset#saitama#saitamavsdc#saitamavslucifer#lucifer#comics #comiclucifer#lucifermorningstar#dclucifer#dedceu#dcstudios#dccinematicuniverse#dceuedits#dceushorts#dceuviral#viral_video#viral#viralshorts#viralvideo#viralpreset#viralstatus#viralvideos#viralreels#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#animeedits#shorts#short#shorts video#shortvideo #shortsfeed#shortsvidebate#anime#animeshorts#animedits#animeedit#animeamv#animes#whoisstrongest#marvel#marvelstudios#marvelcomics#marvelcinematicuniverse#marvellegends#marvellegends#marvelsavengers#marvelfuturefight#mcu#mcuedits#mcushorts#mcuvsdceu#mcuvsdc# marvelvsdc#marvelvsdceu#dc #dccomics#dcuniverse#os#video#videos#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#scp#scarletking#scpfoundation#scp001#scp3812#scp#scp682#scpedit#scpshorts#scpsecretlaboratory#whoisstrongest #shorts #short #saitama #saitamaedits #animeedits #animeedit #vs #debates #onepunchman #animeedits #vsbattle #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #onepunchmanedit #animeshort #animeshorts #fyp #fypใ‚ท #foryourpage #youtubeshorts #opm #anime #vsdebates #edit #edits #shortvideo #scaling #powerscaling #powerscale #manga # animevideos #saitamaedits #youtube #recommended #mangaedit #animelover #saitamaedit #animevideos #animeshortedit #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortfeed #fiction #1v1 #1vs1 #collab… Read More

  • Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!

    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs ๐Ÿ”Š Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: Channel from which the music is taken: I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ”ฅ #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ”ฅ #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More